#feeling the marauders era right now not gonna lie
cruscribbles · 8 months
okay so, there are a few brainrot ideas of a jjk × hp crossover that are currently occupying my head so i'll just dump right here before i forget (just in case i either want to actually write this myself or if someone wants to write it— please go ahead!)
for now, these are all gojo-centric because he's a little shit and i love him for it <33
[ p. s. as you can see, i am too lazy and demotivated to cook my own food /hj ]
1. gojo (ends up in the hp world and) goes to hogwarts :
a. as a student - okay, this is probably going to be a bit hard to pull off, considering the man is literally almost 30, but hear me out
i could see him in either the hp generation or the marauders generation (but mostly the former)
could be an age regression thing where he gets bombarded with a curse that propels him into the hp world and for some reason he's back to his younger self (child or teen, who knows, just as long as he's around the same age as the protagonists of that era)
or maybe an exchange student program (au where jjk sorcerers and hp wizards both coexist in the same world) so maybe when he's 15-16 he's a "spy" trying to learn things from the wizard side of things?
clashes heads with harry AND draco from time to time; harry because of their different morals and draco because he probably pokes fun at him
come to think of it, who WOULDN'T gojo beef with actually
the student teachers think is gonna fail because he looks so uncaring and aloof and then proceeds to be one of (if not) the top scorers on the board
probably bothers snape constantly in his office (and probably also gets detention from time to time for being so annoying to him)
minerva also being irritated on the outside but also heartwrench on the inside because he lowkey reminds her of the old marauders in a way
every time he comes across voldemort face-to-face, he will not hesitate to make fun of him (like he did with jogo)
gojo : haha you're such a loser. voldemort? really? that's your name? you couldn't have picked anything better? *freaking fortnite dances or some shit like that*
voldemort officially has an extra child added to his hitlist after that
b. as a teacher - some of the earlier points of him as a student also apply here, except he's obviously more mature and wise in this instance
possible mentor of harry? like i said, would bond over being the chosen ones
the teacher that is either well-loved or hated (both teachers and students alike)
always the one popping in and out of the faculty with new tea and gossip to dish out
tries to hold back a little bit on the hogwarts students because they're not his students but is still absolutely relentless to them (displaying powerful demonstrations and also teasing them a bunch)
mcgonagall and snape being his favorite staff members because they remind him of utahime and nanami (idk would be close in personality to shoko tbh, then again she has the same type of dead air energy as snape but feel free to correct me woohoo)
ironically probably beefs with albus bc they are kind of similar in a sense but idk hmmm (they could also have some tea on the weekends too)
gojo : i once had a person i loved dearly that turned out to be heavily racist towards the normal human race for something they can't help and we had a messy breakup to boot
albus :
2. gojo is reincarnated as/ends up in the body of harry potter - not gonna lie, i'm more of a fan of this idea because you could do so much with this + it would be funny as HELL
harry grows up "cocky" and "prideful" (obviously still with some trauma and kindness attached because it's gojo) and correlates to the next points :
dumbledore thinking that since the boy grew up in a muggle household that he'll learn to be humble and sweet and lo and behold, he was wrong
snape getting vivid flashbacks of james from gojo!harry because of how cocky he is (gojo doing this unintentionally by being his authentic self)
even better if gojo!harry ends up in slytherin LMAO
dumbledore also getting flashbacks but of a different person : he doesn't want another tom riddle to happen (esp if gojo!harry vocalizes his want to change the world) so he keeps a very watchful eye on him
from the earlier point : gojo!harry not missing a fucking beat trying to make fun of tom "tommy boy, voldymoldy the oldie" riddle every time they meet (and not hesitating to name drop him in almost every conversation out of spite)
okay obviously he'll have some form of self-control over it but i have a feeling he'll do it just to test him and his patience
i feel like he would be SO CLOSE to triggering the underage magic alarm (or maybe he does and that's a drama for a whole chapter)
i feel like he would absolutely have a habit of disappearing and reappearing (even without magic) and he does that alot at the dursleys (especially when he's older)
gojo realizing he could talk to snakes, and he gossips to them whenever he can
moreover, it would be interesting if he sometimes has conversations with the horcrux inside his forehead (back-to-back mockery)
gojo knows somewhat quickly maybe because the signature is likely the same as sukuna in yuji's body
a really crack idea where gojo solves (one of) the horcrux problems by just hollow purpling the darn thing (wouldn't push it pass him to do it in the battle in the ministry of magic tbh)
either never gets fooled by the quidditch cup or immediately rectifies it by being able to teleport back (a good idea for a crack fic, but maybe for a more serious one he could either be serious or really dazed/overstimulated from the previous events to even think of doing so)
3. gojo ends up in the same body as harry potter and acts as a co-resident — ngl i am warming up to this VERY idea because i know it would become HELLA chaotic
i composed the original draft of this post ages ago but what gave me this idea is this amazing jjk!/bnha crossover fic titled "a hero without limits" by anonymous567 (if you haven't already, please read it because it's absolutely AMAZING)
idk how this would happen considering the shard of voldemort in harry's head (third participant forced to watch maybe) but shhh
basically gojo popping in harry's head either from the start or a from an event that happens to him later on (like the inspo)
he also makes commentary from time to time in his head and harry's like "shut uppp" — and sometimes people look at him and go "yo what's up with him""boy who lived shenanigans maybe"
it sounds stupid but i like the idea of gojo manifesting either on harry's body like sukuna or his image and his spirit manifesting on reflective surfaces like mirrors (his friends going "WHO'S THAT" while they point at the mysterious man in the mirror)
harry's magic "retaliating" and defending him when he's near death which is just a shadowy, smokey manifestation of gojo with the brightest most piercing lights as his eyes
very curious about the chamber of secrets section bc now harry probably doesn't even have look at the darn thing ("don't worry harry, sensei's got it covered!" or smth like that idk)
harry automatically deciphering the sussiness of almost every sus character because, like i said, live gojo commentary (probably would have solved the pettigrew problem faster tbh)
any adult that was around during the marauder's era straight up being reminded of james from time to time, especially the times when gojo is in control
i can imagine gojo knowing the jig is up with the horcrux in harry's head, and maybe as part of a crack idea, "seals the soul" from time to time which is the magical equivalent of taping the webcam lens with a piece of paper
gojo and the hat duking it out with rebuttals during the sorting ceremony and harry slowly going insane because of it
commentary of the black family being similar to the zenin's in influence, attitude and power (feel free to correct me); in short, gojo noting down funny coincidences and similarities to his old world
anytime someone tries to use legillimens on harry, gojo goes "uh uh uh *wags fingers*" and promptly kicks them out, promptly leaving the caster confused (gojo being harry's built in occlumency security guard <333)
idk if i want him to still have six eyes and/or limitless when he's reincarnated as harry (because it doesn't feel like gojo without them, but also he'd be so op— then again he already is by default so why not)
i think i would keep them since they're both the core ability aspects of his character but obviously in this instance, he doesn't have the hang of six eyes yet (major sensory overload as a drawback if he doesn't cover his eyes with a blindfold or a pair of dark sunglasses) and he doesn't unlock limitless until he's a teen (maybe during the gof or ootp plotline)
either way, i'm sorry if this plotline is too ooc, and please pitch in your own ideas in the comments or if you want to correct me!!
+ a little sketch of #3 because i've grown really attached to the idea JENDJEJDJ
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dirt-cup-draco · 5 years
Sirius x Reader- Mistakes
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Sirius was left stumped as you spun on your heel, tears filling your eyes as you brushed past Remus and James with a quiet, “excuse me”. He hadn’t see the tears however, so he assumed you were mad at him. Maybe you weren’t feeling well? Maybe it was that time of the month? How was he supposed to know? 
James’ frowned, sitting beside Sirius on the couch as Remus shook his head. “What did you say to her that made her cry?” 
“She wasn’t cryin’ Moony, she’s just mad at me,” Sirius shrugged, but he paused. Had you been crying? Why would you cry over something so silly?  Worry filled his veins but he played it off, pretending like the thought of you crying didn’t make him want to beat whoever was the cause to a pulp. And it seemed he had been the cause. 
“No, she was definitely crying,” James added and Sirius rolled his eyes, swatting the back of his friend’s head. 
“Her back was to me, how was I supposed to know turning her down would make her cry?” 
Remus and James went pale, heads snapping to their idiotic best friend. “What do you mean you turned her down? What was she saying to you?”
Sirius narrowed his eyes, standing. He felt like he was in the wrong now but didn’t understand why. He’d been nice! Or at least he’d been trying to be. 
“I didn’t mean to upset her!” He defended, “She asked if I wanted to be her date to the yule ball and I said she should go with someone better, who wasn’t just a friend, what’s so wrong about that?”
“Merlin, you are dense!” Remus groaned.
As James sighed, “You really messed up this time. Y/N doesn’t want to go as just friends,”
You sniffled into your pillow but quieted once one of your housemates came in. You felt pretty pathetic at the moment. Of course Sirius wouldn’t want to go with you. You must be like a little sister to him. You knew quite a few girls had already asked and he had politely turned them down, what made you different? You scoffed and sat up, rubbing at your eyes. You had been so excited after talking to Remus, he had reassured you that Sirius would love to go with you and it had given you the courage to ask but now you were dreading even going. 
You peered at the dress that was hung up neatly. It was so pretty, your parents had sent it not too long ago and it made you feel like a different person. It made you feel beautiful and interesting. You couldn’t let it hang and collect dust! You would find another date, and you would wear the dress and it would still be a great night, you decided. 
The next day you were in potions, fiddling nervously with your robes. You wanted to have this done before Sirius came in. Otherwise you would lose your nerve. Thankfully, he was almost always late. You slid out of your seat and made your way across the room to the handsome hufflepuff, Edgar Bones, that you had been friends with all year. “Do you mind if I sit here?” You asked and with a grin and a nod he was clearing a space for you.
“So, are you excited for the yule ball?” You questioned, trying to be sly but probably coming across very obvious. Your cheeks were already stained pink. After just being rejected, you were very worried that Edgar would say no as well, making you the least wanted girl in Hogwarts quite possibly.
“Um, I don’t actually have a date,” Edgar admitted, a shrug to his shoulders. “Besides, it seems a bit stuffy.” You deflated a bit. “Are you going with anyone?”
“Not yet, S-sirius turned me down, so no date either,” You stumbled over his name, head hung low in embarrassment. 
There was a commotion at the front of the class as Sirius scrambled in just moments before class started and you had to look away to keep your self sabotaging thoughts to a minimum. You had to be at least a little confident to get Edgar to go with you. 
Edgar noticed the sudden tension in your shoulders and flung his arm over your shoulders. He kissed the side of your head and then his lips were close to your ear, hot air tickling your neck as he said in a low voice, “Don’t worry I’ll be your rebound for the night,” You looked at him in surprise. He winked and focused back on the teacher. You wanted to correct him but he wasn’t completely wrong. You hadn’t thought to ask him before Sirius had said no. 
Sirius Black was pouting. He had been pouting since he arrived in potions and say stupid Edgar with his arm around your shoulder. You’d just asked Sirius to the ball why were you flirting with that hufflepuff anyway? Sirius liked Edgar, they were friends but why had he been so close to you? You liked Sirius. Or, thats what James had told him a couple of days ago. 
Right. He had turned you down. He had fucked up and missed his chance, as his friends had been more than happy to enlighten him about. How was he supposed to know you’d fancied him since first year? You were nice to everyone for Merlin’s sake! You’d had those big, starry doe eyes since you two met, he had no clue that to everyone else it was clear you had it bad. Sirius released a grumpy sigh and flung himself down on his bed. 
“Regretting all your life decisions?” Remus asked, strolling in with a smug look on his face. 
“Oh fuck off,” Sirius seethed, aiming a pillow right for his friends head. He ducked right in time and James released an “oof” as the pillow hit him square in the face instead. 
Peter scrambled around them and sat on his bed, silent for a moment but piping up eventually. “I saw Edgar and Y/N walking around by the black lake during lunch today, they looked like they were having a good time. Lily told Marlene who told me that they are going to the Yule ball together,” 
“She told Evans and didn’t tell us?” James scoffed but he hadn’t really been paying attention to Peter until Lily was mentioned. 
“I-I guess it just happened earlier today when they had class together,” Peter squeaked. 
“Who bloody cares who Y/N is going with!” Sirius finally exploded, leaving the dorm room with a whirl of his robes. 
The Yule Ball approached much sooner than you had anticipated but you had renewed your excitement. You and Edgar had been spending more time together, just so that it wouldn’t be awkward when you two had to dance. You’d been friends before but not as close. Now you could happily say that he was as close of a friend as the marauders are. 
You touched up your hair as your friends shuffled out of your dorm, giggling and smiling. Everyone was so excited. You met up with Edgar and couldn’t fight the smile that lit up your face. “You look great!” 
“And you look even better than that,” Edgar complimented, placing a kiss to your cheek. You had learned he was a very affectionate person. It didn’t bother you, you knew he was just being friendly. He led you into the great hall and another compliment and you were beaming. This was how tonight was supposed to go, all smiles and wonder.
It was much later in the night, a slow song was playing. Edgar’s hand was warm against your back, the other one gripping your free hand gently, as you swayed to the music. “He’s staring,” He said, lips close to your ear once again. “Sirius, I mean,” 
Your heart jumped in your throat, “He is?” You croaked. Edgar nodded. 
“I don’t think he has a date, he’s been looking at you all night though. Hell, half the people here have been,” Your cheeks burned at the compliment. And Edgar laughed softly. 
“Have more faith in yourself, love. You’re stunning,” His fingers fell away from yours and tilted your chin up. You weren’t able to meet his eyes but you nodded, knowing he was being honest. Edgar was truly kind. You almost wished you had feelings for him. 
