#female gallavich
m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
my thoughts on sandy milkovich:
(buckle up because i have a lot to say, as always)
so, for starters, one thing that i’m not incredibly fond of is how her character isn’t really original. like, it is, but it isn’t. her name is sandy, for christ’s sake- which is literally one letter away from mandy, also not to mention the fact that she was practically raised as mickey’s sister. and in many way’s she’s like a female version of mickey, i’ll explain why:
obviously one way she’s like mickey is that she dated a gallagher, but i think that the way she acts in the relationship is very much like how mickey acts in gallavich. well…acted. more seasons 1-5 gallavich.
she’s a bit less… idk, fearful than mickey was? i mean, it’s understandable why mickey was so fearful- have you seen terry? did you watch 3x666? or 4x11? i would’ve been fearful if i were him, too. we don’t know much about how sandy was raised, but she probably wasn’t raised well. again, she seemingly was raised as mickey’s sister rather than his cousin (he does have a brother who is also his cousin, to be fair, but that’s not what i mean) but sandy’s parents may not have been as threatening or terrifying as terry was. terry does seem to be the most well-known milkovich. everybody knows terry. maybe sandy’s parents were homophobic in a way where they looked down on queer people, but didn’t literally murder them. you can see how much more open she is with the whole “he’s gay, terry. i’m gay. people are gay.”
but sandy can be mean. and so can mickey. i love them both to death but sandy’s fight with debbie in season 11 really reminded me of gallavich in seasons 2/3. specifically “you’re nothing but a warm mouth to me” and “you love me; and you’re gay” she wins the fight by using something to hurt debbie, and it works.
and what was the fight all about? sandy leaving her husband, who she was with as a teenager but felt no love for him whatsoever, and also leaving her kid. sound familiar? ian never held yevgeny and svetlana against mickey, but it’s similar.
and when they break up on the front porch all i, and many other gallavich fans, could think of was “5x12!!!!”
also she was a drug dealer and in juvie and it was implied that she was in prison. this isn’t exclusive to mickey, the only milkovich i can think of (other than yevgeny) who hasn’t been incarcerated is mandy, but we don’t know for sure that she hasn’t been to juvie before. she’s certainly done things that could land her in prison for a very long time.
and i feel like with the same amount of time and development sandy can be as great as her cousin is, because mickey changed A LOT over the seasons which made him even more lovable.
but sandy’s ending was pathetic and i hate the writers for it. it was unnecessary and damaged debbie’s character when she didn’t need it because sandy left literally 4 EPISODES BEFORE THE SERIES FINALE. the only thing that sandy leaving added was the evidence that debbie would stick with franny no matter what, but fuck that, it was too late in the show for most people (not me ofc) to give a shit about that. people overlooked that a lot.
i feel like sandy helped out debbie’s character a lot, while simultaneously fucking her up even more. but i loved sandy for most of her run on the show, i just wish that they had done more- or less. idk. they made her character more complicated than she needed to be, and it’s hard to put my feelings about her into words because they didn’t give us enough to work on.
i think that her relationship with royal was bad, and i think that he was probably a creep who impregnated her, and i bet that he knew she was a lesbian after they got married and things probably got messy. the way that royal described sandy’s choices to prince was good, though. i respected that.
anyway, if they kept making shameless seasons (which they wont) i would love a sandy redemption. possibly like the returns of mickey, jimmysteve, or kelly.
im not reading this over before i post it so if it doesn’t make sense then oh well
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cloudy-em · 1 year
The Deal - Lip Gallagher x Fem!Reader
To be honest, I don’t know why it started. I made a deal with Y/N that if she pretended to be my girlfriend so I could avoid Andrea, then I’d do whatever she wanted for a day. It was stupid. I didn’t even like Andrea. We had sex at a party one time and suddenly she was following me everywhere. Of all the people I could’ve asked to fake date me, I don’t know why I asked Y/N. Some neo-freudians can claim that it was my subconscious trying to manifest my hidden urges into real life, or a neuroscientist can claim that I’m not a genius and that I’m actually stupid. I’d definitely agree with both perspectives. 
