#fandom nursing home for elderly twentysomethings (and thirtysomethings too!)
swashbucklery · 1 year
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Writing long comments on friends’ fic even though I’ve already beta read it/seen snippets of it/told them that I like it because it’s a love language!!!! I am here at your locker leaving stickers and love notes because it feels good to have stickers on your locker where everyone can see and I want you to feel like the special creative talented artist that you are!!
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swashbucklery · 2 years
and buffy actually wanted her around??? and she didn't need to impress her with bullshit stories about wrestling alligators while naked??? "whoa that's possible?" says huge homosexual faith lehane
Remember how Buffy thought she was cool and mysterious and embraced her with the gratitude of someone alone for two years finally having a kindred spirit to connect to? Remember how Faith needed Buffy to say that and Buffy didn't know how? Remember how because of that, Faith assumed that Buffy never loved her at all? Remember how a fundamental failure of communication coupled with love fuelled by a shared connection deeper than the magics at the beginning of the universe made them systematically attempt to destroy each other yet ultimately hold back, over and over again, for years, and it was somehow the most romantic thing your tiny teen brain had ever seen?
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swashbucklery · 1 year
A Battlestar Galactica post I made in January 2022 is gently breaching containment and I am getting the most wholesome tags from strangers watching an entirely different version of that show from me.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
I had never seen the terms “YKINMKATOK/ KINKTOMATO” and was honestly imagining the worst possible kink that you refused to write (I don’t even know what that would be) and I googled it very hesitantly…
Let’s just say I was relieved and had a good laugh.
So excited for your participation in Smutfest. I’ll definitely be sending you a few requests because I love your writing already and the idea of you writing some tailor-made smut just for me makes me blush!
asl;dkfjasjf;l anon this is adorable, thank you for sharing. I'm so excited you decided to google it.
I have so many requests already; definitely more than I can get to, but I've been having such a lovely time seeing them all come in. This fandom is filthy (complimentary) and it's beautiful
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swashbucklery · 1 year
It's astounding...
Anon I've had the Time Warp stuck in my head for two full days thank you so much for this. 💕
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Thinking up titles and my brain keeps skating over Taylor Swift lyrics bc they don’t ~vibe right for Kit/Jade but you know what works for them perfectly? Vintage Dashboard.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Will I ever be able to listen to Danse Macabre without being teleported back to watching Hush for the first time? Verdict still no.
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swashbucklery · 2 years
OK this is such an internet grandma thing to do and I know that but I’m doing it anyway. ONE TIME a while ago but sometime in the past year, there was a post going around about project management software that was useful for writing. And it had like, the ability to add some Kanban-style interfaces for chapters and the UI was mostly white with grey and black.
I have not written a fic this long in a while and I’m having trouble keeping all the moving parts in my brain with the late pandemic work brain experience. I need to actually use a tool that’s not just “keep the entire fic in my mind and jump back and forth from memory” to wrangle my scenes, and I wanted to look more into that type of writing software but can’t remember what it was.
Does anyone know what this was? Does this make you think of a thing? I use Ulysses and I love it but I’m looking for something that gives me the ability to see scenes and ideally have like, split-screen side by side scene writing to have references and a writing window in the same display.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Listening to vintage Dashboard for fic title reasons and gosh what a perfect time capsule back to 2002.
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swashbucklery · 1 year
Girl help they’re playing (semi-)vintage Dashboard in the cafeteria at work and I am being forcibly transported back to being 21
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swashbucklery · 1 year
what is the boygenius muna drama ??
Anon, I cannot stress enough how much I have no idea. All I know is that those girls from both of those bands seem to kiss each other onstage a lot and keeping track of it seems exhausting.
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swashbucklery · 3 years
Ok so for reasons that are not relevant I, a 23 year old, have just finished watching battlestar galactica for the first time in this the year two thousand and twenty two and I don’t know anyone besides my family who has seen it so I have to ask: do you think bill and Saul explored each others bodies
as;lkdfj;saljfa so true story when I first read this ask I had this moment of sheer. . .why would you ask us, a narnia blog. . .
AND THEN I REMEMBERED the deep lore of BSG fandom was lost to time bc all of that was pre-Tumblr so STRAP IN AND LET ME GIVE YOU AN OLD PERSON YELLS AT CLOUD ESSAY ON BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.
So like. First of all, and I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart to this day, I will always treasure BSG fandom for being one of the single most courteous and thoughtful fannish experiences of my life with regard to spoilers and I wish that more folks would learn from them. Because, as you likely have realized, there are some key plot beats through the series that benefit from being surprises. And not surprises in the new-MCU-movie way of like, this is unwatchable once you know the twist. But surprises as in oh, [redacted] is actually [redacted], I want to go back and rewatch the episode because this recontextualizes what I've just seen!! And because the miniseries aired in 2003 and the series didn't start until 2005, there were a lot of new folks catching up throughout the run and the statute of limitations on posting untagged spoilers was broadly seen to be a year from time of airing. And that included user icons with spoilers. A truly magical time.
