#female jedi knight/doc
finchmarie · 1 year
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Just a soft lil doodle of my much loved Jedi Knight Winter and her dumb ass husband.
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coupleofdays · 1 year
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Bioware apparently recieved some criticism during the intial release of their MMORPG "The Old Republic" concerning the lack of any same-sex romance options in the game. Their attempts to remedy this in later updates and expansions have been somewhat weird and awkward in places. Spoilers ahead.
They introduced some new characters in the expansions that could be romanced regardless of the player character's gender, but on top of that, in one of the most recent expansions, they apparently decided to retroactively make it possible to have same-sex romances with characters from the original game that were previously only available for opposite genders. Not by updating the original, pre-expansions story, but by having the characters in the current storyline suddenly explain that they've always secretly loved the player character, and asking if they can begin a relationship right now. Which feels especially awkward when I've already had a long and happy same-sex romance with one of the new characters from the expansions. My summary of the situation, regarding my female Jedi Knight character, would go something like this:
Archiban "Doc" Kimble: Hey baby, I know we haven't seen each other in a few years since you got frozen in carbonite, but I just wanted to know if you're still fine with us being married?
Me: Well, uh, to be honest I always thought you were sort of a jerk, and I only married you because you were the only romance option the game provided me with.
Doc: Alright, that hurts, but fair enough. So do you want a divorce, or...?
Kira Carsen: Excuse me for interrupting, but I just have to say that I've suddenly realized that I've always been in love with you, and can we please have a relationship right now?
Me: Um, well, I'm very flattered, but I...
Lord Scourge: Pardon me interrupting, but I have recently begun to feel emotions that I've previously supressed, and one of those feelings is... love.
Me: Look, everyone, I'm really happy that you're all falling over each other to declare your love for me, but while you were away I kind of met another girl and uh... married her.
Doc: Okay, that's cool, though I'd have preferred if you'd divorced me first. Who is she, anyway?
Lana Beniko swaggers in, kisses me on the cheek and looks at the stunned companions: Hey babe, who are these losers?
A stunned silence.
Doc and Kira: You married a SITH LORD?!
Scourge: Nice!
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jtavington · 1 month
Remaking the Knight because I messed up a major choice so question: male or female Knight? Or to be more honest: I want to romance Kira and I'm already fantasizing about throwing Doc out an airlock for being a creep, but Hayter sounds so generic as a Jedi. Is the little scene in Onslaught all there is for f!Knight and Kira? Is it worth it?
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swtor-lewau-legacy · 1 year
((for those of you who have Jedi characters that worry about Satele finding out about their romantic relationship, namely female Consular/Felix & female Knight/Doc, she already knows, she just hasn’t said anything because she doesn’t wanna be seen as a hypocrite (although that’s not obvious until after they meet Theron for the first time, and also why she was so quick to allow female Consular and Felix to get married despite Master Kaedan’s objections). it’s male Consular/Nadia & male Knight/Kira that she’d be a little concerned about, cause, you know, Master/Padawan relationship and all that, plus Nadia just lost her dad and is emotionally vulnerable. what she needs is a big brother figure to look out for her and help her keep her emotions stabilized, not a boyfriend who doesn’t really know what he’s doing in the relationship anymore than she does.))
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chaoticstrata · 7 months
I keep going back and forth on what I want to do with my smuggler. I wish they would tell us if we'll get Rass as a fully romanceable character. =/ My current Zaberial is fully locked into the Theron romance, so I'd have to make another Zabe in order to do the romance Rass without me having a moral dilemma over breaking up with Theron. =/
And don't get me started on Jedi Knights...I swear I'm going to end up with three in the end. One for Theron, one for Arcann, and one for Doc. @_@
Possibly both a male and female trooper for Theron and Aric. Some female force user for Lana (possibly Female Jedi Consular).
-SIGH- I like alt way too much.
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hi!! I’m a 21f looking for a Star Wars OC x OC roleplay set in the Clone Wars Era.
I use mainly Discord or Google Docs.
Be down to chat ooc and create memes / playlists and moodboards for our characters!
Be okay with angst and dramatic plots - I live for drama in my storylines so let’s make it as theatrical as possible.
No Cis Men please! Because of past experience I’m just not comfortable.
