#father Stephen strange
ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a fic with Dr. Strange's daughter (about America Chaves' age) except the reader is a variant of Stephen's dead daughter. Like it can happen when America was being chased by that giant eyeball. Apparently reader got sucked into Americas powers with her. Reader is still in shock since she just saw her actual father (defender strange) die. What does Dr. Strange's reaction will be when he meets his alive daughter, albeit a variant of her. (Their meeting can be like Strange just saved her from an untimely death and when he saw who he saved his heart just stopped)
Every reality
Your day was just bound to get ruined, although you didn’t expect it to end up with you father dead and being sucked into another universe with America.
Being on the run wasn’t one of your plans either.
You were alone, with somebody who barely can control their own powers and you were no good without your dad’s instructions.
This was the day you die, there was no way to look at it.
You couldn’t even say goodbye, it was so fast, so sudden and unexpected, he was gone and you were alone and lost, you were….scared.
"Watch out!" America screamed cutting your train of thought just in time to see the huge Aline jumped straight at your way.
You made a portal and jumped in it, not caring where it took you because you were not panicking.
There was rubbish where you landed and the sound of America’s screams were still loud and clear, you didn’t go far away it seems, maybe just a few blocks away.
Which meant that thing was close.
A growled maybe you jump and turn around, scratch whatever you thought, that thing was right behind you and ready to devour you whole.
So this is how it ends? In a strange city, eaten by an ugly Aline, what a life you had.
You couldn’t even think, you closed your eyes and screamed when it grabbed you by the waist and threw you in the air, gravity graded you down immediately almost landing you in its mouth…almost.
The Aline screamed in pain and before you knew what’s going, two strong arms held you close and you were on the ground, covered in some blood with a weird blues substance that you wish to not know where it came from.
"Y/N?" You heard your name and looked up at who saved you, familiar blue eyes looked down at you with shock and worry.
Stephen breathed heavily, he was holding his child, his little girl, alive and breathing. His heart hurt, a part of him knew this wasn’t really you, but a variant, then there was the father’s heart, the pain of seeing his child again.
"I think I’m going insane" he whispered holding you close to his chest, you could hear his heart beat loud in your ears, he was scared too.
"You’re not the only one" you hid your face against his chest, not daring to look up with tears in your eyes, you didn’t want to open up your eyes and find out it was just your brain playing tricks on you.
It didn’t matter that he wasn’t your actual dad but by god you were desperate and alone.
"Are you ok kid?" He asked.
You nodded your head slowly "but I can’t feel my legs"
He snorted "of course, let’s get out of here, I can’t lose another daughter" that’s when you looked up, Stephen strange, different realities but he still loved his daughter in every one of them.
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Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness (2022)
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bonniesfamiliar · 1 month
Do we find each other in another universe:
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...Who are you?
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guardianjameslight · 1 month
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What do we call this type of story? A battle-hardened accidentally warrior becomes a father figure of a child with special abilities and protects them from forces of evil.
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 15
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Warnings: None. (Will however be a 18+ reader book)
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
The next few minutes seemed to pass in a blur. Maybe that was because of the adrenaline of trying to outrun these military-type men. Maybe it was because the Bahaman sun was glaring off all the water and sand. Or maybe it was because of all the tears that were dropping down your face in streams.
You felt terrible for so many reasons. You felt like there was something you should've been able to do. What? No idea. But something. For another, you felt guilty for having misjudged him and so harshly. It was hard for parents to love other children of different soulmate parentage, unless you were already blood related or soul related. Like if Maria had Fury's kid, Coulson would still love the kid.
It was why adoption was so rare in this world. It was just to hard.
So now, your feet pounded down the sidewalk, aware that the men behind you were shouting for you to stop with heavy accents. So they probably wanted you alive. That was both comforting and terrifying.
You turned the corner and found half of the Avengers running up towards you. Of course, with tears in your eyes, you misjudged the distance and ran flat into Steve's chest.
"Y/N, are you hurt?" Steve and Bucky were the only ones that stopped running to make sure you were alright while the others descended upon the soldiers that had just come around the corner.
"T-they killed my d-dad." You hiccupped.
"Oh doll." Bucky said softly, pulling you into a hug before shooting his gun over your shoulder. "I'm sorry."
Steve flung his shield out, "Take her back to the hotel Buck."
Bucky nodded, scooping you up with his metal arm, shooting at anyone that came at the two of you with his flesh hand. You hiked it back to the hotel where Loki and Thor were just about to head out, apparently only just now hearing about the fight. Nat was also there, loading up on guns and knives while Bruce was slowly, but surely turning green.
