#fe fates cq playing
chromaji · 9 months
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you DEFEAT candace? you CAPTURE candace like the enemy unit? Oh! Jail for nohrian retainer! Jail for one thousand years!
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theeeveetamer · 6 months
I have a pretty good inkling who your number ones are so can I ask for you for your top few fire emblem characters?
Always! I'm just gonna list off a few I really like and if you want more details on any of them I can go into it! Awakening was my first game and I've spent the majority of my time with the post-Awakening titles so that's gonna be the bulk of the list
For Awakening I initially liked Chrom, Robin, Henry, Lon'qu, Inigo, Noire, and Severa, and Lucina a lot. Cherche has also grown on me a lot over the years and not just because she's hot and can crush me like a bug and she was vital to my 2017 FEH team I swear
For Fates I like all of the Royal siblings, but Takumi, Leo, and Sakura are probably my top three. If I had to order them it'd probably be Takumi > Leo > Sakura > Xander = Camilla > Hinoka = Elise > Ryoma. Other than them Orochi, Rinkah, Charlotte (CQ wife), Reina (BR wife), Azura, and Nyx are all characters I enjoy. Honorable mentions to the four royal second gen kids as well as Selkie and Velouria!
SoV I don't hold a lot of strong opinions on since I only played it once back in 2017, but I remember really liking Kliff
For 3H all of the Blue Lions are my darlings, but I also like Dorothea, Petra, Manuela, Seteth, Rhea, Shamir and Catherine. Honorable mention to Cyril. I wrote him off initially but he's genuinely hilarious and savage when the writers let him talk about stuff other than Rhea
For Engage I honestly don't think there's a member of the cast I don't like, but Alfred, Celine, Alcryst, and Ivy (wife) are probably my top four. I really like all of the royals though, and additional shout outs to Rosado, Saphir, Merrin, and Chloe
Of the pre-Awakening characters I'd say Tibarn, the Heron sibs, Naesala, and Nailah are the stand outs from PoR/RD. Ike and Elincia are up there too as far as FE lords go. I recently beat Sacred Stones and there it's probably the twins, Innes, Tana, Seth, Cormag, with a little Ross just because mine ended up being a monster
I'm withholding adding characters from Binding Blade, Blazing Blade, Shadow Dragon, Genealogy, or Thracia to the list just becaues I haven't played those ones all the way through yet. Though I do have a soft spot for Caeda entirely because of FEH
I don't know if I'd be able to put them into a coherent top five all together, I'd probably have to go by game tbh, but this post is already pretty long so I'll refrain for now lol
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wizling · 2 years
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I've been really enjoying Zoran's train everyone CQ lunatic challenge; it's so satisfying to watch anyone play any game that well plus he is excellent at explaining how the mechanics work and why what he's doing works. CQ lunatic has some incredible mechanics hidden behind ... the fates story ... so while I'm not rushing to play it myself I would REALLY recommend checking the series out if you haven't already done so!
this isn't fanart for it; I was just instantly enraptured by Felicia and her awkward nervous laughter when she gets a bad level up. I can't tell you why FE has three different bisexual women with Vitamin B12 deficiencies but I am so grateful every time. wishing they all have to share the same primary care waiting room as they wait for their 3 monthly B12 shots soon 🙏
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
why do i know i would have a terrible time playing birthright? five words. "japanese imperialism, tsubaki and ryoma". i loathe all of them. wait i just remembered that when Camilla dlc for engage was announced (quietly: lol) all the fates players were saying "we can't wait to get a new twist on cq chapter ten, one of the single greatest fe maps ever, because there's no way her map would be her shit garbage map from birthright" and then it was her shit garbage map from birthright but anyway. fuck tsubaki and fuck ryoma. thought about doing fcorrin just to amplify my sense of horror and dread but if I'm going to have a terrible time i should at least have a terrible time with my beloved Felicia instead of jakob, my mortal enemy and 3rd most hated man. what was this post about again
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fayesdiary · 2 years
If you’re still willing to play around with that ask game, could I trouble you for 1 with Caminoka? :)
Sure thing! Gotta give the lesbians some time in the spotlight 💜💓
When I started shipping them
I don't remember precisely, but I think it must have been some months after I got more into the FE fandom, which at the time for me was *sigh* ... Reddit.
