#far cry 5 dialogue
xxstraymoonchildxx · 2 years
Rarely, when female Hope county residents are being hold captive, male Peggies have the dialogue that says something along the lines of "Maybe we can save this one for repopulating" and I think I've never pulled the trigger so fast.
Sometimes I am doing the project a favor, I guess.
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inafieldofdaisies · 5 months
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Ship Moodboard + snippet | The Apostate and The Phoenix | [redacted] x Joey Hudson
“One moment, one choice that I thought would lead me to certain death... ended up leading me to you. Fate doesn't seem that outlandish.” “You believe that?” His hand came to rest next to hers on the railing, their fingers brushing, “As much as Calahan believes fire solves every problem if you get creative enough.” “That certain?” “And then some, Jo.”
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @strafethesesinners @strangefable @purplehairsecretlair @direwombat
@cassietrn @voidika @carlosoliveiraa @finding-comfort-in-rain @imogenkol
@aceghosts @wrathfulrook @thesingularityseries @hookhearted @josephslittledeputy
@josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @la-grosse-patate @dumbassdep @theelderhazelnut
@jackiesarch @shellibisshe @marivenah @gearvmac @rhettsabbott
@onehornedbeast @kyber-infinitygems @g0dspeeed @simonxriley and anyone with something to share as WIP this week <3
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seedofjoseph · 2 years
Between Joseph calling himself The Father and John spreading the rumor that he cucked Nick Rye and he's the real father of Kim's unborn baby, the Seed men are never beating the breeding kink allegations.
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theskyisbrighthere · 2 months
Bittersweet days
Running from John is hard, especially when they have another Mating Cycle due. Thank God she has Sharky. Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3
hey guys sorry for the long wait for the next part, I had a baby and 2 kids is lot of work but I hope you guys enjoy! Also, i have a pretty bad concussion while writing this so there may be lots of mistakes, please let me know if you find any.
and constructive criticism is welcome but don't be mean for no reason.
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Sleep was both her best friend and her worst enemy. When she closes her eyes, she has thirty seconds of sheer bliss. Thirty seconds where her body shuts down and her mind goes blank. And then the dreams start. She does not always remember them, most of them are quick flashes of quick touches and scalding kisses pressed against her skin.
John always one step ahead of her, always waiting on the other side of the bond for her to close her eyes, her exhaustion always leaking through the bond despite her best efforts not to let it. Always there to try and coral her back to him, whispering sweet promises pressed into her skin. A life together, a home built together and the promise of children if she wants them and oh does she want them, not that she’ll let him know that (he knows, by God does he know and he yearns-) and the promise of being worshipped for the rest of her life.
 Tonight, though is different. She can tell as soon as her eyes close, and her body is relaxed, exactly what type of dream it is going to be.
The first thing she feels is his lips against her throat, the soft scratch of his beard against her sensitive skin a reluctant welcome feeling she knows she shouldn’t crave but does. The soft bite of his teeth drags a moan from her that she instantly regrets as she can feel his smile pressed against her.
His hands are next, dragging from her hips to her thighs to part them and slip his hand in between them to meet the damp spot on her underwear. She’s too wired to care, her Omega ignoring all common sense just to feel the touch of her Alpha no matter how phantom the feeling is.
She lets out another moan when she feels his fingers slip beneath the fabric of her underwear, his other hand keeping her legs spread while he works his way down her throat with his mouth shifting down her body and sucking her skin through the fabric of the shirt she still has on. His mouth closes over her nipple through her shirt just as he makes contact with the wet center of her- before she is roughly ripped from the dream and by extension her Alphas arms.
Grace’s eyes shoot open to see Sharky standing over her with the same sympathetic look on his face he has every time he has to wake her. The sad tinge in his blue eyes sometimes too much for her.
“I’m okay Sharky, promise.” The lie feels heavy on her tongue, and she knows he doesn’t believe her, he never does. The dreams too frequent that she never gets enough sleep. Sharky doing his best to wake her when he can, despite an obvious awkward situation it puts him in, actively having to listen out for her whenever they try to rest. And she loves that he didn’t ask questions, didn’t try and pry, he just smiled at her and pretended that what she had asked wasn’t such a taboo subject. And he did the same thing now.
“If you’re sure Dep.” And with that same smile, he stood from where he was kneeling next to the bed, clearly having tried waking her for longer than she thought and walked from the room. Both of them acting like she wasn’t going to cry the second he closed the door to the bedroom in the abandoned house that they had found not even some three hours ago.
Squeezing her eyes closed she did her absolute best not to let the tears escape. Even when she could feel the intense sadness and longing coming from John’s side of the bond. No matter how much she suppresses it while she’s conscious, it still somehow manages to get through. Grace is just about to get up when she hears the radio crackle from where she’s left if with the majority of her clothes on the floor and she knows exactly who its going to be before his voice rings out.
“Dear heart please, do what’s right, come home to me. To our Nest, to your Alpha.” He sounds wrecked, clearly still feeling the effect from the dream they had both shared. “My love please, there is only so little time left, come home before its too late.” And with that he ends the broadcast.
To anyone else it would sound ominous. But to Grace and the people of Hope County that he had proudly broadcast to it was clear. Enough time had passed that John and Grace were about to enter another Heat Cycle. One that she had every intention of going through with alone even though she knew how painful it was going to be. But it near killed her to know that there was a place where she could safely ride out her Heat with an Alpha who would do everything, he could to care for her during it.
And no matter how much she may want it, she can’t.
“Alright Dep, everything’s set up, house is all secured up, and I’ll be just outside up the tree if you need me.” Honestly she’d be lost without Sharky.
