#fei wu miraculous
celestiall0tus · 3 months
Court of Miracles, Fei Wu
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There's a first for a lot of characters here, and Fei Wu is amongst them as our tiger heir for Court.
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goggles-mcgee · 1 year
Too Late: Epilogue
The last chapter of this story for @miner249er
First Story in Series
Beginning Chapter         
Last Chapter
Summary: Wu Fei came back from training only to hear news that changed her whole world, meanwhile Nooroo's mind wanders while he watched over Marinette. 
Wu Fei was someone who liked to believe that she grew from her mistakes. She had faith she had in fact done so, but she knew she had not accomplished it alone. She owed thanks to her French-Chinese friend, Marinette. Oh, she knew a lot of it was herself but the other teen helped her realize the difference between Revenge and Justice when she had still been lost and hurt. Losing her adoptive father, Wu Shifu, had been a hurt that she believed nothing could soothe, but she lived as though it hadn’t hurt as badly as it had. But losing someone who loved you, cared for you, raised you, CHOSE you, was something she never wished upon anyone. Not even an enemy. Her bàba was her family, whether they shared blood or not, he could have taken her somewhere else like the CWI or a hatch house but he didn’t. He took her in and adopted her and he told her it was the best thing he had ever done as he believed she was a blessing. Thinking of him still hurt but it was more bittersweet than the blinding pain it used to be. Memories of them together were held near and dear to her heart and now she strived to be the woman he taught her to be.
That was the reason she left to train. Fei had strayed from the path she had been taught and wanted to remedy that immediately after she had acquired the Prodigious. The powers she had gained were exhilarating but she did not doubt the weight of their responsibility thus another reason to train. It wasn’t easy. Nothing worth it ever is, but she was proud to say all the training paid off. Her only regret was not being in contact with Marinette for so long but Mei Shi was a strict mentor when it came to her training for the Prodigious and for becoming another Guardian of the Sacred Cave and forbid outside distractions. Though the being was rather fond of Marinette whenever Fei and her called or messaged one another, Mei Shi usually asked Fei to send his well wishes to the French-Chinese girl. Now that training was done, Fei couldn’t wait to get back to their talks whether they were deep or meaningless, she missed her friend, her only friend. 
That was why, as soon as training was done, she immediately sent a message to let her friend know she was finished and they should find a day that worked for both of them so they could video chat. She didn’t get a response the first day. That was okay, Marinette was a busy individual and when she was busy she tended to neglect her phone much the same way that Fei herself did when she herself was in a creative zone and deep into her training with Mei Shu. But the days kept passing and messages went with no responses, let alone read and Fei grew more worried. She even called Marinette’s parents bakery but either the line was busy or no longer in use. Her worry increased to the point she was in an anxious frenzy and had no idea what to do short of finding a way to Paris to make sure her friend was okay. Then she remembered Cheng Wang and his open invitation to visit him and his restaurant whenever she wanted. Whether she needed a meal or simply needed someone to talk to. It was an offer that Fei really appreciated but rarely took up. 
It was time to take up that offer to make sure her friend was okay because Fei had a bad feeling and usually her bad feeling’s were always something worth fretting over. She was scared. This feeling wasn’t something like the time she had a bad feeling and realized she was missing an ingredient from a potion that Mei Shu had been instructing her to make, an important ingredient. The result had been…less than ideal but nothing life threatening. No, this feeling made her heart pound, her lungs squeeze, her body tense and her stomach sick. It only came when she thought of Marinette and she was about ready to use her dragon form to take her to Paris but she couldn’t be impulsive. Impulsivity caused mistakes, mistakes caused consequences you might not be ready nor willing to face. Fei had to be smart, she had to be calm, she had to be rational and going to Cheng Wang was what her rational thoughts were screaming and she was not going to deny them as they were the only good ideas she was having. 
One short yet long-feeling trip had Fei standing in front of The Thousand Delights restaurant and to her surprise it had a closed sign taped to the door and windows. Fei’s heart dropped when she read it was for an undetermined amount of time but that it was not forever. The restaurant was closing for a family emergency and a little voice inside Fei whispered, Marinette. Desperately wanting to be wrong, Fei ran up the stairs to Master Cheng’s apartment that was located above the restaurant, much like his niece and her husband. The door was ajar and though she knew it was incredibly rude not to knock or saw something to announce her presence, Fei’s heart was racing, something was wrong and she needed to help so she just entered the home in a rush. There was no thought of her shoes on the floors, only to see if Master Cheng was okay, to see the problem, to fix the problem. Except there was no problem, well, not one she could see besides Master Cheng packing a suitcase. He was leaving? Why was he leaving? 
Master Cheng blinked at her in confusion, he didn’t even reprimand her about her shoes, he was usually a stickler for rules. “Fei?”
“Master Cheng…what…what’s going on?” Maybe it was too broad a question but Fei didn’t know a lot of things at the moment and Master Cheng was the only one who could give her answers. 
The heart-broken, desperate look he gave her did not make things better. “Oh Little One,” He had taken to calling her that and Marinette Littler One, “You do not know.”
“No. Know what? I…I’ve been training.”
“Come. Sit. I will…I will make us some tea.” Master Cheng said after a moment as he moved away from his suitcase to lead Fei more into his apartment and close the door. 
“What? But-”
“Believe me. You will need the tea.”
