#feeling at a weird kinda peace w the world right now hope u are too
ultimate-cinephile · 4 years
Can I PLEASE request some Viktor Licht fluff!! I'm completely obsessed with this little weirdo and cannot get enough 💕 I loved your kissing headcanon's btw
You 100% can! I've been wanting someone to request for a month now. Tysm Nonnie!!
And I'm glad you enjoyed them! Also, I had no idea what to do for a plot, so I decided to do this again seeing as how I had a lot of fun with Joker's.
A- Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He definitely admires that you don't judge him for anything. You completely understand that he's devoted to his mission (and you of course, but you didn't hear that from me) and you understand why he does what he does, and he absolutely adores it.
B- Baby (Do they want a family? Why or why not?)
In truth, I don't think he thinks about having a family much. He most definitely wouldn't mind having one in the long run (especially with you), but you'd have to be the one to bring it up.
C- Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Viktor loves spooning. By the time he goes to bed, you're usually asleep, so he crashes into bed next to you and pulls your back to his chest and he just sort of curling you because he's that tall. It's quite comfortable for the both of you.
D- Dates (What are dates with them like?)
It takes Viktor awhile to get used to the idea of dates. His idea of a date was just two people spending time together. So for awhile, you two just sat in his office while he worked. Then he did some research (watched some romance movies with maki and iris; he r e a l l y liked The Proposal) and decided to take you out on a proper date.
This being said, dates with Viktor are usually a spur of the moment thing and happen when you both have time, but they almost always open you up to a new experience and they're always fun. Sometimes you do something crazy like going to a casino for no reason and sometimes you do something peaceful like just walking around the city and sight-seeing and window shopping and all that cool jazz.
E- Everything (You are my ___; e.g. my life, my world)
"You are my reason for everything. You remind me everyday why I do what I do. Thank you."
F- Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was just after Company 8 finished an Infernal. You had slipped away from the rest of the group and Viktor, being the curious boi he is, went after you. He found you comforting a crying child.
It turns out that the kid's parent had been the one to turn Infernal, and you refused to leave their side until they we laughing and smiling again.
Something about that made his heart melt.
He had no idea what was going on and later googled his symptoms (after consulting any sort of reliable medical book/website he could find) and nearly had a heart attack when he found out what it was.
G- Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how so?)
Viktor isn't really a rough man. It's just his nature (I want to make fun of him for being a pacifist, but I can't because I'm one D:<).
Anyways, he isn't overly gentle with you either. He knows that you're more than capable of handling certain things by yourself and he's happy to let you do those things, but if he sees you struggling, he won't hesitate to help you out.
H- Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He's very fond of linking pinkies. He's not a fan of PDA, but that doesn't make him uncomfortable and he likes holding you in some way. Though if he gets jealous, he wraps an arm around your waist (more on that later though).
I- Impression (What was their first impression?)
Well, since you are a part of the Fire Force (sorry to just assign you a role like this) he naturally thought you were a bit reckless, running into fires like that, but he can't really judge since he kinda did the same thing.
J- Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh, he does. He's much better at hiding it than Joker. Licht is very rarely intimidating, and the man cannot glare to save his life. A telltale sign that he's jealous is that he gets more affectionate in front of others. He'll wrap his arm around your waist and pull your back into his chest while resting his chin on the top of your head.
K- Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Even though they're an expression of friendship, he adores eskimo kisses (when he can bend down to your height) or he likes gently kissing the top of your forehead.
Even though kisses with Licht are usually short-lived, they always communicate how much you mean to him and the words that he so often can't find to say himself.
You 100% had to initiate the first kiss. He was staying up late to work on something and you had to go to sleep or else you'd pass out on the floor so in your tired stupor you gave him a quick good-night peck to the lips.
He did not get any work done the rest of the night.
L- Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Surprisingly??? Viktor.
Just before he goes to the Haijima lab with Shinra (i'm waiting on the dub, but i sWEAR IF THEY KILL HIM-), you run up to him and kiss him.
"I swear to Sol, Licht, if you die there, I'm gonna kill you. I love you too much to loose you."
Shinra probably had to slap him cause Viktor.exe had crashed.
M- Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
You and him were watching the Sound of Music, and you, being a dork, pulled him to his feet and started dancing around the room with him. Both of you fell back on your bed, laughing like a couple of idiots.
N- Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Sometimes. He buys you stuff a lot, and sometimes if he's out in town and he sees something he knows that you'd like, he'll 100% get it for you. He loves seeing you happy and he's more than willing to spare a dollar or two to see you smile.
O- Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Red. The first time you two had a proper conversation, you had accidentally cut your finger while cutting up something for dinner. He offered to help you after he saw you cursing yourself and wrapping your injured finger in a bandage.
P- Pet Names (What pet names do they use?)
I feel like Viktor isn't big on pet names but he sometimes calls you 'love'.
Q- Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Okay so, this is gonna sound weird, but he has a genuine fountain pen that belonged to some famous writer. He's quite proud of it.
R- Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
He loves to work on rainy days. He loves it if you sit there and watch him or if you sit in his lap. If you manage to drag him away, he'll do anything with you. Sometimes, just for the heck of it, he takes you outside and you two just walk around with an umbrella shielding you from becoming drenched.
S- Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Viktor just stirs his problems into coffee. He has no idea how to solve his own problems, so he has no idea what he's doing if he comforts you. He usually just lets you cry and rant and scream until you feel better. He'll hold you in his lap if you want. He has no idea what to do, please help him.
T- Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Viktor will gladly talk about his research or if you manage to get him to watch something with you, he'll geek out about that with you. It's so cute watching him freak out about the ending to Rogue One, it isn't even funny.
U- Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
A nice, hot cup of coffee or tea and you
V- Vaunt (What do they like to show off?)
His fountain pen, you, sometimes his research
W- Wedding (Where, when, and how do they propose?)
It takes him awhile to even consider marriage. Honestly? It takes him long enough that you propose!
It was on a leap day, since that's traditionally the day a woman can propose, you had a nice ring in your back pocket. You tried seven times in one day to propose, but every time you got ready to pop the question, something would come along and you had to wait a minute.
Eventually you just got fed up with going through reports so you asked Licht then. He thought you were kidding when he said yes, but then you chucked a box and his head and he'd never been more happy for a mix-up in his life.
X- Xylophone (What’s their song?)
I know it doesn't ask for a relationship song, but the only song coming to mind right now is The Reason by Hoobastank.
Y- Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
As I said before, he doesn't really think about it until after you get engaged. After that though, he admires the ring with a smile as he counts down the days until you're married.
Z- Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Well, animals are uncommon, but once Vulcan showed him a picture of a gerbil. He has no idea what it is, but he wants one.
okay! that's it! i hope you enjoy it Nonnie!
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hikari-writes · 4 years
『Dr. Stone』
Fluff Oneshot
❝ Only To You ❞
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Request: Hey! ^^ Can I ask for a scenario where Ryusui constantly flirts with the reader and it's clear that he likes her. But she doesen't like his greedy and capitalist personality but somehow still finds him charming and she's very conflicted and there's a lot of tension (somewhat like tsundere dinamics). So some angst but fluff at the end. Sorry if it's weird >
Pairing: Nanami Ryusui
Genre: Fluff
Words: 1.9k
I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE i had trouble making this one ngl,,, I'm not the bezt at making a angst+fluff fanfic 😔 if it's angst, i gotta make it full on angst and if it's fluff i gotta make it full on fluff. So im sorry this has no crumbs of angst 😢 or,,, should i even be sorry??? Do u even wanna angst 😳😳😳 lmao but anyways! I finally finished my last request and I'm drained. Hope you like this,, lotsa love!
“You're looking beautiful as always, Y/N.”
You shot a glare at Ryusui before turning away from him.
"....What do you want?"
"I was just saying what's on my mind. No need to get so defensive," he said as he grins, showing his neatly aligned, pearly white teeth. 
You heaved a sigh in defeat. This man has been constantly flirting with you ever since he first saw you and you *don't* like the attention you're receiving. 
He may have been a popular rich kid back in the modern world with many beautiful women beside him, but in this stone age, you couldn't help but to see him in a bad vision. 
You're not one to mind flirty behaviours shown by others, but what made you truly detest Ryusui is because of his greedy and arrogant nature. It just somehow hit your nerve, and you don't like it. 
"Do you need help with that?" He asked as he pointed towards a pile of fabric you were carrying. They were meant to be sent to Yuzuriha, and you did not wish to waste any more time on Ryusui so you just shook your head in response and quickly left him. 
As you tried to leave, you accidentally tripped on a stick that was lying around and fell flat on your face. The pain from the fall hurts, but it was nothing serious. Rather, you were more concerned of Ryusui who just witnessed your embarrassing fall. 
You turned to face him but he wasn't at his previous spot. You wondered where he went off to when suddenly he appeared in front of your eyes with a concerned face.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as he cupped both your cheeks in his hands, inspecting every single part of your beautiful face. The close distance between your faces and the warmth his hands were radiating made your face flushed. You completely froze in your spot, not knowing what to do. 
After a few more seconds had passed, you finally snapped back into reality and moved away from his touch.
"Don't touch me so casually, please," your voice came out louder and calmer than you had intended, and you internally praised yourselves for not stuttering at all even though your face beet red.
"I'm sorry about that, but are you really okay? You didn't hurt yourself from the fall or anything?"
The way he asked that in such a concerned and genuine manner made your heart skip a beat. You didn't know he was that concerned about your well-being. 
"I'm perfectly fine. Please excuse me."
You quickly left him alone, more careful this time as to not trip for the second time.
Ryusui watched as your back slowly left his vision before standing up from his crouching position. 
"You really like her, don't you?"
He turned back to see Gen leaning against a wall while looking at him with the eyes of all-knowing. 
"You can ompliment-cay all the women in this world, but in the end, she's the only one you'll ever look at with those eyes."
Ryusui gave a light scoff at his statement. 
"I hate to admit it to you, but yeah, you're absolutely right."
How could he not? You may act cold around him, but he always saw how sweet and kind you can be. How hardworking and stubborn you are sometimes made him smile to himself. How he wished he could hold you in his arms right now. 
You stopped in your tracks as you heard the familiar boisterous voice that belonged to no one other than Ryusui. He was talking with Senku and the others. Probably about something important but you noticed how his charming smile never left his face during the discussion.
You were so caught up in staring at him that you didn't realize the approaching Minami behind you. 
"Who are you staring at, hmm?"
You almost screamed at the sudden surprise but you managed to cover your mouth before then and when you turned around, your eyes narrowed at the grinning Minami.
"Stop scaring me like that, Minami," you said as you glared at her. She only grinned mischievously as a response and looked over you to see who you were staring at.
"I smelled a maiden in love so I just had to. But anyways, you were looking at Ryusui huh?"
Your face turned red at her guess, exposing the fact that you indeed were staring at him. Minami's grin widened as she saw your reaction. 
"I wasn't staring at anyone. Besides, I'm not a 'maiden in love' or anything. I DON'T like him," you turned away from her, covering your face to hide the blush that's forming on your face. 
"I doubt that~ You were totally staring at him. I know you like him, Y/N."
A vein popped on your forehead and you continued glaring at her who seemed to be too excited about someone else's love life.
"Oh, fancy seeing you two beauties here."
Ryusui's voice from behind you made you let out a squeal in surprise. You quickly hid behind Minami, using her as a shield from Ryusui. 
Ryusui blinked in confusion when he saw how defensive you got as soon as he came close to you. A little part of him was a bit hurt because of what you did, but he decided to not pay it any mind and continued smiling at you two. Gen who was near looked at you in amusement. He didn't expect you to get so embarrassed to the point of hiding behind Minami. 
"What were you two talking about?" 
At his question, you glared daggers at Minami, silently warning her to not spill the beans. She just sweatdropped as a response.
"Nothing much," she replied to him nonchalantly. He looked dissatisfied with the vague answer and was about to question more but before he could you had already tugged at Minami's arm, pulling her away from him.
"Sorry, but we're a bit busy. Excuse us."
And with that, you quickly left him all the while dragging Minami along with you. 
As soon as you and Minami were no longer on sight, Ryusui heaved a quiet sigh. He wanted to talk more with you, but with the way it is now, it didn't seem possible. 
"Well, if she hates me then, I'll just do everything I can to make her mine!"