You were startled when Edgar let out a bark of laughter and you looked up to him in confusion. “I don’t think Sirius likes me being so close to you, he looks like he wants to rip my head off,” 
You felt some anger surge through you. If he was jealous it was his own fault! You had asked him to come with you and he’d said no. It was his loss. “Well, I don’t care what he thinks,” You said, stepping closer to Edgar so you were hip to hip, chest to chest. You let your nails slide down the back of his neck as you leaned up to kiss him. Edgar kissed back but after a moment pulled away, hands sturdy on your hips. 
“Y/N... You don’t want me, love. Lets not do anything you’ll regret just because youre mad at Black, yeah? You’re....very attractive and I hate myself for stopping you but I know your heart isnt in it.” 
You were ashamed of yourself. He was right. “I’m so sorry Edgar, I really like you,” 
“And I like you too, you’re an amazing friend, now go get him before he hexes some poor kid out of spite,” You laughed softly and kissed Edgar’s cheek, stepping away as you saw Sirius bolt out of the great hall. Taking off your heels you chased after him. 
“Sirius wait!” You hollered as he sped off down the corridor. Damn his long legs. He spun around and an unreadable look passed over his eyes. 
“Y/N...” He spoke softly, not giving away anything except for the tense position of his jaw. He was certainly wound up about something. Edgar had given you some hope it was you. “Why aren’t you back in there with what’s-his-face?” 
Sirius knew Edgar, he really liked the kid but he was feeling petty. He was surprised that you had even noticed he’d left. You’d seemed to enjoy snogging Edgar just moments early. Your lips were still slightly plump and red. Your dress was amazing, that couldn’t be denied. But the dress wasn’t what made you beautiful. You always had been and Sirius was cursing himself for not saying yes.
You rolled your eyes at him and some anger sparked in him. “I wanted to talk to you, is that alright?” You said with a surprising amount of sass. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“It just seems like you’d rather be anywhere else right now,” 
“Well, wouldn’t you rather be snogging Edgar? Maybe if you ask nice you’ll get laid and loosen up a bit!” 
“What is your problem!?” You seethed. “Where did that even come from? And who I’m with is no concern of yours whether we are kissing or more or doing nothing at all, you prick!” 
“Well Prongs and Moony told me you fancy me, but now your attached to the hip with some other guy! You’re more fickle than I thought,” He sneered. 
Angry tears were already beginning to spill. You had wanted to talk to him but he was being impossible. How could he say those things about you? You’d done nothing to him. 
“Fine you bastard! I don’t need you anyway, maybe I will go back to Edgar. At least he cares! I was going to tell you that I hadn’t wanted to go to the yule ball together as just friends but now I don’t even want to be your friend...” You sniffled, all your anger gone.
Before Sirius could say anything you were gone. With a frustrated groan, and tears of his own fighting to be released he sagged against the stone wall of the corridor. He really had messed up big time.  
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urmommies--girl · 3 years
"Love you too, meanie" - poly!marauders
Anon: wassup bestie, back with a request. first of all i love your writing and it has propelled me in to my marauders era. surprising it happened so late but we’re here for it. i was wondering if we could get a fic with remus, sirius, and reader. it can have smut in it, it might not, whatever you want to write. i’m just a sucker for reading aftercare, so if you could write some that would be cool. also if you just don’t like this request please don’t feel like you have to do it bc i understand the writing grind lol
Warnings: 18+ (no smut my blog is just strictly 18+), None really just super fluffy aftercare with the marauders, mentions of sex, subspace,
Word Count: 839
You lay on the bed panting heavily as you came down from your high, cum dripping out of your used hole while your boyfriends lay beside you, planting kisses over your face.
“You’d so good for us, bun.” Remus praised, kissing your lips, you giggled softly.
“Can we get your cleaned up now, baby?” Sirius hummed from beside Remus.
You nodded in agreement even though your foggy mind didn’t quite understand what he meant.
The raven haired male got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, seconds later you could hear water running.
You pouted when you realised Sirius was gone, forgetting that he went to run you a bath, “Where’s Siri?” Your bottom lip jutted out at Remus, “He went to the bathroom, bunny. We’re gonna get you cleaned up.” He explained, you sniffed and sat up, nodding to the boy.
The two boys stood up beside you and helped you to stand on your shaky legs, “Think we did a good job, Prongs.” The lycanthrope smirked, “Course we did.” James gave a smug grin back.
You found Sirius testing the water with his hand, “Siri!” You squealed, almost stumbling over as you ran towards him, “Hi, sweetling.” He smiled, kissing your cheek as you sat in his lap.
“Y’want bubbles, baby?” Asked James as he held up your two favourite soaps, you nodded eagerly and pointed to the lavender one, “Y’want this one?” He hummed, you nodded once more with a giggle.
James poured the liquid into the tub before swishing it around so the bubbles formed.
Sirius lifted you into the water and you yelped at the hot temperature, “Owie!” You squealed, “S’too hot, Siri!” You whined, Remus climbed in behind you, “S’not to hot, baby. Y’just sensitive.” He teased, “M’not sensitive. Right Remmy?” You sniffled to the lycanthrope above you, “Course not, bun.” He pecked your forehead lovingly.
“See? Remmy said m’not sensitive.” You crossed your arms, Sirius and James smiled adoringly at you and the raven hair male pecked your nose, “Well then Remmy’s lying to you, baby. I can assure you y’re definitely a crybaby.” He taunted, you stuck your tongue out at him, “Don’t like you, Siri. You’re mean.” You huffed.
Sirius grabbed a handful of bubbles and sculpted it on your hair which made you giggle, “Don’t lie, petal.” He booped your nose.
“C’mon, gotta clean you up so we can sleep, m’kay?” Remus hummed from behind you, you nodded, “Kay.” You hummed simply.
The three boys worked together to clean you up and wash your hair, scrubbing you gently and lovingly.
Remus lifted you into James arms and he wrapped you in a towel— “S’fluffy Jamie.” You giggled as he began to dry you off, James smiled softly, “You like it?” He hummed, you nodded and grinned, “Soft.”, James pecked your lips, “Lets get you dressed now.” He walked you out of the bathroom.
You left the bathroom and flung yourself onto the bed, still wrapped tightly in the towel.
“Come here, princess. Gotta get you changed.” Sirius cooed, you shook your head, “Wanna stay the fluffy towel. S’warm and snuggly.” You told, Sirius sighed, “I’ll let you wear my quidditch jersey.” He offered, your eyes lit up at the suggestion and you flung off the towel, James snickered in the background.
“Panties first.” The boy held up some panties for you, you huffed as he helped you step each leg through.
“Arms up.” Sirius told, you obeyed quickly and raised your arms in the air so he could slip his jersey onto you, “Good girl.” He kissed your forehead.
You turned around and pouted when you couldn’t see Remus, “Where’s Remmy?”, “Remmy went to go get you some tea, bun.” James told, your lips formed and ‘O’ shape as you nodded.
Remus returned with a tray of tea and placed it by your side, you were resting sleepily on Sirius chest while you played with the rings on his fingers, “you’re back, Remmy.” You yawned, opening your arms so he could hug you, he embraced you and kissed your neck softly.
“Y’want some tea?” He asked, you nodded groggily.
The lycanthrope held the cup to your lips while James held you in a sitting position.
“Who’s bed y’wanna sleep in tonight, pup?” Sirius questioned, “Yours.” You responded, wiping the spilled liquid from your lips, “Always the favourite.” James rolled his eyes causing Sirius to smirk, “Course I am. I let her wear my jersey.”, “She spilt ink on mine! S’not my fault I don’t trust her!” James whined.
Remus ignored the conversation between the two other boys, “You still foggy, hun? Cus’ you know we can’t sleep if your still foggy.” His brows furrowed, you shook your head, “M’back Remmy. Promise.” You answered, he nodded and kissed your lips, “Goodnight, petal.”.
James was next— pressing a gentle and devoting kiss to your forehead and moving to his bed.
“Sleep well, puppy. Love you.” Sirius whispered too you as you nestled onto his chest, “Love you too, meanie.”.
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
hi can i request a smut Sirius x fem reader
marauders era
where she is quite shy and insecure and he’s experienced, but is really gentle with her and comforting?🧸
Hi. thank you so much for the request. I think I made Sirius a little more aggressive at the end by accident, but I tried to stay as gentle as possible. I hope you enjoy! xo 
Sirius Black comforting his insecure girlfriend
word count: 2566
[ warning: fem reader, sex, use of the words “princess” and “baby”, comfort sex, description of insecurities, finger fucking, slight breast worship, slight thigh worship, missionary position, doggy style position, slight biting/nail scratching kink, MAJOR PRAISE KINK ] 
Sirius sat in between your thighs, basking in the feeling of finding peace. He read a magazine, your fingers massage his head as he let out glorious hums from the feeling.
"I love your fingers, they feel so nice" Sirius flattered, his hand coming to pat at your exposed thigh. He laughed when he saw your thigh jiggle, kissing it quickly before going back to read his magazine.
You frowned, seeing your thighs jiggle as your fingers stopped on his hair. You felt this dread wash over you, you started to remember all the other little things you didn't like about yourself
'How could he ever like someone like me' The words had crept in and it stayed for a while. You kept fidgeting, trying to get in a position where you thought your body looked good.
"What's wrong?" Sirius asked, tilting his head as he glanced backward at you. You saw his delicate features, his high cheekbones and his nose that fit his face so perfectly. How could you ever be pretty enough for him? He was sculpted like a god and you merely felt like a peasant beneath his feet.
"Nothing" you muttered, shrugging your shoulders. You fidgeted your legs again trying to get them to position the way you wanted.
"Why are you fidgeting princess? Do you want me to move?" Sirius asked, leaning upon his elbow as he turned to face you fully. His magazine falling on the bed.
"It's fine" you lied, eyes tired and wide with insecurity as you look at something across the room.
"Hey, eyes back on me," Sirius said, his hand coming to hold your jaw as he directed your face to be parallel with his. He gave you a generous smile, instantly picking up that something definitely was wrong.
"What's wrong?" He asked again, thumb running against your skin to try and soothe you. You only shrugged at him, causing him to frown. Sirius hated seeing you like this, he just wanted you to feel safe and comfortable.
"I know something is wrong," Sirius whispered, lowering his voice to a comfortable hum. He kissed your cheek, swaying you gently.
"Why do you like someone like me?" You asked, voice small and insecure, heat rising from your neck to your face. You rubbed your sweaty hands on your shirt, getting more fidgety as you waited for his answer.
"What kind of question is that?" Sirius said while letting out a loud laugh. He almost had tears in his eyes from laughter. He calmed down shortly, eyes sparkling before catching your dreaded expression.
Sirius face drained at the sight of you. He took your hands into his, letting you play with his fingers as he gave you a small smile to try and comfort you.
"You think I don't want to be with you?" Sirius asked, watching you stare at his hands. You felt embarrassed, focusing on his rings.
"I'm not pretty Sirius, you can get a ton of girls more beautiful," you told him, looking up at him as you shrugged your shoulders again. You were so certain about this, you had no idea why Sirius was so in love with you.
"Hey, I don't want to ever hear you say that again," Sirius straightened his shoulders, getting serious as he realized that this was your real thought process.
"But it's true Sirius, you would be happier with a prettier girl" you mumble, confident with your words. You felt him pull his hand away, placing it on your upper thigh.
"No, it's not, you have no right to tell me how I feel. You're the most attractive woman I've ever seen, you can't lie about facts babe" Sirius proclaimed, winking as he massaged your thigh with his hand. His rings sliding against your skin, making your spine tingle at the feeling.
"You really think I'm attractive?" You asked him, feeling him cup your jaw as he tilted your head up. He smiled kindly, nodding his head.
"I think you're incredibly attractive and cute and adorable and beautiful and sexy and fabulous and-," Sirius got cut off before he could continue.
"Okay, Sirius! Stop" you giggled, making him laugh as well. His laugh was comforting, making you feel this warm feeling of love wash over you.
"Your giggle is so cute, I love you," Sirius said, his fingers getting tangled in your hair as he brought you closer to him.
"You do?" You asked, leaning into his touch.
"Yeah I do, and I can prove it" Sirius gave a devilish smirk, connecting his lips with yours. You smiled in the kiss, leaning up into his embrace.
"Please do," you whisper, kissing his lips as one of Sirius's hands continues to rub your thigh while the other pushes you closer to him by the back of your head.
Sirius pulled you forward to sit on his lap, moving his mouth just below your ear as he started to suck hickeys against your skin.
Your breath caught in your throat, inhaling sharply as you place your hands against his shoulders. He continues to kiss, moving his mouth to your throat. His teeth scrape against your skin, hearing him chuckle when you whimpered made your stomach twist.
"You make such pretty sounds princess, so pretty" he praised, his teeth biting against your shoulders. You let out a small whine, fingernails digging into his shirt as he smirked against your skin.
You rolled your hips, getting closer to him as physically possible as your panties met with his hardened cock.
"So eager for my cock, makes me feel special that I get to have someone like you," Sirius kept praising, bringing his lips back up to yours as he distracted you with a kiss. His hands came up to hold your hip under your shirt. Pushing the fabric up as he let his hands travel to your breast.
"I love you," you mumbled on his lips, kissing him once more before moving your hands down from his chest to the end of his shirt. You pushed it up, Sirius got the memo as he removed it fully.
Your mouth almost watered at the sight, of course, Sirius wasn't super fit but he still had a glorious six-pack. Your eyes scanned down, witnessing his v-line despair behind his pants.
"Something catching your eye darling?" Sirius teased, his hands coming to unbutton your blouse. He smiled when he pushed the fabric past your shoulders, tossing the shirt to the side along with his.
