#featuring ella's hair also
whorejolras · 5 months
20 & 21
20. What I hate most about myself
I struggled with this one bc I was like I don't think I hate anything about myself, then was like the only time I hate myself is during pmdd week. So that's what I hate, having pmdd 😩
21. What I love most about myself
Again it's so hard to choose but in the opposite way bc I accidentally became too confident lol. Ok physically, I am in love with my hair, no matter what I do to it it looks great in every style and colour but I'm obsessed with my current style like 😩😩😩
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look at this shit 😩🔥🔥🔥
for the ask game 🥹
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Could you write something for Alessia where reader is her sister and gets her first england call up. I feel like less would be such a good older sister, slightly protective and over bearing but also just making sure reader is fitting in and has no trouble.
the call up II a.russo x sister!reader
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the call up II a.russo x sister!reader
you'd been sat with a few of your club team mates watching a movie together at beths house when you'd gotten the call, shock written all over your face as you glanced down and saw the contact name.
"go! answer it." beth whispered with an encouraging nod as you hurried to your feet and raced out of the living room, hyper aware of the eyes watching as you did so.
accepting sarina's call the dutch woman got straight to the point. you'd seen her in the crowd at a few of the home games you'd started in, and sure enough she advised she'd been impressed with what she'd seen, offering you a spot at the next camp with the senior team.
she was honest in the chances of you getting minutes in the game against scotland were slim, but the opportunity to train with the senior team and absorb and learn was there and waiting as you eagerly accepted, sarina advising she would see you at camp before ending the call.
your first call was to your parents who were over the moon, promising they'd keep it quiet until the squad for camp was officially announced, though within a few seconds your phone lit up with a flurry of notifications as the news was put into the family group chat making you roll your eyes with a fond smile.
you stood to return back to your team mates but your phone lit up with another call, your sisters name and contact photo she despised flashing across the screen making you snicker with amusement at the unflattering 0.5 angle of her with bed hair and a scowl in high definition.
"hi less." you greeted with a chuckle. "you still haven't changed my contact photo have you?" the blonde sighed knowingly as you laughed properly looking at it again.
"of course not, and i won't be anytime soon unless i take an uglier photo." you teased as she mocked you under your breath. "you're such a little shit. but anyway, why the hell did i have to find out about your call up from luca?" alessia scoffed accusingly and you didn't need to be on facetime to imagine the stern frown which would be plastered across her features.
"because no one in this family knows how to keep anything to themselves, you especially." you rolled your eyes, sending a smile and a thumbs up to beth who poked her head in to check on you, the older girl sending you a warm smile back and retreating to the living room.
"i should have been your first call, i'm your only sister and i'll be at camp too. your first call up to the senior squad is a huge deal!" alessia lectured before dropping tone and congratulating you, the two of you having imagined for years what it would be like if you ever made the senior team together.
you were disappointed not to make the world cup roster but having the extra time to focus on football with your club had benefited you immensely in other ways, and you just needed to consistently remind yourself that everything happened for a reason.
you'd started off your professional career with a short term contract at bristol city, and after a year of starting and a semi successful season you were offered a three year contract with manchester united which had always been your goal.
alessia had already known of the offer before you did of course, ella and mary having to practically hold her down to stop her calling to pressure you into accepting the moment she found out.
but none the less it was an offer too good to decline for any club, let alone your childhood dreams of one day playing for united coming true and to get the opportunity to play alongside and see alessia every day.
the two of you fought tooth and nail growing up as sisters did and always over the most ridiculous of things.
but regardless of that and the near five year age gap you were always close, your relationship only strengthening once alessia went away to college and you weren't living on top of one another anymore.
you'd only played a single season with united, most of it spent on the bench or as an impact sub, but you loved the girls and found yourself falling hard for manchesters charm.
which is why the loan had been quite the shock, no real warning given when the club accepted an offer from spurs on your behalf, both you and grace traded with the hopes of gaining proper game time and starting minutes under your belts.
alessia had kicked off the moment it went public, first at you for not telling her and then at everyone else who would listen to her frustrations which you knew mostly stemmed from a worry of how you would go moving to a different place and a different team all on your own.
only, you weren't alone. with grace by your side you adjusted easily into this new challenge in your life, you and the midfielder growing even closer than you were when you were at united, and now you both found no trouble calling each other a best friend, attached at the hip and practically inseparable.
"-i'll come and pick you up friday for dinner for mums birthday. i love you!" alessia confirmed, clearing pausing waiting for you to say it back. "don't you dare hang up and not say it back you little shit." your sister scoffed as you grinned, forever finding it all too easy to get under her skin.
"love you lessi, see you friday!" with that you hung up, hearing the girls in the other room start to argue over what to order for dinner as you took a moment to let it all sink in.
you'd finally done it.
"you've got your kits yeah? and the tracksuits, and the training ones, and your socks, and your cleats, and you need to be careful you're not wearing anything that isn't adidas branded if you're being filmed or there's pictures taken by the social media team-" your sister lectured over the phone as you rolled your eyes and flicked her to speaker.
"-then you'll get the schedule when you arrive but i'll show you where everything is anyway. if we're not roomed near each other i'll still come and find you every morning and we can have breakfast before training and i'll run you through the daily schedules-" you started to tune her out as you flicked through your closet, humming every now and then to appease her.
"-are you even listening to me?" you only hummed again, completely checked out of the conversation now as you wrestled to get your suitcase closed. "oh my god you've got me on speaker and you've left the room again like last time. OI!" you winced and zoned back in as she shouted loudly.
"no! i'm right here idiot. but i know you love the sound of your own voice so who was i to interrupt?" you chuckled, grunting as you sat on top of your case and finally got it closed.
“ha ha ha, very funny. what the hell are you doing anyway? why are you grunting and groaning are you working out right now?” your sister questioned. “no! im trying to close my case, which i now have!” you sighed victoriously zipping it up.
“you haven’t finished packing?” alessia shouted as you rolled your eyes. “less.” you warned, muting her momentarily as she ignored you and started to rant and rave about how you needed to step up and be an adult.
returning a few moments later you unmuted her, catching her mid story of something you really weren’t all that interested in.
“oh no less you’re breaking up I can’t hear you!” you spoke in a monotone, voice dripping with sarcasm as you scrunched a piece of paper and made glitchy noises with your mouth.
“seriously? you can’t even just say you don’t want to talk anymore? you have to make up some bullshit excuse and-“ her words fell short as you clicked the red end call button with a chuckle, tossing the ball of paper over your shoulder.
you watched the texts fly in from her, unhappy with your attitude and warning you needed to be mature on camp which you silenced with a roll of your eyes, interrupted by your security buzzer going.
“sorry don’t want any.” you grinned as grace’s head appeared in the security camera, the girl pulling a face and flipping you off as you buzzed her in. “cars here! im not comin up, you’re comin down. hurry!” the brunette warned as your eyes widened and you rushed about making sure you had everything.
you jolted in surprise as a knock sounded on your door, flinging it open and frowning when grace stood there with a grin. “aih ya dickhead the car isn’t here yet it’s not even ten, too easy!” your best friend laughed pushing past you as she dumped her own bags by the door.
“you are such a wind up.”
“you nervous?” you asked grace, tapping her knee to gain her attention as the car turned into st georges park and she pulled her headphones down around her neck.
“nah not really. you shouldn’t be either! we wouldn’t have been called up if they didn’t think we wasn’t ready, and your sister is here anyway to look after ya.” grace reminded with a smile, pushing your head with a wink as the two of you rough housed for a bit before the car parked up.
“cameras rollin. how’d i look then?” grace fluttered her eyelashes making you grin. “ugly as ever. come on hillary!” you slid out of the car before she could retaliate, groaning at the nickname.
you knew from the way your phone had been blowing up that your sister was already here, having arrived earlier this morning with lotte and beth.
so it wasn’t any real surprise when you’d hardly stepped a foot out of the car and she appeared, hovering at the top of the stairs with ella plastered to her side who sent you and grace a grin and a wave.
both of you grabbing your bags you flashed a smile and fist bumped the media staff who were filming entrances as you and grace ascended the stairs.
“ready for your first camp girls?” you and grace both echoed back a yes, grinning at the camera before someone wiggled their way in between you both and slung their arms over your shoulders.
"big sister gonna look out for you then?" the staff laughed as alessia beamed and squeezed both you and grace tightly. "well she's got big shoes to follow, we've been working on her backheel." alessia joked, the camera crew moving toward the next van which pulled up which was full of the city girls.
"less get off." you huffed, grace wiggling away and tackling ella in a hug, the taller of the two dragging them inside in a headlock as your sister only gripped you tighter.
"absolutely not, roomie." the older girl grinned smugly as your face fell. "oh you've gotta be kidding me!" you groaned throwing your head back in annoyance.
"she's messin with you, we don't share rooms anymore on camp." a new voice sounded behind you as you managed to throw off alessia's arm and charge toward them. "mazza!" you cheered happily, launching at her as she caught you with a grunt.
"baby russo!" the girl cheered in the same tone before dropping you back to your feet. "just my actual name is fine thank you." you shoved her playfully with a roll of your eyes. "not this camp or any camp after, that is your name now. or we could go with B.R for short?" mary teased tugging on your ears.
"i'm quite fond of her childhood nickname." alessia chimed in with a smirk as you sent her a murderous glare. "don't you dare, or i'll spill one of your secrets. and we both know that i have plenty of them to choose from!" you smirked back as her face fell.
"rat." alessia muttered, nodding for you to follow her as she grabbed your bags and headed for the elevator to show you to your room.
"we'll talk later. you spill some of those secrets and theres more where this came from kid." mary whispered, sliding a tenner into your pocket with a pat and a wink.
you were mid dream when you first heard it, the repeated thudding which seemed to leak into your subconscious as suddenly you realized you weren't dreaming anymore and someone was knocking furiously on your door.
raising your head from your pillow you blinked groggily and rubbed your eyes so hard you saw stars, stumbling out of bed and tripping over the corner of the duvet where your foot got stuck in bed.
hitting the ground with a thud and a grunt the knocking stopped for a moment and you paused, unsure if you'd imagined it.
"for god sakes hurry up!" nope, didn't imagine it.
"what?" you retorted grumpily, mornings your least favourite time of day as you rubbed your face and your sister barreled in past you without so much as a greeting.
"go away alessia its too early!" you groaned, shutting the door and trudging back toward your bed. "you haven't even hung anything up? for god sakes this is a hotel this isn't your bedroom at home you can't just fling shit around and leave your mess everywhere like a tornado!" your sister lectured with a click of her tongue, busying herself picking things up and putting them away.
"i've not even been here for twenty four hours yet less surely that stick up your ass is gonna sting something terrible by the end of the week?" you grumbled, sliding back into bed as your sister shot you a filthy look at her shoulder.
"hilarious. but you have to be professional here and set a good reputation for yourself, especially your first camp. that means up on time, early for breakfast, one of the first to the pitch, extra reps in the gym-" you tuned her out, quite the expert at it by now, eyes slipping closed again.
"urgh get off!" you moaned as a weight settled on top of you, wheezing slightly as alessia made herself comfortable sitting on your back. "you have...forty six seconds to get up yourself before i drag you out of this bed by your ankles and we both know i will!" your sister threatened seriously, checking her watch.
"you're so fucking annoying. this is worse than when we both lived at home, at least then you also used to hate mornings!" you exhaled deeply, star fishing out on the bed as she wriggled and purposefully bore more of her taller form into you.
"twenty nine, twenty eight, twenty seven..." the blonde counted down ignoring your statements. "can hardly get up myself with you on top of me can i bigfoot?" you snapped, alessia rolling off of you and squealing as your leg kicked out to push her off the bed.
"right! three, two, one." and with that she flung the covers off, grabbing your ankles and true to her word yanking you out of bed, your body hitting the carpeted floor with a thump as she loomed over you.
"get dressed. if theres no pancakes when we get to breakfast i will be holding you personally responsible and you will pay for it!" your older sister warned, grabbing your top in hand and hauling you up to your feet, shoving a pile of clothes into your hand and pushing you toward the bathroom.
"stop manhandling me hagrid!" you snapped as alessia chose to ignore you, making your bed up and getting herself comfortable on top of it, scrolling through her phone as you snatched yours from the nightstand.
"hurry up!" you were trying to brush your hair back into something more presentable, face still puffy from your half asleep state as her fist thumped loudly against the door.
with a roll of your eyes you gave up, flipping your head and tying your hair up into a messy bun. poking at the bags under your eyes with a sigh, the impatient knocking continuing as you quickly covered them up with a few dabs of concealer.
"i hope you break your hand." you spoke in a monotone as you flung the door open, barely having ten seconds to step outside before her hands grabbed the collar of your jumper and dragged you out of the room.
"let go less! i'm not four years old trying to run away in a shopping centre for god sakes i don't need you to hold my hand i am an adult." you huffed, ripping your hand away from hers and storming off ahead to the elevator as alessia hung back for a second to wait for ella to catch up.
"might need this though? and everyone says you're the genius in the family." alessia held up your key card which was the only thing that allowed you to enter and exit the elevator, holding it out of your reach.
"say sorry for being so grumpy." alessia demanded with a smug smile as you tried to stretch for the card without luck, your sister always having had a head or two of height on you with her ridiculously long limbs.
"no! didn't you make a big song and dance about not being late for breakfast? because the only one making us late is you!" the older girl groaned as you punched her half heartedly in the stomach, snatching the key as she doubled over.
"mary she's tryna kill me!" you hid behind the taller keeper using her body as a shield as she joined you with grace in tow, alessia sending you daggers from across the elevator as mary chuckled but remained a nice protective barrier between the two of you anyway.
"alessia!" you protested as your sister snatched your plate, dumping what you'd already chosen and picking your food for you, pushing you away every few seconds with her spare hand as you tried to intervene.
"why are you such a mum? i can pick my own food!" you demanded which was dismissed with a flick of her hand, too busy chattering away to ella to pay you and your whinging any attention.
"you have to fuel your body properly and that means a balanced breakfast." the blonde lectured, holding your plate hostage in her hands as she walked off.
with your food held captive you were forced you to follow her as you sent grace a pleading look who only smirked and shook her head, sat at a different table than the one your sister sat down at.
"baby russo! where have you been hiding then? i missed you." lucy pulled you into a hug as you took your seat beside her and across from alessia who finally slid your plate over to you. "hiding from her!" you grumbled, stabbing your eggs and shooting alessia a glare who smiled and wiggled her fingers at you in a sarcastic wave.
you sighed and glanced down at your plate which granted was loaded, but not with everything you'd have put on it thanks to your sisters apparent new nutritionist qualifications.
your face lit up as mary joined the table, subtly dumping two hashbrowns and an extra piece of bacon onto your plate with a wink as she sat on your other side squishing you between her and lucy as the three of you fell into conversation.
"oi baby russo, sarina wants to see ya." you'd finished eating as millie suddenly appeared, nodding for you to follow her as your face paled a little, head swirling with a hundred worries of why she might want to see you, all of them negative.
"i can take her mills." your sister stepped in with a reassuring smile as millie headed off to grab breakfast. "come on." she stood with a flick of her head as mary squeezed your shoulder and stacked your empty plate on top of hers.
following after your sister you didn't speak a single word, holding your breath until you stepped out of the cafeteria and the noise and chatter of the team ceased, exhaling shakily.
"come here." your sister spoke softly and opened her arms as you settled into them, your own wrapping around her torso as she embraced you, chin resting on the top of your head.
"i know all you can think of is bad reasons why she wants to see you, but if you freak out and focus on all of the what ifs then you're going to ruin this opportunity for yourself before we even start." alessia murmured, rubbing your back comfortingly.
"she probably just wants to check how you're settling in and go through the motions with you. so stop overthinking because i can hear your tiny little brain going into a meltdown." she teased lightly as you cracked a smile.
she let you go but her arm slipped over your shoulder drawing you into her side as she walked you down to the office, pausing a couple doors down and turning you to face her.
"i love you, sarina loves you, the girls loves you. this is your moment, grab it with two hands and make the most of it yeah? show them why you got called up and why you've earned a place on this team." her hands settled on your shoulders as if trying to charge you up with confidence as you nodded.
she might be overbearing, overprotective and over dramatic at the best of times. but alessia would always be your big sister and secretly, you'd never tell her this, without her you wouldn't be half the human let alone the footballer you were, and it flooded you with relief to take the plunge into this next step of your career with her by your side.
again you didn't dare to tell her that for fear of the relentless teasing that would follow. but you didn't need to anyway, she already knew, because sisters always know.
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Last Updated: 2024-08-27
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Disclaimer: I am not the author of these stories, just sharing my favourite Loki Odinson stories. Find the authors' links below. If you want your work removed, message me privately.