My thoughts
These two are so sapphic it hurts.
Camilla definitely at the very least fancies Hinoka a lot, given she flirts with her at almost every chance she gets in Fates, but Hinoka's reactions also say a lot. Her face gets as red as her hair, she becomes incredibly flustered... but never actually rejects Camilla's advances. And this is consistent even in Heroes and Warriors, too!
Honestly if Fates had proper same-sex S supports that weren't for Corrin you bet they'd be the first to marry each other.
What makes me happy about them
Gods, the flirting. The shameless flirting. I could watch Camilla hit on Hinoka all day, their dynamic is everything.
It's also really sweet when you remember how self-conscious Hinoka feels about being a tomboy and not feminine enough, especially for a princess. And here comes Camilla, the peak, most feminine woman you could think of, adoring everything about her. How validating that must have felt for Hinoka once she gets used for it?
Also they're both really cool in completely different ways!
What makes me sad about them
The whole angst potential in Birthright and Conquest. Imagine realizing you're in love with the princess of the nation who's bringing your kingdom to ruin? Who's responsible for the deaths of your siblings? Just how conflicted and ashamed of yourself you must feel?
In addition, Queen Camilla/Kinshi Hinoka(who could be Queen Hinoka from CQ) in Heroes is just this tenfold. Just realizing how better things could have been and longing for someone you should despise to death at this point.
Things I look for in fanfic
Honestly I just want more fics where Camilla/Hinoka is the main pair. Granted, I haven't looked for them very much, but I feel like I rarely find a story where they're the main focus.
Oh, and of course I want flirting. Even better if they're flirting while fighting each other.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
I'm not sure. I don't have any other strong ships for them, although I know they could definitely work with a lot of other people.
I know for sure they're other women, though.
My happily ever after for them
Post-Rev, and with Camilla leaving the Nohrian court. I'm not sure if Hinoka would live with her given how devoted she is to Hoshido, although the idea of them founding an orphanage together and basically being two moms is really cute.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon
Of course Camilla is the big spoon. But I like to imagine Hinoka trying to be the big spoon sometimes and Camilla finding it adorable.
Their favorite non-sexual activity
I'd say sewing because that's how they got close to each other, although sparring is another big one too!
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emblemxeno · 2 years
I'm the anon that was doing a BR lunatic run - I've finished last week and sat a bit on it to properly digest everything.
I surprised myself and ended up enjoying it a lot by the end! But the catch is that this only started happening during the Nohr chapters and mostly because fighting the CQ cast once again squeezed An Emotion out of me. Still don't care for more of the BR royals, except for Takumi who is a fucking mess in a very understandable way so he's obviously the best. I'm starting to see how this might be a me problem and there's some sort of stupid graph I could make where 'enjoyment of FE character' is my Y axis and 'how much of messy bitch they are' is the X axis and the plotting just keeps going up into inifnity towards the tail end of the scale.
My favourite chapter (story-wise) is probably the Leo one bc it sort of comes out of nowhere with its spooky skellingtons, fav line is Camilla talking about cradling my skull or whatever insane shit she was on about in that map. Fav BR character was Orochi, fav royal was Takumi, fav map is the sewers although it took me forever to clear and it almost filtered my ass. I was a bit tired by the end so I beat the final map by suiciding most of my units against the boss YOLO etc etc. I still have my save so I'll be back to it in a bit to clear it properly lol. I tried to keep everything fair and didn't grind, with the exception of a couple of maps to catch Selkie, Saizo and Kaze up to the rest of my units before the penultimate map. Not finishing BR on a lower difficulty before this did bite me in the ass bc I was really struggling with anticipating what I would need, but it was mostly manageable with just the base maps.
