#felix gaebras
cafegraces · 1 year
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spotted: party heiress cleiona bellos out on the town, accompanied by felix gaebras
just another birthday treat for @gracefallen / @renlios <3
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inkedwaters · 7 months
*    ⟢  felix gaebras → @gracefallen : ❝ i don't love you anymore.  ❞
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the words land like a punch to the gut, physically flinching away from the awful truth, from the bandaged cracks beginning to split open within his heart. he can barely see the blonde through wide eyes quickly filling with hot tears, a muscle ticking in his cheek with the strain of trying to stop them from falling. " you -- " words fail, breath escaping in short bursts. how quickly one person could undo him. the one person that he never would have anticipated hurting him, not like this. " what did i do wrong ? " delivered on a broken whisper, arms crossing protectively over his chest, attempting to hold together his broken heart.
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defectiveprts · 1 year
STARTER CALL : felix gaebras : @gracefallen.
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" did you know, " he starts, not even looking up, " that the ancient romans used to drop a piece of toast into their wine ? " he's not moved from behind the screen of his laptop since they managed to grab a break. glancing up, brows lifting, a grin sliding across his lips. " for good health ! it's apparently why we say ' raise a toast. ' do you think they would -- drink it after ? i hate soggy toast. "
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fulcrcm · 2 years
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FELIX  GAEBRAS  of   @gracefallen​    :    felix  decking  luca.
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though  he’d  been  anticipating  the  hit,  it  did  nothing  to  alleviate  the  pain  blossoming  across  his  face,  nor  the  panic  that  swelled  as  his  arms  were  pulled  tighter  behind  his  back.  he  knew,  from  the  cruelty  plastered  over  felix’s  face,  the  frozen  depths  of  his  stare,  that  these  hits  were  not  only  for  what  they  thought  he  had  done  to  juliet;  but  for  every  one  of  his  friends  that  had  been  tormented  by  his  group.  for  all  the  times  they  had  cornered  his  sister.  gaze  shifts  away  from  the  other  man,  despite  the  leering  look  upon  his  face,  searching  for  the  familiar  silver  hair;  a  jolt  of  rage  and  horror  struck  him  harder  than  the  next  hit  to  his  face  as  he  watched  bessie  and  ben  holding  down  magnus,  the  image  making  him  struggle  against  the  bruising  grip  dorean  had  him  in.  “  is  that  all  you've  got  ?  ”  he  spits  at  the  blonde,  teeth  bared  into  a  image  of  a  snarl.  “  perhaps  they’re  right  about  you  lot:  weak.  pathetic.  ”  each  word  more  a  lie  than  the  next,  but  he  had  to  do  something.  had  to  draw  them  away  from  magnus  in  the  only  way  he  knew  they’d  listen.  they  wanted  a  fight  ?  well,  he’d  give  them  one,  if  only  to  save  his  only  friend  from  this  very  fate.  “  why  don’t  you  let  me  go,  let’s  make  it  a  fair  fight  huh  ?  unless  you’re  too  much  of  a  coward  ?  ”  his  words  are  intentionally  antagonising,  but  he’s  hoping  the  rage  in  the  two  of  them  would  overshadow  any  logic  they  might  have  retained,  struggling  to  pull  out  of  their  grip.
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beccas-books · 4 years
Frozen Tides
Things I liked:
-  Finally we have some romance!  Im very excited that we have finally got to the romance part of the enemies-to-lovers trope! I can't wait for the author to go farther into this relationship! 
- It seems like she has brought back the character that I was so upset about dying in the last book.  I have hope that this means we will get the queer relationship we deserve.  If it does turn out that author is queer bating the readers I will be very upset.  
- The pace of the story has begun to pick up which is always great.  We are finally getting some action, which this story was lacking in the first half of the series.  
Things I didn't like:
- Unfortunately the author once again did kill off a character that I felt offered more to the story alive.  I fear that this characters death only happened in order to push a love arch between characters that have no need to have a love connection.  But I'm not as upset about this death as others that have happened in the past.  
- I feel the addition of Taran was kind of unnecessary.  I feel like its just to add drama to the emerging love story.  I also feel like he's kind of not needed to progress the story along. 
- Im worried how the author will keep the love connection between Cleo and Magnus alive.  They have both done some crazy stuff to the other in the other books, so I'm afraid that the author will just brush these transgressions aside and not have any resolution for them.  
- Im so excited that the we are finally getting the love story component of this series.  I feel like it took a long time for us to get here and now that we have it we don't have much time for it to mature.  But I have hope that it will turn out ok! Im very pleaser that the queer characters are back in play, and this is another love arch that I am holding out hope for.  We are finally getting to some action, and the series will defiantly benefit from that.  The pace of the book has finally begun to pick up, which is something that I’m very happy about.  Overall, I think this book was great and is getting a very high score.  
