#feel free to send another ask
shiawasekai · 3 months
i did the good ending for daeran too, but sometimes i feel a bit bad about it because he seems sadder than he does in the happy evil one. good ending daeran still has a lot to worry about, and there's reservation there. i feel like i'm just making him 'good' because it makes me feel better and not because it's what's best for him :c i know it's just a game but he is such a compelling character!
Oh, hello, anon! Thank you for the ask. I'll share here my impressions if you don't mind!
As far as I see it, the Good Ending isn't making Daeran "good." It's giving him a chance to reconsider who he wants to be and what he wants to do with his life by pointing the flaws in his worldview. In the end, he may decide he is fine with who he is! Or evolve into someone else, but it will be a choice made after he has put thought into it. Instead of keeping with a behavior born of habit, indulging in the same excesses he used to distract himself from the Other's constant presence.
Growth usually comes with uncertainty and self-reflection comes with sadness. Reconsidering your life never starts with happiness and self-fulfillment, it takes time to get there. Yes, he has a hard time for an undetermined amount of time as he decides who he wants to be... but I also think asking yourself the hard questions can lead to a fuller, more real happiness.
You have looked in the mirror and either liked what you see, or worked to improve what you don't like. No matter the answer you reach in the end, that's an ultimately happier outcome to me. And that's something the Good Ending invites him (a bit forcefully, admittedly) to do.
I don't see a "sadder" Daeran, but a Daeran that's stepping into a phase of growth. Sometimes being immediately happy isn't the most desirable outcome long term, sometimes it's turning a blind eye to what could make our life better.
And that's what I like so much about the DLC bits: this is a Daeran who is, in fact, reconnecting with emotions he had pushed away and giving a good hard look at himself. Redefining who he wants to be. It doesn't have to be a good person, I in fact expect him to still be mostly selfish and a bit of an asshole... but in a way that's less of an escape from reality. A way that makes him happier in the long run.
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frostbounddevotion · 9 months
' why can't I come with you? ' / vayn
Delicate lips pull to a subtle smile. Eyes fall upon the other with warmth.
"Simple. You're too empathetic. You're, weak. You wouldn't survive standing beside me."
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basementstalker · 11 months
Once a day is really impressive haha! Ngl I'm kind of an addict to just scrolling mindlessly at times, kinds like scrolling on pinterest. What are some of your favorite topics? (Like yandere or darling qualities?)
Well, I suppose it's more that I do my best to only come on here once a day. I have another account that I scroll more on, but the content I follow there is completely different. I tend to feel useless if I'm online too much- have to always be "productive" you know? Whatever that means.
Topics I enjoy? Stories of any format (unfiction, songs, books, video games, etc) with the genre tending towards horror. I enjoy discussing character motivation. Plants, nature, architecture, art, philosophy, and esoterica are all fun to talk about. Although I only really discuss things with my sibling- I don't trust others enough to share my thoughts on most things. I suppose the Internet is another place I feel slightly more comfortable sharing things, giving the anonymity of it all.
Yandere and darling qualities are fun to discuss as well, though a little arbitrary in the end since people are so varied. I don't entirely understand the darling label (other than it means you're interested in a yandere partner- which could be for so many reasons, not to mention the kind of yandere you're interested in). I'm glad it's given people the chance to form a sort of community though.
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modeus-the-unbound · 4 months
Would like to know what you just finished doing!!!!
What I just finished doing?
What I just finished doing was a 9 hours shift at work where I had to take everything off of 4 shelves in the walk in freezer, then take those shelves outside to be power washed (thankfully someone else's job) and then clean the walk in freezer before putting the shelves back into the freezer before restocking everything back in it's place.
While also doing my normal job in a restaraunt kitchen during a friday evening....
This sounds like me bitching, but it isn't. That is all I did today. After clocking out and getting home, I laid down in my bed and haven't even rolled over since. XD
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novasvent · 2 years
so you know someone named kat irl?
Yes why?
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If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
I'd probably tell myself "there's probably gonna be some tough times ahead, but there are people there for you. People who will listen and give you the support and understanding you need."
I would also tell them to try and save their documents more often when they're writing.
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gigizetz · 1 month
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o7 for dead X eye guy he shall never be forgotten
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min-angel · 4 months
ya ever just wanna.. ride him... and don't stop until he tears up.....
cup his face and kiss him all over as you slam yourself down on his aching cock. i wanna make him whimper and watch him squirm, shove his face into my chest and tell him how sweet he is for letting me use him♡
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creatuesfromthedeep · 2 months
Flight Rising Lore Ask Game!