Legend: 〔E〕 ⇢ Erotic/Steamy | 〔F〕 ⇢ Fluff | 〔A〕 ⇢ Angst/Hurt 〔M〕 ⇢ Minor Angst/Hurt | 〔C〕 ⇢ Comfort | ♥︎ ⇢ Established Relationship | 𑁍 ⇢ Pregnancy/Children | 🚫 ⇢ Content Warning
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✑ Baby Fever by holdmytesseract • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: "Loki's punishment had been to join the Avengers —where he met you. One thing [led to another], and a few years later, [you're] married —and now parents of a sweet baby girl called Ella."
✑ Brothers, the by lokisgoodgirl • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "A collection of fluff-based oneshots following Loki & Thor's tumultuous sibling relationship while they navigate Midgard life. No crowns, no thrones. Just silly stuff..."
✑ Creature Comforts by mochie85 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "[You captivated Loki,] and you can’t understand why. He tries to get your attention until a disastrous accident occurs, pushing you to rely on him. Will his charm finally win you over? Or will you continue to stay in your comfort zone?"
✑ Man of the Month by muddyorbsblr & mochie85 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F᜶A〕 •
Summary: "[The Avengers need to create a fundraiser] accessible to more than just the rich & famous. [Tony suggests] making a calendar [featuring] the men of the Avengers, with you as the photographer. He also may or may not have let slip… that you have feelings for one of [the guys], so now it's up to them to see if you return their affection..."
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✑ 14 Hours to Cape by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔E᜶A〕 •
Summary: "When the rest of the Avengers are sent on a mission to Cape Town, you're forced to stay behind to recover from a previous mission while Loki isn't trusted enough to go along. How will you cope, [staying] in the compound with the man [you love] when he seemingly wants nothing to do with you?"
✑ A Blessed Curse by fanficshiddles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki [is afflicted with a] curse separating him [in two]. One loki is the gentle smooth talking gentlemen that strokes your hair and utters sweet nothings of his devotion. The other is a confident Dom that tosses you over his shoulder to carry you to a more secluded area to have his rough and self satisfied way with you..."
✑ A Night of Passion by lady-rose-moon •
Summary: …
✑ A Quiet Storm by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "A stormy morning and a sleepy Loki in your bed."
✑ Anaesthetic by sserpente • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Imagine [needing wisdom teeth surgery;] much to the Avenger's amusement [leaves] you loopy, silly, and [clinging] to a certain God of Mischief…"
✑ Are You Drunk? by mischiefmaker615 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: After having a bit to much to drink, guess who's the one to find you?
✑ Back in Your Arms by sarahscribbles • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki arrives back at the compound, and back in your arms, after the battle with [Hela]."
✑ Blame It on the Rain by ijuststareatstuffhereok89 • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "You and Loki... can't stand one another, and after one-too-many pranks [go] awry [amid] your 'merry war,' [Fury punishes you both] with menial labour, and the weather reports are predicting a literal storm to supplement the one stirring within you…."
✑ Chains by tiltheendwilliwrite • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: […]
✑ Consummation by wherethefandomat • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: After all the day's excitement, you and your new husband finally depart the festivities for a more *ahem*, intimate celebration.
✑ Desire by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Prompt(s): "Imagine catching Loki masturbating with a pair of your used knickers"
✑ Do I Haunt Your Mind? by sarahscribbles • 〔A〕 •
Summary: "You finally work up the courage to confess your feelings to Loki, but it goes badly wrong."
✑ Feast for the Eyes by holdmytesseract • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "A good Saturday morning means for you a gym workout. The only problem is, that the man you're into thinks exactly the same... And you just can't take your eyes off him..."
✑ First Light by wherethefandomat • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
Summary: Who would've thought happily ever after would be so tumultuous...
✑ Flirting with a God by sserpente • 〔F〕 •
Prompt(s): "Imagine shamelessly, flirting with Loki, whilst [you're] drunk."
✑ For the First Time by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: …
✑ Going Home by tilltheendwilliwrite • 〔F᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: It wasn't the best way to for Loki to meet your family. Especially as said family and yourself were on less than stellar terms, to begin with, but when your mother had called to tell you your father had suffered a heart attack you’d dropped everything to rush home.
✑ Heaven Sent by muddyorbsblr • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "The guys try a bunch of angel-themed pick up lines on you to see which one makes you fold."
✑ I Want to Remember by wherethefandomat • 18+ • 〔F᜶A〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: …
✑ In the Dark of Night by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E〕 •
Summary: "Imagine Loki catching you having a sex dream about him. | le really couldn't resist intervening, now could he?"
✑ Laced Intentions by mochie85 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You try to seduce your new lover with lingerie that he can't resist."
✑ Lion and the Lamb, the by muddyorbsblr • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: …
✑ Love Potion by mischiefmaker615 • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: Loki seems to have been affected by a strange substance where he becomes suddenly.. hungry for you
✑ Mission First, Right? by muddyorbsblr • 〔A᜶C〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "You're plagued with doubts when Loki goes radio silent in the middle of a mission after being tasked to acquire intelligence in the possession of a drop dead gorgeous woman."
✑ Moments of Magic by sarahscribbles • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "You bring Loki two gifts [for] his birthday. One a magical object and the other your heart."
✑ My Darling by lady-rose-moon • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: you knew you had fucked up, you knew it and you enjoyed it
✑ My Girl by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You and your lover enjoy a stolen moment of intimacy and pleasure.
✑ Never Enough by mochie85 • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: Loki tests your limits as he tries one last time to make you scream.
✑ Paper Trail by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki organises a romantic treasure hunt for you."
✑ Please You by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: …
✑ Pretty Follies, the by mochie85 • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that they themselves commit."
✑ Quickie, the by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: You and Loki escape a work event for something more entertaining.
✑ Real Thing, the by ijuststareatstuffhereok89 • 〔F〕 •
Summary: After overhearing some atrocious pickup lines, Loki needs to show you how a real suitor wins a woman's heart.
✑ Reunion by sserpente • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Prompt(s): "Imagine Loki taking you [most] of the night after returning from a long mission. Exhausted, you… fall asleep with him still… deep inside… you… a few hours [later], you [awaken to] him lazily thrusting into you in his slumber… he is [unknowingly] using his seidr to render you completely helpless..."
✑ Right Partner, the by muddyorbsblr • 〔F᜶C〕 •
Summary: You had no intentions of joining Stark's party, considering that your ex had just dumped you two days ago and he was already announcing his new relationship. And then along came Loki, offering to be your date for the night…
✑ Risk by wheredafandomat • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: …
✑ Talking in Your Sleep│Prt. II by muddyorbsblr • 〔E᜶F᜶C〕 •
Summary: "Loki returns from a recon mission to discover that you [haven't slept in four days]."
✑ To Fold & To Flex by mochie85 • 16+ • 〔E᜶F〕 •
Summary: "Loki didn't realize he was in love with you until he saw you from a new perspective."
✑ Undercover Lover by wherethefandomat • 18+ • 〔F〕 •
Excerpt: "When you were told you and Loki would be posing as a couple for a mission, you didn’t expect it to last for nearly three weeks..."
✑ Urge, the by lokisgoodgirl • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
Summary: "Loki's lack of magical contraception yields unexpected results."
✑ What Makes a Princess? by muddyorbsblr • 〔F〕 •
Summary: "Morgan asks... about Jane's royalty status that leads to her revealing one of Loki's secrets"
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✑ Choices by mochie85 • 16+ • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Even Gods Get Sick by sarahscribbles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Go Back to Sleep by sarahscribbles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Hello Mummy by lady-rose-moon • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Ill-Intentioned "Compliments" by muddyorbsblr • 〔F〕 •
✑ I Love You by sarahscribbles • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Kneel! by sserpente • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Little Darling by muddyorbsblr • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Princess by mischiefmaker615 • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Polish by tilltheendwilliwrite • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ • 𑁍 •
✑ Sweet and Savoury by sarahscribbles • 18+ • 〔E᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Take It by wherethefandomat • 18+ • 〔E〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ Tale of Two Roses, the by wheredafandomat • 〔F〕 • ♥︎ •
✑ What Matters by sserpente • 〔A᜶F〕 • ♥︎ •
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Authors: @fanficshiddles || @holdmytesseract || @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 || @lady-rose-moon || @lokisgoodgirl || @mischiefmaker615 || @mochie85 || @muddyorbsblr || @sarahscribbles || @sserpente ||@tilltheendwilliwrite || @wheredafandomat ||
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lovehypegirl · 6 months
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synopsis: You're a first year at Jujutsu Tech and your mentor is Nanami Kento. You try to get the man to open up a little after a visit to the bakery and record store information: reader's technique uses firearms pairing: platonic!nanami x platonic!gn!reader WC: 958 warnings.ᐟ : none
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Gojo had assigned Nanami to be your mentor in attempt to get Nanami to work more with the students
Honesty, he thought that you and Nanami were somewhat similar, calm and collected but slightly classy
I mean, even your uniform looked like what he wore. Your uniform was a dress shirt, suspenders, shoulder holsters for you handguns, dress pants, and Louboutin dress shoes (that you had bought with Gojo's card)
You had just finished up your mission at an abandoned warehouse and as the multitude of curses faded away after exorcism, you placed your sniper rifle in your case and your handheld gun in your shoulder holster. Closing the clasps on your rifle case you stood up holding the case and adjusting the shoulder holster.
Nanami stood to the side wiping his hands on a handkerchief of any blood that the curses spewed
"Nanamin!" you called out "are you ready to leave? We've cleared the area of any curses"
"Yes. We're leaving now" he answered shortly as he turned around. He placed his cursed tool on the back of his shoulder holster
You followed after him carrying your rifle case out of the dark warehouse
Nanami walked on the street side of the sidewalk and you walked on the building side
You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light
"It's sunset already" you stared up at the sun with a smile "how pretty" you walked next to Nanami as you looked at how the golden glow rested on buildings
You turned to a window that so happened to be a bakery and you saw how the sunset softened your features and how Nanami's sharp features were highlighted by the sunlight in certain places
"Do you wish to go in there?" His deep voice asked, snapping you out of your thoughts
"Oh um...I don't wish to trouble you" you turned away from the bakery
"No matter, If your hungry then we can eat...you had a harsh mission today so it's best if you ate" he opened the door to the bakery with a ding!
You followed after him unsure of what to say
The girl at the counter greeted in a cheery manner
"Hello! You're back again!" she smiled (IT'S THE BAKERY GIRL FROM THE MANGA!!)
"Pick what you want" he looked over at you
You hesitated slightly unsure of letting your mentor spend his money on you
"I told you, it's no matter" he placed a hand on your shoulder "Pick what you want"
"Uhm...okay then...(favorite food)"
"Let's get that for her and...a danish for me"
"The usual then huh? Who'd you bring with you?"
"She's my pupil as of 2 months ago"
"Wow! I'm sure you're a great teacher" she smiled at you and you smiled back
"He is" you grinned as he paid for your food
He walked out of the store with you by his side taking your rifle case from your hand as he handed you the food he bought for you
You felt slight relief as you finished your food, you were really hungry but didn't want to bother him for food
You looked to the side as you crossed the street spotting a record store
Throwing out the wrapper for your food as you reached the other side of the street
"I can carry my rifle now, and you can head on back to the school. I wanna stop here for a bit I wanna buy something" you pointed to the record store
"Don't worry about it I'll go with you"
"But our mission is over..."
"The mission doesn't end until we reach the school safely. It's also getting dark soon and you shouldn't be out alone in the dark"
He placed a hand on your back and guided you into the store
The record store held a nice ambiance, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald's Autumn In New York played in the background on a record
A young woman with short red hair sat behind the counter shuffling through records
"Oh, y/n! You're back"
"Yea, do you have any new Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra?"
"Yeah, we just got Songs For Swingin' Lovers a few days ago. Should be in the back. A couple of Sade came in as well!"
"Thanks!" you called as you walked towards the section she pointed to
"Do you come here often?" Nanami asked
"I do! I really like vinyl...y'see I collect 'em. I think my first was a Beatles record...I got it for Christmas when I was...seven? Eight? I dunno, but I also got a record player the next year, so I started collecting" you rambled on as you went through the Jazz C-D box looking for a Dean Martin record that you could add to your collection
"You collect them hm?"
"Yeah! I wanna own every album from every one of my favorites one day"
"...Who are your favorites?" Nanami had begun to go through a Crooners Classics G-H box
"Oh gosh, well I love Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, ect. The classics y'know? I really like jazz...but lately, I've been into Neo-Soul...I'm thinking that this summer can be the Neo-Soul Summer 'cause during the winter I listened to a lot of Jazz...." you trained off "...uhm...am I talking too much?"
"Don't worry about it"
You nodded slightly with a small smile "Okay um...have you listened to Sade before?" you walked over to the section where Sade's records were located
"I have not" he turned towards you as you shuffled through a box
"Here we go..." you pulled out a record and handed it to him
"This one is Diamond Life released in 1984 it's uh...nine songs...one of my favorite albums"
"Mhm.." he turned the record over and read the list of songs
"My favorite time to listen to Sade is in the evening...it really fits the atmosphere...and here we go!" you picked up the Frank Sinatra record to buy for yourself
"'Kay...I'm gonna get this one...do you wanna get that record?"
He nodded slowly "Yes, why not"
"Great!" you took the record from him
"I'll get them this time since you covered our food"
"y/n I am--"
"--my mentor I know. But this is my thank you for being a really good mentor to me. Uhm...you keep me...down to Earth in a way? It's nice having a level-headed mentor...in comparison to Gojo...who's head seem to be everywhere but his neck!" you walked to the counter and placed the records on the counter and paid for them
When you exited the store with Nanami you handed him the record
"Here you go Nanamin!" You handed him the Sade record "I hope you enjoy it!"
"Thank you, y/n" he accepted the record you handed to him "you didn't have to do that, you know"
"Oh I know! But like I said, I'm thankful for having a mentor who's head is screwed on straight" you smiled as you talked to him
He huffed out a small laugh at your statement
"While we're on the topic of thanks, I've been meaning to thank you properly for the sourdough starter. I wasn't expecting it as a gift but it was a wonderful one. How did you know?"
"Gojo-sensei runs his mouth a lot"
"That he does"
"My mom also likes bread and...she has a starter to she taught me how to make one. I think that people who like bread should make their own! 'Cause then, they can have it whenever they want. Plus it's nice to smell the bread you make when I wake up on Sunday"
He smiled "I'm glad. You mentioned your first record was the Beatles, yes? How did you go from that to Jazz?"
"Wellll the Beatles is considered Madchester which really isn't my type of music so! I began experimenting and found Jazz! My parents took me to a Jazz club and I swear I spiraled from there! I even began to learn the saxophone!"
"The saxophone you say?"
"Yeah! Sometimes I play at night since it's the only thing keeping me sane at this point...curse-killing really puts a strain on the physical body and practicing an instrument helps...it really does"
"You're the one playing at night..."
"...you can hear it..? I thought you didn't stay on campus?"
"I had to stay late one night to file a mission report that I had been holding off on"
"Well, I hope it wasn't a bother..."
"Of course not, Desmond Blue by Paul Desmond is never a bother"
"Oh you knew the song!"
"You play quite well it's easy to recognize"
"Thank's Nanamin!" you smiled up at him
He returned your smile slightly and pat your back as you both walked back to Jujutsu Tech
"Now, tell me more about the songs you know..."
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You shared anecdotes about your favorite songs and artists, from the soulful melodies of Sade to the timeless classics of Frank Sinatra. Nanami listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with his own insights or questions, demonstrating a genuine curiosity about your musical tastes.
As you approached the school grounds, you realized how much you appreciated these moments of camaraderie with your mentor. Despite his initial stoicism, Nanami had proven to be a supportive and understanding presence in your life as a Jujutsu sorcerer.
As the conversation wound down, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected bond you shared over music. It was a reminder that even in the midst of darkness and danger, there were moments of connection and joy to be found.
With a sense of contentment, you and Nanami entered the school grounds, ready to continue your journey together as mentor and pupil. And as the evening descended, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you had a steadfast ally by your side
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 4 months
Rainbow High Littles: Indigo Bailey, Pt. 1
All right y'all, I said we'd do this so let's go. I was originally going to make this all one entry, but I decided to break off the hair discussion as a separate post, since this one was already way too long before I even got to that point XD Will link Pt. 2 once it's published.
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Krystal Jr.: What the heck are we doing all the way over here? Krystal Sr.: We need to collect a delivery to take back to Rainbow Heights--a sister! KJ: I thought I was your sister? KS: No, you're a younger version of me from an alternate point in our shared timeline. We just say you're my sister so it's less confusing for everyone else. KJ: If I'm you from the past and we're both in the same place, shouldn't that create some sort of temporal paradox where you cease to exist? KS: The normal laws of physics don't apply in the doll universe, dear. It's best not to think on it too much. KJ: Okaaaaaaaaaay. But this one is NOT us, right? KS: …Probably not? Indigo: ((Maybe stop talking and let me out, please?))
