#feel free to send asks or ask me to write more for a specific cat
lucentclan · 1 year
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well! i wasnt expecting this-
I wrote a little snippit for this that I'll put it under the cut, I'm so upset over them you have no idea
despite the war between Lucentclan and Fernclan being over, Newtstar decides that he, Pepperflare, and Violethope will go patrol the borders one last time before the sun goes down. They don't realize the scent of rain or the clouds forming in the distance, as they're crossing the beach, rain begins falling heavily and weighing down their pelts.
"Newtstar!" Pepperflare calls over the now howling wind, anxiety pricking in her paws as the rain brings back unwanted memories of Sablepaw being washed away in a flood four moons ago. "We should really go back to camp! I don't have a good feeling about this."
Newtstars ears flick in acknowledgement, "we need to be sure that Fernclan isn't up to anything. I won't lose anymore cats to those fox-hearts!" He argues back, claws digging into the sand as he thinks of their previous medicine cat, Rippleclaw.
"No sane cat will be out in this weather!" Pepperflare insists, "Especially Fernclan cats! They hate water!"
"I agree with Pepp-" Violethope begins, her meow quickly cut off by a deafening crash and flash of lightning. In the distance, the sound of trees cracking and breaking echo down the mountains.
All three clancats freeze, heads snapping to the horizon where they see a massive wave of water quickly making its way down the hill, rocks, trees, and other natural debris coming along with it. The clancats barely have time to process what was happening before the water reaches them and sweeps them off their paws and into the unforgiving ocean. Their lungs fill with freezing saltwater as they cry out for starclan to save them to no avail.
Newtstar is the first to open his eyes, the yellow a sharp contrast to the darkness around him. Stars now shine in his pelt, and reflect in his eyes as he takes in the vaguely familiar area. He had been here when he lost his first life protecting his clan from a dog the same moon Rippleclaw had been found dead on Fernclans border. It had been nice to see the tom again to be assured that he wouldn't be alone, their starclan guide, and Newtstars own kin, Shardfoam being there to keep him company.
He sits and sighs, watching the water drip from is glimmering pelt and dissappear into the stars beneath his paws. He couldn't help but feel as if he had let his clan down.
Pepperflare and Violethope join him soon, appearing with splashes of salt water and gasping breaths that didn't take any oxygen. The she-cats meet eyes for a moment, confused as they look towards their leader.
They realize the stars at the same time, dismay filling them. Quietly, they step forward to sit beside their leader in quiet mourning.
"I'm sorry it had to be this way," A familiar voice says, a cream tabby tom stepping into sight. Sympathy reflecting in his grey eyes as he looks at the warriors. Beside the medicine cat is a younger spotted gray apprentice, Sablepaw, who is looking at them with the same sympathetic look.
"Rippleclaw! Sablepaw!" Newstar cries, standing. "Whats going on? We can't actually be dead, right? What about my other seven lives?" The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them, needing answers. Beside him, Pepperflare tries to speak but just hacks up a mouthful of water. Violethope remains quiet.
Rippleclaw sighs, "Unfortunately there was no way for starclan to bring your body back, it was washed too far out to sea for it to be possible." He steps to the side, the area behind him now streching out into a vast area, stars littering ground. This was starclans hunting grounds. The medicine cat dips his head, tears in his eyes as his friends try to process their deaths, "Welcome to starclan, my friends. Here you can watch over and guide Lucentclan."
Down below the sky, Quailcall sits outside the medicine den, blue eyes watching the entrance of the camp. It's been far too long since the patrol had left, and the elder was starting to get a bad feeling. He looks up at the dark clouds as it stormed and shakes out his pelt before standing and turning to enter the den.
Sparkfire lays in a nest against the far wall, curled up tightly as she sleeps through the infection in her wounds. The she-cat twitches and whimpers in her sleep, shifting slightly. The tom silently makes his way to sit beside the nest, watching the slow rise and fall of Sparkfires back, half expecting it to stop at any moment.
Quailcall looks towards the entrance of the den once more, dread filling his belly. "Starclan help us." He says quietly before curling up close to the deputy and shuts his eyes in an attempt to sleep until the patrol returns.
sorry for the short fic but i wanted to write for this moon soo bad and got carried away.
What will Sparkfire and Quailcall do now?
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koolades-world · 8 months
Hello is hug deprived anon again (this might be becoming my name oh no) and I’ve had an idea
I’m sure we can all agree that mammon deserves all the love, especially because his brothers are too mean to him, they pretend they don’t love him too constantly
So, what if Mammon is away for a week, doing photoshoots or dealing with witches or something, and MC is moping because they miss him,, like, they keep turning to their side to whisper to him and then like deflating when they see no Mammon,, and like, reaching out on that side to hold his hand and then being confused when there’s nothing there, and then they realize :( maybe they stole his blanket from his room because it smells like him, so it’s the best substitute for Mammon hugs while he’s away
Maybe Beel (idk if any of the other bros would be nice enough to tell him) is texting him like “your human is too sad come back soon” and sending him pictures of MC doing this stuff
When Mammon returns MC jumps on him for hugs like “you’re home!!!!!”
Idk I think he’d cry
I think he would feel very loved and probably also cry abt it
What you think? What do you think he’d do?
(If you choose not to write anything about this no worries obviously) (but I eventually might lol I think it’d be very cute and make him very happy to have someone who really misses him when he’s away)
HI!! haha if you want and plan to request more, feel free to pick an anon name! or I could just call you something like hug LOL
wayyy back when I first got into obey me in like 2021, there was this one specific fic I read kind of similar to his idea where mammon was upset at be mistreated and mc stood up for him and it was this cute bonding moment, and this request kinda reminded me of that!! gonna try to channel it a little bit
this idea is literally so cute and I'd be happy to write it! it makes my brain like a cat who has the zoomies hehe enjoy :D
How Ironic
You watched agonizingly as the clock ticked by even slower than usual. You'd been trying to do some sort of work, or anything other than stare at the damned clock forever now, but you just couldn't focus.
It had been exactly four days, six hours, and fifteen minutes and counting since Mammon had left for a week long promotional photoshoot in another ring of hell. You had your sad, but sweet send off and you promise yourself that time apart might be good for you. After all, it always felt like you could never get anything done with Mammon around. Yet, here you were, staring blankly at a clock with a blank piece of paper and pen in front of you.
Finally deciding to throw in the towel for now, you got up from your desk in your room. A walk to a local convivence store was in order. Snacks and fresh air wasn't a combo you could pass up. On your way out, you passed the door to his room which was slightly ajar. You briefly had the thought to poke your head in and ask him if he wanted to come, before remembering that he wouldn't be in there. You continued your walk to the front door, where you put on your shoes and grabbed a bag that had a few necessities in it for the short journey.
Thankfully, you hadn't passed any of his brothers on the way there, meaning you didn't have to explain yourself or have them ask to tag along. While you enjoyed their company, they weren't Mammon. If you needed help, you could always summon one of them thanks to the pacts, but you needed this short walk to clear your head.
The air was unfortunately stifling and overly humid outside, making you glad you were dressed light. It was basically just your pajamas but when you went out with Mammon, the two of you did this every time. As you autopiloted to your favorite corner store, your thoughts wandered back to Mammon again. You wondered how he was doing and if he missed being at home. You couldn't blame him if he didn't and hoped he was enjoying his time away from home as much as you wished he was by your side.
Once you got to the store, you wandered around for a bit, debating what to get. After grabbing a small basket, you began to pile in various things that sounded good. Once the basket was full, you came to the realization that all the snacks were Mammon's favorites; hell sauce flavored instant noodles, Chaos Devil Cider and ginger ale to mix, Devilbee honey popcorn, and a variety pack of Devildom gummies. This is what he introduced you to the first time you did a snack run together. You decided, in light of this discovery, to buy extras for him for when he got back. You figured he would enjoy it and it was the least you could do to thank him for introducing you to so many tasty things you would've not tried otherwise. Once you checked out, you returned back to the House of Lamentation with a new skip in your step.
