#favorite parallel poll
dyannawynnedayne · 5 months
Which character parallel do you like the best?
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Cersei and Margaery: art by @wickedlittlebxtchfromhighgarden
Sam and Brienne: by @shebsart (1, 2)
Propaganda is encouraged!
Cersei and Margaery
2. Initially loved by the people of King's Landing
Joffrey had met his new bride-to-be at the King's Gate to welcome her to the city, and they rode side by side through cheering crowds, Joff glittering in gilded armor and the Tyrell girl splendid in green with a cloak of autumn flowers blowing from her shoulders. She was sixteen, brown-haired and brown-eyed, slender and beautiful. The people called out her name as she passed, held up their children for her blessing, and scattered flowers under the hooves of her horse. ASOS Sansa I
The day she wed Robert Baratheon, thousands had turned out to cheer for them. All the women wore their best, and half the men had children on their shoulders. When she had emerged from inside the sept, hand in hand with the young king, the crowd sent up a roar so loud it could be heard in Lannisport. AFFC Cersei VI
Sam and Brienne
Persisting in dire circumstances
Sobbing, Sam took another step.
ASOS Samwell I
Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice. She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand.
AFFC Brienne VII
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tmntaucompetition · 8 months
The TMNT AU Comp 2024 Info Post
Come one and all to yet again another year of fun with the TMNT au competition! This time decades themed, your favorite AUS get to battle each other in spo- wait that was last year. What’s this I hear? Either by singing or dancing?! Oh golly we are going full musical for this aren’t we?
The gist of this is that there will be first preliminary rounds, which will be themed before 1920, then the main bracket will focus on 1920 and onwards!
Have fun y’all!
(Also the singing and dancing is just to parallel how the polls last year were who were winning which sport. Don’t take that too much to heart!)
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mikelogan · 26 days
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Use the tag #USERTJ to share your creations (and so I can reblog them)
Include "TJ MIKELOGAN's HALLOWEEN 2024 EVENT" + that day's prompt in your caption
Reblog this post
This event is open to anyone who wants to participate – gifmakers, editors, etc. – and you do not have to be following me if you don’t want to! Create gifsets, graphics, moodboards, whatever you enjoy!
You can do as many or as few prompts as you want! This is supposed to be fun, so no need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Interpret the prompts however you see fit; stick to them as loosely or as rigidly as you want! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send me an ask or DM!
When I reblog your creations, I will tag them as halloween24event and I will tag mine as *halloween24
Make sure to check out the #USERTJ tag as well so you can see what everyone else is coming up with and share what they’ve created! Even if you’re not participating in the event yourself, please support creators by REBLOGGING!
DAY 1: Your go-to Halloween movie DAY 2: Colors – orange and black DAY 3: Foreign horror DAY 4: Classic horror (pre-2000s) DAY 5: Villains DAY 6: Horror parallels  DAY 7: Vampires DAY 8: Costumes and makeup DAY 9: Horror movie soundtracks DAY 10: Animation DAY 11: Obscure horror DAY 12: Newer horror (2000-2010) DAY 13: Horror television DAY 14: Horror tropes DAY 15: Halloween episodes/specials DAY 16: Colors – purple and green DAY 17: POC in horror DAY 18: Spooky musicals DAY 19: Horror remakes DAY 20: Quotes DAY 21: Make it horror DAY 22: LGBT+ horror DAY 23: Modern horror (2010-2024) DAY 24: Horror sequels DAY 25: Final girls DAY 26: Colors - black & white DAY 27: Period (historical) horror DAY 28: Halloween nostalgia  DAY 29: Horror film that scared you the most  DAY 30: Favorite horror movie DAY 31: Wildcard – your choice
last year's event post + creations
gif frame/border can be found here by @raccoonscity
Below the cut, I’m tagging those who reblogged my original poll regarding this event and were either interested in participating or signal boosting, those who participated last year, as well as some moots who’ve expressed interest in all things Halloween and horror. Regardless of why you were tagged, please don't feel obligated!
