#fairy tale rp 2020
01-reihanehdraw · 4 years
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the story you already knew…  🐺🧺
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Snow releases Sans’ hand. “Yeah. Let’s get in there and see what went down.”
It’s pretty obvious what went down once you get in there. Janet and the children are all splattered with a rainbow of paint.   Janet looks like she should have smoke coming out of her ears.  Asriel looks remorseful. Frisk looks like they’re holding back laughter.  Chara looks indignant and ready for a fight. 
“What happened?” Sans asks, trying not to snicker. 
Everyone starts talking at once. Toriel, who looks like she could shoot flames out of her eyes, barks, “Enough!” 
Silence falls again.  Toriel explains. “Lady Janet left the children to their own devices this afternoon,” she says.  “She put them in the nursery and told them to paint something.  My children, bless their darling souls, decided to take her literally. They painted themselves.” She has to stop.  You can see her mouth twitching. 
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ruvieeatsmoss · 4 years
Ok so I've read the entire Fairy Tail manga series and loved it, the Grand Magic Games arc is absolutely one of my favorite arcs of the series hands down, and I'm a really big fan of turn based Japanese rpg games so I'm basically the prime audience for the new Fairy Tail game and my bro got it for me and like. I'm personally REALLY enjoying it so far ahhhh it's making me really happy haha
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Oh god, those puns made her wheeze again. “Come on, Sans!” she says as soon as she’s calmed down enough to speak. “Art you going to take this at least slightly seriously?”
“My apologies, Princess,” Sans says. “I just think maybe the kids were framed.  I mean, this whole story is really colorful.  Somebody could easel-y be making it all up.” 
Janet stomps her foot.  “Your Majesty!” she shouts, looking at your mother.  “I must insist--either these children are punished, or I leave, forever! I will not stay here if no one will respect me!” 
Your mother finally speaks up.  “Lady Janet,” she says, “we will be very sorry to see you go.  You bring such light and color into our lives.” She actually bursts out laughing. 
Janet screams and storms out of the hall. 
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Fairy Tale RP
There are 15 slots for this rp, which starts April 25. I will update this post as slots are filled.
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“And you already know that you make a very cute jester.” Snow leans her forehead against his. “Now, with your permission, I’d like to make up for all the times I wanted to kiss you but didn’t. Whaddya say?”
“Snow right ahead,” Sans says, grinning.
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Snow runs across the room and gives her mother a big hug. “You punned!” she cries, practically glowing with delight. “You actually punned!”
“I suppose I did,” your mother says, sounding a bit surprised.  She hugs you back and runs a hand over your hair absently.  “Was it a good one?”
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Snow laughs. “I’ll let the stable boy know,” she says, winking back. “For now, I think we should stop jockey-ing around and head to the tower before we get rained on.”
“Probably a good idea,” Sans agrees, as the two of you walk away from the stables.  “It looks like it’s about to rain cats and dogs and we wouldn’t want to step in a poodle.”
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Fairy Tale RP
The next roleplay event is starting in 1 week (on April 25)!  The skeletons have been working on building their own programs on Kezi’s dream simulator machine (seen on her RP blog, where she has been running a fantastic fairy tale RP since March, I think).  Their original programs aren’t quite finished, but they have completed a slightly tweaked version of Kezi’s original fantasy program. 
Within this program, the boys are all taking on the roles I’ve assigned them in my Fairy Tale AU (see HERE, HERE, and HERE).  The FATE engine within the program will assign you a role that ensures you meet with your skeleton and you can choose if you want a romantic adventure or a platonic adventure.  
Last time I opened 12 slots for RP.  I’m going to go ahead and open 15 slots this time.  If you’d like to join the fairy tale RP, please comment below or send me an ask!  The RP will run through the end of May.  
**I would like to discuss things before we start, so if you join, I will message you privately to talk about what kind of story you want to tell and what role you want to play in that story. If you want to RP on anon, you’re welcome to, but I do want to find a way to discuss things with you. (You can send asks and we can discuss that way, but then no one else will be surprised by your adventure...) I promise I’m nice, so please don’t be afraid to message me!**
So!  If you’re up for a fantasy, fairy tale adventure, get in touch this week and we’ll work out what we’re doing.  I am really looking forward to this!  Who’s with me?
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“I was born and raised in a small town just a little bit above the Eilir border. My parents settled there just before I was born. They had planned on moving further south into Eilir itself but they had to stop due to my mother’s poor health. Before that, they lived further up north.” Jessica paused for a moment trying to remember the name before stating it triumphantly as she remembered her mother’s birthplace.
“I’m sorry that your father passed. I know that pain. I believe I remember the news when the king re-wed… I was around that age myself.” It had been shortly after her mother’s health had taken another turn for the worse and she passed the next year.
