shyblondelee · 1 year
In answer to your question - I’m imagining you sitting outside, keeping your feet in the pose just like that. And even just using a long piece of grass would set you off. But you’ve gotta keep still and keep quiet, otherwise your neighbours might be wondering why you’re kicking your legs and what you’re finding so funny giggling away
the way this would be so accurate-
Oh the grass would send me into spirals and the humiliation of neighbours hearing my giggles AAAAAA!!!
thankyou anon this made my night hehe 🥺🤭
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teejayrulesfeet · 1 year
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Once I remove my socks what do you want to do it after?? 😁
#feet #feetfun #feetpics #feetlovers #feetcontent #feettoes #feetickle #soles #gayfeet #malefeet #guyfeet
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The Grand Inquisitor Zelfortz: Megan's inquisition
In the fortress of the inquisition, the great inquisitor Zelfortz, is in his personal office, is analyzing the various names that Mandy has named in her interrogation. One of these is a certain Megan Laver, a young black girl who, according to the report written by the scribe, during the confession of Mandy, this Megan, would usually participate in the Saba of the witches, every night. Mandy has given several names to the great inquisitor, and as on other occasions, he takes the opportunity to expand his network of arrests. << Mortimer !! Come here >> from the doorway you heard footsteps, the door opened and an inquisitor entered, wearing his long tunic and with a mask similar to Zelfortz's, but with less luster as his tunic << you were looking for Grande Zelfortzt !! >> he said with a big bow and with a shrill and croaking voice << Yes Agusthe, I need you to alert Joseph to be ready to make several arrests >> (Joseph Menged is the commander of witch hunters of the militia of Zelfortz, a ferocious and ruthless man, very devoted to the great inquisitor) , here are the arrest warrants, let me have this Megan Laver in particular >> << How come my Lord ?? So this alleged witch, to make you personally interested in her >> said Mortimer while putting in order the arrest warrants in papyrus paper. << See my dear Mortimer >> said the great inquisitor, leaning his back comfortably on him big armchair << Not only is she a black slave, but she is also a witch and to top of all she is a whore who goes around fucking . Such a person deserves to receive punishment directly from the great Zelfortz >> << Very good My Lord, I will tell Commander Menged, to pay more attention to this witch >> he said in a servile tone << Well, now go, I have to analyze some torture tools to be improved >> with an imperative nod, invited the deputy chief inquisitor to go, who with a heavy bow greeted his boss, then quietly went out. Mortimer brought the order to the office of Chancellor Darkins. Uubert Darkins, Zelfortz's longtime servant, has always dealt with the filing of every document (arrest warrant, confession and interrogation reports), regarding the work of the inquisitor. In the office of Darkins, as in that of Zelfortz, you could hear the sound of frantic cards and writing pens. << Hi Chancellor Darkins >> said Mortimer to a man, wearing a long robe, adorned with silver buttons and embroidery in red velvet, bent over the sheets and various types of records << hi Mortimer! What brings you here >> said the chancellor raising his head << I brought you arrest warrants signed and authorized by Zelfortz in person >> said the deputy inquisitor handing the sheets to the man << Ah very well, I put the seal immediately on them >> he said taking the mandates, to which he applied one by one, the seal of the great inquisitor. << Zelfortz, claims to have witches in the next few hours >> << No problem, I will notify Menged >> << Perfect now if you don't mind I have to go back to his office, after Chancellor >> he said Mortimer saluting << A after deputy inquisitor >> The clerk replied, as he handed his assistant the arrest warrants with a seal << Make transcripts and archive everything. Then he warns them to give them to Commander Menged >> << As you wish, Chancellor >> said one of the young scribes, who immediately took the sheets carefully and headed out of the chancellery, crossed the corridor and headed for the east wing, where the witch hunters are.
  << What do you need? >> said one of the hunters << I have arrest warrants to deliver to the commander Menged >> the boy replied << Well, I'm going to call him >> said the hunter heading towards the courtyard. He returned a few minutes later accompanied by a man's lumber. Commander Joseph Menged has always been a menacing type, tall, with broad shoulders, a grim face, disfigured by a scar, with a thick reddish beard and a shaved head. The young scribe felt frightened in front of him << What we have here >> Menged said turned to the boy << I have arrest warrants to deliver to you commander >> the scribe said holding out the mandates to the commander who, took in his hands sent << Mhm ... 7 witches to arrest! I see that the great inquisitor has been busy >> after reading the mandates he passed them to a witch hunter at his side << Well, boys, in the saddle, we have witches to arrest. And go tell the captain of the city guard >> shouted the commander as he headed to the stables with his men.
 In a moment, the witch hunters immediately got on their horses, ready to make arrests, commissioned by the Great Zelfortz.
She is unaware of everything, Megan, she finds herself at work, in her job as a waitress at one of the many taverns in town. A job that she performs badly and not because of the hard work itself, but because she is a great lazy person. In fact, she prefers to do nothing and above all loves having sex with every man who gets her shot. A young black girl, 1.58 tall, with a thin body, long black hair, a small and delicate nose like her mouth, with a nice smiling face and small feet. She has a long white robe on her legs that covers her legs up to her ankles from where you can see small feet of size 5, which are fitted with flip-flops.
 << Megan !! Damn!!! It is never possible that, you never want to do shit !! >> shouted the tavern owner. It is a common neighborhood tavern, frequented by two-legged lovers of games and beer, who usually give young Megan a good fuck << So ??? Are you listening to me? >> the innkeeper kept screaming at the girl. Megan she stands in front of him, with her head lowered. <<But boss, I've been working since this morning,>> the girl replied. <<Silence !! You do nothing except suck it to our customers. You're just a little bitch >> The innkeeper's face has turned red like a tomato. The girl is there to take the reproach down with her head, when at some point you heard the sound of iron steps outside the inn.
 The door opened, the witch hunters entered the tavern, with them there are also some of the city guards. Everyone was scared to see them, since their presence never meant anything good. All the women in the room hid, some men shield them. The hunters look around, then they notice the innkeeper and approach him << You are the owner of this place >> said one of them addressed to the chancellor << Yes sir, it's me. How can I help you? >> replied the innkeeper <<We're looking for a certain Megan Laver. We know that you work here >>. As soon as Megan heard her name mentioned, she knew she was in trouble up to her neck. The innkeeper turned to her, noticing her worried look, Megan seemed to implore him with her eyes << it is her >> he said pointing to the girl. The hunters get closer to her, Megan tries to escape but, one of them grabs her by the arm << Noooo let me go !!! >> the young girl screamed SMACK the hunter hit her face with the palm of her hand << Do silence !!! >> the hunter shouted, the girl started sobbing << Megan Laver, in the name of the great inquisitor Zelfortz, I declare you under arrest for witchcraft >> << No there must be a mistake I am not a witch !! Boss say something to yourself too >>. The innkeeper stared at her. <<Helping you? Ah >> he said in an ironic tone << let alone if I should waste time helping a witch >> I continue. << She is a witch deserves to end up at the stake >> shouted one of the guests << I have always known that she was one of those witches >> said a woman. Megan couldn't believe how bad those people could be. The girl was dragged out of the tavern, the hunters hold her by the arms. Megan tries to break free but, the grip of the two is too strong << Come on move witch >> shouted one of the hunters << Let me go !!! I didn't do anything !!! >> the girl continued as she struggles. The two brought her in front of a large carriage, on which a iron cage is placed above it. With speed one of the guards opened the cage grate, the hunters lifted the girl and threw her inside. Inside there are other women, with her they make 7 in all, seven poor girls unjustly arrested. The grille closed, the hunters climbed into the chariot, the others with the city guards, mounted their horses. Megan looks at herself in confusion, observes the other women << What happens where they are taking us >> she said << They take us to the fortress of the Inquisition >> said a young and beautiful girl with blue eyes and blond hair << La fortress of the inquisition ?? Oh my God it can't be true >> Megan replied << What will they do to us ?? >> she always said, noting how her question had created a sudden dumbness << Oh my God !! They will torture us, rape us and then eventually burn us at the stake >> shouted one of the girls, a beautiful redhead with big boobs. << Enough witches fools >> shouted one of the witch hunters on horseback, hitting the gratings of the cage with a riding crop. Suddenly the wagon moved, the terrified girls remained curled up, as they were taken to the imposing and frightening fortress of the Inquisition.