I have a recently knighted Female OC who’s a Jedi shadow and I’m looking for a preferably Male OC.
I really am looking for an age gap dynamic with my character being younger. I love to write against grumpy OC’s so the more grouchy the better. I’d love a clone OC or another Jedi to write against so we have a forbidden love dynamic with lots of secrets and sneaking!
We can create dramatic plots but I wanna write this during the clone wars ft Order 66 and the fallout. Give me theatrics and angst and hidden love and secrets!
If you’re interested in any of this, Like this or comment and I’ll get back to you! Thank you and hope to hear from y’all soon <3
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Hi!! I’m a 21f looking for a Star Wars OC x OC roleplay set in the Clone Wars Era.
I use mainly Discord or Google Docs.
Be down to chat ooc and create memes / playlists and moodboards for our characters!
Be okay with angst and dramatic plots - I live for drama in my storylines so let’s make it as theatrical as possible.
No cis men please! Just due to past experience I’m uncomfortable writing with them.
I have a recently knighted Female OC who’s a Jedi shadow and I’m looking for a preferably Male OC (can be F or NB too but I tend to write better against more masc. types).
I really am looking for an age gap dynamic with my character being younger. I love to write against grumpy OC’s so the more grouchy the better. I’d love a clone OC or another Jedi to write against so we have a forbidden love dynamic with lots of secrets and sneaking!
We can create dramatic plots but I wanna write this during the clone wars ft Order 66 and the fallout. Give me theatrics and angst and hidden love and secrets!
If you’re interested in any of this, Like this or comment and I’ll get back to you! AThank you and hope to hear from y’all soon <3
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katethegreyjedi · 2 years
okay, semi-unpopular opinion here. I genuinely enjoy Doc's character.
I completely understand why people can find him annoying (especially with all the flirtation when it comes to a female jedi knight) but other than that I kinda like him lol. He's super funny and really balances out the knight and the rest of the crew. I absolutely love the other companions but a lot of them can be very strict and having Doc there lightens it up a lot.
Personally, I just think he's a perfect companion for the knight. Because not only is he funny and witty (balancing out an especially stoic knight or adding onto a more witty one), he also has morals that coincide with the knight a lot -- at least with a light sided one. Doc is all about saving people, especially those that can't save themselves or are hurt in any way, which is what the knight tries to do all the time as well. I've been taking him with my knight for a few missions and he agrees with basically every choice she makes.
Idk, I'm sure there's plenty other players out there who also like Doc's character, but I keep on seeing a bunch of posts saying the opposite and wanted to add my two cents to the conversation.
Also, I haven't romanced Doc personally, but I have watched playthroughs of it and omg he becomes so devoted to her!!!! Even by the time you finally meet him again in the expansions, he is so happy to see her and has remained loyal to her the entire time (now keep in mind, something like 5-8ish years has passed since he last saw her, and for a man like Doc, that is amazing to me that he remained loyal to her that whole time, not only that but he also found other jedi to help because he knew that was what she would do.) To me, all of this shows that, despite his shortcomings, Doc is a cool character and who doesn't like a character with some flaws?
Again, if you don't like him, that's totally fine. There's some companions I don't like that I'm sure others love. I just wanted to explain my reasonings because I've been replaying the knight story and realized that I enjoy Doc as a companion and as a character a lot.
Anyway, I'm gonna go play some more, but feel free to let me know your thoughts on the topic. Or if you want to know what companions I mentioned I didn't like are lol
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borealtwilight · 1 year
Vhaethra Taloran
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Nicknames, titles, etc:
Vhae, kid / kiddo ( utilized only by Theron & Orgus )
Hero of Tython
Master Vhaethra / Master Taloran ( utilized interchangeably )
Battlemaster of the Jedi Order
Heir of Revan / Revan’s Heir
Species: Human
Place of Birth: TBD
Gender & Pronouns: Cis female, she/her
Sexuality: TBD
Height: 6’1”
DOB: 3663 BBY ( 20 at start of Class Story )
Class & subclass: Knight Shadow
In-game Romance / canon SO: Arcann
[NB]: Theron Shan’s cousin / Satele Shan’s niece. Convinces Praven to join the Jedi Order; he becomes a member of the Alliance when she does. Scourge kills Doc on her behalf at some point before KOTXX. During the battle with the Emperor’s Voice on Dromund Kaas, her attempt to perform a Force Scream backfires horribly, rendering her nonspeaking for the rest of her life.
