#ffrk stamp sheet relic select
freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Vincent Valentine Updated Relics and Stats List
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics. That’s because FF7 is my fave realm in this game.
If there’s a Final Fantasy VII banner or if a Final Fantasy VII char is featured on a banner, I almost always pull on said banner.
This post is all about Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and all the Soul Breaks that I currently have for him as well as his current stats and such.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I really wish this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
I also want to take screenshots of a couple of stuff in the game before the end.
Vincent Valentine Relics List
Here’s a list of all the relics that I have for Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII:
Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Galian Scratch
Chain Soul Break (CSB), Cerberus Soul
Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1 (SASB1), Bestial Claws
SASB2, Chaos Saber
Awakened Arcane Soul Break 1 (AASB1), Chthonian Blaze
AASB2, Galian Saber
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Lucrecia's Lament
USB2, Dirge of Cerberus
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Munitions Reload
Glint Soul Break (G), Forsaken Power
Burst Soul Break 2 (BSB2), Flame Penalty
Default Soul Break, Head Shot
Legend Materia 1, Turk Among Turks
Legend Materia 2, Beast Within
Legend Materia Relic 1 (LMR1), Seeing Red
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Missing 6 or 7 of Vincent’s Soul Breaks:
True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Satan Slam
USB3, Marksman's Spite
BSB1, Galian Beast
Super Soul Break 1 (SSB1), Cerberus Shell
SSB2, Bestial Roar
Unique Soul Break, Chain Shot
LMR2, Beastly Aspect
Unfortunately, FFRK ended before I had the chance to take more screenshots of Vincent’s relics, stats, character profiles, and such.
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot of the Materia tab of his relics list, and now I can’t remember for sure if I have his LMR2 or not.
This one gives him fastcast 3 on battle start but I don’t think I’ve ever used this. Pretty sure I always have Vincent equipped with his LMR1 and his Legend Materia 2.
His LMR1 gives him a chance to dualcast fire-type abilities while Beast Within powers him up and restores his HP back to full when it drops to a low amount during battle.
I remember picking Vincent’s Glint+ Soul Break from the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic select. I talk more about this in another post.
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Vincent’s Glint+ is great because it instantly gives him 2 bars so I can have him cast his Chain or one of his BDL relics as soon as the battle starts or whenever I want him to.
Anyway, of the relics that I know for sure that I’m missing for Vincent, the only one that I can’t get from the The Record Lab by using Anima Lenses is his TASB.
Even his LMR2 is Lensable though I still can’t remember for sure if I already have this or not.
If the game was still ongoing, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have bothered to Lens this. Also wouldn’t bother Lensing the other relics that I’m missing for Vincent because they’re all outdated by now, and getting them would just be a waste of resources, especially if I’m not gonna use them anyway.
But with the news that FFRK was coming to an end, I wouldn’t have minded spending the Lenses needed to get these relics. After all, there was no more point in saving any of the resources and materials and such in this game.
Too bad Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended before I had the chance to get all of Vincent’s Lensable relics.
It’s also too bad that I never got his TASB. I’d been meaning to try pulling for it whenever it returned on a banner because it was the only relic that I’m missing for Vincent that I can’t Lens. But now I’ll never be able to get it since the game is over by now. Sigh.
Vincent Valentine Info
In Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Vincent Valentine is a hybrid DPS slash support who deals fire elemental damage.
As a hybrid char, Vincent can be made to deal either magical fire or physical fire damage depending on which stat of his is currently higher.
If his MAG stat is higher, then he’ll deal magical damage. If his ATK stat is higher, then he’ll deal physical damage.
Vincent has one of the best magical fire Chains in the game. He can equip the Machinist ability that has the chance to imperil the fire element. He has Soul Breaks that allow him to imperil fire.
Vincent deals pretty good damage while also supporting the party via his imperils and Chain.
Fire is my favorite and strongest element in Final Fantasy Record Keeper because that’s the element of Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
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Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
So I always try to bring Genesis to every fight, even the ones with enemies that resist fire and/or aren’t naturally weak to fire.
I’m always looking to improve my physical fire team. Genesis is my main DPS, of course, but I’m always on the lookout for secondary physical fire DPS and other chars who could help make my fire team the best it can possibly be.
When I got 2 BDL relics for Vincent, he became part of my phsysical fire elemental team as my secondary DPS who could also help imperil fire.
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Vincent was also on my magical fire team since he can be a magical DPS too. His CSB is really good so he’s also my Chain holder for my magical fire team.
I remember getting Vincent’s Sync 2 on the Final Fantasy VII Inherited Blade banner.
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This one has a bonus effect depending on how many Final Fantasy VII chars you have in your party, so it’s not necessarily better than Vincent’s Sync 1.
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I’d bring Vincent’s Sync 2 if I’m taking a full Final Fantasy VII party to a fight but I’d opt for his Sync 1 if I only have 1 or 2 FF7 chars in my team.
If I could, I would have readily brought both Syncs. But the thing is each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time, which is really too bad. Vincent will be even better if I could use both of his Syncs on the same fight.
Anyway, Vincent’s AASB2 was also featured on the Final Fantasy VII Inherited Blade banner. Thankfully, I was also able to pull for this Soul Break. I talk more about my pulls on this banner in this post.
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Vincent’s AASB2 is definitely better than his AASB1. But at least I don’t have to choose between the 2 because there’s no limit to the number of Awakenings each char can equip.
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Getting more BDL relics for Vincent just made him even better and has really helped to cement his place on my fire team.
Got to use Vincent in a lot of fights. I remember that he was part of my team when I went to take on the physical and fire-weak version of White Odin or Argent Odin. This is a quest level 600 fight. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Vincent was also part of my team when I took on the magical and fire-weak version of Argent Odin. I talk more about that in this post.
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When I got more of Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) fire-type Soul Breaks, I started using Vincent less in my physical fire team. That’s because Sephiroth became my secondary DPS.
Sephi doesn’t really offer anything other than damage but the damage he deals is really good.
The fire imperils from Vincent are helpful and important but the thing is that I do always have Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) from Final Fantasy XII as part of my physical fire team.
Balthier’s Chain Soul Break is one of the best physical fire Chains in FFRK. I’m really glad I have this relic because it really helps to boost the damage output of my fire chars.
As a result of having Balthier’s fire Chain, he’s always a part of my fire team alongside Genesis.
Balthier can equip the Machinist ability that has the chance to imperil fire. He also has a Legend Materia that gives him the chance to imperil fire. He even has an Ultra Soul Break that lowers the enemy’s resistance to the fire element by 2 levels.
So it’s not like I really need Vincent to imperil fire although having him around does mean that I can quickly max out an enemy’s resistance to the fire element.
The point is that between Sephiroth and Vincent, Sephi deals more damage so I started using him more and more as my secondary DPS, especially once I started getting more BDL relics for him.
Vincent is still part of my magical fire team since he’s still one of my top DPS for magical fire and his fire CSB is still one of the best magical fire Chains in the game.
If I can make it work, my physical fire team would usually be Genesis, Sephiroth, Vincent, and Balthier with the fifth char being a healer and buffer.
This slot was usually filled by either Lenna Charlotte Tycoon from Final Fantasy V, Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper, or Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII.
On really hard fights, this team will unfortunately not work though. I’d need to bring a support like Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper instead of another damage dealer like Vincent.
An example was when I took on the physical-weak version of Snow Giant, the boss of the Labyrinth Nexus Season 2, Part 1 dungeon in the Labyrinth Dungeons. This quest is level 650. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Vincent is still part of my Final Fantasy VII realm team since said team has basically become a fire team too. This happened once I got more fire relics for Sephiroth and Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII.
I remember that I was able to clear the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon quest level 630 fight with Genesis, Sephiroth, Vincent, Balthier, and Aerith.
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Even managed to sub-30 this fight with the battle ending at 26.95 seconds. I talk more about that in this post.
Glad I got to use Vincent a lot in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Wish I’d been able to get more of his relics and gotten to use him even more.
Vincent Valentine Hero Artifacts and Hero Ability
My Vincent is currently equipped with his Hero Artifacts:
Level 99 of 99 Death Penalty (VII)
Level 99 of 99 Vincent’s Bandana (VII-DoC)
Level 1 of 1 Vincent’s Boots (VII)
Both weapon and armor have been augmented up to Level 5 of 99.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to double-check if I’d been able to get the best passives for all of Vincent’s Hero Artifacts. I think one or 2 of his Arts have the best passives.
Anyway, I also created Vincent’s Hero Ability. It’s a Machinist-type ability called Beast Flare. Vincent’s currently equipped with that and the Burnt Offering ability.
Vincent Valentine Stats
Vincent currently has the following stats:
ATK - 878
MAG - 895
ACC - 126
DEF - 448
RES - 538
EVA - 130
MND - 90
SPD - 182
Vincent Valentine Magia Crystals
Currently, Vincent has 489 Magia points. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take a screenshot of his Magia Crystals list before the game ended.
But I’m positive that Vincent used to have 100 points in his Magic Magia Crystal and 100 in his Attack Magia Crystal. Then I reset his points so he didn’t have any in his Magic Magia Crystal anymore.
This was because Vincent has a higher magic stat when compared to his attack stat. Whenever I tried to gear Vincent to deal physical damage, he still ended up with a higher magical stat anyway.
This was back when Vincent was still a prominent part of my physical fire team and when my magical fire team wasn’t that good or fully built yet. So I wanted Vincent to deal more physical damage.
I don’t think I ever got to bring Vincent’s Magic Magia Crystal back to 100 points. Even without this though, Vincent still has a higher magic stat anyway. It’s kind of infuriating.
As for the rest of his Magia points, pretty sure 100 went to his Fire Magia Crystal. His HP Magia Crystal should have 100 points as well then the rest should be split between his DEF and RES Magia Crystals.
Vincent Valentine Crystal Water Points
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot but I’m pretty sure that my Vincent has max Crystal Waters for the following stats: ATK, MAG, HP, DEF, and RES.
Vincent Valentine Character Profile
Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper has a Character Profile. This has 2 tabs - Overview and Hero Record.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take screenshots of Vincent’s Overview and Hero Record.
But here’s some of what is listed under the Overview tab of Vincent’s Character Profile:
Vincent’s Role is listed as Offensive Magic, which isn’t entirely accurate since Vincent is a hybrid char so he could be a physical DPS too.
Under the Special Traits heading is the following text:
Proficient with a variety of weapons and armor, with a focus on guns and rods. Can use rare black magic abilities, buffing his Magic to deal heavy elemental magic damage.
The Hero Record tab of Vincent’s Character Profile has the following text:
A gunslinger who slept in a coffin in the Shinra Mansion for many years, Vincent is one of the few who knows Sephiroth's true origin. Vincent has been surgically altered, giving him eternal youth and the ability to change into a variety of beasts.
If Vincent had any costumes, it would have been listed in the Hero Record tab under the Wardrobe Records heading. Too bad Vincent doesn’t have any alt outfits in this game.
Ugh. I’m really annoyed that I wasn’t able to take more Vincent-related screenshots before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Wish I’d been able to take more notes and info and such about all of this. Sigh.
It really sucks that the game is all over now. I really wish we could have gotten more time to play FFRK.
So what about you? What do you think about Vincent Valentine from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII? Do you have a lot of Soul Breaks for him? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Cait Sith Updated Relics and Stats List
In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, Final Fantasy VII is the realm where I have the most relics. That’s because FF7 is my fave realm in this game.
If there’s a Final Fantasy VII banner or if a Final Fantasy VII char is featured on a banner, I almost always pull on said banner.
This post is all about Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII and all the Soul Breaks I currently have for him as well as his current stats and such.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper End of Service Announcement
Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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I really wish this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
I also want to take screenshots of a couple of stuff in the game before the end.
Cait Sith Relics List
Here’s a list of all the relics that I have for Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII (#ad):
Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Miraculous Luck
Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Hit the Jackpot
Ultra Soul Break 1 (USB1), Danger Dice
USB2, Random Summon?
Glint+ Soul Break (G+), Planetary Protector
Super Soul Break 1 (SSB1), Moogle Dance
Default Soul Break, Dice (VII)
Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Divided Loyalties
LMR+, Hastening (Cait Sith)
Legend Materia 1, Felicitous Fortune-teller
Legend Materia 2, Courage Boost!
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Missing 3 of Cait Sith’s Soul Breaks:
Burst Soul Break (BSB), Lucky Girl
SSB2, Battle Trumpet
Unique Soul Break, Toy Soldier
Unfortunately, FFRK ended before I had the chance to take more screenshots of Cait Sith’s relics, stats, character profiles, and such.
Only missing 3 of Cait Sith’s relics, and they can all be bought from the The Record Lab using Anima Lenses. Unfortunately, didn’t get the chance to get all these Soul Breaks and complete Cait Sith’s kit before the game ended.
Cait Sith’s Awakening is the first Soul Break that I ever honed to the max. I talk more about that in this post.
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If you hone an Awakening to the max, you can now use it twice per fight instead of just once.
I remember picking Cait Sith’s LMR+ from the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic select. I talk more about that in this post.
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I remember getting a dupe of Cait Sith’s Sync from the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Banner 5.
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Was really annoyed about that because I was hoping to get the other relics featured on said banner. I talk more about that in this post.
Cait Sith Info
Cait Sith is one of, if not the, best support for magical and mind-based chars in FFRK. He’s really good. Aside from buffing mages, he can also heal. He can even provide Last Stand via one of his Soul Breaks.
Being able to use Cait Sith’s AASB twice per fight makes him even better. Having his Sync helps as well although IIRC, only just recently got this.
Ever Since I got Cait Sith’s Awakening, he’s been my go-to support whenever I need to bring a magical and mind-based team to clear a quest.
For instance, when I took on the magical and fire-weak version of the Argent Odin or White Odin fight (this is quest level 600), Cait Sith was part of my team. I talk more about that fight in this post.
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When I took on the Final Fantasy Type-0 Dragonking Dungeon quest (this is level 630), I brought Cait Sith as my off-realm char since my top 2 DPS for this fight benefit greatly from Cait’s buffs and support. I talk more about this fight in this post.
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Cait Sith Hero Artifacts and Hero Ability
My Cait Sith is currently equipped with his Hero Artifacts:
Level 99 of 99 HP Shout (VII)
Level 99 of 99 Cait Sith’s Crown (VII)
Level 1 of 1 Super Sweeper (VII)
IIRC, was able to get the best or perfect passives for all of Cait Sith’s Hero Artifacts.
This happened because I was trying to farm for the Hero Artifacts of Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Wanted to get the perfect passives for all of Genesis’s Hero Artifacts.
That’s because Genesis is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
The quest that drops Genesis’s Hero Artifacts also gives the chance to drop the Hero Artifacts of Cait Sith and Elena from Final Fantasy VII.
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I talk more about this in this post, but basically, what happened was that I ended up getting both Elena’s and Cait Sith’s perfect Artifacts in my quest to obtain the best Hero Artifacts and passives for Genesis.
Got so many of Genesis’s, Cait Sith’s, and Elena’s Artifacts that all have crappy passives. Was able to use these to help in leveling up my copies of Genesis’s and Cait Sith’s Artifacts that have perfect passives to the max.
IIRC, didn’t bother to level up Elena’s Artifacts beyond just fusing the copies needed to break the level cap of her weapon and armor Arts to 99.
That’s because I don’t have a lot of Elena’s Soul Breaks. IIRC, only have one of her Ultra Soul Breaks.
Since I’m not bringing her to fights anyway, decided not to bother wasting resources to level up her Artifacts to the max.
AFAIK, it also costs a lot to augment an Artifact so I didn’t bother to augment any of Cait Sith’s Arts. But of course, I readily augmented Genesis’s weapon and armor to 99 of 99.
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Anyway, I also created Cait Sith’s Hero Ability. It’s a Dancer-type ability called Joyful Dance. This temporarily lowers the defense and resistance of enemies while also restoring the party’s HP by a small amount.
Cait Sith is currently equipped with his Hero Ability and the Allegro con Moto 6-star Bard-type ability. This “reduces the offensive magic casting time of all allies for 3 turns”.
Cait Sith Stats
Cait Sith currently has the following stats:
ATK - 164
MAG - 494
ACC - 120
DEF - 377
RES - 495
EVA - 134
MND - 1061
SPD - 154
Cait Sith Magia Crystals
Currently, Cait Sith has 190 Magia points. Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take a screenshot of his Magia Crystals list before the game ended.
But I’m positive that I gave my Cait Sith’s Mind Magia Crystal 100 points since that’s always what I do for healers and supports the moment I get 100 points for them.
Then Cait Sith must have 90 points in his HP Magia Crystal although I might have some points for his DEF and RES Magia Crystals as well.
Cait Sith Crystal Water Points
Wasn’t able to take a screenshot but I’m pretty sure that my Cait Sith has max Crystal Waters for the following stats: MND, HP, DEF, and RES.
Cait Sith Character Profile
Each char in Final Fantasy Record Keeper has a Character Profile. This has 2 tabs - Overview and Hero Record.
Unfortunately, wasn’t able to take screenshots of Cait Sith’s Overview and Hero Record.
But here’s some of what is listed under the Overview tab of Cait Sith’s Character Profile:
Cait Sith’s Role is listed as Master of Magic, which is strange since Cait is a mind-based char. He’s a support and healer, not a magical DPS. His magic stat is pretty low while his mind stat is really high.
Under the Special Traits heading is the following text:
Wields instruments and rods. Can use rare bard abilities, granting buffs to the entire party.
The Hero Record tab of Cait Sith’s Character Profile has the following text:
A mechanical black cat with a penchant for fortune telling, Cait Sith joins Cloud under the pretext of seeing what his predictions for the party mean.
If Cait Sith had any costumes, it would have been listed in the Hero Record tab under the Wardrobe Records heading.
Ugh. I’m really annoyed that I wasn’t able to take more Cait Sith-related screenshots before Final Fantasy Record Keeper ended. Wish I’d been able to take more notes and info and such about all of this. Sigh.
It really sucks that the game is all over now. I really wish we could have gotten more time to play FFRK.
So what about you? What do you think about Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII? Do you have a lot of Soul Breaks for him? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII Crystal Dungeons Banners And Pulls
The Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Relic Draw banners just became available in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Relics List
The Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 features the following chars and their relics:
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII (#ad) Dual Awakening Soul Break 2 (DASB2), Awoken Darkpetal Bloom
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Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII DASB, Awoken White Materia
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Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy VII DASB, Awoken President’s Scorn
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Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII DASB, Awoken Ungarmax
Cloud Limit Break Chain (LBC), Woven Bond: Cloud
Rufus LBC, Woven Bond: Rufus
Barret LBC, Woven Bond: Barret
Cloud True Arcane Soul Break 2 (TASB2) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break 2 (ADSB2), Apex Hazardous Darkness
Rufus TASB, Apex Mako Cannon
Rufus Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), Presidential Might
Aerith AASB2, Planetary Pulse
Rufus Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+), Quickstrike (Rufus)
Have 2 dupes on this banner: Barret’s Dual and Aerith’s Awakening.
My top want on this banner is Aerith’s Dual with Barret’s LBC being a distant secondary want. The rest of the stuff featured here, particularly the Duals I don’t have yet, would be nice to have as well.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Relics List
The Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 features the following chars and their relics:
Barret TASB, Catastrophe
Cloud Synchro Arcane Soul Break 3 (SASB3), Mako Strike
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Barret SASB, Rocket Hammerblow
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Rufus SASB, Presidential Power
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Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII SASB2, Limit Combo
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Cloud Chain Soul Break+ (CSB+), Bond (Cloud)
Cloud AASB3, Dark Side Braver
Tifa AASB2, Chain Somersault
Barret AASB2, Uncontrolled Beam
Tifa Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Rockcrusher Grasp
Aerith G+2, Star Whisper
Barret LMR+, Swiftness (Barret)
Have 6 dupes on this banner: Barret’s TASB, Cloud’s AASB3, Tifa’s AASB2, Barret’s AASB2, Aerith’s G+2, and Barret’s LMR+.
My top want on this banner is Tifa’s Sync 2 followed by Barret’s Sync and Cloud’s Sync 3. The rest of the relics featured here would be nice enough to have as well.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banners Stamp Sheet Rewards List
There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these banners.
You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Realm/Elemental x11 Ticket
6 Stamps: 5000 Gysahl Greens
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 100 of each 5-star Mote
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: Choice from Select Relic List A x1
11 Stamps: 5,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 7,500 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps:  Choice from Select Relic List B x1
16 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
17 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
18 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
19 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: Scroll of Honing x1
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Select Relic List A features the following Soul Breaks: Cloud CSB+, Aerith AASB2, Cloud AASB3, Tifa AASB2, Barret AASB2, Tifa G+2, Aerith G+2, and Barret LMR+.
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Select Relic List B features the following Soul Breaks: Cloud DASB2, Aerith DASB, Rufus DASB, Cloud LBC, Rufus LBC, Barret LBC, Cloud TASB2, Rufus TASB, Cloud SASB3, Barret SASB, Rufus SASB, Tifa SASB2, Rufus AASB2, and Rufus LMR+.
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Thoughts about the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banners
Had no plans of pulling on either of the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banners. While both banners feature relics that I would love to get, I was more interested in future upcoming banners. So I wanted to save my mythril for those banners.
Unfortunately, Final Fantasy Record Keeper just recently announced that it was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about that in another post.
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Now a lot of the banners that I’ve been looking forward to pulling on won’t be coming anymore, which really sucks. I really wish that this didn’t have to happen. I don’t want FFRK to end, at least not anytime soon.
Anyway, I’m hoping to be able to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before everything ends on September 29, 2022. 
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And since there was no longer any reason to save my mythril, decided to pull on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banners.
Some of the relics featured on these banners could be of use to me.
Aerith Gainsborough DASB
Have most of Aerith’s Soul Breaks, including both of her Awakenings. Missing her Sync though.
Aerith’s a great healer. She’s also a good support for physical DPS since she has relics that will reduce the delay of all allies’ physical attacks for 3 turns. Her Dual can do the same thing as well.
I’m really lacking in physical supports and buffers so would love to get Aerith’s Dual to make her even better. She’s actually one of my go-to healers since I have so many of her relics and she is good.
Barret Wallace SASB and LBC
Barret is primarily a support who can also deal decent enough damage. Most, if not all, of his relics deal fire elemental damage. He also has ways of lowering an enemy’s resistance to the fire element.
Have a few of Barret’s relics, including his AASB2, his Dual, and his TASB. He’s part of my Final Fantasy VII realm team and my physical fire elemental team.
Barret’s LBC is for the Final Fantasy VII realm. Limit Break Chains are pretty good, but they can only be used once per fight.
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I have Barret’s Final Fantasy VII realm Chain Soul Break (CSB) and this one can be used as many times as you want as long as you have the 2 bars needed to cast it.
Fights that require you to bring a realm team usually come with a Roaming Warrior Chain that’s specifically for the realm in question.
So if, say, you’re taking on the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking Dungeon boss, you can make use of the Final Fantasy VII Roaming Warrior realm Chain.
In short, while it’d be nice to have Barret’s LBC for additional damage and boosts and such, it’s not really necessary.
Barret’s Sync would be nice to have too. It’s yet another relic that lets him support his team by buffing them and such.
Cloud Strife SASB3, CSB+, DASB2, LBC, and TASB2
Cloud is a physical DPS for the wind and dark elements. Most of the relics I have for him are for the wind element like his AASB1 and SASB1.
Cloud’s a great physical wind DPS but he’s not that good as a dark DPS. He’s on my physical wind elemental team. He used to be on my Final Fantasy VII realm team but I dropped him once I was able to build a fire-themed FF7 team.
Well, he is really good and he’s capable of dealing a lot of damage, especially when given the appropriate support and buffs and such so I bring him in if I need more fire power for my FF7 realm team.
Cloud’s SASB3 can be for either the dark or wind elements. His DASB2 and TASB2 are for the dark element. His CSB+ and LBC are Final Fantasy VII realm Chains.
A Chain Soul Break+ can also only be used once per fight. Like Limit Break Chains, they also have some pretty good effects and such. CSB+ don’t cost anything to cast unlike LBCs which need at least 1 bar of the limit break gauge before they can be activated.
Since Cloud’s not that good as a dark DPS and since my physical dark elemental team is pretty stacked already, not really all that interested in his dark tech.
Sure, they’d be nice to have but I prefer to get the other stuff on these banners first like Aerith’s Dual or Tifa’s SASB2.
Rufus Shinra SASB, DASB, LBC, TASB, AASB2, and LMR+
Rufus is a physical dark DPS slash support. Have 0 BDL relics for him and not really interested in him so it’s kinda annoying how most of the stuff on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banners belong to him.
I suppose he’d be nice enough to have but I’d need at least 2 BDL relics for him to make him usable. And I still prefer to get the other stuff on these banners first.
Tifa Lockhart SASB2 and G+2
Tifa is a great physical earth elemental DPS. Have a few of her relics, including both of her Awakenings, her Dual, and her first Sync. Tifa’s part of my physical earth elemental team as one of my DPS.
Tifa’s SASB2 is better than her Sync 1 so would love to get it to further improve my physical earth elemental team. Her G+2 would be nice to have but definitely don’t want to see it on its own when I pull on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banners.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 1
My first multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 gave me only 1 disco orb. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Dr. Mog didn’t even have the decency to show up. 
Then, to make matters worse, I was soon being greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen.
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Because I just ended up with a dupe of Aerith’s AASB2. Argh! So disappointing and disheartening. Eff this game and its crappy rates.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 2
My second multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 gave me 1/11 again. Ugh. Sometimes, I really hate this game.
At least Dr. Mog showed up this time. Here’s to hoping I didn’t just get another dupe again. Please, can I get Aerith’s Dual already? Please.
Ended up with this armlet. Don’t recognize it but I knew right away this wasn’t Aerith’s Dual. At least I wasn’t being greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen again.
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When I got to the draw results screen, I found out that I just got Barret’s LBC. Well, it’s new, and I did want to get this but I still wish I could have gotten Aerith’s Dual already. 
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That would have been more useful since, as aforementioned, I already have Barret’s FFVII Chain and I can just make use of the FF7 Roaming Warrior realm Chain.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 3
For a while, I just ignored the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banners. This will last until the game ends anyway.
But then a few days later, got the urge to pull so went to the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1. Was really hoping to get Aerith’s Dual already.
Alas, it just wasn’t meant to be. Got 2/11 but Dr. Mog only turned one of them into a 7-star.
Naturally, the 6-star I got was yet another dupe of Aerith’s AASB2 because eff this freaking game and its crappy, trashy rates. Argh! So frustrating. Aeris’s AASB2 is now at Rank 5 of 15.
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The 7-star I got was a sword so I knew right away that I wasn’t getting Aerith’s Dual.
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The sword turned out to be Cloud’s TASB2. Sigh. Sometimes, I really hate this game. I mean, I don’t want it to end but - argh! What’s with all these crappy draws?
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 4
My next multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 gave me a familiar-looking bracer.
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That’s right. Just got a dupe of Barret’s LBC. Argh! So freaking frustrating. Eff this game.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 5
This multi-draw gave me 1/11 again. Really hate seeing only 1 disco orb. Feels like such a waste of 50 mythril. If only this pull had given me Aerith’s Dual - but nah. While Dr. Mog did show up, he gave me a gun instead of Aeris’s dress.
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What’s even more frustrating and annoying is the fact that I can’t even get any of the other Duals featured on this banner. 
Instead, just ended up with Rufus’s LBC. Absolutely useless since I have nothing else for him. Ugh. Did I mention that I hate this game and this banner and these crappy rates?
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 6
Down to 56 mythril so was debating on whether I should pull again or not. Even thought about pulling on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 instead for a shot at Tifa’s Sync 2.
Really want Aerith’s Dual though so went back to banner 1. I thought things were finally looking up when 2 disco orbs appeared.
But Dr. Mog didn’t even have the decency to show up. And I was soon being greeted by yet another Soul Break Rank Up! screen.
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Really so sick and tired of seeing dupes of Aerith’s AASB2. The other 6-star I got was new but it was Rufus’s LMR+ so meh.
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Ugh. Really hating on this game right now. And now I’m all out of mythril. Not sure if I’ll be able to get enough for another multi-draw.
Because Final Fantasy Record Keeper just stopped having weekly events or any other events so we no longer have a constant source of mythril.
I’ve been trying to catch up and do all the content that I’ve yet to do, including all the quests in the Realm Dungeons.
But I don’t know how much more mythril I’ll be able to get from said Dungeons. It also takes a lot of time because you only get like 1 mythril per quest.
And if we’re talking about the Realm Dungeons, you often have to do 3 quests with 3 waves each before getting all the rewards which only includes 1 mythril because eff this grindy game.
Feeling so angry right now that I’m not even sure I want to keep bothering to do any of this any more. I wish at least the game would throw us a bone or something.
Give us more mythril. Adjust the rates. Something. I mean, why not, right? FFRK is already ending. At least let us have fun before everything goes away.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 7
After what felt like forever, I finally had enough mythril to do another multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1. Maybe I’d have been better off pulling on a different banner instead. But I guess I really wanted to have Aerith’s Dual.
Was bracing myself to be disappointed yet again so imagine my surprise when 5 disco orbs showed up. Whoah! It’s been so long since I’ve seen so many disco orbs at once. I think I’ve only ever seen this once or twice, or maybe this hasn’t happened before.
As the bronze and silver orbs started revealing themselves one by one, I was struck with the thought, the possibility, that Dr. Mog wouldn’t show up at all.
To my relief, not only did he appear, he also turned all of the 6-stars into 7-stars. Whoah! Also, hell yes! Now I could only hope that Aerith’s Dual would be in one of these orbs.
