famedbase · 2 years
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base tv: crowned, round 1
project type: competition show
project duration: june to august (airing july to august)
limitations: none
participation: all muses in the roleplay
deadline: july 9, 2022, at 11:59pm edt / july 10, 2022, at 12:59pm kst
in what’s sure to be the idol event of the year, base has teamed up with mnet to announce the production of the ultimate competition show. in a showdown between bc entertainment, dimensions entertainment, and gold star media, the idol group rosters of each company will be competing head to head for the title of idol industry royalty.
all active groups under all three companies will be competing face to face to impress fans, industry specialists, and the public through three rounds in a never-before-seen competition for the crown. 
in-’verse info
all groups under bc, dimensions, and gold star are informed ahead of filming that they have been confirmed to appear on a new base-produced competition program, crowned. the general conceit of crowned is to have idol groups compete against each other for the title of the reigning kings or queens of the idol industry. the stakes and importance of this casting may vary for the groups, but the companies have ultimately found the production of this show to be for the net benefit of themselves.
filming for the program will take place from mid-june to late august. the winner will earn a broadcast special of their own on television nationally and on several international television channels, as well as both a special fanmeeting for crowned voters and a special exhibition at the base culture complex when it opens “...and more!”.
filming for the first round will take place from june 20 to july 9.
the mission for the first episode is “representative song”. each group will be tasked with performing a song representative of them in some way, though they are told that assignment is up to interpretation and does not necessarily have to be their biggest hit. the groups will not meet in the same place for the first time for the show until the day they film their stage for this round to build the tension, so each group will be filmed separately in their practice room receiving news of the assignment.
the groups will have from june 20 to prepare their stage in preparation for filming of the final round one stage on july 9. the winners of the first round will win a benefit for the next round.
on june 20, all of the groups will also shoot the promotional photos for the show. these will include group shots of each group as well as an individual shot for each member. no groups will shoot at the same time as each other, but they will all be in green rooms near the photoshoot set the full day for the cameras to get footage of the groups interacting within and between one another.
groups will get to discuss what their representative song and concept should be on camera. the final choice will ultimately be made and reported to the production team by their respective management teams. this is often how the show will work, as creative teams have already been formed and assigned to help work on the performances that will be presented throughout the show.
the songs each group will perform are as follows:
admin note: as crowned is heavily inspired by the real-life queendom and its subsequent spin-off shows, some groups will use exact queendom/kingdom/road to kingdom/queendom 2 stages, while others will be assigned a song and a stage concept reference from one of the shows. for those assigned a “concept” separate from the song, assume the concept, general vibes, staging, etc. would pretty much be the same but for the song assigned instead of the original song.
titan: jealous lily: genie (concept) cloud: beautiful (concept) candy: cheer up (concept) calypso: chi mat ba ram + rollin’ (remix) polaris: on (concept) quantumphase: wonderland (includes main rapper’s rap) arcadia: butterfly (concept) selene: decalcomanie platinum: missing you equinox: red flavor (concept) catalyst: fighter (concept) ultraviolet: playing with fire (concept)
groups will be filmed rehearsing their stages leading up to the big day. some groups may be touring during the time they have to rehearse. they will be renting out practice venues as they travel and production will send a small film and production crew to travel with them to film for their content for the round.
on the first day of rehearsals for each group, the leader will have to draw a card from a clear bowl before rehearsals start. this will, of course, be filmed. from the outside, all of the cards look the same with the show’s logo on them, but on the inside they will either get a penalty, a reward, or an ‘all clear’ (meaning they are not given a penalty or a reward). these will affect either their preparations for the stage or their score on the final stage.
base and mnet have also partnered with vlive for this round. all idols that do a vlive before the airing of the first episode (july 3) will have a special feature enabled that allows viewers to earn extra votes on the show by commenting on and interacting with the vlive. idols are required to mention crowned and its first airing date during the vlive, but should not spoil anything fully (only teasing what might happen to get people to watch).
