rwpohl · 2 months
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großherzog ernst ludwig von hessen-darmstadt mit schwestern und schwagern, 08/10/1903
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abwwia · 8 months
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Teresa Feodorowna Ries, Witch Doing Her Toilette on Walpurgis Night, 1896
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lahija-del-molinero · 8 months
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Teresa Feodorowna Ries (1874-1956) Lucifer, 1897
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thepaleys · 22 days
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I will here mention briefly two or three occasions when her intervention caused any amount of trouble and brought upon her head storms of abuse and indignation. The first one was the morganatic marriage of the Grand-Duke Paul, the Emperor's uncle. This event was brought about principally through the want of tact and the stupidity of the people concerned in it, and it would have been far better for the Empress not to have interested herself in it at all, considering the fact that the personages concerned in this affair were certainly beneath her notice.
The Grand Duke had been upon terms of intimate friendship with a lady very well known in social circles of St. Petersburg, the wife of one of the officers of the regiment of which he was the commander. The thing had been going on for a number of years, and society had turned away its head and affected not to notice it; the more so that the husband of the lady in question seemed to ignore it, and to keep his eyes firmly closed as to her indiscretions. But one fine day the Grand Duke thought to make to Madame Pistolkors a present of some jewels which had belonged to his mother first, and to his wife afterward, and which had been locked up in a safe since the latter's death. This again might have passed unnoticed, had Madame Pistolkors not thought to put them on at a Court reception to which she was bidden.
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The Empress Dowager, who was present, recognized the unlucky ornaments, and, burning with wrath, forgot for once her strained relations with her daughter-in-law, and went up to her to draw her notice to the "scandal," as she termed it. Alexandra Feodorowna, as we know, had never been a tactful woman. She called a chamberlain and ordered him to invite Madame Pistolkors to leave the Palace immediately, and to escort her to her carriage. The next day Colonel Pistolkors, finding that matters had gone too far, introduced an action for divorce against his wife, and the latter, shunned by all her former friends, utterly disgraced before the world, had to flee abroad to hide her diminished head and her lost social prestige, in the solitude of a small Italian town.
But then the unexpected, or rather the expected, occurred. The Grand-Duke Paul took the only course left to him compatible with his honor as a gentleman. He followed the lady to Italy and married her there without asking anybody's leave, to the general scandal of St. Petersburg society, who declared that the incident with the diamond necklace that had been the primary cause of the catastrophe had been artfully engineered by its heroine in view of the result which was ultimately achieved.
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The Emperor was furious; his mother equally so, but it is not likely that anything would have been done, or in general any notice taken of the action of the Grand Duke, had it not been for the intervention of the young Empress, who insisted on her uncle-by-marriage being deprived of his rank in the army and exiled abroad. It was the first time that she had the opportunity to satisfy her instincts of hatred and of revenge in regard to a member of her husband's family, and she took a special delight, not only in doing so, but also in letting the world know that such was the case. Fate, for once kind to her, had delivered one of her enemies into her hands, and she was but too ready to seize this occasion for scoring her personal real or imaginary wrongs.
"Confessions of the Czarina" - COUNT PAUL-VASSILI
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fraufraunina · 10 months
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Restaurierung: Skulptur „Hexe bei der Toilette für die Walpurgisnacht“ Teresa Feodorowna Ries, Wien 1896
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artsculturevienna · 4 years
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Teresa FEODOROWNA RIES (1874-1956) "Witch Doing Her Toilette on Walpurgis Night," (1895) Marble (parts damaged) - WIEN MUSEUM First exhibited at Vienna’s Künstlerhaus in 1896 it was a scandal, the witch derided “atrocious,” tasteless” and a “grotesque apparition”. But the Emperor Franz Joseph and Gustav Klimt admired the marble sculpture of Feodorowna Ries an this was the beginning of her career. “Hexe bei der Toilette für die Walpurgisnacht” (1895) Marmor (teilweise beschädigt) - WIEN MUSEUM Zum ersten Mal im Wiener Künstlerhaus 1896 gezeigt, war es ein Skandal und die “Hexe” wurde als “abscheulich”, “geschmacklos” und als “groteske Erscheinung” verspottet. Doch Kaiser Franz Joseph und Gustav Klimt bewunderten die Marmor-Skulptur von Feodorowna Ries und der Skandal war der Beginn Ihrer Karriere.