"You're so pretty, can't believe this is all for me," Sirius said, generally smiling at the sight of your almost nude body. He stared at your skirt, kissing your lips before pulling at the zipper of the plaid fabric.
"This is blocking the view," he whispered, helping you out of your skirt. You felt comfortable, insecurity almost washing out of your body as your eyes got distracted with Sirius's.
"Do you really like this? My body?"
"I love all of it, starting with your cute face and all the way down to your feet. I like your thighs especially, they're so warm and cozy" Sirius told you, kissing your shoulder gently before flipping you over to lay against the bed.
"I think I wanna watch your pretty face when I fuck you," Sirius said while slipping his hands under your back, unclipping your bra before throwing it towards the floor. With your chest exposed, he gave you a charming smirk.
His hand came to cup your breast, his knee pushing into your cunt as he connected your lips with his. Sirius kept kissing you, getting more eager as he massaged your tit. Your back arched into his when his fingers rolled your bud between them, pinching it quickly.
You gasped when he did the same process to the other one, buds getting abused by his fingers in a pleasurable way as you pushed your cunt against his knee.
Sirius continued to kiss you, your lips felt bruised and raw when he finally pulled away. You didn't get enough time to catch your breath before Sirius's mouth was all over your chest. Kissing every part that was left exposed, your hands tangled in his hair pulling him closer.
"Your tits are so pretty, they fit perfectly in my hands. I think you were made for me baby" Sirius exclaimed, he kissed his way down your stomach. Muttering small 'I love you's before reaching your panties.
"Can I take these off please?" He asked, kissing your inner thigh while staring up at you with hopeful eyes. Sirius's skin was crawling from anticipation, he was so excited to have you all exposed and pretty for him.
You nodded, muttering a small 'yes' before turning to look at the side. His fingers moved quickly, your panties soon being forgotten on his bedroom floor.
"I'm going to touch you now okay? I'm gonna make you feel so special baby, you deserve this" Sirius said while aligning his fingers with your slit, sliding them up to meet with your clit as he gently pressed and rolled it against his fingers.
Sirius rose to kiss your neck, his chest pressing against yours as his fingers worked against your cunt. His fingers felt so good, moving their way inside of you quickly and effortlessly. You tilted your head for him to have better access, your hand resting on his forearm.
"Does that feel good princess?" Sirius asked quietly, your eyes rolled back as the pads of his fingers kept rubbing against your g-spot. You blabbered your answer, hips opening wider as you felt his thumb rub against your clit.
"You deserve this baby, you're being so good for me" Sirius praised you gently, continuing to give you comforting words as he worked you closer to orgasm. You were so close, back arched and shoulders widened as you let out whimpers and moans.
His fingers slipped away from you, you whine almost instantly at your loss. Your eyes opened, looking at him with a whimpered expression.
"Please Sirius I was so close," you told him, back falling against the mattress as you felt tears prick at your eyes. Your chest rose with every breath, hair sticking to your face. Sirius looked over your body, finding it absolutely beautiful.
"I'm sorry princess, I'm gonna fuck you with my cock real soon okay? Just needed to see you all whiny,"
"I thought you said I deserved it?" You asked him, mouth forming in a frown as you look up at him. Your arms come to cover your chest, twitching your nose.
Sirius let out a gentle 'awh' at your words, he felt bad for edging you on. He watched as you looked away from him, not happy at your lack of orgasm.
Sirius brought your face back to his, kissing your lips gently before unbuckling his belt. He quickly slipped out of his pants and briefs.
"You do deserve this baby, I meant what I said. I'm gonna fuck you so good princess, I promise" Sirius said, you heard him open a condom, it didn't take him too long before he was buried deep inside you.
You arched into his chest, clinging onto him as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He held your thigh firmly, squeezing the flesh in his hand as he gave a sudden thrust into you.
"Sirius" you whimpered his name out, your lips meeting his as he began to keep up a quick thrust. Your mouth distracted with his as your nails dug into his back, sliding down from his shoulders to his lower back.
"Fuck do that again," Sirius let out a groan into your mouth, his tongue meeting yours briefly before you felt him pick up his pace. You let your nails slide along his skin, leaving pink lines wherever they went.
Your body ached at the wonderful feeling, your head falling back against the pillow as you felt him pull back onto his knees. His hands grabbing your hips as he pulled you closer to his cock.
"You should see your face baby, you look so perfect. You're all red and doughy, it's fucking hot" Sirius muttered loudly, your eyes opening as you watched his body move.
His exposed skin was warm, his cock filling you so full you thought you were gonna burst. It felt so nice when he fucked you so good, dick hitting every curve and spot that made you see stars.
You chuckled, breast bouncy with his thrusts as you felt so loved and cared for. Sirius met all your needs, making you feel like the prettiest woman in the world.
Sirius pulled out, making you exhale in desperation to be filled again. Your cunt ached, missing the feeling of his cock. He flipped you over quickly, making you go on your hands and knees as his cock filled you back up again.
You push your ass against his cock, helping him fuck you as your hands came to grab onto the sheets. Moans and whimpers leaving your lips as you felt your release building up again.
"Fuck baby, you're so warm. Can't believe I get to fuck you like this, makes me feel so good" Sirius was chanting out words quickly, getting caught up in his own release as his thrust got sloppier.
"Sirius I'm so close, fuck your cock is so big" you gasped, feeling him lean against you as his hands came to overlap yours. Pinning your hands to the bed as his lips and teeth met your shoulder.
"My cock is all for you, you fucking deserve to get the lights fucked out of ya," Sirius rasped in desperation, his orgasm following yours as he watched your body shake against his.
Your release felt nice, it was well needed. You came hard against his cock, moaning out into the pillows as you felt a warm feeling float over you. You heard Sirius let out loud groans, his hands holding yours so tight that it might bruise later. He pulled you closer against his cock, filling you nice and deep before releasing.
He helped you lay back down, throwing the condom out into the trash can as his hands came to soothe over your shaking thighs.
"Your so pretty [ name ], I can't believe I ever got the chance to date you. I'm never letting you go, I'm gonna love you forever!" Sirius chimed loudly, his arms wrapping around your body as he brought you into a tight hug.
"I hope so," you muse, your arms wrapping around him as you let him hold you close. You felt loved and appreciated, you truly did deserve Sirius Black.
"Do you want me to go get you a snack? Or do you need a bath?" He asked you, getting quiet as he saw how exhausted you looked. You shook your head, resting against his chest as you closed your eyes.
"Just hold me," you told Sirius, exhaling deeply as you found a wave of calmness wash over you. This was exactly how you wanted to spend the afternoon, cuddled up with your boyfriend without a worry in the world.
You felt Sirius kiss your head before he pulled a blanket over the two of you. He pulled you closer, making sure you were comfortable and happy before picking up his magazine and flipping to a page.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
All Day Long
Relationship: Remus x Sirius x Reader (marauders era)
Requested by: anon
‘RemusxReaderxSirius set during their time at hogwarts where they both tease her during the whole day until shes begging them to ruin her?’
Notes: this is only the second time I’ve written remus x reader x Sirius so hope you enjoy!
Warnings: threesome (in an established polyamorous relationship) teasing, edging, use of toys, choking, Dom/sub dynamic (including degradation), double penetration, swearing.
Smiling to yourself, you waited in the entrance hall for your boys, all bundled up and ready for hogsmeade, dressed in one of Sirius’s quidditch jerseys and Remus’s scarf. Once you caught sight of them, you hurried over, easily slotting yourself in the middle of them. “Ready to go?” You asked brightly, but Sirius grabbed hold over your elbow, leaning down.
“Before we get going, Remus and I have some rules for you, okay, pup?” You bit your lip, only just clicking onto the dark look in Sirius’s eyes, nodding quickly.
“You’re not to come until we say so, and that will be when we’re back at the castle,” Remus murmured and you nodded again. “Verbal answers, darling,”
“I’m okay with that,” you said softly, eyes flicking between them both.
“Good girl. We will of course, be making it a bit trickier for you, but I’m sure you’ll manage,” Sirius said, before clapping his hands together. “Right then my lovelies, I do believe we need to make a quick visit to Zonko’s,”
This was a bad idea. When Sirius said they’d make it ‘a bit trickier’, what he really meant was they’d make it ‘a lot trickier’- damn near impossible. It all started out relatively moderate, with Sirius just resting his hand on your bum while he looked at the displays, giving it the occasional squeeze or pat which went unnoticed by the bustling crowds.
Then Remus flicked his wand and muttered something under his breath and-
You gasped aloud, quickly covering your noise with a gasp. Remus had clearly been practicing his vanishing charms- a vibrator had appeared in your underwear, already in position with part of it inside you, the other part on your clit. He must’ve been hiding it in his pocket, waiting for the right moment. To your relief, the toy didn’t start buzzing straight away, but the knowledge that it was there (and completely out of your control) turned you on. Composing yourself, you waited for Sirius to pay, before the boys guided you to Honeydukes.
As you were browsing the newest range of sweets, remus flicked his wand again, and the toy began buzzing ever so gently, not nearly enough to stimulate you properly, but enough to get you considerably more riled up. You glared at him over your shoulder as you picked out your sweets, before taking them to the till. Just as the lady asked how your day had been, remus changed the setting of the vibe, to a strong pulsing sensation as you hurriedly gave your answer, your knees trembling. The woman talked and talked as she bagged your items and Remus only increased the settings more, smirking with Sirius as he watched you try to remain upright. When the woman finally handed you your purchases, you stumbled over to your boys, biting your lip hard.
“Please,” you whispered desperately. “I’m so close,”
Sirius grinned and steered you out of the shop, an arm around your waist as you stumbled. “That right, pup? Gonna cum from a toy in your knickers, eh?”
You nodded quickly, gripping his hand until... the vibe switched off completely. You looked up to remus now, who was smirking and tutting. “Remember thd rules darling?” He said, almost condescendingly, before leaning down to kiss your cheek. As he pulled away, he muttered “we will not allow you to cum in the middle of the street like a little slut,”
You squeaked in response and nodded before slipping each of your hands into one of theirs. “Do you want to go home, sweetheart?” Remus said gently after a brief bit of wondering- through which he and Sirius had took turns controlling the vibe, bringing you to the edge and dragging you away every few minutes.
“Yes please,” you mumbled, nodding eagerly and looking up at both of them pleasingly. “Please can we go back,”
“Awww, what’s wrong, pet, are you desperate for us? Desperate for us to completely ruin your sweet cunt?” You shivered at Sirius’s crass words but nodded nonetheless, and the three of you began a rather hurried walk back to the castle.
Door firmly locked to avoid any unwanted visitors (unlikely, as James, lily and Peter were still in honeydukes while you had been walking back), you were being showered in kisses, pinned against the wall by Sirius as remus transfigured his bed to be a little wider to fit all three of you. When he was finally, finally done, Sirius pulled you over, and you eagerly tossed your coat and scarf aside before remus came up behind you, pressed firmly against your back, grinding his stiff cock against your arse as he switched the vibe on. Sirius grinned, tossing your jumper aside and magicking your jeans away- it seemed he too was getting rather impatient. Remus smirked, unclasping and discarding your bra, until you were bare (save for your knickers as they were holding the toy in place) before them.
“Fuck, princess, you look so good,” remus breathed, kissing your shoulder as your hips rocked in thin air. You whimpered, grabbing at Sirius, who had been gently stroking and pinching your nipples. He smirked slightly.
“What’re you after pup?” He smirked and your eyelids fluttered.
“Your mouth, please, Sirius, on my tits, please,” you begged, pushing your chest out to him and your bum back into remus. Sirius happily complied, suckling gently on one nipple, continuing to fondle the other with his hand. Remus groaned lowly, feeling you squirm back against his cock, and he grunted, trailing his hand up to your throat. You whimpered softly, tipping your head back and resting it against remus’s shoulder. Just as he applied pressure, he flicked his wand, putting the toy on the maximum setting. You keened, the sound a little broken due to the hand around your throat, your eyes wide. “Please!” You whined. “Please, I’m so close, let me cum, remus, please Sirius, please!” You babbled, unable to stop your wriggling hips and trembling thighs.
Sirius released your nipple with a pop and looked over your shoulder at remus, smirking. “I don’t know... what D’you reckon, Moony?” He smirked, and you whimpered, whole body shaking with effort.
“Don’t be cruel, Pads,” remus grinned, holding you up. “I think our girl deserves to come, don’t you? She has behaved exceptionally well, given the circumstances,”
You moaned softly. Pair of utter bastards, dragging this out as long as they could. You dug your nails into Sirius’s arm, whimpering pathetically. Sirius hummed. “Fine. Cum for us, pup,”
He didn’t need to tell you twice. Shaking, screaming and writhing like mad, you came, your hips bucking wildly, hands scrambling to hold onto them both as Remus held you up from behind and Sirius held the toy in place in case you dislodged it.
Moaning lowly, you reached your hand down, the buzzing toy becoming too much. Sirius grinned and removed your knickers and the toy, holding it up to show you as remus pulled you into his lap, shushing you gently. “Look at that, Moons,” Sirius grinned. “Look how wet she made this. Look at the mess you left all over this, puppy,” you whined at his teasing and hid your face in remus’s shoulder. Sirius smiled and came closer.
“We’re both very proud of you, babygirl, you followed the rules so well,” you nodded in response, biting your lip hard. Despite having jusg come, you wanted more, much more, and wriggled your hips absentmindedly, grinding on remus’s cock, while staring at the considerable bulge in Sirius’s jeans.
“What’s up, darling?” Remus cooed. You mumbled into his neck but he lifted your chin. “Use your words,” he instructed and you gulped.
