#feels like Kinnporsche after certain scene lol
mikuni14 · 2 years
Love in the Air and the sexual purity
There is this "sexual purity culture" in BL world that treats sex as something sacred, which must be perfect, and any deviation is described with the worst, criminal words.
In the perfectly pure world of BL dramas, the couple having sex must be in love with each other, must always be sober, must have mutual consent engraved in stone. Any deviation from the strict standards immediately causes at least "discomfort in watching", because imperfect sex, sex without feelings, must certainly be "traumatic" for the characters, because IT IS OBVIOUS, THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION. 
Well, there are loads of people who have sex for the sake of sex and aren't traumatized by it. There are a lot of people who have slept with someone while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and the next day they either shrug it off or regret it, but WITHOUT TRAUMA, like seriously, sometimes you just do stupid things that you regret, but WITHOUT getting depressed over it and yes, it also applies to sex. There are people who treat sex instrumentally, who make money with it, who play with it, who have fun with it, who do it to relax, to scratch the itch, who use it for numerous, various purposes. There are also tons of reasons why people have sex that may look wrong objectively, but which are NOT TREATED AS THAT by the participants themselves. Really, sex DOES NOT have to be automatically associated with extreme feelings, be it good like falling in love or bad like trauma. Or any feelings at all.
That’s why I don’t agree with the opinions that Sky was SA. I don’t want to repeat myself from my previous post, I’m just gonna ask, how can you say that Sky was forced because some dude spoke to him stupidly? Ah yes, each of us, when someone makes idiotic allusions about the payment in sex to get us from the sticky situations, replies immediately: "well, it's over, there is no other option, it must be like this, there is no other way" and immediately enthusiastically makes this "payment" by showing an initiative that goes far beyond the norm and an initiative appropriate to this" blackmail ". Sky didn’t even ask for a different form of payment, didn’t try to find another way out of the situation, didn’t even ask if Prapai had hit his head recently to ask such questions. Sky got straight to the point because he did not take the situation emotionally, which is FINE. This scene with Prapai was just stupid. I think treating it as SA is really disrespectful to the real victims who are coerced into sex economically, by horrible circumstances or by force. 
Besides, Sky is completely ok after this incident. When we see him in PayuRain arc, nothing gives away that he could be traumatized. Could anyone suspect that something bad had happened to him? No! Actually all viewers were excited to see PrapaiSky because no one suspected anything bad based on their behaviour! Sky is exactly the same before and after that night. Saying he was SA is like saying that SA is not a big deal, because the victim is fine. Imo Sky is fine, because he is not a victim, because he did not treat sex like a holy thing reserved to the most scared part of his life, brutally taken by Prapai. He just did it and got over it.
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gaykey · 2 years
Is it just me or did they not explicitly say that Big died? For some reason I have a feeling he'll be back.
I also have a feeling I'm getting fed up with vegaspete stans who spam the kp tag with their cold takes and complaints. I don't get why one would keep watching a show that they apparently don't enjoy? It actually bothers me how many people are realllly into the novel plot. Btw remember when people wanted to protest after the dubcon/noncon scene? And now such a large portion of the fandom is like "k x p is so boring and not fucked up enough, let me go on twitter and ask for neglecting the main couple in order to give a side couple more screen time in a show that wrapped up shooting months ago"
though it would make me so happy if he he were to come back, i'd say it's pretty certain he's dead.
it was pretty much confirmed by arm after the explosion.
rip king 😭😭
now, i feel like some ppl are gonna be pissed at me, and unfollow for this but
so tw negativity because i know ppl don't wanna see it
oof some vp stans.....
yeah, i rarely go in the tag now for that reason.
not every person who is interested in vp is like that, but, a few of them are soooo?? ah, like idk man.
didn't think there'd be drama like this in the kp fandom lol.
i don't even dislike vp. like i've been saying ever since this whole thing started, is that i was super intrigued and genuinely looking forward to seeing how the show is gonna handle them, and bible! build! theeeey. but, some of the stans are lowkey putting me off.
book stans i-
like??? i toooooootally get liking and enjoying a toxic couple! i have before.
people can be fucked up. flawed. and i like when media represents that. it's real. but, people romanticising sa doesn't make sense to me.
i've unfollowed a few people over it now too. people i've been following for a long time. and mmm it's the anti-kp stuff???
being pissed over too much kp doesn't make sense to me.
what did you think you were getting into with a show named kinnporsche the series?????
main couple????? also, boring????!!
people change their morals real quick when it suits them huh
and, tbh, if it were me, i'd like that they weren't rushing into the vp stuff too quick. it's a delicate story to navigate.
and it's pretty much confirmed at this point that there's gonna be a season two, so chiiiiill. especially when, like you said, all filming is done. what's the point in being rude about it on twitter?
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Ok so I’m the anon who was yelling at you about not needing KinnPorsche to become my new Special Interest and damn you! I’m hooked! I meant to come bug you after each episode but I binged all the available 8 episodes yesterday and couldn’t stop lol! So thank you, I hate you 😂
I have so many thoughts but can we please talk about Tankhun and Porsche. I kind of love their relationship. Tankhun was annoying to me in the very beginning but I actually really love his character now. I totally related to him watching the same series over and over again because it gave him comfort. I’d rather do that than go out most of the time because I’m autistic and very introverted so I fully understood why he did some of the odd things he did or seemed to overreact in situations like when his beloved fish were killed. I have a kinship with his character and imo he’s sometimes a much needed comedic relief.