🍓Show off your favorite wet cat (pathetic) dragon and share a fun fact about them!
🍌Show off your favorite couple/throuple/etc and share some information on how they first met, fell in love, etc!
🍊Do you have a specific artist, band, etc, that you listen to when you're working on lore? Share one of their songs!
🍇Share the "villain" or main antagonist of your clan and talk about them! (Note: Doesn't need to be a cackling supervillain, it can also be an annoying trickster, etc!)
🍑Share a tidbit of prose you've written, and give the author's commentary! (The writing can be from a bio, etc)
🍐If you had to narrow down your clan into 2 movie genres, which genres would you pick? (Ex: Action/Adventure, Romance/Comedy, Horror/Drama, etc)
🍎Write an elevator pitch for your clan's lore and share it! Try to keep it to 1-2 paragraphs
🍏Show off a dragon family and talk about them! Do you have siblings, parents & kids, etc? (If you don't have any families in your lore, choose one of the other prompts instead!)
🥭Show off a dragon who's doomed by the narrative and talk about them!
🍍Your clan is mysteriously transported to a deserted island where only one dragon can leave alive... Who's the last one standing, and who dies first?
🍋What's the most dramatic/emotional moment in your lore? Explain it, or write one short paragraph of prose set during that moment
🍉Share the dragon who would be most likely to get banned from a grocery store, and talk about why you picked them
🍈Share your favorite duo of dragons! They must be platonic or familial, no romantic couples!
🍒What's your best tip on making a lore clan?
🥕Share how much you've written for your lore! (This can be measured in bios, pages, wordcount, etc)
🥑Show off your most underrated lore dragon, and talk about them!
🍅Describe your clan's home/lair in two sentences.
🥝If you were to start over on your lore and remake it entirely, what would you change?
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dustykneed · 6 months
Picture this; Bones holding Joanna, rocking her to sleep and the part in Beautiful Boy where it’s like “The monster's gone, He's on the run, And your daddy's here” is playing. :,)
Fatherhood gives you certain... skills. Coincidentally, this is also how Jim finds out that Bones sings.
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warpedwings · 2 months
Misha Collins - Sneakers, Part One
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Thanks to Anon for the request, more sneakers to come in a few days!
Part Two Part Three Part Four
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Another Kirby OC Ask Game!
Thought I’d make another one of these since everyone liked the first one so much! Here are some more Kirby OC asks. You can send a number or an emoji, whichever is easier.
1. 🎶: What is a song that you associate with your OC, and why do you associate it with them?
2. 🗣️: Does your OC speak more than one language? If they do, what languages do they speak and how did they learn them?
3. 🪐: Has your OC ever left their home planet? If so, what other planets have they visited?
4. 💖: Has your OC met Kirby? If they have, what is their relationship with him like?
5. 📚: What kinds of books would your OC like to read? Do they have a favorite genre?
6. 💼: Does your OC have a job? If they do, what is their job and do they enjoy it?
7. 🧙‍♂️: If your OC had armor and a weapon themed after them for Super Kirby Clash, which of the roles (Sword Hero, Hammer Lord, Doctor Healmore, or Beam Mage) would the armor and weapon be for and what would it look like?
8. 🦄: Is your OC the only one of their kind, or are there others like them?
9. 🪞: Does your OC have a mirror counterpart? If so, what is their mirror counterpart like?
10. 🫂: Is your OC a forgiving person, or do they tend to hold grudges?
11. 🐾: If there was a Forgotten Land copy ability upgrade themed after your OC, which ability would it be for? What would the hat for it look like and how would it upgrade the base ability?
12. 😢: Is your OC open with their emotions, or do they tend to keep their feelings bottled up inside?
13. 😱: What is one thing that your OC is afraid of, and why are they afraid of it?
14. 💍: Does your OC wear any jewelry? If so, is there any significant meaning behind their jewelry?
15. 🫶: Are there any canon characters that your OC ships/that your OC thinks would be a good couple? If so, has your OC ever tried to play matchmaker and set these characters up?
16. 📺: If the anime got a reboot or if there was another Kirby TV show, do you have any ideas for episodes that your OC could appear in? What would the plot be and what role would your OC play?
17. 🪦: Has your OC lost any family members/friends/anyone else that they were close to?