Sooooooooo yeah, Indigo. Where to begin? For starters, I think the vitriol that's being dumped on these poor Littles is completely out of proportion to what they actually are--tiny dolls meant for small hands to play with. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I can see how they would be less appealing to adult collectors used to a more sophisticated product from this brand, but I personally will do my best to judge her by her own merits.
First impressions: I think she's cute! I pulled a few of her braids back with a rubber band to make her face more visible, but otherwise straight out of the box she's good to go.
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Krystal Jr.: Are we a family? Are we clones? Honestly folks, it's anyone's guess. Indigo: Is she always this snarky? Krystal Sr.: Don't worry sweetie, it's just her being a tween, we grow out of it eventually. I: We? KS: It's complicated.
More detailed discussion of clothes & accessories under the cut--
Let's talk about the dress and that reviled plastic bodice. Honestly? I don't mind it! I can't speak for the rest of the line, but in Indigo's case at least it's clear there was some effort put into her overall design. I was especially delighted by the skirt portion of her dress, which is made of a lovely little textured woven fabric featuring a butterfly design, with a coordinating tulle ruffle trim. There's even an underskirt made from a plasticy fine-weave fabric. Both the main skirt and underskirt are sewn (that's right, not glued--there are STITCHES) to the base of the plastic top portion of the dress.
Ok so, no one loves plastic doll clothes. I get it. Not a fan myself. But for what this is, considering it's all one piece, I'm impressed by the amount of detail, and how well it reads as 'normal' clothing. The midsection has a sculpted raised texture that closely mirrors the design of the skirt fabric. The collar section is painted a lighter contrasting shade of purple that compliments her shoes (all the adult collectors who whine about lack of painted detail on molded plastic pieces, here you go), and the ruffle around the armholes compliments the trim on the skirt. Everything is held together neatly at the back with a piece of velcro at the top of the skirt.
Given how difficult it can be to sew fabric doll clothing in this scale that actually looks good, I think the plastic top is a fair compromise to increase ease of use for smaller hands.
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The shoes! I was pleasantly surprised by the level of detail on these. The butterfly motif from the dress is carried on here, with sculpted decoration all the way around the tops and even on the soles. This was absolutely unnecessary, but I'm so happy they did it.
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Indigo's official height is listed as 5.5 inches, which lands her somewhere between an old school Kelly doll and the closest MGA equivalent in my collection, a Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini. I believe Magic Mixies Pixlings are also of a similar size, but I don't have one to include in this comparison.
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Indigo's pet is...a thing that exists. Her product description says it's a 'magical fox'. Sure.
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Ok folks, that's it for pt. 1. We're going to take a closer look at those braids in pt.2
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steviewashere · 4 months
Love at First Trim (Chapter 1/???)
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Implied/Referenced Child Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Break-Up Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Set in the 2000s, Mild Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Older Eddie Munson, Older Steve Harrington, Original Child Character, Single Parent Eddie Munson, Hair Stylist Steve Harrington, Protective Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Flirting (But it Sucks), Eddie Munson has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Dialogue Heavy, Tags May Change, Rating May Change
Read on Ao3
Single Parent Eddie Munson, my beloved.
Fair warning, I know nothing about hair care or cutting hair or dyeing hair. All of my research comes from Google. And also, I am aware that trimming Eddie's hair probably would've worked better if it was wet. It is not. Oops.
✂️—————✂️ “You wanna do what to your hair?!” Eddie shrieked.
He couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t believe the gall that his daughter had. She’s recently turned thirteen—the age of discovery. The age where she’s finding her footing, her style, her everything. And, Eddie gets it. He so totally gets it. Eddie was thirteen when he shaved his head the one and only time, when he began to make his battle vest, when he snuck off to a bus towards Indianapolis and saw Judas Priest in concert. So, yes, he gets what she’s doing.
“Dad,” his little girl (not so little) sighs. “I want to dye my hair. Like my friend Sarah. She’s got the most beautiful head of hair right now! Purple, Dad. Her hair is purple.”
“No—no, I got that,” he sighs himself. “But Ella, my little munchkin, my sweet angel baby; you don’t want to dye your hair with something, y’know, a little more neutral first? What if you absolutely hate having color?”
Ella shoots him a glare. So lethal, Eddie swears he feels the bullet enter his chest. “So you were cool about shaving the sides of my head. And the possibility of me getting my nose pierced as soon as I turn sixteen. But dying my hair red is where you draw the line?”
Okay, when she puts it like that, Eddie does sound a touch too protective. But his daughter’s head of hair is one of her crowning features. She’s got her dad’s curls, but her mom’s gorgeous sandy blonde hair. Maybe Eddie and Ella’s mom didn’t end on the best of terms—not that there was an ending to be seen, she had just up and left one day without a trace—but even he can admit that the sandy blonde is something other-worldly. Every single Munson has dark brunette hair, no abnormalities, no others. It’s difficult, even a bit frustrating, to what his little girl grow and change and differentiate herself. He’s excited for, absolutely, but he’s also such a papa bear by fault.
He rubs at his temples, tension building and building beyond belief. There’s no chance he’s winning this. “Okay, listen,” he mutters. Where she’d been incessantly tapping in the kitchen, several feet away from the carpeted living room where he’s stress slouched on the couch, she now falls deathly silent. Eddie takes a deep breath. “I will agree with you on this,” he states slowly, “on a few conditions.”
“I’m listening.”
“Your hair will be dyed with something like Manic Panic—not box dye. And you will do it at an actual salon. You won’t let a friend do it. I’m not going to do it. And you certainly will not be doing it yourself, do you understand?” He looks up from his lap and into the little window over the kitchen counter. Where she looks back. The ‘tude apparent on her features. He fights the urge to roll his eyes.
Ella continues to stare when the silence stretches. And then she heaves an enormous sigh.
“Little lady, do not sigh at me,” he firmly scolds. And for a moment, he feels like Uncle Wayne. He suppresses the shudder at what that means for him. He’s not even forty yet, he shouldn’t be acting like his way too old uncle. “Do you or do you not understand me?”
Relenting, Ella grumbles, “Fine. We’ll go to a salon.” She rounds the corner into the living room. Eyes him for a beat before settling next to him on the middle cushion. Her left hand reaches up to his hair, tugging at the ends. His hair isn’t the best it’s been—though there isn’t much of a contest, not since he was fifteen—it’s a little wiry, with several inches of dead ends, and already greying at the temples. But it’s still got the length to his shoulders and the bangs that curl inwards right above his eyebrows. Some definition, even. It’s still objectively good, for somebody who doesn’t always care about their hair.
She tugs again. “Mm, you should dye yours too,” Ella murmurs.
He startles and whips his head to her. ‘Absolutely not,” he adamantly refuses.
“Oh, c’mon, Dad,” she whines. “It doesn’t have to be your whole head, but it’d be like a friendship bracelet or something. Just get a streak and match with me. Please?”
“Wha—Hold on. You, my thirteen year old and angst-riddled teenager, wants to match with her dear old dad? Who—keep in mind—is nearing forty years old? Who you called an old fart the other day because he was reminiscing over ‘80s cartoons and explaining how CDs seem like a waste of time?” He incredulously asks. Eyes widening further with each word. His hands reach out and squeeze her cheeks, lift up her arms, twist her head left and right. “Who’s sitting on my couch right now? This certainly can’t be my kiddo,” he murmurs.
She rolls her eyes, swatting him away. The attitude on this girl is unbelievable. He almost wants to go over to the landline and call up Wayne and apologize for how he acted as a teenager. But he just quirks an eyebrow, cross his arms over his chest, and waits. Ella shrugs. “I just…I just want to do it. And I know I can be a brat or a butthead or whatever, but I do actually care a lot about you,” she admits quietly. “And…”
Then, she goes silent. Contemplative and squirmy. As if she doesn’t want to say the next part aloud.
“And?” Eddie searches.
“And I hear you sometimes talking to Grandpa Wayne about how you…You don’t know how to ‘connect’  with me. You always sound so sad and then you sound even sadder when you bring up how Mom…Before she left, how she could get me in an instant. And I just. I don’t know; I don’t want you to think there’s this distance between us,” she murmurs. “This is me offering a bridge, I guess.”
He swallows back the golf ball sized lump in his throat. Blinks rapidly. Eddie didn’t think she heard him, considering it was always so late at night. When all the neighborhood kids in Hawkins were asleep. But he realizes teenagers are going to be teenagers, staying up past their bedtime, eavesdropping. At least she isn’t sneaking out through her bedroom window like he did.
Something in him breaks, though.
She’s thirteen and too adult for his liking.
“I’ll do it, kiddo,” he agrees gently. “There’s a salon around the corner. We’ll go there this weekend, promise. Now, go do your homework before you make your old man cry.”
“You’re not old,” she grumbles, standing. “You’re just stuck in the past,” she states, retreating to her room. And then the door clicks behind her and Eddie’s left to stuff his crumbled pieces back inside, in the jar of his heart.
——— Come Saturday, he’s got two appointments made for them. Back to back. At first, he was unsure of who should go first. Out of safety, he had wanted to, but then Ella was just a bit too eager. And he knew that making her wait would be pointless.
He’s nervous, though, even as he parks in front of the salon. With the little plastic bag from the Sally’s down the street. The little tubs of bright red Manic Panic, bleach, and toner knocking against each other. Not once in his entire life has he thought about dyeing his hair or messing with it beyond shaving, trimming, and washing it. Has never considered the idea that his daughter would be someone who’d be interested in changing up her hair, too. All this to say he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
“We’re going to be late for our appointments if you wait out here any longer,” Ella, oh so helpfully, reminds from the passenger seat.
“Are you sure you want to go first? This is a big change, you know. And maybe you’ll see the dye in my hair and realize you actually don’t—“
The passenger door opens and slams behind after her. He’s left in the driver’s seat to gape momentarily. Staring at his daughter impatiently waiting on the sidewalk. She gestures to the glass doors of the salon. The Pandora’s box of doors—a portal to the world of Harrington’s Salon. (Which—where has he heard that name before?) Ella’s arms point firmer at the open sign and the doors again. “Let’s go!” She yells at him through the windshield. He has no other option but to just get out and follow her in.
Immediately, the smell of aftershave hits his nostrils. That and hairspray. The lights are sort of bright. And the chairs are each aligned to their own mirrors. What hits him hard, however, is the person that emerges from the back room. Their hair is the first thing Eddie notices. Puffed up, held in place, yet soft and bouncing with his steps. Then his face—creased with smile lines and fitted with hazel honey eyes, a straight triangular nose, and pink pouting lips. Moles on his body, a few random freckles to match. His clothes are neat, but not stereotypical douchebag neat. Pressed blue henley overtop a white undershirt of sorts, tucked into a pair of worn in light wash jeans, and some dirties older Nike Cortez’s.
But most of all:
It’s Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington from high school. From a time when they were barely acquaintances, just stranger that caught each other staring; with malice, Eddie was never sure. Except, he’s older. Grayer throughout that beautiful head of hair, where his highlights used to be. His smile lines obviously deeper.
The moment of realization hits Steve, too. Instead of looking upset to see Eddie, though, he looks immeasurably happier. He smiles wide and inviting. Steps further towards the front counter and ushers them over.
“So, you two are my twelve and twelve-thirty appointments? The…Munson’s, right?” Steve asks brightly.
Eddie splutters for an embarrassing moment. Finally, though, he takes a deep breath. Answers, “Yeah, uh—Yeah. It should be under Edward, though? Or…it might be Eddie. I actually don’t remember which name I gave, I—“ He stops himself when he catches a quick glimpse of Ella’s face. Her eyes wide and an eyebrow quirked. Hip popped and arms crossed over her chest. “Yeah, Eddie Munson. And she’s Ella. She should be the one scheduled first, though for a full head dye job? We brought our own supplies, as I was told over the phone. Except, I dunno if I’ve got the right bleach and toner? I’m actually not sure if…I don’t know what I’m doing, honestly—“
Steve chuckles. His eyes squint with the stretch of his ever glowing smile. “It’s alright, Eddie. As long as you have the dye you’d like to use, I’ve got bleach and tools. Now…the question is, have we ever used bleach before? Or am I working with virgin hair?”
Before Eddie can even get the chance to take a breath, Ella is responding for them. “This is my first time. Dad’s been really strict about me ever using hair dye. It was a reeaalll hassle to convince him to do this. And an even bigger one to convince him to get a matching streak.”
“Okay, well, hopefully with my handy skills, the convincing won’t take as long. If you’re ready, Dad and Ella, I can get you guys situated in my chairs. I’ll start out with doing a test strip of bleach on your head, and if that ends up being a fail, then I can get started with using color immediately,” Steve explains. His voice stays light, despite essentially doing customer service. But he begins to walk slowly back towards one of the further most chairs, gesturing for Ella to sit down. She does, a soft smile plastered to her face, and then Steve ties an apron around her shoulders.
He follows hesitantly, sitting down in the adjacent chair, turned to watch. Hands over the bag of supplies when asked and waits with baited breath for Steve to survey his work.
“Hm,” Steve grunts. “This all looks good to me,” he murmurs. “I’m honestly so relieved you guys went with Manic Panic. This stuff is such a good first time dye and it’s not boxed. You would not believe the amount of botched dye jobs I’ve seen in the last decade or so all because of boxed colors. Honestly, those companies should be sued or something.” Eddie feels something stir low in his belly—something mixed with enamor with how Steve is genuinely excited to explain and do his work. Never, in a million years, would Eddie expect to see them here like this.
“Dad insisted on the Manic stuff. I almost made my friend smuggle in some boxed hair dye in my school’s restroom,” Ella confesses, a little breathy and nearly amused. She doesn’t look at Eddie at all, but he hopes that she feels his disapproving glare like daggers.
When there isn’t a response, Eddie drifts his sight over to Steve. Though, he isn’t concerned, instead finding him hyper-focused on his craft. He’s carefully grabbing a lock of Ella’s hair between his fingers. Checking it over to make sure it’s well hidden, in case this doesn’t work out. His tongue is poking out between his pouting lips, eyes squinted on his task, and eyebrows furrowed for the challenge. Once he finally finds a good enough chunk, he whispers, “A-ha!” And clips it to stand-out.
“So…” Eddie starts the conversation again, dragging out the word. He pats his hands down on his thighs. “How long does a test strand take?”
“For best results,” Steve mutters, now looking over the container of bleach, “I like to wait forty minutes. Just to ensure that there really isn’t any sort of reaction to the product. Longer means safer and that means I can sleep at night knowing I didn’t give a kiddo a bald spot or a chemical burn.” And then he looks over to Eddie, flashes him a quick and easing smile. He steps away for a moment, returning with an apron dutifully draped over himself, and begins mixing the product with something Eddie didn’t even grab.
“What’s that?” He asks.
Steve hums. “It’s developer. Don’t worry, it’s the same brand as the powder solution you brought. I can tell—“ He sets his little bowl of product down on the nearby counter. Faces Eddie as he puts on some latex gloves. “—That you’re nervous. I’ve been doing this for years, I know what I’m doing. Honed my craft real well.”
Eddie juts his chin up once in silent approval. And then he just sits back and watches.
This guy is an artist in his craft. He’s really undersold the whole “I’ve been doing this for years” gig. Steve is so gentle, so careful with Ella. He’s quick, efficient. Yet focused and tedious. It’s in the way he paints the mixture onto her hair, holding the hair between his fingers, how he really rubs the bleach in. In the calculated cut of foil he settles around the strand. How he puts all the utensils away, cleans up his equipment, hangs his apron up, and then comes back over to assess.
“Alright,” Steve sighs, over checking the foil. “We’ll keep that on there for forty minutes, my timer’s been set and is ticking. And then we’ll come back, rinse that out with cold water, and see how the hair reacted. If it worked, we can go ahead and bleach the whole head, same regime, and tone it afterwards.”
“And the color?” Eddie asks quietly.
“Hm,” Steve grunts again. He sticks his right hip out and places both of his hands on the waistband of his jeans. “I think,” he states slowly, “I think we should wait just a day or two for color.” He looks over to Eddie, eyes considerate and his face thoughtful. “Since her hair is new to this kind of treatment, we should take things a little easier. Usually, I’d go right in with the color after bleaching, but again—Virgin hair.”
“What about Dad?” Ella butts in. “His hair is also new to this kind of stuff.”
“Oh?” Steve asks curiously. “Really? I thought you would’ve done something funky to your hair, considering your whole…The whole aesthetic you’ve had for, what seems like, years.”
“Well,” Eddie murmurs sheepishly. He shrugs. His cheeks are heated and his stomach is flipping with all of Steve’s attention on him. “I’ve always really loved how my hair’s looked. Reminds me of my mom, so.”