Fei didn’t argue but she did toe off her shoes and set them by the door before she made her way to sit on one of the couches to wait. She didn’t want to wait but she knew she had to be patient. But how could she be patient when she knew the news she was about to receive was bad enough to warrant tea? The urge to bite her nails was strong but Mei Shu had been working really hard with her to break that particular habit. Though the more seconds that passed the more they felt like hours and the more impatience began to consume Fei. Restlessness crawled up her legs and seized her heart and she was almost about to just get up and go help despite how rude it might come across. Master Cheng was a kind person but she had no doubt he would be upset if she busted into the kitchen and interrupted him so she bounced a leg to try and occupy her and burn some of her restless energy. 
“Sorry for the wait, I forgot I had packed my favorite tea to go with me on my trip.” Master Cheng announced softly as he walked into the room with his teapot and two cups on a tray. Fei even spotted some cookies. 
“No worries.” Fei replied even if the words tasted bitter like a lie. She watched as Master Cheng placed the tray gently on the little coffee table and arranged everything on the table for them to reach them comfortably. She watched as he poured them both a cup of his favorite Longjing Green Tea, it brought a small secretive smile to her face as she recalled its other name, Dragon Well. It was something so simple and yet it made her feel a little less frantic and stressed, that seemed to be the normal when it came to her visits with Master Cheng. He was such a calming presence to be around. “You, You mentioned a trip?” 
Master Cheng took a seat across from her and picked up his own cup of tea and blew at the steam and sighed. “Yes. I am taking a trip to Paris…You…You haven’t heard… anything?” 
The way he said it, much like before, like it was something that weighed on his mind, on his shoulders, on his very spirit. “I’m afraid not. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been away training with a new mentor. He is…old fashioned and strict but kind, but while training he forbade outside distractions.”
“Ah, I had a great aunt like that. She had a thing about technology, I assume your mentor is much the same.”
“He is.”
Master Cheng nodded and stared off into his cup of tea for a moment before he brought it up to his lips and took a sip. “Much has happened back in Paris I’m afraid…”
Fei’s heart skipped a beat but she forced herself to shakily take a sip of her tea before she did anything rash. She swallowed the tea and then swallowed her lips before she asked, “Marinette? Is it…Does it have to do with Marinette?” 
The silence that followed was answer enough.
“What happened?” Fei asked after she had a sip of her tea and after the silence started to feel more than a little suffocating. 
Master Cheng took in a deep breath before he placed his cup on the saucer and back on the table between them. He stared down at his hands for a few seconds before he looked up at her. Eye contact had never felt so foreboding. “Marinette is…she is missing.”
She couldn’t be.
Marinette couldn’t be missing, she just couldn’t. Please not Fei’s first friend. Not her best friend.
“It started with an akuma. I assume you are…familiar with them in the sense you have heard of them.”
All Fei could do was nod, her throat was too choked up. 
“The akuma was…She was…Marinette was the akuma.” Master Cheng admitted and when he did so it seemed like it tore a bit of himself away. He looked so pained by the admission that Fei knew without a doubt he had actually felt that odd flash of pain one felt squeeze their heart in times of true sadness and panic. 
And yet. She still wanted to doubt what he said despite her gut telling her he was being truthful. “No…Marinette would never…”
Master Cheng looked so bitterly resigned before he spoke again, “There is this American writer I am fond of. She has written many words, said probably many more but there is this one quote I can never forget. ‘The human capacity for burden is like bamboo – far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first sight.’ It is a thought provoking quote and an inspirational one, but like many things…bamboo can break with enough determination and the right tools.”
“Marinette…she’s the bamboo.”
“We all are, but in this case? Yes. I guess things were not going well in her class, quite the opposite in fact. It wasn’t one big thing that hit her, rather it was many things, some small, some not. It’s only human to break after that much pressure. The only thing is that Paris had a madman set out to use any strong negative emotion against everyone.” 
“Had. You…You said, ‘had’.” Fei pointed out.
It made Master Cheng chuckle, albeit weakly. “You are very smart, very intuitive. Marinette…as an akuma…this is rather hard to explain…”
It certainly seemed hard to explain. Fei couldn’t see how Marinette as an akuma connected to the past tense talk of Paris’ supervillain. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s no fault of yours.”
“Nor yours.”
“...True. It’s just…the circumstances make one feel like they could have done more. I could have done more,” Master Cheng insisted, his voice thick with tears and it was such a shock to Fei. She had never seen him cry. Never. “Marinette was not happy, I noticed this in our last call but she brushed aside my concern and thought it best to give her space. If I had done more, if I had pressed…maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe The Followers would have never happened.”
“Th-The Followers?”
“Even as an akuma, Marinette wanted to protect people, she called herself The Protector. Not much is known about what she did before but…the akuma because I know Marinette could never, the akuma supposedly beat Gabriel Agreste and his assistant to the point of immediate hospitalization. It’s not confirmed but it is heavily speculated that he and his assistant were in fact-”
“Hawkmoth and Mayura.” Fei gasped. It made sense. Too much sense and yet not enough at the same time. “She…she saved Paris…but how…how did she end up missing then?”
“No one knows. She saved everyone and then just disappeared. No heroes were seen that day. Marinette was never defeated as an akuma. Never-”
“Never purified!” Fei couldn’t help but finish, her mind was going a mile a minute. 
“Indeed. She disappeared as an akuma and…she left behind overzealous fans. Fans of her akuma form and those who believe she was Ladybug which it seems was the truth. These people became a group who basically became more of a cult, they, in her name, decided they too would ‘protect’ Paris. In doing so they have murdered a woman, maybe a man, they have put two young ladies in the hospital, one more injured than the other and they have taken it upon themselves to ‘protect’ the memory of their messiah.” Master Cheng explained with an obvious heavy heart.
