punkbarnes2 · 11 months
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(this is one of my favorites)
My commissions are still open babies, and you can also support me on Ko-fi <3
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itscomplicatedx · 4 years
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Modern Myth Loki by Fauneb
Artist Quote: “Modern (myth) Loki watching over queer and every oppressed people since forever.
I had a dream about him a few weeks ago and he had magnificent rainbow hair so of course I had to paint him! ⠀
Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/fauneb ❤️”
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shrunkyclunksbang · 3 years
2021 Fic/Art Masterpost
Here’s a list of fics and art from last year’s challenge! It’s sorted by Fic title for all entries. Please make sure to read the tags/warnings for each work on AO3, they were not included in this post to save space.
If you’d like, you can also go straight to the 2021 AO3 Collection.
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All That Remains - Mature – Em [AO3] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – Espressosaur [Twitter] & Fauneb  [Instagram] [Tumblr]
After righting the wrongs made by Thanos five years ago, Steve Rogers returns home to find the abandoned bakery across the street from his apartment open, with a beautiful but haunted-looking man behind the counter. He desperately wants to get to know him, but the last five years have changed him, and his own self-doubt and fear hold him back.
Bucky Barnes stopped existing five years ago. Now he’s back and struggling to find his place in a world that’s moved on in his absence. When he reopens his bakery, he finds himself drawn to the ex-superhero living in the apartment building across the street.
But both of them are stubborn and argumentative, and their conversations turn to sarcasm and attitude more often than not - not that either of them minds. For Steve, it’s nice to see someone who doesn’t treat him like a hero - disgraced or not - and for Bucky, it’s refreshing to have someone not treat him with kid gloves. Over time, this antagonistic relationship grows into something steady and sure, both of them able to build their lives back up - and build a new one together.
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And my love life waits for me - Explicit – bittersweet-in-boston [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic + Additional piece not included in the fic due to possibly disturbing content (CW: Graphic Depictions of Violence) – Alaskan_Outsider [AO3]
Steve is Captain America three years after he woke up from the ice. He likes his Avengers friends, but he’s burnt out and misses the Howlies and Peggy. Bucky is a finance manager at Stark Industries who’s dating Brock Rumlow but secretly pining after the tiny, blond boy in old-fashioned clothes who shows up as his soulmate in his dreams. This is how Steve and Bucky meet in the middle of a terrible car crash in a snowstorm, how they realize they’re soulmates, and how they come together through trauma, pain, patience, and love.
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The Best Boyfriend Bucky Barnes Never Had – Explicit – Annerp [AO3] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic - CapDeady
Bucky Barnes really needs someone to pretend to be his boyfriend for 5 minutes, just long enough to make his ex go away so he can enjoy the rest of his afternoon in peace. Super sweet Steve, with his perfect body and even better smile, is naturally willing to help the cute guy who hangs out in the park.
Fast forward several weeks and Bucky thinks they have the perfect fake dating arrangement. Bucky meets Steve’s friends. Steve spends Bucky’s birthday with his family.
There’s only one problem, Steve apparently missed the fake part in their relationship and sets out to be the best boyfriend Bucky Barnes never had. Meanwhile, Bucky is working hard not to develop feelings for his friend.
To complicate everything, the world, and more importantly Bucky, don’t know that the new Captain America, who never shows his full face, is actually Steve Rogers, the original Captain America who was secretly revived after 70 years on ice.
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Bodies That Collide - Explicit – becassine [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic - Catherine [AO3] [Twitter]
When S.H.I.E.L.D discovers Captain America in the ice in 2011, Pierce re-activates his identity and discovers that he has an Omega soulmate, a graduating James ‘Bucky’ Barnes.
Fast forward to 2013 and Steve Rogers knows that the organisation Peggy founded isn’t the one it is today. Pierce, sensing that the good Captain might be intractable around Project Insight, decides to distract him.
Steve and Bucky meet. There’s an instant connection.
