misshyperglam · 3 years
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💕 You deserve to be cherished and loved the right way
💕 You deserve to be taken care of
💕 You deserve to feel secure and protected
💕 You deserve a man who helps lighten your load
I get so many messages from women who feel like a relationship filled with what they DESERVE, makes them some kind of burden. Can you imagine?
Baby girl...
Your energy is in INFECTIOUS
Your love is GENEROUS
Your body is SACRED
Your womb creates LIFE
Your heart is WARMING
You are actually PRICELESS!
Don't let a dusty man bargain you down.
The very LEAST a man can do is honour you (and pick up the tab).
It's very simple. When you mope through life like you are less than, guess what type of experiences you're going to attract? I think It's time you start doing the opposite, don't you?
Stop romanticising the games that dusties play and settling for boys who are under-qualified for the role of men. If he's not doing the fore-mentioned he's a leech of your precious time and energy.
Stop thinking you owe men ANYTHING, or that you need to prove your self sufficiency by way of expecting and accepting less.
The right man is not going to waste your time, play games, and show up unprepared. The right man is not going to make you feel like a burden. The right man will recognise your value and your value as a woman. The right man is going to step up as a man because your respect as a Queen is important to him.
And that's on.. I Deserve (Momma Dee voice)
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sweetbeehoneytea · 4 years
🍃 Feminini-Tea Time #1 🍃
Be purposeful and present in everything you do.
Nothing is more unfeminine or un-graceful than fast, rushed, or unthoughtful movements & actions. When I think of feminine women, I see women who maintain grace and gentleness even while doing mundane or un-graceful tasks. They can even be silly or relaxed and still have a feminine air about them.
I think the key to this natural feminine air is cultivating purpose behind ones movements and being present in every activity.
Here are some examples:
Making your bed: Don’t just do it as fast as you can to get it over with, or be thinking about a million other things you’d rather be doing. Stay in the moment and focus on that task. Make every fold and tuck a purposeful, thoughtful movement.
Getting up: For some reason, this scenario always comes to mind. When I was in college, I would always try to rush from class — shoving things in my bag, barely putting on my coat, and haphazardly pushing in my chair. Most of the time, it would take me longer to get out because I was fumbling around! Slow down, be present, and calmly pack yourself up; push your chair in properly, zipper your coat, and leave the room.
There are many other scenarios this idea works for (doing the dishes, gardening, getting the mail, tidying a room, changing a diaper, grocery shopping, etc.). Femininity is in everything you do! Think of all the little things you do on a daily basis and imagine really doing them — you’re not rushing or zoning out, but you’re staying in the moment and calmly getting it done.
The main idea is to stay in the present and put purpose behind your actions. Not every action/activity you do throughout the day is glamorous or cute, but everything you do can be feminine and lovely.
It may not make the task any easier or your inner thoughts any less bitter immediately, but overtime I think giving each moment in life it’s proper time allows us to look at things more clearly. We can start to enjoy life a bit more and no longer be held captive by our emotions.
Hope that helps or inspires someone! Feel free to share anything related to this idea, I would love to hear from my fellow feminine ladies!
— sweet bee 👒🌻
(P.S. - this goes for men as well!! Being present and purposeful in every task you undertake helps you cultivate that secure, confident, and capable masculine air. Rushing around or losing your composure over small, menial things is not masculine and doesn’t attract feminine women.)
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misshyperglam · 3 years
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For years I felt like I wasn’t at my best unless I had on a 24 inch silky straight wig. Don’t get me wrong I love a good wig layyy.. , but it was really becoming a form of spiritual bondage.
I know a lot of black women can relate to growing up and entering the professional world, wearing natural or protective styles often turns into a show and tell circus, or a passive aggressive reminder of the “code of conduct”.
This idea of black hair not being presentable and polished enough is absolute foo foo. Beauty comes in all forms and that includes hair textures.
The more and more I detached from mainstream society and started focusing on myself the more I began to appreciate my natural beauty and sought to enhance it, rather than completely mask myself on a daily basis.
If you told me 2 years ago I would be posting pics and videos with a leave out and my hair pulled off my face revealing my forehead I wouldn’t have believed you. Sounds very extreme I know! But ..it just goes to show how deep messaging and lack of representation manifests sometimes.
In the off chance that you can relate, here is a reminder that your hair is beautiful in whichever way you want to rock it and some gorgeous natural styles inspo 💕
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