“I-I want your cocks,” you said, trying not to hide your face. “T-together. At the same time,”
Sirius and Remus locked eyes for a moment, both of them inhaling sharply as they felt something primal deep inside. “Do you want one of us in your sweet little cunt, princess?” Remus murmured in your ear.
“And the other in your tight little arse?” Sirius smirked, already reaching for his wand. You gulped and nodded quickly.
“Yes please,” you said eagerly, already scrambling to kneel up. Remus laughed gently.
“Steady on love. C’mere,” he beckoned you to lie on your side, crooking his finger at Sirius to lie facing you.
“Sirius is going to fuck your pussy, aren’t you, Sirius,”
“Hmm,” Sirius grinned, very thankful that magic made undressing so much quicker. You bit your lip hard and palmed his cock as you reached up for a gentle kiss. Sirius soon knocked your hand away, guiding his cock into your dripping cunt. You let out a long, low moan at the feeling of being adequately filled after a day of being on edge.
“There’s a Good pup,” Sirius grunted, grasping your thigh and slinging it over his hip, pulling you closer and fucking you deeper. You let out a whimper, burying your face in his chest as you rocked your hips.
Remus smirked at his two lovers trying (and failing) to hold back. He cleared his throat, pushing your hair out of the way so he could kiss the back of your neck. “I’m going to use a spell to prep your little arsehole, darling,” he murmured into your ear and you nodded eagerly, moaning ‘please’. Remus mumbled something and you squirmed, tensing up and making Sirius groan slightly. Your arse was sufficiently lubed up and, as remus rolled a condom on and pressed the blunt head of his cock to your hole, adequately stretched. He hissed as you clenched slightly, before pushing back against him, taking more and more of him until his was fully inside you.
Both of your boys stopped for a moment, letting you squirm and adjust and get comfortable once more, before you looked up at them frantically. “Please move!” You begged, trying to push back into Remus and forward into Sirius to urge them to move.
“You want us to fuck you, pup?” Sirius groaned. “Want us to pound your holes until you scream?” You nodded desperately, wriggling, squirming.
“Good girl,” remus groaned, grasping onto your hip as he began a slow steady pace. It was a heavy contrast from the brutal rate at which Sirius was fucking your pussy, and your head swam with the sensation. You were just so damn full and you were loving every second of it, a garbled, barely coherent mix of names and curses and praises spilling from your mouth.
Remus grunted and reached over you, pulling on Sirius’s hair, smirking as he growled. “Fucking hell,” Sirius groaned, his eyes rolling back. “So tight, puppy, can feel you squeezing mine and Remus’s cocks,” he praised you and you whined out.
“Please more, please, faster, please!” You whined, arching your back. Sirius and Remus nodded at one another before stopping briefly. You were about to complain, but they began thrusting into you, in sync. While previously they had alternated, reducing you to a whimpering mess, this change of pace had you screaming in ecstasy, the double penetration nigh on doubling your pleasure. “Gonna come!” You moaned out, every muscle in your body tensing before the band snapped and you shattered, coming with lustful cries of their names. Remus groaned, tipping his head back, cock twitching inside of you as he came, and Sirius followed soon after with a shout.
Limp, spent and almost asleep, you withered, trembling with the aftershocks. Groaning, Sirius kissed you hard, praising you, before remus tilted your head for an equally passionate kiss. “Was amazin’” you slurred, well and truly worn out. Remus laughed softly, using magic to clean you all off, summoning a goblet and filling it with water.
“Drink, both of you,” he ordered gently, and you were both happy to comply, as once you had finished, Sirius tugged the blanket over you all, snuggling under the covers with you. You turned to nuzzle into Remus’s chest as Sirius did the same to your back, his arms coming around your waist. You smiled softly as you all exchanged mumbled ‘I love you’s, slipping off into a much needed sleep.
Tags: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @rabeccablake @sambucky8 @eleven-times-lively @talksoprettyjjx @extra-trash77 @rangerelik @Dracosbbygorl @wonderwoman292 @lilymurphy03 @fredweasleyisntdead @fredswh0re @rogertaylorismycar @meaganjm @fanficwriter5 @shadesofbarryallen @kiwi-sloan @bbeauttyybbx @inglourious-imagines @bonniesgoldengirl @trumpsgorillagrip @blisshemmings @little-bit-of-randomness @vsarzx @eunoia-kth @liliputbahn @thestunningspell @beiahadid @courtnytrash04 @ccosmic-illusion @purpleskymalfoy @marshxx @hogwartslut @thatslovelymoony @winchestergirl333 @sterwild
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raetree · 3 years
my english assigment that i snuck in wolfstar
so hey guys, I  had to write a fan fic on poa so I did marauders era stuff with wolfstar and I got an a
Bloody remus and his chocolate. 
You’d think he had PMS if you knew how much chocolate I stole for the boy. If he had a child, that child's main diet would be chocolate. ‘Hey, you crying? Chocolate. Someone broke your heart? chocolate.’ I mean really, who can eat that much chocolate! I'm getting sick just thinking of it. And I can eat a healthy helping when I want to. Just not at home. Still I'd do anything for Remus, he means so much to me. I'd give up the world for him. 
“WHOS THERE” damnit, why did the prefects have to be so uptight. Can't they just let a man go to the kitchen and get his best friend some chocolate at 3 am? I bet it's a bloody Slytherin, they're always on my tail, ha pun intended.
 As I'm running through the corridor under the cover of James's invisibility cloak, I narrowly avoid Snivellus and continue running up to the common room. I mutter the password and sneak in to see Remus, James and Peter all sitting together with a gap between Peter and Remus for me.
 I take off the cloak and whisper yell “surprise”. Peters is the only one who jumps. Typical.
 Without looking over Remus accusingly says
 “Didn't get caught now did we?” I feign hurt and bring a hand up to my chest and gasp 
“I would never!”
“You're not lying to me are you?” He looked up at me with a skeptical look in his deep hazel eyes. I knew I couldn't lie to that face. So i gave in 
“Fine I almost got caught by a prefect- 
“What? Oh and I also saw Snivellus on my way back up, wonder what he was doing out so late-” 
''He was probably thinking the same of you Black.”  Remus said once again reading his book. “Aw come on Remy you're not gonna be mad just because I almost got caught are you?” I said mockingly as I walked up behind him, bent down and wrapped my arms around his shoulders half hugging him from behind. Remus rolled his eyes and tried to keep reading but I shut his book and gave him the chocolate I stole “My treat, feel better Mooney” I gave him a quick squeeze and let go to sit next to him and Peter. Remus muttered a small thank you as I rolled eyes and threw an arm around him. He'd had a rough night, chocolate was the least I could do. We sat in silence for a bit, when I noticed James was unusually quiet. I looked over to see him asleep on the armchair moved to be next to Remus and that Peter was asleep next to me. That just wouldn't do, so I picked up Remus's big book from his hands, much to his protest, and dropped it on the table with a large bang resulting in waking up Peter and James with a jump. 
“ BOYS!” I said “I propose an idea. A way to find out how to avoid people while were snooping around or escorting a certain someone we all know and love-” 
“Especially you Sirius”
“Shut it James” 
Even in his groggy sleep filled state he's still as fast as ever.
“Anyways, as I was saying” 
I continued, choosing to ignore Remus slight blush and embarrassed state 
“We need something that will help us go around the castle and know where everyone one is and that will help with secret passages-” 
“A map” 
I turned to Remus with a big grin on my face to find a small smirk on his. 
“Perfect!” James said excitedly with a mutter of approval from Peter.
 “But how do we do it?” 
“Well” Remus started “There are wards all over the campus, from past headmasters or from the founders as sort of protection spells tied to the castle. If we could make one, and tie it to the castle we could then tie the map or parchment to that and it could give a live feedback of the castle, like people's whereabouts whether they are ghosts or in an animagus form, using the invisibility cloak, whatever. As well as secret tunnels or passageways. But we'd have to have a way that only we could access it. Or those who know how to use it can access it.” 
Everyone took a minute to process this. 
“So-” Peter started slowly “If we put, say, a password on it, that way only we could access it!”
 “Yes but we'd also have to figure out a spell to block some dim witt trying to put their nose in our business'' I added. Remus clearly shared the same train of thought because he answered with a solution.
“Basic protection spells should be good, but I'll do some research when I find time to go to the library. I'm sure I'll be able to go to the restricted section by persuading some teacher-”  
“You've really got Slughorn around your finger “
''He's not the only one” James added.
 I shot a glare at him before softening my face and turning over to where Remus and Peter were jotting down notes of books and spells we could use to make our map. 
“What about the name” James piped up. 
“That's not really of the utmost importa-” 
“ What about The Marauders Map? 
“ Marua- what?”
 “I mean we're kind of marauders right?” I said ignoring James' question and flicking my head between the three of them. Remus sighed before saying
“I guess so-” 
“Excuse me” James said clearly a bit annoyed from being ignored “But what the hell is a Marauder?” I took a second and then said
“It's kind of a trouble maker I guess? Someone who breaks the rules, you know, a marauder?” James sighed even more annoyed now and turned to Remus, clearly not having got the answer he wanted from me. 
Remus got the jist and said 
“By definition a marauder is a person who marauds; a raider. A pirate or a plunderer or a thief.” Remus clearly had worked to simplify it for James as it was pointless to just spit out words no one would understand.
“The more detailed version” Peter interrupted James 
“Is one who roams from place to place making attacks and raids in search of plunder : one that marauds residents-”
“ Yeah I get it thanks Peter” James snapped, clearly annoyed he had just been interrupted. Peter's ears went red and he turned back to his notes with Remus following suit.
 I sighed and said 
“Well gentle- I mean, Marauders, I’d love to stay up but I think it's about time I turn in, we've only got what? 2 hours left to sleep?”
 I turn to Remus because he was the one with the watch, 
“ Three and half but I get your point Sirius. And you know there clock right above your head, right?” he said looking up at me while packing his parchment away I walked over and quietly said to him 
“Yeah but if it means I get to talk to you that always makes my day” I wink and walk away from a slightly flustered Remus and say 
“Goodnight my fellow Marauders” trying not to laugh but fail horribly and start running up the stairs laughing with James and Peter.
I caught a glimpse of Remus shaking his head before following us up, albeit without the obnoxious laughter and falling up the stairs.
I get to the dorm and jump into my bed, I fall asleep thinking of the endless possibilities that this new idea will present to all four of us.
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sdottkrames · 4 years
The Wolf’s Out of the Bag
(A Maruaders Era Fic)
@comfortember Prompt 9: Confession
Summary: Lupin’s friends no longer believe that he’s visiting his parents each month at the full moon.
Notes: I was originally going to do a Golden Trio fic, but my heart kept calling me towards the Marauders. So here we are. My first HP fic. I hope you enjoy it! 
Also: this is definitely based on a screenshot of a Tumblr post by @hogwartshead-canons (I can’t find the blog anymore?) that I saw on Pinterest that went like this:
Sirius: of course we’re not going to have you kicked out! Why would we do that?
Remus: Because I’m a monster….
James: Oh stop being such a drama queen. You fold your socks, Remus. Do forgive me if I’m not trembling at the sight of you.
Read on AO3: Here
I hope you enjoy!
When James met the boy with the messy black hair on the train to Hogwarts, he’d known right away they would be best friends. Sirius Black was confident and loud, bold and funny. James didn’t care about his last name, and Sirius was grateful to be seen as something other than a family legacy. They got on famously from the very first “hello.”
When Peter Pettigrew, with his mousy hair and nervous disposition ended up being in their dormitory, James had instantly decided Peter was his project. James had his father’s drive to protect and his mother’s kind heart, and he knew Peter needed protection and confidence. He was determined to give that to his new friend.
Remus Lupin was another story entirely. The boy was quiet, but when he opened his mouth he had the ability to make the others nearly wet their pants with laughter. He kept to himself most of the time, almost like he was afraid to let himself become friends with the group. The urge to crack his shell and earn his friendship sunk deep into James’ skin. 
James tried everything. He made Remus’ bed  (he had discovered his friend liked his bed made, but often slept so long he rushed out with no time to make it in the morning), he snuck Remus food from the great hall when he was sick (he was sick a lot), he let Remus ride his prized broom. Giving Remus chocolate seemed to have the best effect, though. Slowly, slowly, James could see the shell Remus had created around himself cracking, and that feeling under his skin became even more present as he got closer and closer to earning the shy, quiet boy’s trust. 
And he also learned a few secrets along the way. 
After months observing Remus to find his favorite snacks or his go-to hiding spots, it wasn’t hard to piece things together. The other boys often talked about it at length while Remus was gone on his trips “home,” or while he was “sick.” It didn’t take a genius to figure out that it was always during the full moon, and soon they were no longer debating the what if’s, but instead the what now’s. 
They obviously didn’t care that Remus was a werewolf. Sirius prided himself on not being afraid of anything, James was far too loyal to let any prejudice get in the way of his friendship, and Peter was simply their shadow, content to follow their lead as usual. 
With growing concern, the boys watched their friend struggle each month. They tried to let him come to them, dropping hints, and hoping he would trust them with his secret. They’d gotten close enough over the last year. But he never did. 
They decided it was time they went to him.
“You look horrible, Remus,” Sirius said as the other boy entered the dormitory.
It had been a rough transformation that month. Worse than usual, for some reason. Madame Promfrey had said it was natural for some to be harder than others, especially since he’d been very homesick the past week. The Christmas holidays seemed like ages ago, and the summer ones were a lifetime away. He missed his mum terribly.
So, no, he wasn't looking very good. He’d worn a thick, comfortable sweater to hide the raw wounds that he’d given himself, chewing on his own flesh when there wasn’t anything else to chew on. A nasty habit he’d picked up on during his younger years. His hair was disheveled, and he was sure he looked thinner than he usually did.
