#feminist theory is fine
tmasc420 · 6 months
it's hilarious when academics try to intellectualize transgenderism. researchers make theories and concepts as to why we are the way we are. they spend hours talking to trans people to figure out how we got like this. they strive to pathologize gender variance. and you know what they find? absolutely nothing. they dont know shit. they cant find any reason for the "why". every study is the same. they just don't know. maybe spend less time trying to diagnose us with some mental disorder and spend time helping the disenfranchised people you are oh so interested in.
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quillkiller · 2 months
regulus sucking monty off under the dinner table
*buzzkill feminist voice* monty sucking regulus off under the dinner table
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glimblshanks · 9 months
*grips my copy of Bananas Beaches and Bases by Cynthia Enloe with shaking hands* I will not think too hard about the social and political implications of Risa being a pleasure planet, I will not think too hard about the social and political implications of Risa being a pleasure planet, I will not think too hard about the social and political implications of Risa being a pleasure planet, I will not-
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countingprimes · 4 months
sometimes i see queer people make low hanging anti straight jokes, and they'll often pre-defend themselves by saying straight people don't need defending as if the queer community isn't populated by tons of straight people, straight trans people, straight ace people, straight poly people. queerness doesnt exclude exclusively opposite sex attracted people and it bothers me to see these jokes and their subsequent defenses because normative society certainly rejects these folks because of their queerness and now you are inside the queer community rejecting them for who they desire. i think about straight trans folks the most who are out here under fire from normative society who turn to the queer community for support only to be inundated with sentiments like straight people are actually the real lesser than folks, and it's easy enough to say straightness is valorized in normative society so shitting on straight people is punching up, but i can't help but be keenly aware that the queer straight people tend to be queer in the ways which are often excluded from queer community. so actually yeah i do think straight people need our protection, not heteronormative culture, but individual people? yeah. the "coming out as straight" jokes are all haha good times fuck the straights until you think about the fact that straight trans people when they come out are functionally doing that. after all how many straight trans people used to think they were cis gay people. and we, inside the queer community, turn their experiences into a mean spirited punch line designed to reject them from queer community.
like sorry i just don't think we are gonna find queer liberation by trying to figure out which group we are allowed to make fun of for having the wrong sexuality.
#i also feel similarly about the way feminist circles talk about men#you're right men as a social class don't need defense#but when you frame literally every single interest someone could have as a negative just because they are a man with said interest#you arent fighting patriarchy you're just shitting on individual people and then wondering why they feel threatened#like .... i think about the tweet from#the person who delayed their transition to avoid being a male film student#and yeah the punch line is very funny and i laughed but the sentiment itself is very very dark imo#gender euphoria? no can't risk it cause then people will think negatively of me#simply for being my own gender in my own field of study#like misandry isn't real on a structural level#but as i pass more masculine i'm keenly aware of all the ways my behaviors and mannerisms which were charming and tomboyish as a woman#are all negative traits i need to suppress and modulate for the sake of others if i am perceived as a man#same person - same jokes - same opinions- but taking up space as a woman is a good thing#taking up space as a man means you're suppressing women#it's weird#cause in theory being more masc should mean i am treated with consistently more respect and have my ideas listened too more#after all im no longer affected by misogyny right?#(of course the dirty little secret of that is thst you have to be white and perform appropriate white masculinity while being stealth#for that respect to work cause brown skin and a fey voice will exclude you from that bump#real fast) but it's an interesting nexus to exist in a place where normative society says i need to make myself smaller#because i'm a woman and therefore inferior but also the internet subculture im around says i should make myself smaller because im#not a woman and i'm taking up their space#but it's all fine cause patriarchy is bad so this is just doing feminism right?#the third wave really fucked people in the head it seems
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ephemeral-winter · 22 days
i'm teaching a jewish feminism class at my synagogue for the next month and we met for the first time tonight and i forgot how stressful teaching can be. like outwardly i was relaxed but then i stood up after teaching for an hour and i was just drenched in sweat
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presidentalpaca · 9 months
i really dont mind when we have to share around basic social theory on here bc i (and im sure most of you) got the start of our education here, and at least in america these are the things that are being targeted in the education system first
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EXAMS DONEEEE this last paper was so crazy like there was a 30 marker on globalisation which I did unfortunately predict because I said if it's on globalisation state crime and green crime I will kms and it was so now I have to do it. however I also did predict the feminist theory 20 marker so I don't have to kms bc that was a blessing
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queer-chnospinci · 2 years
The mortifying ordeal of having to tell someone who is technically your boss they did a bad job
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minlex · 6 months
Sick to death of lgbtq discourse. Genuinely don't care anymore. Whatever man do what you want I Do Not Care and Will Not Engage
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beekneebabey · 1 year
I don't know how to say this intelligently but something is really bothering me about the reviews for the barbie movie complaining that she didn't go deeply enough into feminist critique? Like,,, it's the Barbie movie. It's not Feminist Theory 402. Also, it's a movie about how women are expected to be spectacular at everything they do and how exhausting it can be to be the representative for all women when you're just one of them and people really watched that and turned around to tell Greta Gerwig that the movie wasn't enough because it wasn't perfect?