But as the two of them try to forge a relationship, to see if they can make this work, Steve realises that Pierce is using Bucky as a pawn in his game.
But who will ultimately call check-mate?
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Dead Man’s Switch - Mature – emptydistractions  [AO3] [Tumblr] 
Art embedded in fic – profoundalpacakittens [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Steve has only ever wanted to help people. Maybe that’s part of the reason why it nearly tears his heart in two the first time he watches Bucky die. He can’t help but think of the ‘what if’s’. What if he’d been there sooner? What if he’d been able to stop it?
By the five hundredth time he watches Bucky die though, the whole situation’s really starting to lose it’s charm.
(Or: Bucky is stuck in a time loop, and Steve is accidently along for the ride.)
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Had we but world enough and time - Explicit - Powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst)  [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – ursa [AO3] [Twitter]
Bucky Barnes is single, 30 and gay in New York - totally over the hill. So he’s pretty surprised when a blonde Adonis named Steve picks him up and takes him home for the night. He’s even more surprised when aliens invade New York and it turns out that Steve is Captain America.
Six years later, Steve Rogers breaks down. He hands over his shield and retreats to Tony’s house in a forest by a lake. Waiting to greet him, with ribbons in his hair, is Bucky Barnes - caretaker and carpenter. A man Steve has never forgotten.
Can Steve find the courage to love Bucky? Or will Steve have to sacrifice his new life, and his love, to save the universe?
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‘hos & Heroes (by the end of the night) - Explicit – kickflaw [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – bicappy [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Bucky waved his hand. “If you hate the whole idea of this party so much, show it. Make a statement. Make it count. Subvert it. Get yourself a hero and go as the 'ho.”
Steve groaned. “Can you imagine the response if I did that? This is Tony Stark. There’s bound to be media coverage, legal and illegal. I can’t show up in, in ripped stockings and shorts, Buck. I’m Captain America. There would be…backlash.”
When Tony invites Steve to a themed charity costume party, Steve complains to his crush friend, Bucky Barnes, and ends up with both a date and a very, very bad idea. Featuring: Steve in high heels, manicures, gallons of mutual pining, sexual tension, and a healthy side of scathing social commentary.
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I Can’t Do Everything (But I’d Do Anything For You) - Explicit – musette22  [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art Masterpost - Rufferto [AO3] [Tumblr]
Steve Rogers cares about a lot of things, but dating isn’t one of them – much to his fellow Avengers’ bemusement. It’s just never been very high on his list of priorities, falling somewhere behind his work, his friends, his hobbies, and that excellent pepperoni pizza from Vinnie’s on Flatbush Ave.
That is until one night, Natasha drags Steve out to a charity music concert by some hotshot singer that Steve has never actually heard of (which would surprise exactly no one, seeing as Steve is still partial to his records and his radio plays). And as soon as Steve lays eyes on Grammy-award winning musician and international heartthrob James Barnes for the very first time, suddenly he wonders if maybe dating wouldn’t be so bad after all. Dating James Barnes, specifically, that is. The question is just: how does one go about that? Especially one like Steve, who’s never wooed anybody in his century-long life, let alone a man. Let alone a man with long, dark hair, tattoos all over his arms, and a fanbase that rivals Steve’s own.
It’s not like he can just go up to him and say something like, “You and me babe, how about it?”
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i never loved one like you - Mature – Toffee [AO3] [Tumblr]
Bucky is a grad school student struggling through his senior thesis on superhuman biology. When a chance meeting leads him to becoming good friends with Sam Wilson, Bucky gets the opportunity to interview Captain America himself for his paper. After one interview Steve is desperate to see Bucky again, so he agrees to do an entire expose of interviews. As they continue to meet and get to know one another, Bucky learns more about Steve than he could ever ask for, and Steve finds something in Bucky he didn’t realize he desperately needed; a friend. And just maybe, they’ll both discover they need something more.
