#fall out boy fic
lakemichiganlolita · 4 months
It's here
something special, someone sacred (explicit, m/m, 16 chapters, no ao3 warnings) themes: sugaring, daddy issues, age difference, domestic discipline, healing
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A little lost as he approaches graduation, and unsatisfied with the college dating pool, Patrick connects via a sugar dating app with the established, much-older Pete, who turns out to be a little more broken than he seems. Their intense chemistry sparks new levels of intimacy for both, but they’re more alike than they think: their shared impulse to shy away from being deeply known tempts them to self-destruct, even more together than alone. Can raw physicality heal them, or will they find ways to see each other beneath and beyond the skin?
written by @lakemichiganlolita and illustrated by @greatxparty
new chapters released every couple of days!
proudly part of @bandombigbang 2024 - check out the other works!
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blueautumngrave · 3 months
The pw 2000s emo style may have left me at 15 yrs old but boy did the rpf stay
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shark-myths · 28 days
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The Kintsugi Kid - Chapter 6
buckle up, my friends, this is a big one!
and to everyone in the comments who keeps hoping they'll kiss in my next update. i just want to personally say. um. i'm so sorry.
curated jams
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misfits-in-motion · 2 months
hyello !!! tis tooth again !!!! i wanted to share some guidelines abt writing/fanfics etc !!!
☞ requests are: open!! ☜
who i will write for:
- mcr
- fall out boy
- more tba
what i will write:
- fluff
- angst
- smut/nsfw
- most of anything tbh
- hcs/blurbs/shorts mostly
what i would like upon request:
- any deets you can give me !!
- masc, fem, nb/what pronouns
- scenario, obv
- im open to polyam requests too !!! basically anything !!!
- i do not have a set writing schedule
- i do this for fun, and may want to stop
- my skills are debatable !!
- HOWEVER i am willing to work with peeps !! i just like to be silly !!!
perhaps more tba, but im feeling creative and shiz so yeah !!!
- tooth out
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stumped-on-bennington · 4 months
"I Swear" I Say
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Summary: It's dinner time at the Stump/Wentz house and things are going as they should, but one accident leads to an unforeseen break down.
Pairing: Peterick
Requested by: @devouredflesh
Word count:766
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“Be careful with that knife, I just sharpened it .” Patrick told Pete as he was cutting the vegetables for their dinner. 
“I think I know how to use a knife, Trick.” Pete said, being overly cocky with the blade. And then, just like that, Pete sliced his finger while dicing the onion.
“Fuck!” Pete exclaimed, blood already starting to dot the wound.
“Christ, Pete. I just said-” 
“Yeah, I know, I know.” Pete held his finger in his hand as Patrick got the first aid kit he kept under the sink. “Come here.” Patrick said, motioning Pete to come over to the sink.
 Patrick carefully took Pete’s hand, rinsing it under the cool water before using a paper towel to carefully dry it. He then took out the disinfectant spray and used it on the cut. Pete winced with a hiss.
“Oh, hush.” Patrick told Pete. He then got out a disney bandaid to put on the wound.
“No, use the other ones!” Pete said, “I don’t want to walk around with Mickey Mouse on my finger.” Patrick rolled his eyes and switched the bandaid for a pokemon one.
Just as Patrick had finished wrapping Pete’s finger he noticed that the food had started to burn.
“Shit!” Patrick said, rushing to the burner and turning it off, and quickly brought the now burnt food to the sink to douse it with water. “Well, damn.” Patrick said looking at atleast $30 worth of food, ruined. 
“Well, looks like we're ordering take out tonight. We can do pizza or-” while mid sentence Paatrick noticed tears start to prick Pete’s eyes. “Hey, it was just a small cut, you’ll be ok! And don’t worry about the food, it wasn’t that big of a deal anyway!”
At this point a few tears were running down Pete’s face. “It’s not about the cut or the food, Trick. I just mess everything up!” 
Patrick grabbed Pete by the shoulders, trying to peer under Pete’s down turned head to look him in the eyes. “What are you talking about? You don’t mess everything up! It was just a little accident, it happens.” 
“Yes I do!” Pete says, now in a full on bawl. “I’m a college drop out, I don’t do anything right! Everything good that’s happened to me was just some lucky chance! If it weren’t for you, my life would be in the gutter, or I’d be dead!” 