“Say Po-po, I ever tell you bout that time me and Hurk, I’ve told you about Hurk yeah? Awesome dude you’ll love him he’s my cuz so we go waaay back, anyways bout that time me Hurk thought it would be a good idea to connect two male leads to each other? Anyways, we blew that bedroom up, Aunt Addie was pissed.”
Yeah she was never bored when it came to Sharky.
“It’s not too late to come home to me dear heart, we still have time.” She turns off her radio for the night and pretends she can’t feel Sharky watching her. And is grateful when Sharky also turns his off when it tries to spark to life again.
“Grace. My Chosen are out looking for you. My brothers Chosen are looking for you and so are faith’s Chosen. Seeing as you won’t come to me willingly, I’ll bring you to me forcefully, but it doesn’t have to be this way.” Grace clenches her fists and not for the first time wishes she had gloves; at this rate her hands are going to scar from her nails digging wounds into her palms. She counts herself once again lucky for having Sharky when they both smell the scent of blood on the air along with the rising scent of her fertility and he again, says nothing.
She’s in an abandoned house in Holland Valley riding out this Heat. She figured the closer she was to John the safer she’d be as the Peggies would be looking for her further out, not daring to think that she would be so close. She’s not far from John’s house. They found an abandoned home across the river, not too close but not to far away. Perfect in her eyes as it should satisfy her Omega some without having a meltdown.
They boarded up the house and Sharky has made a temporary home up in a tall tree to keep a look out for the week, her mated scent enough to deter him now she’s been claimed. She has everything that she needs with a few exceptions (her Nest, her Alpha) and water that she has to make last along with a few food items.
With a deep breathe in she closes the door to the abandoned home after saying goodbye to Sharky and makes her way to the bedroom in the room in the very middle of the house, it’s the smallest and the only one without any windows and padded walls to keep sound in and quite clearly made for a mated couple. Grace wonders if there’s one just like it in John’s home for them and then shakes the thought from her head just as quickly as it comes.
“You would subject the both of us to agony just to spare your pride?!” there’s fury in his voice this time. “My love please, don’t do this to us.” The fury has disappeared and in its place is desperation. “Please just come home.”
It starts off slowly like always. The sweating the first to show as her fever slowly rises and he clothes making a departure. Her arousal the next to show as she tries to make herself comfortable in a Nest that’s not hers. When suddenly, it hits harder than it ever has before. Her stomach is in knots more painful than she’s ever experienced and her arousal gone from mildly pleasant to outright excruciating. The last thing she remembers before her world goes dark is desperately trying to get her hand between her thighs and being vaguely aware of her Omega whining before she’s gone.
When she comes to, its to a very warm body pressed against her own equally warm body, and a hot mouth pressed against her Mating Mark being reopened by the only person able to do so and the feeling rips a moan so forceful out of her mouth that she can feel it vibrate against his chest.
“John.” He answers her with a moan pulling off of her Mark to press a kiss against her mouth. Humming when she returns it, unable to resist when he’s right there after weeks of resisting him. It’s so easy for her to give in. She can feel his purr when he’s pressed against her like this, and through the fog of her brain she can smell the happy-content-aroused scent of the both of them in the Nest he has her in.
The Nest that he made for the both of them in a room that she imagined that he might have had for them. The Scent of them both drenched into the blankets and pillows that he has arranged, his clothes spread throughout while hers were missing and while that mildly distressed her Omega it was understandable. She after all wasn’t wearing clothes the last time, she was conscious.
And that thought shot a quick flare of alarm through her. How did she get here? Why was she here? When did she get here? But those thoughts were quickly put to the back burner as she became very aware of what John’s hand was doing to her. Her body got even hotter when she registered the fingers pumping needlessly inside of her, hitting that lovely spot deep in her core that sent quick shots of heat through her stomach with each pump, groaning she moved her mouth away as she threw her head back into the soft pillows behind her in her pleasured state.
John using the chance to mimic the dream from nearly a week ago, and took the opportunity presented and wrapped his mouth around her right nipple laving his hot tongue over it sending shots of pleasure through her so intense she couldn’t stop the noises from escaping her mouth. The scratch of his beard over her sensitive breast heightening her pleasure even more to the point she felt like she was going to burst.
And she did with a few more well time thrusts of his fingers into her aching core John bit her nipple on his last thrust and Grace was gone. The spring in her stomach snapped so suddenly that it surprised her as warm heat rushed through her body so quickly that all she could do was tense before relaxing into the soft bedding below her as John worked her through her first orgasm with his fingers still deep inside of her.
She slowly come back to her body only to realise that John was whispering praises into her skin while she recovered, his mouth still pressed against her breast drawing long slow pulls from her breast in between the praise keeping the fire in her blood still very much there.
She lifted her right hand and threaded her fingers through his hair before yanking it back pulling him off of her breast with a pop and she immediately missed the warm heat wrapped around her nipple.  He jerked back with a moan, and she was able to make eye contact with him. His eyes were wild, and he was as naked as she was his dick red and throbbing and glistening in the little light of the room. His knot already half formed and the thought of it inside of her filled her with a sudden desperate need and she decided then and there that questions could wait. She had her Alpha, and her Alpha was in pain.
Letting him go she relaxed back into the bedding and spread her legs already wider than they were. John did not waste any more time, he grabbed hold of his dick, and briefly tugging on his knot groaning and bent down and slowly fed it into her slick core, her thighs already coated from the excessive slick he drew from her with his fingers.
The stretch was a welcome feeling her Omega more than satisfied and it took her a moment to realise that she was purring back at John. She didn’t get a chance to think on it long as John took her distraction as a challenge and thrust into her in one quick movement, his knot hitting her entrance in a way that she all of a sudden craved.
