#fate swap!optimus
sonicasura · 1 year
Me: *sees AUs where if Transformers Animated Optimus and Black Arachnia switch places* Let me give you all something better.
First off Optimus' robot mode. His will be based on a drider, a mythological creature with a human top half and a spider lower body. Retains Autobot colors but with additional orange markings on the abdomen similar to a jumping spider in pattern.
Alt Mode? Goliath Birdeater aka the world's largest spider and a tarantula. These beauties right here! I like to mention Goliath Birdeaters are actually gentle giants who only bite when threatened and rarely eat birds.
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Optimus is a BIG BOI particularly around 32 ft in size as he had some growing to do so his body could fully support this new frame. If you are wondering, yes he does molt like spiders. And Optimus also kept them as a morbid reminder that the bot is now a monster.
Yeah I forgot to mention the guy went into self exile. Instead of the behavior people usually portray Arachnus Prime, he's still a kind soul but now layered with self depreciation, loneliness and thinks 'monsters like him' don't deserve companionship. OP more likely to run away than chase someone off.
He ends up on Earth ten years before Megatron and made his own nest somewhere near Detroit. Optimus becomes a local cryptid akin to Big Foot on levels of popularity. The only proof people could gather is the tracks he leaves behind, empty punctured oil drums, or molt fragments.
Spider brain tends to go off where he tries to catch birds and other critters. Only casualties were a few deer alongside the realization Optimus can subsist on organics too. He shuts himself in whenever this new craving occurs as he rather not eat a human during a feral state.
The rapid rise in technological advances for Detroit later forces him to relocate within the sewer systems since his previous den faced absolute destruction. Feral episodes become more difficult to manage as Optimus resorted to fishing to satisfy himself. It takes awhile before things become normal for him.
Then a repair crew from Cybertron emerge lead by his dear friend, Elita-1. A blast from the past Optimus wished to never face again. Nor the Decepticon threat that will soon expose his existence.
Good luck Optimus as you'll need it.
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nobodys-hekatonchires · 4 months
My thoughts on Earthspark as I watch it (I forgot to post this yesterday)
!!Spoilers for Episode 7-9!!
Episode 7
I'm sorry but I have to get it out of the way-
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If course, Twitch and Spitfire have swapped bodies
Poor Ravage :( Wavewave slay
I understand the base has been breech but surely it is still safer than anywhere else?? Maybe if the Autobots were actually COMPETENT
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Wheelbarrow is hot
Novastorm and Soundwave just dipped
I am enjoying the amount of time they are giving Wheeljack in this one <3 Dad 2 is the best
They're right by the base...surely there are OTHER Autobots OPlita can call for back up...
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Episode 8
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Me when I have to look at this ugly mug
I'm enjoying the Optimus, BUT WHAT ABOUT WHEELJACK?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
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I'm- Optimus
This would be a great episode in TFP, I might have to steal it
How is THIS the best episode so far? I wish it had more Megatron though
Shouldn't they have car supplies at the base? Ya'know, where the CARS LIVE???
The one time they finally call for backup and they're not even in danger
Man I wanted Optimus to see the mess his trailer was rip
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He is...ya'know?
Not the pine...
Meanwhile, Wheeljack is still dead
Episode 9
I may have skipped the beginning...there were not cool bots
I can't say Dweller without using Meg's accent
I hate Val
They've forgotten what backup is again...
Is that a Quint Judge???
I want some Quintus and Optimus interactions in this show. Please?
Not a very good guardian are you, Titan Territronus. Nice voice though, I like you.
Idk, leaving Thrash to guard the Ember shards alone seems dumb as hell
I wish Optimus was cooler...he could have been awesome, some Prime stuff.
Oh, Wheeljacks fine
I understand family and stuff but "nothings worth that kind of risk" Idk maybe the FATE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD?!??! Even Alex agrees
Now is not the time for photos Mo! I guess they can't feel the fact their siblings are like semi-dead
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I like this shot a lot :))))))
How useless is the Matrix in this series. Would it not be on par with the Stone??? It's a relic of the Primes??? of Prima
How are two tiny children stronger than the Optimus Prime
What a disappointing fight
Well done, you broke the stone even worse than last time
I hope p2 will be better
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The Climb
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Summary: You're a scientist, an engineer to be exact. Called to a meeting you had no real right to be at, Optimus Prime takes an exclusive interest in you, but you can't help but ask yourself at every turn, Why?
Rating: 18+ 🌹🩸🍆
Story Masterlist
Chapter 4
‘No, no, this is unacceptable.’ Smith exclaimed in a meeting in the hanger.
     Optimus Prime stood in his usual spot in the centre, Lennox right beside me on the balcony at eye level to the Autobot, and a screen displaying the people responsible for making sure the official Plan A succeeded. There seemed to be a shared knowledge that it would fail, and more reliance was being put onto my plan.
     ‘You’re supposed to be finding a way to blow a hole in that ship, not planning to scale it yourself.’ Smith argued more firmly. ‘We gave you a list of perfectly suitable candidates, men who are trained to handle the type of mission you have proposed and now you’re telling us the world’s best athletes are not good enough, but you, a scientist who has never seen a day of hard exercise in her life, can. This is outrageous.’
     The room was quiet, I felt my fear seeping in, he might have been right, but I didn’t want him to know that.
     ‘Someone would need to train you.’ Colonel Morshower said from one of the screens.
     ‘I’ll take that responsibility, sir.’ Lennox stepped forward.
     ‘I thought you might.’ He nodded.
     ‘Now, hang on a minute.’ Smith interrupted. ‘You’re not seriously considering placing the fate of the world in the hands of a scientist, who quite frankly doesn’t even look old enough to have graduated college.’
     ‘I thought it was my physical capabilities and not my superior intelligence up for debate, Mr Smith.’ I shot, tired of the arguing, I just wanted to get started with my training.
     ‘You’re on thin ice, young lady, I’d suggest keeping your opinions to yourself.’ Smith growled.
     ‘And I would suggest you keep your outrage in check.’ Optimus suddenly spoke, startling Smith. ‘Dr Harding is our nominated candidate as well. She has far more to offer than your small mind can see. I will not ask any other to make the climb.’
     ‘You’re not serious?’ Smith scoffed.
     ‘Dr Harding, if your council is agreement, then every Autobot under my command is at your service to ensure you complete your mission. Whatever is needed, you shall have it.’
     ‘Thank you.’ I breathed, knowing with Optimus Prime in my corner, I couldn’t fail.
     ‘And what if she asks for technology? You would entrust a single human being with your weapons-‘ Smith went on.
      ‘I wouldn’t ask.’ I snapped, feeling the bravery that Optimus and Lennox had put in me. ‘That’s the difference, Mr Smith. I’m self-aware enough to know that I may be liable to abuse such technology, so I would never ask. If I did, I would only prove myself unworthy of their trust.’
     The room was quiet again and everyone was in agreement, I would make the thirty thousand foot climb and sabotage the ship that threatened to destroy Earth.
     The council agreed to swap Plan A and B around, devoting more resources to my ascent than to research into weaponry that could penetrate the ship’s hull. Lennox took me out every morning to the track to improve my stamina, I worked with Theo to try and reduce the amount I had to climb, and Optimus was familiar enough with the type of ship that he could guide me through sabotaging it from the inside.
     After the first month I found myself able to run ten circuits of the track and make the climb up the one hundred and fifty foot wall without too much trouble, but I knew I would need to push myself harder. One hundred and fifty was a fraction of what was being asked of me.
     ‘You need rest.’ Theo told me one evening while I was cycling on a machine and working on my tablet.
     ‘I need to keep pushing.’ I reasoned back. ‘I’ll never make it otherwise.’