“The Protector…”
Master Cheng nodded. “That’s why I am going to Paris. This cult has stolen many items that Marinette has made by hand for others. They have even gone as far as breaking into Sabine and Tom’s bakery and apartment. They have already taken objects but I’m going over to help pack the rest of Marinette’s things and bring them back here. We don’t want them getting their hands on anything else and I honestly don’t think Sabine would be able to handle anymore thefts.”
Fei felt an all too familiar feeling of loss hit her full force but she refused to buckle under its pressure like she had done before. Not when she knew there was still hope. Hope to find and see her friend again. “I’m coming with.”
Nooroo did his best not to panic at the fact that Marinette was still unconscious but it was an old habit that was not so easy to break. Even if he could feel she was perfectly fine through their connection. A connection that comforted him yet confused him, it was like no connection he had ever made before. There was always some kind of connection between a Kwami and the Holder of their Miraculous, especially if they were a Harmony, a perfect match. Then there was the opposite of that which was a Dissonance, a very imperfect match one that could be destructive if a Holder still forced a transformation. If a Kwami was in a Dissonance for too long it would result in damage done to the Miraculous which is what happened to Duusuu unfortunately. The two souls would continue to clash within the transformation without the wearer being aware until they started being affected by it. The Holder would succumb to either the injuries or the illness they were cursed with and the Miraculous would break and infuse itself with that curse.
Emilie Agreste had unfortunately learned of this curse first hand despite Duusuu’s continued warnings. At some point Nooroo stopped caring what would happen to the woman, Duusuu had warned her and pleaded for her so many times, it had to be pure stupidity or desperation to ignore them and though Nooroo shared a fascination of humanity with Tikki, he felt irritated in the face of their stupidity. Duusuu though, poor Duusuu was a bleeding heart and had a soft spot for the blonde woman and did her best to save her. Even if Duusuu hadn’t tried, their fate had been sealed the moment Emilie fell into a coma and Gabriel Agreste showed some of the worst humanity had to offer. Duusuu was spared for a good amount of time while Nooroo had been chained to power-hungry Holder once more. It had happened before but not like this. 
The sad part was that Gabriel could have been a good enough Holder for him, not a Harmony but close but his actions and the change he went through caused the connection between them to go askew, closer to a Dissonance but never reaching that level. The only reason it never did was because Gabriel at least had the brain to feed him, even if it wasn’t as often as it should have been and he let him rest though he never went out of his way to make sure Nooroo was okay or comfy. A good bond with a Kwami was essential to the growth of a connection thus the growth of power a Miraculous had. Being free of Gabriel was like plunging into cool waters after being in intense heat for an extended period of time, all the shackles of the commands he was given were broken and it was like he could finally feel.
Marinette had freed him, though not entirely herself. She possessed the power of a Champion, those who fought for the Butterfly Miraculous though Gabriel had twisted the magic so much that they couldn’t even be called Champions when he made them, much like past Holders who used the Butterfly Miraculous in such a way, the man gave the creatures he created new names. He dubbed them Akumas. From what Nooroo could recall of his time in Japan so many years ago, he recalled the different meanings: demon, devil, fire spirit, group of undefined beings that brought pain and suffering. It fit in a poetic way. Marinette was no Akuma, but to call her a Champion didn’t feel right either. She became something entirely different when she accepted the butterfly in the height of her hurt and anger, when she accepted all of them, when she felt for them, when she sympathized with them. 
Nooroo was as much Marinette’s as she was his and he knew he would be safe as long as he was with her. He would protect her too, as much as he could. “Don’t worry Little Caterpillar, we’ll get through this and out of it, you will blossom and transform.” He muttered softly as he ran a little hub through her hair. 
“Oh. Hello there! It’s not very often I see my kind here. Actually not often at all.” A voice startled Nooroo enough to nearly make him fall into Marinette’s hair. He flew up and turned every direction he could until his eyes focused on what was definitely a Kwami. One he did not recognize. 
“You…You are a Kwami, but not one I know…” 
The Kwami laughed, though not unkindly. “That’s not surprising. I was one of the younger ones and not many knew of me before my Miraculous went missing from the Box I was part of.”
That somewhat answered Nooroo’s question and yet didn’t and left him with more. “I am Nooroo. Kwami of Transmission and Hope.”
“Oooo formal greeting! Okay.” The Kwami cleared its throat before it introduced itself. “I am Frenze. Kwami of Strength and Friendship! It’s nice to meet you Nooroo, why did you come to this island? Was it with that human? Why is that human asleep? Where’s your boat? Did you even come on boat? Oh my goodness! Are you guys shipwrecked? Did you fall overboard?”
Yep. Definitely a Kwami of friendship.
CWI - Children's Welfare Institute is an orphanage located in Shanghai, China
hatch house or also known as a baby hatch - A baby hatch is a small home where parents drop off children, where they hopefully will be taken to an orphanage. The Ministry of Civil Affairs began the baby hatch program as a response to the increasing number of abandoned infants. Currently, there are 32 baby hatches across China, and each hatch only accepts children from within the same city.