Reports of story Xander and support Xander have been greatly exaggerated and I'm surprised it's such a community meme. BR Xander is a Camus who's getting his ass beat - badly. He has two options: surrender (and he's in too deep to do that; there's a reason Leo got the Pragmatism personal and not him) or double down, so he's just scraping around for any sort of justification or cope or anything really that can make him feel like less of a garbage pile. Support Xander is separated from his goo dad, surrounded by a bit of a support network and /not/ getting his ass beat, so he has more room for self reflection, improvement and being a bit silly. It ain't that deep.
Final rating in terms of enjoyment is CQ>BR>Rev which I did not expted bc I genuinely didn't hate Rev. I think it's mostly that while it has some good character moments and it mostly resolves the idiot ball problem you end up with in CQ a lot of the times, Rev is also a lot less interesting. It answers a lot of the weirdness of CQ and BR but that weirdness didn't need to be there in the first place, the plot is fine as it is without needing to throw in that a dragon did it.
On the flip side, even if I enjoy CQ the most, the plot is easily the dumbest out of the three - it's buckling really hard under the weight of trying to balance the sad war tragedy and the classic dragon story. BR is mostly a straight war drama with some teaser content for Rev dumped at the end. In Rev, the war drama is an obstacle you have to manage to get to the juicy dragon lore. CQ blends everything into a lumpy paste and it's like ... Okay, I like it, but only bc you've sprinkled some cinnamon on top.
I've also heard that a lot of the more interesting things about the dragon lore are reserved for some of the DLC maps like Heirs of Fate and uh ... Locking lore from your DLC lore route to your DLC maps is A Choice, to be sure. I do have some of them downloaded so I'll give them a shot eventually.
I've apparently played 200h of Fates so far, which was a fucking surprise for sure since Echoes is still my fav 3DS game. I'm obviously deriving enjoyment out of it, but it's so hard to quantify lmao. I've already restarted a CQ Hard run since my last one got stopped around the great wall map (I think, it was a while ago) and I'm up to the Opera chapter - 2nd time lucky, hopefully!
I appreciate the chance to talk about something other than red woman for a bit and I think being able to sort through my thoughts like this gave me peace of mind - I no longer know if I enjoy Fates or not and I do not care. It's an FE game and this series has me by the throat, so I'll keep playing it until my 3DS finally dies and I'll have left is fruit png texture my beloved and maddening runs. I'm free.
This also makes me excited about the potential of Engage being a bit silly again. Predictions!
My best guess at the mo is that it will go the way of Awakening - maximum cheese but it's so earnest that it's hard to dislike outright. It will not be a series standout, but people will remember it fondly and it's not difficult to see why it might be someone's fav, even if it's not yours personally. It will be very light and anime with the exception of a couple of chapters a la Awakening Ch10 where they will somehow manage to write a banger of a moment that will be undercut by some dumbass support with Funny Footsteps playing in the background unlocking immediately afterwards. At least one FE YouTuber will make a video about a random waifu's characterisation being the deepest shit ever bro. The best written character is actually going to be Byleth, but no one will pay attention to them. There don't seem to be any S rank mechanics in for now and maybe this is too optimistic, but I get the vibe that Alfred might be up for grabs for both Alears if they do add that back in. There's at least one poisonous swamp map and everyone hates it. They bring back the buried treasure mechanic for the desert nation. The final boss battle takes place on top of the big cobra dragon as an homage to the Grima fight and it's going to be dope as fuck. They bring Itsuki in as a DLC lord - this is a marketing push for #FE2 baybee (I haven't played it, but got into SMT over the last year and I feel like there's untapped potential in the concept that they maybe haven't fully realised with the idol theme). There will be Twitter drama about at least one localised support (lol). There will be Reddit drama about at least one FEH alt (double lol). There's at least one adult character that will be accused of being minor coded bc of their height. They will get an OP summer alt that has everyone going mental. The blacksmith lady is going to be incredibly popular with NSFW communities and she will be a surprise recruit, sort of like Izana and that lot.
