kelpeigh · 1 year
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You have (1) new friend request
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thoodleoo · 2 years
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little sister in the sun
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would appreciate some prayers to Asklepios and Apollon if anyone has the energy to, i've been sick for over a week now and i am Ready for this to be over ;-;
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smallhatlogan · 3 months
i've been having weird mood issues this month like I've not been on the computer as much recently because I'll be sitting around for 20 minutes and then get really unbearably angry and need to go outside and do stuff but then we've been hit by a heat wave so I've been trapped inside going through fluctuations of being unreasonably mad at stuff
I do not know what is causing this or where it came from but it is probably a very bad mental place for playing Shadow of the Erdtree
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wereverine · 3 months
had a minor farm emergency so i had to pause underworld and now i've completely lost the will to finish the movie guess i will have to try again later
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unluckyxse7en · 9 months
As someone who essentially did not experience the pandemic and consequential quarantine it is Bizarre to listen to songs written about it.
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genderwizard · 2 years
bowl of rice. fried eggs. my beloved
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floatingwithlaura · 27 days
tw ED behaviours.
um. tragic that i am farmsitting and to me its the perfect excuse to not eat. i brought some safe foods with me because i knew id have a really hard time eating their food, and it turns out i was right! and also i didn’t pack enough! but the sick part of me is like ‘good. i shouldn’t be eating much anyway’.
i have to run around the farm and check and feed animals. im gonna be using up more energy than normal. i was already running on empty. this is not great lol.
starving myself has replaced my drug addiction and tbh i don’t know what would’ve hurt me more.
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kelpeigh · 1 year
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Had to bring my chihuahua mix to my farmsitting gig this weekend
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thoodleoo · 2 years
if you keep your cats outside, this post is for you. not as a post of judgment, but as a plea.
fair warning. it is going to be graphic. it does not have a happy ending. to be blunt, it fucking sucked. but if you keep your cats outside, this is the risk you take.
i'm farmsitting right now. today was the first day. i didn't head out till late, because i was eating dinner with my family. it was already dark when i pulled up to the apartment on the property.
as soon as i got out of my car, i heard meowing- that low, guttural meowing of an animal in pain. after fumbling for some lights, i found the source. i also found the giant smears of blood she had left behind after dragging herself a few feet away.
the nearest emergency vet was 20 miles away. i wrapped her up in a towel, put her in my car, and started driving like hell. i called her owner and let her know where we were headed, but i had very little hope. her eyes were bulging. her body was limp. her breath rattled as she bled into the carseat. i had no idea what had gotten her, or how long she had been there, but she was cold and barely alive and caked with blood.
the vets rushed her back and got me into a room to fill out paperwork. i had her owner on the phone, but her owner was about to board a plane. there was talk of letting me make the decision about what to do with her if her owner had to take off before the vets came back. and it was a decision i felt comfortable making, because i knew from the moment i picked her up that she was gone. thankfully the vets gave an update before the owner had to leave; there was very little chance of this cat surviving, even with extreme intervention.
the owner chose euthanasia. by then the adrenaline had worn off and i was shaking as i signed off on it for her. they brought her back for me to say goodbye- this cat i barely knew. i still cried. i was told that they didn't mean to rush me, but there was a chance she might crash while i had her. i gave her a scratch and sent her back. her little head lolled as i handed her back, because she couldn't hold it up. i was not in the room with her as they helped her pass. i've already been there far too recently. she wouldn't have even been aware that i was there.
tomorrow i will have to clean the blood out of my car and wash away the spot where she was lying out in the cold. it's far too late for that tonight, and my eyes hurt too much. i have the other cat locked up inside, because i don't know if whatever got her is still out there.
please. keep your cats inside.
merry fucking christmas.
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iscariotapologist · 11 months
my friend/old boss who i am farmsitting for just told me her animal communicator friend "found out" her cat "was a witch who was hanged for being a witch in a past life" and "has been scrying someone through the window of the house" and "steals your dreams through your mouth while you're sleeping and that's why she likes to lick your chin" and i said "ok i'm going to be real with you i am not going to take any of that seriously" and she said "that's okay it's happening whether you believe it or not" astrology people are certifiable
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the witch in question ^
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smallhatlogan · 4 months
i have more money than i usually have plus both a catsitting and a farmsitting job lined up next month so I'm doing that "what if i just bought a used ps4 just for bloodborne..." thing again
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harvest, orchard, cocoa :D
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
already answered!!
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn.
oh hm... I'd really like to start a job I'll actually like. I'm getting by just doing work house and farmsitting (which is actually a pretty decent business in a rural community... a lot of people don't have anyone to take care of their livestock animals if they go someplace) but I'd like to do an actually like, steady schedule job.
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
oh man like this style
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but frosted like these
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if that makes sense!! I'm torn right now between the fact that I like being able to do stuff with my hair, like braids and ponytails and stuff, but I shaved the underside into an undercut at the beginning of summer and now it's grown out quite a bit so I want to cut the rest down to match. and also I want shorter hair again. so idk if I'll actually do it, but I probably will?? semi-soon??