Steve’s gaze softens. Something like remembrance flashes over his face before settling back to a gentle thing. “Well, I’ll make sure to be careful with your hair, too,” he promises softly. “Yours should actually be done today. Considering it’s only one little strip, nothing too extravagant. I’ll test your hair with the bleach, too. Let me just head in the back and prepare another bowl of product for you. Be back in a jiffy.”
It’s weird having Steve Harrington be nice to him, considering the status he held in high school. But Eddie supposes that when time passes and circumstances change, you have to, too. And he thinks it’s accurate to say that Steve’s a changed man, with how gentle he is with the people around him. Even a person he may have never known, never gotten along with. It’s all the better when he comes back into the main part of the salon, gloves on, bowl of bleach in hand, and the softest of smiles adorning his features.
Eddie doesn’t stand a chance. Whatever inevitable heartbreak comes from this, at least he’ll know what Steve’s fingers feel like in his hair.
Ella leans over before Steve makes it to them. Whispers, “Dad, close your mouth. You’re practically drooling.”
“Wh—Huh?” He dumbly says.
She smacks his knee with the back of her hand, punctuating each word with another slap. “Stop. Ogling. My. Stylist.”
“I can do whatever I want, miss ma’am. I am an adult, mind you.”
Her eyes roll so hard, he fears they may just pop out of her skull. “Can you at least wait until after my head is bleached to do your weird flirting?”
“It’s not weird, Ells. Besides, even if I were flirting, I wouldn’t have the time. My hair’s gonna be a quick thing anyway.”
She goes to reply, but Steve sidles up beside her. Sets his bowl on the counter and looks to Eddie once more. “You ready to test this in your hair?” He asks, voice polite.
He nods like a loose spring. “Uh—Yeah, yeah, sure,” he squeaks out. “Just…Just a little nervous, is all. Like you said. Y’know. Nerves.” His palms are sweating like they may just be able to put out a damn fire. And he wonders, for the first time in ages: When did I get so out of practice? Eddie’s seeing this guy for the first time since their mutual senior year, a time when they weren’t even friends, and he can’t keep the humiliation out of his flirting. If it’s even flirting, that is.
“Hey,” Ella speaks up, “would it be alright if I sit in the waiting area with some headphones in?” She gives Steve a polite expression, but when she makes eye contact with Eddie it’s more of a: I’m Saving Myself the Embarrassment of This Reaction. He should’ve known that she’d pull something like this, she typically does if Eddie’s having a good interaction with somebody. How he didn’t spot her walk in with her Discman and some headphones, he’ll never know. But there they are, being gestured to in her lap, and her eyes gleaming softly for Steve to be tricked by. “I’ll make sure to avoid the foil in the back,” she tacks on for good measure.
And it works on Steve because her little gags always work on new people. He shrugs, smiles softly, and gestures loosely to one of the waiting area chairs. “I mean, knock yourself out. Could always sit here, but uh—“ He crouches down and leans in close, dropping his voice to a faux whisper. “—Between me and you, your dad is being a little embarrassing, huh?”
“Hey!” Eddie squawks.
Ella is amused, to put it lightly. She grins, holding back a snort. Eyes gleaming with something like mischief now. “Yeah,” she sighs as if she’s actually put out. “Guess I should just dump him on you for now. But you know what you’re doing, so it should be fine. Volume will be up, so just tap me or something.” When she walks past Eddie’s chair, he knows she’s fighting the urge to stick her tongue out at him.
He does it back anyway. Because he’ll always be the bigger child, if he can help it.
Steve pats his shoulder, his hand lingering. “Don’t worry,” he says, voice normal again, “I don’t actually think that of you. I think…You being nervous about both of you guys is actually kinda sweet.”
Eddie snorts. “You don’t have to save face, man. She got my attitude, she’ll use it to her advantage. If she can ‘charm’ you into dealing with me, she will. Just the ways of a teenage girl with a dad ‘stuck in the past’, so she put it a few days ago.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll still be careful. Do you want me to get started on that test strip?”
He sighs, untenses his shoulders. “Actually,” Eddie begins. “I’ve been kind of eyeing myself in the mirror the couple of times you’ve gone into the back. And I was wondering if I’d be able to get a little trim? I’ll pay you for the extra work, of course! But I…God, it’s been a while.”
Above him, Steve hums. His eyes roam, calculating. He peels off his left latex glove and plucks some of Eddie’s dead ends. Thumb working over the wiry hair. “I can, of course I can. How much are you willing to take off? Might be a good…Hmm, two inches?”
“Where would that put me length wise? Sorry, I just don’t know much about hair. Let alone how many inches I’ve got to work with.”
For a moment, Steve smirks. Yeah, yeah. That’s what she said, Eddie thinks. He gently swipes up a good couple inches from the same strand he’s been working with. And his face goes serious and contemplative again. “Think that would put you right at your collarbones,” he muses. “And, if you really are nervous, I could always bleach and dye your streak when she comes in next.”
Steve nods gently. “Yeah. I’m practically a hair wizard, I can do anything. Which includes doing your strand on top of her full dye.”
Eddie sighs, relieved. His heart’s been rabbiting behind his ribs for the better part of half an hour. It definitely doesn’t help that his high school crush is also his stylist today. Doesn’t help that he’s making nerd references while being gentle with Eddie’s little silent freakout. But gosh does it sound nice to not go head first into this. “Please, Steve,” he murmurs, “I just need a trim today. Nothing else.”
Fingers rake from the top of Eddie’s head down to his shoulders. Steve’s left hand resting heavily on his shoulder afterwards. “Let me go ahead and dispose of the product mixture, alright? Just get yourself comfortable and I’ll take care of you.”
If something awakens in the butterfly storm of Eddie’s stomach, he’ll never say. But he does indulge Steve’s request. Leans back fully into his salon chair. Spreads his legs a little to make sure he doesn’t need to readjust himself during the trim. Closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. And by the time they’re opened again, Steve is back with an apron for Eddie’s clothes. He lets him drape it over silently. Relishing in their slow, mingled breaths. And the brush of Steve’s warm fingers to Eddie’s bare neck.
Steve is warm, solid, and soft. His face is immeasurably cute. Tongue poking out, eyebrows furrowed, squinting at the ends of Eddie’s hair. He breathes gently by Eddie’s ear. Fingers soothing and careful. Whenever they get caught in a tangle, he just quickly detangles it, doesn’t scold Eddie or sigh at him (like some other stylists have done in the past). For that, Eddie’s even more thankful than he thought he could ever.
What really makes him nearly squirm is when Steve bends down in front of him. Putting one another at direct eye level. He pinches the ends of Eddie’s bangs. Snips them. Combs them, even. Up close, Eddie can see how deep Steve’s smile lines really go. Where his crow’s feet are beginning to develop. The fine stubble above his upper lip. Every little strand of slivery grey in his hairline. Up close, Steve’s even more gorgeous than Eddie remembers.
“You do these yourself?” Steve asks softly, his voice deep and warm.
“Yeah,” Eddie murmurs back, “been doing them in my bathroom since…Probably since freshman year of high school, honestly.”
A thoughtful grunt-hum. “They’re really good for somebody who doesn’t do this professionally,” Steve whispers. “I mean, I assume you aren’t a stylist.”
Eddie snorts. “God, no. I know how to take care of my hair, for the most part, and Ella’s. That’s all I do. I’m actually a mechanic nowadays.”
“Oh? You don’t do music anymore?” Steve asks, now standing back up, walking behind Eddie’s chair. His fingers rake through the bottom of Eddie’s curls again. And then he grabs the comb inside of his apron.
Eddie stops completely in his tracks. Frozen in his chair. Cheeks flushing. “How do you remember that I do music?” He asks quietly.
It finally hits Steve, too, what he said. His fingers halt and his cheeks blush and his eyes go wide where they meet Eddie’s in the mirror. “Uh,” he eloquently states. “I—Um. My best friend and I used to go to your bar shows? I-I thought you were really good.”
“Steve Harrington thought my crummy bar shows were good?”
“Well…Yeah? You were the best of the best when it came to the music lineups every night.”
“Every night?!” Eddie asks incredulously. “You were in the Hideout watching my stupid bar shows and I never saw you once? Are you pulling my leg right now?”
“No? Of course I’m not, Eddie. I used to see your Corroded Coffin posters in the halls and around town every once in a while and I thought, y’know, what if I stopped in there once? And so I did and you were really cool—I mean really good. I was just intrigued, man. I really wanted you to make it big,” Steve rambles. His fingers are still in Eddie’s hair, not stopped anymore, mindlessly combing. And his whole face is tomato red.
And even though he’s a little bit embarrassed, he’s still beautiful to Eddie.
Eddie blinks, taking in the information. Licks his lips, noticing the way Steve’s eyes follow the action. There’s tension here, Eddie can discern. The kind, he isn’t sure. “You should’a said hello, man. Maybe I would’ve done a private show for you.”
He spikes with pride at Steve’s continued flush, as it colors down his neck. Steve looks down to Eddie’s hair. Gently brushing both of his hands, palm and all, from the scalp to the ends. There’s a small smile on his face, graceful and pleased. “Maybe,” he murmurs. “But I doubt it. I mean, I was an asshole, Eddie. To people like you. Even if I did change by the time we shared a senior year, you probably would’ve…It doesn’t matter.” He goes back to snipping at Eddie’s dead ends. Focused on his task. “If I were a nicer guy, we could’ve been friends.”
At that, Steve goes silent again. Combing out the trimmed, loose hair. Even as it isn’t necessary. Even though Eddie knows he’ll be going home and showering after this. But he hums. “We can be friends now, though,” Eddie states quietly. “You seem like a good guy, Steve. Even if I don’t know you all that well, not yet, I can just tell that you are. You’re good with my little girl, you aren’t being an ass about me being nervous. You’re good, Steve. We should hang out.”
When he’s finally done, Steve stands at Eddie’s right side. Scissors and comb dutifully put away. His hands are on his hips again, looking down at Eddie with a quizzical expression. “You’d really want to be friends with me?”
Eddie shrugs. “Sure, why not? I live just around the block. And I’ve got a lot of free time after work in the week. Let’s make a statement—Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson are friends.”
He gets this sweet little grin on his face. Eyes squinting with the action. “Yeah, okay,” Steve huffs. “Sure, I want to be friends. Maybe take you up on that private show some time?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Eddie says, a little too quiet. A little too real. But he smiles. And knows, looking at Steve’s matching face, that he’s entirely fucked.
✂️—————✂️ Taglist is Open for this fic! (Comment to be added, please <3)
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taeskooksbin · 10 months
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you respect his fucking relationship. yes you do.
i kept telling myself over and over again and searched up his details, according to the media, kim taehyung is over thirty nine years old.
and so fucking handsome.
he had a god-like body, out of the world facial features and perfect fashion sense, he almost seemed perfect. he was a well known lawyer, not only in korea, not only in italy but all around the world, everyone knew him.
he was truly a whole package of brain and beauty, a package that clearly did not belong to me.
i bit my nails anxiously and searched up another thing that was making me interested and nervous.
kim taehyung and ciandra park.
almost immediately swarms of pictures of taehyung and ciandra took over my laptop screen.
his girlfriend, ciandra, was pretty, no wait she was gorgeous. no wonder she was his girlfriend. she was over twenty seven, had a perfect symmetrical face which almost made me insecure as well, almost.
glass like tender skin almost pale like paper, perfect pair of plump lips and the most enchanting eyes ever. she had a lean and slim figure, her thin arms standing out of the most and most importantly her height.
she had no breasts whatsoever but her hips did stand out, long and healthy black hair complimenting the pale skin.
i searched her up and it turns out she was a model. of course. however to top all of the 'insecurity' that was building up in me, she also had her own fashion line, not quite popular but it did well, she was pretty-much known in business with over ninety something followers on instagram.
damn, i'm nothing in front of her, no wonder he chose her.
disappointment filled me to the brim after getting to know he was in a relationship, i mean not like i was planning on getting with him, but i did raise my hopes to at least flirt with him.
nevermind, alex will do for now.
"once again, how much older is he than you?" aurora asked while looking at her nails that were almost done. "twenty years" i answered back. "oh, well atleast he's handsome right?" she said.
"very much" i answered back while sophia kept doing our nails. "very well then, he isn't married right? you can shoot your shot" she said while sophia looked at us and then back at her work.
"he has a girlfriend" i sighed as i slightly rolled my eyes, "it doesn't matter 'ella, if he cheats on his girlfriend with you, that ain't your fault" she replied back.
"i don't know 'rora, it might be your thing but it's a no for me, truly" i sighed while trying my best to look at the bright side.
but no matter how much i try, he is just a forbidden fruit that i can never have.
"well it's alright but remember, if he flirts, then flirt back"
it was thursday and i was shirtless scared, although aurora's idea was slowly taking over me. i mean it's not my fault if he flirts with me now is it?
of course i'm not gonna make the first move but if he does it then who am i to stop? right? well, then a little bit of seducing wouldn't hurt anybody.
ugh i'm so stupid to think that he would even glance at me while leaving his model girlfriend. he wouldn't allow a dumb nineteen year old to destroy his perfectly made relationship.
but nevertheless, i got up and took out a green sleeveless dress which revealed the majority of my cleavage and ended till my knees. 'perfect' i thought as i stared at my reflection.
i was halfway through imagining my victory when i heard the main door opening, "he's here 'ella!" i heard mom yell from the kitchen and ran downstairs only to stare at the godly figure in front of me.
"fiorella, pleased to meet you" he smiled to which i smiled back at, politely.
"likewise, mr. kim" i smiled and he shook his head, "please call me taehyung" he smirked and leaned down to leave a peck at my cheeks which had my knees trembling.
i took a sniff at the expensive cologne he was wearing, only if i could wake up to this smell surrounding my whole body. not once did he glance down at my exposed legs or my cleavage which surely left me disappointed.
at least, he's loyal.
"well, where are we gonna start now?" he asked and leaned back, "will dad's office room work?" i said and he nodded. "of course, i just need to focus you anyway" he smiled and we walked to father's office room.
after reaching there, i took a note - not once did he try to stare at my cleavage of my bottoms that i was trying to use to seduce him desperately.
he saw the organised and really neat books and the things that were kept there which i made sure doesn't looks messy, he chuckled "i could not even imagine how much you were disappointed at your grades"
he looked over at where he was staring and smiled, "oh i bet you can't". he picked up one of the books, "i'm getting ptsd just by looking at it" he said while i chuckled.
"can you show me your result again? i need to know the area of improvement" he asks and takes a seat at one of the chairs while i nodded and walked to the table to grab my pad and handed him the results.
we went through the whole exam and re-solved the questions together, two minutes into it and i was feeling damn stupid.
i cursed myself fully knowing that i studied way too hard for this exam and didn't do a single thing correctly.
when we received the results, i heard the degrading chuckles of the teachers and smug faces of the people who deteriorated me into saying that i'd be better off as a housewife. the teachers were really cruel though.
"i'm feeling so damn stupid" i said as i looked at the common mistakes i made which degraded my grades more than before.
"don't be darling, do you know how many times i had to re-do my exams?" he chuckled. "wait really?"
"of course, in college, i was way too immersed in all the bad things that were called the 'cool-kid things' back then, such as drinking, partying and being a playboy, i did everything but study which cost me a huge loss" he let out a laugh.
"but even though i suffered, i'd still say that a little bit of fun wouldn't hurt anybody, instead it will refresh your mind surely" he smiled.
"but despite all the obstacles and distractions, i still managed to get through, and i'm sure you would too" he smiled and kept a hand on my shoulder encouragingly, not once did his eyes slip from my face to the cleavage.
it made me ashamed of my acts, did i come out as too desperate? or should i dress up a hot more revealingly next time?
the grades and his gentleman-like behaviour was making me overwhelmed, i was upset not because i was ashamed of my acts but because i wasn't able to woo him.
stop doing this, he's committed.
"hey, why are you crying?" he looked at me with concern lacing his voice.
"i'm sorry" i muttered, "don't be, princess, i know how hard it is for you, it is for everyone but you would pass it no matter what, i do see a lot of potential in you to do so" he said while patting my head.
"yeah, i can be a baby sometimes" i said when the embarrassment rushed through me, my cheeks blushed since at this point i was totally giving off a vibe of some spoiled daddy's princess who didn't get what she wanted.
it was the grades, in my case.
"don't worry, we'll work this through, alright?" he said and held my cheeks in his hands wiping a tear off of my face. i nodded and refrained myself from pouting when he took his hand back.
girlfriend fiorella, fucking girlfriend.
"i'm giving you some homework for today, you need to prepare for the first portion of your test and i'll return with a test next week to make sure you got everything right, is that okay with you?" i nodded
"we need to change your study method as well so how about i stop by on monday to see how you're doing, how does that sound?" he said with a little smile to which i nodded.
