#fanworks competition
calware · 8 months
thinking about doing a month-long event for the homestuck tumblr community to encourage people to make + post fanworks as well as reblog other people's fanworks.... where people can opt-in by being randomly assigned one of two teams (probably red and blue) so that each team has roughly the same amount of members. teams get points for making fanworks and having their posts reblogged, which encourages people to make posts and also reblog the posts made by their team members. and the top 3 people in each team to get the most points get some kind of reward... hmmmm
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Welcome to "Character A Character B"!
Calling all fandom enthusiasts! Step into a world of possibilities as we bring you the ultimate writing and art challenges!
Are you a fanfiction enthusiast looking for a welcoming community to share your passion? Look no further! We're thrilled to announce the launch of "Character A Character B" – a vibrant and inclusive space open to all fandoms and all ages.
What we offer:
Exchanges: Dive into creative collaborations with fellow fans.
Word Count Competitions: Challenge yourself and showcase your writing skills.
Prompts: Get inspired and explore new story ideas.
Flash Fests: Engage in quick and fun writing challenges.
Celebrations: Write about stories based on a holiday, occasion, or specific event.
Bingos: participants complete a 3x3 grid of prompts based on a specific theme.
Join us and be part of a supportive community where creativity thrives! Whether you're into fanfiction, original stories, or simply love discussing your favorite characters, there's a place for you here.
Spread the word and invite your fellow fandom friends! Let's create unforgettable stories together.
Our Discord Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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dazeddoodles · 2 months
Oedipus anon when Luz straight-up tells Raine to keep Eda safe in the most not-fucking-around voice she’s ever used
To Oedipus anon they probably see that scene as Luz jealous Raine's the one who is going to end up with Eda
Ive already mentioned the version of Lumity a lot of fans imagine in their heads is toxic (including that anon who to kill off all of Luz's family so she can only pay attention to Amity)
But the version of Luz and Eda's relationship these people imagine is even worst
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bestygogirl · 1 year
also! feel free to @ me in fanworks featuring any of the girls and i'll reblog them
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hermitadaymay · 5 months
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I'm thrilled to bring this challenge to you all for the second year in a row! Hermit-a-Day May is a challenge inspired by Hermitober, but with a twist: instead of theme prompts, we focus on a specific Hermit every day!
THE RULES: 1. Any type of fanwork is welcome so long as it features, or is otherwise inspired by, the Hermit of the day. 2. Tag #hermitaday to have your fanwork reblogged, or submit it directly to the blog (Please note that while I recognize the value of fanworks involving more mature themes, and they can certainly count toward challenge completion if you're keeping track for yourself, content on this blog will be kept "PG-13" so that all may enjoy.). 3. Fanworks for one Hermit posted after the day rolls over to another Hermit's day (per the US Central time zone) will be reblogged in a big queue in June. 4. I am not interested in seeing captions or tags in which you disparage your art/skills. We're all improving all the time. Be kind to yourselves.
WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? To show love to every Hermit, from the most to least subscribed, from those who have been on the server from day one to those who only joined this season! And because challenges are fun! And because, this year, there's an extra dimension to the event: a fundraiser for Gamers Outreach, featuring art incentives by @rendiggitydog and @belmarzi.
GRAND TOTAL INCENTIVE: For every $150 we raise for Gamers Outreach, belmarzi will make 10 seconds' worth of animatic, featuring as many Hermits as she can fit into the time frame.
INDIVIDUAL DONATION INCENTIVE: For every $50 (formerly $65 - changed 5/3) you personally donate to the fundraiser during the month of May, Rae rendiggitydog will draw you a shaded flats commission of a Hermit of your choice.
WHO’S RUNNING THIS? Hi! My name is Luna! You can use she/her, he/him, ze/hir, or ro/ros/roseself pronouns for me. My main blog is @as-if-unreal. Yep, before you ask, it really is just me, but to be fair I've had a lot of help.
TFC - May 5th While he may no longer be with us physically, TFC left behind him a legacy of quiet care and good humor, and Hermitcraft would not have been the same without him.
FRIENDS OF HERMITCRAFT - May 12th There are plenty of shows, podcasts, competitions, other servers, and more woven into the internet ecosystem around Hermitcraft, and plenty more people involved in them: just as a small number of examples, Season 9's Rift opened up to a whole server of Emperor friends, and there are always allies to be made in MCC and enemies to be made in the Life Series. Today is for celebrating all of those who, while they may not be Hermits themselves, exist and entertain in proximity to them.