"Y/N?" Loki asked carefully as Thor flew out the hotel with his flying hammer to join the fight.
"She's physically fine." Bucky told Loki, "But she watched her father die."
"Poor thing." Loki murmured, pulling you into his arms, "I'll take her back up to her room and run her a hot bath."
"Good idea." Bucky murmured, kissing the top of your head, "Are you going to be okay, doll?"
You nodded, feeling a bit dazed. "I'm o-okay."
Bucky smiled a bit sympathetically, running his thumb over your cheek tenderly before running back out of the hotel again.
Loki teleported up to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed, going into the bathroom. You could hear him running the bath in the other room, the steady rushing of pounding water against ceramic echoing through your ears.
Finally, you heard the tap being slammed off. Loki came back. "You okay about taking it by yourself?"
You kind've just stared at him. You couldn't remember if you'd ever seen anyone die before.
Loki decided to take your silence for 'no'. He picked you up in his slender, yet muscular arms, carrying you into the bathroom. He settled you into the bubble bath, which smelt like mint and chamomile. Two very calming scents.
After a few moments, you came back down to Earth, realizing that you were still in your bathing suit.
You looked at Loki, "I'm still dressed?"
Loki smiled a little, "Well, I wasn't going to undress you without your consent pet."
You smiled a little and then it dropped off your face, "He. . . he told me the truth. About the prophesy surrounding me and how after I get married, I can't be used to end the soulmate bond. And he told me that he isn't my biological father, he is an FBI agent. And that my adopted mother died taking a bullet for me without me even knowing."
Loki's face was sympathetic and sweet as he rubbed your arms softly with the bar of soap. "I'm sorry My Queen."
"Did you know about the prophesy?"
"I'm sure I've read about it somewhere." Loki said nonchalantly. "Especially now that you've brought it up. But it wasn't something that popped in my mind upon meeting you or spending time with you."
You just nodded. "Did any of them know?"
Loki thought about it for a moment, "Perhaps the wizard? He reads just as much as I do. I'm not really sure about any of the others. Thor definitely does not, he isn't a big reader."
"I don't understand. Why would the ones who want soulmate bonds to stay try to kill me? Why wouldn't they just push me to get married faster?"
Loki shrugged, "Midgardians- and most species out there- don't ever make any sense when it comes to things that scare them. In three days this is all over pet. You don't have to worry. Although, we would all understand if you wanted to postpone the wedding for a funeral for your father."
Postponing the wedding sounded good. You weren't sure how you were supposed to act like you were happy when your father wasn't going to be there. It was so strange how quickly your attitude towards him had changed. Or maybe. . . maybe you'd just loved him all along.
On the other hand, postponing would give those on both sides more time to either attempt to kidnap you to use you, or attempt to kill you. What if it wasn't your father next time? What if it was one of your soulmates instead? Or your sister?
"No, I want to go through with the wedding. If we could speed it up, I would." You answered.
Loki dipped his head slightly.
"Yes my Queen?"
"Can you untie the back of the bathing suit top?"
"Of course."
You leaned forward a little bit so that he could untie the stretchy strings that were holding the bathing suit top up. His fingers were nimble, deftly pulling out the knot that would probably have taken you a solid five minutes to get out. He pulled the strings free, letting them fall against your back when he was done.
You slid off the top and then pulled the bottoms off, soaking more fully in the tub. Your body didn't show as the bubbles from the bath covered most of your body up.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked as he clipped your wet swimsuit to hangers, hanging them up so that they could dry. How was he so good at home chores?
Loki summoned that book of poetry that he had read to you in the library. He read lots of different poems. The last one, he liked so much, that he tried to explain why he loved it so much. It went something like this:
One fine morning in the middle of the night,
two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other
draw out the swords and shot each other.
A deaf policemen heard this noise
and shot the two dead boys.
If you don't believe my lies to be true,
ask the blind man, he saw it too!
"I mean, the entire thing is a paradox." Loki said with absolute delight. "I mean, cause morning in the middle of the night, and back to back they faced each other! I mean, they're complete opposites in the same sentence."
You giggled, feeling a little lighter. "Loki, I heard the poem too."
"Sorry, it's just such good writing. And humorous as well." Loki said, delight in his eyes. You watched how passionately he spoke about writing that he liked.
After you finally felt a little better, you drained the bathtub. Loki put the book away, fetching you a fluffy towel that he wrapped around your bodice, helping you out of the tub so you didn't slip.
