#fatgum anon
shibaraki · 1 year
uhhhh fatgum anon here sorry i had to study 😗 we love uni
N E WAYS YES fatgum is the kind of guy to:
ask if you want food while he's ordering it and when you say no he gets you something small anyways because he knows you'll want some later when it gets there
have dance parties in the living room with you when you play either his or your favorite songs
does the sock slidey thing on the hardwood just to make you laugh
so! many! jokes!
let's you do his hair and makeup because of course he does he just wants to spend time with you 😖
stands behind you at the gym so no one sees your bum
the hoodies. oh my god the hoodies.
smells good
makes you hot chocolate with exactly 1 marshmallow cause he knows that's how you like it best (food is my love language can you tell 🥲)
and then on the flip side like yeah, he's still a pro hero so ✨ angst opportunities ✨ which i adore because i'm a masochist 🥲
god he makes me so feral he is the golden retriever of all golden retrievers
FATGUM ANON!!!! you’re so right he probably smells so good and I desperately need to wear his clothes I want to be swimming in them……THE SOCK SLIDEY THING… HEAD IN MY HANDS ACTUALLY. he would take such good care of us and be so considerate god these are all so cute I . I am going to think about this forever 😖
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pocketramblr · 1 year
AU where Izuku and Mirio grow up as siblings.
Krakenverse? You want krakenverse? Or the DC au? Or the various apprentice au spinoffs? Or the Deltora au? Or the- nevermind you get a new one here have a canon ish setting
1- Inko remarries Togatadad. Solid step up for both of them I'm sure. Izuku and Mirio are now step siblings and get along like a house on fire yay
2- Mirio is more than happy to let himself be a laughing stock but absolutely no one will bully his little brother. Bakugou learns his lesson and stays away. Izuku mainly hangs around with his older brother and his anxious friend.
3- Aldera's quirk training classes suck even more than Mirio's canon middle school, which is why he's very lucky to have Izuku make up the difference because they HAVE to be heroes together they just have to which means Mirio has to get into UA first! He does by the skin of his teeth. (Izuku's life at middle school after his brother is no longer there sucks and he tries, unsuccessfully, to hide this fact from his family. Before it seemed a given the brothers could be heroes together, but now Izuku has doubts)
4- oh yeah the family's last name is uh Michiya (通谷) now, fun little kanji combo. This is important because when All Might rescues Izuku from the sludge villain and Izuku introduces himself while asking if he can be hero, he says he's Michiya Izuku. And All Might recognizes that surname. It's the one of the kid Sir Nighteye keeps pushing on him. All Might asks if Izuku's got any family in the industry, Izuku says yeah his big brother is interning with- oh my god does Sir Nighteye talk to you?? And he mentioned my brother?? Mirio is doing to flip when he hears that!! All Might awkwardly says he has heard good things indeed but really must go. Ensue sludge villain 2.0, nevermind this is the perfect kid
5- Sir does not think so, and tells Toshinori this at great length over the phone. Toshi does not tell him who the quirkless middle schooler he is insulting is, because he has no idea how accepting of him Mirio is with no family around, and even if he is Toshi was once quirkless himself and doesn't out people like that. (Sir has no clue Mirio's little brother who helped him train is quirkless because Mirio also does not out people.) That all said, Toshi knows this could blow up in Izuku's face and he deserves to know how. He puts off telling Izuku for a week but then the kid says his brother wants to come help him train on Sunday, so Toshinori tells him Saturday that Nighteye knows about OfA and originally asked him to consider Mirio. Izuku says Mirio would be a great candidate on heroism alone... Toshi doesn't care because he picked Izuku, dang it, but Izuku does care. So they tell Mirio about OfA the next day and he says in no uncertain terms that he doesn't want it and is so so so excited for Izuku. Mirio expects Sir Nighteye to echo his excitement the next day at his internship.... Which ends up being Mirio's last day at his internship, ah.
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kayforpay · 7 months
Saw the Fatgum thirst tags, just imagine sinking into that fat while going at it
cuddle at the same time as gettin railed. love that tbh
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If yount mind the question. Whats your favorite and least favorite mha character amd why?
Iff, that's a tough one and involves a lot of typing 😂
Personally, I love Aizawa. Aizawa is the type of teacher we all needed and deserved. Instead we got a Bakugo Teacher. They may be good but are totally incompatible for teaching. Aizawa may be strict and he totally has his own faults but he belives in his students, he wants the best for his students and he does everything to help, protect and support them. Aizawa would be the teacher, I would go to when other students would mistreat me or if I would be in a difficult household. Because I would feel like he takes you serious and that he would do everything he can. Besides that, he does soooo much for his city and for all people in there. Teaching and patroling at night. Working underground and seeing the most gruesome things. Adopting Eri because she felt safe at his side. I simply love that man and if he would die in bnha, I would quit watching it. (Oh and I mean 🥹 Did you that man? Would totally smash in a heartbeat)
I really like the character growth of Bakugo but to be honest, if I would have a Bakugo in my life, I think I would hate him. Having a harsh exterior is okay but aome thing he just said are not ok. I like that he tries to better himself and that you can see it but had Midorya not the strenght he did, Bakugo would have been the reason of an innocent person dying.
