moonchild-sara · 6 years
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
About: Quirkless AU, in which Kirishima and Bakugou are roommates in a boys only juvenile home and fall in love.
Excerpt from chapter twelve: Bakugou, I think my stepfather might be around... I'll wait a little longer and come over this evening. I'll take the bus, so don't tell Aizawa anything. I will explain to you everything once I'm back! Please!
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From my fanfiction - Volume of the heart.
Located on Archive of our own 
Link - http://archiveofourown.org/works/12807984/chapters/29236056
I have yet to introduce her, but in the story I decided that if Izu was going to day-care/school he was going to need some good friends, and here is one f them. I am pretty pleased with her design.
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overheard-at-yuuei · 3 years
Kaminari: Hey, can you hand me that danger stick?
Kendou: That what?
Jirou: He means that knife. Can you hand him that knife.
Jirou: Also please don’t hand him any knives.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
About: Quirkless AU, in which Kirishima and Bakugou are roommates in a boys only juvenile home and fall in love.
Excerpt from chapter eleven: Kirishima made grumpy noises before he woke up and leaned over Bakugou to shut the alarm clock. With a loud sigh he fell back in bed. “We stayed up for too long” he mumbled drowsy. “No, we have to get up too early” Bakugou corrected him. “Or do you actually wish yesterday would have been shorter?” Kirishima gave him a warm smile. “Not a bit.” He sat up and kissed Bakugous forehead.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
About: Quirkless AU, in which Kirishima and Bakugou are roommates in a boys only juvenile home and fall in love.
Excerpt from chapter thirteen: Kirishima was always a small kid until he hit puberty. Even at the age of six he was so small that he fit under his bed, his back pressed against the wall so that the long, scary arms of his grandfather weren't able to reach him.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
The Day Kirishima and Bakugou met
Since CSD is in my city right now I wanted to write a little something about Kirishima and Bakugou meeting on a CSD for the first time. You could call this an AU featuring Mina as Kirishimas best friend with questionable life choices... I hope you like it despite my horrible english~ ____
“What... are you wearing?” Kirishima asked confused while gazing at Mina. As always she wore colorful clothes, but her pink short hair was hidden under a cap with the inscription “gay as fuck” and big sunglasses sat on her nose making her almost look like some agent in a superhero movie who tries to hide their identity in the worst way possible. “A disguise” Mina answered. “I told you I can’t go on these kind of events!” “Why? Everyone already knows you’re bisexual!” Kirishima exclaimed and pointed at the cap, and the wristband in the colours of the bi-flag. “You’re not keeping it a secret!” “I’m not talking about that. I have way too many ex lovers to go on the CSD. I’m not in the mental state to meet any of them!” Kirishima rolled his eyes. “It can’t be that bad.” “As a virgin you have no right to judge that!” Mina grabbed his arm and pulled him forward. “Just remember, I’m only here because I love you and want to be your wingman - eh - woman! So let’s find you a cute boyfriend!” Kirishima could feel his cheeks turning red and mumbled something about “Stop saying stuff like that” while being dragged along by his childhood friend. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple balloons decorated the city. People of all ages were running around with pride flags around their shoulders, on their wrists or painted on their cheeks. A stage stood in the middle of the location. Currently a beautiful dragqueen was singing and dancing on it. Boothes were everywhere, selling pride related articles, informing about political movements and projects for lgbt people in general or certain groups of the lgbt community. “I want to buy a wristband with the gay pride flag” Kirishima informed Mina and pointed towards the next booth. Before they could reach it Mina suddenly made an indescribable sound and hid behind Kirishima. “What’s going on now?” he asked amused. “There’s the guy” Mina whispered. “The guy I almost had sex with.” “You have to be more specific.” Mina hesitated before hissing: “The one with the penis.” “Listen -” “The small one!” Finally Kirishima knew who she was talking about. Immediatley he turned around, searching for the guy without even knowing how he looked like. “We are talking about the one you were already in bed with until you saw his penis and decided to run out on him because it was too small for your taste?” “It would have been the most miserable