#feel free to use that verse for your tags if you want to help you keep track
angelltheninth · 20 hours
The Greek Gods Try To Win Your Heart
Pairing: Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, Hades, Hermes, Poseidon, Zeus x Reader
Tags: fluff, slight power dynamics, flirting, kissing, gift giving, protectiveness, letters, human!Reader
A/N: Seeing as I'm still in Greece as of writing this and EPIC the Musical made fall in love with the Gods I'm writing this.
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Apollo serenades you at the start of every sunset. For him it's important that his belobed starts the day right and he more than happy to help. Somehow he never runs out of sappy verse to whisper in your ear as he leaves, giving you words to replay in your sleep.
Aphrodite visits you every free moment she has. She is affectionate in every way possible. In her words, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, in her touch with which she is able to make your whole body tingle and want more, in her actions with which she displays affection for you in grand guestures because you're her beloved human and all other Gods should know it.
Ares doesn't know much about gentle touch but he is willing to let you teach him. Eager to tell you of his many victories but also provide you with lessons so that no one can put you in danger, not that anyone would dare with him watching. Protectiveness is also part of his nature to the point of being perfectly willing to be cruel in order to protect you from others.
Hades showers you with many gifts over the time he spends trying to win your heart. Makes sure you're always thinking of him while you're apart and he wants have something of yours too, each of you would have one piece of each other with you. Sends his kisses from afar until you're in his home and he can kiss you for real.
Hermes runs everywhere all the time but he always makes time for you, it doesn't matter what message he needs to deliver. There's always something intersting for him to tell you when he comes back from his travels but he also likes using the excuse of sending a message to see you. Not unnusual for you to see a love letter randomly appear in your room, right next to your bed.
Poseidon takes you to many islands for a vecation with him, a romantic getaway if you will for you two to get to know each other better. He loves to go on a midnight swim with you under the stars and give you lots of gifts from the sea, things to decorate yourself and your home with.
Zeus brags a lot about himself when he's with you, he's a big showoff but he also wants to lift you up. If you want to be his lover you have to be worthy of him, the King of the Gods. He is very loving when you start returning his feelings, he wants to be a good lover, which also means he can hardly keep his hands to himself when you're alone.
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Dividers by: @saradika-graphics
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jacesvelaryons · 1 month
The Reluctant Empress (Jacaerys Velaryon x Female!Reader)
Act II. Burgeoning
(19th Century Imperial Austria AU)
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summary: crown prince jacaerys gets to know his prospect betrothed and future bride whom he has been arranged with to marry, your sister helaena targaryen, but true to your wild spirit, you cannot help but wonder what awaits in the world behind gilded castles and royal splendour.
word count: 2.4k words
a/n: i'm so sorry this took an entire year before an update but it is finally here! i apologize as I had some health things to settle, and with brain fog and got more distracted by other fandoms but here we go! once again, please comment and share what you liked, what you'd want more for me and request and let me know as my inbox is always open <3 let me know if you want to be on the taglist or not getting tags!
series masterlist
previously: prologue | act i
requests OPEN
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“Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” ― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
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Seated between her mother and sister, Y/N eyes roamed around the dining hall in the palace that hosted the royal family and her covey. Changed into an emerald green gown, wearing the necklace and earrings her father gave her on the last name day before his passing, she paid no mind to the significance of the occasion and was just glad to be there, surrounded in the splendor of the castle walls.
She knew that it was Helaena’s time to shine, and she would not want to rob her of her light, of the opportunity that would change their fortunes and not have Alicent scrabbling and worrying over the last penny of their expenses.
Twirling her fork on the pesto noodles in front of her, Y/N remained silent and just patiently listened to all the conversation around her, between her mother and her childhood friend the Queen, who inquired about Helaena’s well being, her lifestyle and assessing on how she would adjust becoming the next consort upon wedding Jacaerys.
Dazed out in a world of her own, Y/N did not hear Jacaerys reverting his attention to her aptly, until her sister nudged her ankle with her shoe, repeating her name on his tongue like it was the sweetest honey, curiosity and amusement on his features.
“Lady Y/N, what do you do in your free time, my lady?”
Stammering like a cat bit her tongue, she cleared her throat as she gathered herself and make her look and sound presentable.
“I ride horses, my prince. I hunt and I have picked up the sword a few times.” Lady Y/N bluntly replied, already feeling the burning glare of your embarrassed mother. Queen Rhaenyra only watches in amusement, how her confidante could have a daughter who was nothing like her mother.
Jacaerys was intrigued, leaning forward to hear Y/N better and scooch closer over to Her. A curious smile on his handsome, chiseled face, his curly brown hair starting to grow out and neatly groomed behind his ears.
Plates and utensils remained untouched as Y/N and Jacaerys were engrossed in an engaging, animated conversation, passionate replies to uncontrollable laughter.
The older women present at the table watched with trepidation, Lady Alicent’s habits of digging into her fingernails returned while the silver-haired queen’s expression turned unreadable.
Helaena swallowed her wounded pride of being ignored and not found as an interesting companion, playing with her knife and fork, digging at the roast beef the same way her young daughter would.
As the servants gather the finished main course meals and replace them with fresh fruit and lemon cakes for dessert, Rhaenyra swiftly suggests for the elder Targaryen sister to read out some of the poetry her mother praised earlier.
“You must share with us your talent in verse and poetry, Lady Helaena.”
Relieved, the indigo hued girl stood up at the end of the table, grabbing her little booklet hidden in the pockets of her skirt. Flipping through its parchment pages, she settles to a recent entry close to the end of the worn out leather bound book, covered with an embroidered beetle.
To want is the most natural thing Inherent in the blood through our veins The very primal urge of our being Yet we will always want, and want With no end like a black hole What better to want what is not ours? To covet what the other possesses To take away what is given as easily as it was owned?
Her raspy voice echoed through the halls mellifluously in perfectly rehearsed High Valyrian. Yet you could not help a guilty perception weighing on you, blossoming at the pit of your stomach and you could not shake it off. You were doing nothing wrong, you told yourself, wanting to believe in it but it felt wrong.
Y/N’s fears arose to the surface when she could feel a burning stare on her face intensely, as if memorizing her very form and that she would disappear into nothing anytime. You were listening as intently as you could, yet when you turned, Jacaerys did not pay mind to a single word Helaena said as his focus was fixated on you.
No, no, no. Nothing was going as planned. Everything was going wrong. She praises whatever gods intervened when the heir’s brother Prince Lucerys gracefully diverted the topic into the new cuisines created by the cooks of the Keep with the freshest catches of seafood from Driftmark.
“Y/N, what do you think you were doing out there?! Do you think I do not notice your need to always be the centre of attention?” The shrill shrieking of her mother’s voice pierced through her ear drums, yet Y/N was unsurprised and used to such altercations with her mother.
Following the uneasy supper, the three ladies from Dalston Keep returned to their chambers to change midday in preparation for the tour around the gardens with the queen and her heir again after a few hours of respite.
Silently humiliated as they reconvened in private, the illusion of propriety that Lady Alicent carried in front of the queen and prince ripped away, unleashing a ferocity unrestrained like never before.
“I did nothing, mother. I was polite and engaged in a conversation when I was spoken to.”
“You did more than that, you foolish girl! It was about your sister. All of this was about her, not you! Is it so difficult for you to tone down your tendencies for once so we can go according to the arrangement? You put our fortunes up to be desolated. You are as careless as your father!” The sting of her final words hung in the air, salt over the open wound for such a loss. Y/N knew her mother did not love her father, who was older than her own father, and only did her duty to her ailing, troubled, aging husband.
“Mother, that is enough! Do not bring father into this.” Helaena countered exasperatedly, holding onto her sister by her shoulders in defense. “Y/N did nothing wrong. It was..it was me. I should have engaged with the prince more. She did me a favour.”
Y/N gasps in disbelief, astonished her beloved sister would keep taking her side when it was clear she was the wounded party.
“Do not worry about it, mother. I promise I will remain silent from now on. I want this to be Helaena’s night.” Y/N swears sincerely, wanting to defend Helaena and stay away from any trouble from now on.
Alicent does not fully believe her youngest, but nods solemnly as she seeks to move this behind them, returning to her dignified, contemplating gaze with her perfect posture and arms clasped at her waist.
Subsequently, a drove of maids and seamstresses poured in, as Alicent went to her solitary room while the sisters shared a larger room. Each stepped on the raised wooden platform. Taking lush gowns from the closet, they plucked out a rich emerald green gown with fitted sleeves for Helaena.
Meanwhile, a muted seafoam gown was placed on Y/N, as maids scuttered behind her to tighten the corset and laces. Y/N whimpered quietly in discomfort, never finding any gratification in restrictive court dress upheld by centuries of protocol and conduct. It barred her sense of freedom, clipped off her wings from flight and reminded her of a bird in a cage.
Heirloom pieces of emerald silver lined jewelry were given to Helaena, designed to accentuate her beauty and prepare her for her upcoming role and ascent into her duty. As the daylight trickled in through the lace curtains and open windows, she looked like a future queen. A role she was raised to be. Otherworldly and ethereal, while Y/N was grounded to the earth, locks like flames and soil.
Y/N beamed in delight for her older sister, squeezing her hands in reassurance. Helaena reciprocated not as enthusiastically, the nerves still getting to her as her palms were sweating and shaking.
“You have nothing to worry about, Hel. We would not get this far if he did not consider you his bride already.”
“Truly, do you really think so?”
“I do. Without a doubt. You already look the part. It is only the formality left we are waiting for at the ball.”
The elder genuinely chuckled this time in relief, her joy finally meeting her eyes from the comfort and encouragement of her sister.
“Now, all that is left is for you to step into your destiny.”
Manicured gardens flourished in the peak of spring, cicadas chirping from the branches of oak trees. Lilies and carnations in hues of apricot and blush, while the outlying paths were paved in blue hydrangeas and violet peonies.
Queen Rhaenyra adorned a lapis lazuli blue gown adorned in gold trimmings and sapphires sewn onto her bodice, matching the stone necklace of the color on her neck and matched her tiara, a reminder of her late mother and former queen.
She pleasantly strolled with a natural confidence, carrying herself with an ease afforded by one who has known privilege and power all her life. Guiding a tour around the Red Keep at the height of its social season, Rhaenyra proudly showed off her domains, and subtly if so, the lands that Helaena would take care of as its hostess after she marries Jacaerys and becomes his queen when the time comes.
Behind her was her eldest Crown Prince Jacaerys, always without a hair or trivet out of place, the picture of perfection that she had groomed since his birth. Dressed more casually in teal with the seahorse emblem on his chest, he honoured his late father Lord Laenor Velaryon, further dispelling any rumours or uncertainty around his paternity.
Although he did not directly resemble his father, he has begun to share features with his paternal grandmother Princess Rhaenys with her Baratheon colouring, and the shape of his nose and chin mirrored her father, who was another Prince of Dragonstone, Prince Aemon the Pale Prince. As rider of Vermax, it was undeniable he was the prince long awaited by the realm, whom millions of hopes and dreams were instilled in.
Standing beside him was Lady Helaena Targaryen, his expected betrothed in everything but formality. Raised with the intention of becoming a princess consort, she was demure, shy, obedient and trusting, exactly what the people of Westeros wanted of their model future queen. Proven in her success of childbearing, onlookers examined her critically on baited breath as they wanted to know who will bear the next generation of Targaryen rulers on the Iron Throne.
Their chaperons trailed behind them, Lady Alicent arm in arm with Lady Y/N, in the same shade of muted green, but her mother had visible symbols of the Faith of the Seven from her necklace, her dark headdress and veil, and on the cuffs on her wrist and belt. Y/N distractedly took in her sights, studying every nook and cranny of the storied palace with eagerness and pursuit.
“This garden still follows the design plan created by Queen Rhaenys the Conqueror herself, yet it was only finished years after her passing in Dorne.”
The queen continued the tour of the keep, while she discreetly eavesdropped on the conversation between her heir and his expected betrothed. The two were engaging pleasantly yet amiably on the surface level, their dialogue not reaching too far. Unaware of a figure parting at the fork and heading another direction.
When she is assured she’s clear and no one can find her, Y/N Targaryen smirks victoriously as she heads straight and turns left towards the barn, near the dragonpit, where the horses and grazing animals were located.
