#feel free not to match lengths
cantfightmoonlight · 2 years
Us vs. Them. Three words he had heard all of his life again and fucking again. How many times did his father used to preach about the heavy burden the family carried? They could hardly get through one game of makruk before his father would start back up again, going on and on about the monsters that hide among them, lurking within plain sight. He'd talk about creatures far worse than any fairytale could depict, ready to carve down his brother and sisters if they didn't take them out first. His old man truly believed that what the hunters were doing was necessary. Fighting back, for him, had been the one way, maybe even the only way, he felt like he could protect his family. Only the protection his father had been desperate for had driven his son out of the house and his daughter to loath him at her core. This two sided mentality, one or the other, had destroyed the Channarong family and now, as Rune stalked away from the Rec Center, dagger in hand, he found himself feeling that familiar divide once more.
As protective as he was over Anya, his beloved sister, he didn't try to stop her when she volunteered to save So-Ra. He wanted to. He wanted more than anything to yank her back and tell her he'd go in her stead, but he knew that she had just as good of a chance out there than he did, maybe even better given the fact that she had always taken her hunter training far more seriously than he ever had. He knew that she knew how the hunters thought. They both of them knew how they were trained to fight and he had trusted her to get in and get out with the least amount of causalities. Only when it came time for him to volunteer, time after time, she never once spoke up and when she did, she fought him on it. She acted like he was just as helpless of a human as everyone else in the room had and, sure, she threatened Ken in his defense, but where was she when Nico was squaring up with him claiming that he was only volunteering for the glory? What? Did she think so low of him too? He didn't want to believe it but he caught the way So-Ra had tugged on her sleeve and the way she had agreed with her as if the anger coursing through his veins at the idea of having to watch two people he'd do anything to protect have their lives put on the line wasn't helping anything. He had told her when she first came to town that this place, these people, meant everything to him to the point where he felt the need to be wary over his own flesh and blood and yet where their lives were put on the line, she held him back. And so he snapped.
Crumbled under the unbearable weight of having to watch your neighbors and love ones get hurt over and over again or worse- come back gloating over the fact that they had just killed a handful of hunters. A handful of humans no different than him and given his recent run in with their cousin, they very well could have been him or their other siblings for that matter.
Fuck. His fist collided directly into the hunter before him's cheek, barely blinking an eye as the skin around his knuckles began to break. But, even with the shooting pain up his arm, he kept punching. The anger that had been simmering underneath his skin for years now finally boiling over as the last frail piece of restraint he had left in him shattered. Human, supernatural or hunter, none of it at the present seemed to matter or maybe he was simply tired of attempting to care when no one else seemed to give a shit about who exactly they were fighting.
"What the hell do you want Anya?" He muttered out, his tone far more harsh than he ever had used with her over the course of his entire life as he knocked the hunter before him unconscious.
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alex-perry · 12 days
who: open to everyone
where: in front of the asbury hotel
Alex stood outside The Asbury Hotel, squinting at the revolving doors like they were his arch-nemesis. How many times had he been here this week? Four? Five? He'd lost track. At this point, the front desk staff probably thought he was lurking around the place for a heist—or worse, a Yelp reviewer.
He tugged at his perfectly ironed, oatmeal-colored button-down and checked his Tissot watch, even though he wasn’t meeting anyone. Okay, Alex, he thought. You just need to get inside, blend in, and no one will question why a random guy is inspecting the cornices again.
To be fair, this wasn't his fault! He was sent here to find out how the fuck The Asbury Hotel had managed to capture that effortlessly cool boutique hotel vibe, and it wasn’t like you could just Google “how to make a hotel look cool without spending the next Avatar movie budget.”
Spotting someone in front of the hotel, Alex saw his opportunity. He walked toward the person, flashing the most non-threatening smile anyone could muster. "Hey, are you heading inside?" he asked, voice an octave too high with fake casualness. "I, uh, forgot something in the lobby the other day." Which wasn’t necessarily a lie — he'd actually forgotten to inspect the ceiling beams up close.
