#fate t. harlaown
figurecollection · 11 months
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you ever think about how A’s ED is literally Nanoha singing a love song to Fate
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soymilkwithyuri · 7 months
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bloodraven55 · 3 months
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happy father’s day to fate testarossa takamachi harlaown
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chroniclesmacaque · 5 months
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Do you even like a series if you don't draw your favs with partnermon?
[Image id 1 (picture on the left): Fully colored digital pastel drawing of Fate Testarossa with a Garurumon (Black) . Garurumon is placed towards the left edge, facing left in 3/4, smirking and looking towards the viewer. It stands behind Fate, who has a serious and morose expression and ashen complexion. She's wearing her battle barrier that consists of her double-sided purple cape with a red inside and black top. The cape fades a little into Garurumon. The background is a desaturated wine color and the lighting looks somber.
Image id 2 (picture on the right): Fully colored digital pastel drawing of Takamachi Nanoha with a Kudamon resting on her shoulders. Nanoha is beaming while holding onto the straps of the blue backpack she's wearing. Kudamon is also smiling with its visible eye closed and curled affectionately around Nanoha's shoulders and touching her cheek with its nose. Nanoha is wearing her orange sports jacket and white ribbons om her ponytails. The background is a soft light pink and the lighting is bright.]
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littlemisspinky · 1 year
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the takamachi family ❤️
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huli-jinx · 5 days
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muffinrecord · 1 year
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Here is the card art for Fate T Harlaown!
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narilovesnanoha · 2 years
Good news everyone, Discotek is releasing Reflection on Blu-ray!
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puellamagishowdown · 5 months
Round 1, Match 58
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 8 months
the handling of moving on from terrible things without ever forgetting them in the Nanoha-verse is something that will always get to me.
Fate, as the longest running and most visible example of that, gets to me.
Seeing her as a kid asking herself- after being thrown away by the mother she loves- wondering, maybe things haven’t really started for her yet?
To see that again after you’ve watched the later seasons and seen her in StrikerS, with a whole new life and sense of purpose, but with both her birth and adopted mother’s pictures framed and set out for Vivio to see.
Listening to her explain to curious little Vivio that both of these women raised her (like Nanoha and her will be raising Vivio from now on) and rewatching the memories Fate inherited from dead Alicia, the girl she was cloned from, the daughter she was meant to be, memories of her mother being so kind and loving… just never actually to HER…
rewatching Lindy so carefully reaching out to this little girl who’s lost so much, an adoption entirely at Fate’s speed and on her terms, as she flinches from a caring touch from a mother figure and apologizes for it and Lindy tells her no, it’s okay, she’s doing great- remembering Precia answering all of Fate’s desperate help and hopeful affection with harsh words and a whip’s snap-
and now Fate, nineteen and still so young, already the legal guardian of two other kids who had lost so much. Kids she reached out to, calm on the surface, reading through parenting books in the background, asking Lindy for advice
this Fate slipping past Nanoha to go pick up tiny little Vivio after she trips and falls and looks up with tears in her eyes.
Fate lifting Vivio up, holding her close, cheerfully telling her to be careful. If she gets hurt, her mothers would be sad.
(child Fate strung up and bleeding from Precia's lessons)
The playfulness in her and Nanoha’s first little tiff as young parents together “Fate-mama, you’re spoiling her” but Nanoha is smiling, and Fate’s exaggerated and teasing “Nanoha-mama’s just too strict” rings out lightly as Vivio clings to Fate’s neck and watches them with big, wide eyes, soaking in her first ever family.
Going back to the sound stages when child Fate found a dying wolf pup and had to do something, anything, to answer it’s cries for help. How she made Arf as a magical familiar not to serve her or even to keep her company in her lonely life of training training training-
she makes an open contract with Arf in the end, promising her magic to Arf with no strings attached, telling to go where she wants and live as she wishes-
seeing this, knowing how scared she’ll be over a decade later, about her adopted kids Erio and Caro.
How they both followed her into a military career and ended up being trained by her- old enough to decide what they want, but Fate doesn’t know how to be sure of that yet, and the villain tells her she’s just like her own mother- using her children as weapons just like Precia-
it comes so close to breaking her, before Erio and Caro butt into say no. No. It’s not like that at all. She gave them the safety to choose what they wanted to be. And they want to help people, just like she does.
Watching the in-universe film version of her and Nanoha meeting as children. Watching a recreation of her child self being whipped by Precia, and saying, she never gave wounds magic couldn’t heal.
(she took the name Harlaown from Lindy, calls her mother)
(she keeps the name Testarossa from Precia too though. Reaching out to the very last minute, even after being thrown aside, a useless doll, a failed right-handed clone of a dead left-handed daughter- still dreaming of a happy life with Precia, but also letting it go for the sake of the friends and family she's found since then...)
