#feeding exclusively on people’s insecurities
pinkumiilku · 5 months
I think makeup is a satanic cult.
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mommyclaws · 9 months
Is everyone willingly ignoring it or when are we going to realize this petty label discourse has always been rooted in misogyny. This started long before Bi Lesbians. Some of you are just too new or simply never paid enough attention to realize the history of this hatred of lesbians. Do any of you remember?
First it was "Butches aren't valid" because they were invading wlw spaces with their "masculinity"
Then it was moved onto: "Trans women aren't valid" because actually they were the ones invading wlw spaces with their "masculinity" The exact same arguement being used against cis women as well.
Then "Pan/Bi women aren't valid" because your attraction to men or anyone other than a woman doesn't belong in wlw spaces.
Then it was "Nonbinary lesbians aren't valid" because if you're "not a woman" by my definition you're invading wlw spaces.
"Asexual/Aro women aren't valid" because your lack of "real" attraction to women doesn't belong in wlw spaces.
"Lesboys aren't valid" because you are invading wlw spaces with your "masculinity"
"Bi/Pan lesbians aren't valid" because your attraction to men or anyone other than a woman doesn't belong in wlw spaces.
Oh wait? Where have we heard those last two before? Wasn't everyone arguing about those SAME issues with Butches/Trans wlw and Pan/Bi wlw?
Yes, exactly. Would any of you take ONE look back and realize this is only repetition of problems we have already decided don't dictate our identities?
They say, "You're not a real lesbian unless you do this and that and even if you do that you'll never be good enough." No matter what lesbains do, there will always be a problem. Why? Because this isnt about being a lesbian, this isnt about women, this is rhetoric started by terfs and it will never be anything more.
Sure, you can follow their rules to feel valid, but you'll never be good enough. You're an invader too because they'll sprinkle in little things to feed the insecurities and rules that THEY fucking created.
You're not a real lesbian unless you're a "gold star lesbain" meaning you've never dated or been attracted to a man. You're not a real lesbian unless you're feminine. You're not a real lesbian unless you hate masculinity.
Which is just translation for: You're not a real wlw unless you hate men and don't deviate from gender norms. And, WHO would've thought! Is exactly what terfs want.
They sink their claws into the newer generations because they don't remember what our community has had to go through, all they see is the fake issues created and they think it's a threat because they're being fed "This is what's valid and this is what's not" and it seems like it's never going to end because women being anything other than passive and simple with their identities are immediately taken as a threat to the community by those who are insecure and need to demand the exclusion of anyone who doesn't follow their rules to feel like theyre part of a group.
Anti-Bi/Pan Lesbians have become sheep because they only surround themselves with online discourse instead of the real issues LGBTQ people face and in their attempt to keep a "clean community" They're more unwelcomed than the people they tell to kill themselves. So caught up in fake problems others or themslves have made up that they fail to grasp the simplest of concepts: Labels DO NOT exist in real life. Labels are created to help people describe how they feel or identify. They are not and have NEVER been a final definition.
Labels are worn HOWever and WHENever the owner feels like it. They're not collars. They're not cages. You can't use them as such. You can't use them against us.
When? WHEN? When did we decide that a label- A WORD- matters MORE than the real life feelings that real life people are experiencing?
Why did we dehumanize the ability to feel attraction and expression?
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
how can you co-create with the universe to attract fortune to yourself? 🪡🎨 • pac 🎴
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if you’d like a personal reading, then see info here
subscribe to the patreon if you’re interested in daily messages from spirit, weekly pac readings for “the week ahead”, exclusive extended readings to the tumblr PACs, exclusive pac readings - such as 18+ and love pac readings - new moon + full moon readings, plus more. i’m on there everyday, just doing my thing 😂
{• pile one •}
cards: the hierophant, knight of wands, 3 of cups
spirit is suggesting that you focus on finding a community that connects people based on their faith. a community of people who are focused on sharing knowledge and downloads that they’re receiving from the divine. whether this is a spiritual community, a self-help community, maybe even a religious community (please be careful with any communities like this, because when you’re not, that’s when you fall into the trap of a cult 🙃). i’m also seeing that you guys could create your own community of people on your own platform in which people are able to learn valuable lessons from you - especially about friendship, happiness, “sisterhood”, i’m hearing. i’m seeing jupiter in the 4th house/jupiter in cancer, so if you guys have either of those placements (or maybe sagittarius in the 4th, moon in sagittarius, something that mixes cancerian and jupiterian energy together) then your abundance is tied to womanhood and femininity. so surrounding yourself with likeminded women/feminines or helping them in some way will bring a lot of abundance to you. i’m also hearing “changing people’s definition of happiness”. motivating people to follow their own morals and values, leading you to do the same.