“It was a long trip at home, I’m just tired,” he said, giving a grim smile, the lie falling from his lips so naturally even he almost believed it. 
Unfortunately, the others did not. Remus swallowed as he registered the concern and disbelief that filled each of their eyes in various degrees.
“C’mon, mate,” Sirius said. “We know you haven’t been home.”
“We can’t help you if you don’t tell us what’s really going on,” Peter piped up. “We just want to help.”
Remus shook his head, his eyes wide, looking and feeling like a cornered animal. The urge to run, to get away from them and their kindness, away from where they could get him to speak the truth that would turn their love into hatred, was overwhelming.
“I...I can’t,” he gasped, then tore out the door without another thought.
Peter sighed, and started to straighten Remus’ books. He always turned to cleaning when he felt uncomfortable and knew that his friend liked a clean desk.
Sirius and James shared a look, having a conversation without words as only they could.
Should I go after him? James asked in a nod towards the door.
A pursed lip. He might need more time.
A sigh. We need to tell him.
Sirius shrugged his shoulder, leaving it up to James and ending the conversation. He turned back to his books. He would be there as soon as Remus needed him, of course, but James was much more delicate and tactful in these types of situations. He would give his friend a head start and join them later.
James hesitated a second before following his gut and heading to find Remus. Throughout the years, he had learned a lot of his friend’s favorite spots to go to when he was upset. He rarely encroached on his friend’s space, but just now he felt it was warranted.
Remus was huddled underneath a tree by the lake. The weather was just starting to turn warmer, and he relished the ability to be outside with only a jacket again. He quickly wiped his eyes as James approached and flopped down beside him, leaning against the tree.
“Listen, mate, we’re your friends. We just want to look after you. We don’t give up on people, and we certainly aren’t going to give up on you,” he said, after a bea
“I know,” Lupin whispered, his voice pained. “But you should.”
James sighed, deciding to rip the proverbial band aid off. “I know you’re a werewolf,” he confessed.
Remus looked at him, his mouth opening and closing a couple times before he stammered out, “I...you...what?”
Suddenly, a new voice cut in. “Seriously, Remus, you’re a rubbish liar,” Sirius said.
“We figured it out months ago,” Peter added.
“And we don’t care,” James said firmly.
Tears filled Remus’ eyes. “You should. I’m a monster. I’m dangerous. I-”
“Oh stop being such a drama queen,” James interrupted. “You fold your socks, Remus. Do forgive me if I’m not trembling at the sight of you.”
“You’re not taking this seriously,” Remus said harshly. “I could kill you.” He emphasized his point by angrily shoving his sleeve up his arm to reveal the red gashes that criss crossed over older white scars, a cruel scrapbook of his life that only pictured his lowest moments. “This could happen to you, only you won’t survive it.”
The others were silent as Remus’ anger filled the space around them, but James could see the self loathing that was the true cruz of the matter. He slowly reached out towards his friend, trying not to spook the boy, and gently tugged him into a hug.
“Remus, we aren’t going anywhere,” he said. Remus was paralyzed in surprise for a moment before bringing his arms up to return the hug.The others quickly joined in, enveloping their friend in the warmth of their bodies and friendship. 
But soon the quiet moment ended. 
Sirius, unable to help himself, dug his fingers into Remus’ side, which made him giggle. Then Peter joined in, and soon they were all on the ground unable to stop.
Remus sobered first, but a grin stayed on his lips as he looked at these three boys who had finally broken through his walls, who had really seen him and still loved him. 
“Thank you,” he said.
“You’re welcome,” Peter said simply.
“Yeah, mate. Who else is gonna make sure we finish our homework in time,” Sirius grinned.
James slung his arm around Remus. “One condition, though.”
“What’s that?” Remus asked suspiciously.
“No take backs. You’re stuck with us now.”
Remus smiled bright as the sun, warm and genuine. “I think I can live with that.”
“I’m telling you, mates,” James said dramatically. “This is the beginning of an era.”
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 years
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''Have you ever even heard of a brush?"
"I should be asking you that. My hair is flawless, yours looks like a bird's nest!"
"At least I can get birds! You like to think you're soooo smooth with the ladies. News flash: You're not!"
"Coming from the woman who hasn't had a date in 4 years!"
"I've had offers!"
"Yeah sure you have. It's more believable that I love Lucius Malfoy than you being asked on a date."
"It's because I'm a nice person. A term you're NOT FAMILIAR WITH."
The screams of Sirius Black and Y/N Y/L/N could be heard from down the corridor. Young Gryffindor's scarpered away from their common room as fast as possible, they decided it'd be safer to just go to their next lesson without their books.
Screaming matches between the two were a common occurrence and it usually ended with objects and hexes being thrown. Usually James Potter and Remus Lupin stepped before it got to violent but sometimes even they were unable to calm them down.
However, it was difficult for people to say that Sirius and Y/N hated each other because half the time they were teaming up to prank people and they always had the others back. On the other hand, they argued just as much and would take any opportunity to belittle the other.
    "Onward my hideous steed." Y/N yelled jumping on Sirius' back.
"Your wish is my command, my fat princess." Sirius darted off towards the great hall.
It had been two days since their last argument and like always, they had made up. James and Remus just trailed behind shaking their heads at their friends. Sirius and Y/N were engaged in a friendly insult match when the entered the Great Hall. However, this was cut short when Y/N was suddenly dropped on her ass.
"Ow Sirius. What the heck?" Y/N groaned as James and Remus helped her up, but Sirius was too busy chatting up a 6th year Ravenclaw.
"Gross. I was actually looking forward to my breakfast this morning as well." Remus joked after seeing the forlorn look on his female friend's face.
Y/N barely cracked a smile.
"Why so glum, chum?" James joked, pretending he didn't know about the feelings everyone knew Sirius and Y/N had for each other.
"What? Oh, just worried about an Ancient Runes test." Y/N lied.
"Seriously? You? Worried about a test? When have you ever failed one?" James teased. Y/N let out a laugh at that until she saw Sirius and the Ravenclaw playing a game of tonsil tennis.
"Excuse me, I think I'm going to be sick." Y/N deadpanned before rushing out the room. Sirius noticed his friend hurrying out the hall but didn't have the chance to go after her as he was pulled back into another kiss.
    Two weeks had passed since you'd last spoken to Sirius, this was mainly due to the fact that his 'girlfriend' was always around, this meant you didn't seem much of the Marauders. Remus was an exception, you met him in the library every evening and worked on your homework together, as per tradition.
Apparently James decided he'd had enough of you ignoring them, as it was the first time he'd stepped foot in the library. You decided you were just going to keep quiet and not say anything.
"Enough is enough. Stop ignoring us. We miss you. All of us. Sirius misses you as well."
"I wasn't aware he had the time to miss me with all the snogging he's been doing."
"Oh cut the crap. Just admit it already, you like him."
"I do not! For starters, he has a girlfriend. And second of all, we hate each other. In case you didn't notice, we're always arguing. Always." You defend heatedly.
"So, if I was to mention that Sirius isn't dating that Ravenclaw anymore, it wouldn't matter to you?" James said casually.
You could feel your heart beating a little faster but tried to keep a bored face.
"Not at all. I wouldn't care one little bit." You say uninterestingly.
Remus who had been quiet up till that point, let out a loud snort of laughter, which resulted in a glare from you. He shut up promptly.
"But, say, I had this friend, and she was interested, they broke up?"
"Yup. Splitsville. For a week."
"How come?"
"Well, they broke up because Sirius kept asking about you and his girlfriend wasn't too happy about that. She said some pretty mean things about you. We had to try and hold Remus back from hitting her."
You turned to look at your friend, who was never violent, and saw that he turned a very dark shade of red.
"Sirius was worse." Remus mumbled.
"I'm sure my friend will be very interested." You stutter before standing up and darting out the room.
"I'm pretty sure her only friends are us and Lily." James states letting out a chuckle at your lies.
    Rushing down the corridors, you tried to calm the flaming of your cheeks. Some part of you had always liked Sirius but you'd always buried it deeply and James saying it out loud made it seem way too real. Now it may seem stupid that you like Sirius, you guys always argue, but that's why you fought with him. You knew he'd never like you back and so you decided to make it seem like you hated him.
  Sirius Black had the worst timing in the world. He'd just missed you at the library, just he like he'd missed you when he tried to talk to you in the morning, before bed, after lunch, after dinner, after classes, etc. However, this time he managed to have good timing as you barrelled straight into him.
"Oh Merlin. I'm so sorry, I wasn't wa-." You ramble until you look up and lock eyes with the one guy that was occupying your thoughts. "Oh.. Hi."
"Hey. Haven't seen you in while." Sirius tries to joke.
"I've been busy."
"Cut the bullshit. You've been ignoring me. Why?"
"I haven't been ignoring you."
"Y/N, don't lie to me. You have. I have a right to know why my best friend is ignoring me."
"Best friend? That's rich. All we do is fight and argue. And maybe I have been ignoring you. Maybe I was sick and tired of always arguing or maybe I just didn't want to see you trying to suck off that girl's face!"
"That's never stopped us being friend before. Our friendship has been like that for 6 years! 6 whole years and now you've decided not to be my friend. What's the actual reason and don't say the Ravenclaw because we've been over for a week."
"Just stay away from me Sirius." You demand and try to step around him but he's too quick and grabs your arm pulling you back.
"Don't walk away from me. This conversation isn't over." He hisses.
"Yes it is."
"No it's not."
"Our friendship is over. Just accept it!"
"No I won't! I am not willing to accept that a six year friendship is over just like that. What did I do to make you hate me?"
"You didn't do anything." You say solemnly.
"Finally." Sirius whispers before pulling you into a passionate kiss.
Five minutes later, you break away gasping for air.
"What just happened?" You asked.
"I like you too. I used to date all those girls just to get you notice to me. And it did, just in the wrong way." Sirius admits. "You hated me instead, and so I insulted you to try and push the feelings away and it seems I just pushed you away."
"I did the same thing."
"Merlin I love you." Sirius smirks.
"I love you too."
And with that the pair of you proceed to start making out against the wall.
    The next day, you and Sirius walked into the Great Hall hand in hand. The pair of you were too busy with the other to notice the rest of the Gryffindor's passing money to each other due to winning a bet about the pair of you.
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How it may have gone - Humble Beginnings
A fic taking place in the marauders era. While the political climate seems to head to a conflict, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter are still just teenagers. Dealing with typical teenage problems. But this year their little group grows. Who would have known that more prefects would be a good thing?
Nine: A hard night’s day I
Back in the common room I sat down on a fluffy carpet and buried my head in my hands. I wasn’t sure whether going off at Sirius in front of all of them was smart. It could have just alienated him further. It could make the other boys mad at him. They more or less seemed annoyed now. I didn’t want to cause any more trouble. I really didn’t. When I realised I was thinking in circles I half-heartedly pulled out my Charms book from my bag and looked for a desk. I could have gone up to work by myself but I needed other people being around, even if it was the babbling and screaming first years who played exploding Snap in one corner. The old desk with the skinny legs and rose carvings that was painted black always spoke to me. I pulled one of the mustard-yellow satin chairs to it and elongated its legs. Nothing but an armchair to do your homework.
The more I read about huminification charms, the more I forgot my current complicated life and the better my essay on the possible advantages of humanified objects got. I loved the idea of charming a clock to sing me the time or to have my books grow feet and ears so I could command them to tidy themselves up. I reread the whole thing when somebody threw a shadow over my little desk.
“Toby…” I braced myself for a confrontation that hadn’t yet happened.
“Uhm… Pince said you have checked out Montague’s Marvellous Mushrooms and Mosses.”
“I have.”
“Could I borrow it? Sprout has us on identification and I’m really stuck on one of the samples. I think it’s Taiwanese Mountain Moss but it could just as well be seaweed…”
“It’s upstairs. I can get it for you.”
“If you would? Thanks.”
“Give me a second.” I got up and went to my dorm. The book lay in a big pile on my desk. I had only checked it out to do something while avoiding everyone I knew. Grabbing the book I wondered why Toby was speaking so normally to me. For the past three and a half weeks he hadn’t said a single word to me and only ever looked at me to silently threaten my life. I was quite convinced that he hated me.
“There you go.” I handed him Montague’s work.
“Thanks, I’ll have it back to you as soon as possible.”
“Oh, no. Keep it as long as you like. I got two more weeks before it’s due back and I don’t really need it. I just wanted… something to read.”
“Thanks.” He turned to go back to the couch where he sat with Magnus but stopped halfway and faced me again.
“You’ve seemed absent recently.”
“I haven’t seen you around as much as usual. Everything okay?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“No. It’s just… Look, I’m Crick’s friend. Someone hurts him, I’m against them.”
“I realised.”
“Maybe we’ve gone overboard a bit. After Chloe yelled at Magnus we both considered what she said but it didn’t sound like Crick to blatantly lie about what happened.”
“I doubt that he lied. For him it is probably exactly what happened. It’s his truth. But, you know, not mine.”
“So, you didn’t tell him you loved him?”
“Ugh!”, I got up from my chair and started pacing around. “No. Not like that. I mean I’ve known him since I was …born? Must have told him I loved him at some point. And I told him about the crush in second year. But recently? No. The only time I remember that that word was even used was in the owlry in November.”
“That’s what he told us. You told him you loved him when you were alone in the owlry.”
“No! I said ‘we’.”
“Come again?”
“We were talking about how the girls and I spent more time with the Poter-posse and how he felt abandoned. So, I told him that we didn’t want to make him feel that way. Because we were his friends and we loved him. We! The group. All of us. Platonically.”
Toby didn’t seem convinced.
“What about the date?”
“What date?”
“You went to the party together. It was a date.”