Patrick immediately wrapped his arms around the sobbing Pete, trying his best to comfort him.
“Don’t say that. You’re extremely smart and talented. You got to where you are because of how hard you worked for it.” Patrick said, stroking the back of Pete’s head. “If it weren’t for you we wouldn’t have started the band, I wouldn’t be singing and the fans would have no one to look up to. Thousands of people look up to you, Pete. And I know they think you're amazing. I think you're amazing.” 
Pete leaned back, using his sleeves to wipe away the tears from his face. “You really mean that?” he asked, now looking Patrick in the eyes.
“I really do, Pete. If I didn’t have you, then my life would be just as miserable. I’d probably be an accountant or something, seeing pictures of you in magazines, while I just sit there and think ‘Damn, I wish I was that guy.’ And then I would go home and just drink, with a big ‘ol beer belly.” Patrick says, earning a chuckle from Pete.
“There we go, that’s the Pete I know and love.” Patrick says with a smile on his face. "Come on. We can deal with this later. For now let’s get comfy on the couch and watch a movie and order pizza.” 
“Can we watch Terminator 2?” Pete asks.
“We can watch Terminator 2.” Patrick says with a chuckle.
The two walk over to the living room, Pete getting wrapped up in a blanket while Patrick get the DVD from the shelf and puts in the player. 
“And can we have Chinese instead?” Pete asks as Patrick sits next to him on the couch.
“Sure thing, Pete.” Patrick says as he begins to pull out his phone, now leaning into his friend.
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“Come on, just do the impression!” Pete says, trying to egg on Patrick.
“I’m not going to do a Christian Bale impression! I don’t even know this movie well enough to know what he says!” 
“Come oooonnn.” 
“I seriously don’t know anyone who has this film committed to memory as much as you do.” Patrick says with a laugh. 
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poetsandqueens · 2 months
Today my mother told me I should be productive and go work on my novel or something… little does she know that said novel is in fact a fanfiction about a band of middle aged men. Sorry mom.
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a-smile-like-that · 5 months
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Chapter 12!
I took you through some dark places folks, and I’m sorry! But here’s a bit of sunshine for our boys. They deserve it!
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justaz · 4 months
merlin told arthur his favorite color was the color of the sky during sunset when it shifted into a deep violet. arthur gets a tunic made in that exact shade. its the best thing merlin owns. arthur was hoping that would mean he’d wear it almost everyday but merlin almost never wears it. the only time he does wear it is when royals come to visit (which isn’t all that often). arthur “subtly” asks about it and merlin is like “it’s the best thing i own. i’m not gonna dirty it mucking out the stables or serving rowdy knights wine while they splatter food on it” and arthur is like “why not wear it when nobles come to visit? look at least a little presentable for them” (cough nice save). merlin doesn’t see the point in it bc nobles don’t care about him at best, view him as less than human at worst.
arthur really just wants to see his boyfriend servant in the tunic he had made for him (bonus points for sending a message that merlin is his. not that merlin seems to notice. man is too much of an idiot). merlin wants to preserve his favorite tunic and gift from his boyfriend king.
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elektramustdie · 7 months
quick drabble ive been gone forever
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no, no— don’t stop, don’t stop, please pete ,” gasping wetly and sobbing into his shoulder as he’s trying to pull out, doesn’t wanna hurt you, “please. it’s gotta fit, need you to fit in me, please don’t stop—“ 
“you’re killing me.” pete’s  voice is strained, sounds just as desperate as you do, grips the base of his dick as he tries yet again to pull out only to have the vice grip of your thighs around his waist pulling him back in, “baby, fuck. don’t wanna hurt you and here you go… almost like you’re wantin’ it to hurt.” 
you mouth hot against his skin, tongue grazing over flushed, burning hot flesh, “you feel me opening for you, right?” you mumble, desperate and almost pathetic, “brand me with it. let me feel you for days. don’t care if it hurts, want you to hurt me.”
pete grunts low, sound akin to a growl as he bullies himself in an extra inch, almost like he can’t physically stop himself, and you’re shaking like a leaf under him. clinging onto him with sharp nails, hips swivelling to adjust to the intrusion, a sob ripping from your chest. 
the hand wrapped around the base of his length brushes over your puffy opening as they meet, and pete shudders visibly as the backs of his fingers come into contact with the sopping wet heat of your pussy. 
