#feel for kate and hee family and friends
amaliaofnassau · 6 months
the mum of a close friend of mine has been battling cancer for a few years now, and sadly, she was admitted on monday to the hospital. Her health has been rapidly declining and she probably won‘t have much time left. While we all think of Kate in this very though time, I‘d be eternally grateful to you if you could keep my friend, her mum, her family and everyone who‘s currently battling with this hell of an illness in your prayers and send them all the strength possible <3
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stingrayextraordinaire · 10 months
Thank you, again @moonlightandstarshimmer! Sorry it took me awhile to get to this :)
Last song: "Don't It Feel Good" by Home Free
Favorite colors: royal blue, dark red, lavender
Currently watching: a lot of "Barnaby Jones" in the background while I'm working, and a lot of "Hee-Haw" while I'm hanging out with my family
Currently reading: I just finished Circe by Madeline Miller (not my favorite but beautiful writing) and just started The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory every time! I love a little sweetness but in moderation
Current Obsession: I am in a serious obsession drought, which is very strange for me... the last thing I was obsessed with was the Remy Van Lierde giant snake legend, but that was just a one-evening obsession. Waiting for the next life-dominating obsession to come soon :D
Last Thing I Googled: "Scooby Doom newspaper story"
Currently Working On: some tiny Christmas polymer clay miniatures for friends, end-of-the-year lesson plans, and Christmas cookies for the staff potluck next week!
If anyone would like to do this one, please feel free! :)
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koreankokaine · 7 years
Flights part 4
We got back to the hotel El completely flipped on me.
"Amira Greene Keller, explain." We got to the room, went to our bedroom inside and shut the door. She turned on music loud enough but not disturbing and I started to explain.
"So you know my best friend from New York? Twix?"
"It'svernonfromseventeen." I said super fast
"What?" her face looked very confused
"It'svernonfromseventeen." I said a bit slower
"Amira?!" she warned
"It's Vernon from Seventeen."
"We've been friends since I was adopted. His family lived right down the road from us. Our mothers are friends."
"Omo, Kate has friends." She said seriously then we busted out laughing. My mother is very...childish.
"Yes, she does."
"Wow, anyway continue."
"When I was 2 and he was 5 he moved. He's brother figure to me more than my own brother. I was too young to communicate by speaking coherent words and write so he took it upon himself to write the best he could and would draw pictures dedicated to me. My mother would send his family pictures and vice versa. All my life we've been in some form of contact. When I was old enough, 6, his family brought me to Korea."
"So you've been to Korea????"
"I know I'm sorry."
"Go on,"
"I was 12 and he was 16, he started training. I was there when he was accepted into Pledis. It was the best day in both of our lives. Hansol is a very hard worker. The other guys are too, don't get me wrong but being a foreigner and half Korean, he struggles with other things most don't deal with."
"So are you friends with the group?"
"Yes, ma'am I am. That's why I don't let you on my LINE because I talk to everyone on there. Hansol was the first "idol" I met."
"Who else do you know?"
"Jisoo, Amira."
"Three months for ten years amounts to a lot of time and people."
"You spend the whole summer there?!?"
"Yes and no. I would go during the school year. My parents and his have an arrangement with each other and the school. I live there with Hansol's family and several times I've stayed at another groups’ dorms."
"What groups"
"Got7 and Exo."
"For real?"
"Yeah, Mark is also my best friend."
"How many best friends do you have?"
"The ones that are as good as you are Mark, Hansol, Changkyun, Suho, and HaNee aka Honey J."
"Honey J like Jay park's backup dancer?"
"I literally ran into her at a cafe."
"Bro," she was low key jungshook we sat in silence, "Sooo question?"
"Are you May?" I nodded
"You're May?" she said a bit too loud
"Shhhhh," I said hitting her lightly
"Wow, and I call myself your best friend." I laughed. "Why are you anonymous?
"What do you mean "why?"
"You're May, THE best friend of Monsta X and several others. Fans don't know what you look like or your name but the hear your voice. You're a ghost."
"Oh Yeah, we all agreed for the sake of my sanity to keep things under wrap. Yes, they still talk about me and show hosts and people bring it up but they know how to go about it."
"Gave me a rough idea of how many groups you personally hang out with?"
"I know MX, Exo, Got7, Seventeen, and several AOMG guys. Sadly, I have not had the please to meet BTS, Ikon, and others on our list."
"This is the most important question I’ve ever asked in our 8 years."
"Have you met Jay Park?"
I started laughing, "Yes I have. He is annoying as hell. I love him but this man will not stop being a pain in my ass."
"How did you met all of them?"
"You know about Hansol and Honey. I met Mark while visiting California that one year when you guys went to Florida. We both went to the skate park and connected. I met Suho last year when I was shopping in Japan and EXO was there having a concert. He was in a store and I asked him a question about some clothing. We got to talking and invited me to the concert."