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roamingswtor · 1 year
I think the female Jedi Knight can actually have the most active romances at once?
Romanced Lana, Reunited with Doc, which prompted Lana’s breakup scene buuut that occurs in the Commander’s Quarters instance, which no post-Ossus quest has sent me to (yet, havent finished legacy of sith yet). Then you can romance Kira and Scourge one after the other, and get romance mails from all of them after that one emperor returns quest.
I just think it’s very funny that the Jedi of all classes can be romancing 4 people at once.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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I like both of them.
Koth I feel like there’s a lot of wasted potential since people got unreasonably angry at his reaction if you let the reactor blow and/or let Kaliyo blow everything in ch 10 and wanted to be able to kill him(????) for not kissing ass like you’re the greatest thing since power couplings. And then BioWare let them(????? stop catering to the murderhobos)I like him, I like his romance(the flirting in KotFE ch8 is *chef’s kiss*), but there’s not a lot of content for him, which makes me sad, but it also makes it a bit more of a slog to play the characters romancing him bc there’s not much to make it special like Lana or Theron’s. (or even Jorgan’s for a surprisingly massive chunk of KotFE/ET) It does annoy me when he goes all Valkorion-fanboy, but given Valkorion’s basically leader and god to Zakuul, I can see why he’s like that even as it drives me up the wall. He cares about people, knows his lines he won’t cross morally and won’t do it.(and I disagree hard with Senya; who he was betraying is a very important caveat to the fact he’s a “traitor”. He betrayed a tyrant who ordered him to open fire on civilians. That’s a very important context bc as long as I don’t intend to do something like that, I have nothing to worry about)
For Doc, I understand why people might dislike him, especially if you’re playing a female Knight who doesn’t want to romance him, bc he does come on really strong. But I like him quite a bit, he’s funny and has sweet moments and he wants to adopt orphans even if you’re capable of having biological children together(I’ve romanced him with a miraluka and a human, so I’ve seen the difference). ALSO. as I recently tested with Kenna, it is entirely possible to get up through Corellia on his romance without an onscreen kiss, which I found impressive with his whole flirt thing. And when she pulled out the “if I’m breaking the Jedi Code for you I need it to mean something more than a fling” talk(fair), he asked for time to think and then went and got a officiant droid and fucking married her and then proceeded to stay faithful even through the time they were separated and everyone was saying she was dead. He doesn’t make my top five romances, but he might squeak in toward the bottom of top ten.
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cryo-lily · 2 years
Swtor Player Asks
2, 6, 8, 9, 15
Thanks for the ask!
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite.
Honestly? Jedi Consular has been been my fav so far where I started a redux play through of my Main so I don't repeat my first blind play through where I made some choices I wasn't happy with. I'm honestly all about the Wise Healer slowly becoming more and more disillusioned the more the Consular class story goes on; Wanting to do good only to be just another pawn in just another war.
But I will say Sith Inquisitor quickly shot up the list to a very close second. Just everything about that class story really. Zash? I both love and hate her. Seeing her on Nathema the first time made me go feral. I'm totally not debating playing with the story beat of she didn't die then and will come back AGAIN later down the line... lol. That and the whole force ghost story bits, and the end of the class story? *(Chefs kiss)*
Least fav? Jedi Knight. The whole light vs dark side bits were waaay to ridged for my tastes. Yes Kira was like a little sister to my character, No that doesn't mean she's turning to the dark side.
6. Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference?
Currently I mostly play the pub side only because most of my Cartel items/purchases are reedemed on Isadola (my main). I have been slowly leaning towards playing more of both as I dust off my Sith Inquisitor more and more. But I'm not gunna lie I love the Imp fleet a lot more, it's design is much more up my alley.
8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).