On nimble footsteps, through the mud and manure, she makes a run for it as two stableboys turn the corner and miss her, as they forgot to close the stables and she sneaks in.
As the afternoon light trickles in, Y/N looks around curiously, before her attention is caught by this white mare, with its freshly brushed mane and shining horsehair, an anomaly among ebony and hickory. Not wanting to startle the majestic creature, she prances until she’s in front of the horse, hushing and cooing at them as she latches onto the reins.
She holds the mane by her reins, tugging gently as she walks through the barn and the empty backwaters of the ancient castle. It is quiet, with most servants resting for their annual nap and their morning duties finished, so Y/N is able to ride the stallion undiscovered.
The lingering scent of the manure and greenery turns into salty waters of aegean and spruce and the earthy, musty petrichor from the rain on the fir and cedar trees earlier in the morning.
A hint of the cool breeze tingles through her skin, a dress and not proper riding gear in its leathers and furs, but she brushes it off, as King’s Landing in the spring at this time of the year has turned warm and the rain from earlier is long gone.
She rides as far as her companion will allow, until the peripheral view of the Red Keep grows distant from over her shoulder. Y/N stops at the fork of the road before it joins the greater Kingsroad, diverting by the forest with towering trees and fallen logs. Sitting by the foot of a trunk, Y/N pauses for some stillness, her back pressing against the hard trunk as she closes her eyes, before grabbing an apple and vial of water to share with her stallion.
As she and the mare finish the fruit, she stands up to brush off any leaf and dirt on the back of her skirt, about to mount once again before she hears echoes of confrontation growing closer. Y/N has barely begun to leave the forest and return to the artery before she is surrounded by hooded, disheveled men with smug expressions.
Unable to avoid contact, she politely acknowledges them and pulls her cape over her flaming locks before she is stopped from moving in either direction. “Good morrow, sirs.”
She yelps as she’s grabbed by her wrists by the men, struggling to stay on her saddle as the mare turns skittish. “Not so fast, my lady. We need something from ya, and you gotta pay up for our silence. Comes with a price.” The men smirk, distant galloping approaching them.
Y/N yelps as she is knocked off her horse, hitting her head against the rock and all turns into darkness around her. She hears a distant echo of another mount heading her way, furious yelling and clattering swords. Her head throbs, feeling the blood dripping down her nape, as her eyes flutter closed.
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
Just Pretend-twelve
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: All I will say is enjoy my loves.
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @koskeepsake @bngurngheart
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“You wanna take, take, take. You wanna break, break, break my heart,” I rambled while pacing my room.
Fuck, do I need to add break that many times?
I rambled the sentence a few more times to see how it tasted on my tongue.
Fuck it, I shrugged. It’s good.
My fingers drummed a beat against thigh as I continued to pace the room, anything to keep my mind off of my fucking phone. “But now I know my place.”
Who the hell says hi?
It’s been 4 minutes and 35 seconds. No-wait-4 minutes and 53 since I texted Y/N. She’ll probably leave me on read. Especially after how I was acting the last few weeks. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that one of the guys told her how I’d been drinking. Why would she want another Trey? There’s no way she’d respond. Maybe this friendship is over, even despite our feelings. Despite everything maybe it was a lost cause.
“Fuck, I need to get the verse down,” I tossed my phone onto my bed and sang the verse once again.
“You couldn’t wait, wait, wait. For the day, day, day I lost. It’s such a shame, shame, shame you couldn’t change, look what it cost.”
Why the hell did I add day that many times? You know what? I think it works but I’ll ask Jolly what he thinks. As I stood from bed, I scratched at my stomach, my shirt riding up just the slightest and I couldn’t help but think of the reason Y/N gave me my nickname.
“Because you’re the sweetest and your stomach is soft.”
“Idiot,” I grumbled while clipping my hair back away from my face.
I could use a trim.
With a sigh, I took two steps, ready to leave my phone behind on my bed, until his rang loudly and I whipped my head back so fast. My hands shook at my sides, not reaching for it yet, afraid that I might have misheard the notification. But when my phone went off another time, I nearly jumped onto my bed to grab it.
Your Amazon package is out for delivery!
Just as I was about to chuck my phone across the wall, something told me to check the message thread with Y/N one more time.
My message was the last one sent but my heart fell slightly when I saw three bubbles appear.
“Oh shit,” I muttered almost dropping my phone but kept the grip on it firm.
The bubbles disappeared only to appear a few seconds later just to disappear for a few moments too long.
The entire time, I sat on the edge of my bed as my knee bounced in a rapid pace, just as my heart did while I waited to see if she would respond.
Angel 🪽: Hi mochi.
I jumped to my feet, a loud thud echoing from how hard the force was, and I bounced on my heels trying to think of what to say.
Hey, how are you?
Nice, something short and simple. Don’t want to push her too far.
I wasn’t sure what to say, not really. I just knew I wanted her back in my life regardless of how things went. It killed me not to have even the slightest of contact. The first step is this.
Angel 🪽: can we FaceTime? only if you’re comfortable with that. There are some things I need to say and it would be better to face to face than texting.
“Fuck,” I began pacing the length of my bedroom once again, panic setting in low in my stomach. Texting her was one thing but to see her face again made my skin itch and skin tingle in the best way.
But she hurt you.
I sighed at the voice in my mind, knowing it was true, but right now it didn’t matter. We were ready to move past what happened.
Seconds later, my phone rang, the trill of it a constant buzzing and I hesitated to answer. But I knew I had too. I was the one that set out the end of the olive branch and she was reaching for it, begging me to pull her back.
Giving myself a quick once over in the mirror of my closets, I smoothed down my hair and wiped at the imaginary dirt on my face before I clicked the green button and soon her face appeared on my screen.
Fuck, she looked ragged. The sunken eyes, the bruised smile but shit, she still looked so beautiful. With the true state I’d been in, I knew I probably didn’t look better.
“Hi,” her voice was rough but angelic.
I noticed my door was open so once that was shut, I sat down at my computer chair, leaning back slightly.
“How have you been?”
My chair rocked back and forth. “Good, how about you?”
There was a long beat of silence, and I used that time to look at her surroundings. There was a large window behind her with the setting sun casting an orange glow around her.
A true fucking angel.
“Good,” she said after a long breath. “You know what, lets cut the bullshit.”
I blinked, perplexed where this conversation was headed now.
“Angel-,” I began.
But her stern eyes stared back at me when she shook her head. “No, mochi, I need to say this. Please let me say this.”
I took a deep breath, ignoring the way my heart skipped a beat when she said my nickname, and urged her on with a nod.
Her mouth moved like a fish out of water, trying to gather her words. “I hurt you. I hurt you and I’m so fucking sorry, Noah.”
I stared at her and to be honest; I wasn’t expecting that. I wasn't sure who would apologize first then I remembered I didn’t need to apologize. I wasn’t the one who left.
“No,” she cut me off. “Let me finish. I’m truly sorry. I had no right to just up and leave with no explanation.”
She abruptly stood and walked across her room before sitting on her bed now, a furry animal curled up on the pillow next to her.
“There are so many things haunting me, Noah. As I’m sure there are things haunting you and I’m just-I’m sorry.”
I wanted to say something, anything, but I sat frozen holding the phone in front of my face while I perched my other arm behind my head. There were so many thoughts weighing heavy on my mind until finally I started small.
“I-I appreciate your apology.”
I wanted to deep deeper into this; I wanted to continue to dig and dig and dig under her skin and brain because I wanted to know more but she was holding back.
She brought Salem into her lap then set up her phone that I could see her entire body and the cat on her lap. Y/N looked beautiful in a simple hoodie and sweatpants, her hair in a disarrayed bun, strands falling into her face but didn’t care enough to brush away.
Noise outside my door took my attention away from my phone for a few seconds as I sat up straighter in my chair, eyes narrowing towards the door.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
My eyes snapped back to my phone at that word; friendship.
We already established there's nothing more than being friends. It doesn’t make much sense with what we’d been through but right now, I’d take what I can get.
“I don’t want to, either,” I admitted with a sigh. “These last few weeks have been pretty rough for me and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you, angel.”
The corner of her mouth lifted. “I missed you too, mochi. So we can both agree, fresh start?”
“I’d like that,” I smiled. “Salem?”
She beamed while holding up the cat so he could extended his body straight like a stick. “Yep. He’s settled into the move right away. You should see Malcolm with him. At first, Malcolm wouldn’t even be in the same room together but now, I catch him stealing Salem from my room so he could cuddle him.”
I chuckled at the vision of large Malcolm snuggling with a small cat on the couch.
“What about you? How are you enjoying living in Los Angeles?”
“I haven’t got out much because of the pandemic but now that the ban is lifted, I want to find an art studio or a gym. Something to get my ass out of the house.”
“You should come with me to my gym,” the words rushed out before I could stop myself. “I’ve been trying to get one of the guys to come with but they won’t.”
She raised a hesitant brow. “Are you sure? I don’t want to interject myself in something thats yours.”
“Angel, I promise you its fine.” I assured her.
“Alright, fuck it. I’m in,” she smiled. “I want to learn some taekwondo.”
I hummed. “Lucky for you, the place I go offers some great classes on Tuesdays and Fridays, we can go this week?”
It was already Wednesday so it would be a few days before we rushed into this.
“I’d like that, Noah. Thank you.”
“Y/N, the pharmacy called me because you didn’t answer. Your meds are ready for pickup.”
Chase appeared behind Y/N in the screen and when he saw me, he cursed. “Fuck, I didn’t know you were on the phone. Sup, Noah.”
I nodded. “Hey man.”
Y/N waved Chase off. “It’s fine. We can pick them up after dinner.”
“Meds? Everything alright?” I asked with slight worry.
I fully expected her to brush me off or change the subject.
“Remember when I told you that night that I deal with something every month and it’s a lot?”
I tried not to remember the aftermath of us having sex.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Well, I have to take different meds to help with it. It’s a lot to go into right now but I promise, one day.”
“Whenever you’re ready, angel,” I said with a smile, not wanting to feel like she needed to be forced to tell me what was wrong with her.
“What the fuck? I’m starving and you two are chit chatting like teenage girls who just found out the schools hot gossip.”
Malcolm appeared on screen behind Y/N and threw up the two fingered peace sign. “Sorry, Noah. We’re taking her away from you.”
I chuckled. “All good. We can talk tomorrow? I can call around 2:30?”
Y/N smiled that bright smile that pulled at the strings of my heart; the one that connected us. “I’d like that, mochi.”
With one final goodbye, I hit the red button, ending the call with a sigh. It was only a few minute long conversation but enough to ease the worry if everything would be alright.
“Get your foot off of my knee, you dumbass.”
“Did they hang up? I can’t hear anything?”
What the fuck?
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“We shouldn’t eavesdrop. It’s not our place,” I said with my hands deep in my pockets.
“Dude, were not listening to him fuck her. They’re talking since they fucked,” Orie pointed to Noah’s closed door.
“Real classy, dickhead,” Jesse smacked the back of Orie’s head.
“I’m just saying,” he raised his hands in defense. “I want to hear! Now move.”
Jesse kneeled in front of Noah’s door with Orie leaning over him, and Michale standing behind Orie.
“Why are they talking about taekwando?” Jesse wondered.
“Shut the fuck up, Jesse I can’t hear,” Michael slapped his arm.
I shook my head before temptation gave in and I kneeled next to Jesse so I could get a better listen. This was the first time Y/N and Noah would talk since that night and since there wasn’t any raised voices, I could only hope it was a civil conversation.
“Move your hair it’s in my face,” Jesse tried to push me away.
“Not my fault you’re a dwarf, man,” I shrugged then hushed him.
“I’d like that, Noah. Thank you.”
The small glimmer of hope that things would be okay intensified when I heard the softness of Y/N’s voice. I could almost imagine that eye crinkling smile she would do; the one Noah loved.
“If Noah knows we’re listening, he won’t turn the heat on for a week,” Michael reminded us.
“Shit,” Jesse cursed.
Orie pushed Michale away. “Get your foot off of my knee, you dumbass.”
“Did they hang up? I can’t hear anything?”
Suddenly, the door opened behind us but I was the only saved from falling to the floor at Noah’s feet that was covered with his favorite pair of Naurato socks; Jesse, Orie, and Michael all falling on top of each other in a heap.
“What the fuck?” Noah cursed with hands on his hips. “Were you guys listening to my conversation?”
