calamitys-child · 1 year
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Congrats on the followers my friend!! You deserve all of them and many more!
I'd like to request a little something with Javier Peña, with the prompt "I can't stop thinking about you" (from dialogue prompts to make readers swoon). I'll let you decide how sweet or spicy it is, just however it strikes you. 😘
Thank you, and congrats again!!
Oh my gosh, JEN!!!! I love you so much! I hope you enjoy this slow-burn, sprinkling-of-angst-with a happy ending!
Here is a sweet "confessional" story for Javier x female DEA agent under the cut!!
The bar was half-empty, or half-full, you weren’t quite sure. And maybe it didn’t matter anyway, since you only had eyes for the man with the mustache across the table from you. He stubbed out his 5th (or was it 6th?) cigarette of the night into the amber glass ashtray on the table. You watched him purse those perfect lips and blow the stream of smoke up and away from the booth. His coffee-brown eyes came back to yours, the depths of them muted in the blue neon lights. You stared just a beat too long, and then blinked.
You shifted your attention to the table and stirred the last of your drink with your straw, watching the half-melted ice swirl in a lazy circle. Maybe tonight you would tell him how you felt. You lifted your eyes just in time to see Javier turn his head away from you to watch a very attractive woman walk by. He followed her with his eyes until she was out the front door.
Maybe not.
Javier turned back to you and waved over your head at the waitress for another round.
“You really want to stay?” You couldn’t hide the little bladed edge of irritation in your voice. Whether you stayed at the bar or not, you didn’t want to be around Javier any longer than you had to. You saw enough of him at work, and you weren’t interested in being his ‘pity date’ on a Friday night just because Steve couldn’t make it out for drinks.
Javier frowned at you, “I thought we were supposed to be celebrating tonight, amiga. Big win with the arrest warrant this week, remember? Why are you so cranky?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, and then rubbed your tired eyes. “It’s been a long week, and I just don’t feel very festive tonight. Okay?”
The waitress brought your drinks and Javier tossed a few bills on her tray. You picked up your third drink (fourth?) and watched Javier watch the waitress walk away. You downed your drink in record time and stood. “Right, I’m going home.”
“Already? We just got here.”
You snapped, “No, you just got here, I’ve been here all night, watching you watch other women. Not as much fun for me as it was for you. I’m done.”
You made for the ladies room and peed, then sat there for an extra two minutes, hoping that Javi would be gone by the time you got back out. You only got up when another woman needed the stall. You washed your hands as slowly as you dared, then dried them carefully and reapplied your lip balm at a snail’s pace. The face in the mirror looking back at you was your own, just sadder and more tired than you had seen her in a while.
When you finally emerged, Javier was right there waiting for you. He was leaning back against the wall opposite the ladies room, arms crossed over his chest, legs crossed at the ankle. Anyone who didn’t know him well would have thought he looked casual. You knew he was pissed off. The moment you swung the ladies room door open and stepped out, his dark eyes were on yours. It took your breath away, just for a moment, but that was long enough for him to unfold himself and take your upper arm in his strong grip.
“I’ll make sure you get home safe. I can’t let you travel home this late by yourself, Agent.” Agent. Fuck, he really was pissed.
You didn’t argue, partly because you knew he was in that mood, and partly because of the sensation of his hand, large and warm, wrapped firmly around your arm just above your elbow. It wasn’t painful, but something about feeling how strong his hands were, how he gripped you sent your mind running to the same places it had been running to for months.
Javier propelled you out of the bar to his car, opening the front passenger side door and standing like a sentry until you were tucked in and belted, then he closed the door with a pop. Neither one of you spoke until he parked the car on the ground floor of the garage at the DEA apartment block. Your apartment was just down the hall from Steve and Connie, two floors up from Javier. It was cozy, mostly. Nice to have neighbors who you already knew. Not nice when someone had a crush on someone else and couldn’t avoid them.
Javier turned the engine off and broke the silence first, “I’ll walk you to your door.”
You bit your lips together and nodded, sucking in a deep breath through your nose. Bad idea. The smell of Javier settled deep in your sinuses and stayed there: his cologne and cigarettes and the breath mint he was chewing, and something uniquely him, all of them mixing and intensified in the still air of the car. You blew the long breath out through your mouth and it took most of your hurt feelings with it.
You turned to him but you both spoke at the same time and chaos reigned for a moment.
“Why didn’t you want me looking at-”
“I’m sorry, Javi, I shouldn’t have-”
“No, you go first-”
“No, you can- Wait, what?”
Normally you would have laughed together and cleared the air, one of you deferring to the other to speak first. This time there was something tense. You had been on the verge of apologizing for snapping at him, a means of smoothing things over while sweeping your own discomfort under the rug. You’d hoped that if you could apologize for being sharp, you could get back to ‘normal’ and just be work partners. Like how it was before your heart got in the way. You thought maybe if you just did that enough, buried everything deeply enough, Javier would never guess how you felt.
And if Javier had been any other man, that might have worked. But he wasn’t the type to feign shyness to help ease your own shyness. Another man might have chuckled and looked away from you, played with his hands on the steering wheel to pass a few awkward seconds. Javier used those deep brown eyes to pierce your defenses and asked you the direct question you had been dreading since your outburst at the bar.
“Why didn’t you want me to look at other women?”
You paused, keeping your breathing even. You blinked a few times but you didn’t look away.
“I don’t care. Look at whoever you want. It’s none of my business.” A lie. And he knew it. And worse yet, you knew that he knew it.
“No amiga, you do care. Or at least you did half an hour ago.” You hated how intense he could be, so calm on the outside while he drew secrets out of panicked people via interrogation. “What is it that you don’t want me to know? What are you not telling me?”
“Nothing.” You put a hard backing to your next words. “Drop it.”
You turned and opened your door, not waiting for Javier to follow as you speed-walked from his car across the parking garage. You slammed through the door to the lobby and took the stairs two at a time to your floor, telling yourself it was necessary exercise, part of staying in shape for foot chases… not avoidance, not the fear of facing Javier and telling him your embarrassing truth. You heard his footsteps land a moment behind yours, and you didn’t bother holding the stairwell door for him. He caught it on the backswing and was just a step behind you as you approached your door.
“I can get inside from here just fine. Good night.” You spoke your words to the keys in your hand, to your doormat, anywhere but to him.
He reached a hand out to hold your wrist, and it was the most gentle touch he had ever laid on you. It matched his low murmur of, “Hey. Wait…”
You turned to face him, and you opened your mouth to repeat the lies, the denials, to try to say something that would brush over tonight’s embarrassment with a clean sweep and let you face yourself and him in the morning. But the look on his face, the way his eyes were soft instead of probing, the whisper of his touch on your wrist when normally he was rough with his high fives and his handshakes… suddenly your voice didn’t work.
Javier looked at you the way that you had hoped for months that he would look at you, but it wasn’t how you wanted this to go. This painful reveal of innermost secrets and feelings. You wanted him to want you, to be bowled over by you, not to pity you or treat you like an idiot. But still, that look on his face, it struck something deep within you and you decided that you would take that look however you could get it.
You opened your mouth to speak and so did Javier, but this time instead of speaking at cross purposes, instead of a jumble of words tumbling into each other, you both said the exact same thing...
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Heat rose in your face at your own admission, at your absolute sureness that he would peel away from you, be upset at you for feeling too much, but the minute you realized his own words had matched yours, you felt the heat in your face ebb away, and before you could process it, before you could think, Javier mumbled a quick, “Fuck it,” and then his hand was on your waist and you were being pulled into his arms and you just went limp and let him kiss you.
The instant his second kiss landed, your brain came back to life and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him as deeply as you could, not breaking off even when your next-door neighbor’s apartment door opened, not when it closed again with a soft bang, and not until you felt Javier’s erection grazing your hip.
You finally broke the kiss, breathing out a high-pitched, “Inside?”
Javier grabbed you firmly around the waist and pulled you tighter. “Inside.” His voice was nearly a growl, and you felt your panties get hot and wet.
You took Javier inside your apartment, slamming the door behind you. And you finally confessed everything, with your lips and your body and your legs wrapped around him until the small hours of the morning.
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draconic-ichor · 3 years
In the Steel Steeds Heart
Chapter 14: Dinner as a Family: Part 2
Warnings: blood, strong language, sexual themes, nipple play, penetrative sex
Summary: Miranda finally makes it known why Juniper’s place at dinner was important
Feedback appreciated. 18+
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When the main course was served the maids brought out plates with cuts of red meat and delicate steamed vegetables.
Juniper cut into the meat, seeing blood ooze under her knife. Calling it rare was reaching.
In the past meat like this would have turned poor Juniper’s stomach. But now, with a monster waiting in her belly, the smell mixed with the thick wine made her mouth water.
She took a large bite, eagerly starting to cut a second as she chewed.
Her enthusiasm took the rest of the table off guard. Heisenberg’s jaw tightened worriedly.
“Enjoy it, Dear?” Alicina smiled smugly.
Juniper nodded, her pupils dilated ever so slightly.
The meal went by with little talk, the table feeling tight. Heisenberg did little more than pick at his food, eating around the more well-done edges of the meat and filling up on bread.
Juniper felt a type of hunger she couldn’t describe, finishing her plate and a second glass of wine.
She glanced around the table: Angie was speaking to Donna, both nodding and deep in the conversation. Moraue was having a time of trying to cut his meat, resorting to just shoving the whole piece into his widened mouth. Lady Dimitrescu was trying to be delicate with her silverware, something her large hands made very difficult. And lastly, Miranda took small bites, eyes always moving.
Juniper’s face felt hot, licking her teeth. She stood from the table, stiffening a bit when she felt multiple eyes follow her. Heisenberg looked at her questioningly.
“Just…need to visit the bathroom.” She mumbled awkwardly.
Lady Dimitrescu raised her head, snapping her finger once. A maid quickly came into the hall.
“Show dear Juniper to the guest bath.” She instructed.
The maid bowed, turning to Juniper, “This way m’lady.”
Excusing herself, Juniper quickly followed the girl.
Heisenberg frowned down at his plate, pushing it away slightly.
“You seem very taken with her.” Miranda observed, peering over the top of her wine glass.
When Heisenberg didn’t respond she continued, “It’s a good thing, you’ve never gotten along well with your other siblings.”
Her words turned his stomach. “Juniper isn’t a Lord.” He reminded her, keeping his voice even.
“Ah, but that is one of the reasons I asked you here.” She smiled.
He looked at her curiously, worry rimming his eyes.
“I think our little Juniper could grow into Lordship, in time.” Mother Miranda nodded, taking a long sip from her glass, “She just needs to nurture her abilities.”
She wanted Juniper to become a lord?
Heisenberg frowned, “And what do you have in mind?”
“Always impatient.” Her eyes narrowed, “I want you to take her on the hunt.”
“Why?” He spoke too quickly, earning him a scolding look.
“Now, Heisenberg, you can’t expect to keep her holed up in that dump of a factory forever now, can you?” Lady Dimitrescu commented.
Before he could bark back Miranda confirmed, “I think her unique abilities will be suited perfectly for the task.”
Heisenberg remembered her mutated form and it’s resemblance to the varcolacs, wondering how much about Juniper’s powers she knew about.
“She isn’t ready.” He tried to argue.
“This isn’t up for debate.” Miranda’s voice commanding, “Think of it as a test, to really see her powers.”
Heisenberg nodded, worry curdling his gut.
Juniper washed her hands in the large marble sink. Still feeling flushed, she splashed cold water onto her face. She looked up, eyes catching her own gaze in the gilded mirror.
Her breath stuck fast in her throat, heartbeat quickening.
Her reflection looked wrong, the longer she looked the more it twisted before her: her eyes were dark and blown out, almost wild, her jaw was extended, fangs peeking out.
She took a shaking breath seeing more eyes open along her forehead.
Juniper reached up a shaking hand, feeling along her face, smooth skin greeted her fingertips. She blinked, the image gone.
She looked at herself again, flushed and fearful, but it was her.
She touched the surface, sucking in a shaking breath.
What was hidden just beneath her skin?
Juniper returned to the table, looking slightly pale.
“You alright?” Heisenberg asked, concern rimming his eyes.
“I’m fine.” She lied, taking her seat. He didn’t look convinced but relented for the time being.
For dessert they were all served their own savarină cake. It was small and golden colored, soaked in rum, filled with sweet cream and topped with blueberry jelly.
Juniper looked up to see Angie giving little grabby hands to her keeper. Donna cut her cake in half, offering one side to Angie. Juniper couldn’t help her lips twitch, as Angie squealed with glee.
Ever a fan of sweets, and seeing this as the most edible thing they were served other than the bread, Heisenberg ate his in a few swift bites.
He glanced over to find Juniper doing little more than pick at the cake.
“You sure you’re ok, Doll?” He pressed in a little more than a whisper.
“I…may have drank too much wine.”
“Would you like my dessert? I don’t think I can manage it.”
He perked up almost excitedly. They exchanged plates: Juniper taking his clean one and him her serving. The second cake didn’t fare much better, or longer for that matter.
Once dessert was finished and the maids cleared away the plates, Miranda stood.
“Thank you again, all my dear children.” She nodded to them each, “I trust everyone will play their part during the Hunt?”
The table murmured a yes, Heisenberg unable to meet her eyes.
“Good, then I will take my leave.” She spoke swiftly. Before she could make it to the door Lady Dimitrescu stood to follow, wanting to show Miranda a few last minute things.
“Well…not eat and run.” Heisenberg stretched before standing, “But I hate this fucking castle.”
He leaned against his hammer as Juniper said her goodbyes.
Donna gave her a sweet little wave, Angie practically screamed a heartfelt goodbye, and Moraue thanked her again for her kindness.
Finding their way back to the entryway, Juniper made a sound of realization.
“Oh! My coat!” She suddenly looked worried.
“Where’d you leave it, Buttercup?” Heisenberg sat his hammer down as he spoke.
Thinking for a moment she snapped her finger, “It’s in the changing room, with my old dress.”
“Let’s go get it.” Heisenberg started to stride away, picking his hammer up. Juniper rushed to keep up.
They retraced their steps, finding the changing room rather quickly. Juniper went in, relieved to find her clothing still folded just where she’d left it. Turning around, she almost jumped,e seeing Heisenberg standing behind her.
“You’re not supposed to be in here.” Juniper hissed.
“I don’t give a fuck.” He chuckled looking into a wardrobe, “You think the mega bitch keeps her fancy ass hats in here?”
Juniper pulled on his arm, “Lets go.”
“Ah!” Heisenberg straightened, holding a black lace veil, “Not a hat but one of the girls frilly shit.”
He draped the fabric over his hat, pulling it down around his head, like a babushka.
“Look good Doll?” His lips curled in a shit eating grin.
“Heis…” Juniper tried to stifle a giggle to not encourage him.
“What else do you think is in here?” He rummaged in the wardrobe again, “Think there's a sexy little dress for me?”
“Sexy?” Juniper smirked.
He looked back at her, “Hell yea. That dress makes me want to take you right here.”
Juniper flushed.
Seeing her reaction he pulled the veil away, tossing it to the floor and pulling Juniper to his chest. Looking down through her chest window he licked his dry lips.
“How about we go find an empty room and get you out of that little number for a while, hm?”
The thought of Heisenberg taking her within the home of his least favorite person made a small shiver of excitement run down her spine.
“Only if we’re careful…and fast.” She gulped.
Smiling roguishly, “Well be gone before anyone notices.”
After opening several doors and racing quietly down the halls, they finally discovered a free bedroom. It was opulent, as were most rooms in the castle, but had the stale air of dust. It felt safe and far enough away from the night's festivities to serve them well.
Heisenberg walked in whistling, “Damn, swanky!”
Juniper went in more timidly, closing and locking the door. Heisenberg turned and looked her over. “Aw, you look so shy, kitten.” He smirked.
She shot him a look.
“I’m just worried.”
“You worried about the bugs?” He smirked, looking towards the large windows. His eyes narrowed for a moment as the handle rattled open, the window burst open with an icy breeze.
“There,” he soothed, “No bugs will bother us now.”
He slipped his hand into the chest window of her  dress, fondling her breasts. Juniper mewled, feeling him lightly tug at her piercings.
“Careful” her words were a whisper.
Heisenberg kissed down her neck, finding her sweet spot and biting down. She gasped, feeling warmth bloom between her legs.
He lathed his tongue over the mark, groaning out slightly. She felt him take a fistful of the dress, pulling out of his grip. He gave her a warning look, pale eyes narrow.
“Don’t rip this dress!” She hissed. He had nearly closed the distance to do just that, but halted when he saw her gather up the material and pull it over her head.
Her skin prickled in the cold air, she tossed the clothing away, falling back against the fancy bed in only her boots.
“You didn’t wear any panties?” Heisenberg’s face split wolfishly, more blood rushing to his cock.
“I knew you couldn’t be a good boy all night.” She rubbed her thighs together, “Now get over here before we get caught.”
Ever wanting to please her, he instantly complied, unzipping his pants and letting his belt fall free as he closed the distance.
His skin was hot and welcoming as he pressed down onto her, crashing his lips into her own.
Juniper’s hand drifted to his chest. His piercing had long since fully healed, not needing as much time as normal humans.
She purred mischievously as she tugged on his nipple, rolling the metal between her fingers.
He hissed out, pulling away to darkly chuckle, “Oh honey, now is not the time.”
She gave it another tug, “What do you always say to me?” She tried to mimic his voice the best she could, it was a poor imitation still, “Sing for me!”
He pulled away with a huff. Before she could react he flipped her over, pushing her face into the bed. Juniper mewled, raising her hips.
Heisenberg loved to see her in just her work boots and nothing more.
He eagerly pushed into her, earning a moan to slip past her pretty lips. She was already wet and dripping around his cock. He bent over her, stomach pressed into her back, hot scar flush against his chest.
He felt her trapped legs tremble as he fucked her open on the expensive furniture. He reached a hand around her, rubbing circles into her clit as he kept a face pace. Seeing her in that revealing dress and dealing with his shitty ‘family’ had him on edge, and he was ready to blow off some steam.
It didn’t take her long to become a whimpering mess under him. He felt her cunt clench, liquid squirting out around his cock. Juniper cried out, clawing at the sheets.
Heisenberg pumped into her roughly, loving the mess they were making. He brought his hands to her hips, forcing her back into him.
