#fell poth series
nayladoodles · 10 months
To the fans of my fell poth series! I'm planning to rewrite the series to make a bit more sense to the canon of my AU of Taleverse and blend into the continuity of my other Error/Ink fic Threads of the Multiverse. While elements remain like cupcake being adopted and his parents being jailed for life in Limbo others will change as I've fleshed out Taleverse a bit more. Also my writing skills have improved a bit after taking college writing classes. Anyhow, look out for the updated fic called "L'amore fa Male"
@nekophy (I know you liked the original fic series)
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pandi-ponders · 6 months
Hey guys :]
You've all been awesome these past few months and I'm so glad I have such a kind following.
That being said, I'm taking a bit of a break. It's nothing social media-related, school has just been hectic and exams are coming up next month. So, I'm taking this month off along with the first few weeks of May. But, I'm leaving you guys with a list of things I'm currently working on ;]
To my TSAMS homies, I've got a handful of things for you guys. The Solar animatic is in the works, I'm just really slow at animating (-_- ) The Six AU is nearly finalized as their designs are nearly finished and I have their bio sheets drafted. The Magical Girl AU is kinda messy at the moment but my plan is to make a series of short comics with it.
To my UTMV/Undertale homies, hey, it's been a while XD I've been working on an AU that I haven't talked about yet. Remember Fell Poth? Yeah, they're the center of this AU. I call it the Black Dahlia AU (It has nothing to do with the crime case, I just really like the flower) and I do plan to write a fic for it. I'll make a master post of it soon since I have the designs finalized and most of the story outlined. FYI, I am not a consistent writer, sorry :P
I hope you guys don't miss me too much while I'm gone
Thanks for understanding :] - Doodles
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diamondbeeloxdraws · 7 years
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First part:
Goth: Rain Rain
Pallette: Go away
Cupcake: Come Again
Pudding: another day
Second part:
Pudding: this isn't working
Pallette: maybe we can try something else...
Goth: hm...
Cupcake: .... (Why am I here)
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Goth and fell Goth belong to @nekophy
Pallette and fell pallette belong to @angexci
Read below for mor info on this new comic!
Cabin Fever is a horror comic ((yes some may die))
About alternative sanses stuck in a house during a storm, the doors are lock and the window can't be broken, someone is trying to kill them but who is it?
If you guess who the killer is your OC gets to be in the comic! (Yayyyyy!)
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thedanniewannabe · 5 years
Fact: Nobody has ever drawn Outer x Nightmare and I am the only one with a kid of em. (Surprisingly... and yes, Nightmare is mama xD) Question- do you like it or have ever thought of it? I understand you like the kids (me too ^^) but what about the weirdest Sans ships?
HMmMmm NM X Outer eh? I dunno if I ship it or not. I usually start shipping on things if like, they have an interesting love story that was written nicely and or if it’s a comic series. Sorta like Rurik X Lotus in a story my pal sent to me called ‘A Deep Love - Fell!Poth Fanfic’ by TheTexanAuthor on Wattpad. It was written very nicely and I loved how they wrote everything. And for a comic I’d say about everyone in Genos chirstmas party AU.
And I have my fair share of weird ships. Palette X Fresh. BOY HOWDY. I don’t exactly ship it but I have made a ship child and came up with sorta a sad story.
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geek-ology-blog · 8 years
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Well it’s been quite the year and well all lot of bad things happened (for me most were very personal) there were good things. And when I say good things I mean good people. Scratch that amazing people! These people helped me get through the year so that I would see this new one (even if the year is already starting bad for me). And even though I may not know a lot of them personally I still want to personally thank each and everyone of them. (Also I can draw better than this sorry)
@srpelo - Thank you for making me laugh till my stomach began to hurt. Every “shitpost” be the best post. And I will never stop slamming my desk and saying “OH BOI” thanks to you.
UltimaAlmighty - The only reaction channel done right. You are a such a positive person in a negative world. When you smile I can’t help, but smile back. Your sincerity won’t go unnoticed. (I know you will probably never see this, but I couldn’t not include you.)