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The Intangible Dream  – Mature – itwastheband [AO3]
Art embedded in fic – Squish [Twitter]
Bucky wouldn’t deny it; he had always been an imaginative person. As a kid, he’d always get in trouble for daydreaming in class and having wild comic book adventures with friends.
But that didn’t even begin to explain how, after moving into his new apartment in Brooklyn, he started having recurring dreams of the same man every night. A man trapped inside his own home with no memory to explain how he got there. A man who couldn’t even see that Bucky was right there.
The question was - could any of it be real?
Bucky wanted to say no, it couldn’t be, but that position only got harder to maintain as the dreams continued and started to feel more and more real.
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I’m a Wreck When I’m Without You - Explicit – TheOmniPrincess [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – savagesnakes
Steve Rogers is pretty much useless in the new century. Technology he doesn’t understand, Tony being annoying, well all of his friends being annoying really. And to make matters worse there’s this insistent tugging he feels in his chest anytime he is at Avenger’s tower and considering he lives there, that’s a lot. There’s this cute guy he met in the elevator and this sweet scent that’s attached to him, and Steve has no idea how to approach that in general. Meanwhile, Natasha seems intent to get him laid in the new century. At least he no longer has to deal with Hydra, having watched it crash and burn into the Potomac River a year ago.
Misunderstandings, setups, hijinks, and chaos ensues, but what if he doesn’t want this omega to get hurt because of him? Especially when those Hydra baddies come crawling back. What’s an Alpha to do?
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James Barnes: The Underworld’s Best Friend  – Teen and Up – WinterSabbath [AO3]
Art Masterpost - perplexinglyparadoxialperson [Tumblr]
In which Steve meets James Barnes—SHIELD’s consultant for all things supernatural—and discovers that there is a much bigger world waiting to be explored, and the man who introduces him to this world is a lot more charming than Steve expected.
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Like A Good Little Soldier – Explicit – Girl_Back_There [AO3]
Art embedded in fic – xPixelx [AO3] [Tumblr] 
Bucky Barnes is a S.H.I.E.L.D. specialist brought up to help the Avengers when Clint Barton is injured. The crack-shot sniper clashes with The Commander, Steve Rogers, when he disobeys a direct order to stay in his nest. But Bucky is not going to standby when he sees a situation going South. The mission goes completely wrong putting Steve and Bucky at odds with one another as to who made the right call.
But all of that doesn’t matter since Bucky is going back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and Steve never has to deal with him again.
Except, the rest of the team like Bucky, even Clint, and vote to bring him onto the Avengers. Having another sniper and spy is useful to the team.
Bucky and Steve do not get along, but that doesn’t mean the two of them don’t fantasize about one another. Or occasionally indulge in those fantasies after a heated argument.
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Lost and Found - Explicit – AidaRonan [AO3] [Twitter]
Art Masterpost - sublimepigeon [Tumblr] [Twitter]
It’s been over 20 years since Captain America disappeared. That’s the subject of Mystery Vlogger Bucky’s next video. The only problem with that is that Steve Rogers doesn’t know why Bucky Barnes is looking for him, and he isn’t too happy about potentially being found. He likes the life he’s built away from the shield, and he’ll fight like hell to keep it.
But when he pays a visit to Barnes intending to warn him off, Steve finds someone different than he expected. An unlikely friendship forms, one involving cryptic notes and throwaway social media accounts. One that leads to late night confessions and Steve finding out exactly what’s under Bucky’s sloth pajamas.
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mortal bodies, timeless souls - Explicit - Galka B. [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic  - kocuria [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter] & thorinacornshield [AO3]
Half a decade ago, after the fall of SHIELD and the release of all HYDRA files, Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America, teamed up with the Navy SEALs to track down leads as they decrypt all of it. 
 For the last three years, Master Chief Petty Officer James Barnes has been the leader of the team following Captain America into the jaws of death time and time again. 