sex in my life!” Mina defended herself. “And I was drunk!” “You said you needed to pee and climbed out of the window.” “No one cares for the details! This guy just really shouldn’t see me! Oh god, he’s walking in our direction - I’m going to look for Momo and Jirou! See ya later!” And as fast as that, Mina disappeared in the crowd. Kirishima went to the booth on his own and took a glance on all the lgbt related articles you could buy there. It wasn’t until he looked up that he realized the guy selling them was especially cute. His blonde hair seemed to have exploded in all directions, he was clearly annoyed and not in a good mood, but that didn’t stop Kirishima from falling for this guy in the split of a second. With an open mouth he was starring at him. “Do you want to buy something or what?!” He rudely said. “Ah - yes - ehhh - one” Kirishima cleared his throat. “One wristband please.” “Gay flag?” “Eh - yes.” “Makes two euros.” Kirishima gave him the money and the guy gave him the wristband. In trance Kirishima walked away. He didn’t even really knew where he was going until he somehow ended up with Mina again, who was slurping a coke while texting. “Momo and Jirou aren’t here yet” she said. “Todoroki and Midoriya are coming, too - what’s wrong with ya?” Kirishima realized that his mouth was still open. “Ehm... I just... I just saw a guy.” “Oh my god.” Suddenly Minas whole face lightened up and she started squealing. “Did you meet someone?? Where is he??” “The guy in the booth back there.” Kirishima pointed at him and Mina said hollow: “You mean the dude yelling at his customers?” Dreamingly Kirishima answered: “Yes~” “You’ve got a weird taste... well, you should never question love, right? Come here, I’m going to be your wingwoman!!” “No - wait!” ______ Kirishima got Bakugous phone number later that day~ This somehow ended up being more about Kirishimas and Minas fabulous friendship then the really unromantic first meeting between Kirishima and Bakugou... hope you liked it anway xxx
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
oakspsdpskg it’s finally done. I’m sorry for the long wait!
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
About: Quirkless AU, in which Kirishima and Bakugou are roommates in a boys only juvenile home and fall in love.
Excerpt from chapter ten: Todoroki sat on the ground in front of his mothers bed. He was crying so much, his whole body was shaking and he could barely catch his breath. Kirishima sat right behind him with tears in his eyes and stroke Todorokis back, but it seemed like he really didn't know what he should do or say. When he looked up and saw Bakugou and Midoriya enter, he breathed out relieved. Midoriya didn't hesitate for a second. As fast as he could he kneed down in front of Todoroki and pulled him into a strong hug. Todoroki cried a little louder and buried his face into Midoriyas shoulder. They were holding each other as strong as they could.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Renegades ~ Chapter Two ~ A Kiribaku fanfic
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Summary: Bakugou and Kirishima become roommates at a boys only juvenile home. In this chapter the boys get to know each other better and Bakugou struggles a lot with trust issues.
Warning: English is not my mother language. My english vocabulary isn’t too big, so you might find my writing style very simple and with some grammar errors.
Further you should know: Most of the story is written in Bakugous perspective, he sees a threath in basically everyone and it shows in the way he views the juvenile home and the other boys. He also suffers from anger issues.
The boys all have a tough relationship with their parents. I know that Bakugous parents would never do what they do in my fic, but it’s an AU and I just replaced most of the parents with dickheads (:
Living in a juvenile home didn't automatically mean that you didn't have any contact at all with your biological family. In fact a lot of the other boys visited their families regularly, some of them even stayed over the weekend. They couldn't just go whenever they wanted, there were different rules for each family. Some boys were only allowed to go for an afternoon, a lunch or a visit in the cinema. Others visited every weekend, every second weekend, once a month, every second month – it was an individual agreement made between the caregivers, the youth welfare office and the parents.
As far as Bakugou knew, Midoriya, for example..
..regularly visited his mom at the weekends and he heard some rumors that they considered letting him move in with her again. Bakugou had no idea why he was put into a juvenile home to begin with. Todoroki went like two or three times a week to the hospital where his mom was in a coma. There were other examples, one of them seemed to be Kirishima.