It was heartfelt and funny and silly and hot pink and that is enough!! Where is the media literacy!! You all are legitimately hurting my heart with this trash take!! It's fine to not like the movie but how come movies about the "male experience" can be about SOME men but movies about women have to be the balm AND rage AND catharsis AND call to action for every woman ever??? It's the Barbie movie!!! Not Gloria Steinem's latest manifesto!!! Let it fucking be!!!
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thelesbianpoirot · 6 months
I really despise how people try to skirt around any kind of basic feminist praxis by saying their race or culture or other marginalized identity makes it different somehow. Yes, intersecting identities add nuance to feminist theory, not in the way you people view it. "Actually being feminine breedable and submissive may be negative for white women, but actually it is really empowering for black women." "It may be empowering for white women to work, but brown women have worked to long, we deserve to be dependent on men for a while." "It may be empowering to white feminists to be anti-makeup, cosmetic procedures and other frivolous female suffering for trends but black women NEED MAKEUP more an anyone else!" "Divorce may benefit white woman, but us brown women value family, and self sacrifice, so we counsel abusive men of color, so we can keep families together. They are always trying to breakdown brown families. We will not be calling the police when he beats her. We don't send another men of color to jail."
"Abortion may be for white able-bodied women, but my people are facing genocide so women of race/disability must keep the children they don't want, abortion for us is sterilization!"
"This lesbian pornography is actually very important to Queer culture! This lesbian porno was directed by a woman! And it stars actual queer actresses. So even though porn is usually bad, in this case, it is okay." "Controlling every aspect of a woman's life is wrong, unless it is my religion, then it is fine, atheist women may not approve, but my situation is different, a different kind of feminism but equal." "High heels are usually torture devices, but on a femme it just feels right, it is important to her femme identity!" We ain't never getting anywhere if women can just pull out a permission slip (race, sexuality, disability) to get them excused from practicing or honoring feminist praxis that will benefit ALL WOMEN.
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kiefbowl · 5 months
I know this is just like pointless to point out now but the "male gaze" is an art critique theory that was then expanded by a feminist regarding the role of the camera in film...it's not really about what men in general look at and there isn't really a female gaze. so hot men in movies doing hot shit is like not really anything. it's like the camera is a man looking at what he thinks a woman should look at if the camera allows women some heterosexual desires within the framework of what the male camera deigns is acceptable for her. but idk who cares anymore about anything. call a man in a sweater vest for a unisex jewelry ad on instagram the female gaze it's fine like really like who cares not me I'm not even mad it's fine.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations: No.25
*just based on my personal observations, only take what resonates
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Omg my first degree theory observation was wrong Danial Kwan has moon at 18 degree, a Virgo degree ! (My bad y’all I’m learning). I’ll say that he had to get a hold of his mental health while in Covid and his adult adhd diagnosis and that influenced the writing of everything all at once (Imma learn this lol, more studying must be done)
Ok better degree theory lol, the degree of your Venus and/or mars can show placements you attract. My Venus is at a cancer degree and I’ve dated a l o t of people with Cancer placements (an experience lol)
A guy’s Lilith can show that his sort of femme fatale attraction (type of girl that overstimulates him, makes him feel enamored but is also his weakness.) His Lilith placement can describe this femme in more detail. For Aries, a go getter that takes no shit (I believe @zeldasnotes said Lilith in Aries in a man’s chart is a strong indicator that he’s a feminist and I totally agree.); For Sagittarius she’d be untethered and have a great sense of humor and may be outside of his culture. For Aquarius she’d be idealized as a manic pixie dream girl, like quirky in a way he could never figure out. let me know if you all would like a whole post on this !