  Upon arrival in the fortress, the the 7 girls came down from the wagon. They were then dragged inside the fortress by passing through an imposing door. The guards and the hunters tore a lot of them as they led them inside. Once inside, they crossed an imposing corridor that ended with a door, beyond it was a large room, where a large cell was located inside, which kept several women of various ages imprisoned. The seven girls were thrown into the big cell. Once inside the girls were chained to the walls, some by the wrists, some by the neck.
 Several years have passed since Megan was chained in the big cell. Of the 7 girls who were with her, she remained the last one. They were taken to the interrogation room. She doesn't know what happened to them, but certainly not a good one. Suddenly the same two guards who had taken away the other girls appeared. As soon as Megan saw her enter the cell, she curled up on herself << Come on, it's your turn now >> said one of the guards << No !! Let me stay, I didn't do anything >> she began to complain, the two guards, first removed the chains, and then with force, dragged Megan out of the cell. The girl did nothing but complain, so that one of the guards struck her on the face several times. Eventually they arrived in front of a thick wooden door, one of the guards knocked, from inside you heard a voice saying << Enter you >>. Once inside Megan, she was made to sit in a wooden chair in the middle of a large room. In front of her, there are: Zelfortz, in the center, to his left Mortimer and to his right another inquisitor, then respectively, Chancellor Darkins on the left and the commander of the witch hunters Menged.
 Megan is terrified, not only because of the situation, but also because the terrible Zelfortz is in front of her << You must be Megan Laver, am I right? >> said the great inquisitor, addressing the girl. << Yes sir, it's me >> she timidly replied << Good. Megan Laver, I ordered your arrest because there is a charge of witchcraft against you >>. Megan she is upset, inside her head she can't understand the situation << Witchcraft ??? My lord, there must be a mistake for sure, I am not a witch, I am a good girl, working for a living. >> Megan, she started complaining boringly << Silence, a witch's whore >> shouted Zelfortz loudly, banging his fist on the table. Megan lowers her head scared. << How dare you doubt this? Know that your name was made by a witch during her confession >> the inquisitor replies, beating the pungo with force on the table. The girl is upset, in her head, she tries to figure out who could have ever accused her << Whoever made my name mind, I'm not a witch, I'm afraid of them, I would never dare to do anything like them> > the girl continued to retort << Stop lying a witch's whore. During her interrogation, some details came up about you, now I read them to you >> Zelfortz grabbed a large black embroidered book, opened it and read one of the pages << Among the seven names of accused witches there is, Megan Laver, accused of having practiced heretical acts, of having participated in sabbaths in the forest and that she used to use dark arts to seduce men. This is what emerged during your confession, how do you declare yourself to these charges? >> << They are all false, I have nothing to do with what is written in that book, I am innocent >> she replies, Zelfortz stood up abruptly and began to scream << Dirty whore of A witch!!! How dare you question this sacred court !! >> Megan looked down at the ground, trying not to look at him << Look me in the face while I'm talking nasty black, bitch and witch >> Megan she looked up at him, inside she feels so much hatred, but also a lot of fear << I ask you for the last time, admit to being a witch? >> the girl, she feels like crushed by a mysterious force, the terror rises inside her << Reply, you are a witch? >> << No I am not >> Zelfortz, she sat down again on him armchair, she looked at him collaborators, and then he stood up, Megan she, had a strange premonition << Megan Laver, given your obstinacy in lying, given your lack of respect for this sacred court, I Zelfortz, I order you to be subjected to torture >> << OH My God !!! Please my Lord you can't do it, you have to believe me >> Megan she started crying in despair << Enough !! Guards !! Drag this black woman into the dungeons, into the cells, waiting for her to wait for the interrogation time in the torture chamber >> << Noooo please have pity >> She continued screaming, while the two guards grabbed her by the arms, dragging her out of the room.
 Megan she other than crying and complaining, the two guards took her to the dungeons, where the cells are. They stopped in front of a grating door, passed the door and reached a corner where the chief jailer was hunched over a large book. << Who did you bring me? >> He said turning to the guards, << A witch named Megan Laver >> replied one of the two. The chief jailer, jotted down the name on the book, a quick description of the girl, then put the date and time in. <<Well, undress her and take her to the cell>> <<What? Nooo stop !! >> in an instant the two guards undressed her, First they removed her sandals, then they tore off her dress. The girl remained naked, then gave her a worn fabric dress, made her wear it and then dragged her towards the corridor. Megan can hear the cries of the condemned like her, she can hear their desperate supplications, while they wait for the fatal hour << Here we are, cell number 42 >> said one of the guards, while the other opened the cell door. A sturdy wooden door, on which a small grille is carved at the head height. Opening the cell door, Megan she was thrown in, with a strong push, the girl she found herself on the cold floor << See you later dear young lady eheheh >> said one of the guards << ahaha yes, see you later nigga >> they laughed out loud as they closed the cell door. The girl got up from the ground, she feels cold, barefoot and wearing only that worn-out dress. << My God, how did I end up here? >> poor Megan asked herself, as she sat on the cell's bed, dark and cold, lit by a small torch on the wall << What will happen to me? What will they do to me? >> the poor girl began to cry thinking of the horrors she was about to suffer. She had heard so many stories about what happens to women who are brought here. Torture and rape are the order of the day, in this terrible place, inside the poor girl's head, all the worst possible scenarios began to appear. Then suddenly screams were heard. Megan looked around to try to figure out where it came from, while she heard more, but also laughter. Then she understood comes from a grate that is on the floor of the cell. Megan approaches her, gratefully bending over it. << Oh my God, these are screams and laughter of women, what the hell is this thing? >> Megan she is incredulous, from the grate come screams, laughter and female pleas. What the girl does not know, is that, in every cell there is a grate so, that through, a sophisticated system of pipes, connects the cries and supplications of condemned women, from the torture chamber to every one of the cells. All to create as much terror as possible, for those who are about to be tortured, and for those who have been sentenced to imprisonment and therefore, to remind them that they will be tortured every day. << my god why do you do this to me ???>> the poor girl began to cry, taken by terror, she lay down on the bed crying and wondering why.
 Several hours later
The guards entered Megan's cell, the girl awoke with a start << Come on miss it's time to go >> said one of the guards, the girl just saw them, she hid in a corner of the cell, the two guards grabbed she forcefully << Nooo stop !! Leave me please! >> she cried << Shut up bitch !!! >> one of the guards shouted, slapping the girl's face. In an instant, the guards put the handcuffs on her wrists. << Get moving, it's time for your interrogation >> the other said pushing her from behind, while the colleague pulls her for the chain attached to the handcuffs << Oh my God help me, please help me >> she cried as they took her away from the cell << Pray as much as you like, nothing or nobody can save you >>.
They crossed the corridor, then came to a staircase that leads down. Down further and further down, until they stopped in front of a wooden and wrought-iron door. Megan she had a very bad feeling, fueled by the terrible screams coming from behind it. The door was opened, the guard behind her, pushed her, Megan fell to the ground << Get up on your feet nasty black bitch >> shouted the other guard, pulling her by the chain. AAAHHHHHHHHHHH
Megan she looked up, terror took possession of her << Oh my God, what is this place ?? >> the poor girl is now in the dreaded Zelfortz torture room. There in front of her, dozens of women are tortured in many different ways. On the walls, torches, illuminate the entire room, full of all kinds of torture instruments, from stocks for the feet to wooden horses.