Ryusui declared that loudly, showing his greedy nature to the world. Gen shook his head in disappointment. 
"The both of you are really idiots," he whispered that softly to himself.
"You know that Ryusui likes you, right?"
The sudden question by Kohaku that was aimed at you made you choke on your water. Yuzuriha who was beside you quickly rubbed circles behind your back, easing your coughing. 
"W-where did you even get that idea??"
Kohaku's lips formed into a cat-like smile, amused at your flustered reaction. 
"I mean, it's kinda obvious? He always flirts and compliments you most of the time. Sure, he is like that towards everyone but there's something special that he only shows to you, y'know?"
Your face flushed at her statement, but you never let yourself be indulged in the idea that Ryusui had some kind of special feelings towards you. 
"Don't be ridiculous. He's like that towards everyone. There's...no way he would like me. I keep acting like such a cold person towards him."
Everyone fell silent at your confession. They don't understand how you could be so dense of Ryusui's feelings towards you. And it's clear that you also felt the same towards him, even if you keep denying it. 
"Then, why don't you give him a confession chocolate next Valentine?"
Nikki suddenly suggested that, breaking the heavy silence. 
"That's right! I heard from Taiju that Senku's planning to make chocolate for Valentine's. I think that's perfect," Yuzuriha chimed in, nodding her head along.
"That's...a bit….uhm…."
You tried to find the right word to decline the suggestion but after seeing all the girl's pleading eyes, you just can't bring yourself to say no to them.
"Fine. But I'm just making him a chocolate! No more no less."
The girls all cheered in unison, succeeding in convincing you to make chocolate for Ryusui.
You held the box of chocolate you had decorated neatly close to your rapidly beating heart. You had helped Senku and the others in making the chocolate in hopes of understanding the process better before making it yourself. The taste was pretty good, if you'd say so yourself. 
That night, you searched for Ryusui everywhere. You hadn't seen him at all today. You asked several other people of his whereabouts but they all shrugged their shoulders, not knowing where the greedy blonde was either.
In the end, you decided to just search for him in his tent. Surprisingly, he was there. Although, he's not awake. You saw him peacefully sleeping with his captain hat on his laid body. 
Your heart raced at the rare sight of him without his hat. The peaceful face of him sleeping made him all the more charming and you could've sworn the sound of your heartbeat was loud enough for other people to hear.
You decided to leave the box of chocolate right beside him and leave it at that. However, as soon as you sat beside him, his eyes shot open and he grabbed your wrist with a lopsided grin adorning his face.
"Hmm~ What were you trying to do, Y/N?"
You tried to retreat back your wrist that he's holding but he didn't loosen the grip on it at all. Your face turned bright red once again and you looked down in embarrassment, unable to look him in the eyes.
"Nothing! I wasn't doing anything!"
"Then what's that box you have there?"
You tried to quickly hide the chocolate box after he pointed it out in hopes he'd forget about it but you yourself knew that it's pointless. 
He sat himself up while still holding onto your wrist. 
"Is that for me?" 
He asked, his voice was soft, unlike how loud he's always been. 
You slowly nod your head. There's no use in hiding that now. 
He reached behind you for the chocolate box. Your breath hitched at the closeness of his face with yours. You could feel his breath brushed your face gently. By the time he had already gotten the chocolate box, your face was already as red as tomato. 
He stared at your flushed face. You hadn't realized it since your eyes are spinning from the embarrassment. He softly cupped your cheeks in both of his hands and made you face him. 
"I like you," he softly whispered to you. It was just your gut feelings, but you *know* he meant every word he said. Your heart was filled to the brim and you couldn't be happier to hear those words come out of his mouth.
"I...like you too..."
He gave his signature smile before slowly bringing your face closer to his...when suddenly,
"Hey! Stop pushing!"
"It's not me! It's Kohaku-chan!"
"Lower your voice a bit!"
The obvious whisper-yelling voices of the people outside interrupted your kiss. You pulled your head away from him and turned to the front of the tent.
"All of you can't be more obvious!"
The voices went silent before they entered the tent with awkward grins on their faces. Your face went bright red but no longer than a second later, Ryusui burst into laughter. 
"Well, isn't this great? Everyone here can witness that you're mine."
Then, he swooped you into a loving kiss, surprising everyone with his action, including yourself. 
You felt like you would faint after he pulled away from the kiss and your face was so hot and red to the point there's even steam coming out of it. Ryusui just grinned nonchalantly after what he just did. You swear this man will be the death of you.
The End
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Could you do the RFA and ofc V and Saeran in an ATLA universe? I love your stuff!
omg yes ofcofc ! sorry some are kinda short lol ;-; but i hope u enjoy B) i’m rewatching atla for the fourth time this quarantine wHEW
btw i feel like mc would be the avatar here...like imagine taking down rika and saving yoosung and shit lmao omg. if you reply/reblog with ur own headcanons for yourself or an oc that would be awesome sauce id love to see it although i highly doubt anyone would do that LOLOLOL IDK BUT IT’S AN OPTION
also SPOILERS for rika’s back story. if the name mika doesnt ring a bell, it’ll be a major spoiler!!!
btw i added rika as well. i was scratching my head @ how to make the plot similar while also staying as cannon as possible but i dont think that’d really work here? so sorry if the relationships are kinda confusing LMAO so saeran is not seven’s brother in this universe. mostly bc the sibling relationship between azula and zuko seemed more fitting for rika and saeran, not saeyoung and saeran, so saeran is rika’s broski here. rika and v had no romantic relationship here, too. lastly, mika is rika’s dad in this au, so she’s genderbent. will be referred to as mikah !
i cant imagine him living anywhere other than ba sing se
hes a pretty good earthbender but he doesnt participate in any underground fight clubs or anything
and he would definitely work in a tea shop
but he eventually joins the dai li UH OH
MC plz save this kid
but he cant bend </3
he definitely performs at a water tribe theater and carries every single show
helps MC find a waterbending teacher
hes kinda like sokka and is one of the reasons why MC’s team avatar can function well
honestly zen kinda reminds me of the cabbage guy too so when hes older he’d probably have a business but it’d constantly get destroyed HAHAHA
airbender type beat
jaehee is a MASTER and she trains avatar MC
kinda like avatar yangchen tbh
she is apart of the white lotus !! and an absolute boss at pai sho and teaches MC how to play as well
peaceful queen
would secretly watch zen’s plays on ember island before he joined team avatar and is super excited when he joins them
jumin is a firebender
he’d be like piandao except he can bend as well. he’s the person that trains MC in firebending
invented wine in this timeline
and dont worry, elizabeth the third still exists here!! he enjoys tea with only her
part of the white lotus gang gang gang
secret fun fact: when MC was on a rest day, jumin asked zen if he wanted to train as a swordsman. zen agrees and jumin became zen’s master B)
hes like toph; the most powerful and skilled earthbender out there
likes to make inventions in his downtime as well
and helps zen with strategizing for attack plans and whatnot
he joins team avatar and trains MC
was never really into tea and preferred inventing weird sugary drinks throughout team avatar’s journey
pop up note: the spoilers for rika’s backstory will be in rika’s hc (but is first mentioned in saeran’s) which is coming up!! scroll past or click off now if u dont want to read da spoilerz
v is lit rally just uncle iroh but younger
he does his best to get saeran back on the right path no matter what
he’d be a grand lotus in the white lotus
plays pai sho w/ jaehee every now and then
gives MC a lot of advice when they need it most. over a cup of tea ofc
yoosung’s therapist after ys leaves the dai li
also saeran’s full time therapist
and he always cares for saeran...but thinks rika is beyond repair and not worth trying to help
literally zuko
BUT he cant firebend....considered weak and is easily manipulated by rika
eventually gets banished from the fire kingdom for embarrassing his family once so
also went into a coma after doing one (1) good thing
cant make good tea even if his life depended on it
is good by the end of the story and works with zen at his business as well as trains with jumin
wont admit it but he sees v as a father figure especially since mikah was such a shitty one lol
ok look i LOVE female villains but i do not like rika for some reason
rika is azula on crack
whoever her mom was, is long gone lol like ursa
fire lord mikah convinces rika that the fire nation is so organized and well structured that they deserve to take over the entire world but dies before their first attack
this is a nod to mika being the real brains behind mint eye and passing away before she could see it get carried out
rika believes that mikah died bc she is much more powerful than him and the universe would rather have her be the one to take over all the nations
by the end of everything no one knows what happens to rika. there’s an intense battle between her and the avatar but rika’s end is all dependent on what the MC decides.
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mirrorballparkers · 6 years
little star - part two
 [peter parker x reader]
[ read part one ]
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summary: the sweetest, most patient of best friends; what happens when it sparks into something more?
authors note: after months and months, i’ve decided to continue this series, regardless if people want me to because i love this concept so much and i wanna share it w all of u. i hope u enjoy it. more to come. <3
warnings: omg kinda angst but fluffy nonetheless
pairing: peter parker x reader
~ best friends to lovers troupe ~
word count: 1.9k
peter figured most of this was his fault, not having enough time for each other. he was the one who had the entire world on his shoulders, being a super-hero part time, there’s no excuse for him not to be there for his best friend. absolutely no excuse. still, you were there - you always there. you were the first person he’d come to for anything.
every single night after patrol, you’d keep your window open, awaiting your best friends arrival in his red spidey suit, here to pick up any broken pieces. because you know it was a lot. peter was just a seventeen year old kid; this was a lot to handle and the best thing you could do was be there for him.
he was there for you, too. you were one of the most hard working, kind, yet very broken souls he’d ever known. tough, definitely a tough one, but all because you were broken inside, and he tried so desperately to get that side out of you so you could feel better and more at peace, but it wasn’t always the easiest.
thankfully, peter was patient. he was always patient with you.
       the next twenty-four hours for Peter were nothing short of pure anxiety and fear; how could he of all people think that he could sing, let alone dance and act - at the same time. he spent the next day only with you, singing almost non stop and having to be calmed down by you many times. peter assured you that he wanted to do this; he wanted to spend more time with you, he just wasn’t so sure this plan was quite sufficient. 
but, he requested you more than anybody. and he’d do anything for you, his best friend. that sometimes gave him a pretty gross taste in his mouth, not because of you; you were perfect. but, that was the problem, you were only his best friend. not his girlfriend, not someone he could kiss and live a real-life romance novel with. maybe he was a fool for believing in love, but that wasn’t something he thought was necessarily a problem, persay.
you had been best friends him ever since he shared his pizza lunchable with you in the second grade, and when you defended him at recess when flash and a few other kids were picking on him — you threw sand at them. and you definitely got in trouble, but peter liked you. he definitely liked you.
after that, you shared everything together. laughs, hugs, pizza at two am on the roof of his apartment building, and nothing but loyalty.
you were his person, and he was yours.
       “just like that, lift your body up as you try and hit that high c.” your hands graze onto the piano keys, awaiting peter to do what you asked, some vocal exercise that he was definitely having a difficulty with.
“is there a way i can just....not suck? like, skip all of this weird vocal technique thingies and just become, like, beyoncé or something?” peter frowns, rubbing his stomach as he was desperate to figure out whatever it was you were talking about. all this geeky stuff about singing and music was cute and all, but he didn’t get it. there was so much more to singing than just sounding like a goddess, and peter did not sound like one.
“no, silly. it takes time. now, breathe in and out slowly through your diaphragm. come on, just like we practiced.” you motion your hands towards him and turn back to the piano that was sat in the middle of your living room, the sunlight shining on the sheet music making it just a little difficult to see the notes.
peter was a little distracted, for the sun was also framing your body perfectly. it was..pretty, ethereal. but he needed to focus, auditions were in less than 24 hours and he felt like he was getting nowhere.
“ready?” you ask sweetly.
“mhmm.” he responds, remembering everything you taught him within the past hour and a half of singing and breathes through his diaphragm, just like you taught him to.
surprisingly, he slides through the little exercise perfectly, and can’t help but smile at his progress.
“there you go! see, you’re getting the hang of it.” you cheered, turning around so you were fully facing your best friend. “that sounded so nice!”
peter giggles and bows his head, trying his best not to blush, but to no prevail.
“i’m a work in progress,” he says.
“aren’t we all?” you teased.
you glance over at your phone, eyes slightly widening at the time. you were really nervous that you were pushing peter too hard, but he assured you many times that he wanted to do this with you and that he would tell you if you were. so far, nothing but peter being absolutely sweet and patient with your teaching and rehearsal methods. sweet and patient as always, that’s who peter parker was — your peter.