Unfortunately, it just wasn’t meant to be. My excitement at seeing so many 7-star orbs quickly turned into complete and utter disappointment when not only did I fail to get Aerith’s DASB, I also ended up with multiple dupes because eff this game.
It was so awful to see the same relics appearing multiple times then being greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen several times as well.
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Maybe if at least one of these Soul Breaks had been Aerith’s Dual, it wouldn’t have been so bad, and it wouldn’t have hurt so much. But no.
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It really sucks that Aerith’s Dual didn’t show up at all on this pull. Instead I got 2 copies of Rufus’s Dual. It’s a DASB but meh. Would still need more BDL relics for Rufus to make him usable.
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Also got 3 copies of Cloud’s Dual. Argh! Why’d this have to happen?
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How could getting so many 7-stars in one draw turn out to be such a massive disappointment? Why’d I have to get so many dupes? Why couldn’t one of these Soul Breaks have been Aerith’s Dual instead? Sigh. Eff this game.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 8
Was left with 36 mythril after my last multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 so it took a while before I was finally able to scrounge up enough mythril to pull again.
Maybe I should just leave this banner alone now and try a different one instead but couldn’t seem to help myself. I guess I really want Aerith’s Dual. If only it would just show up already.
But of course my 8th multi-draw on this banner didn’t give me Aerith’s DASB. Instead, I got a sword.
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This turned out to be Cloud’s Limit Break Chain.
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Well, at least it’s new but still. Why couldn’t I have gotten Aerith’s Dual instead?
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 9
My 9th multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 gave me 1 6-star and 3 7-stars.
The 6-star turned out to be Rufus’s Awakening. It’s new, and at least I now have another BDL relic for him. Still not sure if he’ll be usable with just these though.
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He might make it to my dark elemental team (we’ll see), but I highly doubt he’s making it to my Final Fantasy VII realm team.
The 7-stars I got were all dupes because eff this game. Barret’s LBC went from Rank 3 of 10 to Rank 5 of 10. Cloud’s Dual went from Rank 5 of 10 to Rank 7 of 10 to Rank 9 of 10. Because yeah, just got 2 dupes of Cloud’s Dual in this draw.
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Did I mention that I hate this game? Because I’m really freaking hating on this game right now. These crappy pulls are making me lose my motivation to continue trying to finish as much of FFRK’s content as I can before said game ends.
This is all just so frustrating, disheartening, and disappointing. And as if this wasn’t bad enough as it was, we’ve stopped getting any new events or campaigns and such in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
We still have about a month or so left before the game ends but it feels dead already with no new events or banners and such.
Maybe we could have gotten more free pulls or something. Maybe the game could have given us more mythril. Maybe the game could have increased the rates or something. I don’t know, but anything would have been better than absolutely nothing at all.
Have 67 mythril left after my 9th multi-draw on this banner but I dread having to pull again. It feels like I’m just throwing away all this mythril for nothing.
But there’s no more point in saving any of this anyway. If only I could tear myself away from this banner and just try pulling elsewhere.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 10
My 10th multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 1 gave me 3 golds. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned 2 of the 6-stars into 7-stars.
The 6-star I got turned into a gun and then I was being greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen. Just got a dupe of Rufus’s Awakening. It’s now at Rank 3 of 15. Meh.
The first 7-star that I got was a gun-type weapon. I was so sure that this was gonna be yet another dupe so I didn’t bother taking a screenshot of said weapon. Was really surprised when the Soul Break Rank Up! screen didn’t appear.
Apparently, what I just got was Rufus’s True Arcane Soul Break, Apex Mako Cannon. Well, at least it’s new and at least I already have some of his other relics.
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Was expecting the second 7-star to be a dupe. I mean, of course, I don’t want it to be a dupe and of course, I really want to get Aerith’s Dual already.
But I’ve been wanting to get that since I first started pulling on this banner. I’m now 9 pulls deep and that has yet to happen so wasn’t expecting my 10th pull to be any better or different.
And so imagine my surprise when the second 7-star revealed itself to be a dress. A very familiar-looking dress.
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There’s only one dress on this banner so I knew right away that I just got Aerith’s Dual Awakening Soul Break, Awoken White Materia. Hell, yes! And also freaking finally!
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Have no words for this. Don’t know what to say. I mean, on one hand, I’m really happy to see this. I thought that I’d never be able to get this. So I’m so glad that it finally decided to come home.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banners vs Other Final Fantasy Record Keeper Banners
But on the other hand, this cost me way too much. Ended up filling out Sheet 1 of this banner’s Stamp Sheet.
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I can now pick 1 relic from Select Relic List A. Looking through the available relics on that list again, I see that I’m only missing 2 - Cloud’s CSB+ and Tifa’s G+2.
For now, I’ve decided not to pick a relic yet since I’m thinking of pulling on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2. Definitely done with banner 1 now though since my 10th multi-draw gave me the last 2 relics that I was still missing on said banner.
It sucks that it took me so many pulls before I was able to clear out this banner but it could have been way worse. I’m getting flashbacks to the banner that featured the Dual Awakening Soul Break 1 of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.
Pulled so many times on that banner until I ran out of mythril but unfortunately, I failed to get Seph’s DASB. It was devastating. Wasn’t even able to clean out that banner because eff this game and its crappy rates.
Sigh. I really wish I’d been able to get Sephi’s Dual. If that banner was still here, I could have continued pulling after getting more mythril but it’s long gone by now.
Anyway, I still have some mythril so I’m now thinking of pulling on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2. I know I’d be better off pulling on another banner instead.
Already have a lot of dupes on the aforementioned FFVII banner whereas there are other banners where I have 0 or only a few dupes. But Final Fantasy VII is my fave realm in this game.
The chars featured on the other banners aren’t really of interest to me. And for some of those chars, I have like 0 Soul Breaks for them so they’re not gonna be usable unless I can get at least 2 BDL relics for them.
I think I’ll be happier if I get FF7 tech and at least they’ll be of use to me. For instance, I already have a lot of BDL relics for Tifa. Her Sync 2 is way better than her Sync 1 so getting it will help improve my physical earth elemental team.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 1
My first multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 gave me 2 6-stars. Sadly, Dr. Mog didn’t even bother to show up.
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Ended up with a dupe of Tifa’s Awakening. It’s now at Rank 7 of 15. Meh. At least the other 6-star I got was new. It’s Tifa’s G+2.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 2
My second multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 gave me 3 golds. Dr. Mog showed up and turned one of the 6-stars into a 7-star.
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The first 6-star I got turned out to be a dupe of Barret’s Awakening. It went from Rank 11 of 15 to Rank 13 of 15.
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The second 6-star I got was yet another dupe of Tifa’s Awakening. It’s now at Rank 9 of 15. Meh.
The 7-star that I got was a sword.
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To my surprise, this turned out to be new. Just got my first copy of Cloud’s Sync 3, Mako Strike. Nice.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 3
My third multi-draw on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 gave me 2 golds. Dr. Mog showed up but he just gave me a dupe of Barret’s TASB.
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The 6-star I got was also nothing more than a dupe of Tifa’s Glint+2. Meh. Bad pull is bad. What a waste of 50 mythril.
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 4
My 4th multi-draw on this banner only gave me a dupe of Barret’s TASB. It’s now at Rank 5 of 10. Meh.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 5
My 5th multi-draw on this banner only gave me a dupe of Cloud’s Awakening. It’s now at Rank 3 of 15. Ugh. Why are my pulls on this game so bad?
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At least this pull gave me the Choice from Select Relic List B x1 Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Reward.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Select Relic List A Pick
Since I just got Tifa’s G+2, the only item that I’m missing from the Select Relic List A is Cloud’s Chain Soul Break+.
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Decided to select Cloud’s Chain already even if I’m still planning to pull on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 since the game’s end is drawing ever closer.
I at least want the chance to be able to use these new relics before it all goes away.
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Plus, considering how crappy my pulls here have been lately, I doubted that I’d ever be able to get Cloud’s Chain anyway.
Or maybe now that I’ve gone and picked this CSB+ from the list, I’m now gonna get it on my next multi-draw. LOL. What are the odds of that happening?
Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 6
My 6th multi-draw on this banner gave me a dupe of Barret’s LMR+ because eff this game and its crappy rates.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results 7
This is probably gonna be my last pull on Final Fantasy Record Keeper since there’s only a few days left before the game ends. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get back to 50 mythril before the end.
Anyway, this multi-draw gave me 1 disco orb so was already feeling disappointed, not to mention annoyed and frustrated. How come I keep getting only 1/11 from these pulls?
At least Dr. Mog appeared this time. He gave me a gun-arm so I knew right away that I just got something that belongs to Barret.
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Was expecting to see the Soul Break Rank Up! screen so was quite surprised when it didn’t show up. I was like, wait, what, did I actually get something new? Seriously?
Couldn’t believe it but it’s true. I did just get something new. Just got Barret’s Sync, Rocket Hammerblow. Wow. Color me surprised.
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Actually pretty pleased to see this since this is one of the few relics that I’m still missing on this banner, and Barret is part of my Final Fantasy VII realm team and even my physical fire elemental team as my support.
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Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) Select Relic List B Pick
After getting Barret’s Sync, I’m now only missing Tifa’s Sync and Rufus’s Sync from the Crystal Dungeons banners. I can pick either Sync via the Select Relic List B rewards from the Stamp Sheet.
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Now it’s just a matter of deciding which one to go for. I would have wanted to pull on the Crystal Dungeons (FFVII) banner 2 again just in case I somehow manage to get either or both on said draw.
But, as mentioned, I don’t think I’ll be able to scrounge up 50 mythril again before the game ends.
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I’m still trying but I’m really not sure if I’ll be able to make it because by now there’s only hours left before the end. Sigh. I really wish that this didn’t have to happen.
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I’m so not ready to say goodbye to all of this. Haven’t even had the chance to really get to play and make use of these new relics and such that I’ve been able to get.
Anyway, after thinking about it for a while, decided to just go ahead and pick Tifa’s Sync 2 already.
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I like her better than Rufus, and I’d like to try using her Sync before the game ends. Plus, I already have a lot of her other relics so this will make her even better as a physical earth elemental DPS.
End of Final Fantasy Record Keeper Mobile Game
And that's it. It's all over now. At the time I'm writing this part of this post, it's way past September 29, 2022 so FFRK has just ended its service. Ahh, I still wish that this didn't have to happen now or anytime soon.
Anyway, I was actually able to get back to 50 mythril before the end. However, decided not to pull on the Crystal Dungeons banner 2 anymore since the only relic I’m missing there is Rufus’s Sync.
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Not all that attached to it, and I’m most likely gonna end up with dupes and more dupes if I pull on that banner again.
So I just used that mythril on some of the Realm and Elemental banners. I talk more about the results of my pulls on those banners on another post.
Also, I tried but sadly, wasn't able to finish all the content in Final Fantasy Record Keeper before the end. I talk more about that in another post.
Sadly, I also didn’t get a chance to really use some of the new stuff that I just got from the Crystal Dungeons banners. Heck, there are some that I didn’t get to use at all. Let’s see.
Used Aerith’s Dual as soon as I got it. Since I usually run a physical fire elemental team, was able to use Aerith a lot as my healer. She is really good, especially since I have so many of her Soul Breaks.
Since her AASB2 was nearly at Rank 15 and since the game was ending already anyway, went ahead and honed said Awakening to the max. This let me use it twice per fight instead of just once.
Aerith’s AASB1 was only at like Rank 3 of 15. Wouldn’t have minded honing it too but found that I didn’t really need a second use of her Awakening 1 thanks to having multiple BDL relics for her.
Unfortunately, I only got to use Tifa’s Sync 2 and G+2 like once or twice. She’s a physical DPS but her element is earth. Don’t really use my phyiscal earth team that often.
And while Tifa is really good and I do have multiple BDL relics for her, she’s not part of my Final Fantasy VII realm team. Well, she’s a backup in case I need more fire power, I suppose.
But my current Final Fantasy VII realm team is already pretty good. The DPS that make up that team also deal physical fire damage so Tifa doesn’t have much synergy with any of them other than being from the same realm.
Tifa is really good though, especially with her Sync 2 which is way better than her Sync 1. I also have her Dual and 2 of her Awakenings. I really wish that I’d had the chance to use her more.
Missed out on Rufus’s Sync but with all the other relics that I just got for him on the Crystal Dungeons banners, he would have been usable on a physical dark elemental team or even a Final Fantasy VII realm team.
Unfortunately, I never got the chance to actually use him. Created his Hero Ability and completed his Record Boards and such but I ran out of time and the game ended before I had the chance to try him out in some endgame content.
Ahh, it’s really too bad. Since I also just got more of Cloud’s dark tech, I could have tried running a Final Fantasy VII dark team with Sephiroth, Cloud, and Rufus. But now I’ll never be able to try that. Sigh.
Speaking of Cloud, also never got to use all the new dark tech that I just got for him. He’s better as a physical wind DPS but I still would have liked to have been able to try him out as a dark DPS, especially after getting these new Soul Breaks for him.
At least I was able to use Cloud although it’s not as much as I wanted to. He’s the main DPS on my physical wind elemental team and he also made an appearance on my Final Fantasy VII realm team since I needed more fire power.
Cloud is really good. He’s capable of dealing a lot of damage, especially when given the appropriate support, buffs, auras and such.
Surprisingly, the Chains on this banner really came in handy, particularly Cloud’s CSB+ and LBC as well as Barret’s LBC. Was able to use these Chains a lot.
They really helped to boost the damage of my chars. And it seems like they’re better than the Roaming Warrior realm Chain. Actually found myself hoping these Chains could be used more than once per fight.
Anyway, speaking of Barret, I got to use him a lot since he’s part of my physical fire elemental team and my FInal Fantasy VII realm team as my support slash DPS.
Getting his Sync came in handy too since it’s able to counter the Full Break debuff that some endgame bosses like to use. His AASB2 can do that too so I can now deal with the Full Break debuff even if bosses use it twice per fight.
Anyway, it’s really sad that everything’s all over now. I miss the game already. I really wish I had more time before it all ended. There was still so much that I wanted to do on FFRK.
So, what about you? Did you pull on these banners? What do you think about the relics featured here? What do you think about the fact that Final Fantasy Record Keeper is all over now? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Select
The Fireworks Festival event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game. As part of the festivities, several banners have shown up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
There are 5 Fireworks Festival banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these banners. 
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You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: Bartz Klauser’s (from Final Fantasy V) Cosmic Traveler Wardrobe Record
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break (G) or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
For the free relic picks, you can choose from a curated list so, unfortunately, not everything’s available.
There’s also a Stamp Sheet that’s only for each of the fest banners, meaning you’ll only fill out the sheet if you pull on the fest banner it’s associated with. Here’s a list of the rewards you can get with this Stamp Sheet:
1 Stamp: 1000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
3 Stamps: 1000 Gysahl Greens
4 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
5 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
6 Stamps: 2000 Gysahl Greens
7 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
8 Stamps: 2000 Gysahl Greens
9 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
10 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
11 Stamps: 1000000 Gil
12 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
13 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
14 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
15 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
16 Stamps: 1500000 Gil
17 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
18 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
19 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
20 Stamps: 1 free new relic pick
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The new relic pick refers to all the new relics on each of the fest banners. So you need to pull 20 times on 1 fest banner to be able to get one of the new relics there.
I talk more about this in another post but I pulled up to 10 times on 4 of the 5 fest banners so I could get the Sync select reward on the Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Ultra Soul Break Pick
Not all relics may be available for the Stamp Sheet picks, but there’s still a lot to choose from. 
To make things even just a little bit easier for me, I removed the relics that can be bought from the The Record Lab with Anima Lenses and then only considered the remaining USBs if I have at least an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) or a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) for the char they belong to. 
Here’s what I have left to choose from:
Minwu’s (from Final Fantasy II) USB3, Bright Sigil
Have his AASB and USB2. His USB3 will be available in the next update to the The Record Lab so I can just buy it from there using Anima Lenses. Minwu deals holy damage although he isn’t all that exceptional. 
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I’ve used him a few times as an additional DPS. But I recently just got another Awakening for Hope Estheim (from Final Fantasy XIII). Already have his other AASB. He’s way better than Minwu, especially since I now have 2 BDL relics for him. In short, Minwu’s out.
Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) USB3, Kaiser Wave
Actually only have his USB1, USB2, and Burst Soul Break 2 (BSB2) but a lot of his relics can be bought from the The Record Lab, including his magical earth Chain Soul Break (CSB) and AASB1. The effects of Kaiser Wave are pretty good:
Deal ten magic dark, earth, and wind attacks to one enemy, temporarily lower its dark, earth, and wind resistance levels by 2, remove delay from all allies' actions for one turn, and temporarily grant the user Tri-Element Mode.
So if I ever get the Emperor’s Awakening and Chain, this USB will be very useful, especially if I manage to pull his other BDL relics as well. I don’t know about getting Kaiser Wave right now though since I’m reluctant to spend the Lenses needed to buy his CSB and AASB1. 
The good news is that this USB will be available in the next Lab update so maybe I’m better off just waiting to get it then, assuming I’m still interested. Hmm. Guess I need to think about this some more. 
Refia’s (from Final Fantasy III) USB2, Forge Pillar
Only have her AASB1. She’s a physical fire attacker but my physical fire team is already really stacked so she has no place there even if I luck into her AASB2 and Sync. In short, she’s also out.
Tellah’s (from Final Fantasy IV) USB2, Grand Astron
Have his AASB1, USB1, Super Soul Break (SSB), Unique Soul Break 1, LMR2, and LMR3. He has a magical earth Chain but unfortunately, it’s not Lensable. Don’t see myself using him with just this so looks like he’s out too.
Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) USB4, Improvised Camouflage
Have a few of her relics, including her physical water AASB and her physical water CSB. Her USB4 mostly just deals damage so not really interested in it. 
Besides, she’s too busy casting her Chain and then her Awakening so she won’t have time to use this and I do already have a USB for her. Also, this one will be available in the next Lab update so she’s out too.
Shelke Rui’s (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) USB2, Transparent Spark
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Have her AASB1, CSB (for the lightning element), Glint Soul Break (G), and LMR1. Her USB2 can imperil lightning but it will be available in the next lab update so maybe I can just wait for that. 
Also, I’m still trying to decide if she should be my lightning Chain holder or not. Will need to think about this some more.
Freya Crescent’s (from Final Fantasy IX) USB3, Sandstorm Lance
Have 1 of her Awakenings and 2 of her LMRs. She’s a physical wind attacker but my physical wind team is already really stacked so she has no place there, especially since I don’t even have her Sync and her other AASB. So meh. She’s out too.
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) USB3, Potion Shower
Only have his AASB1 but most of his relics are already Lensable. The notable ones that aren’t are his Sync and second AASB. His USB3 is really good:
Instantly restore a large amount of HP to all allies, temporarily increase their critical hit damage, and reduce delay of their actions for two turns. 
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Kinda interested in getting this now although it will be available in the next Lab update. Larsa’s a healer slash support and he can easily cast esuna on the entire party. With his AASB1 and USB3, he’ll be usable enough if I also Lens his Glint+ that grants the party Protect, Shell, and Haste. 
But I don’t know. I do already have a lot of other supports and healers so it’s not like I really need him and I can just wait for the Lab update. But his USB3 seems way better than the other options I’ve seen so far.
Aranea Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy XV) USB2, Twice the Jump
Have her AASB, USB1, Overstrike Soul Break (OSB), and LMR2. I think I’m gonna need more BDL relics for her to make her usable. Her USB2 seems okay enough but meh. I’d say she’s out too.
Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) USB2, Spark Dash
Only have her Burst Soul Break (BSB) and physical lightning CSB but her Awakening is Lensable. Her USB2 deals damage and has decent enough effects and it won’t be available in the next Lab update. 
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I’m thinking of Lensing her Awakening. The reason I haven’t done so is because I still sometimes throw Realm/Elemental x11 tickets on the Final Fantasy Type-0 realm banner so I could end up with more of her relics from there. 
Her USB2 might be there as well so I don’t know. Need to think about this some more.
Here’s a quick list of my USB choices without the descriptions:
Minwu USB3
Emperor USB3
Refia USB2
Tellah USB2
Yuffie USB4
Shelke USB2
Freya USB3
Larsa USB3
Aranea USB2
Queen USB2
I’ve now narrowed my choices down to the following:
Emperor USB3 - the imperils on this USB are quite tempting. With this, his CSB, and AASB, he should be usable enough
Shelke USB2 - with this USB, she can imperil lightning while also being my Chain holder. She can even help contribute some damage with her AASB
Larsa USB3 - this USB is really good for physical DPS 
Queen USB2 - if I get her Awakening, she can be one of my lightning DPS instead of my Chain holder
Okay, let’s try to take a closer look at each of these chars and their relics.
Emperor’s USB3 imperils dark, earth, and wind but his Chain is for the earth element so I’m more likely to use him on a magical earth team, especially since I can only buy 1 BDL relic for him. After taking a closer look at the Ultras I have for the Emperor, I saw that his USB1 imperils earth. 
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His USB3 is still better but his USB1 will work well enough if we’re just talking about lowering an enemy’s resistance to the earth element. 
Also, his Lensable Awakening isn’t that good because it doesn’t give him any elemental infusion. At this point, I think I’m better off just waiting for the Lab update or looking for other imperil options.
As for Shelke and Queen - well, right now, my physical lightning party consists of  the following chars:
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Delita Heiral (from Final Fantasy Tactics) as my main DPS with his Sync and AASB
Prompto Argentum (from Final Fantasy XV) as my secondary DPS with his Sync and AASB although I have his physical lightning CSB so he could be my Chain holder
Tyro (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) as my support
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon (from Final Fantasy V) as my healer
either Queen or Shelke as my Chain holder
Prompto can imperil lightning too. He’s really more of a support but I’ve turned him into my secondary DPS because he’s the only other char I have who has 2 BDL relics for lightning. 
If I had someone else to be a DPS, then Prompto can be my Chain holder while also being able to imperil lightning and even contribute some damage with the rest of his relics. 
I was hoping for Queen to be my secondary DPS since I heard she can be really good if she has her Awakening and Sync but since I’ve yet to get either, she’s stuck being my Chain holder.
Since I’m still using tickets on the Final Fantasy Type-0 realm banner, I think I shouldn’t get Queen’s USB now since I might just end up getting a dupe later on. I think I shouldn’t go for Shelke either since I do already have Prompto who can imperil lightning even while he’s acting as my secondary DPS. 
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So that leaves me with Larsa. I don’t think I’ll be using him that often and his USB will be available in the next Lab update but well, who else am I supposed to pick? 
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He seems to be the most viable and useful option here. At least I can use him for all my physical teams and not just for 1 single element like most of the choices here.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic Pick
For the Glints and LMRs, here’s the list I’m trying to choose from:
Cait Sith’s (from Final Fantasy VII) LMR+, Hstening (Cait Sith)
Have all of Cait Sith’s important relics, including his Awakening which I’ve max honed so it can be used twice per fight instead of just once. He’s one of the premier supports for magic and mind-based DPS. 
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Have all of his LMRs except for this one. Currently, I have him equipped with his LMR and LM2 (Legend Materia 2). Here are their effects:
LM2, Courage Boost:
Moderate chance to restore a small amount of HP to all allies when a dancer ability triggers.  
LMR, Divided Loyalties:
Reduce delay of the user's actions for three turns at the start of battle.
LMR+, Hastening (Cait Sith):
Cause every third dancer or bard ability used by the user to reduce delay of the user's actions for three turns.
I guess if I get his LMR+, it would replace his LMR since it’s only useful for the first 3 turns of a fight. Then again, Cait already works well enough with what I already have for him. 
Not sure how important his LMR+ is. I’ll see the rest of my options first. If there’s nothing else that might be better or more useful, I could just pick this.
Fujin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) LMR+, Onslaught (Fujin)
Have a lot of her relics, including her magical wind CSB and one of her AASBs. Her LMR+ gives a “moderate chance” for a follow-up ability to trigger and deal damage so it could be useful.
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Kiros Seagill’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) LMR+, Subversion (Kiros)
Only have his AASB. His LMR+ will imperil ice after the third time he uses an ice ability so it’s pretty useful but since I don’t even have his Sync, don’t really see myself using him on my physical ice team.
Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) LMR+, Subversion (Lion)
Like with Kiros, I only have Lion’s AASB. Her LMR+ is also the same as Kiros’s except it’s for the water element.
Cid Raines’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) LMR+, Hastening (Cid Raines)
Have 2 BDL relics for him - his Sync and one of his AASBs. His LMR+ is the same as Cait Sith’s except his applies to dark or holy abilities.
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Aranea Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy XV) LMR+, Onslaught (Aranea)
Well, I already turned down her USB so doing the same to this.
Dr. Mog’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Royal Resourcefulness
Have a few of his relics, including one of his Awakenings. Already have his G+1 and one of his Glints so I don’t think I really need this one as well.
Scott’s (from Final Fantasy II) G+, Hungry for Battle
Have his AASB and USB but he’s a physical fire attacker so I don’t see him making it into my already stacked fire team, especially since I’m missing his Sync.
Tellah’s (from Final Fantasy IV) G+2, Sage’s Will
His G+2 instantly increases his Soul Break gauge by 2 which would be really useful if I had more of his relics.
Galuf Halm Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) G+2, King of Bal
Have a few of his relics, including both of his Awakenings. His G+2 temporarily lowers the earth resistance of one enemy.
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Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) G+2, Invincible Swordplay
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) G+3, Blade of Holy Binding
Have 1 of her Awakenings and Syncs as well as her physical ice Chain. Her G+3 is for the holy element so this one’s out since I only have her ice relics. Her G+2 grants all allies a magic barrier and temporarily increases the amount of gauge she gets if she deals weakness damage.
Gau’s (from Final Fantasy VI) G+2, Feral Rampage
Have one of his Awakenings, Glint and LMR. Gonna need more of his BDL relics to really make him usable.
Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) G+2, Earth Veil Slam
Yuffie’s G+2 is for the earth element but I only have her water relics so this one’s out.
Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) G+2, Warrior's Dignity
Have his AASB, Sync, and Limit Break Overstrike (LBO). His G+2 will give him an empowered infusion for either the wind or holy elements. 
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Shelke Rui’s (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) G+, Amber Eyes
This one will give Shelke an empowered infusion for the lightning element.
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) G+3, Sublime Sorcery
Have a few of her relics, including her ice AASB. Gonna need more of her BDL relics to make her usable.
Kiros Seagill’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) G+, Switch Reduction
This gives Kiros either an empowered infusion for the dark or ice elements.
Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) G+2, Yearning Prayer
Have a few of her relics, including one of her AASBs and her magical holy Chain. Her G+2 will instantly fill her Soul Break gauge by 2.
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Shantotto’s (from Final Fantasy XI) G+, Thrills and Spills!
Have a few of her relics, including her True Arcane Soul Break (TASB). Don’t have her AASB but it’s Lensable. Her Sync is one of the choices for this fest’s Stamp Sheet Sync select. 
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Am actually thinking about acquiring both but I’m not sure yet. If I do get those 2 relics though, then this G+ will be of use. 
Cid Raines’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) G+, Seraphic Shift
This one gives him empowered infusion for either the dark or holy elements.
Thancred Waters’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) G+, Kassatsu
Ths only BDL relic I have for him is his Sync so I don’t see him being usable with just that.
Aranea Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy XV) G+2, Soaring Heights
This might be an option if I had more of her useful relics like her Sync.
Cor Leonis’s (from Final Fantasy XV) G+, Lucian Might
The only BDL relic I have for him is his AASB so meh.
Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy) G+, Implacable Ruler
The only BDL relic I have for him is his AASB. Really wish I have his Sync. 
Delita Heiral’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) G+, Meager Ambition
This one will give Delita empowered infusion for either the holy, fire, lightning, or ice elements.
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Alma Beoulve’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) G+, Sister’s Prayer
The only notable relic I have for her is her Awakening. She’s a healer. Her G+ grants the party Protect, Shell, and Haste. From looking at the rest of her relics, she doesn’t really seem like a good healer.
Here’s a list of my choices without the descriptions:
Cait Sith LMR+
Fujin LMR+
Kiros LMR+
Lion LMR+
Cid Raines LMR+
Aranea LMR+
Dr. Mog G+2
Scott G+
Tellah G+2
Galuf G+2
Celes G+2
Celes G+3
Gau G+2
Yuffie G+2
Angeal G+2
Shelke G+
Rinoa G+3
Kiros G+
Yuna G+2
Shantotto G+
Cid Raines G+
Thancred G+
Aranea G+2
Cor G+
Ardyn G+
Delita G+
Alma G+
Argh! So much for trying to narrow things down. There’s still way too many to choose from. How am I supposed to pick? 
On a side note, I really hate how we have the same select for Glints and LMRs. Why can’t we have 1 select for Glints and another for LMRs like how it is with USBs and Syncs? 
As it is, I also have to decide if it’s better to get an LMR or a Glint. But first I really need to narrow down this list some more. Right. Let’s remove the Glints and LMRs for chars who only have 1 BDL relic with maybe a few exceptions. 
Let’s also remove the ones that don’t have any synergy with the relics I already have for the char in question. Now we’re left with the following:
Cait Sith LMR+
Fujin LMR+
Cid Raines LMR+
Galuf G+2
Celes G+2
Angeal G+2
Yuna G+2
Shantotto G+
Cid Raines G+
Delita G+
Much better but still need to narrow this down some more.