He pulled out, pumping his fist down his sensitive cock, turning enough to splatter his load over the expensive bed sheets.
“Oops.” He smirked, a cocky look over his face.
“Karl?!” Juniper’s cheeks reddened, “We’ll get in trouble.”
“We better get going then.” Heisenberg chuckled, pulling his pants back on.
Juniper struggled to redress quickly, worry thick on her face. She felt like a guilty teenager.
After she had her coat back on and her hair smoothed down she looked up to Heisenberg.
He was sitting on the window sill, one leg already hiked over to the outside.
“What are you doing??” Juniper hissed.
“Uh…?” he looked down at himself showily, “I’m going out the window, Doll.”
“Yea, why?”
“I’m not going out the front fucking door.” He smiled toothily, “Gotta keep our little lay a secret right? Keep them guessing.”
“Heisenberg.” She folded her arms, fixing him with a hard gaze, “You and Moreau are the only two in this whole castle with a penis. I think they’ll know who came all over their guest room.”
“Aw, give the fish freak a break.” Heisenberg put his other leg out the window, “The maids are probably cock hungry enough to give him a ride.”
“Karl!” Juniper scolded, padding up to the window.
She looked down, realizing  they were on the second story. She gulped.
Seeing her fear Heisenberg soothed, “Don’t worry, buttercup.” He offered her his hammer, “Just hang on and I’ll set you down all nice and easy.”
She bit her lip, reaching out a trembling hand, fingers wrapping around the cold metal.
“Hold tight.” He warned. She complied, swinging her legs over to the outside. The wind bit her skin, the hammer in her hands floating before her. It felt unmoving in her grasp, steady and unwavering. She tried to brace herself.
She closed her eyes, nodding and pushing away from the sill.
“Good girl.” Heisenberg smiled, her trust in him making his heart swell.
He concentrated on lowering her as easily and carefully as he could. She kept her eyes shut tight, arms beginning to ache from supporting her weight.
Sooner than she expected her boots met the frozen earth, sending a surprising jolt though her.
Juniper let go, the hammer staying in place for a moment before snapping back into Heisenberg’s hand. He came down next, much quicker and without the caution he used for her.
As soon as his boots met the ground, he hooked his arm around Juniper’s.
His face was alight with glee as he started off into the night.
“Come on!” He laughed, “Let’s get out of here.”
She kept pace with him, the adrenaline and his mirth causing her to join in with the laughter.
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The Commish
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Featuring Louisiana Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner, Michael G. Strain  
I met this married daddy at a fall festival in Pineville, Louisiana. He was in his sixties and had on an old fedora hat, dark glasses and a tan jacket. Under this he was wearing a green shirt and tan pants. He was chubby and his paunch made him very attractive to me. From what I could see, he had gray hair and appeared very well groomed under his hat. His hands were small and had chubby fingers, another feature I found attractive. He was there with what looked to be his wife. The wedding band on both of their fingers gave that away. I thought I recognized him, but couldn't place the face.
It wasn’t until later in the afternoon, that I saw him again, lounging on a park bench by himself. My eyes were zeroed in on his nice chest and I was imagining running my hands over his tits as I fuck his ass. I had to snap out of my day dreaming because I was about to make a tent out of my pants. I didn’t see his wife and decided to make a bold move, taking a seat next to him. He looked at me, nodded and we introduced ourselves. Michael 'Mike' Strain and turns out, he was the Louisiana Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner.
As we sat there talking, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was a beautiful old man, big brown eyes that twinkled, nice lips coupled with a smile that made my heart flutter. The heat of the day showed in the cleavage of his big tits and his armpits. I was in heaven! The whole time I just stared at his chest. He had beefy, semi-hairy pecs with cute nipples. I wanted nothing more to than suck on his big tits all day.
I was fawning all over Mike and he really ate it up. Reticent I was not, one thing led to another and our conversation turned into how I would satisfy him if I got him into my bed. Surprisingly, my efforts paid off and found ourselves sitting on a bed in a nearby motel. I couldn't believe any of this was happening. 
"I've never done anything like this before." Mike said after looking at me for a long moment.  
“Just think of me as an exercise tool.” I said as I quickly undressed and climbed onto the bed without waiting for him to agree. I guess the sight of my ass overcame any uncertainty he might of had because the old man followed me onto his bed.
I reached behind his head and pulled it forward as I began a long hard kiss on his mouth. His lips tasted so good, I pushed my tongue in his mouth and he gave a long satisfying moan. I could tell, Mike wanted me to take control of the situation as he spread his legs apart, letting me start rubbing his crotch. I could feel he was hard in his pants as my hand rubbed and caressed his cock. I slid my hand up and began to massage his chest and nipples over the shirt before slipping his shirt off, revealing those tits I had yearned for earlier.
I ran my hands over his tits, letting his hard nipples run across my fingers and the palm of my hand. When I leaned my mouth in toward his nipples for the first time, I knew he was thinking I was gonna go right for his cock. But no. I leaned forward to the nipple on the right, cupped that big pec in my hand as I put my mouth right on the nip and gently started to suck it. It tasted salty from his sweat and each time he moaned at all I would just suck harder on it.      
Eventually, I kiss my way down to his western belt buckle, undo the belt and open the pants that held my confined quarry. Mike's dick flopped around in that big, unruly bush of pubic hair until it started to get hard and stand straight up-a good, thick, 6.5 inches with a nice mushroom head. And those big hairy balls dangled down between his legs and rested on the bed and the smell of his sweaty crotch was fucking intoxicating. 
By now, Mike was admiring my cock. Quickly, I laid him on his back and put my mouth over his engorged tool. He moaned and squirmed from the feel of his cock going deep down my throat. I know he didn't get many blowjobs, if any, from his wife and my love of his perfect body was about to make him burst. I pushed his legs further apart and ran my hand through the hair on his creamy white thighs as sucked his horny cock. I reached up and pinched his nipple with my left hand as I let my right hand roam over his huge balls. I cupped my tongue around the shaft of his cock in my mouth, moving my head up and down the whole length of his throbbing missile. The wonderful aroma of his crotch and the beautiful silver pubic hair was really turning me on.
"Oh shit!" He roared as he shot his cum deep down my throat. I tried to drain every drop from him, savoring the taste of him as I pulled off and looked up at him.
"Please don't let that be all." He said as he was catching his breath.
As we looked into each other's eyes he began to raise his legs and spread them even more. He wasn't going to go on with his "happy little life" the way I had thought this married man might want to. He wanted more and he was giving into his feelings. I put my hands underneath the beefy legs and raised them more until his legs touched his chest. He cupped his hands on the back of his legs as I pushed his big balls up and began to lick his hot willing virgin ass. He closed his eyes as the new sensation of another man making love to him began to envelop him. When I thought he was ready I raised up and I grabbed my dick by the shaft and started to push it into him as he groaned and grabbed me by the shoulders. He was wet and ready as I pushed harder to penetrate his horny virgin ass I heard an "ah" escape his lips. Finally, I was inside him and feeling the want and need he had to be with me.
”Are you ok?” I asked as I didn’t want to hurt him before I slowly fucked him with caution.
“Yes son. That feels good. I’ve never done this you know.” He said looking up into my eyes and smiling as I continued to push in and out.
He was ready for me and I felt the slippery sensation of gliding in and out of his hole. I began a rhythmic hip motion as I started to speed up my tempo. It was so perfect to be with him and to be enjoying his hot virgin ass. I pushed on his legs and tried to go deeper, I wanted him to enjoy giving into my pleasure.
“Mmmmm yes son like that’s the way. I never thought I would let a man fuck me, but you, you make it feel so good.” Mike said as he was loving my dick in his ass.
I wanted this to last forever, but his asshole was so hot it was like my cock was on fire and with each stroke it grew even hotter. He moaned loudly and began to push his butt to meet my pace. I felt the tide coming and I went wild, fucking him harder and faster. I couldn't hold back and with a final drive, as deep inside as I could go, I felt the nut of a lifetime reaching my entire being as I came.
I withdrew and lay on top of Mike. We stayed like that hugging and snuggling.
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laketaj24 · 4 years
Celebrations: Ivar
Author’s Note: It’s been a while since I wrote some Vikings and I watched one episode and had a freaky ass dream. Soooo here you are loves!!
Pairings: King!Ivar and Queen!Reader
Warnings: Language, SMUT, Jealous Ivar (That’s kind of normal though)
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Ivar was not in the mood to talk to anyone, but then again, was he ever? He sat on his throne, nursing the sweet mead and watching the crowd cheer the return of Hvitserk. There were two things Ivar hated to share, attention, and pussy, and sometimes you wondered if it really just the attention he craved the most. “do you see this?” He pointed to his younger brother jeering among the young Viking warriors, all giving him respect and glee as he took his seat amongst them. “I sent him on that mission.”
“But you didn’t go on the mission; you cannot claim victor to a raid you did not attend. Let him have his moment.”
“And what of me, the actual King of Kattegat?”
“Perhaps the Real King of Kattegat should stop whining like a child and celebrate his brother too. The gods do not favor envy in a King, Ivar.” You looked smiled and waved at Hvitserk, and for some reason, you knew that would set him off.
“Welcome Home, Brother!” He boomed from the throne. “I am so happy to see that the gods have seen fit to bless you with a safe return home.” He smiled the same fake smile he had garnished many nights he had to entertain people that were not of his stature. “Let us feast.” He held his cup up the air and shook his head. “And be festive on this night.” The crowd cheered in agreement and not fear, but you still watched him hesitantly, for if Ivar was one thing, he was a showman. He finished the last of his drink and turned back to you as the rousing crowd began to talk again. “Come be festive with me Y/N.” His eyes were locked in the bedroom. The celebration was over for him.
You stood taking the flagon of water and bowl of fruit with you; it was easier to stay in the bed chambers once you entered on nights like this, your face tended to bleed with embarrassment if you walked out after fucking him. “Certainly.”
The noise drowned out as soon as the chamber doors were closed, and for that, you were grateful, it was hard to think straight amongst Vikings and shieldmaidens in the full heart of their party.
“Those were nice words that you shared with them. I am sure that Hvitserk appreciated them.”
“I am sure he did.” He sat on the edge of the bed and started with his nightly routine. He began with the brace leaning over and refusing to ask for help, but you enjoyed helping him. He used to resist, but there was no denying when it came to you. You were his wife, Queen, and a goddess in his eyes. You kneeled in front of him, unbuckled the first strap, and then the iron clasp to free his leg from the restraint. “I grew tired of looking at his smug face.”
“Of course, you did, Ivar.”
“Had other things on my mind.” his soft voice changed the mood instantly. He gripped a fistful of your hair and pulled your head back so that you could see his eyes.
“Your mouth around my cock, fucking you so good that your moans drown out those wretched celebrations. Making sure the only person truly celebrated here is me?”
“I can make that happen for you, King.” You make yourself comfortable on your needs sliding the rug under your knees, and when you lean forward. Many women complained about pleasing their men orally, but in your opinion, maybe they were doing something wrong. Unsheathing him from his pants was simple; you untied the belt, and he lifted himself from the bed. His cock was not one to spring from his pants; the weighted member rest on his thigh, growing hard with each second, and you wanted to feel him do just that in your mouth. You pick him up, and he grows more rigid and take him in your mouth. He hissed, sucking air back in once he was fully erect. He was big; you fucking loved it. You swirled your tongue around his tip, swiping at the bead of precum that dripped from it. The sweet and salty taste only made you wet for him.
You start slow, taking all of him, gracefully sliding your teeth down the ridged shaft. He tensed, gripping your hair, and then he started to thrust up into you, using your hollowed mouth. There was no time to catch your breath. Ivar, in this mode, was dedicated to the release. He ground his hips up into your mouth, and you take all of him, gagging only when there is no choice but to, and somehow, that just allows him to go deeper.
You gripped his thighs, clenching your legs together, dying for some friction to hit your clit, but you knew it was coming. The rhythm was intoxicating, your nipples pressed against your clothes pleading to be touched, and Ivar’s primal sounds only meant that he was close.
He snatched you from the ground, pulling you down on him and pushing the dress up to your hips. “Ride me,” he whispered.
The command was all that you needed to hear to take the reigns. His fingers explored you, and you were soaked for him like you already knew. He slipped his fingers into you quickly, starting with two and then three to stretch you just enough to take all of him without hesitation. He tapped his cock against you once and then pulled you down to sheath him completely. Fuck. He was deep and ready to fuck you to sleep. He leaned back onto the bed, pulling you both up the bed, and then it started, the unkempt pace that had you mewling before two strokes were complete. Your nails dug into his chest while you ground on him, sending that extra push to your already pulsating clit.
Ivar snapped against you over and over, moaning each time, and for some reason, that just made you want him even more. You bucked on him, wishing he’d stripped the heavy ass dress off so you could watch him disappear in you.
Words weren’t needed when you fucked like this, the smoldering eye contact and erratic screaming done enough to talking for you two. He fucked you until you were paralyzed with pleasure, elated in his arms with heavy breathing and a throbbing pussy.
Ivar was a selfish asshole; you didn’t know if he was fucking you to drown Hvitserk’s celebration or because he wanted to, but this you had grown accustomed. Of course, you would hear murmurs in that hall for days, but you didn’t really give a fuck if it meant that he fucked you like this, you’d gladly listen to the bullshit.
 Taglist:  @equalstrashflavoredtrash | @whenimaunicorn | @titty-teetee | @sparklemichele | @wilddrabble | @imgoldielikehawn | @greennightspider  | @kenzieam | @tomarisela  | @scumyeol | @naaladareia |  | @readsalot73 | @oddsnendsfanfics |  @amour-quinn | @lil-lit-bit @wheredidallthedreamersgo | @unsure-but-trying  | @lisinfleur |  @ceridwenofwales |  @captstefanbrandt | @therealcalicali | @lol-haha-joke | @b-j-d | @cinnabearice | @tephi101 |   @igetcarriedawaywithyou | @honestsycrets | @sunnyfortomorrow | @earthsmightiestasses | @sincerelysinister | @dangerousvikings | @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla |   @tgrrose | @tierneygonzalez | @ivaraddict | @alicedopey | @brownsugerhippy | @purplerain85​ | @quaint-and-curious-being​ | @doloreschanal​ | @ilvebeenabad | @strangunddurm​ | @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol​ | @young-ugly-god | @blackspiritshake​ | @starrmoondaisy​ | @trailerthoughtstexas​ | @booyouwhore​ | @athroatfullofglass​ | @riottkatt​ |  @honeyofthegods​|  @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ | @jennadoll19-blog​| @khiraeth​ | @geekandbooknerd​ | @rabeccablake​ | @savismith​|  @chinduda​ | @innerpaperexpertcloud​ | @my-rosegold-soul​| @bewitch3dforivar | @pancakeboat | @mdlady​| @ainatirb-j​ | @red-rose-21 | @isthat-tyra98 | @trashqueenbitch​ | @walkxthexmoon​ | @anunintentionalwriter​ | @millie67​ | | @eleventhdoctorsangel​ | @reeree1500​ | @tamed–chaos | @queenbeeta​ |   @medievalfangirl​ | @fangrltiara​ | @artsyle​ | @fallslikefeather​ | @eclecticblkgirl​ | @pinkrockstar19 | @therandomthoughtsofmsparker​     | @m-a-k-e-d-a | @xxapollinaxx |   @poisonedjoinery​ | @xxdearlybeloved​
237 notes · View notes
rpf-bat · 4 years
Rocking Out Just For The Dead
Pairing: Frank Iero x Male!Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama
Summary: Requested by @kpopchangedmylifesstuff. You’re playing Download Festival 2007 with your band, Paramore. My Chemical Romance are headlining the festival. After your set, Frank invites you onto his tour bus, for a friendly battle of Guitar Hero 2. But, when the hanging out turns into something more, your bandmate, Josh Farro, threatens to destroy whatever you and Frank have. 
You found yourself in Donington, England, playing your band’s brand new single, “Misery Business.” Okay - technically, Paramore wasn’t your band. You’d had no part in composing their new album, which would be dropping at the end of the week. But, their rhythm guitarist, Hunter, had recently quit, to go get married. Your longtime friend, Hayley, had called you up, and asked you to fill in for him, and you had jumped at the chance. 
You had done this once before. Paramore’s bassist, Jeremy, had randomly quit in 2005 - right before the start of Warped Tour. You weren’t sure what had caused him to leave, but you played bass and guitar equally well, so Hayley had asked you to join her and the Farro brothers on tour. You had the time of your life that summer. You had been eighteen then, and had felt more than a little star-struck, when you met people in “bigger” bands. 
Now twenty, you thought yourself older and wiser.  You were determined to be a professional this time around. No petty fights with your bandmates. No acting like a fanboy around the guys playing the Main Stage. Download Festival - the final stop on their Europe tour - was going to go off without a hitch, dammit!
Jeremy, now back in the band, stood to the left of you on the stage. Josh, the guitarist, was on your right. You tried your best to keep your guitar playing in sync with them, as Hayley belted out the final chorus:
Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But God does it feel so good,
'Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.
'Cause God it just feels so...
It just feels so good…
Zach played the final drum beat, bringing the song to a close. The crowd cheered. You took Hayley’s hand, and took a bow. She grinned at you, before addressing the crowd.
“It’s not really ‘night’ yet, you know,” you laughed, as you and the rest of the band walked off the stage. The sun hadn’t even set yet. 
“Yeah, I know,” Hayley sighed. “They put us on this super early time slot.” 
“Because nobody knows who we are,” Josh pointed out. 
“Yeah, the headliners get the later time slots, because they’re more famous,” Jeremy nodded. 
“Well, I think the crowd loved us,” Zach smiled optimistically. 
“He’s right,” you agreed. “Hal, I think you really killed it out there!”
“Thanks,” your friend smiled, brushing her sweat-soaked orange hair out of her eyes. “I really appreciate you coming on this tour with us, Y/N. I know it was really short notice.” 
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” you smiled back. 
“I thought your guitar playing was great tonight, man,” Jeremy complimented you. “A perfect grand finale.” 
“Thanks, dude,” you beamed, as you grabbed a water bottle. These summer shows were way too humid. 
“I don’t know about that,” Josh mumbled, as he wiped his face with a towel. 
“What do you mean, you don’t know?” you frowned, setting your water bottle down. 
