#fantasty birding
kabukiaku · 1 year
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oc is not mine, she belongs to the awesome cr0wfeathers on instagram! i just thought they were so cool, I had to draw them.
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skywolfcreations · 1 year
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Another D&D character! Kyroc, the Aarakocra wild magic sorcerer! She gained a new outfit when the campaign had a small time jump. Later on she had a magical accident and turned blue. No that was not planed.
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iambittythings · 1 year
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Belted Kingfisher Gryphon! Made this little lady for Furnal Equinox, based on one of my local birds. They're very fun to watch fish, and striking too!
She came home with me from Furnal Equinox, but she can stay and guard my shelf with her stern little face for now, until we go to Anime North. :)
If you'd like a beast, please check out the shop.
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Another old one ha
I was really going for it in high school
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umrohterbaik16 · 29 days
FANTASTIS!!! WA 0852-2397-6277 Promo Umroh Hemat Ekonomis Tasikmalaya
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Umroh Hemat Berkualitas, https://wa.me/6285223976277 paket umroh, biaya umroh, umroh 2024, umroh plus turki, travel umroh, jadwal umroh, umroh ramadhan, umroh promo, umroh backpacker, umroh vip, syarat umroh, pendaftaran umroh, umroh plus mesir, umroh keluarga, umroh hemat.
Umroh Hemat Bersama JTravel
Umroh Hemat dari JTravel ke Kota-Kota Tercinta!
JTravel dengan bangga mempersembahkan paket umroh hemat yang dirancang khusus untuk Anda, warga Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, Bandung, Bekasi, Jakarta, Depok, Ciamis, Garut, Cirebon, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Banda Aceh, Tasikmalaya, Tangerang, Serang , Lebak, Pandeglang, dan Cianjur. Kami memahami betapa pentingnya perjalanan spiritual ini bagi Anda, dan kami hadir untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan harga yang bersahabat.
Mengapa Memilih JTravel?
Umroh Murah dengan Fasilitas Lengkap Kami menawarkan paket umroh murah tanpa mengurangi kualitas pelayanan. Setiap paket dilengkapi dengan akomodasi hotel bintang 3, makanan halal tiga kali sehari, transportasi nyaman, dan bimbingan umroh oleh pembimbing berpengalaman.
Berbagai Paket Umroh Mulai dari paket umroh reguler hingga umroh plus Turki, Mesir, atau destinasi menarik lainnya. Ada juga paket umroh ramadhan untuk Anda yang ingin merasakan ibadah di bulan suci di Tanah Suci.
Kemudahan Pembayaran Kami menyediakan berbagai opsi pembayaran yang fleksibel, sehingga Anda dapat merencanakan perjalanan umroh tanpa beban finansial yang berat.
Travel Umroh Terpercaya Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, JTravel telah menjadi salah satu agen travel umroh terpercaya. Ribuan jamaah telah kami berangkatkan dengan aman dan nyaman.
Syarat dan Pendaftaran Umroh
Pendaftaran umroh bersama JTravel sangat mudah. Anda cukup melengkapi syarat umroh seperti paspor, foto, dan dokumen pendukung lainnya. Tim kami siap membantu Anda dalam setiap tahap pendaftaran hingga keberangkatan.
Promo Umroh untuk Anda!
Nikmati berbagai promo umroh menarik yang kami tawarkan. Mulai dari diskon khusus untuk pendaftaran rombongan, promo early bird untuk pendaftaran lebih awal, hingga umroh backpacker bagi Anda yang ingin berhemat tanpa mengurangi kenyamanan.
Jadwal Keberangkatan
Kami menyediakan jadwal keberangkatan umroh sepanjang tahun, termasuk umroh awal tahun, akhir tahun, dan umroh pada bulan-bulan spesial seperti Oktober, November, Desember, Januari, dan Februari. Pastikan Anda memesan lebih awal untuk mendapatkan slot keberangkatan yang sesuai dengan rencana Anda.
Hubungi Kami
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi JTravel jika Anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut. Tim customer service kami siap melayani Anda dengan ramah dan profesional. Dapatkan paket umroh hemat Anda sekarang juga dan wujudkan impian untuk beribadah di Tanah Suci bersama JTravel.