Cait Sith LMR+
He’s on all my magical teams and I already have most of his relics. If I get his LMR+, it should see a lot of use, unless his LMR turns out to be better.
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Fujin LMR+
She’s on my magical wind team. I have her focused on casting her Chain but she can contribute a bit of damage with her AASB. Since I’m not relying on her for damage, I guess I don’t really need her LMR+. Yeah, I think this one’s out.
Cid Raines LMR+
He’s on my magical dark team as one of my DPS. This LMR+ can be useful but, now that I’m thinking about it some more, I think I don’t really need this. 
I already have supports who can speed up my chars. Cid’s better off using LMs that boost his damage or let him dualcast his abilities. So this one’s out.  
Galuf G+2
He’s on my physical earth team as one of my DPS although I’m considering making him my Chain holder instead. That would require me to Lens his Chain though. Anyway, his G+2 being able to imperil earth is nice but it’s not permanent and this can only be used once per fight. 
Now that I’m taking a closer look at the other relics I have for Galuf, I see that his Unending Toil USB can actually imperil earth. It’s also temporary but USBs can be cast multiple times so it’s fine. So I’d say Galuf’s G+2 is out as well.
Celes G+2
She’s on my physical ice team as my ice Chain holder. But since I got 2 of her BDL relics, I’m thinking she could be one of my DPS instead. 
Her G+2 is nice to have but it doesn’t seem all that necessary. The Magic Barrier’s useful enough but I already have other chars in charge of protecting the party and keeping them safe. 
Being able to get more gauge from dealing weakness damage is useful but if I really want more bars, I can just bring a dedicated entruster. I usually have one on my physical teams anyway so, yeah, I’d say Celes’s G+2 is out as well.
Angeal G+2
He’s on my physical holy team as one of my DPS. I can use his G+2 to give him empowered infusion for the holy element but casting either his Sync or Awakening will already do that.
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Infusions can stack though and there are times when enemies diffuse you so his G+2 does still have its uses. It’s also gonna be available in the next Lab update so maybe I could just wait to get it then. I do like Angeal but I don’t know. I gues he’s still in for now.  
Yuna G+2
She’s on my magical holy team as my Chain holder. With the relics I have for Yuna, she can be a healer as well. If I get her G+2, she'll be able to cast any one of her Soul Breaks right away. 
Or I could use it then wait until she gets 2 more bars then have her be able to cast 2 Soul Breaks back-to-back. She can use her Chain then her healing USB or Awakening or something. Like Angeal’s G+2 though, Yuna’s G+2 will be available in the next Lab update.
Shantotto G+
My magical lightning tech is really lacking which was why I was interested in getting Shantotto’s Sync and AASB. It helps that she’s supposed to be a really good magical lightning DPS. 
But I’m still not sure if I’ll really go for her SASB and AASB though. Need to think about this some more. Her G+ will be Lensable in the next Lab update.
Cid Raines G+
This is very similar to Angeal’s G+2. It will also be available in the next Lab update.
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Delita G+
Delita’s elements are holy, fire, lightning, and ice. He’s mostly on my physical holy and lightning teams. Sometimes, I try him out on ice as well. His G+ is very similar to Angeal’s G+2 and Cid Raines’s G+. It will also be available in the next Lab update.
Now we’re left with the following:
Cait Sith LMR+
Angeal G+2
Yuna G+2
Shantotto G+
Cid Raines G+
Delita G+ 
From the above, the only one that won’t be Lensable in the upcoming Lab update is Cait Sith’s LMR+. So I should just pick him and be done with it, right? I guess but maybe one of my other choices will be more useful now. 
Maybe I need one of these Glints now to help me clear a fight or something. So I want to think about this some more. But I think I should check out the Sync select first so I can decide what to do about Shantotto already.
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After considering all my Sync select choices, I ended up going with Shantotto’s Sync. I talk more about that below. Not sure about going for her G+ as well though since it will be Lensable in the next Lab update. 
And now that I’ve thought about it some more, I think I should just go with Cait Sith’s LMR+ since it won’t be Lensable anytime soon. The Glints are all nice to have but I might as well just wait since I’ll be able to get them eventually anyway. The same can’t be said for Cait’s LMR+ unless it shows up in one of my pulls.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick
Compared to the long list of Glints, LMRs, and USBs that you could choose from, the Sync select list is much smaller. Here are the ones that I don’t have:
The Warrior of Light’s (from Final Fantasy I) SASB1, Photon Wave
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB1, Armageddon XCIX
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) SASB1, Channel Water
Golbez’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1, Dark Meteor
Kain Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1, Blood Dragoon
Exdeath’s (from Final Fantasy V) SASB1, Space Disorder
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1, Phoenix Heat
Terra Branford’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1, Inferno Cross
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB2, Meteor Rain
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB2, Angel Wing Cross
Beatrix’s (from Final Fantasy IX) SASB1, Seiken Shock End  
Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1, Blitz Yell
Rikku’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1, Tidal Wave
Shantotto’s (from Final Fantasy XI) SASB, Chain Thunder Play
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) SASB1, Saintly Pride
Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB1, Gestalt Drive
Lightning’s SASB2, Centuria of One
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB, Bahamut Assault
Snow Villiers’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB1, A Dream Revealed
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) SASB1, Child of the Dawn
Alisaie Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) SASB, Heart and Steel
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1, For the King
Cidolfus Orlandeau’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB1, Seiken Perfection
Goffard Gaffgarion’s (Gaff Gafgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB, Dark End
Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Crimson Nova
Lasswell’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Winter’s Oblivion
Fina’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Eternal Light
Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) SASB1, Magika Animus
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Welp, that’s still a lot to choose from. Right, let’s try to narrow it down further. First, let’s remove the chars who I don’t have a single BDL relic for but let’s still consider the ones whose AASBs are currently Lensable. 
Let’s also remove the ones whose stampable Sync has no synergy with the BDL relic I have for them. And since my fire team is really stacked already, let’s just remove all the fire-related Syncs. 
Also removing Ashe’s SASB1 because I just got her SASB2 and it’s way better. Besides, each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time so it’s not like I’ll ever be able to use both. 
That leaves me with the following:
Warrior of Light SASB1
Maria SASB1
Onion Knight SASB1
Kain SASB1
Cloud SASB2
Rinoa SASB2
Tidus SASB1
Rikku SASB1
Shantotto SASB
Lightning SASB1
Lightning SASB2
Snow SASB1
Alphinaud SASB1
Lunafreya SASB1
Orlandeau SASB1
Elarra SASB1
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Ugh. There’s still so many left to choose from. Okay, then let’s remove the Syncs that have a better version like Tidus’s. His SASB2 is way better than his SASB1 so if I ever get his Sync 2, I’ll definitely be using it over his Sync 1. It feels like a waste to get his Sync 1, especially when there are plenty of other Syncs to choose from. 
Let’s also remove the chars who has a BDL relic that has no elemental infusion like Onion Knight. His Sync 1 is for the magical water element and it gives him major empowered infusion for water but his magical AASB, which I don’t even have and would have to Lens, doesn’t have any elemental infusions. 
That leaves us with the following:
Cloud SASB2
Rikku SASB1
Shantotto SASB
Lightning SASB1
Lightning SASB2
Much better. Let’s take a closer look at each of these then.
Cloud’s Sync 2 is for the dark element. Most of the relics I have for him are for the wind element though. I do have his AASB3 which is for either the dark or wind elements so I can combo this with his Sync 2. Too bad I’m missing his dark AASB2 and it’s not Lensable. 
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Cloud’s one of the best physical wind DPS but I heard he wasn’t that good as a dark DPS so I don’t know about getting his Sync 2, especially since I’m missing his AASB2. 
I am looking for a secondary physical dark DPS, preferably one with 2 BDL relics, but I’m not sure if Cloud is the right one for that job. I think there might be better options out there. Will need to think about this some more.  
I have nothing for Rikku but both her AASB and physical water Chain Soul Break are Lensable. Both her Sync 1 and Sync 2 are for the water elements. The former offers more support for the party while the latter lets her deal more damage. I already have Yuffie’s Chain. What I’m really looking for is more DPS for my water team. 
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If Rikku becomes my Chain holder, Yuffie can be one of my DPS but the problem is that I only have 1 BDL relic for her. The few water DPS I have, like Tidus, also only have 1 BDL relic. 
I’m not sure getting Rikku’s relics is really gonna help me much right now because I still need more water DPS. I’d say she’s out for now. Maybe I can consider her next fest, assuming I fill out the next Stamp Sheet again anyway. Hopefully by then, I’d have more viable water DPS.  
Honestly, I don’t really like Shantotto so I never purposely pulled for her. Still somehow ended up with a number of her relics though. I have her TASB, LBO, USB, CSB1, and LMR1. 
As aforementioned, I don’t have her AASB but it is Lensable. She’s a really good magical lightning DPS with all of her BDL relics, and I really need more magical lightning tech, which is why I’m considering her. 
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Even if I get her though, I’ll still need to Lens a lot of stuff to form a magical lightning team. For instance, I have Ashe’s Sync 2 and TASB but I don’t have her AASB so I have to Lens that if I want another BDL relic for her. 
I’m eying Shantotto and Ashe as my magical lightning DPS. I also need to Lens a magical lightning Chain because the Chain I have for Shantotto sucks (her CSB2 is better) and besides, if she’s gonna be my DPS, then she won’t have time to be my Chain holder as well.
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I have a few relics for Lightning, including her holy Awakening. Her lightning AASB is Lensable. Her Sync 1 is for lightning while her Sync 2 is for holy. 
If I get Lightning’s Sync 1, she’ll become one of my DPS. I guess that would mean dropping Queen as my Chain holder. Prompto can be my Chain holder while Lightning and Delita will be my DPS. 
But since I’m still tossing tickets on the Type-0 banner, I might still end up with more of Queen’s stuff so I don’t know. Lightning has more of a place on my physical holy team since I don’t have a lot of holy relics. In fact, I only just recently got a physical holy Chain. 
So I could go for Lightning’s Sync 2 but I’m not sure how good my holy team will be for endgame content. Maybe I need more holy relics and can hold off on getting Lightning’s Sync 2 for now. Hmm. Will need to think about this some more.   
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Rain’s elements are fire and earth but I’m only looking at him as potentially another physical DPS for my earth team. I have his AASB and Glint+. His USB and Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB) are Lensable. 
He’s a pretty new collab char so those and his Sync are his only relics. He doesn’t even have a Hero Ability. Now that I’m thinking about it some more, maybe Rain isn’t the best pick as my secondary physical earth DPS. 
There are plrenty of other chars to choose from and at least they will get new relics whereas I don’t know if we’re ever gonna get a Final Fantasy Brave Exvius collab again. I think I’m better off just waiting until I can get another earth-based DPS. So Rain’s out.
That leaves me with Cloud Sync 2, Shantotto Sync, Lightning Sync 1 and Lightning Sync 2. Now how should I narrow this down further? 
I think I should just drop Cloud. There are better dark DPS out there, and I sometimes toss tickets on the dark elemental banner like when my Type-0 realm pulls have really frustrated me, so there’s a chance I can get Cloud’s Sync 2 or other better dark relics from there. 
Lightning’s Sync 2 should be out as well since my physical holy team is still not that good so getting this SASB isn’t gonna help much. 
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So now I’m left with Shantotto’s magical lightning Sync and Lightning’s physical lightning Sync. 
There’s no doubt about it - I definitely like Lightning way more than Shantotto. And her lightning Sync is also pretty good. But Queen’s the issue here. 
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Yeah, I could just not pull on the Final Fantasy Type-0 realm banner but I’m trying to beat that realm’s Dragonking fight so I really want more Type-0 relics. 
And, aside from Queen’s lightning tech, there are other good Soul Breaks for various elements on that banner, which I’m also hoping to luck into. 
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Since I’m gonna keep pulling on this banner, maybe I should just skip Lightning’s Sync for now. Besides, I’m also more likely to pull on the Final Fantasy XIII realm banner as opposed to the Final Fantasy XI one. 
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So I guess that leaves me with Shantotto. Welp, I never thought I’d purposely pick her for anything but who else am I supposed to pick here? Man, I wish this Sync select had more options. 
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Picks
So to recap, I went with the following Soul Breaks for my Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet picks:
Larsa’s USB3, Potion Shower
Cait Sith’s LMR+, Hstening (Cait Sith)
Shantotto’s SASB, Chain Thunder Play
Hopefully, I don��t end up regretting this. I can start using Cait Sith’s LMR+ right away but I’ll need to Lens other relics before I can use Larsa’s USB and Shantotto’s Sync.
So, what about you? Did you pull on any one of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival banners? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you wanted? 
How much of the Fireworks Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet did you fill out? What relics did you choose to get from the Stamp Sheet select? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
3 notes · View notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Select
The Summer Sun 2022 Relic Draw Festival event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
As part of the festivities, several banners will show up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
There are 5 Summer Sun Festival banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these banners.
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You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: Serah Farron’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Summoner’s Garb Wardrobe Record
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break (G) or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
21 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
22 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
23 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
24 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
25 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
26 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
27 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
28 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
29 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
30 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
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For the free relic picks, you can choose from a curated list so, unfortunately, not everything’s available.
There’s also a Stamp Sheet that’s only for each of the fest banners, meaning you’ll only fill out the sheet if you pull on the fest banner it’s associated with. Here’s a list of the rewards you can get with this Stamp Sheet:
1 Stamp: 1000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
3 Stamps: 1000 Gysahl Greens
4 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
5 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
6 Stamps: 2000 Gysahl Greens
7 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
8 Stamps: 2000 Gysahl Greens
9 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
10 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
11 Stamps: 1000000 Gil
12 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
13 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
14 Stamps: 1 Stamina Potion
15 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
16 Stamps: 1500000 Gil
17 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
18 Stamps: 2 Orbfest Tickets
19 Stamps: 3000 Gysahl Greens
20 Stamps: 1 free new relic pick
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The new relic pick refers to all the new relics on each of the fest banners. So you need to pull 20 times on 1 fest banner to be able to get one of the new relics there.
I talk more about this in other posts but I ended up pulling 15 times across 3 different fest banners. Did 3 draws on fest banner 1, 10 on fest banner 3, and 2 on fest banner 5.
Also, just before this fest began, we got the news that Final Fantasy Record Keeper was gonna end its service on September 29, 2022. I talk more about this in another post.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Awakened Arcane Soul Break Pick
There are a lot of Awakened Arcane Soul Breaks to choose from but I’ve already made up my mind on which one to pick so there’s no need to go through each AASB and talk about its pros and cons.
I’m going to pick the second AASB of Mog from Final Fantasy VI (#ad). It’s not because he’s a fave or anything though.
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It’s because Mog’s AASB2 is apparently so meta that it’s like the most must-have relic in FFRK.
If I look up team ideas for some endgame content, it seems like most of the parties I see feature Mog.
It’s actually really frustrating how it seems like Mog is so important and yet there’s no way to pull for him anymore. He hasn’t shown up in a banner recently.
And to get to the AASB pick in the Summer Sun 2022 Stamp Sheet, I needed to pull 15 times on the fest banners. It’s completely and utterly ridiculous.
Honestly, I wasn’t planning to do 15 pulls at all but well, things happened. I talk more about that in another post but, yeah, I really hated this fest. 
Wasted hundreds of mythril and yet I still failed to get the relics I wanted. Just got dupes and more dupes. It's so disheartening and disappointing. Eff this game and its crappy rates and these cursed fest banners.
Ahem. Looks like I got a bit distracted. Anyway, Mog’s AASB2 is called Dance as One. Its effect is:
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Temporarily raise the Attack and Magic of all allies a moderate amount and the Defense and Resistance of all allies a small amount, temporarily reduce delay of their actions, grant the user Awoken Rhapsody Mode, with a bonus effect depending on the number of allies from the FF VI realm that remain in the battle, and cause every second dancer ability used by the user to trigger the follow-up ability Mog Step, restoring 1,500 HP to all allies and casting Esuna on them. Triggers instantly.
Apparently, Mog’s AASB2 is so good that he can be made to work with just that as long as you max out its rank so you get 2 uses per fight instead of just 1.
Thankfully though, I do have other Soul Breaks for Mog. I have his Sync and one of his Ultra Soul Breaks and a few of his Legend Materia Relics. He also has a few Lensable relics.
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There’s still a lot of content that I have yet to finish in Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I want to be able to finish as much as I can before the game ends. 
I really hope that Mog’s Awakening 2 will be able to help me clear some of the endgame content that I have yet to do.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick
There’s a lot of Synchro Arcane Soul Breaks to choose from but the list isn’t as long as the ones for Ultras, Glints, LMRs, and AASBs. Below is a list of the ones I’m missing:
The Warrior of Light’s (from Final Fantasy I) SASB1, Photon Wave
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB1, Armageddon XCIX
Minwu’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB, Holy XCIX
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) SASB1, Channel Water
Ingus’s (from Final Fantasy III) SASB1, Knight's Assault
Golbez’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1, Dark Meteor
Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB, Shine Braver
Rydia’s (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB2, Broken Heart
Exdeath’s (from Final Fantasy V) SASB1, Space Disorder
Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) SASB1, Baldesion Attack
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1, Phoenix Heat
Terra Branford’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1, Inferno Cross
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB2, Meteor Rain
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB1, Angel Wing Firmament
Beatrix’s (from Final Fantasy IX) SASB1, Seiken Shock End  
Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB2, Centuria of One
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB, Bahamut Assault
Snow Villiers’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB1, A Dream Revealed
Jihl Nabaat’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB, Army Gear
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) SASB1, Child of the Dawn
Alisaie Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) SASB, Heart and Steel
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1, For the King
Cidolfus Orlandeau’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB1, Seiken Perfection
Goffard Gaffgarion’s (Gaff Gafgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB, Dark End
Cinque’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) SASB1, Meteor Cyclone
Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Crimson Nova
Lasswell’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Winter’s Oblivion
Fina’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Eternal Light
Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) SASB1, Magika Animus
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Welp, that’s still a lot so let’s try narrowing things down some more. First, let’s remove the chars who I don’t have a single BDL relic for like Alisaie, but let’s still consider the ones whose AASBs are currently Lensable like Cinque.
And since my fire team is really stacked already, let’s just remove all the fire-related Syncs like Locke’s and Terra’s.
That leaves me with the following:
Warrior of Light SASB1
Maria SASB1
Minwu SASB
Onion Knight SASB1
Ingus SASB1
Paladin Cecil SASB
Rydia SASB2
Krile SASB1
Cloud SASB2
Rinoa SASB1
Beatrix SASB1
Lightning SASB2
Snow SASB1
Nabaat SASB
Alphinaud SASB1
Lunafreya SASB1
Orlandeau SASB1
Cinque SASB1
Elarra SASB1
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Welp, that barely narrowed things down. Right, let’s see. Let’s remove Lunafreya’s Sync 1 because I have her Sync 2 and that’s way better. Plus, each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time anyway so Lunafreya’s Sync 1 is never gonna get used.
Let’s also remove the chars whose BDL relic/s don’t have an elemental infusion like Onion Knight. His Sync 1 is for the magical water element and it gives him major empowered infusion for water but his magical AASB, which I don’t even have and would have to Lens, doesn’t give him any elemental infusions.
Then let’s remove the Syncs that have a better version like Maria’s. Her SASB2 is way better than her SASB1 so if I ever get her Sync 2, I’ll definitely be using it over her Sync 1. So it feels like a waste to get Maria’s Sync 1, especially when there are plenty of other Syncs to choose from.
That leaves me with the following:
Minwu SASB
Paladin Cecil SASB
Rydia SASB2
Cloud SASB2
Rinoa SASB1
Beatrix SASB1
Lightning SASB2
Nabaat SASB
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Much better but still a lot. Let’s see. Minwu’s a mind-based char. His Sync is for the holy element. My magical and mind-based holy team is already pretty good though so Minwu’s out.
Heard that Paladin Cecil isn’t that good so he’s out. Already have a lot of relics for Rydia, including both of her AASBs, so am eyeing her Sync 2 with interest. 
Rydia’s a magical DPS. Her Sync 2 is for the water element. Rydia’s on my magical water team so getting her Sync 2 will make her stronger.
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Cloud’s Sync 2 is for the dark element. Most of the relics I have for him are for the wind element though.
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I do have his AASB3 which is for either the dark or wind elements so I can combo this with his Sync 2. Too bad I’m missing his dark AASB2 and it’s not Lensable.
Cloud’s one of the best physical wind DPS but I heard he wasn’t that good as a dark DPS so I don’t know about getting his Sync 2, especially since I’m missing his AASB2.
Besides, my physical dark team is already pretty stacked so I don’t think I really need Cloud as another dark DPS. So he’s out.
Rinoa’s a magical DPS who dabbles in 2 elements - ice and earth. Her Sync 1 is for the earth element. Have a few of her relics, including her Awakening that can either be for the ice or earth elements.
Rinoa doesn’t seem as good as or better than my current earth mages. I don’t think she’ll be replacing anyone on my magical earth team even if I get her Sync 1 unless I luck into more BDL relics for her so she’s out.
Beatrix deals physical holy damage. Her Sync 1 and Sync 2 seem to be about on par with each other. Her Sync 1 appears to have more utility since it can dispel enemies and lower their resistance to the holy element.
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My physical holy team is really lacking so I could definitely use more holy tech. Just not sure if Beatrix can really help. Gonna need to think about this some more so she’s still in for now.
Lightning is a physical DPS who dabbles in 2 elements - holy and lightning. Her Sync 2 is for the holy element. I have her AASB2 which is also for the holy element.
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Been hearing lots of good things about Lightning. And it looks like she can deal more damage than Beatrix since the latter’s more of a support. I could use a physical holy DPS. But I need a support too. So I don’t know. For now, Lightning’s still in. Definitely gonna need to think about this some more.
Nabaat deals magical dark damage. Have a few of her relics, including her AASB. Don’t think she’ll be able to replace anyone on my magical dark team though. So she’s out.
Rain’s a physical DPS who dabbles in 2 elements - earth and fire. My physical earth team is already pretty stacked though so Rain's out.
That leaves me with the following:
Rydia SASB2
Beatrix SASB1
Lightning SASB2
Much, much better. Now to try and figure out which Sync I should pick. Let’s see. Right now, I have the following physical holy BDL relics:
Warrior of Light - AASB
Wol from Mobius Final Fantasy - AASB
Firion from Final Fantasy II - AASB1 and AASB2
Paladin Cecil - can Lens one of his AASBs
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI - AASB1
Angeal Hewley from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - AASB2 and SASB
Beatrix - AASB
Curilla V Mecru from Final Fantasy XI - can Lens her AASB
Lightning - AASB2
Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics - SASB, can Lens her AASB
Delita Heiral from Final Fantasy Tactics - SASB and AASB
Orlandeau - can Lens his AASB
Welp, it’s been a while since I last looked at my physical holy tech so it’s surprising to find out that I actually have quite a few. They’re not all good, but I should still be able to form a decent enough party with these relics.
I’d forgotten that I actually have Agrias’s Sync. I think her AASB wasn’t Lensable before. When it became Lensable, I was reluctant to spend the resources needed to get it from the shop but now that the game is ending, there’s no more point in saving anything.
See, Agrias can also imperil enemies with the holy element and, after taking a closer look, it seems like she's better than Beatrix in doing this. She even has a Hero Ability that also imperils holy. So Beatrix is out. That leaves me with Lightning and Rydia.
A physical holy team with Angeal, Agrias, and Delita seems viable enough. Just need a healer and a holy Chain Soul Break holder. So maybe I don’t really need Lightning. Maybe I’ll be able to do some endgame content with these chars. Hmm.
Guess I should take a look at my current magical water tech as well. Here’s a list of my magical water BDL Soul Breaks:
Meia from Mobius Final Fantasy - can Lens one of her AASB
Onion Knight - can Lens one of his AASB
Rydia - AASB1 and AASB2
Famed Mimic Gogo from Final Fantasy V - AASB1
Strago Magus from Final Fantasy VI - SASB1, can Lens one of his AASB
Quistis Trepe from Final Fantasy VIII - AASB2
Lulu from Final Fantasy X - can Lens one of her AASB
Y’shtola Rhul from Final Fantasy XIV - SASB1
Lunafreya - AASB and SASB2
Dr. Mog from Final Fantasy Record Keeper - AASB2
My magical water team includes Rydia and Lunafreya as my DPS. Strago’s my Chain holder although now that I’ve taken a closer look at Gogo, I’m considering him as a possible replacement because he can imperil water.
If I get Rydia’s water Sync, I’ll be able to improve my magical water team. If I get Lightning’s holy Sync, I’ll be able to improve my physical holy team. So I don’t know. 
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It’s down to these 2 but I don’t know which one to pick. Need to think about this some more.
At the moment, I’m kinda leaning towards going with Rydia’s Sync. Getting her Sync would mean I’ll now have 3 of her BDL relics for the water element whereas with Lightning, I’ll just have 2 for the thunder element.
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Also, I’m more likely to throw my Realm/Elemental x11 tickets at the Final Fantasy XIII realm banner as opposed to the Final Fantasy IV one.
In fact, I just tossed a ticket at the FF13 banner, hoping for Lightning’s Sync 2. Of course, it didn’t show up because eff the crappy rates on this game. Just got 2 useless dupes and a new LMR that probably belongs to Lightning.
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Also tried the physical and holy-weak version of the Argent Odin or White Odin fight. This is quest level 600.
My team was Angeal, Delita, Agrias, Tyro from Final Fantasy Record Keeper, and Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII. Angeal, Delita, and Agrias served as my DPS with Agrias also helping to imperil the holy element. Tyro was my support and buffer while Aerith was my healer.
Didn’t bring a holy Chain so had to make do with the Roaming Warrior one which sucks. I can also only use it twice so had to try and end the fight as quickly as possible before I ran out of uses of the Chain.
Well, “try” was definitely the key word here. I tried but failed to end the battle before the Chain ran out. At least the fight was already close to ending but it was still really bad to have to keep going when I no longer have an active Chain on the field.
The damage of my chars plummeted, so much so that I was just surprised and relieved when they were still able to break the damage cap every once in a while. 
I really didn’t want to have to repeat the fight again so was really glad when I was able to get the win. It did tell me though that what I really need is a holy Chain Soul Break. Sure, I could definitely use more damage too but what’s more important is getting a holy Chain.
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I do have some holy Chains but they’re on chars who I have nothing else for so bringing them didn’t seem like a good idea. That’s why I thought I could just try with the Roaming Warrior Chain. I guess if I had more firepower, I’d have been able to finish the fight sooner. But it’s done now so whatever.
There’s more holy content I have to do but - eh. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do those even with Lightning’s holy tech. Gonna need more holy relics. So I think I should just focus on powering up my water team some more. 
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And maybe I’ll get lucky and Lightning’s holy Sync will show up on a ticket or free pull or something. Heck, that’s actually what happened with Lightning’s thunder Sync. IIRC, got it from a free pull.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Ultra Soul Break Pick
There’s a lot of Ultra Soul Breaks to choose from. Most of them are already Lensable so just gonna look at the ones that aren’t and that could be of use to me. 
If I have at least 1 BDL relic for the char in question, then I’ll consider their USB. So that leaves me with the following:
Firion - USB4
Refia from Final Fantasy III - USB2
Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III - USB2
Tellah from Final Fantasy IV - USB2
Palom from Final Fantasy IV - USB2
Strago - USB2
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX - USB4
Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX - USB3
Yda Hext from Final Fantasy XIV - USB2
Cid Garlond from Final Fantasy XIV - USB2
Aranea Highwind from Final Fantasy XV - USB2
Queen from Final Fantasy Type-0 - USB2
Trey from Final Fantasy Type-0 - USB2
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Meh. Not a single one of these options jump out as must-haves to me. Ultras are kinda outdated by now. They still have their uses, of course, since they’re the Soul Break that you can cast multiple times per fight.
Healing Ultras are still really good. USBs that can imperil are also good. But those that mostly just deal damage aren’t really all that good anymore.
Chars who deal damage will always want to use their Syncs and other BDL relics first. It’s only after a char has used up all of their BDL relics that they’ll turn their attention to their Ultras. But by then a fight should be over or nearly over.
Anyway, let’s start trying to narrow things down.
Firion’s USB4, Blade Combo, looks pretty good. It’s got a lot of effects, one of which is reducing the delay of Firion’s actions for 2 turns.
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I have both of Firion’s Awakenings and one of his Syncs plus a few of his other relics so maybe it’s not such a bad idea to go for his USB4.
Refia’s Ultra seems pretty good too. One of its effects is setting her critical hit chance to 100%. But the only relic I have for her is one of her Awakenings. Plus she’s a fire DPS, and I already have a lot of those so I don’t think it’s a good idea to pick her USB2. In short, Refia’s out.
The Cloud of Darkness’s USB2, Insulating Appendages, has a lot of good effects, one of which is reducing the delay of their actions for 3 turns.
I have the Cloud of Darkness’s magical dark Chain Soul Break which is really good so they’re part of my magical dark team. Also have one of their Awakenings plus a few of their other relics.
I don’t have any of their Ultras though so their USB2 seems to be a nice pick. This way, they have something to cast when the effects of their Awakening have run out and when they don’t need to refresh the Chain yet.
Tellah is out. He’s a magical earth DPS. But I already have pretty good earth mages so he’s not part of my magical earth team.
Palom is out. I only have 1 of his AASBs, and my magical lightning team is already pretty stacked so Palom has no place there unless I can get more of his BDL relics.
Strago is out since he’s no longer part of my magical water team. Vivi’s still in since I have 2 BDL relics for him and another one of his Awakenings is Lensable.