     Theo just sighed and wandered out of the training hall, it was just as Optimus and Ironhide drove in as their transformed counterparts. Ironhide revved, before driving away. Optimus, however, remained as the blue and red truck for a moment before transforming into his natural state. I never would get used to the sight of it.
     ‘Dr Harding,’ he said, an air of disappointment in his voice. ‘You should be resting.’
     ‘So, I’ve been told.’ I sighed and got back to work.
     ‘Without rest, your body will not recover enough to make the climb.’ He reasoned.
     ‘I won’t make the climb if I don’t push my limits.’ I shot back.
     I heard him take a couple of steps before he was directly in front of me, kneeling down once again. His expression was one of someone who was not used to being disobeyed.
     ‘You must rest otherwise you will fail.’ His voice was deep and unimpressed, it was the same one he used on Smith.
     I swallowed nervously, eventually slowing down before coming to a stop.
     ‘Thank you.’ Optimus nodded, finding his composure once again. ‘Understand this, we all want you to succeed, but you must allow your body to catch up with what your mind commands.’
     I let a heavy breath go, putting my tablet down on my mobile desk and began to stretch my legs.
     ‘I know.’ I said, quietly.
     ‘Then why do you not stop when your friends ask it of you?’
     ‘Honestly? Because I’m scared.’ I admitted and felt the tears fall hard and fast. I slid onto the floor and let myself sob for a moment.
     ‘If you weren’t, then I would question your sanity.’ Optimus gently stroked the tip of his finger down my back, it felt like a whole human hand, he was just so big.
     ‘Can I ask a question?’ I turned to see his hugely complex features nodding. ‘Why did you ask for my opinion in the first place? Why didn’t you accept our presentation?’
     Optimus took his hand away, leaning on the ground. He seemed unwilling to want to answer the question.
     ‘I cannot answer your question, Dr Harding.’ He shook his head. ‘Not for lack of want, but rather lack of knowledge. I do not know what it was about you that had me so captivated that day, but it continues to intrigue me.’
     I frowned for a moment. ‘I don’t understand, you’re an Autobot, not just any Autobot, you’re Optimus Prime and I’m… I’m no one, I’m just a scientist, there’s millions of me.’
     ‘There is no one like you, of that, I am certain.’
     I swallowed again. ‘What are you telling me?’
     Optimus’s blue eyes scanned me. ‘I do not know.’
     He didn’t say anything else. Optimus transformed into the familiar truck and drove off in the same direction as Ironhide, leaving me to continue working and rest my body.
Optimus drove speedily towards the Autobot hanger, angry with himself. He transformed back into his natural form and stomped towards the open doors that looked out at the last remaining rays of light.
     ‘Didn’t go well then?’ Ironhide stepped forward where the others didn’t dare just yet.
     Optimus just grunted in response.
     ‘Look, if you like her, just tell her.’
     ‘It is not so easy, Ironhide.’ Optimus shook his head. ‘I do not understand why. Why her? Why a human?’
     ‘Can’t do anything about the heart.’ Hound spoke up. ‘It choses who it choses, we don’t often get a say in that. That’s what humans say anyway.’ He added.
     Optimus hummed in agreement once again. He thought briefly on how fragile she felt beneath his finger, he tried so hard to be careful not to put too much pressure on her body which was already feeling the effects of training so hard. Optimus couldn’t help but feel something internal groaning to touch her again, even just to talk to her for a while would have been a privilege he didn’t think he deserved.
     He hoped that Dr Harding would rest that night, she was pushing herself too hard and risking injury. If she continued the way she was going, she would almost certainly set herself back weeks and that was time they didn’t have.
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saltysaltdog · 1 year
Here's stuff from the junk drawer.
This was originally what I was going to do for megop prompt Marriage before I lost steam for it and swapped to vampires.
It's a vaguely medieval au.
(And unfinished, obviously)
They had met as opponents first. The Fearrous dynasty had released their slaves onto the battlefield as cannon fodder. Megatronus even then had never and would never be canon fodder. He was crafty and managed to obtain one of his soldiers' weapons: Optimus had been a Knight at the time and had command of a whole fleet. 
Orion had been in agony for the past five years. He'd been regularly exchanging letters with Megatronus, the renowned gladiator, though he hadn't always been.
He escaped that battle, then the next. They clashed over and over, soon finding themselves fighting on the battlefields fighting one on one.
He was unskilled then however, which was the only reason he was captured. 
Even kneeling he was a ferocious looking creature, silvery grey like a walking corpse, with optics that burned like meteor strikes, omens of disaster that aimed directly at you as if to claim your life next.
He didn't speak neocyprex, the language of Iacon and other allied territories, but that didn't matter. He was clever. He settled the matter with a single word.
"I beg your pardon?!" The guardsman had sputtered, so Megatron repeated it. 
"Slave Thorn, Slave wynn, Slave Yogh."
He gestured his head to members behind him and tilted his head in challenge.
They had done nothing wrong. The first fight had been more akin to a slaughter than anything. Everyone there knew it. Every clash against the fleeing group had also been started by the knights. It would be a sin to harm any of them further.
Plus, as Megatronus had them cheekily translate, hadn't he already been so kind as to lead them to every secret fortress in the sands? 
He was taken in as a prisoner of war, then was forced into gladiatorial combat. At least, that had been Optimus's understanding. Megatron told it differently, that he had chosen his fate. 
He surmounted impossible odds. Killed exotic beasts spectacularly. Any other gladiator could have paid their fees a hundred times over to be free from debt and live a simple existence. 
He had taken on the name Megatronus then, and Optimus had written to him, expressing his want to help… Megatronus had written back the most condescending letter he had ever received. He wrote back, and got much the same. 
It was an experience, and when Optimus saw an opportunity to make a recommendation he did, pulling some strings to have an offer made. Destroy the Fearrous dynasty and become a free man: become a soldier.
Somehow instead Megatronus was a mercenary, hired out to the Iacon kingdoms. When they met on the battlefield it was as Newly appointed Prime and subordinate. 
Speaking in person was slow to adjust to, but when back to back, against insurmountable odds he wouldn't have anyone else by his side. Megatron was just as infuriating, but smoothed tongued as well, charming, compelling. They spoke politics, strategy, and occasionally fine literature and philosophy. 
When Optimus was pulled away from the battlefield Megatron continued alone. Where he went bots laid down their arms, some just upon the very sight of him. They knew him, they shouted his name. 
He conquered. 
Iacon granted him a title and the Land of Kaon– As Megatron, since he couldn't have the name Megatronus. Through skirmishes he took over the rest of the southern hemisphere, if in spirit and not paper. The southern Warlord. 
And then he got married.
Orion let his head hit the desk. 
Or almost married to be precise. The other bot had run off before the wedding could take place. 
Megatron had built up the most terrifying reputation imaginable. Invincible gladiator, extremely cunning, likely to continue his craving for more bloodshed by turning his sight on Iacon next. 
It wasn't hearing him laugh like they were the only two people in the world. It wasn't seeing the grace of how he held a sword. It wasn't his stray attitude even with a blade to his neck, never flustered. It wasn't feeling the heat of his body at his back, trusty and stable in battle. 
And somehow Optimus had been complacent with the idea that no-one would even consider the idea of marriage with him. They had never been… to be honest at the time Optimus had been too overwhelmed to spare him much more than a glance from across the room. But with time and the sudden shock, suddenly letters didn't seem like enough. Letters weren't arguing until daybreak and shooting increasingly irritated glances at an increasing number of wry jokes and asides, only some of which at his expense of being so tired. 
Over the years their letters had softened, and there was something, the potential for something there, and it was killing him that someone else might see what he looked like sleeping, might feel if he ran warm outside of battle, received those rare compliments that made a bot feel like he was the only one in the world. 
And then it had been called off. 