FAVORITE "ALT" HERMIT - May 19th HoTGuY and Poultry-Man. Helsknight and Evil Xisuma. Renbob and - look, you get the idea. This server is full of theater kids ready to toss on an alternate skin and play into a brand new character at the drop of a hat. Who's your favorite?
GROUPS AND COLLABS - May 26th This month is all about one Hermit a day... but what we really love is when they interact with each other. What does your favorite duo or group of Hermits get up to together?
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 1 month
How do you feel about the fact that Katsuki’s apology and his death are not brought up again? I was really sad they never talked about it all. Do you have any headcanons for when/how/if they ever talk?
Dear anon, you've activated my trap card.
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By which I mean you've asked me about something on which my feelings apparently vastly differ from those of most people.
To answer your question, I did not expect nor even want a scene addressing the apology again in-canon. Neither did I expect a scene where they discuss Katsuki's death, though I was less opposed to that.
But let me specify this right off the bat: there is a distinction between what I would enjoy seeing and what I think has narrative weight.
And I think that's fascinating to talk about. You asked me how I feel, so get ready!
When people say they wish Katsuki and Izuku had talked about his death, what are they wanting?
Do they want to see Izuku get vulnerable and choked up over Katsuki, shed tears for him? Do they want to see Katsuki see him like that, and watch him soften and let Izuku open up? Do they want to see him take Izuku's hand and comfort him, reassure him that they won, that it's over, that he's still here, and no one is gonna keep him from getting back up again? With the implication that getting back up again means standing at Izuku's side and helping him win?
I sure as fuck do!
But do I think that kind of scene does something for the story, themes, and development of them as characters that what we actually got doesn't do? Not necessarily.
See, stories are not driven by what the audience wants to see.
Stories are driven by what the characters need.
Not what they want, what they need. Often, characters are denied what they want because it does not align with what they need, and this is the very premise of their struggle. Katsuki is a great example of this, because at the start of the story, he wants to feel superior to Izuku, but what he needs is to accept his own admiration of him.
Fanworks exist to give the audience what they want, in a vacuum, totally separate from the linear structure of the narrative. You can just pop into a scene of Izuku crying and have Katsuki kiss him better and that gets us every time, doesn't it?
But in the manga, for a scene like this to exist, there has to be a need for it to address. So, what would that need be?
I think people ask for these scenes because they are under the mistaken impression that Katsuki doesn't understand how Izuku feels about him. And I cannot tell you how much I disagree with this.
If Katsuki didn't understand that Izuku cares deeply for him, then a scene like what I described would probably be intended to tell the audience that he needs to understand how Izuku feels and, up until now, he hasn't.
But that's not true.
Katsuki knows Izuku cares about him.
At the start of the manga, Katsuki is convinced Izuku looks down on him.
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Chapter 10
We the audience understand this is projection. Katsuki's admiration of Izuku makes him feel inferior, so he rejects his own self-critical feelings and assigns them to Izuku. No matter how many times Izuku shouts that he thinks Katsuki is amazing, Katsuki's inferiority complex is unfazed.
He utterly ignores it, it doesn't even register for him.
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Chapters 10 and 119
Instead he doubles-down on his own frustration and dissatisfaction with himself, engaging from a point of competition, as though Izuku had insulted him rather than complimented him.
This tells the audience that the problem does not lie with Izuku, but with Katsuki himself. Izuku cannot resolve this situation with words, we've seen him try. Instead, Katsuki needs to change his own perspective.
After Deku vs. Kacchan 2, Katsuki accepts—begrudgingly and with great discomfort—that Izuku does not look down on him.
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Chapter 120
Even though Katsuki reconciles this, that doesn't change the fact that he is weak. He needs to grow as a person and as a hero. Now, his struggle is not just about his self-perception, but also his real progress.
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Chapter 209
We joke about Kacchan being a tsundere, because he is, but part of the reason he rejects Izuku's appraisal of his progress is because he still hasn't met his own standards yet. Katsuki admires Izuku and All Might so much; he knows what they are capable of, he sees the gulf between where he is and where they are, and he is fighting like hell to close that gap.
He won't be satisfied until he does.
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Chapters 362 and 409
I've seen people talk about this moment like it is a revelation for Katsuki about Izuku's feelings.