The three of them scrambled to their feet before running down the stairs, their laughter echoing through our shared home. I watched with a small smile and shook my head before Noah glared over to me.
“Fuck you, you know what? No heat. I’m serious! Kiss my ass.” He called out after them. “It’s going to be 65 degrees all week!”
“Wasn’t my idea,” I defended with my hands held up.
Groans carried upstairs as soon as Noah turned off the heat. “Oh, come on, Noah!”
“What the fuck, man!” 
A sly smirk played at his lips. “We got stock in Bad Omens hoodies; fucking wear one and don’t listen to my phone calls.”
Once Noah retreated into his room, I stared at the closed door with a proud smile. It was a drastic change in attitude from how he was just last week. Talking to Y/N brought out the playful, joking side of Noah that we all love and missed.
Maybe things were going to be alright.
“So who’s going up there to ask how it went,” Orie’s voice called out from downstairs.
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The soft, delicate, knock against my bedroom door made me take off my headphones, setting them down on my desk. Exiting out of my game and making sure TWITCH was closed out, I rose from my seat and ran a hand through my hair before I opened the door, heart falling into my stomach at the sight in front of me.
Y/N was wringing her nervous hands together, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.
“Angel? What are you doing here?” I questioned while leaning an arm against the door.
“Uh, Jesse let me in. I-I needed to see you,” she hugged the jacket closer to her chest, something clearly bothering her.
My brows scrunched together, still shocked that she was standing in front of me. Just a few hours ago, we were talking on FaceTime about our gym meet up tomorrow and she said she needed to hang up because Chase and her had plans to go hiking.
“Everything alright?”
She hesitated eyes darting to my bedroom. “I need your help, Noah.”
My heart jumped into my throat as I stood straighter, unsure if I heard her correctly. “With what? Is something broken?”
“No, Noah,” Y/N’s voice dropped low before taking a step towards me, hands trailing down my chest. “I need you.”
Oh, fuck.
The passionate, high energy, tension that we feared was lost came flooding back into our veins as I yanked Y/N into the room, kicking the door shut behind her. I wrapped my hand behind her head and sparks shot through my entire existence when I pressed my lips against Y/N’s in a soul shattering, earth ending kiss. My tongue pushed past her lips almost instantly, finding hers in a fight for dominance. It explored every inch of her mouth and she moaned, nails scratching at the fabric of my shirt. With one hand wrapped around the back of her neck, the other slipped underneath her shit to graze over the soft skin of her stomach.
“Noah,” she breathed against my lips.
“Fuck, I missed you angel,” I walked her backwards towards my bed.
Her lips were swollen, lipstick smeared from the force of our kiss, and I felt all the heat rush straight to my cock when I thought of those lips stretched around me, drool leaking out of the corners of her mouth and trickling down her chin as she struggled to take all of me in.
My dick ached in pain, needing some sends of release; soon.
I helped her out of her clothes; her doing the same to me, as our lips met again. My teeth bitting down on her bottom one as she tried to pull away.
She hissed while dabbing a finger to her face. “Did-did you just bite me?”
I took in the sight of her standing in front of me in a simple black matching bra and panties set.
“Fuck, you’re going to kill me,” I hooked a finger into the strap of her bra, sliding it down over her shoulder.
The tattoo’s that littered her skin almost glowed from the neon lights in my room. Kaonashi on her arm, the large array if flowers and veins on the other arm, the one of all the Greek Gods on Mt. Olympus on her thigh, and the small design of Totoro on her ankle, the ones we got on her birthday. Aogaeru from Spirited Away on my ankle.
Turning her towards my bed, I trailed my fingers down her back to unhook her bra, letting it fall down to the floor at our feet. My lips littered soft kisses along the large snake and flower tattoo on her back as I dropped to my knees, slipping off her panties to her ankles.
“Fucking beautiful,” I praised while looking up at her.
Y/N peered down at me over her shoulder. “I could get used to you being on your knees for me.”
I turned her back to face me and left my hands on her hips. “I’ll pray to this body every night if that means you stay with me, angel.”
Her hand raked through the long locks of my hair and I let myself relax into her touch as I stared at her warm core right in front of me. The phantom taste from the last time I tasted her still lingered on my tongue.
I hummed while peering up through my lashes at her.
“Stand up.”
Doing what she said, I stood to my feet and now towered over her by atleast a foot. Her nails scratched down my bare chest and I hissed in pure ecstasy. The pain making me realize this was real. She was in front of me.
I attacked her lips once again as her fingers trailed down over my stomach to the waistband of my briefs, helping me step out of them. Y/N’s eyes flashed down to my hard cock as it sprang free, beads of pre-cum spilling from the slit. I rubbed my thumb over it and groaned at how sensitive I was.
“I missed you,” Y/N pressed a kiss to the pulse point of my throat; the apple.
My head titled back to give her more access, and I gripped her hips tighter.
“Sit down,” she nodded to the edge of my bed.
Once seated, Y/N kneeled down on the floor between my legs and I shivered under her touch again as her nails raked up and down my thighs. I watched her actions from the mirror behind her, eyes drinking in the sight of her large back tattoo and the perkiness of her round ass. My cock twitched in front of her face as she gazed up at me, taking her bottom lip between her teeth.
“I’ve dreamed of the way you tasted, Noah.”
My fingers grazed over her chin, up her jaw, to the back of her head and tangled within the waves of her hair. My other hand gripped my cock as I guided the tip towards her lips.
“Open those pretty lips for me, angel.”
A guteral groan sounded from the back of my throat and I titled my head up towards the ceiling, my long hair cascading down my back. I gripped Y/N’s head with a vise grip and guided her up and down; slowly at first until I reached the resistance of the back of her throat and buried my cock deep in there.
“Shit,” I breathed when she choked on me. “Feels so good.”
I kept her there for a few more seconds before letting the grip on her head ease enough that she could start moving once again. She flattened her tongue to press underneath my shaft and when her fingers cupped my tight balls; I knew I was nearing the edge of bliss. The bottom of my spine tingled with a burning that only she could bring but not yet; I didn’t want this to be over yet.
She pulled off of my cock with a loud pop as I lifted her from the ground to kneel on my bed. I pressed my large hand over her bed so I could push her upper half down on the bed while keeping her ass up in the air. I positioned us so we could face the mirror and I trailed a finger down her spine.
“Spread your legs for me,” I ordered before laying a firm smack to her ass.
Y/N writhed with a moan but did as I asked. I guided the head of my throbbing cock up and down the wetness of her folds.
“Noah,” she whined. “Please.”
“You like that, angel?” I asked.
She moans her response, but I didn’t like that answer. With my cock poised at her entrance, I leaned over her back so my warm breath fanned over the crook of her neck.
“Use your words.”
“Yes, I like it,” she answered breathlessly.
“Good girl,” I praised before slipping into her tightness; finally.
We shared a long moan, the feeling of being connected once again being almost too much for me to take, my cock pulsating inside of her. The warmth spread over every inch of pricked skin, the sensation clawing at my insides; in the best way possible. It felt like how it did that night only better because she wasn’t going anywhere. I’d make sure she’d stay tonight.
“I’m so tense, Noah,” she writhed underneath me.
I lazily kissed her back as my hips rutted up against her. “You came back.”
I pushed her face into the mattress because of my weight on her back so she could only speak.
My hair spread over her back when I pressed my forehead in-between her shoulders, the sweat from her skin tasting bittersweet on my tongue. I sunk my teeth deep into her, marking her as my own and pulled my cock almost all the way out, just leaving the tip.
Her answer was a mess of curses when my fingers pressed into her clit, drawing fast circles. His pussy clenched over my cock as she came undone, her arousal spreading down my thighs. I hooked my fingers in her mouth to hold her up so she could watch us in the mirror now.
“Watch as I fuck your pretty pussy,” I ordered, long hair covering my face.
Y/N did the best she could to nod with my hooks in her mouth and my pace became relentless, slamming into her so hard and fast, the noises echoed throughout my room. The burning felt warm at the base of my spine as my heart pounding widly in my chest, my own orgasm so fucking close to destroying me. She looked fucking angelic from her reflection in the mirror. Her skin soaked in the neon glows of the lights of my bedroom and I wondered if anyone could hear us through the white noise of our moans and skin slapping.
My name sounded muffled from her throat since I still had my fingers hooked inside her mouth.
“What?” I unhooked my fingers.
Y/N swallowed thickly. “I want you to fuck me against the mirror.”
Anything for you, angel.
With an arm around her stomach, I lifted her off of the bed and walked over to my mirror closet, pressing her back to it. I hooked her leg over my hip then slid deep within her walls once again, my head falling to her chest with this new angle.
“Fuck,” my teeth graze over the perky buds of her nipples, swirling my tongue over them.
“Harder,” she begged, running her hands through my hair.
She gathered it at the ends and pulled my head back to crash her lips to mine and with a few hard slams of my cock into her, Y/N came apart once again for me, screaming her release into my mouth. My back tensed as my stomach muscles contracted, and with the force of my thrusts, the closet doors shook, one of them breaking off the rolling hinge and shattering the glass directly in the middle.
“Shit,” Y/N giggled.
I paid no mind to the broken glass as I buried myself deep within her, orgasm so close to cresting over me in waves.
“Cum for me, Noah,” she nipped and sucked at the tattoo across my neck again.
Her name fell from my lips repeatedly, cock thrusting into her with every utter of it.
“I love you, Noah.”
“Noah, wake-.”
“NOAH! Wake up!”
My eyes bolted open as my chest heaved with every deep breath, heart pulsating to an uneven rhythm. Sweat covered every inch of my skin as I peered down at my body, dick standing straight up underneath the sheer fabric of my blanket.
It was a dream?
Fuck, I sighed while running a hand over my face before staring directly into the eyes of the person who wasn’t in my dreams two seconds ago.
Jesse took a bite out of an apple and nodded down towards me. “I hate to ruin whatever you have going on, but it’s time to get up.”
I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion and continued to heave, trying to ease my racing heart. Fick, that felt so real I was sure I was going cum.
“Must have been some dream, you were really enjoying that,” he chuckled before taking another large bite out of his apple.
I chucked my pillow at him. “I fucking hate you.”
“No, you don’t. Now hurry the fuck up, your oatmeal is getting cold.” He chuckled. “Although, maybe you need a cool down. Take a cold shower first.”
“Fuck off,” I tossed another pillow at him.
Thirty minutes and a very ice-cold shower later, I trekked down the stairs into the kitchen where three smug smiles stared at me.
“Oh, you’re finally awake!” Orie gave me a teasing smirk.
“Yeah, he was a little occupied,” Jesse laughs.
I knocked the apple out of his hands; it clattering to the kitchen counter.
“With what now?” Jolly questioned with a mock curiosity.
“Noah had a wet dream,” Jesse informed everyone.
“Shut the fuck up,” I said through gritted teeth. “Why are you guys always in my business?”
They all share a laugh before Jolly’s calming voice brought a sense of sincerity to the conversation. “It’s not a big deal, Noah. Was it- was it about Y/N?”
I did my best to hide the way my face reddened by sticking my head in the fridge to grab the milk.
“Oh, fuck. Angel. So good.” Jesse mocked in a voice that sounded nothing like me.
“Laugh it up,” I grumbled while slamming the fridge shut, suddenly not hungry anymore.
“It’s not a big deal, Noah, considering you see her today. Are you feeling okay?” Jolly wondered.
I shrugged while stuffing my hands into my gym shorts. “Yeah why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, just becau-.”
“Look I appreciate you guys, really. And I love you for helping me. I just-I want to try to atleast get back to being friends with her. I want to move past this awkward bullshit and have her in my life again. I can’t care about the details right now.”
“We know,” Orie nodded. “We want to make sure you two are going slow this time.”
“I know, I know. We’re meeting at the gym today, be nice to just hang out and do something-healthy. Talk.” I smiled with excitement and nerves.
Jolly smile while standing to his feet. “Good, I’m glad you two are talking again. Still want to write tonight?
I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve got another track we can start.”
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Inside the gym, two minutes before our meet time, I waited by sitting in a chair my leg bounced up and down, up and down- I paced that gym floor, burnt rubber almost gave the room a scent. I was finally seeing her again, since that night. Not on the phone, not waiting for a text. Physical and beautiful form. She had come back into my life like a sudden flame, blazing and streaming into my heart. I stayed up all night contemplating the certain agony I knew would be mine if I were to lose her twice.