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fabseg-creator · 4 months
Miraculous Pride Month 2024: Marinette and the Cat Girls
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I've made an image about Marinette having a lovecrush-panic about Cat girls. 😳🐱
This happens in an AU:
Marinette a.k.a. Ladybug loves cats. But there is a lot of cats who make some trouble and confusion in her mind: she thinks about six Cat miraculous superheroines. that makes her heavily blushing. She is still hesitant between these Cats girls about confessing her love feelings to these people. She doesn't know how to choose who she could be in couple/date with. She doesn't have an idea of what Cat she could adopt.
The Cat Girls here:
1. Zoé Lee/Kitty Noire
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Zoé has a crush on Marinette. Marinette knows her friend's confession but she doesn't know this girl is Kitty Noire.
2. Fei Wu/Hēisè de Māo (translation from chinese: the black cat)
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Fei has given the role of Guardian of the Prodigious to her three friends from Shanghai for go to Paris for join Marinette.
3. Cerise Bianca-Lenoir/Alley Cat (from the Opposite AU(?))
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It's Alley Cat with the design from my Opposite AU fanfic. I don't know if I must consider her as Cerise Bianca/Lila Rossi or the Cerise from the Opposite Universe. She has a crush Marinette but she is too shy.
4. Adrian Agreste (Fem!Adrien Agreste)/Pussy Noire (genderswapped Cat Noir)
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In this AU, Adrien is born girl and her name Adrian. As Pussy Noire, She is the most frequent Cat partner who Ladybug works with. She is in love with Ladybug while Marinette/Ladybug is in love with Adrian (but it was initially).
5. Kagami Tsurugi/Kuro Neko (not the Cat-giant sentimonster ☝️)
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Kagami enjoys to be free when she talks with Plagg and when she is Kuro Neko. She knows her friend Marinette is Ladybug. And Marinette knows Kagami is Kuro Neko.
6. Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Emonette from the Re-Verse)/Shady Noire
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In this AU, the Supreme has given the Cat miraculous to Marinette. She redeems herself (like in the Paris special). After the Supreme's overthrown, she travels to the Ladybug's universe for visit her counterpart. The two girls know their identities each other (As Ladybug/Lady Noire for Marinette and Shady Noire for Emonette).
I would like to add Chloé and Alya as Cat Girls in the list but I didn't have any space enough for draw the two of them.
Happy Pride Month 2024 ! 🏳️‍🌈
Cerisette Alleynette post
Cerisette Cerinoire post
Zoenette sketches
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aganyan · 8 months
@mlbfemslashfebruary day 7!!
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Skinny jeans SUCK! (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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mrplushgore · 1 year
Doodles of Feralnette from @bigfatbreak's AU interacting with her great-uncle, her grandmother and Fei Wu from the Shanghai special.
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sweetmeatdale · 2 years
Black on yellow kill a fellow
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Red on black, venom lack
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felinetteagain · 10 days
The Guardians of the Miraculous can be wrong too, or
there are several reasons why Kwami Longg should belong to another owner.
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Earlier I wrote that Adrian is only a temporary owner of the miraculous black cat, but now I want to share my guesses about the true bearer of the miraculous Dragon and what qualities a person should have to be given such an honor.
Let's start with who Long is? Long (dragon) is a fictional animal, but it has the greatest influence and impact on the people of China 🇨🇳. In Ancient Centuries, Long was a totem worshiped by the people of China . In their eyes, Long was a God, holy and sacred, able to command rain and wind, ride on fogs and clouds.
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So in our show, Kwami Longg gives the owner of Dragon Miraculous the power to use the elements of water, wind and lightning.
In the special episode Miraculous Shanghai, we were introduced to a girl named Fei 🇨🇳. She was found as a baby by Wu Shifu on the doorstep of his martial arts school and raised by him as his adopted daughter. Wu Shifu trained her in martial arts 🥋 and raised her to uphold the values ​​of Miraculous and one day become the guardian of the Sacred Cave.
She later becomes the superheroine Ladydragon. She can transform into a dragon as long as she possesses the value of justice. In her dragon form, she can fly and can control the elements of storm (wind, water, and lightning). Dragon is the most powerful form that Prodigious grants her.
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Fei has a deep need to help people in any way she can, even strangers.
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Fei is well trained in kung fu and is very strong.
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As for the superheroine Paris-Ruyuko, Kagami Tsurugi, this girl is from Japan 🇯🇵.
She practices fencing. She is quite emotional and prone to rage, does not tolerate defeat, is too trusting and naive, easily falls under the influence of others. Without thinking, she often rushes into fights with supervillains, as a result of which she ends up defeated.
Kagami receives a miraculous dragon from Ladybug in the episode "Ikari Gozen" to free himself and defeat Ikari Gozen and is later sometimes summoned to fight villains together.
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She is cold and arrogant towards other people.
Because of her naivety and frivolity, she confides in strangers other people's secrets, without thinking about the consequences.
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And the third character I wanted to mention is a girl named Socqueline. Like Marinette, she is half Chinese 🇨🇳 and half French. She practices martial arts 🥋, is confident, smart, and is not afraid to stand up to bullies.
Socqueline was the only person in school who protected Marinette from Chloe. She is a big fan of Ladybug and admires her work. Because of her admiration and her desire to help, she has dressed up as Ladybug many times and done many good deeds.
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⬆️🤝(https://www.tumblr.com/massivealmondpartyangel )
Episode (504)
Socqueline: I'm sorry I impersonated you. I just wanted to help.
Ladybug: I know. I'd just rather you'd help me in some other way without putting yourself in danger. You're already amazing even without needing a suit. Thanks for your help.