@vadeva - Thanks for being the British man of Starbot Dubs. Your voice is so much fun to listen to and makes me wish I had a low awesome voice too. I can’t wait to see what you and Stephanie do next! (I also really wanna see your audition video).
@rahafwabas - Thanks for filling my dash with angst! You are an amazing artist. You taught me how bad and angst life can be, but to every bad side there’s a good that’ll be worth the pain. (Also short people for life!)
@jakei95 - Thank you for your creativity! You are such a nice and beautiful person. (Sucks that I couldn’t draw you like that… I can draw better I swear!) Cross and Underverse is just too awesome not to love. You taught me that making something new out of other’s ideas and turning it into your own can lead to finding your own new thing! You have encouraged me to do a lot more with myself as well as my art.
@jokublog - Thank you for sharing your hopes and dreams! Every time I see a picture of Dream I always smile (same is for Nightmare, but it’s an evil smile). Your art is so beautiful with its colors and flow. And even when others put you down you scare them away by getting back up again doing what you love. (Also you and Jakei be adorable together)
@loverofpiggies - Thank you for your amazing comics and snazzy pink hair! I love Aftertale and Geno since I connected to him in a sad way that Geno actually felt to be a real “person”. You also taught me that even if you’re known for one thing it’s good to make your own thing. And that being Gloomverse. One of the greatest things I’ve ever read in the entirety of one night (I was that hooked). In fact it encouraged to to start my own comic and punch anxiety in the face!
@hawker-rawr - Thank you for making me laugh at a drunk man (and questioning what kind of drunk I’d be)! You are such a cool artist and I love your take on Chara and Asriel. I fell in love with them all over again. So excited to see whatever you do next. (StarHawk ftw)
@camilaart - Thank you for playing with my emotions! I love GlitchTale so far and am pumped to see what happens next. You are an amazing storyteller and an awesome nerd at heart. I so happy that everyone got together when things got tough. Me from being from a poor household myself I know what it’s like. May all good things come to you and your family. (I also just wanna point out that I totally called Betty, like I screamed at the school computer when Sans died like my gosh I hate-love her!)
@starbotdubs - Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice (and face). You are an amazing voice actress and introduced me into so many comics I’d come to love so much. I’m so excited to see what 2017 brings for your channel (especially you guys dining Gloomverse, like I screamed that my dog jumped 2 feet into the air I was so excited). May you, Vade, and your channel become greater than it already is. (DEUS VULT)
@popelickva and The Real-Time Fan Dub Cast - Thank you for making me giggle like a baby during class. Your gravity falls series and dubs never fail to make me smile. And even though I miss nearly every stream because of timezones, I can’t help but feel determined to try and watch it. (You guys also got me into Voltron and made me obsessed)
@manontheinternet - Thank you for the music! Music has always been apart of my life, especially musicals. I play a couple instruments and like to sing, but not a lot of people even know since I have a literal panic attack whenever I try Iin front of people. So turning a game I’m still obsessed with into a musical which I’m already obsessed with is amazing! Every singer/actor is superb and you feel what the character is feeling. I can’t help, but to always sing along. I’m stoked to have found you so that I may be able to listen to greatness. (Listening to you guys sing seem to always calm me down)
@nekophy - Thank you for being so adorable it’s adorable (which is weird to say since you’re older than me)! You may, if not are, the biggest Poth (and/or Geno x Reaper) shipper I have ever seen. Your art is so cute as well as your reactions to every piece of art you receive. You are a fantastic stick cat Miss Nekophy. And an awesome mother to a certain Goth. (Also tried to draw a kinda “human” you but looks bad so I’m sorry!)
@knittinggiantbeanies - Thank you for being a source of positivity! You as well as your following feel like a safe warm hug. You are so beautiful (much more than me by an immense amount because you’re so gorgeous). I’ve been here ever since Bill’s birthday video and am glad I stayed. You even introduced me to some of my now best friends in your Undertale stream. And I’ve never felt so close to those who are so far. I cannot thank you enough for that.
@chongoblog - Thank you for filling my dash in memes and references I still don’t understand! Never stop because you’re an All Star.