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Freya’s out since I only have 1 BDL relic for her. The same can be said for Yda although I don’t actually have a single BDL relic for her right now. Her AASB is Lensable though.
Cid is still in. I only have 1 BDL relic for him. But one of his elements is poison. I’m really lacking in poison tech. Gonna need a lot more to be able to tackle endgame content that requires a poison elemental team.
Aranea is out since I only have 1 BDL relic for her. Queen is out too. The only decent relic I have for her is her lightning Chain Soul Break.
At least 1 of her AASBs is Lensable. But my physical lightning team is already pretty good. There’s no place for Queen there unless I can get more of her BDL relics. Trey is out too since I only have 1 BDL relic for him.
That leaves me with the following:
Firion USB4
Cloud of Darkness USB2
Vivi USB4
Cid Garlond USB2
Hmm. Let’s remove Firion. I have like 3 BDL relics for him so not sure he’ll even have time to cast his USB4. That means Vivi should be out too.
The Cloud of Darkness and Cid are in since they have less Soul Breaks to cast. Now I just need to choose between the 2.
Cloud of Darkness USB2, Insulating Appendages:
Deal ten magic dark, lightning, and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for dark, temporarily increase the damage of the user's dark abilities a moderate amount, and reduce delay of the user's actions for three turns.
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Cid Garlond USB2, Flamethrower (XIV):
Deal ten ranged physical fire, earth, wind, poison, and non-elemental attacks to one enemy, remove delay from all allies' actions for one turn, temporarily grant the user Quad Element Mode, grant Bravery Mode to the user, and set the user's Bravery Level to 2.
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Both have pretty good effects but Cid’s seems better since his Ultra can remove the delay from the entire party’s actions even if it’s just for 1 turn.
The Cloud of Darkness’s Ultra only really benefits themselves. Since I’m not relying on them for damage at all, it doesn’t really matter even if this USB makes them hit harder.
So I think I’ll just go with Cid’s Flamethrower Ultra then just Lens the Cloud of Darkness’s other USB. Just checked and their Wide-Angle Particle Beam USB is Lensable.
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It also appears to be better than Insulating Appendages since it offers more support for the party. Its effect is:
Deal seven magic dark and lightning attacks to all enemies, temporarily infuse the user with the power of the dark, raise the Magic of all allies a moderate amount and Resistance a small amount, and cause the user's dark abilities to trigger the follow-up ability Lightning, dealing magic dark, lightning, and non-elemental damage to all enemies.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic Pick
I really hate how we have the same select for Glints and LMRs. Why can’t we have 1 select for Glints and another for LMRs like how it is with USBs, AASBs, and Syncs? As it is, I also have to decide if it’s better to get an LMR or a Glint.
And even after removing the Lensable Glints and LMRs and only considering the ones for chars who I have at least 2 or more BDL relics for, there’s still a lot to choose from.
I also find it annoying how the game doesn’t tell you if the relic is Lensable or not so I have to look for a list of Lensable Soul Breaks elsewhere just to make sure I don’t end up picking something I can easily get with Lenses. It’s such a hassle.
Anyway, here’s the list of Glints and LMRs I’m considering for this Stamp Sheet pick:
Desch’s (from Final Fantasy III) G+2, Growling Thunder
One of the things this does is temporarily lower the lightning resistance of one enemy by 2.
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I don’t have a single BDL relic for Desch but he’s my magical lightning Chain holder. He can equip the ability that has the chance to imperil lightning. Also have his USB that imperils lightning.
This Glint+ could be useful so I can quickly lower an enemy’s resistance to lightning. Or if an enemy suddenly raises their resistance to lightning, I can use this G+ to counter that without having to wait until I have enough bars to cast Desch’s imperil USB.
Tellah’s G+2, Sage’s Will
This Glint instantly fills Tellah’s Soul Break gauge by 2. Have both of Tellah’s Awakenings so this could be useful.
Strago’s G+2, Exploit Weakness
The effect of this Glint+ is:
Temporarily increase the user's Cap Break Level by 1, and increase the damage of the user's attacks that hit a target's Slight Weakness or Vulnerable element a moderate amount for two turns. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break Gauge.
Have Strago’s magical water Sync and his magical water Chain Soul Break. One of his magical water Awakenings is also Lensable.
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Mog’s LMR+, Hastening (Mog)
The effect of this LMR+ is:
Cause the third dancer or dragoon ability used by the user to reduce delay of the user's actions for three turns.
I did just get Mog’s AASB2 although haven’t had the chance to do anything with him yet. This LMR+ of his could be useful.
Fujin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) LMR+, Onslaught (Fujin)
Have a lot of Fujin’s relics, including her magical wind Chain and both of her AASBs. Her LMR+ gives a “moderate chance” for a follow-up ability to trigger and deal damage so it could be useful.
Kuja’s (from Final Fantasy IX) LMR+, Perseverance (Kuja)
The effect of this LMR+ is:
When low on HP, restore HP to the user, temporarily lower the user's Resistance and raise the user's Magic a large amount, and reduce delay of the user's actions. Can only trigger once per battle.
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Have one of Kuja’s AASBs and his Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) plus a couple of his other relics.
Rikku’s (from Final Fantasy X) G+2, Mega Enwater
This Glint+ temporarily gives Rikku Empowered Infusion for water and removes the delay from her actions for 1 turn.
Have Rikku’s physical water Chain and one of her Syncs. One of her Awakenings is Lensable.
Kimahri Ronso’s (from Final Fantasy X) LMR+, Re-action (Kimahri)
This LMR+ lets Kimahri dualcast water abilities every 3 uses. Have his Sync and one of his AASBs is Lensable.
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Auron’s (from Final Fantasy X) LMR+, Catalyst (Auron)
One of the effects of this LMR+ is temporarily raising Auron’s attack and reducing the delay of his actions. Have one of Auron’s Awakenings and one of his Syncs plus a few of his other relics.
Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) LMR+, Subversion (Lion)
This LMR+ causes every third water ability used by Lion to temporarily lower an enemy’s resistance to the water element. Have Lion’s Sync and Awakening.
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) G+2, Solidor's Shadow
The effect of this Glint+ is:
Deal ranged physical or magic dark damage to one target, dealing more damage if the target is Vulnerable or has a Slight Weakness to dark, and temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for dark. Can break the damage cap. Triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break Gauge. Attack type depends on the user's stats.
Vayne’s LMR+, Refinement (Vayne)
The effect of this LMR+ is:
Increase the user's dark damage a moderate amount.
Have one of Vayne’s Awakenings and his dark Chain Soul Break. His other AASB is Lensable.
Balthier’s (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII) G+3, Rise and Fall
One of the effects of this Glint+ is temporarily lowering the fire resistance of an enemy. Only have 1 BDL relic for Balthier but I have his physical fire Chain Soul Break. This is one of the best fire Chains in the game.
Balthier can equip the ability that has the chance to imperil fire. Also have his Ultra which imperils fire.
Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) G+2, Link Up
One of the effects of this Glint+ is giving Noctis a temporary infusion for either the fire, earth, or lightning elements. Have one of Noctis’s Syncs, his AASB, and his DASB.
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Cidolfus Orlandeau’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) G+2, Sword Saint's Fervor
One of the effects of this Glint+ is giving Orlandeau a temporary infusion for either the dark or earth elements. Have one of Orlandeau’s Syncs and his Awakening is Lensable.
Here’s a list of my choices without the descriptions:
Desch G+2
Tellah G+2
Strago G+2
Mog LMR+
Fujin LMR+
Kuja LMR+
Rikku G+2
Kimahri LMR+
Auron LMR+
Lion LMR+
Vayne G+2
Vayne LMR+
Balthier G+3
Noctis G+2
Orlandeau G+2
Argh! That’s still a lot to choose from. Need to narrow this down some more. Let’s see.
Desch is out. Sure, his G+2 would be nice to have but it’s not like I really need it. Desch already has a lot of ways to imperil lightning.
Tellah is out. His G+2 would be nice to have but that’s really only if I have his magical earth Chain. Unfortunately, this Chain isn’t Lensable. 
If I had this Chain, I could use this G+2 to quickly get Tellah to 2 bars then have him get 2 more for a total of 4. This way, he can cast his Chain then join my other earth mages in dealing damage by activating one of his Awakenings.
But since I don’t have Tellah’s Chain, he’s actually not part of my magical earth team. He could be a DPS since I do have both of his Awakenings but my current earth mages are already really good so Tellah isn’t replacing any of them unless I get more BDL relics for him.
Strago is out. He used to be part of my magical water team as my Chain holder. I actually Lensed his Chain and was thinking of getting his Awakening as well so I could have 2 BDL relics for him.
But this was before I found out that Famed Mimic Gogo from Final Fantasy V can imperil the water element. I only have 1 of Gogo’s AASBs but his magical water Chain is Lensable.
I had to choose which water Chain to get for my magical water team and I ended up picking Strago’s. Don’t remember why now. I think it was because it seemed like Strago can deal pretty good damage so he can help my magical water DPS.
But I should have gone with Gogo just because he can imperil water. He has a Hero Ability and an LMR+ that imperils water. Imperils are as important as damage and Chains and such because most, if not all, enemies like to increase their elemental resistance a lot.
I guess Mog is still in for now. I did just get his AASB2. And this LMR+ of his does seem useful although I’m not completely sold on it yet.
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Fujin is still in for now. She is part of my magical wind team as my Chain holder as well as secondary DPS.
Kuja’s also still in for now. After all, I just recently got his Dual Awakening Soul Break. This is the latest kind of Soul Break in the game. And can’t remember for sure now but I’m pretty sure, I also just recently got Kuja’s AASB.
Rikku’s still in for now. Since I now have her Chain and one of her Syncs and can even Lens one of her Awakenings, she’ll be replacing Yuffie Kisaragi from Final Fantasy VII as my physical water Chain holder. I only have 1 BDL relic for Yuffie whereas I can get 2 for Rikku.
I guess Kimahri is still in for now since I can get 2 BDL relics for him if I Lens his AASB. Auron is also still in for now since I have 2 of his BDL relics.
Lion is still in for now. She’s actually part of my physical water team as one of my DPS. She’s also the one I’m relying on to imperil enemies.
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Vayne’s still in for now since I can get 2 BDL relics for him if I Lens the AASB I’m missing for him.
Balthier’s still in for now. I only have 1 BDL relic for him but he’s part of my physical fire team as my Chain holder. He’s also the one I’m relying on to imperil enemies to the fire element.
Noctis is still in for now since I actually have 3 BDL relics for him. Orlandeau is still in for now since I can get 2 BDL relics for him if I Lens his AASB.
That leaves me with the following:
Mog LMR+
Fujin LMR+
Kuja LMR+
Rikku G+2
Kimahri LMR+
Auron LMR+
Lion LMR+
Vayne G+2
Vayne LMR+
Balthier G+3
Noctis G+2
Orlandeau G+2
Welp, I barely managed to narrow things down. Ugh. Okay, let’s try again.
I think Mog should still be in for now. I just got him and since he’s so meta, I’ll undoubtedly be using him a lot. 
Fujin is still in too since she is part of my magical wind team. Kuja’s still in for now since I did just get his Dual.
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Rikku’s out. She’s more of a support than a DPS so she can live without the water infusion. The instacast is nice but I do have other sources of that. Plus it only lasts for 1 turn so it’s not that good.
Kimahri is out. A closer look at his kit revealed that he makes use of jump mechanics, which seems rather complicated and which I’d rather not deal with, especially when I have better physical water DPS.
Auron is out. I might have 2 BDL relics for him but that doesn’t mean much when I have lots of physical fire tech. Auron used to be part of my fire team but that was a long time ago. Now I can’t remember the last time I used him. 
Well, since I’m now trying to clear all the content in FFRK, I’ll probably be using him for quests that require me to bring a full or near-full Final Fantasy X realm team unless there are better options.
Lion is still in for now since she is part of my physical water team. I guess Vayne is out. Sure, I can get 2 BDL relics for him but his Chain sucks. Already have good physical and magical dark Chains. 
And my dark Chain holders have at least 1 BDL relic. I don’t know if Vayne will be better than them with 2 BDL relics but it doesn’t really matter. My dark Chain holders aren’t my primary dark DPS anyway. They can help deal damage but their main purpose is to cast their Chain and imperil the dark element.
I definitely need a good Chain in order to increase the damage output of my DPS. Vayne’s Chain barely gives any buffs when compared to my other dark Chains so meh.
Balthier is still in for now because I use my physical fire team basically all the time. So out of all these chars, Balthier is the one who sees the most use as my fire Chain holder.
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It’s still tempting to go for Noctis because I have 3 BDL relics for him. Orlandeau is out because his Lensable AASB isn’t that good. It doesn’t even give any elemental infusion.
The Sync that I have for him can either be for the physical earth or dark elements. Already have chars with great relics for those elements so I doubt Orlandeau is going to replace any of them anytime soon.
That leaves me with the following:
Mog LMR+
Fujin LMR+
Kuja LMR+
Lion LMR+
Balthier G+3
Noctis G+2
Much better, but that’s still a lot. Let’s see.
Fujin is out. Her LMR+ would be nice to have but, eh, it only gives a “moderate chance” for the follow-up ability to trigger.
Kuja’s still in for now. That Trance LMR+ really does seem good for him. I think Lion should be out. Yeah, the water imperil from her LMR+ is really useful but it doesn’t happen all the time so it’s not that reliable. I can just make do with Lion’s other sources of water imperil like her Hero Ability which she can spam every turn.
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Balthier is still in for now. I’m actually leaning towards him right now because, as mentioned, my physical fire team is the one I use all the time. If I get Balthier’s G+3, I can immediately put it to use.
I think Noctis should be out now. Yeah, he has 3 BDL relics but 2 of those already give him elemental infusions. I also already have 1 of his other Glints that also give him an elemental infusion.
I’m unsure about Mog. After checking, it looks like I have all of his Legend Materia except for this LMR+ of his and 1 other that I can Lens. Here’s a list of Mog’s other Legend Materias:
Proven Pom-Pom:
Increase white magic healing a small amount
Dance Lover:
Moderate chance to restore a small amount of HP to all allies when a dancer ability triggers.
Boss Moogle:
Increase the duration of stat buffs generated by the user and their related effects a small amount. Applies to most stat buffs and their effects.
Moogle Survivor:
Small chance to temporarily lower the Attack, Magic, and Mind of all enemies a moderate amount when a dancer ability triggers.
Dancing Death:
Reduce delay of the user's actions for three turns at the start of battle.
Most of these seem pretty good and useful. Each char can only equip 2 Materias at a time. Not sure what the best ones for Mog are. Okay, I guess Mog’s still in for now.
That leaves me with the following:
Mog LMR+
Kuja LMR+
Balthier G+3
Argh! Still not sure which one to pick. But after thinking about it some more, I think Mog should be out now. His LMR+ would be nice to have, but it doesn’t seem that good since it doesn’t trigger all the time.
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Mog’s other Legend Materias are really good too, and they should work well enough, so I’ll just go with those.
Kuja’s LMR+ is good, and it would definitely be nice to have, but how often do I use my dark teams anyway? I only use dark when I have to like against enemies that requires you to use a dark team because all the other elements are resisted or absorbed or something.
So Kuja’s out. That leaves me with Balthier. He may not be the best choice but I’m still leaning towards him anyway. Unlike all the other choices here, I’ll be able to use him right away and as often as possible.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Picks
So to recap, I went with the following Soul Breaks for my Summer Sun Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet picks:
Cid Garlond USB2
Balthier G+3
Rydia SASB2
Can use Balthier’s Glint+ right away. I should be able to use Rydia’s Sync as soon as I take on fights that require a magical water team or a Final Fantasy IV team. 
Mog’s AASB should be able to help me with fights like the Dragonking ones. Well, assuming I already have a decent or good enough team anyway. Mog’s a support and he’s really good but he can’t do everything on his own. I’ll still need good DPS and Chains and such.
As for Cid’s USB - eh, not sure when I’ll be able to use this. Gonna need more poison tech first. But at least this is here in case I need it. LOL. 
If I had more and better options to choose from, wouldn’t have gone with this. But the rest of my choices weren’t that good either, and I was running out of time so just had to quickly pick an Ultra already and get it over and done with.
So, what about you? Did you pull on any one of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun 2022 Festival banners? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you wanted?
How much of the Summer Sun 2022 Festival Relic Draw Stamp Sheet did you fill out? What relics did you choose to get from the Stamp Sheet select? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 3 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet
The Summer Sun 2021 event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game. As part of the festivities, several banners have shown up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
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There are 5 Summer Sun Festival Banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these Banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these Banners. You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Artifact Stone
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
For the free relic picks, you can choose from a curated list so, unfortunately, not everything’s available.
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I talk more about this in another post, but I did 10 pulls across 3 different fest banners so I could get the Sync select reward on the Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Ultra Soul Break Pick
Not all relics may be available for the Stamp Sheet picks, but there’s still a lot to choose from. To make things even just a little bit easier for me, I removed the relics that can be bought from the The Record Lab with Anima Lenses and then only considered the remaining USBs if I have at least an Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) or a Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) for the char they belong to. Here’s what I have left to choose from:
Aria Benett’s (from Final Fantasy III) USB2, Prismatic Light
Have her AASB and her Glint+ Soul Break 1 (G+1). She’s a healer but since these are my only relics for her, I don’t use her. Her USB2 doesn’t seem that good when compared to the other healer USBs I already have so I don’t think it’ll be worth it to pick her.
Krile Mayer Baldesion’s (from Final Fantasy V) USB4, Terrestrial Incandescence
Have her AASB which deals fire and earth elemental damage, her Limit Break Glint (LBG) which is only for earth, and her USB3 which is also only for earth. Her USB4 is for both earth and fire. Could use more magic fire and magic earth tech but not sure how useful Krile would be with just these. If I had her SASB as well, I’d consider her more.
Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) USB3, Marksman's Spite
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Have his SASB, AASB, magic fire Chain Soul Break (CSB), USB1, USB2, Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) or Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), and Burst Soul Break (BSB). He’s part of both my magic and physical fire teams (he’s a hybrid DPS and support). His USB3 does seem pretty good but with so many other relics for him, I’m wondering if I’d even be able to cast this.
Like, for physical fire, I usually go with his Sync first then, when that runs out, I cast his AASB. When that runs out and the enemy is still alive, I opt to cast his USB2. I prefer it over his USB1 since it can break the damage cap. 
Vincent’s USB3 deals damage and provides a fire reflection barrier for the entire party. It also reduces the delay of the actions of all allies on the same row as Vincent for 1 turn. The effects seem pretty good but, I don’t know. I do have other supports already as well as healers so maybe it’d be better to just have Vincent focus on dealing damage. Besides, he already supports the party via imperiling the fire element and providing his Chain for magic fire fights. Guess I need to think about this some more.
Yuffie Kisaragi’s (from Final Fantasy VII) USB4, Improvised Camouflage
Have her physical water CSB, water AASB1, water Arcane Overstrike Soul Break 1 (AOSB1), water USB2, water G+1, Glint Soul Break 1 (G1), and G2. Yuffie’s USB4 deals earth and water damage. It does seem pretty good but I don’t know. Already have her USB2 so do I really need her USB4 as well? Don’t even have earth tech for her.
Kiros Seagill’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) USB, Katar Dance
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Only have his AASB which deals physical dark and ice elemental damage. Aside from dealing physical dark and ice elemental damage, his USB has the same row fastcast as Vincent’s. I’ve used Kiros for both physical dark and physical ice. He did pretty well even with just his AASB although he was useless once its effects ran out. So it’d definitely be great if I had his USB so I have something else for him to use after his AASB. It’s just too bad I don’t have his Sync as well.
Eiko Carol’s (from Final Fantasy IX) USB5, Soothing Flute
Only have her AASB2. Both are healing relics. With just these though, Eiko doesn’t seem all that usable.
Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) USB5, Heavenly Blessing
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Have her magic and mind holy CSB, AASB2, AOSB, G+3, G2, and USB1. Yuna’s part of my magic and mind holy team thanks to her CSB. She’s a healer but she also has some DPS capabilities. Her USB5 is definitely better than her USB1. 
Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) USB2, Dancing Edge
Have her physical water AASB. She’s part of my physical water team, mostly because my phys water tech is really lacking. Don’t even have a single water Sync, either magic or physical. Her AASB imperils water though so it is pretty good. Wish I had her Sync as well. Her USB2 appears to be very similar to Vincent’s USB3 except this one reduces the delay of everyone’s physical attacks for 2 turns regardless of row.
Y’shtola Rhul’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) USB3, Dark Expanse
Only have her SASB and her USB2. I think I’ll need way more relics to even make Y’shtola usable. I mean, her Sync deals damage but her USB2 heals and supports the party. Her USB3 deals damage with a bit of party support. 
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) USB3, Excogitation
Have his magic wind AASB, BSB, and G+1. I like Alphinaud. He’s pretty good even with just his AASB. Wish I had his magic wind SASB as well.
Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) USB, Soul Prominence
Only have his earth AASB. My earth tech is lacking but not sure Rain would be all that usable with just these. Wish I have his SASB as well.
Okay, let’s see. Aria’s out. Krile should be out as well. Really need more BDL relics for her. Anyway, this USB of hers should be available to buy the next time the The Record Lab is updated. Actually, the same can be said for all the USBs I just listed except for Yuna’s. 
Hmm, so I guess everyone’s out except Yuna then. I think I’m better off just waiting for the Lab to be updated to get the other Ultra Soul Breaks on my list. Feels like I don’t really need any of these right now anyway. Like, obviously, I wouldn’t mind getting them. 
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But I’m not even using the likes of Krile and Rain yet because my earth tech is really lacking so I can’t quite form a proper physical earth and magical earth team yet. If I had more tech for them, I’d be more inclined to consider their USBs.
Vincent is the one I use most often but since I already have his other USBs as well as a lot of his other relics, I really don’t see how I’d be able to even find the extra gauges to cast this one as well. I think I really will just go with Yuna’s USB. I can just get Vincent’s and the other Ultras I listed the next time the The Record Lab is updated.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic Pick
For the Glints and LMRs, here’s the list I’m trying to choose from:
Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) G+1, Shimmer Flash
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Have basically everything for Sephiroth except for his fire AASB and fire AOSB as well as this Glint+ of his. The other 6 relics I’m missing for him can be obtained via Lenses but they’re all outdated by now which is why I haven’t bothered to get any of them.
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It’d be nice to get this just to be 1 step closer to completing him. I don’t think this is all that necessary for him though considering I’ve been able to use him just fine even without this. I do have his G+2, Fervent Shadow. They’re not the same, of course, but still. 
Fervent Shadow’s effect -  instant dark infuse with stacking 25seconds, self instacast 1
Shimmer Flash’s effect -  instant instacast 3
Also, Shimmer Flash will be available in the next Lab update.
Oh, wait, looks like I’m also missing Sephi’s Legend Materia Relic 3 (LMR3), Cruelest Cut. It gives 25% chance to dualcast Samurai-type abilities. This is the only LMR I’m missing for him. It’s gonna be available in the next Lab update. 
Not really interested in this though. Well, not unless I happen to get his fire AASB. His dark tech, which is what majority of the relics I have for him are, all make use of Darkness-type abilities.
Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) G+1, You Owe Me One
Angeal’s G2, Blade Invocation
Have his SASB, AASB2, and his LBOF. His G2′s out. I don’t use Glints since they cost 1 bar to cast and most, if not all, don’t deal damage at all, so they feel like a waste. I prefer Glint+ Soul Breaks since they buff the user but doesn’t deplete the Soul Break gauge so I can still cast their offensive relics.
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Angeal’s G+1 is one of the few Glints that deal damage. It also grants Last Stand to all allies. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give him an elemental infusion for either holy or wind so this doesn’t seem all that good, especially since I already have other sources for Last Stand.
Both of these will be available in the next Lab update.  
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) G+3, Truth and Illusion
Have his AASB, True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Overstrike Soul Break 1 (OSB1), USB2, USB3, G1, G+1, and G+4. It’d be nice to get Cloud’s G+3, but I do already have his G+1 which seems most similar to Truth and Illusion in that both give infusion for the wind element. 
Truth and Illusion will also be available in the next Lab update.
Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) G+, Munitions Reload
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This will also be available in the next Lab update. Munitions Reload will instantly give Vincent 2 Soul Break gauges. Since he has so many relics, including his Chain, this is actually really good even if it doesn’t give him an infusion or anything else other than the Soul Break bars.
This G+ may not be all that necessary for my physical fire team since Vincent isn’t my Chain holder but it’d still be nice to have. For my magic fire team, Munitions Reload is definitely very welcome so it’d be easier to have Vincent as my Chain holder as well as one of my DPS.
Laguna Loire’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) G+, Junction Freeze
Have his AASB1 and AASB2. His G+ gives him Empowered infusion for the ice element. This could go well with his AASB2 which doesn’t give him an infusion. Junction Freeze will be available - welp, at this point, it’s probably better to just say which relic will NOT be available in the next Lab update. LOL. 
Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) G+2, Yearning Prayer
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This is the same as Vincent’s G+. This is useful to have too although it isn’t really a priority since I don’t have a lot of relics for Yuna and I’m not trying to juggle two roles with her unlike with Vincent in my magical fire team. Yuna’s primary focus is to cast her Chain. If she can spare the gauges, she can cast her AASB2 and help with the healing as well. Out of all the relics I listed, this is the only one that will NOT be available in the next Lab update.
Balthier’s (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII) G+1, Snatch Heart
Will be in the next Lab update. Balthier’s my physical fire Chain holder. Also have his AASB, both of his BSBs, his AOSB, his USB2, and his G+2 (Scarlet Sky Fluke).
Snatch Heart’s effect - instant physical 3.12/6 fire + non-elemental ranged, fire infuse stacking 25seconds, fire infuse 25seconds
Scarlet Sky Fluke’s effect - instant fire infuse with stacking 25seconds, self +250 Soul Break points
Looks like his G+2′s better thanks to being able to fill the Soul Break gauge even if it’s just by 1 bar.
Papalymo Totolymo’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) G+, Sharpcast
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Will be available in the next Lab update. Have his AASB, SASB, and BSB. Its effect is:
instant fire infuse with stacking 25seconds, self +250 Soul Break points
Looks like it’s exactly the same as Balthier’s Scarlet Sky Fluke.
Now to decide which Glint to pick. Didn’t bother with any of the LMRs since Glints seem to be more important. Honestly though, the Stamp Sheet should have split the picks for this. There should be a pick for Glints only and another for LMRs only like how there’s one for USBs only and one for Syncs only.
Since everything in my list, except for Yuna’s G+2, will be added to the The Record Lab when it gets updated, I should just go with Yearning Prayer, right? It’s just that I’m not sure this is the best course of action. 
Like I said earlier, I’m not really trying to juggle Yuna’s roles. She’s mostly here to cast her Chain. I’m not relying on her to deal damage or heal her allies although she can help with those too. So, although I’d love to have her G+2, it feels like I don’t really need it and that I can make do without it.
I guess I should take another look at the rest of my possible picks. Sephiroth’s Glint+1 is also something that’s really nice to have but isn’t necessary. I think I can wait for the Lab update before getting this. The same can be said for Angeal’s and Cloud’s Glints. This is especially so with Cloud since I already have a lot of his other Glints.
I think I can wait for the update for Laguna’s Glint+ as well. After all, I had him in my ice team even back when I only had his AASB1 and he did well enough. Now I have another BDL relic for him, which is great, but I’d say that Laguna’s more of a support or secondary DPS. He can imperil ice and buff his allies.
Balthier’s so out of this list. His Scarlet Sky Fluke’s way better than Snatch Heart. Have Papalymo’s AASB and SASB, and I’ve heard a lot of good things about him. His G+ should speed things up a bit so I can cast either his Sync or Awakening faster. Vincent’s G+ will make it a bit easier to juggle between his role as my magic fire Chain holder and one of my DPS.
So now it’s down to Papalymo, Yuna, and Vincent. Need to think about this some more. It’s probably better to just go with Yuna’s since hers won’t be available in the next Lab update but I really don’t feel like I need it. Actually, the same could be said for Papalymo. I think I can just wait and get his G+ when it shows up in the next Lab update. It feels like Vincent’s is the one I need right now because he’s both my Chain holder and DPS so I really need all the gauges I can get for him.
Also, out of those 3 chars, Vincent is the one I use most often by virtue of being part of my physical fire team, which I love to bring basically everywhere. I’m also thinking of doing the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking (DK) fight soon. Vincent will likely be part of my FF7 team. 
On the other hand, I’m gonna need a lot more tech for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIV chars before I can even think about working on their respective Dragonking and Dreambreaker (DB) (already finished the FFVII DB) fights.
Right, I think that settles it then. I’m going for Vincent’s G+ even if it’s gonna be available in the next Lab update and even if it will be featured in an upcoming banner I’m planning to pull on. I don’t want to wait that long to get it. Want to use it now. I’m well aware that I’m most likely gonna end up getting dupes of Vincent’s G+ on the aforementioned banner but it’s fine as long as I can still get the rest of the relics that I want on that banner.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick
Compared to the long list of Glints, LMRs, and USBs that you could choose from, the Sync select list is much smaller. Here are the ones that I don’t have:
The Warrior of Light’s (from Final Fantasy I) SASB1, Photon Wave
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) SASB1, Armageddon XCIX
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) SASB1, Channel Water
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB1, Phoenix Heat
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB1, Apex Slash
Cloud Strife’s SASB2, Meteor Rain
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB2, Angel Wing Cross
Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1, Blitz Yell
Rikku’s (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1, Tidal Wave
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca’s (from Final Fantasy XII) SASB1, Saintly Pride
Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB1, Gestalt Drive
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) SASB1, Child of the Dawn
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1, For the King
Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1, True Ignis Link
Cidolfus Orlandeau’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB1, Seiken Perfection
Goffard Gaffgarion’s (Gaff Gafgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB, Dark End
Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Crimson Nova
Lasswell’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Winter's Oblivion
Fina’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB, Eternal Light
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Welp, that’s still a lot to choose from. Right, let’s try to narrow it down further. 