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beauclary · 5 days
WHO: Open to Anyone WHERE: Rosie's Diner WHEN: March 6th / a little after 6pm
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To look at him now, it's almost difficult to imagine that there was a time when Beau Clary had the infectious sort of charisma that could engage an entire room. Hell, an entire stadium, at least once a week for a good chunk of the year for nearly all of his life. He's almost a shell of that man now ― at least in mind and spirit, if not in body. It's almost comical, actually, for someone so physically imposing to hold himself so small ; a hardened pebble in the sole of the Wexley, jammed into the grooves. Out of sight, out of mind. To his credit, he's done a commendable job at convincing himself he prefers it this way anymore.
But he's been lured out of the quiet lonely isolation of his apartment under a moral obligation to appease the kind hand that feeds and now ― now ― Beau stands in the middle of Rosie's Diner looking a bit like a deer in headlights. He feels a bit foolish, really ― it's not as if he doesn't know these people, even if he doesn't really know them, but he feels awkward and bumbling, like a perfect stranger stumbling into a family reunion. In spite of the fact that he doesn't really know where to go, he feels inclined to get out of the way, so he locks his gaze on the nearest empty chair and quickly makes his way over.
Looking up a bit sheepishly once he's seated, Beau clears his throat. ❝ Hi. Oh, hell, Ihis, um ― I'm sorry, this seat weren't taken, were it? ❞
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jasonmacavoy · 2 months
location: blackwell gala for: anyone! @thefallstart
This wasn't typically Jason's scene, too swanky and posh for his less refined and more barbaric tastes. He was more of a dive-bar kind of guy, perfectly content with a large pint of Pabst Blue Ribbon and a Marlboro Red stuck between his lips. If was going to go out, that's what he'd want. Nothing fancy, just a shit ton of cheap beer and a couple of smokes in his honor.
But tonight had nothing to do with him. He was simply on call, and for all intents and purposes working, positioned at the side of his gang like any good, little soilder would be. Jason didn’t ask questions either. He just did as he was told and carried out his 'errands' with pride and a sense of discipline — well it always started out that way anyway.
He hadn't lasted more than twenty minutes, a personal best for the ex-fighter, before all this being on his best behavior bullshit had earned him a drink. Jason had spotted an empty chair at the bar and just as he reached for the seat, another did the same.
"Yo, I was here first."
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moshebehar · 2 months
SETTING ― Latte Love, afternoon ! AVAILABILITY ― Open ! ( Capping at 4 ) !
It was peaceful. That had been Moshe’s initial impression of Blue Harbor when he’d finally taken the plunge that following Nilay halfway across the world had warranted. There was really no telling whether he'd make the decision to leave any time soon― he doubted his perpetual wanderlust would pull him away from Blue Harbor considering the fact that he seemed to find more and more reasons to stay with every passing day. It wasn’t as though he had a deep aversion to packing up and leaving if that was something that needed doing— it was more that his time in the United States had offered him a freedom he’d not yet allowed himself to experience in life and he was all too willing to take advantage of it as long as he possibly could. Freedom that had found him, at that present moment, shifting in a cafe chair outside of Latte Love, grading papers for the most recent assignment he'd given his first year students. 
“Ah, good try, mate,” Moshe found himself murmuring under his breath as he wrote a few detailed comments beneath the final paragraph of the paper in question. He admired the effort his students were willing to put into their work and hoped it was in part due to even the barest hint of respect they’d developed for him since he’d become their teacher. He found himself blinking owlishly at the sight of a phone number scribbled at the end of one of his student’s papers and shook his head firmly as an almost startled laugh erupted from him just loud enough to catch the attention of someone near him. He raised a hand and smiled sheepishly, “I’m sorry about that– I hope I didn’t startle you. Perhaps you can help me? What’s a fellow to do to turn a student down incredibly gently when they seem to have a crush on him? I’m really quite concerned I’ll accidentally reduce her to tears or something.”