He let you dry off and get dressed while he kept his back to you. "Hey Loki, do you think we can have the second soulmate dinner up here? I don't know, just some random food or something. . . I don't really want to leave tonight."
"Of course, I'll let Tony know." Loki said softly. You could hear his fingers tapping on the phone.
After a half hour, the others came up with a lot of Chinese food. You all sat on the floor in the living room section, a few of them on the one couch. You leaned against Bucky's legs, sitting with Clint on one side of you and Thor on the other.
Dinner started with the heavy conversation. All of the soldiers were either dead, or they had been taken into custody to be questioned. Then you had provided with what your father had told you. You knew your sister was the one who needed to hear this, but you were still torn about whether or not you should tell her.
Most of them had heard about the prophesy, but the only one that had really connected me to it was Fury. Even Stephen hadn't, something he looked rather embarrassed to admit.
I was also made aware that my father's body was on ice until after the wedding. Now that they all knew exactly why people were coming after me, they all adamantly agreed on having the wedding as it was planned. Steve and Bucky even wanted to know if it was possible to speed up the process.
It was decided that there would always be at least one of them at all times. Which was fine with me. It was decided that I would be hanging out with Tony, Stephen, Wong, and Rhodey tomorrow.
Things came to a close quickly before everyone started to file out after wishing you a good night with some sort of affectionate hug or kiss on the forehead, cheek, or even lips.
Bucky was the last one and you suddenly felt the urge to grab his arm and say, "Bucky."
Bucky looked down at you, Steve and Sam pausing. You wanted to ask him to stay with you tonight. You didn't want to be left alone in this room, although Fury had promised that no one would be able to get in.
Then you realized that it might look like favoritism to the others and you let go of his arm and said, "Good night."
"Night Doll." Bucky said, kissing your cheek before walking down the hallway with Steve and Sam, throwing his arm over either of their shoulders.
Even though they were your soulmates, in that moment, it felt like they were something you could never be a part of.
You tossed and turned, unable to get to sleep. Suddenly, there was a ding on your phone.
🪣🦾❤️: You still awake?
Y/N 🍸: Yes
🪣🦾❤️: One second
Three minutes later there was a knock on your door. You slid out of bed, peeping through the hole to see Bucky standing there. You opened up the door, "What are you doing here Buck?"
He held out his hand, "Come on. Let's go see some wild cats."
You smiled, taking his hand. The two of you walked through the semi empty hallways before going downstairs. Though it was past midnight and all the stores and shops were closed, there were still couples milling about.
Bucky led the two of you outside, and you guys walked for a bit. You could see lots of different cats that just looked like normal house cats walking around, drinking water from puddles or little bowls of milk that had been left outside of certain shops.
Bucky and you sat down on some steps by one of the pools. He put his arm around you and after a while, a white cat approached the two of you. It put its' paws on Bucky's knee, pushing up on its back legs to get closer to his face.
Bucky smiled before revealing a bunch of fish that he had in a little baggy. They were dead, but still in water to keep them fresh. He must've gone fishing at one point.
He held one of the fish out to the cat. The cat picked it up daintily, before promptly deciding to eat it right there. You looked away, staring up at the galaxy instead while you listened to Bucky absolutely adore the cat.
"Aww, you're so adorable. Yes, eat the fishy like a good little kitty. There you go, that's it. Awww~"
You smiled a bit. Yes, you should definitely get a cat when you guys went back.
Eventually, a few other cats wandered over, either because you were the most interesting thing around, or because they could smell the fish on Bucky. He gave all of them away and the cats were immediately curling up around us.
You scratched one behind the ears, loving how smooth, though slightly coarse the fur of the cat was. "We should get a cat or two when we get back home. Loki wants one too."
"Really?" Bucky sounded both surprised and excited.
"Yep. Black cats especially." You said with a slight smirk.
"Ah yes. A witches cat." Bucky said with a grin.
You laughed again and then yawned. The hot air was suddenly making you rather tired and you laid your head down on his shoulder. "That's alright doll, you can fall asleep. I'll carry you back up to your room."
"Don't wanna be alone." You mumbled.
"Okay. You don't have to be." Bucky whispered. You could hear him saying sad good-byes to the cats, before there was a sweeping motion and you snuggled into his arms.
"I love you Buckaroo." You mumbled, "So much."
"I love you too Y/N." He said and you could feel his lips lightly press to the temple of your head. "Gonna take care of you forever, I promise."