Kantor Perwakilan JTravel di Kota Anda
Untuk memudahkan Anda, JTravel memiliki kantor perwakilan di kota-kota besar seperti Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, Bandung, Bekasi, Jakarta, Depok, Ciamis, Garut, Cirebon, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Banda Aceh, Tasikmalaya, Tangerang, Serang , Lebak, Pandeglang, dan Cianjur. Kunjungi kantor kami dan dapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai paket umroh hemat yang kami tawarkan.
JTravel: Solusi Terbaik untuk Perjalanan Spiritual Anda
Dengan JTravel, perjalanan umroh Anda menjadi lebih mudah, nyaman, dan terjangkau. Segera daftar dan jadikan momen umroh Anda tak terlupakan bersama kami. Kami tunggu Anda di Tanah Suci!
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi layanan pelanggan kami di 0852-2397-6277.
JTravel, sahabat perjalanan umroh Anda.""
Alamat : Jl. Mojopahit No.50, RT.25/RW.08, Winongo, Kec. Manguharjo, Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur 63126
#umroh, #umrohberapahari, #umrohbiaya, #umrohadalah, #umrohsolo, #biayaumroh2024, #perbedaanhajidanumroh, #umroh2024
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piapiatoss · 1 month
Perjalanan Kreatif Pembuat Film Animasi Terkenal
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Dunia film animasi tidak akan lengkap tanpa kontribusi dari para pembuat film yang visioner dan inovatif. Dari penggambaran karakter yang ikonik hingga penciptaan dunia yang fantastis, perjalanan kreatif para pembuat film animasi terkenal adalah kisah inspiratif yang mencerminkan dedikasi, imajinasi, dan keterampilan luar biasa. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi perjalanan beberapa tokoh utama dalam industri animasi dan bagaimana mereka telah membentuk dunia film animasi seperti yang kita kenal hari ini.
1. Walt Disney: Pelopor dan Visioner
Walt Disney adalah nama yang sangat terkenal dalam dunia animasi. Dikenal sebagai pelopor animasi dan pendiri The Walt Disney Company, Disney memulai perjalanan kreatifnya dengan membuat film animasi pendek dan karakter pertama yang ikonik, Mickey Mouse.
Mimpi Disney untuk menciptakan pengalaman hiburan yang magis membawanya pada penciptaan Steamboat Willie (1928), film pendek pertama Mickey Mouse yang sukses. Terobosan ini menandai awal dari sebuah era baru dalam animasi, dengan Disney terus berinovasi melalui teknologi dan teknik baru, termasuk fitur animasi panjang seperti Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), film animasi panjang pertama yang menjadi klasik.
Keberanian Disney untuk bereksperimen dan visi kreatifnya tentang taman hiburan seperti Disneyland mencerminkan semangat inovasi yang terus mempengaruhi industri animasi hingga saat ini.
2. Hayao Miyazaki: Maestro Animasi Jepang
Hayao Miyazaki adalah seorang maestro dalam dunia animasi Jepang, dikenal karena karya-karyanya yang penuh dengan keajaiban, imajinasi, dan pesan mendalam. Sebagai salah satu pendiri Studio Ghibli, Miyazaki telah menciptakan beberapa film animasi yang dianggap sebagai mahakarya, termasuk My Neighbor Totoro (1988) dan Spirited Away (2001).
Perjalanan kreatif Miyazaki dimulai dengan minatnya dalam manga dan ilustrasi, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi karir di animasi. Karyanya sering kali menonjolkan tema-tema seperti pelestarian lingkungan, kekuatan wanita, dan pencarian identitas, yang digambarkan dengan gaya visual yang khas dan narasi yang mendalam. Spirited Away bahkan memenangkan Academy Award untuk Film Animasi Terbaik, mengukuhkan posisinya sebagai salah satu pembuat film animasi terbesar di dunia.
3. John Lasseter: Pelopor CGI dan Pixar
John Lasseter adalah salah satu tokoh penting di balik kesuksesan Pixar Animation Studios dan inovasi dalam animasi berbasis CGI. Sebagai salah satu pendiri Pixar, Lasseter memainkan peran kunci dalam pengembangan film animasi berbasis komputer, mulai dari Toy Story (1995), film animasi panjang pertama yang sepenuhnya menggunakan teknologi CGI.