 A terrible scene for our poor Megan. << Oh no please, you can't do this to me !!! Please let me go !!! >> the loud whimper of the girl grew stronger << Walk stupid bitch >> Shouted the guard who keeps her for the chains << Nooo let me go, I didn't do anything >> the girl, she tries to resist in all ways, but the guards don't allow it. While, they drag the poor girl, they are approached by two individuals: they are torturers, expert executors of the torture chamber, who together with the inquisitors, carry out the cruelest side of the Zelfortz inquisition. With the black hoods off, from which only the holes for the eyes can be seen, the two torturers, bare-chested, find themselves in front of the poor Megan, her which has the feeling of being in front of devils. << Who is she? >> said one of the torturers << Megan Laver, accused of witchcraft and heresy >> replied one of the guards << Give her to us, the inquisitor head, will want to question you in person >> << Well, I take off the handcuffs >>. Freed from the cuffs, Megan was taken by her arms by the two thugs, and dragged to the torture chamber. Megan she continued squirming and whimpering, she then panicked when she watched the mangled bodies of poor women as they were horribly tortured and raped.
 Megan, she's terrified, the very thought of being one of them, terrifies her. << Here we are great Zelfortz, we brought you the witch named Megan Laver >>, the great inquisitor, turned abruptly. As he usually has on him, his classic robe as a torturer, his face covered by a hood like torturers, a long sleeveless black tunic, held with a leather belt that goes down and then opened at the pubis, showing trousers and black leather boots. On the breastplate of the tunic there is a large "z" engraved red like blood. Together with him, there is also Mortimer, who deals with the confessions of the poor girls with other inquisitors. The inquisitors are dressed in long hooded tunics, while their faces are covered with ghostly masks. Curious that Zelfortz, is dressed differently, but the great inquisitor, when he is in the torture chamber, uses a particular garment that, indicates, both he state of great inquisitor and the fact of being also the head torturer.
 <<Well, well, here's my dear Megan >> he said to her << I think it's obvious why you're here >> she didn't answer << As you can see my dear, you are in the place of repentance of you witches. Here is the path to recovery for the evil women and girls like you >> << I'm not a witch, you have to believe me >> she resumed whining << Silence !! Stop lying, confess your faults and I'll spare you so much pain >> << Oh please my lord, you must believe me, I'm not a witch. I'm a good girl sigh sigh sigh >>
Zelfortz looks at her annoyed, approaches and grabs her by the hair << Filthy witch, I'll make you scream like I'm making those whores of your sisters scream >> << AHHHHIII hurt me >> shouted the girl << Look there witch, look what happens to those like you >>
 Zelfrotz, forcing her to watch the horrible tortures << Oh my God, it's horrible >> the girl screamed << If you don't confess now, this will be your destiny >> << Great Zelfrotz, why don't you show her the questioning of her friend >> said Mortimer << Mhmm ... it could already be a good idea >> << AAAAHHHHIIIA which friend? >> << One of the witches that I had arrested before you >>. Megan is dragged by the hair towards the left side of the torture chamber. From the beginning to the end, there is a long line of various types of stocks, where prisoners are cruelly condemned to various tortures. << Here we are, tell me a little Megan, do you recognize her? >> Megan she looked up, and what she saw was terrible. A young black girl is immobilized on stocks, her feet are kept at a distance of 5 cm from each other, the big toes, tied together with a rope, tied to one of the rings, inserted in the stock's wood. Her arms are pulled up, held by the wrists by chains. << Oh my God !! Prisca !! >> the girl screamed desperately. Prisca a young and beautiful black girl, friend of Megan. A real beauty, black hair, a small face, black eyes, a small, potato nose, a mouth with sensual lips, slender arms and legs, a third of the breast, a mandolin seat and small and sweet size 6 feet. <Prisca !!! Prisca !!! What did they do to you? >> Megan continued to shout as she observed the excessive sweat in her friend's body << Where are we with her confession? >> Zelfortz turned to the scribe and the two torturers << she is about to confess my Lord >> one of them answered << Well do it, I want you to confess in front of this other witch >>
In a moment the two torturers approached Prisca, the girl looks at them with terror. One has a large brush in his hand, the other two long black feathers << Then you decide to confess or we have to take back with tickling? >> << Oh no you please sigh sigh have mercy sigh sigh >> << as you want >> having said that the two torturers, positioned themselves for torture: the one with the mise brush in front of Prisca's feet the other with the two feathers in his hand, stood behind her. << Oh please don't do it have mercy >>
 Megan observes the scene with terror, she knows her friend is tickling terribly. The two torturers began to tickle the poverty Prisca << AHAHAHAHAHHAHA NNNNNOOOUUU AHAHAHHAHAHAH SSTTTTOOOOOUUPPPPP AJAHAHAHAHHAHA >> the poor girl fell into a big laugh. Her feet are brushed in a terrible way, the hard bristles rub on the delicate skin of her feet, the torturer is expert, she holds the brush horizontally, so she can torture both soles. The colleague instead flows with long black feathers, along the sides up to the armpits and then do it the other way round. << AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOUUU STOPPPPPPPPHHHHH IIIITTTT TO TICKLEEEEEEEE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH >> Prisca laughs like a madwoman, she desperately tries to move her feet to escape from the terrible brush, which moves both horizontally and vertically, on each point: from the heels to the bow of plants, on the toes, which move convulsively, curling up and spreading, in a wonderful frenetic dance. Wonderful is the expression of her face, especially when the long feathers run over her whole body, especially over her breasts and nipples, where every time the torturer slides the feathers on the nipples, Prisca, releases yelps of wonderful laughter for the ears of the great inquisitor. << Prisca James, you confess to being a witch and I will put an end to your suffering >> << HAHAHAHAHHAHA NOOUHUHUHUH I AM INNNOCENTTTTT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA >> << Poor fool, do you think you can lie to the great Zelfortz? Torturers, continue with the tickling torture, make this witch laugh !! >> << With great pleasure, great pleasure, great inquisitor >>
 The two torturers, following the order of Zelfortz, begin to tickle poor Prisca, more strongly. The one with the brush, grabs the big toes of her feet, and starts brushing the little toes, while the other one, started to torment with the spouts of the feathers, the small and black nipples of the poor Prisca, her which starts laughing in a stronger, she laughs seem almost screams << AHAHAHAHAHAHHA NO NO NOOOOO AHAHAHAHAHHAHA pleaseee AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA MYTOOOESSSS MY NIPPLESSSS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA STOOOOOOPPP I BEGGGG YOUUUUU AHAHAHAHAHAHH HUHUHUHUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHHUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA >> << confess now Prisca James, confesses to being a witch and all this suffering will end >> << Enough let it be !!!! >> shouted Megan disgusted by the cruel tortures that her friend is suffering << Make silence >> shouted one of the inquisitors << Prisca resists !! You have to resist OUCH !! >> Zelfortz has just hit her face with the back of her hand, Megan is terrified, seeing how her friend writhes in that tickling hell, something that makes her suffer, especially also due to the fact that Megan, she suffers terribly tickling. << Then you decide to confess, or do you want the tickle to go on all day >> << AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAA NOOOOOOO PLEAEEEE MAKE THEME STOOOOOOOOOP AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH >> << Confess now Prisca, confess now your faults, put an end to all this with a word >>
 Prisca she is now at the limit, it's been more than 40 minutes since her ordeal started, 40 minutes in which she was terribly tickled, now nothing is more important to her than making tickling stop. Megan looks at her incredulously, looks in horror as the two hooded thugs tirelessly tickle the poor girl's feet and breasts.