 After all this time, it’s become hard to remember why Bucky hated Steve in the first place - but it’s always easier to push him out. 
Until it’s not.
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No Winter Lasts Forever – Explicit - Rosesnfeathers [AO3]
Art embedded in fic – Alaskan_Outsider [AO3]
When they get stuck in a huge blizzard, Steve finds shelter near a little cabin isolated in the woods. That’s where enters Bucky Barnes, ex military, who escaped to Canada to hide away from his demons. They will be forced to share Bucky’s space as the blizzard shows no sign of stopping. Maybe Steve will finally find peace and maybe Bucky will find a way to accept that sometimes, a bit of help is needed and that no winter lasts forever.
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North Fork – Explicit - Bea Arthur Pendragon [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – Lisa [Instagram] [Tumblr] [Twitter] 
Sworn to secrecy by the Air Force after a friendly fire accident in Afghanistan, former aid workers James and Sam have come home to take over Sam’s family’s vacation rental business to escape the bad memories. Losing an arm and working maintenance wasn’t how James pictured his life turning out, but his life is good: He likes fixing things, he gets to work for his best friend, and he loves surfing every morning.
Fresh out of the ice, all Steve wants is for SHIELD to announce his return and let him get back to work so he won’t have time to think about all he’s lost. But when his psychiatrist refuses to clear him for duty until he’s dealt with his trauma, he reluctantly accepts Tony’s offer of a beach house for the summer to settle his mind. Armed with a false identity and a stack of sketchbooks, his only goal is to get back into the field. He’s got no intention of letting his heart defrost along with the rest of his body.
That is, until a handsome maintenance man with a secret of his own shows up with a gallon of ice cream and a smile that could light up half of New York.
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Nothing Like The Movies – Explicit – ibuckybarnes [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic - Shax [Tumblr]
Bucky Barnes has just gotten his big break in Hollywood. His role? Steve Rogers in the latest Captain America Biopic. Everything seems to go to shit when the freshly thawed Steve Rogers Himself is brought in to consult. Bucky’s life is about to change and not because he’s gotten his chance at stardom. Will anything melt the ice that still seems to cling to Cap’s heart? When an on-set accident costs Bucky his arm and nearly his life, he gets to see a new side of Steve. Aliens happen in New York and Suddenly Steve is absent in Buck’s life, leaving a void. They don’t see one another again for months, until new pal Tony arranges a meeting at an awards show.
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Pour the Guinness – Explicit – buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – lyn [Tumblr]
Bucky’s a bartender at Stars and Bars, the coolest nightclub in Brooklyn. He’s excellent at his job, so he’s often called in when someone else misses a shift. Irritated he has to work on his scheduled night off, he’s pleasantly surprised when one patron makes his sacrifice worth it. Shy, handsome Steve Rogers is the best tipper Bucky’s ever met, but he wants something much different. Unfortunately, Steve’s hiding something, and Bucky’s not prepared when the secret comes to light, especially when he’s got one of his own.
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The Secret Histories of Teeth – Explicit – ceratonia-siliqua [AO3] [Tumblr] & the1918 [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – kocuria [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Earth 575 - Mesoamerica: “You never leave a room without looking back.” Bucky’s eyes draw upward to meet the long stretch of blue that always draws back towards him. They hone in on each other, they always do. The wolf’s lips kiss the edge of the talavera patterned mug, his lashes hiding the sweetness of his gaze towards the much larger beast in the room.  —  “That a bad thing?” The low, throaty draw of his words sends a skittering shiver through Bucky, one that Steve catches and notes.  —  “No,” Bucky’s head tilts back, openly looking up at where Steve is standing over him, guarding.
Earth 757 - The Yukon Wilderness: Bucky grins wide enough for Steve to feel the wet front side of his teeth against his lips. He finally tips them over the edge of their mutual teasing, licking into Steve’s mouth. “Next,” he growls, nipping at Steve’s already swollen lips. “Next, sweetheart… You meet the Wolf.”