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kmadrigalsoto · 4 months
❛ ☾ ◟━ LOCATION: nash's supermarket
❛ ☾ ◟━ TIME: mid-afternoon
❛ ☾ ◟━ STATUS: open to anyone
Coming from a place of privilege, Kimberly didn't have to learn independence. The heiress had her fair share of help, whether it be her driver, nanny, maid, etc. However, when she went abroad for her studies, that's where she willingly learned how to do things on her own. As she got older, the concept of adulting wasn't something she could relate to with someone outside of her tax bracket. However, as soon as she ran away from the Soto Legacy, she knew that it was crucial to adapt on her own—especially in a new country. Out of her day to day chores, there were a few things she despised. One of them was figuring out what to eat. She didn't want to heavily rely on food delivery apps, takeout, or dine-ins, when she's well aware that she has a kitchen that needs to be used.
Currently in Nash's Supermarket, she had been making laps around the store with her grocery cart trying to figure out what to meal prep. By the fridge area, she watched as the last carton of egg was taken from the non-existent pile and it was there that Kimberly was ready to admit defeat. "Maybe this is a sign." she said aloud. "Is there even a point for me to flag someone down when I don't even know what I want?" Turning to the nearest person beside her, she wore a sheepish smile and added, "Apologies, it looks like talking to yourself is a clear sign of hunger...Hm, off the top of your head, what's the easiest meal to make that leaves you satisfied?" Clearly she was looking for quick food-spiration.
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glacialswordsman · 1 month
@inblazes | closed starter.
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Tink, tink, tink.
With every step Kaeya made into the otherwise peaceful night within the city of Mondstadt, the little spheres that decorated his anklets clinked against the metal. It wasn’t a loud sound by any means, as Kaeya was generally light-footed, but any trained ear would still be able to hear him as he silently walked the paved paths of the city that led out the gates.
Restless—he was terribly restless. Ever since Kaeya’s return from his getaway with Ajax in Sumeru, things felt…off. Initially, he was content to be home, all his worries having been left behind in the Nation of Wisdom all thanks to that darling man with ginger hair. He and Ajax have gotten closer ever more as they spent weeks together, away from their duties and away from everything that had been haunting them. It was just the two of them, salvaging their relationship and coming out stronger than they had ever been. Together. It was well-needed, no matter how much Kaeya had believed he didn’t deserve any of it.
It was evident in the way he had been smiling so brilliantly once he returned to Mondstadt. It was so apparent that he was able to see the expressions of relief many folks wore when they welcomed him home. He did notice some…apprehension, lining some of their faces, and honestly it should have set off alarms in his head the moment he felt something was off. However, he paid it no mind, as he was instead reveling in the feeling of practically walking on air compared to the previous months.
Ever since his most recent fight with his br—…
... With Master Diluc.
Recalling it sent a sharp pang through the Alberich man’s chest, yet he recovered quickly and pressed on as he headed towards the Angel’s Share to indulge in a few drinks and catch up with the usual barflies, as well as Charles—and that’s where those feelings of restlessness began.
Stepping upon the worn, dirt roads towards Starfell Valley, Kaeya winced as he remembered the day of his return.
He remembers swinging the door of the Angel’s Share wide open, gleefully calling out to Charles and announcing his return—only to suddenly freeze in his spot as his eye didn’t catch familiar brunet locks, but instead a mane of flames. His jovial expression fell immediately and instead gave way to something else entirely.
It was as though a bucket of frigid, glacial waters was dumped right over his head, the air surrounding him shifting and becoming absolutely chilling towards anyone nearby.
Kaeya felt like he had been glued to his spot for ages, yet in reality, it was only a few seconds. However, it was a few too many. He had been caught off-guard and failed to slip on his mask quick enough, fumbling with it before finally donning it with a cordial smile towards the Ragnivindr man.
It seems his time in Sumeru made him lax.
He had approached the bar and ordered a bottle of Dandelion Wine to take back home, even offering his greetings to Diluc, before leaving the Tavern altogether to return home.