After two weeks in the juvenile home, Kirishima was packing a small bag in their room when Bakugou came back from a visit in the library. He didn't say anything, but as usual that didn't stop Kirishima from talking: “I'm going to be with my mom over the weekend. We have this agreement, that I'm going to visit her every second weekend.” “Oh nice, I'll call them Bakugous peaceful days.” Kirishima laughed even though Bakugou said these words with no signs of sarcasm or amusement. It was only two weeks since Kirishima moved in but Bakugou had to admit one thing: From all the room mates he had so far, Kirishima was probably the one he hated the least. Somehow he was able to behave just in the right way to not tick Bakugou even more off when he had to deal with his anger issues. He actually didn't brought up Midoriya since their talk in the skate park; and regularly visiting the park with Kirishima became a thing. Bakugou would go as far as saying that Kirishima was okay. “I never really saw you read stuff. Do you like reading?” Kirishima asked, pointing to the three books in Bakugous hands. “It's for school” Bakugou said and left it like that. “You're probably one of the few guys in here who really do something for school” Kirishima noticed. “I'm pretty bad at learning, I hate reading and math.” He emphasized the last word with disgust. While he zipped up his bag, Bakugou took a moment to consider giving his two coins to the issue. Eventually he decided that it wouldn't hurt him. “Most of the other guys are stupid, self-pitying bricks” Bakugou mumbled while pretending reading the back of one of his books. “All of us had shitty childhoods and probably all of us one day started thinking that we're not worthy and that we'll never be something in this world. So they start doing drugs, drinking alcohol and all that stuff, because people expect them to turn out like that. They are expected to become criminals, homeless, people who refuse to go to work or whatever. At first we're pitiable, poor children and then suddenly we're the scum of society. But when I started to work on my anger issues and I realized I'm actually able to control them, I thought I'm also able to control my life. So all I'm doing is not giving a shit about what anyone thinks or expects of me. I'm going to graduate with high marks, go to an university and become someone worthy.” He looked up from his book – and twitched. Kirishima nearly looked pale, with his eyes and mouth wide open as if he saw a ghost or something. “What's wrong?!” Bakugou exclaimed. “Nothing” Kirishima stuttered in awe. “I'm just – you kind of – opened my eyes just now.” “It's not hard to understand” Bakugou replied. “It's actually obvious, but they don't want to see it. Recognizing these facts and turning your life around is hard work, and these lazy fucks don't want to do it!” “Or maybe they don't have the strength to do it.” Kirishima shrugged his shoulders. Someone knocked at the door. At the same moment Bakugou and Kirishima responded with “Come in!” and Chiyo opened the door. She was a very small and very old woman and somewhat the heart of the juvenile home. She was like a grandmother to the boys – and sometimes like a mother to the caregivers. “Ah, Eijirou you already done with packing?” She asked while holding on a cane she needed for walking. “Yes!” “Aizawa's waiting at the parking area for you.” “Aizawa – I thought my mom would pick me up.” It was impossible to overhear the disappointment in his voice. “As it seems, she wasn't able to borrow a car in time” Chiyo said. “Don't feel bummed out, you'll have an entire weekend with her!” And as fast as that Kirishima seemed to be cheerful again. “Now, come.” She left the room and Kirishima went after her. At the door, he stopped and turned back to Bakugou: “You know that you're pretty amazing right?” “What?!” “Bye!” Kirishima closed the door and Bakugou could hear him running down the hallway. He was on his feet. Apparently he jumped up from his bed, the books fell on the floor. Did this guy just called him amazing?