{• pile two •}
cards: 2 of swords, knight of pentacles, strength
you attract abundance when you’re in your ego. not when you let your ego control you, but when you control your ego and know how to direct your strengths into some type of creative process that you can persistently focus on. when you focus on taming your ego so that you can use it to your advantage. you need to honour your ego a lot more. i feel like, with the 2 of swords, spirit is saying that you’re listening to external noise from the outside world wayyy too much. you don’t need to look for direction and guidance from other people. other people can’t help you. you need to listen to your intuition. certain communities (especially the “new age”, phony ass ‘spiritual community’) will teach you that it’s a negative to be in your ego. no tf it’s not. your ego is your identity. who you are. if you don’t know who you are, then you’re a nobody. a pushover. with no morals, no personal values, no backbone (which is probably why those same communities promote toxic positivity and being a doormat for the sake of appearing like you’re all ‘love and light’ and shit). fuck all of that. you need to have patience with yourself when developing your ego because you may not even know who you are currently. once you do, you’ll find your courage and strength to listen to your intuition and invest into what it’s telling you. your ego is your life force. feed it with valuable energy by valuing it - regardless of other people’s opinions. only insecure people who don’t know who they are will get triggered by you. who gives a damn about them though? this is your life. start living it as the person who you truly want to be.
{• pile three •}
cards: the emperor, queen of swords, 8 of pentacles
you guys are extremely intelligent people. you need to find confidence in your knowledge and what you know that you know - especially with something practical that you’re trying to master or perfect. you have an eye for what needs to be improved in your day-to-day, practical life or in your business. whenever the emperor comes out with the 8 of pentacles, it definitely indicates entrepreneurship to me as a reader. and this entrepreneurship could be surrounding honesty, truth, giving direct messages to people so that they can improve their life. this could be life coaching, motivational speaking (especially with this emperor (aries energy) mixed with this queen of swords). you guys know how to pump people up to start working on themselves and aspects of their life as much as possible. and you guys are naturals at this. start just posting random posts of encouragement or motivation whenever you get the inspiration to, and i feel like you’ll attract a lot of people to you who are willing to give you abundance in exchange for the energetic abundance that you give to them. you can really monetise your words and your motivation due to the guidance that you’re able to give people about their sense of self and how that relates to their manifestations/goals + achievements. this aries energy could also be about physical activity - like fitness training. you know how to stay on people’s necks so that they complete a task thoroughly and over and over again to the point where they perfect it. and you can do that for yourself. feed into that.
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thisismeracing · 10 months
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All my Lewis posts here
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KEYS: s: smut f: fluff a: angst ✷: Patreon exclusive
it's just us against the world (f): Some fans noticed how Leiws is constantly listening to Y/n’s songs and decided to back him up and make it happen a bit faster. Will their cupid play work?
jealousy, jealousy (f): After a red carpet interaction, people are shipping Yn with Chris Evans without knowing that she’s dating a pilot. What will Lewis do when he sees the fuss internet is making about it?
a friend of a friend (f): After a friend in common introduced them, Lewis and Yn can’t seem to stay away from each other, and the fans are quick to catch and manifest a relationship.
part of your world (f): What happens when Lewis goes to the theater with his nephews and realizes he now has a new favorite Disney movie. The princess? Ynl Yln and she’s definitely fairytale-worthy outside the screens as well.
she's that girl (f): Lewis would never imagine that something, or rather someone, could take his attention off Beyonce during her own show, but one of her dancers did
sunshine (f): In which Lewis starts dating an earthy/spiritual girl who just loves nature and good energy.
moonshine (f): In which Lewis is sunshine, but dates a grumpy!reader and fans start noticing how different they are.
food baby (f): Yn is used to posting her belly after meals, claiming it’s her “food baby”, but fans are hell-bent on waiting for the reveal of a real baby Hamilton.
mó paz (f): It’s time for the Interlagos GP and fans are excited to see how Lewis’ Portuguese sounds after becoming a citizen AND dating Yn.
after the afterparty (f): Fans have been watching Yn and Lewis interact since she first started attending races. Nothing seemed enough for them to pinpoint what was going on between the two until the Las Vegas Gran Prix happened, and contrary to the belief, what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas. Yn and Lewis are about to find out.
your time (a): A couple months after the biggest breakup in the F1 paddock, your song gets leaked, and the internet uproars about your relationship again. This time they have more ammunition than ever to feed the narrative that Lewis Hamilton cheated on you. Are they right though?
more than friends (f): You’re friends with Lewis, but fans don’t buy the “just friends” discourse - for them, you and Lewis make the most powerful couple, even if you’re not famous. And maybe they’re right, maybe you’re supposed to be more than friends.