"thank you" i smiled and stood up. "anytime darling" he replied and stood as well, totally towering my small figure which had me ogling for a second.
he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me a bit closer to which i slightly widened my eyes, my delusional mind already making up all the possible (not) scenarios of all the possibilities of him liking me back as i wrapped my own arms around him
and thank you for the sweet words as well" i whispered in his ears sniffing his cologne. i was a bit disappointed when he pulled back since it left me extremely empty and lonely.
"not really a gentleman like behaviour if you see a pretty girl crying and don't help her out, right?" he winked a bit playfully and then broke into a gorgeous boxy smile instantly making me fangirl over him.
shit, i'm going to seduce the fuck outta him.
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m4lted-cr3am · 2 months
Here's my take on Cindy.
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The one on the left is based on the 1950 animated Disney movie with the true colours, silver dress and dirty blonde hair, granted the hair on my version is more gold than dirty blonde but it's the closest I could get.
After I watched the 1997 remake of Roger and Hammerstein's Cinderella featuring Brandy I also started headcanoning Ella as black, as you can see on the image on the right.
The reason I made two is because these are both how I see Cinderella and I honestly can't pick between them.
So what do you think? Which do you prefer? Let me know.
✨The inspo pics✨
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futbol16 · 2 years
Favorite American  • Sophia Smith
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Request: could i request a Sophia smith one? where maybe reader is on england team and they play the usa and just alot of fluff?
Word count: 1,2k
“Where is my favorite American?” you called out as you spotted the USWNT doing their pitch inspection before the game later tonight. A cheery brunette bounces towards you with a blinding smile and you wait for her with your arms spread wide.
You pay no attention to the photographers taking pictures of the two of you as you catch Sophia and spin her around. The sweet giggles that escape her have you swooning and you eventually lower her to the ground to hug her better.
“I’m the only American you like though!” she points out, still holding onto your shoulders and you can’t resist kissing her any longer. Her hand cups the back of your neck as she kisses you back, her other hand gripping one of your arms that’s resting around her waist. A booming Ashley Sanchez comes barreling into you, excitedly wrapping an arm around your shoulders and your girlfriend smiles at how well the two of you get along.
“You love us Y/N, it’s okay” she sings, elongating the word love and you jokingly grimace at her as you ruffle her hair, still holding onto Sophia with one arm. 
“Love is a strong word, more like tolerate” Ashley’s offended gasp is accompanied with that of Trinity’s and you shoot the two an innocent smile. You feel Sophia squeeze your forearm and instantly your attention is back on her, forgetting about the other two next to you who continue teasing you. 
“Will I get this later?” Sophia tugs at your shirt as she pushes herself closer to you, her hands resting on your chest and a dopey smile takes over your features as her warm brown eyes study you. 
“Yeah, after we beat you guys” the smirk on your face drives Sophia crazy but she holds her ground.
“You mean after your team loses, right?” she cheekily corrects you and you hum along in fake agreement. Just as you’re about to open your mouth and argue your case a hyperactive Ashley pulls on your arm.
You turn to the blonde with a questioning look who points towards the tunnel where Ella stands, your teammate urging you to follow her and get changed into your warm up kit. 
“Gotta go babe, wait for me after I win this thing, yeah?” you ask her, pressing a quick kiss to those cheeks of hers and you smile to yourself as you notice the faint hints of a blush. She nods at you enthusiastically, Ashley and Trinity nodding along like you’ve also asked them.
“You and England are going down tonight Y/L/N!” Trinity calls after you and you take a second to turn back towards them, walking backwards towards the tunnel as you make sure to have the last word.
“Fear the English Rodman!” you send her a wink and you pretend to not see the middle finger she shows you as you continue your journey to the changing room. Still, the first thing you do before having to walk out for the game is giving the two of them a quick hug.
 When you get to your favorite brunette and pull her into a tight hug, one that lasts longer than what her friends got, your legs almost give out underneath you when she gives you a discreet kiss on the neck. 
“Good luck baby” she quietly mumbles to you and you give her a wide smile and a thumbs up, wishing her the same as you line up behind your England teammates.
Turns out, despite Sophia's equalizer the US are in bigger need of luck, all their efforts in vain as they’re called offside. However, as much as you feel for your girlfriend and your friends on the opposition, you can’t help but enjoy the rush of adrenaline and joy that comes with beating the USWNT for the first time since the World Cup semi-final.
When the game ends it’s only your team who are more ecstatic than the fans as they make their way around the stadium, thanking the fans that came to watch, smiles all around. 
Sophia knows she’s supposed to be at least a little down for losing but the bright look on your face forces a grin on hers and she waits for you to finish talking with Georgia before approaching you. 
Your smile falters when you see her and you’re ready to apologize for beating her team but the smile on her face confuses you. Sophia shakes her head at you, not even allowing you to get a word out before she congratulates you.
“You were great Y/N/N, I’m proud of you” she tells you sincerely as she pulls you into her side.
“You’re not mad?” 
“No, I think I’m more happy I could play with you, even if it was against you.” she shrugs as she looks you over.
“Even though you lost?” you playfully question because you know you have no reason to worry about upsetting her, she was happy for you.
“Ouch babe” she scrunches up her nose adorably and she lightly smacks you in the chest to punctuate it. 
“Sorry Soph, how can I make it right?” she chuckles at your words when you give her hand a squeeze and once again her answer is to pull at your shirt. When she looks at you expectantly you remember the promise you made her and in an instant you yank the England jersey off you and hand it to her. “For compensation” 
She laughs with you but as she makes no move to remove her own shirt you finally question her. “Don’t I get yours?” 
“Nope” she pops the ‘p’ and gently swats your hand away that reaches for the hem of her shirt. “I think you look much better like this” she gestures to your topless half with a smirk and you roll your eyes at her antics.
It doesn’t take long for Ashley and Trin to join the two of you and the brunette jokingly slaps your abdomen. The action receives a harsh glare from Sophia while you only laugh with the blonde, Trinity holding her hands up innocently. 
“3-1 BABEYY!” you cheer loudly as Sophia swings your shirt over her shoulder. The other two make a face at your cheering.
“Rub it in Y/L/N” Trinity mutters, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Oh I will” you assure her as you high-five Ella when she walks past the four of you, your friend laughing along with your girlfriend. Ashley and Trinity both stick their tongues out at you but you shrug at them, turning back to Sophia. “I’ll be ready in five and then I’ll take you home, okay?” 
“Okay, meet you outside?” she asks and you nod at her giving her hand another squeeze and then you make your way towards the locker room to get ready. 
“You’re staying at Y/N’s tonight?” Ashley’s voice snaps Sophia out of her staring and she looks back to her friends.
“Yes, she wanted to make dinner for me and I’ve missed her” she admits as her face heats up in slight embarrassment, her friends knew just how much she’s been missing you. 
“I guess she has her ways of making up” Ashley comments and Trinity sniggers next to her. It’s Sophia’s turn to roll her eyes at her friends’ behaviors and she pushes the two in the direction of their own changing room, eager to get ready and go home with you. 
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sav-less · 7 days
🌀 OC - Ella Collins
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✦ Full Name: Ella Persephone Collins (she/her/hers)
✦ House: Ravenclaw
✦ Birthday: March 13, 1874
✦ Personality: Curious, ambitious, stubborn, intelligent, competitive, empathetic, witty, sarcastic, reserved unless she’s close with you.
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✦ Wand: Cherry wood, Dragon Heartstring core, thirteen inches, unyielding
✦ Blood Status: Muggle-Born Witch
✦ Special Powers: Ancient Magic (studying areas like pain desensitization and memory manipulation)
✦ Areas of Interest: Ancient Magic, Magical Theory, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Ancient Runes, History of Magic
✦ Dislikes: Potions (because why are they that serious)
✦ Patronus: King Cobra
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✦ Friendships: Canon compliant friendships, though she’d consider her best friend to be Natty.
✦ Partner(s): It takes them literal years to get it right, because they’re too similar and therefore need to grow independently, but it’s Sebastian. Time and time again, it’s Sebastian.
✦ Family: She knows her mom, but was raised in an orphanage until Hogwarts took her in (more in Lore). Father is unknown.
✦ Favorite Professors: After Professor Fig passed, she grew close with Professor Hecat. She goes to see her at least once a day, even if she doesn’t have her class that day. She’s a huge mentor for her. Honorable mention is Professor Sharp, who teaches her least favorite subject but is unfortunately VERY funny to her.
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✦ Overall features are dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and neutral undertones. In the summertime, her hair grows hues of burgundy and her eyes turn light like caramel. Her skin appears more olive than fair, matching her mother’s.
✦ Her hair is straight most of the time, but it curls dramatically in the heat and humidity. She typically wears it down, or messily in a pony tail. She rarely does anything else, even as complicated as a braid, unless it’s a special event.
✦ She has a birthmark on the inside of her left arm, small, almost shaped like the wing of a butterfly. Across her body are small moles that mirror Ominis’s. She has a scar on the side of her right thigh from an Ashwinder fight.
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✦ Ella’s mom was young, and struggled with different mental health disorders that weren’t treated properly given the time. As soon as Ella was born, she was taken to the nearest orphanage and her mother was admitted to a public mental institution. Her mother is a Muggle. She left Ella a letter to read for when she was older, explaining as much as she could about her condition and background. By the time Ella was old enough to read the letter and track down her mother, her mental state had completely deteriorated— she didn’t even remember she had a child.
✦ Her mother never told her anything about her biological father. And when she asked in person, all her mother could remember was that he was a ‘powerful man’. This leads her to believe he may have been a Wizard, but she’ll never be certain. Because she grew up a Muggle, unaware of the wizarding world, she’s always considered herself Muggle-born.
✦ She had always been able to feel her magic, but she didn’t know it was magic. She thought she was losing her mind, the way her mother did. So she never told anyone as she was afraid of getting sent away. And then she got her letter from Hogwarts. For days, she thought she was imagining it.
✦ Because she didn’t have many— or any, really— healthy relationships growing up, she was terrified of how quickly she grew attached to so many people. Natsai, Sebastian, Poppy, Ominis. Until the end of her 7th Year, she was positive she would lose it all if she so much as blinked.
✦ It didn’t help that she was growing attached while also fighting a Goblin Rebellion and the Ashwinders. Every day she left the castle knowing she may not come back. And then she lost Professor Fig, and her fears were cemented. She’d die for the people she loves, she’s fiercely protective of them, but in the end— she knows it’s always a real possibility that she’ll end up alone. No matter what she does.
✦ Falling in love was the worst. She never expected it, and so she couldn’t prepare for it. And Sebastian was all in immediately— never shying away from his feelings for her— he was passionate, intense, unconditional. She denied her feelings for a long time, and it was messy— knowing how they are— but it eventually came together when they realized how exhausting it was to simply be apart.
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✦ Per that one website, characters closely similar to Ella are: Lena Luthor, Natasha Romanoff, Elizabeth Swann, Hermione Granger
✦ She is INFJ-T
✦ She was born at 3:03am. She’s a Pisces Sun, Capricorn Moon and Rising.
✦ She eventually goes on to research other forms of Ancient Magic across the globe, before returning to Hogwarts to teach Magical Theory and write papers on how archaic magic can improve society. (She thinks the Keepers are full of shit— and Isidora deserved better.)
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moneyque · 8 months
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— monique mitchell, task OO3: p1.
What is your full name?
Monique Ella Mitchell.
Where and when were you born?
May 23rd, 2000 in Canarsie, Brooklyn.
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Michael Mitchell is an infamous drug distributor who owns several clubs throughout New York City. He can be described as stoic, over-protective, and intimidating. Monica Mitchell was a registered nurse before she passed away but was described as nurturing, loyal, and had a lot of sass & cheek.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Monique is an only child.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
Monique lives in her penthouse condo in Los Angeles, California by herself.
What is your occupation?
Monique is currently a socialite, influencer and a model.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
Standing at 5’4 and a half, Monique has dark brown eyes as well as dark brown hair that runs past her shoulders. She identifies as black, race-wise, and weighs around 145 lbs. She has numerous tattoos scattered around her upper body— a symbol on the back of her neck, ‘MUSE’ underneath her collarbone, her ex-boyfriend’s name tracing her ear, & another small tribute to her former relationship on her hip, ‘get money or get lost’ on her forearm, the outline of a diamond on her finger, and ‘new york’ on her left hand. Her style of dress is definitely trendy/ahead of the trend, fly, anything and everything designer, flashy, revealing, and anything to show off her curvy figure.
To which social class do you belong?
She belongs to the upper class.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Are you right- or left-handed?
Monique is right-handed.
What does your voice sound like?
Monique has a distinct New York accent mixed with her somewhat high-pitched tone.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
‘Stop playing with me.’ ‘Ode.’ ‘Girl.’ ‘Cute.’ ‘Weird.’ ‘Real.’ ‘Likeee.’
What do you have in your pockets?
Dior Addict Lip Maximizer in the color ‘Holographic Pink’ with a matching compact mirror to go with it.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
Monique has a habit of flipping her hair or touching it. She also rolls her eyes constantly throughout a conversation and is overall very expressive with her facial features to a fault. Monique is very vain, so any time she gets a chance to look at herself or admire herself, she takes it. Monique makes it a point not to wear the same purse/handbag two days in a row. Another defining characteristic about her would be the color pink being incorporated into every single aspect of her life in almost a childish manner.
How would you describe your childhood in general?
Monique’s early childhood was a rough start for her. At the time, her father was still dealing with the loss of his wife/her mother as well as being a dope boy on the corner trying to bring in a steady income for his new born daughter. Initially, they struggled, living in the projects, surviving off of food stamps and a necessity-only lifestyle. Despite that, Michael always made sure Monique never wanted for anything. So, the transition from the projects to their penthouse in Brooklyn in her late adolescent years was somewhat smooth for her.
What is your earliest memory?
Monique’s earliest memory would be opening presents on Christmas at Sakari’s house, where she celebrated with both Sakari and Josiah’s family. Her father had just gifted her a Barbie DreamHouse, which sparked up her love for the doll/franchise.
How much schooling have you had?
Monique has been in school her entire life up until now, the highest point she reached being her B.S in Business and B.A Communication.
Did you enjoy school?
The only aspect Monique enjoyed about school was meeting up with her friends, or hanging out with them afterwards. She viewed school as mandatory and experienced a lot of pressure from her father to be a straight A/B+ student throughout her years in school.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
Monique learned a lot from her best friend Josiah, as far as street smarts, gang life, and how to make money.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
Monique’s father was her biggest role model. As well as Josiah. She also considered Barbie a role model to her, in the sense that she was perfect, very feminine, had it all, and could be whatever she wanted.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
Monique got along with her dad very well, he was one of her best friends up until she reached high school. Which is when she started to take note of how overbearing, overprotective, controlling, and stubborn he was, which ultimately led her down the path of deceit and dishonesty.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Monique wanted to be rich.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
As a young girl, Monique loved gymnastics, exploring the city and watching classic movies with her dad.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
Monique displayed traits of resilience, sass, being outspoken, very saddity, and very adventurous.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
Monique was popular amongst her peers, throughout her childhood, mainly because she was always in the latest, had the best clothing, and appeared to live a lavish lifestyle. However, she always kept her friend group short. Her main friends were Josiah Reeves and Sakari Vaughn, but they grew to be like family to her. She kept very few close friends in school and mainly hung around the older crowd that she was introduced to.
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Her first kiss was from one of the boys in her neighborhood at the age of six.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
Monique isn’t a virgin. She lost her virginity to her first boyfriend when she was 15.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Monique considers moving out of the projects the most important event in her life so far.
Who has had the most influence on you?
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Monique considers establishing herself as a brand, a household name and being able to make money off of just being herself one of her greatest achievements.
What is your greatest regret?
Monique has no regrets.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Monique sold her ex-boyfriend’s social security number and pushed a girl down a flight of stairs causing her to sprain her wrist.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
Monique has been to jail for stabbing a woman in the arm, but her father got her record expunged.
When was the time you were the most frightened?
Monique was most frightened during her first car accident during a speed race.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
Her ex boyfriend’s mom walked in on them having sex when she was 16.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
Monique would change how fast she grew up. Monique feels like she rushed into being a grown up, and faced harsh realities very early on. She feels as though she didn’t get to experience ignorance and innocence for long.
What is your best memory?
When her dad bought her a G Wagon, her first car, when she was seventeen.
What is your worst memory?
Being in school and finding out her best friend had gotten shot, and was in critical condition at the time.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
Monique tends to lean towards the pessimistic side, even though she’s working on it, she finds it easier to see and expect the worst.
What is your greatest fear?
Monique’s greatest fear is her father passing away and letting her guard down and then being hurt by someone she loves or trusts.
What are your religious views?
Monique isn’t spiritual at all but believes in God.
What are your political views?
Monique shares liberal political views.
What are your views on sex?