on the day of the live recording (july 9), the groups will all arrive at the television studio early in the morning to rehearse and prepare to record. at the live recording, the groups will perform in order from least senior to most (arcadia -> ultraviolet -> candy -> catalyst -> cloud -> quantum/phase -> equinox -> polaris -> lily -> platinum -> titan -> calypso -> selene). they will perform in front of a live audience of fans of all groups and a group of ‘special judges’’. the ‘special judges’ from this round will be a group of adults in their 40s who considered themselves superfans of various first generation idol groups, but have proclaimed themselves unfamiliar with the current idol industry.
performances will be scored for this round through a combination of live audience fan votes, votes from the other groups, special judges’ votes, and likes on their performance videos on youtube after the episode, but will not be able to find out their total score and placement until early during filming for the next round.
mun info
muns may reserve pre-made plot points for crowned round 1. these plot points can be found here. a muse can only have one claimable plot point for the duration of the show, but no muse is required to claim any. there will be claimable plot points for each round of the show. if pre-made plot points go unclaimed, they may be carried over to the next round or removed.
claimable plots can be applied for here on a first-come, first-served basis and are entirely optional. if someone gets to your muse’s desired plot before you, you may resubmit for a different ploy.
please note that rankings and special awards that will take place during crowned will be decided through a mix of randomization, influence through muses’ own development, and pre-planned plot points/moments. there are no pre-determined final rankings for any round or for the winner of the show, but randomization will play the biggest role in them. muns should not be focusing on trying to make their muses’ group win, as this is not something that is entirely within any muns’ control and is not the focus of this event. muses may be driven by the desire to win, of course, but that isn’t what should be important out-of-character! please turn your focus to development of your muse through this instead.
the airing schedule of episodes using footage from first round filming will be as follows:
episode 1: july 3 (intro to show and groups, rewards & penalties, rehearsals) episode 2: july 10 (more rehearsals + round one performances by arcadia, ultraviolet, candy, catalyst, and cloud) episode 3: july 17 (round one performances by quantum/phase, equinox, polaris, lily, platinum, titan, calypso, and selene)
each episode will be two hours long.
any further questions should be directed to the main’s ask box!
points roundup
total available points for muses involved: 31 points (none of the prompts count toward monthly limits.)
+3 points each: a thread revolving around filming for this filming block of at least eight posts (four for each muse) by the deadline (up to eighteen points / six threads total)
+2 points: completion of in-character interview #1
+2 points: completion of in-character interview #2
+3 points: a self-para of at least 400 words of the muse doing the special vlive
+3 points: up to two self-paras of at least 400 words revolving around filming for this filming block (up to six points total)
please remember to tag with #famedcrowned1.
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fmdjaein · 2 years
arriving at the studio, jaein was already counting down the hours until she could go home. her day had started way too early with makeup and hair, and she could already tell that this was going to take a super long time. having all these idol groups called in at once should be illegal or something. why couldn’t production teams be better at giving accurate call times. 
by the time she steps into the room, there’s a few idols and by the looks on their faces, she assumes they’re all sharing the thoughts she’s having. with a sigh, she takes the seat that she sees first and slouches down on it before remembering that there probably are cameras here and there. straightening her posture, she steals a glance at the poor fella who’s beside her before letting out another sigh. 
“how long have you been here?” it’s a neutral enough question that even if it catches air, it probably won’t be too much of a deal. also, it’s boring enough that she doesn’t think it’ll make the final cut.
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yenafmd · 2 years
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CROWNED: interview #2
how do you feel about how you and your group performed today?
“i think we did well. we worked hard and showed the best version of ourselves we could. im proud of calypsso.” but would it be enough? that was always the question. with these types of programs one could never know. yena hated that feeling, like their efforts didn’t really weigh in on their results, especially when they would be treated like it did. “i hope the jury and the votes agree with me. calypso has done the best we could and i stand by that. now all we can do is hope that the results reflect that.”
do you have any regrets about the stage
“i’m not the kind of person to have regrets.” a laugh escaped yena, ever easygoing and confident om camera. that it was only because if she’d stop to think about her regrets she’d surdly collapse kn the spot was something no one else had to know. “like i said, we gave our all, me included and i think that’s all we can do.” her best might not have been as good as that of her members but it would have to make do. “all we can do is hope the audience agrees and if not... there is next round. no point in mourning the past.
how will you take what you learned from this performance into the next round?