At first I was shocked that Y/N even agreed. We’re close friends, sure, but it was definitely a higher-stakes ask. When she said yes, I felt a bubbling excitement, but I wrote it off as excitement that I could finally get Andrea to leave me the fuck alone. 
It started slow. We’d hold hands at school, skip class to smoke together. Nothing out of the ordinary for us. Usually, I’d hold her hand in the busy hallways to ensure she wouldn’t get pushed around, and we always shared our cigarette and weed stashes with each other. That was phase one. 
Phase two consisted of being seen alone together in public. I’d saved up some money from doing other kids’ homework, so I’d start taking Y/N out on dates. Not under the L or to the Alibi where we could get free beer, but actual dates where people would see us. Little diners nearby, nothing to expensive. We’d go after school most Fridays and get fries or milkshakes to share. Pretty soon, rumors were spreading that Lip Gallagher was no longer available for a quick fuck because he was dating Y/N L/N. 
Phase three was the phase I figured would keep Andrea away for sure. Y/N and I would leave classes and pretend to fuck in janitor’s closets and bathrooms, locking ourselves in and fake moaning, trying not to laugh at each other over how stupid it all seemed. She’d started sleeping over in my room as a “just in case”, and it worked out for both of us. If Andrea was ever walking by the house, she’d see us walking in or out together or in the windows. It worked for her because she got to avoid her home life. We’d share cigarettes curled up in the top bunk together, laughing over how we’d gotten $50 each from one kid’s tutoring session. Andrea didn’t stand down. 
Phase four was the last and final phase that Carl, Ian, and I had planned to keep Andrea away. Y/N and I would go to a party, drink a lot, get a little handsy, and head back home together. Andrea was a party girl for sure, and there’s no way she’d miss one, which made it easy for Y/N and I to execute the finale of the operation. Ryan Bodero was hosting a big party, and Y/N and I thought it would be a good one to finalize our mission. We arrived fashionably late (we smoked a joint together to help us get through the evening) and the party was in full swing. Drunk students everywhere, clouds of smoke, loud music, and enough alcohol to be a full-service bar. I squeezed Y/N’s hand, guiding her through the crowd. She let go of my hand to hold onto my bicep as she stood on her tip-toes to whisper in my ear. 
“Andrea’s over there, by the bar, you wanna get a drink?” she pulled away and smirked. I nodded at her before rejoining are hands and heading over to the “bar”. We stood right next to Andrea. Perfect. 
“Alright, baby, what do you want? I’ll make it for you,” I was playing the role of good boyfriend probably louder than I needed to, but whatever it took. Y/N giggled, twirling her hair and pretending to think. “Hmm, what about a vodka cranberry?” she requested. Of course, after being friends for years, I knew that’s what she wanted. I nodded and kissed her forehead before moving over down the counter to mix her drink. I’d never kissed her forehead before. The only PDA we exhibited were hugs and handholding, but it felt natural to place a kiss there, like I was keeping her safe while I was away. After everything she’s been through, it’s what she deserves. I’m supposed to be her loving boyfriend, afterall. 
I finish her drink and bring it over to her, a beer in my other hand for me. She takes her drink and takes a sip, knowing before she even tasted it I made it how she likes it. She smiled at me, wrapping one arm around my neck in a brief hug and pulling away. It was too soon. “Thanks, honey! I’m gonna go talk to Laila real quick and then I’ll be back!” I watched her walk away, smiling even after she left and leaned up against the counter, looking around the room. When I turned to my right, Andrea was suddenly there. 
“So, you and Y/N, huh?” she asked. Thank god, she’s finally accepting that I don’t like her, and she’ll move on. “Yeah,” I sighed. “Best thing that ever happened to me!” I laughed. “Ha, well, I don’t think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to her,” Andrea says. I’m confused, and she can see it on my face, so she grabs my chin and turns my face to where she’s looking. Y/N and Ryan Bodero are talking, a bit too close for comfort, and his hands are on her hips. Only, she doesn’t seem to want them there. I feel my blood boil, ripping my face from Andrea’s grip. 