“Not to my knowledge. When Mum said that Mrs Cricket was going to buy tickets for Crick and Jonas Milla and I wanted in on the fun. I convinced Mum to let me go if I stayed with Jonas and Crick. Milla then found out that she’d go skiing. So, I asked Crick and Jonas if they would consider walking there with me and getting me back home. I told them that they didn’t have to look after me at the party because I could just find myself new friends but that I would love to go.
Jonas had made plans to preparty at a friend’s house but Crick said that it would be no problem. How is that a date?”
Magnus had walked over to us and listened in on my story.
“It isn’t. Will Jonas confirm that?”
“Yes, Mag, he will confirm it.”
“Look, if I had known how Crick felt about me I would have been a little nicer about the whole thing. More considerate. But I didn’t know. Why should I have assumed that he’d think of that party as a date when I absolutely didn’t? If Milla had been in the country I would have begged Crick to take her, too. I was blind to the possibility of Crick and I ever being more than friends. So, if there were clues on how he felt I just… I just didn’t see them.”
“That does sound more like you than being a heartbreaking skank”, Toby commented with a crooked smile.
“Thank you.”
“I hate it when Chloe’s right. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“You believe me?”
“Don’t think we have a choice, mate.” I leaped at them, wrapping one arm around each of their necks, trying hard not to cry and failing.
“Woah, Jette, it’s all good. No tears. Please, no tears.”
Magnus wiped away the wetness from my cheek with his thumb and smiled at me. “Hot chocolate?”
We put the houseelves to work and came away with three steaming cups of cocoa. I finished my homework sitting at their table, joking around every so often and feeling like maybe this year wouldn’t be so bad.
When the other girls came back from their lame astrology course Chloe instantly greeted us with a “Come to your senses, I see” which caused Magnus to roll his eyes and Toby to shrug. They joined us around the little coffeetable and we all let our homework be homework. Instead we decided to interrogate Milla about her plans for the next day, after all her big date with Remus was less than twenty-four hours away.
“He planned the thing”, Milla grinned. “And he’s very secretive about it. All I know is that we’re to meet in the foyer right after breakfast and that I’m not to smoke with you and the others but on the way to the village. No idea what we’re gonna do then.”
“It’s so romantic”, Blair dreamily said.
“No, it’s about damn time”, Nica answered. “They approach their expirydate.”
“Their what now?”, Toby asked laughing.
“Oh, you know. There’s a certain moment during the whole flirting thing by which you have to have gotten somewhere. Otherwise you’ll just stay friends. I thought everybody knew that. If none of the two makes a move, they’ll both just be done with it.”
“News to me”, Magnus said.
“That’s because you fell for Chloe and told her instantly.”
“And you were lucky that I liked you, too.”
It was one of the best afternoons I’d had all month.
But of course the joy of that afternoon was shortlived. When we walked into the Great Hall for dinner Mulciber and younger Black waited for us near the door.
“Would you look at that, Regulus? An entire group of mudbloods, filthy halfbloods and blood traitors.”
“And a good evening to you, Mulciber.”
“I think we should teach McKinnon and Levenstein a lesson in who to surround themselves with, don’t you?” Magnus stepped in front of Chloe while Toby shielded Blair.
“Oh, cute. They brought dirty bodyguards. Shame they won’t bloody help you.” Black’s eyes had a crazy glare in them, that I hadn’t seen before. “Don’t you know that their muddy magic can’t combat ours?”
“I’m giving you one chance to just get out the way and let us get on with our evening, Black. One.”
“Or what”
“Or I’ll show you what I could have done to Mulciber and his friends here, when they insulted your brother in October. Remember that? When you were actually rather decent and not yet consumed by those idiotic ideals your friends are so obsessed with? I remember you defended me.” Mulciber looked at Black.
“Temporary insanity”, Black said casually with a shrug. “Back then I wasn’t aware how much you love yourself some mudblood.” Black raised his wand at Milla and out of the corner of my eye I saw her flinch and take a step back.
“Black, hexing fellow students is against this school’s houserules. As is harassing them. Now, get out of our way!”, I yelled.
“Lacanta”, Black yelled in response, wand still pointed at Milla. Her hair started to crawl back into her scalp. She screamed in pain and shock. That was the moment that I forgot I was a prefect and an example to my fellow students. That was the moment I decided to be a good best friend and a very talented duellist. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at the Slytherin table.
“Oppugno!”, every last spoon from the green table flew towards Mulciber, Black, Flint and the rest of their little gang. As they were distracted by the attack I used the time to stop the curse Black had thrown at Milla and had her hair grow back.
I heard the spoons fall to the ground and instinctively conjured protection around us before binding all of our opponents with the Incarcerous by yelling the charm and waving my wand over all of them. One by one they fell onto the spoon-covered ground wrapped in thick yellow and black rope.
“So much for muddy blood not standing a chance!”, I huffed at them.
The Great Hall had fallen absolutely silent. The army of flying spoons had alerted every last person to our little conflict and when I looked up to the teacher’s table I realised that Professor Slughorn, Professor Sprout and the headmaster were coming our way.
“Maybe you should go and sit down”, I suggested, realising that I had been the only one who actually broke the rules. But my friends refused to leave my side. To be honest, I was happy they stayed. It felt good knowing they were with me and had my back.
Dumbledore undid the ropes and waited for the Slytherins to get back up.
“Mr Plouer, Mr Maguire, Miss McKinnon, Miss Levenstein, Miss O’Leary, Miss Scribe-Anderson, Mr Flint, Mr Avery, Mr Mulciber, Mr Lucasson and Miss Weary will now sit down at their respective tables”, Dumbledore announced with a calm voice that didn’t allow any discussion. Professor Sprout escorted the Hufflepuffs, Professor Slughorn lead the Slytherins back to their benches.
“Mr Black and Miss de Witt. Again. This time on opposing sides, I see. Not too long ago you made me reconsider punishing Mr Black, Miss de Witt. Will you be doing the same thing, now?”
“No, Sir. This time I’d like him to be expelled. But I’ll be happy if he get detention until the end of the year.”
“Yeah? In that case you should be in detention until you graduate, seeing how you attacked us twice!”, Black shot back.
“Miss de Witt warned you, Mr Black. She gave you a chance to walk away. I heard that with my own two ears. I might be old but by no means am I deaf.” We both stared at Dumbledore gobsmacked.
“You chose to ignore the warning and hex Miss Scribe-Anderson with a particularly nasty jinx. I hear it’s a very painful experience to have your hair retreat into the follicles. You will face consequences for this action, Mr Black.”
“But Sir, she…”
“She, too will face consequences”, Dumbledore cut Black off. “While you displayed excellent knowledge and execution of defensive spells, Miss de Witt, you chose to first attack Mr Black with a table-full of spoons, rather than instantly rendering them no-risk. I assume you could have bound them right away?”
“I suppose so, Sir. But my best friend was screaming in agony and Mulciber and Flint had their wands ready to hex the next of us. I decided to distract them first, so we could help out Milla. You’ll have noticed that not a single spoon touched either of them.”
“Indeed I have noticed.” He remained quiet for what seemed an eternity and you could have heard a needle drop in the Great Hall. Absolutely everybody was listening to our conversation.
“Detention for the both of you. With your respective Heads of House. They will determine the punishment. Two weeks each, you hear? I do not want to see anything like this again of either of you. But Miss de Witt, however impressive this demonstration was, you are a prefect to your fellow students, which means you act with grace and common sense. One more mishap like this and I’ll have the badge revoked. Understood?”
“Understood, Sir.”
“Well, enjoy your dinner, then.” He abruptly turned around and went back to the head table. I wasted no time getting away from Black and joined my friends.
Professor Sprout waited for me. Her usually motherly face had lost all warmth. The wrinkles that normally made her seem like a quirky grandmother now gave her a harsh appearance. She was mad.
“Once you’ve finished, you will report to my office. Immediately. No talking to your friends, no smoking in the courtyard. You will report to me instantly.”
“I will, Professor.” Without another word she turned around.
Professor Sprout’s office looked like a botanical garden. Every surface was covered in pots of all sizes, mainly in terracotta colour. They held plants that had fangs, produced purple bubbles, had tentacles and sent their blossoms flying through the air. From the ceiling hung even more pots, from ropes and chains, some suspended in the air without any help. Those held ivy and ranks cascading down onto the floor. The walls were covered in pictures and sketches of plants, that were likely pulled from textbooks. In the far back stood a huge wooden desk – also adorned with flowers and plants – in front of a big cupboard, a tub of soil and several watering cans.
I’d been here before. Generally it was a welcoming office that was filled with laughter and praise but I expected this time to be very different.
Upon knocking I got no answer but heard feet moving through the room, so I opened the door. Professor Sprout juggled three watering cans while rushing from one side of the room to the other, amber coloured robes flying into the air and crinkling. She hadn’t heard my knocking and didn’t seem to realise that I had entered. I let her finish watering a particularly naughty looking plant that slapped at her with thorned tentacles about the size of my legs.
“Professor Sprout?”
“Jette. Come in.”
She cleared away three tiny pots with what seemed to be human heads growing inside of them from a chair and gestured for me to sit. Then she took her own seat behind the giant desk. It took forever before she’d speak again.
“Professor Dumbledore and I are in agreement that your behaviour this evening leaves a lot to be desired. You are a Prefect. You should lead with good example and inspire your fellow Hufflepuffs. When you were given the badge at the beginning of the year you told me you understood that.”
“I remember.”
“So, I’d like to know what you think you’ve inspired your fellow Hufflepuffs to do tonight.”
“May speak absolutely freely?”
“By all means.”
“The only reason Mulciber and Black waited by the door was to find a victim, Madam. And they found that victim in us. Both of them are obsessed with blood purity and their own superiority. They are convinced that people like me, people like Milla should have never been allowed to attend Hogwarts. They are racists, Professor. Nothing short of it. I stood up to a bunch of racists in order to defend myself and my friends after we’d been attacked by them. Truth be told, I think I inspired my fellow Hufflepuffs to be proud of who they are and to remember they have the same rights to be here as anybody else. I hope to have inspired them to not take any of this elitist talk serious. I hope to have inspired them to choose wisely who to listen to and who to surround themselves with. I want to have inspired them to fight for their rights, be that with their wands, their fists or their voices. We might be kids in your eyes, Professor Sprout, but we read the Daily Prophet. We see the lists of missing people. We know about the debates in the Ministry. We hear what’s whispered in the corridors and we know what’s thought in the dungeons.
I’m expecting this whole bloodpurity-nonsense to blow up into one hell of a mess. And if my actions – however irresponsible or rule-breaking they were – inspired even one of my classmates to stand up for themselves when that mess is upon us, I’ll be proud. I do not see myself as a witch of second class. As a person of second class, because my grandmother fell in love with a muggle. I do not consider Milla or Toby people of third class because their parents are muggles. I don’t even understand how one could come to that conclusion. And because of that I will sure as hell not stand by when they are attacked for being who they are. For being brought up by loving good people.
I understand that I broke the rules and I understand that I should be punished for that. But I will not apologise for my actions. Not to you, not to Professor Dumbledore and not to those scumbags of Slytherins. I’d do it again. Because it’s right.” I took a deep breath and looked at Sprout. Her expression hadn’t changed throughout my lengthy speech.
“The headmaster has asked me to determine your punishment. It will last for two weeks.” She handed me a big, antique silver key on a leather band. “These are the keys to Greenhouse 4. You will spend one hour a day caring for the plants in there. You are to tell me at breakfast of every day when you plan to carry out your detention. If you want to do it before the classes, you tell me at dinner the night before. Enter the greenhouse and you’ll find a list of tasks. They shouldn’t take you longer than an hour but if they do you’ll finish the list before you leave. Is that clear.”
“Yes, Professor it is.”
“But I thought student weren’t allowed in Greenhouse 4.”
“They normally aren’t. There’s nothing dangerous in there, dear. Just sensible plants and those we grow for the ingredients in Potions. You should be fine.” She put her glasses on again and went through the parchments that were scattered on her desk.
“You can go, now, Jette. Don’t lose the key. Have a good weekend.”
“You, too, Professor. Goodnight.”
Back on the third floor corridor I closed the door of Professor Sprout’s office and stared at the key. It was silver in colour and shiny and about as long as my entire hand. There were only about three teeth on it but the stem and the head were ornate to the max. Those ornaments were mainly owls and horned boars. The black leatherband was tied around the head that looked like a three-leave-clover. Everything about the key gave me the impression that it had been around for centuries and I wondered how old the greenhouses actually were. Had they been on the grounds when the school first opened? The key made it seem that way.
While fiddling with the band my feet carried me back to the foyer where I found my friends trying to hold back a raging Remus.
“Let me go! Let me go! I’ll have him! I’ll kill him dead! LET! ME! GO!”
“Will you calm down?”, James yelled back but to no avail.
“Get off me!!”
“Remus, please!” That was Milla’s voice but I couldn’t see her. I ran the last couple of steps to them and first found Nica who confirmed what I already suspected: The boys had come to dinner late and found out about what happened to us.
“Get off, get off, get off! He deserves the pain, mate!”
“I know he does, but you don’t!”, Sirius’ hoarse voice had that same soft and calm tone again that I knew from New Year’s Eve.
“Remus, please! It’s not that bad, just calm down!”, Milla pleaded.
“Not that bad?!? Are you kidding me?”
“Remus John Lupin, you listen to me”, I shouted using my outside voice and my prefect tone. “This  incident has already gotten me probation as a prefect because I didn’t act like a rolemodel. Black will get detention. The last thing you need right now is to be grounded tomorrow, yeah?”
He stopped struggling for a moment and looked at me. “If I were McGonnagal I’d have you stay in the castle tomorrow if you do something stupid now.”
