#fatebinded | jen
strywoven · 1 year
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@fatebinded has requested a story : ❛   i don’t want to let go. i’m not ready to say goodbye yet.  ❜   jen to kaen bc punch me pls
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This conversation – thus , this topic – has been a long time coming.  Kaen has neglected it for both their sakes ( or so they tell themself ) , though now that the already strained relationship between realms has become too contentious to ignore , it seems appropriate to mention it all.  Kaen does what they can to explain everything to Jen ( about the thinning divide between realms that sparked the conflict , about the influx of violence between mortals & non , about the gods taking advantage of the encroaching chaos— ) , to tell him that even the godling has a role in all this ; they , too , will have to eventually accept their Fate and try to ⸺
⸺ It startles them when Jen suddenly and uncharacteristically interrupts their words with his own : i don’t want to let go , he says , his features fixed with despair , his eyes filling with the memories of a history that now begins to repeat itself , i’m not ready to say good-bye yet.  Although he tries to keep his voice firm , calm , he fails , his tone wavering and sounding almost c h o k e d with preemptive grief.
Many a time in the past the godling has found themself watching people leave them behind – it is a wound they and Jen share – but t h i s is new ; the roles are entirely REVERSED as they see their friend with his fists clenched and quivering voice , his expression d e s p e r a t e as he gazes up at them , imploring them to reconsider.  It feels … WRONG in a way Kaen cannot quite articulate.  Perhaps because they know this must be reopening old scars for Jen , but also because he does not deserve the grief of potentially losing someone he cares for ( again ) .  In fact , no-one ought to be forced to burden such a pain.
Guiltily , Kaen glances away , own furred ears drooping l o w against their head , the divine glow to their person d i m m i n g .  No , he doesn’t deserve this.  Yet this must be done ( it must , it must , it must ! ) , one way or another.  Surely , he could understand they have no other choice … ?   ❝ Jen … ❞  Starts the thought only to let it end , uncertain of how to carry on.  What should they say to him ?  What can they say ?  An apology doesn’t seem adequate enough for something like this.  Their gaze finds his , their hand settling atop one of his balled , trembling fists , g e n t l y unwinding his fingers so they may hold his hand in a comforting grip.  ❝ Ah know- Ah know ye would rather Ah not do somethin’ like this , an’ ‘onestly if there w a s any other way Ah’d do it , but- but there isn’t.  Ah ‘ave ta’ go an’ face m’father , ‘s th’ only way ta’ try’n end things. ❞  Kaen grimaces at their own words , at the taste of them ; it all sounds so … F i n a l .  Though it is true , their life hangs in the balance , swinging precariously on an ever-thinning divide.
For a long while , Kaen simply holds his hand , sits with him in silence , allows the weight of the moment to press down upon them both ( for him , the realization that his best friend is quite literally walking into death to save the world ; for them , the realization that they are sacrificing everything to save everything ) .  Eventually , the godling sighs , puffing embers into the air.  ❝ Ah dun’ wan’ ye ta’ mourn me , ❞ They tell him , noting the way his face scrunches up even further , ❝ Ah wan’ ye ta’ save- ta’ save yer tears fer when it’ll matter , okay ? ❞  Their free hand lifts , pressing to the back of his neck and ushering him forward to press their foreheads together , an i n t i m a t e and affectionate gesture.  ❝ Like fer when Ah end this stupid war an’ come back ta’ ye … ❞  It’s a promise they both know might be IMPOSSIBLE to keep , but Kaen makes it to him anyways.  There’s another small pause before Kaen smiles a bit , their voice softening , lowering to just above a weepy-noted whisper , ❝ Ah … Ah love ye , Jen.  Please dun’ ferget tha’. ❞
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noirhistories · 6 months
closed starter for alan / @fatebinds
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"Alan, what do you think about karma?" Jen questioned out of nowhere as she leaned back and crossed her legs, sipping at her iced coffee through a straw and living lipstick marks on the plastic. "Do you think it's real? And if it is, do you think it's dispensed by the universe, or by other people?" Either way, Jen thought she should have scored some karma points by bringing Alan lunch.
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noirhistories · 3 months
@fatebinds (maaaaaax)
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"you're always so good at getting yourself into trouble, aren't you?" gen murmured as she snapped a pair of plastic gloves onto her hands, her jewelry all neatly discarded in a pile in her bedroom so that nothing would snag. "it sounds like you've really been making people work to keep up with you, it's impressive." and time consuming, but it wasn't her time being wasted. instead hers was being spared, because if max was such a naturally talented pest, there wasn't any reason not to make use of him and gen's delight at how he seemed to be brimming with stories wasn't false. everyone knew that the hair salon was the place for gossip and it seemed only right that max should be able to spill his guts to her about his achievements while getting his hair touched up, the bleach and developer mixed in a glass bowl easily within reach as gen started her work. "they never see you coming, do they?"
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noirhistories · 5 months
voicemail (jen to alan <3)
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"Alan, why aren't you answering? Do you have a new friend? Is that what it is, are you hanging out with a new friend? That's not fair, you're not supposed to have a new friend, not when I don't have anyone without Jeff. What am I supposed to do now? What am I supposed to do when I don't have anyone here?"
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