I really like FatGum. It is sad that he had nearly no screen time. I really like his character and he is not as straight as a stick or muscly. I wished there would be more of him so we could get to know him better.
My least favourite tho is not that easy. I have a lot I can't stand, some solely based from the recent episodes. I never really loved Hawks but I don't hate him. Shigaraki is someone I can understand but at the moment he just annoys me with his whole "I need to destroy everything" thing going on.
Hmmm, I think it is Endeavor. Wow, nice that he gets his redemption but I think, his life should be crushed, like Minimum his Hero license should be revoked. That man is no hero in my eyes. He abused his children and his wife. While not always with violence but often enough through words and treatment. I simply can't like this man. And I can't understand why so many people like him. He tries to better himself? He abused for at least 20 ish years. All of his kids have some kind of issue because of him and his wife got so instable that she could not separate Shoto and his father anymore and hurt her own son. He does not deserve any redemption. And it made me really angry that Midorya said that Endeavir is his mentor. No. Just no.
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theloveinc · 1 year
gift me cheese peasant boy
BRINGING IT BACK bc literally. Princess!you standing at the way back of the training field (not even watching these random ass men fighting each other for your attention), just waiting for someone to offer you what REALLY matters. I respect it.
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imagineanime2022 · 4 months
So W/ Powers Like Oogie Boogie
Fatgum X Reader, Mirko X Reader, Eraserhead X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Pro Heroes Fatgum, Mirko, Aizawa, with reader, who has a quirk similar to Oogie boogie and even has her own theme song and even Some of the other heroes are terrified of reader, HELL reader’s presents just scares the heck out of endeavor (which that would make Dabi and his siblings proud🤣)
🍭 Tai loves everything about you from the persona that you put on when going out as a hero (if it's just what you like in general then he loves it even more). 🍭 Doesn’t understand why anyone would be afraid of you, you were fun to be around and he didn’t mind the bugs too much it’s not like they're around all the time. 🍭 Not going to lie he will often be singing your song while doing normal around the house things. 🍭 He introduces you to everyone that he knows because he doesn’t want them to be afraid of you, he loves that the kids seem to like you a lot.
Taishiro had been stuck in the office doing paperwork all day, he was bored. The TV in his office showed the news. He caught sight of the stark white suit that you wore and stopped to make sure that you were okay. “That seemed like a tough one, are you okay (H/N)?” The reporter asked and you smiled. “Oh yeah all good, nothing to worry about here, a little secret is that he was afraid of the bugs, these little guys helped me out.” You answered that the little worm sitting on your shoulder seemed to hide in your shoulder. “Really this little guy?” She asked, you put your finger up to the little bug who wrapped around your finger. “This little guy here, he’s often my help behind the scenes, he doesn’t like the camera’s very much.” You explained. “I have to go, I’m still on patrol but everyone tries to stay safe and I’ll do the rest.”
It was only a few hours later that you walked into his office, he had a bright smile on your face as you walked over to him “you haven’t been out today.” You stated as you leaned down to press a kiss to the side of his head. “I had paperwork to catch up on.” He gestured to the table where he was half way through his work. “So no time for a quick lunch?” You asked. “Always.” He answered, now noticing that you weren’t in your hero costume. “Are you done for the day?” “Mmhm.” You hummed, “if you're only doing paperwork today I can hang out here until you're ready to leave.” “As long as you promise to not distract everyone with another one of your fun shows.” He smiled, pulling you into his lap. “I promise.” You said. “I don’t believe you.” He teased and you rolled your eyes. “You don’t want me to stick to that promise.” You argued, beginning to hum the tune to your fan-appointed theme. “Lunch, then the show.” He scolded you and you looked at him and nodded. “Fine let’s go.” You said as you jumped up from where you were sitting to pull him up to go and get lunch.
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🐇 Mirko and you were drawn together by the loud flashy personalities that your hero personas put out, when you both worked together you were a show to behold, villains hate it but heroes treat it like a comedy act. 🐇 Mirko loves your suit as well, stark white unless you're in darkness where you glow in neon colours and make a light show of dealing with a villain. 🐇 Rolls her eyes whenever she hears people singing your song, don’t get her wrong she loves your song but it was used everywhere which meant that she looked forward to the new versions that you come up with in the comfort of your home. 🐇 You actually love that everyone is afraid of you, it makes your job easier, you both love walking into Endeavours agency to talk business only for him to struggle to hold eye contact or even stand too close to you.