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Chapter 359
And, first of all, lemme just say that no villain has ever said a damn thing to Kacchan that he didn't already know.
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Chapter 358
ShigAFO's comment does not exist to confirm Izuku's feelings to Katsuki. It exists to signal to Katsuki (and the audience) that ShigAFO knows how Izuku feels, and he is prepared to use it against them.
This is a threat. This is about instilling horror in us and bringing to painful fruition Katsuki's fears about being a weakness people can exploit to hurt Izuku.
But let's not bury the lede: Katsuki would not have these fears if he didn't understand that Izuku cares about him.
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Chapter 82
Look at his face and tell me he doesn't know with every fiber of his being that Izuku would die for him.
You could argue that because Katsuki understands Izuku's heroic nature better than anyone, perhaps he doesn't consider Izuku's protectiveness of him unique. Maybe he doesn't understand that Izuku loves him specifically and, to him, this is simply an expression of Izuku's selfless, save-to-win mentality.
But that I counter with two points:
Katsuki is not dumb, guys. He is our most emotionally intelligent and self-aware character. We are shown on numerous occasions that Katsuki can read between the lines and understand someone's feelings without being told (unlike Izuku, who's a damn nerd).
The story arc of Katsuki and Izuku's relationship is predicated on the fact that Katsuki rejected Izuku, but they are both unable and unwilling to truly disentangle themselves from each other. This means that their interactions, across the whole of the series, generally focus on Katsuki accepting Izuku and his own feelings, thereby restoring their relationship. To do this, he needed to both accept himself and better himself.
As a result of the second point, the focus is not on Izuku demonstrating his love for Katsuki as the bridge of change. The fact that Izuku loves Katsuki and wants him in his life is indeed highlighted frequently, but it is often treated as a given.
I've said it before: Izuku's feelings are not the ones that change the most, Katsuki's are.
Now you might say, "Maybe Katsuki doesn't need to hear Izuku's feelings, but Izuku might still need to say them!" And you're right, that is a possibility! Even if it is a given to the audience, there could be something that suggests Izuku saying these feelings out loud would be significant or change something between them.
But that's not what the series tells us.
Izuku does not hold back about the way he feels for Katsuki. Whether he is calling Kacchan a stupid jerk or saying he is amazing, Izuku is not subtle about what he thinks—in fact, these are often his most raw, unfiltered character moments, and they are significant.
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Chapter 119
The only significant time Izuku does not tell Katsuki how he feels is his image of victory moment at the end of DvK2.
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Chapter 120
My conclusion about this is that Izuku has felt conflicted about his own behavior and thinks Katsuki would reject him if he knew about it, so he chooses not to bring it up.
However, there is still a narrative purpose of showing us this thought, and that is to demonstrate that while Izuku may feel conflicted, ultimately he still accepts his own feelings. Regardless of whether Katsuki accepts him or not, the way Izuku feels won't change, and he's not sorry about it.
This moment exists for a lot of reasons, but chief among them is so that we the audience can see the true shape of Izuku's heart.
And what we see is that he loves and admires Katsuki, no matter how he acts or even what kind of person that makes Izuku.
I liken it to Katsuki's All Might card moment.
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Chapter 362
Listen, I would have loved to see my explody boy get his autograph, but the greatest impact of this scene is not in the question of whether he will get one, that's just the tragedy lying on the surface as we witness his death.
No, the most meaningful part of this moment is in how it makes the audience truly understand that he still longs for it, even after all these years.
I wanted Izuku to tell Katsuki he is his image of victory, but the fact that it doesn't happen signals to me that Izuku ultimately didn't need to say those words out loud for that moment to matter. Izuku reconciled the discomfort he felt about admiring Katsuki and embraced his positive feelings for him, and that's pretty damn important.
I can and will indulge in fandom to meet my heart's desires, and that's excellent. But rather than simply feeling disappointed by canon material, I think it is more interesting to allow both what happens in the story and what doesn't inform my understanding of it.
I have been planning an in-depth post about the apology and what I think people are missing when they say Izuku "didn't respond" to Katsuki, but let me just lightly touch on my objections to that line of thinking.
Many people in the English-speaking audience appear to have a very narrow range of actions they consider a "response," and allowing someone else to act upon you for some reason does not seem to count.
If you frame interactions only by what Character A does to Character B and see Character A as the only active participant, you are missing out on a lot.
For example, Katsuki catches Izuku, and we see that as a demonstration of his love, as we should.