“you’re so desperate, god,” pete’s  voice is barely above a murmur, free hand loosely wrapping around the back of your neck to pull you out of your hiding spot in his shoulder. 
the eye contact, fingers buried deep in your hair is almost enough to have you tapping out. he stares at you with an intensity that almost makes you feel sick, body flushed hot with a new level of primal desire. you keen into him, neck arching as he pulls lightly at your hair.
“baby. you look so pretty. begging for me to wreck you like this.” he speaks like he’s in awe, hazel flecked eyes swirling with lust and want. he pushes in a bit further, relishes at the sickly sweet moan that he punches out of you, “louder, baby. want to hear every noise you make when i take you apart.” 
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andoutofharm · 4 months
fob are their own biggest fans but no one ever told them about ao3 so instead they write and act out their self insert fanfiction by setting it to their own music
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lilasamaaa · 5 months
Miss missing you | Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Genres | Angst, Hurt.
Word count | 2.1K
Warnings | Breakup, depressing thoughts, mentions of cheating.
Summary | Reader wakes up the day after her breakup with Charles and reflects on their relationship. Inspired by the song "Miss Missing You" by Fall Out Boy. Author's note | Sorry for being criminally addicted to writing sad things.
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Don't panic, no, not yet
The living room shutter is closed. Impenetrable.
She has no idea how long she's been like this, slumped on her couch in the dark, her face irritated by the relentless assault of her tears. Outside, she knows life has gone on without her. She suspects the sun has risen, like every morning. That darkness has given way to light, like every morning. She even heard her neighbors in the hallway, heading to work. Like every morning.
Taking a deep breath, she feels her heart and throat tighten, tears doubling. She didn't even know she had that much water in her body. It's not just an ordinary morning. It's the first of many mornings where she will wake up with her heart in pieces.
I know I'm the one you want to forget
She remembers, a few years ago, listening to Taylor Swift's "Mr. Perfectly Fine" for days on a row. She remembers cursing Joe Jonas, she even remembers feeling so sorry for Taylor. What kind of guy breaks up with his girlfriend over the phone?
Well, Charles, apparently.
She's not stupid, not blind, not even a little naive.
She had felt it coming. Had noticed him slowly drifting away. The calls were less frequent, and the ones she managed to intercept, shorter. She knows there was someone else. Maybe multiple someones. They'd somehow stopped talking about him, about her, about them. They only talked about races, cars, airplane trips. That's the only thing that seemed to keep them together. The only thing that had brought them together in the first place. She, the daughter of the CEO of one of Ferrari's sponsors. Him, the one who wore the suit with the logo printed on it.
Cue all the love to leave my heart, It's time for me to fall apart
She wished her heart would close. She wished she could block his access to it. She wished she could reclaim it, as one might retrieve the keys to an apartment once shared. But that bastard remains wide open. It's almost embarrassing, the way her heart, cruelly empty, hopes to be filled again. To feel his warmth once more. To beat for him again.
Her mind has stopped functioning, but her heart, somehow, hasn't stopped. It keeps beating, selfishly. It keeps her alive. For what? To feel the hurt, the betrayal, the despair? Honestly, it's not worth the effort. The poor thing should have just stopped.
Now you're gone, but I'll be okay, Your hot whiskey eyes have fanned the flame
She's young. She's had flings, but she's always been the one to end them. Charles was her first serious relationship. The only significant one, actually. She didn't think the pain would be so raw, so physical. She feels like she can sense her heart crumbling a little more each time she thinks of him. She feels it in her chest, swelling, taking up space, trying to escape. It wants to leave her body. To break free from this darkened, wounded brain that suffocates it.
She's not against the idea. It can leave. She can function without it. She's almost convinced of it, if that's what it takes to feel alive again. To feel like her again.
Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight, Let the fire breathe me back to life
Her heart isn't the first to be broken. Won't be the last.