He'd sent his condolences of course, but Megatron had only called it  "of no concern." Simply a minor hiccup he had to bear with to continue his later plans.
Optimus had been elated! He wanted to laugh at whoever was stupid enough to run off. He could have him! 
Optimus set about making it so he could get married in the first place. He'd taken vows, he had the matrix for Solus's sake. Matrix bearers couldn't get married, especially ones who had been Prime for a half decade. 
Alpha trion had been against it, and delayed it, forcing Optimus many late nights of postponing his letters. Then Megatron got engaged again.
It had only been a year! How?! 
Slightly revived, he took ink to quill only to find Megatron had already sent him a letter in advance, informing him that these things were to be expected, given his reputation and the sheltered nature of the waif-like creatures sent to him. That he was not damaged by this in any way, and sent his utmost assurance that he was alright, and that Optimus needn't pull himself away from his duties to write a hurried letter at the news. 
He completely gave up on the world for the two months it took for the prospective spouse to run away again. 
Megatron had said he'd laughed at that, and Optimus had felt himself melt at those words more than he ever had before. Megatron had gone on to write however, that "Regrettably," If Optimus tried to visit he would only find an empty estate. And that Megatron had left once again to go south. 
Optimus could only really send him back a letter stating he knew him too well, but not well enough if he didn't expect a letter to be sent out at once and that Optimus would be forcing a visit to his estate to check on him.
It seemed they never got to meet anymore. The only times seemed to be snippets of when all those with titles were expected to make their appearance in the northern territories right beside Iacon right after the ion storms had dissipated. 
Optimus was usually busy with religious obligations around that time, and though Megatron did come to try and get a glimpse of him all aspects of religion seemed disagreeable to him and he rarely stayed for too long. 
It was only natural for Megatron to be gone before the harvest season began, and then winter prevented much travel on the northern territories altogether. 
So all Optimus could really stem himself on was "Regrettably". 
Surely Megatron missed him as much as he did. He braved religion for him, (though that was part of a duty to maintain hold of his title), and he knew him enough to know that if Megatron showed up to the cathedral it was mainly for him than anything else. 
If only he had some excuse to head south himself, perhaps to escape the icy chill of the land, but as if in anticipation of this he was swamped with more work than ever, the rare social calls from older friends travelling down from the North, and by the time he was set to go a freak blizzard had blocked all routes down, which meant of course his letters were partially delayed too.
When the post finally came through however there were a few increasingly worried letters, which had escalated in Megatron sending out inquiries to each town along the pass to ensure Optimus hadn't been caught in the crossfire. 
"Dearest." It was enough to buoy Optimus through the rougher eccentricities of trying to escape his binds, which he had never fully considered before, but even escaping a few of them had already given him an exciting amount of freedom. He hadn't realised how nice having things of his own was. Most of what he used was tied up in community ownership with religious institutions. They had to be handled a certain way and returned as soon as he was done using them. Now however he wasn't on a time limit for anything. If he wanted to read at a snail's pace, he could. He could take all year if he liked. He could write on it. He could spill crumbs on it. He could fall asleep reading or drool on it. He could stack it. And if for whatever reason the contents displeased him too much he could throw it into a smelter and be done with it. 
The pass was only able to be opened again partially due to the fervour in which Megatron had worked, and while Optimus hadn't wanted to take it too personally Megatron had stated it was an effort he would expend for none except those he held dearest to him.
His enthusiasm about it had disturbed most of his fellows, and annoyed a fair amount of his friends. Even so he gushed about it to Megatron. If Megatron did get annoyed it would simply be another time Optimus had done so.
Owning things was nice. And once he had that realisation it was over; No bidding from Alpha Trion would get him to stop: He wanted to try everything.
Megatron however wasn't annoyed, and was incredibly supportive. He did ask what prompted it of course, but it was one line buried amongst many more enticing threads. One of which being Megatron speaking of his own experiences on the topic. The first object he'd ever bought for himself was his own vessel for energon. It was apparently one of his most treasured possessions, not for any monetary value, of course, but just that it was the one he'd most liked at the time, out of the small shop he'd purchased it from, and it meant he never had to share or end up with the "worst" cup during mealtimes. 
Finally when Megatron made the trip back up they had time. Optimus wasn't free yet, but they spent hours talking, and he'd gotten to try his first sip of Kaonite energex. A mistake as it turned out, as he'd over indulged maybe a little, and woken up in the middle of the night in his own rooms with a terrible hangover, only vaguely aware that he'd bawled his optics into malfunction over something.
That is, until just before winter yet again.
There hadn't been enough privacy to speak about it, and it felt embarrassing to bring up when Megatron seemed to have forgotten about it entirely in his letters. 
I'm getting engaged, though I do not expect this one to fare any better than the others."
"Dear Optimus, do you perhaps remember our conversation over fine energex? I feel as if it's unlikely, but on the off chance you haven't I am writing to you as I have promised.
Thankfully however, Megatron's pessimism seemed well suited, for no sooner than it was officially announced than the very next day revealed that once the carriage had arrived that the prospective spouse had shuttled their belongings into their lover's carriage and fled. 
Optimus was close to just about throwing everything off his desk. He scrambled instead to find out everything about Megatron's betrothed and didn't care for what he found. Firstly they seemed to have no real status, or money, or firm wants outside of frivolities and neglecting the bare minimum expected of one of their class.
He seethed. How could they have met? Why was this an option for Megatron? It was outrageous, and yet when Optimus brought it up it was as if people thought the opposite way around! Truly maddening.
"You certainly know how to pick them," Optimus had told him, and Megatron had laughed.
Megatron had already scared off a forth by the time Optimus had started preparations to return the Matrix. Then by the time he had, skirmishes had broken out by the border and he didn't get to see Megatron for an entire year.
That was the least of his concerns however. Returning the Matrix had come with consequences, one of which being the changes to his frame. Secondly that as now he was out of both military and religious circles he had to change from his official name in the registrar, which had slashed his social connections as when they looked up his address they found "Orion Pax" and with no idea who that was, destroyed the letters without reading them. Some of his friends had apologised for that, but not all of them had yet, and with the squirmishes there was no time to contact them directly.
It seemed his derision of Megatron's choices were misplaced, as now he found himself in that exact same position. As Prime and as a religious figure he hadn't exactly needed his own assets, and estates took financing. Yet even with that he should have been fine, if it wasn't also institutions having trouble with his name change. The bank was trying to sort it but in the meantime there were debts to be paid, mainly in how many societies didn't know he had already paid them and did not need to again.
Not that he'd exactly be able to.
Some places seemed to think of him as his own ward, rather than the same bot, which did not make matters easier, and already someone had attempted to kidnap him to place for random. 
It didn't help that he hadn't had the forsight to get an automatic carriage and had to drive himself, which was a lot easier when his frame was built for long distances.
And unless he wanted to jump back into the institutes he'd just left…
He sighed.
The rumours he'd been hearing were… concerning to say the least. He'd never known Megatronus's reputation to be so low.
But the biggest thing causing Orion all this agony was that it was about time for Megatron to make another marriage attempt but if Optimus could have he would have recommended against it.
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Dear Vector Prime, Was the Galvatron who was consumed by the Time rift used to be the Straxus double Megatron as he remembered things from THAT Megatron eyes.
Dear Double Decepticon,
Well, yes—and no. When Unicron encountered the dying "Straxatron" after his fateful duel with Optimus Prime, he could sense the torture and duplicity employed by Straxus to gain a new body—and heartily approved. With his powers, he disassociated Straxus from Archforce's body and addressed him directly, offering him a new body in exchange for loyalty.