But how is Izuku allowing himself to be caught not an action that expresses his feelings? How is the fact that he responded to an apology with his own apology not indicative of how he wants to connect to Katsuki in this moment? How does it not convey what he feels for Katsuki, what he has always felt for him?
Furthermore, I see a lot of people take for granted how silence is a choice, and it carries meaning. Much like with what does and doesn't happen in a story, there is meaning in what people say and what they don't.
Japanese as a language values indirectness; it is not a bug, it is a feature. This is partly to avoid forcing yourself onto others and causing them discomfort, but another part is trusting others to understand who you are and how you feel without beating them over the head with it.
But you'll have to wait for my full post to hear the rest of that idea.
I dunno if this is what you were expecting out of your question, anon, but I hope you enjoyed the ride all the same!
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 10 months
Exposing SVSSS Fanon: 4/∞
It isn't an uncommon thing for fans to headcanon their favorite characters as disabled, or queer, or otherwise having experiences that relate to the fan's own identity or promote fandom diversity. This in itself can be a very positive and affirming thing.
I will reiterate, of course, that this blog is not meant to say that anyone's headcanons are bad or invalid-- no matter what canon says, anyone can have whatever headcanon they please.
However, there is a difference between headcanon and incorrect interpretation.
The idea that Shen Yuan, prior to transmigration, was chronically or terminally ill is something that falls more heavily into the latter category. Rather than being known as a headcanon or even acknowledged as fanon, this idea is often taken as canonical fact or "default" in western fandom.
It does not stem from one person's creative interpretation of a character, but instead from an inaccurate TL note on a passage in an earlier fan translation of the novel.
In this early translation, the following passage:
was translated as:
However, Shen Qingqiu didn’t have any high requirements. He’d be content to just while away his time here and wait to die. At any rate, it wasn’t much different from his previous life. (CNoveluv/BCNovels Ch. 3)
Attached to this was the following Translator's Note:
Previous life: Bit of a subtle hint that our main character probably had a terminal illness or something that would have taken his life in time.
(many thanks to @furbygoblinxiv for quotes!)
This TL note is where the idea that Shen Yuan was canonically chronically/terminally ill originated.
However, the assumption is wholly incorrect. The phrase "混吃等死" is a saying which translates literally, to "aimlessly eating meals and waiting for death," but refers to a lack of ambition and general listlessness, or someone who just wastes their life away, not making anything of themselves.
This is in line with Shen Yuan's original description of himself:
From early on, he’d known that even if he idled the rest of his life away, he’d never want for food. Perhaps due to this carefree upbringing, devoid of either competition or pressure, he came to believe that ranking in the top ten of a competition was good enough, so long as it had more than ten people. (7S Ch. 1)
In fact, this same phrase 混吃等死 is used here in the original text, where the translation says "idled the rest of his life away."
In fanworks, Shen Yuan has sometimes been referred to as a "pretty boy waiting around to die," specifically in reference to having poor health in his previous life. This comes from another section later on in the novel:
He based this body on the appearance that he, Shen Yuan, originally had in his past life. It wasn’t as good as Shen Qingqiu’s immortal demeanor, but it could still be considered a pretty good body. The only thing was that it gave off a bit of a dispirited feeling like he was a pretty boy sitting around waiting to die. (BCNovels Ch. 44)
Yet again, this is a translation of the same phrase as before, and while not incorrect in terms of a literal translation, the true intention of the phrase does not carry over well to western audiences.
Within the novel itself, there is nothing that directly implies that Shen Yuan was terminally or chronically ill. The headcanon itself is valid as a headcanon, but not if it is taken as a canonical fact.
Of course, it cannot be entirely disproven either-- which is why this post is rated as fanon-unsupported instead of fanon-conflicting. One could argue that his cavalier attitude toward Without-A-Cure could be a result of past experience with chronic illness, or his general disconnect from his past life and body, and that would be a fair enough interpretation-- however, it could also be explained by something like depression (while I am well aware that depression is a chronic illness, the fanon of chronically ill Shen Yuan almost always is referring to specifically physical chronic illness). Either interpretation would be equally arguable, and fans should choose whichever resonates with them personally to use in their works or otherwise for themselves-- or neither, if they would prefer!
However, it should NOT be argued that chronically/terminally ill Shen Yuan is a canonically-proven fact, as it is based on an inaccurate interpretation by a translator, not on the original text itself , and it should not be spoken of as if it is any kind of erasure for Shen Yuan not to be portrayed as chronically ill.