From then on it was a Heat addled mess. Her only thought being of her and John, and the constant pleasure he brought her, the feeling of his knot every time he came, pressing into her, stretching her so nicely that she almost, almost felt regret about planning her next escape from him.
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adelaidedrubman · 1 year
just belatedly remembered i had prommied @socially-awkward-skeleton prospector john doing the calling for mary may scene from absolution in the audiobook. enjoy.
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Thanks for the tag @galaxycunt
Tagging: @roofgeese @poetikat @direwombat @funkypoacher @strangefable @natesofrellis @marivenah @thomrainer @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners @clicheantagonist @aceghosts @schoute and anyone else who has something to share.
Got some more goodies from Kit's canon timeline. I wanted to write some Seed brother goodness and I've been really enjoying trying to get inside John's head more. So have some John and Joe after Kit escapes her confession:
Word had spread to the Father that Kit had run, under the watchful eyes of the Herald she had slipped through his grasp and spread ruin amongst their numbers. More dead, more bodies to bury, more blood spilled at their feet left for them to clean up. She left a trail wherever she went and this time had been no different. 
John had failed. Again. 
He twisted the point of his blade in the palm of his hand, barely noticing the sting as layers of skin began to shred and blood rose to the surface in a crimson bubble. Resting against the tool bench in the dark, away from the eyes of his prisoners and his people, alone with his own thoughts. He would be punished, he knew it, he deserved it. He’d been reckless, careless, got too close. He had given in to his sins. Memories of his old life flooded back to him - the debauchery, the hedonism. Joseph had saved him, showed him a better way and that…Whore of Babylon…made him turn his head, his eye slipping away from the goal. She was a menace. 
She was a sinner. 
He’d tried everything with her, baptised her, was set to mark her with her sin, he told her how he meant to save her. She’d said ‘Yes’ goddammit, and still she spat in his face. Taking more lives with her, more precious souls meant for New Eden had been stolen away. 
Blood dripped down his hand, droplets landing on the concrete and each one sounded like the crash of waves upon the shore. How could he have been so blind to her games? Given in so easily to her wiles? He slammed his fist down on the tabletop, jamming his nails into his palm, squeezing more blood from the stone.
He’d make her pay for her choices. He’d teach her the error of her ways. He’d make her suffer for her wrath. 
Wrath…she was brimming with it. It trickled out of her pores, followed her like a miasma, and she infected everyone who came near her with it. She was a pestilence, a strain of disease that he thought he had the cure to. But even he had fallen prey to her…
…And now Joseph was coming…
He paced back and forth, he’d have to be honest, come clean with how he had made a mistake. He thought he could trust her to leave her alone for one moment…
Footsteps descended the stairs, his stomach twisting and tightening. He knew Joseph would be kind and calm, accepting as always. But that little voice in his head, the one that followed him when he was just a boy and went by Duncan, roared at him. Told him to run, to hide. He’d be beaten, terrorized, or worse. He wasn’t allowed to fail, he already had so many times in his life before. He could see it in Joseph’s eyes when he looked upon him, the look screamed disappointment, he was an embarrassment. He had to do better. He had been given this role for a reason, he was a Herald. He wouldn't let her take this from him. 
The red lights reflected off Joseph’s glasses, his eyes blurred by the beams. John tried to read his face, but his brother, stoic as ever, was an impossible book to grasp. He hung his head, feeling Joseph’s eyes upon him. The all-knowing eyes of the Father. 
He had failed. Failed. Twice over. Failed.
Joseph’s voice was always so calm, resolute, never wavering from his path, from his vision. He had put so much trust in the voice and what it told him, he never strayed. John wished he could say the same. He had faith, a boundless supply, but the urges…most could be forgiven, put to good use. This time he’d stepped in it, made a mess of things. Not just for himself but for his family as well. 
The Father pressed his hands to John’s shoulders, “Look at me, John.”
Big blue eyes drifted up, looking up through his brow at his older brother, lip damn near trembling. Expecting his father’s fury and was met instead by the gentle, cradling embrace of his brother’s hands upon his cheeks. Their foreheads meeting.
Would he be forgiven?
“You know what you have done. I can see it. I told you to help her reach atonement. To help her see.”
“I tried, Joseph. I swear…” the little boy who fought off his parents violence for so long began to cry out, the punishment would be too much. He wasn’t sure he could take it. 
“She is the light, John. The one who will end the darkness. We need her to reach Eden’s Gate.”
“I know…” His voice dropped to a nearly inaudible whisper, “...I’m sorry.”
Joseph stepped back, pulling away from his brother. He rubbed at his temple, another migraine coming on. But his duty to his people, to his family, to his followers - those he claimed to want to save - could not wait. 
“Where are the others?”
John rubbed the still wet palm of his hand against his jeans, his hand stained with his own blood this time, instead of those who had yet to see the error of their ways. “Follow me.”
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bitchofedensgate · 2 years
Noticing Trauma Prompt
Dep. Punch [@kbysh-kds ] x Hope Seed
"Who did this to you?"
After some time in captivity, Hope gave up. Resisting is helpless in this cell of hers. She ended up getting more freedom and walk free beneath the eyes of the Deputies. She started to soften up, playing games with the Children of the Resistence, or even Cook for them.
One evening, after everyone ate up, she finally sat down herself to eat. Punch sat next to her, being the one responsible to watch over her tonight. They didn't talked much, but Hope enjoyed the Company of someone who doesn't judge or ask.
Lost in thoughts, she ate her noodles and Pesto, when Punch suddenly asked:"Who did this to you?".
