#fave gif from ep1
hen-na-onna · 1 year
Tsugaru Shinuchi
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bosvcr · 3 years
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– i’m naive. a fool. or just in love.
baht oyunu, 1.01
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seriouslycromulent · 2 years
The Results of My Night Court re-watch (More Larroquette gushing)
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Hey folks! I'm back with a (final?) update on my Night Court re-watch. I know you were waiting with bated breath to see how it turned out. /sarcasm
I managed to knock out all 9 seasons on Freevee in about 2.5 weeks, and it was a nice little trip down memory lane combined with some new episodes that I didn't remember at all. Not that I'm complaining. I liken it to finding a couple of extra french fries you missed at the bottom of your McDonald's takeaway bag. Technically, they were always there, but hey, they're new to you, right?
Anyway, while I was watching, I kept a tally of my favorite episodes over the 9 seasons, with a special focus on the one and only Mr. Larroquette. Since he was the reason I was re-watching the show, it made sense that my list of faves heavily favored him. (The overall list also favored Roz, surprisingly. I liked her character the first time I watched the show, but I don't think I appreciated how much character development they gave her for the era this TV show appeared in. But that's a different conversation.)
So I thought I'd share my final results of my re-watch for anyone who hasn't seen the show and wants to, but they're really only watching for the awesome-ness that is John Larroquette.
Although I don't encourage you to only find joy in John's performance (because everyone is quite good and the show was well-written for the majority of the time it was on the air), this is just in case you're someone who would say: "But I only want to see the best of Dan Fielding, so what episodes do you think I should watch?"
Here is that list ... in 2 parts.
Part 1 focuses on Larroquette's dramatic skill as an actor. Sure, we all know he is talented as hell, but I think what really stood out to me was how well he could deliver a great monologue or manage to wrench empathy from you even when Dan was being completely abhorrent.
John will probably always be known for his comedic skill -- covered in Part 2, but you will note that my list for his top dramatic episodes is much longer. And I think that says something.
So without further ado ...
The "Dramatic Chops" list includes episodes I think give the audience a chance to see the depth of Dan's character beyond the constantly wheeling and dealing, sex-obsessed scoundrel he appears to be on the surface. We not only get to see Larroquette show that there's more to Dan than the image he projects, but it also allows the character to grow a little, proving that he is indeed capable of growth.
Part 1: Top Dan Fielding episodes - Dramatic Chops
Married Alive (s2, ep19) -> Dan's relationship with an heiress is deeper than everyone thinks
Best of Friends (s3, ep6) -> Dan's close friend is transgender
Dan's Boss (s3, ep7) -> Dan butts heads with his new boss, who is a little person
Dan's Escort (s3, ep12) -> Dan moonlights as an escort & receives an indecent proposal
Dan's Operation, Pt. 2 (s4, ep6) -> Dan comes out of a coma & admits why he's afraid of turning 40
Paternity (s4, ep19) -> Dan may be a father
No Hard Feelings (s5, ep8) -> Dan turns down a high-powered job where sexual favors are expected
The Constitution, Pt. 2 (s5, ep10) -> Dan saves Roz when she goes into insulin shock
Danny Got His Gun, Pt. 2 & 3 (s6, ep1 & 2) -> Dan lives with an Inuit family after his plane goes down near the Arctic Circle
The Law Club (s6, e7) -> Dan gives up joining an exclusive law club to save Christine from a creep
Strange Bedfellows (s6, ep17) -> Dan falls for Joan, his electoral opponent / Dan finds real love
For Love or Money (s7, ep6) -> Buddy gets married and Dan hits rock bottom
Branded, Pt. 2 (s7, e10) -> Dan gets a job as a waiter while he's suspended pending an investigation
A Family Affair, Pt. 2 (s8, e2) -> The aftermath of Dan's sister and Bull hooking up
To Sleep, No More (s8, ep19) -> Dan's insomnia gets the better of him and his conscience
Santa on the Lam (S9, ep11) -> Dan convinces a department store Santa to keep living
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The "Comedic Chops" list is pretty much what you would think. These are episodes that I think really showcase how great Larroquette is at comedy. I mean, pretty much the entire series is a showcase of that, but these episodes really stand out as a cut above the rest. In short, if someone said they didn't find John particularly funny, I would use this list to support my argument that he has a gift for comedy.