18. 🎬: Are there any characters from any cartoons/TV shows/movies/games/other media that remind you of your OC or that helped inspire you to make your OC? If so, what qualities do they share with your OC?
19. 💫: What is your OC’s favorite place to visit on Popstar?
20. 🥀: What is your OC’s favorite kind of flower/plant?
21. ⏳: How old is your OC? If they don’t have a specific numerical age, feel free to just give an age range instead (child, teen, young adult, older adult, etc.)
22. 👻: Has your OC ever been possessed or mind controlled? If yes, how did it happen?
23. 👊: What would a boss fight against your OC look like? What attacks would they use and why would they be fighting Kirby?
24. 😴: If your OC could pick one of the Star Allies Dream Friends to go on an adventure with them, who would they pick and why?
25. ⭐️: If your OC could pick a final weapon from any game to use (such as the Star Rod, Crystal Gun, Triple Star Cane, etc.) which one would they choose and why?
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waterfallofspace · 2 months
Hey, I saw you were doing the fridaysnzchallange and I was wondering if u could do this prompt: “my sneeze has been stuck all day, please make me sneeze”
Sorry if it’s too vague🙏
not too vague! thanks for the request, hope this is what you're looking for! ^^
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eurekq · 2 months
Here are the requests for aid that I received in my inbox. I checked the vetted status of all of them and to the best of my knowledge all of them are legitimate. Please consider donating if you can!! I apologize for the long post, but I wanted to share the families' messages. Highlighted in red are campaigns that are particularly low on donations.
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kr92,549 SEK raised of kr450,000 target
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€46,164 raised of €58,000 target
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€27 raised of €38,000 goal
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€243 raised of €30,000 goal
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$50,000 goal <- NO DONATIONS AS OF YET
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kr44,867 NOK raised of kr1,067,200 goal
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€16,005 raised of €50,000 goal
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€1,386 raised of €80,000 goal
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wonderingsoftly · 4 months
Not Too Big
something i've been playing with that i like...wanted to populate the blog with a little quick, fluffy wg fic...just a boyfriend and girlfriend realizing they want him even bigger
no major warnings, just a lot of hugging and squeezing and admiring
Theo gorged desperately on the pizzas he bought, chewing loudly and grabbing wildly at the next piece.
He had to get bigger. His mind screamed that it was a matter of keeping his beloved girlfriend, Charlotte, by his side.
There was no indication that she was unhappy, in fact she and him seemed to enjoy every minute together.
But…she was gone on a business trip for the next two weeks. He achingly remembered the way she ran her hand through his short blond hair and placed a kiss on his lips. She promised she would be back before he knew it.
He constantly checked her social media, staring at her pictures of the two of them, then looking at her latest posts--where his thoughts became prickly and relentless.
It was that latest picture.
Her smile was big and cordial as she stood with a big, fat man. Bigger than Theo was, and he far outsized Charlotte.
He was her coworker, and he had met him before, exchanging pleasantries. Theo had never been offended by him or anything, but every picture he saw of Charlotte with the man made him wind up tighter and tighter.
And then he snapped.
Theo was not a small man by any means, quite muscular and bulky himself, and he knew Charlotte liked him that way. He knew she liked big men, which was part of why they started dating in the first place.
They got on like a house on fire, immediately falling in love with each other and sharing hobbies and interests. Charlotte was kind and sweet and fun and endlessly attractive with beautiful, black, wavy hair and near-black eyes, deep and easy to get lost in.
He considered himself incredibly lucky to have landed her, and sometimes that translated into a bit of a need to do whatever he could to make sure she was happy. This wild train of thought was his latest attempt at this.
Though on the other hand, Charlotte was much of the same. She loved watching Theo show off his gains from the gym and would cook delicious meals after a strenuous workout. She praised him often and comforted him when he needed it. She encouraged him to reach his goals. She could rarely be seen without her hands on his skin in some way or another, always trying to be in physical contact with him.
And he…he couldn't bear to lose that.
So he had to get bigger. To his mind, it would be a surefire way to keep Charlotte around. More of him for her to touch and grab.
He ate even more furiously, his stomach starting to protest against his jeans.
He would load and bulk up tonight, cutting the rest tomorrow at the gym. He’d put these calories to work and grow.
Though…a small part of his mind didn't mind if his belly pooched out or if his muscles were padded with a nice layer of fat. It would only make him look bigger, give him more leverage to lift heavier and heavier weights, and in turn make him even bigger.