Have the Warrior of Light’s AASB as well as a few of his other relics but I heard he wasn’t that good so he’s out. Have nothing for Maria so she’s out. Have Onion Knight’s earth SASB. His SASB1 is for water so there’s no synergy between the 2. Even if they had synergy though, it wouldn’t matter because each char can only equip one Sync. I do have Onion Knight’s AASB but it’s his physical one. His earth and water Syncs are magic so, yeah, he’s out.
Locke’s SASB1 is for physical fire. Have his fire AASB and his fire Chain. His Chain’s inferior to Balthier’s which is why he’s not part of my physical fire team. Heard his Sync 1 wasn’t that good either. Seems like his Sync 2′s better so he’s out.
Cloud’s SASB2 is out because I don’t even have his dark AASB. Most of my relics for him are for the wind element so his SASB1, which is for physical wind, is in. Rinoa’s out since I don’t even have her AASB. Tidus is in since I have his AASB and his TASB. But, man, I wish this Sync of his was his second one instead ‘cause that one’s way better. Rikku’s out since I have nothing for her.
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Ashe is possibly still in since I have her TASB. However, that’s the only relic I have for her. I think her second Sync is better anyway. Maybe she’d better be out as well. 
Lightning is in just because her SASB1 is really OP. I do have her AASB but it’s for the holy element. Her SASB1 is for the lightning element. Wish I had her lightning AASB to go with it. Would also love to have her holy Sync to go with her holy AASB. Too bad only her SASB1 is available for the select. Maybe she’d better be out as well then since there wouldn’t be much synergy between her lightning Sync and holy AASB. 
Alphinaud is in. Have his wind AASB and been wanting his SASB1 to go with it. Lunafreya is out since I only have her USB. Noctis is also out since I don’t have any of his BDL relics. The same can be said for Orlandeau, Gaffgarion, Lasswell, and Fina. Rain is in since I have his AASB.
That leaves me with:
Cloud SASB1
Tidus SASB1
Alphinaud SASB1
Much more manageable. Now to try and narrow things down further. Let’s see. Tidus should probably be out. His Sync 2′s way better than his Sync 1. If I somehow manage to luck into his Sync 2 then his Sync 1 will just be rotting in my inventory, useless since I can’t equip both at the same time and there’s no way I’ll be using Sync 1 if I have Sync 2.
Rain should be out as well. The only relic I have for him right now is his AASB. If I’m going for his Sync, then I might as well get his G+ and USB from the Stamp picks as well but those relics are gonna be available in the next Lab update so I’m better off just waiting. 
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Besides, since my earth tech is really lacking, I can’t really field a full earth team yet so Rain won’t be of much use to me yet until I can get more earth-type Soul Breaks. Heck, I don’t even have a decent physical earth Chain. Really need one as well as more BDL earth relics like Awakenings and Syncs. 
That leaves me with Alphinaud’s SASB1 and Cloud’s SASB1. Interestingly, both are for the wind element. Alphinaud’s is for magical wind while Cloud’s is for physical wind. Both are part of my wind teams.
My magical wind tech is pretty lacking though and could definitely use more improvement. Aside from Alphinaud’s Awakening, I also have Barbariccia’s (from Final Fantasy IV) AASB, Storm of Darkness, and Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB1, Shockwave Pulsar. I have Fujin’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) magic wind Chain. Unfortunately, I don’t have either her AASB or SASB.
Needless to say, I’d love to be able to improve my magical wind team. I’d really like to be able to get at least 2 BDL relics for my DPS. It’d be nice to get stuff for Fujin too since she’s my Chain holder.
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So getting Alphinaud’s SASB1 will definitely help. But I don’t think it’s gonna be enough. I’d still need more magical wind relics such as Ultimecia’s AASB and Fujin’s stuff before I can really think about tackling all the hard content that requires a magical wind team. 
I think I’m better off passing on Alphinaud’s Sync for now. Because, in contrast to my magical wind tech, I have a lot more physical wind relics. For instance, I have Zack Fair’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) AASB2, Road to Heroism, and SASB, Come Get It!, and Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) AASB2, Burden of Pride, and SASB, White-Winged SOLDIER. Also have a few of their other relics.
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For Cloud, he has the following:
TASB, Omnislash
AASB1, Angelic Synergy
USB3, Darkpetal Bloom
USB2, Climirage
OSB1, Finishing Touch
G+4, Triple Slash
G+1, Aerial Fang
G1, Mako Power
LMR5, Borrowed Blade
LMR2, Truth Surmounted
LMR1, Sprinting Wolf
Getting Cloud’s wind Sync would definitely greatly improve my physical wind team. I think I might even be able to take on physical, wind-weak White Odin or Argent Odin. Cloud should also help me with the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking fight. Right, I think that settles it then.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet Picks
So to recap, I went with the following Soul Breaks for my Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet picks:
Yuna’s Ultra Soul Break 5, Heavenly Blessing
Vincent’s Glint+ Soul Break, Munitions Reload
Cloud’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break 1, Apex Slash
No regrets so far. Pretty pleased with my picks. Gonna try some hard content soon with these relics as well as the ones I got on the Summer Sun fest banners.
So, what about you? Did you pull on any one of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper Summer Sun Festival Banners? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you wanted? How much of the Summer Sun Relic Draw Stamp Sheet did you fill out? What relics did you choose to get from the Stamp Sheet select? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
2 notes · View notes
freyayuki · 3 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Event
The Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game is currently celebrating its 6th Anniversary. As part of the festivities, several banners have shown up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
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There are 5 Anniversary Banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these Banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these Banners. You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Artifact Stone
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
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While it’s great to be able to get a “free” Soul Break, the catch is that the relics selection, as in the list of “free” Soul Breaks you can choose from, is limited. And you’ll need to spend a lot of mythril in order to get these Stamps.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3
I talk more about this in another post, but I ended up doing 8 multi-draws on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Banner 3. 
Managed to get everything there, including the relics I wanted - Cloud Strife's (from Final Fantasy VII) True Arcane Soul Break (TASB; known as Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) in the English or Global version of FFRK) and Zack Fair's (from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) - all except for the Syncs of Queen (from Final Fantasy Type-0) and Hope Estheim (from Final Fantasy XIII).
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Since I already managed to get Cloud's TASB and Zack's Sync, I decided to pull on another fest banner in order to complete the Stamp Sheet. I need 2 more draws for the Stamp Sheet, which means I need 100 mythril. 
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I ended up using all the mythril I had on hand to pull on the Cloud and Zack banner so now I have to grind some more to get more mythril. I'm so close to finishing the Stamp Sheet so I don't want to give up now. I want to go all the way to the end so I can also get the "free" Sync from the Sheet.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Ultra Soul Break Pick
I've been thinking about what relics to pick from the Stamp Sheet. There's a lot to choose from though so it's pretty hard to decide. The thing is though my first choice will always be Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad). Currently, he's my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. He's the reason why I'm playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper.
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The problem is that because he's such a fave, I've already pulled on the banners where his relics first showed up. In short, in this account, I already have all of his currently available relics.
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So now I'm at a loss as to which relic to go for. How 'bout we take a closer look at some of these starting with the Ultra Soul Breaks?
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From Final Fantasy VII, the Ultra Soul Breaks that are part of the Stamp Sheet selection and that aren't also available via the The Record Lab are the following:
Cait Sith's White Megaphone (VII), which gives his Random Summon? Ultra Soul Break
Vincent Valentine's Sniper CR (VII), which gives his Marksman's Spite Ultra Soul Break
Zack Fair's Ultima Blade (VII-CC), which gives his Lazy Mirage Ultra Soul Break
Sephiroth's Ashura (VII), which gives his Crimson Lotus Ultra Soul Break
Genesis Rhapsodos's Genesis's Guise (VII-DoC), which gives his Apocalypse Genesis Ultra Soul Break
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From that list, I already have Genesis's, Cait Sith's, Sephiroth's, and Zack's USBs. I'm not sure about picking Vincent's Ultra though. I do already have a lot of his other relics, including his Awakening and Sync and even 2 of his other Ultras. I'm just not sure this particular Ultra of his is all that good or useful to me though. I think I should take a look at some of the other Ultras from the other realms first.
Okay, I just went through the list of available Ultras from the other realms that are also not available in the The Record Lab. Without including the very few relics that I already have from the list and the chars who I have nothing else for (so just getting their USB wouldn't do me any good and wouldn't make them usable), this is the list of Ultras I'm considering picking from the Stamp Sheet:
Aria Benett’s (from Final Fantasy III) Empyrean Rod, which gives her Prismatic Light USB - I have her AASB
Kiros Seagill’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Blood Shield, which gives his Katar Dance USB - I have his AASB
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Savant's Overcoat, which gives his Excogitation USB - I have his AASB, Glint+ Soul Break, and Burst Soul Break (BSB)
Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) Sniper CR, which gives his Marksman's Spite USB - I have his Sync, Awakening, 2 of his Ultras (Dirge of Cerberus and Lucrecia's Lament), his Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), and his fire Chain Soul Break (CSB)
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Glint or Legend Materia Relic Pick
Genesis's Glint (Epic of Destruction), Glint+ (Epic of Creation), and Legend Materia Relic (Fierce Opposition) are all available from the Stamp Sheet, but, like I said, I can't pick any of these because I already have them all.
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From Final Fantasy VII, the Glints and LMRs that are part of the Stamp Sheet selection, that aren't also available via the The Record Lab, and that belong to chars who I have either an Awakening or Sync or both for are the following:
Cloud Strife's Jenova Cell Power Glint+ Soul Break and Truth and Illusion Glint+ Soul Break
Currently, I have his first Awakening, 2 of his Glint+ (Triple Slash and Aerial Fang), his Finishing Touch Overstrike Soul Break (OSB), his TASB, his Climirage USB, and 3 of his LMR (Borrowed Blade, Sprinting Wolf, and Truth Surmounted).
Angeal Hewley's You Owe Me One Glint+ Soul Break and Blade Invocation Glint Soul Break
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Currently, I have his second Awakening, his Sync, and his Limit Break Overstrike (LBO).
Sephiroth's Shimmer Flash Glint+ Soul Break and his Cruelest Cut Legend Materia Relic
Currently, I have his first Awakening, his Fervent Shadow Glint+ Soul Break, his dark-type Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), his Transience Super Soul Break (SSB), his Reunion Burst Soul Break (BSB), 3 of his Ultra Soul Breaks (Crimson Lotus, Zanshin, and Heartless Angel), and his Fateful Secret LMR
Vincent Valentine's Munitions Reload Glint+ Soul Break
Currently, I have his Awakening, Sync, 2 of his Ultras (Dirge of Cerberus and Lucrecia's Lament), his LBO, and his Chain Soul Break.
Cait Sith's Planetary Protector Glint+ Soul Break
Currently, I have his Awakening, 2 of his Ultras (Random Summon? and Danger Dice), and his Moogle Dance Super Soul Break.
Yuffie Kisaragi's Stillwater Crag Glint+ Soul Break
Currently, I have her first Awakening, her first AOSB, her Freewheeling Gauntlet USB, her Ebb and Flow Glint+ Soul Break, her Chain, and her Finders Keepers LMR.
Cid Highwinds's Rocket Jump Glint+ Soul Break and Cleared for Takeoff! Glint Soul Break
Currently, I have his Awakening and his Dynamite Boost Ultra Soul Break.
Shelke Rui's Shaper of Fate Legend Materia Relic
Currently, I have her Awakening and lightning Chain Soul Break.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Ultra Soul Break and Glint+ Soul Break Pick
I thought I was all set to pick from the relics I listed above. I was seriously considering going with an item that belongs to an FFVII char. But after thinking about it some more, I decided this wasn’t really a good idea. You see, whenever the game gives me a Realm/Elemental x11 ticket, I always end up throwing it on the Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner. 
Heck, that was how I ended up with a lot of the relics I have for FF7. Of course, I usually get trash or dupes and the like, but, very rarely, I manage to get something good. Anyway, the point is, if I pick an FFVII char’s relics from the Stamp Sheet, what were the odds that I’d end up getting it again whenever I toss tickets on the Final Fantasy VII Realm Banner? I prefer to lower the chances of that happening, especially since I get enough crap from there as it is.
So now I’m unsure which relics to go for. The other Ultras I listed above seem fine enough, but - I don’t know. I’ve never really used those characters. Heck, I’ve basically forgotten that I even have those kinds of relics for those chars until I went to check my Soul Breaks list to help me decide what to get for the Stamp Sheet.  
I started going through the list of relics from the Stamp Sheet that can’t be bought with Anima Lenses from the The Record Lab. From looking around, it seemed like it was a good idea to go with a healing USB and Glints that provide Haste, Shell, and Protect or those that give 2 Soul Break gauges.
One of the chars I’ve been hearing about is Oerba Dia Vanille (from Final Fantasy XIII). She’s a healer. Her relics that can be obtained via the Stamp Sheet and that can’t be bought via Lenses are the following:
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Saint's Veil (XIII), 6-star rarity, hat-type relic that gives Vanille’s Ultra Soul Break, Restitution  
Instantly restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies, grant them Regenga, and reduce delay of their actions for three turns.
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Malboro Wand (XIII), 6-star rarity, rod-type relic that gives Vanille’s first Glint+ Soul Break, Swift Recovery
Instantly restore a moderate amount of HP to all allies, and reduce the delay of all allies' actions for one turn.
Abraxas (XIII), 6-star rarity, rod-type relic that gives Vanille’s second Glint+ Soul Break, Quick Guard
Instantly grant Protect, Shell, and Haste to all allies.
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Witch's Bracelet (XIII), gives Vanille’s Legend Materia Relic, Hour of Awakening
Moderate chance to reduce delay of the user's actions for one turn when a support ability triggers.
Vanille’s available relics seem pretty good. The only problem is that I don’t have anything else for her. Nevertheless, it seems like she can still be usable with just her USB and her second Glint+ and whatever other relic I can get for her from the The Record Lab.
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After all, the healer I use all the time is Elarra from Final Fantasy Record Keeper. The only things I have for Elarra are her Ultras and Glints, and IIRC, I bought a lot of those from the The Record Lab. I don’t have her Awakening or Sync either (neither of these can be bought from the Lab), and yet she still works really well anyway.
The other healer I use, but not as often, is Aerith or Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII (#ad). I have 2 of her Ultras and 2 of her Glints. I also have her Awakening but not her Sync. 
Aerith is really good at healing. She provides Last Stand too. But she’s mostly limited by being just a healer. What I like about Elarra is she’s not just a healer. She can equip Bard and Dancer abilities. Bard abilities buff the party while Dancer abilities debuff enemies so I can have her do either of those things while also keeping the party healed.
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Vanille can’t dance or sing either, but she can make use of Support abilities, including Wrath. This ability charges the user’s Soul Break gauge by a very large amount so I’m thinking that if I have her spam this, she can use her Ultra more often, and the aforementioned USB is good because it doesn’t just heal the party and give them Regenga, it also reduces the delay of their actions for 3 turns. Compare and contrast that to the Ultras that belong to Aerith and Elarra and that they’re both very well known for:
Magika Album, 6-star rarity, book-type relic that gives Elarra’s Ultra Soul Break, Magika Album
Instantly restore a large amount of HP to all allies, reduce delay of their actions for two turns, and grant them Regenga, restoring 2,000 HP per tick.
Healing Rod (VII), 6-star rarity, rod-type relic that gives Aeris’s Ultra Soul Break, Innocent Cure
Instantly restore a large amount of HP to all allies, reduce delay of their physical attacks for three turns, and grant them Last Stand.
What I’m thinking is that the world need a new hero I could use a new healer. I mean, I don’t think Vanille can completely replace Elarra since she can’t sing or dance. But I’ve been using Elarra for what feels like forever. She’s basically glued to my fave Genesis as his support. I have her singing the Warrior’s Hymn to buff his attack and/or singing Ode to Victory to increase his critical hit chance. 
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Genesis has basically never left my party, so, yeah, neither has Elarra unless I’m using Aeris instead although usually, what happens is that I end up using both of them with Aerith focused on healing while Elarra dances and sings. So unless something happens, I think I’m gonna go with Vanille’s set. Then I can just try to get her Sync and Awakening whenever it shows up on a banner again.
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After thinking about it some more, I decided to go for it. I picked Vanille’s set from the Stamp Sheet. Now I have her Ultra and Glint+. Before I can try these new relics out though, I have to level up Vanille first. Yeah, it was only when I went to equip her new Soul Breaks to her did I realize that I haven’t even bothered to level her up. LOL.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick
The following is the list of Syncs you can pick via the Stamp Sheet:
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII - Sync 1
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad)
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII - Sync 1
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII - Sync 2
Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII - Sync 1
Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV - Sync 1
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
Cidolfus Orlandeau from Final Fantasy Tactics
Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0
From that list, I already have Rem’s, Squall’s, and Bartz’s Syncs. So they’re out. Trying to pick a Sync from the Stamp Sheet didn’t seem that hard at first since there’s only a few up for grabs and I already have 3 which means less to choose from. Actually, my plan was that I was gonna pick Cloud’s Sync if I managed to get his True Arcane Soul Break. 
On my Japanese Final Fantasy Record Keeper account, that plan fell apart (I talk more about that in another post). Thankfully, on my English or Global account, Cloud’s TASB decided to grace me with its presence. It only took me 8 pulls, but hey, at least it actually showed up. 
On my Japanese account, I went 10 pulls deep on that goddess-forsaken banner and I didn’t see hide nor hair of Cloud’s blasted Fusion Sword. Didn’t even get the consolation price of Zack’s Sync. Heck, I wasn’t even able to clean out the banner because I just ended up with a multitude of dupes. So trying to pick a Sync from the Stamp Sheet was easier said than done since I was still reeling from the pain of wasting so much mythril for nothing, and I really didn’t want to get Cloud’s Sync after failing to acquire his Omnislash. 
Okay, let’s not talk about that anymore because it’s just pissing me off. I think I’m not entirely over that fiasco. At least I was able to get Cloud and Zack on my English account. Speaking of which, since I was able to get Cloud’s Arcane Dyad Soul Break, and I even have a lot of his other relics and I can just Lens the others, I should just pick his Sync from the Stamp Sheet and be done with this, right?
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That was the plan, but now I found myself having second thoughts about going with Cloud’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break. I mean, I still want it. But right now I find myself eying Sephiroth’s Sync too even though my plan was to get it via the next fest’s Stamp Sheet. Sephiroth’s True Arcane Soul Break will be available on one of the banners of the next festival. I told myself I’d get Seph’s Sync if I manage to acquire his TASB.
What made me have second thoughts was the banner that came with the Fat Black Chocobo Howling Forgery event. This banner featured new relics for Angeal Hewley, including his Awakening and Sync. As luck would have it, I managed to get all but one (missed his Glint, but it’s fine) of his relics from that banner.
You know what this means, right? I have a complete Genesis. My Angeal is usable enough with his Sync and second Awakening. I even got his Limit Break Overstrike. I can Lens a few of his other relics, if needed. My Sephiroth is usable enough too, probably even more than Angeal since I have a lot more of his relics as aforementioned.
So technically, I can already run the 3 SOLDIER Firsts (#ad) together, but I kinda don’t want to since I’m missing Sephi’s Sync. If I were to get it though, I could totally try running the trio together in the Final Fantasy VII Torment Dungeon. I could even try the Final Fantasy VII Dreambreaker fight already.
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I’m super tempted, but I know I really shouldn’t. I’m really better off waiting for the next fest before going with Seph’s Sync. Besides, I already have his Sync and TASB on my Japanese account, so I can already make use of it. My Genesis there is mostly complete (missing one or 2 more of his relics; I’m just waiting for whenever they will show up again so I can try to obtain them) so I can run the both of them together. Actually, I have tried running them together.
My Japanese account doesn’t have very many relics yet, not even in FFVII because that game is even more stingy than its Global counterpart. At least we regularly get Realm/Elemental x11 tickets every 15 days that we login to the game in the English version of the game. Too bad there’s no such thing on the Japanese version. Unsurprisingly, I’m missing a lot of FF7 relics, including Angeal’s. I think the only thing I have for him there is his Ultra so there’s no way I can use him in hard content. 
Angeal’s relics haven’t returned on a banner yet and his new stuff isn’t Lensable (neither is Gen’s, or I’d have done it already no matter how much it would cost me), so there’s no way I can run the SOLDIER trio on my Japanese account.
I guess I really need to think about this some more. Hopefully, I can stick to the plan. I mean, what’s with waiting a little anyway? I can go for Sephi’s stuff next fest. Heck, I’m not sure I even have other dark-type relics that belong to other chars to support him whereas I actually have some wind relics for Cloud.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 5 Relics List
I decided to do my last 2 pulls for the Stamp Sheet on banner 5 of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival event. This banner contains the following characters and their relics: 
Edge's (Edward Geraldine from Final Fantasy IV) Art of War, katana-type relic which gives his Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Eblan Harmony
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Shantotto's (from Final Fantasy XI) Rune Staff, staff-type relic which gives her SASB, Chain Thunder Play
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Gladiolus Amicitia's (from Final Fantasy XV) Duel Code, sword-type relic which gives his SASB Wild Tempest
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Lenna Charlotte Tycoon (from Final Fantasy V) Rainbow Dress, light armor-type relic which gives her SASB, White Magic Mastery
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Edge's Chakram, thrown-type relic which gives his Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Eblan Lotus
Rydia's (from Final Fantasy IV) Platinum Whipblade, whip-type relic which gives her Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Summon Eidolon King
Minfilia Warde’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Sword of the Twin Thegns, sword-type relic which gives her AASB, Word of the Mother
Minfilia's Midan Coat of Fending, light armor-type relic which gives her Ultra Soul Break (USB), Entrusted Will
Gladiolus's Absorb Shield, shield-type relic which gives his Glint+ Soul Break, Proud Shield
Lenna's Recovery Rod, rod-type relic which gives her Glint+ Soul Break, Tycoon's Protection
Rydia's Rainbow Robes, robe-type relic which gives her Glint+ Soul Break, Mist Wall
Minfilia's Shield of the Twin Thegns, shield-type relic which gives her Glint+ Soul Break, Familial Pledge
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I have no dupes on this banner. I only really pull on banners that have relics for an FFVII char although even that depends on the char in question unless we’re talking about Genesis in which case I pull, no more questions asked.
From the aforementioned relics that are available on this banner, I’m particularly interested in Lenna’s because I happen to have most of her kit already. I have her first and second AASB, 2 of her Ultras, and 1 of her Burst Soul Breaks (BSB). To my surprise, I saw that I can Lens all of her relics that I’m missing, except her Sync. Of course, I’m not gonna get her Glint+ yet, in case I manage to snag it from this banner.
Me missing her Tycoon’s Protection is one of the main reasons why I never really used her although I happened to luck into so much of her kit. Sure, I could have Lensed it, but I thought why bother when Elarra and Aerith have been working so well for me already?
Also, Lenna can’t sing either, but at least she can dance. If I manage to acquire her Sync, I definitely think I’ll start using her now because this’ll be my first healer-type Synchro Arcane Soul Break. 
Aside from Lenna’s Sync, I wouldn’t mind getting Edge’s as well since I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about him although I’m not sure if I’ll need more of his stuff, particularly his Awakening, to make him usable. Unfortunately, the only thing I have for Edge is his default Soul Break, which basically means I have nothing else for him.
I think Rydia is supposed to be good too although I’m certain she needs her Sync and the rest of her kit to make her usable. The only thing I have for her is one of her Glints so she’s basically the same as the current state of my Edge a.k.a useless. 
I’ve also heard some good things about Shantotto although I’m not fond of her at all, so wouldn’t be interested in getting her stuff. Her Sync would be way better than getting nothing more than a Glint on this banner though, so I’ll take it if that’s how it’s gonna be. I might be able to use her with just her Sync (yeah, I have nothing else for her at the moment), but there’s no way I can use a char with just their Glint or LMR. 
The weak link here appears to be Minfilia. I have nothing for her, and since her Sync doesn’t even show up here, I’d really rather not get any of her stuff. She appears to be a healer, but she doesn’t look like she can match up to the likes of Elarra, Aeris, Lenna, and Vanille.   
I think Gladiolus is supposed to be pretty good too. The only thing I have for him is his Overstrike Soul Break (OSB) though. It deals damage so it’s already better than a Glint or LMR, but still not that good since this is one of the old and outdated type of Soul Breaks. I was sure I also had his Chain Soul Break, but it turns out that was on my Japanese account. 
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 5 Multi-Draw 1 Results
After quite a bit of grinding, I finally managed to get back to 75 mythril. Gonna need 25 more to be able to do 2 pulls on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 5. I decided to do my first pull already just because.
Here’s to hoping I can get something good a.ka. please let me get relics from the top half of this banner. My first multi-draw here gave me 1 disco orb so it looks like we’re already off to a bad start. As the orbs started revealing themselves one-by-one, I kept hoping for Dr. Mog to show up although I was already bracing myself for disappointment. 
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I kept thinking it’s okay, it’s okay. And it doesn’t really matter. Because it doesn’t. I mean, I’m only doing this so I can complete the Stamp Sheet. Heck, if worse had come to worse, I would have had to do all the pulls on the banner with Zack’s Sync and Cloud’s TASB anyway.
Nevertheless, since I’m here now, I found myself wanting to get something good anyway. So when Dr. Mog actually showed up, I was pleasantly surprised. Then I found myself thinking watch this be Edge’s LBO. It’s totally gonna be Edge’s LBO, isn’t it? 
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Thankfully, it wasn’t. Instead I got a dress. Which means - Lenna’s Sync! Heck, yeah! Yes, yes, yes! So freaking pleased. I could hardly believe this. I was already bracing myself to getting a crappy pull, especially when I saw the lone disco orb. I’m so glad this pull didn’t turn out to be so bad. 
I mean, yeah, getting only one gold item’s pretty bad, but at least it’s a Sync and it’s not a dupe. Yay for my very first healing Sync. Will definitely be getting her Glint+ unless I happen to snag it from here with my second and last multi-draw.
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That second draw is gonna have to wait though because I’m now down to 25 mythril. Will need to grind some more to get back up to 50. Here’s to hoping my last pull here will get me something new and good. Another Sync, please, preferably Edge’s or Gladio’s.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 5 Multi-Draw 2 Results
Finally, after what feels like forever, I managed to increase my mythril count to 50. Had to do a lot of the Realms and Record Dungeons quests although I hadn’t wanted to since I’d rather save the mythril from those for later when my fave Genesis gets new relics. 
But, well, what else could I do? Besides, I only need one more pull now to get the “free” Sync from the Stamp Sheet. It’d be such a waste to back out now. I can only hope that I get something good from this last draw. 
Once again, it looks like this pull is gonna be really bad because only one disco orb showed up. I can only hope that Dr. Mog will appear as well. As the orbs started revealing themselves one-by-one, I kept hoping for Dr. Mog to show up and for me to get a Sync that I don’t have yet, preferably Edge’s or Gladio’s, but I’ll even take Shantotto’s since at least it’s a Sync and it’s new.
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Unfortunately, it just wasn’t meant to be. Dr. Mog didn’t even bother to show up. Where are you, Dr. Mog? How could you not show up? Argh! Eff this game! I think I would have taken a dupe Lenna Sync since at least that would increase its rank to 3 of 5.
Instead all I got was Lenna’s Glint+ Soul Break. Ugh. Disappointing doesn’t begin to cover it. I mean, yeah, this is new, but it’s also Lensable so I could have just bought it. I hardly use my Lenses so I have plenty to spare. 
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Why’d I have to get this? Why couldn’t it have been something else? Why couldn’t I have gotten a Sync? Why couldn’t I have gotten more than one disco orb from this draw?
Sometimes, I really freaking hate this game. I’m trying to look on the bright side, but it’s really hard because all I keep remembering is how many times I’ve failed to get what I want from these blasted banners. Eff this game and its crappy, trashy rates. Pity system when? 
I’m down to 0 mythril now, so even if I wanted to, I can’t pull anymore. At least I finally managed to complete the Stamp Sheet so the “free” Sync is now mine.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick
I’ve been thinking about this a lot, but I still can’t decide between Cloud’s Sync or Sephiroth’s Sync. Time is running out fast but I don’t know. I just don’t know. I think the logical choice would be to go with Cloud since I did get his True Arcane Soul Break. 
I’ve never really gotten to use him, not even on my Japanese account since I don’t even have his AASB there. I have a lot more of his relics on my English account, but I hardly used him since I don’t have his Sync. So if I get his Sync, I can use him more often. Plus, he is good.
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Well, so is Seph, but I have a lot of his relics on my Japanese account, including his AASB, Sync, and TASB so I've been able to use him. If I want to play as him, I can just go login to my Japanese account.
Besides, like I said before, I am planning to pull for his TASB on the next fest. So I can get his Sync then via the Stamp Sheet. Well, assuming his True Arcane Soul Break comes home anyway.   
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But once again, the thought of being able to have Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth on the same party and being able to use them all to clear content is really tempting me. I could and should just wait to do this next fest, but I don’t know. I feel like I really wanna try this team now.