Sundays were the most weird days at the juvenile home. The day before a lot of kids were out drinking and partying and usually slept trough the whole day. Other kids were out with their parents, which made Sunday the most peaceful day in the week. No one was fighting, screaming around, mocking each other or getting in trouble with the caregivers. Chiyo and Aizawa had some tea in the garden when Bakugou came back from the skate park. He finished all his homework and the school project for next week and still had a lot of time left from his Sunday. When the caregivers saw him, Chiyo called him over. “Have a seat, Katsuki” she said and pulled back the chair right next to her. He sat down reluctantly. “It seems like you're getting along with Eijirou?” “More or less” Bakugou mumbled and could feel a streak pulsing at his forehead. Why did this simple question tick him off so much? His anger never really made any sense and he hated it. “That's nice” Chiyo said, well aware that Bakugou was building up anger again. “He's quite cheerful, isn't he? It's almost dangerous.” “What do you mean?” Bakugou wondered. “Being too optimistic can be toxic, too” Aizawa explained. “Just as being too pessimistic can leave you thinking 'I can't do this anyway so I don't even try', being too optimistic can make you think 'Even if my expectations are set way too high and are completely unrealistic, I will continue believing in them.' It can make you fall very deep and hard.” Chiyo sighed. “Eijirou said some worrying things to us. I don't want to go into details, but he's too hopeful for something that's eventually going to hurt him. He needs someone who has a more realistic view on life.” “Like you” Aizawa added. “What?” Bakugou exclaimed. “Do you want me to be his fucking therapist or something?!” “Of course not” Aizawa said. “We ask you to keep an eye on him” Chiyo said softly. “All of you boys should look out for each other more.” “I'm not going to babysit him. He's already 17, that's old enough to know that life's not a walk in the park!” Bakugou jumped up and went inside, ignoring Aizawas calls. It wasn't the first time they tried to convince him that they should look out for each other, stick together and all that stupid stuff. Why did they try to talk him into shit like that all the time? By now, they should knew that he was better off on his own. Bakugou stomped into his room and banged the door. His emotions went wild. When Chiyo told him that there was something that will eventually hurt Kirishima, he felt curiosity and concern. Immediately after these feelings were replaced by anger. Why would he feel concerned for a guy he knew for barely two weeks? Why did he consider telling Kirishima his triggers? It was as if he wanted to befriend him, but he knew what happened when he trusted anyone. Bakugou ran circles in his room, breathing heavily while the blood rushed into his head. He tried to behave in the past, be nice and good, but no one cared. His own mother didn't care, four foster parents didn't care. He wasn't stupid, he knew that he had major trust issues and he knew it was from being rejected five fucking times. To avoid being hurt again, he decided long ago that he was better off on his own. No family and no friends equals no one to hurt him, right? So by all means, he wouldn't look out for Kirishima and wouldn't give a damn about him getting hurt! Bakugou tried to imagine a nice, peaceful place but the method didn't work. Instead he jumped on his bed, took a pillow and started beating it up. He had to fight the urge to punch against the wall. It took him a while but eventually he calmed down. When Kirishima came back, Bakugou laid on the bed, his arms crossed over his face. “Are you okay?” Kirishima immediately asked. Bakugou heard the door closing behind him. “Fine” Bakugou groaned. Damn, he already felt like talking to this guy again. After talking to the caregivers he felt like Kirishima really was just a genuine, dumb guy who was way too cheerful and hopeful for life. “Listen, I thought about the stuff you told me on friday and your words kind of motivated me to become better at school! It's really hard for me, you know, so I thought maybe you could give me some private lessons?” Bakugou lowered his arms to look at Kirishima, who smiled back brightly. “I'll beat the shit out of you every time you make a mistake.” “Sounds good” Kirishima laughed. “Idiot” Bakugou put his arms over his face again. It's okay, he thought to himself. No one wants to be my friend anyway.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
It’s been a month since I last uploaded a chapter for Renegades, I’m sorry!! A lot of stuff and work happened this month, but I’m currently writing the new chapter... I’ll give you a little excerpt:
“I'm genuinely sorry for how we failed you” Aizawa said and Bakugou could see the pain his eyes.
“No – you're not from the welfare center, this is not your fault” Bakugou replied.
“You're the best caretaker in this home” Kirishima added. A faint smile found it's way on Aizawas face but they didn't convince him.