You made your way back up to your room, and passed the ajar door of Mammon's room again. Memories of the two of you together flooded back again, and you couldn't help but step in. Just being in his room was like he was really right next to you again. You couldn't help but sit on his sofa and think about how much you missed him even though it hadn't even been a full week. His absence made you realize how much you missed his presence. After a moment, you decide to leave the snacks you bought for him on his bedside table so his brothers were less likely to wander in and find them before him.
As you were setting down everything you'd gotten for him, you something caught your eye just about to fall off the end of his bed. After you picked it off the edge of his bed, you realized it was the hoodie he always wore around the house. It was faded from lots of usage and the strings were fraying. You knew it smelt like his cologne and his shampoo from all of the tight embraces he'd given you while wearing it. You for sure thought he would've taken it with him, but it looked as if he had thrown it off last minute and thrown it on his bed without looking back.
Looking around as if someone might be watching (which could very well be the case since Lucifer was notoriously quiet), you pulled it to your chest and deeply inhaled. Of course, there was the chance that it was dirty, but you couldn't care less. It wasn't anything you hadn't seen of him before. Since there really wasn't anything stopping you, you took it back to your room with you. You weren't even really that cold, in all honesty. It was more of the idea that he was right next to you since it smelt just like him.
You continued your night like you had before you left, just with his hoodie on. You were magically much more productive wearing it and you managed to get several things done. Usually, you would be chatting with Mammon on the phone at about this time to talk about how your days were, but he was unfortunately busy with something work related. Instead, you decided to send him a sweet goodnight text and send a picture of your set up with the food and the show you've been watching one episode at a time. Not expecting a response before you called it a night, you turn your phone off and focused on eating and watching tv.
Beel wasn't sure what woke him up first: his stomach or Mammon blowing up his phone. Sitting up in his bed, he peered at his screen, squinting at it. He had at least twenty texts from his brother asking him to check on Mc for him after they hadn't responded to his texts. He wasn't sure if Mammon knew they were probably asleep or if he was just worrying for no reason. Either way, he decided to check on them for him anways. After his kitchen run, of course.
After letting Mammon know, he got out of bed and left his room. On his way to the kitchen, however, he ended up following the smell of cup noodles to Mc's room. There, he was able to complete both of his missions. He snapped a picture of Mc fast asleep with a couple half finished snacks, then took the snacks. Mission complete.
Mammon was only halfway through the only kind of dumb business dinner when he spammed Beel about Mc. He was more worried than he would admit to himself about them. He knew it was probably nothing and that they had fallen asleep, but Beel was usually awake at this time eating anyways. The food was nice and he was the star of the show, but the dinner was much too stifling for his taste. Most importantly, it was cutting into his precious time with Mc, something he looked forward to at the end of every day. He loved getting to hear their voice after being away from them for so long. He missed getting to see them in person, but getting to hear them was next best.
As he was poking at his food, he finally got the response he was waiting hand and foot on. Beel had responded with just an image at first, so he scrambled to open it. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was a picture of his beloved Mc fast asleep in their bed. You looked so peaceful but your face was barely visible because of the hood pulled up over your eyes. After squinting, he realized the hoodie you were wearing looked oddly familiar. He realized that that was his hoodie, the one he'd left on his bed when he was late the morning he left.
He could barely contain his excitement and it must had been evident on his face since those around him glanced at him, and then between each other a few times. He saved the photo to his phone, and texted Beel back a thanks. As everyone talked around him, he debating asking to leave the shoot early right then and there. If he left right now, he would be able to make it home before you woke up. While he entertained this thought for a while, eventually he decided to stick it out since there were only a few days left. As soon as he was allowed to leave, however, he would buy you something with the paycheck he'd be given. Something nice, maybe a gold bracelet that would remind you of him when you see it. He spent the rest of the night thinking, then dreaming about you. He could only hope you were doing the same. (you were <3)
After those final two and a half agonizing days and many texts later, it was finally time for Mammon to return home. For now, he decided to leave his car parked just outside the house, since he may or may not have been planning to take you out to dinner later that day. As soon as he walked in the door, one of his suitcases in tow, something, or rather someone, attacked him with a flying hug. At first, he was processing the situation as Mc began to squeal and squeeze him as tight as they could into a hug. He wasn't really sure where they had come from, but he knew who it was as soon as their arms were around him.
"MAMMON!" Mc swung the both of them around, buzzing with excitement. "Diavolo, I missed you so much. I don't want to let go of you. If you don't take me with you next time, I might die of sadness and loneliness!" Their arms were around his neck, and their face in his chest. He finally let go of his suitcase and hugged them back. He held them close, shutting his eyes for a moment to take it all in.
"I missed ya too. 's good to be back." He, again, couldn't stop the smile from growing on his face. His brothers never expressed themselves the way Mc was to him in that moment, so he wasn't quite sure how to feel. They never seemed excited to see him, so it was so refreshing to see Mc visibly excited and made him feel truly loved. All their time apart was worth moments like these.
As MC was squealing, a few of his brothers began to gather around the foyer around them. Perhaps they heard them, or maybe they knew he'd be back today at around this time. Either way, he waved at them, still keeping an arm around Mc.
"Guys! Mammon is back." Mc nuzzled his neck, still holding onto him.
"We can see that." Belphie remarked, sounding unamused. Mammon's smile faded a little. So, they didn't care that he was back, did they? He should've expected that from them. Actually, they probably wished he'd been gone for longer with the way they treated him sometimes.
"I talked to you guys about this. I don't expect you to do what I'm doing, but you need to show him you're happy he's back. You can't lie, he's irreplaceable! I don't know what I'd do without him, and I missed him so much." Just like that, Mc's words lifted him back up. Suddenly, he was no longer upset that his brothers didn't care. He had the attention and care from the person he thought about the entire time he was gone. "Shame on you all. Don't expect me to talk to you for the next few days. Let's get your things from the car, and go upstairs. We have so much to catch up on!" Mc only let go of his neck to grab his hand instead. They dragged him back out of the house, shutting the door with their foot behind the two of them.
"Mc, ya didn't have to do all that fer me..." Mammon glanced back at the shut door. His brothers didn't open it, or try to follow them.
"But I did! You're my first man, after all. I really can't express how much I missed you and just saying it doesn't feel like enough." They reached into the trunk of his car to begin taking out his suitcases. Mammon moved them aside gently, not wanting them to do even more for him that he felt as if he didn't deserve.
Mammon was silent for a moment, then decided to go digging through his backpack for the bracelet he'd bought for you. He hoped it would make it easier to tell you how he felt. "Here, this is fer you." He presented the small, black box to them. Looking caught off guard, they accepted it and opened it carefully. Your mouth dropped open as you saw the golden piece of jewelry he bought for you on the drive back.
"Mammon! This is beautiful. Thank you so much! But, I don't understand why. What's the occasion?" You removed it from the box and held it up to the light to study it. Several small charms hung off of it.
"That's the thing. There isn't one." He took a deep breath and looked down at his feet before continuing. "I just... yer so good to me. Ya texted me daily, called me daily, thought about me while I was gone, and even waited fer me like that so ya could surprise me when I got back. Ya care, and I know I'm not the best with showin' I care and it makes me feel shitty. Thank you, fer everythin'. I really missed ya." He couldn't see how Mc reacted, but was essentially tackled into another hug again by them.
"Mams, you show me you care in little ways. Just because you don't say it, doesn't mean that you don't. You just being back here with me is more than enough." He immediately thought about how ironic the entire situation was. He never actually told them how he felt and treated them like garbage sometimes, and he thought it might've been pushing the person he cared for most away, but really, he never had to worry about that. he'd never considered that they could see past his inability to admit his feelings. He hugged them back, savoring the moment since this time they were alone.
