#fem french frye
saewokhrisz · 3 years
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my brain is rotting for them.............
i made these a month or two ago so i thought id post them sob
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zodiyack · 5 years
You’re Such A Dork
Pairing: Cameron Frye x fem reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, Cameron being depressing, SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF
P.O.V: Author’s
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As usual, Cam was bedridden, swearing up and down that he was dying and that it was really gonna happen this time. Ferris had already called him twice now, unsuccessful to convince him to join him on skipping school. However, Ferris wasn’t going to give up that easily, calling Cameron’s girlfriend was next on the to-do list. Cameron had less of a chance saying no if it was her who was asking, and everyone knew it.
Ferris punched in her number, waiting and thinking of what to say while it rang. A second or two later, a feminine voice answered the phone, “Hello?”
“Hey y/n! It’s Ferris, I need you to activate plan B!”
“Oh lord, he really thinks he’s dying again, doesn’t he...” Y/n and Cameron had skipped school with Ferris before, in fact the couple met through Ferris. Plan B, was just in case Cam had other ideas aka dying in bed all day. “Alright...um I’ll call him.” Ferris and y/n went over things to mention before Ferris ended the call, leaving y/n put the plan into motion.
“Hello? Ferris I said I’m sick, leave me alone.” Cameron’s voice grumbled through the other side of the phone.
“Cam...it’s me” She tried her hardest not to giggle when a thud was heard, the cause being that Cameron fell off his bed in surprise.
“No! God damn it, did Bueller set you up for this?”
“Well... the answer to that is yes and no. Please..just come with us? We’re gonna pick up Sloane once we find a way as well, just.. please? For me?”
Cameron was silent for a few seconds before sighing into the phone, giving into their plan as expected. “Fine. But if we get caught, we blame Bueller, got it?”
“Got it! Okay, I love you, see you at Ferris’ house!” She hung up before Cameron could say anything else, but she didn’t hesitate to make his face redden with her words.
. . .
 It took him what seemed like a few hours before he showed up at Ferris’ house, greeting y/n with a hug and a kiss before asking what they were going to be doing. 
“I need you to call Rooney.”
“I need you-”
“I know what you said Ferris, I was asking if you’re serious.” Cameron rubbed his eyes and sighed before looking over at y/n, who was giving her best puppy-dog-eyes she could. “Alright fine.” Cameron walked over to the phone and called the school, deeply regretting it once another voice was heard.
“Ed Rooney’s office.”
“This is George Peterson.” Cameron tried his best at a Mr. Peterson impression, frowning at y/n when she burst into giggles.
“Oh! Uh- please hold.” On the other side of the line, Dean Ed Rooney’s secretary, Grace, informed him that it was “Mr. Peterson” and handed him the phone. Rooney was still suspicious after hearing earlier that Sloane was dating Ferris and had a “family emergency” that she needed to leave school for. 
“Ed Rooney.”
“Ed! This is George Peterson.”
“How are you today sir?”
“Well we’ve had a bit of bad luck this morning as you may have heard.”
“Yeah I heard and,” The dean clicked his tongue and sighed, “I’m all broken up. Boy.. what a blow.”
“Yeah.. Yeah.. Well uh it’s been a tough morning and uh we’ve got a lot of family business to take care of, so if you wouldn’t mind excusing Sloane, I’d uh, appreciate it.”
Y/n got bored and left the room to see what Ferris was doing. As she had expected, he was checking himself out and messing with his suit in a mirror. She snatched the comb from his desk and adjusted his hair. He put gel in and smoothed back the sides of his hair. When y/n went back to the kitchen, he called the school to cover for Cam, knowing Rooney would have his theories.
Meanwhile, y/n and Cameron were laughing in the kitchen about what had just happened. Rooney had said some pretty dumb things for a dean of a highschool to say to a parent, and it was only because he thought Ferris was pranking him to get Sloane out early. When Cameron picked up the phone again he made eye contact with Y/n, as if challenging her to not laugh at the funny faces he made when using the voice. 
“Ahem..Mr Peterson?”
“Uhhmm.. you know, I- I- I think I owe you an apology sir.”
Cameron’s face scrunched and he spoke from one side of his mouth, the voice he was using became slightly aggressive. “Well I should say you do!”
“I- uhh.. I- I- I-”
“Well I think you should be sorry for Christ sake! A family member dies and you insult me! What the hell is the matter with you anyway?” 
Rooney stuttered one the other line, panicking greatly. Cameron smiled at y/n as he did a little dorky dance while Rooney agreed. Y/n grabbed his suspenders and pulled him in for a quick kiss before letting him continue with the call.
“Pardon my french, but you’re an asshole! Asshole!”
“Uuuh you’re- you’re absolutely right sir, you’ve hit the nail right in the head!”
“This isn’t over yet buster, do you read me?” Cameron made yet another funny face, thanks to the voice, and y/n giggled a bit more. Cam smiled back at her and winked.
“Uh loud and clear Mr. Peterson!”
“Call me sir God damn it!”
“Yes! Yes! Yes sir! Yes sir!”