Two stories in two universes sharing only two truths: Captain America is hiding, and Bucky Barnes has sharp, white teeth.
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Solo Art Piece (No Title) – Gen  – alwaysabrighterdarkness [Tumblr]
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Some Kind of Freaky Friday Shit - Explicit – RainbowNerds [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – apblaidd [AO3] [Twitter]
Steve was in the middle of what seemed like a perfectly normal mission, when he got hit trying to save a civilian. Bucky hadn’t even noticed there was a fight raging around him.
When they wake up, both Steve and Bucky realise they are no longer in their own bodies.
Bucky attempts to navigate his way around Stark tower, surrounded by superheroes and disembodied butlers, while Steve has to contend with an overprotective sister, a hyperactive three year old, and a cat who doesn’t trust him.
Brought together under objectively weird circumstances, they must figure out a way to get back to their own lives. But, maybe the switch isn’t so bad as it first seemed. Maybe they can have a little fun with it while they figure things out.
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The Soul Healed – Teen and Up – Jill [AO3] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic - Rest of the Line [Instagram] [Twitter]
Bucky is a professor of Russian literature at Georgetown. He should feel pleased and happy with himself, being well settled in his career by 41, but his past haunts him. His wounds, from a harrowing experience with HYDRA a year prior, are not quite healing, and his friends are worried for him.
Steve Rogers is Captain America. That seems to be the only thing people know about him now that he has been thawed. Every person he knew is gone, and he is having a hard time finding himself in this new century.
They both find something in each other when Steve attends one of Bucky’s lectures on Dostoevsky. Maybe together, they will help each other heal, but with HYDRA still lurking around Bucky, will they be given the chance to?
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Sour as Vinegar, Sweet As Honey - Explicit – thiccbuckybarnes  [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – call-me-kayyyyy [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
“Hello?” Steve asks, hiding his gun behind him as he steps out into the snow and down the few stairs to the ground level. It is already snowing hard, but it will continue well into the next few days, building up several feet. It’s already five or six inches high, and a light layer of it is dusting the person crumpled up in his alley.
“Excuse me, but this is private property,” Steve says to them, feeling adrenaline start to pump through him at the lack of response. He scents the air and only finds that indescribable smell of cold.
“Sir, the individual appears to be unconscious,” JARVIS informs him.
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Tattooed Heart  – Explicit - Alaskan_Outsider [AO3]
Art Masterpost - Dense_MF [Instagram] [Twitter]
When Steve wakes from the ice he’s disoriented and panicked. The Tattoo on his right arm of a blue star only confuses him further. As time goes on, he becomes too busy with adapting to the 21st century and aliens to care about the mysterious tattoo. That is until a second one appears.
After losing his left arm in an accident on a research expedition in his final year of college, Bucky enrolls into the Stark Industries Experimental Prosthetics Program and is fitted with a metal arm that brandishes a red star. His buddy Gabe works in a tattoo shop and likes to use Bucky as his practice canvas. After Bucky got the metal arm, Gabe thinks it would be funny to have a matching blue star inked onto Bucky’s right arm.
While performing a check up on Bucky’s arm, Tony notices Bucky’s tattoos match the ones that have been mysteriously appearing on Steve’s skin and makes the connection. When Bucky gets a tattoo it appears in the exact same place on Steve’s body. The two are connected. The question is: How and Why?
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there’s loving in the air – Explicit  – peachybuckys [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic - VexedBeverage
Bucky Barnes (oblivious Millennial) owns a thrift store in Brooklyn and Steve waltzes in his shop one day looking to replace some furniture in his newly bought home. They hit it off quite spectacularly. The only problem? Bucky doesn’t know that Steve is… well… Steve (Captain America) Rogers.
