themaroonlightning · 1 year
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"Favela Five, born to be chaotic!"
Wanted to draw the Brazilians before the new member comes. Soon we will have the Favela Six :D
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journeysfable · 1 year
Not to be adhder on main but q!Pac, q!Mike, and q!Felps knowing q!Cellbit from prison, and Cellbit murdering a friend of theirs, only for all of them to become besties, really reminds me of Red VS Blue.
Cellbit 🤝Agent Washington Doing terrible things to people and somehow ending up a part of their found family anyway
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eternallovers65 · 1 year
Thoughts about dramatrio as a forever viewer (and occasionally bad and baghera viewer)
From q!forever's perspective, you can see how the dramatrio was always a duo and not a trio. qbad and qbaghera do not trust forever, and if they do, they don't trust him enough for their secrets.
- They never supported qforever during his presidency (qbad did vote for him, tho). qbad always complained about everything forever did, even tho qforever always tried to listen to him and everyone else.
- qbaghera did not told him the secret about her childhood, but she told qbad. Just like bad didn't tell qforever about the fed worker he kidnapped but he told qbaghera.
- "Oh but qforever took his waystone first" he did that because he asked for an item and no one helped him, so he got tired of helping people but no one helping him
- Also, qbaghera is dapper's mom, and qbad is pomme's dad. qforever was never included in this conversation.
- They say forever will get easily manipulated by the federation because he's the president, but yesterday both bad and baghera said they don't think cucurucho is bad
- They both banned forever from their houses
Anyway, they like to have forever around for the fun part of it, to joke and all but when stuff get serious they don't tell him anything and keep talking about him behind his back. And the only people that actually trust qforever is the favelafive
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iridescentpull · 7 months
Part two of the facts for the characters of GeR \o/ enjoy :) (part one)
Felps is known as the cryptid of the Favela Five. He frequently is found on either of their houses/apartments eating their food during the night. The group has learned not to question how or why he does this
Richas was adopted into the Favela Five after Cellbit found him while doing research for one of the authors at the publishing house. He quickly got attached and asked the FavelaFive how they felt about adopting a kid. Everyone was on board, and Richas was adopted a couple months later.
Tina and Bagi met at their university's graduation party. During the party, Bagi tried to build up the courage to ask for Tina's number all night, just for Tina to slip her number in her hand just before she left. They're coming up on two years dating
Fit was born in a very toxic and non-communicative household. To this day, he still struggles to accept help and speak about his emotions, but he's getting better
Ramón dreams of being a biomedical engineer so he can make the best prosthetic arm in the world for his dad (dont tell Fit that, though– he WILL cry)
Spreen and Fit's relationship was fast, which is part of the reason it failed (other than Spreen being not the best parent). Their relationship only lasted 3 years, and the last two years Ramón was with them
All the eggs study in the same school, albeit some of them are in different grades
Pac wanted to be a chemist when he was younger (but he's very happy with being a cat café owner)
Jaiden works as a scientist and was recently promoted to another lab on the opposite side of the island. She visits the city every time she can, since Bobby is her everything. Roier misses her a lot, but he's also so proud of her
Ramón has maroon octopus plushie he calls meathead. It was a gift from Fit a few weeks after he was adopted
Pac is bisexual, but has a preference over men
Both Fit and Pac have poor eyesight, with Fit being far-sight while Pac being near-sight
Bagi has a degree in psychology but doesn't use it– she's very happy working at Fit’s gym so far
Pac is the only one in the Favela Five who never went to pursue higher education, and he doesn't plan to
Fit has insomnia. When he can't sleep, he likes to sit on the balcony of his apartment and either journal or read a book
Out of everyone in the story, Pac, Mike and Cellbit are the only characters who knew each other before moving to Quesadilla City
Missa always feels guilty for leaving his family for long periods of time, even if his family tells him over and over that its okay and that they understand
Roier works at Fit’s gym, but he also works part-time at his family's taqueria
Pac's love language is gift-giving. Even when he struggled with money, he always made sure to spare some money to gift Richas things
Pac was dropped off in the orphanage when he was six
Fit stress-bakes. If you arrive to his apartment and there are boxes and boxes of cupcakes and cookies, chances are he is VERY stressed
Pac knows he has a sister but has no clue where she is or how to even communicate with her (if she even is alive)
Tina and Bagi are foster parents. Once Empanada stayed at their house for a few weeks, the trio clicked so well together that Tina and Bagi decided to adopt Em
Fit is Sunny's godfather, Tubbo and Niki are Chay and Tallu's godparents, and Phil is Ramón's gofather
Tubbo works part-time at Fit’s gym while he studies for a mechinal engineering degree
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cat-mentality · 1 year
I wonder how fucking scared Cellbit must be all the time.