The guilt of that interaction, though, was not the only thing that made him restless. There was something stirring, something that he couldn’t quite put a finger on—but it made whatever had been docile up until now start howling within him. He was frustrated, feeling as though his every instinct had dulled since his vacation. It all became clear, though, once he thought back on Ajax and realized that what he sensed during their very first encounter is what he's sensing now. The Abyss.
It’s not the Chasm, no. It’s not as though something had been unearthed—but rather, it felt as though something had been…
Even the Ordo caught onto some strange movements regarding the Abyss Order, and while normally they would be more cautious on how to tackle this situation, Kaeya was more than willing to investigate it for them. It was, admittedly, a little suspicious of him to take up such a job on his own so quickly, but he needed to know. He needed to put some of these tumultuous feelings within him to rest, and the only way to do that was by understanding what was going on. Thus, the reason for his late-night trek towards the Thousand Winds Temple, in search of someone that may have the answers.
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lilyxjxevans · 1 month
Where: Potter Residence/ 5th of August-sometime after midnight With: @jamesffleamont
Lily had promised she would be home for dinner, to spend the evening with James. Instead work had sucked her in and she'd been drowning in paperwork. She knew she was going to be late, and so she had picked up a box of treats before rushing home. Expecting to find James waiting for her, she found an empty house. At first she worried where James may be, he usually sent her an owl if he planned to be late. But she dismissed the thought as she went off in search of dinner. It was still early enough, it was possible he was still stuck at training with the team.
The later it grew the more she began to worry when she still heard nothing. She tried to tell herself it was nothing. After all, he could have easily been caught up with Sirius or Remus, or really any of their friends. But still there was that niggling voice of worry that said he still would have thought to let her know. What if he'd gone on a mission? What if something was wrong? As it grew late she knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep. She tried to distract herself with a book, only to find herself reading the same sentence repeatedly. Instead she resorted to pacing, wondering how soon was too soon to start contacting people, trying to find out where he was. She had been minutes away from going to the Order to check in when he finally arrived home. Immediately she looked him over, assuring herself he was okay. "Well I'm glad to see you're alive." She couldn't help a small note of irritation in her voice. "It's late, I was worried when I didn't hear anything."
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nathan-caruso · 3 months
Location: The Cozy Cup, coffee shop in Midtown Wilmington Featuring: @kyewinslcw
After the morning rush ended, Nathan was busy wiping the semi-dirtied counter from the spills and splashes of coffee, creamer, and whatever else the customer wants in their coffee. Nathan didn't judge; he's poured alcohol in 'em before for people. Whatever gets a good tip, y'know? He smirked at the thoughts, his hazel hues drifting across the patrons sitting in the shop. People watching was another perk of the job. Seeing one of his favorite tippers, his hands naturally reached for the decaf pot of coffee and oatmilk in the lower cooler before strolling over to Ms. Woods. The 68 year old woman inherited her ex-husband's very wealthy estate years ago and pretty much told anyone who listened. Was it kinda wrong to be so nice to someone just for money? Nathan's thoughts raced before remembering his ma and four younger siblings. "Judy, I noticed you needed a refill." The young male mused in a semi-loud tone. Despite having so very much money, Judy Woods didn't have that great of hearing aids. Nathan went ahead pouring some of the decaf into her almost empty cup. Clever idea getting his boss to switch to the clear mugs that he ensured him was very hipster and in right now. In reality, Nathan used it to ensure a cup was never empty around him. Maybe that's why regulars loved him so much. He splashed a dash of oatmilk in the cup before smiling at Judy. The usual routine occurred then: Judy would stir the mug two times, take a sip, and smile at Nathan while saying, "Your coffee just taste the best, my dear." Nathan's grin grew, the sweetness of the woman actually causing it for once. Grant it, serving her so many times over the many months did cause Nathan to become a little attached to her. "Thank you, Judy. How's the kids?" Nathan would always start to talk about her family or her dogs or even asking about whatever book she was reading. Seemed to always make her happy and well, again, it all came down to Nathan getting a decent tip. So he did endure a bit of repeated stories for the money in the end...