Ohh, that's a bit of a list but I'll stick with my top 5. Top of the list is Lana hands down, She's Issie's better half among other things that would be too long to list here. Number 2 slot is HK-51, I've had him for less than a few weeks and I would already die for my assassin bot buddy. Next in number 3 & 4 is Nadia & Ashara, My fav force students that are borderline sisters to each of my mains. And number 5 is Khem Val easily, I love my big morose monster of a teddy bear. He reminds me a lot personality wise of my old cat. So yea.. I got quite attached to him.
9. How about your least favorite companions?
Doc. Hands down, no list. Dude does not take "no" for an answer. Kira was close to killing him? Girl would have to get in line behind me as I throw his ass out the air lock. At least Tharan took the hint when you shoot him down, but fuck does Doc just not let it go if you're playing a female jedi. Not to mention he's so fucking full of himself. I could rant all day about this, and no shame to those that do like him, but Doc just rubbed me in all the wrong ways and there was no way I could get rid of him. He made a tedious playthrough like I was pulling teeth.
15. Show us your main(s)!
You mean fav swtor OCs/ my mains? Hell yeah!
First we have Isadola Ardeen Shir (Or known as Issie by those closest to her); Jedi Consular, Miraluka.
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This girl can hide so much trauma in her.
I've been trying to write more stuff for her considering she's the Character I have almost literally all my time/progress on. I feel I need to do her backstory justice.
Now my other main, Or in Issie's case the other side of the mirror-
We have the Sith AU Issie, otherwise known as Atteia Ulla Shir, Sith Inquisitor.
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Small changes in their shared backstory resulted in her becoming Sith instead. In this timeline she lost her original name, and was given another.
In some sense they are both the same person and different people. And if you forced them to meet, they would probably try to kill each other over who suffered more in what little of their pasts that they share, but would be stuck in a stalemate because they are both on the same power level as the other.
Best quote I can borrow for these two is from Bioshock Infinite: "Constants and Variables". These two are the almost literal embodiment of that quote.
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findroleplay · 8 months
Hi!! I’m a 21f looking for a Star Wars OC x OC roleplay set in the Clone Wars Era.
I use mainly Discord or Google Docs.
Be down to chat ooc and create memes / playlists and moodboards for our characters!
Be okay with angst and dramatic plots - I live for drama in my storylines so let’s make it as theatrical as possible.
No Cis Men please! Because of past experience I’m just not comfortable.
I have a recently knighted Female OC who’s a Jedi shadow and I’m looking for a preferably Male OC.
I really am looking for an age gap dynamic with my character being younger. I love to write against grumpy OC’s so the more grouchy the better. I’d love a clone OC or another Jedi to write against so we have a forbidden love dynamic with lots of secrets and sneaking!
We can create dramatic plots but I wanna write this during the clone wars ft Order 66 and the fallout. Give me theatrics and angst and hidden love and secrets!
If you’re interested in any of this, Like this or comment and I’ll get back to you! AThank you and hope to hear from y’all soon <3
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chaoticstrata · 10 months
Am I seriously sitting here playing out SWTOR playthroughs for love interests?
Yes, yes, I am...-sigh- I need a life.
And honestly, it's mostly just me trying to convince myself why I need to have some of my toons romance someone other than Theron...
Beyond the ones already set in stone (like Aketho), I've decided on two Jedi Knights so far. One for Theron, one for Arcann (and maybe a female one for Doc). At least one female SI for Lana. BH is up in the air unless they make Rass a romance option...I'm gonna need to add this to my spreadsheet (yes, I have a spreadsheet for this game).
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Finishing the Jedi Consular story, I want only 2 things from SWTOR: one, stealth for every class and sub-class, without exception. Give me the freedom of choice to avoid fight if I wish so. And two, give me the chance to murder off companions. Let me kill Zenith. Please, I want to murder Zenith to death so bad! Oh, and the Doc from the Jedi Knight storyline, and I wasn't even playing as a female.
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crqstalite · 5 years
pt. 10, into the lion’s den pt. 3 (doc && una’vi)
oh this one was a doozy. being brand new to doc’s romance, we’re winging it here because we only just finished chapter two-
psa: please write more doc fanfictions. i love him.
written: 8.15.19. word count: 3,563
════ ⋆★⋆ ════ character song: in the name of love, martin garrix & bebe rexha
character file: jedi master una'vi havelzy, heroine of tython, archiban ‘doc’ kimble
four years ago.