“I thought your timing was off during ‘Emergency’,” Josh said critically. 
“Oh….I’m sorry,” you frowned. “I tried to keep up with you…..”
“You should’ve tried harder,” Josh snapped, walking away from you, back towards the bus. 
Wow, you blinked. What’s his deal? 
The elder Farro brother had been needlessly rude to you, since the tour began. You honestly had no idea what you had done to get under his skin. But, you knew better, than to pick a fight with him. Zach was his brother, and Hayley was his girlfriend. You were just an outsider - a temporary, touring member of the band. 
“Are you coming back to the bus with us, dude?” Zach asked, snapping you out of the thoughts you had gotten lost in. 
“.....Nah,” you shook your head. “I think I’m gonna, um, walk around for a bit.” 
“Oh,” Hayley frowned. “Okay. See you later, Y/N.” 
You were pretty sure that she hadn’t heard what Josh had said. You saw no reason to tell her. It would just be starting drama. 
She seemed oblivious to a lot of the tension between you and Josh. He was always on his best behavior, when he knew she was paying attention. But, if it came down to it, you doubted she would side with her guy friend, over her boyfriend. 
It doesn’t even matter, you told yourself. This is the last show of the tour. On Monday, I’ll be heading home to Nashville. He won’t be my problem anymore.
You began wandering aimlessly around the festival grounds, with no real destination in mind. 
‘Hey!” a voice called out to you. 
You looked up, and saw a face you recognized - Frank Iero. 
You had met him on Warped Tour, two years ago. His band, My Chemical Romance, had been headliners, playing the main stage. Tonight, they were headlining this festival, too. His band had gotten even more famous after the release of The Black Parade.
“Hey!” you greeted. 
“Remember me?” Frank grinned. “I know it’s been a while.” 
“How could I forget?” you chuckled. Your heart had been racing the first time you met him backstage, but he had just shook hands with you, like the difference between your bands, was no big deal. You’d had to remind yourself that you were there to play a gig, not ask for an autograph. 
 “How have you been, Frank?”, you asked, trying to play it cool. 
“I’ve been good, Y/N,” Frank smiled. “How about you?”
Oh my god, you gulped. He remembers my name. 
“I-I’ve been great,” you stammered, hoping he couldn’t tell you were blushing. 
“I watched your set earlier,” Frank said cheerfully. “You were really good, dude.” 
“I-I was?!” you gasped. “You don’t think I was playing too slow, or….?”
“Huh?” Frank blinked, confused. “No, you were amazing, bro.  Your whole band was.” 
Ha, you thought. Suck it, Josh. 
“Thank you,” you said politely. “I’m probably going to go check out your band’s set, later, too.” 
“We’ve still got a couple hours before we go onstage,” Frank shrugged. “Since your band already played, you’re free for the rest of the day, right?” 
“Um, yeah,” you nodded, willing yourself to stop thinking gay thoughts about his new haircut. How did he get even better-looking after Revenge era? This is not even fair. 
“We have a PlayStation on our bus,” Frank revealed. “I was wondering if you’d like to play some video games with Mikey and I, for a little while?”
“Oh, sure!” you accepted his offer, trying not to sound too eager. You remembered playing a Donkey Kong bongos game with Mikey a couple years back. You’d lost pretty quickly, and he’d gone to find Zach, hoping that the drummer of the group would give him more of a challenge. You were determined to look less lame this time.  
You followed Frank to My Chemical Romance’s tour bus. He opened the door for you, and you followed him in. Mikey sat on the couch, holding a game controller. 
“Hey, Mikey,” Frank greeted. “You remember Y/N, right? From Paramore?” 
“Oh, hi, Y/N,” Mikey smiled. “Long time, no see, man!” 
“No kidding,” you laughed. “How have you been, dude?” 
“Pretty good,” Mikey replied. “The new record’s doing pretty well.” 
This was perhaps the understatement of the year. The Black Parade had sold more copies in its first week, than Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, had sold in two years. You weren’t sure if your own band would ever have that level of success. 
“I bought a copy,” you confessed. “The day it came out.”
“Aw, thanks, bro, we appreciate the support,” Mikey smiled, sounding shockingly humble. 
“When’s the new Paramore record coming out?’ Frank asked. 
“June 12th,” you replied. 
“Oh, wow, so in four days,” Frank realized. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “But, um, I didn’t help compose it.” You were just a touring member - not a full part of the band, as he was in his. 
“I’m still gonna buy it,” Frank shrugged. 
“Thanks,” you said awkwardly.
“So,” Mikey cleared his throat, “you’re gonna play Guitar Hero 2 with us, right, Y/N?” 
“He just finished playing half an hour of guitar onstage,” Frank laughed. “You think he wants to play more?”
“I don’t mind sharpening my skills some more,” you shrugged. 
“Whoa, you’re dedicated,” Mikey said, impressed. 
Nah, you thought. I just wanna prove that Josh is wrong about my playing being shitty. 
“Here,” Frank said, handing you the guitar-shaped controller. He pulled up the game menu, with the full list of songs. “We can do any track you want.” 
“You’re going to play against me, in two-player mode?” you realized. 
“Yeah,” Frank smirked. “What’s the matter? You scared of a little challenge?” 
“No way,” you smiled slyly. “I bet I can take you.” 
“Oh, wanna bet?” Frank raised an eyebrow. “Name the song. I’ll show you what I’ve got.” 
“How about this one?” you decided, making a selection on the screen. 
“Um, Y/N…..” Mikey’s eyes widened. “That’s ‘Dead’.” 
“So what?” you smirked. 
“So, that’s our song,” Mikey pointed out.
“I know what it is,” you said certainly. 
“Wait, Y/N, are you serious?” Frank stared, mouth open in shock. “Of all the songs in the game, you want to challenge me with that one? The one I fucking wrote?” 
“What’s the matter?” you asked, staring boldly into his hazel eyes. “You scared I’ll beat you at your own game?” 
“As if,” Frank snorted. “I’ll tell you what, Y/N. If you can actually play ‘Dead’, better than the guy who plays it for a living, I’ll give you one of my fuckin’ guitars.” 
“Seriously?” Mikey gaped. “You’d give one of those away?” 
“He’s not gonna win, dude,” Frank said, with an air of certainty. 
“You wanna bet?” you challenged. 
“Okay, it’s a bet,” Frank decided. 
“If I lose, you can have my guitar,” you wagered. Unlike him, you only had one. But, the tour was over, you considered. It wasn’t like you were going to need it again in the immediate future. 
“It’s a deal,” Frank nodded, extending his hand to you. You shook on it. 
“Well, this is going to be interesting,” Mikey said warily, as he handed Frank the second controller. 
“What level do you want to play on?” Frank asked. 
“Expert, of course,” you grinned. “We’re professionals.” 
“Alright,” Frank grinned. “Just don’t come crying to me when you lose.” 
“You’ll be the one crying when you have to give up your guitar, Iero,” you bantered, feeling cocky. You played Guitar Hero with Jeremy and Josh all the time, and you never lost. It always seemed to drive Josh fucking crazy. 
He hit START, and an animated guitarist in a top hat waddled onto the screen. You heard Gerard’s vocals begin the song with a scream. 
And if your heart stops beating
I'll be here wondering
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life
And if you get to heaven
I'll be here waiting, babe
Did you get what you deserve?
You focused on the fret buttons on your controller. Your Rock Meter started at yellow, but the dial quickly went up to green. You didn’t miss any notes, but, of course, neither did Frank. 
And if your life won’t wait, then your heart can’t take this….
You glanced at Frank. He waggled his eyes at you suggestively. You reddened. If he was trying to throw you off your game, he was succeeding. You told yourself sternly to focus. Then, the chorus kicked in. 
Have you heard the news that you're dead?
No one ever had much nice to say
I think they never liked you anyway
Oh, take me from the hospital bed
Wouldn't it be grand? It ain't exactly what you planned
And wouldn't it be great if we were dead?
“Fuck!” you swore. You’d forgotten how fast this part was. Frank’s fingers were, of course, dancing over the “strings” with no problem. You knew you had to catch up to him. 
You noticed your Star Power meter was almost full, so you waited for just the right moment. 
Tongue-tied and, oh, so squeamish
You never fell in love
Did you get what you deserve?
The ending of your life
And if you get to heaven
I'll be here waiting, babe
Did you get what you deserve?
Just before the second chorus kicked in, you titled the neck of your guitar upwards, activating your Star Power. This meant you would get a quadruple bonus for whatever points you earned. You gave it your all on the chorus, and watched your score go up and up. 
“Whoa!” Frank gasped, seemingly thrown off. To your surprise, he missed a note. 
“Oh, man,” Mikey groaned, from his spectator spot on the couch. 
It was still a pretty close match, when you got to the bridge. But, by the time you got to the outro, Frank seemed to be sweating. As Gerard’s prerecorded voice sang his final “la-la-la”s, the outcome became certain to you. 
If life ain’t just a joke, then, why am I dead?
Oh, dead!
PLAYER ONE WINS!, read the screen, in bright, flashing letters. You realized, panting, that you were player one. 
“I….I did it?” you gasped. 
“Holy shit,” Frank gasped, dropping his controller in shock. “He actually won.” 
He sank down onto the couch, like he couldn’t believe it. 
“Are you….mad?” you frowned, wondering if you should have talked less trash. 
“No, that was amazing!” Frank praised you. “I wasn’t expecting that at all.” 
Despite your bravado, you hadn’t really been expecting to win, either. Whatever confidence you’d lost when Josh critiqued you, had been regained tenfold. Mikey gave you a slow clap. 
“Well, a bet’s a bet,” Frank said finally, standing up, and walking to the other end of the bus. 
“Where are you going?” you blinked. 
“Getting this for you,” Frank smiled, handing you a gorgeous, white Epiphone guitar.
“Frank, you don’t have to….” you gasped. 
“No, I’m a man of my word,” Frank insisted. “I’ll even help you carry it back to your bus.” 
“You serious?” you asked, incredulous. 
“Hey, man, you earned it,” Frank shrugged. He put the guitar in its case, and then put the case on his back. “Let’s go.” 
“Thanks for hanging out with us, Y/N,” Mikey waved. “That showdown was pretty fun to watch.” 
“See ya, Mikey,” you waved back. “Thanks for having me.” 
You still couldn’t believe this had happened. They seemed so much cooler than you.
Frank was quiet at first, as you walked back to the Paramore bus. You felt awkward, unsure what to say to him. 
“So,” he asked, “do you think that your bandmates are gonna be impressed, when they see the guitar you won?” 
“I’m sure Hayley will,” you replied. “Josh….maybe not.”
“Why not?” Frank asked. “He’s the lead guitarist of your band. Wouldn’t that make him more impressed?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed. “I feel like he’s never impressed with anything I do.” 
“What’s his beef with you?” Frank asked, looking annoyed on your behalf. 
“I’m not sure,” you confessed. “Maybe it’s because he’s super Christian.”
“And you’re…..not Christian?” Frank guessed. 
“And I’m gay,” you confessed. 
“.....Oh.” Frank stopped in his tracks for a minute, seemingly taken aback by this. 
Your face went red. Fuck. Maybe you shouldn’t have said that out loud. 
“Do you, umm…..do you mind that?” you asked nervously. 
“Pfft,” Frank scoffed. “Dude. You think I ‘mind’ gay guys? Have you missed the part, where I’ve spent half this tour, making out with Gerard, in front of thousands of people?” 
“Are you and Gerard…..together?” you asked uncertainly. 
“Oh, no,” Frank shook his head quickly. “I’m totally single.” 
Your heart began to beat more quickly, as you noticed he said I’m single - not I’m straight. Were you reading him wrong? You wondered if you had the balls to make a move. 
This is the last night of the tour, you told yourself. If I don’t say something right now, I won’t get another chance. 
“Frank….”, you said, taking a deep breath, and telling yourself to man up. “I, um, I think you’re really cute.” 
“Really?” Frank said, stepping closer to you. You felt the hot metal door of the bus against your back. “Y/N, I think you’re pretty cute, too.” 
“Y-you do?” you breathed, your cheeks going hot as he leaned in. Was this real life? Or had the June heat made you start hallucinating?
“I do,” Frank smirked. “How about you give me my guitar back, and I give you a kiss instead?”
“Sounds like we have a deal,” you purred, and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him into a kiss hotter than the summer sun. He responded, eagerly, pressing you harder up against the door as his tongue found its way into your mouth. You moaned….
But, just then, you were launched violently forward, as the door swung open behind you. You and Frank hit the ground, as Josh came storming out of the bus. 
“You guys are disgusting!” he growled. 
“Dude, what’s your problem?!” Frank demanded, getting up, and brushing the dirt off his pants. He gave you his hand, and helped you up out of the grass. 
“My problem is the display of perversion, that you two are putting on, in front of God and everybody!” Josh cried. “Do you have to do that in front of my bus?!” 
“You think we’re perverts?” you gasped, shocked and hurt by his words. 
“All gay men are perverts,” Josh sneered. “What kind of image are you setting for the band? A lot of our fans are Christian. They won’t buy our new record, if they see you behaving like this, Y/N!” 
“Not every Christian is a homophobic piece of shit like you,” Frank snapped, putting himself between you and the irate guitarist. 
“What did you just call me, you nancy boy?!” Josh hissed, and threw a punch in Frank’s direction. 
Frank caught the punch in his hand. “I called you a piece of shit!” he repeated, before throwing a punch of his own. Unlike Josh’s, it connected, sending your homophobic bandmate down into the dirt. 
“You’re gonna pay for that, Iero!” Josh yelled, wiping the blood from his nose. He tried to get up, but never made it off the ground, as Frank kicked him in the ribs. 
“Frank, stop!” you cried. “That’s enough!” 
“No, it’s not!” Frank said angrily. “You said it yourself, right, Y/N? This guy has been being a dick to you all summer, just because of your sexuality! That’s bullshit!” 
He aimed another kick in Josh’s direction. You were surprised, how defensive Frank had become of you, despite knowing you for such a short time. 
“What the hell is going on here?!” cried a familiar voice. You turned, and saw Zach approaching the bus, with Hayley close behind him. 
“Hal and I leave for two seconds to go get snacks, and some asshole starts beating up my brother?!” Zach gasped. 
“Josh, oh my god, are you okay?” Hayley gasped, running over to check out her boyfriend’s nosebleed. 
“He’s not an asshole,” you explained. “Guys, this is Frank, from My Chemical Romance.” 
“I don’t care what band he’s from,” Zach said angrily. “Why is he kicking Josh?”  
“Because Josh called me a pervert,” you explained. 
“A pervert?” Hayley repeated. “Why would he say something like that?” 
“I said it, because this freak had his tongue down Y/N’s throat!” Josh explained. 
“Wait, what?” Hayley blinked. 
“We, um, yeah, we were kissing,” you admitted, embarrassed. 
“You, um…..you like to kiss guys?” Zach asked awkwardly. 
“Um, yeah,” you said, feeling uncomfortable. You had never come out to him. You knew he was a devout Christian, too, and had assumed he would hold the same views as his brother.
“That doesn’t make you a pervert,” Zach said, surprising you. 
“But, what will the fans think?!” Josh demanded. 
“Some of our fans are gay, too,” Hayley pointed out. “And there’s nothing wrong with it. I can’t believe you would call Y/N names, just for something like that.”
“Yeah, Josh, I’m really disappointed in you,” Zach frowned. You were stunned. You never expected him to take your side. 
“You don’t think that what he and Frank are doing is a sin?” Josh asked. 
“I think God loves everyone,” Zach said plainly. “And only He can judge Y/N. I’m not going to.” 
“You guys can’t be serious!” Josh gaped. 
“I’m seriously reconsidering your position in this band,” Hayley said, narrowing her eyes. “And in this relationship.” 
“What? Babe….come on,” Josh pleaded. “Y-you wouldn’t dump me, and fire me, just because of this stupid fruit…..”
“Call him a fruit one more time,” Frank snarled. “See what happens, pal.” 
“Frank, it’s okay,” you said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I have my band on my side now, and that makes….all the difference.” 
You were touched by their support. You had stayed silent this whole time, because you didn’t think you would have it. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry that my brother treated you like this,” Zach said quietly. “I want you to know, I support you, and your boyfriend.” 
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you shook your head. “We just kissed for the first time today, and….” 
“I could be your boyfriend,” Frank said softly. “If you want me to.”
“Wait, what?” 
“Do you want me to?” Frank asked, smirking at you. 
“I….I’m supposed to be going home to Tennessee soon,” you hesitated. “And you live in New Jersey, so….”
“I’m in the most famous band in the world,” Frank said smugly. “I have a private jet that can take me wherever you are.” 
“......Oh,” you blushed. 
“So,” Frank repeated, leaning in closer again, “do you want me to be your boyfriend, Y/N?”
“....Yes,” you breathed. “Yes, I do.”
You pulled him into another kiss, not caring that the rest of your band was watching. Or how much it pissed Josh off. The tour was ending, but your once-in-a-lifetime romance was just beginning. 
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sassypantsjaxon · 3 years
Festivals and Afterparties...
Kiku was already dressed when Ludwig arrived at his home. “Sorry I’m late,” he said as Kiku gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“You’re fine,” Kiku assured him, “Would you like to come in for a minute? I could make some tea?”
“No, I’m fine. We can go as soon as you’re ready.”
“One minute,” Kiku assured him with a soft smile before going back upstairs. Ludwig took the time to greet Kiku’s dog, who was also waiting by the door. “Alright,” Kiku said as he returned, shrugging his haori over his shoulders. He held on to Ludwig’s arm to support himself as he slid his shoes on. “Pochi, be good, I’ll be home later.”
Ludwig couldn’t help but smile as Kiku bid his dog farewell and locked his door before they left. Kiku hadn’t quite let go of Ludwig yet, just sliding his hand down from his elbow to hold his hand instead. Ludwig smiled down at him as they walked towards the station.
Kiku was wearing a dark blue kimono with a light floral pattern on it. Next to his traditional clothes, Ludwig felt a little underdressed in his sweater and sport jacket. “You look nice.” he said.
“Thank you,” Kiku glanced up at him, “So do you. And thank you for agreeing to come with me.”
“Thank you for inviting me.”
Kiku smiled, both of them knowing they could go back and forth all night with just gratitude and compliments. “How was work today?”