“i’m much more aware now of just how much the competition is on now.” the difference between groups seemed to be quite large, yena liked to think that in terms of how elaborate their stage had been a safe middle ground but some groups truly went much effort had went into elevating their stages. “i kind of assumed it to be a little more amicable but seeing how serious everyone seems... i think it’s time i step up my game.” a nonsensical giggle escaping her. it’s okay, calypso will only keep on showing improvement.” 
how do you think you’ll fair in the rankings for your performance?
“mhm... first place maybe?” there was a playful hint to her words, remaining on the edge of joking and endleslly confident was yena’s forte after all, a big mouth with a strong personality to back it up, it was what she was known for. “i think that should be realistic yes, and if not, at least top five, i think that would be fair if you ask me.” a firm nod following her words, reasserting how sure she was of herself. “if you don’t play to win, why play at all right?”
which group’s performance (other than your own group) was the strongest?
“ahhh...” yena let her words trail off, pulling a thoughtful expression for a second. there were a couple of stages that stood out to her, now it was up to her to weigh which one she would consider the strongest. “i think equinox did really well. i know a lot of people have said that by now but i think that is just an attest to how impressive their stage was.” she nodded, seemingly content with her answer before shooting a wink at the camera. “not as good as us of course though.” 
which group’s performance was the weakest?
that was a considerably easier question than the last one. yena knew how to be critical after all, not just of herself. “does it bave to be one group? can it be two?” she asked, awaiting some sort of response from the production crew. that question probably wasn’t going to make her very popular but oh well, yena hoped that if she split the responsibility that maybe the fans of whatever group would feel less targeted. that and it was onlynfair she called them both out on the same downfall. “i think quantum and catalyst both had too many bells and whistles to their performance. there was just too much going on and i think focussing so much on that they lost track of the core of their performance. no offense i just think that they kinda pulled the attention away from themselves and that’s too bad, they don’t need all that stuff too be good.” ha, there, her criticism perfectly masked by tagging on a compliment at the end.
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fmdmin · 2 years
❝ on your mark
❝ long time no see, huh? it's been a minute, huh? we're back to laughing, crying, living, loving let's get loco @gyujeongfmd
"this brings back memories.” minhee says, for better or worse. he never really thought that... well, gyujeong and him would be put against one another, again. maybe the other didn’t care as much as he did. it was after all more than ten years since that god forsaken show aired, but somehow the polaris member couldn’t seem to let go of it. to an extend, he had forgotten about it, however, here he was. remembering the feeling of being set up for failure. again, there were never any hard feelings towards the platinum members, even back them, minhee was very much aware how much the six of them could do against a group that had been preparing for debut.
“you any excited about this?“ he finally asks, gaze moving from somewhere in the room to gyujeong, practically giving him all of his attention. it was nice to see him again, and he really wished it was under different circumstances. maybe out for dinner or grabbing a coffee, not being shoved inside a broadcasting station and having cameras pointed at you 90% of the time. as if being filmed while  stressing over formations wasn’t enough for them, minhee was sure there will be plenty of shots of him holding his head in his hands and staring into thin air.
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fmdjace · 2 years
◤cheer up baby
❝ the bell bell bell rings every day please be considerate for me from now on i don’t want to waste my battery @fmdyerin
"hey, there's a bald spot on the back of your head."
the words ring loud and clear, the voice known too well as he lifts his gaze from his phone to look at yerin. “hahaha, very funny. say that a bit louder so the stylists can have a panic attack.” he says, tone of his voice laced with sarcasm as he tips his phone to the corner of the room, filled with stylist and mua’s chatting. he doesn’t dwell much on it, honestly speaking, with all the bottled up stress jihoon has had around this show, filming for another one, finishing up their new singles and preparing for tour.. yeah, jihoon’s couldn’t care less if he was going bald.