“we should stop for a while, i don’t want you to strain your vocal chords.” you get up from the piano bench, shutting it slightly as you cross over to the couch, plopping down and patting a seat for peter to sit down.
“man, is this what it’s like to be on broadway?” peter asks, letting out a loud, tired sigh as he sits down next to you, his head resting on your shoulder.
“slow down, weirdo, we’re not broadway bound yet,” you laughed, nudging his side.
peters eyes grew soft as he looked up at you, his chin still resting on your shoulder. “but you will be someday.” he spoke with sweetness and reasurment.
your heart fluttered, “you really think i could make it to broadway, peter?”
“i know you will, you’re so talented. it’s insane how talented and driven you are, y/n/n.”
peter has never met anyone as hard working and determined as you. there wasn’t a time he knew you were you weren’t constantly on your feet, doing something that made you happy or something that you strongly felt for. you were hardly ever resting, which also worried him. you could never catch a break. nonetheless, he wanted to be there for you through it all.
and he would be, he promised not only you but himself that he would be there with you forever — and peter parker never breaks a promise.
you smile sweetly at your best friend, words fail to come out.
“say something, dork.” he teased.
you both laugh heartily, something you did quite often together.
“thanks peter. i really don’t know what i’d do without you.” you respond after a tiny fit of giggles filled the air.
“probably suck at life, i dunno.” peter jokes, giving an attempt to wink.
“shut up, nerd,” you scoff, laying your head on his lap, peters hands automatically going to your hair as he begins to massage your head gently.
a moment of comfortable silence filled the air, only hearing the metronome on the piano and peters steady breathing. worry started to fill his chest as he began to think about tomorrow; what if he messed up at the audition?
what if all this time and effort spent on you coaching him was an absolute waste. peter was not a performer - that was more your element, he was a nerd who loved the stars and comic books - that was his.
“something wrong?” you quipped, knowing that the sight of his eyes growing more ire wasn’t avoidable.
“what if i don’t make the show? i-i mean, you spent all this time and effort on helping me prepare, what if it’s not worth it? what if i can’t do it?”
“the last thing i wanna do is be the boy who disappoints his best friend.”
you sit up from peters lap, positioning yourself to where you were fully facing him, assuring him that you were listening and that you were there.
“look at me, pete, yeah?” peter does as you say, his puppy-like eyes dazzle over your skin.
“you do know i would never ask you to do something for me if i didn’t think you could do it, right?”
he nods and you continue to speak, “so i know you can do this, pete. i know you better than anyone, i know your heart and it’s full.”
“i know yours too. and it’s much fuller than mine, like hella full.”
“you’re being dorky now, stop it.” you nudge him.
“hey, but i’m your dork, remember?” peter playfully winks.
you tilt your head slightly, fully aware that peter parker was your best friend and always will be.
“no, you’re also my best friend.”
a hard, cold, pain hit peters chest - something that’s never occurred before. it was weird, it hurt: he didn’t like it at all. somehow, it only happened when you said the words ‘best friend’. you were his best friend, he couldn’t ask for a better one, but what if he wanted something more?
don’t be an idiot, parker. he shook off.
“best friends forever.” peter smiles through the broken heart, but held your hand anyway against his heart, that you somehow healed each time it was broken with that graceful smile of yours.
taglist: @lovelyspidey @akaspiderman @spiiderman @naturallytom @sunshinehollandd @plushparker @cutesparker @spideykiddo @spideyflicker @t-oodles @peterplanet @raspberryparker @sun-flowerparker @sunshinehollandd @underoos-shield @maryjparkers @curlytoms
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femaleboysblog · 5 years
♥ super(hero) love ♥
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| hwang hyunjin x superhero!reader | sorry for any mistakes! english is not my first language!
part i | part ii (final)
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word count: 3.4k
warnings: tumblr!au, fanfic writer!reader x fan!hyunjin, enemies to lovers, fluff!!!, minor violence cause u know superhero stuff yadda yadda, some cursing here and there, (1) alcohol mention, 
A/N: just rewriting some old stuff :) | gender neutral reader (if you consider dude a gender neutral term lol)
“ Hi y/n! I’m sorry if i’m bothering you, but i just came by to say that i’ve read your last chapter last night and i can’t help but fall in love with your writing, you never disappoint! You’re always so creative when it comes to making stories and putting them into words, it’s almost like you’ve lived them! haha. So i just wanted to ask, where do you get your ideas? What are your inspirations? With love, Genie ;)”
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 Damn it. I stared at the ask i just received for a few long and tortuous minutes, definitely more than it was actually necessary. But hey, don't blame me for that, i mean, how in the hell i'm supposed to answer that? I can’t just go and say "Hi again Genie! Thank you for all the love, i really appreciate it! I get all my inspiration on my day-to-day life as a superhero. You probably have heard about me, i'm that one person with white clothes that shows all the time - if not every single day, in the morning news for saving and helping the city and their beloved citizens. Most people just call me 'the light hero' even though they know the right name for the supervillains, in special, Scarlet Devil - my arch enemy. In case you don't know my superhero name either, i go by Starlight. Kinda lame, i know. But it fits with the backstory of how i got my powers. Since it's a situation i went through, of course i'm going to know all the details in full experience and in first person, even that one where the protagonist rips his pants in the middle of a fight in the street and in front of everyone, only to reveal his red underwear constrasting the rest of the outfit, that is something i will never be able to forget, sadly. Hope i didn't disappoint you!" Let's be real, i could. Kinda.  But i won't be doing that for obvious reasons, i don't want even more people after my back because of this, the police is more than enough.
I sighed, pushing my chair closer to the desk and cracking my fingers so i could write something in return that didn't sound suspicious at all. "Hi Genie," i started, already struggling a little,"I really appreciate asks like this and i'm also happy to know that at least one person likes the lame things i write! :) I get all my inspiration from.." No, stop, stop. I can just go all in like that, i have to be subtle. Normal writers usually get their inspirations in a lot of differents things and ideas, if i say something like that there is a chance that it would come out weird. I think. "I get most of my inspiration in, well, superheros, of course. I read a lot of comics, books and i really like watching movies and animations with any types of heros. :)" Sent. That actually went a little better than expected. "Genie" whoever it was, sent another ask only a seconds after, i clicked on it already starting to feel anxious again. "That's so cool! I suppose you are into superheros in real life too. If so, are you fan of any of them?" Why did they had to send questions that are so hard and complicated to answer like that? The only superhero i know well enough to pretend that i am a fan of is Jeongin, you probably know him by Spark. But he also reads my blog and wouldn't let me live if i ever said i'm his fan, another thing i'm not really found of. Another superhero i'm really close with would be, well me, of course.
"Actually, i do. I'm a big fan of Starlight for some time, what about you?" I answered, my choice of words trying to be as lowkey and casual as possible, putting the right amount of weight in them. This person, whoever they were, seemed to be nosy sometimes like a shy high-schooler wanting to keep the conversation going with someone with that they liked and in a way, that was most likely the situation. They’re the only person who follows my blog for some time that i remember constantly sending me messages and checking up on me but the one thing that was different this time was that the person, my fellow readers, forgot to put the ‘anon’ option on this time, their blog url shined brightly and effortlessly on my computer screen.
This time, Genie took a while to answer, so i took that as a chance to take a look at their blog. Clicking on their url, i started scrolling down their posts. I couldn't help but cringe really hard when i started noticing that most of their posts was reblogs from fyeahscarletdevil and others fansites with cheesy compliments in the tags, they seemed to be a really big fan of the supervillain, my supervillain. The one who puts kittens in really high places where they can't come down anymore, the one who sets fire in close neighbourhoods backyards and gardens to ruin their grass and flowers they worked so hard on, the one who sets dogs out of their leashes suddenly creating an army of dogs or anything that would cause disturbance in the peace of those around him in the world. I want to say i am starting to see red out of anger but in all honesty, that would make me even more pissed. Red is his color, just like white is mine. Unclenching and relaxing my jaw, - bad habit, i know - i hadn’t even noticed Genie had answered. “Oh really? I’m a major fan of Scarlet Devil!” No shit, Sherlock. Duh. “I think he’s a great dude who fits perfectly in the whole ‘model’ supervillain concept! Especially when it comes to Starlight too! They both are made for each other and have a perfect chemistry, they would be nothing without one another like soulmates. I probably sound like a total nerd now, but thats what i think lol wbu? - Genie” They signed in the end, even though it was obvious it was them. Not only did this person ship me with my arch enemy, they were also a big giant nerd and a huge fanboy of the red devil. Rubbing my forehead, i prepared myself to write back a long and sharp reply arguing against everything they said, ready to win and probably lose one of my readers in the process. Or more than one, you never know how many creeps who are his fans are lurking on this website.
Turns out Genie, was a very cute boy called Hwang Hyunjin who lived close by the neighbourhood i lived at, he was tall and acted very shy when he wasn’t talking about things that he liked very much, such as supervillains, dancing and comics. After our argument that day about which one was better - Starlight and the one who shall not be named, we got extremely close to the point i couldn’t go one day without texting him and in some nights we’re one of us couldn’t sleep, we would call the other and talk for hours. Since today, we both had the day free, he suggested that we met in person for the first time and the weather being intensely hot and stuffy right now, we settled in the shopping, going for a walk and eating ice scream while getting to know each other more and maybe even watching a movie together. But if that’s not obvious enough already, i have a major, gigantic, mega, blast, huge, enormous crush on him. From the way he softly laughed when he talked about this new move he learned with his group of friends who danced too, from the way he asked me how my day went and actually listened to me talking about it carefully showing he actually did care, the way he blushed at every compliment i gave him. I could feel my heart beat faster with the thought of seeing his cute moles in person and of even having an opportunity to hold his hands. But, was this a date? Does he even like me back? Would he stop talking to me if he found out i am Starlight? Would he start liking me only because he found out i am Starlight? No, i should worry about all of this later. I took a deep breath in hope to calm myself down, looking at my phone. I’m not going to bring it with me this time, what if Jeongin calls me for an emergency or him being a trickster and ruining the moment? I shook my head. Y/N, you can’t think like that. As much as Nini can be a little shit sometimes, he’s still your baby brother and you need to be there for him when he gets into trouble with your uniform, fists and powers ready to help him. Grabbing my phone, i ran by the door hoping i would be able to get there in time.