“It was good. But one of my students has been giving me some trouble, so I’ll have to see who I can talk to about that.” Kiku nodded. “What about you? Did you do anything exciting today?”
“No,” Kiku let go of his hand when they boarded the train, “Just this.” They sat down next to each other as the train started moving again. “Have you been to one of these festivals before?”
Ludwig shook his head, “I went to a shrine at new years, though.”
“I’ll make sure you don’t get lost or carried away.” Kiku assured him with another soft smile.
“Do…” Kiku paused as someone passed them on the platform, “Would you like to come home with me?” He asked as they waited for their trains after leaving the festival.
Ludwig looked at his boyfriend. Kiku was avoiding looking at him, instead watching as his train pulled into the station. If he didn’t make his decision now, Kiku would get on the train, and Ludwig would return to his flat by himself. “Yes, I’d like that.”
Even though Kiku still wasn’t looking at him, Ludwig could see him smile as they got onto the train together. It was a bit more crowded this time, so they were forced to stand together as the train started moving. Kiku’s cheeks were flushed a soft pink as he glanced up at Ludwig, it was a sharp contrast to the dark silk he was wearing. He looked beautiful.
Ludwig leaned down to kiss him, but Kiku pulled away at the last second, “Stop that,” he whispered, “We’re in public.” But that didn’t stop him from carefully wrapping his fingers together with Ludwig’s.
They were the only ones to get off at Kiku’s stop, Ludwig even waited until the train had pulled away before stealing a kiss. “You could at least wait until we’re home,” Kiku laughed as Ludwig kissed him again.
“It’s a good thing you don’t live far from here,” Ludwig murmured against his skin, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Kiku kissed him back, “Let’s go home…”
Neither of them let go of the other’s hand as Kiku led them to his house. Ludwig kissed his hand, distracting him as Kiku tried to use his other hand to unlock his door. Ludwig kissed his cheek and jaw and throat as he gently pushed Kiku’s haori off his shoulders and they left their shoes by the door.
“Come with me,” Kiku whispered as he led Ludwig upstairs to his bedroom. He leaned against the door to close it as Ludwig continued to kiss him. Kiku slowly ran his fingers through Ludwig’s hair, taking control of the kiss, deepening it and forcing Ludwig to slow down. 
Ludwig shrugged off his jacket as Kiku pulled on his tie to loosen it. His hands found Kiku’s waist and he hesitated as he looked down at Kiku’s traditional clothes. 
Kiku kissed his jaw, “Is there something wrong?” he asked, noticing Ludwig’s hesitance.
“I...don’t know how to remove this…”
Kiku looked down at his clothes, laughing a little, “Would you like me to do it?”
“I...would like...for you...to show me how…?”
Kiku looked up at him again, the pink flush returning to his cheeks, “...Alright…” He guided Ludwig’s hand to his back and the knot at the back of his obi, “Start by untying this…”
Ludwig leaned down to kiss him again as his fingers loosened the material, letting it fall to the floor. He bit Kiku’s lip, making him yelp in surprise and pull back. “Good,” Ludwig laughed, “Now what?”
“Um, there’s a fold here,” Kiku lifted some of the material around his waist, revealing another belt hidden there, “And then untie that,” Ludwig tucked his fingers under the koshi-himo, using it to pull Kiku that much closer before detangling the knot and dropping that too. Kiku looked up at him, close enough for them to breathe the same air. “And now that can come off.” Ludwig pushed his kimono open, off his shoulders, letting it join the rest of his clothes, leaving Kiku in his nagajuban. “You’re going to pick that up later.” Kiku threatened.
Ludwig leaned down like he was going to kiss him again, stopping when Kiku tilted his head back to meet him. “What next?” he murmured, his lips barely brushing against Kiku’s.
Kiku lifted Ludwig’s hands back to his waist and to a piece of elastic wrapped around him, “There’s a clip here,” Ludwig released the belt, “Just like last time.” Kiku pulled Ludwig down to kiss him again, sucking on his lower lip until he opened his mouth. 
Ludwig let himself get carried away for a minute, forgetting what he was supposed to be doing until Kiku pulled away and tugged on his collar to get his attention. Ludwig opened the nagajuban, kissing Kiku’s neck and collarbone as he dropped the garment. He was down to just a simple shirt and pants now. He groaned as Ludwig sucked on his collarbone, running his hands through his hair again before stepping away from the pile of his clothes and leading Ludwig towards his bed.
Ludwig broke away just long enough to lift his shirt off, before pushing Kiku down onto the bed, laying him down to pull his pants away, and then kissing him again, from his mouth to his neck, and then down his chest and stomach to-
“Wait-” Kiku gasped, laughing a little. He looked up at Ludwig, who was still almost completely dressed. “Now it’s my turn.”
“You still have to pick up my things,” Kiku reminded him after they were done.
“Now?” Ludwig groaned, perfectly content to stay tangled up with Kiku until they both fell asleep.
“Yes.” Kiku gave his boyfriend a look that said he was serious.
Ludwig stole a quick kiss before getting up, “Fine.” He picked his undershirt off the floor and jokingly tossed it at Kiku, “But you’re replacing that.”
“That’s fine.” Kiku sat up a little, perfectly content to admire Ludwig’s naked body as he bent down to pick up all their clothes.
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lisaleigh713 · 4 years
Christmas Eve 2020
It is Christmas Eve of 2020.  I woke early to prepare for my Aunt Jean and Uncle Herbs “visit” for the holidays.  They phoned and said they should be here by noon.  I rose, dressed in my most festive red lingerie with a pair of red 6 inch sling bag heels.  My mani/pedi were a deep shiny red.  My makeup was perfect.  My plump lips a very deep glossy red.  My lips looked wet.
I set about finishing what was on prep list.  I had some vegetables which needed to be cut up and a little cleaning to do but nothing big.  As the morning drew closer to noon my heart began to race a bit faster and I could feel myself flush.
About 5 minutes to noon, my outdoor camera went off and low and behold it was my aunt and uncle.  I rose from the couch with nothing on but my lingerie.  I opened the door and there stood my Aunt and Uncle.  The problem was they neglected to inform me my cousin Katie was coming as well.
Katie is about my age, a bit older but still close in age.  She had on a short mini skirt with flowers on it and a black top.  Katie is about a 36D.  She is about my height and weight.  I said, “oh I’m so sorry i was expecting someone else" and reached for a silk robe i keep near my door for accidents.
My uncle and my aunt laughed a bit and stepped inside.  My aunt hugged me first letting her hand slide down to my ass.  Aunt Jean then kissed me.  Not a relative kiss but a lovers kiss.  My uncle then said, “my turn” and he grabbed me and kissed me hard and passionately letting his right hand play with my left tit squeezing my nipple.
I though, “well this is weird, right in front of their daughter my cousin.”  I also thought I was going to get fucked this weekend.  I was WRONG!!!  After my Uncle had finished greeting me, Katie moved up to me.  She wrapped her arms around me giving me a huge hug and then slipped her tongue in to my mouth.  Of course I had to return the kiss.
We moved in to the living room and sat down.  My aunt said, “honey you can remove that robe we all saw what you have underneath and we want you to be comfortable in your home.”  Whats a girl to do but do as asked.  I removed my robe and noticed Katie was not wearing a bra.  I simply had to get a look at those.  I moved over next to Katie so we could get a good look at each other.  Katies hand slid over to my stockinged thigh and ran her perfectly manicured hand up and down my thigh.  She then leaned in to kiss me again.
I leaned back against the couch when Katie moved in to kiss me to indicate I am submissive.  She kissed me passionately and now was the time.  I slipped my hand under her shirt and played with her tits for a minute.  She stopped and set back on the couch.  My aunt was squirming and my uncle said, “I will go get the bags.”
So the three of us girls sat there talking.  I was still a bit confused about my cousin though.  I looked at my Aunt Jean and said, “okay, what the fuck?”  My aunt explained about a year after we began fucking she and my uncle approached Katie about it and she was very receptive to. So much so the 3 of them fucked each other that very day.
As we had a few days together, I rose and got a bottle of wine for us to celebrate our reunion.  Uncle Herb had come back in with the bags and set them in the bedroom.  Together we laughed and talked about the new revelations.  Katie appeared to be a very sexual person with the way she looked at me and let her hand rub all over my ass.
Uncle Herb was getting hard and Aunt Jeans nipples were poking through her bra.  A moment later and Katie took her top off as did Aunt Jean and Uncle Herb.  Next thing I knew everyone was naked.  I got on my knees and crawled over to Uncle Herb and immediately took in his cock.  I sucked his cock like it would be the last time I every had that pleasure.
Katie moved in behind me and began playing with my tits and pussy then she laid down, slid under me and began licking my pussy.  Aunt Jean viewed this as an invitation and climbed in between her daughters legs and began licking Katies pussy.  Uncle Herb moaned  and groaned as did I at the feeling of Katies hot tongue.
After a few minutes we moved to the bed.  As Uncle Herb had not seen me in some time, he decided he wanted to fuck me first.  I lay on the bed, Katie removed my thong with her teeth and I spread my legs.  Uncle Herb wanted to fuck my pussy first.  He would be fucking my ass later on though.
Aunt Jean moved in between me legs and licked my pussy while Katie got her daddy harder and wetter.  Both he and I ready to go, he moved in between my legs, and slipped his big cock in to my wet pussy.  Oh my god it felt so good having him inside me.  I wrapped my legs around his back and he fucked me good and deep.
Katie got down and licked his balls and my ass while Uncle Herb was fucking me and Aunt Jean straddled my face.  While I was eating out Aunt Jean, she moved her hand to my clit.  Uncle Herb was playing with my tits and all hell was about to break loose.  I began squirting all over his cock and Katies face.  Aunt Jean starting squirting on my face and Uncle started squirting inside me.  I dug my nails deep into Uncle Herbs back.  
Apparently Katie had been playing with herself and a dildo she had stashed away.  She was coming just not squirting.  I loved the feeling of Uncle Herbs hot cum shooting in my wet pussy.  He finished shooting his load and got off of me.  No sooner had he got off and Katie moved in and slurped out all of his cum from my pussy.
Aunt Jean, myself and Katie got together to share each others pussy juice and Uncle Herbs cum.  It was heaven!!!  We laid on the bed for a few minutes recovering.  I expressed I needed to get dinner ready for everyone and if anyone wanted to help that would be fine.  I got up, Katie got up and Aunt Jean and Uncle Herb lay down.  
Katie and I moved to the kitchen.  We washed our hands and began the food prep.  We both were naked except for my stockings, garter belt and both of us had on our heels.  We set everything together on the stove and turned the heat on.  No sooner had the fire been turned on Katie and I started kissing and then moved to the living room.  We kissed passionately and deeply.
Katie and I moved in to a 69 position and licked each other.  Katie was a moaner and screamer just like me.  So Katie was screaming, I was screaming and Aunt Jean was getting fucked in her ass and screaming.  We sounded like a damn orgy going on in my house.
Katie and I fucked each other for another hour and after cumming numerous times, each of us, we collapsed exhausted.  Aunt Jean came in to the living room and laid down beside us.  Aunt Jean looked liked she had just had the total hell fucked out of her.
All 3 of us lay there on my living room floor, we could hear Uncle Herb snoring now and we just had to laugh.  Someone had to get up and deal with the food on the stove so I got up and finished dinner.  I informed Katie and Aunt Jean that dinner was ready and went in to my bedroom where Uncle Herb was sleeping.  
I woke him the only way I know how, sucking his cock.  I told him “dinners ready Uncle Herb.”  He roused and got up, walking into the dining room naked with a hard on.  Aunt Jean looked and at me and said “really.”  “Yes ma’am” was my only reply.  We sat to eat and we talked a bit and laughed a bunch.  Katie told me how things got started with her and Uncle Herb and Aunt Jean.
I could tell her story was exciting my Uncle Herb and Aunt Jean.  After dessert we all moved in to the living room.  We put on a Bruce Willis Christmas movie, and started all over again.  This time I wanted Uncle Herb to fuck my ass and he did.  Boy oh boy did he fuck my ass but good.
I got on top of Uncle Herb in a reverse cowgirl position and slipped his cock in to my ass.  A few minutes of me rocking on that cock and Katie comes over with a strapless strap on dildo and fucks my pussy.  While I am getting a good fucking by Uncle Herb and Katie, I lost track of Aunt Jean.  
Aunt Jean had retrieved a toy herself, another strapless strap on and moved in to fuck Katie in the ass.  Katie had not done a bunch of anal but enough to know she really liked it.  Now everyone was involved somehow someway.  
We fucked and fucked until we all came again and collapsed.  I thought we might have had to police called we were screaming so loud.  Of course then the police could have joined in, and that would have been okay too.
We passed out and then the dawn rose to Christmas Day!!!  I will write about Christmas Day another day but as a preview, we all got fucked again.
Love and Kisses,
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lostinmirkwood · 4 years
Gendrya Kinktober Day 15- Costumes
Find on AO3 here.
Lommy had been begging them to come out for Halloween for weeks. He had promised to cover their entrance to the club if they made an appearance, in costume, and stayed for at least one drink. Hot Pie said he would bake them his famous bourbon apple cake the next weekend if they came out and stopped Lommy from whining about it. Arya agreed for the delicious cake, promising that she and Gendry would be there costumes and all.
So here he was, standing in their kitchen waiting for Arya to finish getting ready. He was wearing his work clothes from the day with the addition of his reading glasses and had styled his hair. Arya had laughed when he’d told her his uni Halloween standard but went along with it, even giving him a Superman shirt to wear under his button-up. He could hear her clattering around their bathroom and half-jokingly shouted, “Fifteen more minutes and I legally don’t have to go!”
“Liar!” came her reply, “it’s not like you’ll turn into a pumpkin at midnight! Besides,” he could hear her coming down the hall, “I’m done. Just need to grab a few things from my bag.”
She turned into the kitchen and Gendry’s heart stopped as he took her in. She was wearing a navy jumpsuit that hugged her lithe body and sturdy boots that gave her an extra inch of height. Her hair was braided into a crown around her head with a red and white polka-dot kerchief tied into a headband. Her lips though, her lips were painted a sinful, shining red. Gendry caught her around her waist as she went to step past him and pulled her to him. He dipped to kiss her, slipping his tongue into her mouth as he did. She gave a soft noise, hands briefly clenching at his shirt before she managed to step back with a grin and went to dig through her purse.
Pulling a few items out and placing them in her pockets Arya moved towards the door, before pausing and looking over her shoulder with a wink. “By the way Gendry,” she purred, “this lipstick is no-smudge but you know what they say,” she flexed her arm, lips stretching into a mischievous grin, posing for a moment like the classic poster her costume was modeled on, “we can do it!”
Gendry managed to unscramble his brain enough to check his phone, “Okay Rosie, our ride is here. I want to get this over with and come back to test that claim.”
The club was loud and crowded, costumed people in every direction. A Robin in a short green skirt was grinding on a Batman while two girls in tiny black outfits with cat ears were taking a selfie nearby. A tall woman in a tight red dress and a flaming crown eyed him appreciatively before Arya grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bar where a man dressed as a vampire with red and white hair was ordering a drink in a strange accent. He could see their friends waving at them nearby. Lommy and Hot Pie were dressed as Robin Hood and Friar Tuck respectively, holding three plastic cups between them that were smoking from the liberal use of dry ice by the bar. As they approached Lommy thrust a non-smoking plastic cup into his hand. Gendry gave the cup a glance before wrinkling his nose, saying, “It has whipped cream on it.”
“It’s pumpkin beer, be festive and drink it Clark Kent,” Lommy rolled his eyes. Gendry eyed it suspiciously before taking a sip. The whipped cream was weird but the beer wasn’t terrible. Arya had flagged down a passing waitress and was taking a lurid green test tube shot off the rack on her tray. As she finished it Lommy handed her one of their smoking cups and the group moved towards a table recently abandoned by a group of girls all dressed as Batman villains.
Arya let him finish his beer before dragging him out onto the dance floor. The pounding beat echoed in his chest as he pulled her in close to him, hands settling on her hips as they ground and swayed together. The flashing lights caught in her silver eyes when she’d tip her head to the side to look up at him, dark lips parted slightly. Her sensual movements against him encouraged his hands to wander a bit as they danced, the anonymity of the crowd spurring him on. One crept up the inside of her thigh briefly as the other caressed a breast before sweeping down her toned stomach to grasp her hip tightly. Arya pushed herself against him harder as they moved, grinding her arse against his growing hardness. She turned in his arms after a few minutes and tugged his face down towards hers. Whatever she was planning to say was lost for a moment as one of Gendry’s hands dropped to give her arse a squeeze and tug her up against him, grinding his erection against her waist while his mouth briefly plundered hers as they continued to sway to the music. Arya managed to disengage long enough to grab his hand and began tugging him towards a side hallway, eyes darkening rapidly.
They stumbled into the alleyway kissing frantically. The music from the club could still be heard faintly through the brick as Arya shoved Gendry against the wall, up on her toes to reach him as her hands fisted into his shirt. His hands kept moving from her shoulders to her hips, warm through the thin fabric of her costume before one settled tight on her waist and the other found its way into her loose curls and grasping her hair at the base of her neck. He tilted her head slightly to move his mouth from her red lips down her neck, nipping at her skin and feeling her pulse race as she panted into the cool night air.
Her hands loosened on his shirt, smoothing over his shoulders and down his arms to reach for his belt. Shaking fingers fumbled at his belt for a moment before releasing it, working at his button and fly next to give herself room to slide her hand into his boxers. Her small hand grasped his straining erection, giving it a slow stroke in opposition to their frantic movements moments earlier. Gendry growled into her neck at this. Her jumpsuit made it impossible for him to get at any intimate part of her without completely baring her to anyone who might step out the side door of the club. Arya’s painted grin up at him at his noise told him she knew that and he was at her mercy. She began to kneel when Gendry grabbed her shoulders and spun her to the brick wall, bracing his forearm above her, muttering, “I don’t want anyone to see you Arry. That’s for me alone.”