@superyoumna - You are a literal wizard with a mouse! You’ve showed me that even with limited resources you can still make something great (heck all I had to draw on was napkins and printer paper till this Christmas). Your art is almost as beautiful as you are. But your talent is so great I don’t think anything can compare. (I just now realized how many Undertale blogs I have on here)
@thatsthat24 - Thank you for being the king of 6 seconds. You spread positivity like a wildfire and smiles like a tsunami. You have an amazing voice and proved to all parents out there that watching cartoons is not only for kids, it’s for child-like adults as well. I love how you can turn my most depressing day just a little happier. (All the guys, gals, and non-binary pals love you bro)
The rest of these people are not in the drawing because I don’t know what they look like, forgot to add them, was lazy, or are personal friends:
@linnttop - You are an amazing artist and goofball. Im so happy I met you and that we made our friendship work despite the 11 hour time difference (Living on the other side of the world sucks man). But the fact you even tried to stay with me is truly inspiring. I shouldn’t even be worth your time, but you still do even if it’s short and sweet.
@straberrysoup aka Hotdogs - The oldest of the group yet you never act like it! She’s the yin to my orangutan. Your art is adorable as well as your face. I hope your glasses come in soon!
@mclov3ly101 - Such an amazing artist all around always getting better and better. No one in our group (or probably ever) will ship more people than you do. You have the look that turns girls lesbian and gay guys straighter than a stripping pole. I can’t wait to see what your Reaper comic has to offer. (Sportarobbie)
@chariskreplies aka Sans - Always in the shadows watching and sending things to the wrong chat. You’ll pop in and everyone’s happy when you do. Never stop punning EVER. 
@shitpilot and every other Voltron blog I follow - Thank you for helping keep Voltron on my dash so that its not entirely Undertale and TF2.
@comyet - Thank you for creating my favorite Sans of all time! Ink is my spirit skeleton and I love it. Also your art is incredible! I would totally buy your stuff if I had the money. NEVER stop doing what you do because you’re just too awesome to stop now. ( I can’t wait till you come back from your hiatus.)
@kenzykills - The one always asking me to draw yaoi for her shrine. You are the pervert yaoi shipper we all know and love. Thanks for making Japanese and science more “interesting”. (Stop asking for smut)
@quelloz - Thank you for making sure I don’t get too out of control. You are beautiful and an awesome friend. And I won’t rest until I get you with your lady love! I’LL HIT HER SO HARD WITH YOUR LOVE SHE’LL NEVER SEE IT COMING! (Raquello Raphaelo Ze Bastard Ze III :) Elizabeth Gurrrrero)
There’s no way I can thank all of you enough.2016 wasn’t the best year for me. Due to anxiety, depression, numbness, and a family member rushing in and out of the hospital. I doubt myself a lot saying I’m not pretty or my art is trash when i should have more of a positive outlook on myself, but it’s hard to when your parents tell you stuff like that every day. If it weren’t for every single one of these amazing people I don’t think I’d be alive today. I may not know all of them personally, but without them even knowing they helped me a lot. Even some of my friends that I mentioned are so close to my heart, but so far away for a hug. I love each and everyone of you and am looking forward to everything you do from here. Not just because you’re all amazing and talented, but because you give me something to live for. Thank you.
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jlucienfelswift · 7 years
Last edited March 29, 2017.
This was my most ambitious RP project ever: an IC treatise on Blightstar weaponry. I envisioned this as their total realization from the Purgation Front RP event series almost a year ago. Unfortunately, it never got past the introduction section. But I digress. Here is the unfinished draft of what was to be The Dynamics of a Blightstar.
August Dedricks
Forsaken High Command
J. Lucien Felswift
Royal Apothecary Society,
Branch 27-B
This treatise is dedicated in memoriam August Dedricks, the former and late quartermaster of Banshee’s Bight. A former Seeker and a Dread-Courier under the auspices of the Forsaken High Command, Dedricks was the first among equals at Purgation Front. He was the most effective courier with whom I, Jonquil Lucien Felswift, had the privilege, yea, the honor of collaborating.
Dedricks’s grasp over Forsaken War Code was unparalleled by anyone else I have met thus far in my Unlife. I make that claim as the first, and, as of now, only Surgeon General in Branch 27-B of the Royal Apothecary Society; and I make it as the Head Physician and Surgeon of the Northern Barrens Guerrilla Campaign under Commander Mardian Anatola.