*Ten minutes later*
"Judy, I am sorry to have to leave you mid-conversation, but I'm afraid I have a customer coming in the door." Nathan pouted, nodding towards the person that he assumed just walked through the door. "Oh, sweetie, don't you be sorry! I appreciate you always talking to this crazy old lady. I need to get going anyways. They are installing the hot tub today in my the updated patio today. Did I tell you Jackie and the girls are coming over this weekend!" Judy said in an excited tone, openly holding out a 100 hundred bill to Nathan. And, like every other time she's given him a large tip, Nathan simply grabbed the bill from her hand and smiled. "Thank you, Judy. You enjoy that hot tub, but stay safe. Don't be breaking no hips or nothing." He joked causing the older woman to chuckle before she left the ship and Nathan walked back behind the counter. The 100 dollar bill felt like a victory in the front of his apron. Smiling at the new customer, Nathan settled into his spot at the register. "Hello there, how we doing today?"
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charmwisp · 4 months
WHERE: coffee shop in the down the rabbit hole underground mall WHEN: first week of june (no specific date, just current) WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: none for now! (may cap later on)
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Rika wasn't quite sure how to explain the feeling that came over her as she skimmed through the front page article, declaring that the strange creatures terrorising the town of Anchoage these past few weeks as nothing more than a hoard of vampire bats, but she suspected it wasn't too far from the feeling one might feel when they are losing their mind. If these things were just bats then why did the reports line up so neatly with what she had seen? Why had she been forced to take an unscheduled break from work after a customer had asked her if she'd heard the rumours and then gone on to describe the exact creature she'd seen in her nightmares? Nightmares she'd yet to tell a single soul about? She'd woken up, night after night, in so much pain that she thought she might be sick, only for reality to finally settle and the hurt of being stabbed to fade into nothing but a dream. It seemed as though, any time a mystery was presented to the authorities, they were determined to wave it off with the easiest, most digestible answer and move on. The same had happened with the seven of swords lead at Halloween; the police had zeroed in on the word sword and nothing else, brushing it off as nothing more than a reference to the victim's costume. (If the seven of swords was a symbol of betrayal and deceit, perhaps it was fitting after all; the cops were certainly betraying the trust of the townspeople by refusing to do their damn jobs.)
With a weary sigh and a neat frown fixed on her face, Rika set the newspaper down in front of her. “So,” she said, speaking clearly and impressing even herself with how well she'd masked her mounting frustration, “What do you make of this?” She rotated the paper, so that her view of it was now upside-down, and slid it across the table. As much as she wanted to say exactly what she made of it, the fear of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, or as though she really was losing her mind after all, kept her from saying too much. Living in the States hadn't helped in making her a more direct person either, despite her early hopes, and she still tended to shy away from rocking the boat unless it felt absolutely necessary. “Weren't there rumours about these things carrying off livestock? Could a bat do that? They're not very big...”
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sebastianvora · 4 months
— LOCATION: Blue Lanes.
— WHEN: CJ Welford's Baller Birthday Party event.
— CHARACTERS: Sebastian & OPEN ( 2 / 3 ).
Sebastian didn’t know what the deal was with this place, but for a bowling alley, they certainly didn’t like when he picked up any of the bowling balls . . .
Okay, maybe it had something to do with the fact that he wouldn’t stop swinging the bowling balls around like a softball player getting ready to pitch the ball, but how the hell else was he meant to win every game without his intensive pre-bowl routine? He’d even made sure to pick the lightest ball available, usually reserved for kids who couldn’t pick up anything more than five pounds, just so that he wouldn’t tear his own muscles trying to speedily swing a thirteen pound rock above his head.
He’d just been told off for . . . what? The umpteenth time? By one of the alley’s employees. It was a different person each time, Sebastian unknowingly going through their entire roster of staff, because each time that they came over here to tell him that he needed to behave, and that he’ll damage the property if he didn’t listen, he simply ignored them. Once the young guy finished wagging his finger and turned around to retreat back to the front desk, the fighter huffed.