<< Then confess ???? Confess cursed witch ??? >>
At the order of Zelfortz, they stopped, the girl continued to laugh despite, they had stopped the torture. It took a few seconds before she recovered. Zelfortz, approaches her, followed by the scribe who continues to report every moment of the interrogation. << well well Prsica, then you confess to be a witch? >> << It aff aff ad aff aff aff aff >> >> Very good, tell me how long you dedicate to the dark arts ?? >> << always aff >> << I want a more concrete answer >> << From affaff when I was a child aff aff >> >> Hmmm ... who was it to start you to the witchcraft? >> << A woman of my village, was a breeder, you burned it at the stake >> << Hmm ... well well, I see that our work yields the desired results, before your teacher was brought to justice and now you. Very well now give me the names of other witches you accomplices>>
<< Names ?? I don't know anyone >> << Don't lie, give me the names of other witches or do you want me to tell them, to resume torture?! >> << Oh my god no, I tell you: Jayce, Riadb, Karen, Josina >> << And what about her >>
 Zelfortz pointed to Megan, whom she is shocked to know that, the names made by Prisca, are all names of their friends << What do you tell me about the present Megan ?? >>
Prisca and Megan looked each other in the eyes, Megan could see how much Prisca was desperate, the latter asked her to apologize with her eyes. Is or is not a witch? >> << Yes it is sigh sigh sigh I'm sorry Megan sigh sigh >> Prisca she burst into tears, the enormous guilt is killing her. << Damn !! You're a monster >> SMACK one of the torturers smacked Megan << How dare you filthy witch? How dare you offend the great Zelfortz >> << She is only confessing because you tortured her, damn you !!! >> << Silence !! >> Zelfortz, gave a strong prick in Megan's stomach, the girl fell on her knees, but she was supported by the torturers who hold her by the arms. << Well now you'll be quiet. Torturers, free the prisoner, while you scribe, have her sign the confession >>
The two torturers moved immediately. They released Prisca's wrists, then her feet and the rest of her body. Then the scribe approached her, with a sheet of papyrus paper and a feather of goose feather. << Sign here >> he said pointing to the spot on the card, where she must sign. She signed, and she felt like a worm, for giving in to their tortures and their threats.
 << Well, take the confession in the chancellor's office, while you bring her here on her knees from me >>
 The two torturers took the girl and brought her to her knees, Zelfortz watched her carefully, then untied her pants and pulled out his hard cock. Prisca as soon as she saw this, she understood what his intentions are, she tries to escape, but the torturers keep her firm by the arms << Nooo please don't do it, don't rape me >> she said crying desperately << This is the punishment for every witch, I have to purify your body, and only the great inquisitor and his helpers can do it >>
 Zelfortz took his big cock and thrust it firmly into Prisca's mouth, forcing her to give him a blowjob << Owwwwnwwwhhhh >> << Good, so, suck it for good bitch >> << Ommwwwnwwwhhh >> the fuck of great inquisitor, everything in her mouth is taken from her << As soon as I saw you, I thought you had a really good blowjob mouth AHAHAHAHHA >> << Nooooo still let her be !!! >> << Silence witch, observe what is fate for each of you >> << Oooowwnnnnhwwwnnnh >> << Good, now lick it all >>
 Prisca she starts licking Zelfortz's hard penis, she licks him with disgust, Zelfortz understands it and sticks it in her mouth again. He stuffs it so deeply, that he almost chokes her << couf cou couff >> << Look at the coughing whore >> some of the torturers said << Please just, don't rape me anymore >> she said imploringly. Zelfortz smiled like a shark from under the hood. With a nod of his head he told the torturers to lay the girl on the stock bench, on her stomach, letting her sit in plain sight. Prisca she tried to wriggle away but, it was all in vain, the torturers, they hold her by the wrists and the shoulders. << Now it's time to purify your pussy >> << Noooo please have mercy >> she said imploringly, while he bent over her, with his right hand he stuck his cock into her pussy. << AAHHHHH AH AH AH AH MHM OUHH AHHH >> << Feel how the bitch groans >> said one of the torturers << Great Boss, make her pay this witch >> everyone exult in seeing the great Zelfortz, rape poor Prisca. He fucks her violently, penetrates her pussy with strong pelvic blows, spanking her butt. << You have a nice tight pussy do you know it? >> << Ahhhh mhm enough ah ah ah noooo hahaha stop it hahahaha >> between the moans and cries of the girl, Zelfortz, I pull out his cock, and came between the black buttocks of young girl.
 << Well, and with this witch we have concluded. Take her away !! >>
  While the poor girl was taken away, Zelfortz approached from Megan << So Megan, are you going to confess your faults or do you still want me to believe that you are innocent? You saw what your friend said >> << She confessed only because you tortured her, just like all the others. Here none of us is a witch >>
Megan she had a strong rage, but of that she would regret it
  << Ugly bitch !!! Torturers, undress her !! >> << With great pleasure, great Zelfortz >> << NOO firm don't touch me >> Mega she started screaming, while one of the torturers, pulled up her arms, and the other removed from below the frayed robe as a prisoner. The poor girl, she is completely naked, she tries to cover her nudity, but the two hooded don't allow it.
 The great inquisitor, observes the body of the girl well. Comparison and Prisca, she is thinner, but still has a nice little body, minute but interesting: narrow hips, thin legs and arms, a second breast with small black nipples, the all with a slightly amber black complexion. Zelfortz closer to her, the girl is in profound embarrassment and fright << What is this >> he noticed the small tattoo, depicting a small cat << A mark of the devil, a heretic mark >> shouted the Inquisitor << There is no doubt, you are a witch, torturers, put her in the stocks, number 3 >> << At your orders, great inquisitor >> << Noooo still let me, I am not a witch !!!> >
 The two took the girl and took her to a series of stocks. There are various types of torture as those poor women are suffering. The two stopped in front of the number 3 stocks. They are types of stocks formed by: a long wooden board, at the end of which there is a massive stock, where there are two very close holes, to immobilize the witch's ankles, holding them, near each other, in the end there is another stock, supported by two wooden poles, with two holes to immobilize the wrists. << Well, my dear Megan this type of stocks, as you can see allows, to keep close to the feet of the condemned and not only >>
  Megan she looks terrified, what happens to women who are imprisoned in those types of stocks. One is tortured by tickling her feet and hips, another is whipped her back while her feet are subjected to fire torture, the last one being tortured by a goat that licks her feet, the young girl he is just over 12 years old.
 << As you can see, dear Megan, there is no escape for you, confess now or suffer torture >> << No, please enough with this madness, have mercy >> << Enough, torturers, put her on stocks and bring me the tools for tickling torture >> << NOOO the tickling noo please have mercy >>
In an instant the two torturers immobilize Megan in the stocks, in the last of the 4, the only free one. The girl tries in every way to free herself, but the two thugs give her no chance of escape. At the same time, they block the wrists and feet in the special stocks, then they block the girl's legs with leather straps << Also block the big toes, make sure that the feet cannot be moved >> << sure Lord Zelfortz >> . Holding the palm of his hand pressed to the soles of her feet, the torturer, tie the string around the two big fingers of her feet, pull the rope bringing the feet straight, then tie the string to one of the rings, present on the stocks. Now Megan, she is completely immobilized, the only part of her body she can move is her hands and toes, except for the big toes.
  One of the torturers approaches Zelfortz, with a small banquet, on which there are a whole series of: feathers of various lengths, brushes, brushes, toothbrushes, duster coats and feathered rollers. Megan is terrified as she watches all those evil tickling tools.