“That’s better. Now you just mind your Ps and Qs buster, and remember who you’re dealing with.”
Ferris stepped in front of the couple with a funky smile on his face. Cameron covered the phone to listen to what Ferris had to say; “Bueller. Ferris Bueller.” Ferris tugged on the cuffs of his suit and walked to the counter next to y/n.
“Now I’m a little scared because what if- what if he recognizes my voice?”
“Possible. You’re doing great.” Ferris whispered back.
“Yeah?” Cameron looked down at Y/n, who was tugging on his suspenders. “Hm?”
“You’re doing amazing, that voice is amazing too.”
“Oh really darling?” Cam wiggled his eyebrows and spoke in the funny voice to her.
“Okay that’s enough, you’re such a dork, get back to the call weirdo.”
“You know you love me and my dorkiness,” Cameron pressed a soft kiss to her lips then returned to the weird voice and call.
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Disclaimer: I do not own anything except for the story. Please do not copy or credit this as your own. Photos above are not mine.
Pairing: Arno Dorian x fem!reader
Word count: 760
Warning: none
Tagging: @writingsofawaywardnerd @bunnyyumyum @rooks-and-blighters @kebeo @fortunefavoredthebrave @thatonepieceofpaper @thepandadrawer @imakemyownblog @frostychess @romancingthecreed @freedomaboveallelse @an-order-of-fryes @scarlet-marionette @amarabliss @thehalodiaries
A/N: Inspired by a previous convo on Discord, I decided to add this onto my already heaping pile of requests for some reason. I hope you all enjoy.
Glitter, stiff fabric and extravagant clothing swirled through the eye slits in your mask as you navigate your way through the massive crowd of guests with only minimal candlelight and dim chandeliers to guide you through the night before the moon showed its face.
‘Versailles always looked better at night.’ You think to yourself as a tap on your shoulder stops you from trying to move past various bodies in coarse fabric and uncomfortable shoes. You turn around to see a man with dark hair, tan skin and dark eyes while dressed in a black French masquerade outfit complete with a gleaming white mask that covered half of his face.
“Bonsoir, mademoiselle.” He greets with a charming smile and a suave French accent as you perform a mock curtsey.
“Bonsoir, monsieur.” You reply sweetly  as you smooth the light blue sleeve of your gown.
“Care to join me for a dance in the courtyard?” The man asks and you nod before you extend your arm. He links his arm through yours and leads you outside of the palace into the newly renovated marble courtyard. A small string quartet with a guest French horn begins to play the Blue Danube as dancers start to file in front of the stage with their respective partners. Your partner leads you into an moderate tempo as you spin around other couples in their own lavish outfits and blinding jewelry.
“What brings you to Versailles, ma chérie?” Your partner asks as you glide towards the musicians.
“A certain peace that Paris can’t provide. Or America in general.” You answer while he spins you around before placing his hand on your waist again.
‘It’s just part of the dance, Y/N. No need to get all jumpy.’ You remind yourself.
“I see. Peace is something that not many can find, much less within a city.” He remarks.
“No, it’s not.” You swallow as your partner dips you before bringing you back up again. “What brings you here to the Château de Versailles then?”
“I came here once with my father. Everything about the palace spoke to me in a strange way and I promised myself that I would come back someday.” Your partner explains and you nod understandingly. The musicians stop playing and you separate yourself from your partner before bowing.
“I’m Y/N.” You manage to say without a stutter or a misstep before you leave the courtyard and escape from the slowly gathering crowd of new dancers. Somehow, you manage to find yourself standing in the garden, right in front of a fountain decorated in stone with an angel looking down on you like a silent guardian.
You hear the faint echo of footsteps behind you and you slowly turn around to see your dance partner standing there with a small smile gracing the unmasked part of his face.
“Who are you?” You ask so quietly, it could have been a whisper.
He steps ever so close towards you, so close that you think that he could possibly smell the whiff of lavender perfume you sprayed on before you left your hotel room earlier.
“Arno Dorian, amour.” He tells you, his eye partially lidded as you reach up slowly to remove the white mask, only to see the exact features you saw on Arno’s unmasked face.
“Why mask yourself if you have nothing to hide, Arno?” You inquire.
“You only see what you can on the outside, Y/N. But you can never see what is truly inside something, not until you unmask everything.” Arno explains. “I’ve been searching for who I am on the inside for a long time, hence the half-mask. I only know what I see when I present myself in public, and yet I never know who I truly am deep down.”
“Perhaps you’ll find it one day. And when you do, come back here at this spot in the palace, when the ball comes around again. I’ll be here.” You tell him firmly and he smiles before reaching for your mask and gently removing it from your face.
A soft breeze brushes your face and Arno delicately kisses you on the lips before placing his mask back on.
“Thank you, Y/N. I hope to see you here again someday.” Arno nods as he turns around and leaves.
You touch your lips lightly and watch Arno’s retreating figure slip away into the darkness of the ever-growing night before you place your mask comfortably on your face and head back towards the main party while the moon begins to glow brightly.
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saewokhrisz · 3 years
girl help i accidentally hyperfixated on a nonexistent wlw ship and now i have to make all the content myself
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