mlpoutofcontext · 1 year
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artyfartyliz · 8 months
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februpony 2024 day 7: an unpopular character
this guy sucks lol
(day 6) | (day 8)
(day 7 2020) | (day 7 2023)
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plushegutzz · 2 years
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day 7: unpopular character
idc what anyone says, I love this jb horse
also have a sketch bonus ;-)
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puts him in a polycue
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jouska-the-deer · 2 years
Okay. I just looked up the voice cast for Sonic Prime and literally every VA that came up besides the ones for Sonic &Knuckles have done voice work for MLP Friendship is Magic.
Brian Drummond (Eggman) voiced Ahuizotl, Filthy Rich, Mr. Cake, and a bunch of minor characters.
Ashleigh Ball (Tails) voiced Applejack and Rainbow Dash, as well as tons of minor characters.
Vincent Tong ((Possibly Spoilers?)) voiced Garble, Flash Sentry, and Sandbar, plus some others.
Kazumi Evans (Rouge) was Rarity's singing voice, and the voice of Octavia, Moondancer, and Adagio Dazzle, as well a few others.
Shannon Chan-Kent (Amy) was Pinkie Pie's singing voice, and the voice of Silver Spoon, Smolder, and again, even more minor voices.
Ian Hanlin (Shadow, Big) voiced Sunburst and some minor characters, most of them being Crystal Ponies and Changelings.
For those who don't know much about MLP, the names I put in italics were main characters, at least in their respective seasons (Sandbar and Smolder) and movie (Adagio Dazzle).
I doubt most people care, but I just think it's neat seeing the people who voiced characters I liked showing up to voice more characters I like.
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ezeverse-nextgen · 1 year
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pasted from my deviantart babeyy
After the sisterhooves social episode, Big mac started to quickly realize that orchard blossom was  a lot more than just a fun one time persona. Less than a month later she came out to her younger sisters as trans and was accepted with overjoyed and open arms! She officially changed her name but still goes by Big Mac as a nickname since she finds it to be moreso a term of endearment from her family rather than a deadname. She is much more talkative and participates in the social with both of her sisters yearly now! Her friendship with cheerilee had been long standing and after coming out they started spending even more time together as cheerilee's younger sister Jasmine Leaf was also a trans woman, it gave blossom a space to speak to someone she felt truly understood her. Troubleshoes and Sugarbelle came to ponyville around the same time, sugarbelle to work at sugarcube corner for confectionaries and clyde for his traveling roadside show. Sugarbelle and Mac had met before, not unlike their canon show counterparts, but the whole incident with featherbangs never happened. A friendship sparked between them and not too long after sugarbelle, cheerilee, and orchard blossom were inseparable. On one of their days out they stumbled across Clyde about to leave town and move onto the next, asking him if they could see his show before he left, to which he obliged. All 4 ponies genuinely enjoyed themselves and after finding out that clyde was essentially homeless, Blossom offered him to stay at sweet apple acres for a while to rest up outside of the small caravan he pulled (that he couldn't even fit into). What was supposed to be a week turned into a month as all 4 became thick as thieves, n eventually decided to be in a platonic polycule! They all wanted kids but never really had interest in romantic relationships, so they decided on each other and to raise their family as friends. Sugarplum came first, with carolina not too far after. Cortland was the youngest n is planned to be the last of the family's kids. All of the kids understand their parent's relationship n the entire family couldn't be happier. 
Name: Carolina Cherry Nicknames: Carrie (most common), Sunshine (Blossom) Parents: Orchard blossom and Troubleshoes Clyde Siblings: Summer Sugarplum, Cortland  Body type: big and s t u r d y girlie Species: Earth pony-shire horse Special Talent: Soul Music Singer Voice Claim: Jurnee Smollett-Bell
Carolina was the second kid to be born to her family, even if it was only by a year. She was a huge baby and by the time Orchard Blossom was 6 months pregnant she could barely stand! From birth her parents could tell she was going to be a very big pony n boy was that an understatement, by the time she was in elementary school she was about the size of a full grown mare give or take a couple inches. In her adulthood she's about the same height as her pa clyde, though she insists she's 3 millimeters taller (she may be!). Despite her threateningly large stature, Carolina is the definition of a gentle giant. She spends a good majority of her time volunteering for events like the grand galloping gala and the summer sun festival, putting on free shows in ponyville, and giving free lessons to any foals who are interested! Carrie is an extremely talented singer and is well known throughout equestria! She often gets personally invited by the princesses to attend special events as the entertainment alongside huge names like songbird serenade, they insist on paying her but she refuses every time. With a voice on vinyl you'd expect Carrie to live in the spotlight, when she's quite the opposite; She much prefers to stay on the farm and work with her family, tending to her one, giant cherry tree that is a beautiful sight to behold come springtime. She planted it as a filly and, being an earth pony, it grew incredibly fast under her care. Everypony in ponyville eagerly awaits the harvest in which Carolina makes the most delicious cherry Jam that can be found in Equestria! Carrie's best friend since fillyhood is Tender Morning, after her visit to sweet apple acres (see- Destiny is but a suggestion) the two quickly bonded over a love of music and all things glittery! They have a few duet songs on vinyl in which morning sings under her pseudonym "thunderbird". Morning doesn't want anypony knowing she's the other voice to the duet, and the name helps as it causes ponies to assume that thunderbird is a Pegasus. Carolina happily keeps her best friend's secret and whenever asked she cheekily says, "I wish I knew!"  She's very close to her sibling Summer Sugarplum. Most ponies assume they're the younger sibling due to the height difference, and Carrie is quick to correct them. Summer defended Carolina often in their schoolfoal days, she was often bullied for her height once other foals realized she wouldn't fight back. Ponies quickly realized that despite being shorter than average, Summer was a force to be reckoned with and got suspended on multiple occasions for physically fighting others for bullying their sister. Despite the drastic difference in size Carolina and Summer still wrestle over who will do the dishes that day. 