<< Well my dear Megan, as you can see I have here an assortment of tools for the torture of tickling. I see the terror in your eyes and the capsicum, you have just witnessed Prisca's interrogation, I noticed how you moved your toes, the classic reaction of those who suffer a lot from tickling >> said the great inquisitor, positioning himself in front of the girl's feet << oh please don't tickle me but tickle me, have mercy on me >> poor Megan starts begging << Oh you know what you have to do my dear, just admit that you're a witch, so you will be freed instantly >> << But I am innocent, you must believe me >> << It will mean that I will have to torture you to make you tell the truth, witch. Scriba are you ready? >> << Certo Grande Zelfrotz >> << Very well, let's proceed >>
Zelfotz leaned towards Megan's small and amber feet, seeing the dirt on them, began dusting them with his hand << hhhihiiih nooo stop iihihih tickles >> the young girl started laughing at the touch of the inquisitor's hand on her feet. After removing the dirt, Zelfortz begins to play the finger, making it slide along the sole of Megan's right foot, the girl, immediately starts to laugh << hihihihi nooo stop it hehehe you tickle ihiihiihi >>. He slides up and down with his finger, slowly, Megan moves her small foot, especially her small toes. Zelfortz does the same in the other foot too, always slowly running his finger along the entire sole of the girl's left foot. Poor Megan, she still doesn't realize that, he's going to start a real tickling hells.
 To a certain point, Zelfortz, begins to tickle strongly the center of the arches of the soles of Megan, the poor girl, she starts laughing and moving frantically you have, it will be a pleasure to make you scream witch >>
 Zelfortz's fingers, scratching in the middle of Mega's feet, her as she laughs like a madwoman, she struggles desperately in stocks, while her poor feet are tickled. so sensitive, how much do you think you can resist? Confess now or prepare to lose your breath with laughter >> << NO NO NOOOOO I AM IINOOOCEEEHEHEHEHENTTTHTHTHH AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA NOOUUHUHUHUHU AHAHAHAHAHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHH >> << Poor silly witch! Torture you will be an immense pleasure for me >> having said that, the cruel inquisitor, begins to move his fingers quickly, along all the soles of her. Megan she seems to go crazy, while she senses the frantic touches along her helpless soles. The fingers move quickly, but Zelfortz is an expert, so he starts to scratch with both hands, dragging his fingers, starting from the top and slowly down to the heels, then back up and start again << AAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAH NO NO NO AHAHAHAHHAHA STOOOOOOPPPP AHAHAHHAHAHA PLEAASEEEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEH THE BEG YOOOUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUH >> the poor girl laughs like a madwoman, moves her head in an attempt to divert attention from tickling, but it is useless, the great inquisitor does not give peace to her, starting to scratch now faster and then slowly again. The torturers, watch the scene amused, while the scribe quickly takes note of everything << Now, let's see how much you suffer in your toes >> with cruelty, Zelfortz, lashes out at the helpless toes of her << AAAHAHAAHHAHAHAH NOT HE TOESS NOT tHE TOOOOOEEEEEEEESSS AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA NOOOUHUHUHUHUH PLEEEEHEHEHESSSSAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA HUHUHUHUHUHUAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHO >> << confess my dear Megan, confesses to being a witch, confess your heresy, or tickle continue >> << NNNNOOOUUUHUHUHUH IEI YYMM NOT AAHHAHA WITCHHHHHHIHIHIHIHIHIIHHIHIHEHEHEHEHEHEHHE >>
 In the madness of her laughter, Megan, she tries in every way to proclaim her innocence, but the cruel Zlefortz, is tickling her between the fingers of her feet. Scratch strong between them, then drag your fingers along the backs of the toes and feet, then resume in the space between each of them.
 Zelfortz continues to tickle her feet for about 5 minutes, then stops, Megan, she rests her head on stocks, she is exhausted and tries to catch her breath. << aff aff you please aff aff. enough tickle aff aff >> << HAHAHA poor stupid, I stopped because I intend to use this >> raising his right arm, Zlefortz, show her, a long black feather. As soon as she sees him, she begins to curl her fingers and instinctively tries to close them between them, in a vain attempt to protect them << Oh God, nooo !!! Please not the feather, not the feather, have mercy !! >> << If you don't want me to use the feather, confess, confess now your faults and I'll put an end to it all >> << aff Oh, please, affina I'm innocent >> << Enough of these lies, confesses or tastes the feather >> << But how should I tell you that I'm not a witch ??? Sigh sigh sigh >> << How much stubbornness in the fake, it will mean that I will have to go harder with you >> saying that, Zelfrotz, he bends down with the feather in his hand towards Megan's feet, she begs her and she tries to hold her feet close << Oh no please don't do it have mercy >> the poor girl begs and whines. Zelfortz, observes smugly, the way the girl tries to protect her feet.
  << No no mercy, mercy I beg you >>
   Megan continues to plead, she looks with horror at the feather approaching her feet.
   << NOOOOOOUUUHUUUHUHUU AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA NOOOOOHOOHOHOHOHOHHH PLEEEEHEHEHESSAHAHAHAHAHA IT’SSSS TICKLEEEEEEEE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >> Megan she starts laughing like crazy, while the cruel inquisitor slides the long feather along the sole of Megan's left foot. Megan suffers terribly from the tickling of her feet, the long feather that flows up and down, from right to left, from one foot to the other, is a huge pain for her
With sadistic taste, Zelfortz makes the feather slide over her defenseless soles with enormous skill, flowing along the whole left foot, first part from the big toe, then goes down along the whole sole to the heel, then slowly up again, then goes to the right foot, again to the left, continuing to alternate intensity, fast and slow, with unpredictability. Poor Megan, she laughs like a madwoman, she throws her head back, waving her long black hair, laughs and laughs, pleads and begs mercy, a non-existent pity in Zelfortz; which leaves no way out for her. With mastery and sadism, he starts tickling between the fingers of Megan's left foot. The soft bristles of the feather are terrible; they slide with ease, the great inquisitor slowly, he lets the feather slide between each toes, this makes Mgena literally go crazy, her who wriggles and laughs, pleading for mercy in vain. toes are small and sensitive. They are ideal for this feather >> << NO NOU NOUUHUHUHUHH AHAHAHAH YOUUU BASTARDDDD AHAHAHAHHA STOOPO TICKLING MY TOEEEHEHEHEHSSS PLEEHEHEAHAHAHSSEE AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA >> << I will, if you confess to be a witch >> << BUT I AM NOT A WITCHHHHAHAHHA >> << Then you suffer witch >>
With immense cruelty, Zlefortz continues to focus attention on her toes. Megan tries to hold back the feather by tightening the fingers of her right foot, but the cruel inquisitor, makes them spread, tickling with the hand he has free, on the arch of the foot, the poor girl she is forced to let go, letting the feather flow between her small toes, especially now that she involuntarily spreads them << You're really a stubborn girl, besides you try to block my feather mhm ... .. let's see, how you get on with two >> with speed , Zelfortz, grabs another feather from the small feast, and begins to tickle both of Megan's feet at the same time. now your faults, why do you give yourself so much suffering, don't you understand that it's just a pleasure for me to torture you? Confess now and I will put an end to it all >> << BUUUUT I AAHAHAHAMM INNOCENTTTTTT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH STOOOHOHOHOHOPPHPHPHHUHUHUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH >>
 Just like before, Zelfortz tickles Megan's poor feet with two feathers, just as she did with one. Starting from the space between the toes of the feet, sliding down along the plants, on the arches of the feet, ultra sensitive, up to the heels, and then up again. Magnificent is like her toes, moving frantically with every touch of feathers, as in a frantic dance, but even more wonderful, is Megan's little face. Her grimaces, and her laughter, the fingers of her hands, frantically moving, clenching in fists.
 Only 8 minutes have passed since the torture began, but for Megna, it seems that an eternity has passed. Zelfortz continues to tickle her feet with two long feathers. Running down her defenseless soles. The bristles of the feathers are terrible for the girl. Being hard seeds, they give a perfect and firm touch on the bare skin of her feet, but the best part and how they flow perfectly between her toes.