I checked my phone. And then, checked again. No calls or texts from spark boy and most importantly, Hyunjin. I sighed in frustration, am i about to be stood up by my crush in our first time meeting in person? Is it bad that i’m getting ice scream before he shows up? Too many questions, calm down, ok? You’re the city’s biggest hero, you got this. - Hyunjin, Jin, Jinn-i said out loud to myself to distract from my anxiousness as i paid the lady for the ice scream but my line of thoughts were interrupted by well, another voice. A soothing voice. - Genie. Did you call me? You have three wishes. - he replied jokingly with a sweet smile in his lips and holding three fingers up. I just stared at him, amazed, not sure of what to do. It was like an angel had just spoke to me. - W-What? - he asked softly, his cheeks getting red out of embarassment. - Nothing, i just...I can’t believe you’re really here... - I trailed off while hugging him tightly. The way he hunched a bit to put his chin on my shoulder making my heart beat faster inside my chest. Get it together, Y/N. - Wait, - he stood back a little, to look at my face properly - You didn’t think i would leave you hanging, did you?    - Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that happened. Nothing personal. - i said, trying to laugh it off. - Then you’ve been going out to dates with the wrong guys. If i couldn’t come, i would’ve called you or still had came here to let you know we can’t spend the day togethe- - D-Date? - i gasped quietly but he was still able to hear, his face getting a tad more redder.  - Ye-yeah, i mean, if yo-you want to, i’m okay with that with thi-this being a date. Yeah.- he shrugged, looking down while visibly embarassed. - Yeah, i want that. It’s a date then! - i added confidently after he nodded, acting like it was no big deal for me. - Is it okay that i got ice scream without you? Sorry, it’s just that it’s so hot today, i couldn’t help myself. We can go back to the line if you want to! - No, it’s okay. Shall we? - he offered his arm which i accepted, his boyish eye smile making it even harder for me to control the butterflies in my stomach. I was falling for his charms, indeed. After a few minutes walking side by side and commenting on the things we saw on the windows of the stores, i decided i should finally take initiative. - So, what did you do today? Besides coming here, of course. - i asked with an interested smile before turning to my ice scream, the cold on my tongue seeming to help me deal with the hot weather better. God, why is it so hot today? What’s going on with the weather? - I slept really late before waking up and coming here, i almost lost track of the time. - he laughed lightly.  - Oh, same. - i replied in a flat tone. Right, cause i totally didn’t take two hours to get ready for Miss ‘I woke up like this’ right here. - Unless for the time part. Did you stay up praticing your moves? - Something physical like that, yeah. - he said, serious. - Did you stay up last night too? - Yeah, actually. - i agreed, regretting instantly. I stayed up all night because Jeongin had trouble sleeping, nightmares which made him cause a blackout in the whole neighbourhood by accident. Me, being the good older sibling, brought him to the energy station of the city and helped him bring all the power back before tucking him into bed and waiting for him to sleep again. If only had it been that easy., tsk tsk. On my way to dragging my sleepy little brother back home, i was met face to face with my arch-enemy straying through the city’s street during the night, his shameless bad-boy persona flirting with me while showing off his dark jacket and threatning to set my shoes on fire making my blood boil again. The reminder that i shot his hand for touching me, leaving a lightburn mark. My brand. - Are you okay? - My date’s voice cut me off. I shook my thoughts away, i already spend too much time thinking about that damned boy who liked setting my life on fire. Sometimes too literally. - Yeah, i just have too much on my mind, i guess. I stayed up most part of the night because my brother couldn’t sleep..I had to hold him until he fell back sleep so he wouldn’t have nightmares. - Oh, i didn’t knew you had a brother! - he looked surprised, rolling his sleeves up while guiding us to sit somewhere more reserved. - He’s not really my brother, he’s like a....consideration brother, if that makes sense. It’s complicated. - In fact, it really isn’t. I really do consider Jeongin my brother, i take care of him at any and all times especially at matters that his parents couldn’t understand, his powers. But i can’t just explain that to any normal person. - I see. I have a brother too, actually. Older. His name is Chan. - he replied brightly. Frostkiller. No. Not every Chan you know is the frosty meanie who happens to be partner with the Scarlet Devil, i’m sure there’s a lot of Chan’s all there, in the world. Far away from here. I smiled back, making him laugh lightly, his eye smile showing up again and making my heart skip beats. He had his chin propped on the palm of his hand, his eyes looking down shyly, his pink lips pressed together in a small smile. - Aren’t you hot? I mean, i feel like i’m melting here even though there’s AC here. I don’t know what’s going on today with the weather. - Oh really? I don’t feel anything, i even thought today was a bit chilly, actually. - What? - i gasped loudly, stretching to touch his forehead with the back of my hand - Are you okay? You aren’t sick, are you? - Don’t. - he stated coldly, closing his hands around my wrist to stop me, his warm fingers digging on my skin. But it was a bit too late, my fingertips touching his forehead already, i flinched taking my hand back, fearing it would burn my skin. - Hyunjin, oh my god! You’re on fire! Aren’t you with fever, shouldn’t we head to a hospita- - No. I’m okay, really. Don’t worry about me, okay? I guess i’m just that hot, pun intended. - he opened a sweet smile, winking - I’m going to buy us something to eat, sit still. - i stared at him, mouth open, still on shock. What does he even mean with ‘i’m okay’? I felt like i just had touched a heated oven or fire. Pure fire. I stared at his back, confused. I have enough experience to know something was definitely up, something not common. My area of expertise. I opened my lips, about to argue back but something caught my eye as i analised his back. Red. I got up from the table, charging at his direction with my fists closed and ready to feed him his own teeth. - What do you want- Oh! - he turned around, his face flushing and his eyes getting a bit bigger because of our proximity. - Give me your hand. - i demanded in a stern manner while stretching out my own hand. - W-What? - he gasped innocently, not affecting me now that i know he’s not so innocent anymore. I pulled on his wrist, turning and examining his forearm and instantly finding exactly what i was looking for. - What’s this? - i questioned, trying to hold back the poison on my tone. He looked down, biting his lips nervously. - Ok, you got me. I stayed up last night cause i was partying with my team colleagues and one of them was so drunk he started playing with fire and i tried helping him before things got worse but he ended setting my sleeve on fire and burning me. I didn’t tell you cause i was scared of what you would think about me, i don’t want you to have the wrong impression. - I bit the inside of cheek, thoughtful. - It doesn’t look like a fire burn though? - he gasped like a fish out of water, i didn’t care about our surroundings and if we looked like a couple arguing, i let his arm go ready to throw my second accusation at him. - What’s this the- Before i could finish and stick my hand behind his back snatch the evidence from his pocket, i was interrupted. Dance the night away, let’s dance the night away! Ooh! I sighed loudly, taking my phone out of my pocket. and turning my back to him. - This is not over yet. - Hey, Y/N. Could you- the voice in the other side of the line said quickly but i cut him off. - No. I’m in the middle of a date as we are speaking, ok? I told you that earlier! I really like this guy and something sketchy came up, i can’t do my light thing right now. - i whispered the last part. -Bu-But, Y/N! - Here we go, the whining - I’m about to have my ass frostbitten! You need to help me! I’m your brother! Are you really just gonna leave your little brother freezing here? - Jeongin whined loudly, hissing noises echoing in the background. I flinched, already picturing the mess on the street with tall buildings half-frozen and snow covering the sidewalks and cars. - Is the grumpy old dude there? - Yes! And very much gladly, Scarlet Devil isn’t here yet. Lucky you. - Can’t you just tell him to calm down? I’m sure he won’t hurt you if you do that, he loves you just as much as he loves his penguins on North Pole. - Very funny, ha. Just come here, you firefly. - Fine! Let me make up an excuse then. - Thank you, Y/N! - he replied in a singing voice. - You own me a pizza. - i said flatly before hanging up. Turning around, my date boy scratched his neck, his cheeks visibly red and hyperventilating. He looked like he would melt away at any moment out of embarassment. - I gotta go. - Yeah, me too. My room mate texted me and he needs help with the, hm, - he coughed before continuing - Caking a bake,i-i mea-an, Baking a cake, yeah.. - Sure. - i nodded at him briefly and in an awkward way before leaving. - Bye. - Wait! - He reached for my arm - I can still text you, right? - he questioned shyly. - Not if you’re gonna keep lying like this to me, Hyunjin. - i see. - he nodded back after giving me a hurt puppy look and letting of of my arm. I felt my heart clench at the sight, i just wanted to hug him and give him a chance to explain himself but i needed to talk with someone first. I gave him a weak smile before going my way, knowing i had broken his heart. Maybe Changbin was right, i had a bad taste on guys.
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yeosanqtuary · 4 years
with u - pt. 10
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☆ - list of chapters
☆ - all content are fictional.
what have i done???
seeing that both san and wooyoung had already stood up, the class greeted the teacher under his cue. after the class sat down, some curious students turned around to snicker at them or eye them weirdly. san was trying to dismiss them by glaring at them. he didn’t want wooyoung to feel more embarrassment than he had already caused him. he felt like this was all his fault, if he didn’t keep staring at him then this wouldn’t happen. 
it’s not your fault, san. don’t dwell on it.
san looked to his left to see that yeosang was sitting beside him all along. wait, was he even supposed to be in this class?
yes i am, idiot.
oh. san looked to his right to glance at wooyoung, who was attentively listening to the teacher ramble on and on about the importance of completing homework on time. 
wooyoung’s expression was... quite normal. he was still exuding the same amount of attractiveness even when he wasn’t doing anything. san’s face flushed again and he turned away quickly, afraid that he’d make wooyoung feel uncomfortable again. 
“you seem to be staring at me a lot today. what’s on my face?” wooyoung mumbled, but it was still loud enough for san to hear him. 
he turned his head to face wooyoung, propped up his chin and smirked. “oh, it’s just... i had to appreciate beauty,” san almost wanted to wink, but... that’d be too weird... right?
“shut up, san,” wooyoung gently hit his forearm, covering his smile with his palm and pretended to be taking notes. san smiled at his reaction and sighed. damn, he’s really attractive??
lunch period came by really quickly. like always, san went down to the cafeteria with yunho after math class, but with yeosang tagging along this time. they discussed about various useless topics like, who farted in class, did yunho do his homework, did san close the lights after leaving his room. they bumped into mingi on the way to the cafeteria and started to discuss even more useless topics like the weird dorks they were. 
they were all munching down on their meals after queuing for a while. today’s menu was chicken teriyaki and ebi fry bento sided with chawanmushi, an all-time favourite. 
their table was quite peaceful aside from a few words that were exchanged among the boys, until a group of four loud, popular girls from the last class settled down on the table next to them, placing their trays down noisily and rudely. 
“hey hey, nana! what did you think of wooyoung today?” the girl who sat at the furthest end of the table asked immediately when they sat down, seemingly winking at the girl who sat opposite of her. said girl was wearing a pair of round glasses and giggled, “oh, wooyoung? he looked extra hot today,” she gushed and continued to giggle. she even added on a few sentences with her shrill voice about how attractive he is, not even bothering to stop and take a breath. like, calm down girl, we get it. 
san was rolled his eyes at the scene, thinking about how stupid ‘nana’ looked while talking about wooyoung. he felt like she was purposely speaking about him loudly so that she could attract other’s attention or something. what a fool. 
“omg, i’m in the same history class as him and you wouldn’t believe what i saw today!!” another girl with light makeup in squealed, motioning for the girls to come closer to her so she could ‘whisper’ to them. 
“when mr. yoo came in to greet us, wooyoung was sleeping on the table and this guy was staring at him while he slept!!!!” she did a demonstration of the scene and san couldn’t help but fume. 
“omg! is he maybe... a gay?”
the discussion was interrupted by a fuming san, who had slammed his fork on the table. he looked up at the girls slowly and opened his mouth as if to say something, but his face changed and a moan escaped his throat. he clutched onto his chest and doubled over in pain. 
“san! hey! what’s wrong?” yunho and mingi were immediately alarmed as they saw the scene unfold. mingi rushed over to san’s side to help yunho hold him up so  they could go to the nurse’s office, but yeosang stopped them. it seemed like a certain wooyoung was sitting at a table a stone’s throw’s away from them. he smiled, patting yunho’s shoulder as he stood up to go fetch him over. “i’ll be right back,”
“hey, what do you mean? kang!” yunho called out after yeosang’s vanishing figure, but had soon reappeared, along with another figure. 
“woo... young?” mingi mumbled in confusion, looking at wooyoung with an eyevrow raised. 
“ahhh!!! it’s wooyoung!! hey, nana, it’s wooyoung!” the group of girls started to squeal in excitement, attracting a bunch of attention from other nearby students. 
wooyoung ignored the other students and immediately set his eyes on san, who was still holding onto his chest. a wave of sadness flashed through his eyes as he thought that it must be his soulmate pain and was kinda sad over the thought that they won’t be able to hang out as much after he finds his soulmate. but... why would yeosang call him over anyways???
“san! i’m here!” wooyoung dismissed his thoughts as he remembered the situation at hand. san was still in pain! wooyoung stretched his arm out and patted san’s shoulder, to which san raised his head up almost immediately. his face heated up, breathing heavily. his eyelids were heavy as he took ahold of wooyoung’s hand that was placed on his shoulder. he looked straight into his confused eyes and calmed himself down.
wooyoung felt like the whole world had stopped. the background of the canteen had turned into a wide grassfield. in front of his was san, who was slooking into his eyes with a softer look. the fresh, gentle breeze had replaced the dirty, cafeteria smell and the sound of leaves rustling as the wind blew was a much pleasant thing to hear than the students’ noisy chatter.
“wooyoung-ah. i’ve found you. from today onward, you’re my soulmate,”
san had collapsed on the grass, pulling wooyoung together with him. wooyoung giggled as his head came in contact with the soft grass. it was pure bliss, to have someone tell you that. he wished he wasn’t dreaming at all, he wished that this would really happen in real life, with someone as kind and gentle as san. he would really like it if it happened...
“wooyoung! jung! woo! young!”
he was shaken back to reality and was meet with a pair of grinning eyes. 