I mean, why not, right? If I pick Seph’s Sync now, then I can just go with Cloud’s next fest. It shouldn’t make that much of a difference, right? What’s giving me a bit of pause though is the very real possibility that I’m gonna fail to get Sephi’s TASB next fest. Thinking about it more though, would that really be so bad? After all, I already have it on my Japanese account, so it’s fine, right? 
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The more I think about this, the more I find myself leaning towards getting Sephiroth’s Sync now and Cloud’s Sync next fest. From the looks of things, Seph is more self-sufficient than Cloud. 
It seems that Cloud requires a lot of setup, including a whole lot of Soul Break gauges, in order to really dish out the damage whereas Sephi doesn’t need that much or he can function well enough on his own. Which is what I prefer because if I’m supporting someone, then it’s gonna be my fave Genesis.  
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Okay, after what feels like forever, I finally made up my mind. I think. I’ve been staring at both Sephiroth’s and Cloud’s Syncs, going back and forth between the two, comparing and contrasting them and thinking about what it’d be like if I actually owned said relic.  
I selected their Syncs then proceeded to stare at the screen for ages, finger hovering over the “confirm” button. In the end, I decided to pick Seph’s. Hopefully, I don’t end up regretting this. At least I managed to make a decision before time ran out.
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Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Since I got Sephi’s Sync, I decided to complete his Record Board. I even bought his Hero Ability or Unique Ability, Heartless Angel. He’s the second char whose Hero Ability I bought. Obviously, the first one is Genesis. I also spent the resources needed to max rank Heartless Angel.
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I’d already bought Seph the dark katana Artifact, but now I also decided to get him the katana Final Fantasy VII realm Artifact. I also bought him one of his Legend Materia relics with Lenses. It’s the one that gives him the chance to dualcast Darkness-type abilities. Then I equipped him with everything.
Angeal Hewley from Final Fantasy VII
I also completed Angeal’s Record Board. Instead of buying his Hero Ability, I bought him the Healing Smite Knight ability using Rubies. I already have the Snowspell Strike Spellblade ability since Genesis makes use of Spellblade-type abilities. 
Angeal can make use of both Spellblade and Knight-type abilities so I equipped him with the aforementioned abilities. Also made sure to equip him with everything - all the Soul Breaks I have for him, armor, weapon, etc.
Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon
Then I went straight to the Final Fantasy VII D450 Torment Dungeon. Naturally, Genesis was already in my party, equipped with all the best stuff I could give to him and all of his Soul Breaks.
The rest of my party was Aerith and Cait Sith (from Final Fantasy VII). Aeris was equipped with Dispel and Curada and she has her first Glint+ Soul Break, Awakening and second Ultra Soul Break. Cait Sith was equipped with Warrior’s Hymn and Ode to Victory and he has his Awakening and second USB.
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Had the fight set on auto, and it worked well enough. Managed to win consistently although the end times varied. There’s definitely more room for improvement and further tweaks. 
Still super pleased though because I get to run Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth together. I want to try them in the FF7 Dreambreaker too although that’s definitely harder than the Torment so there’s no way I can auto that.
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Later on, I switched out Cait Sith for Barret who has his second Awakening and Ultra Soul Break. He was equipped with Burnt Offering, the Machinist ability that  has the chance to imperil the fire element. 
Barret’s AASB2 buffs the party’s physical attack so it was no wonder that having him in my party really cut my clear time by a lot. Managed to get my fastest clear time so far at 14.20 seconds. Subsequent tries had my clear times being around that time, slightly higher depending on RNG.
So, what about you? Did you pull on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 5? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you want? Did you fill out the Stamp Sheet? How did your FFRK 6th Anniv fest go? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
3 notes · View notes
freyayuki · 3 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japan 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draws
The Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game is currently celebrating its 6th Anniversary. As part of the festivities, several banners have shown up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
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There are 5 Anniversary Banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these Banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these Banners. You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Artifact Stone
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Flash Tech Soul Break (FSB) or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
While it’s great to be able to get a “free” Soul Break, the catch is that the relics selection, as in the list of “free” Soul Breaks you can choose from, is limited. And you’ll need to spend a lot of mythril in order to get these Stamps. 
Reasons to Pull on Anniversary Banners
Genesis Rhapsodos’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Flash Tech Soul Break+, Epic of Creation, and Legend Materia Relic, Fierce Opposition, are included in the Stamp Sheet’s list of FSB and LMR we could choose from. 
Currently, Genesis is my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. He’s the reason why I’m playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I don’t have the aforementioned items yet, so of course, I was interested in acquiring them. This was especially so since I didn’t know the next time they’d be featured on a banner.
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The 3rd Banner for FFRK’s 6th Anniversary featured new relics for Cloud Strife (from Final Fantasy VII) and Zack Fair (from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII). I like them as well, so I had my sight set on pulling on this Banner to get the Stamps I needed to obtain Genesis’s FSB+ and LMR.
My plan was to pick Cloud’s Sync from the Stamp Sheet (his was one of the few that’s available for selection) after getting his new weapon. Then I was going to get his Awakened Arcane Soul Break from another event that let us acquire one for free. I would have picked his set of relics from the Present Relic Draw, but, much to my disappointment, he wasn’t included in the selection. This would have let me get his AASB, LMR, and Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB). Ah, well. At least I can still get his other relics.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3
The Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 features the following relics:
Fusion Sword - contains Cloud Strife’s True Arcane Soul Break (TASB), Omnislash
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Ultima Weapon - contains Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) TASB, Apex Blitz Ace
Simha - contains Ashe’s (Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII) TASB, Apex Heaven’s Wrath
Sonic Steel - contains Zack Fair’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Come and Get It!  
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Voltaic Saber - contains Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) SASB, Devastate
Saintly Chaos Blade - contains Agrias Oaks’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB, True Divine Ruination
Skycutter+ - contains Hope Estheim's (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB, Raging Dreadnought
Heaven’s Cloud - contains Zack’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Road to Heroism
Lamia’s Tiara - contains Queen’s Chain Soul Break (CSB), Brains of the Class
Genji Helm - contains Zack’s Flash Tech Soul Break+, Sonic Squat
Hresvelgr - contains Hope’s Flash Tech Soul Break+, Future Hope
White Cape - contains Hope’s Legend Materia Relic+, Sublimation
IIRC, all the featured relics on this banner are new, as in this is the first time they’ve shown up in the game. Also, AFAIK, I don’t have a single relic for Tidus, Ashe, Queen, Agrias, and Hope. I might have like 1 of Zack’s weapons, but can’t remember for sure. If I do, it’s definitely not one of his better relics. As for Cloud, at the moment, I have 2 of his Ultra Soul Breaks and 1 of his FSB.
Sure, I wouldn’t mind getting all of the items on this banner, but what I really wanted to have are Zack’s and Cloud’s relics. With 500+ mythril, surely, I’d be able acquire them both, right? Right?
6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 1
I thought my first pull on this banner was off to a good start since Dr. Mog actually showed up to transform one of the orbs I’d gotten into a 7-star item. Could it be? Was I about to get either Cloud’s TASB or Zack’s Sync? 
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Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case at all. 
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I ended up with Agrias’s Sync.
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Well, at least it’s new. And I now have 1 Stamp on this banner, which means I now also have 5,000 Gysahl Greens, not that it’s all that good or anything. It just means I’m one step closer to being able to get either Genesis’s FSB+ or LMR, and that’s definitely a good thing.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 2
The results of my 2nd multi-draw on the 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 was really bad even though Dr. Mog showed up again. When I saw him, I couldn't help feeling hyped and excited, hoping I'll be able to get Cloud's TASB already or even Zack's Sync. Instead, all I got was this:
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Yeah, that's right. I just got Agrias's Sync. Again. So it went from Rank 1 of 5 to Rank 3 of 5. Ugh. Seriously? At the very least, couldn't I have gotten something new? I mean, this entire banner was new to me until I got Agrias's Sync on the first draw. If I was gonna get only one item per pull, could I at least obtain something I have yet to acquire? Sigh.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 3
Thankfully, multi-draw number 3 gave me something new.
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Too bad it doesn't belong to either Cloud or Zack. Instead, what I got was Queen's Sync.
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Also, why do I keep getting only one good item per draw? Eff this game and its crappy rates.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 4
Lo and behold - 2 disco orbs showed up. Then Dr. Mog showed up and transformed both into 7-star items. Heck, yeah! Are things finally looking up? Are they about to get better? Please tell me that's the case. I don't want to be disappointed anymore.
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I got my second copy of Queen's Sync, taking it from Rank 1 to Rank 3.
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Meh. At least the second item was new.
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It's Tidus's Ultima Weapon, Apex Blitz Ace, my very first True Arcane Soul Break.
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Ugh, why couldn't this have been Cloud's instead? This is just gonna rot in my inventory since I don't have anything for Tidus. Okay, so I don't have much for Cloud either, but I have that all planned out, remember? I just need to get his Fusion Sword, and everything should fall into place.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 5
I suppose I should be glad that I got 2 golds again instead of just 1.
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It's hard to be happy though when the 7-star I got was yet another dupe. By now, I'm getting sick of seeing Agrias's Sync. This dupe also got it from Rank 3 to 5 so I really don't wanna get this anymore.
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The new item I got belongs to Zack, but it was only his Flash Tech Soul Break+, which is completely and utterly useless to me.
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Seriously, this thing doesn't even deal damage. It just buffs Zack, so it'll only be seeing use if I also get his Sync and AASB. Hint, hint. Come on, please give me Cloud TASB and Zack Sync already, please. I'm starting to run out of mythril.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 6
This draw is trash. Absolute trash. Only got 1 item and it's not even a 7-star.
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Sure, it's new, but it's nothing more than Hope's Flash Tech Soul Break+, which is useless to me since I don't have anything else for him.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 7
This pull was only slightly better than the previous one. Yet again, I only got one decent item and it's not a 7-star. Dr. Mog, where are you? Give me more 7-stars, please.
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At least I got something new and it belongs to Zack. Yeah, his Awakened Arcane Soul Break is finally home. Glad to see it.
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Now I just need his Sync and Cloud's True Arcane Soul Break. Where are these weapons? Come home soon, please. Preferably before I completely run out of mythril.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 8
This draw is a perfect example that quantity doesn't necessarily equal quality. Got 2 golds but one was nothing more than a dupe of Hope's Flash Tech Soul Break+.
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The new item was nothing more than Hope's Legend Materia Relic+. Having these 2 items still doesn't make Hope usable since neither deal any damage. They're really meant to be used alongside his other relics, as in the ones that can deal damage.
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6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 9
Oh, man, please, I'm down to like 127 mythril. Cloud TASB and Zack Sync, doko da? Come home already, please. I'm running out of mythril already, and I'm already on the 9th multi-draw on this godforsaken banner. Please, please, please give me something good, something new. Enough with the dupes already, please.
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So clearly this means I should get a dupe of Zack's Flash Tech Soul Break+. It doesn't even rank up. Eff this banner and eff this game. I'm now down to 77 mythril. Looks like only a miracle is gonna ge met either Cloud TASB or Zack Sync.
6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draw 10
Miracle? What miracle? Worse freaking game ever. Argh! Eff this freaking game! This draw just gave me another dupe of Agrias's Sync even though it's already at max rank. Why? Why? Argh!
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Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia versus Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Final Fantasy Record Keeper really needs a pity system, like the one in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to spend x amount of mythril and know that, even if RNG decides to be cruel, you can still get what you want? The Stamp Sheet doesn't count since I can't even pick the stuff I actually want from it. Heck, it doesn't even include the items featured on this freaking banner.
I mean, just look at DFFOO. To give a recent example, one that I still remember vividly - Cloud's LD and BT or Burst weapons were featured on a banner. These were currently his newest and latest weapons. So I was pulling for them. His LD showed up soon enough, but his BT refused to appear no matter how many times I pulled. I ended up spending 120,000 gems on that banner. It costs 5k gems to do a multi-draw. We got a free pull on this banner as part of some campaign or other. 
If you spend 75k gems, you get enough G-Tokens to be able to buy whichever LD is featured on the banner you just pulled on. In this case, that would be Cloud's LD. Ex weapons also cost 75k to pity. As for Bursts, you need a total of 500 G-Tokens in order to outright buy them, which translates to 125k gems. 
And so, although Cloud's BT never showed up in my pulls, and although I had to spend 120k gems, it wasn't that bad because, in the end, I was still able to get all of his weapons. I was still able to get what I wanted. And, sure, of course, I was kinda miffed that I had to spend so much but I couldn't be that mad at DFFOO because I still got what I wanted anyway. 
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And honestly, all I had to do was remember my crappy pulls here on FFRK and even on the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) mobile game, both of which don't have a pity system, and it really makes me appreciate DFFOO more. It's also really generous when it comes to giving out pulling currency and free draws. 
So, yeah, in short, Final Fantasy Record Keeper needs to be more like Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Ugh. Seriously. Eff this game. Feeling so frustrated and disappointed right now. I don't think I'll be playing this if not for the fact that my fave Genesis is here. I really, really hope he'll be added to DFFOO soon.
Anyway, as you can see, I'm now down to 27 mythril so even if I wanted to, I can't pull anymore (it costs 50 to do a multi-draw). Since I've done 10 pulls on this banner, I've now been able to fill out the Stamp Sheet.
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Final Fantasy VII Luck of the Realms Banner
Before anything else, I decided to do a pull on the Final Fantasy VII Luck of the Realms Banner. It only costs 5 mythril, so at least I have more than enough to cover the cost and, maybe - hopefully, I can get something new and good that might cheer me up after the disastrous results of my pulling spree on the 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3.
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You know, I really can't catch a break on this game. Does it really want me to hate it that badly? Because I'm really starting to hate this with the fury of a thousand burning suns. Dr. Mog showed up on this draw, you know? I also got 2 out of 3 golds. Just when I thought things were looking up, I get greeted by the sight of this - 
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That's right. I just got a dupe of Zack's Awakening. Ugh. Seriously, why? And then I see this -
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And I'm thinking this is new, right? It kinda looks familiar though, but that's probably just me because, of course, this is totally new. I mean, at least give me a little something to salvage this crappy-
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It's not new. It's just another copy of Vincent's Limit Break Over Flow Soul Break. Wow, I really hate this game. What a waste of 5 mythril.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Ultra Soul Break Pick from Stamp Sheet
I filled out that effing Stamp Sheet, so now it's time to get my "free" relics. It "only" cost me 500 mythril. Yeah, I'm still so freaking mad at this game. Ugh. Remind me again why I'm still playing? Oh, right. Genesis. Could he please show up in DFFOO already so I can quit this game?
Anyway, in this game, Genesis only has one Ultra Soul Break, and I already have a copy, otherwise that was what I would have chosen, no more questions asked.
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But since I can't pick his, I'm gonna have to think about this some more. I would have gone with one of Cloud's USBs but since he refused to cough up his TASB, I don't want to pick him anymore. I don't want to pick Zack either since he didn't even have the decency to give me his Sync.
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So I found myself looking at Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII). That's because I actually have his Sync unlike Zack and Cloud. I also have one of his Ultras, as you can see from the screenshot above. On a side note, why does he and Cloud and a lot of other chars get to have so many Ultras while my fave Genesis only has one? Give him more!
Out of all of Seph's Ultras, the one I've been hearing most about is Zanshin, which can be obtained from Executioner (VII), a 6-star Light Armor relic. Its effect is:
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“Deal fifteen ranged physical dark attacks to one target, temporarily infuse the user with the power of the dark, set the user's critical hit chance to 50%, and enter Legendary SOLDIER EX Mode. Legendary SOLDIER EX Mode temporarily allows the user's physical dark attacks to break the damage cap, and causes every second dark ability used by the user to increase the user's dark damage a moderate amount on the next turn.”
So this is the Ultra Soul Break I ended up getting. In retrospect, I should have gone with someone else's Ultra because this one can actually be bought at the The Record Lab with Anima Lenses. I should have picked an Ultra that isn't available in the Lab. But back then, I was still too mad to really bother thinking about this too much. I really just wanted to get this over with.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Flash Tech Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic Pick from Stamp Sheet
As aforementioned, I'm missing Genesis's Flash Tech Soul Break+ and Legend Materia Relic so I was gonna be picking one of them, no matter what. The only question was which one should I choose? Ah, I wish this game didn't lump these items together. Why couldn't they be separate? Just yet another thing to add to the growing list of things to hate about this game, huh?
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Right, let's take a closer look at them. Genesis's Flash Tech Soul Break+ (known as Glint+ in the Global or English version of Final Fantasy Record Keeper) is called Epic of Creation and it comes from Blood Sword (VII-CC), a 6-star Sword-type relic. Its effect is:
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“Temporarily grant the user Empowered Infusion for fire, damage the user for 99% of their current HP, and temporarily cause fire abilities used by the user to trigger the follow-up ability Heat Reciter, dealing six ranged physical fire and non-elemental attacks to one enemy. Epic of Creation triggers instantly and does not deplete the Soul Break gauge.”
Genesis's Legend Materia Relic is called Fierce Opposition and it comes from Red Glove (VII-CC), a 5-star rarity Bracer-type relic. Its effect is:
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“Deal significantly more physical damage when a sword is equipped.”
It took me quite a while to decide, but, eventually, I decided to go for Genesis's Epic of Creation. I'll pick his LMR next time I manage to save enough mythril for the Stamp Sheet again or whenever it shows up on a banner again. Or, better yet, when it actually shows up in the The Record Lab.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Free Synchro Arcane Soul Break Pick from Stamp Sheet
The following is the list of Syncs you can pick via the Stamp Sheet:
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII - Sync 1
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII - Sync 1
Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII - Sync 2
Lightning or Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII - Sync 1
Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV - Sync 1
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV
Cidolfus Orlandeau from Final Fantasy Tactics
Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0
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I was gonna pick Cloud's, but, well, you know what happened. Right now, I don't really want anything to do with him. I suppose my next choice might have been Sephiroth's, but since I already have his, I have to go with a different Sync. 
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I talk more about this in this post, but I ended up choosing Noctis's Synchro Arcane Soul Break so I could power up my fire team some more and have him act as the secondary DPS to my main damage dealer, Genesis.
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Unsurprisingly, I'm still absolutely furious at the results of my latest pulling spree on this game. It hurst - I feel like I just threw away and wasted 500 mythril for nothing. In retrospect, I should have pulled on all the Fest banners instead of focusing entirely on only one of them. In that way, I could have at least spread the misery on multiple banners, which would have given me more of a chance to get new relics instead of getting a shower of dupes and more dupes.
If I had the chance to do this all over again, would I still spend 500 mythril on only one banner or spread it around on multiple banners? Or maybe I'd be better off just continuing to save the 500 mythril. Well, on one hand, filling out this Stamp Sheet allowed me to finally get my fave Genesis's Flash Tech Soul Break+, so I can't exactly regret that.
On the other hand, my draw results on the 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 were really, really freaking bad. Maybe I'd have been better off just saving my resources and trying my luck on the next fest, which was bound to have another Stamp Sheet anyway.
Ah, well. It doesn't matter anymore. It's too late anyway. Can't do anything about this anymore. All that mythril is now lost. In conclusion, eff this game. Also, pity system like DFFOO when?
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper Japanese game account and my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 3 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Draws
The Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game is currently celebrating its 6th Anniversary. As part of the festivities, several banners have shown up featuring lots of relics, including several new ones for a variety of characters.
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There are 5 Anniversary Banners in total. There’s a Stamp Sheet associated with these Banners. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these Banners. You get different things depending on the number of Stamps you have. Here’s a list of the prizes or rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Artifact Stone
6 Stamps: 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB) pick
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 1 free Glint Soul Break or Legend Materia Relic (LMR) pick
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) pick
11 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
12 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) pick
16 Stamps: 10,000 Gyashl Greens
17 Stamps: 15,000 Gyashl Greens
18 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
19 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 250 Anima Lens+
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While it’s great to be able to get a “free” Soul Break, the catch is that the relics selection, as in the list of “free” Soul Breaks you can choose from, is limited. And you’ll need to spend a lot of mythril in order to get these Stamps.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Relics List
The Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 features the following relics:
Fusion Sword (VII) - contains Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) (known as Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB) in the English or Global version of FFRK), Omnislash
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Caladbolg (X) - contains Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) TASB, Apex Blitz Ace
Simha (XII) - contains Ashe’s (Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII) TASB, Apex Heaven’s Wrath
Sonic Steel (VII-CC) - contains Zack Fair’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), Come Get It!  
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Voltaic Saber (Type-0) - contains Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) SASB, Devastate
Divine Chaos Blade (FFT) - contains Agrias Oaks’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB, Last Judgment Blade
Skycutter+ (XIII) - contains Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB, Dreadnought Rampage
Heaven’s Cloud (VII- CC) - contains Zack’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB), Road to Heroism
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Lamia’s Tiara (Type-0) - contains Queen’s Chain Soul Break (CSB), Sudden Shift
Genji Helm (VII-CC) - contains Zack’s Glint+ Soul Break, Sonic Squat
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Hresvelgr (XIII) - contains Hope’s Glint+ Soul Break, Future Hope
White Cape (XIII) - contains Hope’s Legend Materia Relic+, Refinement
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Plans
I was interested in this banner primarily because of Cloud's TASB and Zack's Sync. I talk more about this in another post, but I pulled on this banner in my Japanese FFRK account. I spent 500 mythril. 
Guess how many copies of Cloud's TASB and Zack's SASB I got. A grand total of zero. Frustrating and depressing doesn't begin to cover it. It really felt like I just threw away 500 mythril for nothing. Seriously, eff this game and its lack of a pity system. Argh! Remembering this incident is making my blood boil.
I guess I'm not entirely over this because now I find myself reluctant to pull on this banner in the English version of the game. I thought I was all set to skip this banner but then I don't know. I couldn't seem to help myself. When the banner showed up, I found myself checking it out. And then I actually started pulling. 
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Why'd I do that? Ugh. I don't even have a lot of mythril left anymore (currently only have 389 on hand; I need 500 if I want to fill out the Stamp Sheet and get the “free” Sync). That's because I pulled on the Fat Black Chocobo Howling Forgery banner featuring Angeal Hewley's (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad)) newest relics. And the reason I pulled on said banner was because I thought I wasn't gonna bother with the Cloud and Zack banner anymore. 
Welp, so much for making plans, huh? Ah, well. I can't do anything about it anymore. What's done is done. I guess all I can do now is hope this doesn't end in disaster like what happened in my Japanese Final Fantasy Record Keeper account.
Anyway, unlike in my Japanese FFRK account where the entirety of this banner was new to me, here in my English account, I actually already have 2 of the relics featured here - Zack's AASB and his Glint+. I think I got them from pulling on the Final Fantasy VII Realm banner with Realm/Elemental x11 tickets.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 1 Results
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a screenshot of the results of my first multi-draw because there was an error and the game reloaded itself. I didn't even get the chance to see what I got. At first, I thought the pull didn't happen but my mythril count went down so I started looking through my inventory to see if I got anything new.
From the looks of things, I only got a copy or 2 of Hope's LMR unless Zack's AASB and Glint+ showed up again. It seems more likely that all I got was 1/11 though. Feels bad, as usual. Eff this game. We're already off to a bad start. Why am I doing this again? Sigh. I should stop, but I can't.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 2 Results
Two disco orbs showed up in my second multi-draw. Then Dr. Mog made an appearance as well.
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What I got was a dupe of Zack's Glint+ (why couldn't this have been his AASB instead so it can at least rank up?) and my first copy of Ashe's True Arcane Soul Break.
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Too bad I can't use this 'cause I have nothing else for Ashe. Ah, why couldn’t this have been Cloud’s TASB instead? I’m missing his Syncs but I have one of his Awakenings and a few of his other relics.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 3 Results
My third multi-draw gave me 3 disco orbs then Dr. Mog showed up to turn one of them into a 7-star item.
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The disco orbs turned into dupes of Zack's Glint+ and Hope's LMR. How utterly disappointing.
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Also, why do I keep getting Zack's Glint+? It's so vexing, especially since I have no use for these dupes. Glints don't rank up unlike Awakenings and a few other Soul Breaks.
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The 7-star item saved this draw from being absolutely terrible. Because I just got Zack's Sync. I could hardly believe it.
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Was so surprised, but also very pleased. Didn't think I'd ever see this considering that's exactly what happened in my Japanese FFRK account.  
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 4 Results
I wonder if I'd have been better off just stopping now instead of continuing to pull on this banner. I'm still missing Cloud's True Arcane Soul Break, but at least I was able to get Zack's Sync. 
I should cut my losses and walk away already. At least let me end this banner on a happy note, right? More like wrong. It's dumb, and I really shouldn't have done it, but I couldn't seem to stop myself. I kept pulling.
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This draw gave me nothing more than Hope's Glint+ Soul Break. It's new but useless since the only other relic I have for him is his LMR. These things don't even deal damage. Ugh. I regret this already, and yet I still can't stop. Damn it. Why? Why am I doing this?
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 5 Results
This draw gave me 2 disco orbs. Dr. Mog also showed up to turn one of them into a 7-star item.
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The 6-star relic I got was a dupe of Hope’s Glint+. How utterly useless. 
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The 7-star was unfortunately not Cloud’s TASB. At least it’s new though. I just got Agrias’s Sync.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 6 Results
My last multi-draw meant that I was now halfway to filling out the Stamp Sheet for this fest. By now, I felt it was too late to stop pulling. I figured I might as well see it through to the end. I might as well keep pulling until I fill out the entirety of the Stamp Sheet so that I could at least get the “free” relics. 
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This draw gave me 2 disco orbs. Too bad Dr. Mog didn’t show up. I also got another dupe of Hope’s Glint+. Argh! So frustrating. If I’m gonna get a Hope relic, couldn’t it be his Sync instead? The other disco orb turned into Queen’s Chain Soul Break. Like with Hope, I don’t have anything else for her. And at the moment, I can’t even remember if I have any decent lightning relics. 
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 7 Results
I suppose I should be glad that Dr. Mog showed up in my 7th multi-draw. He gave me something new.
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I’m glad it’s not a dupe, but I still can’t help feeling a bit disappointed anyway because it’s not Cloud’s TASB. Instead I got Tidus’s Caladbolg (X), which gave me his Arcane Dyad Soul Break, Apex Blitz Ace. 
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Too bad I don’t have any of his Syncs or even his Awakening. All I have for Tidus is his Chain, 2 of his Ultra Soul Breaks and one of his Glints. I’m not sure how useful he’ll be with just these.
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Aside from that, the only other gold relic I got was yet another dupe of Hope’s LMR. Useless.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3 Multi-Draw 8 Results
At this point, I've basically lost all hope of ever being able to get Cloud's True Arcane Soul Break. It's too late to stop now though. I'm already 7 pulls deep in this banner. I've practically filled out the entire Stamp Sheet already. I just need like 3 more pulls so I can get the "free" Sync so I thought I might as well just keep on going because it'd be a waste to stop now. 
If nothing else, at least let me get the "free" Sync, right? So I continue wasting my resources on this banner. That is, right after I grind a bit more to get back to 50 mythril because my last pull didn't even leave me enough to do 1 more multi-draw.
As soon as I managed to get 50 mythril, I went right back to the Cloud and Zack banner. Let's just get this over with, right? So I tap on the pull button but I don't even bother looking at the screen anymore. I just wait for the animations to play out. Soon, I hear the sounds of Dr. Mog showing up and I glance at the screen to see that I got 2 disco orbs. One of them just got turned into a 7-star item by Dr. Mog.
The disco orb turned into a dupe of Zack's Awakening. Meh. Should I even be surprised by the dupes at this point? After all, I basically have everything on this banner already, all except for Cloud's TASB and Queen's and Hope's Syncs.
I was all set to getting another dupe, but no. The 7-star relic I got was new. Not only was it new, it was also the one I've been hoping to get for what feels like forever.
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Yeah, that's right. Seemingly against all odds, Cloud's Fusion Sword (VII) has finally come home. Yes, yes, yes! Honestly, I could hardly believe it. But I immediately recognized the sword upon seeing it. 
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There was no way I could be mistaken. I readily took screenshots. Really, I don't know what to say. I think I'm still reeling from the shock. I mean, who'd have thought, right? What were the odds? 
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The rates here are so bad and there's no pity system, and I already failed to get this and even Zack's Sync on my Japanese FFRK account, so the chances of me being able to get these relics on my English account seemed slim to none. Needless to say, I'm so freaking glad Zack's Sync and now Cloud's TASB as well have decided to come home.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Stamp Sheet
I've nearly filled out the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Stamp Sheet. Just need 2 more pulls on any of the fest banners. I'm all out of mythril now though so I need to grind some more.
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I'm still missing Queen's Sync and Hope's Sync on the Cloud and Zack banner, but I'm done. I don't want to pull on that banner anymore. After all, there's no guarantee that my next 2 pulls will give me the aforementioned missing Syncs. At this point, I'm more likely to get dupes and more dupes. So my plan now is to pull on the other fest banners as soon as I get enough mythril to do so.
So, what about you? Did you pull on the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 6th Anniversary Festival Banner 3? What relics did you get? Were you able to get the ones you want? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Focused Relic Draw
As part of the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game’s 7th Anniversary Festival celebration, players can pull twice (each multi-draw costs 50 mythril) on the Focused Relic Draw banner then pick 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) from a limited pool.