"Thank you Mc." He held back happy tears.
"No, thank you! Thank you for always being by my side. Now, instead of actually unpacking, let's just lock the car and sneak back inside. Maybe they'll eventually feel sorry and come looking for us, but we'll actually be hiding right under their noses. It'll be like a spy mission." Mc giggled leaning back to see his face. Mammon let them look him in the eyes, glistening tears and all.
"Yeah, let's do that. We can watch that movie ya wanted to watch and just share headphones." He found himself joining in with the quiet laughing along to something he wasn't sure either of them really understood. Something he did understand however, was that he knew he was loved back by the one he loved the most, and couldn't ask for more.
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lloydssluts · 3 months
Lloyd Hansen Writing Challenge
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Welcome to the Lloyd Hansen Writing Challenge, hosted by the Lloyd Hansen server.
About 2 years ago, we got our first taste of Lloyd Hansen through Netflix’s trailers. From then on, we were hooked. To celebrate this anniversary, we invite writers to join our challenge and create their own Lloyd Hansen fics!
This challenge is 18+ ONLY. Minors are not allowed to engage in any way, shape, or form. It is open to everyone—not just members of our server, although we encourage you to join us if you haven’t already.
All fics will be about Lloyd Hansen. We do not allow incest (stepcest is permitted), underage, or scat play. Fics should be reader inserts* and as inclusive as possible. Any genre (dark, smut, angst, fluff) is allowed. *For any other specifications or adjustments, reach out to one of the mods or send an ask. This is not a strict requirement.
There is no word count requirement. However, you must use a “read more” break, no matter the length. Use appropriate warnings.
The deadline for the challenge is July 22nd, 2024. This is not a strict deadline at all!
You will choose a dialogue that the character has said in the film and transform it from the original context. Certain prompts are open to changing as long as you note that somewhere. Once you’ve chosen a prompt and sent us an ask with it, it will be crossed off from the list. Prompts are on a first-come, first-serve basis! You can select up to 5 prompts.
Need feedback or advice? Feel free to message either one of the mods (@hansensgirl or @cuttlefjsh), or visit our server to discuss your fic with other members.
TAG YOUR FICS WITH THE TAG #Lloyd Hansen Server WC24
Happy writing!
Asterisks + ‘[…]’ indicates a prompt is open for change.
Should we try again?
“Mostly, it’s loss which teaches us about the worth of things.” That’s Arthur Schopenhauer. He was a German philosopher, a pessimist. He saw the value in suffering.
Damn it. Phones on silent when I’m working, please.
Still just flirting. But… [...] getting there. *
Well, no one goes to Harvard to play football.
I like to be the exception. What’s up?
Gimme a name.
Could be fun.
Well, I’m gonna need a full green light on this one. Open checkbook.
I’d rather you punch me in the dick.
We’ll find somebody [...] loves and squeeze. *
Have I ever done you wrong, [...]? *
Professionally maybe. Lloyd Hansen, Hansen Government Services.
Aw, does it? Good.
You know my work. That’ll make this next part a lot easier.
You know what makes me sad, [...]? *
Five and a half.
Who likes cats?
Let’s talk about the mess your [...] made. *
Oh, [...] made a big one. And judging by your shallow breathing and puckered asshole*, I can only assume you know why I’m here.
But see, that’s the beauty of the private sector. I don’t care about reasons.
My guess is you’re helping [...] already. So this shouldn’t put too much of a dent in your day. *
But your file, well, that’s chock-full of nuggets, some of which might make you rethink your fussy attitude.
You gonna answer it?
Hey, sunshine. Lloyd Hansen here. I’m the one running this op.
The one where I get exactly what I want.
Okay, that’s fair. Well, why don’t you come on in, and we can chat? My assistant will get lunch. You like sushi?
Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page.
Looks like you need a new phone.
Don’t say “preternatural” to me. It’s an asshole word.
And that, [...], is exactly what bad ethics and zero impulse control will get you. *
I can kill anybody.
Well, we’ll see.
We need to ground in *Vienna.
How do you feel about your license?
Who’s up for some *Tafelspitz?
Hey, sunshine.
What gave it away?
Nice try, pumpkin.
What size shoe are you?
Can someone get me a Vicodin, please?
On the run, scared shit less.
You know all those rules you guys are always trying to work your way around? They don’t mean dick to me.
Shut up and go sit in the corner.
Oh. How about that?
Forget about the Vicodin.
That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.
Goldilocks, would you be a lamb and excuse us?
Shhh. Please.
Now, whatever I just did to your *ears, it’s not even torture. I just made it up on the spot. Just came to me. And that’s how this is gonna go.
Should we try again?
Maybe we should get the *girl back in here.
Well, that was unexpected.
Make him dead.
My God, how hard is it to shoot somebody?
What I do can’t be taught.
You know what I love about you?
No, success qualifies as success.
You wanna make an omelette, you gotta *kill some people.
You know, in English, we call this a *happy ending. However, if you say one more word, you may not see it that way.
Lock everything down.
Get me eyes on the bridge.
You’re making me destroy a historic building here!
Wait! Please don’t shoot! Look what you did to my hand.
Give me that, you little shit.
Now you pick those feet up, or you’re gonna get dead real quick.
Now, listen. You shut up, and you don’t move.
Now, I’m gonna stop you right there, cupcake.
What do you say we wrap this up?
I mean, I’m having a blast, but it’s way past the kid’s bedtime, don’t you think?
You’re gonna throw me that gun, or the little one gets a new face. *
It’s really a shame this isn’t gonna work out between us.
Now normally, at this point in the night, I wouldn’t be sticking around.
With the house lights about to come on, I’d find a desperate, ugly chick to lick my wounds and split, but you have been a pebble in my shoe since the very beginning.
And now I just don’t think I can walk away.
Guess what I’m thinking right now.
I think I’m better than you.
Still getting used to it.
Let’s see if these moves fuck.
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Hi! This is a sort of weird question, but I’m writing a sci fi /fantasy book with two disabled main characters:
1. Cove is twelve years old and has something along the lines of Williams syndrome (possibly that, possibly Down syndrome—still deciding). He’s mildly intellectually disabled and has low muscle tone + an unspecified heart problem (which is stable but he still gets regular checkups for it). His power is turning into a giant at will. He might have PTSD for reasons that are potentially triggering, so I won’t go into details ^^’ He really likes the ocean and spicy food, and hates people staring at him or judging him
2. Lucas is sixteen and uses a wheelchair full time due to cerebral palsy. His hands tend to shake a lot too. His power is turning into a Sphynx cat. He’s a trans guy. Idk what he would like or dislike yet tbh, but I picture him dressing in black clothes a lot
My question is this—what are some ways these characters’ powers could like interact with their disabilities? So far I have that overusing his giant power could possibly put strain on Cove’s heart. and if Lucas wants to move around independently in his cat form, he’d probably need one of those animal wheelchairs for his back legs?
Also— is there anything else I need to consider while I write this story?
I’m not trying to get you to do all the brainstorming for me btw! I hope it doesn’t seem like that ^^’ I’m just looking for other people’s thoughts and input-
I think that the powers you gave them are very cool! Often with disabled superpowered characters there's the trope of always having the ability be fundamentally connected with their disability. Someone shapeshifting into a cat is awesome!