Arya’s heart raced at his possessive tone before moving back to her knees. Her fingers found their way under his shirt as she looked up at him before scoring her nails down his stomach and snagging on the elastic of his boxers. With a quick grin she snapped the waistband against his skin before tugging them down far enough to release his leaden cock. She rested one hand on his thigh, nails pricking slightly through his pants as her other hand stroked him a few times. Gendry groaned, dropping his head to his arm and running his free hand through her hair as she slowly began to lick and suck the tip of his cock. Her warm mouth was heaven around him , the contrast with the cool night causing him to shiver lightly. As she began to work him deeper into her mouth his hand in her hair tightened, not directing her movements but because he knew she enjoyed the sensation. Arya’s hand tightened around the base of his cock, using the slick she left behind to help work him over, stroking and sucking. She glanced up to see him staring down, eyes dark with arousal as he watched her kneeling before him.
The sight of her gazing up at him, those sinful red lips stretched around his cock, caused his hips to stutter, thrusting into her mouth before he could stop himself. “Sorry,” he gasped. Arya’s eyes squeezed in a smile before taking him as far as she could, enjoying his noises and the slight pump of his hips, the tip of him bumping the back of her throat. He growled, his grip in her hair tightened further as he began to hold her head still, beginning to fuck into her mouth. Arya moaned around his cock, hand still stroking what her mouth couldn’t reach, the vibrations spurring him on, bringing him near the edge, his balls tightening and electricity tingling up and down his spine in time with their movements. “Gods Arry,” he muttered, “you’re so fucking perfect. I’m close sweetheart, you’re so good for me. Can I come down your throat, love?”
Arya nodded as best she could, humming her assent with her mouth full. His blown pupils and rutting hips were making her squeeze her thighs together, her knickers soaked with her own arousal. It was rare she could get Gendry like this, without the immediate option to reciprocate. He’d be insatiable the moment they got behind a locked door. A few more thrusts then his grip on her hair became nearly painful as he held her in place growling quietly, his cock deep in her throat. His legs were shaking as she felt his cum shoot down her throat while she swallowed around him, hand on his shaft milking every drop she could from him. As he finished his hand in her hair softened and he began to gently stroke her head. She drew back and let his softening cock fall from her lips, both hands running up and down his shaking thighs.
Glancing up at him she grinned and wiped her shining mouth, her still-painted lips swollen and perfect. His eyes squeezed shut as he tried to slow his breathing, the sight of her below him not helping to calm him down. When he felt her begin to move he reached down to help her to her feet, holding her close to steady her before dropping his head to her shoulder and groaning. “You’ll be the death of me, woman,” he mumbled into the fabric of her jumpsuit.
She smiled, “But what a way to go.”
She began to tuck him back into his pants, fondling him slightly more than necessary to enjoy the punched out sound he made before squirming away from her hands and fixing himself up. He tucked her into his side as they moved towards the side door they’d stumbled out of earlier. Gendry leaned down to press a kiss to her temple and whispered into her hair, “Just wait till we get home, I'm going to smudge that lipstick.”
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Behold another Lost Boys holiday special! It was between this and Valentine’s day, but honestly I love writing Christmas specials, its such a cozy time despite the high suicide rates, but lets not get into that. A BIG SHOUT OUT TO @imlostinsantacarla FOR HELPING ME EDIT MY FINAL DRAFT!
Fun Fact! My husband, David (yes, that is actually his name) actually does have the bah humbug hat I mention in the head canons. He’s a heavy metal goth so when I found it at the store I had to get it for him. And you just know if our David found that, he wouldn’t be able to resist it!
Christmas with the Boys
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Alright, so the whole touchy, feely and mushy feelings that surround even the topic of Christmas time is not something any of the boys will ever openly admit to enjoying. After all, they see themselves as these bad ass brutal killers who thrive off of death instead of holding hands and caroling with the goodie goodies of this coastal town. 
Yet, it's challenging for them not to get sucked into the glitz and glam of the holiday season. Everything is a big deal in Santa Carla. Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, Thanksgiving- everything! But especially Christmas.
Christmas in Santa Carla dwarfs the frenzy craze of Halloween. The entirety of the boardwalk is decked out with red and green lights that are tightly wound around palm trees, red bulbous bows are wrapped tightly around street lamps, the reds and whites of velvety fabric swirl down the posts, creating the effect of candy canes. All the store windows are painted to appear frosted, or covered with painted snowmen whilst several rooftops are covered with white felt in which mimics the texture and sight of snow. Even the boats in the harbour are all extravagantly decorated in a sea of lights that parade around brightly at night in every color imaginable.
Between the dates of the 30th of November all the way to the 24th of December the city of Santa Carla hosts a plethora of wondrous events in it's annual Holiday Festival. Large green, white and red kiosks are erected, selling a wide range of baubles and treats, from delectable chocolate coated rice krispy Santa Clauses, elf candy apples caked in a plethora of dark chocolate and peppermint, to a variety of Holiday hats, masks and even hand made costumes by the many local artists. Even hand carved candles in wondrous scents of pine, mint, or spice.
Currently, David possesses a black fur Santa hat which he acquired on a night out that boasts the words "Bah Humbug" proudly sewn over the front. It's the only holiday attire he'll even humor. Last time Marko attempted to place reindeer antlers on his head, David had set them on fire roasting atop a pan of chestnuts. Now it's not to say that he's a grinch persay. Rather, the complex and intense emotions that come hand in hand with Christmas can leave him perpetually indifferent at best, disdainful at worst. The whole occasion leaves him displeased. After all, he was an orphan who had been almost eagerly abandoned by his hooker mother left to fend for himself from the beginning, and  of course never met his father. Even she could not identify which of her many clients may have been responsible. Most of his mortal life he had lived as a street rat, barely making ends meet by picking the pockets of tourists and Santa Carla citizens oblivious to the true dangers of the lower side of town. The rich and uppity classes who often snubbed their entitled noses his way would never suspect as he lurks between alleyways, leaving them cornered at knife point. It was scarce that he ever did see a kind face in the sea of those who had little interest for anyone that was not themselves. Back then it was rather uncommon for anyone to step outside their own little lives, which led to most interactions, outside of the other boys, having been met with great hostility, thus he had learned to be just as equally hostile in turn. Even the mere thought of anyone suddenly dawning a false kindness due to a certain time of year simply agitated David. It rattled him to the very core in a way very few other things did. Why bother with the lies? Couldn't people just face the very basic fact that they weren't nearly as charitable as they often deemed themselves to be? I mean, the young man had seen firsthand a family having previously snubbed a dirty homeless man with appalled disdain at the sight of his muddied clothes and dirt stained skin, only to then begin volunteering at a soup kitchen to purge whatever guilt they carried on their conscience once the holiday season began. The whole ordeal was pitiful! Nevertheless, - more so for Paul and Marko's sakes than his own -, he did humor these traditions amongst the holiday's festivities. Ruining a good time just wasn't his style. Unless they started fucking singing.
Most traditions David could tolerate, some he even enjoyed slightly; although he would never be caught dead admitting something as embarrassing as that! However, he just couldn't stand Christmas carols! They were the bain to his immortal existence. The repetitive nature of these overly cheery jingles left him covering his ears lest they nest in his brain leaving him humming the same damn melody for weeks. This was the case because the dynamic duo of dumbasses were well aware of his hatred for Rudolph the Red Nosed fuckin' roadkill! Stupid red nosed abomination. 
“OOOOOOH-,” Paul begins with cheerful mischief.
“Don’t. You. Fucking. Dare.” David seethes through tightly clenched teeth, eyes screwed shut in indignance. 
Paul hesitates. He looks at Marko. Marko looks at Paul. Wicked grins of agreement spread wide like wildfire across their faces as their master plan comes into play. Full throttle. What’s more fun than annoying the shit out of David? One on the left, the other on the opposite side of the cave on the right. This was nothing but Divine perfection if you asked the two troublesome vampires.
“OOOOOH DASHING THROUGH THE SNOW!” Paul belted out at full volume.
“IN A ONE HORSE OPEN SLEIGH!” Marko followed in suit, the widest eerie grin plastered on his face.
“OVER THE HILLS WE GOOOO” Paul howled enthusiastically. 
“I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU BOTH!” David's voice hit a whole new octave it had never in all his life so far. All the while Dwayne had opted to vacate the room lest he be caught in the middle of the escalating madness with Laddie in tow. He loved these guys, but not enough to dive head first into their fuckery.
Paul thrives during the Christmas holidays! How could he not? The food, the punk rock covers of Christmas songs, the absolute babes prancing around the town in Santa hats under mistletoe?! He loved it all! You can find him sneaking under mistletoe with many sweet honeys on a constant basis, regardless of whether or not he's acquainted with them. Most do roll their eyes or laugh it off, but every once in a blue moon the guy will get a little lovin' from a beach babe in the Yuletide mood. What else could he ask for? You can bet he’ll run into the woods December first, and quite literally RIP a pine tree out of the ground to bring home like a wee carrot being plucked from the ground. The bigger the better! He may even drag Dwayne or Marko along with him if it's too big for him to carry himself. And all the boozy drinks he can concoct up? This boy is in his element! Mulled wine, spiked eggnog, candy cane vodka, butterscotch bourbon hot chocolate?! Yes! David straight up refuses to try anything that Paul creates himself (remember the concoction he made in Max's kitchen? Those poor goldfish....) which is also another reason why he has Dwayne help him. Or rather, the other boys insist the most responsible of them monitors the blonde lest he poison them with some sickly brew. That, and the fact that Dwayne's the least likely out of all of them to blow up the damn kitchen!
Dwayne is indeed the designated cook during the holiday rush, albeit a field even he tends to struggle. Avoiding the kitchen catching aflame, perfecting his craft lest he blow up the stove, leaving only a pile of ash in its wake. As previously mentioned, ever since the dreadful chain of events that lead to the unfortunate destruction of Max's kitchen, this raven haired vampire has attempted his hand at learning to use a stove properly: Although he often finds himself forgetting ingredients either in the midst of cooking or after the final product is done and he's taken a big bite. 
“Shit! I forgot the milk and eggs!” Dwayne grumbled with a mouthful of dry crumbs, a true disgrace of a cookie.
Paul always gives him crap for it of course.
“Oooh I just thought you were going for a sandy, dusty dry cookie kinda thing.”
"Yeah man, these taste like ass!" Marko would cough out in midst of choking. 
"And what, like you dumbasses could do any better," Dwayne retorts with a huff. Only Star manages to have any manners when testing his failed baking endeavors.
"Well I mean, the taste isn't that bad. Just a little dry is all."
"At least Marko wouldn't be choking to death." David would mutter from the darkest corner of the room, a little late in the conversation.
In all honesty, Dwayne's biggest motivation when it came to improving his skills was obviously Laddie. The kid never got much of a Christmas whilst living with his mom, so now that he was with the boys, he wanted to ensure that Christmas's were something that Laddie would remember for all eternity. Though granted, it is quite the mess when he was helping in the kitchen. But when the mini vamp grins from ear to ear whilst coated in flour and rapidly stirring an overflowing bowl of chunky cookie dough--the sight is too freaking cute!
Since Laddie joined the boys, they participate in Secret Santa every single year, which definitely includes Paul bursting through the entrance of the hotel as Santa on Christmas day. We won't talk about the fact that each year he almost falls flat on his face and swears, ruining the surprise for the kid. 
"Santa where are your reindeer," he'd question, to which Santa Paul scoffs
"Pff, reindeer, I don't need any fucki- Ow," cut off by a firm and covert kick to the shin from Star, Paul quickly changes his response. "Oh! Ho ho, well, you see little boy, Santa can fly too! On his, uh, uhm… magic motorcycle! Yeah, that!"
But it's okay because Laddie already KNEW (he figured it out a year or two ago after Paul's beard fell off not once, but three times), he just doesn't have the heart to tell any of them because, well Paul really gets into it. And he knows the others are playing along for his sake. But to be fair, Laddie would have to be pretty dumb to believe it was Santa. I mean, the beard Paul's wearing is hanging half off his face by this point! But anyway, just like Paul's style, the entirety of the goody two shoes schpiel is thrown out the window, replaced with sleeves that have been ripped off, muddy boots, spiked bracelets and his Metallica shirt in full view beneath his flared red coat. He calls this BIKER CLAUS!
Laddie is not a squasher of traditions! But there was the one time that David had to intervene when Paul and Dwayne thought it would be great to use Laddie as the star at the top of the tree. David practically had a heart attack. Well, that's impossible but it still felt like he was having one!  
“Ho ho ho! Now, don’t be a bitch, little David or Santa will have to give you coal.” Paul stated mockingly to David, brows furrowed. 
“Well, Santa,” David scolds, a wry smile developing on his face when setting down the eight year old now off to shake his presents beneath their behemoth of a tree. “You best be careful. You never know what's in those milk and cookies, hm?”
Each year Marko buys bird toys for the pigeons in the hotel. Well, buy is probably the wrong word. More like he liberates the stores of their stock. And then for the next six months, David has to hear the agonizing jingle of bells. David almost roasted one pigeon in particular that kept flying over him to drop the ball with a bell in it on his head. That was Paul's entertainment for the next five hours, hell, he'd try to find it if the bird lost it and give it back. Marko defends the pigeon. Between running through stores buying up surprises for his friends, he's helping Paul throw out decorations for the cave. The dollar store has some surprisingly unexpected treasures, allowing him to deck the fucking halls to the max. Tinsel here, ornaments there,  tiny light up trees to hide around the caves, a butt ton of cinnamon pine cones which he ends up throwing back and forth with Paul.
And Paul often steals his gifts or goes dumpster diving for any hidden gems. He forgets to take the tags off of them the majority of the time, which is always an indicator whether or not its new. Any time Star asks where he got them from he refuses to answer. Just gets up and walks away. But for David's gift? Well this lucky bastard has found coal in the dumpster and chucks it to David when he's not looking and he sighs deeply in disappointment because this is the third year Paul has done this. 
 "Huh? What? Who did that? Wasn't me. Somebody's throwing stuff."
Other than that he'll find a fat bag of charcoal and just tape the name David on it. David is certainly not amused. Dwayne will actually try to figure out what the others want, and has the sense to save the money taken from their previous meals. After all, they're dead, they wouldn't have much use for it anyway. He's not about to waste his hypnosis on some poor cashier. That would be a waste of time in his eyes. 
When Christmas did arrive the tree was piled with mysterious boxes crudely mashed and taped together with bows and ribbons underneath it. It's obvious which ones are from Star since those gifts are wrapped in neatly pressed paper, wound tight beneath curled ribbons that remind the boys of her hair. Marko often goes on a food run rather than allow them all to be subjected to a potentially charred turkey, no offense to Dwayne of course. So, with a table covered from end to end with copious bowls of gravy, potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, a beast of a turkey in the center packed to the brim with cornbread stuffing, the boys cram into their chairs knocking back beers and spiked cider. Keeping to their own traditions, after fattening up, they gather around the tree and play card games, just as they had over eighty years ago on that frigid night. David still slays them in poker, and Marko is an utter dark horse when it comes to blackjack. Paul insists they try Go Fish. No one ever wants to play Go Fish. Closer towards the end of the night Dwayne will slip away to Jasper's shrine and bring him a fresh glass of rum as well as unwrapping what he got him that year. While Dwayne is there, the other boys will join him - omitting Star and Laddie left unaware of the Lost Boy they'd never met - in celebrating the last hour or so of the Holiday season with their fallen comrade.
Although Christmas time is often about uncomfortable mushy moments and emotions that create deep, unfamiliar times for David. The entire ordeal becomes that for everyone of the boys and Star. But God forbid anyone who even mentions it! I mean, it's kinda obvious though considering he's spending it with the people he always called family, knee deep in traditions that are sentimental to himself and the boys. There's a fluster of emotions running rampant during this particular Holiday Season, and although the blonde brooding vampire decides to squint at it with skepticism he savors these moments, knowing like Jasper, it could all be swept away with a single ray of light or the foolish hand of a hunter. So as they sit, drunk, full, and laughing beside Jasper's grave he can't help but smile at the sentimentality of it all. Christmas is a pain in the ass, but… it's a pain he'll gladly sit through for his brothers.
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
The Sweetest Things [Kim Seokjin]
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this fic is entirely based on a future project that @stutterfly​ is working on called Wisked Away as a valentine’s day gift for her as a part of the ‘made with love project’ by @bangtansmutcentral! I heard her bias is Jin so from one Jin stan to another, I hope you enjoy!
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paring: Seokjin x reader
genre: Smut (light smut for me but still smut I guess)
rating: 18+
warnings: food play?
word count: 1,968
summary: Chef Seokjin decides to feed you in more than one way.
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It was the one rare day that he didn’t have to bake or do anything food wise and there he was in your apartment as he whisked away. Seokjin just couldn’t help himself, you noticed. Even still, it brought a smile to your lips as you watched him make something so passionately. His hands kept busy as he bustled about the kitchen, your eyes watching his every move. He was supposed to come over and relax after taking you out, filling each minute with each other’s presence.
However, when he saw the state of your kitchen–his instincts kicked in. The day ended up turning into a cooking festival, only for you.
Not that you minded about the food that was being made but it did make you a little upset that he wanted to spend his day slaving away in there instead of in your arms. He’d been so busy the last couple of weeks with the weddings and the parties that everyone had the money to throw, that you didn’t get to see much of him. So between your job and his? There hadn’t really been much time to be alone with each other. Though, you did have to appreciate the way that he came over as he cooked.
The white, button-up that defined his back shoulders and the now rolled-up sleeves that graced his olive skin. He insisted on taking you out somewhere but then the distraction happened. It smelled like his bakery, only more intimate. The warm smells and the distinct waft of his cologne, it was all doing things to you as you watched. Every shake of the powder, some landing on his black slacks and the way that moved through the space. It was like artwork, something that only a few could see. You bit your lip, eyes traveling from his hands that were holding the whisk and up his arms. It was something that you’d never told him that you appreciated the most, aside from his shoulders. His large hands that were delicately opening up an egg before discarding the shell.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the way that you had eyeballed him suddenly. Seokjin’s lips turned into a tiny smirk as he continued to move in a way that he could subtlety watch you as well. It gave rise to his ego, being appreciated like that as he worked by someone that he’d given his heart to. It stirred something inside of him, one that he was planning on springing on you later on in the evening.
His glances went unnoticed as you tried to keep your rampant thoughts under control. You didn’t want to disturb him as he worked but the creeping lewd thoughts kept breaking through. The way that you wanted to run your hands over his broad chest, slowly unbuttoning his chest to discover the hidden skin underneath. Shifting around anxiously, you had straightened up only to find that he was staring directly at you. His eyes were large and dark as he stood before you with a smirk on his lips.