You smiled, feeling one tear slip down your cheek, though you weren't entirely sure why. All you knew, was that you were happy, content, and loved.
You fell asleep before you even reached the hotel.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Father Loki
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Loki had a child and knows he can't let anyone ever know about you
You thought about escaping, you thought about escaping a million times.
But, it wasn't an option.
It was never an option.
He gave you everything you wanted, anything you could ever wish for.
But, freedom.
You weren't completely sure what this place was, but the only person around was you, you'd never seen anyone else.
A giant castle all to yourself, but it got so lonely.
Loki had a life to live, he visited when he could, but you felt like you were going insane from loneliness.
You curled up on the bench on the garden while you watched the flowers blow in the wind.
You felt the energy shift and you knew Loki had returned.
You sat up and looked around until he walked into your view in his usual clothes.
"There you are." He said as he knelt to you and smiled.
"Why do you look so sad, little one?" He asked as you looked at him.
"I'm lonely." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.
"I'm here now, sweetheart. You're not lonely now." He said as you frowned at him.
"Please let me out of here, father. I want to see other people. I don't want to be all alone here anymore." You whispered as tears streamed down your face.
"I've told you this so many times, little one. You can leave here, it's too dangerous. What do you think Odin would do if he found out about you? Do you think he would welcome you? No, my love he would kill you." He replied as you shook your head.
"I don't deserve this." You cried as Loki sighed and stood up.
"How much more can I give you, my love? I've given your everything." He said as you looked up at him in anger.
"You can give me friends! Or a real family!" You screamed as you stood up.
Loki grabbed your wrist roughly to stop you from running.
"Enough! Stop misbehaving, otherwise you know exactly what happens!" He shouted as you stopped moving and cried softly.
"These antics will get you nowhere, Y/N. Go to your room and sleep, and if you disobey me I will take over your mind and put you to sleep. Am I understood?" He threatened as you sniffled and nodded.
"Yes, father." You whispered before walking away from him.
You wanted to disobey him, but you hated when he controlled your mind.
You stormed away and climbed into your bed.
You heard a noise and saw your father in your doorway.
"I know you don't understand any of this, sweetheart. I love you more than you could ever realise." Loki said as you felt his hand run through your hair.
"Can you hug me?" You whispered, still facing away from your father.
He smiled and climbed onto your bed, gently wrapping his arm around you.
"I love you so much, Y/N." He whispered as you closed your eyes.
"I love you too, father."
Like usual, you woke up the next morning and Loki was gone.
You sighed and looked out the window.
Suddenly you heard a loud crash and looked up in shock.
You quickly got out of bed and got your coat on before you ventured through the empty castle hallways.
You heard more noises again as you held your coat close to yourself.
"Hello?" You called out as you saw an unfamiliar man appear down the hallway.
"Oh, shoot. I'm sorry, Miss. I thought this weird realm was unoccupied." He said as you froze.
"You shouldn't be here, Sir. My father won't be happy." You muttered as he looked at you in confusion.
"Can you tell me what this place is?" He asked, stepping forward as you stepped back.
"My father made this place to keep me safe. He would kill you if he knew you were here." You muttered as he nodded a little.
"You must have quite a powerful father. Are you in danger? Why does he keep you here?" He asked, you looked at him nervously.
"He's a powerful man, and if people found out that I existed, they would kill me. That's what my father said." You whispered as he nodded.
"Is it your choice to stay here?" He asked, you looked around in suspicion.
Maybe this was a trick.
"No... But that's okay, it's for my safety." You replied, the man looked at you in thought.
"Seems like your father would go to great lengths to protect you. Have you ever been out of this realm?" He continued, you wrapped your arms around yourself and shook your head.
"No... He took me here after I was born and I've never left. I've never even met anyone, you're the first person I've ever seen apart from my father." You admitted as he looked at you in shock.
"So, he's keeping you hostage?" He said as you shook your head, maybe you were in denial.
"No! No he isn't, he does this cause he loves me!" You shouted in defence as he looked at you with sadness.
"Are you sure that's why?" He asked as you looked at him.
"I don't know..." You whispered as he slowly stepped forward.
"I'm Stephen Strange, can you tell me your name?" He asked as you nodded a little.
"My name is Y/N."