“No, we both know I was never able to gain your trust” Aizawa told Bakugou. “This is why I'm so glad that you have Kirishima. We wouldn't have this conversation if it wasn't for him.”
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
it’s been a while since I posted the last chapter of Renegades, I finally came around to write a bit of the next chapter.. let’s say 1/3 of the chapter is done and I already know what’s going to happen! Here’s a little excerpt:
“Now that we settled this, can we please come back to the actual important question” Mina said with big eyes. “Are you a couple?”
Maybe he was as stupid as Kaminari but Bakugou realized that they never talked about this. Were they a couple? It seemed to be much more clear to Kirishima because he answered with a bright smile: “Of course we are!”
He strengthens the hand holding and Bakugou covered his mouth with his scarf in order to hide the beaming smile on this face. I have a boyfriend.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
just a reminder that I did NOT forgot about Renegades! The next chapter is nearly finished! Life just was really there in the last few weeks lol
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
About: Quirkless AU, in which Kirishima and Bakugou are roommates in a boys only juvenile home and fall in love.
Excerpt from chapter six: “He's moving out anyway, so it doesn't matter anymore.” Bakugou could feel a streak pulsing at his temple, his breast tightened. Fuck, I'm getting an anger outburst. He gritted his teeth.
“Maybe him moving out is exactly the right time to deal with this problem. You could make up without becoming friends. I really think this could help you and if it doesn't end well for some reason, it doesn't matter because he moved out anyway.”
Bakugou didn't even know why he was suddenly so nervous, why his breast felt heavy, why the blood rushed into his head. He got scared. He never had a serious anger outburst in front of Kirishima. He didn't want to scare or even hurt him. In order to prevent an anger outburst, Bakugou started scratching his left arm with his right hand. For Kirishima it must look like a nervous tick, but for Bakugou it was a way to distract himself. His nails dug deep into his skin, leaving red marks all over his arm.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Renegades ~ Chapter Three ~ A Kiribaku fanfic
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Summary: Bakugou and Kirishima become roommates at a boys only juvenile home. In this chapter Kirishima reveales something about himself.
Warning: English is not my mother language. My english vocabulary isn’t too big, so you might find my writing style very simple and with some grammar errors.
Thanks to my beta reader: @superdweeb
The boys all have a tough relationship with their parents. I know that Bakugous parents would never do what they do in my fic, but it’s an AU and I just replaced most of the parents with dickheads (:
A couple of weeks later Kirishima claimed Bakugous services as his private teacher for the first time. They found a quiet place for learning in the library of the juvenile home. It was a small library with the option to order books from somewhere else. There were only a few boys who actually went to the library. One of them being Todoroki. It was no surprise to Bakugou that the boy with the giant birthmark over his left eye sat on one of the armchairs and read a book.