I had the distinct pleasure of corresponding with Dedricks, both in person and by missive, on numerous occasions. I always enjoyed the sight of one of his black ravens flying while holding some piece of correspondence tightly with its talons. Regardless of where I was, either at my temporary office in Tarren Mill or at the Alchemy lab in the outskirts of Southshore, Dedricks’s ravens were always punctual. In time, the correspondence between Dedricks and myself about Banshee’s Bight and the greater Purgation Front grew quite considerably; correspondence of utmost value now stored away in the cellar directly beneath my small, makeshift office in what was formerly a broom closet in the Apothecarium Archives. As such, I referenced directly from that fonds on numerous occasions throughout my composition of this treatise.
With this treatise I hope to prove to our collective, forsaken, undying memory that Dedricks’s sacrifice and untimely demise was not in vain. Dedricks was as much a part of the hithertofore classified Blighted Oil and Blightstar projects as I. For his deep involvement in every step of both projects and for his extensive proficiency over the subject matters at hand, I was humbled deeply both in naming him a co-author of this treatise and in placing his name above my own.
Under a Call to Arms to the Hillsbrad Foothills issued by Forsaken High Command, the forces of Grand Surgeon General Randall Phlegmins constructed and defended a temporary shipyard near the Ruins of Southshore known as Banshee’s Bight. Among those forces were Apothecaries and Blightguards from Branch 27-B of the Royal Apothecary Society who fell under the command of Surgeon General J. Lucien Felswift. The main reasons for Branch 27-B’s involvement were:
to study the properties of Blighted Oil first discovered deep inside the well closest to the old Southshore town hall, and
to improve upon the process of forging Blightstars from the Grand Surgeon General’s previous efforts with reverse-engineering the Iron Stars from Draenor.
The Apothecaries of Branch 27-B at Banshee’s Bight achieved their main objectives. With prior research conducted by Apothecary Fernand Argustus and by Drs. J. Lucien Felswift & Nathanial Putreside and Mr. Darius Gloomrot as foundations, Branch 27-B concluded from their intensive testing scenarios that the Blighted Oil’s properties were analogous to the following four oils:
Shadow Oil,
Oil of Immolation,
Fire Oil, and
Blackmouth Oil.
Branch 27-B refined Grand Surgeon General Phlegmins’s process of reverse-engineering Iron Stars from Draenor for the forging of Blightstars. With his dossier and notes in hand, and the four prototype relocated to the Hillsbrad Foothills for defensive purposes and for use as visual references, Branch 27-B developed a better Blightstar model. Rather than iron, the final design elected for Thorium to be used in its stead, along with flame-resistant Manticyte, or Kyparite. Rather than being powered by coal, the final design elected for a combination of Blighted Oil and Goblin Rocket Fuel to power the Blightstar. For explosive, flammable, and other Blight-related effects, Phlogiston and Spirium additions were sufficient catalysts for those alchemical reactions. Greater Shadow Protection Potions were found to stop the process if it went awry.
Keywords: Cerulean Blight, Blighted Oil, Blightstar
Informed by former High Apothecary Emmberr Belamoore about certain, hithertofore classified designs on the Hillsbrad Foothills, I, J. Lucien Felswift, sojourned to Tarren Mill alone. Upon my arrival, I made an arrangement with the Magistrate of Tarren Mill and other public functionaries for temporary office space at the town hall in which I could further conduct my investigation into the aforenamed designs. From my Tarren Mill town hall office and channels of communication that came with it, I established correspondence with August Dedricks, a Dread-Courier who was under the command of Grand Surgeon General Randall Phlegmins. After I was informed of the Forsaken High Command’s desire for a shipyard nearby the Ruins of Southshore, I told Dedricks to provide further intelligence. Then I granted written authorization for a Junior Apothecary to retrieve Grand Surgeon General Phlegmins’s dossier from the Apothecarium Archives.