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The Focused Relic Draw banner contains the following relics and the chars they belong to:
Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1 - dupe
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) Awakened Arcane Soul Break 3 (AASB3) - dupe
Ysayle Dangoulain’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) magical ice AASB
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Bartz Klauser’s (from Final Fantasy V) physical earth AASB
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Y’shtola Rhul’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) magical fire, ice, lightning and dark AASB
Ace’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) AASB - dupe
Machina Kunagiri’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Chain Soul Break 2 (CSB2) - Final Fantasy Type-0 realm Chain
Onion Knight’s Limit Break Glint (LBG)
Ysayle’s LBG
Kain Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy IV) LBG
Ultimecia’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) dark Glint+ Soul Break (G+) - dupe
Papalymo Totolymo’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+) - dupe
Ugh. The bottom half of this banner is so bad. There are way too many LBGs which are basically useless. And it’s too bad I already have so many dupes here. 
The best relics on this banner are the Awakenings I don’t already have. Have Bartz’s earth Sync so his physical earth AASB here will be of use to me if I can get it. 
Have Y’shtola’s Sync so her AASB here will go nicely with it. Need more magical ice tech so Ysayle’s AASB here will be nice to have but gonna need more of her BDL relics in order to make her usable.
Although this banner is very bad, the Sync Select list here is really good. There’s a lot of options to choose from and there are a number of really good Syncs featured here. 
At the moment, not really sure yet if I really want to spend 100 mythril in order to pick a “free” Sync. I should look at my options first and see if there’s a Sync that really catches my eye and that I really want to have. 
So here’s a list of all the available choices broken down by realm.
Final Fantasy I
The Warrior of Light SASB1, Photon Wave
This is for the physical holy element. Already have a few of the Warrior of Light’s relics, including his AASB. 
He doesn’t seem that good as a DPS though, and it looks like his Sync 2 might be better than his Sync 1 so for now he’s out.
Update: just checked the Stamp Sheet Sync Select list (if you spend 500 mythril across the 5 different Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) 7th Anniversary Festival banners, you can pick 1 free Sync from a select list) and the Warrior of Light’s Sync is there so if I really want it, can just go for it there. 
In short, he’s totally no longer an option for this Sync select.
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Garland SASB1, Sinister Reincarnation
This is for the physical dark element. Have Garland’s True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) and his physical dark Chain Soul Break (CSB). 
His CSB isn’t that good though. His AASB1 is Lensable. His Sync 2 might be better than his Sync 1. There are better options for physical dark Chain holders and/or DPS so he’s out.
Sarah SASB, Far-Reaching Prayer
Sarah’s a healer. Don’t have her AASB though, and it isn’t Lensable. She won’t be usable with just her Sync so she’s out.
Meia (from Mobius Final Fantasy) SASB, Primal Undine
This is for the magical water element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for Meia but her AASB1 is Lensable. 
Been hearing lots of good things about Meia as a water DPS. Really need more magical water tech so she’s definitely an option for this Sync Select.
Final Fantasy II
Firion SASB1, Full Mastery
Firion’s Sync is for the physical holy, ice, and fire elements. Have both of his Awakenings as well as his physical ice Sync (SASB2). 
Both his physical ice Sync and his physical holy and fire Sync (SASB3) seem better than his Sync 1. My physical fire team is really stacked already so Firion has no place there. He might have a place on my physical ice team but I wouldn’t need his Sync 1 for that.
His Sync 1 could be an option for my physical holy team although his SASB3, which I unfortunately don’t have, is preferable. I guess he’s out for now. 
I mean, if I have to choose between him and Meia’s Sync, hers is undoubtedly better. Ahh, this would be much easier if we could pick more than 1 Sync here.  
Maria SASB1, Armageddon XCIX
Maria’s Sync 1 is for the magical earth element. Don’t have a single relic for her but her Awakening is Lensable. 
On the other hand, my magical earth team is already pretty good and Maria has a Sync 2 that’s way better than her Sync 1. Also, her Sync 1 is on the Stamp Sheet Sync Select so she’s out.
Minwu SASB, Holy XCIX
Minwu’s Sync is for the magical holy element. Already have his Awakening. My magical holy team is already pretty good but Minwu can help make it better. His Sync is on the Stamp Sheet Sync Select though so he’s out.
Gordon SASB, Honored Memory, Leila (Reila) SASB, Split Edge, and Josef SASB1, Heroic Blow        
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Emperor SASB, World Dominator
Emperor’s Sync is for the magical dark, earth, and wind elements. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him but one of his Awakenings is Lensable. 
This AASB doesn’t give him an elemental infusion although it can imperil either the dark, earth, or wind elements. He’s out since there are better options for a magical dark, earth, or wind DPS. 
Hilda SASB, Wild Rose Bloom
Already have this so it’s definitely out.
Scott SASB, Scarlet Pyroblade
Have 1 of his Awakenings so his Sync would be nice to have but Scott’s element is physical fire so he’s out.
Final Fantasy III
Luneth SASB1, Silver Wind, and Arc SASB, Invoke Leviath
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Ingus SASB1, Knight's Assault
Ingus’s Sync 1 is for the physical earth element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him but one of his Awakenings is Lensable. His Sync 2 seems better than his Sync 1 though. 
He himself doesn’t seem that good as an earth DPS. Don’t think getting him will help improve my earth team so he’s out.
Onion Knight SASB1, Channel Water
Onion Knight’s Sync 1 is for the magical water element. Have 2 of his Awakenings but they’re for physical elements. Also have his magical earth Sync. His magical Awakening is Lensable. 
My magical water tech is really lacking but I’m not sure about going with Onion Knight to help fill that void. Haven’t really heard a lot of good things about him when compared to other chars, and not really all that fond of him anyway. Plus, his Sync 1 is available on the Stamp Sheet Sync Select so he’s out.
Cloud of Darkness SASB1, Diffusion Particle Beam
The Cloud of Darkness’s Sync 1 is for the magical dark element. One of their Awakenings is Lensable. 
Have their magical dark Chain and they’re part of my magical dark team just because of that so tempted to get their Sync 1 so they can contribute a bit of damage when they’re not busy casting their CSB.
Aria Benett (Elia) SASB1, Ephemeral Maiden
Aria’s a healer. Have her Awakening and even her Glint+ that gives the party Protect, Shell, and Haste. She doesn’t seem that good compared to the healers I already have built though so she’s out.
Final Fantasy IV
The following chars are out because their first Syncs are available via the Stamp Sheet Sync Select: 
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey
Paladin Cecil Harvey
Kain Highwind
Kain Highwind SASB2, Cross Javelin
Kain’s Sync 2 is for the physical lightning or thunder element. The only BDL relic I have for him is his Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB) but one of his Awakenings is Lensable. 
Kain makes use of dragoon and jump mechanics that I’m not too familiar with so not really sure about picking him. Been hearing good things about him though so he’s still an option, especially since if I get his Sync and AASB, I’d now have 3 BDL relics for him.
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Rydia SASB2, Broken Heart
Rydia’s Sync 2 is for the magical water element. Have both of her Awakenings. 
Would love to get this Sync to improve my magical water team but it’s gonna be available in the next Stamp Sheet Sync Select (as in the one that will show up after this fest a few months from now). 
So I think it’s better to just get this later on, especially since there are a lot of SASBs here that won’t be available in a future Select.
Rosa Joanna Farrell SASB1, Theme of Love
Rosa’s a healer. Have her Awakening and one of her Ultra Soul Breaks. She doesn’t seem that good compared to the healers I already have built though so she’s out.
Edward Chris von Muir SASB, Kings' Quad
Edward’s a support. He seems pretty good. The problem is that I don’t have his Awakening, and it isn’t Lensable. I don’t think he’ll be usable with just his Sync so he’s out.
Porom SASB1, Sync Renew, Edge Geraldine SASB, Eblan Harmony, and Ceodore Harvey SASB, Advanced Blade  
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Barbariccia SASB, Raging Wind
Barbariccia’s Sync is for the magical wind element. Have a few of her relics, including her first Awakening. 
She can imperil the wind element with her Burst Soul Break (BSB). This has earned her a place on my magical wind team so I’d love to get her Sync to further improve her damage output. 
Barbariccia’s DASB, TASB, AASB2, and Glint+ are available on one of the fest banners. If I actually manage to get either her DASB or AASB2 or even both, then will definitely seriously consider getting her Sync from this Select. 
Final Fantasy V
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon SASB1, White Magic Mastery, Bartz Klauser SASB1, Ethereal Bond, and Bartz SASB2, Earthen Bond
Already have these Syncs so they’re all out.
Galuf Halm Baldesion SASB1, Soul Successor
Galuf’s Sync 1 is for the physical earth element. Have both of his Awakenings. His physical earth Chain is Lensable. 
Since I already have 2 BDL relics for him, it’s tempting to go for his Sync. Also considering Lensing his CSB so he can be my Chain holder then another char can be my physical earth DPS since Galuf’s more of a support anyway.
Gilgamesh SASB, Future Ally, Faris Scherwiz (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon) SASB, Precious Friend, and Exdeath SASB1, Space Disorder
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Krile Mayer Baldesion SASB1, Baldesion Attack
Krile’s Sync 1 is for the magical fire and earth elements. Already have her AASB. Her Sync 1 will be available in a future Stamp Sheet Sync Select so she’s out.
Final Fantasy VI
The following Syncs are available in the current Stamp Sheet Sync Select so they’re all out: Terra Branford SASB1, Locke Cole SASB1, Celes Chere SASB1, and Shadow SASB1. 
Terra’s Sync 2 will be available in a future Stamp Sheet Sync Select so it’s also out.
Mog SASB, Snow Ensemble, Strago Magus SASB1, Tsunami, Relm Arrowny SASB, Galaxy Prism, Kefka Palazzo SASB, Rising Tone, and Leo Cristophe SASB, Shattering Highblade
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Gau SASB, X-Cutter Rage
Gau’s Sync is for the physical wind and lightning elements. Have his AASB. There are better options for physical wind and lightning DPS though so he’s out.
Final Fantasy VII
Already have copies of the following Syncs so they’re out:
Genesis Rhapsodos (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) SASB, Purgatorial Wave
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Cloud Strife SASB1, Apex Slash
Tifa Lockhart SASB1, Zangan's Infinitude
Caith Sith SASB, Miraculous Luck
Vincent Valentine (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) SASB1, Bestial Claws
Zack Fair (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) SASB, Come Get It!
Sephiroth SASB1, Demonic Lord
Angeal Hewley (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) SASB, White-Winged SOLDIER
Reno SASB, Our Day Off, and Rufus Shinra SASB, Presidental Power
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Shelke Rui (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) SASB1, Transparent Thunder
Shelke’s Sync 1 is for the physical lightning element. Have one of her AASBs and even her lightning CSB. There are better options for a physical lightning DPS slash support slash Chain holder though so she's out.  
Yuffie Kisaragi SASB1, Moonless Shower
Yuffie’s Sync 1 is for the physical water element. Have her AASB1 as well as her water CSB which has earned her a place on my physical water team. 
Would love to get her Sync to further improve my physical water team but will have to wait and see if she’s really the best option for this Select and if she’s even worth 100 mythril.
Cloud Strife SASB2, Meteor Rain 
This is currently available in the Stamp Sheet Sync Select so it’s out.
Tifa Lockhart SASB2, Limit Combo
Tifa’s Sync 2 is for the physical earth element. As aforementioned, already have her Sync 1, which is also for the physical earth element. Also have her AASB1. 
Tifa’s Sync 2 is way better than her Sync 1. She’s part of my physical earth team as one of my DPS so very tempted to get her Sync 2 to further improve her damage output.
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Red XIII (Nanaki) SASB, Soaring Comet
Red XIII’s Sync is for the magical earth element. Have several of his relics, including his Awakening and earth Chain. He’s part of my magical earth team. 
Heard lots of good things about his Sync, especially when combined with his Awakening. Since I already have a lot of his relics, really tempted to go for his Sync to further improve my magical earth team.
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough SASB, Blue-Eyed Sentinel
Aerith’s a healer. Already have a lot of her relics, including her AASB1. She’s a pretty good healer, particularly for physical DPS. Her Sync would be nice to have although she works well enough with just her Awakening. 
Final Fantasy VIII
The following Syncs are out since they’re currently available in the Stamp Sheet Sync Select: Squall Leonhart SASB1, Rinoa Heartilly SASB1, Rinoa SASB2,  and Ultimecia SASB1. Squall’s SASB2 is also out since I already have a copy.
Selphie Tilmitt SASB1, Comrades' Return, Seifer Almasy SASB, Absolutely No Mercy, Edea Kramer SASB1, Sorcerous Binding, and Ward Zabac SASB, Anchoring Trio
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Laguna Loire SASB, Freezing Downpour
Laguna’s Sync is for the physical ice element. Have both of his Awakenings. His physical ice Chain is Lensable. 
Heard good things about his Sync. His Hero Ability (HA) can imperil the ice element. All of this has me tempted to go for his Sync, especially since he’s already part of my physical ice team even though I haven’t even bought his CSB or made his HA. 
Fujin SASB, Fusai
Fujin’s Sync is for the magical wind element. Have one of her Awakenings as well as her magical wind CSB. She’s part of my magical wind team so tempted to get her Sync.
Kiros Seagill SASB, Exotic Impact
Kiros’s Sync is for the physical dark and ice elements. Have his AASB. He has a bit of utility to his kit. Getting his Sync would make him more useful for endgame content.
Final Fantasy IX
Zidane Tribal SASB, Not Alone
Zidane’s Sync is for the physical wind element. Have his TASB and AASB1 and heard lots of good things about him so would really love to get his Sync. It’s also available on one of the fest banners so here’s to hoping I can get it from there. 
Beatrix SASB1, Seiken Shock End
This is available in the current Stamp Sheet Sync Select so it’s out.
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII SASB1, Peridot Thunder, Garnet SASB2, Rendezvous Hour, and Adelbert Steiner SASB1, Double Shock
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Eiko Carol SASB1, Seraphic Rebirth
Already have this so it’s out.
Vivi Ornitier SASB1, Glittering Flame
Vivi’s Sync 1 is for the magical fire element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him but one of his Awakenings is Lensable. My magical fire team is already pretty stacked though so not really interested in Vivi.
Kuja SASB, Chaos Divider
Kuja’s Sync is for the magical dark element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for him but his AASB1 is Lensable. He’d be nice to have but there are better options for this Sync Select so he’s out.
Final Fantasy X
Already have the following Syncs so they’re out: Tidus SASB1, Tidus SASB2, Rikku SASB1, and Auron SASB1.
Wakka SASB, Aurochs Spirit+, Kimahri Ronso SASB, Inherited Resolve, Seymour Guado SASB, Begrudging Soul, and Paine SASB1, Liquid Steel Throttle
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Lulu SASB, Plushie Magic
Lulu’s Sync is for the magical ice, water, and lightning elements. Don’t have a single BDL relic for her but her AASB1 is Lensable. This Awakening doesn’t give elemental infusion though. If I had her AASB2, would be more interested in this Sync.
Jecht SASB, Meteor Shot
Jecht’s Sync is for the physical dark and fire elements. Have his AASB1 so interested in getting his Sync to make him more usable in endgame content.
Yuna SASB1, Farplane Wish
Yuna’s Sync 1 is for the magical holy element. Have a few of her relics, including one of her Awakenings and her magical holy CSB. 
Yuna’s a mix between a healer and a DPS. It’d be nice to get her Sync but not sure it’s worth 100 mythril.
Final Fantasy XI
Ayame SASB1, Winter Moon Blossom, and Aphmau SASB, Automaton Band
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Shantotto SASB, Chain Thunder Play
Already have this so it’s out.
Final Fantasy XII
Vaan SASB1, Head Strike
Vaan’s Sync 1 is for the physical wind element. Have his AASB2 and his physical wind CSB, which has earned him a place on my physical wind team. 
His AASB1 is Lensable. His Sync 2 is better than his Sync 1 so not sure about going for the latter although it’d be nice to have more BDL relics for Vaan.
Fran SASB, Boreal Sparkshot, Basch fon Ronsenburg SASB1, True Ruin Impendent, and Penelo SASB1, Shining Vindication
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca SASB2, Channeling Bolt, and Gabranth (Noah fon Ronsenburg) SASB, Vengeful Judgment
Already have these Syncs so they’re out.
Ashe SASB1, Saintly Pride
Ashe’s Sync 2 is way better than her Sync 1 so this one’s out. Besides, each char can only equip 1 Sync at a time so this one will never see use.
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa) SASB, Fierce Big Bang
Balthier’s Sync is for the physical fire element. Have a few of his relics, including his AASB1 and his physical fire CSB. He’s part of my physical fire team so would love to have his Sync to go with the relics I already have for him.
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor SASB, Amity Potion
Larsa is a pretty good healer. Aside from healing, he can also increase the party’s critical hit damage and remove the delay from their actions for a few turns. 
Have a few of his relics, including his AASB1. Would love to have his Sync and AASB2 so I can use him for endgame content.
Final Fantasy XIII
The following Syncs are out since they’re currently available in the Stamp Sheet Sync Select: Lightning (Claire Farron) SASB1, Lightning SASB2, Oerba Yun Fang SASB, Snow Villiers SASB1, and Jihl Nabaat SASB. Cid Raines’s SASB is also out since I already have it.
Hope Estheim SASB, Dreadnought Rampage
Hope’s Sync is for the magical holy element. Already have both of his Awakenings so he’s part of my magical holy team. Would love to have his Sync to make him stronger.
Oerba Dia Vanille SASB1, Come On, Hecaton!, Serah Farron SASB1, Transcendent Arrow, and Noel Kreiss SASB, Future Remembrance
Don’t have a single BDL relic for these chars and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable so they’re out.
Final Fantasy XIV
The following Syncs are out since they’re currently available in the Stamp Sheet Sync Select: Alphinaud Leveilleur SASB1 and Alisaie Leveilleur SASB1. 
The following are also out since I already have copies of them: Y’shtola Rhul SASB1, Thancred Waters SASB1, and Papalymo Totolymo SASB. 
The following are out because I don’t have a single BDL relic for them and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable: Ysayle Dangoulain SASB, Haurchefant Greystone SASB, and Estinien Varlineau (Estinien Wyrmblood) SASB.
Yda Hext SASB, Dearest Companion
Yda’s Sync is for the physical fire element. Don’t have a single BDL relic for her but her AASB is Lensable. My physical fire team is already stacked though so getting her Sync isn’t a priority.
Alphinaud SASB2, Summon Moonstone
Alphinaud’s Sync 1 and Sync 3 are way better than his Sync 2 so not really interested in this.
Final Fantasy XV
The following Syncs are out since they’re currently available in the Stamp Sheet Sync Select: Noctis Lucis Caelum SASB1, Ignis Scientia SASB, and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret SASB1. 
The following are also out since I already have copies of them: Gladiolus Amicitia SASB, Prompto Argentum SASB, and Iris Amicitia SASB.
Noctis SASB2, True Gladiolus Link
Noctis’s Sync 2 is for the physical earth element. Have a lot of his relics, including his AASB. 
If I get his Sync 2, he could join my physical earth team. This would also greatly improve my Final Fantasy XV Realm team because Noctis’s Sync 2 is way better than his Sync 1.
Aranea Highwind SASB, Spearouette
Aranea’s Sync is for the physical lightning element. Have a few of her relics, including her AASB. 
She’s similar to Kain in that she also makes use of dragoon and jump mechanics so not sure about going for her.
Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum) SASB, Mega Death
Ardyn’s Sync is for the physical dark and fire elements. Have most of his relics, including his AASB and TASB, so would love to have his Sync so he can be mostly complete. 
It would help improve my FFXV team as well. He might even see some use on my physical dark team.
Final Fantasy Tactics
The following Syncs are out since they’re currently available in the Stamp Sheet Sync Select: Cidolfus Orlandeau SASB1 and Goffard Gaffgarion SASB. 
The following are also out since I already have copies of them: Delita Heiral SASB and Agrias Oaks SASB. 
The following are out because I don’t have a single BDL relic for them and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable: Ramza Beoulve SASB and Orran Durai SASB.
Alma Beoulve SASB, Chant of Devotion
Alma’s a healer and I already have her Awakening, but she doesn’t seem that good so her Sync’s out.
Final Fantasy Type-0
The following are out since I already have copies of them: Ace’s SASB1 and Rem Tokimiya’s SASB. Cinque’s SASB1 is also out since it’s currently available via the Stamp Sheet Sync Select.
The following are out because I don’t have a single BDL relic for them and their Awakenings aren’t Lensable: Seven SASB and Cater SASB. 
Machina’s SASB1 is also out because his Awakening isn’t Lensable. I do have his SASB2 but won’t be able to use it with his Sync 1.
Deuce SASB, Vital Symphony 
Deuce is a pretty good healer slash support. Already have a few of her relics, including her Awakening. It’d be nice to have her Sync.
Queen SASB, Devastate
Queen’s Sync is for the physical lightning element. Only have her Burst Soul Break (BSB) and lightning CSB but her Awakening is Lensable. 
She’s a pretty good DPS. If I get her Sync, I could Lens her AASB and add her to my physical lightning team. 
She used to be part of it as my Chain holder but I’ve since replaced her with Prompto once I got another DPS (used to have Prompto as my secondary lightning DPS just because I have his SASB and AASB but his damage isn’t that good, and he’s way better as a Chain holder who can also imperil lightning).
Final Fantasy Beyond
There are only 3 Syncs featured from this realm. They all belong to chars from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (Rain, Fina, and Lasswell), and they’re all out since they’re currently available via the Stamp Sheet Sync Select. 
Final Fantasy Core
Tyro (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) SASB, Fantasy Grimoire Vol. II
Tyro’s a decent enough support. Have a few of his relics, including his AASB1. His Awakenings and Ultras are way better than this Sync. 
This Sync tries to turn Tyro into a DPS but it doesn’t work at all so not interested in this. Would prefer to get his AASB2 over this.
Elarra (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) SASB1, Magika Animus
Elarra’s a pretty good healer slash support. Her Sync 2 is way better than her Sync 1. Her Sync 1 is also available via the Stamp Sheet Sync Select so it’s out.
Dr. Mog (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) SASB, Rainbow Magic
Dr. Mog’s Sync is for all the magical elements. Have a few of his relics, including his AASB2, which is specifically for the magical water element. 
Could always use more water tech so wouldn’t mind getting his Sync even if he isn’t the best choice for a DPS.
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Later, much, much later: had a bit of a scare when I discovered that my Tumblr account had been terminated. There was some sort of mistake or accident or something. Thankfully, was able to get it back but that had been one of the most stressful and depressing weeks ever.
Will talk more about that in another post but the point is that this happened sometime during the Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival event. Needless to say, wasn’t feeling very festive at all and I ended up not bothering to pull on any of the fest banners, including the Focused Relic Draw banner. I only did the free draws since they were free.
Really super thankful that I was able to get my Tumblr account back again. Now I need to backup everything! But that’s a story for another post. Anyway, I didn’t  end up pulling on the Focused Relic Draw banner but I already wrote all of the above so I didn’t want to just delete this entire post.
IIRC, we’re gonna get another banner like this on the next fest so this could still be of use, assuming I decide to spend 100 mythril for 1 “free” Sync anyway. We’ll see, I guess. 
So what about you? Did you pull on this banner? How did your pulls go? Which Sync did you end up picking? Do you wish we had more and better options to choose from? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Plans
At the time I’m writing this post, the 7th Anniversary Festival event in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game won’t be happening anytime soon but I want to make plans already. Need to save hundreds of mythril because there are a lot of banners I want to pull on when the aforementioned fest arrives.
First, there are 5 anniv fest banners. There’s a Stamp Sheet as well. Each multi-draw costs 50 mythril. By spending 500 mythril across all the fest banners, you can fill out the Stamp Sheet. 
The rewards from doing this includes being able to pick 1 free Ultra Soul Break (USB), 1 free Legend Materia Relic (LMR) or Glint/Glint+ Soul Break, and 1 free Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) from a select list.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Banner 1
This banner contains the following relics and the chars they belong to:
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Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB)
Lenna Charlotte Tycoon’s (from Final Fantasy V) DASB
Ysayle Dangoulain’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) DASB
Lightning’s Limit Break Guardian Summon (LBGS)
Ysayle’s True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB)
Terra Branford’s (from Final Fantasy VI) TASB
Terra’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB)
Kelger Vlondett’s (from Final Fantasy V) SASB
Lightning’s Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB)
Terra’s AASB
Tyro’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) AASB
Tyro’s Limit Break Glint (LBG)
Lightning’s DASB is for the lightning element while her AASB and LBGS are for both the lightning and holy elements. 
The only BDL relic I have for her is her holy AASB but her lightning AASB is Lensable and both her holy and lightning SASBs are part of the Stamp Sheet Sync Select. 
I could use more physical lightning and holy tech so I wouldn’t say no to the Lightning relics on this banner. If I can get her stuff here, then I’d seriously consider getting one of her SASBs from the Sync Select and maybe even Lensing her lightning AASB.
Lenna is one of my healers. Actually have her most important relics like both of her Awakenings and even her Sync. Even made her Hero Ability (HA) so definitely wouldn’t mind getting her DASB.
Have 0 relics for Ysayle. Sorely lacking in magical ice tech though so interested in getting her relics here.
Have 0 BDL relics for Terra. Her stuff here is for both the magical fire and wind elements but I already have a pretty stacked magical fire and wind team so she doesn’t have a place on either unless I luck into multiple BDL relics for her.
I actually have an Awakening for Kelger so wouldn’t mind getting his Sync from this banner.
Have a lot of relics for Tyro, including his first Awakening. AFAIK, the one on this banner is his AASB2. It looks very useful so definitely interested in acquiring it, especially because I really need more Soul Breaks that offer support for physical DPS.
So my tentative plan is to do 1 to 2 pulls on this banner. I’d say my top want here is Tyro’s AASB2. My secondary wants are Lightning’s DASB and AASB, Lenna’s DASB, and Ysayle’s relics.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Banner 2
This banner contains the following relics and the chars they belong to:
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Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) DASB
Paine’s (from Final Fantasy X) DASB
Snow Villiers’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) DASB
Rem Tokimiya’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) TASB
Maria’s TASB
Maria’s SASB
Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB
Paine’s Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF)
Paine’s AASB
Rem’s AASB
Sephiroth’s AASB
Rem’s Glint+ Soul Break (G+)
Don’t have anything for Maria but if I actually manage to get all of her stuff on this banner, then I’ll Lens her AASB and she could replace someone on my magical earth team. 
But that’s only if I can get multiple BDL relics for her. My magical earth team is already pretty stacked so don’t really need her but wouldn’t say no if she comes home.
Paine’s element is water. My physical water tech is sorely lacking so very interested in her. It’s just too bad she only has a few relics here. 
If I manage to get both her DASB and AASB though, that would give me 2 BDL relics for her and would cement her place on my physical water team as one of my DPS.
Snow’s DASB is for physical ice. Don’t have any of his BDL relics, and it’s annoying that he only has 1 relic here. Instead of his DASB, this could and should have been another one of Paine’s or Maria’s relics. 
Snow being here seems so out of place. If they were gonna put him here, they could have at least added another BDL relic for him. As it is, even if I get his DASB, he’s unlikely to see use. 
Well, 1 of his AASBs is Lensable and I think one of his SASBs is available via the Stamp Sheet Sync Select but meh. My physical ice team works well enough. Won’t bother with Snow unless he’s a massive improvement over the chars I already have built.
Have a few of Rem’s Soul Breaks, including her Sync and AASB, and she’s a really good mind-based holy DPS so am very interested in her new stuff on this banner. 
AFAIK, her AASB on this banner is her second. Have her first already so getting all these new stuff for her will make her even better.
The Sephiroth relics here aren’t new. Have them all already so don’t want to see them when I pull on this banner. 
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Actually have most of Sephi’s Soul Breaks already. Most of the ones I’m missing are Lensable. They’re just horribly outdated which is why I haven’t bothered to waste Lenses on them. 
The only relic I’m missing for him that is unfortunately not Lensable is his AASB2. The one on this banner is his AASB3.
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I want to pull on this banner but I dread the Seph dupes. Don’t want to be trolled by a 1/11 dupe or even 1/11 Rem Glint+ or Paine LBO. 
The latter 2 aren’t dupes but I don’t want to see them on their own. So I think it’s best to only do 1 pull here. My top wants are Paine’s and Rem’s BDL relics.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Banner 3
This banner contains the following relics and the chars they belong to:
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Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) DASB
Zack Fair’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII) DASB
Tidus’s (from Final Fantasy X) DASB
Vivi Ornitier’s (from Final Fantasy IX) DASB
Cloud’s LBGS
Vivi’s TASB
Zack’s TASB
Cloud’s LBO
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) LBO
Onion Knight’s AASB
Zack’s Glint+
Vivi’s Glint+
Cloud and Zack are both part of my physical wind team. Have a lot of relics for them, including their wind Syncs and Awakenings so definitely interested in their DASBs. 
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Cloud’s LBGS and LBO as well as Zack’s Glint+ would be nice to have too but I dread seeing them on their own. I prefer to get the DASBs since they’re way more useful.
Have Tidus’s TASB and AASB. He’s on my physical water team and, like I said, really need more water tech so very interested in his DASB. 
I really wish more of his relics had been featured here like instead of suddenly featuring Onion Knight, we could and should have just gotten Tidus’s Sync or something.
Vivi’s DASB and TASB are for the magical fire element. My physical and magical fire teams are already stacked so not interested in Vivi. Not interested in Onion Knight either.  
At first glance, this banner seems really good but upon taking a closer look, it seems to have a lot more trashy relics. There are 2 Glint+ and 2 LBOs. 
Even the LBGS isn’t really that good, not when compared to a Sync, DASB, or AASB. I’m pretty sure I have 0 dupes here but now I kinda dread pulling here for fear of getting the aforementioned crappy relics.