Y/N gave you a small smile.  “Thank you,” they said.  “I miss him every day...I don’t see my mother as often as I’d like nowadays...” They sighed.  “I miss my home...” 
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Snow takes a look at the paper. She wonders if it has something to do with the Purple Saint, but she can’t quite make out all the writing. “What do you think?” she asks Sans.
Sans squints at the paper.  It appears to read “If you got this far, pretend this says something cool; I haven’t figured out what it should say yet” but that can’t be right. He tilts his head and the writing seems to change back to some sort of ancient script that he can’t read.  He shrugs. “It doesn’t mean a thing to me,” he says. 
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They spent the day going stall to stall seeing all the wares that was offered there. Jessica marveled at all the different items that were brought from all over the realms. Before she knew it the sun had started to set and the market was slowly closing up for the night.
“I’m sorry G I didn’t mean for us to be here this long. Can we still make it to the castle you think?” she said looking at the impressive structure, forgetting momentarily of his ability to shortcut.
G grinned.  He’d had a fantastic time exploring the market with you all day.  It had been a long time since he’d been there, so it was all kind of new to him too, and he’d loved seeing the look on your face as you’d discovered new things.  The only things that had dampened the day for him were the royal guards.  They patrolled the market and there had been a few times when he’d felt their eyes on him.  He’d just pulled you to a new spot, but it made him a bit paranoid.  
“It’s fine, angel,” he said as the two of you walked out of the market.  “I know a shortcut.  If you’re ready?”
The scullery was definitely too small, Aster decided.  Y/N was so close...
“Are you all right?” Y/N asked. “What’s that sound?”
“What sound?” Aster asked, even as his soul’s hum grew even louder.  
“That humming.” 
“Oh. That.  It’s, er, it’s...” He fiddled with his glasses.  “If you must know, it’s my soul.”
“Your soul?”
“Yes.  And it’s humming because...because...” He reached out and took Y/N’s hand, ignoring the soap suds that clung to it.  “Y/N, you have become a dear friend to me these past weeks.  I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.  Our time together has been the best part of my day, every day. My soul is humming because you make me happy, because I care for you. Because...I love you.” 
Y/N stared at him, their eyes filling with tears.  Before Aster could say anything else, they flung their arms around his neck.  
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The last two weeks had been amazing. Truly it had been the most fun Jessica had had in a long while. G had made good on his promise of adventure, showing her fantastic sights and places. Her favorite surprise had been a cave littered with crystals that shimmered along the top like stars. She had begged and pleaded for them to spend at least one night there. Though truth be told she didn't think it had been necessary to do so G had been more than happy to agree when he saw how excited she had been.
Every town they stopped at had nothing but good things to say about G. Many of the townspeople were more than willing to talk up the skeletons virtues to her. She had countless people tell of his selfish acts of kindness. Or in some cases some more embarrassing stories told in an endearing tone much to his chagrin. She had loved every moment of it and every story felt like it was showing her more and more of G's personality. Though some she had heard before from his retellings, but his versions always downplayed many of his own heroic actions. Any other person she would have though perhaps they were just exaggerating in order to make G look better in from of the girl he fancied (she had been a little surprised at how many people had known her name, but it never failed to add a little warmth in her to hear G had talked of her so fondly), but with so many different people and knowing G as she did, she did doubted it.
They'd been lucky, so far they'd managed to find shelter any time the weather was less than favorable and Jessica had managed to talk him into camping on the nicer nights. The last night had been one of those nights as the weather had been amazing and neither had been quite ready to push through to the city. They had spent many a hour again swapping stories about the stars and their meaning. Much like the last time Jessica had been eventually lulled to sleep by G's soothing voice only this time he'd kept her tucked against his side as they slept.
Looking up from G to the expansive city that lay beside them she nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." She said solemnly knowing they had quite the trial ahead of them. Her eyes lowered back to G and she felt that familiar warmth grow in her chest and she smiled and extended her hand to his. Whatever lay ahead, they'd take care of it together.
G took your hand and together, you took the first step toward the city. “We’ll get into the city,” he said, “and then I’ll shortcut us to my brother’s rooms when we, er, when we get close.” Maybe he could stall a few more hours...It was a big city.
In the castle, Aster had no idea his brother was so close. He was dealing with a different problem. Specifically, the problem of Princess Eleanora of Eiluned, who had apparently taken the proclamation to mean that she could try to cling to him like ivy to a wall. He’d spent days avoiding her. He’d just found a really good hiding spot in the scullery of the kitchens. Y/N, the foreign royals’ servant, was with him, washing dishes.
