#fez and Lexi
tragedyface · 3 months
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"Ma'am that is my girlfriends seat"
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fexifan · 3 months
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My boy was smitten
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lumax-mayclair · 6 months
I have this HC where the first time Lexi calls Fezco her husband…he’s NOT her husband yet. She just says something casual like “my husband and I went to that new restaurant last night, it was pretty good.” And everyone looks at her like —oop 👀. And she’s like “what?” And they’re all “lol, you said husband!” And Lexi’s mortified 😳 and Fezco is cheesing 🤗
Ps.​ this HC might also exist in the universe where Lexi is famous and this is said mid interview or the euphoria girls have a podcast ah! lol
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blueribbonbaby · 2 months
When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see. No I won't be afraid Oh, I won't be afraid. Just as long as you stand, stand by me. So darling, darling Stand by me, oh stand by me. Oh stand, stand by me, Stand by me
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euphoriashots · 2 months
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Euphoria - Fezco and Lexi Howard
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ladyplumdrop · 2 months
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kotylynnemerrill · 3 months
Your words I hold forever
December 31st, 1967 10.57pm
Surprised was not the... appropriate word.
Fez didn't exactly have the broadest of vocabulary but he was sure there was - had to be a stronger word for his current feelings.
Clicking the spark wheel of his lighter, the large flame illuminated Fez's face (and hers) as he lit the joint nestled between his lips. He inhaled deeply, silently counted to three, and expelled the smoke through his nostrils.
Fez suddenly wished he had brought something stronger as he chanced a glance at the young woman who had plopped down next to him on the worn couch.
She probably wouldn't remember him, it had been a few years but, he recognized her. Lexi Howard. A few years younger than himself... pretty sure the same age as Rue.
Fez remembered when she would tag along with Rue and sit on the roof of his grandmother's store...almost every evening, like clockwork, letting their feet dangle off the edge while they ate an ice cream cone. He remembered she liked strawberry.
Fez had often wondered why she stopped coming by the store with Rue...then again, there had been a big change in Rue over the past couple of years...since her dad had passed. It didn't exactly take a rocket scientist to figure out what probably had happened...
It had probably started even before that...when her dad first got sick...he thinks he remembers Rue making a comment about it when they first started hanging out.
But grief could really fuck with a person and Fez had no qualms with selling Rue a little weed here and there...if it helped, if that was what she needed to cope.
But it's never that simple...never that black and white. If that had been the only thing.
So Fez was not surprised to see Rue here tonight, her hair a dark halo of messy, tight curls, and her eyes heavy and unfocused. Not his doing...this time. Whatever helped satisfy the guilt festering inside his stomach...and his chest.
But Lexi Howard...what was she doing here?
She was smart (he gathered, from what little Rue had shared), pretty (her face and body now possessing all the qualities of a woman - compared to the last time he saw her), and classy.
Fez couldn't help but admire her outfit...the way the skirt hugged her fuller hips and the way the magenta colored blouse seemed to enhance the rich brown of her eyes.
He didn't understand what someone like her was doing here at one of Virgil Smith's parties.
Fez was pretty sure she hadn't come here with Rue. Perhaps she had come with her sister Cassie? He had seen Cassie Howard around. She was in the same year of college as Virgil and knew she attended these functions often enough.
She never bought nothing too hard off of him...not like Rue. But, as Fez thought back, he hadn't seen Cassie tonight. She seems to be here by herself.
Hell, it was New Year's Eve...the school year was just about over with... probably just wanted to let loose a little.
Fez was still surprised though.
She looked stressed to be honest. Maybe Lexi Howard wasn't having such a good time after all. Neither was he. Fez didn't exactly come to these parties for pleasure...but maybe that could change tonight.
Fuck it. He wasn't looking to get lucky or anything like that but with all the current chaos going on in the world (not to mention his own personal bull shit) it wouldn't kill him to make an effort at least.
He might not get this chance again...Maybe Lexi Howard would remember him.
"Yo, you Rue's friend right?"