Perjalanan Lasseter dimulai sebagai animator di The Walt Disney Company sebelum bergabung dengan Pixar. Visi dan semangatnya untuk menggabungkan teknologi canggih dengan cerita yang kuat membawanya pada penciptaan film-film seperti Finding Nemo (2003) dan Cars (2006). Lasseter dikenal karena kemampuannya untuk memadukan inovasi teknis dengan elemen emosional yang membuat film animasi Pixar begitu berhasil secara kritis dan komersial.
4. Tim Burton: Gaya Gelap dan Fantasi
Tim Burton adalah seorang pembuat film yang dikenal karena gaya visualnya yang gelap dan fantasi yang unik. Meski lebih dikenal di dunia film live-action, Burton juga memiliki kontribusi besar dalam animasi dengan film seperti The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) dan Corpse Bride (2005).
Burton memulai karirnya sebagai animator di Disney sebelum mengembangkan gaya visualnya sendiri yang sangat dikenali. The Nightmare Before Christmas, yang dihasilkan di bawah arahannya, menonjolkan desain karakter yang khas dan cerita yang penuh dengan elemen gothic, memperlihatkan bagaimana Burton memadukan imajinasi dan estetika gelap dalam animasi.
5. Brad Bird: Narasi dan Inovasi
Brad Bird adalah seorang pembuat film animasi yang dikenal karena karyanya di Pixar dan peranannya dalam mengarahkan film seperti The Incredibles (2004) dan Ratatouille (2007). Bird memulai karirnya dengan pekerjaan di berbagai studio animasi sebelum bergabung dengan Pixar.
Burung dikenal karena kemampuannya dalam menciptakan cerita yang menyentuh dan karakter yang kompleks, serta keahlian dalam menggabungkan elemen narasi yang kuat dengan animasi yang inovatif. The Incredibles misalnya, menggabungkan genre superhero dengan cerita keluarga, sementara Ratatouille mengeksplorasi tema impian dan pencapaian dalam konteks dunia kuliner.
Perjalanan kreatif para pembuat film animasi terkenal mencerminkan dedikasi dan imajinasi yang mendorong batasan dalam industri ini. Dari Walt Disney yang membuka jalan untuk animasi panjang, hingga Hayao Miyazaki yang menciptakan dunia magis dan filosofi mendalam, masing-masing pembuat film telah memberikan kontribusi unik yang membentuk cara kita melihat dan mengalami animasi. Melalui inovasi teknologi, gaya visual yang khas, dan narasi yang mendalam, mereka telah menciptakan karya-karya yang tidak hanya menghibur tetapi juga menginspirasi penonton di seluruh dunia.
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FANTASTIS!!! WA 0852-2397-6277 Promo Umroh Hemat Untuk 3 Orang Tangerang
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Umroh Hemat dari JTravel untuk Kota-Kota Tercinta! JTravel dengan bangga mempersembahkan paket umroh hemat yang dirancang khusus untuk Anda, warga Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, Bandung, Bekasi, Jakarta, Depok, Ciamis, Garut, Cirebon, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Banda Aceh, Tasikmalaya, Tangerang, Serang, Lebak, Pandeglang, dan Cianjur. Kami memahami betapa pentingnya perjalanan spiritual ini bagi Anda, dan kami hadir untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan harga yang bersahabat. Mengapa Memilih JTravel? 1. Umroh Murah dengan Fasilitas Lengkap Kami menawarkan paket umroh murah tanpa mengurangi kualitas pelayanan. Setiap paket dilengkapi dengan akomodasi hotel bintang 3, makanan halal tiga kali sehari, transportasi nyaman, dan bimbingan umroh oleh pembimbing berpengalaman. 2. Beragam Paket Umroh Mulai dari paket umroh reguler hingga umroh plus Turki, Mesir, atau destinasi menarik lainnya. Ada juga paket umroh ramadhan untuk Anda yang ingin merasakan ibadah di bulan suci di Tanah Suci. 3. Kemudahan Pembayaran Kami menyediakan berbagai opsi pembayaran yang fleksibel, sehingga Anda dapat merencanakan perjalanan umroh tanpa beban finansial yang berat. 