Would love to hear more of your thoughts on Engage so far - anything that catches your eye or any hopes for it now that we've seen a bit of the gameplay and characters?
Nice, hope you're having fun with your run, anon.
And I don't have too many new thoughts on Engage yet, mostly just "this game looks pretty" and "the characters they're showing on Twitter look cool". I'm excited for it.
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tsukai22 · 2 years
Hmm... I’m wondering what game I should replay... the choices I’m deliberating at the moment:
- Continue my almost finished 3rd playthrough of Persona 3 Portable that I stopped playing about 4-5 years ago for some reason. I'd rather start a new game but I can't do NG+ unless I finish my old playthrough. - Do a 4th playthrough of Persona 5 Royal (my 7th P5 run overall) - Playthrough #~26 of FE Fates - I have 2 ideas for themes (CQ while capturing enemies with unusual skills, or Rev while theming each character after another FE character they resemble appearance-wise and/or personality-wise) - Playthrough #5 of FEW 3 Hopes. - Playthrough #7 of FE 3 Houses. I never did a Crimson Flower run where I recruited everyone I could, so I'd do that. - Playthrough #2 of FE Radiant Dawn. - Playthrough #2 of FE Echoes: SoV.
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teaveetamer · 2 years
Anon that found Birthright meh, I should have probably explained better, but I bought all 3 of Fates. The piece meal nature combined with the discounts if you did the Dragon Gate were wonderful. Conquest was my first, which blew my mind, Birthright was second and Rev last, and while Conquest is my favorite, I did greatly enjoyed Rev. As you said, B and C are so vastly different in terms of maps, story and armies that it was worth.
If I had to talk about repetitiveness, I would say that while I played Birthright I had some deja vus of Awakening, and about a quarter of Rev had some map repeats. That said credit given where credit is due, Rev always came discounted and it added gimmicks to play with coupled mostly new maps.
Oh, no I figured you bought all three. I was just saying that you didn't need to if you didn't want to
I think BR and Awakening just feel similar because it's a lot of wide open maps with rout objectives, but it also makes sense. BR was designed to be very similar to Awakening since it was supposed to be the "easy, beginner" entry for FE newbies (to contrast CQ's harder, series vet status) and Awakening was REALLY good at drawing in the newbie crowd. Why not just do the same thing again?
If I had one criticism of BR (aside from the maps) and Fates in general, it's probably just that it was so similar to Awakening in some ways, it kind of lacked its own identity in certain respects. Like, a lot of the cast were very obviously meant to map pretty closely onto Awakening's super popular cast. E.g. Subaki is a red haired pegasus knight who is often praised for being perfect just like Cordelia (his daughter is even the Cordelia dupe!). Hayato is the young looking red haired wind mage who has a bit of a complex about being seen as less capable/a child just like Ricken. Or be similar enough to be recognizably familiar (e.g. Azama and Henry). Or sometimes just straight up being duped into the game (Severa, Owain, Inigo) or duped into the game as slightly different child characters (Caeldori, Rhajat, Asugi) with some of the same gimmicks.