- Also! I read the two side stories right after this book and they were cute.  They gave Magnus a little bit of a better vibe then the main books.  I felt that they were mostly there to kind of repair Magnus’s character cause the author has had him do some pretty bad stuff in the series so far.  But I defiantly recommend both of these stories if you are reading the series! 
- Rating: 4.5/5
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aw3s0me-t0-bl0g · 4 years
You're growing on me. Slowly like a fungus." Jonas managed a grin. "The feelings mutual.
Falling Kingdom Series, Morgan Rhodes
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Jonas: How long did it take until you guys started liking me?
Felix: A couple of days.
Cleo: 2 months.
Magnus: Jury's still out.
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Another incorrect quote xD
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limerianfrost-blog · 7 years
Falling Kingdoms Characters as Nathan Young Quotes
I was binge watching misfits the other day and well all I can say is Nathan Young has some of the best and somehow most relatable quotes ever.
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and finally
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BONUS: Kelsey and Catriona as Nathan Young quotes 
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inkedwaters · 1 year
*    ⟢   felix gaebras → @gracefallen : ❝ a wishing fountain, base lined with copper coins of past wishes. ❞
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a gentle sigh escapes her lips, fingertips tracing the worn lines of the face carved into the stone. fountains such as these were rare nowadays, since her kingdom had been conquered, the king of blood removing any lasting reminder that auranos was watched over by her sister's namesake. the earth beneath her knees felt cold, perhaps damp, but she cared little. this was what she had come here for, a reminder of all she had lost, and all she must retrieve. " you are not very good at lurking. " she muses gently, hearing the scuff of boots upon the ground. fingers drop from the carving to settle just above the water, eyes closing. " i wonder if this still gets used, despite the risk of it being found. if people risk discovery in the hopes that their goddess might still be listening. " she is not so much anticipating an answer, but the thought brings a spark of comfort and hope within her heart. finally tearing her gaze away from the sparkling waters, considering the tall blonde now at her side. " do you know what you might wish for ? " her own list was far too long, and mostly unobtainable.
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gracefallen · 3 years
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♡   EVELYN   GAEBRAS  ,   CH.RIS   ARG.ENT   &   FELIX   GAEBRAS   EDIT     /      @starlcved
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winteirsa · 3 years
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ghoulifcd · 4 years
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ENDLESS  BESSIE  ADAMS  EDITS. ft.  @frcznreign  &  @pyrrhicmessiah
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starlcvedarch · 3 years
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incorrect  quotes  meme  ft.  @frcznreign  /  felix.
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Magnus: Nothing in life is free.
Cleo: Love is free!
Jonas: Adventure is free.
Lucia: Knowledge is free.
Felix: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
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lghtpulledarch · 4 years
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@goldenreign​   sent  :     👑    +   amara   cortas    ( rip )        »       WHO   SHOULD   I    WRITE  ?
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would i :   yes / maybe / no have i ever before :  yes / no icon and writing sample : 
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“ oh    goodness ,     you     two      must’ve     had      an      amazing     night     last     night . ”    she     says ,     sarcasm     dripping     from     every     word ,    a     cruel     smile     spreading      across     her     face      as       she      takes      the      two     of     them     in     properly .      they’re      both      complete      STATES ,      and      that’s      putting     it     lightly .       felix      in      particular ...     UGH  ,     what      did      she      even      see    in     him    before ?      laughing     gently ,     she     offers     them     both     a     scathing     look      before     she      links     her      arm      in      magnus’ ,      head     tilted     as     she     looks     up      at     him ,      eyelashes      flattering .       “  we     don’t    really      have     the     time     for     all     that      fun      anymore ,     do     we      darling ?      all      these     meetings     and     APPOINTMENTS      ----         it’s     a      wonder      we     fit      them      all       into      the      day      as       it     is .”       she       waggles       her       fingers ,      drawing       attention     to     her      ridiculously     large     ring     once      more ,     embedded      with      rubies      and      diamonds ,       letting      the      stones      catch     in    the      bright      morning      sunshine .        “  speaking    of   -- ”      she       finally      turns     back      to     look      at     the      two       corpses       in      front      of      them ,       dragging     her      GAZE     over     them      slowly  ,       nose       wrinkling      in      disgust      at     how     awful       they      both      looked .       “ we     have      a      meeting      with     the      mayor     that      we      simply      cannot      be      late     for .    my     father      worked      so     hard    in     setting     up     and ,      well ,      we      wouldn’t      want     to      DISAPPOINT       him ,     would    we ? ”       faux       smile      is      plastered      on      her      face      again      as     she      tugs       on       magnus’      arm .       “ i      hope     you’re      both      able      to      enjoy     the     rest      of      your      day !       i      tend      to      find       that       pickle      juice     is      the      best       pick      me      up       after     a       long       night         -----      hopefully      you’ll      be      able      to      source      some       before       the       PRESS       find      you .      they     can    be      rather      vicious      sometimes . ”
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