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Those Old Black and White Movies Were True - Mature – sywitxher [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – Ely Pines & HT
Steve “Captain America” Rogers has been the most debated conspiracy theory topic for five years for one simple reason: he vanished after Thanos was defeated. No one has publicly seen or heard from him. No one expected to see him again. So it’s a shock when a film crew is suddenly informed he’s been cast for their celebrity cameo.
Bucky Barnes is a great makeup artist. He’s finally booked his first major feature film gig, and is shining in his new leadership position. When he gets a call from his department head letting him know he’s been asked to step away from makeup, and into an assisting role for a secret celebrity who doesn’t have representation, he’s disheartened and edgy. Until he finds out who he’ll be assisting.
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Topsy Turvy – Explicit – Slagathor [AO3]
Art embedded in fic – Emmatheslayer [Livejournal]
After a mission gone wrong leaves Steve with a godawful six week recovery, Bucky, Steve’s long-time boyfriend, is more than happy to play nurse. Of course, Bucky’s insistence on waiting on Steve hand-and-foot and anticipating his every need has Bucky on a bit of a power trip. He’s sure he can top Steve, even though he has never so much as fingered anyone besides himself. Steve’s more than happy to goad Bucky into it.
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Traingazing – Mature – jowithtwoiis [AO3] [Twitter]
Art Masterpost - luckycl0ve [Tumblr] [Twitter]
When Steve Rogers leaves the city to travel cross country by train he rebuffs Natasha’s assertion that he’ll come back married and tattooed with hippy hair and a beard but when he meets the handsome, kind, semi-famous author of acclaimed speculative fiction novels, James “Bucky” Barnes. en route to Los Angeles from New York, even Steve has to admit he might have been wrong about finding love in such an unexpected place.
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Unsolicited Advice  - Explicit - Saddaughter16 [AO3]
Art embedded in fic - DeamonSlayer576 [Tumblr]
Bucky Barnes doesn’t need anyone. He’s perfectly content with his plants, his aspirations of cat ownership, and the small amount of intimacy he has with his one-night stands.
And then he meets Steve.
Steve Rogers is finally taking a much-needed vacation, road-tripping across the country in disguise. It’s a great way to recharge so he’s ready to get back to work as Captain America.
And then he meets Bucky.
Or, Steve and Bucky, only looking for a one-night stand, end up with far more than they ever expected.
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Wander(lust): Taking the Path of Most Resistance – Explicit - mishka_osito  [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – Alaskan_Outsider [AO3]
In which an estranged Captain America tries to take up hiking for the sake of art and keeps running into an over-eager scientist that he’s begging to bone down. What will happen when he dares to ask the man out? Does he even know who Steve is? A gratuitous love story.
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when hatred with its package comes, you forbid delivery – Explicit – hanitrash [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – Rose [AO3] [Twitter]
Commander Steve Rogers has retired from active duty, spending his free time mentoring young Alphas and Omegas with Sam. He’s happy and settled in his life, until he meets a troubled Omega in need of rescuing from the abusive Alpha he’s been promised to.
Bucky Barnes makes Steve question everything he thought he wanted, or needed, and the two fight their mutual attraction for each other as Steve works to get Bucky to safety.
But when a freak accident throws them together—literally—they give in and bond, only for the real fight to begin as secrets are revealed while they try to make a future in a world that condemns their relationship. Will they get the opportunity to live happily ever after? Or will Bucky’s past be more than they can overcome?
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who let the dogs out – Explicit – plutosrose [AO3] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – Stangazing [Instagram]
When Becca breaks her ankle roller-blading, Bucky steps up to help take care of her dog. Then he meets an incredibly attractive man in tiny shorts at the neighborhood dog park.
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You Push My Buttons, Over and Over Again - Explicit – theflailing [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic – HeyBoy [Twitter]
At the age of 32, Bucky is one of the youngest Senior Engineers at Stark Industries, but while his career is a huge success, his love life isn’t so much. But Bucky loves attending fetish a monthly night clubbing event in Brooklyn, and one night, he meets a man with an undeniable allure. The two seem drawn to each other, and Bucky will soon learn that when two forces of such magnitude collide, sparks (and much more) will fly.