Name: Summer Sugarplum Nicknames:Summer, Sugar, tiny (Tshoes) Parents: Cheerilee and Sugar belle Body type: Short mare with an average build Species: earth pony Special talent: Flower Baker Voice claim: Maggie Heath
Summer Sugarplum was the first born to their parents even if it wasn't by much. Cheerilee and Sugar belle offered to have the first baby as they were less likely to have complications throughout the pregnancy. After spending a few months pregnant Sugar belle popped out Summer! They were a preemie baby and scared their parents a little with how small they were, but the doctors assured the parents that their filly was just fine. Sugar was quite the firecracker in her young years, much to the surprise of her parents. She'd always been exceptionally calm but the moment ponies started picking on their younger sister it was like they were a completely different pony. Upon graduating Elementary however, Their docile and friendly nature returned. They came out as nonbinary somewhere around age 12 and is happy with both she and they pronouns. They love their family to bits and are planned to be the next in line to take over sweet apple acres after applejack once honeybee made it very clear she wasn't interested. Summer is a flower baker, finding ways to incorporate normal and exotic flowers into their pastries and coming up with original recipes that have won them multiple awards. She's close with pinkie's family for this reason and considered them to be a second family of sorts, being overjoyed when her younger brother and pinkie's son poprocks were born on the same day. They always go out of their way to check on family members and even makes it a point to attend as many of whiplash's shows as she can despite being an earth pony. Summer was actually the first pony that Honeybee Harvest confided in about her feelings regarding herself and her family, which is why they offered to take up being sweet apple acre's future matriarch instead. Honeybee is extremely grateful and Sugarplum is the only one of her cousins she is particularly close with. 
Name: Cortland Apple Nicknames: Cory, Quinn, Lil mac (general apple fam) Parents: Sugarbelle, Cheerilee, Orchard Blossom, and troubleshoes body type: Just a little guy species: earth pony special talent: ???
Cortland is the last of the group's kids, and sequentially the biological kid of all four! Through some trial and error, and help from Twilight, the family managed to combine all 4 of their DNA into one foal (which Cheerilee happily carried). Then came Cortland "lil Mac" apple! Cory is adored by everyone he meets with his sweet and eager-to-please personality, many members of the Apple family remark that he's a lot like his late grandpa bright mac. He's only a foal and doesn't have his cutie mark yet, which doesn't bug him one bit! He and his best friend Pop Rocks, who he happens to share a birthday with, plan on finding out what their cutie marks are together, whenever it may happen! Cortland is often mistaken for a filly due to his long hair n bright eyes but he doesn't much mind it. He loves interacting with every member of his family in every way he can, helping Sugarbelle at the bakery, cleaning up cheerilee's classroom, helping Blossom in the orchard, Attending his big sister's shows, the world is Cortland's oyster and he is determined to crack it open!! 
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frostedsketches · 6 months
Canterlot Midwives
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Introducing the three midwives featured in my recent post Miracle. These are the lovely ladies that delivered Twilight's son Meteor Star, minus Dr Sternsaddle, who I will design and post about soon. They are co-workers and good friends through work, but that's not all they have to their characters. . .
Precious Pacifier, 25 is a earth pony of soft, sweet nature and tall, wide stature. She's a caring individual, endlessly kind and charitable, always loving to give a helping hoof, or a word of advice, and has a soft spot for young foals. Because of her strength and big hooves, she is a total klutz, which makes her self-conscious and awkward around others, she isn't shy but she does dread social interaction if it means she might make a mess of herself.