“would you please be more careful from now on, beautiful? marring that pretty face of yours doesn’t bode well for either of us.” doc’s skilled fingers rub kolto salve over the long cut from her shoulder to breastbone. “that’s definitely going to scar.”
“i don’t know whether you’ve noticed, but everything scars.” una'vi responds, hissing as the cold liquid is brushed against the slowly healing wound. he’s trying to be as gentle as possible, but she’s relieved when the gel begins to ebb away the pain, drying on her olive skin. “you should know.”
“as your only still functioning doctor or as your boyfriend?” doc questions as her face reddens. una'vi walked into that one, and was too slow to keep the words from gaining such a tone. he bandages the cut, and once he cuts of the end he looks directly into her eyes, “hey, in all seriousness i’m glad you’re still alive.”
“thank you.” she says, voice softening as she fixes the strap of her bra. “i’ll try to stay that way a bit longer.”
“guess that’s all i can ask for.” he shrugs as she rolls her eyes as she slips her shirt back on, trying not to stretch her arm too far in either direction. he stops her just before she stands from the bed, brushing a hair back from her messy haircut. their eyes meet, just for a split second before he tilts her chin up a few millimeters to meet his lips.
una'vi tries not to recoil, she does. but this is still new to her, as flirtatous as she can be towards him, kisses still are foreign territory. it’s short, but sweet. and she adores every moment of it. “alright, as much as i love you, i still have things to do.” he says as she fidgets with her warm hands.
“other than me?” she asks sarcastically, nearly egging him on as she wraps her arms around her neck and pushes herself off the medbay’s cot to wrap her legs around his waist. doc’s off balance for just a moment before he adjust his arms to hold her under her thighs. her sky blue eyes twinkle with mischief as his brown orbs look up at her knowingly.
“fine, fine. one more.” that turned into two more, and then three. and then, she ended up in his lap, whispering sweet nothings to one another.
“what do you mean she’s missing?!” kiveqil’s reaction wan’t much better, as they all sit around the active holoterminal, masters satele and iresso (he thinks it’s iresso, it may still be unara. doc has more pressing matters to find out, like where his wife is) in various forms of shock. “doc, you didn’t think to tell us?”
“she said she was visiting family, she told you!” he argues back. it’s only partially true, and he’s hoping kiveqil can’t tell. nothing ever gets past his girlfriend’s master, but this wasn’t the time. “she was supposed to be back by now…”
“i was never informed of this.” kiveqil says sharply. it was odd, the zabrak jedi rarely if ever got angry with anyone on the ship, even annoyed. however, even doc knew it’d been a stressful week (stressful life for some of them) for kiveqil, and let him have his space as he paced back and forth around the holoterminal. “you knew that we were needed for the mission to alderaan, and you let her go anyways.”
“hey, i’m not standing in the way of a woman and her family. so little of us have family to go back to anyways.” he responds, crossing his arms. the face that una'vi had given him when she’d said she was visiting her family was one of purity. he wasn’t sure how long it’d been since she and her family seen each other last, but he really did figure letting her go was best. “you really think i wanted her to go missing?”
“calm yourselves, please.” master iresso rubs her temples in annoyance with their bickering, “doctor-”
if a jedi could look like they were going to snap purely out of annoyance with the doctor of the defender, the blonde jedi was the epitome of it. “doc, you mentioned that una'vi hasn’t answered her holo in the last forty eight hours, correct?”
“that would be right.” he’s not choking up. no, he’s not. she was supposed to answer, always. in case it was an emergency and she was needed on the ship again. una'vi never skipped his calls, in fact always seemed ecstatic to answer them. he hadn’t done anything to set her off, he thinks.
“it’s not like her to miss or skip calls.” kiveqil answers, turning from doc to the holoterminal. “master satele, she hasn’t returned to tython?”
“no one has reported seeing her after we put out the alert. no other masters have answered either.” satele responds. “i’m giving command of this operation to you, master delux. you can continue with the alderaan mission, or you can send agents in your place to search for master havelzy while the peace talks occur.”