Or like Fates doing child characters pretty much just because Awakening did child characters and people liked them, even though they made ZERO sense for the story unlike Awakening
But yeah I was kind of rambling there lol
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
Random questions but who's a character that you liked design wise but once their personality or their stats/usability in-game were revealed, you just hated them? Also, who's a character you hated design wise but ended up loving their personality or stats/ usability? (Characters can be from any game, not just FE)
Ooh, I love questions like these!!! This also turned out pretty long lmao
Characters I liked design wise but personality made me hate them:
Xander. (Fates) I can't stand him outside of a kink context. When the very first Fates trailer was shown (before we even knew it was the shitshow of different routes) he looked cute. But he's just so frustrating. I get that he's supposed to be the Camus archetype but he just falls so flat and doesn't work well. And that's cause there's absolutely no world building or any development at all to help give reasoning! It's just "I'm crown prince, and that's my father you're trying to kill," which like okay that's a fair reason. But the game doesn't do much more to justify it and Garon is so stupidly obviously evil that like, it makes Xander look so stupid. Plus the games keep trying to make him this badass warrior but Fates LOVES to tell not show so it's just informed attributes. Even in Conquest, he's not much better than he is in Birthright imo. If anything, Xander is worse in Conquest cause Conquest has the worst writing in the series by far. At the very least, he along with Camilla help make Lunatic conquest bearable. (Still haven't beaten it lol, but CQ Lunatic is just so unfair, and BS. Plus the last 2 chapters being back to back with no saves is the worst idea ever)
Sylvain. (Three Houses) His design was alright and I even manages to accidentally recruit him on my first playthrough while going for Ashe and Mercedes. But GOD his personality is just bleh. Womanizer types aren't inherently bad but the crests system being pushed as this unique thing makes Sylvain much more annoying since crest's aren't even unique or well done. Like, sure, people want him for his crest, but that's literally nobility in fucking general and also, Mercedes is right there with it being worse and she's so fucking sweet! Also, FE characters are lot deep, let's face it. Their interesting moments basically come from snippets of info about their past and intys makes it sad cause they know that catches people's attention. But most FE characters are pretty static. And that's fine! I love Grima and Corrin and they're pretty fucking godamn bland! But I'm not gonna act like they're these riveting 3 dimensional characters. Which people love to do for Sylvain and it just makes me hate him even more.
Felix. (Three Houses) I really enjoyed the Navarre archetypes. But Felix exaggerates it so much. And yeah, his scathing remarks and refusal to be anyway (I can't think of the word, FUCK) like willing to talk or come to an agreement is so just awful. Like, it makes sense since he's more like that with people he knows, but he's just such a fucking jackass. And the fandom praises it when he's really just a dick imo. Glad Seteth calls him out on it lmao. Also, sylvix is such a fucking straight ship, I cannot with it.
Characters I liked design wise but play style made me dislike them:
Regal Bryant. (Tales of Symphonia) Now, he's not a bad character or anyone I really hate at all! He's just so awful to actually play as in ToS. His attacks feel like they struggle to connect oftentimes and he has a much higher skill floor than other characters such as Lloyd, Kratos/Zelos, Sheena, and Presea. Genis and Raine should just never be used in the players hands cause magic casting times and the AI targeting the player lmao. Colette isn't too bad but like, honestly, just spam her paraball. Regal also gets shafted storywise but they at least fix it in the sequel. Also, he's a SPLENDID character. Regal being this buff man, yet he's just so calm and reserved while also having a playstyle usually reserved for women makes me love him even more. I just hate playing as him lol.
Assasin of Shinjuku/Yan Qing. (Fate/Grand Order) His part in Shinjuku was great, except for that wierd ending upon him fading away and all of sudden remembering, like it felt it was gonna make fun about the whole last limited rushed sympathy yet they play it so straight lmao. He's incredibly hot and he was so great in the Halloween Event. (The Mecha Eli and Osakabehime one. I forget the name) Yan Qing just literally offers no real meaningful team support and he also doesn't have any actual buffs to help boost his own damage. He has a use, it's just so pointless diverting crit stars when you can use a better servant with star generation to just make a bunch consistently. So, Yan Qing hits like a noodle and also dies to vasically any NP since he has no defensive skills. Even with his upgrade coming next year? he still just is so bad. I love him and he's lvl 90 but he's awful gameplay wise.
Byakuren Hijiri. (Touhou) I love Byakuren so much but she's just so unwieldy in the fighting games. I still tried to use her, but like, o was just so much better with Miko that I basically stayed Miko the entire time. Miko/Byakuren's story in Antinomy of Common Flowers.
