#feel sad Floch gets so much hate in modern aus
innocentimouto · 1 year
Do you support yeagerists and Floch Forster's stance by the end of the series?
Okay so I haven't actually finished the series. Funny story. I found aot on Pinterest because they wouldn't stop showing me freaky pins of titans and Levi Ackerman's face and I thought why. This animation looks so weird, the outline is so thick and what do you mean that's a spoiler everyone knows his last name and why does everyone think he is good looking he looks so depressed---ohhhh
Anyway, we all know how long the anime took, so I read the manga. Then gave up and over time kept coming across panels on Pinterest. So I kind of know the ending but not really. I'm waiting for November.
I'm missing the main big controversial thing here, but I will say I like Floch and Eren a lot. And am really hoping whatever controversial thing is supposed to happen doesn't ruin Eren for me.
I think it also depends on how aot is consumed. I view the anime from the understanding that it poses the question of what really makes a good person good and a bad person bad? Is there such a thing, or are people just complex beings who have to make a mix of both when faced with war and death? What right do people who live normal lives have to judge people who are in war and faced with extinction and loss of homes and safety and families? And sure, there are degrees to horrible things, but at the end of the day, views like these seem dependent on culture, religion, upbringing.
If I were to strictly answer from my own view based on the three mentioned above, I would say no, I could never because it violates the views that I have. But within the anime, I understand their motivations and the dire circumstances they were in and having the whole world against you doesn't leave you many options.
But even trying to ignore my culture/religion/upbringing (if that's really possible), I don't think I could live with myself if I agreed to let the whole world be wiped out. And just like Hange and the others opposing Eren, I don't have a solution.
They were already developing weapons to kill titans. At some point the Rumbling wouldn't be an unstoppable force, especially with the whole world banding together. They tried leaving the world alone and living peacefully. That's what the first king did, and somehow Will Tybur still hated himself despite knowing they were capable of good. Most of the world hated them too because of Marley utilizing titans as weapons and Zeke certainly didn't help by turning others into titans.
So to me, it can come down to two things: admire Floch and Eren for taking on this horrible burden to save their people, or be horrified that someone could be capable of such a thing.
For me, I admire them, because Eren knew it was horrible and Floch was stunned at hearing Eren's plan too, and at the end of the day, they're barely adults. Even if they were adults, they're people. And my understanding from aot, is that even "monsters" are people. They have feelings, loved ones, degrees of kindness and mercy, awareness that what they're doing is hurting others, guilt, moments of doubt, dreams, etc.
I think the idea of calling someone a monster is meant to distance oneself from the idea that you could ever become what they became. It's uncomfortable to look at people do horrible things and then find humanizing things about them, but I think it's important to accept.
Anyway, that's the gist of it I guess. I find it admirable to love your people and loved ones so much you're willing to become a "monster" for them, to face the rest of the world for them. Doesn't mean I support it or didn't feel horrible over watching Ramzi and many others die. I think these feelings can coexist.
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