Movement out of the corner of my eye made me turn towards the direction of the door, her angelic form stepping into my line of sight. Immediately, thoughts of my dream earlier came flooding back, and I shifted on my feet, hoping my cock would get the memo not to get hard.
Not right now.
All the breath got knocked out of me when her bright eyes landed on me and I gave her a small, awkward wave. When I saw her last on FaceTime yesterday, her skin still looked sunken in and pale, but now she looked like all the life had been breathed back into her.
“Hi,” she smiled.
“Sorry I’m late. Chase dropped me off so I only have an hour before he picks me up. Something about him and Malcolm having tickets to a movie tonight.”
I waved her off. “You’re fine, angel. I could always give you a ride back home if you need.”
She thought about it, I could tell the way her pupils dilated.
“That’s sweet of you, Noah. But Chase promised he’d buy me Greek for dinner tonight before dropping me off to my art class,” she shrugged playfully.
I wasn’t sure if that was the truth or just an excuse not to spend more alone time together. Even if our conversation was flowing, there was still that awkward tension because of the elephant in the room; the one neither of us wanted to discuss. We wanted to move past what happened, start fresh.
“Art class?”
“Yeah,” she beamed. “I’m taking some painting lessons. Just another thing I started post pandemic.”
“That’s great, angel. I’d love to see what you create,” I said.
We were silents for a few long beats, just gazing at each other, and feeling the sudden thick tension, I motioned towards the equipment behind me.
“Is there something specific you want to get started on?”
“I usually like to warm up on the treadmill,” Y/N said while adjusting the strap of her gym bag.
We walked over to a more quiet area of the gym, neither of us wanting to be noticed, and as I set my things down on an open bench, I tossed off my sweater, being left in a cut off t-shirt and black shorts, and when I noticed Y/N was still wearing her heavy sweater, I raised a brow.
“Aren’t you going to get hot in that?”
She shrugged while playing with the zipper. “I’ll be fine.”
“Angel,” I took a step towards her. “Take it off. It’s hot in here already. Don’t feel like you have to hide yourself, especially from me. Remember that?”
Considering I’ve seen it all already.
Ignoring the voice in my head, I watched as Y/N eventually nodded and shed off the extra layer, now standing in front of me in tight leggings that hugged her ass perfectly and a sports bra, showing off the toned stomach I wanted to graze my tongue over.
Focus, Noah.
For the next hour, we spent time on our own choices of machines but still within range of sight. Since we were here later on in the evening, the gym wasn't that crowded. Every so often, our gazes would find each other from across the area we were working out in; me on the weight machine, her at the treadmills. It was that invisible string that tethered our hearts together, always wanting to make sure that we never strayed to far from each other.
Now, we stood packing up our things and Y/N hissed as she tried to rub out a sore spot in her back, one she couldn’t reach.
“Mochi, do you mind helping stretching me out?”
Fuck. Me.
The nickname did wonders on my already racing heart.
“Uh, yea. Sure.”
My fingers gripped her hips as she twisted and turned, before bending over to touch her toes while one hand began rubbing out the tense knots in her back.
“Oh, thank you, Noah. I’ve been so tense back there lately.”
“I’m so tense, Noah,” she writhed underneath me.
Images of her underneath me, cock slamming into her, made my cock twitch with the need to be touched. And with how close Y/N was to me as she stood straight, I knew if she took the slightest step back, my cock would brush against her ass.
Fuck, this wasn’t going to be easy.
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I all but busted through the front door, gripping my gym bag so tight my knuckles had gone white. Shortly after helping stretch out Y/N, Chase arrived to pick her up. We decided we would meet every Friday around 1o am for the taekwando classes. Ever since my dream this morning and now what happened at the gym, my cock was throbbing almost in pain, begging for release.
“How did your workout go?”
“Went great,” I tossed towards Jesse who sat with Harper in his lap on the couch.
“Just great? I mean that’s it?”
With a sigh, I stopped halfway up the stairs. “Yeah we talked, we- we’re good. I’m gonna take a shower and I’ll be down soon.”
Finally in the solitude of the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. Sweat covered every inch of me again and I tensed, my whole face red and contorted. Y/N in that outfit haunted my mind since the second I saw her. I see the way she moved during her workout, her panting, the sweat dripping off her skin.
Then thoughts of our night together overtook me and I gripped the bathroom counter to steady myself. It was impossibly hard to forget.
“Fuck,” I groaned feeling the blood rushing to every organ in my body.
I turned the shower on, letting the steam gather and levitate around the room.
Hades doesn't have shit on me.
The steam almost makes me glow as I continued to stand there, staring at myself in the mirror for a few more seconds before stripping out of my gym clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor.
My body was wet, soaked from the steam and sweat alone, as my chest heaved with every deep breath I took. Flashes of Y/N still overtaking my mind. Once finally under the spray of the water, I couldn’t take it anymore; my cock couldn't take it anymore. It was thick, red, and angry from the prolonged release and I brushed my thumb over the head, smearing the pre-cum from tip to base. With one hand on the wall and the other wrapped tightly around my cock, I stroked myself fast, not wanting to drag this out any longer.
“I miss the way you say my name, angel,” I panted.
I hear her say my name over and over. Memories flash from the beginning, her smile, her body, the way she was mounted on top of me. Oh gods, I see it and her mouth in an O shape as she came undone on my cock; in the dream and real life.
My head tilted back towards the water and I had to open my mouth, letting the water deep throat me, to muffle my sounds. The noises, the voice that was her in my head. It was so hard to just pretend what it’s like when I tasted the real thing before.
“God, I want to fuck you again. So bad.”
My deep, guttural groan echoed through the confines of the bathroom as my hips stilled, my release finally spilling into my hand.
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I sat on the edge of my bed, towel wrapped loosely around my hips, and the pen scratching widely on the paper in my lap. My head snapped up to the mirror in front of me, hair soaked with the water from my shower as droplets fell onto the pages in my lap and smearing some of the ink. But I didn’t care; I would always remember these words.
The perfect mirror. The one that didn’t have a crack running along it; reminding me that earlier today was a dream. I laughed a breathy laugh, grinning ear to ear while shaking my head. I fell into deep thought. Maybe I was in delirium, could have been the orgasm, could have been seeing Y/N again. Most likely both.
“Loves the death of peace of mind,” I muttered and proceeded writing the chorus of what I knew was true.
“You’re in the walls that I made with crosses and frames hanging upside down. For granted, in vain, I took everything I ever cared about.”
Shit, this was good.
Quickly standing to my feet, I threw on some clothes but before I left the room; I snapped a few selfies, then snatched the pad of paper to run down the stairs.
“Where’s the fire?” Nicholas chuckled.
Thankfully, everyone I needed was already in the living room; Jolly, Nicholas, and Folio.
I tossed the pad of paper on the table in front of them. “New song.”
The three shared a look before they leaned forward to read what I wrote.
“The way you fuck, the way you taste? For fuck's sake, Noah. I don’t want to know that shit,” Nicholas rolled his eyes.
I shrugged while bouncing on the soles of my feet with excitement. “Then plug your ears, man. Doesn't matter to me.”
Jolly was the one who spoke next. “The way you bend? The way you break? Fuck, what the hell happened in that hotel room?”
I smile the smallest of smiles. “All I’ll say is I was Mount Olympus.”
The three of them share yet another look before Folio shakes his head. “Didn’t need the image, bro.”
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hpacearofest · 3 months
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Harry Potter Ace/Aro-Spec Fest
This fest is created to highlight any character who you see as asexual, aromantic, or anywhere on those spectrums.  Any era, any age, anyone.  Give me your QPRs, your sex-repulsed lovey-doveys, your hypersexual aromantics, and everything else you got.  As long as you give me a main character from the HP fandom who is a-spec, your work has a home with this fest.  Accepting fic, fanart, podfics, any medium your heart desires to give us.
Important dates
Announce: 6/24
Prompting: 7/14-7/31
Claiming:  8/1-9/22
Posting: 10/1
All content is allowed, no restrictions on what can be submitted so long as it is thoroughly tagged and doesn't violate tumblr or AO3 TOS.  Mods will have final approval on whether or not a work is sufficiently tagged in regards to potentially triggering matters in works rated M or above.
The goal of this fest is to celebrate and highlight the joys (and some of the stresses) of the lives of the HP-verse characters who fall into the a- sexual and romantic spectrums.  
There will be no ship or character bashing (even if it’s a fandom-wide hated character, this is for bringing others up, not them down).
SALS - Ship And Let Ship.
YKINMKBYKIOK - Your Kink Is Not My Kink But Your Kink Is Okay.  Yes, this fest is about a-spec relationships. Yes, that means they can still be kinky as can be.  No, that does not mean you can shame others for what they want to create so long as it is duly tagged.
Each person has unique lived experiences within and and without the LGBTQIA+ community.  Just because you don’t see yourself in how someone is portraying something, doesn’t make them wrong for it.
NO RACISM. NO ISLAMOPHOBIA. NO SEXISM. NO TRANSPHOBIA. NO HOMOPHOBIA. NO ABLEISM. No hate allowed in your works, even as a plot point.  Find your angst somewhere else, we are trying to cultivate a positive experience.  
Written fic
Written fic should preferably be longer than 500 words
There is no maximum word count
Must be a completed work, no on-going series to be completed after the fest
Works must be stand-alone (can be part of a collection but one must be able to read it without reading previous parts)
Using a beta is strongly encouraged but not required (if you would like help finding one, feel free to join the fest discord server to find them)
Art work
Work must be exclusive to this fest
Digital and physical art are both allowed as long as scans/photos of the physical are clear
Podfic work
Please provide proof of permission from the creator (unless it is yourself) which includes a screenshot of a blanket permission statement on their profile as long as the username matches 
Selected work must fit the theme of the fest as well as the 500 word minimum for written fics
Make sure you upload it with the author’s original tags as well as the fest tags and podfic notation
All works must be uploaded to the AO3 collection by the deadline of September 28 (3 days before posting  pending any extensions granted
Add acearofest account as co-author so mods can just double check for correctly tagged content and posting as well as a final once over of the SPaG/formatting
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birds--daily · 7 months
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welcome to birds daily!!
this is my blog where i draw a bird every single day! the idea was completely ripped off from one of my best friends of all time, @fish-daily !! please go check him out :0)
my name is sunny and i'm a wildlife biology major and art minor from michigan. i'm 21 years old and i use they/them pronouns!
i'm here because i love birds so much, and i'm assuming if you're following then you do too!!
what to know before you request
please check if i've drawn a bird before you request it! if you don't want to scroll through everything, all my birds are tagged by order. don't know the order of your bird? look it up! the IOC world bird list has a great resource for this.
i tag them by name, but some birds have multiple common names.
i also have a spreadsheet of every bird i've done so far! but i can definitely see myself forgetting to update this, so it's best to double check.
any avian dinosaur archaeopteryx-and-beyond can be requested! many ornithologists consider avialae to be the cutoff for "modern" birds.
i can't guarantee full-accuracy of prehistoric birds as i'm not very well-versed in paleontology.
please keep asks to only one bird! feel free to send multiple asks though. if you include multiple birds in an ask i'll just pick one. when i answer the ask to post it, the other birds will be gone forever...
i will prioritize requests in the order i received them in, but a couple times a week i might draw a personal pick instead.
not accepting duplicate birds doesn't mean you can't request a different version of the same bird, which leads me to…
sexual dimorphism and seasonal plumage!
yes! you can request different plumages and sexes of a bird i've already done! want to see a female ruddy duck? of course! want the breeding plumage of the willow ptarmigan? absolutely!
i have sex, maturity, and plumage recorded on my spreadsheet, but i'm bound to make some mistakes on there. once again, double-checking my blog is your best bet to getting accurate bird info!
if you don't specify anything, i'm going to assume the basic mature male with breeding plumage that you come to expect from a bird.
breeding and non-breeding plumage can also be called summer and winter plumage. some birds also have special names for their plumage forms. just to keep things consistent i'll be referring to it as breeding and non-breeding!
final notes
my main blog is @eggpathy if you're interested in any of my other art! i forget to post there a lot. most of my art is on my twitter under the same name (trying to move here though)
i'm a full-time college student with a job, so some days i won't be able to get a bird out. sometimes i might even have to take a few days to a week off just to keep my sanity. this doesn't mean i'm not having fun and enjoying drawing birds! it just means i'm busy and maybe need time for other things
i'm also still human. this means i WILL MAKE MISTAKES! i have not finished my degree yet and i'm still learning! one of the big reasons i made this account was to help myself learn my birds! i take extra time out of my day to find facts to post with my birds, and sometimes those are wrong. if you see me post misinfo, please kindly correct me with a comment, dm, or tag!
any post that isn't a daily bird will be tagged #not birds. any post that is a daily bird will be tagged #birds.
please feel free to add extra fun facts, info, and generally any other silly comment in the tags. i love reading them and they make my day!
asks don't have to be request-related! feel free to ask me anything :0)
thanks for reading! peent!