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haveihitanerve · 1 month
“Everyone who knows and loves you… we- we’d have no memory of you.”  Omg I’m gonna cry Strange 
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erroneot · 1 year
America: am I in trouble? Stephen: take a guess America: no? Stephen: take another guess
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whitedragoncoranth · 7 months
A Strange Raccoon
Doctor Stephen Strange didn't know what to make of the battered, young, anthropomorphic raccoon curled up beneath the Cloak of Levitation. The Sorcerer Supreme, of course, knew that this was no ordinary animal; he wouldn't evict the poor creature from his home, the Sanctum Sanctorum!
Even if he wanted to, the Cloak of Levitation wouldn't allow it; when Stephen approached, the Cloak slowly - so as not to wake the raccoon - curled gently about the animal, swaddling him like a babe. "It's alright, it's alright, I'm not going to hurt him, or throw him out; I would never!" Stephen murmured, soothing the agitated Cloak. The mystical garment slowly unfurled, revealing the raccoon... and the Doctor inside Strange reeled at the battering, the bruises, the wounds, and the utterly horrid cybernetics visible on his shaven back.
"He's going to need some medical attention; I am unsure as to exactly how much," Stephen mused. "After that... well... I can try my hand at being a father figure? Honestly, I've been searching for an apprentice for quite a while, now. This poor fellow was somehow able to find his way here, so he must have magic potential..."
"... Rocket."
Stephen blinked. "Did... did you speak, little one?"
The little raccoon shivered, snuffled, whimpered; then as the Cloak of Levitation curled about him, going all motherly, he answered, "Sire called me numbers... 8-9-P-1-3... but I'm Rocket! P-Please... it hurts... hurts! Cloak talks in my head - you're a doctor, but you're not mean like the white-coats - and she says I can trust you. Please.... hurts, hurts!" The little raccoon couldn't hold it in anymore and sobbed with pain. Without hesitation, Stephen Strange moved, picking up Rocket as gently, delicately, as he could. As the Cloak of Levitation lifted to settle about the strange man's shoulders and cover them both, Rocket looked up at the man in awe. For the second time in his life, he was warm. For the first time in his life, someone was touching, holding him, without causing pain. "Don't worry, little one; everything's going to be alright."
. . .
Much, much later...
"You think you have some worth in and of yourself without me? No! You're an abomination! Nothing more than a step on my path! You freakish little monster! How dare you think you are more, 8-9-P-1-3!" But that was all the High Evolutionary could do--before he could attack Rocket, with thunderous expression on his face, an utterly furious Stephen Strange smashed the man against the wall with mystical energies! "How dare you hurt my son!"
Dressed similarly to his father - in robes of orange with a cyan cloak - Rocket Strange, Technomage Apprentice of the Sorcerer Supreme snarled. His own mystic power shining vermilion in his eyes, dancing orange between his paws, he withdrew a huge magitek weapon from the holster on his belt--a weapon that by all rights should not have fit in there, it was too big!
"The name's Rocket," Subject 89P13 announced. "Rocket Strange. And you're fuckin' dead!" The eye on the clasp of Subject 89P13's cloak opened... There came a whine as the weapon charged... The High Evolutionary's life flashed before his eyes... And then the man knew no more...
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pandagirl45 · 8 months
Strange: steve would you like to see your father again?
Steve: *shaking out his hands clenching up* please
Strange: I forgot you, banner, barton, stark, and my own partner have daddy issues *leaves*
Steve: I am on the daddy issue list!!!
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Hello!! I was wondering if you are willing to do a part 2 in the fic Every Reality you did? The one where Stephen meets Variant daughter? It was so good! I really want to know what happens next 🥺. Can you make it angsty with lots of fluff?
This headache was killing you, why in god’s name did you not agree to take painkillers when you had the chance.
It was like a hammer jamming into your head with each movement, no matter how small it was, you should’ve listened to your da-Stephen…it’s Stephen here, not your dad.
"Don’t move, the pain will get worse"
"Tell me something I don’t already know" you groaned placing your arm over your forehead. At least the coach was soft enough, you even got a fluffy blanket.
"Don’t sass me now young lady, you know better than to argue with you—sorry I didn’t mean to…just rest" Stephen rubbed the bridge of his nose and excused himself out of the room to the kitchen where America had found his stash of potato chips.
"You helped yourself I see" he said.
America swallowed then peaked at the living room where you laid "she looks beat up"
"Obviously, she’s lucky I came in time to save her, she never listens!" He sighed heavily then looked back at your laying form, this was hard for him.
America hummed then hopped on the counter beside the stove "you know she’s still your daughter and you from her reality is gone too"
"What are you getting at kid?" He knew exactly where she was getting at but he didn’t want to risk it, losing you once was enough but a second time might just be the last straw before he loses his sanity.