“ I really must thank you for helping me,” Aster said. “Are you sure I can’t help with the dishes?”
“No,” Y/N said. “I’m used to it.”
“It’s just there’s an awful lot of dishes, and I feel bad making you do them all. I can help. At least let me dry them for you?”
“A-all right,” Y/N conceded and moved over a bit.
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Aster’s Side
300 Followers Story
Aster didn’t exactly approve of his brother escaping palace life to adventure all over the kingdom, but he had to admit that sometimes it was easier to run away from problems than to face them head-on.  Today’s problem was Lord Reginald, Duke Owliver, and the rest of the Council, and Aster was choosing his brother’s solution.  Of course, his twin preferred actually running.  Aster was merely hiding in the depths of the palace library.  He hadn’t read a word of his book in the last ten minutes.  He’d been reading his brother’s letter instead.  For the seventh time today. 
I love you, brother. But I love her too.  She could take my soul out of my chest and I’d trust her to hold it.  Do you understand that?  
Please tell me what to do.  I don’t know what I want. 
What was he supposed to say?  Aster rubbed his temples with his fingers.  Of course I understand, brother.  Go and be happy with your maiden and I will take on all the responsibilities.   He couldn’t say that, even if he’d wanted to.  The law said that neither prince could take the throne until he was married, and at the moment G was far closer to matrimony than Aster was. 
At the same time, he could not say, Ask for your beloved’s hand and come take the crown then. Not when he knew how G felt about court life in general and the Council specifically.  He loved his twin dearly, but they’d both always sort of silently agreed that Aster was the more kingly of the two of them.  
Stuck in a seemingly impossible dilemma, Aster took off his spectacles and laid them on top of the letter.  What was he supposed to say? He buried his face in his hands. 
A sudden scuttling among the shelves made him jerk his head up in surprise.  He fumbled for his spectacles, reactivating the blue magic to hold them on his skull just before something crashed into him and sent him sprawling backward onto the floor. 
“I’m so sorry!” a voice moaned.  “Saints above, I am so, so sincerely sorry, sir!  Are you all right?” 
A small hand swam into his vision.  Aster reached out and took it and the stranger helped him to his feet.  
“Are you all right, sir?” the stranger repeated. 
“Fine,” Aster managed.  He straightened his glasses and clothes, subtly checking himself over as he did.  “Yes,” he concluded.  “No harm done.”  He took a good look at the stranger--a human, in plain and very worn clothing, with a worried expression.  “Are you all right?” he asked.  “What were you running from?” 
The human’s cheeks turned pink.  “N-nothing,” they said, bending down to pick up the fallen chair.  “I was just...I needed to get away for a bit.” 
“Well,” Aster said, taking a moment to tuck G’s letter into his inventory, “the library is certainly a good spot to do that.”  He smiled.  “Can I help you find a book to read?  We have a very good selection, but hardly anybody reads them.” 
“Really?”  The human brightened.  “I love reading.  If I had a library like this, I’d spend all day in it, reading everything I could.” 
“If I thought I could, I’d do just that,” Aster said, smiling back.  “It’s like meeting new friends and visiting new places, without ever having to leave your seat.” 
The human nodded eagerly. “Exactly! And rereading a book is like--”
“Visiting an old friend,” Aster said at the same time as them.  Both of them laughed. 
Aster bowed.  “It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow book lover,” he said.  “I’m...Aster.  At your service.”  He only hesitated for a moment on the nickname. But he was trying to get away from royal life, and royal problems.  Why not use a nickname?  His brother did.  
The human nodded and bowed in return.  “I’m Y/N,” they said.  
“A pleasure to meet you, Y/N,” Aster said.  He pulled out a chair next to the one that had fallen.  “Please, sit and join me.  I was rereading one of my favorite stories.”  
Y/N studied the book for a moment and Aster almost thought he saw tears in their eyes.  “This is my favorite,” they said. “My father gave me a copy when I was still a child.”  They sat down in the offered chair.  Aster sat in his own seat and turned the pages back to the beginning.  Two heads bent over the tome and they lost themselves in the world of the story. 
This was longer, but I felt like I got to a good stopping place here and decide I wanted to leave it as a meet-cute.
There is more to Aster’s story, obviously, and I may write more as G and Jess’s story goes on.
Thank you again for 300 followers!  I love all of you and I hope you enjoyed this story.  
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Fairy Tale RP is officially done!!!
Phew! It has been a crazy three months! Can you believe we went on that long? I loved all the stories we created together! Thank you, all of you! Y’all are fantastic and I am excited to revisit this world again another time!
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Snow grins. "Now that that's settled... Who's hungry?"
Everyone laughs again and you finally sit down to dinner.  
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