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
Hello! First off, your blog is amazing, and you're really helping all of us extraordinarily! 😭 anyways, do you have any angsty fics where Gabriel tortures Crowely and/or Heaven tortures Crowley and Aziraphale has to help him? (other than the obvious fic choices, Reposession and That Hopeful Feeling) thank you!
2/2: Oh and also, sorry I didn't mention this in my last ask, so just feel free to combine them. I rather prefer longer fics - 90,000 words at least (or else I get sad that I don't have enough Fic to cry over 😭😂) anyways, just any angsty and/or hurt comfort fics you can give me about Crowly, Gabriel, and Aziraphale would be so amazing!
Hi. We have #torture and #kidnapping tags you can check. But really, with requirements as specific as this, your best bet is sorting and filtering on AO3. Here is a search for angsty hurt/comfort fics which feature Gabriel, sorted by word count. I did the same thing, but with the torture tag, and here are some of the fics I found. Obviously, mind the tags and warnings on all of these!...
Tossed and Torn by Fire_Traveller (M)
Disclaimer: major character injury (he'll be fine, though, I promise) Disclaimer Number 2: This is part of my Per Aspera verse and will likely only make sense if you've read the other stories... When Crowley is forcefully summoned right from the sofa of the South Downs cottage, this does not only put the demon in a very dangerous place, out of which Aziraphale will need to save him somehow, but it also causes both him and Aziraphale to develop serious doubts concerning their seeming safety from Heaven and Hell. While they do have friends on their side (from both Above and Below), it seems that, despite all the promises, they are still not without very determined enemies...
Totality by rowenablade (E)
Crowley and Gabriel have a history together. Gabriel is the only one who knows about it.
A Memory of Eden by ImprobableDreams900 (M)
When Crowley gets captured by angels and dragged up to Heaven, Aziraphale knows he has to rescue him—no matter the consequences.
Another Time, Another Place by indigo (E)
What if? Two words - so powerful. A slight divergence from canon sees a very different life for Aziraphale five years after the world didn’t end. Ostracised from Heaven, he now lives in a world with bookshops and Afternoon Tea, but without Crowley; a world in which he believes Crowley gave his life to save him. However, it’s not quite that simple, and maybe they can somehow get a happy ending after all??? (They can, and they do. But let’s not tell Aziraphale that just yet. It’ll spoil the fun!)
Dark Our Woes by EdosianOrchids901 (E)
Aziraphale and Crowley's pleasant life together is thrown into disarray by captivity and torture. Heaven doesn't know how to kill either of them, but the angels have found plenty of ideas for punishment from the Earth Observation Files. After all, humans come up with the most inventive ways to make other humans suffer. Unsure what their captors really want, Aziraphale and Crowley struggle to resist Heaven’s manipulation, to find a way to escape, and to help each other survive.
- Mod D
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trash-king18 · 1 year
M pt. 1
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disclaimer: before i say anything else, this was inspired by another persons post and i have been trying desperately to find it to ask for permission to post this. so if the creator finds this or someone knows what i’m talking about please tell me so i can tag them for credit or take it down if they want. Part 1 is almost entirely inspired by what i read but the rest is my work.
summary: reader is 26 and puerto rican from Brooklyn on her earth, she and Miguel are coworkers and they have an intense working relationship. plot takes place a couple months before the events of Across the Spider Verse
cw: 18+ minors dni, swearing, suggestive, angst, miguel is seemingly not in his right mind because of the spider dna and gets a little rough.
note: reader is spanish speaking, translations in italics under any and all spanish. however i picked up my spanish from puerto rican girls i played volleyball with in highschool and am trying to learn (because i’m going to be a tia soon!! and i want to make sure mis sobrinos y sobrinas grow up with the language) so if you’re fluent and things are wrong lo siento/sorry and feel free to correct me
2619 words
this is my first time writing or posting anything, be nice🫶🏼
you and Miguel always had a different connection than everyone else at HQ. in the endless universes a surprising few spider people spoke spanish or were even not white. you were often spotted bickering ~en español~, and you enjoyed being the only one he allowed to talk back to him. you wouldn’t say you were friends, Miguel didn’t have friends, but you had more leeway with him than everyone else.. except probably lyla 
everyone thought he was just broody but to you he was a broody overgrown man child with a superiority complex and you never failed to take an opportunity to tell him off. 
“déjalo ya”
knock it off
he rolls his eyes turning his head away from you in every direction like a toddler that doesn’t want to eat the food on the spoon. 
he gets cranky on extraction days
“do i need to do the airplane”
he scowls at you 
right now you’re in the exam room in the back of your lab, there’s nothing much in there just the exam chair and the specialized vials you use for extracting and storing his venom. it was soundproofed and locked from the inside, per miguel’s request. 
he was a very private person. when he brought you onto the team to create an injection to help keep him.. subdued he was very specific that it be kept between you two 
“you’re extra grumpy today, what’s wrong jefe”
“no te preocupa”
it doesnt concern you 
you turn to look at him skeptically but his eyes are hard set and while he allows you to tease him within these four walls, emphasis on allows, you know better than to push especially when he hasn’t had an injection in a while
“ahora vamos, let’s get this over with”
cmon now
“do we have to do this today i’m really very busy”
“si! now open”
you push the viles up towards his face hoping he’ll just cooperate. but as per usual, no such luck 
he pushes your hands away over and over 
you sigh in exasperation 
you feel like you’re trying to get your nephew to eat his peas 
he just looks at you smirking slightly, he thinks he’s won. 
“eso es suficiente por hoy.”
that’s enough for today
he starts to get up, but if there’s one thing that always works when your sobrinos are acting up it’s letting your inner tia out 
“Miguel O’hara! usted no es un bebé, así que deja de actuar como uno! ahora siéntate.”
you are not a baby so stop acting like one, now sit 
he stops in his tracks and sits back down. he looks sort of shocked, you’ve never actually yelled at him, you don’t think anyone’s yelled at him in years, but he is particularly frustrating today. 
he grumbles under his breath like a boy who got scolded by his mama 
“lo siento” 
im sorry
you turn around to put gloves on since your sure he’s going to make you do this the hard way. you expect you’ll have to hold them in place so he doesn’t try and take them out early 
“eres insoportable”
you’re unbearable 
“what was that?”
you breath out. 
your back is still turned so you can’t see his bemused half smile
you turn back around with the viles in your hand again and he’s no longer smiling. you can never tell if he hates doing this because its uncomfortable, it wounds his pride, or he hated being vulnerable but you assumed all the above. but he’s a grown man, a very large very attractive, grown man. who also happens to be the most disagreeable person you’ve ever met. 
“you gonna cooperate now?”
“i make no promises”
he smirks 
you scowl and it drops off his face immediately 
apologetic was a new look on him, it was sort of hot. 
too bad it didn’t last.
“seriously though, Y/N, i have a lot to do right now I really don’t have time for this”
“well if you’d actually do it yourself like i asked we wouldn’t have to do this”
he looks at you unimpressed. he knows and you know that as soon as he wants to get up he will and there’s nothing you can do. but he has one bottle of the suppressant left and he’s not the only one feeling stubborn today. 
as soon as you try to get him to bite the vials again he starts resisting you.
“Y/N stop”
you ignore him 
“Y/N.” he warns you 
“just sit still”
“No! will you—“
you cut him off by climbing on top of him and trying to force his hand off to the sides. it worked.. for a second 
until he grabs your wrists and just stares at you in shock. 
“I-“ you stutter his red eyes are staring into you 
his hands still gripping your wrists but you steady yourself
open up 
you put on your best tia voice again
he raised his brow at you 
he relents and let’s go of your hands 
but he doesn’t open his mouth 
you wait expectantly but he turns his head away again
you give him an annoyed look he looks at you out of the corner of his eye but doesn’t turn back 
“don’t make me pry your mouth open”
“id like to see you try”
“you know what spider boy i’ve had enough of your attitude today”
you start to climb off 
“just get out of my chair”
but your surprised when he stops you, you feel his hands on your hips. 
you look back at him and practically growl 
“what now”
now it’s his turn to be surprised. he doesn’t let go of you but you feel his hands loosen. 
“I- im sorry”
never in a million years did you think you’d hear  miguel o’hara apologize to anyone but he seems genuine. 
“i just.. i don’t- i don’t like-” 
“save it. i don’t care about your feelings and i’m not here to help you work through your emotional constipation i just want to get this done.”
he stares at you and you fully expect him to just pick you up off him and leave… but he just starts laughing. another thing you didn’t expect to hear. it’s a full laugh leaving his fangs exposed 
you just sit there staring at him confused 
“guess i’m not the only grumpy one today huh”
but instead of making a sarcastic quip you took the opportunity and leaned forward with one gloved hand and peal his upper lip up and put the viles on his fangs before he can react. 
he mumbles trying to talk with the viles in his mouth 
“que diablos!”
what the hell
he tried to pull your arm away from his face but you swat his hand away 
he grumbles a series of curses but you hold the viles in place 
shut up
you use your thumb to tug his lower lip down slightly to make sure his lower fangs are in good condition. he finally sits still but you can feel his hot breath, you know he’s not happy. 
but you couldn’t care less. 
as you wait for the venom to finish dripping from his fangs you become aware of how compromising a position the two of you are in. his hands are resting on your thighs and youve propped yourself on his chest with your hands 
not to mention the lowlights in the room because of his headaches. 
his eyes are closed, he refuses to look at you. 
the tension is thick and you desperately want to get off but you don’t trust him not to pull the viles off so you pretend to check the wrest of his teeth.. which are perfect of course. 
he shifts under you and you can’t help but notice the creases in his forehead. you almost feel bad. 
he’s not like the other spider people, he’s literally half spider. which gives him heightened senses and insane reflexes, but sometimes it also means his emotions and actions can get out of his control. that’s what the suppressor was for, helped him keep hold of the reigns but you know he didn’t like having to do it this way. 
unfortunately for him, his venom was the base for it and you couldn’t make it without it. 
finally the vials were filled and you go to take them off. he cracks his jaw while you seal them. you place them in the pocket of your lab coat. 
“now. was that so bad?”
he rolls his eyes
you sense that you may have pushed too far this time so you move to get up but he holds you in place. 
“just so we’re clear—“
his eyes darken 
“don’t. do that again”
your breath catches. you nod and start to shift but he holds you in place 
“and Y/N”
you look at him warily 
he grabs your chin and leans in so his mouth is right next to your ear
“never call me spider boy”
you say nothing 
he smiles against your ear 
you let out a shaky breath 
he holds you like that
he hushes you as he slowly moves down and ghosts over the skin of your neck with his lips 
he opens his mouth and gently runs his fangs over your skin 
you let out a light breathy moan before you can stop yourself 
your face flushes but he doesn’t let go 
“are you going to bite me… spider boy”
he growls against your skin 
you know it’s stupid but even after seeing him at his worst and most untamed you have a hard time believing he would hurt you intentionally 
but still you shouldn’t have teased you were just in shock that this was actually happening. 
“i told you—“
“not to call you that? you may be my boss miguel o’hara but i will not let you tell me what to do”
his grip on your chin tightens slightly but it’s not bruising  
his hand holds the crease of your thigh 
he chuckles deeply 
“would you like to test that”
he pulls back to look at you 
“niña bonita”
pretty girl 
he looks at you through his eyelashes with those scarlet eyes his hair falling into his face and fangs just slightly peaking out over his lips 
he starts to question himself internally 
but you just whisper 
“eres tan hermoso Miguel”
you’re so beautiful 
now he’d never admit it but hearing you say his name always made him feel some type of way. like he wanted to hear you say it.. over and over
and the entire time you we’re on top of him he was fighting to keep his breathing under control 
he’s still holding your chin 
he holds the scowl on his face
inside though he’s just fighting to keep control 
he can smell everything, your vanilla perfume, the sanitizer, the latex, but underneath everything he just smells you. your scent is intoxicating right now,  he had grown used to it, you had been physically close before. but not like this, not when he was like this. 
his brow furrowed in frustration. he hasn’t gone this long without an injection in a long time and it was starting to cloud his head. 