There are so many things that never really heal. So many things that never go away.
even so, the rest of Fate has grown up around them. She was right all that time ago, things hadn’t even started for her yet back then.
She can’t leave them behind her but she still kept moving on with them anyway.
When you see the opening for the first season, before we even meet her, with kid Fate alone in a dark and empty apartment, tired, but still petting Arf softly…
…then she’s in her twenties in Vivid coming home to a house full of life. Smiling as she makes dinner with Nanoha and Vivio. The perspective of Vivio watching Fate and Nanoha sitting happily next to each other with Vivio musing on how Fate is Nanoha’s special person and that’s why she’s Vivio’s mama.
Fate, a few years before, sitting side by side with Nanoha in their shared apartment room, telling Vivio
“it’s my job to watch over you and your mother, Nanoha”
and this is the purpose she’s chosen for herself.
Passing down only the softest things she’s learned from Precia, through Alicia, with that determination to keep her children safe- doing with Vivio as her own adopted mother Lindy did with her, slowing down, but always reassuring and reaching out, never leaving any room to wonder if this new person in Vivio’s life would always want her happy, safe, would always run to Vivio when she cried.
And Vivio isn’t Fate.
She doesn’t end up living that painful childhood, she doesn’t carry that same weight with her.
She grows up more like Nanoha did, independent and steadied by knowing that her family- though not always with her, sometimes busy or far away- cares about her so much.
(Nanoha, who smiled and took care of herself from too small of an age, victim of everyday circumstance)
(little Nanoha knowing her family loved her, loved to see her smile, and her smiling for them, being strong for them while her dad was in hospital and her mother looked after him and her older siblings looked after the business and)
(she met a girl one day, with such beautiful, sad eyes. She saw Fate and couldn’t look away)
(Ten years later, she breaks down on Fate’s shoulder, alone on the roof top- she cries- like we’ve never seen her cry before- because Nanoha is strong, always, she’s full of hope and the power to push through… but Vivio is gone. And Fate throws her arms around Nanoha promising her, holding her as she shakes, they WILL get Vivio back)
(Nanoha has a person in her life now to stop smiling for. A sad, kind girl that knows loneliness and has done things she regrets as a child, so determined and so strong, seeking love)
(a woman with more happiness in her life now than sadness. Here, with Nanoha, in the life and pains they share)  
But Vivio also knows something Nanoha didn't back then.
Something Nanoha's learned since then, with Fate failing her Enforcer exams over and over while Nanoha is hurt and recovering, more worried about Nanoha than anything else- and then passing those same exams with flying color in the end, not at all burdened down by her worry for Nanoha, those failures meaning nothing in the end, so easy to move past, once Nanoha was okay.
Vivio has the memory of a parent who slipped past Nanoha's lesson on learning to stand up on your own, lifted Vivio carefully off the ground, and said all that matters is Vivio being okay. She doesn't have to be strong.
(Nanoha doesn't have to be strong)
(she's the hero and she doesn't save Fate. She's only there to catch Fate when she falls, when Fate makes the choice and leaps into a new life)
(Nanoha, crying into Fate's chest as kids standing on a bridge right before saying goodbye, at the end of season one, the start of more things than they can imagine)
Fate’s name is so ironic and so apt.
She was named after the project that failed to decide who she would be.
And every child she meets who other people have already decided on- too troublesome, too dangerous, useful only as a weapon- even the ones who've shouldered a decision they think was already made- have to keep smiling, stay strong- she only sees them as someone for who things haven’t even started yet.
There is no fate binding the people she loves, only Fate, wanting to protect them. So that they can keep making choices for themselves.  
Like she did.
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figurecollection · 1 year
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maguro13-2 · 6 months
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt.14 (1/3) ~
[Rozenom Line Milate 04 - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Rei : So this is it.
Heero : We're always at 11 O'Clock, sharp.
Wufei : Don't be late! We got some butt kicking to do.
Quatre : Mission accomplished!
Trowa : Totally impact!
Duo : I'm here make some Gundam noise.
Rei : Now then...[put on some shades] Let's do this!
Illuminus Soldier A : You there! State your name and--
Illuminus Soldier B : Do not let them take over the--[gets shot]
Heero : Piece of cake!
Duo : AW YEAH! THIS IS HOW KICK SEGA BUTT! [excited] WOO-HO-HO-HOOOO!!! How do you like that, Illumnius Dorks!? You don't mess with the Duo!
Quatre : This is gonna get crazy tonight, motherf***kers!
Trowa : Nobody makes us the fools out of a fool!
Rei : Hope you like getting your butts splanked, boys!
Heero : You mean "getting your ass kicked", ma'am? And it's "Spank", not "Splanked".
Rei : I thought so.