You and Mirko walked into Endeavour’s agency with your arms linked “what are you two doing here, do you not have work to do?” Endeavour asked. “Work to do?” You asked. “I’m off the clock, is there a reason that you don’t want me here?” “If you are off the clock then civilians aren’t allowed in this building unless they need help.” Endeavour said and you raised an eyebrow smirking at him. “So are those your work studies?” You asked as you looked around him at the three younger boys across the Lobby, one of them looking over with widened eyes as the others followed suit. You smirked as your shadow stepped from one side of the room to the other. “Hey there.” “Who the hell are you?” Bakugo asked, you raised your eyebrow, you had met him on his placement with Best Jeanist. “This ones a joker, we both know that you know who I am.” You winked as you threw your arm over his shoulder as you leaned over him to catch the eye of the kid with the two toned hair. “You belong to him right?” “I don’t belong to him, I’m his son Shoto.” He corrected you and you nodded. “Cool, you wanna see something cooler.” You smirked as you looked over at Endeavour talking heatedly with Mirko while pointing to you.”What are you talking about?” “Watch.” You prompted as a perfect copy of yourself sidled up next to Endeavour, you all watched as it leaned down to whisper into his ear. Endeavour seemed to leap 30 feet into the air as he whirled around to find you still standing with his son, now holding your stomach as you laughed. “Why is he afraid of you?” Shoto asked. “Honestly not a clue,” You answered waving your hand and causing the clone to separate into the bugs that made it up as they all dispersed and disappeared out of the building. “But it’s fun to mess around with.” “This what you spend your day doing, messing with people?” The blonde asked. “Who are you again?” You asked. “What’s it to you?” He asked. “Bakugo.” You smirked. “How-” “You don’t remember me from your placement with Best Jeanist?” You asked. “Huh!? I don’t know you!” He yelled. “Hey (Y/N) stop bothering the kids, you’ve had your fun!” Mirko called over and you shrugged. “Alright! I hope finding out your father’s weakness was useful, Shoto, let me know if you ever want to use it.” “What did you say to him!?” Endeavour asked as you got closer and you smiled. “Nothing that you need to worry about.” You answered as you turned to leave. “You cause so much trouble, are you sure you're a hero?” Mirko asked, taking your hand and leading you down the road. “I have never once called myself a hero, I’m an antihero at best.” You winked, she just rolled her eyes and continued leading you away from Endeavour’s agency.
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🐛 People honestly don’t know how you ended up together, you just don’t seem to fit, that is until they meet his best friend. Aizawa is like a child minder for the two of you when you were together however he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t enjoy being around the two of you. 🐛 In terms of hero work, you were both good at what you did and when you were together you had a 100% success rate, everyone and everything was afraid of you. 🐛 He likes to keep you away from the kids because they’re a handful without your influence and you would definitely only make it worse. 🐛 You are a formidable team when he’s in the mood to cause trouble with you, that being said he’s also the only one that can stop you from getting up to mischief when you are being particularly conniving.
You should not be doing this, you really shouldn’t, given the reason that all the kids were moved to these dorms on campus, but you couldn’t pass up the opportunity when most people hardly knew who you were. That was why you were skulking around the dorms at 2am making as much noise as possible to wake the kids.
“Did you hear that?” You heard one of the girls ask, you zipped down the hall allowing them to catch sight of your hero suit glowing in the dark as they did. “Woah what was that!?” Another female voice asked, you giggled to yourself picked up a ball that they seemed to have left on the floor and rolled it out into the centre of the hallway, there was a piercing scream that came from one of the girls and then a shout from even further down the hall. “What the hell are you all screaming about, it’s late go to bed dammit!” a male yelled this time. “Are you girls okay?” Another softer male voice asked. “I think there might be someone downstairs.” One of the female voices from before answered, that was when you decided to fling yourself towards the stairs hopping the bannister and landing soundlessly before making your way over to the sofa where you lounged over the seat waiting for them to come down the stairs. “What are you all doing up?” That voice you knew, Aizawa. “There’s something downstairs.” One of them answered. “Wait up here.” He ordered as you heard him walking towards the stairs, it was only a second later that you heard him “what are you doing?” “Relaxing on the sofa.” You answered. “And scaring the crap out of the kids?” He asked. “I didn’t mean to do that.” You faked a confused frown and he rolled his eyes. “Up, come on, funs over time for bed.” He ordered, putting his hand out to you. “Aww, you're so boring.” You mumbled taking it. “Yes and you are causing a little too much excitement on our time off.” He mumbled as the kids gathered at the top of the steps. “Nothing to be afraid of, just a hero checking the perimeter.” You winked, they all seemed to ease up noticing that Aizawa was holding your hand instead of trying to kill you. “You extras ruined my sleep for this!?” One of them yelled as they all started to disperse. “You're dealing with them in the morning; they're especially cranky when they haven’t had enough sleep.” He mumbled. “I don’t know if you want that.” You smirked as he led you towards his room in the dorms. “We’ll see tomorrow.” He answered, closing the door.