He had turned some of the eyes off on the stove without you noticing, deciding that his dessert would have to come now instead of later. Pushing his glasses up, he leaned over the counter as he got closer to you through the space leading out to the bar area you had been sitting at.
“It looks like you need some cooking lessons, Miss.”
He got up from his spot and gestured for you to join him in the kitchen. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his statement but joined him regardless, with a smile on your face. Once there, he handed you a whisk and a bowl, standing behind you–looming over your body as he covered your hand with his to show you the proper way to stir the ingredients. He always like to use his body to cover yours, a size kink that he had. It was something that he’d never thought he would enjoy until meeting you.
Your eyes snapped to his hand, noticing all the veins and the way that his hand almost completely covered yours. Heart starting to pick up, you had to try and calm it down as he gently moved your hand around but the thoughts kept bleeding in–about how well his hands would feel against your body, swirling around down there.
“It seems you’re not paying attention, my little lamb.”
You jumped when you felt his breath on your ear, realizing that you’d been stirring a little too hard and some of the mixture had spilled on his hand. Taking the bowl from you, he held his hand out to keep it from getting on you but once he set it down–he trapped you with that same arm, pressed against him. You could practically feel him vibrating against you but you were absolutely certain that he could feel the pounding of your heartbeat with as close as you were. The mixture was on his fingers but instead of wiping it off with a napkin, he leaned in again and pressed kissed to your ear as well as neck.
He held up his fingers to your lips, a silent command to lick it off. You automatically opened your mouth, letting him have entrance. He hummed in satisfaction as you sucked the substance off his fingers, the vibration becoming stronger as it went on. His hips started to rub against you in response, using his whole body to crowd you in that moment. The hand that had you trapped gripped you a little tighter as he finally pulled his fingers from your mouth. His thumb wiped at the corner of your mouth, to make sure that you were fully clean and lingered on your chin.
Seokjin finally was done playing around with you and turned you fully around to face him, pulling your front to him to meet his growing erection. An unwilling gasp escaped your lips when your bodies met but his lips quickly swallowed it up. One hand was around your body while the other cupped your head, kissing and nipping at any place he could reach. He ended up backing you up until your body hit the counter, causing a delicious moment of pain as he pressed his body against yours even further. The makeout session lasted for all of two minutes before he decided that he wanted you up higher, lifting you up on the counter and settling himself between your legs.
Your hands were fast as lighting as you rushed to unbutton the simple shirt he had on but he was getting in the way with his hands and lips. Growing impatient, a small sound of irritation came out which caused him to pause and look at you, eyes glinting in a way you’d only seen once in a while.
“What was that, little lamb? Are you getting impatient with me?”
You couldn’t stop the gulp that happened as you paused in what you were doing at his words. He reached over for a strawberry that was left out and grinned, placing the food in your lips but before you could bite down on it–he clicked his tongue at you.
“Now, you better not bite through this or we will have a bigger problem. Do you understand?”
The strawberry was perched delicately on your lips and teeth as you nodded, heart racing even more than before. He slapped your hands away as he got rid of his own belt and settled between your spread legs again. Sliding your shirt off, his lips attached themselves to the clothed area where your breasts were trapped. He suckled on your nipples through the fabric, teasing you even further. His hands scooted you closer to the edge of the counter before dipping one of them into your pants. His fingers found your aching area quite easily, moving aside your underwear and dipping one long finger inside.
You could neither bite into the strawberry nor take it out for fear he would punish you so the fruit precariously trembled there as he worked his fingers inside of you. Soft sounds kept spilling out as you held onto the cabinet as best as you could. Finally, he got bored of that and ripped your pants off of you so he could have better access to your wet folds. He gave one last look at your face, red from blushing and at the strawberry still perched in your cherry lips. He couldn’t help the low laugh of satisfaction before dipping down to have his own dessert.
Once his tongue met your area, your hands flew from their spot and into his dark hair. You couldn’t help but whine, the sound almost trilling as you did your best not to soil the large strawberry in your mouth. He suckled and teased the folds like he was taste testing the best cuisine in the world. His hands held your hips on the edge, to keep you from falling off as well as to keep you from bucking your hips into his face. He would let you ride his face later but at the moment, he wanted to taste something he’d been without for so long.
Nipping at the wet area, he finally inserted two fingers and pumped them ever so slowly after his meal. Being super sensitive from his mouth, a moan erupted from your mouth and it brought his attention to the strawberry still in your mouth. He finally relented and took it out, eating it himself as he relished in the taste of your juices mixed with the sweet and plump strawberry. He pumped faster and faster, giving you a kiss as he did so. Your hands enveloped him when he did so, trying to get more friction on his hand. He chuckled again as you did so, removing his hand from where it was.
“Kim Seokjin!” You protested but was silenced with another strawberry. He held a finger up to his lips as he reached inside of his slacks to pull his leaking member out. He took his other hand and rubbed against your nub, collecting some of the juices that had collected there and stroked himself before lining himself up with your entrance. He eased in, slowly but surely and watched as your eyes closed in pleasure with the new strawberry held in your lips. Your ass was perched perfectly on the counter as he thrusted into you, prolonging the pleasure for as long as he could handle it. Groans and nice little sounds were all you could manage as he did so, his body pressing to yours in every way that you both liked.
Finally, his pace picked up as that familiar burn built in your bodies. He almost had you in his arms, bouncing on his dick as he got faster. Your arms and legs trembled as you struggled to keep the strawberry in your mouth, wanting more than anything to burst forward to have your way with him. However, he had you right where he wanted you as he adjusted and hit that spot–just right.
A cry came out as you finally bit down on the strawberry, the juices falling from your lips and down your chin. Seokjin kept at that spot, grunting more and more as finally the both of you fell apart in each other’s arms. Whimpering and shaking, you rode out your orgasm on the counter. The leftover strawberry had landed on the floor, near his feet as you held onto him. Both of you were panting, Seokjin looking into your eyes afterwards and kissing the juices off your face.
Later on, he brought you to bed with more treats for the two of you to enjoy.
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sexualsebstan · 5 years
Santa Baby-Bucky x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: implied smut, possibly v bad writing because I’m rusty but I really hope you guys enjoy this one. Feedback is encouraged. I also didn’t proofread so any mistakes.. oh well.
Tag: for @yetanotherravenclaw cause they said they wanted some Bucky x reader like this so, I hope I did you justice!
Oh, how delicious she looked in that deep red velvet mini dress, white faux fur lining the bottom seam and the neckline. It hugged her nicely, showing off the shape of her greatly, paired along with the same shade of red garter belts on her thighs, white over the knee socks. Make up done up to the nines, hair in beautiful curls, reminiscent of pin up girls.
Red heels clicked against the hard wood, as she approached the former soldier, noticing he was occupied with other things.
“Jaames,” she called out his name in a low, sultry sing song way, smirking as she toyed with the remote in her hand, waiting to hit play as soon as he turned around. “I have an early present for you.”
Bucky couldn’t believe what was in front of him, his breath sucked from his lungs. His flesh palm started to shake slightly, and he couldn’t deny his mouth both became dry and watered at the same time at the sight.
The tell-tale sign of his left hands fingers twitching was the soft whirring of the mechanics.
“Y/n- you-“ he stumbled across his words, standing completely still as his ever so beautiful blue eyes raked over her form.
“Looks good, huh, Buck?” She purred, pushing away from the wall she was leaned against, accentuating the sway in her hips as she sashayed over to him.
“Yeah.” It was all he could breath out in response, eyes widening as he watched her.
“Sit for me? I promise you’ll like this.” He was like putty. The once feared super soldier reduced to nothing just at the mere sight of his beloved girlfriend. All he could do was nod, eagerly sitting in one of the chairs close by and watching her every move.
That’s when the festive music filled the area, though Bucky could tell it’s undertone almost immediately.
Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me
Been an awful good girl
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
She’s placed the remote on the coffee table, sauntering over as one hand placed over his right shoulder, moving to stand behind him. Her lips curled into an almost sinister smirk as she leaned down and whispered along to the words, boasting she’d been good all year long. The mere action made him shudder as he felt chills running down his spine, adjusting in his seat as to get relief to his lower region.
Santa baby, a ‘54 convertible too, light blue
I’ll wait up for you, dear
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
His tongue ran along his lips in hunger as he watched her hips sway along to the beat of the song, standing with one leg outside his left leg, the other on the inside. He could feel just how much this affected him, and knew she could see it as well. It only made her continue on.
Think of all the fun I’ve missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven’t kissed
Next year I could be just as good
If you’ll check off my Christmas list
She moved so fluidly, it was almost as if she’s done this many times before. Perhaps she practiced. The former Sargent didn’t know, didn’t care, just wanted to watch her. Watch as her movements swirled and rocked against him, then left him so easily with a playful smirk on her features. The deep chuckle wasn’t able to be contained.
“You’re gonna kill me, Doll.” He groaned out as he watched her, bottom lip caught between his teeth.
Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that’s not a lot
Been an angel all year
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Now her back was turned to him, as she made her way down, leaning back against his chest as his hands slipped up her sides, needing to touch her in that moment. God, she was perfect. Made him feel like a new man with everything she did. Her head fell against his left shoulder, giggling softly at the whir in her ear from the mechanics of the arm working as he ran his fingers along the soft red velvet.
“Doll, keep that up and you won’t be able to make it to tomorrow.” He warned against her throat that his lips had attached to, leaving gentle yet needy kisses against her.
Santa honey one thing I really do need, the deed
To a platinum mine
Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.
She’s moved off his lap, leaving him to nearly whine at the loss of her warmth and the want to have her body pressed against his. He nearly could contain himself as he watched her move, almost in a way to tease him. Watching her bend and expose what the dress couldn’t cover, it revealed the wondrous sight of lacy, thin, red thong.
He couldn’t hold it back anymore, reaching out as soon as she straightened and turned, pulling her into him once more.
“You’re gonna regret teasing me.” He growled, metal hand finding purchase on her outer thigh, squeezing the flesh. The other, finding it’s way across her bottom, coming off and she hummed a little in dissatisfaction. Yet, it came back with a biting force, forcing a yelp from her and then a chuckle from the man beneath her.
“Told you,”
“Bucky, you cant. This was suppose to be something for the whole song.” She whined, head tilting back as his lips, teeth and tongue ran along the ever so soft skin of her throat, eliciting a breathy moan from her.
“Mmm, but I can, princess.” His reply came lowly as he nipped and marked his way down to the neckline of the garment she wore. “And I will.” Another stinging slap to her bottom, and her lip was drawn between her teeth to suppress the moans.
She could feel just what this little ‘present’ did to him, the undergarment she wore not hiding the arousal between her own thighs.
That night, she’d learned her lesson on teasing Bucky with a dance such as she did. He made sure to give her the proper aftercare. Massaging her sore bottom with his cool vibranium hand, the feeling of it nice against the bright red and stinging skin. He also made sure the other marks he left over her were taken care of, muscles relaxed with a gentle massage.
Bucky couldn’t deny he’d go to lengths for this wonderful woman, and after care was one of those. Since the first time, he’d always done things like that.
Showered her with love and affection, and she drank it all in. He was just too perfect not to love.
And she’d love him always.
To be truthful, that’d probably be the best present he’d receive for the holiday....
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yesmooshoe · 5 years
12 Days of Pepperony Smut-Mas
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In honor of the festive season, I am aiming to post 12 smutty Pepperony fics over the course of the next 12 days! If you’ve got any requests, please feel free to send them my way, but I’ve got 4 fics done and some tentative themes for the rest picked out already.
Day 1 - First Time
Rating: Explicit
Words: 2714
Summary: Tony & Pepper’s first time. They’re only slightly awkward about it.
Read it on AO3! (And comment. I love comments plz.)
Or read it here...
It didn’t happen the night after the Expo attack. Yes, they’d kissed. And yes, they’d gone back to Tony’s apartment in Manhattan holding hands, but they didn't leave the Expo site until nearly 5AM. The Sun was up when they collapsed onto Tony’s bed and both of them fell asleep almost immediately. So no, it didn’t happen then.
It didn’t happen the next night either.
Or the night after that.
So by night number 4, Tony was starting to feel pretty anxious about the whole thing, especially since he hadn’t seen her all day.
Pepper had gone to the New York SI Headquarters while Tony was at the Expo site helping with clean-up, and when he got home she was nowhere to be found. He grabbed a beer and plopped down at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, trying to figure out what exactly it was that he and Pepper were doing. No, they hadn’t had sex yet. But they also hadn’t kissed again either, let alone discuss the kisses that had happened. All they’d really done was work a lot and fall asleep next to each other.
A date! They should go on a date. It wasn’t that late, and he was fairly certain that he could get them a reservation at Pepper’s favorite sushi restaurant. He was Tony Stark, after all. He pulled out his phone to start dialing when he heard the elevator ding, signaling Pepper’s arrival. He looked up at her and gave her a big smile.
“Tony, I think we should have sex.” Pepper declared, walking with purpose towards him.
Tony just raised his eyebrows and cocked his head, unsure of how to respond to that.
“I’m not messing around, Stark. Bedroom. Now.” She said, walking right past him.
“Yes ma’am.” He replied, standing up and following after her. Sushi could wait. He paused when entering the bedroom though, noticing that her hands were shaking as she fussed with her belt.
“Pep? Are you sure about this? We don’t ha-”
“Yes.” Pepper answered, cutting him off. “We do. Right now. I just. I think we need to rip this band-aid off and just do it. I know it’ll probably be bad-”
“Pffft.” Tony just huffed at the mere suggestion that it wouldn’t be good, but Pepper just kept on going.
“-but we just need to do it. So that it’ll stop being weird. Because it’s been weird, right? That we haven’t? Is it weird? We should have done it the first night. It’s just that we’ve known each other for so long and I have no idea what we’re doing but-”
Tony could tell that she was starting to freak out so he stepped forward and gently put his hands on her wrists before leaning in and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Pepper? Breathe.” He said, rubbing circles onto the backs of her hands with his thumbs. “We don’t have to right now. We can go to dinner, or we can order something in and just hang out. It’s ok. No pressure, all right?”
Pepper locked eyes with him, took a deep breath and smiled. “God, I love you.” She said quietly, making Tony’s heart flutter. It was the first time she’d said those words out loud. “And I still think we should have sex. And then get food. And then maybe have sex again? Depending on how this all goes.”
“It’s going to be great.” Tony assured her, letting go of her wrists and resting his hands on her hips.
“You seem awfully sure of yourself, Stark.” She teased, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head against his chest.
“Hey, sex is one of like 3 things I’m good at. Anything I need to know before we get started?”
Pepper chuckled. “Like what? I don’t have a tail or anything.”
“Good to know, good to know. No just...you know, things you like, things you don’t like?” He asked, pulling her flush against his body. His cock was starting to stir, being this close to her and realizing that this was actually going to happen.
Pepper flushed a bit at his question, burying her face in the nape of his neck. “Oh. Uh. Normal stuff, I guess. I like normal stuff.”
“Normal stuff. Good, I can do normal stuff.”
“I mean. Not just normal stuff. Not like...boring stuff. There’s definitely some not super normal stuff that I like too. I’m not a prude or anything I just...normal stuff right now?”
“I like normal stuff. We’ve got all the time in the world to figure out the not normal stuff.”
Pepper pulled away from him and took a deep breath. They were both frozen, staring at each other. Tony’s heart was pounding, and it felt like an eternity had passed as they both stood there, unsure of what to do next. It was Pepper who finally made a move, grabbing Tony’s t-shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.The kisses started slow, like they were both still trying to figure each other out, but they soon grew faster and deeper. Tony’s hands ran up Pepper’s back and tangled in her hair as he started walking backwards, leading her towards the bed. When the backs of his knees ran into the mattress, Pepper pulled away from him and gently pushed him down onto the bed. He propped himself up on his elbows and gave her a huge smile.
Pepper bit her lip as she reached around and started undoing the zipper of her dress while kicking her shoes aside. The dress soon fell to the floor, revealing that she was wearing a simple pair of blue briefs and a white camisole over a purple bra, which Tony found so incredibly hot. He couldn’t help but stare at her breasts as she continued to strip.
“You’re still wearing an awful lot of clothing.” She teased, taking a step forward and placing her hands on his shoulders.
“You are so right.” He replied before frantically kicking off his own shoes and socks and ripping his t-shirt off. They started to kiss again as Tony fumbled with his belt and the button on his jeans, but with a bit of maneuvering they were soon left wearing nothing but their underwear. As they continued to kiss she ran a hand down his chest, over his stomach, and eventually to the growing bulge inside of his dark red boxer briefs.
“Not yet.” He breathed out against her lips as he pulled away from her. He noticed a look of concern on her face, but he just gave her a big smile. “I’ve always adhered to the policy that ladies come first.” With a grin he crawled out from underneath her and flipped her around so that she was on her back below him. Never taking her eyes off of him, she scooted back so that she was leaning against the pillows, Tony following right behind.
“Well, then get to it.” She said seductively, letting her legs fall open.
After a few more moments of just staring up at her, he finally turned his focus back to the task before him. He hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of her underwear and yanked them down, revealing a small, well-trimmed patch of ginger curls. After tossing the garment aside, Tony settled down between her legs, wrapping an arm around her thigh. He dragged his free hand gently down over her stomach and to her core, dipping a finger between her folds before dragging it up to circle around her clit.
“Fuck, Tony.” She moaned out, closing her eyes.
She was already so wet, the sight of which sent a jolt of desire through his body. “You’ve been thinking about this for a while, haven’t you?” He teased.
Tony didn’t want to go too fast, but didn’t want to drag it out too much either. When she seemed like she was ready for more he slid two fingers inside of her, working them in and out slowly while continuing to rub her clit with his thumb.
“Oh god.”
“You like this?” He asked, even though it was quite clear that she did.
“Ye - ah!” She gasped out as Tony twisted his fingers a bit.
“Good.” He said before starting to press kisses to the soft skin of her inner thigh.
As he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her, she wrapped her legs around him, digging her heels into his back every time his fingers hit a particularly sensitive spot. He soon began to trail his kisses up, eventually swapping out his thumb for his tongue. He dragged his tongue over her clit in long, deliberate strokes while continuing to twist and thrust his fingers in and out of her. She was letting out little moans with every movement as she tangled her fingers in his hair, holding him in place as she started to rock back against him.