How every time anyone on the Island, but mostly his family, go anywhere near any building of the Federation or any close to Cucurucho the only thing going through his mind is the crippling fear that they will not come back.
Or not whole at least.
I wonder if he thinks about Felps. About a body trapped in ice, so cold to the touch that it hurt to hold him but he still pushed through it to hold him to his chest, Felps looking so still, pale and lifeless, breathing so slow he feared for the worst.
I wonder if he thinks about a long corridor and the pain as the chainsaw made contact with his flesh, of the warmth of the blood, if he is haunted by the echo of the mechanical laughter.
I wonder if he thinks about the missing days.
If he keeps awake at night trying to remember anything that happened. Anything he may have done. Wonders in the dark of the nights what was so terrible, so secretive the Federation didn't allow him to remember doing.
I wonder if every time someone is gone for too long Cellbit fears for the worst.
If when Etoiles is gone for some faraway dungeon he worries he will go missing and they wouldn't even know. If when Felps goes mining, deep underground when no one can reach him not even his own memories, Cellbit will sometimes go to his square just to hear the noise, to calm himself.
If he keeps track of when Roier or any of the FavelaFive leave any building, if he pays attention to where they are going and whether or not they are alone because no one really paid attention to Quackity leaving and look at how he is now. I wonder if he checks in the map from time to time just to make sure he knows where they are in case they need help, or even to know where to look if they don't come back when they are supposed to.
I wonder if he feels dread polling in his insides when he can't find their location. I wonder if he tries to keep optimistic, understand that sometimes people just need a bit of privacy and quiet, but another part is dreading the connotations, is wondering if the lack of location was not something forced.
I wonder if he worries about all those people accepting tasks from Cucurucho. I don't think Cellbit is truly angry about it, or at least not angry for the obvious reasons (He tortured me, a voice he tries to bury still screeches somewhere inside, do none of you care about all the pain he caused me? Traitors, traitors) but because he knows what the Federation is capable off, if when he hears Jaiden insist that Cucurucho is not so bad he is terrified they will use her ability to see the good on anyone to hurt her.
I wonder if when he sees what Pac and Mike are building he always keeps an eye on his surroundings, expecting to see a white figure with a gun in hand, if he bites his tongue and only lets the praises out because what right does he have to tell them what to do? How do you explain to them how terrified it makes him when they push the rules? How does he convey his worries when maybe all they will hear are the echoes of a man with a bloodied knife who tried to control them?
I wonder if Cellbit makes an effort to speak lower when Pac is around, if he grips his emotions and pushes them down, down, down, if he screams so loudly inside his own head that the voices are forced to silence themselves. I wonder how he feels when Pac flinches away from his anger even when said anger is on his behalf.
Does Cellbit see too much of himself in Tubbo?
Does he look at this scrappy looking kid, (is he a kid? Cellbit wasn't one, he doesn't know, but Tubbo does not have the soulless eyes he is so familiar with), and is haunted by how familiar it all is? His brashness, his unwillingness to accept things as they are, his determination to mess with the Federation, his bravado when Cucurucho comes to insure a warning, his plans to obtain answers, his curiosity.
Cellbit was like that once.
Before a chainsaw, before a betrayal, before missing days, before he started to fear.
I wonder if Cellbit looks at Tubbo and asks himself how long until he breaks.
Because he will break.
Because that is what the Island does to people- It breaks them, it twists their emotions and their bodies and their minds until they don't know what is right, what is and what isn't.
And this is why Cellbit need to find a way for them to leave this cursed land.
The Island has given him everything he has, Cellbit is nothing without his son, without his husband, without his found family, without his friends.
But he would rather be nothing, than to watch as they get hurt over and over again.
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themaroonlightning · 1 year
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"More Brazilians, more trouble!"
Since they added Bagi to the server, I decided to redraw my FavelaFive piece from last month into FavelaSix :D
Previous piece :
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