He imagined Charlotte's eyes looking him all over as she returned to him, his arms and chest pumped and heavy.
Some might call this a dirty bulk, but…bulk was bulk to Theo at this moment in time. He was desperate to fight against his spiral, and the only solution that seemed to stop his brain was preparing calories and energy to change into gains.
He would sleep soundly once the pizza was gone, knowing he’d be big for Charlotte.
The day of Charlotte's return arrived, and Theo struggled to button the nice shirt he had bought a few months ago. His stomach firmly fought against the buttons with every closure he managed.
He exhaled long, trying to flatten his torso enough to close up the shirt. With some effort, he managed, but in the mirror it was evidently clear he was one sudden movement away from popping the buttons off.
Perhaps his dirty bulking worked too well.
Even his arms strained in the short sleeves, the lack of stretch emphasizing their size.
He heard the doorknob start to turn and he rushed out to the living room, the shirt’s buttons creaking slightly.
He got into place, eagerly watching as Charlotte walked in, her smile wide and relieved.
“Theo…” she said happily, like music to Theo’s ears.
He rushed to hug her, sighing happily as he felt her arms wrap around and squeeze his torso.
Where she belonged.
“You look good, Theo,” Charlotte murmured, rubbing his back.
Theo's stomach somersaulted at her touch and comment, and he felt vindicated. It had worked. She was happy.
“Thought I might…work hard to bulk up a little extra for when you got back,” he admitted. “It’s surprising how much I could do in two weeks.”
“Aw, for me?” Charlotte giggled, looking up at Theo. Her cheeks were flushed pink and she gave his side a squeeze.
“Always for you.”
They hugged close again, breathing slowly and happily.
All was well again. Or so Theo thought.
“I…wanted to talk to you…a little about this, actually,” Charlotte said reluctantly, patting his stomach and then rubbing his arm.
Theo's heart dropped, immediately thinking of the worst case scenario. Her return had been amazing, what could she mean?
“Nothing bad, really!” Charlotte gasped, sensing Theo's fear. “But I just…I mean, I was thinking about it while I was gone and how you know I like how big you are…”
Theo looked at Charlotte curiously, his fear starting to dissipate a bit. She was blushing dark now, looking at her hands as she wrung them together.
“I kept thinking of you the whole trip…and how I…I’ve been wondering just how big you want to get? And if maybe…I don't know, I’m sorry–”
“Do you like this? The muscle and…the little extra?” Theo asked quietly, gesturing at himself.
“I love the muscle, but Theo…seeing you stretching this shirt–you’ve only worn it once before, and it was almost a little loose.” Charlotte laughed nervously, pushing some hair behind her ear. “If your ‘little extra’ did that…I…”
Her pause sent a shiver through Theo.
She looked at him longingly. “I want so much more.”
Theo looked at Charlotte in shock. A slow smile crept across his lips, pulling her in a tight hug.
“I…got a little jealous seeing you in those pictures with…what's his name, the big guy… Paul?” He sighed.
Charlotte let out a sad little whine. “Oh, I’m so sorry, baby.”
“No, no, it's not your fault, but…I just…wanted to be the big guy you’re always next to. I…let myself get carried away in my thoughts and just wanted to be there in his place, so badly.”
Charlotte laughed, squeezing Theo’s middle.
Theo moaned out a sigh, relishing the way her arms wrapped around him. She could barely reach her arms all the way around him.
His thoughts wandered to future possibilities. What if her arms couldn't reach totally around him at all…? If there was so much of him she’d never get bored…to lay on him at night, comfortable and warm.
“So, so badly, Charlotte…” Theo moaned in a low voice, his thoughts putting him in a warm, longing haze.
She squeezed him again, rubbing her cheek on his chest, the fabric of his shirt pulled tight and smooth over him.
Charlotte pulled away, Theo placing his hands on her hips. She trailed her fingers up the straining buttons, picking at the little bunches of fabric where the shirt closed.
She smiled, tapping the top button with her finger, looking up at Theo.
Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were tantalizingly dark. Theo felt his own cheeks heat up as all of Charlotte's fingers now rested on the same button.
With a small pop, Charlotte skillfully pushed the button through the hole, and his shirt opened in slight relief.
He silently begged her to keep going.
Charlotte's fingers trailed down to the next button, doing the same. His shirt opened more and more eagerly with every undone button, revealing his soft skin.