I feel he’s mostly misunderstood and pretty much just tolerated by most of the family and bodyguards/staff, but I feel like there’s so much to him. He’s more complex than I think anyone around him fully understands. I loved that during Kinn and Porsche’s wilderness heart to heart, when even Kinn was saying that maybe Tankhun was faking his mental instability to avoid the responsibility of becoming the head of the major family (which I do think may be part of it but for good reason), Porsche defended him and by doing so exposed his own trauma. I love that he made himself vulnerable in order to defend Tankhun because I think he sees past a lot of Tankhun’s dramatics. Even as out there as he seems, Porsche understood him and was able to get him to try new things and leave the safe space that Tankhun tends to isolate himself in. I also love that, as much as Porsche kind of messes with him, most of what I see is him laughing WITH Tankhun rather than putting him in situations to laugh AT him. He messes with him to try and get him to smile, to enjoy life and find happiness.
I think it’s just another thing that shows how gentle and loving Porsche is underneath his cornball outer layer. Sometimes Porsche has moments where he kind of annoys me but what I like about him and his brother is that they’re loving, honest, gentle, and genuine people deep down and that’s exactly what endears people towards him. This is exactly why Kinn was so drawn to him even after their first interaction and why he fell in love with Porsche before he even allowed himself to admit he liked him. He was screwed from the start.
On the surface this show seemed kind of like a corny Mafia drama but it’s filled with complex characters and amazing acting. I love the main couple, as usual, but I rarely get invested in the side characters and it kind of left me speechless. It was a very pleasant surprise. I personally really like shows that make me question my morals and even though some of the situations could be easily identified as harmful, the way the characters expressed their experience after taking time to process things made it easier for me to forgive right along with them.
Ugh! This was long and probably a little all over the place but I’m still just too excited to get my thoughts coherent. I cannot wait for the next episodes to see where this ride takes us!
Anon! You don't even know how happy I am you came back 🥳. I saw this message and cuddled under a blanket on the couch and read it like I was about to read a good book 😂.
Ok let's dive in... (you are so right for binging the eps btw - I did the same when I started watching)
I love that you want to talk about Kuhn and Porsche! I haven't really done that yet and I honestly adore that dynamic. The funny thing is that when Tankuhn first appeared I was exactly like you... I basically figured I needed to be on acid to watch his scenes... and then somehow he just weasles his way into your heart and becomes this truly fabulous character?! (Though without even having done acid, I still feel certain it would only enhance 98% of his scenes 😂) I seriously love that you found kinship in him. And also... I never even connected the rewatching series thing to myself because that is so normal to me omg. I'm the exact same too. Serious anxiety (and yes introversion as well) means I do the same 🥺💞. The show actually does such a great job of incorporating in humour (and agreed, Kuhn definitely helps serve that role) without it feeling shoehorned in. It very much feels like a natural part of the landscape and it does beautifully balance out the rest.
(This got super long so I better throw it under a read more...)
And your analysis of Tankuhn's layers??? Holy shit I loved. I agree there is more there than we know just yet. It may play an important plot point or it may just come into things when we get more into the brothers' dynamics (I loved Kuhn’s scene with Kim and I truly can’t wait for a scene with all three brothers). But either way I can't wait to see it. And this: "I also love that, as much as Porsche kind of messes with him, most of what I see is him laughing WITH Tankhun rather than putting him in situations to laugh AT him. He messes with him to try and get him to smile, to enjoy life and find happiness." God, so true. One of my fave moments is this one:
Tumblr media
I just loved so much how it was like the two of them vs the interlopers of Kinn and his friends. I loved the whole vibe and dynamic - like, ‘Oh so you wanna hang with us??? 😏’. And, I mean, they're both huge goofballs. So finding commonality in their partying was honestly brilliant.
I also loved the hospital scene between them in the side story too. Because Tankuhn is just being his silly, dramatic-ass self and messing with Porsche. But it just so happens that Porsche is obviously in no mood as he's terrified for Kinn and so he snaps. And I really love that moment of Pete basically being like 'Dude, this is your boss' 😂. Porsche really just never recognized the authority of Kuhn OR Kinn - they're just guys to him - and I love that a lot.
I completely agree re: Porsche's loving, kindness. He's so unguarded and open with the love and affection he gives (to those who warrant it that is... we've seen him withhold it *cough*Vegas*cough*). I love that about his character. When you're in that circle, you're really gifted with the full breadth of Porsche's affection and I think anybody faced with that is doomed to love his dumbass forever (rip Kinn). And Kinn absolutely recognized Porsche's kindness and gentler qualities despite the badass exterior and genuinely worried about the way this life could damage or change that (see: when Porsche shoots that guy the very first time and Kinn is stuck on staring at Porsche's shocked face in the aftermath and then worrying enough later that he actually goes to check on him). What I enjoy in the growth we've seen in Porsche is that even though he has changed and he's really coming into the role of mafia bodyguard, he also hasn't changed and he's still the same gentle, loving, affectionate goofball.
And yeah, I expected corny mafia drama and would have been fine with that. Most BL's lean heavily into the cheese so I was ok with that being the expectation, but this show really took me by surprise. I agree there is far more complexity than you'd initially think. Like the symbolism and art direction alone has left me pretty staggered. There is a lot to unpack and a show I can dig my teeth into like that is one of my favourite things. And as you say, there are some really great and fascinating side characters. And like you, that will really round out a show for me and take it to the next level.
You were seriously completely coherent. I'm not sure my reply to you was but I tried lol. You were a lot more eloquent than me and I loved reading your thoughts so much. You must continue to let me know what you think when the new eps air (that is a demand 😌). And thank you so much for coming back and typing out all your thoughts like this - I so enjoyed!!!
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