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Request Here!!
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simply-trash5 · 5 months
BNHA Boys and Pro Heros as Types of Light Pt. 2
A lot of people seemed to enjoy the first round of this series that I did so I have decided to do another one! This second round was inspired by an anon who specifically asked for Iida...but I also included a few pro heros to round it out.
As always my inbox and ask box are open for requests of any type really--if you have any questions or just want to chat feel free to hit me up!
We will start under the cut with Iida <3
So when I think of Iida I think of Lamp light:
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Iida is like late night reading in the comfort of a large, worn, leather chair. He makes you feel warm to your toes when you're in his presence as if you could fall asleep, but knowing he is near you makes you want to be motivated to do better; to be better for him. He feels expensive and classy, but he feels timeless. To quote Taylor Swift, Iida truly never goes out of style--.
Now Present Mic is Neon Lights:
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He is loud and in your face. He is charged and full of energy at all times that sends a zing down your spine. I know this man smells like citrus and mint--am I projecting? Probably. Anyway, he is excitement. He is what it feels like to stay up past your bedtime; he is the head rush you never want to end.
Fatgum is Carnival Lights:
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Fatgum feels like having cotton candy. He is sweet to the senses--all of them. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the round rosy cheeks...He brings a smile to your face that cannot be stopped no matter how hard you try. He brings a sense of nostalgia to your soul when you're near him that feels like you're at a festival in your hometown and he has just won you a teddy bear...your heart might just explode.
Shouta Aizawa is the glow of a television:
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Late at night, long after the movie is forgotten but the tv glows...that is what shouta feels like. It's quiet, it fills the room just enough to show the shadows of your lover's face to see the planes of his peaceful face as you hold him. It shows the way he runs his fingers along your arm slowly...the glow of that tv has seen so many secrets; much like Shouta. He is trustworthy, steady, quiet.
Hawks is the faraway lights of the city:
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Hawks feels like when you drive just far enough out of the city to get away, but not far enough to know its not there. He feels like he isn't fully yours, but you will enjoy him while you have him. You will lean into him and kiss him while the blurred lights of the city shines behind you before he flies off to the other people you share him with. You'll remember what these lights look like forever and always hope that they will just be beautiful one day and not remind you that you share your hero with the world.
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ofmermaidstories · 8 months
i totally think we need an angel boyfriend merms! i can't decide who would be the best angel for it though... grumpy angel bakugo... earnest angel izuku... enthusiastic angel kiri... otherworldly angel shouto... (kindest angel taishiro i mean what who said that)
omg i am so glad u agree with me anon. 🥹 i was like oh no one else wants an angel boyfie… 🥺🥺🥺 but OKAYYY eyeee have some thoughts. 😌
grumpy angel bakugou = ends up in our life bc he gets tossed here somehow during some giant heavenly war, and his whole thing is about being anxious about Getting Back and Kicking Ass, but ofc he ends up learning humanity’s worse lesson—that we are prone to falling in love. 🥺
earnest angel izuku = we caught his eye one day while he was doing angel things (idk) and ever since then he’s been keeping close. 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️ taking note 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️ and ends up getting revealed accidentally and then is like, soooo relived because now he can do things like talk to us! maybe he’s involved in some Great Heavenly War too (spoiler alert they’re all gonna be lmaooooo) but he’s so torn bc now by associating with us we’re in danger—from his own side.
enthusiastic angel kiri = he’s our guardian angel 🥺 he’s been with us all our life 🥺 the shining light we see at key moments in our life, like a car crash in our teens or one moment of despair in our early twenties. and then we run into a friendly red head who’s so sweet and kid and gallant and—we don’t know it, but it’s our guardian made flesh. caught here after interfering one time too many.
KINDEST ANGEL FATGUM!!! the giant commander of one of heaven’s mighty battalions. 😌 the war throws him off course, leaves him crashing in the middle of a quiet cemetery in the middle of a giant city, and he gives us such a fright when he emerges from it in the dark!! giant and NAKED!!! 😧
i wanna SCREAMMM i wanna do an angel au so badddd REEEEEE
edit: shouto here bc i got excited and. forgot him. 💀💀💀
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prpfz · 2 months
🐌 Hello! I am 20 and I write maybe 200-400+ words, depending on the scene. Rarely less, sometimes more. I’m pretty slow with replies, just as a general thing. And I’m looking for other 18+ that can write about the same.
I’m looking for people interested in My Hero Academia, Haikyuu, and Ghost of Tsushima related roleplays. I’m open to both ccxoc and ccxcc. For ccxoc I would prefer doubling (and I’m open to write cc’s outside the ones listed, though my characterisation might not be great), but I’m pretty flexible. All characters are 18+. 