“come here.“ he adds quickly, scooting further down the couch and patting the seat next to him for yerin to take. it was nice, surprisingly nice to see so many familiar faces that jihoon enjoyed having in his company. he never really realized how many people he knew until he saw them together. it was almost enough to ease some of the stress he was experiencing. maybe drinking two redbulls in a roll wasn’t a good thing.. he would also kill for a cigarette right about now. but alas, he was stuck filming. “so, excited about... this?“ jihoon asks, sliding his phone back into the pocket of his lovely stage outfit, attention full to yerin.
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fmdjoosung · 2 years
finding one idol amongst this many groups was a needle in the haystack situation, but oh so satisfying when the journey came to the intended resolution. that being, sung could finally breathe a sigh of relief when she saw haon at the other end of the room.
“hi!” she greeted, perhaps a little too chipper to make up for the nerves already starting to boil. he seemed to shy away more when she was too eager, so she attempted to wrangle herself back in before she spoke again. she was semi-successful. “since i heard all of our three companies are competing, i wanted to wish you well and stuff, so i made you something.” from behind her back, she exhibited a bracelet in her palm. colorful, with variation of beads, and a cheering message between them. it hadn’t taken more than five minutes to put together, but it was about the connection. “i made it, since, you know, the whole bracelet thing between us. i thought it was, um, funny? or, something like that.”
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gyujeongfmd · 2 years
starter for @fmdkiana / crowned filming
if there’s anything that gives him a semblance of normalcy, it’s that he almost feels like he’s at home. it’s the controller in his hand that fits right like a glove, nestled in between his palms as he’s key smashing away through the next mini game. a measly victory compared to the way crowned’s pushed like a bounding sense of pressure — crowned’s supposed to suffocate him, but in reality, it’s the last few seconds of the mario party mini game that has him pressing his breath against his throat, leaving out that grand sigh of relief when game over’s printed on the screen.
he looks over at ki, hand at a standstill awaiting a high five. high fives for the way he’s managed to sneak out amidst the non-stop filming.
“i’ve never seen an npc peach that isn’t a bitch.” his voice is brighter than usual, a half-step away from the sullen sounds of melancholy he’s been soaking in. a month or two passes, and time still doesn’t heal everything — though, it helps.
it helps when he’s basking in the presence of human comfort. days upon days, and he swears he’s lost any trace of his humanity when he’s tissues in, drunk and dazed. a lifeless body, picked back up piece by piece (for that, he owes her. never forgets it either). so, he tells himself, even if he’s not built back to normalcy, he can attempt to take rest here.
his mouth curves into a grin, dropping the controller to the side. “this is the most fun i’ve had on crowned. actually, the most fun i’ve had in a while.”
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fmdkiana · 2 years
walking around like a ticking time bomb was horrible in a situation of massive cameras at every corner, filming every corner of herself. how in the world was she meant to calm down, though, when everyone was being so annoying? a million idols all in one building, and people are walking like they have nowhere to be. or, they’re laughing while eating and spitting their disgusting food all over. or, worst of all, they’re breathing in the most horrendous ways.
everything was so loud. equinox’s performance wouldn’t come for quite a while, and kiana needed a break. solitude.
before her heart burst out of her chest, kiana found the first closet she could to slip into. -more like a repurposed green room with how big it was, and... why... couldn’t... she be alone...
with a tight lipped smile, kiana greeted hyojung, and gave a short bow. “what... are you up to in here?”