She's heard stories from friends, from close ones, who've gone through breakups. Today, she feels so foolish for feeling so little concern about those stories back then. She's always been a listening ear, an unwavering support. She's sat in bars, cafés, bedrooms, listening to stories of betrayal and broken promises, and she simply didn't believe it would ever happen to her. As if she were above the laws. Above all that. She remembers listening to tales of broken hearts like children listen to myths of dragons, of wizards, of magic.
That's what it was for her. Fantasy. Something so unreal, so inconceivable.
Even though it hurts, she has sworn to let herself feel everything. The good as well as the bad. She knows that one day, she will look back on this period of her life, and she won't be overwhelmed by sorrow and pain anymore. But today, she has to go through it, let the flames lick her body to better heal her wounds later.
Baby you were my picket fence, I miss missing you, now and then
She'd never introduced a boyfriend to her family. Never envisioned a future with anyone. Never looked at houses with anyone. But with him, she did. A few months ago, while strolling on the hills of Monaco, she'd passed by a gate behind which a stone path led to a discreet little house. She'd fallen in love with the garden bordered by trees and flowers. She'd liked the color of the gate surrounding the property. She'd even found charm in the slightly crooked chimney protruding from the roof. She'd taken a photo of the "For Sale" sign and sent it to Charles. He had responded with a series of emojis (a face with hearts for eyes, sparkles, a star, the rest she can't remember). He had promised to call to set up a visit.
She would never walk down the stone path.
Chlorine kissed, summer skin, I miss missing you, now and then
She's never been drawn to wealth. She was born into it. Penthouses, luxury cars, diamonds hold no charm in her eyes. She's always been searching for more authentic, more simple things.
One summer when Charles had suggested a yacht outing, the lovers had ended up on a poorly patched-up rowboat that was taking on water. The monacan had complained all afternoon, but she still remembers the sensation of lying against him, against his warm, salty skin, alone in the world in their small boat. A feeling that no amount of money could ever buy. A feeling that no amount of money could ever get her back.
Sometimes before it gets better, The darkness gets bigger
What had begun as sweet and innocent had taken a turn.
Times were tough. His job was demanding. Exhausting. She did her best to support him, to show him he could lean on her anytime he needed. He wouldn't talk. Little by little, she was abandoning more and more things from her daily life to dedicate herself to his. His stability. His success. His worries. Sometimes, she felt like she was losing herself, but she knew it was temporary. She thought she would soon get the old Charles back. Even when he started going out late. Even when he started coming home late. Even when he started not coming home at all.
The endless suffering hadn't brought her anything. In fact, it had taken everything from her.
The person that you'd take a bullet for, Is behind the trigger
She knew the signs, had seen them in her own parents. When they ate together, he could go through the entire meal without meeting her gaze. When she placed her hands on his body, he would sometimes shiver. Not the shiver of anticipation from the early days. The kind that suggested he didn't deserve the display of affection.
Her own friends seemed oblivious to the situation. "I ran into Charles yesterday, at the club," "I saw Charles in town with a friend", "Aren't you with Charles today?". Were they trying to pretend everything was fine to protect her? Or were they already distancing themselves from a situation they didn't want to witness?
Oh, we're fading fast, I miss missing you, now and then
She pinpointed the breaking point as her sister's wedding. How ironic, she'd thought. Celebrating love, respect, and unity when I feel none of these things in my own relationship. Charles had arrived late, his hair disheveled, tie slightly askew. She had felt tears burning behind her eyes, had bitten her cheek to hold back from exploding in the middle of the church. She refused to believe that he had done that to her. That he had disrespected her on this day, in this place. Her entire family had cast a glance in her direction, had observed the way Charles had slipped between the guests to sit next to her. Without a glance. Without a touch. Her sister, speech in hand, had taken a few seconds to start. "With you by my side, I know I can face anything," she had started saying to her husband, letting her eyes meet the teary ones of her little sister.
Making eyes at this husk, around my heart, I see through you and we're sitting in the dark
He told her everything, recounted everything to her. From what he felt in the car during a race to his latest argument with his brother. She read him like an open book, could anticipate every word, every gesture, every thought, even. To joke around, she often said she knew him better than she knew herself. Upon reflection, they got together when they were eighteen. Had she even had time to get to know herself, or had she cowardly built herself around him?