I’m open to most pairings (I’m very selective when it comes to mxf where I play the f, though), with a slight preference for anything queer and anything poly. I’m also weak for rarepairs, just in general. And I’m open to nsfw as long as it serves a purpose for the story. 
When it comes to plot, I’m open to most things, canon-verse or AU. I have a few very vague plot ideas and AUs I’d be interested in, but again I’m pretty flexible. In general, I’m big on hurt/comfort, trauma recovery, complex relationships, gray morality and way too many other things. I’m also weak for some good action. And I’m open to a fair amount of darker topics.
My muses / The characters I’m interested in writing:
(italics for ones I’m especially interested in using, () for ones I’m a bit more hesitant with)
My Hero Academia (fully caught up on everything) Bakugou , Iida Tenya , ( Tokoyami ) , Kaibara , ( Shinsou ) , Ashido , Asui  , Uraraka , Jirou , Tokage , Hatsume , Present Mic , ( Eraserhead ) , Hawks , Fatgum , Thirteen , Midnight , Miruko , Mt. Lady , Ragdoll , Iida Tensei , Giran , Magne , 
Haikyuu (fully caught up on the anime, currently reading the manga. I don’t have a lot of experience writing for the fandom) Nishinoya , Tanaka Ryuunosuke , Kageyama , Hinata , Tsukishima , Ukai , Tanaka Saeko , Yachi , Kyoutani , Iwaizumi , ( Kuroo ) , Bokuto ; Tendou
Ghost Of Tsushima Jin ; Yuna ; Masako ; Tomoe ; Fune ; Kenzo
give a like and anon will get back to you
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kawaiianimekitten · 2 years
hello ! same anon who rq the fatgum agency hcs , your writing is getting better and better and i loved the hcs , tysm for doing my request ! i had another idea for another scenario / headcannons but with the big three instead , the same description for the reader , but this time being friends with the big three (you can add tamaki x reader if you want or leave it out if its too much , its up to you) , the way reader got into their group is bc nejire talked to them since they had no one else talk to them and they didn't know how to start talking to anyone in their class either (kinda similar to the way tamaki did with her in the manga and how mirio first talked to tamaki)
Nejire and you became friends before either of you ever even met Mirio and Tamaki
You're a grade below Nejire, so she went to UA a year before you, which is when she met Mirio and Tamaki and became friends with them
You and Nejire were still close friends, but because of the difference in schedules, you didn't get to hang out quite as much, but still messaged eachother all the time
During that year, you only had brief, awkward interactions with Mirio and Tamaki
Once you got into UA , though, is when you started to get closer to Mirio and Tamaki
Because you're close friends with Nejire, they welcome you with open arms
Mirio teases you and Tamaki about how alike you two are and laughs when you both get flustered
Both Mirio and Nejire shipped you and Tamaki and especially liked saying it when all of you were together so they could watch you and Tamaki stumbling over your words and dying of embarrassment
Mirio loves being loud with you once your comfortable, and even encourages your chaoticness as long as it isn't harmful
One time Mirio and Nejire saw you and Tamaki kissing and they didn't stop teasing the two of you for a month
Definitely very protective of you
Mirio sees you as a younger sibling
Unless your someone who spends a long time on their hair, be prepared for him to mess up your hair all the time
Can't get out of movie and self care nights
Mirio and Nejire make sure you and Tamaki sit by each other
If anyone hurts you, they better move countries, change their name and pray to whatever God they believe in to not be found, cuz the big three won't be happy once they find out
Might not be exactly what you were thinking, but I hope you like it ❤️
Thank you for another amazing request and I hope you have a good day/evening/night
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
🌸~My fave fics:
🌸Blue Lock🌸
The elephant in the room @/giggly-squiggly
Sore spot @/giggly-squiggily
A game of whodunnit @/giggly-squiggily
Heroes always save the day @/giggly-squiggily
Doodle boy @/giggly-squiggily
Of ogres and princesses @/giggly-squiggily
I think we can work this out @/giggly-squiggily
The most ticklish @/giggly-squiggily
Provocation and motivation @/tastybluesprite
Time to get up! @/lee-lucius
🌸Bungo stray dogs🌸
Delightfully indulgent @/helleboretks
Chu chu chuuya-san @/ticklygiggles
Liar @/intheticklecloset
Say it with me now... sleep! @/kourtniwritesagain
Time to wake up @/theritingraven
Near the wood fire @/nataliewritez
Lee!Tim & ler!Kon @/tickletastic
Call for help @/tickletastic
Okay, but who do you main in mario kart? @/tickletastic
Angsty @/13phantom13angel13
🌸Demon slayer🌸
Tktober day #6: chase @/duckymcdoorknob
I'm (not) ticklish @/mystwrites
🌸Dr. Stone🌸
Love your laugh @/intheticklecloset
Comfort @/sunlit-tickles
Curiosity kills Arashi @/sunlit-tickles
🌸Genshin impact🌸
Lee! Aether & lers! Xiao and Kazuha @/italeean
Sakura x Kazuha @/italeean
Relax, it's just a massage @/lilianlay
A quiet new years @/fanfic-chan
Ticklish kiss @/fanfic-chan
Down bad for Wanderer @/silentprincesstickles
Tan lines @/keru0
You are loved @/keru0
Wake up~ @/keru0
Wonderous ways @/nataliewritez
Bubbles @/lovelynim
Nature's embrace @/lovelynim
Drunken love @/lovelynim
Jealous hound @/lovelynim