"So you have been to an Exo concert. Did you meet any of the other guys? It's so surprising. You are not a very outgoing or social person." she said with sarcasm and a smile. 8 years of friendship and she knows everything about me except this part of my life. I smiled
"Yes, I met the others. Actually, I'm better friends with Chanyeol than Suho."
"How did you meet Monsta X? No offense that's who I am mainly focused on now because you just allowed me to meet them."
"Hansol and I were visiting Seoul on his day off and had just gotten some street food. There was music playing and I started singing and Vernon started rapping to it and this guy heard us. It was the CEO of Starship. He came over and asked if we were signed with anybody. Hansol said yes but I said I wasn't and that I wasn't looking to be signed. He said he didn't care but that he wanted to add me to a team of private contractors. I agreed but me being 12 he told me to meet him at a location with Hansol and come see what he was working on. We went later that day and it was No Mercy live recording. There was nobody there. We sat in the back. Hyolyn and Soyou were chilling in the judge seating area. Hyolyn was so goddamn beautiful. When I met her, oh my God, she was, no, IS a goddess. The show started and the contestants performed a lot of good songs. You've seen No Mercy, so you know everything. I know this is going to be cheesy but one of the contestants really held my attention. We made eye contact. I was kinda magical."
"Was it who I think it was?" El asked knowingly
"Yes, it was Hoseok." I smiled "So there I was, 12 years old in the midst of future idols, at a live show of a company who produced one of the biggest girl groups and staring at my first crush."
"Awwww Lucky,"
"LOL, no, that was the day my life became hell. Those boys are the most irritating men I've ever met." I chuckled
"Really?" she questioned
"Oh yeah, they're the reason I can't go to one of the best restaurants in Seoul."
"Oh my Jisoo, tell me later."
"Yeah, that's a whole other story," I said recalling that event
"Anyway, they finished their performances and the guy came up to us. He introduced himself to us. I was starstruck like you were tonight but I got over it pretty quick. This was when I wasn't fluent in Korean so I had Hansol translate. Hoseok asked where we were from and said that I looked a little too young to be there. The judges were still in the room conversing. Some of the other guys came over to see what Hoseok was up too. He went into a protective mode when Gun Hee asked why we were here and who we were. Hansol told them what we were there for. the guys had a few hours till the had to go so we got to know them."
"I wish I was in your head right now. That must have been cool," she said trying to imagine
"It was."
"What happened next?"
We told them how we were invited and they were like 'you need to sing a song for us' and I was not having it. I told Hansol to translate 'I'm only here to watch the show.  Hoseok asked me to sing for them. and me being me agreed instantly. I looked at Hansol for approval and he agreed. I got onstage and I picked Give It To Me by Sistar. It was the first song I knew how to sing fully in Korean. I ended and everyone in hearing range was shocked. I got a standing ovation and the producers try to get me to sign with Starship which I kindly declined. I want to be independent. Soyou and Hyolyn were impressed and praised me for doing their song. I talked for a while with the other guys and they gave me their contact info so I could contact them next time I was in Korea. I talk to Mx, Gun Hee, and Yoon Ho the most. Outside the setting of work, they are very genuine and nice people. Since MX and Seventeen have known me since I was younger they are more like brothers to me. The women of Sistar are like my older sisters and too often they act like mothers."
"Wow, that's cool."
"Yes, it is, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I can't go around saying Hi my name is Amira. I'm also called May. I am friends with Kpop idols. What's your name?"
"I understand, I'm a little mad that you waited this long to share."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I'm glad you told me finally though." we hugged my phone dinged with a notification. Wonho texted me goodnight I replied to him. El saw me, "So another big question," she began.
"I have a feeling what it is." I was worried
"So are you and Wonho dating?"
I laughed, "No, we are not.”
“He really likes you. You can see in the way he looks at you. Amira, he's in love with you.”
“Ellie, he's 24 years old and I'm 16. He's 8 years old older than me. His fans would kill me. I can see read the headlines now, ‘Monsta X’s Wonho dating ordinary fan.’ ‘Update, Wonho’s mystery girl is their friend May.’  Oh yeah, Yep that would get me killed and my family would be pestered. If my real identity came out that would be very bad.”
“Why don't you have LDR with him and see him when you visit or at concerts?”
“My age would be frowned upon and he doesn't like me like that. It's never going to happen. Trust me.”
“You know it's true, he likes you.”
I ignored her, turning off the lights and going to bed.
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 10:08 am
Welcome to “8 Questions with…..”