You search his eyes, but they’re closed off as ever. his breath is slowly getting heavier 
you snap him out of it suddenly when he hears his name the second time 
you had spoken softly at first but even though he was looking right at you he didn’t seem to hear you 
“Miguel?… i’m going to get an injection ready..ok?”
you look over him warily 
he just keeps looking at you but he slowly comes back to himself. and you finally notice a tiny spark of something under the annoyance and frustration. 
he’s nervous. 
you knew he hated when he couldn’t control himself, it was the whole reason you had this job. But you had never actually seen it manifest as anything other than a sour attitude. 
“O’hara puedes oírme?”
can you hear me
he blinks hard and drops your face. he clears his throat abruptly 
“i’m gonna get an injection”
he catches your wrist, it’s quick but gentle 
he’s staring into your eyes intensely 
“save it until the new batch is ready, i’m going to need it.”
“you need it now”
“ay will you just listen to me for once for once por favor”
he holds your wrist and moves so that you have to look at his eyes. you know he’s right, which is infuriating 
you huff 
his lip quirked slightly, satisfied that you actually listened for once
you sit there for a moment in awkward silence before he finally drops his soft hold on your wrist and you awkwardly clamber off, a difficult task considering how… large he was. 
you go to the counter and start to get the viles ready. 
he doesn’t move from the chair  just watches you work. 
you can feel his eyes on you. 
“uhm i’ll have the next round ready by tomorrow morning, so you’re good to go.”
you don’t hear him get up, of course. you never understood, half spider or not, how such a large man could move without being seen or heard. 
you just feel his presence behind you. 
he doesn’t say anything. 
“seriously o’hara out of my lab”
he could tell you were frustrated with him, which wasn’t unusual but now it lacked the usual playfulness. 
he finally speaks. 
“it’s late.”
“i’m aware”
he sighs in frustration 
“i mean— it’s late. you should go home.”
“im good.”
you know as frustrating as you insist on being i am  still your boss and i am telling you to go home. this can wait until the tomorrow.
you turn around
“that’s not up to you.”
“oh it’s not?”
“no. you brought me here to develop this serum but you also did it because deep down you don’t trust yourself not to do something you’ll regret”
he grabs you again and snarls in your face. 
too far. 
and yet today you don’t care something, maybe not an entirely innocent something, just wanted to egg him on more than usual. 
“no trates de decirme por qué hago lo que hago”
do not try to tell me why i do what i do 
you just stand there inches away from one another. he towers over you. you don’t back down and he doesn’t let go. he’s seething, you’re done with his bullshit 
but you’re trapped. not just by his body but his eyes. you feel like a bug caught in his web. 
your eyes dart to his lips and back. 
he notices, you know he can feel your heartbeat quicken, he can probably sense the flush on your kneck. 
and your certain he feels the chills creep down your spine as he leans in closer. 
you whisper 
“que estás haciendo?”
what are you doing 
he leans in more so your lips are almost touching before answering 
“no lo sé”
i don’t know 
you lean into it just enough that your lips ghost over one another. your arm slips up so your hand can grab the back of his neck. 
your lips chase one another gently but never quite touch. 
you’re so close. it’s taking every last ounce of restraint not to just pick you up and indulge every thought racing through his mind. but he knows he can’t, not right now, not like this. 
he pulls back so suddenly you almost fall over 
“go home, you can finish tomorrow.”
“i- wha- o’hara what the fuck?”
he storms out of your lab without another word leaving you breathless and confused. 
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citizenstarlight · 1 month
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★ ╼ MAINS CALL.   so what’s the deal? i don’t practice exclusive, but i do practice mains. it helps me know who is interested in interacting with me. but not just interacting with me, creating worlds and verses and special plot dynamics etc just really expanding our characters and growing them together.
it also helps me sort out my drafts & my inbox.
what does mains mean with phantom include?
★ draft/meme priority. your drafts & memes will be prioritized before my regular mutuals. ★ exclusive aus/verses. that are just for us, and us alone. not to be duplicated with others of the same character. ★ dual promos/aesthetics. i am more prone to make graphics for us due to the  nature of our characters relationships. ★ a personalized blog tag. thats p self explanatory.. ★ memes. i have the tendency to meme spam my mains at times. let me know if this is something you aren’t interested in. ★ messages. me feeling more confident about messaging you. thus most likely messaging you more frequently about plot ideas and cute things. i tend to get in my head and feel annoying, so i get scared to message people. so this just gives me the confidence boost i need, that you want me around that way. ★ a link to you on my carrd. you get a lil picture and link in my caard. ★ your blog on my pin post. i'll have you in a mains section on my pinned post. ★ my undying love and support.
there are 3 slots available for canon charactersthere are 
2 slots available for oc fcs.there are 
2 slots available for duplicates.
blog-wide mains are allowed for multis. though feel free to specify.
if we haven’t interacted yet, feel free to like it if this is the sort of rp dynamic you are interested in with me!
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lovelyrotter · 9 months
I read your thing about stridercest. I didn’t super like the ship (I’m more of a lalondecest girlie) but I respect the hell out of the textual analysis you did. Anyway do you have any good fic recommendations? I want to see what you see in it.
oh fuck yeah i love sharing ship stuff especially with ppl who dont usually go here and vice versa for me. its like hell yeah im digging in sand and its fun i love my sand and then i turn around and woah i had no idea there was even MORE sand just behind me ya dig? that might not have made any sense hahaha. its the joy of trading pokemon cards except with ships
but okay heres some of my current faves. bear in mind i read mostly M and E rated stuff but ive got a sprinklin of lower ratings in here too. im also gonna categorize this list by stridercest flavour. theres a lot so this turned out like ridiculously long
anyone else goin through this feel free to link yalls faves in the replies too cause im ravenous. especially if its haldirk. im constantly craving haldirk
doku line terminus & two steps away from the county line by lildogie these first cause theyre my ultra faves rn and i cant get enough of this au. set in the same universe but county line is the prequel. a/b/o verse with lotsa interesting political stuff and also interpersonal dynamics. dave & dirk are there too and are real cute. its also got mysterious time travelling. i really cant sell these two enough like i am not doin these justice
davedirk / dirkdave
if i woke up next to you by bumbly | G, ~2,700 words, complete. SUPER sweet relationship study, made me fuckin melt. this author has really good stuff for other ships too but mind the archive warnings
dont joke about hentai face broctopus transplants im eating cheese n onion pringles here by smrtnik | M, ~1k words, complete. this one made me fuckin melt its so tender. it truly feels like were peeking into their life together. also great title
Stasis State by Caeslin | T, ~3k words, complete. another really intimate feeling one. its so fuckin sweet. mind the tags for typical dirk suicide attempt but its not on screen its moreso the recovery and how dave is affected by it
“stupid fucking bullshit” ad nauseam by anon | T, 13.7k words, complete. REALLY GOOD AU. trans striders, fade to black sex scene. the boys are cute and you can feel how much theyre drawn to each other immediately. wish there was more of this
sometimes the bad guy wins by nutrimercenary | E, ~7.5k words, ongoing. wow. oh wow. ive been looking for a davedirk fic like this for a long time. PLEASE read the warnings and tags but its so fuckin good. a crossdimentional narrative tug-o-war between dave and ult dirk i fuckin love it
got it goin on by bumbly | E, 7.5k words, complete. dirk indulges daves mommy kink after prying it outta him. its cute and funny and sexy it made me smile. their dynamic is sooo sweet
helping hands by ghostlyAnarchist | E, 5.1k words, complete. THIS IS SO GOOD. its got trans man dave and is genuinely one of the hottest transmasc fics ive read so far and boy howdy ive read a lot. slight warning for dysphoria discussion but its not too bad its all just hot af a dick-sucking venn diagram by Elendraug | E, 10k words, complete. first off domestic af. very established relationship and you can tell. its so fuckin sweet. i looove this one. its like the best kind of silly realistic smut its one of my faves of all time
STILL WITH ME by egbert | E, 8k words, complete. dave and dirk strife and then fuck in the bathroom. holy shit this is hot. their want is like tangible in this one
brodave and a!brodirk
hardware by orphan_account | E, ~8k words, complete. dave gets some dick piercings and bro goes insane about them. hot as hell and also features bottom bro which is my fave. its got a couple uses of the r-slur but its also from 2011 so i take it w/ a grain of salt. 2011 and earlier fics are like internet artifacts (/pos)
but you better never pull it by hapaxlegomena | E, 5k words, complete. wow. WOW. sub top bro and dom bottom dave need i say more. this sub bro activates my cute aggression the power play is great mars & murrie's by orphan_account | E, 6.8k words, complete. a!brodirk, omorashi. super hot!!!! alpha dave is sooo embarrassed about his piss kink but dirk wins in the end hahaha. really intriguing which i know sounds funny on an omo fic but read it and youll know. i love this alpha dave
temporal sunset by Plajus | M, 19.5k over 5 chapters, complete. a!brodirk. holy shit what a ride. this one held me hostage and now lives in my brain rent free (bdum tiss sorry). dirk is terminally ill so i know it wont be for everyone but give it a try and goddamn you wont be disappointed. trust me
a swinging pendulum by ghostlyAnarchist | T, ~900 words, complete. a!brodirk time/dream bubble encounter. wow just wow. the want. the yearning immaterial by LPSunnyBunny | E, 1k words, complete. a!brodirk, trans dirk. holy shit!!!!!! holy shit!!!!! hot hot hot!!!!!!! shower sex sensation control!!!!
singular by 2x2verse | E, 6.8k words, complete. hal has an existential crisis dirk catches him and then they fuck tenderly about it. genuinely so romantic. im addicted to this kind of haldirk. honestly i just recommend the entire series diagnostics by 2x2verse | E, 2.9k words, complete. i know i just linked this authors whole collection of haldirk fics but holy crap this one in particular. dom/sub electrostim with sensory deprivation, hal is the dom. i LOVE how hes written here. very attentive domming, great details
A Fatal Error Has Occurred by Mortior | E, 42k words, 4/5 chapters. oh mortior my haldirk regent. really fuckin good character writing in an au where hal has an android body before the alpha session is started. read the tags for warnings. the tension between them is insane endangered by Mortior | E, 100k+ words, complete multichapter. holy fuck where to begin with this one. this is a haldirk sensation. post apocalyptic au where androids won the human-robot war. dirk runs into AR. AR takes an interest in him. dirk takes even more of an interest in AR. if youre gonna read any haldirk read this one
"im basically fucking him" series by Elendraug | T & E, all complete. so!!!!! fucking!!!!! tender!!!!! really cute haldirk progressing through their relationship
ridiculously late by cinnamonfreak | E, 21k, completed multichapter. a/b/o au where dirk suddenly presents. REALLY intriguing hal in this one i fuckin love the power play
roboporn by smrtnik | E, 3.9k words, complete. really fun power play in this one. hal is waterproofed externally but not internally. he gives dirk a handie over his open chassis torso. theres also really sweet snuggling afterwards
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sofasoap · 1 year
Lastochka - Part V
Pairing : Nikolai x F!Reader ( OC/Mini MacTavish)
Summary: Denials and road to healing.
Part I , Part II, Interlude,Part III,Part IV
MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of PTSD, torture violence, swearing, Mature theme.
I apologise if any depictions of symptons and military procedures might be incorrect.
Thanks to @homicidal-slvt for planting ideas into my brain. this whole series is all for you :)
My usual thanking @saltofmercury, mother of Mini, for lending me the character :) Please go and check out her fics!
“masterlist” for Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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Your physical injury healed up in no time, but mental scars lingered. 
First night back, he found you curled up in the corner of your room, sobbing away.
Second night, you woke up screaming, pleading the invisible enemy to stop the torture. 
Third night, he woke up, finding you not in bed, but wandering around outside the building aimlessly, totally drenched with the heavy rain pouring down. 
Night after night, Nikolai was there to soothe you, to reassure you. It breaks his heart to see how his little swallow has broken her wing, struggling to get back up. 