“i will still attend, whatever your decision master delux. if we can learn about the sith here and now, we should not pass up this opportunity.” master iresso responds. “you may look for your former padawan, and the mission will go on.”
kiveqil hesitates before answering, before turning to his wife. “kira, do you think you can head the search for una'vi while on planet?”
“it’d be difficult, especially if we’re staying in the thul palace. the imperials are going to be watching us, sith or otherwise.” kira answers, pacing. doc recognizes the genuine concern, una'vi and kira were as close as sisters when kira was a newly graduated knight and she was barely more than a padawan. “i think searching for a jedi knight, a known hero of the republic, would set off a few alarms.”
“t7, could you run a search on the holonet while we’re gone?” kiveqil turns to the astromech, who chirps sadly.
“t7 = capable. t7 =  will find una'vi at all costs.” he answers, a piece in his head whirring as he goes about his task.
“then kira and i will still go down to alderaan. there’s no need for you to go at this alone, master iresso.” kiveqil says, restabalizing his voice. “doc, did she say anything specific about where she was going? i wasn’t aware una'vi had any family.”
“said something about balmorra, little outpost near bugtown.” as the words leave him, he regrets them as master iresso’s face changes into one of concern.
“doctor, you are aware of revolt occurring on balmorra, yes?”
“i am.”
“then you would also know of the recent flare in imperial activity near bugtown?” she says, a touch of sarcasm toning her voice. “zenith and i were there before the fighting started.”
kiveqil cocks an eyebrow that asks how the kriffing hell did you not know this at him, and he tries not to make contact with either jedi. “is an extraction plan a viable option?”
“that would be a negative, master jedi.” rusk responds, nearly making him jump out of his skin. “chances of finding the other jedi and returning without being wounded is 26%, without the possibility of sith interference, which lowers it 17%.”
they’re all silent for a moment as they soak in what the sergeant had just told them. “o..okay then. master iresso, the mission continues. do you know of anyone who could assist, possibly a balmorran native or someone who knows the planet?”
she doesn’t even think, “zenith. as a politician and ambassador to the planet, he knows balmorra inside and out, as well as having connections to the resistance. they could search for her while we’re undercover on alderaan.”
“it sounds like a sound plan.” satele nods. “i hope she is found, and soon.”
“you and me both.” kiveqil says. “i’ll see both of you soon.”
the two women on the holo nod as they each sign off the holoterminal. kiveqil is similarily rubbing his temples as doc can’t help but cross his arms. he’s beginning to regret letting his wife leave the defender on her own. and he has to realize it’s not just him either, kira is concerned for her best friend, and kiveqil is concerned for his padawan. he’s not sure what sort of relationship she had with rusk, but she was surprisingly friendly with scourge.
“i’ll be back, archie.” she drawls out, grinning. her teeth are just a little uneven, a gap in between her two front teeth that never got fixed. her dark, midnight black hair curls around her ears, freshly cut. (by herself, but steadily done in front of a mirror instead of with a knife. it was still messy but cute, just as he knew her for) “i’m not going away forever.”
“i know gorgeous, but who’s going to spend these long days in the midst of space with me?” she rolls her eyes as she presses a kiss to his cheek, shifting her bag’s weight to her opposite shoulder.
“i’m sure kiv would be happy to spend a day with you.” she says, giggling. doc knows that it would be the opposite (the master jedi sees him as a bit amoral and unable to know when enough was enough), without the sense of humor and greyishness (apparently grey jedi were such a thing, and una'vi was considered one) una'vi was known for, the day would be long without her. “i’m kidding, but i’ll be back before you know it.”
“i hate to see you leave, but i love to see you go.” she cocks her head in confusion as she has to think the sentence through, confused by his intentions. however, she shakes her head and throws her arms around him. his lips brush hers, just for a moment before she jogs out the defender to the awaiting orbital station.
like any good man, he misses her. like any good doctor, he’s concerned for her well-being. possibly, she was captured…or worse. stars, whatever state she’s in, he prays he can save her. she’s come back from worse, broken ankles, a concussion at one point, a displaced shoulder, you name it, his wife had survived it. how, he blamed the force.
“doc, do you know what family she was visiting?” kiveqil asks, as t7 rolls out of the room, rusk marching out behind him. “mother, father…siblings? does she have siblings?”