However, Straxus immediately recognized an opportunity: forsake the damaged Megatron and attempt to do a body-swap with the Chaos-Bringer himself. Unicron was not fazed, and dispensed only defeat, trapping his life spark, leaving him disembodied forever more. He then offered the besieged Archforce, whose personality began to reassert itself, a chance for revenge against the Autobots and Decepticons that opposed him so. Twisted by a desire for vengeance and a desperate need to act after being a passive observer for so long, he accepted, becoming the Galvatron that you know from the Time Wars.
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supernova1us · 1 year
So I had a really weird, random transformers concept idea pop up
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So I had this idea that i just got yesterday and kept thinking about. similar to RID2015's motif of all the decepticons being animal themed, this series would have the theme of the Decepticons be based off the universal classic monsters. literally this whole idea came from a pic where someone showed that wfc megatrons arm could be swapped with primes because of the weapon gimmick. and i was like, oh megatron with a different arm is cool, what if he had many salvaged parts, like frankenstein. so yeah i just rolled with and kept developing that concept, fell down the rabbit hole a bit and so here's what i have so far.
the plot is that at the height of the war, shockwave tricks megatron into leading a crew of cons mostly loyal to him on a fools errand looking for an energy source, so he can gain command of the deceptions. ending up marooned on earth in the scheme, they spend years there, attempting to first conquer humanity, then hide from them after being repeatedly overwhelmed and many killed, and finally to simply survive. badly damaged and no longer caring for their goals, infighting finally causes them to all go rogue to survive in their own ways. after the end of the war, optimus leads a crew of autobots to investigate and possibly capture megatron after learning of his fate when shockwave was defeated. the autobots role then would basically be monster hunters, attempting to remain in hiding on earth, with the help of Mikaela Banes, to hunt down the now monstrous decepticons
megatron-primarily based on the Frankenstein monster, he'd be surviving now as a grotesque patchwork of parts from his fallen warriors to stay alive(also partially based on DOTM design). he still maintains his drive to dominate and cunning and continues to manipulate events from the shadows, also sorta making him a bit of dr frankenstein as well. bots he'd def have parts incorporated from would include thundercracker, blackout, demolishor, flamewar.
nightbird would be based on the bride of frankestein, owing to her original origin, she will have been made by megatron from parts scavenged from shadow striker, slipstream and flamewar.
barricade would be based on igor, having been badly crippled and still faithfully aiding megatron as his crony. he secretly has the statsis locked bodies of rumble and frenzy hidden away, which he has one-sided conversations with.
starscream would play up his g1 trait and be a spark ghost, frequently haunting/tormenting megatron but also keeping tabs on the other cons and watching/harassing the autobots.
soundwave would be based on the phantom of the opera, with half his head being melted/badly damaged, he now hides in the sewers and composes his own music which he anonymously broadcasts to the human city above. he is also going insane as his damage means his mind reading abilities are always active and hearing all the humans minds. he also refuses to free his cassettes from his chest out of paranoia that they may either betray or abandon him.
skywarp would be based on the invisible man, his body having been rendered virtually nonexistent by previously being overloaded when attempting to teleport, he wears makeshift armor(made from jet parts and based on the armada version) to be seen and hold together his barely existing physical form.
reflector would be based on the classic zombie horde; he/they created far too many copies/clones at once, spreading the shared consciousness too thin until it snapped, leaving them all bereft of any higher consciousness, only barely living functions like stunted mobility and desire to find energy, as well as brain modules from other bots to potentially restore their own mind.
shatter, would be based on dracula, after a failed experiment in augmenting the decpeticons energy processing abilities, became a ravenous energy vampire, compulsively sucking off raw energy sources to survive, including other bots.
sixshot would be based on a werewolf, having lost control of his savage and now independent wolf mode, which he cannot resist switching to at random times.
spittor would be based on the creature of the black lagoon, with his look and traits based off his tfa version but to a greater extent. he now also has a proper frog alt mode, though a grotesque one.
cyclonus would be based on the mummy, having been supposedly killed by the humans and bound in titanium wrapping and dumped underground to be forgotten. he eventually stirs from statsis lock, his mind deteriorated and his body barely functioning and only held together by the bindings, and goes out to seek warped revenge on humans and transformers alike.
Bonecrusher, based on his movie version, would just be like a wild engine of destruction, very much a jason vorhees type.
blackarachnia, with a tfa design, would be also mutated into a technorganic which is treated more as her being this biomechanical abomination, somewhat inspired by the Metaluna Mutant.
snapdragon and apeface would be based on godzilla and king kong respectively, and be like mini kaiju who consistently feud in beast mode and destroy the same city over and over.
the insecticons are now feral insect types who have built a large underground hive.
the autobots would consist of optimus prime, ironhide(movieverse based), red alert(tfa based), jazz, bulkhead, mirage, hashtag(earthspark based), bumblebee, cliffjumper, whirl, knockout(rotf based) and wheeljack(dotm body design and personality, but with typical colors and head design). optimus, jazz, bee and cliff would have overall design and traits based on their wfc/foc designs, simply just if they now had earth mode features.
so, what are thoughts on this admittedly weird concept?
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ralith · 1 year
Ask prompt, 001 for ReTired Trio/Bayverse RatchHide
Retired Trio:
When I started shipping it: Gosh, has it been over a year now? A bit longer? I can't quite remember.
My thoughts: Beautiful older men who finally found comfort and safety in each other's arms and wouldn't trade it for the world.
What makes me happy about them: Really, that they're happy. They've been alone or struggling for a long time. Even if their past relationships fizzled out, they still remain friends with their old flames (except Ratchet). But they give each other a reason to wake up each morning. They know where they belong now and have purpose. Especially Ironhide who was struggling to adjust to civilian life. He was trying to hold it together and felt like he was losing the battle there for a while until he made that fateful decision to visit the museum one afternoon and see a certain man. The phone number scribbled in his copy of a book gave him the push to get better.
What makes me sad about them: Ratchet was miserable for so long in a bad marriage. In hindsight he feels like he wasted so much of his life and often thinks of his mortality and how short a time he has with his husbands now. Even nestled between them, their breathing calm and even and hearts beating beneath his ear the thought of losing them keeps him up on many a night.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Uh, considering I'm the one writing them.. maybe that I don't write them enough?
Things I look for in fanfic: Major cock cuddling
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: Their old flames. Hide with Chromia. Optimus with Elita, or Megatron, who was the first man he'd ever laid with on a one night stand after falling out with Elita, which led to his bi-awakening. Ratchet, well, I'd rather him be alone than with his old partner.
My happily ever after for them: Grow older together.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: Ratchet is the little spoon, crushed between two big spoons.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Eating home-cooked meals from Optimus. Watching Ironhide flaunt his physique at the beach. Ratchet rubbing aloe on Ironhide's sunburns because he got burned at the beach. Little domestic things.
Bayverse Ironhide/Ratchet:
When I started shipping it: Back in 2011 when I first got into tf thanks to DOTM. Thanks Sentinel for hurting me so quickly.
My thoughts: I love these two so much. They make me stupidly happy. I have never shipped two characters harder than these two.
What makes me happy about them: The little touches in background scenes. How they're always either touching or need to be near each other. The fondness for proximity.
What makes me sad about them: Thinking of them pining for each other for centuries and only building the courage to bond when they arrive to earth after TF07, thinking the war is drawing to a close. But they're only bonded for a mere 5 years before Ironhide is taken from Ratchet. Barely even a blink to a Cybertronian.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Ratchet throwing wrenches and being a grump that threatens the other bots. That might work on G1 or idw Ratchet, but bayverse Ratchet is a cinnamon roll pacifist who is a genuinely kind person.
Things I look for in fanfic: All the fluff with these two.
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other: Optimus. They keep him grounded. Maybe Ratchet with Que...