“Hey, asshole!” I say, walking towards Ryan. “That’s my girl, didn’t you know?” Ryan rolls his eyes and laughs, “No, but I don’t think she cares.” He pulls her closer for emphasis, but she tries to pull away, an uncomfortable look on her face. “Let me go,” she says to him before looking at me, practically begging me to do something. 
“Alright look, Ryan, I get that you have no respect for women, but let me teach you something. When a lady says no, you respect her,” I tell him, smashing my beer bottle on the side of his head. He lets her go and stumbles backwards, but comes back for me. We throw a few punches back and forth. My knuckles are hot, but I barely notice the pain. He can’t treat Y/N like that. I won’t allow it. He gets me in the eye, and I’m sent backwards. I go to lurch forward again, but Y/N touches my bicep. 
“Lip, you’re hurt, let’s go please,” she says. I nod at her, seeing her concern, but I turn to Ryan. “This isn’t over.” Ryan turns back to his friends as Y/N and I walk away. I hear her mutter, “yes, it is over.”
It’s a short walk back to my place, Y/N still clung to my arm, quiet but worried. When we walk inside, she tells me to go sit in the kitchen. I do. She grabs ice and some towels to clean up the blood and put ice on my eye to keep the swelling down. I’m sitting in the chair, and she’s standing in front of me, one of the few times she’s ever taller than me. I can’t help but stare up at her, but she doesn’t meet my gaze, too focused on cleaning the blood from my lip and nose. 
“Lip,” she starts. “You can’t just start fights like that. Someone could call the cops or maybe he’ll press charges! You can’t afford to go to jail.” 
“I know, baby,” the nickname rolling off my tongue like second nature and I barely notice her shoulders tense. “But he wasn’t respecting you, and he needed to be taught a lesson.” 
“No, he didn’t-” she starts to argue. “Dammit, you’re my girlfriend and I love you! Let me look out for you, please!” I’m slightly exasperated, not even realizing my confession. She’s shocked, lips parted like she wants to say something but can’t. I sigh, slouching in the chair, defeated. 
“Look, I know that wasn’t the deal. You didn’t sign up for a real relationship. But we’ve been friends for years and I’ve had a crush on you but I kept trying to get over it because I didn’t wanna fuck things up and here I am fucking things up but the more we fake dated, the more it felt real and I know in reality you’re single and you can do what you want but seeing my girlfriend being harassed by some asshole just made me so mad and I just lost it. I’m sorry.” I don’t usually talk about my feelings. I don’t even remember the last time I talked about my feelings. But I needed her to know that it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing, that I wasn’t just lonely. That I really cared for her. I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. 
I feel her run her fingers through my hair, her rings gently tugging on the strands. 
“You’re right, baby,” she says softly. I look up at her, and we make eye contact for the first time since we walked through the door. “You’re my boyfriend. I should let you look out for me, just like you should let me look out for you. We’re in this together, right?” I nod, at a loss for words, still processing. I wrap my arms around her, my head hitting just below her breasts as I hold her tightly, her fingers still moving through my hair. 
“What do you say we forget this whole deal and we just date like we’re supposed to?” 
We both liked that idea.
thank you so much for reading!!
requests are open, so send me a message if you have any ideas or if you'd like to join one of my taglists!
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musicwhitemagic · 23 days
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Made some boards to match Lucy’s aesthetic. 💜💗
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 10 months
Don't mind me just thinking about a Hunger Games Gallavich AU
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hopelessromanticcs · 9 months
i know this started as an aesthetic blog with a small mixture of my thoughts, but as it's becoming more chaotic, i gotta tell you what i will be posting about.
- different aesthetics (coquette, indie sleeze, etc)
- clothes, makeup, and music i'm enjoying
- shameless (especially gallavitch)
- lil peep (he's one of my current hyper fixations at the moment)
- random shit posts about my life (yeah...)