A poor bastard @/lovelynim
(Un)wanted company @/lovelynim
Thomato tickle fight @/xsezzie
Backfire @/lovelynim
May the best one win @/lovelynim
The table @/xsezzie
Scaramouche x reader @/ticklygiggles
Wild instincts @/ticklygiggles
A baton and a magic wand @/aticklishpercivalwriter
My honey ♡ my bee @/aticklishpercivalwriter
Ticklish interrogation @/wertzunge
Relaxing time @/wertzunge
An Adeptus' way to make you smile @/wertzunge
Nari's bakery @/ticklystuff
To scare a samurai @/ticklystuff
Bad luck @/anon-giggles
Ler!Scara x reader @/blue-little-angel
Sensitive paws @/kusuguricafe
Manhandling @/itslittlegiggle
🌸Honkai Star Rail🌸
Fox and the crow @/xsezzie
🌸Jujutsu Kaisen🌸
A simple question @/mystwrites
Just trust me @/giggly-squiggily
🌸My hero academia🌸
Love language @/ticklishfiend
Meanwhile, at the Fatgum agency @/rosileeduckie
Rest day @/wigglywormy
🌸Obey me!🌸
Tickletober day #1: Anticipation @/giggle-bee
🌸Tokyo revengers🌸
Taught a lesson @/infrequent-creator
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askfatgum · 15 days
Hey, it's been forever and I don't know if this blog is active anymore, I haven't been on this site in forever myself(I somehow ended up unfollowed from you and idk why). I was the anon that said they were shy and depressing and had weight issues. Just came to drop an update.
I'm no longer living with my dad and am now living with a boyfriend who loves me regardless of my weight and even stood up to my father for me when he started harassing me about my weight. I'm in a much better part of my life and I don't feel as shy and depressing anymore, and I'm now in therapy working on my self esteem issues.
If you see this, I wanted to let you know your reply to my ask got me through a lot of hard times and I kept coming back to it every time I was down. I still love Fatgum, the number one hero in my book, and thank you for your words. 💕 Hope your life is good.
This is the best and sweetest update I could have received. I don't know when this was sent, but I'm so happy Fatgum and i helped you and relieved that you're in a better situation now!! my life could be better, but i'm also on therapy and on medication, and working to get out of my own crappy situation. But slowly and surely, i'm getting better!!!
I hope your life continues to treat you kindly, and if not, well, you know Fatgum and little ol mod Heck believe in you.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Ever since I’ve gained a bit of weight I’ve become a bigger fatgum fan because he’s helping me keep in mind that food = energy so I’m just imagining Bakugou observing that connection and just gifting me lots of FatGum merch with only a huff, biting his tongue from making snide comments, just happy to see me respecting my body even if he wishes he’d see how beautiful I am in his eyes
I’m so soft for this, Anon ahhh!!! It’s just the way our face lights up when he gifts it, and how happy we look wearing it around the house too. Like that’s all that matters to him?
Just perfect, supportive boyfriend🥺
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pocketramblr · 1 year
have we done Fatgum as a dfo victim?
This was one of the anons I couldn't answer earlier because I was working on the dfoshots and today's was indeed Fatgum!
But yeah a victim where the kid is naturally a head taller than AfO and looks down on him no problem. But also a victim who isn't a threat to AfO and they both know it. They also both know Fat wouldn't give up to his father for his own sake, and even if he did that he would be unsatisfying for AfO, so instead they have this weird truce as AfO hopes to slowly wear him down and Fat plays for time hoping to get someone who can do what he can't. A very fun pick
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imagineanime2022 · 10 months
Heroes W/ An S/O W/ A Talking Cat
Keigo Takami (Hawks) X Reader, Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) X Reader, Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) X Reader, Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic) X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi 👋, I read your story about the Lov with s/o who has a talking cat while I was reading it. I was thinking how funny it would be if it was the pro heroes instead of the villain like Mr. Aizawa, or hawks, or any other pro hero with S/O’s talking cat I think that would be hilarious?😂 AND Hello I really love your work it’s amazing😁 I love your post about the LOV with a witch S/O who has a pet talking cat I wanted to ask if there was one for the pro heroes like Aizawa, Mirko, Fat gum or even Hawks I think that would’ve been hilarious to know what their reactions would be like to S/O’s talking cat?😂
Keigo Takami/ Hawks
🪶 Keigo found out because he was teasing him, you had warned him not to but he didn’t listen, lucky for you instead of lashing out. Your cat decided to tell him off themselves. 🪶 It only took a little while before they both started to tease each other, Keigo scaring your cat half to death and your cat taking every opportunity to jump on Keigo or swipe at his feet. 🪶 You could come home to a disaster zone if Keigo got home before you, which was not often but when it did happen you honestly dreaded it. 🪶 You literally could not trust them to do anything, they were proud creatures and often tried to show you how much better they were then the other and that lead to even more problems.