Bakugou and Kirishima sat down on one of the two only desks in the library. “So, what exactly do you need to learn?” Bakugou asked. “I have a math test tomorrow and -” - “Tomorrow?!” Bakugou exclaimed. “Fucking tomorrow?! You don’t start learning for tests the day before!” “I usually don’t start learning at all so that’s an improvement” Kirishima laughed. “God, you’re such an idiot…” Kirishima ignored him and explained: “Our teacher gave us these problems and said if we’re able to solve them we’re good for the test tomorrow. So I just need to be able to solve these two pages!” “Manageable” Bakugou mumbled. “Try to get as far as you can. I’ll help when you’re stuck.” With a nod, Kirishima started his homework while Bakugou watched him. He was slow. It was almost frustrating to exactly know how he could solve a problem whereas Kirishima seemed to struggle a lot. Bakugou had to bite his lips to not scream at him. He was so fucking slow. “Okay, here’s the problem” Kirishima finally said. “I’m usually able to do the easier problems, but when they are getting more complicated and they put all these letters in there, I’m lost.” “Threat the letters like numbers” Bakugou grumbled. “But they aren’t numbers! I can’t just add a and b!” “Of course not! Why do people always get so confused the moment they see numbers in a math problem?” “Because it’s not supposed to be there! Who thought it was a good idea to put numbers into math?” “Can you two keep it down?” Todoroki asked. “Sorry -” Kirishima wanted to answer but Bakugou was faster: “Go read somewhere else if we bother you so much!” “Damn, Bakugou, you don’t always have to be so mean,” Kirishima said and then turned back towards Todoroki: “I’m sorry. We’ll be quieter.” “Thank you.” “Can you explain to me how I can solve the complicated problems?” Kirishima whispered and Bakugou answered in normal volume: “Yes, but I’m not going to fucking whisper.” He couldn’t remember if he ever needed that much patience with someone or something as he needed now with Kirishima and his inability to understand simple math problems. Everything he needed to explain twice or even three times, he had to simplify his explanation and went through every problem with baby steps. In the meantime, Todoroki finished reading and left the library. It went dark outside and Bakugou had to turn on the lights. They were alone. “We only have an hour left and then we have to go back to our room” Bakugou realized. “And we barely finished the first page” Kirishima groaned. He looked miserable. “I’m really stupid, aren’t I?” He didn’t say it with his usual smirk which let Bakugou know that he shouldn’t take him too seriously. His frustration was real and Bakugou could feel it. Kirishima was like a book, you could simply read his feelings right off his face. “A lot of people struggle with math” Bakugou reassured him. “I’m sure there are other subjects you’re way better at.” Kirishima sighed loudly. “Yeah, but… I’m…” He starred at his textbook and his ears changed into a red color. “I’m dyslexic.” He didn’t give Bakugou time to react, but justified right away: “I know this doesn’t mean I’m stupid or something, but I need really long to read stuff and even if I’m good at certain subjects, it sometimes takes so long for me to read or write so that I’m out of time before I finished the exam! And sometimes, when I have to read out loud in class, I struggle a lot and the other kids make fun of me, so I stopped doing homework. Now I can just say I don’t have the homework instead of embarrassing myself in front of the whole class – damn, I’m sorry, I’m babbling.” He covered his face with his hands. “I saw your look, you’re annoyed because I’m such a slow learner.” Bakugou stared at him with his mouth open. His thought process was fast, he made a decision, took a pencil and pointed at his homework. “Here, I can show you a simple trick to solve these kinds of problems,” he said much calmer than before. Kirishima lowered his hands and listened with his face and ears still bright red. They stayed in the library as long as possible. A caregiver found them and told them to go to their room after 10 pm. It was Bakugou who made the proposal to keep on studying until they finished both pages. Kirishima was able to solve the last problems on his own. “You were a lot faster at the end than at the beginning” Bakugou noticed. “I think you’re just a slow starter.” “I guess” Kirishima smirked. “You should start doing your homework again.” And if these kids make fun of you, I’ll beat the shit out of them. Kirishima nodded. “Thank you, Bakugou, for helping me.” “Don’t say stuff like that, it pisses me off!” Bakugou yelled, but Kirishima laughed it off.