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Ok but like completely objectively if Gallavich ever got a pet it would be a mean and scary looking female Pitbull. At first Mickey would try to train her to be a murder machine on command, but she would just be so cute and non aggressive that they just go with it after a point. And when I tell you they would KILL for that dog I mean it.
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
There's a jikook blogger here and I don't want to mention her name but she is saying that jikook might agreed to be in an open relationship...hooking up different people when they both are apart from each other for long bcz of work and that is why that woman was in his house in that leaked video..and that also may be why nothing between jikook seems changed bcz obviously jimin knew about it that his boyfriend was hooking up with someone bcz he was busy with his work.
So i don't have any problem with people who are in an open relationship if that's what it suits them but personally...i can't ever handle being like this with the person i love so much..and let them have sex with anyone they want if I'm busy somewhere for work. Obviously I don't know jikook personally at all but The things they have both said about love for years...it's hard for me to swallow to even read something like this about them..even if it's just an assumption.
Yes it can be possible that they both were never in a relationship to begin with and hooking up with different people but to think that they were and are in a relationship for years but having sex with anyone they want just bcz they're busy somewhere but still love only one another...i just can't imagine both of them like that.
It's my personal opinion and I want to know yours too Shaz!! Pls reply
...Thank you.
It is of my personal opinion that an open rlship is simply not in the books for Jikook. Not even something they would ever or have ever considered. In the past I've mentioned how I could see Jimin giving JK the option to go explore and see if Jimin is who/what he really wants (since Jimin was his first everything) but I believe thats as close as it came to involving other people on their rlship.
Other than that, I simply disagree with everyone who claims they're in an open rlship or have ever been with other people.
It simply doesn't line up with who they are as people and their possessive/jealous behaviour over the years.
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calummss · 5 days
gallavich as girl!dads headcanon
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making her lunchboxes for kindergarten/school. mickey disliked it at first and thought it was a waste of time but over time he started to pride himself on the food he makes and even decorates it
their daughter running into their arms after kindergarten (bawling)
when she’s sassy she calls them by their names: “mickey […]”, “excuse me?”, “you heard me”
he was gagged!!
ian teaching her how to swim in the pool
mickey telling her bedtime stories about him in prison and she is invested (he leaves out too gore-y stuff)
putting her drawings on the fridge even if they don’t know wtf she drew
mickey listens to a lot of eminem so by the time she’s 5/6 she starts rapping along with him (he gets emotional listening to mockingbird and needs looks at her face once the song ends)
both of them learn how to style her hair. ian’s go to are braids whilst mickey loves simple pigtails
“some kid at school told me i was weird for having two dads”
“someone in my class”
“what did you do?”
“i punched them”
“thats my girl” *high fives her*
their daughter asking for the meaning of their tattoos which lead to some pretty awkward conversations
“why do you have boobs on your back?”
ian’s voice shaking: “because i- i…love women”
“but you’re married to daddy”
he was silenced.
mickey also swears that you can tell she’s being raised by gay dads; his proof is that she says “come on girls” when talking to them. mickey absolutely hates it and tries to stop her from saying it
i just know lip teases the shit out of them for it!! he is amused as hell
ian and mickey were honestly not ready to have such a diva in their house. they love it but at the same time it tests them on so many levels
they 100% get tattoos dedicated to her!!
dance parties!! i just know ian and mickey blast lady gaga, katy perry, eminem etc. and dance whilst cleaning or cooking, hyping up their little girl
their daughter crawling into their bed at night/in the morning and they wrap their arms around her, cuddling themselves back to sleep
when she starts asking about boobs, female body etc. they get overwhelmed and call debbie or sandy to deal with it
she thinks the world of her fathers and loves them so much
mickey felt disconnected from her for the first few months of her life as he was unsure how to love and take care of a baby but now he would die for her. he would kill for her. he would to anything to make sure she is happy and safe (he made a promise to himself to never be like terry)
no one knows how she did it but somehow she convinced ian and mickey to let her paint their nails
i have a nagging feeling that someone in the family (gallagher) calls her miss gallavich if she doesn’t answer to her name the first few times
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fuckshitslover · 2 years
val's masterlist and rules :)
FUCKSHIT   -    mid90s
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
Coming soon!...