“isn’t she your padawan? how didn’t you know she had family left?” he asks, genuinely curious. he figured with how close they’d been even before he’d met una'vi, that kiv would’ve known some basic things about her.
“she’s your wife.” kiveqil answers. “most jedi who come to the temple don’t have family. i figured una'vi was part of the 80%.”
“well, she mentioned her mother and brother. she didn’t say anything about her family being behind enemy lines or anything, so she should be okay. maybe she just had bad service at the last check in?” he’s hoping, going on out on any limb that he can.
“it’s possible. remember ord mantell?” kira turns to kiveqil. “the service was just bad in the orbital station. maybe she thought the holo went out, and hasn’t checked in since because of it.”
“that seems too convienent. if that was the case, we’d at least get a garbled message.” the jedi master responds. “t7’s running his scans and such, and so is the council. while we’re gone on alderaan, i’d like it if both of you assist with the search.”
“you’d better believe i’m finding her, kiv.” he responds. first and foremost. forget getting published, forget the hospitals. he was una'vi havelzy’s first, doctor second.
“i will…assist in the search.” scourge responds, like a large black and red shadow he emerges from the the doorway. “if we must, i will bring the jedi home.”
kiveqil hesitates before answering. “good. t7 and rusk both know these ground rules, but i want to extend them to both of you. do not contact kira or i unless it is an emergency. and i mean, not 'i’m out of shampoo’ emergency. the defender had better be on fire, because this mission is very fragile. we were lucky to even be able to attend, and finding out what we can about the sith is priority one. if we can prevent even one major battle, then we will.”
“understood, jedi.” scourge says. he nods.
once scourge and kiveqil leave, kira wanders over to him, hands behind her back as he moves to leave, playing with the silver band on his ring finger. “doc, you know we’ll find her. una’s fine, she’s a natural born survivalist.”
“she can’t even start her own fire without something else catching.” he deadpans. that, is wholely true. one camping trip in on alderaan, and doc swore off ever going again as he had to help her pat out her traveling gear and put kolto salve on a first degree burn on her hand. not a fun trip, but it proved his point. una was a woman of action, and sadly, she may have skipped her survival safety day at the temple. dropping her into the middle of a warzone, with or without weapons may have been a death sentence.
“it’s just you seem nervous…scared. which is of course, natural i guess. but really, who’s going to kidnap a girl with two lightsabers and the force?” kira asks.
“the sith?”
kira pauses for a moment before answering, gaping like a fish before she closes her mouth, settling on a more comforting answer than a sarcastic one. “you’re right i guess, but have hope. it’ll be okay.”
kira leaves as he makes his way back to the medbay. by the stars he hopes she’s right.
“edda?” the green nautolon woman turns around, smiling. “chae needs another blanket.”
“i’ll get right on that, una!” she chirps, speeding off in the other direction. she’s fast for a woman her height, only 5"3. una'vi smiles contently as she curls her dark hair around her index finger as she heads into the next room on her list. a small chiss female with her two sons running around her hospital room smiles silently. una'vi only knows her as idressil, possibly mispronounced by her toddler sons, a victim of war at an outpost near sobrik when the resistance led an attack on the city. losing her voice box, the chiss woman stays at the hospital to possibly receive another and to be treated for third degree burns. her sons, gavil and lovee, are rambunctious but lovable. like all the patients here, she enjoys their company.
idressil nods first to the boys, who are fixated on the umbaran train rolling around it’s set on the ground and then gives her a weak smile. una'vi nods in response, it means the boys are fine and she isn’t in enough pain to warrant another IV drip.
she would’ve loved to bring doc with her, given he’d try flirting with everything that had a pulse (something that gave her anxiety on a regular basis, but she’d keep that to herself if it kept this dysfunctional relationship alive), but he was literally a doctor. he’d be more help to these people than she was, and she served as a warm face to remember to keep up the good fight. however, knowing her crew, leaving them with only kira and kiveqil for healing, they’d be dead within a matter of days. otherwise, she would’ve brought him to meet her family. she’d sent a holo, a quick one, to her husband to remind him to pick her up on the orbital station later tonight, after her last dinner with her family (strangely, he hadn’t responded. he always responded to her messages). as a balmorran refugee, una'vi had been sent to the temple just a bit after the age of six, and hadn’t seen her family since. being with the other olive skinned and dark haired members of her family always warranted a smile as she hugged her stepfather and mother, and newfound younger stepsister.