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fmdxsuji · 2 years
she’s not exaggerating when she says that there are cameras practically everywhere. it was expected—it wasn’t her first time at this rodeo—but it was still shocking how many cameramen and crew could fit into this gold star practice room. 
the girls had decided on red flavor as their representative song and were in the middle of their first rehearsal. a couple of the staff members have gone off on break, and suji could see that the flashing red lights have stopped. they could finally breathe for a moment. taking a quick look at her surroundings, she slid down the wall of their practice room, back-first, before she finally made her way onto the floor. 
their concept was leaning towards tropical. she thought it too grand for how simple of a song red flavor was in comparison but apparently this was the way to win. having already won our songs, winning a second competition would be nice, but it wasn’t the first goal on her mind. she just liked having the opportunity to perform these grandiose stages. there’s a light thud besides her, and she looks over to find kiana on the ground besides her. 
“you think red flavor was the right choice? 
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minjungfmd · 2 years
starter for @fmdxsuji
she should be used to it by now.
used to the cameras surrounding them, marking them like specimens underneath the microscope. used to the mic pack that digs deep, pressing against her spine — like a physical reminder that she’s forced to be on the best behavior, straight and narrow. 
so, maybe she should be used to it when the staff don’t extend the solace of a five minute break in lieu for a few more moments they’ll mash up onto the television screens when it’s all said and done. till then, she’ll just have to play pretty. play the role of a happy go-lucky group, revered and esteemed — yet, humble enough to take it all in. (everything about this show is a paradox, and her face doesn’t bother to tell a different story.)
her eyes narrow in, yawn number ten or twelve — she’s lost track — slipping past her mouth. her other members off somewhere, and her only lines of familiarity lie with suji sitting inches away.
she takes the bait of boredom, and muffles a dry-cough, half-feigned for the sake of cameras. “why’d we pick red flavor again? we have an unlimited treasure box of hit songs — doesn’t seem fair or logical for us to pick this song when we have so many more compared to other groups.” her voice indicative of the fatigue of the day settling in, and she doesn’t bother when she hugs her knees closer to her chest, chin on knees.
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fmdhyojung · 2 years
it seemed almost bizarre to be on a competition show twelve years into her career. however, seeing the line up, all hyojung can infer is that it was probably in the making the moment the three companies decided to come together and build that culture complex. as artists under a contract, none of them had any choice. 
looking down at her outfit, she couldn’t help but express her disappointment over the choices made for their first round. decalcomanie was a newer song of theirs so she’s not sure why it would be their representative. if anything, she believed that bad girl good girl would have been the better choice. but perhaps gold star wasn’t too interested in using this show for selene. they had nothing to prove anyway. their long wrap sheet of a career was enough proof. 
walking down the halls of gold star’s building, she could hear the numerous songs of different artists blasting through. it seems all the practice rooms were being used for that purpose. she’s lingering around when she spots a similarly sulky face. remembering their last encounter, she’s unsure if he’d want to speak to her at all, but she has some time left before being required back, and she’s interested in what a fellow senior artist feels about the whole fiasco.
“hey. dissatisfied about your outfit too?”
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fmdduri · 2 years
discussing performances and reacting to them was always something that duri enjoyed. perhaps it was because he loves music so much and when he was younger, he would watch so many music performances that he could when he got access to the internet - simply, that was all that he would manage to do online, just sit and watch music performances for hours on end when he wasn’t doing school, homework, music classes, or helping around the café. so, this was definitely the plus side to crowned, truth be told. 
of course, duri was rather interested in what others had thought about the performances, and with them still filming, with the camera still on him. perhaps they wanted to see what duri was going to do next currently, and so he thought to just interact with someone - like he normally does. though, of course, having to remember that he’s being filmed right now, so that was something that would be sat in the back of his mind. 
he sees minjung and decides to approach her, someone that he often talks to during times like this. he always enjoyed having a conversation with minjung, that was for sure, and she’s someone that he considers a good friend in a way; which was why he was so excited when he was featured upon her album. “minjung!” he said, his way of greeting her excitingly each time. “what have you thought about the performance concepts? i’ve been so interested to see what others have thought about all the concepts,” he says, a soft giggle leaving his lips.