“You better tell me you rocked that stupid test” was the first thing that Bakugou said when the two met near the skate park after school. An ice cream shop was their meeting point, where the two boys wanted to grab some ice cream and chill at the waterside of the river before going to the park. “Well...” Kirishima scratched the back of his head with nervous laughter. “I kind of forgot some of the stuff you told me.” “That's because you came whining to me about this exam yesterday! From now on we're going to study two or three times a week and you'll going to clean the bathroom on your own!” “Wait – what?!” “It's payment for my work” Bakugou demanded. “I hate cleaning the bathroom, it's gross, so you're going to do it!” “Ugh, I hate it, too” Kirishima struggled, but eventually he yelled motivated: “But if this is what I have to do, I'll do it!” “Good, now pay for the ice cream, too.” “I'm short on money!” Kirishima protested. “And I'm broke. I only get the shitty pocket money from the foster home, but your mother gives you money too, right? So you have to have more than me!” “I mean, yea it's true, but still -” “I'll pay next time” Bakugou said before he could really put thought in it. Actually he wanted to get Kirishima to buy him some ice cream because he had like 2 bucks left from his pocket money and still a little bit over a week to go till next month – without promising to buy ice cream next time. But seeing Kirishimas disappointed face after demanding it so meanly, made Bakugou say his promise faster than he could think. Why the fuck do I care for this dumb idiot?! Kirishima smiled brightly. “All right! Which type do you want?” A couple of minutes the later the two boys sat on a small wall right by the riverside. It was a beautiful day with a bright blue sky, a little bit too hot for Bakugous tastes. A lot of people were sitting on the grass picnicking, kids played, bikers drove by and teenagers swam at the rivers edge while an elder yelled at them for being to risky. For a while Bakugou and Kirishima ate their ice cream silently, sitting right next to each other. Eventually it was Bakugou who broke the silence: “About your dyslexia. I thought about what you told me yesterday and I'm a bit confused why you have to read out loud in class. Doesn't the teacher know you have dyslexia?” “Every teacher knows” Kirishima answered and shrugged his shoulders. “But some don't care. My homeroom teacher constantly tells me that I have to challenge myself with reading out loud in class. I told her it makes me uncomfortable, but she doesn't care. Sometimes when I refuse to read, she puts me in detention.” “Bitch” Bakugou grumbled and Kirishima laughed. “I should have known” Bakugou continued. “There were rarely any teachers who were at least a bit understanding towards my anger issues... I guess it's like that for everyone with problems that could potentially disturb the teachers class.” “Hmm...” Kirishima went silent for a moment and then he asked with caution: “Did anyone ever made fun of you because of your issues?” You mean like provoking me on purpose and then laughing at me while I have an anger meltdown? Bakugou pressed his lips, before he grudgingly answered: “Yea.” Again silence for a few seconds, until Bakugou grabbed Kirishimas chin and pressed his cheeks so suddenly and fast that the boy let out a surprised “Blrgh!” “If you tell anyone, I'll fucking kill you!” Bakugou warned him, his voice sounding like a growl. “I won't!” Kirishima answered, looking like a fish with his cheeks pressed like that. Bakugou let go of him and he rubbed his face. “Let's go to the park.” Bakugou jumped from the wall and Kirishima followed him.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Renegades chapter 13 will be out sometime next week... I can already tell you this was the hardest chapter to write, it starts off really really dark
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Summary: Bakugou and Kirishima become roommates at a boys only juvenile home.
Warning: English is not my mother language. My english vocabulary isn’t too big, so you might find my writing style very simple and with some grammar errors.  
The boys all have a tough relationship with their parents. I know that Bakugous parents would never do what they do in my fic, but it’s an AU and I just replaced most of the parents with dickheads (:
My friends! From now one I will post a link to the new chapters. As you can see on Ao3 instead of posting two small chapters, I post one long chapter!
I hope you like it! I’m really fast with writing, too! Chapter 5 is already done haha.
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moonchild-sara · 6 years
I’m writing the Kiribaku fic again to distract me from something horrible that’s going on right now. Here’s a little excerpt (not revised), maybe you like it~
Excerpt from Chapter Two of Renegades:
“That's not... really uplifting” Kirishima said.
“Don't worry! With Bakugou as your teacher, you will ace all the tests to come!” Mina exclaimed. She reached with both hands to Bakugou and before he knew it, a perfectly braided flower crown of dandelions sat in his hair. “Aw, it suits you well!”
Sero and Jirou laughed so loud, they woke up Kaminari. Immediately Bakugou snapped and wanted to rip the flower crown from his head, but the moment he reached up, Kirishima said: “It looks kinda cute.”
Wait, what -
Bakugou could feel the blood rushing into his head. He cursed and threw the flower crown back to Mina, who was still laughing. He knew he was blushing really hard and for once in his life, he hoped that the others thought it was out of anger. At this point he didn't really knew what to do or think about the fact, that it made him indeed very happy that Kirishima called him “cute”.
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