@kizzyedgelll @scarecrowmax @vinmauro @sidprescot @showyoumyfavoriteobsession
@thepunkpanther @idlewarning @3rdboywonder @hollytanaka @rhcenyra
@mvthr @taiturner @stuckinthedeadlights @chappelroans @maybethistimemegz
@katieskrsgard @charmedslayer @marionsravenwoods @kvtnisseverdeen @usertiff
@sapphic-girls @elssbethtascioni @esmecarmona @maxinesminx @maxanor
@magicaplin @miwtual @scullys-scalpel @sculien @muldxr
@angelamcss @finnickodaiir @ianmckellen @cowboykeery @laurabenanti
@chaoticroad @muldery @kizzyedgelll @leodanbrock @anyataylorjoys
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spectrum-color · 1 year
So we all know GRRM, like all authors, took a lot of inspo from real life fairy tales, religion, and mythology. There are a ton of parallels but I picked out a few to put in this poll
Propaganda: Before anyone says anything, I know a lot of these are dark spins on the original. I’m not trying to say Littlefinger is a handsome prince or whatever. Also note that some of this is based on either things that haven’t happened yet but are highly likely to happen in Winds/Dream up to and including being confirmed by GRRM.
Arya and Jaqen as Hades and Persephone-the young maiden of spring is found by the lord of the underworld, who gives her an object (in this case a coin) to trick her into being trapped in the world of the dead. When she leaves home, winter comes, but when she returns, so does spring.
Sansa as Rapunzel-a princess locked in a tower by an evil sorceress (or just queen) who is spirited away by a man who wants to marry her. Strong focus on her hair as a symbol of her identity.
The Brotherhood Without Banners as Robin Hood and his Merry Men-a band of outlaws who defend the common people against corrupt authority figures. This one is really self explanatory.
Cersei as the evil queen and Margaery/Sansa/eventually Dany as Snow White-a vain, cruel women terrified of her beauty fading and being replaced by a younger woman who outshines her, so she tries to destroy her perceived rival, ultimately leading to her own downfall. The girls in Snow Whites slot are the popular choices for the identity of the YMBQ and the one Cersei is currently convinced it is.
Jaime and Brienne as Beauty and the Beast-a double subversion. Jaime is handsome and Brienne is ugly, but when they meet she’s brave and kind while he’s selfish and cruel, so it’s the beast who helps the beauty be better.
Lyanna, Rhaegar, and Robert as Helen of Troy, Paris, and Menelaus-a beautiful woman fiercely desired by two powerful men, she either runs off with or is kidnapped by a prince, leading to her (soon to be) husband retaliating by starting a tragic war.
Stannis and Shireen as Agammemon and Iphegenia-a king and commander sacrifices his daughter to the gods to win a war. Bonus if this ends up causing Stannis’ downfall.
Lady Stoneheart as Demeter-a mother wanders the land bringing destruction and misery as she searches for her daughter(s.) When her daughters return to her, spring comes.
Cersei and Jaimes children as the emperor wearing no clothes-the emperor walks around naked insisting that he’s a wearing magic invisible outfit, but everyone is afraid to tell him the truth until finally a child points out that he’s wearing nothing at all. See: everyone pretending not to notice that Cerseis children are the result of incest with her brother, and Ned finally realizing the truth when his 11 year old daughter points out that Joffrey is nothing like Robert.
Bran as the Fisher King-the Fisher King is a character from Arthurian myth. He is the guardian of the magical holy grail, protecting it so it (and power) does not fall into the hands of the unworthy. Notably, he also has a deliberating injury to his legs or groin (depending on the version.) Of course the endgame Bran of the show is a blatant rip-off of Leto II from Children of Dune, but I think the Fisher King sounds more like GRRM would do.
Dany as Moses-a leader who has prophetic visions, who after performing a miracle, frees her people from slavery and leads them on a harsh journey to a new land. Notably regarded as a critically important figure by a monotheistic religion.
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Okay so here's everything I know about TF2. Please no one elaborate on anything I know about, because I think it's so much funnier if I have no context to anything. I have absorbed all of this through Tumblr osmosis
Emesis Blue is an excellent film
Soldier apparently was never an actual soldier, he just loves America and really wanted to kill Nazis (the second one i respect greatly)
Medic would probably give you a lobotomy for fun (i don't think this guy's even a doctor)
Two really old guys are fighting bloody wars over gravel I think and their father is named Grey Mann which was most definitely meant to make Gman enjoyers lose it but to be fair his name could also be Gary Man.