“are you okay? did i scare you?” san had stood up and patted his head. 
wooyoung looked around and all he saw was the cafeteria and a group of students looking at them. 
where was the field of grass? where was the fresh air? where was the gentle breeze?
“um, san... are you sure? you might just be acting on impulse. are you sure about your feelings?” mingi asked after observing wooyoung’s confused actions. 
“i’m sure, mingi. i’m sure about this. i’m not wrong. i feel it,” san replied, looking over at mingi with a determined look. “i’m also... happy,”
yeosang watched the entire scene with his arms crossed, sitting down on his seat looking like a proud dad. he had completed half of his job. what an achievement!
meanwhile, wooyoung was as confused as ever. 
“w-what do you mean? what just happened?” wooyoung timidly asked and took a few steps back. san was too close! and that little daydream he had just now... just made things awkward!
san sighed and patted wooyoung’s head again. “i’m sorry for disturbing your lunch. let’s talk after school,”
was he rejected? he didn’t seem to show any emotion earlier. could it be that he was wrong? but that strong desire... that sudden spark that lighted. he can’t be wrong!
yunho watched as wooyoung nodded and returned to his table, while san looked at his figure with longing. he patted his back, rubbing it soothingly. “it’s alright, san. just talk it out with him after school. maybe he’d understand,”
“yeah. don’t fight though,” mingi added. the commotion had died down and everything went back to normal. the boys continued eating their bento, while san didn’t even have the appetite to look at it.
i was rejected, right? i was totally rejected. san had started a conversation with yeosang, who was just quietly observing everything. 
good luck, choi san. talk to him properly after school.
even you’re telling me things like that... can you at least look into the future and tell me what he thinks? or read his mind?
nope. i can’t look into the future. i can only read your thoughts. i suggest you obediently wait til you get home, then have a proper conversation with him.
san sighed, picking up his fork to play with his food. let’s just hope things will go on smoothly...
next ->
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novantinuum · 6 years
jen’s doctor who s11 review
On the whole!
I really enjoyed series 11 for its nice change in pace and especially the relationship built up between Graham and Ryan. I really liked how many of the episodes were lighter and kinda more adventure-y in nature than in past, instead of constant “the world is gonna end” danger. Like I love those kinds of episodes, believe me, but the lighter tone is very welcomed after many series of heart wrenching angst ahahahah! 
I loved how they handled the historical episodes this series, and really dug into the truth of human condition within those time periods, and took risks there. I actually learned a lot about the time periods they visited- for example, I never really heard much about the Pakistan partition in school. 
Thirteen is precious and I want to hug her. She’s so full of hope and that makes me so happy! :DDD I love how she’s a sciency tinkerer and likes cobbling stuff together out of whatever loose ends she can find. I’m still waiting for her to snap, though- maybe that’s just me as an angst lord talking, but I want to see her super super angry. The scene in The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos with her sternly disagreeing with Graham was very good though. But anyways, I love her positivity and her quirky alien charm, and her character feels like a natural progression of where the Doctor left off at the end of Twice Upon a Time. The Doctor has gone through a lot of healing since the Time War, a lot of self reflection and forgiving themself, and Thirteen is absolutely a product of that and it shows. It’s so nice to see them back on their feet, unshackled by that guilt finally, just wandering about the universe like they always did. 
Yasmin is so sweet and so loyal, and h o h boy if there’s anyone I can see sticking with the Doctor until the bitter end out of this crew it’s her. (*nervous laughter*) Out of all the crew she’s the one who’s had the least development though, so I’m looking forward to seeing where she goes as a character moving forward. Also, I hope we see her family more, I like them! Maybe in the New Years special, we’ll see. I’ve absolutely hit the “ADOPT KID” button on Ryan, the more I think about him the more I love him- just, all this time he’s been looking for belonging, for people who aren’t gonna leave him behind like his dad, and he had that with his nan Grace- but he didn’t know if Graham was gonna be the same or if he was only there for him bc of association with Grace. But now through all these adventures through space and time he has absolute proof that Graham will be there for him, and so he’s made the conscious decision to make Graham his family. And Graham, hhh... his grieving throughout the series, while not acting as a shadow on it, was always woven through and it’s nice to see both him and Ryan actually make peace with things through seeing Tim Shaw again and giving him his humble pie. 
In the end when it comes to this series, I love the strong found family vibes it gives. Graham and Ryan and Yaz, they all knew each other in some way before, but they didn’t truly know each other. And through being thrown together with the Doctor, entering her wild adventurous life, they got to grow closer as friends, but more importantly, as a family. The whole series the Doctor was looking for a word to describe her little ragtag group, and she wasn’t exactly sure if “fam” was the right one, but in the end it’s what she settles on because this has become a family. 
Now, what I’m hoping to see more of in the future! 
1) I’d love to see more extended domestic-y TARDIS scenes! We’ve got a lot of pre/post endcap TARDIS scenes, but I’d love to see more small little convos between characters on the way to their destinations, in between, etc. For as long as these episodes were I feel like so much time was spent providing exposition and story for the plot, but I’d love to see more fun nonsense. More glimpses at what they get up to in between, if that makes any sense. (As an example of what I mean, we got a bit of this in The Tsuranga Conundrum, at the very beginning when they were just poking about a junkyard planet, and I quite liked that.)
2) As the characters keep developing I’d love to see more conflict arise between them to test their friendships. We saw some good moments of this with the Doctor telling Ryan to stay behind with Hanne in It Takes You Away after he made a kinda narrow-minded comment about her disability, and when the Doctor flat out told Graham that if he killed Tim Shaw he wouldn’t be traveling with her anymore in the finale. I’d love to see more of this.
3) This may just be because I’m really queer, but I want the Doctor to snap and yell and get really angry at something. That’s the ONE thing that felt entirely missing from this series. In the end I get the sense that this Doctor has a far greater reign on her emotions and self because she’s healed quite a bit, but I still know she’s capable of that righteous anger and I’d love to see Jodie show off her full range with a scene like that.
4) We’ll probably get this in the New Years special, but I’m super anticipating Thirteen facing the Daleks. This is a quintessential thing for every Doctor, in my opinion, and I can’t wait for when they (hopefully!) eventually do that.
5) More of a plot arc. I definitely know the lack of a tight plot arc was because they wanted it to be more accessible for people to just tune in and watch without context,, as they’re gaining some new fans, but I hope that there’s more of a return to an ongoing series plot arc with this next series since everything’s been established. I personally really like those, because I get to be a plot arc detective! I will say that I’m very pleased that Tim Shaw was brought back for the finale, though- that acted as a very nice bookend and helped tie up all the emotional threads.
6) Also not exactly anything I can fault this series for, because I can tell one of the points/themes of it was “not everything is what it seems on the surface” and “sometimes the real monsters,,, are humanity” and I very much respect that, but I do wanna see some more just... alien baddies who ARE baddies and not misunderstood. Listen,, I’m a simple minded person. Love me some monsters! 
My rankings! 
For context, I’m generally very easy with my ratings. I’m not rating them on how critically perfect they are as plots or anything, this is purely based on how much I enjoyed them. I’ve only actually rated nine episodes of Doctor Who 2005-present with scores of 6 or below.
10- Absolutely SUPERB  9- Excellent! 8- Great! 7- Good 6- Okay
1) Demons of the Punjab    (10) This ep made me cry more than any episode of Doctor Who has in a very long time. Incredibly poignant, stunning music and cinematography. Taught me a whole lot I never knew about the partition and how it affected everyday people. I liked how the Doctor assumed the whole time that these aliens were  A good Yaz centric ep, too. It ranks 7th in my list of all-time favorites.  
2) It Takes You Away   (9.5) Wowee, another very poignant one! Some FANTASTIC acting from Jodie in this ep, and a very trippy concept with the sentient universe. Loved getting to see each companion getting a good role to play. ALSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I STAN THAT FROG??? AND THE DOCTOR SEDUCING AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE???? B R U H. Hanne’s actress did a wonderful job too! 
3) Kerblam!   (9) What a heckin fun episode! This one will definitely become one of my comfort eps, I can already tell. The secondary characters were all lovely, and the bots were delightfully unsettling too! I spent the whole thing going “wow I totally experienced this working at Amazon” and I thought that was pretty funny. Also, I might highlight all the wonderful Graham snark we got in this one. 
4) Rosa    (9) Gahhh this was a hard one to watch, but very truthful in its depiction of the time period, and a lovely tribute to an incredibly courageous woman. Shout out to how the ep forced Graham to recognize and accept his white privilege (and the Doctor too for that matter), the scene with Ryan and Yaz discussing racism they’ve had to endure, and also for the scene with the Doctor making jokes about Banksy. That made me laugh. “Banksy doesn’t have one of these! Or do I?”
5) The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos    (9) I was VERY glad to see Tim Shaw return for some finished business, and how it allowed Graham and Ryan to finally get a bit of peace for what happened to Grace because of him. This was a solid ep, with some SOLID character moments between Graham and the Doctor and Graham and Ryan. The Ux were interesting, too.
6) The Woman Who Fell to Earth    (8.5) Solid, fun episode. It wastes no time in setting up who Thirteen will be. Still one of my favorite scenes in this whole series so far is when she builds her own sonic screwdriver- GOD the music there is so damn iconic. And gahhh I love Grace so much. How dare they make me love a character so much and then let her die? Rude. That’s homophobia. XD
7) The Witchfinders   (8.5) The Doctor gets dunked in water and has soaked hair. Dare I say more? No, but I was glad to see an ep with an alien danger that actually IS an alien danger that seeks to destroy and conquer, I always love those- and this one, with weird sentient mud that can fill corpses, was delightfully grim. Willow was a great secondary character, too- loved her especially. 8) The Ghost Monument   (8) Okay so I really loved how slice-of-life this episode was? We actually got to know our secondary characters Angstrom and Epzo and I appreciated that. The bit with the Doctor thinking the TARDIS was gone forever at the end... hhhhhhng... that was such a good scene. You could just see the hope drained from her face, and then to see it all rush back as she finally found her?? W o w I’m so emo, y’all ;D;
9) The Tsuranga Conundrum  (7) So I enjoyed this one, but there were some kinda oddly phrased bits of dialogue in it that marks it down for me. The Pting is a delightfully weird and cursed creature, 10/10, would yeet out of a spacecraft. I already mentioned this, but I LOVE the scene in the junkyard and how slice-of-life it was. I also appreciate how someone called out the Doctor on being selfish during this. 10) Arachnids in the UK   (6.5) So this episode was riding right on the edge of “ehh” for me, but it still has some great moments in it, with the Doctor awkwardly interacting with Yasmin’s family and all those heckin spiders bee-boppin down the hallways to the tune of rap music. XD I can’t exactly pick out why it was an “eh” for me, but it just didn’t click. Maybe I was just hoping it’d be an alien thing and was kinda left wanting with the way the episode felt kinda... unfinished. Like, there’s still a bunch of giant spiders? They didn’t solve that. They just- trapped them and left. I dunno I was left wanting with this ep.
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Saihara whose S/O is the Ultimate Beauty Guru
it’s under the cut. not because it’s nsfw but because it’s SO LONG i’m SO SORRY
-Mod Otome
•You'd always loved beautiful things. You loved to make the world around you prettier, and your passion extended to the people around you, too. Things got a little out of hand, at some point… but at the end of it all you became the Ultimate Beauty Guru.
•You met Saihara during his class' cultural festival, where a bad lottery draw on his part led to his classmates asking you to use your expertise to turn Saihara into… a beautiful, and charming maid, to walk around and advertise the cafe.
•"W-wait!" he objected immediately. "Shouldn't we have a girl do this instead?"
•"Yeah, but we can make it work." "No takebacks!" "Do your best! (lol)" were among the responses he received to this. Saihara realized that if he were to object any further he'd just cause trouble.
•But he still…!
•On the day of the festival he still showed up to the classroom used for costume prep, looking like he'd wanted to be swallowed up by the ground beneath him.
•You'd only heard you were going to help costume a maid, and given said maid's measurements, but… anyway, you ask him if he's okay. "Did your class send you to help me, maybe?"
•"U-um, no, I'm the… you know. Ugh." He admitted it, even though he was unable to say it outright.
•You understood immediately, and felt even *more* sorry for the guy. Doubly so; you really didn't like the idea of forcing someone to wear stuff they really didn't want to.