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So, did Ladybug make a mistake by giving the miraculous dragon to Kagami again (ep. 526)? After all, in order to be a worthy owner of the miraculous, you must first of all have a pure heart, a desire to selflessly help people, have patience and endurance and, most importantly, devotion. Since Kagami is not suitable for this role because she does not correspond to the above-mentioned human qualities, Socqueline is the one who will become a worthy bearer of the miraculous Dragon, because she is so similar to the Fei.
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riceballmari · 6 months
ranking my favorite marinette pairings
okay, so, i am a HUGE multishipper. like, i greatly enjoy shipping characters with different people. since marinette has chemistry with pretty much most of the cast in some way, shape, or form, i figured i'd rank my personal favorite ships with her that i'm fond of.
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5. feinette
coming at #5 we have fei and marinette! i think this is a very unique rarepair and their relationship and dynamic in the shanghai special is adorable! the only reason they're so low is because i just prefer the others with marinette. i think we really need more of them together, as they were the highlight of the entire special for me. overall, very cute, just not my favorite!
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4. marigami
if you asked me to make this ranking a year or two ago, i probably would've put these two lovely gal pals higher up. but my opinion of them has changed drastically since last time so.
i think their relationship is so amazing. the "sunshine x grumpy" dynamic is always something i enjoy (hence why i love tohrin for the same reason). aside from surface level stuff, marinette really shows just how much she cares for kagami. she's her first friend, so naturally, marinette wouldn't want kagami to be left lonely with no one. and knowing marinette, she'd do everything in her power to make kagami feel comfortable and happy when they're together (see mr. pigeon 72).
at first, kagami needed time to warm up to marinette, but she really made a strong impact on her life (gee, i wonder who that reminds me of). i especially like how marinette wanted to get adrigami back together, when that probably wouldn't have even crossed s3 marinette's mind. her willingness to be there for kagami is why i love these girls so much. and kagami actually appreciating marinette's friendship is so wholesome. don't ask me about s5 i like to pretend that season doesn't exist, especially with regard to kagami and how her character was handled.
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3. zoenette
first off, i just want to say, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?? zoe's crush on marinette is so so cute and i REALLY like how they handled it in adoration. zoe's confession was so heartwarming and marinette's reaction and reassurance was wonderful.
zoe, who had practically NO ONE when she moved to paris, is automatically befriended by marinette, who didn't even know who she was and was so welcoming to her. marinette cares so much about zoe and worries for her because she doesn't want her to be a doormat to chloe and wants her to stand up for herself.
eventually, once zoe does, marinette is so proud of her and it really reminds me of the time when tohru congratulated yuki for standing up to akito, but i digress. she can see just how far zoe has come since she first arrived and her growth is everything. their relationship is built on support and trust and that's what makes their dynamic so compelling and sweet.
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2. alyanette
MY BABIES. i am a sucker for the “best friends to lovers” trope and this is basically that, just without the ‘lovers’ part. they support each other so much. their level of trust is put to the test in s4 when maribug tells alya her identity. alya, in return, helps marinette out even more than she already has. marinette needed to tell someone of the burden and heavy weight that's been put on her shoulders, and i think alya is the perfect candidate.
contrary to popular belief, alya is an AMAZING friend. she's the one who gets marinette out of sticky situations and doesn't get upset easily if she slips up (see the mime). despite not knowing what marinette is up to at times, alya still puts her full trust in her because she knows that, at the end of the day, marinette will make the right decisions.
i could ramble on and on about these two, but you get my point. also, i can't be the only one who could just FEEL the tension in the air rising during their oh so very intimate scene towards the end of the reverse special. no, just me?
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1. adrienette
to no one's surprise, adrienette comes crashing down in first place. i love these two SO MUCH. they care about and love one another in different ways. marinette shows her love through gift-giving and grand gestures. adrien shows his love through words of affirmation and by spending time with someone. they would go above and beyond for the other. adrien confronted AND blackmailed lila about marinette's expulsion and her treatment of her in order for marinette to come back to school. (honestly kinda reminds me of haru when he went and confronted akito about what she did to rin). marinette went to adrien's house numerous times to save him from a possible dangerous situation, i.e. oni-chan, gabriel agreste.
in oni-chan, lila sneakily made her way inside the agreste mansion and lied to nathalie about adrien needing to get some extra homework done to bring his grade up. obviously, she has an ulterior motive: to get close to adrien. marinette, hoping to prevent this, follows them. unfortunately, with no luck, she wasn't able to get inside. this does, however, showcase the lengths she's willing to go to for his safety.
another instance of this is in gabriel agreste, after chloe maliciously recorded a video of marinette and her friends talking about gabriel being a bad parent. knowing what this would do to adrien, chloe was planning on showing the video to his father to get him out of school, DESPITE the fact that chloe would never see him again (it's very telling that chloe does not care about adrien or what he wants in the slightest, and would rather fulfill her satisfaction of revenge for shits and giggles).
in contrast, marinette, despite sneaking into the mansion uninvited, comes up a plan with her friends to ensure chloe does not show the video. note that her goal was not to hurt adrien but to save him from chloe's clutches. this was not out of jealousy in the slightest. the video ends up not getting shown, much to chloe's determination, and adrien is safe, which was marinette's goal from the start.
i could list so many different instances where marinette and adrien show their tenderness for each other but we'd be here for hours. their relationship means everything to me. and as much as i love the other dynamics, adrienette work the best in canon, (again, not going to mention s5) and, unsurprisingly, complement each other really well.