What am I on
Heavy and Medic are apparently gay but idk if this is a fandom seeing two men next to each other and going "gay" thing or a "all but confirmed gay" thing but TVTropes referred to them as "Heterosexual Life Partners" which is very funny
emesis blue is so fucking good oh my godddddd the respawn machine is horrifying just from the concept it turned scout into soup
Scout is half French and loves his mother (who is not french) and does not love his father (spy i think)
Medic presumably died went to hell and told the devil "oh I'm like a cat I have nine souls actually. So I should get to go back to being alive" and it fucking worked??????
Pyro is an any pronouns warrior and it commits great atrocities while also having so much sillyness in his heart. I love her
I think Engineer blowed up his arm. I think
Spy is a cunt and also French. I do not think this I know this. I look at him and I sense his cuntery. It radiates off him. I can feel it.
TF2 is in an eternal war with Overwatch for some reason
I was doing a poll a few days ago and the tags psychic blasted me with the information of "by the way people pay like fifty dollars to see medic's tiddies in game." I have gotten varying answers between ninety dollars to three hundred fucking dollars but the constant remains that people will pay Valve comically high amounts of money to see Medic's boobs. What
Scout almost got Earth exploded because he died a virgin???? But then God was like "Okay go back down to earth I'm giving them one last chance to all have sex with you" I'm so confused what does any of this mean none of this makes any sense but it's hilarious
Scout might be legitimately named after Jerma and bears a frightening resemblance to him (though to be fair scout is every white boy in one)
You should watch Emesis Blue it's free on youtube
Demoman's eye is sentient even though he doesn't have it????
I can't decide who's my favorite the white boy the unethical scientist or the silly nonbiney war criminal
Conclusion: What the fuck is team fortress the second one about
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rinacentral · 19 days
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hello, rinas! we're excited to announce that for november's event, we'll be celebrating 5 years of ricky & gina!
we'll be hosting a RINA APPRECIATION WEEK as the main event for this month! this event will run from november 4th to november 8th. to participate, just make any original creations that adhere to the prompts listed below:
day one (nov 4): ricky or gina day two (nov 5): favorite dynamic with rina day three (nov 6): parallels/motifs day four (nov 7): lyric/poem association day five (nov 8): happy 5 year anniversary! (free choice)
make sure to tag your posts with #rinaweek24 & #rinacentral so that we see them!
we'll also be running a poll to determine your top 5 rina episodes, so if you can't participate in rina appreciation week, you can still join in on the celebration by voting for your favorite rina episode here! the poll will close on oct. 25th and the results will be posted throughout november! we can't wait to celebrate 5 years of rina with you all!!
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I can’t stop thinking about Will Branner’s performance as Max Jägerman and how it leads to my favorite usage of the Nightmare Time leitmotif in all the Hatchetfield musicals (and why I voted for NPMD as having my favorite title number in the poll I made a while back).
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Max is a well-written character who already gives me hints of a tragic villain vibe, and then Will’s performance just fleshes that out tenfold. It features the duality Starkid has been playing a lot with in this series, where you’re sympathetic towards a character while also acknowledging the terrible things they do. Max is horrible and abusive towards his classmates and has given them years of trauma. But a teenage boy does not become a Literal Monster in a vacuum.
Alongside his role as a bully, the script gives us images of Max as someone who is struggling academically and would have probably fallen through the cracks if adults didn’t idolize him for his football prowess so they can live vicariously through him as he beats the rival town in the big game. We find out that he has a shitty dad who verbally abuses him for not being macho enough. That he probably doesn’t have all the sex people say he does. That the people he bullies hate-pranking him in revenge is “the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for [him].” And then Will’s acting keeps showing us glimpses of this goofier side of Max, glimpses of the person he might have been if he wasn’t such a bully.
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And for those few moments in the aftermath of the prank, you think maybe he’s going to change now that someone has shown him what he perceives to be kindness. And then he falls through the floor and that opportunity is lost. But unlike what Mayor Lauter implies, I would argue that his fate isn’t fully sealed when he dies in the Waylon House. I think the moment of no return is when he kills Richie while the leitmotif plays.