•Out of habit, you give him a once-over. He's kind of slender, for a boy. His face is really pretty, too. You wonder what it'd be like to put eyeliner on him… wait, focus. Focus.
•"Oh!" But you have an idea. "I can't, uh, help your situation, but… if it makes you feel any better, I can help you pick out a nice--regular--outfit after all this is over."
•Saihara mulled it over. Certainly, you were the Ultimate Beauty Guru, but...
"I-I'm kinda not the type to care about what I'm wearing? Bar today, I mean."
•He picks at the brim of his beat-up baseball cap, and continues. "It's usually just jeans and a shirt for me…" he feels pretty embarrassed--not quite shameful, but almost--admitting this to you of all people.
•"Oh, this feels kinda like telling a sous chef you prefer fast-food takeout," he thought to himself.
•So why did he say that.
•Why in the world did he say all that???
•To your shock, his knees suddenly give out under the pressure of his social anxiety.
• "Is everything alright?!" You kneel to talk to him face level from where he's sunken onto the floor, telling him why you suggested it and that it's okay if he doesn't want it.
•The reassuring smile on your face makes him feel some way.
•He sits up properly. "I-I'm sorry again. You were just trying to help me… maybe it would be nice to, um, dress up. Not as a maid, I mean!" He blushes, and quickly corrects himself. "In a nice casual outfit, like, um… like you said."
•"There's absolutely no way you'll enjoy the maid thing?" you ask.
•He mutters; idly touching the back of his neck under his collar. "No, sorry. B-but I'll still do it. And, um, if it's still okay with you, I'd like to… take you up on your offer from before."
•"Yeah, of course! I'd love to." You stand, holding your hand out to help do the same. "I'm Y/N."
•"Right… glad we could strike a deal." he takes it, and lets you help him up. "--I mean, um… thank you. My name is Shuichi Saihara."
•The reason you wanted to meet up with who you were costuming was so you could take requests regarding the maid costume. Despite Saihara's reluctance, you show him the sketches you drafted up. "Is there anything you want to look like in particular?" You ask.
•"I want to look like a guy," is what Saihara thinks of (and decides against) saying. For the rest of the afternoon, he and you work together to make it so that his costume minimises the inevitable embarrassment.
•"How is… around here, for the length of your skirt?" You gesture to the area above his knees.
A cold and fearful shiver runs down his spine. "Lower... seriously, lower than that, please."
"Haha, okay." With your tape measure, you begin a slow descent down the length of his leg. "Let me know when the end of the tape is low enough."
Your hand, and the tape measure descends to the area below his knee. You notice the grimace on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, thank you. Lower, if that's okay."
You nod, and the tape descends. You reach the calf. Then the mid-calf. Then his… ankles.
You stare up at Saihara, who is looking at the measuring tape like it was used to strangle his mother.
"You want it to cover most of your legs, right." you say, looking up at him.
He nods and mutters a "thank you."
•Saihara sorts out the rest of the details surrounding his outfit with just a tiny bit more energy. He still doesn't want to be a maid, but you're making the process almost... pleasant for him. He can almost relax around you.
•It's… kinda nice, just sitting there and talking together with you. Peaceful.
•But he flushes, realising how *romantic* he sounds, and how he's thinking way too much of it probably--he tears himself away from that line of thought. You'd just met, after all.
•Over the next week and a half, though, you do see each other - just in passing, as Saihara learns how to be a maid and how to go about his tasks during the festival, and as you flitter back and forth between your classroom and his, while you cooperate with Tsumugi to make his clothes and plan his look.
•The next time you *really* see him is on the day of the festival. Your class is doing a drink stand - nothing much for you to help with there - so you're in Saihara's class, doing the maids' makeup. Saihara sits in your chair after all the girls have gone.
•His hands seem to be shaking a little as trades his baseball cap for a frilly hairband, but you decide not to ask just yet.
•With great satisfaction in your heart, you put on some of that eyeliner you were thinking about when you met him.
"Now for the lipstick."
"Li- huh?" The young man blanches in reply.
"Just kidding, nah."
He then breathes an audible sigh of relief.
"I do have to use some lip tint instead, though… this'll be easier to clean up later. I'm going to apply it now, okay?"
•You show him the tint, first testing it on his arm. He inspects the color of it--it's not something he'd wear in his own, but it doesn't seem too gaudy or anything, thankfully.
•"Did you… pick this specifically for me?" He asks, eyes trained on the texture of it. It really *does* look easy to just wash off.
"Yeah." You nod, dipping the applicator back into the bottle. "I figured you'd want to have as little makeup as possible--or something like that, so I picked light stuff." You carefully place your hand on his cheek, turning his head so he faces you.
•He appreciates your consideration, but… your fingers feel awfully soft. He isn't used to contact like this, either… Saihara can only hope he isn't blushing. He feels embarrassed that he might be to begin with. You apply the tint to his lips.
•When you're finished, Saihara takes a good moment to stare at himself in the mirror. It's… still *really* weird, yeah, but he thinks to himself, "Y/N did… a pretty good job." He resists the urge to touch his face.
•As he stands up from his seat, you stand back to get a better look at him. He insisted, until the very end, on a maid uniform with a long skirt.
•He fits in the role scarily well. The features of his face take a more feminine tone, too, thanks to your handiwork. And his grumbling is minimal throughout the whole day, too!
•(He's still sulking in the corner a little at the end of the day, but when you ask him about his plans for that weekend, he seems to relax a bit as he replies that he's free.)
•You spend the following afternoon at the mall, hoping you aren't forcing Saihara into these outfits.
•This concern spills out your lips. "Huh? No no no, it's okay," he replies, snapping up to look at you instead of the drink he'd been nursing while the two of you sat to rest.
"Are you sure? I mean…" You'd been having so much fun putting clothes and accessories together for him that you wonder if you'd been overwhelming the boy.
"To be honest, I don't think I look like anything special," he admits. "and admittedly I wasn't too excited at first. But, um…"
You realise, suddenly, that he's blushing a little. He's *bashful.* You think you might be staring.
"I… this has been really fun, hanging out with you." He thumbs the tab on the top of his can of soda. "Thanks for inviting me."
You immediately want to invite him out again. Maybe twice or a hundred and five times more.
"No problem," is what you say--"I'm having fun too, so… thank you for coming along!" --unable to stop the smile on your face.
It's cheesy, he thinks, to think that your smile just then looked bright. But it kinda did. It felt bright, too.
Saihara takes a last swig of his drink, and before you can protest, he quietly picks your shopping bags up to carry for you.
•In the end, he buys an outfit, and, with embarrassment on his part, a bit of the eyeliner you used on him during the festival.
"You liked the look of it didn't you?"
"…yeah," he mutters. "It did look kinda nice, I guess."
"Do you want me to teach you how to apply it?" You peek under the bill of his cap.
"Y-Yes, please."
He's still carrying the bags, and only hands them to you as he sees you to the front door of your house.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school, Saihara-kun."
"Ah-- yeah! Yeah. See you tomorrow."
•The next day he shyly approaches you at lunch.
•The next weekend you invite him to your house so you can teach him to use the eyeliner. Flustered and determined not to overstep your boundaries, he insists on keeping to the living room.
•At your request he gives you the eyeliner he'd bought with you. You apply a bit of it in the style you used for the maid cafe, and a few other ways you think would look nice on him.
•Saihara is maybe, definitely overtoverthinking about how soft your palms feel on his skin--
He stops and calms himself, yet again, and chooses to focus on your technique.
•The young man has to admit that despite his lack of knowledge of makeup, your work still feels very  impressive to him.
•Sometimes he'll let you try new techniques if you want to do so on him, or let you gush about things even though he understands.
•Eventually, he realises that he just likes seeing you happy.
•He does feel a little like you might be out of his league, but before he can really beat himself up over it,
•He blurts out that he likes you, one day while you're eating lunch together at school, and his face blooms into full red.
•Saihara's babbling, and stuttering while he babbles, trying to justify himself-- to backpedal, to somehow take it back--
•When you, kindly containing your laughter--he really can be too cute--tell him you like him too.
•Eventually he gets used to spur-of-the moment makeovers when you want to try new things on a face you love, or days you just feel like dressing up, when he'll feel like letting you dress him up for a change too.
•You learn to love the taste of the tea he likes; the same tea he shyly brings in a thermos to share with you, every other afternoon.
"Do you make this yourself?" You ask him one day. "The tea, I mean."
He sets the thermos down after pouring into his own cup. "No, actually. This is… sort of embarrassing, so give me a minute."
You take a sip, letting the warm and slightly-sweet taste spread from your throat to your chest, waiting for him to continue.
He does, hands tracing the rim of his cup. "I don't put the tea leaves together myself or anything, but I read a scene like this--where the, uh, main character shares tea with the love interest in their office and everything--in a book I really liked."
"So I…" Saihara brings the cup to his lips. "…y'know, thought it would be. Nice."
The next time you're at his house, he lends the book to you.
•Despite how far away the realms of your hobbies and interests may be, you love him very much, and he loves you just as much in return.
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911 / mr. lonely - peter parker x reader
fandom: the avengers/peter parker
word count: 1335
character pairing: tom holland’s peter parker x reader
warnings: none ion think
prompt: Hey dude I read that cuddling helps you sleep better, you wanna try it out? (taken from this prompt list)
notes: i watched spider-man yesterday and i busted a fat nut bc it was everything i expected and more. the fucking rubble scene fucked me up so bad omg. tom holland has been, is and always WILL be my unproblematic fave. anyways enjoy i’ve been gone for like a week. (again, gif isn’t mine. idk whose it is. props 2 them n stuff. u guys rock) UHHHHH ALSO i wrote these all in microsoft word instead of wattpad (lmao) so everything is capitalized now???? weird. 
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Hey dude I read that cuddling helps you sleep better, you wanna try it out?
Sleep has never been a close friend of yours.
You often lay awake at night, staring at your ceiling until sun shone through your windows, and you were forced to get out of bed and start your day. Of course, the rest of the team wasn’t aware of your sleeping habits, until one day, you collapsed during training before even getting hit.
“I’m worried about you, kid,” Tony explained, sliding you a cup of coffee. “you might be a superhero, but you need sleep just as much as the rest of the world.” You raised an eyebrow as you took a sip of the bitter drink.
“I could say the same to you,” you drawled, placing your mug on it’s coaster. “I’m not sure what exactly it is you expect me to do, Tony. Try sleeping? Trust me, I’ve tried. I just… can’t.”
“Maybe you need a cuddle buddy,” Tony joked, placing his cup in the sink and leaning against the counter. “if you’re ever down for a bit of a cuddle, you know where to find me.”
“No thanks, old man,” you grinned at his glare. “I think what I need is a drug to knock me out for 8 hours.” Due to your enhancement, there was no over-the-counter drug that could bring you the sleep you desperately needed.
Tony snorted. “A horse tranquilizer, you mean?” you felt a lot better after flipping the bird to his back.
That night, you were preparing for another sleepless 8 hours when a knock on the door made you get out of bed earlier than you expected.
“Peter?” the last person you expected at your door was Peter Parker, yet there he was, standing in his pyjamas with a pillow in his hands. “What are you doing here? Is everything alright?”
He nodded quickly, and you caught the way his fingers tapped against his thighs nervously. “Yeah, yeah, everything’s cool,” he said easily. “Um, Mr. Stark mentioned that you’ve been having trouble sleeping?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “He did?” Peter only nodded in response. “Well, I hope you’re here with a couple of lines of ketamine, because that’s probably my only cure at this point.” You laughed when Peter’s eyes widened. “I’m kidding. Relax. Come in.” He walked in, allowing you to close the door behind him. You walked ahead of him, taking a seat at the edge of your bed. “So what’s up?”
Peter cleared his throat, and took a seat next to you, holding his pillow to his chest. “Well, I read that cuddling helps you sleep better. Wanna try it out?” Your jaw dropped, and Peter began to panic. “W-Well- Uh, I only meant- Like, you know what? I’m just gonna-.”
“Wait!” you grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving, pulling him back. “wait, uh. I think that might work, actually.” Truthfully, you had no faith in this plan and wherever Peter read this, was probably not a reliable source. But Peter was hot and you’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t have the slightest of crushes on him.
Peter looked hopeful. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you shrugged and took his pillow from him. “wouldn’t hurt to try, right?” Peter’s heart was racing as he nodded, watching you place his pillow next to yours and climb into bed. “You coming?”