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Sooooo this was a long one.
This ends our Shanghai arc! Or at least our main one. The next chapter will be a short one, just some light shenaniganry in shanghai before we say goodbye to Fei. I had lots of fun writing her if you couldn't tell, she's genuinely one of my favorite ml characters- but I hope I didn't overdo it with this arc. Oh well.
I hope you dearly enjoyed! Thanks for all your patience and love. Safe travels!
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hueynomure · 5 months
Prompt: black gloves (Kagami/Marinette/Fei)
[Sorry! That OT3 is Fascinating but for the life of me I'm unable to grok the ship dynamic (if you have some fics to rec me I'll gladly put em in my To Read list and possibly return to the prompt later) so I took the liberty of reimagining the Fei/Marinette first encounter in the Feralnette AU. If you don't know @bigfatbreak's wonderful AUs check em out - you're in for a treat!]
Fei swiped the bag from the foreign girl with ease; enboldened by the girl's drowsy look she even popped the earrings off her, turning-
-a small hand caught her gloved one with a surprisingly steely grip.
"So-sorry," the girl stuttered in uncertain Mandarin, apparently surprised by her own reflexes, and let Fei's hand go. "Wait," she continued in French, eyes drifting down to the bag peeking from Fei's pocket, "isn't that my-"
Fei sprinted for the labyrinthine alleys.
The girl didn't speak like a local.
She should lose her easily there.
Then how the hell was she gaining on her?
You can check out my other Miraculous drabbles here!
(I'm not currently taking more prompts)
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
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fabseg-creator · 4 months
Miraculous: Chloenette (Cat Girls AU)
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I've previously made a post about Marinette and the Cat Girls for the Pride Month event. Now I added one of the missing ones: Chloé Bourgeois holding the Cat Miraculous.
It happens in the Cat Girls AU:
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From left to right: Zoé, Re-Verse Marinette, Cerise, Kagami, Marinette, Chloé (Cat!Chloé), Fei and Adrian (fem!Adrien)
Chloé holds the Cat Miraculous. But unlike each other Cat Girl who frequently/occasionally appeared to Paris, Chloé has got her "superheroin"'s identity be known from the public (and she isn't ashamed of that). The Bee Miraculous wasn't enough for her (even after she had been dismissed bu Ladybug when she was Queen Bee).
During a party at the Grand Hotel, Chloé (who is already transformed thanks to the Cat ring) embraces Marinette (who wears cat-ears on the head). The two girls dance together. Cat! Chloé is purring about dancing with Marinette. Meanwhile, there are actually seven girls at the hall who are uncomfortable to see the rich brat, this unexpected actual Cat holder, hanging out with Marinette.
Zoé and Adrian (female Adrien in this AU) are saddened, unpowerful, heartbroken. They would invite Marinette to dance too. 😥💔
Emonette is disgusted. Her counterpart dancing with her bully's. 🤢
Kagami and Fei are just impassive. 😒😑
And Cerise is angry and jealous toward Chloé who 'steals' her cat-ring AND her girl. She can't dance with Marinette because of this blonde queen b*tch. (Yandere vibes) 😡
Each girl was previously a Cat holder before Chloé.
Hypothetical dialogue between Marinette and Chloé:
Marinette: Are you sure to be okay to come here under this form, Chloé ? I don't feel good about that.
Chloé: If it's about Dumbmoth* annoyed by the fact I am an amazing super Cat, you don't have to worry, Dupain-Cheng.
Marinette (tired): It's just too dangerous.
Chloé: Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
Marinette: I see some people who are watching us aren't actually happy.
Chloé: Don't look at these losers, Dupain-Cheng. Forget them and look at me. Just accept this moment I give to you. 💛
*Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth. Chloé mocks and underestimates the villain.
Bonus: a lovesick and pushy Cat! Chloé is flirting with a down-haired Marinette on the ground.
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I seek a name about Cat!Chloé. I have a list for an upcoming poll.
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rahmbler · 2 months
it’s a femininomenon
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Calm Before the Storm - Chapter 6 - Heavenly Virtues
Beginning || Previous || Next
            “Excellent work today, Vivica. You’re really been putting in the work, haven’t you?” Penny praised.
            Vivica smiled and chuckled nervously. “You could say that. Gotta be on the top of my game after all, right?”
            “Just don’t burn yourself out,” Penny warned.
            “I won’t, I promise.”
            “Very well. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
            Vivica smiled and ran off. She headed down the street for home when a teen boy with a lion’s mane of hair her age joined her. She beamed and hugged him.
            “Diligentia! How was your day?”
            “Busy as usual. How was yours? Did everything go well with rehearsal?”
            “It was amazing! All that hard work has paid off again and I’m making strides. I have you to thank for it.”
            Diligentia waved his hand dismissingly. “You put in your own hard work. I simply assist with keeping you on course.”
            “It still has helped a lot. I honestly couldn’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve been. I don’t think I’d be this far without you.”
            “Think nothing of it. Simply doing what I was made to be, as Father would have dictated. Now, let’s hurry along. You’ll need to get to practice in if you’re to stay ahead of the curb.”
            “Right! Let’s go!”
            Ali followed behind Soraya Khan as she discussed the next charity event. He zoned in and out while the girl beside him, Liberalitas, gleefully chatted with Soraya about the charity event. He smiled at her bubbly optimism that reminded him of Rose.