You had been in the shower, you had only left them for 15 minutes and as you walked out of the bathroom when you heard a crash, you ran into the living room with nothing but a towel wrapped around your body “woah hello there beautiful.” Keigo smirked as he looked away from (Y/C/N) across the room. “Gross, that is my parent.!” (Y/C/N) continued. “Well they’re my partner so cover your ears if you don’t wanna hear it!” Keigo ordered. “What the hell is going on?” You asked, arms crossed as you looked between the two of you. “Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about, I’m just proving that he couldn’t catch me if he tried.” Keigo smirked as he looked back at the cat. “He has caught you before… Many times.” You reminded him. “Told you!” (Y/C/N) cheered. “Ah yes but that is swiftly followed by my own attack.” Keigo said. “Almost as if I were expecting it.” “Can you both just behave yourself for 10 minutes while I get changed?” You asked. “Ask him, he’s the one that starts it.” (Y/C/N) turned his back to Keigo and you narrowed your eyes as you saw the feathers moving towards the unknowing feline. “Stop.” “Fine fine, I’ll just come with you.” He wriggled his eyebrows as you rolled your eyes, turning away from him. “You're gross.” (Y/C/N) muttered as he disappeared into the kitchen. You turned away to walk back into the bedroom and get changed as Keigo followed. “You can’t expect me to behave myself without a reward.” Keigo followed you into the room catching you before you would walk towards the draws that housed all of you pajamas. “Will you ever learn to behave yourself?” You asked. “You don’t want that.” He teased, pressing a kiss to your jaw slowly coaxing you into something other than getting dressed.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu/ Fatgum
🍡 Fatgum didn’t realise that there was anything different about your cat in fact it probably could have stayed that way for a very long time. 🍡 They got along well whenever he was eating something he shared with you little companion and scolded you when you told the little one that they had enough. You at one point were sure that the little guy was putting on weight. 🍡 They loved cuddling up together and you would often find them in bed or on the sofa, he found out about him talking when he walked in on the two of you arguing about stealing your boyfriend. 🍡 From there he treated him more like a child then a pet, scolding him and playing with him and still feeding him more than he needed.
You sighed as you walked into the house, smiling as you heard Taishiro talking in the other room, you knew that he was talking to (Y/C/N), you walked into the room raising an eyebrow as you watched the two “if I give you an extra dinner you can’t tell mum, she’s going to kill me!” Taishiro muttered, hunched over the cat that was looking at him with pleading eyes. “I never tell her.” (Y/C/N) answered and you narrowed your eyes, they both got up, it took longer for your cat to notice you than your boyfriend (who stopped dead in his tracks) because of the sofa obscuring the little one’s vision. “Extra dinners?” You asked. “Really?” “He said he was starving.” Taishiro said. “He always says that he’s starving, I took him for a check up, he’s almost overweight!” You complained. “Alright… I’ll stop.” Taishiro said. “You promised me that before and look what happened…” You crossed your arms over your chest and turned away from them. (Y/C/N) was the first to come over rubbing against your ankle, you glanced down at him and he looked up at you. “I know that this diet is hard but once we get you back to a healthy weight, you can have your treats back as a reward.” You reached down, tickling his chin. “This is stupid.” (Y/C/N) grumbled and you nodded. “Uh huh, so no extra dinner for you and you.” You pointed at Taishiro across the room who was looking as guilty as ever. “No sweets for the rest of the night.” “Yes ma’am.” He nodded as he walked over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’m leaving you alone for 20 minutes while I shower and get changed but if you do anything I’ll be able to smell the guilt on you.” You warned them. “Humans can’t smell guilt.” (Y/C/N) said. “Test me.” You goaded him before disappearing into the bedroom and further into the bathroom.
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Shota Aizawa/ Eraserhead
🐛 You didn’t even tell this man that your cat could talk, he just started talking to them one day and of course your feline friend spoke back, he literally did not bat an eyelid. 🐛 Laziest creatures in your life, they will collectively convince you to do nothing… Unless it’s food time, if it’s food time then the cat is no ally to anyone. 🐛 Most would think that Aizawa was the one who owned the cat because it was constantly trailing after him and complimenting him on everything that he did with the odd sassy comment when they didn’t agree on something, honestly some would say that he stole your cat. 🐛 You're sure that they miss each other more than they ever miss you and sometimes you're dramatic about it but rest assured you are the most important person in either one of their lives.