Part 2: Top Dan Fielding episodes - Comedic Chops
Hurricane, Pt. 1 & 2 (s3, ep21 & 22) -> A childbirth class is stranded in court & goes into labor all at the same time
Earthquake (s4, ep9) -> Dan is trapped in an elevator with Roz & 2 wrestlers
A Day in the Life (s4, ep15) -> The team must clear 200 cases before midnight
Passion Plundered (s7, e11) -> Dan and Harry compete for the attention of a romance novelist
A Night Court at the Opera (s8, ep9) -> Dan tries to seduce Harry's girlfriend
Guess Who's Listening to Dinner (s9, ep6) -> Dan dates a mob boss' daughter
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And this, just for the helluva it, is my list of what I think are the best overall episodes featuring Dan or where his contribution to the ensemble definitely made the episode a winner overall.
My Top 10 Favorite Dan Fielding episodes
Dan's Escort (s3, ep12) -> Dan works as an escort & receives an indecent proposal
Dan's Operation, Pt. 2 (s4, ep6) -> Dan comes out of a coma & admits why he's afraid of turning 40 (This has one of my favorite scenes John has ever done on the show. If you've seen the episode, you know the one.)
No Hard Feelings (s5, ep8) -> Dan turns down a high-powered job where sexual favors are expected (When he stands up for himself, rattles off his career record, and insists he deserves more than to be someone's boy toy, you will want to rewind & watch it over and over again.)
The Law Club (s6, e7) -> Dan gives up joining an exclusive law club to save Christine from a creep
Strange Bedfellows (s6, ep17) -> Dan falls for Joan, his electoral opponent / Dan finds real love (I really loved this episode and was sad that we never see or hear from her again.)
To Sleep, No More (s8, ep19) -> Dan's insomnia gets the better of him and his conscience (The scene at the podium was both hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure. You just want to give him a hug by the end.)
Hurricane, Pt. 2 (s3, ep22) -> A childbirth class is stranded in court & goes into labor all at the same time
Earthquake (s4, ep9) -> Dan is trapped in an elevator with Roz & 2 wrestlers (His fear of confined spaces is really well played. The perfect balance between humor and pathos.)
A Night Court at the Opera (s8, ep9) -> Dan tries to seduce Harry's girlfriend (John just stole this whole episode. It's easily one of his best performances in the entire run of the series.)
Guess Who's Listening to Dinner (s9, ep6) -> Dan dates a mob boss' daughter (The physical comedy throughout this episode was just hilarious!)
Honorable Mentions:
The Blizzard (s2, ep10) -> Dan is trapped in an elevator with a gay man who hits on him
Hit the Road, Jack (s5, ep13) -> Dan becomes friends with Christine's dad when he retires
A New York Story (s9, ep13) -> Dan is a beauty pageant judge for Ms. Transit contest
OK. That's it. I know it's another really long post, but to praise Mr. Larroquette is a honor, not a duty.
Please feel free to tell me what your favorite Dan Fielding-focused episodes of Night Court are. And if you have any questions about why I chose what I chose, don't be afraid to ask.
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comp-lady · 4 years
It’s Transformers Prime Time ep1
Is this a bandwagon to hop on? Cause I am hopping on it and am gonna liveblog my rewatch of tfp. Cause why not. *cracks knuckles* Let’s do this!
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anyway we stan how pretty this fuckign show is
-wanders under a cut to save space-
I still can’t believe they for Dwayne The Rock Johnson to voice Cilffjumper even though he only lives for what? All of two episodes?
I do like the establishment that
Arcee and Cliffjumper are good friendos
Humans aren’t taken that seriously by them (pin it, we’re coming back)
That they haven’t seen Decepticons in a long ass while (also a pin)
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Cool guys don’t look at explosions
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I have a hunch that I am eventually going to feel like the peeps at Roosterteeth during the very first 24 hours ExtraLife stream they did. Where with the increasing bonkers things they had to do for stretch goals and lack of sleep led to the point where FOR THE KIDS became less a cute call for donations and more a plea for strength. Every horrible moment in the show is just gonna be FOR THE KIDS.