Hope straightend her back immeadiatly, almost choking on her spit:"Wh-What do you mean?" "...your Scar. That one..." he asked and pointed at her scarred face with concerned but still cold eyes. She swallowed hard, looking down:"Doesn't matter who did it. It happened"
"C'mon Girl, you can be honest here. Stop with your 'I am a Herold and better than all' mindset and attitude. You are safe here, the Cult-your family" her corrected himself:"Will not hear anything from me, neither one of the others".
With a sigh Hope leaned back, crossing her arms before her chest and staring down in the empty bowl she ate from:"...I...ugh. In the beginning...6 years ago to be clear...he lost his temper when I tried to resist his...his brainwashing"  she spat, a Tone of fear and immense hate in her voice.
Punch didn't needed to ask who she meant. He laid his hand on her cheek, brushing over the leathered skin with care, tears of hers running over his skin.
"Don't cry...you are perfect...and you tried, that's all that matters"
"...thank you."
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saybiwithme · 2 years
I just got the dialogue where Sharky goes ‘Hey Daddy. Nick, shit. It’s because you’re expecting!’ and I’m dying 😭
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arolesbianism · 2 months
I've been passively watching an isat playthrough while twiddling my thumbs in my current oni save as I wait for my new power systems to be done and hey guys. I think one of these bitches is aromantic. Why did no one tell me one of these bitches is aromantic I would have played the game myself if I knew that
#rat rambles#ok tbf I still theoretically Could but I dont think Id survive playing through the like first 6 hours of the stuff Ive already seen#anyways current review is that it's rly well written so far and I like how well the worldbuilding is implemented naturally in the dialogue#having odile be a presumably anthropologist or smth along those lines does wonders for this ofc but even with that its amazing how#natural the party feels when discussing their different cultures#and ofc I am staring at mirabelle hard. this game is clearly not shying away in the slightest from queer topics so. blinks oh so sweetly#I am sooooo fucking desperate for canonically aro characters who are actually written to be aro if she talks abt it at all I Will cry#honestly real con of this is that its making me conceptualize an eternal gales au which is not what I should be thinking abt this early#also its a problem because Im pretty dead set on the idea that aris would be sif and that means tali is off limits#which is unfortunate because I think itd be funny to make her mirabelle on the sole basis of her maybe being aro#otherwise the assignments are pretty easy even if some of them would be looser fits than others based on my current knowledge#mase would be odile fydd would be bonnie and sier would be iz#for mira Im thinking if I wanted to get funky with it then maybe bloom? it doesnt effect sier too much since I can just make it so his mom#was the one frozen in time or smth#now bloom is rly only in the running because of the leftover human kids shes somehow the best choice despite being 9 years old lol#dodie is off the table since I try to practice restraint when using dodie in aus#and the snake triplets are well. the snake triplets.#they have about a billion things that makes them hard to fit into any au#now I could use a stalien instead but thats a Really hard choice for me to make given the rest of the selected cast#plus none of them actually fit that much better than bloom would tbh?#like to be clear basically the only thing keeping bloom from being an easy pick is that shes 9#like I could just do it anyways but I should probably wait a lil bit to make sure mira doesnt pull out some crazy shit to change my mind#based on what I do know the only one thats rly a bit of a stretch is sier but Im ok with that I can just slap a different character arc in#rly most fucked up thing abt this cast is that aris our sif is second tallest#which feels deeply wrong to me especially once you consider the hat#her siouette is going to be all fucked up and different from sif's shes going to be so big compared to them#shes not even That tall shes like 5'8 thats just tall compared to most of her companions#in canon shes the third tallest of the friend group and second tallest not counting dodie#so its mase then her and in this hypothetical au the rest of the garden gnome squad#sier is 5'1 fydd is 5 flat and bloom is 4'9 if Im remembering correctly
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 1 month
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Start reading Episode 1
Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1
Griffin:  Damn it all, you can’t give up so easily!  Surely that prissy lord of yours has another boat?
Mina:  Mr. Griffin…
Panel 2
Griffin:  Your husbands go overboard, and all you do is slink home to cry about it?  Just leaving Harker—a-and the others—leaving them behind to drown?
Irene:  You go too far—
Panel 3
Jekyll:  Mr. Griffin, that’s enough!  I understand you’re worried for Mr. Harker, but this behavior is unbecoming of a man of science—and it will do your friend no good.
Panel 4
Mina:  We’re all exhausted, and the stress is telling on us.  Let’s sit down and have some food, and we’ll be at our best to plan a rescue.
Griffin (offscreen):  F-friend!?  He’s not my—
Panel 5
Irene:  Mina, dear…
Mina:  What is it, Irene?
Panel 6
Irene:  It’s just…Don’t overwork yourself.  And let me know if…if you need anything.
Panel 7
Mina:  And the same to you.  Thank you, Irene.
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inafieldofdaisies · 6 months
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15 Lines of Dialogue Tag | Tagged by @la-grosse-patate @g0dspeeed @direwombat @aceghosts @sofrosine @nightbloodbix @kyber-infinitygems @corvosattano @voidika @thesingularityseries
Deputy Sabrina Donovan | WIPs: In Hope of Tomorrow / A Trial of Errors (AU; Lines 9-15)
1. "Who the fuck ties a person to a chair on wheels. Did they rob an office?"
2. Sabrina narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching, "Did someone try to drown you, Seed?"
3. "Yep. I'm still here, didn't teleport through the steel walls, ain't going anywhere, so you can fuck right off." She waited for his footsteps to recede, but they never did, "Like seriously, you're now gonna watch me while I sleep? Fucking creepy."
4. "It was either the radio or I start singing off-key, and I doubt you'd like that."
5. "I will have you know I've been throwing knives since I was 15,", she nodded towards the knife block at the counter, "keep talking and you would find out my actual aim."
6. "Your face is kind of hard to forget." "Was that a compliment, Deputy?" Sabrina rolled her eyes, "You wish."