Monique sees sex as something somewhat sacred to her but fun. She doesn’t have sex with just anyone, she’s very calculated with whom she shares her body but she’s also accepting of people who think differently when it comes to sex, and sex work in general.
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
Monique isn’t a killer but when she’s pushed to the limit, it’s no telling what she’ll do or is capable of doing. Killing is acceptable when it’s to protect one’s self or someone else, and is unacceptable when it’s senseless.
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
The most evil thing a human being could do is maliciously harm the harmless.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
Monique does believe in true love and soulmates.
What do you believe makes a successful life?
To Monique, having a successful life is accomplishing what they want/set their mind on and acquiring wealth while doing so.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
Monique is usually very honest with how she feels or thinks, especially if she feels like she has the right to be or is justified in her thought process. If she has any doubts in her mind, she’ll keep it to herself and deliberate amongst her trusted friends and loved ones before communicating it.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Monique is biased & prejudice against men, in general.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
Monique absolutely refuses to do anything that 100% comprises her self-respect or whatever she considers beneath her. She holds herself to a certain standard and any time that standard or boundary is pushed, she’s quick to attack the situation or retreat.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
Monique would die for her father, only.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
Monique is very standoffish and keeps everyone at a distance but still is polite/kind and considers herself approachable. Her treatment of them changes depending on how she perceives them, if they are friends or closer, or if she wants to get to know them romantically/financially.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
The most important person in Monique’s life is her father because time after time again, he’s proven to be the most genuine, solid and stable person in her life.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Monique respects her father the most, because of all the things he has risked and done for her to be where she’s at today. He could’ve just given up after his wife/her mother passed and stayed stagnant, and hindered her, but he’s put everything on the line to make sure she had what she wanted at all times and nothing/no one could supersede that.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
Monique’s friends are Asiah Porter, Josiah Reeves, and Sakari Vaughn. She views Josiah as her best friend.
Josiah is an older brother figure in Monique’s life, the second man in her life who took care of her, protected her and introduced her to the street life, fast money, and everything she’s known growing up. Monique sees Josiah as selfless, reliable, solid and loyal.
Sakari is the older sister figure in her life who’s always stuck by her side growing up. Sakari and Monique share similar home situations and upbringings which only brought them closer, as well as their fathers being close friends, and former business partners. Monique would describe Sakari as nurturing, soft-spoken, and not quick to express how she really feels.
Asiah Porter is Monique’s former roommate, she met Asiah through Sakari and once Monique moved to L.A., they formed a strong bond. Monique views Asiah as her partner in crime and a listening ear whenever she needs one. To Monique, Asiah is often the voice of reason, has juvenile tendencies, and is very friendly.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
Monique is single.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
Monique has been in love three times. The first time was with her first boyfriend, rapper Artist Dubose, who she dated for five years consecutively and thought she was going to spend her life with but they broke up due to both sides taking things too far and being disrespectful. The second time was with an on and off again situationship that ended up becoming more serious than she had originally intended it to be. She realized she was in love as she broke things off with him, due to internal issues. Lastly, Monique was in love with her ex-boyfriend of nine months, which also started off as harmless but eventually turned into something deeper. However, towards the end of the relationship, fights broke out that revealed issues with their relationship, resulting in her ending things with him.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
Monique looks for a provider, someone who's consistent, with a charming personality. Someone who shares similar traits to her father, someone who will defend her blindly whenever need be, someone who will cherish, reassure her, and exercise patience with her and not give up on her. She also looks to see if they trick.
How close are you to your family?
Monique is extremely close with her father, being that he’s the only family she’s ever really known or had. Monique is familiar with her mother’s side of the family but doesn’t have a close bond with them due to them not being as fond of her father and his occupation.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
Monique hasn’t started a family and doesn’t wish to at the moment, simply because she’s currently too selfish to have kids at the moment. Pregnancy scares her.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Monique would turn to her father or her best friend.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
Monique trusts her father or Josiah just because they have shown her things in the past that make her feel comfortable with them doing so. Her father’s shielded and protected her, her entire life, treating her as if she was fragile and Josiah has fought for her many times before.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Monique believes the entire world would miss her.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Monique despises her entire block list, and people who don’t like her in general because she feels as though they’ve picked unnecessary problems with her.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Monique would 100% argue with someone and by no means avoids conflict.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Monique leads herself in social situations, she wouldn’t try to control the crowd unless she’s being paid to host. Amongst her ‘peers’, she does her own thing or keeps her distance.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
Monique doesn’t mind interacting with large groups of people, she’s used to entertaining a large crowd because of her social position what she does for work, and who she is. She doesn’t necessarily like being around a lot of people, and if she had the choice, she’d stay by herself.
Do you care what others think of you?
Monique cares about how she's perceived, not necessarily about what others think of her. This means she cares about the impression she gives and the vibe she projects, but she doesn't necessarily care about how people personally interpret it.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
stanway x reader where r is basically the back up cdm for england, only really plays that last few minutes of games if any so when keira gets injured at the wc, r freaks out because they have to go on and then play after until keira is back. maybe have georgia trying to comfort and hype up r before and then in one of the games where r plays the full 90, r makes like a big game saving tackle and georgia is super proud and happy for r after (you’re like carrying the woso fics on this app rn so thank you!)
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crucial touch II g.stanway
"babe i'll be lucky to even see the pitch this tournament, i'm the back ups backup and i know that. i knew it when i accepted the call up!" you smiled at your girlfriend who frowned back at you from where she stood at the end of your bed.
"but i'm just sayin maybe if ya just talk to sarina and make your case you could get a start!" georgia pushed, knocking your legs apart and crawling up the bed to sit herself between them looking down at you.
"are you telling me to go behind your best mates back to try and get a start over her? harsh." you whistled teasingly, panic flashing across your girlfriends face as she stammered out that wasn't what she meant.
"gee! baby relax, i'm only teasing." you laughed, sitting up and grabbing her hands to still her.
"i love you and i appreciate you going to bat for me but i promise i am just happy to be here. would minutes under the belt be amazing? of course. but is being in australia, training with the squad and being with some of my best friends and girlfriend every day also amazing? yes!" you squeezed her hands with a smile of assurance, frown still dented into her features.
"but you've had such a great season and moved to the european league baby and-" "no more buts, i'm not going out of my way to plead for minutes with sarina. i trust that she always knows whats best for the team, that was well proven in the euros and i felt so much pride even just watching from the stands." you'd torn your hamstring mid last season which had unfortunately meant you weren't fit for squad selection, but despite how hard it was at times to watch your friends and wish you were in their position you learnt a whole new set of valuable lessons.
"babe i promise i am okay." you continued when once again your girlfriend opened her mouth to argue, finally giving in with a sigh and a nod.
"georgia!" you laughed as she pushed you back down onto the bed and flopped her body on top of you. "m'tired baby, lets cuddle and have a nap." the girl patted your head as her own settled on your stomach and your hands threaded her hair tugging it out of the bun it once was.
"what happened to going to watch the sunset before dinner?" "well, it rises and sets every day doesn't it? i'll take ya tomorrow."
"did she just say its her knee?" you whispered to lotte who was sat beside you, eyes flashing with the same fear you knew was conveyed in your own as she nodded. "shit." you mumbled, biting your lip nervously as the medics rushed on toward keira.
your leg bounced anxiously as they called for a stretcher, your stomach falling as sarina gestured for laura to start warming up as one of the coaching staff hurried over to run her through the plays.
all of you on the bench sent smiles to keira as she was stretchered off and disappeared down the tunnel, the sub made official as laura ran on and everyone tried to shake off what happened.
"they could have given us a small break of time to reset, they're clearly shook up." you mumbled to lotte who hummed in agreement, both of you watching on with limbs locked tight in stress.
thankfully the girls scraped by taking the 1-0 win against denmark and you didn't think you'd ever held your breath as long as until that final whistle blew ending injury time and the game.
you walked in between ella and georgia as you did your lap, thanking the fans, but you could tell that despite the smiles on everyones faces nobody was thinking about the win and rather worrying for how keira was.
and in particular if the team would see yet another victim to that dreaded three letter curse.
despite keira thankfully not having done her acl, she was under forced rest and a careful rehab program, and wouldn't be playing in the next game against china.
knowing that your teammate was okay had eased the mounting tension within the team and after a bonding day at the local zoo everyone was in high spirits.
which was likely what lead to the following 6-1 domination over china a few days later, everyone in even better spirits that night which was filled with karaoke, dancing and cheese boards much to lottes delight.
things took a more serious turn two days later at training when laura took a rather abrupt tackle from millie and headbutted the goal post, winding up with a concussion and with keira still not cleared to play that was how you found yourself sat across from sarina in one of the hotel meeting rooms.
she informed you'd not only be getting your first minutes of the tournament but would be in the starting eleven in tomorrow nights game. you had to ask her how to repeat herself making the dutch woman laugh and congratulate you, making a point to say she'd noticed that despite not playing you had still played a very crucial role within the team lifting morale.
still slightly in disbelief and pinching yourself with a sharp hiss you exited the room, making a beeline right towards your girlfriend who was mid darts game with niamh, ella and lucy.
with a wordless shake of your head you grabbed her hand, ignoring all of her questions and your friends teasing remarks behind you as you dragged her away from the game, staying silent right until the two of you were back in your room.
"baby whats goin on? you're bein very weird has somethin happened?" georgia asked for the tenth time, taking a seat on the edge of your bed as you shook your head and paced back and forth.
"oi, sit down and speak to me love ya gonna wear a hole in the carpet." georgia grabbed your hoodie and pulled you to stand between her legs, hands on the small of your back holding you there.
"i'm starting tomorrow." you blurted out with wide eyes, georgias own bugging nearly out of her head as her grip on you tightened. "you what!" she gasped out as you nodded firmly. "yeah, coombsy's still not cleared and neither is kei." you shook your head in disbelief.
"baby! you're starting in the fuckin world cup!" the breath was stolen from you as your girlfriend lovingly slammed you down onto the bed and jumped on top of you, kissing all over your face and mumbling how proud she was as you couldn't help but grin.
"wait!" you pushed her off and sat bolt upright. "what if i get injured? or i let in a goal? or i cause a penalty? or-" all of the worse case scenarios flew through your head, slamming around and around like a pinball machine.
"hey hey, stop that." georgia frowned, grabbing your face in her hands and forcing you to look at her. "you won't. you are so so brilliant, and hardworking, and passionate. it doesn't matter if this is your first start in a world cup or another match for bayern love, you tackle it the exact same way you enter any game. with your whole heart and ya head screwed on right!" georgia gently squeezed your cheeks and placed a tender kiss against your lips as you exhaled and collapsed into her.
"i'm starting tomorrow." "you're starting tomorrow, and you are gonna smash it baby."
the day of the match itself you were still a nervous wreck. word had spread of your start and in small groups all of the girls came over to congratulate and hype you up.
and as much as you appreciated each and every single one of them all of their hope and praise was just adding onto your existing nerves, which your girlfriend seemed to pick up on as she gently shooed everyone away, tucking you into her side at breakfast and changing the subject.
she made sure to sit beside you on the bus and walked you around the stadium for the pitch check with your fingers interlocked tightly with hers, swinging your hands together and distracting you with kisses when she noticed your mind start to wander.
right before warm ups your phone rang and you lit up seeing it was leah, you'd played with her for years at arsenal before taking the plunge to germany when both frankfurt and bayern came knocking.
so stepping out of the room the blonde gave you a stern talking to about believing in yourself and making the most of the opportunity the situation had presented you no matter how it came about.
and with that in mind you reset your headspace and tuned in, georgia sending leah a quick text thanking her as whatever was said worked as you now seemed your confident self when walking out for the line up.
unlike last match against china the game against nigeria was anything but easy. they were a fast and agile side and came out aggressive, so you did your best as a team to meet them like that but after a brutal 90 minutes it was still deadlocked at 0-0.
mary had been putting in a shift, everyone had, and with lj earning a red card you were down to 10 when they announced there would be extra time as a break was called and everyone huddled together on the sidelines.
sarinas words ringing in your ears you sucked up how much your body ached and readied yourself to go again, vowing to leave absolutely everything on the pitch as if it was the last game you ever played.
your chance came in the 118th minute as you missed a crucial tackle and one of the strikers snuck past you. you knew from watching her throughout the game where she'd likely shoot from so you diverted tactics.
you knew it was a risk but you had to trust your gut like always and sprinting down the length of the field on the opposite side your legs burned and ached but you just used that to spur yourself on.
sure enough it was a risk that paid off as the striker slotted the ball past mary who watched in horror as it slipped beneath her thigh and she crashed to the ground.
but you were there without even a millisecond to spare, the ball clipping the edge of your studs as you slid your body across goal and tapped it out earning them a corner but preventing the winning goal.
you only breathed once the referee signaled for nigeria to take their corner, your head slumping against the ground as you took a moment to reset and marys gloved hands hauled you up off the ground.
"you are a fucking superstar for that one mate." she grabbed your face and kissed your forehead with a loud mwah, brushing the grass off of you as you grinned and everyone set in for the corner which would be the last play of extra time.
your hands falling to lucy's waist you felt millies grab yours from behind, a defensive tactic which was yet to fail you as once again a goal was prevented with mary jumping to tap it over the top of the goal as the whistle blew yet again signalling the game would go to penalties.
you watched with baited breath, squished in between beth and millie as each kick was taken. you winced as your girlfriend missed, watching her face fall but sending her a reassuring nod and mouthing that you loved her.
beth, rach and chloe were next all sinking their kicks as chloes hit the back of the net with record speed and the stadium erupted into cheers, you'd done it and you lived to see another day, you'd won.
you raced right over to your girlfriend amid the celebrations who had the same idea, jumping onto her and wrapping your legs round her waist, both of you forgetting you'd just played over 120 minutes as her legs buckled and the two of you crashed to the ground.
"i am so so so fucking proud of ya!" georgia beamed, pressing her forehead against yours as you lay on the grass tangled up with one another. you were well aware of your surroundings but in her arms and by her side everything else slipped away, the two of you lost in one anothers eyes which shone with pride.
"can i kiss you?"
your girlfriend seemed taken aback by the question and your eyes widening you went to stand but your body locked up in surprise as her hand balled your jersey and tugged your lips to meet hers, neither one of you caring for a single moment what anyone thought.
in that triumphant moment all you had eyes for was each another.
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lookalikeds · 5 months
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      estrella   soto   is   a   twenty   five  year-old   figure   skater   in   new   york,   u.s.a.   they   were   brought   under   richard’s   care   when   they   were   only   five   years   old.   they   are   known   as   the   lookalike   because   they   are   lithesome   but   also   disillusioned.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BASICS   .
FULL   NAME.     estrella   luciana   soto. MEANING.     spanish  ,   “  star.  ” NICKNAMES.     ella  ,   ellie  ,   este  ,   ells  ,   she   accepts   any   and   all   variations. AGE.     twenty   five. BIRTHDATE.     seventh   of   march   in   the   year   nineteen   eighty. PLACE   OF   BIRTH.     tuscon  ,   arizona.  WESTERN   ZODIAC.     pisces. GENDER   IDENTITY.     cis   woman  ,   she   &   her. ORIENTATION.     demisexual   ,   biromantic. NATIONALITY.     american. SPOKEN   LANGUAGES.     english   and   spanish. OCCUPATION.     professional   figure   skater. CURRENT   RESIDENCE.     an   apartment   in   greenwich   village  ,   nyc   that   she   shares   with   her   occasional   skate   partner   turned   roommate   turned   situationship  ,   brando(n).
𓂅 *  ⋆  PHYSICAL   .
HEIGHT.     five   foot  ,   one   inch. BUILD.     petite  ,   fit  ,   lithe   -   particularly   on   an   ice   rink. FACE   CLAIM.     jenna   ortega. HAIR.     dark   brown  ,    an   almost   black   that   reaches   below   her   shoulders   with   curtain   bangs   to   frame   her   face.   generally   worn   in   loose   curls  and   half   up  ,   half   down   styles   that   can   be   easily   pinned   up   for   skating. EYES.     big  ,   round   and   warm   brown…   in   a   word  ,   doe-like. NOTABLE   FEATURES.     aforementioned   doe-eyes  ,   various   scrapes   and   bruises   from   missteps   on   the   ice  ,   long   lashes   and   a   dark   scattering   of   freckles   across   her   nose   and   cheeks. SCENT.     wild   strawberry  ,   pink   jasmine  ,   patchouli   and   amber  ,   reminiscent   of   miss   dior   cherie. TATTOOS.     a   little   butterfly   on   her   left   shoulder   blade. PIERCINGS.     two   lobe   piercings   on   each   ear   in   addition   to   an   orbital   on   her   right. DOMINANT   HAND.     ambidextrous   but   favours   her   right.
𓂅 *  ⋆  PSYCHE   .