While I waited for those files, I looked into what became of Dr. Nathanial Putreside’s research as the Lead Potion Brewer of Tarren Mill. Needless to say, it was long abandoned; however, I was able to secure Dr. Putreside and Mr. Darius Gloomrot’s journals for the Apothecarium Archives and my own research purposes, as cited later in this treatise. After I read meticulously through both journals, I sent a missive to the Apothecarium that extended the Junior Apothecary’s written authorization to include the retrieval of Apothecary Fernand Argustus’s old files also.
The Junior Apothecary and the next missive from Seeker Dedricks arrived roughly at the same time as one another. Shortly thereafter, I traveled to the Ruins of Southshore. There I utilized the procedures outlined by Apothecary Argustus’s research to check Dr. Putreside’s findings and to finish what he and Mr. Gloomrot left behind. I included those findings in this treatise.
[Draft ends here abruptly.]
LITERATURE REVIEW: Master Apothecary Lydon and Alchemist Serge Hinott
LITERATURE REVIEW: Master Apothecary Emeritus Seita Gray
http://apothecary.enjin.com/forum/m/11415916/viewthread/9179607-from-desk-master-apothecary-to-rd-department; Dr. J. Lucien Felswift was present for the meeting when it was announced by Seita Gray.
LITERATURE REVIEW: Apothecary Fernand Argustus
Ibid.; Dr. Felswift’s written response to Apothecary Fernand Argustus’s research proposal.
http://apothecary.enjin.com/forum/m/11415916/viewthread/11377555-laboratory-manual-fernand-argustus; “Sample collections; field notes and observations.”
Ibid.; “Toward developing healing resistance.”
Ibid.; “Preliminary results from field sampling.”
LITERATURE REVIEW: Drs. J. Lucien Felswift & Nathanial Putreside and Mr. Darius Gloomrot
http://apothecary.enjin.com/forum/m/11415916/viewthread/11571266-nathanials-log; “The Apothecary's Companion: Journal [First Entry].”
Ibid.; “The Apothecary's Companion: Journal [Second Entry].”
LITERATURE REVIEW: Grand Surgeon General Randall Phlegmins, Seeker August Dedricks, and Dr. Poth
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20745184739#post-3; “Grand Surgeon-General (Randall Phlegmins).”
Ibid.; “Mudsnout Blossoms and the Key to Victory.”
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20747647300; “Players Who Can Help You Out.”
Ibid.; “Be Aware Of Your Surroundings.”
Correspondence between August Dedricks and J. Lucien Felswift.
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Plague_of_Undeath; “Nature of the Plague.”
Ibid.; “Nature of the Plague; Demonic Energy.”
Ibid.; “Speculation; Fungal.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Demon; “Characteristics.” 
Correspondence between August Dedricks and J. Lucien Felswift.
http://wow.gamepedia.com/New_Plague; “In Wrath of the Lich King.”
Ibid.; “In Cataclysm.”
Ibid.; “Pickable zones.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Dalaran_Crater; “In Wrath of the Lich King.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Dalaran; “Old location.”
Ibid.; “Background.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Phlogiston; only the WoW section; the RPG does not count.
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Furen%27s_Instructions; “Contents.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Thun%27grim%27s_Instructions; “Content.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Roogug; “Adventure Guide.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Quilboar; “Magic.”
Ibid.; “Culture.”
Ibid.; “Source.”
Ibid. “Source.”
Ibid.; “Notes.”
Ibid.; “Sources, Alchemy.”
Ibid.; “Source.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Goldthorn; “Source.”
Ibid.; “Source.”
Ibid.; “Quotes.”
Ibid.; “Source.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Montarr; “Cataclysm.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Grave_Moss; “Source.”
Ibid.; “Source.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Dreamfoil; “Source.”
Ibid.; “Spread of Dreamfoil.”
Ibid.; “Sources.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Oily_Blackmouth ; “Farming Locations, Horde.”
Ibid.; “Source.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Firefin_Snapper; “Sources.”
Correspondence between August Dedricks and J. Lucien Felswift.
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Iron_Starlette; “Pet journal.”
Ibid.; “History.”
http://wow.gamepedia.com/Battleship; “Forsaken battleship.”
Ibid.; “Background.”
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17605052313#post-2; “Thorium.”
Ibid.; “Background.”
Correspondence between August Dedricks and J. Lucien Felswift.
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