My happily ever after for them: A peaceful life on Earth. The war is over and they can wake up wrapped in each other.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: They swap positions a lot. Ironhide the big spoon usually, but it's not permanent. He and Ratchet will naturally settle into what they need that night. They can read each other easily. Sometimes Ratchet just knows when Ironhide is feeling low and gathers the mech in his arms.
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: Going on long drives to nowhere. Cloud watching and star gazing. Going to zoos/aquariums and seeing small animals (holoforms obviously.) Ironhide practically has to drag Ratchet away from the touch tanks. I sometimes think of them taste-testing earth foods while in holoforms, going to restaurants and foodtrucks.
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In some twist of fate during the Spider-Jack and Transformers Animated crossover, ether because of Professor Sumdac or a villain, Jack a.k.a Spiderman accidentally switches bodies with one of the members of the Autobot team. How would each bot react being stuck inside the body of an organic super-hero while Jack is stuck in a Cybertronian body?
Who be the most enthusiastic and who had the most trouble?
To the most trouble, to the most enthusiastic by this!
Bulkhead: Screaming internally because he just got reduced to a tiny human. No offense, but Spider-Jack's body is thinner than he thought... He just likes the fact that he can still paint.
Ratchet: This is more of pure annoyance ¿¡How is he supposed to work now!? That, and the freaking Spider-sense is killing him...
Bee: He would be the most enthusiastic about this if it wasn't for the fact that he doesn't know how to use Spider-Jack's abilities.
Optimus: This is too much for him, but just, too much!!! He has no problem with using the web but using the sticky abilities is a bit tricky.
Prowl: He would be the only one in the group mostly ok with swapping bodies with an organic, more because Jack's body is perfectly suitable for Prowl. And hey, birds will now pose in his fingers without fear or the trouble of being crushed!
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primus-why · 2 years
Content Warning: War Imagery
Is it too much to ask for a Transformers show like M*A*S*H*? You know, minus the racism, homophobia, and objectification of women of that era...
Let me see the blend of humor and tragedy. Let me see the characters (and audience) have moments of mercy and sympathy for their "enemies". Let the relationships between the core cast be so incredibly strong. Let's see them explore strange planets that keep them on their toes because either wacky scenarios or death lurk around each corner.
Hell, to mix it up, let's swap between factions! Sometimes it's an Autobot episode, other times it's a Decepticon one. And as we the viewers watch these two factions insist that the opponent is "other" and "opposite" of them, we quickly realize that they have so much in common! And there's an extra layer of tragedy that blankets the show because we know that if just a few things could be talked out and reconciled with that the Cybertronian's could reunite as a people.
And again, to mix it up, maybe they DO JUST THAT, and the final season is the early beginnings of rebuilding. Bring in the neutrals or the colonies for new and added flare. Have characters like Megatron admit to Optimus in private that despite the peace treaties, a small part of him will always hate Autobots, and there's nothing Optimus can do or say that can change history and fix that. I want to see mechs gathering at a memorial specifically created for them to record their memories of those who were lost during the war because these were friends, lovers, fellow Cybertronians and they DESERVED to be archived somewhere-- not by a number, but by name, by their stories. Would love a scene where Megatron kicks off a memorial service that lasts literal YEARS, and he STANDS there until his legs rust up and lock, reciting the names of as many Decepticons and gladiators and disposables as he can remember because he REFUSES to let them be forgotten in the new age. Let it be a space of grieving and healing, open to any faction, to everyone. Fuck, imagine if people didn't join him at first, but Soundwave or even Starscream did, reciting their own list of names.
Because I don't think it would sit well with Megatron if there was a new era being built and people were all too happy to hastily push away their uncomfortable feelings because to him that's a dishonor to their memory, that's forgetting them. He doesn't want to do that. The point of that memorial is to make sure people remember, and so by the Primes he's gonna make sure they fuckin remember!
Where are my episodes of Optimus having to watch one of his Autobots go off for their R&R only hear their caravan was shelled along the way? Where's Ratchet-- top surgeon Ratchet-- who cries for the first time in VORNS after losing a patient he knew more personally than most of the others that cross his table? Gimme Wheeljack and Brainstorm creating wacky inventions, while Perceptor is constantly trying to reel them in, only for Perceptor to be seriously injured and get transported away from their base, his fate unknown to them? Or what if we saw Hot Rod talking all kinds of hot shit on base about how he's mad at the Cons for blowing up his home or his friends, how he's gonna get out there and decimate their forces-- and the other mechs who are more seasoned joke around with him about it, because he's too green to know what it's like-- but his first klik on an actual battlefield, he freezes up because it suddenly feels so REAL and the tough words you said in the barracks aren't going to stop the grenades getting launched at your head.
Just... argh. I love me some light stuff for the kids, I really do. But I feel like sometimes the Cybertronian's war isn't tapped into the way it could be. Sometimes they take things too seriously and edgy, to the point you wonder if it's even fun to watch anymore or if it's trying too hard. Other times it's so light, they either have to write the war out of the show or just... idk pretend being at war is not so bad? Or that explosions are just always cool? I just feel like we could straddle the two extremes a bit better. Allow the characters to crack jokes, be jovial, fall in love, discover things about themselves and those around them, but also cry, and lament, rage at systems in place, contemplate desertion, deal with PTSD symptoms, and make sacrifices with real weight to them.
Also make it gay!! With some more femmes too!!
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
In a swap universe!
Optimus changes fates with Elita-1 and becomes a Predacon, but instead of looking for revenge, he thinks that what has happened to him is his fault and runs from Cybertron because of their racism. Finding refuge on planet earth, he fouds a small team of Autobots...
Elita-1 becomes a respected guard, becoming part of the Elite team, not the leader, but Jazz is the leader and Elita the second in command.
While Sentinel well, he is expelled from the academy and found by the Decepticon warlord...
On Archive of Our Own, there is someone who has written stories with the AU. If you haven't read any of them yet, you should, they're really good!
As for me, as cool as the concept sounds, I can never really imagine Optimus become a Predacon or a Techno-Organic, since he doesn't have the same downloading ability Elite-1 has, which if what I think contributed to her becoming a Techno-Organic spider.
But I still find it fun to read.
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sonicasura · 9 months
Alternate idea for TFA Optimus being stranded on Arachnus Seven instead of Elita-1. First off he doesn't turn into a spider. Nope, I'm going for another creature that lurks in caves but tend to eat critters like spiders: BATS.
Fun fact: Optimus Primal's original design had been a bat before it was replaced with the gorilla we know and love. As for the OP here... I'll going for multiple inspirations so he can truly be alien like. Mainly because the 'bat' Animated became was an equal level predator to the Arachna Seven Spiders.
This four winged species which I'll call 'Arachna Nebulas' went extinct due to outside interference as the bat genus in general are very sensitive to changes in their environment. We all know what happens when an ecosystem is heavily disturbed. Optimus was lucky enough to find intact enough remains to become Vetaleus Prime.
Vetaleus being a word play on Vetala, a mythological vampiric bat like entity that takes over cadavers. Fitting as in a way OP is dead whether it be to those he once knew or his old self. For Arachna Nebulas, it's from the Cosmic Bat Nebula that can be found in Orion's Constellation.
Now I have two types of inspiration for Vetaleus Prime. One from the real world while the other is media consumed over the years. For bot mode, I introduce you to Yu-Gi-Oh's King of the Feral Imps and Digimon's VenomMyotismon.
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Considering he had remains for this reformat than an alive specimen, OP's techno-organic nature has glaring differences when it comes to his modes. His thick fur becomes large mane like clusters around the helm/wrists/ankles while thinning out half way down his torso as defensive measures shift to the bones of the secondary wings become spikes and horns.
A 33 ft bulky frame meant for sheer force whether it be large powerful claws n talons, sharp piercing teeth to drain a prey's life, powerful tail that can flatten, or even large ears which can hear an ant breathe. Vetaleus Prime's bat like face doesn't help in portraying his gentle yet nervous nature and his still Autobot colors remain under scrutiny. No stereotypical evil Fateswap OP's in this house.