The idea had already circulated throughout western fandom circles by the time the official English TL came out-- so it was deeply entrenched within fanon by then, and many fans likely didn't pay too much attention to the changes because of this. However, the official translation interprets the two passages listed above the following way:
Still, Shen Qingqiu was a man of few needs; he would have been satisfied just idling away to a ripe old age. In that way, it wouldn’t be that different from how his previous life had been going. (7S Ch. 1)
[Shen Yuan's appearance] just had a bit of a certain listlessness—the listlessness of a worthless pretty boy idling his life away. (7S Ch. 9)
This translation, while not word-for-word, is far more accurate in spirit, and much harder to misinterpret.
Because of misunderstandings such as this one, I highly recommend that fans who have not yet read the official translation do so, as many other such inaccuracies and misinterpretations have been clarified in this translation.
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teamliftfest · 12 days
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Announcing: Team Lift Fest 2024: A Charity Auction for Sports RPF Fandoms
What is Team Lift Fest?
Team Lift Fest is a charity auction for Sports RPF fandoms (any and all!) Inspired by @fandomtrumpshate, we’re here to utilize the energy, intensity, and competitiveness of Sports RPF fandoms to raise money for sports initiatives serving underrepresented and/or marginalized athletes.
How does Team Lift Fest work?
Creators and contributors sign up to create 1-2 digital fanworks for Sports RPF. Bidders then have 5 days to bid on the auctions. Once we confirm winning bids and contact winners, winners then donate money to one of our suggested charities, provide proof of their donation to the mods, then we’ll connect creators and bidders – and you’re off! Creators and contributors have approximately 8 months to create their work.
What charities do you support?
Supported charities can be found here!
What is the timeline of Team Lift Fest 2024?
Creator sign-ups: 9/22/24 - 10/3/24 Browsing period: 10/9-10/13 Bidding: 10/15-10/19 Proof of donations due: 11/2 Bidders and Creators make contact: 11/24 Creators have a workable prompt: 12/17 Final deadline for creators and contributors: 7/23/25
For further information, read this page on Tumblr or check out our carrd!
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gamerwoman3d · 11 months
◜I Need Attention◞
▸ includes: sub-zero [mk1 versions] ◂
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Reminder: You CAN use my Mortal Kombat 1 footage for your fanworks! [Icons, fanart, whatever is legal.]
I don't imagine him watching TV often, but when he does it's probably work related. I imagine him watching MMA tournaments and studying other martial arts matches/competitions that happen in parts of the world he can't get to. And I imagine when he's watching a live match, nothing can tear his focus off the combatants. But for a ready lady lover who needs attention, I imagine he would multitask like this -
[Spicy/Explicit after the cut 🔞]
Maybe it's late and you're already in bed together. You can't dictate the schedules of tournaments on the other side of the planet so who knows what time he wakes himself to turn on the TV. Maybe the groans and shouts of the competitors plays softly from the speakers, invading your subconscious before waking you. Or perhaps he has headphones, but reflexively hisses and groans out an "ooh" or "ouch" in sympathy for a wounded contestant. Maybe the audio that awakens you is a mixture of fighter groans and Bi-han's muttering, "should guard your left... your other left, idiot. Mmmm you got lucky."
Either way, imagine waking naked beneath a blanket to the vision of him sitting up in bed, the light of the TV casting a glow over his naked torso. Imagine you get to purr and touch him. Maybe you plant little kisses on his side and tell him you were dreaming about him. Maybe he glances at you and murmurs an apology for waking you from your dream as he pets your hair and draws you against him before he returns his focus to the match.
His hand probably feels good in your hair. He probably smells good and sounds good when he asks about your dream. You see him still focused on the match. You tell him he was licking you in your dream. He grunts absently. You nip him and he doesn't break his gaze from the TV.
But you need attention.
You're horny, you tell him. He tells you there are only a few fights left. Whatever, you're horny and you're horny right now. You tell him you want to masturbate if he's not going to play. You ask if that's okay. He thinks about it a second and says it's fine. Turn up the volume, you tell him.