At the end, they decided it was best for you to leave the team. 
You panicked. You don’t want to be apart from your military family who has become such an integral part of your life.  
“Staying here isn’t helping you with healing Mini.” Soap tries to reason with you. 
“YOU GUYS ARE ABANDONING ME!”  you screamed. “ You should have just left me there to die if this was the case!”
Soap took a step back. Hurt is clear on his face. 
You stormed out of Price’s office, ignoring the calls and pleas from him and your teammates. Nikolai followed you back to the room. Calling out after you. Stopping just in front of the door, not daring to turn around to look at your husband,knowing you will start to break again if you face him. Clutching onto the dog tag and wedding band sitting underneath your shirt, you whispered a word of apology before shutting the door on him. 
Deep down , you know very well in your state of mind, you need to step back. You know you needed help. 
But the stubbornness inside of you refuses to acknowledge it. You were in a state of denial.
You closed yourself off in your room. Not even Nikolai’s begging and pleading could get you to open the door. You felt betrayed, Haven’t you done enough to prove yourself? What would you do after you leave? Going back to your parents? That will make you feel like an absolute failure. They weren’t happy when you told them the plan of following Soap into military life. They were hoping you would have stayed home and took over the family business. The headstrong impulsiveness of youth ignored their plea, with Laswell offered a chance to join the force, you grabbed the opportunity.  You gritted your teeth and bare through all the challenges and ridicules from the non-believers, to reach what you have achieved today, seeing it all crumbling apart, you feel like everything you tried achieved up to this point is totally worthless.
At the end, it was Ghost that eventually got through to you. 
“Let me go talk to her.”
He could hear you sobbing on the other side of the door. Knocking on the door few times, calling out to you, “Mini. It’s me. Come on.”
“Go away.”
Ghost looked at Nikolai, silently getting his permission, before using the spare key to open the door.  
He slipped into the room through the slight gap of the door, before gently closing it. There you were,curling up in a ball on the floor, clearly exhausted from all the crying. 
You felt a shadow and a body sat beside you. Opening your eyes, you were shocked Simon was sitting there, free of mask, looking down at you with a sad smile. 
“Can I tell you my story?” 
What seems like hours later, Ghost opens the door again, indicating to Nikolai that he can go in. Before Ghost left, Nikolai grasped his shoulder, muttering out his gratitude.
“I just want to help my precious sister get back onto her feet.”  With that, he walked back towards the office area, where everyone awaited. 
You latched onto your husband as soon as you heard his voice, apologising again and again. Guilt is eating you up now, Nikolai has nothing but being patient and supportive, and yet you kept pushing him away.
“I don’t deserve you Nik.” 
Holding you tight against him,while caressing your hair, “Nonsense.” Kissing you on the temple, “ You deserve everything in this world, my little bird.”
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You started seeing the Military psychologist, agreeing at the end it would be the best if you step back from the front line until everything stabilises.  You were relieved that you were given a lifeline, another chance. 
“Going home?” Soap was surprised you actually brought it up yourself, he did initially think of sending you home back to your parents’ farm in Scotland for a while for you to get away from things that remind you of the terrible incident. 
Nodding your head. “I think it would do me some good, the psychologist said so as well.” Stirring the cup of tea, “ They will refer me to a specialist I can see regularly for sessions while I am back up there. Besides, this might be a good time to tell mum and dad about Nikolai.” You sheepishly admitted.
Soap gave you side eyes, “ Yes, let’s talk about that.”he huffed, “I am not happy you kept us all in the dark for a long time.”
“Captain knew about it. Well, at least I THINK he knew about our relationship.”
“Nik really dropped the bombshell at a great time I tell you. “ Gaz barged into the conversation while reaching over your head to grab your famous chocolate biscuits from the table. Settling himself to sit on the other side of the table, munching on two biscuits at a time. “You two really kept us under the wraps for a long time.” 
Pushing a piece of tissue underneath Gaz’s mouth for him to catch the crumps, “Well it was hard… he wouldn’t stop flirting with me while I try to keep a straight face about it.” Why are you talking about your love life in front of the boys? And when did Ghost appear and start listening in on the conversation? This man might be large, but he can really sneak around like a ninja.
“It’s hard not to get distracted when there’s a beautiful Goddess around you all the time.” You jumped slightly as you heard Nikolai’s voice appearing behind you. Groaning and covering your now burning face with embarrassment, you are pretty sure the chances of you dying from bursting your heart one day instead of being shot at by enemies if Nikolai compliments you with his flirtatious and flourishing words all the time. This man will really be the death of you literally one day.
“Take your lovey-dovey-ness somewhere else.” Soap grumbled. 
“You are just jealous.” “Am not.” 
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“You are welcome to come back anytime when things settle Mini.” Price commented as he gave you a hug as you stood in front of the barrack, all packed and ready to leave. “I am sure Laswell and I can pull a few strings around when you are ready.”
“Thank you for everything Captain.I am sorry to cause such havoc.” You hugged back and apologised. Price had looked after you from the get go, treating you as an equal like any soldier, not caring about your background, also looking after you like his own.  You really owe him a lot.
Turning towards his friend, Price shook his hand and gave him a good slap on the back, “Good luck on meeting the parents.”
“I am sure my Russian charm will win them over very quickly.” Nikolai laughed.You rolled your eyes, his optimism and ego never cease to amaze you. 
Your parents certainly had the shock of their life when you came home, admitting to them about your ordeal, and introducing your new husband at the same time. 
“I was hoping you would marry a good Scottish lad..” You heard your Da mumbled and your Ma kicked him on the shin. Nikolai took it all in a good stride. 
Nikolai won your Ma’s heart quickly with his charisma and sweet words. Your Da was harder to convince. Until Nikolai brought out a few bottles of Scotch and Vodka.
“Where did you get these from????” Being the daughter of the owner of a distillery, you know a rare vintage when you see one.
“Soap and I found it last time we went… exploring.” Nikolai didn’t elaborate any further. You had a fair suspicion where it might be from, but you don’t want to know the details.  The way your Da’s eyes glinted when he saw the bottles, your Ma reassures you as she pushes you out from the sitting room everything will be alright. 
It was well past midnight when your husband crawled into bed with you.
“Mission successful?” You wiggle towards him, playing with his gold chain as he pulls you closer.
“He was harder to break through than Soap,  but with a few drinks down, he was asking for a grandchild as soon as possible.”
“Oh hell. I knew this was going to happen. They had no success trying to hassle Johnny and now they are onto me…” you groaned.
You felt Nikolai’s chest vibrate as he chuckled. “You don’t want any?” his hand slides underneath your night shirt, running it up and down your back, sending shivers down your spine.
“Eventually?” Your priority now is trying to settle into new routines, get yourself better mentally, but having a family isn’t out of the question. You wouldn’t mind seeing a few little Nikolai running around, playing with their dad, uncles and aunty.
“Why don’t we get some practice sessions now? Mmm?” he whispers into your ear as he starts grinding his now semi-hard manhood against you.
This is going to be a long long night. 
You are glad that your room is way on the other side of the estate. But you are not happy you had to walk, slightly limping the next day to the otherside of the house for breakfast. 
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Ненаглядная - precious
Tag :
@roosterr @preciouslittlecreature
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Hello my dear, 
If I could request some Price NSFW I would be forever grateful. Love your writing and I’d love to see how you write Price absolutely pussy whipped by a younger reader. And he’s absolutely shook by her ability to please 🤭
Babygirl, I got you babe - I have just the thing for you Miss Ma'am! You better brace yourself! (Also, I hope you feel better soon and I hope this puts a smile on your face - love youuuu!)
REQUEST: NSFW Captain John Price x Younger Reader (18+ RATED M FOR MATURE)
Master List (tag list at the bottom)
Listen to me: Captain John Price is a man. He's a man's man. But you? You got him wrapped around your little finger - Oh Lordy Almighty have mercy on both of y'all's souls! (and me too lol). And he loves every second of it.
So, given the position that the Captain has, he has a lot of responsibilities, he has a lot physical and mental weight on his shoulders, and sometimes he just needs a moment, a few hours - a night - where he just focuses on other things, and kind of lets loose a little bit.
This is where you come in.
The age gap between the two of you has crossed his mind on multiple occasions. But the way that hold his arm and hold it close to your body when you're together? He never wants you to let go.
The way that you look up at him with those wide eyes? So full of life and love and attention - only for him.
The way you so sweetly and softly ask him to help you with something? He'll do it in an instant, and then some.
He can't remember the last time he ever felt so loved and so wanted by anyone - if ever. You've managed to tame and control the fire inside him.
Slowly and gradually, he'd let you take charge in the bedroom. It'd start with little things. A pair of cuffs with turn into two pairs.
He's not as well-versed in using tools as you are, but he's eager to learn and eager to please - and he's just as amazed as to how eager you are to ensure he is comfortable and enjoys himself.
On occasion, he'd used these cuffs on you, keeping your hands above your head by the headboard of the bed. Just the sight of you sent thrills through his body. The way he'd just watch you and take you in as you laid like that on the bed displayed just for him with flushed cheeks and thighs rubbing together with such eagerness to please him.
The day that you put on one of the cuffs on his hand - purely without thought, both of you stopped whatever you were doing and went between looking at each other and the cuff you'd just placed around his wrist. You were straddled on his lap on your shared bed, his free hand anchored on your behind. The other half of the cuff that was on his wrist wasn't even attached on the headboard yet.
"John..." You were honestly a little nervous as to how he'd react to the idea of you cuffing him to the bed. You were about to take it off but-
"No, keep going, sweetheart," He pressed an adrenaline filled kiss on your lips, then laid down on the bed, earning devilish smile as you crawled further up above him and attached the other cuff to the headboard, leaving him with one free hand to roam around your body.
You gleefully hover above him, teasing him with the way you're moving your hips above his pelvis, hearing the cuffs clink and move as he strains himself and finds himself unable to move his cuffed hand.
"Getting riled up, aren't we?" You leaned over him towards the nightstand to grab the other pair of cuffs. Chuckling, he eagerly holds you close with his free arm and plants kisses on your chest.
You sit up straight and dangle the other pair of cuffs above him, "Do I need to use these to make sure you stay still, John?"
"Oh the things you do to me, you minx," He held out his free hand in front of you, allowing you to put the other cuff on him.
Slightly taken aback by his eagerness to let you have control, you decide to put the other cuff on him, then hooking it to the headboard beside his other hand. You lower yourself once more and kiss him, speaking in between kisses as your hands travel down his neck and shoulders, down his chest and wrapping around his hips, "Are you ready, oh Captain, my beloved Captain?"
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81
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Gerry's WIP Wedneseekend!
This was hugely helpful for me last week in just getting Words Down for the strap!verse which has now become an actual fic rather than a series of smutty one-shots oops so now I'm gonna do this to focus on my fics for Lex's Summer Challenge!
DISCLAIMER: I am only calling it WIP Wedneseekend because it stresses me out to "limit" myself to one day and I think it's fun!! Please do not feel like you also have to do a whole thing too if you're tagged or see this.
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The Rules
I post the two prompts I claimed as a poll
Y'all vote in the poll and send me asks requesting a snippet of the fic of your choice
For every vote a fic receives, I will commit to writing 100 words on that fic. For every ask I receive, I will commit to writing an additional 100 words. (So if one gets 10 votes, and 5 asks, that's 1500 words)
At the end of the weekend, I will have completed fics to prepare for posting by the end of the month!
I will post a snippet of what I wrote and tag everyone who requested a snippet!
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The Snippet - "Can I braid your hair?"