Onto the Arachna Nebulas' mode, I have fictional inspiration alongside three real world ones. Meet the Golden Crowned Flying Fox, Vampire Bat, White Honduran Bat and Monster Hunter's Paolumu!
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Optimus is very fluffy in alt mode as the Nebulas' thick fur prevents the spiders from injecting their venom into him. Akin to the Paolumu inspiration than just visage, there's a special air sac in the neck that allows the species to not only float but also spit large blasts of pressurized air if their hammerlike tail slaps don't do the job. Here's the boss fight from Monster Hunter World for further details.
Vetaleus Prime's alt mode is built with the 'bob and weave' concept. Dodging the opponent's strikes while landing your own attacks on them. His larger upper arm wings makes it easier to move and adjust his trajectory in float as the secondary protects the less fluffy parts of the body.
In alt mode Vetaleus has more animalistic mannerisms. Growling, purring, roaring, and whining to convey his mood. He grooms himself like any other animal much to confusion of those around him.
Those mannerisms are still present in bot mode but Optimus tries not to unless alone or around others he trusts. He can't escape from nesting though. One of the ways to our bat bot can make himself feel comfortable and safe.
Like with Arachnus Prime, Vetaleus Prime goes into self exile knowing that Cybertron will never accept him. He ends up on Earth because of poachers who visited Arachnus Seven to capture some spiders to sell on the black market. A conflict that leads to a crash landing before canon occurs.
Optimus here has a more harsher craving when it comes to organics as his primal nature no longer has those giant spiders to satisfy him. It isn't uncommon for the deer and bear population to decline but also poachers or illegal hunters to disappear. You can say Vetaleus Prime holds a feral grudge on this specific group. Unless he has a good supply of oil than Cybertronian are in sheer danger from a feral episode.
Vetaleus craves companionship but isolates him due to fear. He has hurt others before and doesn't want to harm innocent people or much worse a companion. A fear made more apparent from his feral outbursts if refueling needs aren't satiated.
Ways to sustain this primal nature becomes more difficult once Vetaleus is forced to make the sewers his den. Stealing from food delivery trucks WILL happen if he cannot find ample resources in time. A desperate action that solidify his cryptid status as the 'Detroit Devil', escaping with the quarry in hand before anyone fully sees him.
Vetaleus Prime does his best to remain being hidden and indulge soothing hobbies like reading or knitting than cause people potentially dangerous strife. A task that might become impossible when the past ends up in Detroit. Or the haunting realization of what can happen should Vetaleus fail to satisfy his other side.
Team Elita-1 best be careful. An innocent monster is just as dangerous as any other. Optimus rather not sink his fangs into someone he considers a dear old friend but evil will not miss an opportunity like this...
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back at the crossroads between Detroit and Cybertron! Now Transform and Roll Out!
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rawmeknockout · 4 years
Can there please be a scenario of shattered glass autobots are infatuated with the decepticon bot please?
//not sure if youre asking for a specific decepticon insert ive written for??????? so i went with the typical sg con
and uummmmm this is dark okay//
The war has drawn on for so long, been so gruesome and vile, that if any mech has lived through a large portion of it they are seen as a legend. A figure of stability and strength. There’s so few mechs that have managed to keep it together for that long. Which is why you are so highly regarded among your faction.
Everything about you speaks to how untouchable you are; you’re noble and kind and gentle with your fellow Decepticons. You keep yourself neat and tidy, together, no matter how dire the circumstances. It’s why your comrades have come to so heavily lean on you. They depend on you, like a duckling is sure to follow it’s mother.
You’re the first mech many Decepticons have ever had truly care about them, care for them, and it works to unite them behind your strong command when you are called to lead. As you would fight for them with a ferocity unmatched, so would your comrades fight for you.
Yet, you’ve also caught the optics and imagination of so many Autobots, and they watch you with dangerous intent. Energon in their lines, snapping jaws, fists ready to rip your spark right out of your chest. They will break you to break the morale you have worked to build. They want to see you crumble, a puppet with strings cut, so the Decepticons have one less leader to guide them.
Rodimus daydreams aloud about the day he will finally see your spark die, how you will look, the helpless faces of your allies. Expounds to anyone who will listen that he’ll readily spill your blood, when so many times he has failed to meet his own expectations of the moment. Instead, there’s a yearning underneath. Too much detail about how you will look begging him for mercy, too much of his focus on how you will look at him with wide optics and servos shaking.
Tailgate much prefers his version of events, where you are captured and tortured for information. He wouldn’t leave you to survive, haunted by the events of his interrogation, but he would be sure to spread Rewind’s recording of your capture. He imagines delighting in knowing your comrades would watch your torment. If it were up to him Tailgate would like to keep you indefinitely, leave your fate hanging over the heads of your friends, but Optimus would never have that. “A shame,” Tailgate would say among ‘casual chats’ with Swerve, “We could have fun together.”
There is hushed talk and swapped messages on encrypted forums about you, who you lead, your service to the Decepticons, the Autobots you have killed. They talk in graphic detail of the things they could make you do, make you say, if not for the fact you are so strong and untouchable. They scatter like cockroaches from light, but stare into what they believe is their true image of the sun. No matter how they scoff and sneer at your delicate care and ‘carrier nature’, the Autobots are dogs snapping at scraps. Hungry for any bloody bit of gentle love and affection that they would tear it apart before they get a taste.
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roguescarlett · 4 years
Transformers what if imagine headcanon where everything is the same but fate swap AU for Elita-One where she become the Prime and Autobot Leader instead of Orion Pax/Optimus.
Like imagine TFA Elita Prime being a mother figure to Sari Sudmac and being there for her as best as she can because Sari doesn't really have a mom in her life?
Imagine TFP Elita Prime bonding with June Darby over mother instincts and being protective of the kids because Elita understood June's worries and wanting the best for Jack and Elita had went through the same thing with Bumblebee and other younglings.
Imagine Elita Prime putting her team and the humans, in their protection, safety before herself.
Imagine platonic friendships between Elita and Megatron before the war. Imagine them being respective and honourable warriors after they become enemies. (Oops, I sorta imagined Elita like a Viking hehe)
Imagine Elita nerding over libraries and history.
Imagine Elita Prime always lend a shoulder and listened to her teammates venting about their stress and woes. This includes Ratchet whether he's grumpy or not. (Elita and Ratchet friendship anyone?)
Imagine Elita Prime crack under pressure and put Sentinel in his place over the war she had fought to defend and save Cybertron. And flipped the bird at him.
Oh do imagine TFP Elita Prime confronting M.E.C.H's Nemesis Prime. The dramaaaaaa. 😱
Just imagine Elita-One as Prime. 👀
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elindae-writes · 4 years
How would Optimus, the autobots and the children react to Starscream's Final Goodbye video please? How would Ultra Magnus feel about it, since he arrived before meeting Autobot Star? And how would all of them feel if they meet Star after his mind got erased and he doesn't remember them and attacks them? 😭💔😭 (Star's eyes are now look just like Megatron's, he doesn't feel emotions anymore and he's only loyal to his warlord master...) SADNESS!
Optimus would be sparkbroken and enraged to see such an awful change overcome Starscream. Part of the reason he even recruited Starscream in the first place was because he was scared that Star would become an emotionless and devotedly loyal soldier to Megatron. Optimus’s worst fears would come true in this scenario. He’d always held back from killing Megatron throughout the entire war, but I think this would be the definite moment in which he would finally seek to kill Megatron. He would refuse to harm Starscream in any form or fashion and would constantly try to bring the Seeker back to base. He’d make lots of heroic speeches to Star, but he would ignore all of them.