The concept of Cove's transformation putting pressure on his heart is very realistic (if you can say that about shapeshifting, lol)! Both Down and Williams Syndrome come with cardiac problems, so you won't need to change that if you decide to switch the exact disability. I'm thinking that maybe he could try to slowly turn giant, rather than instantaneously? I imagine that turning back to being normal-sized could also cause some issues. I'm unsure if that's a part of your story, but I think that having his family worry about him transforming because of his heart would be realistic as well. Wouldn't really classify it as infantilization because he's twelve, and I know that a lot of parents of children with DS are extremely cautious around the cardiovascular problems (not sure about Williams Syndrome here, but I think it would make sense as well)! You mentioned PTSD, and while I don't see anything wrong here from what you said, I would just urge you to not have some weird "PTSD flashback = turns giant and extremely violent" (violent being the key word here) kind of scene. (If you have PTSD yourself then feel free to do whatever you want of course). But I think that him becoming bigger when he feels threatened as a defense mechanism of sorts would make sense.
For Lucas, I think that the idea of shapeshifting from a wheelchair user to a wheelchair using cat goes incredibly hard. As for the ways that it could interact with his cerebral palsy: if he has issues with his arms then he would use the wheelchair a bit differently. In the kitty wheelchair the whole energy comes from the forelimbs, so if his hands shake then he would be much more wobbly as a cat than as a human. I'm not sure whether cerebral palsy in kitties is a thing, but you can look up cats with cerebellar hypoplasia. It's not the same thing but causes some similar symptoms! For example, the lack of balance that Lucas could have due to shaky limbs.
In my opinion your story sounds great! If you have any more questions with more specific details, feel free to send another ask :)
Sorry for the late answer! I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
soft!sebastian headcannons - part 5
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Author's Note: *shakes this post like a bag of cat treats* i'm back with some more soft sebby :) as a reminder my taglist is open, and if you'd like me to write any specific hc, feel free to send me an ask! and if you'd like a break from the fluff i did post some angsty!seb hc (link in my masterlist)
he’s an advocate for house elves. his parents found the idea of keeping house elves bound to their family barbaric, so he never had any growing up. stands up for house elves being mistreated by cruel students, so he’s a natural favorite among the Hogwarts house-elf community
boy is Public Enemy Number 1 for Peeves. they’ve hated each other even before the poltergeist ratted him out in the restricted section. he once dedicated an entire restricted section trip to finding books on how to cast spells to make his day a living hell (most common spells pass right through him). Peeves was livid, and so began a relationship of mutually-assured destruction
(they’ll never reach a truce, but they’ve both decided to keep their distance from the other to avoid further headaches)
back to the house elves, the kitchen elves are especially friendly towards him. he recruited their help to bake you a birthday cake, and they gladly obliged
he inherited his father’s pocket watch. his father had pasted a beautiful photograph of his mother on the inside. he has since stored the picture safely in an album and tucked a candid photo of you in its place
Anne is two minutes older than him, and she uses the ‘older sibling’ excuse to justify bossing him around. he makes it a point to wake up before her on their birthday every year so that he can feel ahead of her for once
if you’re smaller than him, he absolutely loves just picking you up. loves patting you on the head, comparing hand sizes, scooping you into his arms to deposit you in your bed if you fall asleep in the room of requirement
when he’s sick, he’s a total drama queen about it. (especially if he thinks you’ll fuss over him for it). his extra-large slytherin scarf is wrapped around his neck. he’ll pull it over the bottom half of his face and burrow into it while napping during professor binns’ notoriously dry lectures. he positively refuses to take medicine. boy has faced everything from trolls to dark wizards, but will sit and pout like a toddler if madam blainey faces him with a spoon of cough syrup
(it’s gotten to the point where Madam Blainey calls you to the hospital wing before she sends for sebastian because she knows you’re the only person who could convince him to take the medicine)
his parents used to take him and Anne to the seaside every summer. every once in awhile during the warmer months he’ll fly you to the Clagmar coast for a picnic lunch. he ties a basket laden with little sandwiches, delicate cakes, a bottle of champagne, and a blanket to the broom handle before you both take off
he’s constantly keeping an eye out for pretty shells and stones he thinks you’ll like. he's constantly running up to you with his latest "treasures." once he was so excited to show you a whelk shell he tripped over a sand dune and dropped it. he spent nearly half an hour digging through the sand to find it until you reminded him that he is, in fact, a wizard, and could use accio
he manages to find a pearl in one of the clams in a tidepool and uses the muselet from the champagne bottle to fashions it into a ring for you. he kneels in front of you in the sand, exaggerating a proposal and sliding the ring onto your finger. (naturally it’s a perfect fit. he’s spent so long memorizing the warmth and shape of your hands for it to be anything less). you laugh at his antics, but he’s sincere when he tells you it’s merely a placeholder for the real thing 
Taglist: @mlktea13, @mrsbrookesallow, @ithinkweallsing, @snickette, @crispywiz
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cowboyfatgum · 1 year
Obey Me Brothers Headcannons <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The silly little demon game has taken over my brain again, so that's what I'll mostly be writing, however if you want to see other things, or you want to ask me questions feel free to send in an ask!
There's still no yellow for Mammon 🥲 free him
I know Asmo thinks Mammon is an idiot in the game but I feel like these two go to parties and clubs together and have a really good time (sometimes they bring you along as well) <3 <3
Leviathan is a streamer, possibly a V-Tuber or he has a podcast, in any case he has his brothers on sometimes (One stream with lucifer became his highest viewed stream) <3 <3
I feel like Satan and Asmo set a day just to go out to a restaurant or Cafe and just gossip about random people at school, their brothers, and even Diavolo. <3 <3 <3
Lucifer has totally set a day aside to hang out with Satan and Belphie, like a father and son's day buy they're his brothers. And you know Lucifer took them fishing 😭 <3 <3 <3
Lucifer has a soft spot for you right? And the rest of the brothers know this so because of this they do that thing that siblings do where they want something but they know if they ask lucifer he'll 9 times out of 10 say no so they send you to ask him (all depends of if you want to do it or not but just know if you do Lucifer will call the specific brother who asked for something say no as soon as they pick up and then hang up the phone) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Asmo regularly takes Levi shopping to try to help boost his confidence <3 <3
I like to think Satan and Lucifer are tricking everyone and by that I mean Satan hating Lucifer and Lucifer purposefully annoying Satan in front of others is all just a ruse and they're just doing it to get a reaction out of other people and when they're alone they laugh and joke and think about what they'll do next. <3 <3
Mammon has a soft spot for beel, like beelzebub could eat mammon's leftovers and Beel would obviously feel bad because he knows what it's like to be hungry so he starts crying and apologizing and Mammon goes over to hug him to tell him it's okay and that he isn't mad and for some reason starts crying too. <3 <3
THEY WOULD ALL PLAY JUST DANCE WITH YOU!!!(Some would do it willingly: Asmo and Mammon) (Some would need some persuasion: Lucifer and Satan) (Some would need a bribe: Levi, Beel, and Belphie) But if you got all of them to play at once it would be so fun! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Levi is a very good digital artist <3
I like to think that when Mc feels a certain sin that specific brother just pops out of thin air in front of them <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Leviathan and Satan go to cat cafés together! <3 <3
I hope you enjoyed, and let me know if you wanna see more <3
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firestarishomophobic · 6 months
HELLO :3 (WIP i don't know how to use tumblr)
My name is Remy (they/them) and warrior cats is one of my special interests! This is my blog for everything related to that.
WC designs
I also like to design lots of canon cats! I am not working off of a specific list, I just draw the cats I want to draw! I don't plan on doing all of them. Feel free to send requests in my asks if you want to see one of the cats!
I am available for commissions! Here is my post regarding that:
I also write historical fiction stories. You will find more about that on my main blog @ragtimesss, but I'm not very active there. You can see more of that on my instagram @/ragtim.es
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deesblanketfort · 10 months
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Requests: closedㅤ★ㅤRequest infoㅤ★ㅤPNG credit
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Hello there! You can call me Dee, I'm a 19 year old regressor. I'm also a cat, more specifically a selkirk rex and ragdoll mix! The kitty constantly featured in my blog is my ageresona!
This blog is my space to engage with the agere community and post all sorts of original content: stimboards, moodboards, DNI banners, resources, sometimes I even post my original art!