None yet!...
I will do NSFW, though i’m not sure i’m very good at it. I will write for any character on this list, and if you happen to request one that i know, ill see if i can write for them! I don't write male!readers, and i will default to fem!reader unless said to be gender neutral. I will update my masterlist when i make a new work, and FEEL FREE TO REQUEST! I do go to school, so ill probably be a bit short on time but ill try my best to do anything i;m interested it whenever i can! I am an ADD bisexual female, so i will say the f slur if necessary, and i will try to refrain from, but if there is a line that says the r slur, i might refer to it. None of my work is meant to offend anyone, it is purely for fun. Ill try my best to respond to constructive criticism, but if you're rude, you'll get blocked 🙂
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
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me and my gf (real)
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mickeym4ndy · 7 months
Intro Post
Making an intro post because I realised I just changed my username & started making edits & posting without any real context lol. Thank you to @callivich for making this!
Name: you can call me Tee
Age: 25
What made you fall in love with Gallavich?
I actually can’t remember? But I think how good their chemistry is
How long have you been a fan?
I watched the show first in 2022, sorta lost interest in it for a while, then got back into it last year.
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene?
The club kiss! First time they’d kissed in public & you can see Mickey let go of his fears for a moment. But I also have such a soft spot for all of their s2 interactions, especially the dugout scenes.
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey?
Debbie, Mandy, all the female characters really! But in the main cast there aren’t really any characters that I can think of that I actively dislike (besides Frank lol), there’s good & bad parts to all of them. There’s been side characters & guest characters & smaller roles etc. that I definitely haven’t cared for though.
Do you write or draw or make edits? I make edits!
Favourite type of Gallavich fics?
AU definitely! And s6/7 fix it/canon divergent when I want some angst. I like fix it fics in general because canon can be such a mess lol.
Favourite Gallavich quote?
“Ian, what you and I have makes me free.”
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
I had a tumblr for years when I was a teenager and deleted when I was like 17/18 & didn’t use the site for years. I had this blog to look at stuff on here occasionally but rarely used it. But recently Shameless has brought me back into fandom all these years later. It’s been nice getting back into it all tbh.
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musicwhitemagic · 1 month
Gallagher Oc
Okay, so it's always been a headcanon of mine that Lip and Tami would definitely have another kid after Fred, so I made an Oc for some sort of au that takes place in the future where Lip and Tami are raising their teenage kids together. (I may or may not write this, idk)
So with out further ado, meet Lucy Gallagher! (Age: 14)
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And here is a bonus pic of future Fred Gallagher (Age: 16)
Headcanons about Lucy
Despite having both Gallagher and Tamietti genes coursing through her.... shes pretty cheery! But don't underestimate her, because when she IS angry she will plot ..... plans against you.
2. She's smart like her dad and pretty much excels at physics and shares his passion for robotics.
3. Tami and Lip lets her use the garage as her robotics lab under the condition that she'll try not to set anything on fire.
4. Definitely an odd ball. Will say the weirdest shit out of nowhere, and in the calmest voice. (think season one Debbie).
5. Has a robot butler that she built and programmed named Dizzy.
6. A little shit to her brother most times. (she just has to fill in her little sister duties :) )
7. Stubborn as hell and is very good at arguing. (has definitely gotten in trouble at school a few times for making strongly opinionated remarks with her teachers and has had her parents called in on multiple occasions)
8. Shes reckless as shit.... but she doesn't mean to be, it sort of just... happens.
9. Her favorite uncle is Carl. Loves patrolling with him while he's on duty.
10. National spelling bee champ! And don't you for get it!
I'll definetly try to write more headcanons about Lip and Tami's family, and their dynamics with one another. I'll probably write some on Lucy and Fred's sibling dynamic next.