4. Travel Umroh Terpercaya Dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun, JTravel telah menjadi salah satu agen travel umroh terpercaya. Ribuan jamaah telah kami berangkatkan dengan aman dan nyaman. Syarat dan Pendaftaran Umroh Pendaftaran umroh bersama JTravel sangat mudah. Anda cukup melengkapi syarat umroh seperti paspor, foto, dan dokumen pendukung lainnya. Tim kami siap membantu Anda dalam setiap tahap pendaftaran hingga keberangkatan. Promo Umroh untuk Anda! Nikmati berbagai promo umroh menarik yang kami tawarkan. Mulai dari diskon khusus untuk pendaftaran kelompok, promo early bird untuk pendaftaran lebih awal, hingga umroh backpacker bagi Anda yang ingin berhemat tanpa mengurangi kenyamanan. Jadwal Keberangkatan Kami menyediakan jadwal keberangkatan umroh sepanjang tahun, termasuk umroh awal tahun, akhir tahun, dan umroh pada bulan-bulan spesial seperti Oktober, November, Desember, Januari, dan Februari. Pastikan Anda memesan lebih awal untuk mendapatkan slot keberangkatan yang sesuai dengan rencana Anda. Hubungi Kami Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi JTravel jika Anda membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut. Tim customer service kami siap melayani Anda dengan ramah dan profesional. Dapatkan paket umroh hemat Anda sekarang juga dan wujudkan impian untuk beribadah di Tanah Suci bersama JTravel. Kantor Perwakilan JTravel di Kota Anda Untuk memudahkan Anda, JTravel memiliki kantor perwakilan di kota-kota besar seperti Bukit Tinggi, Padang, Tanjung Pinang, Bandung, Bekasi, Jakarta, Depok, Ciamis, Garut, Cirebon, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Banda Aceh, Tasikmalaya, Tangerang, Serang, Lebak, Pandeglang, dan Cianjur. Kunjungi kantor kami dan dapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai paket umroh hemat yang kami tawarkan. JTravel: Solusi Terbaik untuk Perjalanan Spiritual Anda Dengan JTravel, perjalanan umroh Anda menjadi lebih mudah, nyaman, dan terjangkau. Segera daftar dan jadikan momen umroh Anda tak terlupakan bersama kami. Kami tunggu Anda di Tanah Suci! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi layanan pelanggan kami di 0852-2397-6277. JTravel, sahabat perjalanan umroh Anda.""
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clearskiiye · 3 months
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These are some of my characters , i have finally had the time to make them info sheets (( the only reason I drew them with underwear is because I don’t wanna have them naked on my blog.. ( i didn’t draw any organs or anything like that tho xd ) ))
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Percy , a former prince of a race of underwater people. ( opt. - optional , symmet. - symmetrical, )
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Lemon / Lillian. A daughter of a famous general with famous sons .. she wasn’t in the spotlight much because of her medical issues. She doesn’t mind though, she is good at other things. She is a member or a fantasty.. race .
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R - shee doesn’t talk much about her self , so almost no one knows much about her. She is a member of a species that is related to birds ( the bird species mentioned are the birds that her parents looked the most similar to )
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ben1d · 11 months
The Complete Truth About Parrots as Pets: What You Need to Know
Parrots, known for their vibrant plumage and remarkable intelligence, are captivating creatures that have charmed bird enthusiasts for generations. As potential pet owners, it's vital to uncover the complete truth about parrots as pets to ensure a harmonious and fulfilling companionship. In this brief guide, we will unveil the essential facts and considerations that will help you make an informed decision about welcoming a parrot into your home.
Section 1: Parrot Personality and Characteristics
Parrots are renowned for their vibrant personalities and striking appearances. They exhibit traits like:
a. Intelligence: Parrots are exceptionally intelligent and can learn various tricks and even mimic human speech.
b. Long Lifespan: Parrots have a long lifespan, often living for several decades, which is a long-term commitment.
c. Social Nature: Parrots are social animals that require regular interaction and mental stimulation.