7. "Are you taking us there?", she repeated, her voice taking an edge, "You have to know, I won't let you take HER."
8. "Didn't strike me as a lace type of girl, Deputy. Are you taking that one, too?", he cocked his head, eyes darkening as he examined the piece. "Oh, you know, I have to win the Miss Universe competition somehow."
9. Her hazel eyes shone as she let out a laugh, "If I had to bet, I'd say you'd be the one getting cold, Mr. Duncan, stolen clothes and all that. I feel like I can skip on asking to see what you're wearing." "Ouch.", he rubbed at his chest at the jab, "That one hurt." "Too soon?"
10. "And you're alone?" "No. A whole harem of guys is keeping me company, actually. They're currently fighting who will be sleeping on my tiny bed, and who's taking the ground, pillowless. A true form of punishment, I tell you."
11. "I'm dealing with a… situation." Her expression was unreadable, "I can see that." "Roughly estimated, how much did my chances sunk with?", [John] asked, flipping back to the view of his face. "Who says they did?"
12. "There's a bat.", he whispered like the creature would hear him and put an end to his game of hiding. "A rat?", she echoed incorrectly. "Sure, Detective,", he hated how his voice shook even as he spoke quietly, "but the type with fucking wings."
13. "Soo..", she began slowly, "why are you without pants? Don't tell me they got stolen while you slept… was it the bat? Should I call Stockton? Though, I think crimes committed by animals are out of his jurisdiction, you can probably vouch for that."
14. "What were you doing up so late?" "A girl has to have some secrets, John."
15. "You could always march over there and threaten to sue them for harassment… Your poor ears would thank you." "Don't tempt me. Because we might end up with a different situation on our hands." She raised an eyebrow, "Them asking you to join?", all he could do was blink as she laughed quietly, "Kidding. Oliver isn't rubbing off on me, I promise."
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Deputy Calahan Hartley | WIP: In Hope of Tomorrow
1."I WILL GIVE YOU PURGE, YOU FUCKERS! What timing to be out of dynamite."
2. ["You ready to work?"] "As ready as I can be after crash-landing, almost drowning and getting shot at. Just another Monday, really."
3. "I'm not a leader, chief, hell, it's a miracle I'm still a Deputy. Fuck. Am I even one anymore?"
4. "Zorro will be on his best behavior, I promise. You won't even notice he's around. Plus… he gives mean foot rubs." "Rookie.", disbelief seeped into [Mary May's] tone. "Fine. The foot rubs were a lie. Though, I can take up on that task." "You ain't coming anywhere near my feet, Rookie."
5. "I couldn't leave him behind, gorgeous. He's my son." A huff escaped her, probably at the pout he followed his words with, "He's a raccoon."
6. "One day, you're gonna realize what you're missing, gorgeous. And I won't be looking for payback for these insults. Too much."
7. "Your plan.", Leslie corrected him, "That you devised after getting drunk yesterday." "Most of my plans are conconted that way, chief."
8. "Oh, Leslie, bold and brave, agree to march over to Johnny's GATEEEE…", Hartley sang over the usual lyrics, meeting Zorro's dark gaze, "He looks like John, right, my boy? Even the universe agrees, Parish."
9. "Good old Joseph, oh, how he'd lose his mind if he learns 'God' has been showing visions of his brother fornicating to someone else, he'd probably die from the shock before I have the chance to kill him."
10. "I'm having the worst time of my life here. Humor is what keeps me going, besides Mary May's hidden stash… and well, my anger."
11. "You have the hots for [John], and me… I want to turn him into a human creme bruleee. Two types of people, Gray."
12. "[John]'s been calling me daily, I'm leaving him some friendly notes in return. The start of a beautiful friendship."
13. "Hope you don't mind sitting in the back. Zorro loves riding shotgun."
14. "Go meet your God, tell Him I will send Joseph soon, too."
15. "You're in a bar in Montana.", Mary May rolled her eyes and set a new empty glass in front of [Sébastien], "Closest you'd get to me making you tea, even at lunch is serving you lukewarm water with some of my spit in it. Organic. So count yourself lucky." Calahan leaned in, whispering loudly, "Also known as blatant disrespect. Which I would advise against. Though, I'd take her spitting in my drink anyday."
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @strafethesesinners @purplehairsecretlair @finding-comfort-in-rain @dumbassdep @josephslittledeputy @marivenah @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @simonxriley @wrathfulrook @shellibisshe @gearvmac @amalkavian @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @simplegenius042 @onehornedbeast @theelderhazelnut @katsigian and anyone that would like to do the tag <3
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mylucayathoughts · 1 year
Little moments that I love in Red White and Royal Blue. PART 1. Man this is gonna be a long ass post.
(I can't make gifs right now, wish I could gif these moments but for now screenshots will have to do)
The first one is at the Childrens hospital where Henry introduces Alex to the kids. Henry very sweetly says how his mum is out-ranked by Alex's mum. I think Alex is a bit surprised here (maybe a little shocked) at how easily Henry can say nice things about him specially after their seemingly endless rivalry.
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Then in the hospital cupboard, after Alex confronts Henry he was saying that he is sorry about being cold to Alex earlier but he was in a bad place with his fathers passing and Palace not giving him any space. Alex looks up at him, his mind is probably starting to feel sorry for Henry for the first time and he is realizing how his hatred for Henry was based on a very dark time in Henry's life. His eyes are soft here, which a moment ago was big and angry.