  It was the last week of January and someone mentioned that it was almost time for “Women In Horror Month” which happens in February. Feel a bit inspired I quickly tossed out a “interviews wanted” in my faithful casting group and got a very nice group of talented actresses who have worked in horror films who agreed to answer some questions.   Its time to meet our next guest,the very spirited young actress Chelsea Jurkiewicz who is based in Salt Lake City,Utah.  Chelsea has been performing for almost half of her life and she is just getting started. I got a chance to watch her work in the short film “Angie Bleeds” and I can assure you,she has some serious skills for someone so young.   It takes a mature actor to handle sensitive issues in a film,most younger actors tend to go big but I was very impressed with mature Chelsea handled herself.    Now she is having a bit of fun by starring in a new indie horror film,which is my cue to shut up and get out of the way of Chelsea answering her 8 Questions…..
     Please introduce yourself and tell us about your latest project.
    Hi! I’m Chelsea Jurkiewicz. I’m 21 years old, and I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. One of my latest projects is a horror movie called Abigail Haunting, where I play the lead role of Katie. We filmed it in Las Vegas. I got to work with an amazing team of multi-Emmy award winning filmmakers. It’s coming out this Summer, and I can’t wait for everyone to see it! 
What was growing up in your house like? Is your family naturally artistic?
   My family is artistic, but not in the entertainment industry. My mom and grandparents are all great painters. That’s cool, but I was never really interested in that sort of thing. I kind of broke the chain of visual artists when I started acting, singing, and dancing. 
While being only 21 years old,you have been acting for 10 years,how did you get your start?
    Acting is something I’ve always loved doing, even before I knew what it was. As a kid, I was always acting out stories and making up movie titles. When I was 11, I heard about auditions for a live musical. I ended up getting cast in that, and really fell in love with every aspect of performing. I continued doing theatre for a few years. When I was 15, I decided to try film acting. I guess that was always my dream, but I didn’t feel like I was ready to jump into it until then. It was hard to get an agent and all that at first, so I started by doing a lot of background extra work. That worked out really well, because it got me used to being on a film set. Within a year or two, I was able to land an agent and start getting lead roles in short films and small speaking parts in features. In 2018, I got my first leading role in a feature film, playing Renee in The 13th Cross. (That’s coming out soon, folks.) The next year, I landed the role of Victoria Crumb in the movie, The Crumbs, out in California (that’s also coming out soon, folks), and Katie Fredrick in Abigail Haunting (that’s also also coming out soon, folks).     Since then, I’ve acted in a few amazing shorts and things. One of my upcoming shorts that really stands out to me is a fantasy drama called Lumeria. For the past several months I’ve been taking a break from acting, which I think has been really good for me. It kind of feels like taking a gap year from college to find yourself. (Not that I would know what that feels like. I’m not very school-y. Hence my use of the term “school-y”.) But anyway, it’s been a wild journey, and I’m excited to get back on set fairly soon. Wow, that answer was way longer than you bargained for. And I’m glad of it. I’m not ashamed of being a long-winded person, guys.
What three things about horror films appeal to you the most?
  I love being dramatic. And name one time you can be more dramatic than when you’re starring in a horror movie. Also, I think fear is the most intense emotion, and I like to see what I can do with it. My third reason is that I have fun knowing that I can keep the audience on their seat when I’m performing. I feel like I’ve got them in the palm of my hand. When I began my acting career as a child, I just wanted to act – I didn’t like all the power and attention that came with it. But that power and attention has grown on me as my confidence has grown. I love the power I have over the audience when I’m doing horror. Boo. Just kidding. I guess I’m a little hammy. Which makes sense, because ham is pretty much the only meat that I think is yummy.
What  three films have scared you the most and what scared you about them?
   I think I’m kind of desensitized to horror films because I’m around the genre so much. I see it from a behind-the-scenes perspective, you know? But I think one of the greatest horror films ever made is The Conjuring. It’s so well-shot and well-acted, and shows that you don’t need a ton of blood and profanity to scare people. Fun fact: I actually auditioned for The Conjuring 2, and had never seen the first one. I watched it before I auditioned for pre-text, and was like, “Oh my gosh!” Totally amazed. Still amazed. Anyway, we aren’t here to promote that movie. (but it had Ocean Master in it! -Editor) Another one of my favorite horror movies is Crimson Peak, because I love period pieces. And that cast is super dang good. I also love The Witch. One of my big wishes is to work with A24. I can’t give you an answer for what scared me about them. I’m just not easily freaked out by the obviously scary stuff. I’m literally more afraid of broken dolls or something. There’s a drawer in the house I grew up in that me and my mom call the “Scary Drawer” that has broken dolls from my childhood in it. I don’t throw them away because randomly I have an urge to scare myself. Is that weird? I don’t care.
Do you have a different approach in your preperations depending on the script?    What has been the three best pieces of advice given to you acting wise?