It is in helping expecting mothers and delivering foals where her confidence comes out, she thinks herself too clumsy to handle the actual baby part of her job as a midwife, but she'll be there to cheer a mother on and is in charge of watching out for the baby's head and determining what needs to be done at any point in the labor process.
Outside of work, she and her husband, a unicorn named Spector, are young newly-weds —at the time of Meteor's birth— and very happy together. Though Precious often finds herself not at all snooty enough, or even more, too big, for Canterlot, and she might be better suited to the countryside, the capital city has always been her home and she's not leaving it anytime soon. ( I obviously did not draw her quite big enough to be all that's stated above, but just pretend she's massive compared to the others, shhh )
Sweet Dreams, Age 29 is a unicorn of poise and elegance, and though she may seem a bit regal and imposing at first glance, she's really not an unpleasant or unapproachable pony. Quite the contrary, she's the type of pony that exudes peace and comfort to those in her care, her job being to soothe her patients, melt their worries away, make them comfortable, sometimes even to the point of lulling them to sleep, which is especially handy when dealing with her client's newborns. She's witty and has a silly side to her, the ladder of which comes out when faced with anything cute and cuddly, making her an amusing sight to see when she gets excited over being able to handle the foals in her care.
Dreams is also known for her tasteful fashion sense and ability to pull off just about anything. Her unusually long tail is praised, as having one is a lost unicorn trait that is rarely seen in Equestria these days and was once considered beautiful and a sign of good breeding. Her hooves aren't actually cloven as that's also a rarely seen trait, but she had a bit of carving done on them to give off a similar appearance, ( it's a more cartoonish version as opposed to deep cloves, as cutting deeper than the hoof wall can be painful and damaging to the inner parts of one's hoof ) so she needs to get them redone every so often. She is also married and has been so since she was twenty-two.
Her husband is also a unicorn, a soldier for the Royal Guard, named Well Wish, and they have a three-year-old daughter called Valentine. Oh, she's also the older sister of Fond Feather ( Featherbang's purple fan girl ) and Dear Darling is their cousin. Their parents fostered Darling, who was close in age with Fond, so Fond and Darling were always closer to each other than they were with Sweet Dreams who was much older, and because of this, the two sisters are nearly estranged today.
Soft Hoof, 30 is a unicorn with a more quiet approach to things. She has a thick Prench accent and is hard to understand, because of her dialect as well as her strange more philosophical way of wording her sentences. She is the one that handles foals the most, her name implying her gentle touch, and graceful care. She's well versed in caring for foals and highly trusted. She being hard to communicate with isn't much part of helping with the mothers and their wellbeing, but will help with the foals and direct mothers on anything about caring for them that they might be unsure of or clueless about.
Her hair was once completely blue, but she started going white early, a trait she accepts whole-heartedly. She prefers her hair how it is now, as it gives her a more unique appearance from her mother, who she was once identical to and whom she has a complicated relationship with, one more negative than not.
Softie, unlike her co-workers, is unmarried, child-free, and content with both, her job giving her all the fulfillment and precious baby love she requires. She lived in Prance until she was twelve, is an only child, and in her personal life she often does chalk art on the streets of Canterlot and preforms violin for her local yoga group, as well as participates in said exercise, always one to practice self-care and meditation. She's friends with Tree Hugger and they often meditate, practice fortune telling, and study crystals together.
Related Post:
MLP:FiM belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
Precious Pacifier, Sweet Dreams, and Soft Hoof as well as Meteor Star and the entirety of the Hopes'nDreamsVerse belong to me.
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Fluttershy x Feather Bangs kiddo, please?
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They have their fathers bangs, they unknowingly flip them alot
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princeleonstuff2 · 4 years
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#mylittlepony #featherbangs #blaze #mlpfeatherbangs #mlpblaze #mlpshipping https://www.instagram.com/p/CHYOD11D-m2/?igshid=1q5yvksccoku5
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
I hate Cole's og haircut, and like. you'd think i would like it because it has 2000's pretty boy energy but that's exactly why I hate it and I hate drawing it, his Thicc Sexy Eyebrows are literally the only thing keeping him from immediately getting dubbed as 2000's pretty boy
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imdrunkontea · 7 years
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tsitra360 · 7 years
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Finished another #commission at crystal pony con!! Changeling OC transforming as #FeatherBangs from #mlpseason7
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eemoo1o-mlpoo · 3 years
Random Icons Pt.2
Screenshots by me.
1 | 2 | 3
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asiandra-dash · 3 years
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If you get it you get it if you don't you don't
Okay sure there are some things but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD-
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kittykatbella13 · 7 years
Oh my God I can't believe My Little Pony has a fuckboy.
