#feasrsome four
moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Random Bushroot Headcanons
Bushroot is touch-starved, so he’ll be shocked by contact but never objects.
He was frowned upon by his family, classmates, and coworkers his whole life. The Fearsome Four are the first to show him friendship. Other than Spike of course.
We know he has a higher kill count than Negaduck. I headcanon most of these were accidents and he has no clue that he does.
He seems like he doesn’t have a backbone, but when someone hurts a person, or flytrap, he cares about, he goes X-games mode. People get thrown across rooms, mean words are said, and occasionally someone dies. When this happens, the rest of the F4 are terrified and suddenly understand how he has the highest kill-count.
He’s the most emotional out of the group, and doubles as a therapist.
Reggie has mastered herbal healing techniques, so the others tend to go to the greenhouse after a fight.
This man has unpacked trauma from living though his own death.
He will outlive everyone except for Liquidator.
The only way to kill him includes taking away his ability to regenerate (i.e. burning, complete cut off of oxygen, no sunlight at all for a long time, no water, etc.)
He will die a virgin.
But he’s a bi disaster.
(Tw: Abuse) Negaduck found a way to interrupt his regeneration, so he can actually injure Bushroot when he’s mad at him.
Quackerjack likes him because they’re both the emotional ones and the only ones capable of saying the ‘f’ word… ‘friends.’
PlayThyme is the right brain pair.
Megavolt likes him because they’re both sciency, and they play tug-o-war with each other’s sanity.
PowerPlant, or Megaroot, is a right-brain/left-brain couple.
Liquidator is fond of him for his collectedness, and they balance one another.
Liquiroot, or FloodedForest, is a left-brain/right-brain couple.
He is more sane than Megavolt and Quackerjack, but still out of it and will have random crazed moments.
He and Liquidator have mastered silent communication. They use it to agree on how they deal with their loco teammates.
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