  Yes, I do prepare differently based on each particular production. That being said, though, I don’t have any conscious strategy to prepare for a role. If there’s any research I need to do, I do it. I write notes in the script sometimes. I rehearse. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have to try. It just comes. Trying too hard can corrupt that. I sound like a granola, but it’s true. That’s why I don’t take acting classes. I’m not sure if I believe in strategy. As for the second part of your question, here are 3 great pieces of advice given to me (in no particular order). One is from a great friend of mine who told me that it’s not about the dialog, but what happens underneath. I am definitely a dialog person, so I don’t even 100% agree with that, but I still consider it one of the best pieces of advice because it reminds me to pay attention to my facial expressions. Facial expressions can get you cast. Seriously. Another piece of advice is from my mom. It wasn’t meant to be advice for acting, but I use it in my career as much as I do in my personal life. And it is simply to be confident in yourself and don’t care what others think of you. My third piece of advice was from a very established director that I was doing a callback for once. Because of my extensive horror background, I kind of got to the point where I thought every scene needed the intensity that a scary scene does. This movie I had been called back for wasn’t a horror film, but I did the scene with so much intensity and drama. It was literally so dramatic. The director told me to do the scene again, and he had one note for me. “Less.” That one word made me realize that I can save my energy for the scenes that need it. I didn’t book that role, but I auditioned for The 13th Cross like 2 days later, used that advice, and landed my first lead in a feature.
Which do you perfer,film or live theater and why?
 I think I’ll always appreciate both…I did start in theatre after all…but I’m going to have to say film. I’m a very subtle actor, and film is the medium that lets me use that talent. Also, I’ve gotten to play much more dramatic and juicy roles in movies than I ever did in plays. And probably most important of all, I just feel like film peeps are more my species of peep.
Which three people inspire you the most and why?
 That’s a tough one – so many people inspire me! If we’re talking celebrity-wise, I’d say Kate Winslet. She’s kind of the reason I got into film acting. I always wanted to be like her. You should read my 15-year-old self’s journal entries. I talk about Kate Winslet so much, it’s not even funny. Another one is Emily Blunt because she is so freaking versatile. That’s how I want to be. Oh and Toni Collette. I’m not even going to give you a reason for that other than she’s just super cool and talented and dramatic as heck. If we’re talking someone I personally know, I’d say my friend Dennis. He is just beyond amazing and interesting. And as mysterious as a treasure chest. He has so much love for literally everybody. 
What do you like to do for fun when you’re not working?
 Ice-skating, making jewelry, walking/hiking, anything involving a tape recorder, photography, and most of all, any type of adventure with my friends or family. 
What are three things people would be surprised to know about you?
 I love this question! Can I tell you more than 3? Well, I’m gonna. 
      -1. I’m also a singer and dancer.
      -2. I am related to Scottish royalty. 
      -3. I have a severe mental disorder called Psychasthenia. 
      -4. I have been onstage with David Copperfield.
      -5. I am ambidextrous. 
      -6. I have never been swimming, and I used to think that was a deep dark secret.
      -7. I am related to Elizabeth Montgomery.
      -8. My favorite food is cheese.
    Okay, I’ll stop boring you. Not that it’s boring, hee hee.
The cheetah and I are flying over to watch your latest film but we are a day early and now you are playing tour guide,what are we doing?
 Hmmm…well you really SHOULD visit Salt Lake sometime, it’s a beautiful city. One of my favorite attractions in Utah is an amusement park called Lagoon. I can’t ride all the rides because I get motion sick really easily, but I still love that place. Besides fun rides, they have little shops, and an arcade, and an old-fashioned museum thingy-jingy. Another one of my favorite places near my hometown is the Grand America Hotel. It’s kind of like a mall in there, and it’s the fanciest place I’ve ever seen. I also might take you to a cute little place called Gardner Village.
  I like to thank Chelsea for doing such an fun and interesting interview. Of course the cheetah and I looking at each and going “A24????” knowing full well a certain film buff we know will be getting a HUGE kick out of that…..yeah,Danny,we are talking about you! The thing is,I believe Chelsea will indeed work on a A24 film in the near future,she has the drive and the skills to make it happen for herself. Hopefully soon we’ll be reviewing “Angie Bleeds” here on the blog and you’ll see why we are excited to see where Chelsea goes next. For now,you can click on any of her social media platforms below and follow Chelsea’s rising star…..
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/chelseajurkiewiczactress/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelseaamberjurkiewicz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChelseaJActress
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6922643/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRKkRcWhcZOuqv36lV_oPcA
Abigail Haunting page & trailer
Thank you for supporting my interview series and if you like to catch up with who we have chatted with….click here. Feel free to leave a comment as well…..
8 Questions with………actress Chelsea Jurkiewicz Its 10:08 am Welcome to “8 Questions with…..”   It was the last week of January and someone mentioned that it was almost time for “Women In Horror Month” which happens in February.
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