You play with yourself. Tickling your clit feels better when he's next to you, even if he's not paying attention. He hears you whimper. He turns his head an inch towards you with his eyes locked on the screen. As soon as he can safely spare a glance your way, he looks down at your hand on your pussy for a fraction of a second. His own hand darts down, covers yours. He feels how you play with yourself, then pushes your hand out of the way and takes over. You hold his arm with your wet hand and bury your face in his side, panting. You work your hips and press your clit into his fingertips.
His little strokes are steady, and on the mark. It feels good. Over time it feels better and there can be sudden washes of sensitivity and pleasure in which you find yourself, not cumming, but worked up enough that you're shuddering and whimpering louder - but the second your voice breaks into anything louder than a whisper, the second you sob, his fingers hesitate on you and he peeks at your face. He slows down, goes lighter, selfishly saving you for himself for the end of the match.
The edging can blind you and you can beg him to do it harder or wait patiently for someone to win the fight, content in his arms, content with his steady strokes on your wet, swollen clit. You're too blissed out to know what's happening in the fight or how long you have to wait. You assume you have to wait longer and are surprised by the intensity of the sudden unexpected kiss.
He practically dives on top of you and starts to curl your legs up around him. Did the fights end, you wonder aloud. He tells you it was a quick KO and not to worry about the fight, he knows its over.
All of his attention is on you, as if all of his attention was on your soaking wet, slick pussy the entire time. As if he couldn't wait to cum inside. As if he couldn't wait to make you tell him all about your little wet dream of him while he slides his slick cock back and forth over your swollen clit to lubricate himself in your juices. As if he didn't just edge you so much that you can no longer respond to him in complete sentences without moaning incoherent pleas for him to rail you. You lift your pussy, press the lips against his balls, and let the pink winking folds speak on your behalf, begging him for a mercy that he cannot resist granting you.
[Need more MK1 smut? Check the pin 📌]
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fandomtrumpshate · 7 months
12 hours remaining!
We've reached the 12 hour mark remaining for bidding! Keep an eye on what you're winning - this is when bidders get competitive...
If you haven’t bid yet, there's still time to get a fic, beta, artist, podfic, or other personalised fanwork for good causes.
Check out our golden needle tag to find hidden gems that haven't been snapped up yet - or go crazy bidding up something you're in steep competition for. We believe in you!
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Congrats to Cicero!
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You fucking killed that thing.
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won without taking a single L
Anyway on to the Honorary mentions
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23 clowns lost every poll they were in, but Shakes The Clown lost by the most each time.
Most Popular live-action
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Pennywise (It 1990)! Not a surprise. He was the only live-action clown to last as long as he did. Im honestly surprised no live action clowns made it any further
most competition-related fan art
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Its Cicero again! The clown contest didn't get as much fanart/fanwork as the Joker contest but all of hat it did get was Cicero.
This was very fun!
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Discover the Excitement!
Hey there, fellow fanfiction writers and fanart artists! Are you looking for a vibrant and supportive community where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share your passion for writing and creating art, and be a part of events and discussions?
Look no further—join our Discord server today and dive into a world of creativity, inspiration, and fandom fun!
Our Discord Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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kinkalot · 2 months
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Good news, Merlin fans! Sign ups for Kinkalot 2024 are officially open, and you know what that means: it’s time to let your kink flag fly! Signing up is as easy as 1, 2, 3… We’re back again for our 6th year filling the hole, greasing the wheels, turning the knobs, and getting ready for a hot, kinky summer of filthy PWP goodness. We hope you’ll join us this August! Just a few things we would like to note this year: We wanted to thank you all for all your support over the past five years of Kinkalotting as a competitive event. We appreciate all the enthusiasm and enjoyment you’ve brought to the fest! Unfortunately, due to other commitments we are unable to run the event in its current incarnation this year. We know that some of you will be disappointed as you were looking forward to participating in the fest again, or perhaps for joining in with the team event for the first time. We apologise for this, but never fear! We didn’t want to leave you all hanging with regards to a summer of kinky fun. So instead we have devised a Kinkalot Bingo challenge just for you! WHAT IS KINKALOT BINGO? - Kinkalot Bingo is an individual challenge where participants can complete as many, or as few squares as they’d like. No pressure! The aim of this event is to challenge yourself to try new things and create new works as we join together to fill our cards and enjoy a summer full of porny Merlin fun! (Participants MUST be 18+ and fills must be Mature- or Explicit-rated for sexual content).