            Ali sighed as he looked away. He had been in contact with Rose since he met her and kept in touch, but he found himself missing Rose more recently. He had tried to participate in more charity events in Paris, but his luck had ran dry with no events being hosted that had sparked his parents interest. He’d give anything to return and see Rose, even if just once.
            “Your Highness, are you listening?” Soraya asked.
            Ali gasped and opened his mouth.
            “It’s ok, Soraya, I am!” Liberalitas cheered.
            “I do appreciate that you are, but his Highness needs to as well. This is an important event being hosted by the Agrestes for the first time since Gabriel lost his mind. His ex-wife, Emilie, is returning to form with hosting the Diamond Dance again.”
            Ali perked up. “You mean we’re heading to Paris again?”
            “Indeed. We’ve received the invitation to attend the dance. Your parents agreed to have you attend given Emilie’s newfound status and power she and her wife possess. They believe they can benefit, so long as you can make friends with the son, Adrien. And, if we are lucky, you could meet with the current defenders of Paris with the aid of Liberalitas, so long as she is willing to assist with the matter.”
            “Absolutely! Anything to help you guys,” Liberalitas cooed.
            “Excellent. We’ll have everything prepared for you to depart in a couple of weeks. Understood?”
            Ali grinned. “Yeah! Absolutely!”
            “You should have seen it, Caritas! He was all distracted by whatever coach was yelling at him about, which gave me the perfect opportunity to ambush him. His coach didn’t like it, but no one ever cares what he has to say when we can wrestle. And it was an amazing spar. I won, of course. Not like there is ever any doubt,” Nora boasted.
            Caritas giggled. “Your feats of valor and strength are always impressive to hear about. Though it quite mean to disregard a person no matter how small.”
            “I know, I know, but they get so pushy and never let us have any real fun. So, we make it ourselves. Anyway! Let’s go! We’re making something special for when the family gets home.”
            “Oh? Is that what the impromptu shopping trip was for?”
            “Hell yeah! Wanted to do something nice for the family. I mean, it is summer with the kids out of school, Mom could always use some help. And I am basically staying free, so it’s the least I could do.”
            Caritas smiled softly. “Your kindness is beautiful, Nora. I’m glad I chose you.”
            Nora paused outside the apartment door. “Thank you. I’ll be honest, I don’t feel I deserve you because of how I can be other times, but I’m glad you stick around. I know it hasn’t been long, but it feels like your part of the family.”
            Caritas put a hand over her heart, then gently touched Nora’s shoulder. “Thank you. I’m honored, truly. Your family is beautiful, full of kind souls, much like your own. It is truly an amazing experience to bask in your presences.”
            Nora smiled and pulled Caritas in a big hug. “Say, you’ve always watched us cook. Would you like to learn how to?”
            Caritas’s eyes lit up. “Oh, please! It looks like so much fun.”
            “C’mon. I’ll show you and together we’ll make the greatest dinner ever!”
            Caritas clapped and bounced then followed Nora inside.
            Mireille entered the KIDZ+ studio for the annual weather girl competition. She entered it again alongside Aurore and many others. She glanced around at the crowd before they noticed her. They cheered for her as she made her way through them to the front with Aurore. Alec announced them and the competition while Aurore looked at her.
            “I’d wish you luck, but I intend to win this competition,” Aurore said.
            “Well, I wish you the best of luck. You’ll be great.”
            Aurore was taken aback. She snorted and stuck her nose in the air as she looked away.
            Mireille sighed as Alec finished and everyone dispersed. She headed up to the room after the others when a plain-looking teen boy joined her.
            “Your friend is very proud in herself. It will surely spell her doom.”
            “She never seems to learn that lesson,” Mireille said.
            “One day she’ll be humbled and see the error in her pride.”
            “Do you think you could help her with that, Humilitas?”
            “I could, but nothing is learned when the lesson is forced upon someone. No, she’ll need to learn on her own.”
            “I… I see. You’ll be here, though, right? At my side through all this?”
            “Of course. I promised you I would be there for you through anything. You are my holder and I your kwami.”
            Mireille smiled. “Thank you.”
            “No, thank you.”
            Mireille and Humilitas went in circles as they thanked each other until Aurore stood in front of them.
            “Knock it off! I’m trying to concentrate and you two are distracting me.”
            “Forgive us. We’ll keep it down,” Humilitas said with a bow.
            “Yeah, well, you better.”
            Aurore headed off and left the pair alone.
            “Well, you ready?”
            “I’m with you. Let us go.”
            “Hi! We’re back!” Marinette called.
            Sabine and a woman with striking red hair turned to them.
            “Welcome home, dearie. How was your date?” Sabine asked.
            Marinette ran over to hug Sabine and sat beside her. “It was amazing! We didn’t really go anywhere. We stayed at Liberty, but I sketched while he watched. We got the next designs done for Kitty Section, y’know, whenever they perform again. And I got hear some of the songs that Luka had been working on. And then we cuddled as the sunset and-.”
            A teen girl with light blue hair materialized. “That’s all you did, right? Nothing more?”
            Marinette stopped and shut her mouth.
            “Castitas, what have we talked about?” Sabine scolded.
            “I know, but Tom is worried and so am I. So many young girls like Mari here fall so easily to sin. We just want to keep her safe,” Castitas countered.
            “I understand, but you should worry about your own safety.”
            Castitas furrowed her brow when Gimmi materialized. She squeaked and jumped back when Gimmi’s eyes fell on her.
            “You’re back. How was your date?” Gimmi asked.
            “It was good,” Marinette said.
            Gimmi narrowed her eyes at Castitas.