"Don’t be like this, she’s probably so scared and if she’s like your own daughter you might you know, comfort each other"
"And her other life, the reality she jumped from, what if she has a family other than that strange, what if I’m being selfish to keep her here with me?"
America’s eyes softened, she’s seen many versions of you two, different but still the same, you always followed your dad and he made sure you stayed safe.
"Why don’t you ask her then? If she wants to stay or find a way to go back" Stephen shook his head, christen is gone and now he has a chance to have a family again but it might affect the multiverse even more.
He can’t be selfish….can he?
"What if I’m doing the wrong thing? There’s millions of possibilities and I don-"
"Then try them all if you have too! You’re a sorcerer with great knowledge I’m sure you’ll figure something out but now, now you need to go and talk to your daughter"
Stephen swallowed, his throat felt dry and the water finish boiling on the kettle, he made some herbal tea and went inside to the living room where you laid.
He placed a cup for you on the coffee table and sat across from you wrapping both his hands around the warm cup "drink it, it will ease the pain a little"
"Ok" you pushed yourself up and winced from the pain in your head, the blanket fell on your legs. You grabbed the cup and inhaled the sweet smell of pomegranate.
You smiled softly at the warm liquid "it’s a while since I did this" you muttered soft enough for him to hear.
"Did what?" He asked.
"This…you, I mean my dad and I used to sit down and drink tea whenever he’s not drowning himself in work, it would be the two of us only"
Stephen looked down at the steam coming from his cup, he felt his chest tighten "you know…me and my daughter used to go ice skating sometimes, when she felt moody, she was great at it I was trash"
You snorted "I never got the chance, I’ll like to try though, even if he’s not really here anymore" your smile dropped a little and then you took a sip of your tea, it filled you with warmth.
"I could take you, I mean if you’ll want before….going back"
Your head shot up and looked at him with hopeful eyes "you mean it? We could go?"
The tightness hurt even more "yes, you just to ask and I’ll take you….anywhere" the hope in your eyes grew, the smile on your face made him want to be selfish and screw what anyone thinks.
"What if I…want to stay here, with you and America, I don’t have a family now and I really don’t want to be alone again, please sir"
Stephen sighed then placed his cup on the table, he scooted closer and put his hands on top of yours "I lost my daughter once and it was the saddest day of my life and if you stay I don’t want to lose you too but it’s up too, if you want to stay you can stay, I will love you just as much and try my best to protect you my child"
Your eyes stung from tears, you missed your father’s warm hands and soft words "I want too, please keep me dad, I don’t ever want to lose you again too."
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I want to write something for America and Stephen so bad 😩 but I don't have any ideas, I just have the need
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amagicdoctor · 1 year
Dr. Strange after not hearing from Kurt for months and then he sees Kurt in a Spider-Man costume:
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drstrangedaughter · 1 year
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He is so dad material.
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braveclementine · 2 months
Chapter 20
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
Ben didn't react at all, which was making you think that he didn't have anything to do with this. But Y/S/N on the other hand, flinched for a second, eyes darting around the room, realizing the position that she was in.
"Pardon?" She asked calmly.
"Our father came to visit me earlier today." You said carefully.
She frowned, "Y/N, our father is dead. He was murdered."
"I know. I was there." You said coldly. There was a pause in the room, the tension could've been cut with a knife. You smiled a little, "You know, there were so many things that I wondered. I wondered why we didn't have similar soulmates. I mean, we both know how sibling soulmates work. Jessie and Katherine both got Pietro. Thor and Loki got me. Me and Elizabeth got Avengers. . . so I always wondered how you never got an Avenger as your soulmate, or how I never got a normal person as mine. But it makes sense now."
Y/S/N just watched me, brow furrowed. Ben's brow was also furrowed, looking between her and you, not saying anything.
"And then, I wondered how I could care for Minerva so easily when we had no connection by soulmate. I thought maybe that it was because I felt I owed Elizabeth, or that I was there when Minerva was born so I obviously had a connection to her. But no, that's not it at all. You see, I don't feel the same for your daughter, who you conveniently, I noticed, have named Melody. Which means that Elizabeth was really my sister, and you weren't."
"Y/S/N, what is she talking about?" Ben asked quietly. But Y/S/N didn't answer him, keeping her gaze on me.
"You would really believe a mad man that tried to kill you, over your own sister?" Y/S/N scoffed. "Are you kidding me right now?! How much have we been through together? You always kept me safe and now this man comes along, tells you I'm not your sister and you just believe him?!"