Anyways, feel free to get comfotable and take a look around my blanket fort ☆´ˎ˗
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˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ General DNI criteria: bigots, radqueers, TERFs and transmeds GET OUT ;;
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ Anti-agere, anti-petre, anti-therian, anti-furry and variants ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ NSFW/kink blogs: ageplay, cgl, ddlg, abdl and variants. I'm far from being anti-kink but I don't want my SFW age regression content to be sexualized by you ;;
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ Discoursse, politics and violence/gore centric blogs ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ Pro-ed/pro-ana/pro-mia blogs. As someone with an ED who is working on having a better relationship with food: SEEK HELP ;;
...otherwise, I block freely!
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˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ My DMs and asks are open for anyone who doesn't fit the DNI criteria, just be aware I'm an adult and interacting with an adult as a young teenager might be unsafe! ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ I highly encourage reblogging but don't repost my content as your own ;;
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ I'm not looking for a caregiver nor any kind of romantic relationship ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ Please don't send me asks or DMs asking for serious advice (specially if it's not agere related) as I do not have the mental capacity to handle other people's mental health struggles ;;
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...tags and more about me under the cut
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#blankiefort ★´ˎ˗ all original content
#kitty rambles ★´ˎ˗ text based posts
#kitty boardees ★´ˎ˗ moodboards and stimboards
#kitty scribbles ★´ˎ˗ original pictures (banners, borders, art, etc)
#kitty requests ★´ˎ˗ answers to requests
#kitty reblogs ★´ˎ˗ reblogs
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˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ I'm a college student majoring in both philosophy and psychology ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ I'm not a pet regressor since my cat identity is closer to a therian experience, but I like to call myself a kitty regressor, as in, I'm an adult cat who regresses into a kitten ;;
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ My favorite colors are lilac, purple, blue and pale yellow! And I really like space and starry themed things ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ I have a special interest in dinosaurs (specially birds because birds are dinosaurs!!!), and I love cats and reptiles in general ;;
˗ˏˋ☆´ˎ˗ My favorite activities when I'm regressed are anything artsy - drawing, paper craft, painting, writing, journaling - baking, and making blanket forts, hence the blog's name! I love old flash games as well ;;
˗ˏˋ★´ˎ˗ The media I'm most interested in when regressed is: Backyardigans, Bluey, Sonic, Mio Mao, Bee and Puppycat, Pokemon, MLP gen 1, and a couple of others I can't recall at the moment ;;
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... whoa, you've made it to the end of this post! congrats <3
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bonefall · 11 months
Ask Etiquette
HELLO sorry for the intimidating post lmao, I just need something to toss up on the masterpost because I feel bad deleting asks and then people will never really have an idea of why I never answered them
I get a ton of asks (usually anywhere from 10 - 20 a day!) and I'm not able to get to them all! I try to answer as many as possible but I'm still just one guy. So with that in mind, there are some sorts of asks I will simply not answer, and some 'requests' I have for people who send them in;
Please keep your asks short PLEASE try not to send me essays if you want a response; I still love reading them! But if you send me walls of text/analysis you are asking me to write a lot in response, which I'd rather spend on actually writing or designing cats. (On that note if you send a bunch of questions at once, the likelihood I respond goes down.)
Do not send me personal questions Listen... I'm a stranger on the internet. I'm overjoyed to see when my art connects with people and helps you realize things! But don't ask me sensitive questions like how to move out of your abusive parents' house!! PLEASE learn internet safety and get less comfortable with volunteering that kind of information to people you don't know!
Do not ask me personal questions you do not need to know what i study or where i work. get less comfortable asking these sorts of questions to queer people on the internet, especially when they talk openly about having previously been abused or stalked. (not that a person should even need to be as open about that as i am)
If I don't have a good response I won't answer Especially for suggestions I don't vibe with. I try to only say "No" if I have a particularly interesting "No" to talk about, if that makes sense! If I had to write a full explanation for every veto or idea I don't vibe with, this blog would be 90% what isn't in BB.
No AUs within the AU. "What if Hawkfrost survived his impalement? What if Firestar never joined? What if Tigerstar was never born?" Listen, buddy, you're creating an exponential distraction for possible ways the story could have gone and I'm not looking to write several essays for the literal hundreds of alternative ways Clan history could have been written. It takes you 5 words to ask "What if X never died" but it takes me paragraphs to answer. (This isn't about suggestions btw, I very specifically mean ppl asking hypotheticals for fun.)
Don't be rude. I feel like this should go without saying but please mind the parasocial gap. Especially if you're on anon, I don't know you, your backstory, or your cadence.
No "Fight Baiting" You're free to ask me to speak about fandom trends, or for my opinions on general ideas, character discussions, and popular arguments! But it crosses a line if you're linking someone's posts with their uncropped usernames, sharing unsolicited google docs, youtube videos, etc, with the intention of getting me to attack a third party. We can talk about ideas without making it a PVP battle.
And, lastly, CLANMEW ASKS!!
I make a hard effort to get to everyone!! Those are published on Clanmew Day (WHICH IS NOW JUST GOING TO BE THE 30TH OF EVERY MONTH SO THAT IT'S LESS CONFUSING) but PLEASE understand I get a ton of them.
As I write this I have more than 26 tabs open of unanswered Clanmew asks, a lot more in my inbox, and 9 already in the queue. So that you understand the sheer volume of asks I have there.
If I didn't get to you that month, chances are that I'll get to you on the next, but please understand why I ask for folks to not re-send asks
So here's Clanmew-specific requests;
PLEASE just try a translation on your own first! Don't just send me raw lists of OCs to translate, give it a go first using the Lexicon, just so I can see you tried. I will happily and gladly make more specific words for you when I see you try!
When you send OCs you've translated, ask me for a new word at the end if you didn't already in your list. Just in case I can't think of a witty comment or a word suggestion, you will help me a lot
Please try to format with lists like this one Folks will send me double or triple-indented lists and it will take up my entire screen when they've only sent like, 5 names. Remember that posts you send to me go on people's dashes, be considerate please You can open a list like this by starting a new paragraph, typing -, and then an immediate space. Hold Shift + Enter to indent without adding another bullet.
If you could put "Clanmew" somewhere in your ask, like even if you open up with "Clanmew: Here is my question blah blah," it would help immensely I physically can't get to every ask I receive on Clanmew Day, so if you have "Clanmew" in your ask somewhere, it makes it a lot easier for me to find it when I can finally answer! I really wish Tumblr had ways to sort asks, but currently, I've just gotta make due with Cntrl + F.
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madrabit · 7 months
Ooh you know I'm gonna take you up on this offer of more fantastic BoJan content! Could you please do one with a mix of 15 and 17 ? (A passionate kiss to distract from something) thank you <3
Yes! We need more BoJan (and I know you know that very well :3), there can never be enough of the two of them! And yes, ofc I can do that! I hope you enjoy it!
And for everyone else, feel free to also send me a prompt if you'd like to!
Send me a number and a ship and I'll write you a kiss! 🩷✨️
15. ... passionately + 17. ... to distract
The silence in the room was suffocating. It coated the space in a weird blanket, making every noise stand out and the ticking of the clock on the wall seemed awfully loud.
Jan was tense, his shoulders pulled up, hands clutching at each other, fiddling with a pick he had found in the pocket of his pants, while his jaw was clenched tightly. His breathing was strained, a frown permanently etched onto his face since they had entered the vet office and he was aware of the vibes he was giving off as he shifted on the uncomfortable plastic chair.
A few seats over a small dog barked, drawing Jan's attention with the high pitched sound and the woman holding the dog gave him an apologetic smile, while she shushed the animal. Jan didn't react, instead he let his eyes fly to the informational posters about how to calculate your pets age on the wall in front of him, over the little calendar next to it displaying pictures of kittens, puppies and other small animals and finally landing on a brochure about how to properly care for exotic pets.