“That’s it!”, Milla decided. “You calm down this instant, have a smoke and a hot chocolate and then you forget about Sirius stupid brother. I will not not go on a date tomorrow. Am I making myself clear?” She, too, had used her prefect voice.
“He called you a mudblood and physically assaulted you, Milla.”
“I’m aware. And very flattered that you’re willing to defend my honour with such passion but I’ll be more flattered if you tell me how pretty I look in my new hat on the way to Hogsmeade.”
Remus’ fighting against the restraining hands of his four best friends and Magnus died down a little. I was certain that he was giving it up when Mulciber, Flint and younger Black came up to the foyer from the dungeons. Instinctively, Blair and I moved to block Remus’ view of them but he was too tall for that scheme. I saw his muscles tighten again and the other boys digging their heels into the stone floor. He didn’t yet say anything.
“Oh, is someone mad because we teased the little mudblood?”, Flint asked in the most condescending tone. Remus let out a quiet but very animalistic growl.
“Oi, de Witt, you’re on the list now, too, you know. Thought we could maybe let you get off lightly, given that your great-grandparents were purebloods but that’s over. You’re nothing more than a filthy mudblood-loving bloodtraitor. Worth nothing more than my brother”, Black announced, obviously hoping to intimidate me. I was going to answer but Sirius was quicker.
“Reg, don’t you think you’ve gotten into enough trouble tonight?” He still held back Remus, only looking over his shoulder. His brother let out a cackling laugh.
“Oi, Cricket get in here and help me out!”, Sirius shouted and to my surprise Crick and Jonas came to release Sirius of his Remus-restraining-duties.
“Reg, I’m talking to you. Don’t you think you’ve proven where you stand? We all know what you’re thinking, we all know you’re better. Just let it go. Don’t get yourself into any more trouble.”
“As if that was any of your concern, bloodtraitor.”
“Of course it’s my concern! You’re my little brother. However twisted your views might be I don’t need or want you to be scrubbing toilets for the rest of the year.”
“I! AM! NOT! YOUR! BROTHER!”, Black’s voice echoed through the foyer, rendering every other student silent.
“You are a disgrace to the ancient and noble house of Black! You deserved every bit of what they did to you! You deserved to be cursed and tortured and beaten. You don’t value or respect you blood. The moment you left, they burnt you off the tapestry and disowned you. And so, did I! Have fun living with your bloodtraiter-friends but don’t think that there’s a fraction of respect left in me. You’re dead to me.” Black pushed Sirius who stumbled a good couple of feet back. Then, the whole Slytherin group left the foyer through a corridor to their right.
Peter, James, Magnus, Jonas and Crick were still leaning against Remus who stood as relaxed as he would have on the train to the holidays. All of them were staring at Sirius. Like Nica, Milla, Blair, Chloe and me. Like every other student in the foyer.
Sirius didn’t move. I only saw his back but I imagined him staring at the spot where his brother had stood a minute ago. An eternity passed before James let go of Remus and went over to his best friend. He spoke to him in a hushed voice and got him to move again. He guided him to the courtyard, raising three fingers in the air to us.
“Guess, we’re giving them three minutes… Chaps, thanks. But you can let go now.”, Remus said, the first person in the room to speak in full volume. The other boys stepped back from him and Milla first punched him in the arm, then leaned against him. The rest just stared at Peter and Remus waiting for some kind or explanation, while my eyes focused on nothing in particular and I let my thoughts run.
I had been right. They had tortured him. His parents had tortured him. Those three sentences raced through my head in a loop, so that I didn’t realise that Peter was talking to me.
“”Jette? You coming?”, he asked very carefully and softly.
“The three minutes are up. We’re gonna go check on Sirius.”
“I have a feeling you two should do that without us”, I answered, thinking of the weeks of silence I had endured for knowing.
“I think you should come”, Remus insisted.
“No, no, I won’t do that. It’s…eh… personal. His best friends should check on him.” The other girls and three boys nodded and we all stepped closer towards each other.
“You are his friends, too. I really think you should come and prove that to him. He might need it.” Remus’ words convinced the other girls, but neither me nor the three Hufflepuff boys. In silence we went down to the common room.
When we had all climbed through the fake barrel I turned to go upstairs to my dorm but Jonas held me back. “Is it true?”
“What younger Black said?” He nodded.
“I think so. I mean, I know he lives with the Potters, so I’m guessing the rest is true, too.”
“They beat him?” The first words Crick had spoken to me in nearly five weeks. The first time he looked at me like he was Crick and I was Jette and we were friends.
“I think so.”
“Merlin, I’m such a git! I punched him.”
“I’m aware.”
“Of course you are…”
Jonas pulled me and the other boys onto one of the couches.
“You wouldn’t know from the way he acts. He’s so…”
“I know. I know.” I went back to the situation I had just witnessed and tried to ignore the obvious traumatic conversation between the Black brothers, which lead me to a different thought.
“How did you help them out? Like why? Didn’t see that coming.”
“I don’t have a problem with Remus”, Crick answered.
“You don’t?”
I realised that Magnus and Jonas got up and left us alone.
“No. I never had.”
“Liar. You hate him. You hate them all!”
“No, no! I… My problem with them was that I thought you hung out with them because you liked one of them too much.”
“Crick, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t know. I didn’t think it was a possibility, it was… to me it was just us going to a party. It was us being friends.”
“I know. It’s not your fault. I was seeing a sign in everything you did because I wanted to. And I didn’t handle myself well on New Year’s. You’re not the one who should say sorry.”
“I hurt you.”
“I scared you. That’s worse in my book.” We were quiet for a moment.
“Jette, I know you didn’t do it on purpose. I know you to be a good person, kind-hearted, loyal, loving. You don’t play people. But in that moment …”
“I get it. It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. I said things I shouldn’t have. I accused you of things you would never do, I know you’d never do and I called you… well, not very nice things.”
“Not to my face, you didn’t.”
“I told Black I thought you were a scheming whore.”
My eyes widened. Surely, this couldn’t be true.
“And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I was hurt and I was confused and I felt embarrassed and I didn’t think before I spoke. I just… I was so convinced you’d be happy. I didn’t even consider the possibility you wouldn’t want me. Guess, I am that arrogant.”
“I never meant to hurt you or confuse you or embarrass you. You’re Crick. You’re my Crick and I care about you.”
“Which is probably why I fell so stupidly hard for you.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“Don’t. We’re friends. I like being your friend and I’ve missed you recently. I’ll get over it. With people like Black, Mulciber and Flint running around we need all the friends we can get, right?”
“We’re friends?”, I felt a tear rolling down my cheek and wiped it away in annoyance.
“Yes, we’re friends. Com here.” Crick pulled me closer and put it arm around me. I buried my face in his shoulder and concentrated on my breathing to not burst into sobs.
“I missed you, too”, I whispered right before Felix, Jonas, Magnus and Toby joined us.
“Finally! Are we good, again?”
“Yeah, we’re good”, Crick answered, gently pushing me away. “Safe distance. It’ll take me some time to get back to normal.”
“Whatever you want”, I smiled at him.
The boys caught me up on their lives. Jonas had had his problems with Valerie who had hoped he’d become her boyfriend over the first weeks of January and he finally officially confessed that he was into Elaine. I glanced at Crick who was suddenly very interested in his finger nails.
Toby had gotten into some hot and steamy action with a muggle girl in his home town during the holidays that he described so vividly Felix went from red to nearly purple as he listened.
“Jette!”, Nica yelled over the commotion of the common room.
“There you are! Come, we’re meeting the boys up in the fifth year office. Come!” Blair tried pulling me from the couch but stopped when she realised that I was sitting next to Crick. Still holding my hand she looked between him and me.”
“They’ve worked it out”, Felix explained while slowly returning to his natural face colour. Blair smiled. “That’s awesome!”
“How’s Black?”, Jonas asked.
“He’s okay.”
“Was it all true what his brother said?”
“Yes”, Chloe answered with very puffy eyes. “He moved in with the Potters last summer after his mum used an unforgivable curse on him.” Her voice turned into a whisper at the second half of that sentence.
“No, she didn’t.”
“Yes, she did.”
“How do you know that?”, I asked realising that this was information I didn’t know before.
“Sirius told us. We’ve been outside until now and nearly froze to death but we’re not done talking. Figured you’d wanna come. He said it’s not a secret from his best friends. Those he can trust.” Aim. Shoot. Headshot. More like heartshot. He told them. He trusted them with what must be his biggest secret because they were his best friends. Ouch. What was this day?
“Get up. Let’s go. Milla went right up with them. They’re waiting. Sirius is forcing all of us to tell a secret, so he has something to hold over our heads.” Nica laughed. I didn’t move.
“I don’t feel like talking, actually.”
“Are you having a laugh?”
“No, I’m not. I’ll stay here. Maybe take a walk. Besides, I missed out on the whole conversation; I’d just be in the way. You go.”
They attempted to take me with them two more times but I remained strong. If I saw Sirius right now, I’d yell at him until I lost my voice and he needed anything but that right now. The boys asked me whether I was okay, I lied and excused myself. The corridor was empty. What was I supposed to do? I aimlessly went up and down the hall a couple times, then tickled the stupid pear in the stupid fruitbowl on the stupid painting and went into the stupid kitchen. It was empty. The houseelves were gone and only one candle was lit. I took it with me to the little nook in the very back that was hidden behind a big ingredient cupboard where I had sat with Milla last year. I poured some sugar on the window sill and let one of the small teacups dance around in it making spirals of sugar as it did. While I watched the circles and spins I welled up again. They learned about this whole situation the exact same way I did: by someone telling them without them asking. Not because Sirius wanted them to know. Why did they instantly get the whole story and were treated as best friends and trustworthy people, while I got pushed into non-existence for several weeks? Had I failed Sirius – and therefore the other boys – in some way, shape or form as a friend? Had I not made it clear that I was their friend, that I cared about them, that I respected them? I prided myself in being a good friend. I was proud to be loyal and trustworthy, that I listened to my friends rants even if I had fourty times already. I thought of myself as a good person and a good friend and it bothered me that I apparently hadn’t succeeded in conveying that. Thick teardrops fell into the sugar and slowed the teacup down. It bothered me that all of the other girls had proven themselves to be trustworthy and kind and loyal and deserving of conversations and the truth. It bothered me that I over the last couple of months hadn’t. And it confused me, too. After all when Crick had gotten out of hand they had stepped in without me asking them to. They obviously deemed me worthy of being defended – and getting punched in the face! – as well as taking in. I didn’t understand where the line lay that the other girls had crossed and I hadn’t. I kept running through scenarios and theories for hours, incapable of stopping the tears from falling.
“Miss needs to get up! Miss needs to go upstairs and have breakfast. Or Miss should go have a sleep in a bed and not next to the stove. It’s not comfortable. And Mimi needs it. It’s the stove to prepare the tea on, Miss.” I opened eyes to a pair of gigantic sky blue tennis balls with pupils and the roundest nose I’d ever seen.
“Good morning, Miss!”, the houseelf chirped. “Do you think Mimi could use the stove, Miss?”
“Oh, Morgana, yes, by all means! I’m so sorry. I didn’t plan on falling asleep. I apologise for delaying you.”
“Oh, no Miss, don’t. Mimi just came in and found Miss. No problem. No problem, at all.” The elf started putting pots of water on the stove while I sat up and rubbed my aching neck. I still sat on the window sill, the wet sugar and teacup still in front of me. I quickly waved my wand to clean up the mess I’d made.
“Thanks, for waking me up, Mimi.”
“Of course, Miss. Can Mimi do anything else for Miss? Maybe some tea or coffee or toast and jam?” Coffee sounded absolutely heavenly.
“I really don’t want to bother you, Mimi. I could just go upstairs, I reckon breakfast will be served shortly.”
“In half an hour, Miss. But you could take something to shorten the waiting time.” She smiled at me from one ear to the other.
“Mimi makes great tea and coffee, Miss!”
“I don’t doubt that for a second, Mimi. I can’t survive the day without two cups of coffee at least. And it’s always great.”
I didn’t think it was possible but her smile widened even more.
“Thank you, Miss, thank you. Mimi makes you a cup!”
And so she did. Armed with the biggest mug of coffee I had ever owned – Mimi insisted I keep it as a gift and token of her appreciation of my appreciation of her coffee – I left the kitchen and walked across the corridor to fall onto an armchair in the common room. My neck still hurt, my arms were sore and my back felt roughly fifty years older than it was. Smart move, de Witt. Fall asleep in the kitchen.
“Where have you been?!” Milla sprinted down the spiral staircase from the dorms. I checked the time. It was before early.
“Why are you awake?”
I had spent quite some time with Sprout yesterday evening, then we all witnessed the Black brothers go at each other, then I spent like ninety minutes in the common room and then Milla had been upstairs with the Potter-posse. I was sure that she didn’t get to bed before one or two o’clock. She was Milla. She was supposed to not get up before noon.
“I needed the loo and you weren’t there. Like when I went to bed.” She sat down next to me, still wearing her pyjama’s, looking at my jeans and jumper from yesterday suspiciously.
“Did you sleep at all?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“And where?”
“Not like I did it on purpose. I went there for a tea and to think and just fell asleep.”
“I thought that you stayed with Crick and the lot, now that you’re friends with them.”
“Well, Crick said he’d need some time to get back to normal. He pushed me to a safe distance…”
“Can’t blame him.”
“Right. And we had caught each other up on the holidays and the past few weeks, so…
“So you could have come up with the others and talked to us.”
“Yeah, theoretically.”
“Theoretically? What kept you from doing it practically?” I bit my tongue and looked at the burned, black logs in the fire place.
“Remus told me that you knew since New Year’s.”
“Of course he did.”
“He also told me that it was why Black went silent on you.”