Home (f)
Essays and cuddles (f)
More than friends (a)
the phantom of miscommunication (a): Dating a professional athlete is hard, and it’s even harder when you are famous too, and your schedules just keep crashing. How will their love beat their insecurities? 
haunted (s): Lost in the years, lost in the days, Lewis Hamilton haunts the house that once was his. The house where he was killed. And the house that now has new inhabitants. He was used to blowing candles, breaking chinas, and it being enough for the curious newbies to leave. However, it was the first time he met someone who wouldn’t act terrified by his presence. Yn was curious, and that curiosity had a price. Lewis was the one who would collect the debt.
bad religion (s)✷: He used to be a sinner, maybe that’s why nowadays he has so much compassion for those. Your kindness, however, can be your downfall. Especially when directed towards a demon. A breach and a hand to hold were all that Yn needed to complete the Devil’s wish. Lewis should have crushed the snake’s head before she swiftly bit him.
this love is ours (f): Relationships aren’t usually easy. Add to it the fact that you date a world champion racing driver, and your dad doesn’t really like said driver and the media is ready to dissect every move you make. At the end of the day, the stakes are high and the waters can be rough, but what you share with Lewis is true love, and it’s yours
heartdresser (f): When Lewis finds himself just a couple days away from a racing weekend and without his usual braids he desperately searches for suggestions of available hairdressers in the area. As the saying goes, love can come from the most unexpected places, and Lewis is about to discover that this is, in fact, true.
falling (in love) (f)✷: When your kid found a new friend in his new school, you did not expect that would mean you would find yourself friends too. And sure enough, you weren’t expecting to fall for his friend’s uncle.
falling (asleep) (f)✷: You had dinner with a few friends, and Leo loved the fact that Lewis was included - so much so, that he wanted his new favorite pilot to tuck him in bed and read him to sleep
♡ lewis dating a korean girl ♡ lewis marrying a desi girl ♡ lewis as a dad ✷
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
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madamepestilence · 7 months
hey if you see a user called basedjack in your feed, the charactures they're using of trans women aren't being used ironically, the user is actually intending that as an insult and are mockingly repeating what trans and trans-supportive accounts are saying while completely failing to alter it to read as sarcasm; just block and report them
they've been doing some also extremely weird behaviour alongside it, like using their real face in some images and videos (which ironically looks like the characatures they're posting), including showing the interior of their place of work and what's on their work monitors, referring to literally any space in someone's post as a, "reddit space," or, "196 space," for some reason, and spamming a bunch of 196, reddit, and trans tags
im... not sure if they intended it as an insult? the usage of soyjack memes - which began in nazi spaces alongside gigachad memes - aren't just visually unappealing but are also formatted so horribly it's neither offensive nor is it funny, it's just kinda visual diarrhea
i feel like i should also tack on that the characatures they're using are largely based off of a rather nice person who was recently in recovery for SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital and ESO enjoyer - the fedora guy with the neckbeard whose photograph was stolen from his private facebook and completely recontextualized as though he were a horrible person despite the contrary
i feel like one of the more bizarre parts about it is the fact that they seem convinced trans women exclusively or primarily exist on reddit, considering their characatures almost never deviate from combining a trans flag and a reddit symbol, a reddit antenna, or a reddit badge
as a final addendum, if you are or know a trans woman who looks like that or otherwise feel generally unappealing, remember that 1. beauty is a social contrust, 2. beauty is subjective and not everyone agrees on what they find attractive, 3. you need to support the kinds of trans women that you find unattractive too, and 4. these characatures also affect people outside of the group intended to be offended or hurt by the images who may share the same insecurities about themselves
tldr bad taste poster that has permanently attached their real face and place of work to their behaviour, just block and report
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lackablazeical · 9 months
💕🕊Chizu Miyamoto🕊💕
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Specific trigger warnings -
Minor themes of transphobia (rare), Eldest Daughter Syndrome, emotional neglect, guilt
Specific boundaries w/ this character -
Do not ask invasive questions about Chizu's transition ('What is her deadname', 'what's in her pants', etc.)
General info -
Chizu's birthday is October 5th. She is a Libra ♎️
Chizu's love language is Gifts.
Chizu is straight, she is attracted to non-women exclusively.
Chizu has moderate anxiety which manifests in obsessive-compulsive behaviors like cleaning.
Personality traits -
People-pleasing, a doormat, occasionally stubborn, patient, caring, gentle, traditional, somewhat manipulative.
Chizu is a doormat with most, but she will be extremely stubborn and stand her ground with anyone she dislikes. Basically, she's stubborn when it matters.
Non confrontational, but passive aggressive. She will make snippy comments and use 'because I said so' as a justification for an instruction.
She is slightly manipulative, as she's learned how to plant the seeds of her own beliefs and wants without appearing like she's trying to start a fight.