She reached the final button, his pooching belly freed from the shirt.
Theo let out a sigh of relief, finally registering just how tight the shirt was.
She hummed appreciatively and ran her hands over his stomach, gently dragging her nails over his skin. She patted his stomach, making him jiggle slightly.
Theo chuckled, placing his hands on hers.
It seemed like he and Charlotte were on the same page.
“Would you…be okay with getting nice and big for me? Maybe…a little less gym time and a little more eating time with me?” She looked up at him with big, wide eyes.
Theo blushed, running his thumb over her cheek. “Something tells me you’ve given this some thought already.”
“Well…I had a lot of alone time at night. Missing you…and maybe sometimes I let my thoughts run away with me…”
“Let’s do it then. I'll make more time to eat whatever delicious stuff you cook up and then we can cuddle.”
“Um…” she started, her gaze falling nervously to his stomach.
Theo tilted his head curiously, wondering her next thought.
“I know I just unbuttoned you, but…I also…want to see you…” she paused, her voice trailing off.
“I want to see you pop the buttons off this shirt,” Charlotte quickly sputtered, her blush now reaching her ears.
Theo looked at her blankly for a moment, processing her request.
He began to belly laugh when it finally registered. He pulled her into another hug, feeling her wrap her arms around his torso under his shirt.
Her arms were cool and soothing and her cold hands sent goosebumps over his body.
“Let's make something to eat then. I'm probably only a few spoonfuls of something away from busting this shirt open, anyway.”
Charlotte responded with a low, pleased laugh, giving Theo another squeeze.
Theo looked at himself in the mirror hanging on their closet door, his sides actually outsizing the width of it. He bit his lip, shuffling a little uncomfortably as he placed his hands on his round, hanging belly.
He was big. Almost 450 pounds big. Bigger than he’d ever been. But it was as they had planned over two years ago. It was just…surprising to really observe himself.
He turned to the side, one hand still on the top of his belly and tracing his eyes along the sagging bottom line of his stomach. It hung almost completely over his waistline, making an apron over his hips. His pecs were now sagging breasts, connecting to his back rolls. His eyes came back up to his face, still framed by his short blond hair, but his cheeks round and full–his neck basically disappeared beneath his double chin.
Charlotte kept insisting that he was incredible. She praised his expanding waistline, all the while giving him third and fourth helpings of the decadent dinners she made almost every night.
“My arms too…” he said with a sigh, lifting and wobbling his massive, soft arms. What definition he once had was totally covered by fat. He gently squeezed his left arm with his other hand. Warm and wobbly…he gave it a gentle pat and made it shake.
“You can still move around! And really well!” he could hear Charlotte's sweet voice in his head, remembering when he asked about her thoughts on his weight so far after he had found he had outgrown his favorite shirt.
“You're in great shape,” he remembered her voice cooing as she gently rubbed her hands on his stomach, uncovered by the outgrown shirt. That would have been debated by almost anyone else, but from Charlotte's mouth, he treated it like gospel.
Oh, and he loved that feeling. Her cool hands on his always-warm skin. The way her dark eyes sparkled as she admired him, when he accepted the next serving of dinner she would offer him.
And she was right, he was still able to get around. While his walk had become a waddle, he still considered himself pretty strong, helping her around the apartment with the heavy lifting chores--under the couch, moving the tables, things like that. He would only rarely be out of breath, and he was as sweaty as he usually got when he used to regularly exert himself at the gym…
Though, admittedly Charlotte insisted he stay seated and just relax while she took care of him, especially after a big meal. She didn't want her enormous prize of a man to have to worry about what she called ‘little things.’
When he sat, he took up almost all of the couch, Charlotte often squeezing herself next to him and absently jiggling his rolls as they watched a movie or show and snacked. His huge legs spread to make room for his giant belly and he found himself resting his arms on it. He had to admit that he was making a good place to set bowls within reach to munch from.
He let out a short exhale as his legs were starting to tremble from the effort of standing in place and observing himself for so long, his breathing starting to become heavy. He waddled himself around a little, watching ripples shake his huge rolls and belly. It took a moment for the shaking to settle, and Theo took a deep, satisfied breath.
But…besides all that, the clothes were really the only problem, and he was often in the comfy sweats and roomy athletic wear she had bought for him.