Arcee would be also be upset by this. She never really liked Starscream and his snarky attitude, but she never disliked his personality so much that she wanted it to be erased. For a long while there she did want Starscream to die, but she never wanted him to die quite like this. She’d consider the memory erasure to be a fate worse than death. She would be angry at Megatron for acting like one of the tyrannical old Towersmecha and she’d definitely jump at him with her wrist-blades extended.
Bulkhead would completely freak out and not handle this revelation well at all. He’d yell at Star from across the battlefield and keep trying to jog his memory over and over again, but it would have no effect. He’d get so angry upon seeing Megatron that he would have to be held back by Ultra Magnus. Everybody would see a very dark and angry hidden inner side of Bulkhead that rarely came out. He’d make it his goal to find the equipment Shockwave used to do the memory erasure and crush it with his wrecking ball.
Bumblebee would grow to hate Megatron even more, something he didn’t even know was possible. He’d grieve for Starscream and would sneak off to scout the room that the memory erasure took place in in the hope that he’d find something they could use to restore Star’s processor. Bumblebee is normally very responsible and mature but I think his maturity levels here would skyrocket because once again he’d be reminded of the brutality of the war. Normally Optimus is the one who has to give Bumblebee pep talks, but this time, it’d be the other way around. He would understand that pleading with Star is pointless and he’d just sadly stare at him from across the battlefield.
Ratchet would be angry but for once would not go on an angry rant and would just be shocked into silence. He’d try to lunge at Starscream and sedate the Seeker, but Star would be too fast for him. Ratchet would regret not being a tad nicer to Starscream back before the erasure. He’d make it his mission to find out Shockwave’s secrets so that he could hopefully restore Star’s processor.
Smokescreen would be shocked and would refuse to believe that Starscream had his processor erased. He’d keep trying to approach Star and convince the Seeker to come back to base with them. Optimus would have to jump in and save him from Starscream’s talons and Smokey would just stare on in shock as Optimus and the Seeker wrestled with each other. He’d also be a bit more reckless and would also try to fling himself at Megatron when given every opportunity.
Wheeljack would be disappointed to not have Star around any longer. He greatly enjoyed making fun of Starscream, so to not longer have his favorite target around would upset him. He’d tell everybody else that he was just upset he couldn’t make fun of Star anymore, but deeper down he would be upset that Star is basically dead. I think that Wheeljack has seen a lot of traumatizing things over the course of the war and I think that he used a lot of humor to try and cover that up. Everybody would expect him to find some new bot to make fun of, but instead I think Wheeljack would just get a lot more silent. He’d chuck a grenade at Megatron whenever given the opportunity.
Ultra Magnus would at first be very skeptical of the Autobot’s claim that Starscream had been on their side. He would soon see the clear evidence that had fought alongside them, but would still be doubtful as to whether Starscream’s side-swap was really genuine. He loathes Decepticons and anything to do with them, but on the other hand it seemed Star genuinely tried to do his best to redeem himself. Whenever Starscream would show up on the battlefield again I think that he would be the Autobot sent to fight Star and restrain him because of just how emotionally compromised everybody else would be. He’d wish he had gotten a chance to meet Autobot Starscream, but would also insist that all of the Autobots be ready to shoot Starscream down if he ever got too violent. The ‘Bots would be angry at him for this suggestion, but he would grimly tell them that it was what Starscream would want.
Miko would be devastated but also angry. She’d try to sneak through the groundbridge and onto missions ten times more often now in the hopes of getting to punch Megatron in the faceplate. She would be even more aggressive to the point that Bulkhead would have sit her down and talk to her.
Raf would be very saddened to lose his Seeker friend. He’d continue to try and learn Seekercant in Starscream’s honor. Star was one of the few people in Raf’s life who actually really focused on him. Raf is the youngest of a bunch of kids, so he’s used to not being the focus. He’d miss Starscream’s complaints about how icky and organic Earth is and would especially miss all of the times he’d taken Raf aside and told him about the wonders of Vos before it fell.
Jack would also be saddened and would have to pull Miko and Raf together. He’d wish he had been less skeptical of Starscream and wish he had given the Seeker another chance.
I think that they would find a way to restore Starscream’s memories. Many years ago he probably anticipated that something like this could happen to his processor and would have taken precautions to back his memories up. He is basically a computer so he’d probably have some backup file hidden away for the ‘Bots to find.
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ratchetsboyfriend · 5 years
Mobile Masterlist
Desktop version
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Bumblebee meeting government agent S/O for the first time
Tfp Ratchet, Optimus, Rid15 Slipstream, and Jetstorm human’s first words are about how attractive the ‘Bot is 
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, Knockout, Predaking, and Rid15 Fixit take care of S/O for the day
Tfp Soundwave “Do you think we’re bad people?” prompt 
Tfp Shockwave with shy, smart, awkward, Autobot human love interest
Tfp Optimus, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Tfa Blitzwing sweet affection with S/O
Tfp Arcee “I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.” + “You don’t get to pick and choose. You’re stuck with me.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt
Tfa Jazz, Prowl, and Tfp Wheeljack sleeping with human S/O
Tfa Optimus “Keep your eyes on me.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet “That’s not what I meant and you know it!” prompt
Tfp Orion Pax “If you don’t like this world then change it.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, and Soundwave “If you had asked me to stay, I would’ve.” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, Tfa Jazz, and Rid15 Grimlock reacting to S/O’s weird human things
Tfa Bumblebee, Blitzwing, Prowl, Jazz, and Jettwins with S/O who’s insecure about their freckles
Rb Heatwave “Angry kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Rb Chase “Caught off guard kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Rb Blades “Top of head kiss”+superhero S/O
Rb Boulder “Height difference kiss” prompt+superhero S/O
Tfa Bumblebee “I’m sorry kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet with S/O who’s interested in Cybertronian biology/culture
Tfp Optimus  “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt
Tfp Arcee “I almost lost you kiss” prompt
Tfp Megatron, Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown, Soundwave falling for the leader of MECH’s rival organization
Tfa Bumblebee “Giggly kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet being guardian to a shy, calm, older charge
Tfp Arcee “I’ve missed you kiss” prompt
Rb Blades and Boulder dating headcanons
Rid15 Bumblebee relaxing with S/O
Tfp Optimus “Needing to kiss to hide from the bad guys” prompt
Poly KOBD with the leader of MECH’s rival organization
Tfa Jazz, Prowl, and Rb Heatwave hearing S/O sing for the first time
Rid15 Soundwave “Returned from the dead kiss” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Breakdown, and Knockout sleeping with human S/O
Rb Boulder, Heatwave, and Tfp Wheeljack reacting to S/O being pregnant
Tfp Wheeljack “Needing to kiss to hide from the bad guys” prompt
Poly Tfp Optimus/Ratchet “When one stops the kiss to whisper ‘I’m sorry, are you sure you-’ and they answer by kissing them more” prompt
Rb Chase, Heatwave, Boulder, and Blades seeing crush dressed up for the first time