            Castitas chuckled nervously. “I… I think I hear Tom calling for me. Probably needs help in the bakery. Yeah, that’s it. Uh, bye!”
            They watched as Castitas vanished. They sat in silence for a moment before Gimmi spoke.
            “So, did you two fuck yet?”
            Marinette’s face turned bright red. “Gimmi! Filter!”
            Sabine and the red-haired woman chuckled.
            “What? You asked for help with contraceptives, so what’s stopping you two?”
            “Now, Gimmi, don’t push. These things take time. You don’t want to rush into things. Right, Patientia?” Sabine pointed out.
            “Exactly. Patience is key to the finer things in life,” Patientia agreed.
            “Whatever. My job here is done,” Gimmi said, then vanished.
            Marinette sighed. “Well, I’ll probably head up and finish my work, then head to bed.”
            “Alright, sweetie. Oh! Before I forget, this was delivered for you by Nathalie,” Sabine said as she held up an envelope.
            Marinette froze. “Nathalie? Nathalie Sancoeur?”
            Sabine nodded.
            Marinette hesitated before she took the envelope. She opened it to find a mask identical to the one she used at the Diamond Dance to sneak in, but was later kicked out. She looked in the envelope and found a handwritten letter signed by Emilie Agreste. She glanced over the letter and read that Emilie would be hosting the Diamond Dance again. Emilie stated she would be inviting big names and other figures along with the defenders of Paris, promising it would be more than what Gabriel ever made it.
            “Oh, well, thank you. I’ll, uh, I’ll be in my room.”
            Marinette gave Sabine a kiss on the cheek before she headed up into her room. She sat on the chaise as Gimmi materialized.
            “What’s that?”
            “An unwanted invitation to a dance I want no part in,” Marinette answered.
            “Why’s that?”
            “It’s from Adrien’s mom for a big dance. It sounds tempting, but I also don’t want to deal with Adrien. I know he still isn’t over me. He makes it a little hard not to notice.”
            “And you’re going to let that stop you?”
            “Hey! Look, I just don’t want to go, alright?”
            “Excuse me?”
            “You possess reality at your fingertips and you’re going to let some kitten keep you from enjoying yourself? Pathetic.”
            Marinette’s jaw dropped. “Excuse you! I am not pathetic. I am the holder of reality!”
            “Yeah? Well, you letting some whiny kitten stopping you seems pretty pathetic to me.”
            “You know what? We’re going to that dance, and we’re not going to let Adrien stop us from enjoying it.”
            Gimmi smirked. “Good. I look forward to it.”
            Marinette’s eyes widened as realization hit her. “Wait. No, I-!”
            “My work here is done,” Gimmi said and vanished.
            Fei Wu stared out at the night sky. She watched the city below her when the moonlight hit her new anklet. She sighed as she messed with it and lamented. It had been over a year since she lost the Prodigious and the renlings to Shadowmoth. She had put her faith in the Paris heroes to get them back, until she finally received the news.
            Fei Wu stared at the anklet as she recalled the letter of Monarch’s defeat, but how all the kwamis were changed and the renlings, presumably, were gone. She had the Prodigious returned to her, but without the renlings, it was powerless. Just another reminder of her failures.
            Footsteps stole Fei Wu’s attention. She jumped to her feet as a young man with ginger hair approached. She relaxed as he sat beside her.
            “I wondered where you went. You weren’t in that man’s restaurant like you normally are. I was worried you had relapsed again.”
            Fei Wu shook her head. “I just… I needed some air.”
            “Penny for your thoughts?”
            “It’s nothing new. Just… everything hit just right and I was reminded of everything. Of… of my failures.”
            “Fei, you aren’t a failure.”
            “Yes, I am, Temperantia. I failed to stop Shadowmoth. I failed to step in and be a hero to save the renlings. I failed my father and everything he stood for. I’m a disgrace.”
            “You are too hard on yourself. You fought against Hawkmoth and won once. One defeat doesn’t mean you failed.”
            “But I lost the renlings. Even Mei Shi won’t come out of statue form. I just… I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now. There’s no need for a guardian. No need for any of that, so what am I supposed to do if not that?”
            “What is it you wish to do?”
            “I… I don’t know.”
            Temperantia hummed. “Perhaps you can find answers in Paris.”
            “That is where the rest of my brethren reside. Primarily the favorites of my father. Perhaps you could find a purpose speaking with them and their holders?”
            “I’m not sure. Maybe?”
            “What have you to lose?”
            Fei Wu pursed her lips. “I… it’ll be a long trip. Especially without… without Ladydragon.”
            Temperantia chuckled. “I’m a little insulted. Did my wings truly look just for show?”
            “I mean… can I fly with you?”
            “Indeed. One of the perks of having wings, no?”
            “Well, let’s settle my affairs and we’ll head over. Sounds like a plan?”
            “Indeed. Lead the way.”
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silentmagi · 6 days
Bad Publicity AU: Marinette x Adrien x Kagami x Fei in "Dragon Tendencies? I Wouldn't Know About That!"
Apparently this group attracts people that could not lie to save their life. Fei, they weren't even talking about Dragon Tendencies. They were joking how the local radio station has a tendency to drag on.
The Stories Untold
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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ultrakart · 2 years
The first time Fei visits Paris, she accidentally sends the entire city into a panic.
She didn’t mean to trigger an Akuma Alert, but she forgot that dragons are literally extinct and people outside her home city aren’t used to seeing one roaming the sky...
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