ALSO ALSO I find it very interesting that Starscream and the Decepticons call Megatron “Lord” and “master” like... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaybe it’s just my USA centric human sensibilities. But that doens’t seem to mesh with your uuhhh. Main goals.
But what do I know.
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HONESTLY THOUGH SO PRETTY. THE REFLECTIONS AND SUCH ON ARCEE. THE LANDSCAPES. I love, we stan, etc etc my screenshots to not do this any justice
The humans still look weird.
Also someone tell me why Jack would even think to put the bags of food on the window counter? Like... that is fast food window 101, customer doesn't get anywhere near their food until they have paid. It sits on a counter inside, away from the window.
Anyway Jack has.... a terribly boring design
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Like..... meh
Okay but how awkward must it be for a cybertronian to be treated as an inanimate object? Honestly?? That must be fucking awkward af
Awww Arcee called Bumblebee family :3
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Also Raf is adorable and I love him
I am already getting so many ideas for my own fic I should probably write while I watch
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And now we meet Miko, my least favorite of the humans. If she would have had like....actual character development over the course of the series. Well then she probably would have been my fave. As such I stand by the opinion that her and Raf both have the best design of the kids. If I had to guess they wanted to make Jack the everyman character, so they gave him a boring design. But like... character design is important, especially for main characters. Miko and Raf have designs that convey aspects of who they are. Jack doesn’t. Raf, upon seeing the autobot base: cooooooool
me: it looks like the poor man’s batcave
Also I know it’s a kid’s show it’s going to be kids who get to hang out with the autobots, but also
Why do children get dragged into any war hahaha eeehhhhh
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Starscream: do we actually have to fetch megsy?
Soundwave: *nods*
Starscream: uGH fINe
Seriously though, for someone so duplicitous he really did not out up much of a fight in bringing Megatron back.
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Wall eyed motherfucker
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ri-ships-takari · 3 years
digimon adventure: ep 1-2, an illustrated raw reaction
starting Adventure: (2020) and ???? wtf ?????? (ep1-2 spoilers below)
1. our war game???
Our War Game! rehash????? the missile ??? the clutch countdown ??? bootleg but somehow stronger diaboromon??? OMEGA-FUCKING-MON.
2. and yamato ???
i knew he was a provincial kid here but what does he know ?? how long has he been here ??
im also so much for provincial yamato ngl but also does that mean we dont get hiroaki ishida cause aw mann
a moment of silence for this scene that cant happen with a provincial hiroaki [gif from ladyanatui]
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and all his other great reactions and fuji tv misadventures
lets not forget this gem [gif from adventure-hearts]
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great yaboi still plays the bass tho (apparently, the ending just made it abundantly clear this is his branding for some reason)
im not quite sure it makes up for the hiroaki erasure tho
3. taichi, the favorite child (and yamato the close second)
tbh idk why im surprised but its just the first ep and i see what everyone means. i mean, he gets almost the whole opening, with cute lil running sequence. yamato, second favorite, gets a town tour in the ending. the non-faves are crammed as a group in some blink or you’ll miss it sequences
adventure 1999 had a bit more balance in its focus, clearly emphasizing that it was an ensemble show, but maybe that’s just one way 2020 is trying to differentiate itself
ngl i do miss the focus on the group though. i think it aligned nicely with the theme of opening up and relying on your friends. not sure what 2020 is going for in terms of themes except for some boom boom pow pew pew energy, but i guess we’re in for that ride.
4. the tone is so different
adventure 1999 immediately threw us right into the action too, but the tone was a bit more relaxed. there was a sense of awe and discovery in the first few eps. i think in 1999 we had some time to breathe, but adventure: 2020 just goes gung ho here’s a side of runaway locomon. now have some nuclear fallout.
i appreciate the pains taken to differentiate it from 1999 in this respect tho, and recognize that a slow opening like adventure 1999 might not work in Japan’s media landscape of 2020 just okay fam when do we breathe doe
5. takeru and hikari got some tsubasa shit goin on
i appreciate the hinting on what will probably be some holy digimon lore (which i think we didnt get enough explanation for in 1999/2002) but also i just cant not think of tsubasa reservoir chronicles
digimon adventure:
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tsubasa: reservoir chronicles
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thats all for now. will see if i could finish 2020 this year but boi these first 2 eps were a ride
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