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starry-nights-17 · 2 months
Thanks to @bawlbrayker for the tag. I'm still relatively new to this tumblr malarkey so hopefully im doing this right 🤔😂
Name: Ruth or Ruthie to my close friends
What is your warning label: Hmm, probably something like "warning, this bi*ch is certifiable".
Do you drink coffee? Not anymore unfortunately (for health reasons)
What's the best thing you ate today: biscuits and a cup of tea (I'm Irish lol)
Tell us about your first pet? Not sure about the first but we've always had dogs ever since I was a kid. I had guinea pigs too at one point. Funny story, they turned out not to be both female...and we only discovered this when she gave birth to babies!
If your life was a book, what would you call the current chapter? " If life is full of ups and downs, then where are my ups?"
Whats something you did recently that you're proud of? I don't travel well due to anxiety but flew to Dusseldorf by myself. It was to meet Cam and Noel so had to be done. But I'd been sick too and was feeling extra crappy so was proud that I made it in the end.
What are you looking forward too? Finishing my current fanfic story that I'm writing and finishing the course I've started recently too.
What was your first dream job growing up? I always loved animals and wanted to be a Vet or Zoologist. Nowadays I work in healthcare so not exactly the same 🤔
Do you have a cool family secret or story? So long story short, a couple of years ago we found out randomly (through an online genealogy site) that we have another sister (or half sister) who lives in a different country. She is the oldest and was given up for adoption (before my parents even got together). But sadly dad died a few years ago and so he never knew about his other daughter. We have since met up and keep in touch though so it's still a happy ending!
What is the name of the latest playlist you made? Shockingly it's called "Gallavich", a mixture of songs that remind me of them, are used in my favourite edits or that I have used myself in my fics.
(So I don't know who to tag because everyone I know on here has done this already and I don't really know many people at all ☺👍😘)
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easthighseblos · 9 months
i was tagged by @mandiiigurllll (on my main blog not this one but shhhh 😂)
Tag Game: Fandom Edition
Current Hyperfixation: seblos and j&f ALWAYS and i am also back in my dan and phil era 😂
Previous Hyperfixation: SO MANY, but some standout ones have been malec (shadowhunters), gallavich (shameless), wilmon (young royals), davenzi (druck), tarlos (911 lone star), wesper (shadow and bone)
Top 5 Ships of All Time: seblos (hsmtmts), malec (shadowhunters), wilmon (young royals), wesper (shadow and bone), davenzi (druck)
Top 5 Ships at the Moment: seblos (hsmtmts), david/patrick (schitts creek), wilmon (young royals), madlyn (hsmtmts), wesper (shadow and bone)
Top 5 Fandoms of All Time: hsmtmts, specifically the seblos side 😂, dan and phil, malec ages ago, r5 even LONGER ago and then probably davenzi/druck cause i haven't really fully been in any other fandoms
Favorite Female Character of All Time: i just love ashlyn, i will always be a hsmtmts girlie 😂
Favorite Minor Character of All Time: at this point sebby is a minor character 😭 so i'm going with him 😂
A Rarepair that you love: i literally cannot think of an answer for this one 😂
An OT3+ that you love: okay my fave friend trio is gunna be juj, joe and frankie cause they are literally my pfp 😂
Favorite Movie: spirit stallion of the cimmarron
Favorite TV Series: hsmtmts 😂
Favorite Book: loveless by alice oseman
First Site you Ever Read Fanfiction on: definitely wattpad 😂
Where You Find Most of your Fanfiction Today: ao3
Favorite Social Media Site for Fandom: agreeing with amanda who tagged me for this, in saying twitter has the best content but tumblr is way more chill, i do also love the tik tok edits though
tagging: anyone who wants to do this can take this as a tag 😂 but i will pick a couple people as well
@sparklyseblos @overagainz @after-nine-at-the-oasis @strawberryseblos
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mouseymilkovich · 2 days
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requesting rules !