 << NNNNOT MY TOEEEHEHEHEHSSSS AHAHAHHAHA YOUUU BASTARDDDDHDHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH >> Megan screams and laughs like crazy, while the long feathers run between her toes. Zelfortz also tickles the back of the toes, swaying cruelly over them. << Confess Megan, confess now, put an end to your suffering. Can't you see how much you suffer? Confess to be a witch now and save your life >>
 The girl does not answer, she continues to laugh frantically. Zelfortz, shows no sense of pity, sadistically continues to tickle her small toes. It flows with speed between them, concentrating on rapid and decisive movements, precise and above all that exploit the entire length of the feathers. Megan's toes seem to dance among the feathers, the poor girl in a desperate act, she clenches her toes, blocking the two feathers << Let them go right away >> he said imperative << hihih no affaff enough aff aff tickle aff aff >> said the exhausted girl << Well, you wanted it >>
  With speed, the cruel Zelfortz, begins to tickle the arches of the feet of the girl, assenting a subspecies of bites with the fingers. As soon as the girl, she perceives the terrible and strong touch of 10 fingers In the middle of her soles, she snaps into a chuckle. << MHMMMMIHIHIHHI AHAHAHA MH NOOUHUHUHU AHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA >> Megan bursts out laughing loudly, involuntarily spreading her toes, causing her to fall off the two feathers that she held on to. afflicted dam aff aff you a bastard >> she said, after Zelfortz has stopped << Great inquisitor, this whore continues to insult you, it would not agree to put to her, the vice for the language >> said one of the torturers. Zelfortz, he bent to pick up the feathers from the floor. The poor girl watches him with terror. << Don't worry >> he said to the torturer << This little servant of the devil, she will have what she deserves >> having said that, she repositions herself in front of Megan's feet, with feathers in hand, but this time, he has other mind in mind << Let's see how much you can hold, my little black witch >> << No, I beg you !! Leave my feet alone >> she begged her << If you want me to stop, you must confess >> << Oh I beg you not to tickle me anymore, have mercy, I am not a witch >> << How much obstinacy in hiding the false, well, it will mean that I will enjoy to keep torturing you >> having said that, the cruel inquisitor, begins to tease the arches of Megan's feet, using the feathers of the feathers >> << Laugh little witch, laugh and suffer >> Zelfrotz said << torturers, give me a hand, come and tickle the rest of her body >> << With great pleasure great Zelfortz >> said one of them << NNNOOUUUHUHUHUH AHAHAHAH PLEAAHAHAHHASSEEEEHEHE AHAHAHA DON'T DO IIIITHTHTHTHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH >> << If you don't want torture to continue, you should confess your faults now >> << AHAHAHAHAHA NOUUHUHUU AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I AM INNNOCENTTTTTTHHEHEHEHEHEHEHE >>
  Megan, she protests, while the two torturers are positioned one behind her, the other is put aside. The two begin to tickle her body. The first, sticking his fingers on her armpits, the other begins to nibble with her fingers at her thighs, all with Zelfortz, who continues to tickle her feet cruelly. For poor Megan, there is no escape now.
 << HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIIHIHIHIH AHAHAHAHAAH NOOOOHOHOHGUUUAHAHAHAHAHA ARE YOU CRAZYYY AHAHAHHAHAHA I AM GONNNAA DIIIHHIHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH STTOOOOOHOHOHOHOHPPHPHHPHPHPHPPH >> << This witch is damn sensitive >> << Very sensitive, my dear ones girl, her feet are very sensitive, but it doesn't mean that the rest of her body is not, tortured with determination >> << Certainly great Zelfortz >> they said in chorus the two hooded sadists, while they tickle the poor girl. The armpits are violently tickled, the torturer is clever, he knows how to do it, then he hits the hips of the girl, first with small bites, then tickles strongly, sticking his fingers in the poor girl's ribs. The other torturer instead, sadistically tickles her thighs, biting her fingers, on poor Megan's knees, then deftly, tickling her inner thigh. But the most terrible part is that of the feet, the spouts prick, the she soles, especially Zelfortz, he tickles the arches of Megan's feet, and then he hits the girl's toes, firmly poking at the spheres of the toes of the feet, which are a terribly sensitive point to her.
 << MHUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA NOOUUHUHUHHAHAHAHAHAHA STOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHPHH I SWEARRR AHAHAHHAA I AM NOT TO WIIIITCHHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH >> << Your lies will not lead you to anything my dear >> said Zelfrotz, while he continues to tease the poor soles of Megan. The torture has already begun for more than 15 minutes, Zelfortz continues to tickle poor Megan. He cruelly drags the feathers of the feathers along the soles of his feet. Furrowing her soft skin. The girl, she squirms like a madwoman, she is sweating, the tears fall down from her eyes, now she is about to collapse.
 The two torturers, each grabbed two feathers and are now tickling her body terribly. One focuses on poor Megan's hips, the other started to slide feathers on her pussy. << AHAHAHAHAHA NOUUHUHUH ARE YOU CRAZYYYYY AHAHAHHAHAHHA STOPPPP TICKLING MEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHH >> << Good kids, keep it up >> exulted the cruel Zelfortz, while observing satisfied the mastery of the two torturers, on the other hand it was he who trained them. Poor Megan she really got to the limit, not just Zelfortz, she started combining tickling her feet alternating the bristles of feathers and spouts, but now the two torturers with feathers are really driving her crazy. The first is now focusing on the breasts of the girl, tormenting her small black nipples with the bristles of the feathers, to then strike the belly that is extremely sensitive. The other torturer has now completely concentrated on tickling her pussy lips, a very sensitive point, especially when she slowly slides the bristles on her small clit. All with Zelfortz, who continues unabated to tickle Megan's little feet as well as her most sensitive point.
 Now for the poor girl, there is no escape, this torture is too much for Megan, she is more able to resist, the tickling has become too terrible for her and although she knows what will happen when she will say that fateful word, she will not can give nothing but surrender to her ominous destiny.
 << STTOOOIUUHUHHHUPPAHAHAHHAA III CONFEEEHEHEHEHSHSHSHS AHAHAHAHHAHA STOOOOUUUOHOHOHAHAHAHAHHA PLEAAHASHSHSHSHSS >> << Well well, I see that you have decided >> poor Megan among her laughter, she confessed, but the cruel inquisitor and the torturers do not stop, continue to tickle her body < <AHAHAHHAHAHA NOIUUUUHH STOOOPHUHAHAHHA I HAD CONFEEEESSSS AHAHAHAHHA >> << Admit to being a witch ?? >> he said continuing to tickle her << YES YES YESSSS AHAHAHAHHAHAHA >> << You regret your faults >> << OHHUHUH YESSS SHAHAHA AHAHAHAHHAHAH >> << Very well, stop the torture >>
With imperative order, Zelfortz, he stops torture. Megan she continues to laugh, despite the fact that they stopped tickling her. After a while she calms down, she breathes heavily, keeps her head lowered, she is tired and exhausted.
 << So, Megan, admit to being a witch ?? >> << aff aff si aff aff lo lo aff aff >> >> Well, Scribe, you are taking note of everything ?? >> << Sure lord Zelfortz >> << Very well. So Megan, tell me about the rituals you've practiced >> << aff aff io hio aaff aff done affaff of the aff affections >> << For what purpose did you do them? >> << aff aff to aff aff >> << The ahi made to poison the mind of men ?? >> << afff aff si for that aff aff >> << Well, tell me about the sabbaths with the other witches >> << I have not made any sabba >> << Not say absurdity, I know that every night, you witches gather in the woods, I want to know who in addition to you is involved, I want the names of the witches who participated in it >>
 Megan she is shaken, already the fact that she is confessing to falsehoods, the humiliation of torture and now, he wants her to accuse other girls. No, she won't do this, even if she knows what will happen.