“H-Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, of course,” he said, walking over to the opposite side of the bed and climbing under the covers. He turned onto his side to face you, raising an eyebrow at your stiff figure. “Is this your first time cuddling someone?” You nodded bashfully, and he grinned. “Well, come closer, first of all.”
You shuffled closer to him, swallowing thickly. “Like this?”
He covered up his laughter with a cough, reaching over to take your hand. “Is this okay?” he asked, looping an arm over your waist and tugging your body closer to his, chests pressed together. He waited for you to nod and curl your hands up on his chest before continuing. “Relax,” he said, one of his hands coming up to brush the wisps of hair away from your face. “you know I’m not gonna hurt you.”
That wasn’t your issue. You knew Peter would never hurt you; he was too gentle of a soul for that. But you weren’t kidding when you told Peter this was your first time cuddling. You didn’t know how to do this- what if you messed up? Could you mess up? You weren’t sure how these things worked.
“I know,” you said quietly, feeling yourself relax against Peter’s body. “this is just-,”
“New?” He guessed. You nodded. “Don’t worry. Cuddling comes naturally. You’ll get it.”
And eventually, you did. You weren’t sure how long the two of you were lying there, just talking, but eventually, you’d stopped, feeling yourself become less and less cognitive and sleepier. This was a new sensation to you, seeing as you were actually ready to fall asleep before 7:00am. You remember pushing your face into the crook where Peter’s shoulder and neck met, letting out a content sigh. That’s how you fell asleep, you think, with Peter’s hand splayed across your back, breathing quietly into your hair.
So of course, you woke up half on top of him, one of your legs slotted between his. Peter had an arm around your waist, holding you steady atop of him. One of your arms was crossed over his chest, your thumb pressed to his cheek. This was the most peaceful state you’d been in, in a long time.
“Holy shit, he did it!”
Peter cracked open a bleary eye to see four of the earth’s mightiest heroes peaking their head through your bedroom door, which was hardly cracked open. His eyes shot open once he realized the position the two of you were in, glancing down at your sleeping body then back up at Tony, who had his eyes narrowed and teeth gritted.
“Fuck, he’s awake.”
“Hands to yourself, Parker.”
Sorry, Mr. Stark! Peter mouthed as you somehow managed to move closer onto Peter, nose brushing his neck. He remained helpless as you breathed slowly, obviously still asleep- so he thought.
“Are you guys seriously spying on them?” Peter could detect Steve’s voice and silently thanked the heavens for his sudden appearance. “Come on, let the kids sleep. They deserve it.” As Steve escorted everyone away, and re-closed the bedroom door, Peter relaxed, squeezing you lightly and resting his cheek on top of your head. He knew there was no way he was going to get back to sleep, but he was willing to lay there and hold you until you woke up, if that’s what you needed.
“Are they gone?” you hummed, your voice still scratchy from sleep. You stretched, arching your back as you yawned. “God, that was an invasion of privacy. Sorry for this, by the way. I’m kinda all over you.”
“I don’t- I don’t mind,” Peter stuttered, suddenly very aware of all the ways your body pressed against his. “Really. I’m glad you found a way to sleep.”
You propped yourself up on your elbow, staring down at Peter with a sort of fondness you couldn’t identify. He looked really good, for someone who just woke up. His hair was a fluffy mess that stuck up instead of combed to the side, and you couldn’t deny that he suited it. And you never really cared for brown eyes until you saw them on Peter’s face.
“Thanks, Parker,” you said, leaning down to press your lips to his cheek. “I appreciate it.” You rolled out of bed, and you could feel Peter’s eyes on you as you stretched. Holding back your laughter, you made your way to your washroom. “I’ll see you around.”
“Y-Yeah, no problem! Anytime,” he stuttered, watching the bathroom door close behind you. He touched his hand to his cheek, and grinned. “anytime.”
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cutepresea · 4 years
6-7 Innocent Sister: A Charming Guest
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Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "How are you holding up, Kiri-chan?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Super! I took a pretty big hit from Nephilim, but I'm feeling better now. How about you, Shirabe?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I'm also doing well. I'm glad I came to warm up this morning."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Wanna keep going?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Sure. Let's keep going until noon."
Kirika Akatsuki: "If we keep this up, we'll be able to take on anything! Arrows, guns, complete relics... Even the Commander!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I'm not so sure about the Commander..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Anyways, let's hurry up and get stronger!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Yes, and we'll do it together!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Just a little more! Hyaaah!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Nephilim ain't no match for us!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Let's work together and finish this off!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Yaaah!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Hyaaah!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "...Phew. Our killer moves just keep getting better and better."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Let's take a little break."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "I'll get us something to drink, then."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Huh? The training room door is open."
Serena: "Where am I?"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "......"
Kirika Akatsuki: "......"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Wh-Wh-Wh-Whaaat?! D-Did you just see who was passing through the corridor?!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "So you saw her, too... I thought I was just seeing things... But that was Serena, wasn't it?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "No way... We gotta go check!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Sh-She's gone!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Is this some sort of shared hallucination?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "D-Don't tell me... Was it a ghost?!"
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Serena: "She's not here, either."
Serena: (This kind of looks like the medical room. It's totally different from mine. I wonder if Sis ever uses it.)
Serena: (Is that the cafeteria? Ah, I hope we can sit down and eat lunch together someday.)
Serena: (I guess all this equipment means that there are a lot of wielders in this facility. There are so many rooms.)
Serena: (Now, back to finding Sis.)
Elfnein: "Yawn... Now then..."
Serena: "Hello there."
Elfnein: "O-Oh... Hello? Um..."
Serena: "I'm looking for my older sister. I'm in quite a hurry, so umm, I'll see you later."
Elfnein: "Older sister? Who is she related to?"
Elfnein: "Wait, how did she even get here?"
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Aoi Tomosato: "Noise patterns detected!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "Calculating location... They're near an urban center! I'll start the evacuation right away!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "I know you girls just got back, but urban areas require an immediate response. Can you handle it?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Of course!"
Maria: "How courteous of them. The Noise really didn't need to go this far to welcome us back."
Chris Yukine: "Oh, so they tagged along with you guys? Ha! They must've missed ya, huh?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "A Noise is the last thing I'd want missing me..."
Elfnein: "Judging by the signals, I would assume that they came here via Gjallarhorn."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Doesn't change the fact that they're here. Intercept them at once!"
Hibiki Tachibana: "Yes, Master!"
Serena: "Oooh, is this... Wow, this room's huge!"
Maria: "Serena?!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "So we weren't seeing things..."
Kirika Akatsuki: "It's a gh-gh-gh-gh-gh-ghost!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Lord have mercy on her soul... Let her rest in peace!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Kiri-chan, look. She's got legs. What would a ghost needs legs for?" [1]
Kirika Akatsuki: "W-Wait... Then that means--"
Hibiki Tachibana: "What are you doing here, Serena-chan?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Did she follow us through the gate?! ...We'll can ask later, we have Noise to deal with!" [2]
Hibiki Tachibana: "R-Right!"
Aoi Tomosato: "Have something warm to drink."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Thank you."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Well done on taking out those Noise. Now for the time being, I'll entrust that girl to Maria-kun."
Genjuro Kazanari: "So, how about you let me in on what's going on here?"
Hibiki Tachibana: "We met Serena-chan in the parallel world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Professor Nastassja asked us not to tell her about parallel worlds and stuff, so she's still in the dark."
Shinji Ogawa: "So, those two are sisters, then?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Exactly."
Kirika Akatsuki: "I can't believe there's a world where Mom and Serena are still alive!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It seems things ended up very differently over there."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmm. In that case, let's agree to not say anything unnecessary."
Chris Yukine: "I feel like this is gonna get messy, somehow..."
Elfnein: "So that girl's older sister was Maria-san? They do both seem quite similar, now that I think about it."
Kirika Akatsuki: "I'm just glad she wasn't a ghost!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "But you know... Serena looks exacty how I remember her."
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Serena: "Pardon me, may I come in?"
Maria; "Don't be so formal, it's just my room."
Serena: "So this is your room? It looks completely different from the research facility."
Maria: "It's a room meant for S.O.N.G. activities. That being said, it's still pretty cozy in here."
Serena: "What's S.O.N.G.?"
Maria: "The organization I work for. You saw some of the staff earlier, but there are more than just them."
Serena: "So you don't work for F.I.S.? But Mom said you were in a different F.I.S. facility."
Maria: "U-Um, well... That's the name it goes by here. It's just one of several sister organizations."
Serena: "Oh okay. I only had a little look around, but everyone seemed really nice."
Maria: "Yes. You'll only find the best of the best in S.O.N.G., as I'm sure you can tell from Commander Kazanari."
Serena: "I see Tsukuyomi-san and Akatsuki-san work here, too! It was so nice to see them again."
Maria: "Huh?!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Do you copy?! We've got another Noise outbreak!"
Maria: "Another one?! They sure picked a convenient time to attack!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Maria-kun, I'm sending you to the location. Get moving!"
Maria: "I'm on it!"
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Kirika Akatsuki: "Diiieee!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "There!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Not a single one of these monsters shall be spared the sting of my blade!"
Chris Yukine: "They're everywhere! Jeez, these guys are like a swarm of mosquitos!"
Maria: "How many of them are there?!"
Serena: "There are so many wielders... And they're all Maria's friends!"
Maria: "Serena?! I thought I told you to wait for me back at headquarters!"
Serena: "I can fight too, Sis!"
Maria: "There's more than enough of us here to deal with them..."
Serena: "You can never have enough wielders. I'm going to fight too."
Maria: "Serena..."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Well, with all of these Noise, we could kinda do with some extra help!"
Serena: "Yaaah!"
Chris Yukine: "Without that thing around, this is pretty straightforward."
Maria: "Indeed. Now, then..."
Serena: "What is it, Sis?"
Maria: "I can't believe you would follow me to a place like that."
Serena: "I'm sorry..."
Maria: "Honestly, what am I going to do with you? I'll admit, though, you did very well out there."
Serena: "Thanks! I wanted to help out at least a little."
Kirika Akatsuki: "Hey, Serena!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "It's been so long, Serena."
Serena: "Tskuyomi-san, Akatsuki-san... You don't look like you've gotten that much taller at all!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Nuh-uh! I used to be super short, but now I'm like waaay taller!"
Serena: "Hehe, I'd say you've grown about this much."
Kirika Akatsuki: "No, no, no! I've grown by at least thiiis much, I swear!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You haven't changed at all, Serena."
Serena: "Yes. That's because I was asleep for seven years... But Sis told me I have plenty of time to get bigger."
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "You were asleep... for seven years?"
Serena: "I'm so glad you two are just like I remember!"
Chris Yukine: "Oh, so the little green reaper has always been this weird, then?"
Kirika Akatsuki: "I could say the same about you, Chris-senpai!"
Chris Yukine: "Oh, please! You're always saying such weird stuff!"
Kirika Akatsuki: "Well, go on Senpai, point out what I say that's weird! Come on, even one thing!"
Shirabe Tsukuyomi: "Hey, now. There's no need to be petty."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Oh, honestly. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."
Maria: "Tsubasa, is that really fair?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What, Maria? I don't see how that saying would apply to you."
Maria: "I didn't mean me..."
Serena: "Hehe. Your friends all seem like so much fun, Sis."
Maria: "Yes, they certainly are."
Hibiki Tachibana: "Hey, you haven't introduced yourself yet, have you, Chris-chan?"
Chris Yukine: "Oh, I guess not. I'm Chris Yukine. Nice to meet ya."
Serena: "My name's Serena. It's nice to meet you too."
Hibiki Tachibana: "It's great to see Serena-chan getting along with everyone so well!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah, it is."