"Are you alright, Janči?"
Bojan's voice was quiet, calm and incredibly warm that Jan couldn't help but look away from the picture of a gecko perched on a branch and meet the shorter man's soft brown eyes.
"Yes", he answered shortly, letting out air through his teeth. He flicked the pick, sliding it through his fingers and his leg started to bounce nervously as he threw a look at the clock, still loudly ticking away.
It had been barely five minutes since the nurse had taken Igor from him. He had watched, almost helplessly, as the young woman had carefully taken the pet carrier from his hands. Igor had been quiet, rolled up on Bojan's sweater that they had put in to keep him comfortable. Usually he would have put a fluffy blanket he had specifically bought in the box, but when he had found Igor laying on Bojan's discarded sweater, the cat hadn't wanted to move an inch and buried his claws in the fabric, still holding it in his little paws as Jan had picked him up. Bojan had let out a giggle and had just taken the sweater to lay it out in the transport box for Igor.
"It's okay, he's a brave little kitty", Bojan said softly, reaching for his hand and interlacing their fingers, immediately knowing what was making the taller man this upset. Jan looked down, seeing Bojan's smaller hand in his and while it might have helped usually, the feeling of worry just didn't fade and he was still tensed up.
"I hate that I'm not allowed to be inside with him", he said lowly, squeezing Bojan's hand maybe a bit too hard as the shorter man rubbed his thumb over his knuckles, not that his boyfriend complained.
Jan had felt his heart drop into his pants as he had seen Igor limp last night after coming back from one of his strolls outside, favouring his right hind leg as he hoppled through the living room. The cat didn't go roam the neighbourhood on his own often, preferring to stay inside and cuddle up with him and Bojan on the couch. Most of the time, Jan would go take a walk with him, giving him the space to explore, but still being there for Igor to return to if he felt unsafe.
The dog barked again, whining a bit and Bojan cooed softly at the pomeranian. Jan was sure that his boyfriend already would've asked if he could pet the dog if the older lady hadn't clutched the animal against her chest protectively.
"It'll be over soon and we'll get him back, he'll be fine", Bojan whispered, playing with the dark haired man's fingers.
"Usually I was allowed to come in with him...", Jan grumbled, his leg still bouncing as he looked through the otherwise empty waiting room again. Next to him, Bojan shifted, putting his head on Jan's shoulder. Soft, brown hair tickled his neck as the shorter nuzzled into his hoodie.
The vet was new, taking over the office of the previous doctor, who had retired. Jan had liked the old man a lot, trusted him to take care of Igor and wasn't bothered if he had to stay behind while his little furbaby got treated. But this guy was new. And Jan didn't trust him yet, didn't know if he was good at his job or not.
"They're taking an x-ray, Janči, I'd be surprised if they allowed you in there", Bojan mumbled, pulling Jan's hand into his lap to take it in both of his, giving a reassuring squeeze. Jan let out a huff, the frown deepening even more. He was tempted to pull away, wrap his arms around himself to hide the way he was still fiddling with the pick in his hands. But before he could think about it further, Bojan stood up abruptly, getting Jan onto his feet as well.
The smaller man didn't let go of him as he made his way out of the waiting room, not even as Jan asked him what he was doing. He didn't even answer, just walked over to the little bathroom, opened the door and pushed Jan inside, swiftly following his taller boyfriend into the room.
The click of the lock turning was all Jan could hear before lips attacked his, arms wrapping around his shoulders, a hand on the back of his head pulling him down into a kiss.
Jan let out a surprised little noise, his own hands almost instinctively coming to rest on Bojan's waist, even as he wanted to move away. The singer didn't let him, just pulled him closer as he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue dart out to trace Jan's bottom lip.
It took a few seconds for his brain to catch up, before he reciprocated the kiss, biting Bojan's tongue and letting it slide between his lips. He wrapped an arm around the younger's waist, pulling him closer and leaning even more into it, almost making Bojan bend over backwards as their tongues met.
Bojan moaned softly into the kiss, his hold loosened slightly as he melted against Jan, his hand dropping to the nape of Jan's neck, playing with the slightly shorter hair there. The touch made a shiver run down his back and he let one hand slide under the sweater his boyfriend was wearing, softly caressing the skin on the small of Bojan’s back.
He felt himself relax as the kiss turned messier, mind only focused on walking Bojan a few steps back, pressing the shorter man against the wall next to the sink. His hands slid down further, coming to rest on that plush ass he loved, when a muffled bark ripped him out of the thought.
"We shouldn't do this, what if they are done now", he said lowly as he pulled back, or rather, tried to pull back. Bojan cupped his cheek, turning his head back again to press feather light kisses to Jan's jaw, rubbing his nose over the dark beard, kissing his way up.
"Two minutes", the younger whispered against his lips, "just a little bit longer, yes?"
Bojan stared up at him, dark eyes hooded and soft, so soft that Jan wanted to melt from the warmth they radiated. Instead, he just leaned in again, bringing their lips together in another kiss that had them both gasping for air.
A few minutes later, they stumbled out of the bathroom, making their way back to the waiting room. The woman, still holding her dog, gave them a pointed look, staring at the little red blotch forming on Bojan's neck that the singer had tried to cover up with the collar of his sweater. Jan gave her another frown as they sat down, reaching for Bojan's hand. The scrunched up, sunshine smile he got in return made his nerves relax again.
They barely had to wait for another ten minutes, spending the time talking quietly, when the same nurse from earlier called for them.
"His leg is just sprained", the vet said as soon as they entered the room and Jan felt his body relax in relief, eyes immediately on Igor. The cat was laying on his side on the table, cleaning his front paws while his tail was swishing behind him, showing his discontent at the whole situation. The second he noticed Jan, he stopped, looking up at his human and gave a loud, clearly unhappy meow.
The vet laughed slightly while he looked over Igor's file, noting something down. "He's gonna be alright in a few weeks, but I wouldn't let him out in that time, we wouldn't want him to break a paw."
Jan nodded, stepping towards the table and leaning down to give his cat a little kiss on the head, right between his fluffy ears.
"He's very well mannered, so it went faster than we thought it would. You can go upfront to pay and then you're all done."
"Thanks", Jan said to the man, who just nodded and then walked to one of the doors to disappear into another room, most likely to get back to the lady with the dog.
"Do you want to take him?", Bojan asked as he picked up the transport box, but Jan just shook his head.
"I can't, i have to pay, you should cuddle him a bit, you know how he gets after a vet visit", he answered, taking the box from his boyfriend. Bojan just gave him a sweet smile as he scooped up the little furball in his arms, giggling softly as Igor immediately bumped his face against his chin and started purring.
"Sometimes I think he likes you more than me", Jan said with a grin, finally able to relax completely now that he knew everything was alright.
"No, he doesn't, I'm just the one who gives him treats all the time", Bojan laughed, turning to the door that Jan dutifully opened for him.
"And I think you deserve all the treats today, don't you, Igor?", Jan heard the shorter brunet coo as he made his way to the front desk, the pet carrier slung over his shoulder.
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roseofcards90 · 7 months
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Intro Post:
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• Hello, everyone!!! Call me Rose! (She/Her, lesbian, 22)
• I am pretty chill with most things, and my DMs are always open if you want to talk ^^
• If we are mutuals, you can also ask for my discord!
• I usually tag for trigger warnings and ships, but if you ever need anything specifically tagged, let me know <3
Other Notes:
• PLEASE tag me in tag games!!! I absolutely love doing them, even though they take me a while 😭
• PLEASE send asks as well!!! I love asks so much, and it always brightens up my day whenever I see one in my inbox.
• I have a Milgram side blog @roserunodays
• I also have an ao3!