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(plus Taylor looks like a puppy here which I love 😍)
This is rather a sad moment for Henry. He is probably thinking how this is one of the very last moments he gets to spend with Alex (even though Alex had already invited him to the new years party) and how their next meetings will be shorter and probably not meaningful enough for them to ever become anything. He so far hadn't gotten Alex's attention, it's probably not going to happen later. Of course we all know that's not what ends up happening 😏
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This here where Alex asks Henry if he was surprised by Alex in any way, and he just goes like this 🤣
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He is probably thinking of all the things he loves about Alex before deciding to tease him a lil bit. Not to mention how adorable Nicholas looks here 🥺
After their bedroom adventures and Henry's romantic ass kiss (😍) Alex very visibly becomes very thoughtful and you can tell how he knows that it's gonna be sometime before he sees Henry again (he already misses him), and how his mind is racing trying to think of an event where they can meet again.. my poor poor baby 🤧
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In Paris scene, I love how Alex comforts Henry by giving the softest little nudge on his forehead (their hairs touch).
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This is a very small moment that is seen right after a closeup of Henry's face and right before Henry gives Alex the nod to go ahead. This moment is etched in my brain and it makes me wanna cry every time I watch it.
I love their little smiles here after the famous "I'm learning", they are both so in love already it's obscene 🤧 and their smiles are so reassuring and tender 🥺
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In other words Nicholas and Taylor ate. It's a long take and the timing of their expressions and their delivery of each dialogue is just top notch 👌
When Alex is on the plane back from Paris, he looks very pensive. Then he let's out this big sigh and a small smile breaks out. We all know who he is thinking about. I love how Taylor portrayed all the emotions in Alex's heart here. He is tired but happy, and thoughtful at the same time. I think this is the first time Alex gave some serious thought to he and Henry's relationship. Before it was just hooking up in places and mostly about their physical needs for each other.
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Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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babyaiker · 3 months
I’m writing this at 5am but when @verdemoun “kieran duffy hyperfixation page” themself encourages you to talk about your now 5 month long obsession, you know you gotta,,, 
Mini break down of Kieran’s characterization in the Paying A Social Call mission, lets go
Before I get too far please know I genuinely have no beef with people who baby Kieran. He’s a fictional character and we’re all just having fun, I just really like analyzing the text ^^
In my last post where I talked about my favorite part of Kieran’s character, I briefly mentioned how the mission Paying a Social Call (the mission in chapter 2 where Kieran is freed) contains a lot of characterization for Kieran that a chunk of the fandom misses. It was when I was watching someone's random stream did I remember how much was getting left out. While I've seen plenty of people rant about Kieran's mischaracterization in the fandom, details from this mission were often left out of the discussions I personally saw. So while I really don't care WHO you interpret Kieran as, having an excuse to rant about the mission I could probably quote start to finish is fun.
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Despite the circumstances Kieran finds himself in, he’s not a coward. He knows his worth and isn’t afraid to bite back at others for messing with him. The only reason he cowers and runs off is usually because he was physically hurt, threatened to be hurt, or knows the person he's talking to would gladly hurt him. We have evidence of him acting like this in maaany different ways through the hidden dialogue scenes in camp. His goddamn catchphrase “I ain’t no O’Driscoll” is an example in of itself, showing that he isn't just cowering and crying because of how he’s treated, he's actively fighting against it.
But now let’s actually get into Paying A Social Call, as the only thing Kieran does throughout the entire mission besides show the boys where Six Point Cabin is, is defend himself. 
The beginning of that quest is well… a beginning for sure. I’d probably be a mess too if I was starving and about to get my nuts ripped off. 
His whole “I ain’t no O’Driscoll” shtick only gets louder the second he’s untied. He’s as cooperative as he needs to be, but is gonna make sure everyone knows he isn’t happy about it. While there's a lot of snarky shit he can end up saying, the dialogue where he directly compares the Van Der Lindes to the O’Driscolls is something special. Like Jesus I would not be saying that shit in the predicament you're in right now! While you can still hear the unsureness in his voice, he’s not afraid to say it as it is. (I still find it interesting that even non Kieran fans will point back to that dialogue as foreshadowing and be like "aw shit the horseboy was right fellers")
Okok skipping ahead to the end cuz arughh there's a specific line said in the last scene that completely changed Kieran’s character for me. All I’ll say about the gunfight is that right before it, when John has his gun up against Kieran, while the camera pans to a group of O’Driscolls, you can see Kieran give Arthur a thumbs up when Arthur shushes him. It’s such a tiny detail but it amused me and my partner when we discovered it.
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At the end of the mission, after Arthur realizes that Colm isn't there, he confronts Kieran at gunpoint, pretty much ready to kill him. Kieran of course acts like how we’d think he would,,, he promptly begs for his life. But once Arthur spares him and gives him the decency of running away, Kieran doesn't grovel back to him, begging to be taken back, he fuckin yells at him. He understandably points out that letting him go free is as good as killing him, as the rest of the O’Driscolls would likely have his head for this (didn’t like typing that). His very blunt, angry line of “So I’m one of YOU now!” genuinely made me rethink what I’d been assuming about him. It likely dawned on me while I was staring at the streamer’s “hose goat” cam, but just demanding a spot in the gang like that isn’t something a coward would do. He is incredibly firm in his “fuck you, you’re stuck with me now”.
Even his dialogue after is just more examples of him being very aware of his vicarious situation (Arthur: “Alright, but I’m warning you”, Kieran: “Oh, I know”) and being more than eager to start proving himself useful (Kieran: “See Arthur, I ain’t so bad!” ^^)
I genuinely think the whole “whiney useless baby” assumption comes from the fact we play as Arthur. Arthur VERY adamantly views Kieran this way, literally calling him a baby as a way of antagonizing him. And because most everyone loves Arthur, they’re bound to view Kieran the same way he does. Unreliable narrator kinda thing, though I'm not saying that's a bad thing in the slightest. And with the magic of RDR2’s actually good character writing, I can sit here for 700 words summarizing why Kieran’s actually kinda cool sometimes. 