Section 2: Parrot Species Diversity
There are over 400 species of parrots, each with unique characteristics and requirements. Popular species kept as pets include the African Grey, Amazon, Cockatiel, and Budgerigar, among others. Research the specific needs and traits of the species you're interested in to make an informed choice.
Section 3: Parrot Care and Maintenance
Parrot ownership comes with responsibilities, including:
a. Diet: Parrots require a balanced diet of high-quality pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and a variety of nuts and seeds.
b. Cage and Space: Providing a spacious cage and regular out-of-cage time is essential for their well-being.
c. Mental Stimulation: Parrots need mental stimulation through toys, puzzles, and social interaction to prevent boredom and behavioral issues.
Section 4: Noise Level
One crucial aspect to be aware of is that parrots can be noisy. Their vocalizations, including squawking and mimicking sounds, can be loud and may not be suitable for quiet living environments.
Section 5: Lifelong Commitment
Parrots are a long-term commitment. Some species can live for 50 years or more. Potential owners should be prepared for a lifelong bond and the financial and emotional responsibilities that come with it.
Section 6: Legal Considerations
Check your local regulations regarding parrot ownership. Some species may be protected, and permits might be required in certain regions.
Section 7: Allergies
Parrot feathers and dander can trigger allergies in some individuals. Make sure no one in your household has severe allergies before bringing a parrot home.
Owning a parrot can be a rewarding experience, but it's essential to be aware of the complete truth about parrots as pets. Their intelligence, longevity, and social nature make them unique companions, but they also demand a high level of care and commitment. Before deciding to bring a parrot into your life, thoroughly research the species you're interested in and consider the long-term implications of their care. By understanding what you're getting into, you can create a loving and lasting bond with your feathered friend.
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friendswithclay · 1 year
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“Front view: Jug Bichrome IV Ware. Cypro-archaic I - IIA. H. 0.299 m.; Diam. 0.199 m. (H. L. Pierce Fund 01.8046). This low slung jug with trefoil lip seems to be a variant of the free-field style, which is characterized by a single element, such as a bird, on the shoulder of the jug. Here, an especially inventive painter was not content with the predictable lotus flowers and birds. He has decorated the lower body with a fantastie two-headed winged creature apparently wearing helmets.”
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             This exciting two-day safari will take you to Tarangire National Park and the magnificent Ngorongoro Crater, where you'll have opportunity to explore wildlife and interact with animals including elephants, lions, giraffes, antelopes, and more. The crater will bring your memories to life because you can see so many different creatures there.
ABOUT TARANGIRE: Tarangire National Park is well-known for its large elephant population and baobab trees. Visitors to the park can see large herds of zebras, wildebeest, and Cape buffalo during the dry season, which runs from June to November. Water antelope, giraffe, dik dik, sea antelope, Grant's antelope, vervet monkey, banded mongoose, and olive baboons are also common residents. Predators in Tarangire include lions, leopards, jaguars, caracals, badgers, and wild dogs. Tarangire has the oldest elephant to give birth to twins. The recent birth of elephant twins in Tanzania's Tarangire National Park exemplifies how the birth of these two healthy and thriving twins can overcome all obstacles. It is home to over 550 bird species. 2 days tarangire
The park is a birder's haven. The termite mounds that dot the landscape are well-known as well. The focus of wildlife research is on African forest elephants and Masai giraffes. The protected area has been designated as a Lion Conservation Unit since 2005
JUNE AND OCTOBER ARE THE BEST MONTHS TO VISIT TARANGIRE. Animals from the surrounding areas migrate into the park. When wild animals are near a river, they are easier to spot. Weather is pleasant and sunny. There are fewer mosquitos and the risk of malaria is lower. Warm clothing is required from June to August because morning matches are extremely cold. MAY & NOVEMBER The vegetation is lush and beautiful. Because it is the off season, prices are low. This is the best time to go bird watching because migratory birds are present. Many animals leave the park, and wildlife viewing is not as good as it is during the dry season. The rainy season lasts from March to May.