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daunting-ship · 3 years
My little Pony Next Gen the Duskverse
here is the first post of what this sideblog is mostly gonna be about so here is all my next gens and a guide of who is related to who. Main Ships King Sombra and Shining Armor and Spearhead Gloomy Dusk Blizzard Heart Princess Cadence and Tempest Shadow Amethyst Shining Armor and Cadence (broke up) Shimmering Radiance Twilight and Pinkie Pie Solar Prism Sugar Rush Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Sherbet Meadow Dream catcher Applejack and Rarity Violet Petal Applejack and Coloratura (broke up) Golden Shine Trixie and Maud Silver Stone Moondancer and Minuette Nautical dawn Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer Morning Sun Celestia and Queen Chrysalis Radiant Dew Luna and Rain Shine Lumos Tirek and Storm King Shadow Blueblood and Fancy pants Perfect Prize Ivory Tower Big Mac and FeatherBangs Autumn Gala Fuji Apple Cheese Sandwich and Sans Smirk Rocky Rhyme Cream Cheese Blue cheese Swiss Sunburst and Flash Sentry Gleaming Dawn Sunrise Sentry Chancellor Neighsay and Windrider Golden Mark Dumb-bell and Hoops and Score Thunder Storm Hurricane Tornado Soarin and Thunderlane Nimbus Short Fuse and Sky Stinger Cloud Sweeper Double Diamond and Party Favor Wishful Cast Discord and Zephyr Breeze and Trenderhoof Arctic Breeze Enigma String Theory Quibblepants and Mudbriar Question Mark Dr.Whooves and Jeff Letowski Time Twister Thorax and Spike Loki Fire Star Garble and Fizzle Jade Troubleshoes and Svengallop and Flam Lavender Arcing Hex Ruby clover Film and Silver Shill Show Stopper Braeburn and Caramel Ginger Gold/ Zeal(nickname) Dr.Caballeron and Ahluzotl Zion Rover, Fido, and Spot. Astro Brutus Rocky Chummer and Capper Smokey Sebastian Monty Pharynx and Shadowlock Misty Shade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secondary Next Gen charactersBright Mac and Burnt Oak Glazed Maple Macoun Firelight and Cracked Wheat Starburst Jackpot and Big Bucks Slot Trick Carrot Cake and Filthy Rich Sugar Cake Chiffon Swirl and Pear Butter Shortcake Gallus and Sandbar Ribbon Smolder and Silver Stream Tygus Written Script and Rainbow Blaze Storybook arc Donut Joe and Gustav le Grand Matcha Street Rat and Gladmane Showtime glitz Sugar Belle and Night Glider Foggy Leaf Frederick Horseshoepin and Neon Lights Rocking Tune Octavia and vinyl scratch Graceful Wind Lyra and bonbon Cinnamon Treats Fashionplate and StarStreak Velvet Thread Cranky Doodle Donkey and Steven Magnet Jules Fleetfoot and Spitfire Flaring Gale Coloratura and Coco pommel Encore Spear and Baff Shard ___________________________________ Applebloom and Diamond Tiara   Gala Blossom Scootaloo and Gabby Mortimer Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon Crystal Twist and Bab Seed Sweet Tart Button Mash and Rumble and Tender Taps Pixel Tango Code breaker Snips and Snails Snapple pop FeatherWeight and Pipsqueak Heavy Weight Chipcutter and Skeedaddle Cobalt
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tezzbot · 3 years
do you have a least favorite fim season or episodes?
honestly, i couldn't stand the starlight glimmer episodes. not that i don't like her, because i do think starlight/trixie is cute, but i just didn't think she needed episodes surrounding her. plus, i've never saw that her character truly redeemed herself. but i guess that's just me.
oh i totally think starlight earned redemption, it wasnt a classic villian redemption but it definitely felt a lot more Real than a lot of villian redemptions in media
she realised the error of her ways, expressed Genuine regret and was upset at what she did, started her path to recovery, stumbled a bit, was terrified of falling into her old ways, took steps forward, and Some back! but still she pushed through and actively Chose to become a better pony with Twilight's guidance, and then she Did!! i thought it was p lovely :] but yeah i see what youre saying sometimes it was kinda boring when the mane six were 100% removed from an episode
as for episodes i dont like uhhhh idk a lot of the ones i didn't like were ig the ones i didnt really Watch because i get Extreme secondhand embarrassment from a lot of stuff, i skipped A Lot of the episodes where big mac and sugar belle were the main focus like the one in Our Town where big mac and the cmc going against featherbangs for her affection and the one where hes trying to give her a pie and then ends up thinking shes gonna break up with him, just all the miscommunication bullshit i didnt like i guess
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