Chizu is astoundingly patient. She is willing to put up with a lot, and it takes quite a bit to get her fed up. When she gets fed up is when her passive-aggression tends to come through.
Chizu doesn’t communicate her needs, and struggles to express emotions. Chizu is bad at accepting help for this same reason.
Important details -
Her beliefs -
Chizu’s element is air.
She feels a strong connection with birds, especially cranes, as well as wind.
If it's windy, Chizu will do things like allow her fur to air dry in said wind. She also keeps track of the direction the wind is blowing in.
Chizu carves her own wind chimes to pray at, as well as birdhouses or birdbaths.
Chizu collects bird feathers, feeds birds, and treats them with high praise and care. She helps assist tending any birds they keep on the Miyamoto estate.
Her beliefs about Usagi's death -
Chizu blamed herself heavily for Usagi's death, as she was unable to heal him in time and her reviving spell seemingly didn't work.
Chizu secretly kept a box of photos/items of Usagi's to save them from getting taken/destroyed. They are some of her most treasured items.
Her relationship to Raph -
Raph and Chizu are close friends.
Chizu likes that Raph is quite thoughtful, and admires his care for his family and love of the simple/small things in life.
They share interests in having deep discussions, as Chizu is patient and gives Raph the time and space he needs to properly mull over questions and think of a response. They also both enjoy tea parties.
Raph also adores how soft Chizu is, so Chizu often lets Raph stroke her ears or something similar when they are together. Chizu loves Raph snuggles!
Neither one of them are very social or high energy, and simply enjoy getting to be around eachother and relax in peaceful quiet.
They both bond over being oldest siblings, especially oldest siblings to accident prone brothers.
Chizu’s magic is able to quickly and easily calm Raph down/put him to sleep if he is in a rage, so the Hamatos may call her to avoid any extra damage to their lair.
Fun facts -
Chizu’s favorite food is black bean buns, and her favorite drink is white tea.
Chizu likes woodcarving as well as jewelery making. She often makes little statues of her family.
She tends to be an enabler to her mother's bad behavior, as she doesn't want to 'start a fight' or make things worse.
Chizu is very defensive of others, but she may accidently speak FOR the person, instead of letting them get their own say.
She needs to be productive, and will always give herself a job or project to keep busy. She is insecure about not being needed.
Chizu enjoys drawing, but rarely has time to do so.
Chizu’s guilty pleasure is rom-coms.
Chizu smells like flowers.
Chizu loves makeup and doing her nails.
Chizu has fairly strong mystic magic, and she is able to cast spells both normally and through song.
Voice claim [Nicole Maines] -
Tags that include Chizu -
#addams! Chizu, #addams! Rizu, #addams! Miyamotos
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painted-bees · 1 year
As a fellow acespec I want to toss Raf into a protective pillow fort and feed him on an exclusive diet of love and validation. Your posts about him imply that he's been through a lot of trauma. Can I ask what that was? Who hurt our boy?
Thank you for loving the lad!♡♡♡
What's Raf's damage? 😂 it's not really any specific thing that happened to him, he just sorta grew up being boiled alive and never realized it until he tried leave the pot and everything hurt lmao.
He was raised as a commodity. His mother/publicist conceptualized a very marketable, appealing persona that her son was to embody--so that she could sell it. He grew up being told what his goals were, what his passions were, what he liked, what he didn't like, how to speak, how to compose himself in a way that was endearing and widely approachable. And he was praised for it. As a kid from like 4-10 years of age, it was fine--great, even! He liked the praise, he liked being told he was good at things, he liked doing the things he was good at! He was into it, as a kid. But then, as he entered into adolescence, he started wanting other things, hobbies for himself, friends his age, the free time and autonomy even just to explore different instruments and genres of music that he felt personally interested in. But of course, if it didn't serve the public persona, there would be no time for it. He had studies, recitals, competitions, interviews, functions, so on and so forth. Being a public figure was...a pretty all-consuming thing. And he--began to resent it. And he began to push back against it.
Unfortunately, when he began to assert himself and set boundaries for himself--if it took away from what others had to gain from him...it began to color the way they treated him. He didn't fully recognize this though--until he left Monaco to attend Juilliard.
The whole reason he wanted to go to school across the ocean at all was to get as far away from his parents and their oppressive scheduling & scripting as he could--to finally have time for himself, to -be- himself, and to sorta find his own legs, so to speak. Buuut--the students and faculty who weren't some manner of hostile towards him over his history as an (admittedly) overrated, professionally coddled child celebrity--befriended and cozied up to him largely because he and his name carried a pretty significant amount of clout (oh, the connections!). Even his genuine friendships were still colored by the very, very successful career his parents had crafted for him. And this fostered a lot of his anxiety regarding people and relationships.