NGORONGORO INFORMATION The Ngorongoro Conservation Area is one of Africa's best places to see wildlife. It is also a popular tourist destination in Tanzania. The main activities in Ngorongoro Conservation Area are hiking safaris to see wildlife from the crater rim (which can take up to 6 hours), crater rim, visiting local Maasai villages, and the game of driving around and in the crater. He is his own person. Other attractions include Lake Magadi, Lerai Fever Forest, Olduvai Gorge, shifting sand, Mount Gol, Olmoti Crater, Empakaai Crater, Ol Karien Gorge, Nasera Rock, Salei Plain, Oldeani Mountain, Lake Natron, Ol Doinyo Lengai, and a visit to the Hadzabe tribe. Lake Magadi is a shallow lake with alkaline water that attracts a lot of flamingos.
The lake's isolation, salt water, and abundance of algae attract flamingos and other birds. Other animals, such as hyenas and jackals, visit the lake to supplement their diet by licking salt. A single, rare, slender, pale yellow acacia tree dominates the Lerai fever forest. These trees are enjoyed by rhinos, bush antelopes, elephants, elands, hyraxes, and birds. The ash from Mount Ol Dionyo causes quicksand.
This ash slowly moves across the vast plains, providing tourists visiting the area with a spectacular sight. In addition to Ngorongoro, other large craters in the area include Olmoti and Empakaai. Both of these craters are ideal for taking nature walks, viewing wildlife, and watching Maasai herders tend to their livestock. It runs parallel to It is situated on a major migration route for thousands of zebras and wildebeest as they make their way to and from the Serengeti plains. Near the Kenyan border, the Ol Doinyo Lengai Mountains contain an ancient shelter discovered by the Leakey family during one of their excavations. These remote mountains are still active, attracting daring climbers who want to see the main crater filled with lava. Visit the Maasai people or For a fantastic cultural tour in Tanzania, visit Hadzabe tribe villages near Lake Eyasi. These bushmen's survival is still based on hunting and gathering. Their language consists mostly of whistles and clicks. The Hadzabe live near Datoga and the Mbulu, who survive through farming and pastoralism. If you're thinking about visiting Ngorongoro Crater soon, consider our Serengeti and Ngorongoro Safari 3-Day Package. We also offer a fantastic 6-day gorilla tour, as well as a safari package to Ngorongoro and Serengeti.
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT NGORONGORO? Because it is wildebeest breeding season in the area, JANUARY is the best month to visit Ngorongoro Crater. The herds are'mass spawning' on the verdant plains just outside the crater, providing excellent photographic opportunities for the young who are struggling to get to their feet. January and February fall between the region's two rainy seasons, and these months can create a dry period between "short rains" and "long rains."
Before the rains arrive in late March at the crater, February is one of the driest months. This is an excellent time to observe game, particularly lion and hyena predators preparing to hunt crowded herds. March is regarded as one of the best months to visit Ngorongoro Crater in order to avoid crowds and enjoy a reasonable price. The "long rains" begin in late March and last through April and May, transforming the crater into an emerald paradise.
June is an excellent time to visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. The "long rains" are over, and game drives are becoming less crowded. The peak season for the Ngorongoro Crater Expedition does not begin until late June or early July. The cooler weather this month makes it an ideal time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, a popular addition. for the Ngorongoro Crater hunting expedition
The months of JULY and AUGUST are peak months for visiting Ngorongoro Crater, and accommodation around the crater is usually quite closed during these months. During the dry season, visitors from all over the world flock to see wildlife on the arid plains and their frequent visits to waterholes. At this time of year, it is common to see leopards, lions, rhinos, and buffaloes and elephants
in the same day.
SEPTEMBER marks the beginning of spring, but it still falls during the dry season, as is typical in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Crater can be quite cool this time of year. The crater's bottom has become a dusty bowl due to the recent dry weather, and the grasslands have turned yellow. October is a time of weather transition at Ngorongoro Crater, with the beginning of the month marking the peak of the long dry season and the "short rains" that begin just before November.
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coward1 · 2 years
Y'all remember starlight and starlyn? Well I'm gonna write some of their moments! basically just them being sisters.