You walked through the front door kicking off your shoes, you dropped your bag to the floor before walking into the living room “you took your time.” Aizawa said as he looked up at you from his reclined position on the sofa. “Hello to you too.” You smiled as you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, he smiled quickly catching your lips in a soft kiss. “Hey hey! What about me!?” You giggled at the voice before turning to the black cat it belonged to curled up on Aizawa’s chest cradling his face in your hands as you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Have you both been here the whole day?” You asked. “No.” Aizawa answered. “I had classes to teach today.” “So you’ve been like this since 3pm?” You asked. “I guess.” Aizawa answered. “Did you at least feed him?” You asked. “You know those biscuits are a complete diet right, there are some cats that would settle for just them.” Aizawa mumbled. “Yeah well I’m not one of them.” (Y/C/N) said as he stood his front legs stretched out in front of him as he stretched and you rolled your eyes walking into the kitchen and putting the meat down for him before walking back into the living room, Aizawa reached out a hand pulling you to lay with him when you were close enough. “Are you sure this is a good idea Shota?” You asked as you glance towards the entrance the loud feline would appear in when he was finished. “Mmm it’s fine.” He answered half heartedly as he continued to wrap you tighter in his arms, not 5 minutes later did you hear what you expected. “You two just cast me out after 5 minutes, you know I was coming back right?” He asked as hopped up on the sofa walking over your intertwined legs before finally settling on your back, you hummed as you shifted slightly to get more comfortable, you knew that you should all move, the bed was definitely more comfortable but staying here with the two most important beings in your life for some reason was more appealing so you didn’t move for now this would be fine.
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Yamada Hizashi/ Present Mic
🎤 Again another who wasn’t affected by your cat talking, he however is not as happy about it as others. They literally argue all the time because let’s be honest Hizashi is like a big cat himself. 🎤 You were constantly breaking them up, they never tried to hurt each other but they would always complain about something that the other was doing. 🎤 You tried to split your time between them equally but they always had something to say about that too. 🎤 As they lived together more they learned to deal with each other better, they learned what set the other off and tried to avoid it when you were around.
Hizashi had been at work all day, you were in the kitchen cutting up meat, you put a small pile aside for (Y/C/N) as you started cooking up the meat for dinner, once it was all cooked you put his portion aside and continued cooking for you and Hizashi. “Smells good.” Hizashi said, his voice softer than most people get to hear it. “Thank you.” You smiled leaning back into him as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “Long day? How are the kids?” “Fine, they’re fine.” He answered. “But…” You prompted him to continue as he lifted his head. “They didn’t come to UA to do english lessons, they get bored so easily, stop paying attention.” He explained and you chuckled. “You know, even for people who aren’t looking to become heroes, English lessons were boring, it’s just about making it interesting.” You said. “Don’t give him ideas he’s interesting enough.” Your bubble was shattered as the black cat jumped up on the counter top. “Do you mind? We are having a private conversation.” Hizashi scolded him. “Well then don’t have it in the middle of the kitchen.” (Y/C/N) muttered. “Would it have mattered if we were in the bedroom?” Hizashi asked. “I guess not.” He turned away and walked over to the plate where you had left the meat that you saved for him. “This for me?” “Yeah.” You answered, lifting the plate away from him “If I give you this will you leave us alone for a little while, you know it’s not your turn so don’t be a bother.” “Fine, fine.” He lifted his paw as if to pull your hand down to him. “Good.” You nodded, you put the plate back down before going back to your own dinner and finishing up what you needed to. “I’ve decided what movie to watch tonight.” He mumbled and you smiled. “Good, then let’s finish this food so we can watch a movie and you can relax yeah?” You suggested and you felt him nod rather then heard him but you both made small noises as (Y/C/N) made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat.
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Request Here!!
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lxnarphase · 8 months
hi lunar >:] it’s 🧸 I just read my uh..nanami request from last week cause ? apparently ? u dont get notifs ? from an anon ask ? it was the first time I actively sought out an anon ask so I didn’t know TT ur writing’s just that good bae (can I say that..) I sweaaaarr
WHEN I TELL YOU . I was giggling n shit when I read my request whqjsnwkww I originally wanted aizawa but saw u don’t write mha characters— uh…do you see a pattern here…..ANYWAY I’ll see you in the next ask 🌟 hope this week will be good to you ^^
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no worries at all, i might be a jjk blog but i love some of those mha men and don't get me started on the hq!! men
aizawa, all might, hawks, present mic, fatgum, fourth kind...my favorites ! and do NOT let me start talking about ushijima or meian, i was and still am a whore for those two men
but i will admit, i see the pattern veeery strongly hehe
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