School left him more burnt out and insecure than he had ever felt in his life, with no solid sense of his own identity, and a very strong sense that people only wanted to get to know him better for the purpose of exploiting him. And--9 times outta 10--he found he was right about that to some varying degree. But with nerves so raw, even an 'acceptable' measure of this felt too much for Raf.
And so, he aspires to be someone that no one knows. A complete nobody. Just a guy. He tried to quit music for this purpose but couldn't really commit himself to doing it--it was too much a part of him, despite how he resented the fact. He just wants to be left alone, but he can't stand to be lonely ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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katyspersonal · 10 months
18 for Gehrman and 22 & 25 for Laurence!
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
We only really have Laurence, Maria, Doll and Moon Presence because whereas Willem, Djura, Eileen and Ludwig are addressed there is so much to headcanon about them that it probably evades "in canon" category... :') I really love the depth and the sadness of both his bonds with Maria and Laurence, regardless of whether they're romantic or platonic. I am a little antsy that they've left some lines suggesting a much deeper bond with Laurence in cut content realm, but I am reusing everything I physically can, sooooo xD
There is also Paleblood Hunter which I love to think is sort of reincarnation of Laurence ( x ), but this one, again, either falls back into Laurence category or there isn't enough to develop during just one night.. 🤔 Final product suggests that Gehrman loves all hunters equally, including us, which is still sweet!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Hahaha, tough luck, I only read fanfics from either 1) people that are unreachable and would never interact with the fandom or 2) people I trust deeply as friends! Reading fanfics became way too important emotional experience for me to mentally manage feeling rejected by the writer as a person. But in the AU where I am a normal person without such deep insecurities, I say everything regarding his story is good! Byrgenwerth era where he only starts picking interest in holy blood? Good. Early Healing Church? Good. His last days where he can't save himself anymore? Good. Whatever time of his life you take will be interesting, because HE is interesting! I definitely adore how Laurence is included in your fanfic, both his personality and his actions!
I do not know the state of Bloodborne fanfics well enough to judge, so I think my general turn-off applies; romantic/sexual fanfics that have such little character-specific or lore-specific context that if you detach the characters from the source material no one will notice! Good ship fanfic is the one that specifically applies to these characters, not just a random fantasy with their names attached! Easiest cheat with this problem is having characters reminiscise or address some prior events in canon, especially if they led to... uhhhh, the """interaction""", but really, there are various ways to bind them to the setting 🤔
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
YEEEEES YES GOOD QUESTION!!!! My first exposure to Bloodborne cast was getting recommended a compillation of boss themes with images attached on Youtube, so I just saw a BW image of his beast form without any context paired with his theme. For some reason I thought he was some wise, serious, dignified monster found (fought?) somewhere in library-like place, and that he could talk too!
I was yet to discover how feral this form of him really was, or that he even used to be a human to begin with! I thought this videogame just had monsters x) Now I am also aware how dirty his hands are, when I thought he was a morally grey character until [player] would disturb him for some reason. He is very complex and deep. Love him for that, but the guy is so heavy that memeing about him is easier dfshfhds But I was right on the money with 'dignified librarian dad' impression, after all! *spoon-feeds you my "Laurence is a son of Cainhurst librarian and quite a bookworm in general" speculation for 700th time*
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^^^ This is also the closest I can get to my first mental image of his human form after I've learned he had one and was a scholar in Byrgenwerth! You can see dark hair and buttchin were always there, but he used to have green eyes and less facial hair... Also his glasses were exclusively for reading. And he was tall and less "cute". I agree the "handsome" beta Laurence is a bit better than my final product <:3 He feels more... laurence-y xD If I am to ever create something 'serious' for Bloodborne, like maybe a large comics, I might roll back to this image more, but for now it is all little kitten Laurence for me.
Thank you for asking!
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macstarli · 2 years
Apparently this is my weekend of tumblr, because I have spent a lot of time thinking about the infamous bar fight A LOT and now I need to put all of it somewhere. Because usually I get so annoyed by the aftermath that I don’t think I’ve actually thought about the actual fight in a really long time.
I think I might actually have to re-watch the first half of Season 6. Because the more I think about it, the more I feel confused and to be fair I don’t rewatch GG all that often, especially that part of GG, so maybe I’m just missing something, but Rory and Logan are both acting really weird when he surprises her with Jess, right? And I guess Rory acting weird kind of makes sense. I can see how she’d feel insecure infront of Jess (who proofs soundly that he has very little problem judging her extremly harshly and with very little context, which isn’t exactly a huge surprise from him) in general and I can even see that she’d feel insecure about how much he wouldn’t “approve” of Logan (which, fuck Jess, but she wasn’t in a great place with how she was thinking about her own life and even at her best she’s not great with other people’s disaproval) so that would make that an akward thing for her.