Lots of people ship Max and Richie and have headcanons that they used to be friends, and I think it’s because of the parallels between them in this song. Here we have two 18 year old boys who have both been failed by the adults around them. Both are harmed by being stereotyped. Both are in the liminal social role of being in the process of stepping out of childhood and into living their adult lives after high school. And both of them are denied those adult lives. And then they fucking sing about it. The “will you pray for me” duet is such a powerful part of the song for many reasons, and I think it’s the moment that shows us that Max is still in the process of committing to being nothing more than a vengeful spirit, or at the very least is in the last stage of that process. The thing that strikes me the most is that Max is simultaneously trying to make Richie feel insignificant and alone while also projecting his own feelings onto him. “Is this the eternal dark without a dawn?” he asks, reaching up to the sky and not looking at Richie at all.
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And what fucks me up is that Max fails in this moment. Richie is not alone. He never was, and now he’s even less alone. Not only will Pete and Ruth mourn him, so will Max’s former friends. Its so notable to me that this takes place immediately after Go Go Nighthawks, where we’ve just seen everyone, including, again, Max’s “friends,” sing about how great it is that he’s gone. It’s a real Ebeneezer Scrooge moment that makes me wonder if Max has been silently haunting the school these weeks since his death and it’s only now, having watched that, that he tips over into full villain mode. Max is the one with no one to pray for him, not Richie. And Richie basically says as much, and Max kills him anyway. Richie was doomed from the start in the sense that the show literally opens with a flashforward to his death, but I think Max is doomed too. “Don’t need no one to tell me high school will be my peak,” he says in his own introductory song. I said before how they’re both on the cusp of living their whole adult lives, but I wonder if Max had trouble seeing himself that way. He already didn’t think he would amount to anything after high school. A lot of these “peaked in high school” football star characters spend their adult lives being metaphorically stuck in high school, in their teenage years, because they can’t let themselves move on from their glory days. And here Max is, literally stuck in his teenage years forever as a ghost - but not literally stuck in high school, as we see when he follows them all to the Witchwood. When he makes he grand ghostly return he says to Richie, “I’m free!” (Free from what, Max?) He certainly has the freedom of a ghost to go anywhere and do anything. And yet he traps himself in high school. He prevents himself from moving forward. And all of that is why it makes me emotional every time when he casts aside any last chance of not being the villain and strikes the first blow on Richie, these two teenagers failed by the adults and the structures around them, their fates locked together, while the leitmotif plays and takes us back to that original line from Alice’s corpse singing to Bill about how he should have been a better father: Look what happens, nightmare time.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
This is about modern AUs and fic settings and what is FUN for them, not about your favorite ship. I repeat: You are not voting for your favorite ship overall.
I REPEAT: You are not voting for an endgame ship. The new romance is with an unrelated person.
Do not comment with any ship hate. This is for fun and shenanigans and ribbing each other in good humor. Do I ship all of these? No. Do I think those ships I don't personally go hunting for are bad? Also no. We are all just here to play around with words and pixels on a screen.
"Why did you do the bolding and the red?" I do a lot of polls for fun and you would not believe the number of tags and comments I get with "oh I didn't read the question and voted wrong."
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trupowieszcz-moved · 2 years
*cecil palmer voice* Dear listeners, it seems that alongside the "Sexy Man" contest I involuntarily won thanks to your priceless votes, there was another round-up being hosted parallel to it, for all the ladies. I am being told by Intern Chell that the winner of that one is... Gladys? No, sorry, of course, I misunderstood. Of course. The winner of the "Sexy Woman" poll is GLaDOS! Congratulations to everyone's favorite killer robot. The crown is only deserved, as we do not want the radio station to be filled with deadly neurotoxin.
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bracketsoffear · 2 years
Welcome to the Brackets of Fear!
Yes, it's time for another tumblr poll about TMA Fear Avatars -- with a twist. There will be no characters from The Magnus Archives. Instead, I ask that you submit your favorite characters from other media who you think would best serve as a manifestation of a Fear's power.
Rules for all polls
1. No real people.
2. No TMA characters, not even ones who serve Fears other than the one the bracket is for. We're going for a crossover here.
3. Feel free to submit as many characters as you’d like, but please do not submit the same one more than once.
4. Propaganda is allowed. However, please be sure to focus on the characters and NOT the source material, actors, authors, or fans. Propaganda violating this rule will not be posted.
Q: "I think this character fits another entity better, can I submit them for that tournament when it comes up?"
A: If they went out in the first two rounds, they can be resubmitted. If they went out in round three, they can be resubmitted, but will likely take a penalty during consideration of the tournament's construction. Characters making it to the semifinal round or beyond will not be considered in future polls.