“Can I braid your hair?” Eddie blinked over at Steve, eyebrows high on his sweaty forehead while he held his hair up off the back of his neck. He could swear he felt heat pouring out of his head. Summer had descended on Hawkins with a vengeance, as if in retaliation for the brief handful of weeks in the Spring when the portals to a frigid hell dimension opened up and attempted to take over their world. Granted, summers in Hawkins tended to be hotter than Satan’s taint, especially around Independence Day, but Eddie figured he was allowed to be noisy and bitchy about it if he wanted. He almost died—first at the hands of a town full of angry, scared hicks, then by a swarm of demobats—and this was his first summer officially free of Hawkins High, the other frigid hell dimension in that shitty town. If Eddie had to spend the summer in the sweaty armpit of America because of dumb bullshit like “recovery” and “physical therapy” and “being under observation,” he was going to bitch and moan and throw all the tantrums he wanted. It helped that all the stupid bullshit (like recovery, and physical therapy, and being under observation) meant that Eddie got to spend a lot of time with Steve outside of the apocalypse. They were both lucky enough to be Under Observation together, courtesy of both of them being the favoured chew toys for the demobats. From there, Steve just started staying close to Eddie, taking him to and from physical therapy, helping him with his exercises at home, coming over when Eddie was in too much pain to get up to use the bathroom, let alone get up and locate painkillers and take them. It had been a while since Steve had to help him on a particularly bad pain day, at least one that extreme, but Steve still came over almost daily. Usually, they would just hang out and eat junk food, smoke a bit of pot sometimes, usually watch whatever movie Steve brought over from work. Sometimes, Steve would suggest they go for a drive and they would just do that, make like they would leave completely. “We could get out of here, never look back.” Worded like a comment, spoken like an oath. “You wanna run away with me, Stevie?” Tone teasing but lined with a hollow desperation. The air in the Beemer would change the moment that question fell from Eddie’s lips, the way Steve’s arms flexed as he squeezed the steering wheel captivating. Most of the time, Eddie doesn’t hear an answer from Steve, other times he hears a quiet but teasing, “Of course, Eds.”
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The (no pressure) Tags
These are mostly just so people can vote if they want ;p
@scarcrossdlvrs @patchworkgargoyle @stobinesque @inairbinad @legitcookie @thefreakandthehair @sidekick-hero @yournowheregirl @judasofsuburbia @wynnyfryd @steddieas-shegoes @pizzaqueen @starryeyedjanai @starrystevie @scoops-stevie @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @xenon-demon
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m-jelly · 1 year
Oh ok sorry, can I request an omega verse one than? Can I leave the plot up to your imagination?
So, I got a little carried away with planning this. This will be a long fic eventually because I fell in love with the idea so much, but it will be hybrids and omegaverse instead of just the omegaverse.
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@ladycheesington <3
Destined Mate
Pairing: Alpha Levi x Omega Fem Reader
Genre and tags: Omegaverse, Royal AU, fluff, romance, drama, protective Levi, falling in love, loving Levi, almost forced marriage, happy ending.
Concept: Hidden away as a priestess for the Luna God, the King of your land demands that all Omegas be rounded up and offered to him as brides. You manage to avoid it but as a precaution, you write a letter to Emperor Levi asking for help as he is renowned for providing sanctuary to hunted Omegas. You get found out by the King and dragged to the castle. On the day of your wedding, Emperor Levi arrives and rescues you and takes you to his palace. You both feel a strong connection and realise you're fated mates.
Not tagging as I know not everyone likes omegaverse.
Part 2
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You released a long sigh as you stared at the letters delivered to see there was still nothing from the Emperor. You longed for him to contact you and offer you refuge. You clasped your hands together and mutter a prayer under your breath. You shivered when you felt the presence of the Luna God.
You opened your eyes and looked up at the Luna God floating above you with his long white locks and golden eyes. "Why is the land like this? Can't we be free of this? Why must Omegas suffer?"
He cupped your face. "My poor sweet moon ray." He kissed your forehead. "You are all blessed with your roles. You are very blessed."
You turned your head away. "I don't feel blessed. You made me an Omega. I have to use medicine to suppress it. I have to hide here from Alphas."
"You are blessed."
You turned from him. "I wish I couldn't see you."
He chuckled and floated after you. "Moon Ray, you are my most blessed."
You covered your ears and rushed away from him. You found a peaceful spot in the gardens and gazed out at the land. You hugged your legs tightly and hoped that Emperor Levi would save you. You didn't want to be the bride of the King of this land. You wanted to be free and you wanted to find your fated mate.
You flinched when you heard someone call your name. You stood up as your terrified friend ran over. "What's wrong?"
She grabbed your hand. "The King's guards are here for you. Someone told them about you. You have to hide!"
You ran with her. "They might kill you."
"I won't let them take you." She gasped when she ran into the guards. "Oh no..."
The next moments and days were a blur because you felt so scared and broken. You were dressed up and fawned over by different maids. Tears always stained your cheeks. You ignored the Luna God trying to talk to you. You felt like you wanted to disappear. You felt like the world failed you and most of all, the Emperor of the other kingdom as well.
You gazed at yourself in a wedding dress and hated what you saw. You had dreamt of a wonderful Alpha saving you and marrying you as you stayed at the temple, but it never happened. You wanted your wedding to be a happy day, but instead, it was full of pain and heartache. You just wanted the ground to swallow you up.
You gripped your flowers as you were moved through the castle to the grand hall. You felt panic set in when you saw the King waiting for you with a disgusting grin on his face. You started to hyperventilate as thoughts of what was going to happen to you tonight filled your mind. You didn't want to be a breeder for a wicked King. You wanted love.
The King grabbed your upper arm and pulled you close. "What a delicious Omega you are. You've been hiding for some time, but now you're all mine. You'll make me many children."
You welled up and whimpered. "I don't want that. I won't want you."
He squeezed your arm hard. "You have no choice." He jumped as the double doors to his hall slammed over. "What!? Guards!"
You gasped in delight when you saw a raven-haired beauty with glorious royal robes and a sword with the most stunning blue eyes. "Levi." The emperor had come.
Levi shouted your name with eyes filled with adoration. He raced down the aisle. "I'm here!"
You looked at the King and clawed his face causing him to release you. You dropped to the floor and moved away from him as he screamed in pain. You screamed when he growled at you and dove for you. You held your arms up but didn't feel his touch, only something wet and warm followed by a scream.
You moved your arms down to see one of the King's hands on the floor. Levi had cut his hand clean off. You gazed up and the King screaming and crying in pain before he vomited all over the floor. Your heart raced when Levi gazed at you with such care.
Levi put his sword away and got down on one knee. "I'm sorry I took so long."
You gazed at his outstretched hand. You welled up and dove into his arms. "Thank you for coming."
Levi held you tightly and inhaled deeply. He held back a moan as your scent washed over him. He couldn't believe how delicious and wonderful you smelt. When he got your letter days ago he became so intoxicated by your scent on the letter. He had admired your writing and inhaled your scent and knew in that moment that you were his destined mate. You were his wonderful omega and he was your alpha.
You shivered in Levi's arms, but not from fear, it was arousal. You inhaled deeply and knew this man was your destined mate and would be the love of your life. You pulled back a little and just gazed into his wonderful eyes. You smiled as he played with your hair a little. You giggled as he tapped his forehead against yours.
Levi scooped you up into his arms. "I've never taken a bride before on her wedding day. This is the first and last. I very much want to keep you as mine."
You gazed at him. "I sense you're my alpha, my destined mate."
He smiled. "Me too. My omega." He walked out of the castle to a carriage. "I intend to court you though. I want you to be wooed, cared for, adored and loved. You deserve to be worshipped."
You hummed and rubbed his chest as he sat in the carriage with you on his lap. "I want to do the same for you."
He purred at you. "I cannot wait." He leaned closer. "Forgive me, but my instincts are demanding for me to kiss you. May I?"
You nodded. "Please do kiss me. I'm desperate for it."
He smiled before crashing his lips against yours. He growled against your lips as you moaned in delight. You clung tightly to Levi as his tongue slipped into your mouth. Levi hummed in delight as his tongue moved with yours. You both felt a fire burn through you both. You both could sense that this was meant to be, that you both were meant to be together and you were destined mates. You were meant for love.
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walkswastes · 5 months
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☢ ╼ MAINS CALL.   so what’s the deal? i don’t practice exclusive, but i do practice mains. it helps me know who is interested in interacting with me. but not just interacting with me, creating worlds and verses and special plot dynamics etc just really expanding our characters and growing them together.
it also helps me sort out my drafts & my inbox.
what does mains mean with phantom include?
☢ draft/meme priority. your drafts & memes will be prioritized before my regular mutuals.
☢ exclusive aus/verses. that are just for us, and us alone. not to be duplicated with others of the same character.
☢ dual promos/aesthetics. i am more prone to make graphics for us due to the  nature of our characters relationships.
☢ a personalized blog tag. thats p self explanatory..
☢ memes. i have the tendency to meme spam my mains at times. let me know if this is something you aren’t interested in.
☢ messages. me feeling more confident about messaging you. thus most likely messaging you more frequently about plot ideas and cute things. i tend to get in my head and feel annoying, so i get scared to message people. so this just gives me the confidence boost i need, that you want me around that way.
☢ a link to you on my carrd. you get a lil picture and link in my caard. ( when i set it up )
☢ your blog on my pin post. i'll have you in a mains section on my pinned post.
☢ my undying love and support.
there are 3 slots available for canon characters
there are 2 slots available for oc fcs.
there are 2 slots available for duplicates.
there are 2 slots available for duplicate oc fcs.
this is only open to mutuals. however if we haven’t interacted yet, feel free to like it if this is the sort of rp dynamic you are interested in.
please let me know what characters on both ends you wish to be mains with.
blog-wide mains are allowed.
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timerevolt · 9 months
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MAINS  CALL          so    what’s    the    deal?    i    don’t    practice    exclusive,    but    i    do    practice    mains.    it    helps    me    know    who    is    interested    in    interacting    with    me.    but    not    just    interacting    with    me,    creating    worlds    and    verses    and    special    plot    dynamics    etc    just    really    expanding    our    characters    and    growing    them    together.  
it    also    helps    me    sort    out    my    drafts    &    my    inbox.
what    does    mains    mean    with    phantom    include?
⋇    draft/meme    priority.    your    drafts    &    memes    will    be    prioritized    before    my    regular    mutuals.
⋇    exclusive    aus/verses.    that    are    just    for    us,    and    us    alone.    not    to    be    duplicated    with    others    of    the    same    character.
⋇    dual    promos/aesthetics.    i    am    more    prone    to    make    graphics    for    us    due    to    the        nature    of    our    characters    relationships.
⋇    a    personalized    blog    tag.    thats    p    self    explanatory..
⋇    memes.    i    have    the    tendency    to    meme    spam    my    mains    at    times.    let    me    know    if    this    is    something    you    aren’t    interested    in.
⋇    messages.    me    feeling    more    confident    about    messaging    you.    thus    most    likely    messaging    you    more    frequently    about    plot    ideas    and    cute    things.    i    tend    to    get    in    my    head    and    feel    annoying,    so    i    get    scared    to    message    people.    so    this    just    gives    me    the    confidence    boost    i    need,    that    you    want    me    around    that    way.
⋇    a    link    to    you    on    my    carrd.    you    get    a    lil    picture    and    link    in    my    caard.
  ⋇    your blog on my pin post.   i'll have you in a mains section on my pinned post.
  ⋇        my    undying    love    and    support.
there    are    3    slots    available    for    canon    characters
there    are    2    slots    available    for    oc    fcs.
this    is    only    open    to    mutuals.    however    if    we    haven’t    interacted    yet,    feel    free    to    like    it    if    this    is    the    sort    of    rp    dynamic    you    are    interested    in.
please    let    me    know    what    characters    on    both    ends    you    wish    to    be    mains    with.
blog-wide    mains    are    allowed.
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gauntermetaverse · 4 months
Share 5 Videogame OST that is in your music or video playlist and how these tunes help you with RL situations, whether it's work or personal, or just setting the mood for something! Tag a minimum of 5 friends. Let us learn more about each other!
@tigerlyla-of-metinna tagged me, thank you very much, so I will share some, although they are not originals as I really enjoy to find perfect covers.
There's not much variety in my list, as I am not an addict to the music, I prefer silence... And only listen if I am really in the mood. Or to sing in my car)))
Well, let's go.
That's the best one. It's acapella, it's fun and powerful. And they added one more verse in the middle...
If choosing the best Priscilla's song cover I prefer the male version, Dan Vasc, for sure.
Gillian Aversa, Alloy song from Horison Zero Dawn. Her vocal is incredible. I tried to sing it but it's out of my range))
And how could I not mention the main character that took my soul... There's two covers. The first is in Russian and it's awesome. Not just vocal but instruments... Alina Gingertail.
The second is this metal version, which is a must. And look at this brand on his face! I believe he really owes something to O'Dimm)))
@cbfanny @myers-meadow @redirony @regis-favorite-raven @daunterogimm feel free to participate or not😈
And if you want to sing your favourite song but don't have karaoke version use vocalremover.org
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