  <<Oh please my Lord, I do not know the other witches >> << What kind of nonsense are you saying? You just admitted to having participated in several sabbaths with other witches, and you would like me to believe that you don't know who they are? I warn you, if you do not give me the names, I will resume the torture >> << Oh no no no beg you, no other torture please >> << If you don't want me to resume with torture, you'd better give me those names >> << But I don't know, you have to believe me >> she said whimpering << Well, I see that you don't leave me another choice. Spread the lubricating oil on her soles and block her other toes >> << Subito supremo Zelfortz >>
 The two torturers approach her with a jar containing an oily liquid << Hey !! What do you do at my feet? >> the girl she winced as soon as they started to sprinkle her soles << It is a lubricating oil, used for massages. See this oil, make the skin smooth and soft, and above all make it very sensitive >> Zelfortz grabbed a large wooden brush, turned to the girl << imagine now that your beautiful soles, smooth and soft, how they will react to the touch of this >> the cruel inquisitor, raised the brush, so that, Megan she is able to see her << Oh my God nooo !!! I beg you not to do it, have mercy >> she protested << If you don't want me to subject you to torture again, I suggest you give me the names of your fellow witches >> << But I've already confessed, please don't do it, I'll I beg >> << Head, we are finished, the feet are ready >> << Well, let's proceed >>
Zlfortz, smiling under his hood, approaches Megan's lubricated soles, which her feet are completely blocked, in fact with ropes they tie each toes to rings inserted in the stocks. Megan can't help but watch the resumption of torture with horror. In position and with the brush in hand, Zelfortz, enjoys listening to Megan's pleas, staring into her eyes, then placing the brush horizontally, starts to vigorously brush Megan's greasy soles, the girl bursts into laughter < <NOOUUHUHUHUH AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA AHAHAHHA THIS IS TERRRIIIBLLEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH >>
 The lubricating oil has made the skin of the plants of Megan's feet extremely soft, making them sensitive and above all increasing the slide the brush over them. Zelfortz, brush the poor soles with ferocity, focusing on the arches of her feet. Poor Megna, she seems crazy, so far she has been terribly tickled, but what she's feeling now is even worse. The hard bristles of the brush, are far worse than the feathers, moreover the oil does nothing but increase the tickling, but what drives her crazy, is the fact of not being able to move her feet, thus leaving them to the complete merchandise of the cruel inquisitor << HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA NOUUUUHHUH STOP STOP I DON'T KNOWWWWHUHHHUUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH >> << Don't be silly, give yourself so much trouble for them. Have you seen Prisca ?? She also didn't want to tell me the names, but then she gave up, because you witches are lascivious and weak beings, and I'll make them punish everyone >>
With enormous sadism, Zelfortz, brushes all over the soles of the feet, brushing horizontally and vertically, tickling, the center of the arches, the heels, the toes, the backs and the sides, without leaving any point. << AHAHAHAHAHHA NO NO AHAHAHHAHA I SWEAR AAHHAHAHA I DON'T KNOW ANYBODY AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHANAHAHHAHAHA PLEEHEHEHSSEAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA >> << Laugh witch laugh you, taste your punishment, taste the justice of the Inquisition >>
Megan, she's completely gone, she squirms like crazy and laughs even louder. She feels her head explode, the tickling has become too much for her but, what makes her mad, is the idea of ​​ending up as Prisca, confessing the names of her friends, of innocent good girls, and condemning them to this mad torture, in the hands of these sadistic fools. Suddenly Megan, she notes that Zelfortz has stopped, yes, but for a short while, just long enough to grab a second brush, Megan tries to talk but, she can't stop laughing. Zelfortz, sits astride her legs, then starts brushing her poor feet again, holding the brushes vertically, dragging the hard bristles, from the heels, along the soles to the toes, then back down to the heels.
 She feels like a jolt all over her body, she also traces a gust of wind, it could cause her to tickle, since her nerves are in pieces, but so, now the tickling has reached such a level, that it does not even allow her more than utter words that are, slightly understandable. << AAHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAAH UHUUHUUHUHUHUHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH SSTOOOOHOHOOPPP AHAHAHAHHAHAH PLEEHEHEHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA NOOUUHUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHHAHAHAHAHAHHEHEHEHEHEHEIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHAHAH >> << MHHAUAHHAHA hear how she laughs, now there is no longer >>
The brushes flow with enormous speed, the muscles of Zelfortz's arms are contracted, the veins seem to be about to explode, so much is the effort to keep that rhythm. << My lord you don't think that she could even die ?? >> Mortimer tries to speak to him, but Zelfortz is so taken by the torture, not to hear his voice, there is also to say that Megan's laughter, now they are more like screams, so much so that they can be heard throughout the room
<< How did you say ?? Did you say you want to talk ??? >> << YYYEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHSHSHSHSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH >> << Very well, to say that it can suffice >>
 Zelfortz finally stopped, he seemed to have taken possession, but he is a professional and knows how far he can go. Megan continues to laugh, her body seems to be convulsing and she is bathed in sweat. << Luckily I thought you would have killed her >> << Do you really believe that I don't know how to do my job Mortimer ??? >> Oh no great Zelfortz, absolutely, I was not saying that >> Mortimer said with a deep bow << Well, let's wait for you to recover and we could continue with the questions >> he said, looking at the exhausted girl.
They had to wait a few minutes, before she could calm down, once done, Zelfortz, she approached her << So my dear, are you ready to give me the names or should I take the tickle with the brushes ??? >> he said approaching the her face << Oh no please !!! I talk, I talk, I'll tell you everything you want but, don't tickle me anymore, it was terrible >> << Perfect, scribe, take note. Now tell me the names of your accomplices >> << Oh yes, I tell you there is Hanna Wallace, she works as a housewife, then there is Merida Verghel, she is an herbalist, then there is Joanna Clark, she works in some wheat fields, then there is Riana, Joseline >> << Ok enough! that the names you gave are more than enough, scribe you took note of everything ?? >> << Sure great Zelfortz >> << Very well, let her sign the confession, you instead free her from the shackles >> << Immediately great Zelfortz >>
The two thugs, first untied the ropes from Megan's toes, then opened the two stocks. Megan she can finally move her body, after almost an hour of captivity of the stocks. The scribe approached the girl, handing her a sheet of parchment and a feather of goose feather << Sign here, where I'm pointing >> << What is it? >> she asked confused << Don't ask questions, sign>> the scribe said, annoyed. The girl took the pen and signed on the point indicated by the scribe, what she is signing is nothing less than her confession, where it was reported, the entire interrogation. The scribe then took the parchment and went away with it, he will take it to the chancellery, to have it authenticated and filed. Now Megan is still sitting on the stock bench, Zelfortz, approaches her. <<Well, my dear, now that you've confessed, it's time for you to be purified>> Having said that, he undoes his trousers and pulls out his hard fuck, Megan she's terrified, she remembers the scene before, how he raped Prisca << Oh no please don't do it >> she started crying << Be quiet !! Now give me a footjob or I'll torture you again >> << No, no good, I'll do what you want >> the poor girl grabbed with her little black feet, Zelfortz's hard cock. Her toes began to caress his glans, then she started massaging his balls. , she doesn't want to suffer again. Zelfortz, now begins to fuck her feet, keeping them together, so as to fuck the two feet. The fact that they have been lubricated before, makes the job easy. He fucks them thoroughly, then rubbing his cock on her small, delicate toes. Megan had already done a footjob but, she never expected to have to make one of a cruel man like him. At one point, Zelfortz removes his cock from her feet, and gives her a push, throwing her on the ground, then grabs her by the hair, and starts rubbing his cock on her face. The girl tries to move her head, but Zelfortz pulls her hair << Do the good girl and suck my dick, suck the great cock of the great Zlefortz, so that your mouth can be purified >> Megan now completely submissive, he starts sucking his cock. Zelfortz moans with pleasure << Owwwwwwnhnh >> << Ah good Megan, you know how to suck well like your friend >> << Mhmm oooowwwwwwwwnnhhhhh >>
 Megan she feels completely humiliated, never in all her life would she have thought to end up like this. Now Zelfortz started to fuck her mouth furiously << Cou coucg coucg owwwwnnhh coff mhnnnnn >> << Good take it all in the mouth of a witch whore >> he said as he fucks her mouth so hard, to slam his balls on her face
 After about ten minutes he removes his cock from her mouth, starts to slam it on her lips << Now it's up to your pussy >> Grabbing her by the arms, Zelfortz, puts her with her face crushed on the floor, then shoves his cock inside her pussy and starts to fuck her << Ahuh ha ha aff mhmm af aff aff >> << Feel how she moans, she's a whore ahahahahha >> The laughter of those present, the fact that her little pussy is being violated, is for Megan, the utmost humiliation, but it is precisely what Zelfortz loves to do. With violent pelvic blows, Zelfortz violently penetrates her black pussy. Fine tight and wet, holding her by the arms. << Mhmm no ahahha mhm afa f mm enough mhmh afa f >> << What is dear Megan, you do not like it, and yet I know very well that, you really like the cock, you should appreciate it >> he said ironically. At one point, Zelfortz starts to fuck her even harder and faster. Megan moans like a sow, drooling and crying << Mhmmm Ohhh yeeeesss >> with strength, Zelfortz came forcefully into her small pussy << Ahhh what a great fuck >> he said as he arranged his cock inside his pants, not before have it cleaned on her buttocks. Megan is now lying on the floor, with the sperm coming out of her pussy << Well my dear, I hope you enjoyed >> the girl bursts into tears << oh poor girl, maybe it wasn't enough, you two say, you want to give her help >> the two torturers, they looked at each other, then without having it repeated twice, they pulled out the cock, grabbed the girl from the floor and started fucking the poor girl. One mouth and the other pussy.