But I remember Logan and Rory as being in a really good place in early season 6. A lot of other things were messed up in her life, but they were happy. I mean, she said “I love you”, because that’s how she feels about him, and while he couldn’t say it back yet, he’s clearly happy about it and doesn’t seem freaked out by the pressure or anything. And they talk about it and are both good with how their relationship currently is.They feel really solid. And yet he shows up, sees her with a guy (he probably doesn’t even know it’s an ex) and just immediatly seems to go towards jealousy. I think. I haven’t actually just watched those scenes with sound on for ages. He’s definitely not thrilled about it and immediately goes on the offensive hard from what I remember. Which doesn’t feel very like Logan to me. Especially because him and Rory are in a really good place and he knows it. That feels more like a defensiveness that would show up in a relationship that is struggeling. Because I guess that behaviour kind of tracks with his behaviour in Season 5 with Robert, but that’s exactly my point. They’re not exclusive in Season 5. She actually is on a date with another guy and so he reacts with jealousy and trying to get her to go home with him instead. He’s still struggeling with his emotions and what they are and what they mean and thus he’s behaving weirdly. That behaviour makes a lot less sense for me in Season 6, where they are in a commited relationship and happy and all he’s seeing is her standing around with some random guy. And I don’t mean that in a “man, Logan is just an asshole”-way, but in a “hey, that writing doesn’t make any sense to me”-way.
Now Rory acts kind of weird from the moment he shows up and I can kind of see how that feeds into whatever he’s already feeling, but I’m so confused by why he’s already feeling... whatever it is he’s feeling.
I have a headcanon (that I stole from someone else and I wish I could remember who it was), but was there an actual in-show reason why Rory and Logan go from being in a good place to... whatever the fuck that evening was? If I remember correctly the episode begins with Rory not being thrilled about the boys in that bar, but is that the first time we get some sense that their relationship is heading in a more unsettled direction or am I just not remembering something else?
Anybody free to talk about this with me? Because I am currently unable to think about anything but that stupid fight and whether or not it makes sense for their relationship.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Tim being everyone's girlfriend but nobody knows they're sharing Tim. Hell- Tim doesn't even know that he's dating someone!! Er-- someones. It's like fuck buddies situation for him but when people ask if he's okay with-- age, themselves, etc, Tim thinks it's all insecurities when they're really just asking if he's okay with dating them despite age, themselves, etc.
😭😭😭😭😭 tim just being blind to how his fuckbuddies take him out to dinner and movies and tell him how much they love him 😭😭! he just thinks that they're being nice and feeding him in exchange for him letting them pound his cunt on a weekly basis.
and tim is just internally like 'aw they're so insecure' because they all came to him with things like 'oh but tim i'm so much older than you, i'm your father, i'm your brother, we've been friends for so long, i've known you since you were a kid, etc' and it all makes no difference to tim because good dick is good dick.
😭😭😭 they're going to be on their knees crying and throwing up after finding out tim wasn't exclusive with them 😭😭😭
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noneedtofearorhope · 2 years
i think one of the worst demographics on this site, perhaps just generally, is young people in college. they exist at the intersection of being young and stupid and not knowing what they don’t know, and of having that self confidence of being in the educated class. oh and also like, that age is also a very social one, where people typically have bigger social lives than they have or will have, while also perhaps being the most insecure in their lives, with the time to spend exclusively on socializing. so of course not only are they making very self-assured (but wrong) posts, they do it very often, and have existing connections to get their posts traction, which feeds into itself.
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alarrytale · 11 months
hi Marte. Sorry this is late but I'm still struggling with the childish chicken conspiracies tweet. I feel like... The first rule of PR is that publicly denying something brings attention to it and makes it look like you have something to hide. I just can't imagine that tweet was planned by his team to quiet the Larry rumors. Anyone with common sense knows all it does is shine a spotlight on them. So that leaves me with the feeling that Louis really did just snap at us or they used Larry for publicity and I hate those options, and even they don't really make sense??? Option A: Louis just snapped at us does not make sense because he's still singing 7, and if he knows about chicken wrapped in parma ham then he knows damn well what he's doing singing "Larry" on stage. The Louis that snapped over chicken and the Louis that sings 7 can't co-exist, either he loves to feed us or he's sick of us. It's mutually exclusive. If he's sick of Larry he's also had a million chances to debunk things or really talk about it instead of getting mad at a random tweet that wasn't even about Larry. And then there's Option B: His team used Larry rumours for publicity, but it just doesn't really work either. They know that the majority of his fanbase are Larries. I can't imagine any PR team would intentionally piss off most of the fanbase, especially when tickets had just gone one sale. It just doesn't make sense.
Hi, anon!
The thing is, we don’t know if this was done to sabotage him, distance him from his fans, make him look rude and homophobic and hinder his sales, probably done by Sony. Or if it was done by himself and his team to use Larry as promo for his tour, because it was the best option to achieve what they wanted.