my blog is strictly 18+, if you're submitting on anon i take that as agreement that you are 18 years or older
i reserve the right to decline/ignore any request that makes me uncomfortable, doesn't follow my rules, or just doesn't really itch my brain
i will not write real people. fictional characters or fictional reps of real people only (i.e. i will write a character jeremy allen white plays, like lip or carmy, and i will write his portrayal of someone like kerry von erich, but i will not write the man himself!)
i will not write canonical mlm or wlw characters in a mlw situation (i.e. i will not write ian x a female reader, or debbie x a male reader)
i do not write cnc or dubcon (somnophilia is the exception). sorry if you're into that but it's not my cup of tea, and i do not wanna potentially trigger my audience with that kind of content!
please please try to give me a character(s) + an idea of you want or else i might not know what to do with it 💔 (also please never feel bad for being specific! the more specific the better)
pay attention to dates for sleepovers/celebrations/etc (i've had some people recently making reqs from sleepovers/celebrations well after they're over 😭)
please be patient with me, my motivation fluctuates, my brainrot and brain worms fluctuate — i also have a job and take care of my mom!
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"who can i request?" — good question ! here's the full list of characters i write for (*alphabetical order)
shameless ; carl gallagher, debbie gallagher (wlw only), fiona gallagher (wlw only), ian gallagher (mlm only), kev ball, lip gallagher, mandy milkovich, mickey milkovich (mlm only), sandy milkovich (wlw only), v fisher
the bear ; carmy berzatto, chef luca, marcus brooks, natalie "sugar" berzatto, richie jerimovich, sydney adamu
shameless ships ; mlm gallavich (mlm only), mlw gallavich, veronikev, viona (wlw only), wlw gallavich (wlw only)
the bear ships ; carmluca, carmarcus, sydluca, sydrichie
crossover ships ; carmandy (carmy & mandy), gallzatto (lip & carmy), sydlip (sydney & lip)
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"i wanna be tagged in your work!" — i'm really flattered 😭
please fill out this form <3
cherry/bow divider by chachachannah
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rigginsstreet · 10 months
Tag Game Friday
I was tagged by @svetlanayevgenivna
1. If you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do? liv pollock so i can peg dacre montgomery for an hour straight
2. What's your most trivial/dumbest hot take? i have so many i dont even know where to begin. oh i got one. taylor swifts popularity is directly related to the mass stupidity of humanity going on right now lmfao
3. If you had to teach a college course what would it be? lady gagas influence on pop culture in the late 00s/2010s
4. Season 12 of shameless is suddenly happening and you’ve been put in charge! What plot points are you going to make happen? gallavich main storyline with mickey becoming accustomed to living outside of the south side, bring fiona back with jimmysteve, bring sandy back and give her a proper lesbian relationship cuz it was wasted on debbie i'll tell you that. debbie can stay gone idk where she is and i dont care. also MUCH mickey and sandy shenanigans.
5. Who would be your godly parent? (Can be any mythology) AMPHITRITE was the goddess-queen of the sea, wife of Poseidon, and eldest of the fifty Nereides. She was the female personification of the sea--the loud-moaning mother of fish, seals and dolphins.
6. What’s something you love about yourself? I don’t care what other people think about me and I can formulate my own opinions. <- stealing that from alexa
7. Describe your day in 5 emojis: 🎄🐶📱🍝😂
8. What Shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight? liam easily lmfao probably jimmysteve as well
9. Tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie! i climbed the tallest lighthouse in florida, in high school i had my english teacher pick me up for lunch on the weekend and she was later fired for what the rumor mill was saying was for having sexual relations with a student, and ive swam with sharks
10. Do you have a pet(s), if so, how did they get their names? my puppy! bela <3 she is named after bela lugosi :')
11. Show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence.
Tumblr media
12. What’s your typical coffee/tea/beverage order? i do not drink coffee or tea. when i eat out i generally just drink water, if i get alcohol i like anything fruity and sweet. typical starbucks order is a non coffee frappe. from dunkin i like their coolatas. fast food could be literally anything depends on my mood
13. Use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life? girl i dont fucking know. theres gotta be more to life by stacie orrico lmao
Tagging: anyone who watches shameless idk
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