Q: "I think this character fits this entity's aesthetics, but I'm not sure how well they fit their meaning/I'm having trouble expressing why I think this character deserves to be in the tournament."
A: Check the relevant Entity's wiki page here and consider drawing parallels to events or avatars in the show itself.
Q: "Are submissions chosen based on how many times they were submitted?"
A: That's one factor. I also look at how well their description fits the actual entity and what I personally think would make for an interesting match-up.
Links to submission forms and masterposts
Eye - Results - Redemption Results
Lonely - Results - Redemption Results
Vast - Results - Redemption Results
Buried - Results - Redemption Results
Dark - Results - Redemption Results
Stranger - Results - Redemption Results
Doctor Who Stranger Poll - Results
Spiral - Results - Redemption Results
Slaughter - Results - Redemption Results
16th Competitor - Results
Hunt - Results - Redemption Results
Flesh - Results - Redemption Results
End - Results - Redemption Results
Extinction - Results - Redemption Results
Desolation - Results - Redemption Results
Corruption - Results - Redemption Results
Web - Results - Redemption Results
Fear-Adjacent Non-Avatars - Results - Redemption Results
Eye Take 2 - Results
Lonely Take 2 - Results
Vast Take 2 - Masterpost
WINNER'S BRACKET - Results - Redemption Results
Fast Food Flesh Poll - Masterpost
Finally, tags so folks can find this: @besttship @bisexual-monarch-tournament @asexual-swag-competition @clown-poll @theshipwars
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 months
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Assorted bits/trivia/propaganda: • Favorite volume cover poll can be found here, and favorite inner volume cover poll can be found here. • Chapter 47's art is Kaiu Shirai's favorite color chapter cover art per the "Tracks to the Neverland" exhibition book interview (from December 2020): "Amazingly drawn upper arms (and legs!) Everyone is drawn differently for their different ages! I adore the happy smiles of a mother and her daughters. It's a color page published on One Piece's 20th anniversary, so let me applaud the use of the straw hats and One Piece theme. I love it. Only Emma's hat is fringed and that's the best!" • Chapter 75's art is Demizu's fifth favorite color chapter cover art per the exhibition interview: "The theme was graduation, and I had a lot of trouble deciding the color of the clothes, which left a lasting impression on me. The color scheme is a bit mismatched thanks to the combination of bright colors like foreign uniforms and cherry blossoms, but I think I turned out beautifully." • Chapter 119 was the inspiration for the "The Guiding Star" short story originally published in Shounen Jump GIGA 2019 Summer Volumes 1–3 and eventually reprinted in the fourth light novel, "Films of Memories." (First part can be found here, translated by @presumenothing.) • I included the original spread of chapter 153 in WSJ because the "he is always alone" line kills me. This is also Shirai's fifth favorite color chapter cover art per the exhibition interview: "God. Representing Norman’s mental landscape like this..? I want to take a peek inside Demizu-sensei’s brain! The expression on Norman’s face, a burnt land's grief, frailty; Emma and Ray appearing there. It hit me so hard that I used the metaphor for the main story as well. I love it!" • Chapter 181 propaganda by @tutubola and some tag ramblings:
"i really like this actually. ray carrying one of the younger kids? norman w rolled up pants? the vulnerability???? all of them w rolled up pants/skirts actually. gilda looks so cute. and look at sherry she's so obsessed w norman it's so cute. i would make this more elaborate but i cant think rn be back in 46-79 business days (#it's the more-than-earned casualness of it all combined with it being one of those pictures you can hear the sound of #the soft ebb and flow of the waves and cry of the seagulls #with the warmth emanating from this scene of this family that against all odds was able to overturn destiny #and come out together just as close as not more so than where we started with them in the very first chapter #enhanced by the gentle hues of the setting sun to parallel the end of their long and hard-fought journey #and the warm air that's carried by an equally gentle sea breeze~ #shoutout specifically to seeing Anna‚ Don‚ Norman‚ and Ray naturally falling into their elder sibling roles #showcasing one of the fundamental cores of this series #healingly wholesome)
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dyannawynnedayne · 5 months
Which character parallel do you like the best?
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Oberyn and Ned: art by @cosmiart (1, 2)
Lysa and Cersei: art by @amuelia (1, 2)
Propaganda is encouraged!