If you look at the effects of the tweet it might give us some insight:
It was a reply to a tweet - not everyone is going to see it. You have to know the lore to be able to know what he's talking about.
Fans reacted to it. Mostly with humour, but also with hurt. Accounts and blogs who have a foot out of this fandom, woke to life and joined the conversation. It woke a sleeping part of fandom up. Louis has struggled with low listening numbers and falling engagement on this tweets and ig posts, compared to the amount of followers he's got. This changed that.
The denial was weak. Nothing we haven't hear before, so those who're larries are still larries and het louies are still het louies. It didn’t change the fandom dynamics much.
Some people who were on the verge of leaving fandom before this left.
The ridicule and hate towards larries increased, because we were put in the spotlight.
The press picked the story up. It was syndicated world wide, but some notable big tabloids ignored it.
Some articles framed it in a way to make Louis look ridiculous for responding in that way. Some articles said he slammed larries again.
This story hardly left the fandom. Other fandoms thinks Louis is ridiculous and that larries are conspiracy theorists/lunatics. No change there.
I've only see a few people from the gp questioning this and being interested in looking into larry due to the articles.
Looking at the effects of the tweet i think it's option B. I think it was ment for fandom, to wake us up, create engagement and conversation, make Louis related things trend and use Louis' connection to Harry to make people interested in Harry check out Louis. If it did put a spotlight on larry, that was okay with them, because he did it as a denial, plus larry is real and any new fan gained from the attention will most likely become a larrie. I don't know if they thought that the potential outrage among larries would create losses. We've been through this before and if we've survived thus far, they probably thought we'd survive this too. I also think that they don't care if this makes him look insecure, homophobic and rude to his fans. He already has that image, and this aligns with things he's said and done before. For him, this was more of an attention grab than him being papped with a D-lister or having another scandal.
Tldr; I think he did it to get attention from his existing fanbase, maybe old 1d stans too, and promote his tour to his existing fanbase.
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selfshipseaside · 1 year
Also sidenote to everyone: my blog *is* discourse free. I mean this in the way of *ship discourse*. If I'm talking about community issues, it's not meant to be discourse or negativity. I'm discussing our community which can be largely problematic unfortunately, but I'm here as a bringer of positivity and activism. Sometimes activism and talking about the community involves not so nice things like racism, exclusion, an other topics that very much are in our community that I have also talked about previously. That isn't, in my mind, what this site considers "discourse". Discourse on a technical level is discussion, not inherently negative. But this site has a negative connotation to the word so I'm making the distinction now. This blog is ship discourse free. I don't do that here. I've also always mentioned it to be *specifically* ship discourse. I write cute stuff, remind people that they are worth the world and more, talk about the community, ask questions to you all, and give people in our community a space to speak so long as they aren't bigoted/hateful/looking to cause drama and stir up "discourse". Anything I say isn't meant to provoke people, start drama, or fight and debate others. I state this very clearly every time. Racism in our community isn't discourse. It's racism, it needs to be talked about. Excluding people in the community isn't discourse. It's exclusion, and it needs to be talked about. If people in my ask box have something to say about the community, I'll give them a space to speak. We all deserve to be heard so long as we aren't being assholes. There are things in the community that are unspoken that deserve to be talked about, not swept to the side for people to wade through with no explanation and to feel left out of this unspoken loop. I don't agree with people who think "C'mon guys let's just not fight or talk about all this stuff let's all get along!" Because that would mean allowing bigoted people, knowingly or unknowingly, get away with their actions and allowing them to alienate people who deserve to be here. By staying silent, people who get pushed to the side in our community stay that way. Curating positivity includes letting others know that you are thinking about them, even when it's talking about their insecurities and feelings about the community that might be bad feelings. So, I'll continue to talk to you guys and get your input. I'll continue to write cute stuff for you to feed your daydreams. And I'll continue to talk about what needs to be talked about. I love self-shipping, and I love self-shippers, I want our community to thrive on us uplifting each other and being in love with our f/os! But, sometimes it gets complicated, and it can't ever just be that when it's a whole community of people with thoughts and feelings. I see the good, the bad, and the ugly. So I'll talk about it. I'm not here for discourse, I'm here for community and solidarity.
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totallyhussein-blog · 2 years
Will you be visited by three Christmas ghosts or will an inspector call?
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“We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will soon come when if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish.” - An Inspector Calls
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Angela Moohan is the chief executive of The Larder, a charity fighting poverty and hunger with dignity. Angela has also issued a stark warning to the United Kingdom in the Morning Star newspaper.
THIS winter more and more of our fellow citizens will go hungry. In Scotland and across the UK people who have never suffered from food insecurity before will, for the first time, not have enough food to feed themselves and their families.