Tfa Optimus, Bumblebee, Wreck-Gar, Blurr, and Blitzwing reacting to a S/O whose nose always bleeds
Rb Heatwave “I’ve missed you kiss” prompt
Tfa Blitzwing cuddling with a stressed out S/O
Tfp Breakdown POV for poly KOBD with rival MECH leader
Tfp Starscream meeting and falling for a Cybertronian who wasn’t involved with the war
Tfp Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave having a S/O who goes rock climbing, spelunking, and skydiving
Tfa Swindle with a love interest who can steal anything but only does it to take care of their siblings
Tfa Prowl, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Optimus meeting and falling for a photographer
Tfa Prowl “True love’s kiss” prompt  
Tfp Knockout having a secret relationship with a thrill seeking autobot human
Tfa Waspinator pining for a human who is nice to him
Tfp Breakdown is rescued by rival MECH leader
Tfp Ratchet being assigned to a charge who acts like him
Tfa Jetfire “Kiss on a dare” prompt
Tfp Optimus, Smokescreen, and Ratchet with a S/O who’s afraid to express affection at first
Tfa Ratchet “Shy kiss” prompt
Tfp Optimus, Ratchet, Knockout, and Megatron falling for a human who wants to combine human and Cybertronian medical science
Tfa Jetstorm “Spin the bottle kiss” prompt
MtMtE Whirl headcanons for having a human S/O
Tfp Megatron, Starscream, Predaking, Optimus, and Ratchet reacting to a human charge finally snapping
MtMtE Trailcutter headcanons for having a crush on a human
Tfp Ratchet, Wheeljack, and  Soundwave reassuring a S/O who misunderstood a conversation
MtMtE Riptide at the beach with S/O
MtMtE Rung realizing he’s fallen for a human
Tfp Optimus’ S/O falling asleep on his shoulder
MtMtE Riptide and Fort Max dating headcanons
Tfp Knockout, Breakdown, and Soundwave taking care of a drunk S/O
Tfp Ratchet “One small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other” + “Staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in” prompts
Tfp Arcee “You’re essentially immortal until you meet your soulmate” prompt
MtMtE Overlord “You can see the red string of fate that connects you to your soulmate but only when you close your eyes” prompt
MtMtE Fulcrum “Your soulmates first impression/thought about you is written on your body” prompt
Tfa Megatron “You have a name on each wrist, your soulmate’s name and your enemy’s name and you don’t know which is which” prompt with enemy Lugnut
MtMtE Tarn “When your soulmate listens to music you can hear it too” prompt
Rb Blades “You only see in black and white until you touch your soulmate for the first time” prompt
Bw Dinobot “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Rid15  Sideswipe “Surprised kiss” prompt
MtMtE Rung being in love with a human
MtMtE Rung “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Tfa Ratchet “Instead of their first words to you, you have a random phrase that your soulmate will say one day so you could know them for years before realizing that they’re your soulmate” prompt
Tfp Ratchet getting his S/O out of a sticky situation
Tfa Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Blurr, Tfp Ratchet, and Bumblebee reacting to finding S/O with sparklings
Tfa Blitzwing “Kiss at dawn” + “Quick kiss” prompts
Mtmte Ratchet taking care of and reassuring a human who fainted after overworking themself
Tfa Prowl “Kiss under a full moon” prompt
Tfp Shockwave and Soundwave reacting to a S/O who has insomnia/sleep related anxiety
Tfp Optimus “You may be an idiot, but you’re my idiot.” prompt with S/O calling Optimus an idiot
Rid15 Fixit “Surprised kiss” prompt
Mtmte Swerve, Rodimus, and Megatron reacting to receiving art from S/O
Mtmte Fulcrum, Krok, and Grimlock  cuddling headcanons
Tfp Ratchet “The day when you’re supposed to meet your soulmate will continually loop for the both of you until you finally find each other” prompt
Mtmte Bluestreak falling for a human and pining for them before finally asking them out
Tfa Blitzwing “Your soulmate’s name is somewhere on your body” prompt
Mtmte Poly Dratchet “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
The sequel to the poly Dratchet soulmate prompt
Mtmte Whirl, Tfp Ratchet, and Bulkhead “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
Mtmte Rung feeling overwhelmed by how much his S/O loves him
Tfp Soundwave reacting to the human bringing a cat on board
Mtmte Megatron “Your soulmate’s name is somewhere on your body” prompt
Tfp Ratchet, Soundwave, and Bumblebee bonding with a human S/O over something silly
Tfa Waspinator "Routine kisses where the other person presents their cheek/forehead for the hello/goodbye kiss without even looking up from what they’re doing” prompt
Rb Heatwave comforting the human after the loss of a loved one
Mtmte Megatron and Ultra Magnus reacting to being called dad
Mtmte Ultra Magnus reacting to the human calling the baby ‘our kid’ (Ultra Dad au)
Rb Chase affection headcanons
Tfp Smokescreen, Arcee, and Wheeljack with a S/O who lost their memory
Mtmte Rung sequel to him being in love with a human
Mtmte Rodimus, Megatron, and Dratchet being cheered up by their human S/O
Mtmte Cygate “Only certain people can see the red string of fate that connects soulmates and you’re one of them” prompt
Wreckers Springer affection headcanons 
Bw Inferno relationship headcanons 
Wreckers Springer relationship headcanons
Tfp Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave dealing with a human who screams every time they try to talk
Mtmte Whirl reacting to a heartfelt confession from a human
Rid15 Steeljaw, Thunderhoof, Fracture, and Saberhorn realizing that they’ve fallen for their human ally
Tfa Prowl “The day when you’re supposed to meet your soulmate will continually loop for the both of you until you finally find each other” prompt
Mtmte Fulcrum realizing he has feelings for a human after Misfire gets close with them
Mtmte Atomizer relationship headcanons
Tfa Blitzwing cuddling headcanons 
Bw Rattrap “Somewhere on your body is the first words your soulmate will ever say to you” prompt
Tfp Ratchet being forced to take breaks and recharge by a bigger bot S/O
Tfp Smokescreen and Mtmtme Swerve confessing to someone who shares their feelings
Mtmte Rodimus, Trailcutter, and Bluestreak at the beach with a human S/O
Tfa Optimus "Once a year, you and your soulmate swap bodies until you find each other." prompt
Mtmte First Aid trying to figure out who his friend's crush is and it's Ratchet
Mtmte Ultra Magnus how he and the human found their adopted child (Ultra Dad au)
Tfa Jet twins, Prowl, Ratchet, and Blitzwing with a S/O who chews on things to cope
Mtmte Rodimus cuddling with S/O after they both have a bad day
Ratchet, Optimus, Bulkhead, and Knockout whose charge is graduating from college
Rb Blades movie marathon date
Rb Heatwave, Tfa Prowl, Tfp Optimus, and Rid15 Steeljaw with a druid companion
Tfp Arachnid “You and your soulmate can feel each other’s pain” prompt
Mtmte Trailcutter trying to flirt
Bw Terrorsaur, Rattrap, and Waspinator’s S/O makes them flower crowns
Wreckers Springer cuddling headcanons
Mtmte Whirl napping headcanons
Mtmte Whirl “Somewhere on your body is the first words your soulmate will ever say to you” prompt
Rid15 Fracture dating an Autobot human
Tfp Arcee, Wheeljack, Arachnid, and Dreadwing’s S/O serenading them
Tfp KOBD/Mech leader reunion
Tfp Ratchet’s bot S/O hiding their injuries
Tfa Longarm, Sentinel, Megatron, and Jet twins reacting to a S/O whose nose always bleeds
Tfp Ratchet with a minibot S/O
Bw Waspinator “Anything you draw or write on yourself shows up on your soulmate and vice versa” prompt
Mtmte Scavengers with a minicon S/O
Mtmte Drift and Rodimus couples’ costume for Halloween
Mtmte Roddratchet ghosthunting with S/O
Mtmte Scavengers celebrating Halloween
Tfp Ratchet S/O dressing up as a doctor to get a rise out of him
Tfp Megatron “Your soulmates first impression/thought about you is written on your body” prompt
Tfp Starscream, Megatron, Knockout, Ratchet, and Optimus reacting to being turned temporarily human and being taken care of by their S/O
Tfp Ratchet and Wheeljack pining for a human
Tfa Ratchet, Tfp Ratchet, Mtmte Ratchet, and CDRW reacting to reserved S/O going all out in a fight
Tfa Prowl, Optimus, and Bulkhead helping a S/O afraid of storms
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