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Your Heart is a Castle - Explicit – Grace [AO3] [Twitter]
Art embedded in fic – Littlewolf82 [AO3] [Instagram] [Tumblr] [Twitter]
Becca and Bucky have spent the last few years living in England as they finish up degrees in Anthropology/Archaeology and Historical Engineering respectively. Neither were able to find paying jobs in their chosen fields, and the end of their lease is looming close. London is expensive, and they begin to worry about where they could possibly live.
Then, an unknown Great Uncle dies suddenly, and names Bucky (by way of legal loophole) heir to the castle he lived in. In Germany. And sure, it’s run down, they have barely any furniture, and it’s tucked away remotely in the mountains between Germany and the Czech Republic, but hey? Free house? Bucky supposes the brush with death that made him able to see the ghosts of Captain America, Agent Carter and the Howling Commandos is just the price he has to pay for it.
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Your Love is Like Glitter – Explicit - TheLostWeasley [AO3] [Tumblr]
Art embedded in fic - Shax [Tumblr]
After meeting on a mission, Steve and Bucky hit it off, but being a superhero and working for Shield makes dating hard sometimes.
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end!
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Bucktober day 17, Prompt: Winter Bird by AURORA
Prompt list by @fauneb
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beardobession · 4 years
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Beautiful commission from @fauneb of Steve and Bucky as lumberjacks
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debwalsh · 4 years
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New poll on my Patreon open to everyone! Help me choose which prompt list I will write for in the month of October! https://www.patreon.com/posts/what-will-i-in-42084034 The choices are the official #fictober list by @fictober-event on Tumbr, #twinkstober by @wolf.after.dark and @trish_argh here on IG, #bucktoberart by @fauneb also here on IG, or prompts taken from all three lists decided each day by my patrons. It's gonna be a wild ride. #debhasapatreon #debfic #helpmedecide #supportyourlocalartists https://www.instagram.com/p/CFqTr-qFgYv/?igshid=1hc20q2yfjrh1
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 4 years
Taste me - NSFW version
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3j4lnhj
by Fauneb
Bucky doesn't want to miss a single drop of his Stevie ♥
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: NSFW, Digital Art, NSFW Art, Digital Painting, Art, Portraits, Illustrations, Stucky - Freeform, steve x bucky - Freeform, Oral Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Stucky fanart, Bucky Barnes fanart, Fanart, Marvel - Freeform, mcu - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3j4lnhj
0 notes
punkbarnes2 · 11 months
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DAY 01 - VICTORIAN ERA . (Ok, now it's official) (old version below)
i said this in my Instagram, but if some of you don't follow me there, the thing is: i changed my mind again, but I'm not going to make new drawings for Bucktober as I had planned, I'm just going to repost the old ones, with little modifications(kind of an upgrade), I again overestimated my productivity thinking I would be able to produce art for this profile and the other and it clearly won't happen, but at least there are still 3 or 4 art pieces that I didn't do in 2021, so you'll have something original to see at the end of the challenge, xoxo
My commissions are still open babies, and you can also support me on Ko-fi <3
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punkbarnes2 · 11 months
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My commissions are still open babies, and you can also support me on Ko-fi <3
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shrunkyclunksbang · 3 years
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Title: All That Remains
Author: Em [AO3] [Twitter]
Artist #1: Espressosaur [Twitter]
Artist #2: @fauneb​​ [Instagram]
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes
Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; Shrunkyclunks, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Modern Bucky Barnes, Retired Steve Rogers, Captain America Sam Wilson, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Somehow a Meet Cute and a Meet Ugly at the Same Time, Baker Bucky Barnes, Alternate Universe - Neighbors
After righting the wrongs made by Thanos five years ago, Steve Rogers returns home to find the abandoned bakery across the street from his apartment open, with a beautiful but haunted-looking man behind the counter. He desperately wants to get to know him, but the last five years have changed him, and his own self-doubt and fear hold him back.