He was happy to let her spoil him too. Rough days at work? Delicious food. Tons of snacks with movies. The belly rubs, the increased intimacy…
She had always been loving and sweet, but it seemed like lately she was always running her hands over him and having increasingly lingering hugs. He definitely noticed the times she gave his sides a long, jiggling squeeze, but…man, it felt so good.
She knew all the best places to grab and squish, and she knew how to make him feel like he waa a god. Her hands traveled over every roll and curve he developed, her eyes sparkled every time he stepped on the scale.
She's would lovingly rub his huge belly, gently slapping and wobbling him around. It felt so good, and he would moan happily as she played. And when they went to bed?
Theo smiled smugly at himself, thinking of how excited Charlotte got almost every night when she watched him wobble himself to bed and heavily land himself on the edge. The little pink and purple hickies all over his covered chest were evidence of such.
Everything he had been afraid of losing that one night Charlotte came home was nothing but a distant dream now. Charlotte was totally his and he was all hers.
And you know?
Maybe he actually wasn't that big. Sure, it was the biggest he had ever been, but his girlfriend loved him more than ever.
He grabbed his belly and gave it a shake up-and-down. It bounced and jiggled and he felt himself smile with surprising satisfaction.
And he couldn't deny he liked it too. He wasn't enormously big, but he liked being the biggest guy in the room now. The way everyone acknowledged when he entered, his girlfriend holding tight to his huge arm. Her affectionate belly pats when they talked to their friends. Doorways were smaller, seats struggled to contain him, and he eclipsed Charlotte with his huge body.
And it was fine. He wasn't too big. He could still walk, still go out with Charlotte–it would even be fine if he got a little bigger. She always found a way to help him fit through and into places. He wore his huge, fat body well and Charlotte loved it. What would a few more pounds be?
His sweet girlfriend would be back soon with bigger clothes and they could settle down for another nice meal. He was feeling especially hungry now too. Maybe she picked up a giant meal from his favorite barbecue place? He figured he would call her and put in a request if she had nothing else planned.
He smiled at himself in the mirror, his chubby face grinning back at him. He hefted his belly up again and let it drop, watching it jiggle.
“I’m not too big. I’ve still got room to grow,” he said to himself with a pleased smile.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 4 months
Hello Asaka! :D
I can't read Japanese but I know you can, I was wondering if you could translate Nagito's Student File? I've seen a few translations of it, and from those I know It's confirmation he was Lying ABOUT Lying in his free time events. Which makes me happy since me and many have already gathered that from context clues, but to have confirmation about something so theorized about is really helpful. But I was wondering if you could translate it since I've only seen rough translations, I trust your judgment since you're very skilled at both languages!
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If it's too much of a hassle to translate I apologize and you can ignore my ask! 😅Thanks for everything!💕
Hi Zen! 😃 Ohh, this is interesting. I never really read what is written here. Alright! To make it easy to see which part is a translation of which part, I will write the translation for each sentence:
The 77th students were chosen through a rigorous lottery process, a super high school level good luck.
数多の偶発的な事件に巻き込まれては、 その果てに才能の恩恵とも言える幸運な出来事を体験している。
He has been involved in numerous accidental incidents, and at the end of them, he has experienced lucky events that could be called as the benefits of his talent.
One of the most notable incidents was a hijacking that took place when he was a junior high school student.
---------- 彼と彼の家族が乗り込んだ飛行機がハイジャック犯により襲撃を受けた。
The plane he and his family were boarding was attacked by hijackers*.
(* I translated it in the plural form, but since the Japanese language tends not to specify whether the subject is plural or not, it is not possible to tell from the original text whether there was one or more people who hijacked the plane.)
---------- その飛行機に拳大の隕石が墜落し、彼の両親とハイジャック犯は死亡。
A fist-sized meteorite crashed into the plane, killing his parents and the hijackers.
With his family gone*, he was left with an enormous inheritance and freedom.
(* It is not clear from the original text how far "身寄りがない" extends. It can be translated as having "no relatives", but even if some relatives are still alive, if they do not take care of him, the situation is included in "身寄りがない", because this word means something like there is no place to rely on. So I am not sure to what extent Nagito's relatives are still alive, translated that as his family, which is definitely deceased, is gone.)
この事件を彼がどのように認識しているか定かではないが、 しかし彼が抽選に選ばれたのは、ある種の必然であると考える事ができるだろう。
How he perceives this incident is not certain, but his selection for the lottery could be seen as a kind of inevitability.
Maybe it's something like this! I hope this translation is helpful to you! :D
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