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Only outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) in your 1st can give you an extra ordinary appearance and make you stand out quite a bit.
Your mars conjunct to someone’s sun can make them feel competitive with you. Venus on the other hand can make you put the sun person on a sort of pedestal and can make the relationship feel like you’re a fan of the sun person. Moon to someone’s sun can feel more at home and at ease.
Men with water Venuses seem to be super monogamous or like incapable of monogamy (which is fine lol, but be ethical about it and establish boundaries and don’t cheat yo)
12th house synastry is sticky asl, as soon as you moved on someone just appears on your mind out of nowhere, lotta hidden energy all tied up together; 8th house synastry is really intense but it’s often hard to build something stable out of the intensity. 4th house feels like home, but as someone with Uranus over their 4th, I associate this synastry with being unpredictable and chaotic in familiar way. 5th and 11th house synastry tends to be good long term. 5th house means you feel fun and creative and always excited together. And 11th house will mean that there’s a feeling of friendship underneath the passion that usually sustains the connection imo.
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For all of the seriousness associated with Capricorn placements (especially suns) often focus on a lot on whimsy in their creative works, like it’s the outlet for a lot of their hidden optimism (Hayao Miyazaki, Nobuhiko Obayashi the director of Hausu).
Ok ok I know Scorpio risings are known for intense, bedroom eyes and their overwhelming s*x appeal and making suitors flee because they’re so intimidated etc etc… but quietly I think our biggest weapon that people don’t see coming is our sense of humor. (Honest to god I was thinking of how funny Hugh Grant is even though he doesn’t need to be bc he’s been so handsome this whole time lol. He always puts in the effort into that comedic timing) (Also people still think if you’re hot and intense you can’t be funny so it defuses some of the tension pretty well imo)
I feel like Virgo placements always seem to think they feel boring even though they’re like very knowledgeable and compelling in their own right (I’m getting all reflective and remember when like Virgo moons/mars would always ask if they’re being boring or complain about being boring but they tend to be good conversationalists when they allow themselves to analyze things so deeply)
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I think cancers are actually the most defensive sign, naturally. I want to say they have this in common with their sister sign bc Capricorns are defensive and don’t like to show “weakness”. But the way that underdeveloped cancers (can) play the victim when scrutinized is different. (Like Capricorns do that earth sign thing where they use their perception to make you feel like you’re wrong, and they want to be seen as the authority not the victim). Where cancer is in your chart could show where you’re especially guarded and trying to protect your sensitivity.
To me Jupiter conjunct south node means you’ll reap benefits of good karma from a past life (or the effects of bad karma will be a lot in this lifetime but I saw this in obama’s chart and it’s a benefic planet so the first thing is what I thought of lol, he’s not a good guy but becoming the first black president of the us seems like a past life power play imo)
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thelilylav · 5 months
Hmmm... very interesting to me that Taylor Swift is trending rn and yet for some reason no one in that tag is complaining that her trending is taking away from what's going on in Palestine and what's happening in Rafah. And yet for some reason, people couldn't seem to shut up in the Kendrick Lamar tag when he was trending about how the whole beef was just two celebrities beef (it's much deeper than that) and were making up theories abt how the whole thing was taking attention away from Palestine and everyone talking about it should feel ashamed of themselves (every single account I saw in that tag was posting about Palestine too).
And the thing that's really getting me is that Taylor is trending bc of a change to the Eras tour. An objectively unimportant change to make, especially when compared to what's going on in Rafah. But that's not what gets hate, no, it's the predator getting called out in an industry known for exploitation by one of the biggest artists in said industry. The racism isn't even implicit atp...