• Obviously dni if you’re a bigot or else I will hunt you down <3
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Current Interests:
- Milgram
- Epic the Musical
- Type Moon
- Dungeon Meshi
Some list of my blorbos from my favorite media:
- Shion Sonozaki & Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi) and Ange Ushiromiya (Umineko)
- Kotoko Yuzuriha, Mahiru Shiina, Haruka Sakurai & Kazui Mukuhara (Milgram)
- Utena Tenjou, Anthy Himemiya, & Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
- Ciel (Tsukihime) and Rin Tohsaka (Fate Series)
- Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
- Wei Wuxian (Mdzs)
- Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Also if anyone needs to draw me in something, here is my sona! Which is basically just me irl lmao
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Here is some stuff you can tag me in! (Although feel free to tag me in anything you think I would like!)
- Snoopy-related content
- Time loops
- Anything yuri and writing related tbh
- Cats and foxes!!!
🌻 Thank you again!!! 🌻
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
Hi Laurie! 💛
You know what's coming, hehe 👀
I saw this in another fandom and now I'm sending the same question to a bunch of Jake girlies (gn) because it’s so interesting seeing everybody’s answers!
Who are your Top 3 Jake boys and why? Is there a specific piece of art (fic, gif, fan art, etc.) for them that you like a lot?
hiiiiiiiiii!!! 💖 i do know what's coming teehee! i love his characters so much. even if the movie is not up my alley, his character always stands out. i'll watch everything he's in just because i'm obsessed (except spirit untamed, it is against my principle to support this horrible version of spirit the stallion of the cimarron) i just love them like they're just so neat i love them so much. OKAY TIME TO CHOOSE.
Elwood Dalton
i cannot believe that davis was dethroned as my forever ultimate favorite character but he was. dalton is so special to me. i've been obsessed with him since the very beginning when i was looping videos to get his full name and start writing for him immediately. so he's been living in my mind rent from for a LONG and i hope he never leaves. i lost count of how many times i've watched the movie (especially the scenes with laura!!!), it's so good. i'm already seated for the sequel idc what people say i want it and i will love it! also, i love how dalton ressembles billy and lou! the scene where he punches the guy to death and tell him how he will perish was so hot like like welcome back lou bloom you were missed <3 dalton is funny, and suicidal and caring and violent and what more could i ask? yeah okay i could ask to use his titties as pillows to fall asleep on.
my absolute favourite dalton creations are the wonderful gifs that @stephendorff made! i proclaim myself as their biggest fan when it comes to jake's gifs because oh my god the talent!!! i adore the parallel gifsets, so let me link you to a bunch! omg me when + nice hoodie + so bloody yum + i will cover these men with hello kitty bandaids + need both of them at the same time.
Detective Loki
he's an obvious one! jack twist, donnie darko and detective loki must be the most well loved characters in this fandom FOR ALL THE RIGHT REASONS. i love loki. i'm convinced deep in my soul that he would absolutely despise me. i can't shut up, i'm clingy as fuck and we'd spend most of his rare free time watching barbie movies. but it could be nice! i'd pack him his lunch, i'd learn to iron his shirts, i'd follow him to his barber and beg the man to give me the same haircut... like, we'd have a good life! aside from getting eaten alive by the constant fear that loki is in danger but shh. i love loki so much, i love all of the mysterious details about him, i love that jake played such a big part into building this character.
there are SO many amazing fics for detective loki, and rightfully so! he deserves it! in my opinion, @det-loki is the best writer. star captures loki in such an unique way, her writing feels like deleted scenes & extra footage from the movie. i know i always recommend star when it comes to loki fics but if you've ever read what she's posted, you would do the same! @charliehoennam has also posted some amazing det loki fics recently that i cannot recommend enough!!! here are the links: cat n mouse, dinner date & the dinner party (my personal favourite!).
Tommy Cahill
when i watched brothers, i conveniently just... skipped the military scenes. so the movie was all about tommy and i loved it. wow what a sweet romcom. i just love him. he's fun and sweet and he has had it so rough with his family that treats him like a black sheep. his father is acting like tommy is the failure when the only failure i'm seeing is a parent who failed to love his child like he deserved. AND I WOULD GIVE HIM ALL THE LOVE HE NEEDS! endless unconditional love. all he wants is to have a family of his own and be happy and become a better person. i have no doubt that he has what it takes to achieve his goals. he's my beanie baby and i love him to the moon and back.
controversy alert! but... i'm not mad at tommy and grace for kissing (skipping most of sam scenes helps a lot) but like... he was nice to grace for the most part, he helped her with the kitchen, he was so fun with the kids... he can't do anything wrong you know? i have horrible morals, i'm aware. so i'll just link to the video of the kiss scene because i love it and i love watching it and i wish it was me.
my top 3 usually fluctuates, but i'd say that overall, it's the same five characters that are on rotation. dalton, loki, tommy, davis and right now the 5th position is switching between john kinley & jerry brinson. i do want to say that i was pleasantly surprised with how much i liked anthony swofford and brian taylor when i watched their respective movies, i didn't think i'd enjoy their characters much but it might be time to retire my #1 bald!jake hater title. it was so hard to choose though. i feel bad for the ones i left out. i love you danny! and billy! and donnie! and adam! and holden! and okay fine i'll shut up. i know i've told you already, but this was such a sweet initiative to go around and spread some joy!!! thank you for doing this, and for sending it to me as well! 🥰
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goitale · 1 month
hello! i'm goi! they/them pronouns please!
i am a nonbinary lesbian, who is taken by a v pretty person!
my favorite color is orange:3
yes i use a typing quirk! þ=th
im currently very interested in: Minecraft: Story Mode <3, Phighting (Roblox), Splatoon, Old technology!!!, my gf's ocs!!
i have comfort ships!!! which are currently: Jesstra, Pearlina, Agent24, Array
PLZ INTERACT: mutual interests, jesstra shippers, jesskas shippers, pearlina shippers, awesome artists, LGBTQIA+!!
PLZ DNI: basic dni critera, homophobic, transphobic, furry haters, etc. + aidesse, medhammer, and other toxic/problematic shippers
fun facts:
im a chronic reblogger, my cool posts/reblogs r in featured tags #pinning this, and #pinning this fr! + specific posts too!
my favorites r in #gois favs , where its stuff i wanna look at again! if u get a reblog w þat tag, you won/gen
i rarely change my profile!
my music taste stinks, my bad chat
i play roblox alot!
i have a ps3, 3ds, wii, minicassette tape recorder/player, and more old stuff!!
i do wax melting when i send mail, letters, etc.!
i love cats!!
i write ao3 stuff! mostly of dead source content fandoms or ocs!
now for a wall of buttons:
music i listened to recently!! (no i dont have spotify):
+508 songs... i love game music!
we can b mutuals if you know me on discord!!! :3 just do an ask to lmk or else i wont follow back my baddd
pronouns page:
idrk what else to say my badddd
feel free to ask questions or @ me in cool posts!
HIDDEN FUN FACT!!!! THIS BLOG IS COLOR CODED! pink = misc but cool thing
u can guess what þe 'key' is :3
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gemharvest · 1 month
Hiii local pico fanboy here to request him for the character thing :))
favorite thing about them: TBHHHH idk. I like his silly maybe. His whimsy. I angst his ass so much but he's such a goober in canon. I want to put him in a hamster ball and watch him run around and I genuinely think he'd enjoy it.
least favorite thing about them: I feel like every time I mention him I run the risk of someone making a weird assumption about me. Pico toxoplasmosis curse: will someone yell at me because my fave, my little scrunkly, my blorbo, originates from the Newgrounds school shooting satire game. The answer is to tell myself not to worry about it and I go "Okay💗 Yay💗" and continue brainrotting.
favorite line: What does this guy even say fuuuuufhfhuhhkkckkk. Guy who mostly thinks about FNF and has barely touched Pico's School stuff. Unfortunately might have to pass on this for now sorry. You can give me a bad grade on being a Pico fan LMAO. /j
brOTP: I'm going to be so fr I am obsessed with the dynamic you can get between him and Nene. I am studying them like bugs. Tho of course Pico & Darnell's friendship is so good. Newgrounds trio you are so fucked up I love you guys.