Fantastic! Sign-ups are now open, be sure to sign up by 26 JULY 2024 if you want to be sure you get your card as soon as the fest opens - but sign ups will remain open throughout the fest if you decide to join partway through. Check out the FAQs then head on over to fill out the sign ups form here: https://airtable.com/appkix7HER6eHEr4Y/shrarXdRa8IjrOE6T We look forward to a fun month of making spicy fanworks with you!
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As the World Wizard Entertainment tournament finalists attempt to fireball their way to victory, I think it is not too early to announce the winner of a special award. The title of Archmage of Congeniality is given to the wizard who has most made this competition enjoyable.
Given that these wizards are fictional characters who are not literally participating in a tournament and interacting with one another, this title actually recognizes a contingent of fans who have dedicated themselves to enthusiastic fannish participation, passionate fandom fun, and positive engagement in the course of campaigning for their chosen wizard.
With maverick strategy that highlighted her prodigious bust size, called on the legacy of Exandria's greatest mage slayer, leveraged the relationship with her opponent and arcane mentor, and created many delightful new fanworks, the supporters of this wizard exemplified the spirit of campaigning for one's fave to win meaningless polls in a way that was constructive and uplifting and that brightened our dashboards with whimsy and passion.
In recognition of the spell of joy and delight that this wizard's supporters cast on this small corner of the fanspace during this silly series of polls, I bestow on Veth Brenatto the title of Archmage of Congeniality of the World Wizard Entertainment tournament.
Congratulations to Archmage Brenatto and especially (with all the loving sincerity in the world) to her fans and supporters who made this competition surreal, unexpected, and more enjoyable than it had any right to be.
One level in wizard goes a very, very long way. Live, Love, Veth.
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To break character, though I have done quite a bit already in this post, and at the risk of repeating a lot of a post I made earlier today: I am full of genuine love for all of you who contributed to #VethSweep posting and made this tournament incredibly entertaining. I am also so excited for the Veth fans amidst this outpouring of support and shenanigans in her name—I hope some of this energy sticks around and adds to your ranks. All that I've said in this grandiose speech is all so very sincere, and my heart is full of joy and delight this evening.
Veth is not the grand final winner of the tournament, but she is absolutely and thoroughly the winner of our hearts.
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144 · 3 months
my favorite part about arknights, i think, is when they show that the world is lived in, and the kjerag teaser reminds me of that. like, yeah! of course they'd have a ministry of tourism, but it's cool that we get to see what their ads would look like, even if it's mostly inconsequential for the main plot! i recall thinking the same with the rim billiton ads in the CN livestream that'd announced the zwillingsturme event, since they put all teasers together in these. it's part of why the kjerag national museum fan project blows my mind, because it feels so much like peeking into the ak universe. i recall seeing in the ak tags someone working on an Ægir conlang and it was so cool, as someone who doesn't understand anything of linguistics!
a lot of fan content is character centric, which like, understandable, this is a gacha game and you pull for characters, but fanworks of the worldbuilding sort are also so insanely cool. i'd spend so much money on, like, Reunion propaganda posters to hang in my room, or ads for competition knights in kazimierz. i'm dead serious.
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hellaversehaven · 7 months
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The mods at HellaVerse Haven bring you:
Chaggie's Week of Firsts
This ship-week is an opportunity to imagine all of Charlie and Vaggie's relationship firsts! Since they're already established in canon, why not take it back a step and think of how they got there?
General Info:
You may repost this image without credit, but don't forget the alt text!
Keep it focused on Chaggie / Starmoth!
This will be held on March 11th and go through until March 17th!
You may tag either #ChaggieFirsts or #StarmothFirsts, but you also don't even have to use those tags at all!
Any medium of creativity goes! Art, writing, edits, ect. Every type of fanwork!
If you create something Not-SFW or something that contains sensitive topics, we ask that you tag it appropriately! Be courteous to others, please.
Have fun :)
Prompts written out, and some ideas for Day 7, beneath the read more!
Day 1, First Meet
Day 2, First Date
Day 3, First Fight
Day 4, First Tears
Day 5, First Gift
Day 6, First Kiss
Day 7, Free Day
Free Day ideas:
First "I love you", First Time Cooking Together, First Day Living Together, First Trip, First Social Event, First Shopping Experience, First Time Waking Up Together, First Affections, First Competition, First Surprise, First Crisis, First Kill, First Laugh, First Extermination, First Pet, First Move, First Anniversary, First Holiday, First Picture, First Call, First Weapon, First Sickness, First Dance, ect.
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