MYERS   -   BRIGGS.     enfj-t  ,   the   protagonist. MORAL   ALIGNMENT.     neutral   good. TRAITS.   balletic  ,   disillusioned  ,   driven  ,   guarded  ,   haunted  ,   independent  ,   keen  ,   resilient  ,   rueful  ,   tender. QUIRKS.     remarkably   flexible  ,   she   bites   her   lip   in   thought  ,   toys   with   jewellery   when   uncomfortable  ,   never   fails   to   keep   a   neat   manicure   and   rests   in   stances   one   might   recognise   to   be   ballet   positions. VICES.     a   true   workaholic  ,   she   maintains   a   very   healthy   lifestyle   but   does   occasionally   drink   and   smoke   socially.
𓂅 *  ⋆  INTERESTS   &   HOBBIES   .
INTERESTS.     choreography   and   dance  ,   theatre   of   every   variety   -   lincoln   centre   is   a   favourite   of   hers   for   their   opera   &   ballet   seasons  ,   classical   music   and   most   recently  ,   the   cold   case   of   winifred   woodrow. HOBBIES.      fitness  ,   theatregoing  ,   cabaret   club   nights   and   uploading   free   dance   skating   routines   onto   (   a   newly   launched   )   youtube   -   brando   choreographs   and   then   they   perform   them together for funsies.  SPECIAL   SKILLS. an  accomplished   dancer   who   still   practises   ballet   to   this   day  ,   remarkably   high   endurance  and  muscle  memory  due   to   her   training   and   profession  ,   uncanny   ability   to   internalise   her   feelings.
𓂅 *  ⋆  BECOMING   A   WARD   .
tw   :   teenage  pregnancy,   child   abandonment   and   implied   endangerment.
it  became  a  regional  news  story.   statewide,   people  seemingly  fascinated  by  how  any  parent  could  dream  of  abandoning  their  child,   let  alone  in  such  a  callous  fashion. 
estrella  had  only  recently  turned  five  when  her  not-much-older-than-teenage  parents  dropped  her  off  at  kindergarten  one  morning  only  to  fail  in  picking  her  up  again  later  that  day.   try  as  teachers  and  later,   police  sergeants  might,   there  was  no  getting  ahold  of  them.   with  little  known  and  much  speculated,   many  would  soon  arrive  at  the  conclusion  that  the  young  couple  had  fled  the  country  to  start  anew,   leaving  behind  the  small  daughter  they’d  come to  look  upon  as  an  unwanted  burden.
one  such  person,   who  took  immense  pity  on  the  girl,   was  a  connection  richard  held  at  the  newly-launched  CNN.   an  attentive  news  reporter  by  the  name  of  julian  esparza  was  keenly  aware  of  the  philanthropist’s  efforts  to  offer  up  his  home  to  young  individuals  in  need  of  safety  and  stability  and  recommended  richard  meet  with  little  estrella  as  soon  as  he  could.   whatever  it  was  that  richard  saw  in  the  five  year  old  girl  that  day  (  likely  the  spirit  and  semblance  of  his  long  lost  daughter  )  caused  the  man’s  heart  to  bleed  and  within  a  week  the  paperwork  had  been  signed  and  estrella  was  on  the  way  to  her  new  home.
𓂅 *  ⋆  LIFE   AS   A   WARD   .
being  not  only  one  of  the  earliest  wards  to  arrive  but  also  the  very  youngest  of  them  all,   estrella’s  status  as  baby  sister  of  the  house  never  really  strayed  from  the  stereotypes.   spoiled  and  resilient,   she  was  a  paradox  amongst  the  wards  in  how  she  seemed  to  possess  the  least  agency  but  carry  the  highest  status.
it’s  a  unique  sense  of  imposter  syndrome,   she  summises   —   bearing  the  unfathomable  weight  of  another’s  lost  girlhood.   cursed  princess  with  her  whole  life  ahead  of  her,   she  was  a  little  girl  walking  so  unknowingly  into  the  tall  shadow  of  the  daughter  who’d  come  before.   from  the  very  beginning,   richard  had  never  been  particularly  shy  in  how  he  doted  on  young  estrella.   freely  showering  her  in  the  paternal  affection  the  past  had  robbed  them  both  of  and  to  a  little  girl  who’d  been  abandoned  by  her  own  parents,  being  made  to  feel  so  wanted  was  all  she  could  have  dreamt  of. he  was  her  father  in  all  but  name.
outwardly,   she  was  a precocious  and  spirited  young  girl,   all  pink  cheeks  and  toothy  grins,   perpetually  in  awe  of  those  she  shared  a  home  with,   their  varied  and  abundant  talents  drawing  her  wide-eyed  wonder.   until  she  took to  the  ice  for  the  first  time,   you’d   see  her  following  fellow  wards  around,   hoping  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  whatever  it  was  they  were  up  to  before  being  told  she  was  too  young  or  too  small  and  relegated  to  sitting  on  the  sidelines.   it  was  a  pattern  of  behaviour  that,   although  adapted,   would  follow  her  until  she  left  woodrow.
for  try  as  she  might,   amidst  the  attention  from  richard  she  so  enjoyed,   the  wards  did  not  warm  to  estrella  the  way  she  hoped  they  would.   their  caretaker’s  favouritism  for  the  surrogate  daughter  he’d  found  in  estrella  had  planted  the  seed  of  resentment  and  in  turn,   stifled  and  isolated  her  entirely.   it  was  in  this  eventual  seclusion  that  she  learnt  the  value  of  independence  and  began  throwing  herself  into  skating  completely,   suddenly  glad  for  the  chance  to  thrive  all  on  her  own  the  way  she’d  watched  the  other  wards  do.
she  grew  reticent,   internalising  all  she  felt  for  the  sake  of  whatever  semblance  of  a  family  she  still  wanted  to  cling  to.   the  same  would  eventually  be  said  of  the  response  estrella  had  to  an  equally  crushing  realisation…   that  she’d  never  quite  compare  to  a  dead  girl.
the  rosy  retrospection  of  childhood  had  begun  to  fade.   estrella  can’t  ever  pinpoint  a  specific  moment  in  which  things  changed  for  them  but  gradually,   over  time,   when  she  would  come  to  meet  richard’s  eye…   her  heart  sank.  in  the  midst  of  reminiscing,   she  could  feel  he  wasn’t  looking  back  at  her  at  all  but  rather  at  winifred…   or  whatever  semblance  of  his  daughter  he’d  long  been  projecting  onto  estrella.   it  was  an  all  too  painful  revelation,   one  that  haunted  her  from  that  point  on.
more  than  anything,  estrella  wanted  to  escape  her  own  skin.   flee  from  any  part  of  herself  tied  to  the  woodrow  daughter  who  had  so  mysteriously  disappeared  that  bleak  midwinter  night.   this  striking  resemblance  that  had  changed  her  life  and  been  the  cause  of  all  her  woe.   had  anyone  accepted  her  for  who  she  truly  was?
despite  the  fierce  independence  she’d  adopted,   estrella  still  found  herself  clinging  to  the  father  she’d  once  known  him  to  be.   looking  on  in  rumination,   she’d  wonder  (  at  length  )   if  his  love  for  her  was  at  all  genuine…    never  once  risking  the  inevitable  confrontation  out  of  fear  for  the  loss  that  would  follow.   instead,   keeping  it  bottled  up  once  again.   distancing  herself  little  by  little  until  she  was  out  and  away  in  the  world  —  determined  to  be  known  as  more  than  ‘the  substitute  daughter’,  ‘the  favourite’  or  ‘the  lookalike.’   her  own  person,   at  last.
although  she  was  never  too  far  away…   and  when  richard  called,   she  could  do  nothing  else  but  gladly  answer.
𓂅 *  ⋆  AESTHETIC   .
distinctly  feminine,   very  gabriella  from  high  school  musical  core  with  her  wrap  cardigans  and  ballet  flats.   though  as  an  athlete,   she’s  an  athleisure  girly  through  and  through.   leotards,   leggings,   matching  sets.   day-to-day,   she  really  favours  layers  that  she  can  easily  take  off  and  put  back  on  during  training.   the  odd  tracksuit  here  and  there.   even  if  it’s  warm  outside,   you’d  usually  see  her  with  a  puffer  jacket  on  hand  because  the  rink  is  so  cold. on  more  formal  occasions,   she  opts  for  mini  dresses  and  heels  to  help  give  the  illusion  she’s  taller  (  weeps  in  5’1”  )  and  accessorizes  with  a  sweet  bow  or  two  in  her  hair. 
you’ll  always  see  her  wearing  her  charm  bracelet  however.   it  was  a  present  from  richard  when  estrella  first  joined  her  skate  club  and  each  time  she’d  compete,   he’d  add  a  charm.   they’re  all  stars,   in  honour  of  her  name.
𓂅 *  ⋆  EDUCATION   .
estrella  was  homeschooled  throughout  all  her  time  at  woodrow.   as  figure  skating  became  more  and  more  of  a  serious  pursuit,   it  seemed  easier  to  contain  her  schooling  to  the  house.   less  distractions  that  way.   her  coach  was  certainly  in  favour  of  it.   perhaps  it  was  the  people  pleaser  in  her,   the  ‘perfect  daughter’  of  it  all  but  she  also  maintained  straight  a’s  too.   it  came  as  no  surprise  when  she  applied  to  richard’s  alma  mater  of  kingsbury  college  and  got  in  on  a  skating  scholarship.   the  real  twist  being  that  she  soon  deferred  in  order  to  commit  to  her  sport  full  time  and  has  yet  to  return  to  kingsbury  to  finish  said  degree.
figure  skating,   also  known  as  her  entire  world.   estrella  had  been  a  baby  ballerina  prior  to  being  taken  into  richard’s  care  and  he  quickly  accommodated  for  that  love  of  hers  with  a  continuation  in  lessons.   however  by  the  second  winter  she  spent  at  woodrow  house,   he  was  soon  introducing  her  to  the  frozen  pond  on  the  grounds  and  she  took  to  skating  it  like  a  duck  to  water.   
other pursuits include literature,   musical  theatre  and  classical  music.   their  occasional  outings  as  a  ‘family’  to  see  operas  and  ballets  very  much  inspired  her.
𓂅 *  ⋆  THEIR   LIFE   NOW   .
estrella  only  left  woodrow  house  three  years  ago  and  even  then,   living  in-state  meant  she  was  still  a  fairly  regular  visitor.   she’d  moved  into  the  city  in  order  to  be  closer  to  her  skating  club,   other  rinks  she  frequented  and  transport  for  national  and  international  competitions.   being  only  a  three  hour  drive  away  however,   meant  most  national  holidays  were  spent  there  at  richard’s  side,  the  odd  special  occasion  and  long  weekend  too.
in  nyc,   she  shares  a  modest  apartment  with  brandon,   better  known  as  brando.   they  used  to  skate  together  at  the  same  club  before  he  recently  retired  to  pursue  choreography  at  a  nearby  dance  studio.   there’s  always  been  lingering  romantic  tension  there  but  most  of  all,   he’s  her  biggest  cheerleader  and  a  helpful  objective  party  regarding  all  things  woodrow.
all  the  while,   estrella’s  been  forging  her  own  destiny.   she’s  been  competing  internationally  at  the  top  of  her  discipline  for  years  at  this  point.   (  a  writing  guide  on  figure  skaters  advised  not  to  go  into  specifics  about  competitions  bc  it’s  a  lot  so,   i  won’t  but  let’s  just  say  she’s  a  pretty  decorated  athlete  and   represented  team  usa  at  the  2002  winter  olympics  in  salt  lake  city  and  was  in  the  midst  of  training  for  the  2006  games  before  richard’s  death.  )   what  she  loves  most  of  all  though  is  getting  to  step  out  as  herself.   on  the  ice,   the  only  narrative  being  spun  is  the  one  she  creates.   it’s  a  level  of  control  she  enjoys  (  and  dreads  giving  up  upon  her  return  to  woodrow  house.  )   whilst  she  came  to  woodrow  house  seeking  a  family,   she  left  seeking  visibility  and  acceptance  and  in  skating,   estrella  truly  found  that.
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glance, stillness, wardrobe and hair from the ask for Ella?
Kissing you on the mouth
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
To me, her heterochromia is her most distinguishing feature & it's definitely super noticeable (her eyes are bright purple & amber, respectively), but I also made her to just be really striking to look at so there's a lot to notice 😅. She's got the 2 different eye colors going on, she's got platinum hair, she's 5'9," & she's got her tits out a good 85-90% of the time.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Unless she's agitated, Ella’s pretty chill. Her posture isn't bad, just relaxed. She stands with her hands on her hips, or with an elbow bent & her hand just kinda limply flopping there a good bit of the time. She moves her hands around when she talks because she thinks that helps emphasize stuff. Her clothes don't effect how she stands most of the time, but if she's dressed for archery her posture is going to be a bit straighter & stiffer just because her chestguard has to be kind of tight. Heavy & constricted is the chest the carries the double ds
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Ella’s wardrobe is pretty hefty. She's a noblewoman from one of the most affluent Houses in The Vale, so she's able to have a fit for pretty much every occasion. She does rewear stuff though, because if she has something made that means she likes it & if she likes it she's going to wear it often. Quite simple really!
She's not completely hopeless as reparing little tears or things like that, but there's definitely people who are better at it. Ella will definitely do it herself if there's no other options or waiting for someone else feels like it would take too long. She's quite good at embroidery though, so a lot of the time she's who will do that for her clothes (particularly to hide any repairs)
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Ella has always worn a lot of braids. It's the "I just think Visenya is neat" of it all that her & Rhaenyra have going on, lol.
When she was younger it was a lot more flouncy & she would let bits of hair get in her face or hang loose because she just didn't really care. After claiming Vermithor she started pulling it all back & making sure there weren't any errant strands because her dad told her that she should keep her face clear when she flies so that she can see where she's going, & she never really stopped with that line of thinking even after basically disowning him because of the whole "you murdered my mom" thing because 1) he was right & 2) she has a hard time letting go & shit's complicated.
Providing visual examples below. Top row is pre-dragon!Ella hairstyles, bottom is post-dragon
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ynandfics · 12 days
Morgie Le Fay x Y/N!daughter of Madame Mim
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The day was nice, but so were most of the days in Merlin Academy. I usually sat alone, nobody particularly keen to be my friend due to my mother. Some in passing were okay when we had to do tasks together, otherwise I just slipped into the cracks.
“Hey Y/N” I looked up instantly knowing that voice.
“Hello snake” he laughed at me, or with me I’m not sure.
“Please it was one time and just a prank for Uli” He sounded almost remorseful about it.
“Yeah and you shed your skin all on my bag” I looked at him pointedly.
“Anyways, the reason I wanted to come over here was to ask you for your hand at castlecoming” my eyes widened, or shot out of my head. I’m not sure which is worse.
“This isn’t a prank Morgie?” He shook his head.
“And I’m not gonna get pranked later right?” He smiled and still shook his head.
“Okay I’ll go with you. I’ll give you the colour of my dress so we can match later” my cheeks were flushed from the situation.
“I can’t wait” he kissed my hand and as he left I decided it was time to visit the best girl in school for this. Bridget Heart.
I knocked on her door, hearing music on the other side of it.
“Coming!” I hear and door opens to the girl and her VERY pink room.
“Hi Bridget….I know you’re probably skeptical about why I’m here. I need help with finding a dress for castlecoming.” She then grabbed my arm, and then shut the door.
“Who asked you? Cause we need to match colours.” Next the door opened and it was Ella who walked in.
“Wow ok what’s happening here” she stopped at the door.
“Close it and come in. Y/N got asked out and needs help.” Ella nodded slowly.
“I got asked out by Morgie” Bridget started giggling and Ella’s jaw dropped practically on the floor.
“No way” They both said.
“Way. Now help me, I promised him a colour dammit” My cheeks were flushed again.
“Okay I’m thinking purple. Beautiful colour and will extenuate your hair and eyes.” Bridget piped up.
“A darker one, he usually is seen in black with that damn scarf thing.” Ella also said.
“Care to come with me. I’ve got nobody to help me.” I asked.
It’s the weekend before castlecoming. I was shopping with the two girls for about 3 hours until we found the perfect dress. It was a shifting light purple to dark purple dress, ballgown style. I was now trying to find Morgie within the school grounds, a swatch of my dress in my hands.
“Oh my god, of course he’s there” I mumbled before walking to the group of VK’s.
“Hey Morgie can I talk to you?” Morgie just nodded, his group hollering and laughing in the background.
“What’s up Y/N?” He asked concerned. He observed my facial features and saw the expressions I made as his friends continued their things in the background. “Oh I know, don’t mind them they’re just like that when anyone decides to be nice to someone”
“Still not a prank right?” I asked him. He nodded, his face a bit red.
“I got you the colour to match. Reflective purple, like the shirts you wear and well we’re gonna look great.” I smiled at him.
“Oh thank you, I didn’t know what colour to go with myself.” He laughed.