And even with that, when I told friends of mine I was thinking of getting into the series (which i think I caught up midway through S2's airing?), they very sweetly would check exactly which episode I was on before chatting with me about it to be sure they didn't feed me any future plot elements and just - so thoughtful. So kind.
The second thing that I think is really unique - and like I've seen this in other fandoms but it felt so pronounced in BSG, is that depending on your perspectives and which characters you gelled with most, you and other fans could sometimes be watching an entirely different series.
What I mean by that is, there are multiple perspectives on who might be considered the "main character" of that show or at least the access point character of that show, bc it was such a big ensemble with so many interwoven throughlines. So like, some people were watching it as The Story Of Laura Roslin And Some Fucking Idiots, some people were watching it as Kara Thrace Makes Bad Decisions (and some other idiots), some people watched it as Bill Adama Learns To Not Army So Hard, some people were watching The Story Of Gaius Baltar Who Sure Does Regret His Life Decisions, some people were watching Lee Adama Is Trying His Best: The Series - you see.
Because I was (as ever) heavily invested in femslash fandom, the show I was watching was Kara Thrace Make Bad Decisions And Has Several Boyfriends (And Girlfriends), as well as the sadly underrated sub-series Cylons Have So Many Feelings And It's Great.
And so for a hot second I read your ask and was like. . .who the fuck are Bill and Saul.
I got there, though.
Anyway: Bill and Saul were definitely Old Army Buddies, and depending on how you interpret that I think the answer can be most likely an unqualified yes.
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swashbucklery · 2 years
I hope this is appropriate to tell you, I think it is but I'm not always the best with social conventions, so please feel free to disregard if it isn't. I would come off anon but I'm afraid I'm not very brave.
I'm 23 now, and i was maybe 18 or 19 when I first started following you. I just wanted to thank you for being an unabashedly queer adult who is passionate about our history, and about queer culture.
I grew up in a small town where there were no out children let alone adults (there were a handful of out kids at our high school but from other towns) and so I've always kind of struggled with knowing how to find queer community, and especially queer people older than myself who I can look to in some way in real life or otherwise.
And I came to college, and the alliance was... well it felt like you had to be gay the way they wanted you to be or you didn't belong. It was more of a.. LGBT space than a queer space if that makes sense. Eventually I stopped going. I'm trying to find queer community where I am now because it's mostly safe and I'm sure it exists, I'll find it one day.
You're someone who though I don't know, I do look to as a queer elder (yeah I know you're only in your thirties so you're not that old, I just happen to be quite young)
And it brings me a lot of comfort and makes me quite happy when you post about queer experience and history. It also makes my throat tighten somewhat. It's nice to have you here, and I just wanted to thank you.
Anon, I know you sent this a few days ago, but I wanted to post this and say thank you so much for stopping in to share. This was so kind and so lovely to read, and it really warmed my heart. I've worked very hard to be both the type of queer grownup that it feels most authentic for me to be, and also the type of queer grownup that younger me would have really needed. I hope I'm doing an ok job. 💕
Thank you for taking the time to share, anon. I hope you find the community that feels most right for you someday and I hope you continue to stay queer in the way that feels best for you.
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swashbucklery · 2 years
hi friend, i hope you enjoy your day of crabs! (asdklfjlakjf this is so silly to type out.) just wanted to give you a lil joy and for giving us in fandoms joy (bless those gossip girl days)!
I am going to save the crabs; I have a little summon button on my dash and I can leave it there for a rainy day at which point I shall ACTIVATE THEM.
Also I'm so charmed that this stupid website has decided to monetize the feature of Make A Button To Infect Your Friends With Fake Computer Crab Disease For 24 Hours. It just - it gets me.
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swashbucklery · 2 years
#the year that this aired and i was devastated that angel wasn't airing in canada #and this was before there was really video torrenting/pirating and way before streaming #and having to read transcripts and look at screenshots of this episode #to follow along with my favourite character - I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM NOSTALGIC FOR THIS CRAPPY EXPERIENCE. the fucking transcripts, omg (it used to take forever for new seasons to air in brazil)
GOD I KNOW RIGHT. But also like. There was something so beautiful about the fact that they existed; people had to record those episodes on their VCR and then HAND TRANSCRIBE them and then manually HTML-format them and then put them onto a website! And they did it because they thought, you know what? I bet someone missed recording this, or wants to go back and check for a quotable line or a reference for their fanfiction. I bet not everyone has a VCR and this might help them follow along. What love there was in that little niche of fandom, the little gentle ways that fans would do things to help other fans be a part of the community!
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