“That fuckin’ guy doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about,” Sebastian slurred, pointing lazily behind him with one finger as he turned to the person beside him. With little hesitation, he ran to pick up one of the eight pound bowling balls, hurriedly exclaiming, “Watch this!” as he began to lift it once more.
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safaksoy · 4 months
𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆: Pie Numbers for 'za 𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘: closed for @just-foster
In the time that she had known Matthew Foster, she had only known him to be kind and brotherly. As a younger college student navigating the college town of Philadelphia by her lonesome, Safiye was often met with the ridicule of her peers. She had developed a propensity for muting the unwelcome criticism and name-calling. But it was on one particular evening, just past midnight, when another student—whilst completely inebriated—had cornered her on her path home that she met Foster for the first time. He had stepped up to the plate to defend a stranger, even kindly offering to walk her the rest of the way home. Perhaps subconsciously, she began regularly walking the path in which she knew she might encounter Foster. It had never been a school girl crush more than it was her seeking security and safety. In turn, she extended her medical services and she found herself administering first aid and suturing his wounds on a number of occasions.
Despite that Philly had been an unkind place for a single young woman like herself, she had endured much of it through a friendship with Foster. "I gotta say–" Safiye began snidely, grinning across at her dining companion, as she inhaled another garlic knot, "Didn't think you'd find your soulmate before I did. I'm quite proud of you." Though it could have been taken in jest, Safiye was being plainly honest in that moment. The way he spoke about Phoebe, maybe even sung praises about her, was unlike any previous casual mention of a girl. (Or his previous wife.) As far as Safiye could tell, Phoebe was a much better match for him than anyone else he had ever crossed paths with. "But when will it be my turn?" she grumbled, the way Disney stepsister villains might have. Her love life had been in a state of kinda, sorta, and maybe since the day she had met James Bennett. Will they, won't they? Their story hadn't played out quite as easily or naturally as Foster and Phoebe seemed to, and she found herself confused at times more than anything.
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stxinedpxges · 4 months
▷"Nothing is pleasanter than exploring a library."
The quote by the english poet Walter Savage Landor was one that Devin had always found truth in. Although most people thought all libraries to be the same, Devin couldn't disagree more. He felt that each library was different. That each library not only held the stories of the books they shelved but the stories of those that chose to read those books. Much like the quote Devin had always taken pleasure in exploring the libraries of all the places he had been but his love and belief in that quote had been thoroughly tested amongst the shelves of the Helltown public library.
It's not that there wasn't a decent selection, there was, maybe not the newest titles but there was enough to keep a regular reader interested but much like the rest of the town the library was a little run down, the books weren't as cared for as they should have been, the shelves creaked and groaned and dust swirled in the air, weighing heavily on the lungs of anyone who had spent far too much time there. It only added to Devin's curiosity within the town and he had found himself spending a few afternoons there after classes, not only to do research but to grade papers or write if the mood took him in that direction. He sat at one of the tables in the middle of the library, books piled and scattered around him. His notebook was half filled with notes and comments and he'd honestly forgotten what he had initially come in here for, his mind had been side tracked on numerous occasions onto a variety of topics and now he tried to piece it all together. The shelves creaked and he cast his eyes up from the page he was looking at to spot another person in the library with him, they were scanning the shelves which he had taken a few books from. He cleared his throat ❝Apologies, if ive taken something you're after. Feel free to come take it back.I'm just...well im not even sure what im really doing.❞
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tallulahowens · 1 year
Open || Independence Day Carnival
Ever since summer had begun, Tallulah had been very skeptical about this whole independence thing. It had absolutely nothing to do with the Independence Day Carnival itself —the one that she had been tirelessly helping to plan— and everything to do with giving her almost teenage daughter her own small taste of independence while at the event. After much begging and a highly organized PowerPoint presentation complete with bullet points and pie charts, Tallulah had allowed Miranda to roam the carnival with just her friends, a 10PM curfew, and periodic text check-ins that were not to be missed.