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6:00AM Wednesday
It was an cold morning, birds chirping,sun rising,and of course! Cannot forget about starlight complaining about her duties.
“starlight! Wake up, we've got tasks to do!”starlyn half-yelled (idk if that's a word but eh😕) at her sister for the 3rd time this morning. Starlyn is just like a personal alarm clock to starlight.
“five..more minutes..” starlight hugged her pillow a bit tighter and went back to her fantasties. Starlyn is TRYING not to yell at her sister. “listen here starlight, you have been saying that for the past 10 minutes! ,if you don't want to wake up, I'll tell your trainer to go harder on your training!!” starlyn finally yelled at her sister, about time she does.
Suddenly starlight's eyes went wide as fuck and said “ANYTHING BUT MY TRAINING.” starlight awoke from her slumber. Starlyn thought to herself:‘never knew that would work.’
“about time you surrender.” starlyn smirked in triumph and starlight frowned in defeat.
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11:56PM Wednesday
The sisters' tasks were finally done. They were very challenging and exhausting tasks, but hey! Atleast they finished it before 12AM!..
As soon as the sisters enter the room they plopped down to their beds, exhausted as fuck.
“...I hate tasks! They're so..exhausting!, Why are we the only ones who receive such tasks..?!” starlight huffed.
“because we're the higher ups sister..we have to do these tasks.” starlyn replied to her sister whilst closing her eyes.
“hmppff..” starlight then drifted to sleep.
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I gotta admit, school is fun and stressing..might change my opinion lmfao
anyway hope y'all like it🫶
Take care and goodbye!
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upmediaid · 2 years
Elon Musk Resmi Beli Twitter dan Depak 4 Petingginya Sekaligus
Elon Musk Resmi Beli Twitter dan Depak 4 Petingginya Sekaligus
Upmedia.id – Orang terkaya di dunia, Elon Musk Resmi Beli Twitter dengan harga fantastis senilai $44 miliar (£38,1 miliar). Usai menyelesaikan pembelian Musk segera mengganti biografi akun twitternya dengan “Chief Twit”. Selain itu Elon Musk juga mencuitkan postingan yang menunjukkan bahwa saat ini ia telah membebaskan twitter dengan caption, “the bird is freed.” the bird is freed— Elon Musk…
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lowpolyanimals · 3 years
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Bird from Final Fantasy III
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Samtember Days 14 and 15: Wings/Angel and Birds/Telepathic Powers
Hey, people! I’ve made another fic for @samtember2022! It's a fic inspired by a gif I saw @samothy-wilson posting, so I'm gifting the fic to them as well. It's counting for both the "Wings" prompt and the "Birds/Telepathic Powers" prompts because it has both. I hope y'all enjoy this vibey fic about Bucky summoning a fairy king named Sam! 🥰
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Summoning the Seelie King
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.6K |
Summary: Sam, the Seelie King, is summoned to the mortal plane. He decides to accept the summoning, curious as to where it may lead him.
“A summons,” murmured Redwing, “Strange that someone might hail for you.” “Don’t say it like that. I’m very popular,” said Sam, standing up from his gold leaf throne as fall itself wandered with him down the steps of his throne room, towards the mirrored water on the edge of it, “A lot of people would love to know me.” “True. But how many can actually summon you?” countered Redwing, flying off the throne and onto Sam’s shoulder, “Who would be reckless enough to summon a Seelie King?” His wings twitched. He didn’t have the sense. Not like many others of his kind. He had no idea what lay ahead in the future. But he sometimes had feelings. An instinct that called to him, told him to go. Something in Sam was clawing at him; it was screaming out to him that this was important. That it was going to be important. “Someone willing to take risks,” said Sam as he grinned at the thought, excitement bubbling under the surface of his skin.
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Love this mysteriously surreal acrylic and colored pencil image - entitled "Way of Words" - by Tran Nguyen (aka @mynameistran) ?⁣ ⁣ She achieves her distinctive painterly style by using as many as 60 very diluted acrylic glazes, which really *is* as time-consuming as it sounds!⁣ ⁣ Open up Issue 28 of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and you'll learn much more about Tran's artistic process. ⁣ ...⁣ posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CKhtWHRIDQE/
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