  Several hours later, Megan woke up in her cell, she passed out in the torture chamber after being raped by 5 torturers and 3 inquisitors. In her mouth she still feels the taste of sperm, her pussy hurts, she is swollen and sore, and full of sperm. Now she is alone and half-naked in her cell, in despair, leans her head on the bed and falls asleep.
  Several days later
Now Megan, she is in the courtroom of the inquisition. She is with other girls and women, there is also Prisca, but she does not say a word, like Megan, she was raped every day by prison guards, who entered the cells just to fuck them.
 The courtroom is large, there is the stage where Zlefortz sits, dressed in clothes similar to those he had when he first saw him. Mortimer to the right, to the left Menged with the chancellor, finally a whole series of inquisitors. Megan and the girls, are kept inside a large cage, located to the right of the room, while at the bottom, there is a whole series of benches on which they are sitting, several people of the village, come to hear the verdict of the condemned.
 << Well, let the first prisoner come >> said Zelfortz, from the top of his position. A guard opened the cell and brought out one of the girls. The poor girl was made to sit down on the floor. It was the same for all the poor girls and women who are there. Some were condemned to be imprisoned, and to be tortured and raped every day, many of them cried and screamed as they carried them away. Others like Prisca were condemned to be burned alive at the stake. Megan cried as she saw her poor friend being carried away by the guards. Now it's her turn << Get the last prisoner to come >> said Zelfortz. The guard opened the grating door of the cage again and sent Megan out. The girl came to her knees before the judge's desk. Zelfortz stared at her for good then spoke. << Are you Megan Laver ?? >> << Yes >> << You have to answer: yes great Zelfortz >> << Yes great Zelfortz >> she replied shyly << Well, Megan Laver, of age 24, given your confession in admitting your faults of: witchcraft and heresy >> Zelfortz stood up, Megan knows that in a moment she will know her condemnation << Given the following serious faults, done in the damage of the city and of his good people, I Zelfortz, great inquisitor, as judge, I condemn you to death, to be burned alive at the stake tomorrow at dawn. The session ended >> hitting with the judge hammer the surface of the table, Zelfortz, thus decided the sentence for poor Megan. << NOOO please have mercy >> She screamed << I beg you I am innocent have pity >> << Enough, guards take her away >>
 Megan she was dragged away from the courtroom. She was not taken to the basement but to the upper floors, due to the accuracy in the cells of the court tower, located on the right side of the fortress of the Inquisition. After crossing a long spiral staircase, the guards are in the cell plan. There, there are also the other convicts. Megan was undressed and left naked with the others. The guards closed the cell door and left, down the spiral staircase. Megan she got up from the ground, in the cell is Prisca. The woman whom she throws at her to help her. << Oh Prisca, how are you? >> << Well now that you're here >> the two girls hugged each other tightly << Tell me they hurt you ?? >> said Prisca << Oh it was terrible. As with you they tortured me with tickling and you know that I suffer from going crazy on my feet, then he raped me, and then he had me raped by various torturers and inquisitors. Then I fainted and I don't remember anything any more >> << My God, it went worse than me >> << Oh My God Prisca, what will they do to us now >>
 The girl didn't answer, she just cried and pointed to the crack on the stone with her finger. Megan approached her, and what she saw scared her. The view is that of the central square of the city, on which the poles and pyres on which they will be burned are mounting. In total there are 7, seven stakes for seven witches, including that of Megan and Prisca. The two girls looked at each other, they embraced and started to cry. All day long, just like the other convicts, they fell asleep exhausted.
The day of execution
The fateful day has arrived, Megan she has heard, the sound of footsteps and armor. She turns abruptly and sees two guards enter their cell, they have chains with them. << it's time, witches >> fixed one of them. Megan and Prisca began to cry and protest, but it didn't help, the guards dragged them out, and chained them by the neck to the other five condemned. Then they came down along the spiral staircase. After descending from the tower, they were led along the hall they had traveled the first time. They were taken out of the fortress into the courtyard, where they are been getting on a wagon, the same one used to arrest the witches, the same on which Megan and Prisca were transported.
 The cart crossed the entire descent from the hill to the center of the square. Waiting for them, an immense crowd gathered around the poles, in front of them was mounted a wooden stage and on the sides of the stands that host nobles and inquisitors, ready to enjoy the scene.
 The cart stopped just in front of the stage. The girls were let off the wagon, among the screams and the offenses of the people. Frightened, naked, cold, the 7 women were first freed from the chains, then the executors, brought them with enormous effort, given that many of them continue to protest the injustice, towards the poles. There they tied them to them, under their feet of piles of wood, of pyres. Megan and Prisca, they were tied to the 2 poles that are in the center. The two girls look at each other, their eyes filled with fear and wet with tears.
 Suddenly he came, Zelfortz, galloping a black horse. Arrival among the acclamation of the people. He stopped in front of the stage, dismounted, and positioned himself on the stage. << People of Jest, today we are gathered here, to condemn these witches >> he shouted << This is the example I want to give, this is the message I send to all the witches. I Zelfortz, great inquisitor, I promise you that I will capture them all and bring them to justice. And now we light the pyres, may the fire purify the souls of these 7 heretic witches. Executors, you can proceed >>
 The seven hooded, they approached each of the poles, with torches in hand, they began to light the fire in the piles of wood. They go around them, lighting as much wood as possible. Once the fire was set, the 7 executioners left. The fire starts to blaze beneath them. The wood burns quickly, the smoke gets high, the seven women start to cough heavily. Megan panicked, screaming and pleading. The fire is now high, so high that it begins to burn the feet of the condemned. The unfortunate girls scream in pain and terror. Megan screams and begs. People sadly rejoice. Soon they are engulfed in flames. Their screams are terrible and terrible, they get stronger and stronger, Megan is the one who screams loudest of all. Slowly the fire consumes their flesh and finally their voices cease. Megan, Prisca and the other women have died, what remains now are the burning of their charred bodies.
 Zelfortz, observes with satisfaction the conscious scene of having completed his work.
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teejayrulesfeet · 1 year
I appreciate all the love you guys show to my feet! You can always play with my feet if you like 😁
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