it was odd at first, as they waved at each other from across the foyer like strangers (given, they were). but after only a few hours together, it was like they’d grown up together, losing track of time and only laughing once they glanced at a chrono, realizing it was nearly time for bed. ky'li ran her fingers through her haphazardly cut hair, commenting she loved her spunky style, and una'vi braided hers, absolutely adoring the silky smooth hair that flowed between her fingers. though related, ky'li wasn’t force-sensitive, but was good with a saberstaff. she spent the last three days teaching her the jedi’s various forms, and after watching her duel a resistance captain, una'vi’s confident her family will be just fine without her.
(it’s also hilarious watching a 5"5 human woman go ham on a 6"3 muscular cathar resistance captain. she got a holovid of it to watch when she leaves.)
the jedi master is just rounding the corner, almost running into her stepsister as the hospital shakes, the lights flickering as screaming erupts. holding on for dear life, she and her sister grip each other’s forearms. it’s not long after the shaking stops that everything goes pitch black after something hits her hard, and she loses her grip on her sister.
it’s another few minutes before she feels safe to move. or at least, until she comes to. she panics, feeling trapped. something heavy is on her chest as she shifts, another unknown object causing a stabbing pain in her chest as she cries out. she hears someone moving near her as she croaks out a strangled, “ky'li!”
calling out on the force, she can sense someone else slightly above her as she forces her eyes open. the stabbing pain lifts from her chest as her lungs fill with air, and the light floods her eyes as she chokes. sitting up nearly immediatly, crying out as her side cramps. her hand flies to the area, as her hands come away sticky with blood.
immediate situation, right.
nothing seems broken (maybe a rib or two, that’d happened once before and doc had chastised her for it), so stock is good. death isn’t in the cards just yet.
trying to force herself up, a shadow is in the way of the sun. how long has it been? the sun is up again? she’d been at the hospital in the late evening. her heart rate is only going up, and as soon as she finds out what’s going on, her endorphins will kick down a couple of notches.
looking up as she shadows her eyes, she almost scrambles backwards in fear. it’s a dark clad twi’lek, however not the pale kind that usually populate republic space. a lightsaber hangs from his waist as her eyes widen in fear. somehow, through the madness, her own twin lightsabers remain clipped to her own belt.
he looks around with disinterest before extending a gloved hand to her. hesitating as her heart nearly beats out of her chest, she allows him to pull her up. cringing in the heat of the sun and as her side bleeds, he begins channeling something as purple light surrounds him. her hands go for her sabers as soon as he does, and he stops.
“that’s right, if you try to kill me, i try to kill you.” she huffs through the pain.
he looks confused for a moment before returning to a cold, arrogant face. “if i were trying to kill you, i wouldn’t have saved you from certain death under all that rubble. now let me heal you.”
he has a near perfect imperial accent, which she figures is odd. from her basic knowledge, it’s said the empire didn’t particularily like non-humans. and this one, was a sith. odd.
but the words fade from her mind as a warm feeling fills her body, flowing through her limbs as the wound loses it’s edge. her heart slows as she slumps into his arms involuntarily as he mumbles what she assumes is a curse under his breath. “i’m going to need you to walk should you survive this.”
she tries to shake her head back into a correct state of mind. “feeling…loopy. what’d you do…t-to me?”
“a basic healing ritual. i didn’t expect it to have such effects, but it must have worked much better than originally expected.” he sounds as if he’s making notes of this, “you seem to be of the jedi archetype. i will bring you back to sobrik, until you are well and i can release you into the plains of balmorra without having your death on my conscience.”
“you shall…do no such t-thing.” she slurs through her words, trying to fight back against the black that clouds her eyes for what she believes to be the second time today. “lemme go.”
he rolls his startling amber yellow eyes. “that was not a choice nor an option, jedi.”
she doesn’t struggle as sleep overtakes her weak form. the last thing she remembers is him bending down a bit to fit an arm underneath her knees and another under her back to support her into a bridal carry.
sho’jka??? what are you doing in this fanfiction-
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