“Tony fu - faster, please. More.” Was all she managed to get out between her cries.
He picked up the pace of his fingers as he changed tactics with his tongue, rolling and sucking at her clit as fast as he could. He could tell that she was getting close as he felt her toes curling against his back, and he suddenly became very aware of his own arousal as he felt his cock straining against his boxers. He began to roll his hips a bit against the bed, desperate for some friction as Pepper squirmed beneath him. With one final twist of his fingers Pepper came with a loud cry, digging her fingers into his scalp as she went rigid below him.Tony pulled his mouth away from her so that he could watch her ride out her orgasm, but kept his fingers moving in and out of her slowly while she came back down to earth.
As she relaxed against the pillows Tony finally let his fingers slip out and he pushed himself up to look at her properly. He brought the fingers he’d been using to fuck her up to his lips, sucking them clean of her juices before crawling up and leaning over the top of her. “That was good, right?.” He teased, giving her a smirk.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me. Yes, it was good. Very very good.” She panted out, rolling her eyes playfully.
“Told ya so! And it’ll only get better.” He said, leaning down to give her a kiss.
She ran a hand down over his back, dipping them under the waistband of his boxers and cupping his ass, giving it a squeeze. “Your ass is a work of art.” She sighed out between kisses before sneaking her hand around to the front. She cupped his balls for a moment before wrapping her fingers around his very hard cock, stroking it slowly. “Let’s get you out of these boxers.”
“Good plan. Best plan ever.” Tony replied a little frantically, excited about what was coming next. He helped her pull his boxers down and then kicked them to the side, finally releasing his cock. He closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip while she stroked him, her warm, delicate touch making him so eager for more. “Hold on.”
He crawled away from her and fished around in the drawer of his bedside table for a moment before producing a condom. He leaned back onto his heels, ripped the package open with his teeth and then slid it onto his cock. With that sorted, he leaned back down and gave Pepper another kiss.
“You ready?” He asked, certain that she was but still wanting to make sure.
“Yeah.” She said, spreading her legs open and resting her arms on either side of his neck.
He grabbed his cock and lined himself up, pushing into her slowly. He let out a soft moan as he buried himself inside of her, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been picturing this moment for years. As he bottomed out, he held still for just a moment, taking it all in. Her cheeks were flushed as she gave him a soft smile, which he knew was something he’d never tire of seeing. As he began to roll his hips, he was able to thrust in and out of her with ease, and he could already feel the pressure starting to mount in his stomach. He knew that he wasn’t going to last very long, the anticipation of this moment almost enough to push him over the edge on its own. He gave her one more quick kiss before dropping his head and getting down to business, desperately chasing his own release.
“Fuck Tony, you feel so good. So good.” Pepper panted out as Tony picked up the pace.
“So do you you - ah!” He moaned out. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this. Fuck.”
They fell silent for a while, but the room was filled with the sound if skin slapping against skin. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him on as he started snapping his hips faster and faster. Soon he was absolutely railing her, fucking her hard and fast against the bed, both of them moaning with every thrust. They had 10 years of sexual tension to work though, and this was only the beginning.
“Oh god, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna…” He trailed off as he squeezed his eyes shut. With a few more thrusts he came, moaning out her name as his thrusts slowed down and his legs and arms turned to jelly.
Pepper just wrapped her arms around him, pressing kisses to his head while he caught his breath, his heart pounding. He stopped moving completely, letting the aftershocks roll through him before he gave in, slipping out of her and collapsing next to her, falling onto his back.
“Well. Fuck.” Tony managed to say while taking the condom off. He tied it up and tossed it across the room, not really caring where it landed.
It seemed like neither one of them was quite sure what to say now that it was done. Tony had never been much of a post-sex cuddler, but he kind of just wanted to pull her on top of him and wrap his arms around her. He didn’t though, not sure if that was too much too quickly. Everything was so new, and he was terrified of doing anything that could mess this up.
“Guess we uh...ripped the band-aid off.” Pepper said with a chuckle as she sat up, breaking the silence.
“Best band-aid ripping off ever. And I’ve had to rip a lot of band-aids off.”
Pepper just nodded, running her hands through her hair. “Dinner?”
“Uh, sure! Yeah. I’m starving.” Tony answered as he sat up. “Sushi?”
“Sounds good.”
“Great!” Tony smiled as Pepper stood up and started gathering her clothes. He wasn’t sure what came over him, but he just needed to tell her. “Um? Pepper? I...I love you too, by the way. I should have said that earlier. But I do love you. Just so you know. I just...wanted to say it out.”
Pepper flushed, turning away from him to hide her embarrassment, which just made Tony fall in love with her even more. He stood up and walked over to her and gave her a kiss on her cheek. “Come on. Let’s go order dinner. We’re gonna need our strength for later.”
“We really need to talk about all of this, Tony.”
“I know. Can we do it tomorrow? Can we just...have tonight?”
She sighed, seemingly glad about postponing the discussion for another day. “Yeah, of course. Let’s go get dressed.”
“Aw, do we gotta? I really like seeing you naked.”
“At least put a robe on to greet the delivery guy.” She laughed, tossing her clothes back at him.
“Done. Otherwise I hereby declare this naked Wednesday. It is Wednesday, right?”
Pepper just shook her head. “I’ll be right out. Go find a menu.” She called out before disappearing into the bathroom.
Tony had no idea what was going to happen between the two of them, but he was very much looking forward to finding out.
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party favor
Summary: Teasing Negan has its consequences. Continuation of summmertime high
Pairing: AU Negan x reader (female, named Eddie)
Tags: AU Negan, Negan smut, Negan x reader, rough-ish smut
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About an hour had passed since you spoke to Negan by the appetizer table, and you couldn’t stop replaying his words in your head: “Or maybe it’s my cum dripping down your legs” 
There were brief moments where you’d forget about him and this morning, but as soon as you’d catch eyes across the yard, it all came rushing back to you. How deep he had fucked you and how spilled inside you. Arousal bubbled inside you, snowballing with every cocky smile he gave you and lick of lips. 
Negan had been hanging out with your father and other neighborhood dads all night, talking football and home projects. Though he made sure to lock eyes with you every now and then, causing you to miss far too many shots in your beer pong game. 
Goddammit. You were frustrated how he had you twirled around his fingers from anywhere across the room. God, his fingers. 
Towards the end of your game, you noticed Negan was isolated in the corner of the yard - a beer in his hand, smoking a cigarette. He usually wore a leather jacket, but due to the festivities, he went with a navy blue flannel, unbuttoned all the way - exposing one of his endless crisp white tees. 
After losing the game and the twenty dollars you placed on it, you decided to confront him. You walked over with a masquerade of merely being a good hostess and saying hello. 
“Hey Eddie, you building a house with all those bricks you were shooting?” He joked.
“Stop it,” you gritted out with a fake smile smeared across your face, acting like you were making small talk. 
“Stop what hon?” Negan said playing dumb.
“You fucking know what,” you said softly, keeping your hostess act together. 
“Am I making you soak through those tight jeans?” He knew exactly what he’d been doing all night. 
Your heart rate skyrocketed. You were too easy for him, too fun to play with. You had had a mixture of sexual urges and irritability flowing through your blood, and you were desperate to make him feel the same way. 
You did the only thing that could even the playing field. A quick peripheral sweep of your surroundings and you palmed Negan through the front of his pants, using your body to block the view of your hands of any wandering eyes. 
“Jesus Christ Eddie” Negan was caught off guard, his body tensing. 
He gently swatted your hand and stepped away, “Unless you want me to drag your ass upstairs I suggest you keep your hands to yourself.”
“You won’t,” you said boldly before taking a sip of your red solo cup, maintaining eye contact over the rim. 
You causally pivoted away and walked inside, heading straight to the hallway bathroom. You were surprised at what you just did. You were a semi-reckless college kid, but not grab-my-hot-older-neighbors-dick reckless. 
You splashed cold water on your face, trying to relax and calm yourself down. You stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment, chugged the remaining of your drink, and tossed it before stepping out. 
“Were you rubbing one out in here?” Negan was leaned against the wall closest to the door. 
He walked in, corralling you back into the bathroom and shut the door.
“Negan-“you started as you stepped backwards and saw him click the lock. 
“Relax, everyone’s outside. Fireworks are about to start”
His hands went straight to your hips to pull you close to him, as his mouth began attacking yours. You lustfully kissed him back. 
His hands roamed your sides and back under your red halter top. His ministrations included groping your ass before swiveling you to face the mirror. You extended your arms and braced yourself on the porcelain counter. His long arms and body caged you against the hard material, his center simultaneously rolling into you, trying to get more friction. 
“You feel what your clever little hands do to me?” He breathed out while nibbling on your ear. 
“Negan, my - ah fuck” you moaned out. 
“- my folks. The party..” you backtracked, your common sense telling you this wasn’t a good idea. 
He sucked lightly on your upper trap before planting kisses along your neck, instinctively you bent your neck over to the side to expose more of yourself to him. He stopped at the edge of your jaw and looked into your eyes through the mirror. His hazel colored orbs piercing your soul, flooding your gut and center with butterflies. 
“Best keep it down then” His entire persona oozed dominance. 
He found the front button of your jeans and undid them, pulling them down to half your thighs along with your thin undergarment. 
He ran two fingers along your slit, playing with your juices vertically. His index finger magically strummed your clit, you wanted to spread your legs, but the fabric rolled at your thighs didn’t allow such movement.
“You really were gonna soak your pants there huh hon?”
“I mean, would you look at that” he removed his fingers and brought them to your field of vision. 
You saw his shiny, glimmering fingers covered with your clear viscous fluids. He brought his fingers closer to your face. 
He coated your lower lip with your juices, your tongue slipping out to draw them in. He gently shoved them into your mouth, scissoring your tongue while you suckled on them.
“Fuck, you’re a dirty girl. You like tasting yourself, doll?” 
“Mmhmm” you affirmed with his digits in your mouth. 
He slipped them out and cupped his hand under your chin.
“Spit” he ordered 
You extracted as much saliva as you could and dripped it into his hand. 
“Remember you gotta stay quiet” he reminded you as you heard his belt click followed by his zipper, and the faint gushing sounds of him lubricating his cock with your spit. 
He held your hips in place with one hand while the other guided his member up and down your folds. He teasingly probed you with just the head several times before entering you completely with one smooth motion. 
“Aghh” You moaned out. White knuckling the edge of the counter. 
“What did I just say” Negan condemned you and immediately froze his motions. 
He slowly exited halfway and pumped himself back in, to the hilt. Your thighs bound together by your waist of your jeans made you tighter for him. He slowly and deeply fucked you, feeling his tip tickle your cervix. 
You continued to make audible moans. You couldn’t help it, his length, his girth, his angle. Him. 
“You gotta keep it down hon,” Negan warned you 
“Or am I gonna have to nuzzle you like the little whore you are?” His deep voice vibrating through your body. 
Holy fuck. His words bringing you closer to your release. You were never spoken to like this, and you didn’t expect yourself to be into it. 
He brought his hand to cover your mouth, his other arm wrapped tightly around your pelvis, and he shoved himself rougher into you. 
Your sounds were effectively muffled by Negan’s large callused hands. He kept his hard and deep motions, he increased and decreased his speed, building your orgasm for release. 
You tried to tell him you were close, but his palm blurred your words. 
“Are you gonna come?”
You looked at him through your reflections and nodded. 
He sped up, directing your release. 
“That its doll. You’re gonna come around my cock, with everyone outside, your parents, your friends - they don’t know what a dirty girl you are.”
The coil in your stomach tightened, and you withered beneath him. He shimmed the hand that was wrapped around your hip and rubbed your clit instead. 
You moaned louder into his hand, and you become undone, collapsing onto your elbows. Negan’s arms reflexively held you up. 
Negan continued to fuck your limp body, chasing his release. He stifled his grunt into the crook of your next. His stubble lightly pricking your skin. 
“Fuck” he whispered
He stayed inside you, emptying all of his milky seed until he softened. He pulled out and tucked his member back in and zipped himself up. 
Negan only brought your underwear up to its original position. Leaving your pants pulled down. 
Remaining on your elbows, he leaned over to whisper in your ear, his hand rubbing your center through the fabric, “Now, your gonna walk out of here with my spunk swimming in your panties.”
He turned around and wiped his forehead with the bathroom towel while you pulled your jeans up. 
Before exiting, he cupped both sides of your jaw with his hands, looking into your eyes, “Next time you wanna pull some shit like that just know I’ll call your bluff. I’ve been fucking longer and harder than you sweetheart”
He leaned down to meet you for one final sloppy rough kiss. He left first closing the door behind him. 
You waited a few minutes before you exited the restroom. Luckily everyone was outside distracted by the fireworks. No one noticed your disappearance as you made it back by the end of the show. 
Towards the end of the night, or the next day considering it was well past midnight, people dwindled out. You and your mother were in the kitchen wrapping leftovers while your father and Negan were in-and-out bringing in the ice chests to organize the next morning. 
Negan walked toward the kitchen, and gave the island a soft slap, “Well, Frankie, I think Klaus and I are about done, is there anything else I can help with?”
“No, Negan, I think we’re all set. Thank you so much for your help, like always,” your mom answered.
“Like always, thank you for the hospitality” he smiled at your mom, and the instant she turned away he shot you a wink, causing you to drop the empty Tupperware in your hand. 
Fuck. you thought to yourself frustrated and flustered once more 
“You outta here Negan?” You’re dad asking walking in, closing the sliding door. 
“Looks like, the missus says everything is square”
“Alright then,” your dad and Negan shook hands. 
“Eddie, are you gonna say goodbye?” Your mom asked, a little embarrassed you forgot your manners. 
“Oh. Shit. Yeah. Goodbye Negan, have a nice night, or morning? Yeah...” your voice awkwardly fading out. 
“Thanks Ed. You too. And good luck with the whole senior year thing.” he smiled before making way toward the door, your dad walking him out. 
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Watching You Walking Away
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Haven’t posted much original content lately so here’s some Michael smut. Hope you enjoy!! Feedback is much appreciated
Michael kicked back in the booth, enjoying the taste of a pint of Sharp's. He'd always loved British beer, and he was already on round four. Or was it five? It had rained since they touched down in London, and Calum was spending the day with his sister before their show tomorrow. Luke had a cold so it was just Ashton with him in the pub tonight. It was next door to the hotel they always stayed at and had great food. They'd started the night washing down greasy sausages and chips with a couple pints of ale. Ashton, always chatty but worse when he was drinking, was sharing tour horror stories with another drummer in town for the festival they were also playing. Michael laughed at how Ashton always drew a crowd wherever he went. He was about to chime in with some details Ashton forgot when his voice died in his throat.
The way she moved was so familiar but hard to place from across the room with alcohol clouding his brain. Until she laughed, and Michael was suddenly transported back to when he was 17 and she was his whole world.
"What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," Ashton nudged his arm and Michael, at a loss for words, could only nod towards the table across the room in response.
Ashton followed his eyes, "holy shit is that Lux?" Michael shivered at the nickname he'd given her.  He cursed Ashton silently for being so loud as she looked up at the sound of her name, lighting up in a smile as she saw the drummer. She leapt up and met Ashton halfway as he wrapped her up in a giant hug. Michael watched them chatting unable to hear anything but his pulse pounding in his ears.
He'd met Lucy when they were both skinny 14 year olds obsessed with guitars and punk rock. He'd taught her chords, and she'd taught him how to french kiss. They'd written songs together, and promised they'd always be friends. Hazy memories that now competed with the present of how good she looked tonight. Her hair was longer, and the skirt she had on teased a tattoo on her thigh he was instantly curious to see. Lux was laughing with Ashton when her eyes met Michael's. Her eyes went wide and she grinned at him causing his heart, at least he thought it was his heart, to start doing flips. She rushed over to him and he quickly stood up to greet her. They stumbled into a hug, electricity dancing across his skin as they touched.
"Wow it's been years, you still look decent though. How's everything with the guys?" Lux asked smirking when Michael just stared and couldn't answer right away.
"You look beautiful, but you always have," he stammered out. Oh yeah real smooth Clifford, he thought.
"So you gonna buy me a drink or not?" Lux teased and he nodded, signaling the waitress.
"How's things with your band?" Michael asked trying to keep the conversation neutral.
"Everything is good. We're doing two nights here in London before doing a quick tour of the UK and then it's off to Europe for a couple months. We switched record labels last year, and they're more supportive . They're allowing us more freedom to try new things instead of wanting to remake that first album again and again." Lux eyes flickered away and he saw the pain that still lingered.
Her first album, Sinking Ships, had gone #1 in several countries and even cracked the top 10 in the US. The first two singles, Bruise Me and You, had been fairly successful. She'd followed that with Return To Me, a haunting ballad about a cheating lover, that had been a big hit. The entire album was about their breakup, and Michael still felt gut punched anytime he heard those songs.
"Yeah record labels can be difficult, we just signed a new deal ourselves," he finished his beer in two gulps. He noticed her glass was almost empty as well.
"You want another?" He asked and Lux nodded. After he ordered she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "you probably shouldn't get too drunk if you want to have a chance later."
Michael choked on the breath in his throat and she cracked up knowing the effect she was having on him. Neither were virgins when they slept together at 16 but neither had had a particularly good sexual encounter yet. They learned together, taking time to learn each other's bodies. Sneaking off every chance they got, practicing with hands and tongues before Lux got on the pill and they went all the way.
They were drunk that night too. She'd swiped a bottle of wine from her mom's pantry and Calum managed to get a 12 pack of beer and he snuck the booze and his girlfriend into Michael's. They'd played truth or dare, girls kissing girls, boys kissing boys, tops came off, fantasies discussed until Calum pulled Michael aside. Not long after that Lux and Michael were making out and giggling on Michael's bed at Calum's efforts to keep his girl quiet while they banged. Michael's hands found their way into her jeans and soon they were the ones trying to keep quiet. Before long she was sneaking out every weekend to spend the night with him.
"Here ya go," The waitress brought them both out of their thoughts and back to reality setting down two fresh pints giving Michael a once over and a knowing smile at Lux.
"Truth or dare?" she asked him watching his jaw drop at the question.
"How did you know I was thinking about that?" Michael chuckled.
"We've always been on the same wavelength," she teased back. "Come on darling, truth or dare?"