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou) Marisa always gets the straightforward shot that does great damage. The problem with that is, she really really really REALLY struggles with stages and even some boss attacks. Plus Reimu has homing while unfocused and straightforward shot while focused PLUS smaller hitbox so Marisa is always at a disadvantage. Marisa being being the best shottype (to some, I prefer Youmu but Reimu is infact the worst shottype imo) in Wily Beast and Weakest Creature doesn't make up for Marisa being worse than Reimu in all other games besides maybe Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
In general there's not many characters that I hate due to design so these were harder
Character I hated design wise but loved due to gameplay.
Zhuge Liang (Fate/Grand Order) Granted, I basically know nothing about the Fate Series outside of FGO so I don't really know about Waver. But I just wasn't crazy about his design. And how he gets younger as you ascend him. But MY FUCKING GOODNESS! 50%NP charge is just way too good to pass up and he fits on literally any team whatsoever. Team Attack up, team efense up, targetable crit damage up, and NP drain+ stun chance on his NP makes him so versatile. And he's charging up people's NPs!! I use him for everything at this point lmao.
Character I hated due to design but liked due to character:
Scáthach=Skaði (Fate/Grand Order) The fact that Skaði looks like Scáthach really has no purpose in any meaningful way imo. Like, it's not Scáthach at all. And while I honestly would've preferred a brand new design, Skaði was just so wonderful in LB2. Especially since Ivan was kinda meh in LB1, so it really makes me look forward to the other Lostbelt Kings (Qin Shi Huang and Arjuna Alter. Both who I already love lmao) But yeah! Skaði being this kinda benevolent ruler who's doing everything she can to suppress Surtr's flames while trying to keep humans and giants from growing extinct due to her mother/goddess complex makes her so compelling to me. Also, LB2 focusing on women and the general theme of love was so touching. I didn't even care for her amazing gameplay, I was still gonna try for Skaði cause she was so great in Gotterdamerung.
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spadefish · 5 years
how do i get into fire emblem? it seems neat but idk anything abt it!!!
In my opinion, fe13 is the best starting point!! (I’m shot to death from eighteen hundred different directions) 
Fire Emblem: Awakening is the thirteenth game in the series. It’s for the nintendo 3ds, and comparatively speaking, it’s one of the easiest fire emblem games. It was basically made as a tentative sendoff for the series-- if it didn’t sell well, the FE franchise would stop producing games. Because of that, it’s EXTREMELY beginner friendly- you don’t need to know anything about previous fire emblem games, for one. It also introduced ‘casual mode’, which means that your characters aren’t permanently dead if they fall in battle. 
After you’ve played 13, skip ahead to 15 or 16. 16, Three Houses, is the most recent installment in the series and it’s a LOT of fun. There’s a lot more to do in it compared to other FE titles, and it’s more of a challenge than Awakening. You can also go back to any of the previous FE games!! They’re still great games in their own right, just understand that permadeath is the only game mode available. (I personally REALLY mean to get around to playing 6 and 8.) 
If you want to play 14(fates), it’s split up into three separate games. I strongly recommend skipping Birthright and Conquest and just playing Revelations, since it’s the only “canon” route and also the least heartbreaking. BR and CQ both make me wanna pull my hair out, but that’s just my opinion. 
Lastly, there’s the mobile gacha game, Fire Emblem Heroes. It’s basically super condensed fire emblem with a lot of really wild tiny rules. 
Sorry this got long, but I hope it helps!! Feel free to ask more questions!