“Of course he did.”
“Seems like you would have wanted to get the whole story. To… I don’t know… find out why he was mad… or… you know”
“Ehm…Didn’t feel like it.”
“Why not? You were so angry at him for being angry with you. Why not ask him why he’s so stupid?”
“I kind of know, already.”
“Can we not do this? I slept really badly and you should probably get ready and go to breakfast. You got a date today, you know.”
“Believe it or not, I remembered that.”
She clearly didn’t want to but she went back upstairs. I stayed in my armchair, sipping my coffee, trying not to cry again and not to think about the whole situation. It had been a really weird day. Classes on my own, tainted memories, yelling at Sirius, making up with Toby and Mag, getting attacked by little Black, getting into detention in Greenhouse 4, witnessing half the school learn about Sirius living with the Potters, making up with Crick and falling asleep in the kitchens crying. What the hell?
0 notes
swellwriting · 7 years
Stolen glances and pink cheeks
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders era)
Pairing: Reader x Young Remus Lupin
Warnings: none just fluff
Request: maybe a lil remmy one where he's totally in love with y/n and is always teased for it? and he's so shy and cute around her and then one day they kiss or something and the other boys find them and tease them?? iDK ITS WEIRD BUT ILY
Word Count: 1.1k
The Marauders sat in the library, an unusual sight but Remus made them go there if they wanted his help with this assignment. They all were at the table, researching for their project they had waited until the last minute for, except Remus who had finished last week.
The way studying with the marauders goes is Remus is usually hard at work, Sirius is usually ogling a girl across the room, James has managed to find Lily in a room with at least a hundred people in it and he just stares at her instead of the pages of his book and Peter is staring at nothing, just lost in his own mind.
Today was a bit different though, while the rest of the marauders were into their old habits Remus had picked up one quite like James. Although Remus didn’t tell anybody he had developed an ever-growing crush on a girl, and since it’s Remus he doesn’t think he deserves you, but maybe he deserves to look at you just for a minute.
But he didn’t plan to get lost starring at the way you griped the corner of your book you were reading, the way you chewed on your lip as you concentrated and broke your focus when your hair fell in your face to brush it back behind your ear and look up.
You tucked your hair behind your ear, too into your book to put it down and fix your messy half bun that was on top of your head. You looked up for a moment though, to check on reality, you noticed the library was more full than usual, you remembered the assignment due tomorrow that you had finished a couple days ago. You noticed some people you’d never seen before and your eyes scanned the room until your eyes locked with another’s, Remus Lupin. You had to admit to yourself that he was really cute, nice, sweet, funny and maybe you liked him, just a little.
You looked at him while he looked at you and you smiled causing him to give a small smile back and look away, both of your faces shaded pink from the small interaction, you brushed it off and dived back into your book.
Remus looked down into his book but not before Sirius could notice his pink cheeks, “Moony what’s got you all bothered?” this got the attention of the other marauders. James butted in “Remus here probably was looking at a pretty girl” Peter laughed “it’s probably Y/N, he stares at her all the time” Remus’ cheeks turned red “I was not, I was just, it’s hot in here and I-”. Sirius cut him off. “No need to lie to us Moony, I can see Y/N is sitting right across from us, oh she’s a pretty one Remus, go talk to her.”
Remus closed his book. “Go talk to her? Are you mad I can’t just do that Padfoot I’m not, well I’m not you!”
James was quick to tease Remus. “You can turn into a werewolf every month but you can’t talk to a girl?“ Remus glared at James. “That’s exactly why I can’t talk to her.” Sirius stood up and walked behind Remus. “excuses, excuses Moony.” Sirius pulled Remus’ chair out from the table and pushed him out of his seat. As they both stood Sirius whispered to Remus. “Now do I have to hold your hand and walk you over there or are you going to do it yourself?”
Remus gulped, “Well you’re not giving me much of a choice.” and before he could argue any further Sirius gave him a little push and the marauders all sat at the table watching anxiously behind their books.
You had just finished a chapter when you noticed Remus walking towards you, you lowered your book placing your hand between the closed pages as to not lose your spot. Remus simply walked up and sat beside you without even looking at you. You turned to him. “Hello Remus, what brings you over here?” You tried to sound as calm as possible. Remus looked up at you “What, what brings me here, oh I just, well Sirius told, uh you, you bring me here.” You smiled at his awkward statement. “I bring you here?” Remus looked over to his table and then back to you as he breathed in deeply he replied. “Yeah I came here to talk to you, but it’s not going very well already.” You placed your hand over his. “I think it’s going just fine.” Remus smiled and looked at your hand on his. “Y/N can I take you somewhere, like on a date, would you go with me?” he stuttered nervously and you instantly replied without question. “Remus I’d love to.”
Remus stood up and smiled brightly and you stood up too. “Alright well I better get back to my friends, i’m helping them with the assignment for potions.” As Remus turned to walk away you grabbed his hand pulling back as you placed a kiss to his cheek, this startled Remus but also gave him the bit of courage he needed to then pull you towards him as he kissed you on the lips gently, your noses brushed and your breath caught in your throat as your book fell from your hand and onto the floor in this moment of bliss. The moment ended by the noisy Marauders at the table yelling Remus’ name and cheering, it’s like those boys didn’t understand the concept of a library. You pulled away and smiled at Remus. “Yeah, it sounds like you better get back to them.” Remus looked at you and then to your book lying on the floor, he quickly picked it up and tried to apologize. “Y/N your book I’m sorr-” “It’s okay Rem, I’m gonna have to re-read that last chapter anyways.”
For the rest of the time you sat in the library reading you would look up every once in while just to see Remus and smile at him, or catch him reading something in the book to his friends. The feelings growing in your chest were assuring you that you may like him more than just a little bit.
570 notes · View notes
the-yunhaneul · 8 years
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When and how did you get into Harry Potter?: Honestly, HP was one of things where when the films started coming out I saw them, owned the DVDs etc. but I wasn’t hugely obsessed with it? Keep in mind I was 4 when the first film came out so my interests were very different, I was too busy watching Barbie movies and dealing with a new baby sister to be bothered by films in the same way I am now. I continued to get the films and watch them but it wasn’t until I was about 13/14 that the obsession got deep. I think that’s really the age tbh where I needed HP, I needed this idea of magic and this whole other world within our own where things seemed so much better and I needed to be a part of that, and ever since it’s been a growing love tbh. Though I’ll also admit I have a love/hate relationship with HP, for as many things it’s given me there are many things I question or find a little faulty?? If that’s the right word. Basically I feel like HP is my problematic fave of series :’)
Favourite HP movie? Why?: Without a doubt Goblet of Fire. I just love the whole thing, how much new information it gave us about the other schools, the more vivid inclusion of dragons and other magical creatures/beings. Also I love Cedric Diggory, I think he’s such an underrated character and frustratingly he’s only in that one film when he’s mentioned more in the earlier books. I also feel like poor Cedric gets hated on a lot because people think he’s a bit of a dick and forget that the books are basically in Harry’s POV and he’s jealous of Cedric so obviously the way he’s described and viewed is more negative then it needs to be. Basically Cedric deserved better and I love him in that film and the Twi-Wizard Tournament was a cool plot, I think.
Favourite HP book? Why?: I won’t lie, I feel like a sham... I haven’t read all the books, but hear me out on this, as I said earlier I didn’t get into HP until I was about 13/14 and then I started to read the books but then suddenly my GCSE exams were coming up and any reading I did ended up being reading for school and if I did read anything for leisure they were short stories or things that could help towards my GCSE exams. Then I went to college, took English Literature and as you can imagine that meant a lot more reading for school soooooo I never finished the series, I do intend to but I have like a long list of books I want to read/am reading/series I need to finish so who knows when it’ll happen. However, I will say I like the first book, I think the first book is a lovely introduction to the world of HP.
Favourite HP character? Why?: I love Neville. Adore him. Honestly, a part of me would’ve really liked Neville to have even more significance throughout the series, I feel like he played the part of a fool for so long and even though by the Deathly Hallows he’d matured and became a hero I still think he deserved more. I think there’s not a lot of appreciation for young Neville and everything he’s going through, there’s not enough recognition for the fact that he’s in a really difficult family situation and he deals with everything so well, he’s a kid who’s unpopular and not initially great at magic, living knowing his parents were tortured into a state of madness and I feel like not enough of that is appreciated? Plus tbh I think it would’ve been the best plot twist if he were actually the chosen one and Harry was just some diversion and Neville saved the day, I also would’ve liked it if Neville killed Bellatrix tbh or if he’d played more of a part in her demise because of her involvement in making his life extremely difficult.
Least favourite HP character, plot, or ship (or all three)?: My least favourite character is Peter Pettigrew because tbh I just feel like he was a twat and I feel like he was undeserving of being in Gryffindor, undeserving of the friendship he found in that house and undeserving of forgiveness. Plus it really urks me every time I hear Ron tell Harry there wasn’t a Death Eater who wasn’t Slytherin and I’m like “YOU’RE FUCKING RAT IS A GRYFFINDOR TRAITOR, RON!” because I’m very defensive of my house :’) My least favourite plot... erm... I don’t really like the whole sort of plot of Harry in pursuit of Cho Chang? I feel like maybe because she’s another character we hear barely anything of and then suddenly Harry is smitten with her and then not like a year after him and Cho are smooching (in front of Cedric’s picture and the pictures of all the relatives who are dead, which is super like weird in my opinion, like ‘oh poor Cedric, he was a good wizard, he really fancied you and now we should make out in front of his picture’ or maybe not, Harry?) but then he’s suddenly into Ginny and I feel like when his attention turns to Ginny our lovely Cho Chang gets sort of thrown to the side and she becomes unimportant again? Basically I feel like Cho Chang was used as a bit of a tool to make the Harry/Ginny thing more of a ‘surprise’ and she deserved better. My least favourite ship is... erm... I’m gonna be honest and go with Tonks and Remus. Don’t get me wrong I love Tonks, I love Remus and I love we get Teddy from them but I just never saw it? Maybe it’s again because in the films Tonks wasn’t really important for such a long time and then suddenly she shows up and oh by the way she loves Remus and suddenly she’s having a baby? And it’s like ‘woah ok what is happening?’. Plus I just think it’s really lame that JK was ‘going to have Remus be LGBT’ but then chose not to... but still made him a werewolf and used the metaphor which must not be named.
What’s your favourite HP-related memory?: You know one of my favourite HP memories is probably becoming part of the HP RPG community, I feel like I’ve learnt so much more about the series from interacting with other people but, more than that, I’ve heard so many new ideas and own headcanons that, to me, make the whole HP universe so much more interesting... Mainly ‘cause JK left a lot of gaps in information that I desperately need.
Why did you decide to start roleplaying HP-related stuff?: Honestly, I’ve only ever really been part of the HP RPG community and I got into it because a friend of mine was in a group and she told me about it but when I was scrolling the tag I found OL instead and the rest, as they say, is history.
Most interesting part of the HP world?: Erm... I think the creatures, tbh most of the reason I liked Fantastic Beasts was the creatures, I’d happily watch a film of just them in their little homes doing their thing.
Your wand: I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea hahahaha so basically when I first got Pottermore it was so great and fantastic and I loved all my info... then they re-did Pottermore and I couldn’t get my old information back because of an email issue so I made a new account and tbh was bitterly disappointed, the house quiz alone in my opinion is just shit now compared to how it used to be, I literally found out my house and then logged out and haven’t logged in since soooooo I’m not sure what my wand is any more :’)
Your patronus: Again, no idea :’)
Your boggart (if you’re okay sharing!): I’m not really sure what my boggart would be, I’m sort of scared of lots of things tbh, I’m a bit of a wimp so Merlin knows what could come out to greet me, could be just about anything and it’d be too much.
What classes would you be best at in Hogwarts?: Probably potions and arithmancy because I have a lot of patience, like to be precise with things and like working with numbers. Though also possibly divination because I’m learning the Tarots.
What classes would you be the worst at?: Probably History of Magic ‘cause at school I struggled with History XD I loved it, I was just not great at remembering dates and stuff like that.
Your favourite thing to do if you were at Hogwarts: The library. Guaranteed.
Favourite supernatural creature from the HP world?: I actually think dementors are like super cool and an awesome idea... though it’s gotta be a niffler, hasn’t it?
Death Eaters or the Order?: I like to think I’d be part of the poor Slytherin group who when shit went down got blamed for everything when they didn’t do anything like ‘send all of Slytherin back to the dungeons’ and I’m stood there like ‘all I’ve one is read all these years’. Tbh I like both groups though, like although the DEs are obviously insane nutters I think some of them are super interesting and a lot of them are products of their families and how they were treated by other people, like is it really a surprise Draco becomes a ‘DE’ when you think of who his family is and how everyone in Hogwarts hated on Slytherin anyway??
Marauders era or Next Gen?: Marauders.
Would you join the quidditch team or cheer from the sidelines?: Ngl I don’t really like sports so I’d probably be in the library, chilling with a book like “siighhh these athletic types”.
If the Triwizard Tournament were allowed, would you put your name in?: Not a fucking chance.
Dorm life: good or bad?: Erm... I dunno, I feel like tbh I’d be a pain to live with or find other people a pain to live with because I’m very organised and neat and space lacking that would drive me crazy.
From canon HP, who would be your favourite teacher?: Flitwick, without a doubt.
If you could make J.K Rowling write another series (and write it well), would you? And if so, what would you have it focus on?: I’d have it focus on minor characters and what they were doing while Harry was getting into shit, like I’m all for big plots and death but think how much just daily random stuff must happen in a magic school? Like give me a series on the rest of the Gryffindor dorm and what they were doing during the year. Give me a book series about Luna, Cho Chang, Oliver Wood etc.
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