"He also told me you were part of HYDRA." You continued, hoping that you weren't making a mistake in trusting the man.
"I'm younger than you!" Y/S/N protested.
"That you are." You nodded. "So I did wonder why it would even matter whether or not you were my sister. After all, if you were younger than me, you wouldn't know about HYDRA anyways because I was only a year old when I was given to our adopted parents. But then I remembered," you looked up at her again, "You used to do all of those after school activities and clubs. They were always private clubs too. You always had to have a certain grade to get in. Our parents were proud, but now I'm wondering if they were something more."
"You're crazy. I cannot believe this." Y/S/N scoffed. "I can't help it if I had good grades and they wanted to reward me for it!"
You were silent now, watching her. "Why would you flinch when I called you Melody?"
She gazed at me, eyes darting around the room. Fury shifted where he stood. Coulson and Maria were standing behind him just a little, waiting for her answer.
"My daughters name is Melody." Y/S/N said. "And your voice was rather cold, wasn't it?"
Ben looked utterly confused. The year and a half old baby on his lap was starting to stir out of her nap.
"Well you had to know I wasn't going to be trying to talk to your daughter." You answered. You paused, tilted your head, and then said, "We can't possibly of had the same mother. You're two years younger than me after all. And my mother went to jail first."
"No. . ." Y/S/N said slowly. "We didn't have the same mother."
Pietro, Wanda, and Vision were downstairs now, listening in at the side door.
Y/S/N straightened up, staring straight at me, "Even if I wasn't your sister. Even if I am everything that you- that this man that claims to be your father says I am, why would it matter huh? Even if I was Brock Rumlow's daughter, what does that matter? I have never tried to hurt you Y/N! Can you even possibly think of an instance where I hurt you?"
"She never said you were Rumlow's daughter." Bucky said softly. "You said that."
Y/S/N sucked in her bottom lip. "Fine. I'm Rumlow's daughter. Elizabeth was your real sister. Are you happy? I admitted it. But I never hurt you Y/N. I would never do that. You protected me for so many years. Think! Can you even think of an instance where I hurt you?"
And the answer was no.
There was no time that you could think of where Y/S/N- Melody- had hurt you. She had always tried to help you. She brought you back to your mates when you ran from the tower. She was always so supportive and laughing.
"I understand now." Tony said softly, getting to his feet. "It all makes sense now."
Everyone looked at him, wondering what the heck he was trying to say.
"You know." Tony said, taking a few steps towards Melody, who glared at him. "I never stopped looking into all of the attacks in the Bahamas. I couldn't understand how F.R.I.D.A.Y. was missing something vital. A common figure that could have possibly caused the attacks on Y/N. But I understand now. You were the common figure."
"Are you-" Melody said angrily.
"You were bunking with Y/N in the hotel room." Tony said. "But after the first night, you moved out. I thought you were staying in Ben's room, but you weren't, were you?"
Ben opened his mouth and then closed it. You felt terrible for him right now.
"No, you were staying in a completely different hotel than the one we had booked." Tony said. "I thought it was strange, but it was the same one that your adopted father had booked, so I thought it was possible you were making things up with him. Not to mention, you were Y/N's sister soulmate, you wouldn't possibly do anything to hurt her. It was out of the question."
"You knew all of the plans ahead of time." Fury said, nodding his head slowly. "You were able to alert your fellow HYDRA agents so that they could be prepared ahead of time."
Melody was trembling with anger.
"You didn't go with us on Karaoke night." You whispered, realizing it. "You said that you wanted to stay in. You knew that it was rigged with bombs."
"But you kept failing." Tony said, shaking his head in disgust. "And then Elizabeth joined the group. You two never got along and I always wondered why."
"The day of the bomb attack." You gasped in realization.
"You went out on a date with Ben not even five minutes before it happened. You slipped out the front door and said you'd be back before dinner." Clint said, closing his eyes. "I remember being frustrated that you left the gate wide open."
"How'd you convince Rocket to disable F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" Sam asked, crossing his arms.
"It was a bet." Melody admitted.
Ben scooted away slightly, holding little Mel tighter in his arms. "Y/S/N what-"
She glared at him.
"You can either come clean about everything and you'll be put in an ordinary cell with visiting privileges, or you can go straight to the raft and never seen another soul for the rest of your days." Fury said. "It's your choice."
Melody looked over at Mel in Ben's arms. Despite everything, you knew she loved that little girl. But you also wondered how she had gotten here.