[1] Should say "What would a ghost need legs for?" rather than "needs"
[2] "...We can ask later," instead of "we'll can ask"
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elvesofnoldor · 5 years
Getting into silmarillion again is weird when you are not a 13 year old little fool who just really like them pretty fae people (elves) anymore, cause i’d be re-visiting these lores right now and i’d suddenly remember that all these wars and these sufferings and these PAINS, they are all for...some jewels an elf man made??? hello??? HELLO??? ugh, the whiplash. but like, I mean, i know silmarillion functions as a collection of myths of tolkien’s universe aka Arda ( myths that actually happened in the story universe tho, like we got living witnesses of them lol) and mythology is not supposed to be relatable, they are supposed to be allegories--understood on a metaphorical level. And Silmarillion can feel too grand sometimes when u think abt it too literally: a fight against literal entropy and force of destruction--the devil himself? a war over jewels that shine everlasting light of nourishment and bliss and LIFE no mortals can understand? how do you process these bullshits lol like none of these are relatable, so like, i can def understand why the lores of ancient world of tolkien’s universe can be so off putting but im still super attached to noldor elves?  nowadays i see the silmarillion (aka the jewels) as narrative equivalents of the fruits from the tree of good and evil. They are equivalent of objects that made Adam and Eve, human; they are embodiment of joy and life both literally and metaphorically. At the same time, the jewels also embody desire and desire brings both good (life and joy) and evil (death and pain). But they are also...more than that? It’s also embodiment of stolen happiness and lost bliss to the (noldor) elves--these jewels are in a way, lost “home” to them. I suppose, present day me being attached to the noldor elves has more to do with the fact that their story is the story of a people who takes fate into their own hands to regain the life and happiness that are stolen from them, all in defiance of flawed, unjust, deceiving and cruel authority (the valars, equivalent of archangels, but also kinda, gods?). However, in their rebellion out of desire for justice, they strayed further and further away from the happiness and life they so desperately want to regain. The more they try to come home, they further away they are from it. All efforts for peace and prosperity were fruitless victories, and The more they tighten their grip on lost happiness, the quicker it slips through their fingers. They have struggled and they have failed and it was simply not meant to be. It’s unfair and it’s cruel and it’s simply...the way of universe? it’s not a perfect narrative and i do take issue with the fact that attempts to take fate into your own hands in rebellion against unjust authority result in inevitable doom, but noldor elves are just...they come off so passionate and spirited and full of life and so SO human? by the time the stories of lotr happens, all that’s left of them are memories, unmarked graves beneath the sea and lessons written in blood and tears. i suppose they are just...kinda relatable? and that makes their tragic fate more...heart-wrenching? idk. ( i mean, also tolkien wrote silmarillion before he even thought of writing the hobbit or lotr, so these stories are supposed to be full fledged emotional stories as supposed to just, lores to explain the story of silmarillion)  but there is some catharsis to the story of tolkien elves (this is not “children of hurin” ok now THAT story is just tragedy porn ok there is a reason it wasn’t published when tolkien is still alive), since they all eventually return to/arrive back to valinor, and yes home is never the same, but they all come home at last.  Now, ik da wiki never says that dragon age elves got any inspiration from tolkien but that doesnt mean that there ISN’T fuck tons of similarities b/w both of their histories, or the fact that tolkien’s body of works functions as literate canon for the high fantasy genre since the damn 80s. Anyways, there are two “long walks” that happened in tolkien elves and dragon age elves’ history, one is just called the long walk (where the dragon age elves took to establish the realm of Dales) and the other one is the crossing of helcaraxe (in silmarillion), both taken to take back life and happiness stolen by Evils^tm (in dragon age elves’ case, said evils come in the form of slavery and colonization). However, There is no...valinor...for the dragon age elves.  In silmarillion, the way back to valinor, to “home”, to stolen life and happiness, is literally closed in the first age. In dragon age universe, the dalish and city elves alike are cut off from the life and bliss of the past that was stolen from them due to slavery and colonization, no matter how much they long for it. Now, i dont like how bioware writers make dalish come off as people stuck in the past and int he old way (like, thats the reason why sera is written the way shes written, cause they want to make dalish look backward), and honestly i think thats just white writers not understanding the nuance of their own narratives lol. But also, there is some asshole named s*las who wishes to bring back the “past glory and bliss of elven realms” even if it means committing acts of utmost violence. You know, in silmarillion, Maedhros has committed acts of violence to regain the silmarlis, to get that ticket back “home”, back to the life that was stolen from him and his people, and when he truly held the jewels in his hands he realize that they were forever lost to him the moment he shed blood. At the end of his life, maedhros learned that ruthlessly tightening the grip on the happiness of long lost past would only take you further and further away from it, and he paid his lesson with his own life. The sad thing is that, s*las is probably gonna learn that lesson WITHOUT suffering much of consequences, because hes unlikely to be able to bring about actual apocalypse to open the veil, and that kinda piss me off. Even if he dies, i had to spend an entirety of da:i to put up this bitch being in it, and i have to deal with his presence in most of da4 as it seems, and he might not even die miserably lmao. like, i like maedhros, i like noldor elves WAY better than his crusty ass, but they all die horribly when he is probably gonna come out of this whole mess unscathed.  rant aside, i wish that....no matter what happened in da4, the elves in dragon age universe, can also eventually find their way back to their “valinor”. definitely not through s*las’ dumbass’ efforts, tho, but, somehow, i hope they can find their way back home or...better yet, find their way forward. 
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to Political Confessional, a column about the views that Americans are scared to share with their friends and neighbors. In an increasingly polarized political climate, adherence to party or ideological orthodoxy on the issues of the day seems de rigueur. Social media serves only to amplify that perception at times. But Americans’ political views are often idiosyncratic and sometimes offensive, and they rarely adhere neatly to any particular party line. In this column, we want to dig into Americans’ messy opinions on politics, morality and social mores. We hope that this exercise gives readers a glimpse into the minds of those with whom they might disagree — or agree! If you have a political belief that you’re willing to share with us, fill out this form — we might get in touch.
This week we talked to Chris, a 35-year-old white man from rural Pennsylvania. Chris wrote in that he thought, “the U.S. should have a velvet divorce,” a reference to the peaceful dissolution of Czechoslovakia — now the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic — in 1993. Chris went on: “I live in heavy Trump country but know he’s an idiot, but even Trump haters wouldn’t agree to break up the U.S. And certain areas (the South, the Midwest) would be horrible for minorities and destroy the environment. But it’s obvious the U.S. has run its course.”
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Clare Malone: Maybe you can start out by telling me how you came to think this?
Chris: I’ve always been a history buff, and it always seems that these large powers rise and fall. They usually get too big and they drink their own Kool-Aid a little bit too much. I feel like we’ve reached that point. I feel like the U.S. peaked in the ’90s, and I would definitely say that 9/11 is what spurred it on, because I feel like you don’t get to Trump without 9/11.
The U.S. has always been, I would say, on the right side of the bell curve when it comes to jingoism — a little bit more patriotic than most countries. But it hasn’t been overly oppressive or debilitating, it was just one of those qualities that could describe the U.S. And I feel like 9/11 exacerbated those qualities.
I feel like it’s gotten to the point where the U.S. is too big too fail. And when something’s too big to fail, people stop working hard to make it work because they think it can’t fail.
CM: But you’ve also gone one step further, saying, “we need entirely separate countries.” I’m curious what took you over the hump there.
Chris: I’ve sort of felt this way since George W. Bush. We’re so polarized that the federal government doesn’t really work. If it’s not working, then you might as well break it up before the point where the break is so bad that you end up with, say, a second Civil War, which I don’t think would happen. But if you can alleviate the pressure earlier by saying, “This isn’t working, let’s break it up,” states could join together and form their own countries, and I think it would actually help in the sense that they would have to work together to keep economic prosperity going.
CM: So what kind of new countries do you see forming from the states?
Chris: Obviously, there would be blue and red states [forming countries] and the swing states would have to decide how they wanted to merge together. New England’s states would be obvious to form a new country together. Then maybe there would be a country of New York, Pennsylvania, all the way down to Virginia. Then the Carolinas through Georgia and Florida would form another one. Texas and California could probably form their own countries, maybe even Florida. Louisiana might latch on to Texas simply because if something bad happened with New Orleans they would need the help.
CM: You’re basically making the argument that we should have geographically smaller countries because we’ve gotten too big to make things work?
Chris: Yeah. America’s always contained multitudes, like Walt Whitman said, that contradict each other, but it’s almost gotten to the point where there’s no way to build bridges. People like to light them on fire. There’s really no empathy toward each other, and you need that to build bridges.
CM: I’m sensing that maybe something about the place where you live or your experience has led you in this direction.
Chris: Yeah. I grew up here, but I went to college away from here. I recently went to a fair. When I was a kid you saw maybe a Second Amendment T-shirt, but they were largely selling pop culture T-shirts — the Simpsons, that type of thing. We recently took the kids back to the fair, and all the vendors’ shirts are predominantly the Second Amendment and Trump.
This area has always leaned right. You always saw a lot of Bush/Cheney bumper stickers., McCain/Palin/Romney — they didn’t play as big, but people definitely voted for them because it was their party. It’s definitely become a cult of personality with Trump.
CM: Do you feel like it affects you interpersonally day-to-day?
Chris: It’s kind of weird because everyone just assumes that people think like you do because of where you live. So I keep my cards pretty close to the vest. I keep it quiet because people tell you what they really think.
CM: Do you have an example of that?
Chris: There’s a lot of moderate racism that, if they were talking to someone they didn’t consider part of their tribe, they would word differently. Like, there’s a certain word they have for Martin Luther King Day. Not everybody says it, but more than you’d think.
CM: What is it?
Chris: It’s the N-word. N-Day is kinda what they say. Even the people who don’t say it chuckle at it. Even if saying it is a bridge too far, they enjoy someone saying it. A lot of it comes down to the fact that there are next to no minorities around here. The excuse when I was in high school was, “Well, they say it to each other, so we should be able to say it.”
CM: How do you handle that when it happens in front of you. Do you try to avoid those situations?
Chris: It’s largely older people, so you sort of just shrug it off because they’re from a different generation and set in their ways. There’s no point in arguing; there’s no point. And it’s difficult when you’re the minority in a situation to argue back. You’re not going to change any minds.
CM: Have you talked to anyone about your idea of breaking the U.S. up into different countries?
Chris: I haven’t been as straightforward. I’ve said things like, you know this is only going to lead to one solution — after all, Texas discussed secession when Obama was elected. I think if Republicans keep winning elections with a minority vote, we’ll see states like California discuss this.
CM: I know what you mean, but that still sounds like a pretty radical thing.
Chris: The idea of the U.S. having its own government was a radical solution. It’s always radical until it happens. I’m sure the Roman Empire at its height never thought they would break apart the way they did. I’m sure the British Empire in the 1700s and 1800s always thought they would have a toehold in different parts of the world. When you think like that, that’s when things start to crumble away. And I feel like the crumbling started with 9/11. If Osama bin Laden were alive, he’d be happy to see what was happening in the U.S. right now.
CM: You said that this could adversely affect minorities in certain regions. I’m curious if you think that this would be an abdication of moral duty if some people were left worse off.
Chris: I think you’re always taught when you’re younger that the U.S. is the good guy. But if you look through history and how we’ve developed, it’s been the good guy to some people and the bad guy to others. It’s a moral country when it benefits us.
CM: But, for instance, black people in the Deep South — they might be worse off, right?
Chris: They would be, yes. The best way to do it would be to self-sort a little bit, allow people to move to where they feel less threatened. I feel bad about it, but I feel like it’s going to happen one way or the other. Maybe if we can control the process a little it won’t be quite as bad.
CM: In how many years do you think your crazy idea for breaking the U.S. into different countries will be taken seriously as a mainstream idea?
Chris: I think it would depend on how elections go. If Trump wins reelection, it might be within 10 years. If Democrats win and Trumpism dies off and Republicans maybe try to build a bigger tent and try to win with more votes rather than with voter suppression, I think it could be staved off.
I’ve thought this since college and it’s not necessarily something that I want to see happen, but it’s kind of like the Old River Control system on the Mississippi River. It’s a control system — it keeps the Mississippi’s waters going down the Mississippi instead of going down the Atchafalaya River. But the river wants to go down the Atchafalaya, and the more they keep it from trying to do what it wants to do, the more pressure it puts on the Old River Control system. Eventually, it is going to go down the Atchafalaya. They can either slowly do it over the course of 20 to 30 years, and they can allow people to move their houses that are going to be underwater. Or they can just let it burst and watch the end of the Atchafalaya at Morgan City, Louisiana, be completely flooded and watch the Mississippi from about Baton Rouge on down completely dry up. So, the longer they put it off, the worse it’s going to be, and that’s how I feel about this. The longer we take the U.S. for granted and it’s too big to fail, the worse the failure.
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