OTP: Hey guys do any of you know about this niche little thing called the RGB polyshioGFOKMKFGMLKM>. Very obvious answer but yeah. OT3. As of late I've been having so much fun with romantic PicoGF. PicoBF gets a lot of focus and it has from me too, but there's such a fun dynamic you can get from GF and Pico. They can have something fun even if you take a platonic/ QPR angle, tho I said already that I like exploring a romantic dynamic between them.
nOTP: I don't knowwwwwwwww. I don't think I have a nOTP for him. Yes, even considering Cass (huge-ass disclaimer that I do not ship them, but I can't see myself caring if others do). Sorry LOL.
random headcanon: I think if you asked him if he'd jump off a cliff he'd say no, of course not wtf, but then if you asked him if he'd jump off a cliff because Boyfriend did he'd take a suspicious amount of time to answer. Like that one Dan Vs. bit. Idk I'm trying to think of something I haven't mentioned before. Secondary answer that's more of a headcanon is that I really do think this guy would be a non-traditional pet owner. Like snakes/ tarantulas that kinda thing. I think he'd like rats/ other rodents too but the idea of him handling a snake makes me bounce off the walls.
unpopular opinion: The curse I bare is that I barely go to wider fandom spaces I don't know what a popular opinion for him right now would be. Idk I think people sometimes write him to be way tougher than he'd be. Like, OK I'm tired idk how to fully explain it but in my head this guy's a softie once he lets you past his exterior. He's kind at heart even if he has his whole Thing going on and I've seen takes that ignore that/ aren't aware of it, and I feel like that's the surface-level read people might get off of him. Might be able to put this better when I have a rested mind LMAO.
song i associate with them: *cracks my knuckles and opens my playlist for him* Oh I was built for this. Two because I an never content picking just one, my playlist for him would be massive if I remembered to add songs regularly LMAO.
favorite picture of them:
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I feel like this is a very funny choice for "favorite image" but it's specifically this bit in his character sheet. "Kind like how cats stretch out look longer" you don't say... Guy who isn't even beating the kitty allegations in his fucking character sheet. My non-funny answer would probably be his game-over sprite for when you lose to one of the spray paint cans:
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>> original ask game here; feel free to send more, I don't bite <<
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yingchens-writings · 5 months
Hello to all across the cosmos~
“I think we all have the potential to do good and evil. Nobody is born into being either of the two – we’re all really just shades of grey, if you think about it. Choice is what makes you human, after all.”  
The Doctor’s younger sibling. A cheerful and lively author who wants nothing more than to explore the universe, who also happens to be running from their past. Empathizes far too easily with others, and is too perceptive for his age. A Nameless member who joined alongside Dan Heng, wearing his heart on his sleeve at all times. Inseparable from their cat, Sock.
AGE: 16
SPECIES: Half-Vidyadhara, half human. 
PRONOUNS: They & him. 
FACTIONS: The Nameless & The Astral Express, The Xianzhou Luofu (formerly). 
PATH: The Harmony. 
ELEMENT: Quantum. 
THIS is their lore doc that includes their kit, character stories, lightcone story, and more. Also voicelines! :)
Yingchen identifies as panromantic and asexual. 
They are taken by @deliasmasterpiece. 
Yingchen will never respond to aggression well. They are the kind of person to back down and apologize immediately. They do not like to fight other people physically, but can be vicious if you cross the line relating to their parents. 
Yingchen is half-brothers with Dr. Ratio. Yes, I have lore as to why this was possible. One word: Aha. 
Yingchen is highly empathetic and wears their heart on their sleeves at all times. They are stubborn, loyal, and seek the approval of those around them. They are not incredibly insecure, but they do have an unfortunate past. 
Yingchen will usually seek a positive relationship with those who try to be romantically involved with their brother. However, there is a chance that they will not approve of you, which could make for some funny scenes. 
creativity strikes! . ✒ | for in-character posts & reblogs
puppet's musings . 💡 | for random thoughts
a new idea? . 🖋️ | for answering asks
prime character inspiration! . 📖 | for interactions with canon characters
a new specimen? . 📜 | for interactions with ocs
blood & water . 🕯️ | for interactions with dr. ratio
touched by the sun . ☀️ | for interactions with aventurine
moonlight <3 . 🌙 | for interactions with delia
to the stars . 💫 | for interactions with the nameless
research material? . 🔎 | for interactions with characters from the herta space station
ice-cold body, warm-melting hearts . ❄️ | for interactions with those from belobog
my hometown . 🪭 | for interactions with those from the xianzhou luofu
unending nightmare . 🔮 | for interactions with those from penacony
i think too much . 🪶 | for starters and writing bits
it was me . ❤️ | ooc!
I am a minor! 
I use they/them prns.
No NSFW. I will toss you into a wall. 
Any and all Ratio blogs are welcome for sibling interactions 
I am incredibly normal 
I don’t bite, if you wanna rp a specific situation you’re free to! 
I sometimes get wordy with my replies. Author stuff 😔 - no pressure to match my energy!
I respond quickly most of the time. Yes, I’m chronically online. Help.
I love interacting with anybody. Feel free to send shit into the inbox!
Will add onto this later. 
I don’t tag stuff ‘cause I’m lazy. Amen. Redoing my intro post because this is great!
Also, if you want to use my format, PLEASE ASK FIRST.
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noahspaperairplane · 4 months
welcome to the pinned post. heck yeah
my name's noah. i'm the world's most awkward flip. i'm pretty awesome i think. i post.
mainly will post about tdi (gen 1) but i like other things too. we don't talk about the warrior cats fixation. i have the gifted kid burnout autism flavor and this is how i cope. ish.
i appreciate everything im sent. i’m also quite busy so i may close the askbox at times. you can dm though!
(you are allowed to just ask for conversations btw. we can talk. im friendly i promise)
i know im mainly seen as a noahposter, which i don’t mind, but i like other characters too. feel free to ask about anyone from gen 1 and ridonculous race ^_^
KEEP IT CLEAN PLEASE ! this is an agere blog. for any violent or risqué asks please direct that to my main blog
send stuff abt team chris pls
i am physically and mentally a miner (under the age of 18 and player of that one block game) regression age range is 1-5, may be lower depending on the situation. nonverbal or never shuts the heck up flip the coin
(i don’t post here when regressed for my own safety, but still, SFW INTERACTIONS/ACCOUNTS ONLY)
no dni but if i don’t like you i’ll ignore/block depending on the situation
my main blog is @.b——-a——1337. i follow and send asks from there. (i send asks anon) (PREFERABLY SEND NON AGERE ART REQUESTS, ESP SHIPPING THERE PLEASE)
otherwise enjoy your stay, maybe.
tagging sys+ team chris au info under read more
tagging system for my original posts (this post will be tagged for easy navigation)
noah's doodles (art tag)
noah's rambles (general posting/talking)
noah's headcanons (headcanons/character posting)
noah's bookshelf (if i ever do post writing or extended prompts)
noah’s mailbox (text only asks, no art)
(i will be making a reblog tag at some point when i feel like organizing again)
posts will be tagged by fandom, ex. total drama agere
the au:
currently have a team chris/wt agere au/concept thing going on, so i will post about that. nothing too intricate, just a few doodles and prompts. you can send asks relating to this too btw🙏 be as specific as you want
basic rundown::
they live together. their neighbors are the other wt teams. ale, duncan, noah regressors/flips. tyler owen izzy cgs. chaos! the cookie jar is in misery
tag:: team chris is reallyx4 agere au
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