Lexi's eyes widened in surprise at Fez's voice. She slowly inclined her head towards him and gave a small nod.
"Yeah..." A shy smile graced her red lips. "Since like grade school."
She frowned suddenly, scrunching her nose... embarrassed. "Sorry. Ion know why I said that."
Fez shrugged. "It's cool. You met when you met." He took another drag of the joint and turned his head as he blew out the smoke, careful not to blow it in her direction. "Yo. What was your name again?"
"Lexi." She answered. Fez took notice of how her hands nervously twitched in her lap. Hopefully he wasn't making her uncomfortable.
"Lexi..." Fez rolled her name around his tongue "I like that. That's a nice name."
"Thanks." Fez's lips lifted in one corner and Lexi mimicked his actions. He liked the way the apples of her cheeks reddened and Fez wondered if he could always feel the lub dub of his heart as clearly as he did now.
Okay y'all... hopefully this doesn't show up all wonky on the site...but here's a taste...a lick off the ol spoon. I really wanted to keep this scene in...i just love it so much so hopefully it works. This isn't the full chapter...I'll add the rest of what I got after some feedback lol.
Please let me know what you think...open to suggestions...
be harsh....okay not too harsh...I'll cry 😭
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incorrectfexi · 1 year
cassie: when nate was born, the gods said, "he’s too perfect for this world”
lexi: please. when he was born, the devil said, "oh, competition”
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scaponigifs · 10 months
going through my bookmarks I really just took in how many amazing writers the fexi fandom lost 😭
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Ele veio doido pela rua,gritava desesperado, não de medo,mas de vontade de contar o que tinha acontecido na volta pra casa,a lua,dizia ele,a lua ,a lua,que tem a lua filho de Deus, alguém gritou do outro lado,a lua me pediu um beijo,ele respondeu, maluco, alguém falou,interna que esse abilolou de vez,a voz continuou,a lua me deseja,me pediu um beijo de amor,queria ela ali mesmo na escuridão da noite,ela quer um beijo meu,se a lua te pediu um beijo, não tem escuridão seu bobo,ainda mais que é lua cheia,com um beijo ia te cegar com todo seu esplendor,lua,lua como eu te amo,ela sabe que eu existo,ela descobriu até meu maior desejo,que era ganhar um beijo seu,agora é caso de internação,falou outro cidadão,vou sair com a lua,vou pegar em sua mão e quando o coração bater mais rápido que o meu,quem vai dar te um beijo serei eu,deixe de tolice meu rapaz,a lua não tem mãos e muito menos coração,se desse nela esse beijo o máximo que poderia acontecer é matar sua fome, afinal ela é feita de queijo,vamos fazer amor dizia o rapaz, outro retrucava,onde no quarto crescente ou no quarto minguante,e onde dizia essa lua é nova e se continuar gritando ela vai ficar cheia de ti,dizia outra em tom de chacota,vou me casar com a lua,ele bradava contra o povo,a vizinha já vinha com mais uma gozação,pra caber no dedão da lua só mesmo os anéis de Saturno,de um simples beijo na lua, aquilo virou uma tremenda confusão,acho que o beijo enfim aconteceu,a lua era Luana a mulher por quem ele ia ao espaço na imaginação,depois de um tempo um menino fanho causou o maior alarde porque gritava que beijo a Estela me deu,achavam que ele dizia estrela.
Jonas R Cezar
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tragedyface · 10 months
IF season 3 happens it should have no mention of Fezco but end with Lexi driving out to a weed farm and you just see a the back of a shaved head going down the farm house steps to her
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fexifan · 6 months
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Fez is like “Yeah, I did that” 🥰
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astro-tag-9 · 6 months
I’ll like to try the couple tag
Me: Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon Libra Rising
Him: Sagittarius Sun Sagittarius Moon Pisces Rising
🧡Lexi and Fezco🧡
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anelimjolie · 2 years
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Fexi vibes
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back in my shuffles era 😄💋🤞🏻
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