Edit: ok so just to clarify no this wasn't meant to insinuate that Taylor trending was some setup of Israel (that's just... like objectively wrong lmao), it was to point out that when it comes to a black artist in hip hop (a predominantly non-white genre) people wouldn't let fans of said genre just enjoy the music and shenanigans happening in that genre and that's it's hypocritical to act like people can't care abt two things at once, but they can enjoy their white "feminist icon" pop star (a much whiter genre) without anyone bringing hate into that tag. like i put in the tags, the anti taylor tag is for filtering bc i honestly don't see this post as particularly negative for taylor swift, it's a critique of the fans. and i'm calling out swifties particularly bc the ones who were saying that the beef was manufactured to take eyes off of rafah were swifties, and the ones being racist in the kendrick tag were swifties. i'm not exaggerating like almost every hate post i saw mentioning the beef being manufactured was a swiftie account. it is weird to act like people caring about very serious allegations happening in a genre of music isn't reason enough to make a big deal of the situation and go INTO THE TAG and complain, but it is especially hypocritical and frankly quite infuriating to see the same people who complained about a big deal of a situation being a "distraction" from gaza and then blog abt taylor swift . it's fine if u want to blog abt music u like, honestly idc abt that, if that's all u do then this legit isn't targeted at u, this is targeted at the swifties who came into the kendrick tag to complain and then went back to talking abt swift two seconds later like they weren't doing the same thing they were complaining abt two minutes before. (sry for the long explanation, but i just don't want ppl taking my words out of context and i rlly tried to word this all clearly, but idk man sometimes u think u word something well and then nobody undrestands wtf u were on abt so i wanted to make sure it was clear) also, if you're a zionist or israel supporter, i will be blocking u if u interact with this post. ok ty bye bye
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feral-radfem · 1 year
I have a real problem with people pretending like saying something that upsets a lot of people and having to deal with the consequences of all of those people being upset with you being equated with people ganging up to bully you. Most people are not creating a collective to push you off of this site, you just upset a lot of people and everyone wants to say what's on their mind. They aren't checking with others to make sure that others agree with their disagreement most of the time, they are just disagreeing with you. No call to action was ever made.
I've seen this when radfems are homophobic, and every lesbian wants to say her mind and then y'all claim it's actually bullying because, from what it seems like from y'all, we should have gathered together and had just a few people say they were upset as spokespersons for us. I've seen it with other situations too ofc, but that's a prominent example.
Like if someone's making a call out for post for you to gather people to be mad at you, sure, they are conspiring to bully you off this site. However, if you just state your opinion and a lot of people dislike your opinion and are vocal about it, that's not a collective bullying that's just having an unpopular opinion. Which is not the same. One of those is a targeted call to action, the others is just the natural consequence of interacting with people with different perspectives and opinions than you. If you decide that you can't deal with the accountability of voicing an opinion that nobody liked, stop sharing your opinions. Or consider growing the fuck up. It's not bullying to disagree with you, even if everyone in the room disagrees with you.
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mzminola · 10 months
This is not a perfect analogy but I am making it anyway to try to convey what being online has been like for me lately.
Seeing people say "Oh, Jews are fine, I just hate zionists!" is like seeing "Oh, women are fine, I just hate feminists!"
Zionism and feminism are both very broad socio-political movements that have changed focus over time, that ostensibly have some very basic core tenets but you really need to ask the specific person you're talking to how they personally define it to be sure.
Both have been subject to legitimate criticism, and hostile reactionary bullshit. Had waves, sub-movements, splinters, people with damn near opposite views sharing the term and people with seemingly identical views rejecting it.
You can give working, broad definitions like these:
Feminism is the belief that all people should be treated equally regardless of gender, with a focus on women's rights due to systemic oppression.
Zionism is the belief that all peoples have the right to self determination and safety, with a focus on Jewish people finding it in Israel.
You can also give different definitions! Many people give different definitions! Many people also hold these beliefs but use different names for them for various reasons.
There are self-described zionists who are jingoistic, racist, etc, and who attribute those attitudes to their zionism. Just as there are feminists who are misandrist, bio-essentialist, transphobic, homophobic, and so on, who attribute those attitudes to their feminism.
There are also incredibly selfless, compassionate activists working for positive change in the world who consider themselves zionists and feminists.
It has been very jarring to see people, who I respect, uncritically reblogging posts or headlines that use "zionists" as a stand in for "bad people", just as jarring as it would be to see them sharing things that use "feminists" that way. Especially when those posts contain easily debunked conspiracy theories that I know you'd have seen right through if the OP said "Jews" but because they said "zionists" you swallowed it whole.
I am not asking anyone to stop sharing important information, petitions, news articles, resources, and so on. I am asking you to slow down and stop spreading inflammatory language that paints a broad socio-political movement for Jewish self-determination as inherently bad. The same way I would ask you not to spread inflammatory language that paints gender equality & women's liberation as inherently bad.
If the information is important, please look for other, more neutrally worded posts. Or verify the links yourself and make a fresh post! There is no situation online in which the only way to share information must be to spread such language.
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