She sighed. "I was actually born four years before you, Y/N. Rumlow brought me up in secret and when you were born with your magic lines, your parents tried to kill you. You were handed around SHIELD for a long time before you finally reached our adopted parents destination. There, I was posed as the younger sister. There was so much I had to fake like not being able to feed myself or talk, but even at that young age, I understood the importance of a mission. HYDRA made sure of that."
Bucky shifted in on his feet. You knew that despite his hate for her at the moment, he also knew how it was under HYDRA's rule and was thinking about how terrible it must've been for a little girl to go through that.
"I was the HYDRA princess and they made sure I knew that." Melody said softly. "And you're right. In school, they had special meetings for certain kids. Some, like me, were already part of HYDRA's kid program. Others were indoctrinated into it. As I grew older, I was given my missions. I never had a problem carrying them out. It was easier that I was playing the younger sister too. And then there was on particular mission that I knew would change everything."
"You got our mom killed." You whispered.
"It wasn't easy," Melody admitted, leaning back on the sofa, crossing her arms like she didn't even care. "I couldn't actually kill her of course. But I got us into a position where if they did miss mom, they would hit you instead. It would take care of everything. But as planned, our adopted mom did step in the way for you. And so that was my most successful mission and also my promotion."
Ben looked absolutely sick. He desperately wanted to move off the couch, but he was also frozen where he was sitting.
"I mean, it wasn't easy living alone with you, especially when I knew I could just slit your throat in the middle of the night. But no, they wanted to know who your soulmates were. They figured they would be either powerful, rich, or influential. Turns out it was all three, wasn't it? Once we both moved into the tower, my missions became more difficult. There was so much information to steal, but I also had to maneuver around F.R.I.D.A.Y. so she didn't get suspicious."
You swallowed, your throat dry. So much manipulation and you'd never even known.
"HYDRA had attempted to keep tabs on Elizabeth for a long time." She admitted. "They didn't know about her water powers though, they didn't find out until I reported back to them about 'em. They became interested in her because of them. So I left the gate open so that they could get to the house and kidnap her. They took both of you instead."
"You killed Rhodey." You choked out. "That was you. And Elizabeth and Hogun."
"They wouldn't be the first deaths in my book." She said nonchalantly. "I saw you and our adopted father talking about everything in the Bahamas. I had to alert HYDRA to your position. I was afraid my position had been compromised after he'd seen Elizabeth. He had to know who she was- or so I assumed."
"So you had him killed." You choked out.
Melody just smiled crookedly. "It was to soon for a compromise."
"What did they want with Elizabeth?" Pietro asked, eyes flashing in anger.
"They wanted to extract her powers." Melody answered. "The plan was to put the powers into another person who was loyal to HYDRA."
"Why kill her afterwards?" Vision asked, his voice hard with emotion.
"It would only be a matter of time before Dr. Banner discovered that Elizabeth and Y/N had similar blood properties and then go into their DNA and find out that they were related." Melody answered.
"That's why they took me as well." You said. "Because they wanted to see if I had any powers like Elizabeth."
"Yes. And you don't." Melody answered. "Because she got them from her mother."
"What happened to her powers? Were they ever able to extract them?" T'Challa asked.
"Yes. But they put them into someone else." Melody smarted.
"Minerva." Loki said. You were surprised he hadn't said anything yet, though his voice was shaking with so much emotion you weren't actually surprised.
"With us split up over Bucky's drama, you were able to get HYDRA to attack the safe house." Thor rumbled. "That way they could take Minerva. But the only way to do that was to get Wanda and Vision out of the picture."
"Naturally." Melody said, sounding almost bored with the conversation. "But then your father had to show up and ruin everything by telling you. And now we're here."
"Who else helped you?" Vision asked.
"Every name helps you." Maria added.
"Even with HYDRA, why didn't you just run?" Bucky asked, "We're the Avengers, we could have helped."
"You killed my father. You killed Rumlow." Melody snapped. "And you've put my mother on the run forever. She can never come back to the United States."
"We can bring your mother back if you tell us who she is." Fury said. "There are pardons for every crime."
"But she didn't commit a crime, did she?" Melody snarled. "Right Steve? Right Sam? Bucky? Helping you out wasn't a crime at all."
Steve's brow furrowed. "Who are you talking about?"
Melody glared at him. "Sharon Carter is my mother."
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a very happy Father's Day to all the good dads of the life is strange saga and a very hearty Fuck You to all the shitty dads of the life is strange saga.
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