So ya, I wouldn’t say Kieran’s a coward, but I’m also not gonna say he’s some crazy cool badass murderer outlaw. He’s a dude trying to survive who’s been kicked out of or lost every home he’s known. He’s still a silly guy I wanna lovingly snap over my knee like a twig. With the life he’s lived you can’t afford to be unable to stick up for yourself, he’s just smart enough to know when it’s time to lay low.
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Are Ness and Porky Friends...?
Let's talk about that 😏
First things first, I think this single moment from the beginning of the game is by FAR the most important thing to consider when thinking about how Ness and Porky's relationship is presented to us
Right at the start, when you make your way up to the meteorite, you will encounter the cops and their blockade This also serves as our first introduction to our wonderful neighbor, Porky Minch, who is currently making a nuisance of himself trying to get up to the meteorite, much to the cops' chagrin
One of the cops asks if we could help deal with Porky, and asks this vital question:
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What's Ness's answer? Yes!
...or no.
I cannot understate how obsessed with this I am. Ness can't say whether or not Porky is really his friend. This is something he's unable to answer on his own. I really think this is a fantastic way to introduce Porky to the player. If he is Ness's friend... it doesn't seem like he's a very good one.
Now shortly after this, Porky begs for Ness's help in finding Picky. We get a pretty good look at Porky's character here. He's obnoxious, rude, doesn't take responsibility for his actions, and above all is pretty meek and cowardly. Now, I think some people go a little far in interpreting him as "bad" here. Porky's undeniably a jerk even now, but he's still just a kid, and a pretty pathetic one at that. If you look on the Earthbound wiki, you'll see that his age is listed as 14. As far as I'm aware, this only has one source, being Saori Kumi's Earthbound novelization. If you know even the slightest thing about this book, you will understand how ludicrous it is to use this as a source. Porky's age is never specified ingame, but I think his overall presentation implies that he should be the same age as Ness. It's fairly well-known that Ness's age is given as 13 in the American guide, but 12 in Japanese. 12 is also the age given in, again, Saori Kumi's novelization, unfortunately I don't know if this is stated elsewhere. It can also be noted that Shigesato Itoi has actually said he never thought of a specific age for Ness, just that he had his daughter in mind who at this time was in grade 4 or 5. So this gives us a range that could be as old as 13 or as young as 9. Personally, I skew toward 11-12 for how I envision the characters. In any case, Porky's clearly very young, so you really have to keep that in mind when considering... kinda everything about him, actually. But in this instance, it really contextualizes the stuff he says. For example, if you say no to him when he asks for your help, he threatens to "say something that'll cut you like a knife." I think it's silly to take this seriously (i've even heard someone describe it as Porky blackmailing Ness). He's clearly just gonna call Ness some mean name or something. ...Except he doesn't. Say no to him again, and he'll immediately deflate.
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Porky is in no way a bully. He's annoying, but he's pretty lousy at being intimidating. Instead, his favorite way of getting what he wants is to appeal to others' sympathy. He's relying on Ness to help him by virtue of being "his bestest friend." Or think of his actions in battle: smiling insincerely, apologizing profusely, pretending to cry. He plays up being a sweet innocent kid whenever he's in trouble.
So, I think the picture we've painted is of a kid who's sort of a jerk, and tricks others to get what he wants. It becomes pretty clear why Ness isn't sure if he can really call Porky his friend.
...But what about Porky's side? Is he really only pretending to like Ness for his own gain, or are his own feelings much more complicated?
First off, just some minor things. While Porky leaves a pretty bad, if not altogether inaccurate first impression, there's a few things in his dialogue that speak to him thinking of Ness as more than just 'that loser who thinks we're friends.'
He promises that he'll tell Ness all about the meteorite in the morning. Probably this'd be in his typically boastful Porky-fashion, but even so, this shows that he wants to share things with Ness.
It's easy to miss because most people playing Earthbound have played A Video Game's before, and also tend not to ignore directions the game is clearly telegraphing, but Porky will actually give you advice if you're not properly prepared.
If you don't grab the Cracked Bat:
You're not taking anything on our big adventure? Why don't you look around for your Cracked bat or something?
Taking the bat but not equipping it:
Sorry about giving you this game-type advice, but you should equip your weapon! Do you know what "equip" means?
Okay, that's good. Be sure to pay attention to details like that.
It means "use" or "wear." You must equip items in order to use or wear them. "Equip" is used a lot in games like this, but you already knew that...
Finally, not answering your dad:
The phone is ringing! Answer it! At my house, my dad gets bent if I don't get the phone... within the first three rings!
These aren't anything groundbreaking, but they do show how Porky acts with Ness in casual contexts, plus how the game presents Porky surprisingly neutrally in the beginning, rather than just immediately telegraphing him as the villain. Also, nobody's seen these so hey, some obscure trivia for you.
Finally, Porky's reaction to hearing the prophecy is pretty telling of the kind of character Porky is pre-Giygas. He just talks about how much trouble Ness is in now, how he hopes he doesn't have to come, and how freaked out he is. I think this sums him up pretty well. He's the meek comic-relief friend character. Sniff from Moomin, for example. Or go watch Monster House, because Chowder is literally exactly Porky.
But none of that is super juicy. Let's dive into something juicy. This little bit murdered my brother when we got to it in our playthrough.
A quick detour to Magicant...
Ness... I envy you. You have all the luck. I have no luck. Ness... well, okay... Let's be friends forever, alright?
still hurts
Yeah so first off, I think this totally clears up Ness's feelings towards Porky. He can't say if they're really friends... But he WANTS them to be.