Oberyn and Ned
1. Their actions are heavily informed by their sisters' deaths
"He went beyond anything I asked of him. 'Take the measure of this boy king and his council, and make note of their strengths and weaknesses,' I told him, on the terrace. We were eating oranges. 'Find us friends, if there are any to be found. Learn what you can of Elia's end, but see that you do not provoke Lord Tywin unduly,' those were my words to him. Oberyn laughed, and said, 'When have I provoked any man . . . unduly? You would do better to warn the Lannisters against provoking me.' He wanted justice for Elia, but he would not wait—" "He waited ten-and-seven years," the Lady Nym broke in. "Were it you they'd killed, my father would have led his banners north before your corpse was cold. Were it you, the spears would be falling thick as rain upon the marches now."
AFFC, The Captain of the Guard
"I will," Ned had promised her. That was his curse. Robert would swear undying love and forget them before evenfall, but Ned Stark kept his vows. He thought of the promises he'd made Lyanna as she lay dying, and the price he'd paid to keep them.
Lysa and Cersei
Killed their shitty husbands
No need for tears … but that’s not what you said in King’s Landing. You told me to put the tears in Jon’s wine, and I did. 
Oh, indeed. Cersei gave him the wineskins, and told him it was Robert’s favorite vintage.“ The eunuch shrugged. “A hunter lives a perilous life. If the boar had not done for Robert, it would have been a fall from a horse, the bite of a wood adder, an arrow gone astray … the forest is the abbatoir of the gods. It was not wine that killed the king. It was your mercy. 
AGOT Eddard XV
Lysa/Cersei parallels were pulled from this essay
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totallynotmeems · 12 days
smosh least favorite character:
the parallel to the smosh favorite character poll thats current round can be found here
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rb for a larger sample size
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pgaslys · 9 months
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If you arrived here through one of my series' links, you can find the new link right below.
☼ graphics : motogp posters
☼ series : favorite friendships - random motogp things - watching old moto races - drivers/riders parallels - every rosquez podium
☼ documentaries : hitting the apex - marc marquez : all in
☼ writing : moodboards for my fics
☼ primers : mabio
☼ stats : motogp 2023 season
☼ surveys : motogp rpf results - f1 rpf results
☼ polls : f1 polls - motogp polls - favorite fabio hairstyle
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nsewell · 10 days
thank you @stinkrascal for tagging me to do a poll of my favorite female characters kees kees. we are not pitting them up against each other btw we are all parallel playing with them as dolls in this simulation and everyone is picking which one they'd rather be
tagging @nat-seal-well, @kibellah, @gauntlings, @crownleys
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mastercrownmonday · 6 months
TL;DR: Vote for your favorite form of the Master Crown! The poll is below this kind note directly from our sponsor.
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"mortals, It's the Crown Without a Ruler (WITHER IN FEAR). I am speaking to you today via server-hosted textual display data. make no mistake; in better days, the God of Another Dimension never relied on computers or clockwork, but due to My very TEMPORARY circumstances, it is the best Your Diademic Deity can do.
today I generously offer you the chance to sing your praises in a quantitative manner. I have asked the (LOWLY) owner of this account to compile every single form of the Master Crown (ME) thus far revealed to mortal eyes (YOU). My memory is infallible, but theirs is not, so if they manage to forget something, please rectify the situation by sending them HATE MAIL.
My appearances are invariably arresting, so I understand that your decision will be difficult. I allow you to determine your answer by considering power, mere aesthetics, story significance, or a combination of those and more.
you can explain yourself in the "tags" or "replies" if you wish, but if any one of you cringing, crawling things MENTIONS—nay, so much as CONSIDERS—any manner of BLUE-CLAD WIZARD, then by Eden's Altar, there will be RETRIBUTION.
I give you a week's time to cast your vote.
(A) Landia/Parallel Landia/"Base" form:
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(B) Landia EX:
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(C) Traitor Magolor/EX:
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(D) Magolor Phase 2:
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(E) Magolor Soul:
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(F) Crown Shards:
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(G) Crowned Doomer:
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(H) Final Boss/"Mistilteinn":
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(I) Star Allies:
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I'm sure glad it isn't up to me! Too many good choices...
All exemplary images courtesy of Wikirby. Check the tags for some finer details on my decisions while making the poll.
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