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chromaji · 9 months
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your honor, it's cinema once again
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theeeveetamer · 2 years
Soo in case anyone doesn't know I livestream on Saturdays (haven't been doing it this month because I have a weekend class at the usual time, but I'll be starting up again next week) and I've decided that next we're going to play FE Fates. I haven't played it fully since 2016/2017 so I thought it'd be fun to revisit. HOWEVER since it is the year of our lord 2023 I have ✨THE GAY HACK✨
Which means I can finally live out my dreams of making Leokumi marry each other!!!!! However, I'm playing all of Fates, BR, CQ, and Rev. On Rev I'm going to intentionally pair everyone up, but for BR and CQ I'm going to randomize the pairings for everyone and just see what we get. Except, I thought it would be fun to do a vote for our Corrin marriage
So basically, this is a long explanation for me to ask:
(Azura excluded because I'm planning on marrying her in Revelation). Since we only have ten options for polls, pick the category that contains the character you want to win, and then I'll do a second poll with just the characters from the winning category to decide the overall winner
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caelin-ismycity · 6 years
As someone who genuinely enjoys playing Fates, owns multiple copies of all 3 paths (Digital, Physical, & Special Edition), I have to say it. Fates is a BAD Fire Emblem game with bad writing and decent art style. I've gotten more enjoyment from a story playing through my Japanese FE 6 and I can't read Japanese. HOWEVER, I do think the Fates games are fun to just mess around in, and have you seen Ike's art? Daddy. If you play any, play CQ or Rev, and be ready for the *interesting* map designs.
honestly i considered getting the japanese version of conquest just to fuck around with that weird petting shit if i was going into this game like “fuck this”, but im excited to give it a fair try - AND im really excited to be able to share my experience with yall :>
the art in fates is cute i do agree and, while i wouldnt phrase it like tHAT, ike does look nice in fates. but despite that i cant forgive fates for butchering my baby’s character
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deetvar-moved · 7 years
How many times have you played each FE?
Fire Emblem - 1Fire Emblem: Gaiden - 1Fire Emblem: Mystery Of The Emblem - 2Fire Emblem: Genealogy Of The Holy War - 7Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 6Fire Emblem: Binding Blade - 4Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - 7Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones - 5Fire Emblem: Path Of Radiance - 3Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 2Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 1Fire Emblem: New Mystery Of The Emblem - 1Fire Emblem: Awakening - 4Fire Emblem: Fates (CQ) - 2Fire Emblem: Fates (BR) - 1Fire Emblem: Fates (REV) - 1Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows Of Valentia - 4
Also these are rough estimates. I think I played Genealogy, Thracia, and Blazing Sword more times than I recall. Also I know there is a 99% chance my Sacred Stones number is actually 4 and not 5, and I’m just misremembering.
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papabay · 7 years
becomingcomely said: Dude you will love Awakening. Although I loved Fates (I played Birthright tho), the characters in Awakening are even better. The plot and storyline is great, and the customisation options looked better IMO ---------- YYYYEEESSSSSS I PRIORITISE STORY AND CHARACuTERS OVER GAMEPLAY TBH SO That makes me happy to hear. I really wanna get into Awakening since it seems to be a more familiar game amongst the FE fandom. I see Chrom and Lucina everywhere adamant-tempest said: Revelations is probably the worst (imo) of the three Fates games, but it explains a lot (re: Azura especially). I would play Birthrights, and definitely Awakening! ---------- YEAH I might look into it, I'm really curious, they just teased her and left me VERY INTRIGUED, pLus SHIGURE?! I need to know these kids. But yeah definitely looking into getting Awakening witchtimez said: I’m going to guess you haven’t played Awakening first which is probably best bc you’d probably be as mad as I was about FE fates 😂 --------- HAAHAHAHAHA CORRECT Fates Conquest was my first ever FE game, so to hear that it was actually the more difficult of Birthright and Revelations just sort of clears up why it was a little overwhelming for me LMAO But yeah I'm hearing Awakening is more fleshed out?? Hopefully, because I was really looking forward to more of what I thought Conquest had to offer highwind91 said: You’ll really enjoy Awakening and sacred stones if you haven’t got around to them. And the dlc and Revelations kinda helps with the characters in fates (since you get pretty much all of them) --------- Ooo Sacred Stones, haven't heard of that one. But Awakening does look like it will be my next venture 🤔 no-and-nothing said: I played BR first, I’m currently at CQ. When I finished BR i had exact the same questions. Each game brings light to the same question without actually answering it. (ie Azura: In BR you get Info about her wich you dont get in CQ and in CQ you get info of her which you dont get in BR. Inthe end you still dont know who she really was) They purposely have loose ends, so that you feel inclined to buy Revelations, which is complete a game itself and “answers” these questions ---- YEAH I figured as much, I guess I'm not a fan of completing another game just because I got so connected to Nohr that if I play another path it'll just make it sort of feel like it was for null? LIKE I GREW SO CLOSE TO THAT CORRUPT KINGDOM AND THE ROYALS it'll feel like a disconnect, IF THAT MAKES SENSE???? But I also hear people dub Revelations as the "true" ending since it's neutral, idk HAHAHAHAHA
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fayesdiary · 3 years
did Birthright's story have a particular strong suit to you, such as the pacing or character writing? i wasn't really able to enjoy it myself but i'm still curious about what others might like about it. aaand, any particular supports stand out to you?