Last Friday, The Larder hosted a National Emergency Food Summit. We issued an open invitation to statutory and non-statutory organisations, voluntary and community groups, politicians, trade unions, academics and individuals, from across Scotland, to come together in an effort to find a collective way forward to put food into people’s bellies this winter.
While the recent focus has understandably been on soaring energy bills, hunger and food insecurity has fallen off the political and media agenda. There is a moral imperative to act, we cannot allow our fellow citizens to go without the most basic necessity for life: food.
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An Inspector Calls is a play written by English dramatist J. B. Priestley, first performed in the Soviet Union in 1945 and at the New Theatre in London the following year. It is one of Priestley's best-known works for the stage and is considered to be one of the classics of mid-20th century English theatre.
One of J B Priestley’s best-known works, An Inspector Calls was written in the 1940s, though the action takes place in a single night in 1912. It features the Birlings, an upper-middle-class family living a comfortable life in the north of England, where Arthur Birling is a successful factory owner and local politician and his wife Sybil oversees the running of the home and sits on charity committees.
As Helena Gomm wrote in the Winchester Today; On the night in question, the Birlings have every reason to feel smug. Their daughter Sheila has just become engaged to Gerald, son of Sir Gerald Croft, and Arthur believes that his own name will appear in the next honours list. They are having dinner to celebrate.
Into this scene of domestic complacency comes Inspector Goole, who wishes to question the family about the suicide of a local working-class girl, Eva Smith. At first, they all deny knowledge of her, but it gradually emerges that each one has, in some way, had an impact on her life and has contributed to her exclusion from society, her despair and, ultimately, her death.
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nances · 1 year
The hand of Vecna allows for powerful spells? Will the wise is REAL. Also his power balls are green... The power of love perhaps yknow Blue + Yellow= Green. Or maybe it has something to do with the files of green liquid they found idk lol
That’s a great observation!
Seeing as Will is now a vessel for Vecna, his means of getting in and out of Hawkins (at least this is the assumption especially based on the fact that the mind flayer did possess Will) therefore making Will a “marked man” and according to leaks will require sauteria to sever this connection, I could see Will gaining an ability that’s exclusive to him. I don’t know if they will literally take the hand of Vecna from dungeons lore (although it’s a strong possibility, given the fact that the leaks mentioned “heavy prosthetics”), but it definitely should be at least mirroring of it.
Now I have a hard time believing that Will had any connection to the lab pre-mother gate, but I think the reason why Vecna would have chosen him in the first place is the same reason why he chose Chrissy, Fred, and Max. They all had something eating away at them, and he weaponized these things, using his victims as vessels for his powers and “breaking the dam”. Will was step 1 in this whole plan. Will’s “otherness”, something he was abused for by his deadbeat father, is something Vecna might have sensed early on and exploited. It seems to me that he has an ability to feed on fear, people’s greatest insecurities.
Sidetracking here a bit, but the leaks also mention “Hopper’s secret from season 1” and I feel like it’s the fact that he sold El to Brenner in order to find Will. El’s core philosophy is honesty, and finding this out would definitely cause hurt feelings, even if it’s in the past. I feel like this is something Vecna might taunt El with, since he seems to be omniscient atp.
The green liquid thing is interesting, but I think it might be used with the machine again, perhaps to close the gate for good. Granted the government hasn’t disposed of it yet (but given what we know about cold war and the whole arms race they probably haven’t lol)
I feel like I should remind us to take everything with a grain of salt still, as these aren’t confirmed 100%, and it could just be a very dedicated fan trolling. But I still think all this speculation is insanely fun and I’m definitely excited to see where the story ends up going.
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
What's the Taylor Swift drama? What did she say?
In her latest video, she has a scene where she steps on a scale and it just says FAT and she's upset about it. It's meant to represent her struggles with disordered eating and dysmorphia, which I am absolutely sympathetic towards, but it really, really highlights how in trying to show her struggles... she's just... feeding into other people's suffering. Like... she is just saying "FAT BAD, FAT NOT ME" and "isn't it ridiculous someone as skinny as ME feels fat" which harms other people.
I actually do commend the fact that she did change the video fairly... swiftly (badum ts) to just show her looking at the scale and being upset. Which represents the insecurity much better. Still not ideal but I also understand that with just a visual medium demonstrating this problem, it works much more effectively without punching down quite so hard.
This is the one place where I will be more lenient towards Taylor, like... it is a mine field.
But it is something she and other people need to be more considerate of in the future.
Helping people with disordered eating/dysmorphia is not in competition with or mutually exclusive towards fighting fatphobia. They stem from the same societal failures (AND there are many, MANY fat people WITH disordered eating, so these aren't two separate groups) and so we all need to keep these things in mind while offering help and insight.
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