Bucky Barnes stopped existing five years ago. Now he's back and struggling to find his place in a world that’s moved on in his absence. When he reopens his bakery, he finds himself drawn to the ex-superhero living in the apartment building across the street.
But both of them are stubborn and argumentative, and their conversations turn to sarcasm and attitude more often than not - not that either of them minds. For Steve, it’s nice to see someone who doesn’t treat him like a hero - disgraced or not - and for Bucky, it’s refreshing to have someone not treat him with kid gloves. Over time, this antagonistic relationship grows into something steady and sure, both of them able to build their lives back up - and build a new one together.
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shrunkyclunksbang · 3 years
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Title: All That Remains
Posting Date: July 7, 2021
Author: Em [AO3] [Twitter]
Artist #1: Espressosaur [Twitter]
Artist #2: @fauneb​ [Instagram]
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes
Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply; Post Endgame, Baker!Bucky, Retired!Steve
After righting the wrongs made by Thanos five years ago, Steve Rogers returns home to find the abandoned bakery across the street from his apartment open, with a beautiful but haunted-looking man behind the counter. He desperately wants to get to know him, but the last five years have changed him, and his own self-doubt and fear hold him back.
Bucky Barnes stopped existing five years ago. Now he's back and struggling to find his place in a world that’s moved on in his absence. When he reopens his bakery, he finds himself drawn to the ex-superhero living in the apartment building across the street. 
But both of them are stubborn and argumentative, and their conversations turn to sarcasm and attitude more often than not - not that either of them minds. For Steve, it’s nice to see someone who doesn’t treat him like a hero - disgraced or not - and for Bucky, it’s refreshing to have someone not treat him with kid gloves. Over time, this antagonistic relationship grows into something steady and sure, both of them able to build their lives back up - and build a new one together.
“I didn’t think you’d actually come,” Barnes says, raising a brow, and Steve’s smile turns into something closer to a smirk. 
“I live to defy expectations,” he says with an easy shrug, and Barnes hums.
“I don’t doubt it.” He gives him another assessing look, once again impossible to read, and Steve stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “So what do you want?” Steve hesitates, and it must show on his face because Barnes turns to the coffee machine without waiting for an answer.
“Hot or cold?” he asks, and Steve sighs in relief. Sam used to have baristas do this all the time at the smaller coffee shops they’d frequent; tell them one or two things and then let them create something for him when he couldn’t decide. It’s familiar enough to soothe the unnecessary anxiety welling in Steve.
“Hot,” he says, and Bucky grabs the appropriate cup. 
“Like it sweet?” he asks with a glance over his shoulder, cracking a smirk. 
“I - yeah.” Bucky mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like ‘knew it.'
Soon there’s a large hot drink being passed to him, and he cradles it carefully in his hand. 
“How much?” he asks, reaching for his wallet, and Barnes scoffs and waves him off.
“I’m not charging you to be my guinea pig, man,” he tells him, and Steve grins crookedly at him. 
“Steve,” he introduces, and Barnes cocks his head to the side.
“Bucky,” he says back.
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Inktober day 25: Cyberpunk (Bucktober promptlist by @/fauneb on instagram)
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Inktober day 19: Steampunk (Bucktober promptlist by @/fauneb on instagram)
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I guess Bucky's not all right anymore. (Get it? Because he has to fight again but he's also getting a l e f t arm??)
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Bucktober day 20, prompt: Pray for me by Kendrik Lamar and The Weeknd
Promptlist by @fauneb
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🎤"I guess I've got Peggy Carter, now you're just some Bucky that I used to know, some bUCKYY"🎤 -Steve at some point probably
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Bucktober day 24 (yes, I'm too late.), Prompt: Stay by Njoki Karu
Promptlist by @fauneb
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