“Actually I got Bridget and Ella’s help. They talked about it as if we were a couple.” I laughed and then looked down.
“Would you ever want to be? Cause the first reason why I asked you is so we could talk and get to know each other more” Morgie said confidently.
“I would yes.” With that his lips landed on mine
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magicshopaholic · 1 year
Getting Ahead (Jimin x OC)
Summary: You reflect on your past relationship with Jimin and wonder if history might be repeating itself.
Pairing: Jimin x OC
Genre: Exes; angst potential
Word count: 3.1 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: none
A/N: A little nervous about this one, not gonna lie. It was supposed to be another "story" story but ended up being a Sooah drabble instead. Features Chaeyoung in detail, and is set approximately four months after Never Have I.
Also, special shout-out to @oddinary4bts who read one fic a day and finished my entire masterlist in record time - plus reviews on each! This is the first fic she will read on release so, yay, Ella! Loved loved loved every single notification I got from you &lt;3
Tagging: @bbl32@ quarter-life-crisis2 @meirkive @dreaming-with-happiness @confessionsofamarshlily @jiminjhang @faearchives @margopinkerton @purpleseoul7
Listen to: “breathe” by anna nalick
jimin masterlist | main masterlist
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Sooah had grown up in a blur. Her parents’ passive aggressive marriage, the aunts and uncles who’d moved in and moved out, the friend groups that evolved faster than a virus. Even her job was a blur; each event, scrambling to be put up, pulled off with hard work, and onto the next. 
It was all a blur. Sooah was used to the blur. She was the only thing that stood steady within the blur, unmoving, watching the chaos of teenage angst in a state of borderline dissociation. 
That was until Park Jimin entered her life, however, and suddenly her axis stumbled. He was clearer than anything else ever had been; he was sweet, he was kind, he loved to dance. He was shy and introverted, but he made her world go round.
Sooah watched Jimin pluck up the courage to tell her how he felt for months, and she was enchanted. He was all brains and maths and it was very impressive, but every time their gazes met for more than a second or their fingers accidentally brushed, all that shaky confidence melted into a series of stutters and he’d look away.
Eventually, Sooah asked him out after one of their study sessions. Truth be told, she hadn’t needed his help after the previous semester ended but she’d kept the routine going anyway, enjoying this blushing boy’s company more than expected. His cheeks predictably went pink but he nodded and Sooah, unable to resist smiling, promised to meet him later that week.
She also made the first move and kissed him at the end of their date; it didn’t seem like Jimin was going to risk crossing a line he wasn’t sure of and Sooah personally liked the fact that he cared enough to overthink it. She wasn’t going to handhold him forever, though; she promised herself that the next move would be his, and she waited nearly three months before he asked her officially to be his girlfriend.
Or, he didn’t quite ask. His exact words were So… does this mean I’m your boyfriend? Or are you - are you my girlfriend?
Given that this question was asked while they fooled around by the bushes behind her parents’ house, it took Sooah a little by surprise. She sat up on her elbows, ignoring the grass in her hair, and squinted at him.
Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Jimin?
No. I’m asking if - okay, yes. Yeah, I am. I guess.
You guess?
I am!
She giggled at his whiny exclamation, his eyes wide and dramatic, and kissed him in response. They progressed for the first time from the bushes to her parents’ couch that evening, feeling like they’d crossed the ultimate threshold,  until he had to leave for dance practice at Big Hit. 
It’s no longer a blur. Not the same kind, at least. Now, it’s like a ride at the amusement park, one of those dangerous ones that goes in all directions - except she’s been on it at least five hundred times.
It’s unbecoming of her, a professional with a job, to be peeking at her phone every few minutes while she’s at a client site. She walks alongside her manager, pinstriped trousers and sharp heels, hoping she looks chic enough to blend in with the people at this fashion label that’s hosting a luncheon with a group of buyers next month.
It’s all about faking it till she makes it. Fake the fun, make the friends. Fake the studious nature, make the parents happy. Fake the confidence - make the event a success.
Her manager nudges her subtly then, asking her if she’s taking notes.
Of course she is. This is her job, her priority. Not even an absentee boyfriend can distract her from it. Once she’s done for the day, however, the boyfriend takes centre stage in her mind again. 
Sooah wants to text him again, but at this point, it will come off as clingy. Or paranoid, depending on the wording. The last text she sent him was Can we talk before you go to bed? It’s borderline desperate, not to mention pointless, for she’s sure he doesn’t even have his phone. 
It’s probably with his manager, or his stylist. He won’t get it until after practice, after the stage rehearsal, after the fitting, after the backstage filming. After that, someone will have ordered a disproportionately small amount of food for the group; the boys will inhale it and pass out in the car on the way to their dorm. Alex will most likely not even look at his phone until tomorrow morning.
Unfortunately, she knows these things.
Her fingers itch with the desire to send another text, a passive aggressive one this time. Not because it’s his fault really, but because the niceties aren’t getting his attention.
After a moment, though, she shakes her head and tosses her phone into the laundry bin for good measure, hoping to get rid of any temptation. It’s too early in this relationship to show her true colours, and there’s no telling if Alex will be up for a fight.
Fake the peace, make the relationship.
The sun is bright - too bright. Even in the cold of December, it’s too bright.
The sun is too bright, the coffee is too hot, the dude at the next table is too loud, and Sooah is too annoyed. She hangs on to the annoyance, though, somewhat enjoying how it’s making her walk faster, how people seem to be stepping out of her way on the pavements - it’s strangely cathartic, despite how unfair it is.
She keeps it going all the way to Chaeyoung’s apartment, knowing she’s about an hour too early to pick her up for their lunch and movie date. But she doubts Chaeyoung would mind; in the few months that she’s known the younger girl, Sooah has picked up on her slight discomfort with her roommate, Sungmi - and her boyfriend, Ice. 
She also thinks she’s picked up on a mild loneliness of sorts - the same one Sooah remembers she’d felt when she’d finished college and started working in Seoul by herself. Having finished high school in Seoul, she’d already had friends to begin with. Chaeyoung didn’t say it to her in so many words, but her delight in realising she’d made a friend outside of work was both sweet and transparent.
It initially amused Sooah, but being Chaeyoung’s friend has felt like one of the easiest relationships of her life so far, despite the bar being laughably low.
This neighbourhood isn’t the safest one Sooah has been to, but with one hand on her purse and the other clutching her keys, she hurries into the small building and up the flight of stairs. Chaeyoung throws open the door just as Sooah is about to ring the doorbell, and there are two quick shrieks in succession.
“Holy crap,” pants Chaeyoung, opening the door further and stepping aside. “Unnie, I wasn’t expecting you till -” She breaks off and pats the pockets of her pajamas for her phone and checks the time. “- at least another hour.”
“Yeah, I know,” mutters Sooah, trudging inside and sighing, realising only now how pathetic it could seem that she ambushed Chaeyoung in her own house. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t sit in that stupid coffee shop anymore. At first it was just pitying looks and subtle questioning, but then -” She huffs and falls into a chair at the small dining table “- one of the baristas brought me a pity muffin. Just to make it absolutely clear that I’ve been stood up, in case anyone had any doubts.”
“Oh, wow.” Chaeyoung winces. It’s clear she hasn’t even started getting ready yet; her hair is still in a bun and she’s still wearing what she presumably wore to bed. “Alex didn’t make it?”
“No, and I don’t even know why I’m surprised.” She waves a hand. “Sorry, don’t let me keep you. Take your time getting ready. I’ll wait.” 
“Yeah…” Chaeyoung bites her lip slowly. “I was going to text you, unnie…”
“No. No, Chae!” Sooah whines, her shoulders falling. “Not you, too!”
“I’m sorry! I just got the call a little while ago,” she says quickly. “I have to go to the office for a lunch meeting.”
“That is just perfect,” mutters Sooah, putting a hand to her forehead. “Today’s just one of those days, I guess, where everyone seems to be cancelling on me.”
“I’m really sorry,” repeats Chaeyoung, taking a seat next to her. “It’s a client meeting. It was supposed to be on Monday but then they cancelled and said that they were only free today - plus, this is like my first big project ever and I’m supposed to cover the entire history of the brand from inception…”
Chaeyoung is rambling. Sooah instantly feels guilty for lumping her in the same category as her boyfriend, so she nods, waiting for her to finish.
“- not wanting to be fired.” Chaeyoung swallows, eyes wide with guilt.
Sooah nods again. “It’s fine. Really. It’s your work, you don’t have a choice,” she elaborates, giving her a small smile when she sighs in relief.
Chaeyoung is quiet for a minute. "I'm sorry your date sucked," she ventures uncertainly. “Would you like a beer?”
Sooah nods absently, her gaze deliberately fixed on the mismatched salt and pepper shakers on the dining table. "It can't suck if it didn't happen."
“I’m sorry I added to it.”
“Don’t be. At least you have a genuine reason.”
“Alex doesn’t?”
“I don’t know!” Sooah blurts out in frustration. “Because he never actually called me.”
"Maybe he got busy,” suggests Chaeyoung, returning from the kitchen with two bottles and an opener. “Like, putting-out-a-fire-at-work kind of busy. Or his car broke down. Or he got in an accident!" When Sooah looks up at her incredulously, she shrugs self-consciously. "I - it's not ideal, but at least it's viable."
"Forget it," sighs Sooah after a moment, accepting the beer even though it’s seven degrees outside. "This wouldn't be the first time I've been stood up at a coffee shop."
She can sense that Chaeyoung wants to ask but is struggling not to. It warms her heart without meaning to, and she clinks her bottle with hers.
“Am I making you late?”
“Not at all,” replies Chaeyoung at once. “I don’t have to leave for a couple of hours.”
“I just can’t believe I’m back here,” says Sooah in a low voice. “After all these years, I’m right back where I started. I’m - I’m basically dating my ex all over again.”
Chaeyoung frowns. “What - wait, do you mean Jimin?”
Sooah nods, cringing inwardly. It’s not a fun thing to admit. “How do I choose these guys? How do I always end up in one of these relationships where I’m literally the last priority? And it’s my fault,” she adds, without waiting for Chaeyoung to respond, “because I pick these guys.”
“These guys,” repeats Chaeyoung slowly, “like, idols? Do you - do you always date idols?”
“No,” she huffs, “I’ve dated other guys. But after Park Jimin, this is probably my longest relationship to date.” She replays that in her head and shudders. “It’s pathetic, I know.”
“No judgement.” Chaeyoung pauses. “So, wait - is that why you’re with Alex? Is that, like, your type?”
“No,” answers Sooah immediately. “Alex and Jimin are nothing alike. It’s just their jobs that are similar and… I’m not a teenager anymore. I don’t have the time to stay up at night and worry about why my boyfriend hasn’t called me.”
“How long has it -”
“Eleven days.”
Chaeyoung’s eyes widen. “Eleven -”
“Eleven days since we’ve spoken on the phone,” confirms Sooah. “It’s just been one-word texts and missed calls, mostly from me. But, yeah, eleven days since I’ve actually heard his voice. And, no,” she adds, holding up a hand, “hearing his songs at Starbucks doesn’t count.”
Chaeyoung nods thoughtfully. “You know, that may not be the worst thing in the world. I mean, Hoseok has started this new thing where he warns me of a different disaster every day,” she says, rolling her eyes. “He acts like he wants to know how my day is going but then latches onto something stupid and gives me a whole lecture on it. Yesterday, it was about boiling water. He told me the steam could soften the plaster on the ceiling and lead to seepage. The day before that, it was about the dangers of the subway.”
Sooah squints, sensing that Chaeyoung might be losing the plot. “I don’t think this is… quite like that,” she says delicately. “Alex is basically AWOL, and Hoseok is…”
“An interfering arse, I know. You’re right, it’s not the same thing.” Chaeyoung sits back in her chair. “My point is… wait, hang on - do you want me to make a point?”
“You know… do you want to actually talk about this or just vent and have me listen? Because I can do both,” she says earnestly.
“Oh.” It’s quite insightful of her, given how young she is, and Sooah is suddenly glad she landed up here an hour early. “Yeah, no, I can talk about it. Not angry enough to vent yet,” she points out.
“Alright. My point was… what does all this have to do with Jimin?”
Literally everything. 
Sooah bites her lip, reliving it for the millionth time. “This is exactly how it started with him. Everything was going well, he was sweet, he had dreams and I - I liked being that person,” she confesses. “I liked being that person he shared his hopes and dreams with, who got to see him grow and become big.” She sighs. “Until he got too big.”
“And is Alex getting too big?”
“No. I mean, not yet. I mean -” Sooah shakes her head. “I’m not trying to sound evil. I want him to be big, I want him to get what he’s been working for because he deserves it, but… where does that leave me?” she asks in a small voice.
“What do you mean? You’re right here.” 
“No, but when those guys started touring and all after debut, everything changed. Jimin changed.” Sooah wrings her hands in her lap. “It was like… like I was his life before, when he was sweet and shy and wore glasses, and now he was in the after, with orange hair and that stupid smirk. And I didn’t fit into that.” And then he dropped me a goddamn text.
“Is Alex changing?”
“No. I don’t know. It’s too soon to tell,” she admits. “But how productive of a person would I be if I ignored the similarities and made the same mistakes all over again? I mean, shouldn’t people be learning from their past relationships? Isn’t that the whole point?”
Chaeyoung opens her mouth as if to say something, but then seems to think the better of it.
“What what?”
“You were going to say something.”
“No, I wasn’t.”
“Chae.” Sooah gives her a look. “Come on, you’re the smart one, wise beyond your years and all. Tell me.”
Chaeyoung half-chuckles, bringing one leg up on the chair and resting her arm on her knee. “I… don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say, unnie.”
“Wh- sure I will. Or I wont, but I can take tough love.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes. Out with it.”
Chaeyoung licks her lips and observes Sooah for a moment. “I think… you’re being a little unfair to Alex.”
Sooah says nothing, not liking where this is going.
“I think everything you’ve told me so far has been about Jimin and not Alex,” she continues. “And I get it, it can’t be easy not hearing from him for days and getting stood up and stuff, but… would you be this worried if you’d never dated Jimin?”
“I think I’d be more worried. At least now I know it’s not about me. This is all him.”
“But which him?” Chaeyoung asks patiently. “Are you just projecting all of your… I don’t know, baggage with Jimin onto Alex? Because then you’re not even giving him a fair shot.”
Sooah was right; she doesn’t like where this is headed at all. “Would that really be the worst thing? Knowing what I know and using it to make an informed decision?”
Chaeyoung bites her lip and tilts her head, and it takes Sooah a moment to realise she’s solved her own crisis. She hates where this has ended up.
“I hate you.”
“Look, maybe you’re right and Alex doesn’t have the capacity for a relationship right now. In that case, just break it off before it gets ugly. But if you’re wrong and you think Alex can still make it work…” She shrugs again. “You can’t date your boyfriend and your ex-boyfriend at the same time.”
Fake the clarity, make the choice.
Sooah stares at Chaeyoung. “How old are you again?”
“Twenty-two.” She grins. “I know, I sound like I’m… thirty or something.”
Sooah scoffs, taking a large sip of her beer. “You don’t sound thirty, believe me. You sound… like, sixty-five.”
“Yeah. It’s good. I think I could use more sixty-five year old friends.”
“I’d be the fittest sixty-five year old you will ever know,” promises Chaeyoung, flexing a thin, largely invisible bicep. “Plus, then I’d be retired and wouldn’t have to work on a Saturday.”
“I’ll remind you you said that when you text me every single detail of the meeting like you did last time,” promises Sooah, drinking the last of the beer and standing up. “That’s my cue to leave.”
“You don’t have to,” begins Chaeyoung, but she stands up as well. “If Alex doesn’t get back to you by tonight, do you want to hang out?”
“Oh, if Alex doesn’t get back to me by tonight,” says Sooah, gathering her bag and making her way to the door, “I will have definitely progressed to the venting stage.”
It’s still a blur. Experiences, missed calls, tearful fights, passive aggressive texts. They’re all there, swimming around in a sea of deteriorating relationships, while Sooah struggles to pinpoint a time and place to each of them. She can’t, though, not when it’s a blur and the only tangible thing she can feel is the dull throb in her chest that seems to have no distinct cause, only a constancy impossible to ignore.
Sooah stares at her phone, big and black on her bed. She won’t call Chaeyoung tonight, no matter what happens. It’s just not the night. She’s going to have to have a tough conversation with at least one important person in her life, and it all depends on whether her past with Jimin has damaged her to the point of second-guessing every relationship she ever has in her life.
She thinks of the word Chaeyoung used. Baggage. Implying that it’s not Jimin that’s the problem, but whatever she’s still carrying from their time together, including the sweet and shy smile, all the way up to the orange hair and dumbass smirk.
Face the past head-on, make the future a little clearer.
Sighing, she picks up the phone.
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