The idea of pursuing her life's journey without him terrified her. She didn't know who she was, who she wanted to be. She didn't even know if she liked herself. She sometimes wondered if he knew her as well as she knew him. If he knew her favorite color, her favorite song, her favorite season. She always ended up pushing those somber thoughts away, reminding herself that these concerns were those of a schoolgirl, and got back to her duties. To taking care of him.
So give me your filth, make it rough, Let me, let me, trash your love
She was gentle, with a calm nature, almost maternal.
She never lost her composure, never raised her voice. But she had yelled that day. When they arrived home after the church ceremony. She would never forget, and he probably wouldn't either, how her voice had broken when she had shouted three words, three little words that had been enough to shatter everything. "Who is she?".
She, who admired him so much, who thought of him as a man of the purest and most sincere nature. She had given him a chance to repent. He hadn't seized it, hanging his head low. That day, facing her anger, the pain of a betrayed woman, she'd found him so small that he was almost ridiculous. He hadn't responded, of course. Hadn't said a word.
I will sing to you everyday, If it will take away the pain
She'd stayed. She wasn't sure if love made her do it. Perhaps it was out of habit. Or masochism. But she had stayed, and life had resumed just as it was before, for a few weeks. They had started waking up side by side again, sharing their day over a meal again.
Making love, again. She hadn't even realized they had stopped touching each other, desiring each other. How long had it lasted? A week? A month? Six?
He played the piano in the evening, proclaiming a love strong and indestructible over the keys, letting his fingers glide from white to black, filling the apartment with sounds and colors that had disappeared. Of feelings that had disappeared.
Oh, and I heard you've got it, got it so bad, 'Cause I am the best you'll ever have
She had let herself dream of the life before.
A life where Charles had only touched her, only tasted her. A life where she didn't discreetly grab his phone every night when his breathing indicated he was asleep. A life where she didn't send messages to Carlos at all hours of the day and night to find out where he was, with whom he was when she wasn't there. A life where her sister didn't regularly tell her how worried she was about her, finding her too thin, too stressed, too distracted.
So, she had left. She had left the spare keys he had given her on the dining table. She had fled his apartment and returned to hers, the one she had just planned on returning the keys to the owner, ready to move in permanently with him. She had spent three days alone, spending entire days in the dark. Ignoring the messages and calls of her mother, her father, her sister. Carlos, too.
Baby you were my picket fence,
By the end of the third day, he had finally called, and after three rings, she had picked up.
Neither of them had spoken for several seconds.
Then, he had done it. For the first time in months, he had been honest with her.
"It's not working anymore," he had sighed into the phone. "I can't do it anymore."
She had hung up.
Lain down on the sofa.
Waited for the day to save her from the night.
I miss missing you, now and then,
Now and then.
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useramor · 1 year
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wishing to be the friction buck/eddie | 97k | 9/9 | rated explicit
Buck and Eddie are straight best friends who start having no strings attached sex. Eddie has a hard time having sex with someone he doesn't trust, and Buck's tired of hookups after being with Abby. Besides, they're both comfortable with their sexuality, and there's nothing wrong with giving your friend a hand. What's surprising is how long it took them to fall into bed together, really.
What's entirely unsurprising is how quickly strings start getting attached.
or; the straight eddie friends with benefits fic
one: it's just past eight & i'm feeling young and reckless (9.5k) two: get all the sighs and the moans just right (7.3k) three: to the drinks at the club, to the bar (10.6k) four: kisses on necks of best friends (13k) five: i'm not going home alone (i'm not the desperate type) (11k) six: nothing comes as easy as you (11.8k) seven: my back has been breaking from this heavy heart (13.3k) eight: some secrets were meant to be told (7.4k) nine: you're the only place that feels like home (12.2k)
thank you @henswilsons for the gif header
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shark-myths · 1 month
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The Kintsugi Kid - Chapter 4
one of my favorite chapters so far! please enjoy, and happy friday
as always, thanks to the wonderful @nomaptomyowntreasure for scientifically accurate and incredibly detailed moodboards. go check them out in the chapters!
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alfietimewolf · 11 months
purely for science, I want writers to like or reblog this if they've ever named a fic or titled a chapter with a Fall Out Boy song.
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inanearlieround · 9 months
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petericknation what’s up
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queersforpluto · 19 days
Chat, do we think "Hold Me Like a Grudge" from FOB fits billford vibes?
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