This is Ness's vision of Porky, the Porky he used to know before Giygas corrupted him, and the one he wishes was still around.
But even if this is just a manifestation of Ness's consciousness, I think it also gives us a look into Porky's inner self. This is what Ness sees in Porky, the confession that Porky is too insecure to say out loud. He hides it behind all his boasting and rudeness, but he really, really wants to keep his friendship with Ness.
If only.
Let's get to MOTHER 3.
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This game gives us SO much more of Porky's character, and it's all sooooo deep. I cannot understate how much I hate seeing Porky reduced to 'that Eric Cartman kid who is an absolutely irredeemable suchnsuch.' King P is the culmination of a lot of aspects of Porky's character arc (you think this post is long, it's only the first of many more...), but one of the most prominent aspects is his unbelievably, painful, PATHETIC loneliness. This kid... man... is so desperate for a friend after he left the only person who ever wanted to connect with him that he literally brainwashes a whole city's worth of people into loving him.
And of course that's not enough, because all he wants is his next-door neighbor, his good buddy, his bestest friend Ness.
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In closing, are Ness and Porky friends? It's complicated. Both clearly, desperately want to be. They have a history, they know each other intimately, by Itoi's own words they literally grew up playing together. But, for a number of reasons (that I've thought all too much about...), Porky just can't help but make it difficult. I'd sum it up by listening to the song that plays during Earthbound's cast credits. In the end, there are good friends, and...
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monochromatic-heartzz · 3 months
Man. I am in a roll lately.
I've been having so much Sampo on the brain but let's discuss a stupid concept i thought up. This probably won't be long dw. (<- Future Heart here, hi. I lied.)
Could 5 Star Sampo be a Preservation unit?
Now. I know what some of you are thinking. "Preservation!? It doesn't fit him! He should be a very strong dps or an irreplaceable support! Why preservation????" And to that i say, maybe he should be.
But. It's just... i've talked about this in a post before but it was a very short jokey thing that was the first time i'd done an analysis in a while.
Belobog. The planet where its people follow the preservation. They want to preserve humanity and civilization. So they fight to survive, just enough until the Astral Express gives their assistance and they can be free from the pain the Stellaron has given them.
Well, you know, there's a biiit of an outlier in the Belobog cast. And it's, as you know, our old Sampo Koski, Masked Fool who came here to help drive the plot forward. He follows the path of Elation, as all Masked Fools do, and as far as we're concerned there should be no connection with him and the Preservation, and no indication that his views align with it.
WRONG!!!!! Masquerade Duet. Sparkle guesses that the reason Sampo wants his mask back is because of a catastrophe in Jarilo-VI, and judging by his reaction and later words, she hit the nail square on the head.
That's. Kinda it? He wants to preserve the civilization in Jarilo-VI, and all the work he put would be undone if this catastrophe were to happen without interference. All the work he put into helping preserve humanity in this planet. Mmm does anyone remember what happened to an outsider who helped preserve civilization on Belobo- Fire trailblazer.
Yes. It's because they are the protagonist. And they will get every playable path one day, but. Canonically, they become a pathstrider after their views and feelings align with the path.
Let's be real, Sampo loves Belobog. Pretty evident from context clues and dialogue even outside of it. He clearly helped preserve it, though it was from the sidelines and really nothing major.
So. How would he earn being a preservation path thingy?
The catastrophe in Jarilo-VI. His mask.
Gang. I think we found our way.
And yes. Gameplay paths don't equal canon lore paths, we've known for a while. But sometimes narratively ingame paths can be used to deepen a character in one way or another, even if its not stated.
Even though it would be a bummer if he got his big 5 star form and it was a preservation unit. I think it sounds sweet. After probably helping it so much, it would be a nice way to say "Yeah this is more his home than Epsilon ever would be, he has the will of the preservation to show it!!"
I do not know. I am. Once again: spitballing. Don't take this too seriously we have nothing about this guy and im working hard on not crying because i see no new content of him.
This is definitely not a hill i would ever die on. But i rarely see people talking about him being a preservation unit, and i wanted to show the idea a little love
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physalian · 4 months
Physalian’s Draft-to-Final Editing Process
This is *not* the only way to edit, nor necessarily the correct way, nor even what *you* should do, alright? This is just, generally, what I try to do that might help some beginner writers not get overwhelmed by the daunting task of cleaning up their work. I’ll even do one process for fanfic and one for original works.
Get an idea. Start writing that idea without planning anything
Get 10k words in and realize I’m onto something
Start a bullet list of ideas I want to include before I forget them
Keep writing, full speed, this train only runs in one direction
If I get stuck, start scripting around my dialogue and keep on keepin’ on
Get stuck again. Figure out where the plot problem is. Go back and fix the plot problem while it’s still a seedling
Finish the first draft
Go back and clean up grammar mistakes, spelling errors, continuity, flow, and holes as I come across them
Check again for spelling errors
Reformat on the fanfic site in a fresh font and line spacing to check once more for spelling errors
Original works
Fanfic steps 1-7
Edits round 1: Continuity and plot errors, repeat details, dragging conversation and threads, catching grammar and spelling errors as I see them
Edits round 2: Grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation errors
Edits round 3: Crutch words— big one for me remains “just”—and overused metaphors, similes, and actions like too many shrugs, sighs, huffs, or eye-rolls
Edits round 4: Big picture time. Assure the themes and motifs I want to explore are adequately represented in the clean manuscript, sprinkling more in where necessary
Edits round 5: Speed read the entire manuscript for lingering pacing issues
Beta readers
Cry at the issues they point out that I didn't see
Implement valid beta suggestions
Repeat steps 1-6
Big, expensive editor
TBD, haven’t actually gotten that far yet
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