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theselfshippingwitch · 11 months
One time I watched the RGB episode "Dairy Farm" the day after Halloween and so I wrote this
Ray woke up to an empty bed in a pitch black room. He had felt the bed shifting as Violet got up. He closed his eyes again and, half-asleep, wondered if it was still the middle of the night or the early morning. This late in Autumn it was difficult to tell. It didn’t get light out until 7 AM.
Violet walked out of the bathroom, freezing from the cold air on her bare skin, and pulled back the sheets on the bed, revealing Ray’s body, his bare chest and soft tummy, underneath her bedsheets. Even on the worst day of the year, the day after Halloween, the sight exhilarated her. She crawled back into bed and pulled the sheets back over herself, then wrapped her body around his.
Ray felt the sheets on top of him moving and the cold air hit his bare skin as Violet crawled back into bed with him. He wrapped his arm around her, and felt her skin was cold, too. She cuddled closer to him, burying her face in his chest and kissed the skin closest to her lips softly. He was almost asleep again when the phone rang. His eyes shot open, and this time he swiveled his head and shoulders around to check the backlit analog clock behind him. 6:30. Beside him, Violet groaned, and moaned to get up to answer the phone herself. “No, you stay here, honey, I got it.” he said as he put a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her back down. He threw the covers off of himself and grabbed his pants from off the floor, pulling them on as he walked over to the phone in the next room over. “Hello?”
“Ray? It’s Sam. I’m sorry to call you so early, but I need a favor. A piece of my equipment just broke, and I need to go a few towns over to get a replacement. I need the machine fixed by tomorrow night, and it’s going to take me two days to drive there and back again. I can’t find anyone else to watch the farm while I’m gone on such short notice. Would you come up and just stay in my house for a couple days and farmsit for me?”
“Sure! I don’t mind…” Ray looked over his shoulder at the still open bedroom door. “But is it okay if Violet comes with me?”
“Yeah, that’s alright with me, but I need you guys up here as soon as possible. Thanks, Ray, you’re the best cousin in the world!”
Ray went back into the bedroom and sat on the edge of Violet’s side of the bed. He put his hand on the other side of her and leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Wake up, love. We’re going on a trip.”
She shifted so she was on her back. “A trip? To where?”
“To my cousin Sam’s dairy farm. She needs someone to watch the place for a couple days.” He got up from the bed and began to gather an outfit for her out of the bureau. She stared at him, still shirtless and with his navy blue trousers hugging his hips, and smiled fondly. He felt her stare and looked over to see her smile. “What?” he asked as he returned her smile.
“We stayed up late last night…” She sat up and let the covers fall off of her. “Very late.”
He blushed, laughing sheepishly as he handed her a clean bra and panties. “You can sleep in the car if you want.”
She took the clothes from him and put the bra on. “Do we have time for breakfast?”
"We can stop someplace with a drive-thru."
Four hours later, they were driving down dirt paths lined with long patches of nearly-bare trees broken up only by tall corn fields. “I’m telling you, Violet, you’re gonna love it! The fresh air, the tranquility, nothing around for miles but the beautiful foliage, the fields of fresh grass, and the occasional sound from the farm animals, I think it’s just what you need after that busy Halloween season.”
Violet smiled as she looked out the window. “It sounds amazing, Ray. I can’t wait to see it.” She looked over at him as he continued driving. She put her hand in his free hand, and he immediately intertwined his fingers with hers, glancing away from the road to smile and blush before focusing on the road again.
When they got to the farm, Ray took both his own bag of clothes and Violet’s from the trunk. Sam was there waiting for them. “Ray, you’re here!” She hugged him. “Thank you so much for coming on such short notice. You’re a real life-saver!”
She moved to hug Violet next. “Violet, it’s so nice to see you again!” They had met when Sam came over to visit for Christmas last year, and Violet had already gotten the speech from her. “Break his heart and I’ll break your face.” Violet couldn’t say she blamed her. There was something about Ray that just made any woman love him to the point of extreme protectiveness right away.
“I wish I had more time, but I've got to get going. I left some instructions for taking care of the animals on the kitchen table. Bye, and thanks again!” Sam got in her own car and drove off, leaving Ray and Violet alone on the farm.
“So, what do you think?” Ray motioned all around him. “Isn’t it great?”
“Yeah! It’s even better than I imagined. It’s beautiful, Ray!” Violet said as she looked to the fields leading up to the quaint little farmhouse with the big front porch, and the woods beyond it. She breathed in the fresh air deeply, and grinned. Somehow, Ray realized exactly what she needed even before she did.
“I told you!”
“I believed you! And you were right.”
He smiled. “You should have heard the reaction when I tried to get the guys to stay here. They all hated the idea so much, I think the only thing that kept Peter from walking back to New York City is the fact that he liked Sam so much.”
Violet giggled. “Well, I can’t see why. I love it!”
“I’m glad you do. Someone else finally sees the appeal of this place!” Ray started making his way towards the farmhouse, and then looked back at Violet. “Now come on, I owe you one actual, home-cooked breakfast!”
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memewhore · 5 months
Tyler's back from Florida, so we walked out to the plane crash site. If you missed it: I was farmsitting for him and last Friday at 1:30 AM a small plane had to emergency-land in his cornfield and wrecked when it hit the creek ditch. The 75-year-old pilot walked away a little banged-up but otherwise fine.
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genderwizard · 2 years
showed up to farmsit and :) kitty cat climbin on me :)))
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