Rei : That's how you spank their own heinies!
Heero : Couldn't have the context here. Let's hammer through them.
Illuminus Soldier A : *WHACK!* GUUUGGGHHH!!! My Gasp pocket! *THUNK!*
Illuminus Soldier B : *Strong Punch* AUUGGGH! My Organs!
Illuminus Soldier C : ...? *DBZ SFX : Slash* My Arm!
Heero : You think these scums will take us down?
Rei : Only one way to find out. Here catch!
Illumnius Solider : Why thank you, kind person. But you're no match for us with--(realzing that he's holding a greneade in his hand) Aww, Cra--
Rei : Heh! That's three strikes and you're out!
Heero : Better luck next time!
Duo : Andele! Andele! Get out of our way!
Rei : Don't get too cocky, cause you're about to find another way!
Rei : Darn! There's just too many enemies to pull through! I can't still get my way through! If only I told that everyone would speak up about Shinji getting in the robot, he would be safer in there.
Heero : Yeah, whatevs!
Fate : Special delivery for an amazing butt-kicking sequence!
Rei : Hey, not to be a little rude to myself, but who the heck are you supposed to be?
Heero : Hey, I know you. You're that Magical Girl of that smash-hit TV show Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.
Fate : That's right. I'm a Magical Girl star of our show. Nanoha used to be part of the world of a visual novel before she abandoned it along with her family.
Duo : Don't you mean the world of eroge novel.
Fate : That's what I thought.
Heero : Could you mind a little helping us, we're in a war zone with these Sega Baddies! Hoping shooting them one by one is necessary to get to the main source of our goal of reaching Shinji.
Fate : Don't worry. I got this, I know how to take things to clean up the trash. (walks off for minute) I'm just feeling lucky that I have a few muscles take care of.
*Smash Bros SFX : Fighting Impact*
Fate : (walks back, wiping her hands off) Well...That's that.
(soldiers moan in pain)
Illuminus Soldier : [beaten up] Kill me...I'm in constant pain.
Fate : Now, you were explaining everything.
Rei : So who are you anyway and do you got a name, person?
Fate : The name's Fate T. Harlaown. But you can call me "Fate Testarossa".
Heero : A Magical Girl. You weren't part of Triangle Heart that happened about 9 years ago would ya? I knew it! You live in Real World AU?
Fate : Kind of. But I'm also part of Nanoha's universe.
Heero : Bingo.
Fate : Yes, I've been like this since I first met her on that day, 4 years ago, Nanoha was only 12 years old. I know it's kinda of a long story, but I promise. Although she did say that she was part of her family's story in the Real World. Not much of being a hero, She used to be an Elementary student at age the 12, but lacking any particular for her future. While Kyoya of the Takamachi is the hero of the story. For me, Fate Testarossa is just a girl who was thrown away like street trash.
Heero : Kyoya Takamachi, Nanoha's predecessor. From Eroge Novel to Magical Girl show. Hey, don't mind whole Magical Girl in space you know, that's literally a...
Fate : A spin-off Magical Girl TV show of real world AU.
Heero : Exactly, so I'm guessing that you used meet Nanoha in the Real World as kids, but then you...
Fate : Yes, this happened. When someone is one their birthday, I went a weirdly transformation called "Age Progression" which transformed Nanoha into a grown up busty girl and of course...(gulps) this. I don't know how that happen on our birthdays, but it's really weird to grow up like that in some sort of way.
Duo : (playing cards with the group) That's definitely something. For a kid who mysteriously grewed up into an adult, you sure how Age Progression in most logical ways. So, umm, nothing's bit too much about being a kid inside the body of a grown girl, how are you this a young-looking girl with a grown up body?
Fate : Don't be ridiculous. I was only a 9-year old after I went into progression at the age of eight. So yeah, I clearly had no comment of that.
[Flowers Fall - Yutaka Minobe]
Heero : Hold up!
Rei : Did you say that...
Duo : You're 9 years old!?
~ Stage 14 : The Lyrical Hero Pt. 1 ~
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soymilkwithyuri · 7 months
Flirting at training grounds + 全家福
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lucdrawsthings · 4 years
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gay baby trio
(image description: Nanoha Takamachi, Fate T. Harlaown, and Hayate Yagami from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. All are young girls in casual clothes. Hayate, in her wheelchair, is laughing cheerfully. Nanoha, on the left, and Fate, on the right, stand behind her, making a heart with their hands.)
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chroniclesmacaque · 2 months
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[Image id: Digital graphite drawing of Fate and Nanoha from lyrical nanoha, drawn as children in their elementary school uniform. Fate is drawn full body on the left edge with her arms folded behind her back. She's tilting her head to her right and smiling nervously. Nanoha is drawn in a medium shot with her hands over her heart and a moved smile.]
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