Of course, Tallulah would still be in attendance as well. She had volunteered to work the event, and was doing just that, weaving in and out of the crowd selling 50/50 tickets. Just as she finished off a sale, Tallulah caught sight of her daughter near the Ferris Wheel making googly eyes at some kid Tallulah automatically assumed was trouble. It took everything in the former beauty queen not to not march right up to the little punk and break up their little love fest. Instead, she opted to play it more stealth and darted behind the cotton candy stand for a better vantage point, peeking out slightly to monitor the situation not realizing that someone else had been monitoring her too. 
Caught red handed, Tallulah heard someone call out her name. She turned around slowly greeting the looming presence with her million dollar smile in an attempt to conceal her blatant spying. She held up the tickets as a decoy ignoring the obvious and asked sweetly, “How about a 50/50? It's for a great cause."
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g1bsongirl · 6 months
𖤐⋆.˚  STATUS  ... open .ᐟ 𖤐⋆.˚  LOCATION  ... anywhere outside baybee .ᐟ
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what was the saying — music on, world off ? certainly applied to iris. the girl was in a trance, fully encompassed by the ‘smooth’ sounds of 100 gecs frying her eardrums. one notch up and crimson would’ve no doubt dripped from her ears. a grimace contoured her features as soon as her playlist shuffled. who the hell snuck ‘sail’ by awolnation into her rotation ? before she could even hit next, the wheels of her rollerskates swept up from beneath her. blunt force caused her body to stumble back. looked like something out of a cartoon, had it been, a giant text would’ve appeared in a decorative bubble … ‘ boing ! ’ headphones lay beside her, the obnoxious beat blaring. perhaps the song was a warning sign ? should’ve listened. instead, she accepted defeat, laid there and took a gander at the sky. “ s’nice day — huh ? ” head tilted as she squinted, trying to catch a better glimpse without mutilating her pupils. “ is it just me or does that cloud look like billy the puppet ? ” wasn’t her first time falling and it certainly wouldn’t be her last. “ y’think you could spare me a hand ? ” she extended an arm out, fingers splayed, and offered a lax grin.
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bastardfae · 1 year
closed starter for @masterxtiernan.
facing the consequences of his actions wasn’t ever something arnon could say he enjoyed. most of his life, he’d been able to avoid doing so through some recurring stroke of luck and when he hadn’t been quite so fortunate, he’d had kaden as his safety net to soften the blow. however, since becoming tiernan’s property, facing the consequences of his actions had been the only insufferable constant.
the most recent case in point had been during an attempt to toy with one of tiernan’s rules simply to see what testing the waters of such boundaries would look like. he’d managed to sneak out of the suite following the request of tiernan’s presence elsewhere in the castle — in arnon’s eyes, it was all pointless shit when it came to anything council-related — and had only managed to get as much as a corridor away before he’d accidentally stumbled across raiden’s path. the depravity and violence that ensued was too unsettling for arnon to recall for too long without a wave of nausea hitting him.
even if his collar had been removed to allow his body to heal before the next torrent of abuse, the mental scarring from the incident was still painfully raw. when he’d eventually made it back to tiernan’s suite, he’d mentally checked out for a good few days — all light behind his eyes dulled as his mind shut down to attempt to gain some kind of reprieve from reality. passing a comfortable night was never an option given his current living conditions, but on the third night following the incident, he’d finally come back to himself enough to at least register one line of thought.
it wasn’t that he was thinking clearly, necessarily. it was much more a case of being driven by pure need above all else. had he been in his right state of mind, the thought never would have occurred to him but that really didn’t matter right now. he gingerly pushed the door open to make his way to the living room — following the ghoul’s presence was never a challenge; he was impossible to ignore even if arnon wanted to. he stopped short of the bar, suddenly apprehensive in his decision as he watched the councilman’s back like a deer in the headlights. after a second of deliberation, the halfling swallowed all lingering doubt and made his way to the couch, climbing into tiernan’s lap and burying his face against the councilman’s neck without a single explanation offered. “don’t question it.” he mumbled after a moment, all usual cocky bravado gone from his tone. “jus’… needed this. that’s all.”
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