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falecido · 4 years
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Theresa Feodorowna Ries - Lucifer, c.1897
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nocnitsa · 3 years
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Theresa Feodorowna Ries  (1874–1950) ~The Witch preparing herself on Walpurgisnight night , marble, 1896.
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mademewhiistler · 3 years
In the autumn of that same year, 1866, the heir to our throne was married with great pomp in St. Petersburg to the Princess Dagmar of Denmark. I was taken to see the triumphal entry of the young bride in St. Petersburg ; it was the first time I had witnessed a pageant of the kind, and for days and nights I kept thinking about it, and could not sleep for excitement. Rarely has a foreign Princess been greeted with such enthusiasm as the new Grand Duchess, who from the first moment she set foot on the Russian soil, succeeded in winning to herself all hearts. Her smile, the delightful way she had of bowing to the crowds assembled to welcome her, laid immediately the foundations of that popularity which, instead of waning as is often the case, grew day by day, and increased continually as the years went on. The Empress Marie Feodorowna is at present the most popular woman in Russia, and she has made for herself such a name for goodness, kindness, and the most noble qualities of heart and mind, that even among those who have never seen her, she is absolutely worshipped - Radziwill, Princess Catherine.
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Letter excerpt from Tsarina Alexandra to  Margaret von Fabrice, her former maid of honor at the Hessian court
December 4, 1901
I did not want to tell you about these sad circumstances and confirm them, but there is nothing to do. The reason you point out that, supposedly, my sister-in-law and brother cannot have children, thank God, is wrong, but their characters turned out to be completely different, and life became unbearable. For us sisters, this was a heavy blow, since we had absolutely no idea. We learned about this in October. Divorce is, of course, terrible, but now I only thank God that everything turned out that way, otherwise my brother would have died morally. The ways of the Lord are always wise, and if you try, you will learn to comprehend them. The merciful Lord will no doubt forgive them both of their many transgressions and reward them with happiness in the future. It is touching with what love our Hessian people treat their brother. Alas, she was not loved. And now in our old house it has become so empty and lonely, and I am far from my dear brother. Ella intends to go home with him from Kiel and help him there, since he will have to give dinners, no matter what. But he built the whole palace for her! The future of their wonderful girl saddens me - what can a mother who has neither faith nor a sense of duty give her. However, arrogance is one of the gravest sins, so I do not want to complain about it.
source: ДОМ РОМАНОВЫХ vk group, probably taken from Alix and Gretchen (Briefe der Zarin Alexandra Feodorowna aus den Jahren 1891-1914 an Freiin Margarethe von Fabrice)
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accuser · 4 years
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Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
Theresa Feodorowna Ries (1874–1950) ~ Lucifer, 1897.
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musicalfan94 · 6 years
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The German cast from Anastasia das Musical
Anya: Judith Caspari                                                                               Zarenmutter Maria Feodorowna Romanowa: Daniela Ziegler                                 Dimitry; Milan van Waardenburg                                                                             Vlad:Thorsten Thinney                                                                                          General ‚Gleb Vaganov: Mathias Edenborn                                                             Gräfin Lily Malevsky-Malevitch: ??
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mariannepeiper · 5 years
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Der Gattschina Palast bei Sankt Petersburg, der Hauptresidenz des Kaisers Alexander III. Alexandrowitsch von Rußland und dessen Gemahlin, Kaiserin Maria Feodorowna, gebürtig Prinzessin Dagmar von Dänemark. Hier verbrachte der Zarejewitsch Nikolai Alexandrowitsch seine Jugend.
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blogiabr · 6 years
Lembrando as artistas esquecidas de Viena
De Meilan Sollysmithsonian.com 29 de janeiro de 2019 11:36 AMA escultura de mármore de Teresa Feodorowna Ries de uma jovem nua cortando (...) source https://blogia.com.br/-/NzcyNw==/Lembrando+as+artistas+esquecidas+de+Viena
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mariannepeiper · 5 years
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Kaiserin Alexandra Feodorowna von Rußland (1872-1918), geborene Prinzessin Alexandra von Hessen-Darmstadt und bei Rhein, Gemahlin des Kaisers Nikolai II. Alexandrowitsch von Rußland. Gemälde von Josef Arpád Koppay.
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