Personally I didn’t find much noteworthy about Birthright. I mean it’s not bad nor I would call it bland like many other people do, but there is some credit to the fact that it’s kind of your average Fire Emblem experience, even if the Japanese aesthetic does give it a new coat of paint. And honestly, just this made me realize that we really need more varied aesthetics in FE than generic medieval fantasy, regardless of how well it’s executed.
I feel that Birthright has kind of a “Monster of the Week” aesthetic until the final chapters, where every chapter you go to new places and face different enemies, but the chapters don’t feel... connected? I don’t really know how to explain it, it’s just that I didn’t feel there was much tying them together. It wasn’t much of an issue to me since I tended to play one chapter a day, but I imagine it gets tiring fast if you play a bunch of them at once.
But it does have its strong moments, like in the final chapters, the characters that sure, you can call them simple but they are also really endearing (also, simple does not equal bad) and most of them have room for more exploration even if the game doesn’t provide it. Or maybe it does, but no way I’m gonna read all of the supports. There’s a buttload of them and I imagine they get redundant fast. The death scenes were hit or miss, but when they hit they hit hard. Flora’s death scene was a bit silly in execution but Felicia and Corrin’s reactions... fuck. They sold the scene on their own. Elise and Azura’s too are really heartfelt imo! (I wish I could say the same about Xander but I got sick of his shit waaaay before he died, his CQ and Rev versions will have to pull a lot of weight for me to end up liking him) Speaking of Elise, I was pleased that you actually get to spend a few chapters with her before she... you know. I really liked Corrin too, I didn’t expect them to be this witty and... kinda self-aware at times? Like telling Flora Garon would have just burned her village down anyway and other stuff I can’t remember sadly? To me they were a really good example of someone being trusting but not stupid and the mainstream FE fandom can eat my ass on that one, but it was also kinda funny and cathartic to see how sick they got of the villains’ shit in the final chapters. And after playing BR, I can’t understand the complaint that Corrin is bloodthirsty in this route, because they always try diplomacy first, save for the laughably evil trio of Garon, Hans and Iago. And to be honest, I’m glad that’s not the case. Overall Birthright was kinda average but still fun and enjoyable to play! I haven’t gotten many supports (something that happened to me also in Awakening and i feel I’m doing something wrong, I wish you could gain support points for units within 3 spaces like in Echoes), but some of my faves that I got were Ryoma/Scarlet (I later found out it was actually added in the Gay Fates hack I installed, shame it wasn’t canon because it’s one of my faves and the two work so well together, I even ended up marrying them, here’s the video if you want to give it a look) and Kaze/Hinoka! (This one is actually about Hinoka’s relationship with Sakura, but the fact that Hinoka gives her sister space while talking to her in a way that makes her comfortable and only forcibly talking to her in person if she feels she’s distressed is incredibly caring and sweet and gosh I love this family so much)
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