He took another swallow of beer, pacing himself a bit. "Truth," he said, biting his bottom lip.
Lux almost groaned at the sight. She remembered those lips, and it was taking everything she had not to kiss him right now.
"Did you ever feel bad?" She asked, not caring if it killed the mood. She might never get this chance again.
"Of course I did. I knew I fucked up, but didn't know how to fix it. When Sinking Ships came out I spent an entire weekend listening to it while drinking and sobbing. We'd always had difficulties but that tour just broke everything. We were too young and life was moving too fast," he confessed.
"That's an interesting way to look at it. I hope it really hurt, I stopped hating you, but it took years," Lux looked down but didn't pull away when he took her hand.
"I hated myself, I spent the next two years trying to drink enough to forget. I'm really sorry, if that means anything,"
"Thank you," she nodded. "What do you mean we always had difficulties? I was a delight."
"Says the girl who kissed Calum right in front of me at my own birthday party," Michael reminded her.
"I should've known you'd bring that up," Lux rolled her eyes. "What about when I caught you kissing Jaslene over at Ashton's."
"Completely unrelated, you'd broken up with me and went to your grandma's during school holiday. I had no idea you were even back," he protested.
"I forgot how irritating you can be," she griped.
"You used to think it was cute," Michael smirked.
"Did I? Can't remember that." Lux was defiant.
"Remember that time you thought I was hitting on that girl and you pushed me into the pool." He laughed at the memory.
"What about when I caught you wanking off in my bedroom because you thought I was downstairs talking to my mom," she hit back and he blushed.
"Remember how both those stories end?" His voice husky and low raising chills along her spine.
"I should probably go," she told him scooting away from him as she finished her beer.
"You can't leave yet, it's still my turn," he said and she looked at him puzzled. "Truth or Dare Lux." He saw the answer in her eyes before she opened her mouth.
"Dare." Her dark eyes met his with a challenge.
"Kiss me.” He'd barely finished speaking when her lips were on his. His hands wrapped around her pulling her into him as his tongue met hers. She squeezed his thigh making him moan into her mouth. He broke away to kiss her neck when she stopped him.
"Let's get out of here," she panted, before landing a kiss on his jaw.
Michael paid his tab and followed Lux outside. He trailed behind her silently to the hotel listening to her boots click on the pavement. They got in the elevator and Lux winked at him and licked her lips. He pushed the button for his floor while Lux chatted with other guests. She followed him to his room smacking his ass playfully as he fiddled with his key card.
When he got the door open she pushed her way in, taking off her leather jacket and dropping it in a chair. Michael stood there a minute staring in disbelief that this was actually happening. His brain was cloudy with memories and booze, and suddenly he knew this was a bad idea.
"I have tattoos and piercings you've never seen before," she murmured as she stepped closer to him pushing his jacket off his shoulders and it hit the floor.
That woke him from his thoughts and when her lips met his again he was done for. A surge of desire hit him as he deepened the kiss. His hands wrapped around her waist before sliding down to cup her ass. She pulled back, his bottom lip between her teeth raking it roughly causing him to hiss.
"Weak," she laughed at him while tugging at his shirt and belt.
He pulled his shirt off and reached around her to unzip her dress while he kissed and nibbled his way up her throat thrilling at the gasps she made and the way she was pressing her body against his. Lux kicked her dress to the side.
"Jump,"  Michael whispered in her ear. When she did he caught her wrapping her thighs around his waist, sucking a mark on his neck as he carried her to the bed. Michael laid her on the bed, before stepping back to look at her. Lux smirked at him, pulling her bra over her head causing Michael to groan at the sight of her bare breasts adorned with silver barbells through her dark nipples. He fell upon her sucking a trail from one nipple to another as his fingers crept under the elastic of her panties.
"Oh you've gotten better," Lux moaned as he teased her clit with his thumb while two fingers easily slid inside her wetness. He turned his attention away from her breasts to kiss her while he slowly pumped his fingers inside her.
The whimpers coming from her had his cock straining against his jeans, but he ignored his own needs wanting to focus on her. He returned his tongue to her stiff nipples seeking his attention as his fingers curled inside of her stroking her g-spot at a tortuously slow pace.
"Shit," she yelled bucking her hips needing more from him than his teasing. He moved his head between her legs pulling her panties off, leaving her knee high boots on and pulling one leg so it was resting on his shoulder.
"I thought you didn't eat pussy," Lux teased him but her voice was breathy.
"I'm not a kid anymore." He winked at her before landing a kiss on the inside of her thigh. He sank his teeth into her soft flesh and she thrust her hips up towards him. Michael chuckled pulling his fingers out of her and sucking them clean while looking up at her. He planted light fluttery kisses on her thighs working his way towards her core. Lux bit her lip determined not to beg, but when Michael landed a soft kiss on her clit she shuddered and dug her nails into the duvet.
Michael ignored his own almost painful arousal to concentrate on her dragging his tongue through her slick folds reveling in the sweet taste of her desire. He proceeded to deliver a flurry of kitten licks to her sensitive bud before wrapping his lips around it gently tugging and sucking simultaneously.
"Oh shit," Lux squeezed her eyes shut and he forced her legs farther apart so he could fuck her with his tongue. Despite her thighs pressing against his ears, he could hear her cries becoming louder, more desperate.  Returning his mouth to work on her clit he pushed his fingers back inside of her pumping a steady rhythm.
"Oh God, Yesssss, right there, right there," she moaned watching as the beautiful blonde boy brought her to the peak of pleasure. Her senses tumbled as she bucked her hips uncontrollably against his face clutching at his hair curses of ecstasy spilling from her lips. Michael lapped up the nectar of her orgasm until her thighs were shaking and she begged him to stop.
He stood up and looked down at her, a wicked grin across his face as she caught her breath. Next thing he knew she sat up and yanked his jeans down palming him through his boxer briefs. He moaned loudly as she rubbed the tip of his cock through the increasingly large wet spot on the fabric. She eased his boxers down his legs grazing her nails along his thighs watching his cock twitch against his stomach at the sensation. She ran her tongue along the ridge under the head before parting her lips and taking him in her mouth.
Lux bobbed her head, not taking him all the way down teasing him before releasing his cock with an audible pop. "You're not the only one who's learned new tricks," she smirked up at him batting her lashes innocently. "I want you to pull my hair and fuck my throat."
Michael's jaw dropped at her words but he only hesitated for a second. Grabbing her curls he let out a long moan as she swallowed his cock until her lips brushed the base. He went slow at first letting her adjust until they were moving together. Watching her brown eyes looking up at him while her pretty lips were wrapped around his cock was the hottest thing he'd ever seen. She began to choke a little and he saw tears in her eyes.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked pulling back.
Lux smacked her lips, "I want you to cum baby, let me taste you." She hummed as she began sucking him off again getting turned on by the grunts Michael was making each time she took him all the way down. She rubbed her nipples getting incredibly aroused as she let him use her for his pleasure. It wasn't long before she felt his cock filling up and his speed increasing. With a shout he threw his head back and erupted down her throat. She swallowed most of his cum but some escaped her lips and began to drip down her chin. Lux pulled back and pumped him a few times rubbing her face against his shaft before he shuddered and pulled back. His eyes went wide as she wiped her chin clean and licked her fingers smacking her lips loudly.
Michael had to sit on the edge of the bed before his legs gave out, and Lux hopped up and walked across the room to pick up her jacket.
"Are you leaving?" He asked a bit embarrassed at how pitiful he sounded.
Lux just laughed and grabbed her wallet it out of her jacket pocket pulling out two condoms. She looked back at Michael, his green eyes glazed over with lust, and his chest rising and falling as his breathing returning to normal. The paleness of his skin contrasting with the black ink of his tattoos and the purple hickeys blooming on his neck. He wasn't the skinny teenager she'd remembered fumbling around in the dark.
He kicked his shoes and pants off quickly unable to stop staring. The way she was so bold and forward was incredibly sexy, and not like the girl he used to know. That girl never had the confidence to walk around stark naked in nothing but leather boots and silver jewelry. He could feel himself already starting to stir again.
Lux tossed him the condoms, "I hope you can get it up again so you can fuck me." She ran her hands up her sides to her breasts tugging her nipples while slightly swaying her hips. His eyes followed her hands across her body and she could see he was starting to get hard again. She stepped closer to him placing one leg between his, her hand reaching behind his head tugging his head back so he was looking up at her.
"Touch yourself, but keep your hands to yourself until I say so," she whispered before kissing him. Her other hand trailed doesn't his chest raising chills under her nails causing him to hum against her lips. Lux straightened up brushing her nipple against his lips which he immediately flicked his tongue across the puckered skin feeling it stiffen for him. He swirled his tongue again this time ghosting his teeth across it causing them both to whimper. She glanced down to see him slowly stroking dick which was now hard and starting to leak.
"Turn your back to the bed and put the condom on," she told him stepping back and he quickly jumped to his feet, ripping the foil open. When he turned back around Lux was on knees and elbows on the bed looking back at him, wiggling her ass in the air.
"I remember how you like it baby," she giggled using her best baby girl voice.
His smile transformed into a smirk as he got behind her on his knees teasing her entrance with the head of his cock. She tried to push back but he wouldn't let that happen riding his length against her pussy. She grunted in frustration and tried again, but he did the same thing.
"Quit playing Mikey and just fuck me," she snapped glaring at him over her shoulder.
"Patience babe, I'm enjoying the view." He smacked her ass grinning at her.
"If you don't get on with--OHHHHHH." Michael waited till mid sentence to push deep inside her in one stroke. He closed his eyes taking a second to savor the feeling before pulling almost all the way out and then drive his cock back inside her. Deep slow strokes so they felt every inch of each other, her walls welcoming and grasping his thick shaft as he hit every pleasure spot. He reached around to allow his fingers to find her clit working slow circles to match his strokes as the sounds of skin on skin and their moans filled the room.
"Harder, harder," she gasped begging him.
"What was that?" Michael wanted her to say it again.
"Fuck me harder daddy, make me cum," Lux whined, "please Mikey."
"Oh hell yeah." He smacked her ass and went harder, pounding her pussy relentlessly. His fingers rubbing her clit giving it a couple little slaps which made her squeal with delight.
"I'm so close, right there, harder dammit," she commanded, the sheets tightly balled in her fists.
He felt her body tense up and squeeze him tightly and he kept fucking her through her orgasm, as she buried her face in a pillow to contain her shreiks. He pulled out admiring and running his fingers lightly along her glistening quivering sex before lying next to her on the bed.
She rolled over so she was on her side pressed against him tracing her nails along his chest down to his happy trail for a minute while kissing his neck. When she'd recovered she slung her leg over his hips hovering above him.
She sank down on his cock digging her nails into his chest as she did making him moan out a curse. Lux threw her head back and began to grind her hips. Michael had one hand on her hip and the other snaked up to her breasts. She began to ride his dick. Bouncing and twerking while she rolled her hips and touched herself. Michael watched her through half open eyes cursing and calling out whenever she squeezed him tighter inside of her. He grabbed her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh as he fucked up into her.
"Oh fuck, oh God, I can't," Lux gasped her legs starting to shake again.
"Yes you can, cum for me again baby. Look at me when you cum," he groaned knowing his own climax was getting closer.
"No, no, no, shit, fuck." She tried to keep her eyes on him as her orgasm hit but her eyes rolled back as she began to shake. Michael grabbed her hips, sat up and pushed her onto her back hooking one arm under her knee. Her nails dug into his shoulders as his hips rutted into her chasing his own high.
"Yes baby cum for me Mikey, feels so good baby," she moaned in his ear leaving kisses on his chest.
"Lux, Lucy, baby." Michael was moaning over her. "FUCK." He slammed into her with a shout as he came hard, his orgasm coursing through his entire body. he lay on top of her trembling while she squeezed around him milking his cock. Afterwards he pulled out carefully and went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom and get her a towel.
He helped her clean up and they laid back on the bed sweaty and still panting, her head on his chest. "That was much better than I remembered," she joked.
"You were pretty amazing then too, but that was amazing," he replied kissing her hairline.
They dozed off together like that and when Michael woke up he was surprised to find Lux up and getting dressed.
"You're leaving?" He sat up and started looking for his clothes.
"Don't get up, I've gotta get up in the morning so I'm gonna go," she found her bra and pulled her dress back on. She turned her back to him, "Can you zip me up?"
He tried to sneak his hands inside her dress but she shook her head with a laugh, "Just zip it."
"At least let me get your number, we can talk or something. I'll take you out to dinner maybe," he stammered pulling his pants on.
"And then what? We become friends? Give it another go? Nah that's not gonna end well, I'm never gonna be able to forget how badly you broke my heart. I even have a Grammy on my mantle to remind me that I still kind of hate you." Lux looked almost sad but she shook it off.
"Then why did you come back with me? Was this out of spite?" Michael stared at her in disbelief.
"No, I came back with you because as much as I still kinda hate you there's part of me that still kinda loves you. I wanted a better goodbye for us. This is better." Lux kissed his cheek and turned to go before she stopped. "I also did it because I really wanted to fuck you and I'm glad I did. That was the best sex I've ever had, no regrets."
He swallowed, nodding, not willing to fight her now when he wouldn’t fight for her then.
Michael watched her walk away, their roles were reversed this time. He wondered if he'd ever see her again, or if it was the best ending they could've hoped for. He pulled out his notebook, and began to write his thoughts. He'd find her again in a song.
@spookymashton​ @h0tsos​ @toofadedtofight​ @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995​ @kchillout​
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lihikainanea · 5 years
I feel like 12 & 14 were made to be together in something about tiger getting competitive and this Swedish boy showing her how it’s done. Also maybe throw some 9 in there lol
**Happy Christmas, friends! I’m doing the 25 days of Christmas with Bill and tiger, so go on and send me a prompt from the list, or any list, or make up your own–to read about all the troubles these two morons can find themselves in during the holiday season
Day 1/ Day 2/ Day 3/Day 4/ Day 5
12. “You’re covered in flour.”
14. “My gingerbread house is prettier than yours.”
Bill stood there, his arms crossed as he glared you down.
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” you prodded. His eyes flicked to the two assembled gingerbread houses on your kitchen table, and then back to you.
“Why not?” You whined, “Bill it’s Christmas. And at Christmas, it’s fun to decorate gingerbread houses. Why do you hate fun?”
“I don’t hate fun,” he replied, gesturing vaguely to the table, “This is not fun. This is a competition in disguise. I know you kid, and I’m not playing.”
“It is not!” You defended, “I just wanted to do something festive, something fun and relaxing with you. But fine, go ahead, be a grinch.”
You turned on your heel to make your way to the table, but a big hand on your bicep stopped you. He pulled lightly, spinning you back around to face him as he crowded your space. He tucked a knuckle under your chin to lift your gaze to his.
“So you won’t turn this into some weird, competitive game like you always do, tiger?” He quirked a brow at you, tapping your nose when you huffed.
“No Bill,” you rolled your eyes and it earned you another tap on the nose.
“Watch it, kid,” his tone had an edge to it, “You swear?”
“Yes Bill,” you said with more emphasis, “I swear I won’t turn this into some weird, competitive game like I never do.”
He didn’t look convinced but he sighed anyway, and you pulled him down to you for a kiss before ushering him into one of the chairs. He picked at the candy you laid out, popping a gumdrop into his mouth and whining when you smacked his hand.
It wasn’t a competition, you knew. That wasn’t the point. The point was to have a gingerbread house that was better than his. It had started out innocently enough, Bill’s minimalist style shone through as he meticulously placed the candy decorations on his house. Everything was carefully thought out, M&Ms were given careful consideration versus gumdrops, peppermint candies were evaluated over their peppermint stick equivalents, and when he had drawn his conclusions everything was surgically placed with incredibly steady hands. Equal distances for everything, his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth when a particularly fussy candy refused to stay in its very carefully thought out place.
But watching him, you couldn’t help yourself. It was almost entirely subconscious. If he put four incredibly well balanced candies on his gingerbread roof, you put six. When he craftily made a little sled out of some candy canes and gummy bears, you made a bigger sled and used liquorice to create reigns to the gummy bears in front. When he built a little tree from peppermint candies, you built four on your gingerbread compound and used tubed icing to dot lights into them. And when he daintily tapped a sifter full of flour over his house to create a delicate snowfall, you threw handfuls of it onto your board to create snow mounds. Shoving a gummy bear into the snowbank, you slammed your hands on the table victoriously and Bill jumped in surprise. Your exuberance sent a puff of flour all over you as you coughed and sputtered through it.
“Yes!” You pumped your fists in the air, “I win!”
He stared at you wide-eyed, one hand still clutched to his chest.
“My gingerbread house is prettier than yours,” you declared, and pointed menacingly at him, “Eat shit, Sweden.”
His eyes narrowed as he stood and leaned his palms on the table.
“You said this wasn’t a competition,” he accused.
“It’s not,” you shrugged, “A competition implies two worthy, equally skilled opponents. Clearly, this wasn’t even close. I win. You lose. So sad.”
“Tiger,” he growled. You jutted your bottom lip out in a fake pout, cocking your hip.
“I’m sorry, baby,” you purred, “Does the loser want a consolation prize?”
You opened your arms and stepped to him, but he put his hands up and backed away.
“No. You’re covered in flour,” he took another step back as you took one forward.
“And you’re covered in despair and the stench of loss,” you retorted. You darted for him but he dodged you, taking off down the hall. You tore after him and managed to close a fist around the back of his sweater, pulling at him as your feet dragged on the floor. You managed to jump a little, throw a leg around his waist and used your weight to pivot, throwing his back into the hallway wall as he grunted. You pinned him there, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
“I’m sorry I lied, Billy Goat,” you cooed, “Let me make it up to you?”
He still glared at you but you kept your movements slow, gliding your hands down his front as you sank to your knees in front of him. You kept your eyes on his as you ran your nose along his zipper, lifting his shirt a little to place a gentle kiss on his stomach. He sighed, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes as your hands reached for his belt. He sucked in a breath as you nipped below his belly button, popping open the button on his jeans and dragging the zipper down slowly.
“Tiger,” he murmured, burying a hand in your hair as he looked down at you pleadingly, “No teasing?”
You smiled, dragging his pants down his thighs.
“No teasing bud, I promise,” you kissed his tip through the material of his boxers, “For real, this time.”
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