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fmdjaein · 2 years
jaein’s not sure if she should be thankful or not over the fact that austrlia and korea doesn’t have a big time difference. surely this shoot would have been a lot worse if she was coming back from california or something. the jetleg would have been unreal. it’s a bit sad that she’s having to be thankful over this when really, the logical thing would have been to not have ultraviolet on the stupid show to begin with. weren’t there talks of them expanding their tour anyway? were they supposed to be participating in a competition show with all that going on? 
she’s lounging around in one of the green rooms, watching other idol members come and go when she spots one familiar face. though she’s not sure how much gold star would appreciate her interacting with other people, she could care less at the moment. she was beginning to feel like the time has stopped with how long she’s been waiting. sneaking up to yena, she wraps her arms around the other’s torso for a quick second before letting out a laugh. 
“miss me?” 
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yenafmd · 2 years
setting: crowned round 1 one live recording with: @fmdduri
nam yena didn’t get nervous. that would be absolutely preposterous. why would she be nervous? calypso was at the top of their careers, she had been doing this for over a decade and at the end of the day, this was just some stupid mnetnshownthat didn’t really matter. see, nothing to be nervous about. that, however, didn’t explain why she was in fact so jittery currently. not angood sign by the way, calypso’s stage outfits were definitely not made to break out into cold sweat in.
the camera’s following her around everywhere didn’t really help. not that she wasn’t used to being on camera but because she had never liked being nervous while doing so. she wasn’t the nervous type, she was chill and easy-going, god forbid she wouldn’t be for once. latching onto duri’s sleeve as she passed him by in her search for anyone to keep her company she shot him a wry smile. “hi! good to catch you here.” a genuine hint of relief kn her voice even if she couldn’t get intonthe reason as to why in the moment. “how are you feeling?  got a good feeling about titan’s performance? saw that you’re up right before us.” 
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miraefmd · 2 years
@fmdmin // 2 + yellow           →   july 9, 2022  
“any hints as to what you guys are performing?” mirae asks when she crosses paths with minhee in the broadcast station cafeteria. it’s a long, long day of filming and selene and polaris are both near the end of the list thanks to their seniority. she can’t say she fully understands why they have to go last. it might be an honor at end of the year shows, but for something like this, she would have told them to let selene go out first if she’d been asked for her opinion on the order. they’d have to sit around on camera all day regardless since reactions by other groups is almost as critical as the performances themselves, but selene’s make-up team might not be hovering around her like mosquitos, advising her that maybe she should wait to eat until after selene performs so her make-up isn’t put at risk. she had politely informed them that if she were to do that, she would be starving and it would have a negative affect on the outcome of their performance.
having won her battle and now impatiently standing in line to get her food, she has nothing else to do to pass the time other than strike up a conversation. “wait, no, let me guess...” she considers the polaris songs that she knows off of the top of her head, but an answer isn’t immediately apparent to her what might ‘represent’ them. “idol? one of the more impressive stages i’ve seen by you guys was to that song. there’s a lot of room to do something big with that. i haven’t seen anyone traipsing around in yellow and red patterned suits, though, so tell me, am i right on the nose or way off?”
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fmdjace · 2 years
◤bring me victory
❝ mood is overheated, tension is higher temperature of falling sweat is hot i wish this heat can be reached to you @minjungfmd
jihoon was a bit tired, however, if you asked him, that would be putting it lightly. walking around with a can of redbull, probably his second of the day and pretty much avoiding all possible interaction was the plan. a plan he had been succeeding rather well if he had to be honest himself, a bit of a pat on the back for the stressfull day ahead of them. filming was one thing, seeing the results was another, he doesn’t think he had it in him at this very moment to worry about anything. 
so he just float around, keeping an eye out for anyone pleasant he could practically latch onto and not leave them until someone came and pulled him away. which is a very unfortunate moment for minjung, because jihoon practically makes a b-line for her as soon as his eyes land on her. there is a lopsided smile that pulls on his lips as he approaches her, a desperate attempt to look a bit more excited about the whole situation, despite the nerves eating him from the inside out. 
“minjung, fancy seeing you here.“ the rapper says, bringing the can of pure sugar to his lips and taking a sip. “excited?“
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