I think I should just do 1 pull here. Maybe 2 but that would be really pushing it. I’d really like Zack’s and Cloud’s new relics, not just ‘cause they’re on my physical wind team, but also because I do like them. 
But I feel like my wind team works well enough as-is so it’s not like I really need their new Soul Breaks. I really need Tidus’s DASB though for my water team. He’s my top want here alongside Zack and Cloud.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Banner 4
This banner contains the following relics and the chars they belong to:
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Bartz Klauser’s (from Final Fantasy V) DASB
Barbariccia’s (from Final Fantasy IV) DASB
Alisaie Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) DASB
Barbariccia’s TASB
Alisaie’s TASB
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB
Quina Quen’s (from Final Fantasy IX) SASB
Barbariccia’s AASB
Locke’s AASB
Quina’s AASB
Barbariccia’s Glint+
Quina’s Glint+
Bartz’s DASB is for the earth element. Have his earth Sync so interested in getting this, especially ‘cause I could use some more physical earth tech.
Barbariccia is on my magical wind team. Only have her AASB so very interested in all of her stuff on this banner. AFAIK, her AASB here is her second. What I have is her first.
I like Alisaie so wouldn’t mind getting her stuff here but, unfortunately, I don’t have a single relic for her. Her SASB is available via the Stamp Sheet Sync Select but her AASB isn’t Lensable.
Locke’s stuff is for the fire element so meh. Not interested.
Quina’s a physical support so am definitely very interested in its (his? her? their?) stuff.
I think I’d do up to 3 pulls on this banner. Maybe even 4. My top wants are Quina’s and Barbariccia’s Soul Breaks.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Banner 5
This banner contains the following relics and the chars they belong to:
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Squall Leonhart’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) TASB
Zidane Tribal’s (from Final Fantasy IX) TASB
Vincent Valentine’s (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII) TASB
Squall’s SASB
Zidane’s SASB
Vincent’s SASB
Elarra’s (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) SASB
Meia’s (from Final Fantasy I) SASB
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) SASB
Squall’s AASB
Vincent’s AASB
Meia’s AASB
I don’t have the Squall relics featured here and am very much interested in all of them. He’s part of my physical ice team as my main DPS.
The Zidane TASB here is a dupe. Alongside his TASB, have his AASB so very interested in getting his Sync as well.
The Vincent Sync and AASB here are unfortunately dupes. Want his TASB. It’s the only relic I’m missing for him that isn’t Lensable.
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The Elarra Sync featured here is her second one. It’s way better than her first, which I don’t have. Don’t have her AASB either but it’s Lensable. 
She’s a great healer and works well enough with just her Ultras but because I’m missing her Awakening, I can’t bring her to endgame fights. If I get her Sync here, will seriously consider Lensing her AASB.
Meia is a magical water DPS and a very good one at that. Did I mention my magical water tech is severely lacking? Because it is and Meia’s Soul Breaks will really help improve it.  
The Celes Sync here is her third one. It’s for the ice and holy elements. Have 1 of her Awakenings and her ice Sync as well as ice Chain so wouldn’t mind getting her Sync 3 to go with the stuff I already have for her.
This banner is awesome although I dread getting the dupes I have here. Considering doing 3 or even 4 pulls here. Really interested in getting all the relics here that I don’t have. 
If I have to pick, I guess my top want should be Meia’s Soul Breaks. Don’t really need Vincent’s TASB but I want it so I can complete him. 
I suppose I could do without Squall’s tech as well but I want them to make him stronger and improve my ice team. 
Zidane isn’t even part of my wind team due to lacking his Sync but I heard he’s really good with all of his BDL relics so he might make it to my wind team if I get his SASB. Elarra might see use again if manage to snag her SASB2.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Festival Stamp Sheet Sync Select
Although there are a number of relics that I want from each of the fest banners, not sure yet if I should spend 500 mythril to get to the Sync Select. 
Not even sure which Sync to get if I do end up spending 500 mythril. Guess I better take a look at my options first.
There’s a lot to choose from but, at the same time, it feels like my options are limited because there’s a lot of crappy Syncs on the list and most of the really awesome ones aren’t included at all. 
Also have a few dupes already so not gonna bother to list those Syncs anymore. Will also not bother to list a char’s Sync if I don’t have at least an Awakening for said chara. Because getting their SASB won’t do me any good. But if their AASB is Lensable, then I’ll still list them. 
Will also not bother to list the Syncs of chars who have a better one because it’s not like a chara can equip 2 SASBs at the same time anyway. Also not gonna mention the ones that I’m just not interested in getting no matter what. So that leaves me with the following:
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Cloud SASB2 - physical dark
Rinoa Heartilly (from Final Fantasy VIII) SASB1 - magical earth
Rinoa SASB2 - magical ice
Rikku (from Final Fantasy X) SASB1 - physical water
Lightning SASB1 - physical lightning
Lightning SASB2 - physical holy
Jihl Nabaat (from Final Fantasy XIII) SASB - magical dark
Alisaie SASB - magical wind and lightning
Cidolfus Orlandeau (from Final Fantasy Tactics) SASB1 - physical holy
Rain (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) SASB - physical fire and earth
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At first glance, nothing really stands out to me. If I get Lightning’s or Alisaie’s tech from the fest banners, then I’d consider getting their Syncs. Otherwise eh, I don’t know. 
Too bad the Stamp Sheet Sync Select doesn’t have more and better options to choose from. Maybe I’m better off not spending 500 mythril on this festival but the 5 anniv fest banners do have some pretty good relics so I might go for the Select anyway.
Guess I’ll think about which Sync to pick when the time comes. Who knows? Maybe the free pulls we’ll get alongside the upcoming 7th anniv fest will give me one or more of these Syncs so I can narrow down my choices some more.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Pick Up Banner
If you pull 2 times on this banner, which means spending 100 mythril, you’ll be able to pick a free Sync from a select list. This banner contains the following:
Noctis Lucis Caelum (from Final Fantasy XV) SASB1 - dupe
Onion Knight AASB3 - dupe
Ysayle magical ice AASB
Bartz physical earth AASB
Y’shtola Rhul (from Final Fantasy XIV) magical fire, ice, lightning and dark AASB
Ace (from Final Fantasy Type-0) AASB - dupe
Machina Kunagiri (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Chain Soul Break 2 (CSB2) - Final Fantasy Type-0 realm Chain
Onion Knight Limit Break Glint (LBG)
Ysayle LBG
Kain Highwind (from Final Fantasy IV) LBG
Ultimecia (from Final Fantasy VIII) dark Glint+ - dupe
Papalymo Totolymo (from Final Fantasy XIV) Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+) - dupe
Ugh. The bottom half of this banner is so bad. There are way too many LBGs that are useless. And it’s too bad I already have so many dupes here. 
The best relic here is Ysayle’s AASB, assuming I can get the rest of her stuff from the fest banners. Have Bartz’s earth Sync so his physical earth AASB here will be of use to me if I can get it. Have Y’shtola’s Sync so her AASB here will go nicely with it.
Although this banner is very bad, the Sync Select list here is really good. There are way more options to choose from when compared to the Stamp Sheet Sync Select. There are also a lot of really good Syncs featured here. 
Here’s a list of the ones I’m interested in:
Cloud of Darkness (from Final Fantasy III) magical dark SASB1 - have her CSB and her AASB is Lensable
Kain physical lightning and dark SASB2 - have his DASB and his AASB is Lensable
Rydia magical water SASB2 - have her AASBs
Barbariccia magical wind SASB - could go for this if I can get her relics on fest banner 4
Galuf Halm Baldesion (from Final Fantasy V) physical earth SASB1 - have both of his AASBs and his earth Chain is Lensable
Tifa Lockhart (from Final Fantasy VII) physical earth SASB2 - have her AASB and SASB1 but her Sync 2 is way better
Aerith Gainsborough (from Final Fantasy VII) healer SASB - have her AASB
Red XIII (from Final Fantasy VII) magical earth SASB - have his AASB and earth Chain
Yuffie Kisaragi (from Final Fantasy VII) physical water SASB1 - haver her water AASB and Chain
Laguna Loire (from Final Fantasy VIII) physical ice SASB - have 2 of his AASBs and his ice Chain is Lensable
Fujin (from Final Fantasy VIII) magical wind SASB - have 1 of her AASBs and her wind Chain
Kiros Seagill (from Final Fantasy VIII) physical dark and ice SASB - have his AASB
Tidus physical water SASB2
Jecht (from Final Fantasy X) physical dark and fire SASB - have 1 of his AASBs
Paine physical water SASB1 - an option if I can get her relics from the fest banners
Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII) physical fire SASB - have 1 of his AASBs and his fire Chain
Hope Estheim (from Final Fantasy XIII) magical holy SASB - have both of his AASBs and his holy Chain is Lensable
Ysayle magical ice SASB - an option if I can get her relics from the fest banners
Noctis physical earth SASB2 - have his AASB
Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) physical dark and fire SASB - have his AASB
Orran Durai (from Final Fantasy Tactics) physical support SASB - heard he’s a really good support but I’m missing his AASB and it’s not Lensable so not sure it’s a good idea to even consider picking this Sync
Queen (from Final Fantasy Type-0) physical lightning SASB - have her lightning Chain and her AASB is Lensable
Dr. Mog (from Final Fantasy Record Keeper) prismatic (all elements) SASB - have his water AASB
Welp, there’s still a lot to choose from. Too bad we can only pick one. I want to pick most, if not all, of these.
Anyway, I guess that settles it then. Definitely need to save at least 600 mythril for this fest. Need 500 mythril for the anniv fest banners and 100 mythril for the “pull twice and get a free Sync” banner. 
Will think about which Sync to pick from this select when the time comes. Right now, still not sure which one to go for. And my choices will undoubtedly change depending on what relics I get from the fest banners and free pulls.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 7th Anniversary Present Relic Draw Banner
You can pull once on this banner for free. AFAIK, the pull includes all the relics that are currently in the game and you’re only guaranteed to get at least 1 5-star item so the chances of getting something crappy are very high. 
However, after you pull on this banner, you can pick a free Sync from a very limited pool. The options are as follows:
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Locke SASB1 - Syncs 2 is better
Terra SASB1 - don’t need magical fire
Squall SASB1 - dupe
Rinoa SASB2 - for magical ice, have her ice AASB
Bartz SASB1 - dupe
Ultimecia SASB1 - dupe
Tifa SASB1 - dupe
Maria SASB1 - Sync 2 is better
Kain SASB1 - Sync 2 is better
Ashe SASB1 - Sync 2, which I have, is better so no way Sync 1 is getting any use
Tidus SASB1 - Sync 2 is better
Onion Knight SASB1 - for magical water, AASB1 is Lensable
Paladin Cecil Harvey (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB - for physical holy or magical holy, AASB1 is Lensable
Minwu (from Final Fantasy II) SASB - for magical holy, already have his AASB
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB - dupe
Golbez (from Final Fantasy IV) SASB1 - for magical dark, AASB is not Lensable
Meh. The options don’t look that good or appealing. A lot of them are dupes. Will have to see how my pulls on the other banners go before deciding what to pick on this one.
So what about you? What are your plans for the upcoming 7th Anniversary Festival event in Final Fantasy Record Keeper? Which banners are you planning to pull on? Which relics are you hoping to get? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
the FFRK 7th anniv visual relics list pics are from Reddit
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Fireworks Festival Luck of the Realms Banners Pulls
The Fireworks Festival just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (#ad) (FFRK) mobile game.
Before the fest began, the game started its Carnival Countdown, the Luck of the Realms (LotR) or Realms on Parade (RoP) relic draws. Each day, a new relic draw for each of the Final Fantasy realms from I - XV as well as Tactics, Type-0, and Core/Beyond (or Final Fantasy Record Keeper) will be released.
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These draws cost 5 mythril (FFRK’s pulling currency) each. You can only pull once on each banner. You’ll get 3 relics (armors or weapons) per pull. One of these relics is guaranteed to be of 5-star rarity or higher.
The Luck of the Realms banners will still be here even after the Fireworks Festival banners appear. I thought I was all set to ignore the RoP banners like I’ve been doing for the last few ones that have shown up. But I ended up changing my mind. Why? 
My initial plan was to pull on most of the Fireworks Festival banners. I want to fill out the Stamp Sheet that will come with this fest. You get a Stamp each time you pull on any one of these banners. You can get various rewards as you fill out the Stamp Sheet. 
Each multi-draw costs 50 mythril. The 10th Stamp reward will let you pick a “free” Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) from a select list. In short, if I want the “free” Sync, I need 500 mythril. 
At the moment, I have 482 mythril so I was pretty sure I’d be able to get to 500 before the Fireworks Festival ends. But after looking through the Sync select list from the Stamp Sheet again, I started having second throughts about spending 500 mythril for this fest. 
There was nothing on the Sync select list that really stood out to me or that I felt like I really needed to have right now. The game really should have updated this list and added more options to choose from. 
I still wanted to pull on some of the fest banners but now I wasn’t sure about going for the 10th Stamp. Instead, I found myself eying the Luck of the Realms banners with interest. It seemed like a better idea to pull on them for a shot at multiple new relics across all the realms as opposed to only 1 or 2 for a few realms.  
The chances of getting something crappy was really high though because these banners only guarantee you’ll get at least 1 5-star. 5-star relics are horribly outdated and powercrept by now. I really wish FFRK had changed things so that we’re guaranteed to get at least 1 6-star from these banners, especially since not all 6-stars are good anyway. 
Heck, we even have 7-star relics now as well because the powercreep in this game is kinda totally crazy. They always keep introducing new weapon tiers and such even though not all chars have all the different kinds of Soul Breaks yet.
Anyway, here are the results of my pulls on these Luck of the Realms banners:
Final Fantasy VIII
Chose to pull on the Final Fantasy VIII banner first. 
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I’m always hoping for something good, of course, but considering the trashy rates on this game, couldn’t really expect much. 
Tried not to be too hopeful or hyped but it was hard not to be when this pull actually gave me 2 rainbow orbs and 1 disco orb. Wow! I’m pretty sure this is the first LotR banner that gave me 3/3. It’s not all disco orbs but still. This is good.
I was like, wow, looks like we’re off to a good start. Now I’m glad I decided to pull on these banners, especially when Dr. Mog actually showed up and turned the 6-star disco orb into a 7-star. Hell, yeah! 
Now I just need to hope that I don’t end up with a dupe or something useless because yes, there are 7-stars that are trash, especially if they happen to be your first relic for a char. 
Anyway, so the 7-star turned into a fist-type relic so I knew right away that it was most likely Zell Dincht’s. 
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When I got to the draw results screen, I found out that I was right. I did get something that belonged to Zell. It was his SASB, Flare Duel. I have his Awakened Arcane Soul Break (AASB) so now I have 2 BDL relics for him. 
My physical fire team is way too stacked though so he’s unfortunately not going to make the cut even with these relics. But he’ll likely be on my FF8 team for Cardia content unless I get other Final Fantasy 8 relic that might be better.
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The 2 5-stars I got were new - Seifer Almasy’s Legend Materia Relic (LMR), Moral Tyrant, and Squall Leonhart’s Burst Soul Break (BSB), Revolver Drive. Both are useless to me. 
Seifer’s LMR wouldn’t be so bad if I actually have some of his other relics but I don’t so this is just gonna rot in my inventory until then. Have way better Soul Breaks for Squall so I doubt there’s ever gonna be a situation where I’ll want to cast this BSB of his. 
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Final Fantasy VI
The Final Fantasy VI banner only gave me 1 rainbow orb - Kefka Palazzo's LMR, Destruction’s Delight. It’s new but meh. Don’t have any of Kefka’s BDL relics so this is useless to me.
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Final Fantasy XII
The Final Fantasy XII banner gave me 1 6-star - Basch fon Ronsenburg’s Chain Soul Break (CSB), Swordflash Oath. It’s for the physical holy element. 
IIRC, this is my first physical holy Chain so I’m pretty pleased to have gotten this even though this is also my first relic for Basch. I’ll have to see if he has any decent Soul Breaks that I can Lens from the The Record Lab. My physical holy team still needs a lot of work though.
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Final Fantasy Record Keeper Core / Beyond
Got 1/3 again. This time it was Rain’s (from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius) Glint+ Soul Break, Rising Mantle. It’s new and I actually have his Awakening so this one will see some use. 
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Still, I wish I could get a Sync or Awakening from these pulls. I would have liked to have gotten Rain’s Sync to go with his AASB.
Final Fantasy Type-0
This pull gave me a 6-star relic but it was just Sice’s Ultra Soul Break (USB), Dark Nebula. Have nothing else for her so meh.
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Final Fantasy Tactics
Got Delita Heiral’s Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+), Onslaught (Delita). Have some of his relics, including his Sync and Awakening, so this will see use but still. I do wish I could get an Awakening or Sync from one of these banners.
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Final Fantasy XV
Ugh. This was one of the worst pulls ever. Not only did I get a 5-star item, it was also nothing more than a dupe. Got Gladiolus Amicitia’s Burst Soul Break (BSB), Tempest. Bleh. Eff this pull. And eff the crappy rates of this game.
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Final Fantasy IX
Got Vivi Ornitier’s LMR, Magic Suffusion. It’s new but meh. Don’t have any of his BDL relics so this is useless.
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Final Fantasy XIV
A disco orb showed up on this pull which was a welcome sight after the last 2 5-star trash I just got. Then Dr. Mog appeared and turned this 6-star into a 7-star . 
Now I can only hope I didn’t end up with a dupe or a Limit Break Overstrike (LBO) or something useless. And then this strange-looking weapon showed up.
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Don’t recognize it at all so have no idea who it could possibly belong to. It was only after getting to the draw results screen that I found out that this was apparently a dagger and that I just got Thancred Waters’s SASB, Assassinate.
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Finally, another Sync showed up on one of these pulls. Very pleased to see this although I unfortunately don’t have Thancred’s Awakening. 
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Final Fantasy XIII
After such a good pull from the FF14 banner, we’re back to the crappy draws with this one. Only thing I got here was Oerba Yun Fang’s BSB, Megaflare. Meh.
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Final Fantasy X
Ended up with Seymour Guado’s LMR+, Hastening (Seymour). New but useless since I don’t even have any of his BDL relics. Actually not sure I even have anything for him at all. 
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Also, do you see just how crazy this game is that even getting a disco orb can turn out to be such a disappointment? This 6-star LMR+ might as well be a 5-star LMR. Both are pretty much equally disappointing. 
Final Fantasy V
Argh, I’m really beginning to hate Legend Materia Relics. Yes, they have their uses but only if you have BDL relics for the char in question. And even if these things can be of use, it can’t be denied that it’s so disappointing to pull them. 
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Sigh. Yeah, that’s right. Once again, I ended up with an LMR. This time it belongs to Gilgamesh. Don’t have any of his BDL relics so once again meh. Remind me again why Final Fantasy Record Keeper won’t let these banners give us at least 1 6-star relic. Eff this game! 
Final Fantasy XI
Here’s another example of a 6-star relic that’s basically useless. This pull gave me Curilla V Mecru’s Arcane Overstrike Soul Break (AOSB), Circle Blade. 
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These things cost 3 bars to be able to cast unless they’ve been max honed in which case they’ll only require 2 gauges. These relics are powerful but they can only be used once per fight and they only really deal damage and nothing else.
Final Fantasy I
This banner gave me - argh! Did I mention that I’m sick and tired of getting Legend Materia Relics? Because I am. 
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But of course the game keeps giving me more anyway. This time I ended up with the Warrior of Light’s LMR+, Re-acion (Warrior of Light). So freaking frustrating!
Final Fantasy VII
Got 1/3 again but at least it’s not yet another LMR or LMR+. This pull gave me Barret Wallace’s Chain Soul Break, I’m The Leader Here! It’s for the Final Fantasy VII realm. 
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Have some of Barret’s other relics and he’s actually part of my FF7 realm team so this wasn’t such a bad item to get. It could have been worse. 
Luck of the Realms Banners All Draws Results
Here’s a quick list of the results of all my draws on the Luck of the Realms banners:
Seifer LMR, Squall BSB, Zell SASB
Kefka LMR
Basch CSB
Rain G+
Sice USB
Delita LMR+
Gladio BSB dupe
Vivi LMR
Thancred SASB
Fang BSB
Seymour LMR+
Gilgamesh LMR
Curilla AOSB
Warrior of Light LMR+
Barret CSB
Surprisingly, only got 1 dupe from these pulls. However, although it’s true that I mostly got new stuff, it’s also true that most of them are useless. Got way too many Legend Materia Relics and didn’t even get a single Awakening. 
The Syncs and Chains were nice to have and I wish I could have gotten more. Overall, pretty disappointed with the results of these pulls. Wish I could have gotten better relics. As it is, I think the only items that might or will see some use are the following:
Zell SASB - for FF8 Cardia content
Basch CSB - for my physical holy team
Rain G+ - for my physical earth team
Delita LMR+ - for my physical holy, lightning, and ice teams  
Thancred SASB - might see some use in FF14 Cardia content but really need his AASB to really make him usable
Warrior of Light LMR+ - do have his AASB so he might see some use in FF1 Cardia content but he’s unfortunately not that good
Barret CSB - for FF7 Cardia content
Other Luck of the Realms Banners
There are a few more Luck of the Realms banners but decided to stop pulling for now. I’m down to 409 mythril, and I do still want to pull on some of the fest banners so I don’t want to spend any more here. 
Besides, I really am sick of getting LMRs and LRM+s even if they belong to chars whose BDL relics I already have.
These banners will still be here for a bit longer even after all the Fireworks Festival banners disappear so if I have some mythril left to spare, I might pull on these remaining banners. We’ll see, I guess.
Change of Plans
Welp, so much for not going for the Stamp Sheet Sync Select. Somehow, that was exactly what I ended up doing. And because I spent a lot of mythril on the Luck of the Realms banners, I ended up being 20 mythril short of being able to do my 10th pull on a fest banner.
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Had to quickly go through the Record Dungeons and some of the other quests and such to farm mythril. Thankfully, was able to make it before the fest banners left. 
But it was still annoying to have to do that. If I hadn’t pulled on so many of these LotR banners, I would have had more than enough mythril to get the Stamp Sheet Sync Select.
Well, I guess I can’t exactly regret pulling on these Luck of the Realms banners. Not entirely anyway. Got some good relics but also got some crappy ones so I guess I regret the trashy pulls.
Anyway, now I’m all out of mythril so, unfortunately, I can’t pull on the remaining LotR banners anymore. Gonna have to let them go. For the next fest, I’d love to pull on these banners again but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to. 
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The next fest is also the celebration of the 7th Anniversary of the game so the fest banners are all pretty good. There’s also gonna be a banner where if you pull twice (a.k.a spend 100 mythril), you can pick a free Sync from a select list. 
So that plust the fest Stamp Sheet for the Sync Select means I need at least 600 mythril. At this point, not sure if I’ll even be able to get that amount without having to farm the remaining dungeons and quests I have yet to do. So I don’t know if I’ll have any mythril to spare for the Luck of the Realms banners.
So what about you? Did you pull on any or all of the Luck of the Realms banners? How did your pulls go? What do you think about these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Final Fantasy Record Keeper Final Fantasy VII Labyrinth Dungeon Banners
The Labyrinth Dungeon Season 3 Group M event just started in the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile gacha game. This event came with 2 Final Fantasy VII banners.
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Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 1
This Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII banner 1 features the following chars and their relics:
Clock Hand (VII) - Tifa Lockhart’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Dual Awakening Soul Break (DASB), Awoken Meteor Arts
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Twilight Steel (VII-CC) - Angeal Hewley’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) DASB, Awoken Pride and Ambition
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Bracer (VII) - Barret Wallace's (from Final Fantasy VII) DASB, Awoken Ungarmax
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Ultima Weapon (VII-CC) - Angeal's True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) or Arcane Dyad Soul Break (ADSB), Succession
Missing Score (VII) - Barret's TASB, Catastrophe
Greatsword (VII-CC) - Angeal's Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB), White-Winged SOLDIER
Max Ray (VII) - Barret's SASB, Rocket Hammerblow
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Survival Vest (VII) - Cloud Strife's (from Final Fantasy VII) Chain Soul Break+ (CSB+), Bond (Cloud)
Burning Fist (VII) - Tifa's Awakened Arcane Soul Break 2 (AASB2), Chain Somersault
Cleric's Robes (VII) - Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough's (from Final Fantasy VII) AASB2, Planetary Pulse
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Black Bolero (VII) - Tifa's Glint+ Soul Break 2 (G+2), Rockcrusher Grasp
Metal Jerkin (VII) - Barret's Legend Materia Relic+ (LMR+), Swiftness (Barret)
Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 2
The Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII (#ad) banner 2 features the following chars and their relics:
Red Rapier+ (VII-CC) - Genesis Rhapsodos’s (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) TASB, LOVELESS
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Rune Rapier (VII-CC) - Genesis’s SASB, Purgatorial Wave
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Ninurta (VII) - Yuffie Kisaragi's (from Final Fantasy VII) SASB2, Dominate Mind
Spirit Lance (VII-DoC) - Shelke Rui's (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) SASB1, Transparent Thunder
Deathbringer (VII-CC) - Genesis's Limit Break Over Flow (LBOF) or Limit Break Overstrike (LBO), Light of Doom
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Soul Sabre (VII-CC) - Angeal's LBO, True Unleashed Wrath
Durandal (VII-CC) - Angeal's AASB2, Burden of Pride
Mast Ax (VII-DoC) - Shelke's AASB2, Transparent Fulmination
Astral Sword (VII-CC) - Genesis's G+2, Epic of Heroism
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Diamond Chestplate (VII-CC) - Angeal's G+2, Warrior's Dignity
Haste Armlet (VII) - Yuffie's G+2, Earth Veil Slam
Harpoon (VII-DoC) - Shelke's LMR+, Subversion (Shelke)
Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banners Stamp Sheet Rewards List
The Labyrinth banners come with a Stamp Sheet. You can get various rewards as you fill out the Stamp Sheet. You get a Stamp each time you pull on either of the FF7 Lab banners. Here’s a list of the rewards:
1 Stamp: 5000 Gysahl Greens
2 Stamps: 50 of each 4-star Mote
3 Stamps: 50 of each Major Orb
4 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
5 Stamps: 1 Realm/Elemental x11 Ticket
6 Stamps: 5000 Gysahl Greens
7 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
8 Stamps: 100 of each 5-star Mote
9 Stamps: 10 of each Crystal
10 Stamps: 1 free pick from Select Relic List A
11 Stamps: 5000 Gysahl Greens
12 Stamps: 7500 Gysahl Greens
13 Stamps: 50 of each 5-star Mote
14 Stamps: 60 Rainbow Crystals
15 Stamps: 1 free pick from Select Relic List B
16 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
17 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
18 Stamps: 30 of each 6-star Mote
19 Stamps: 90 Rainbow Crystals
20 Stamps: 1 Scroll of Honing
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Select Relic List A includes Genesis's LBO, Angeal's LBO, Cloud's CSB+, Angeal's AASB2, Genesis's G+2, and a few other old relics.
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Select Relic List B features mostly the new relics on banner 1 such as Tifa's DASB, Angeal's DASB, Barret's DASB, and Aerith's AASB2. It also includes the Syncs on banner 2 like Genesis's SASB.
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Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 2
Have no plans of pulling on this banner because I already have most of the relics featured here. I'm missing Yuffie's Sync, Shelke's Sync, Shelke's Awakening, Yuffie's Glint+, and Shelke's LMR+.
Yuffie's relics here are for the earth element but I don't even have her earth AASB, so even if I get her earth Sync, I won't be able to use her on my physical earth team. Shelke's stuff here is for the lightning element but my physical lightning team is already pretty good so she has no place there unless I can get multiple BDL relics for her.
Honestly, the only reason why I even bothered to mention this banner is because some of Genesis's relics is on it. Currently, he's my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char and he's the reason why I'm playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Every time I see him and his stuff featured in the game, I just have to take screenshots.
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If he has anything new, I'd definitely pull for it, whatever it may be. Unfortunately, it's been a while since he got anything new. The last Soul Break that Genesis got was his TASB, LOVELESS. I really wish he would get something new soon.
Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 1
This banner features mostly new relics but there are still some old ones here. Only have 2 dupes here - Barret's TASB and Angeal's Sync. I'm kinda, sorta interested in this banner but I'm not sure if I should pull or not. If Genesis had something new here, I wouldn't have to think about it. I'd just pull right away. But he's not even on this banner, and I'm not sure I really need the relics featured here.
I mean, of course, it'd be great if I could get my hands on them, but is it worth it to spend the mythril needed to pull here? Maybe I should just save and wait for a better banner. Hmm. Okay, let's take a closer look at the relics here.
Tifa Lockhart's DASB, AASB2, and G+2
Already have a few relics for Tifa, including her AASB1 and SASB1. She's on my physical earth team as one of my DPS. Getting her DASB and AASB2 would give me more BDL relics for her and really cement her place on my physical earth team. I might even try using her on my FF7 realm team.
Cloud Strife's CSB+
The Cloud CSB+ here could and should have been some other relic instead, like maybe Tifa's Sync 2 or something. Or this banner could have featured another one of Cloud's Soul Breaks alongside this one. As it is, this CSB+ seems out of place since this is the only Cloud item here.
I do already have a lot of Cloud's relics, including 2 of his Awakenings, his wind TASB and his wind Sync so it'd be nice to have this Chain as well. Cloud's on my physical wind team. He's sometimes on my FF7 realm team too. I remember he was one of the chars I used the first time I managed to clear the Final Fantasy VII Dragonking fight against Bahamut. Naturally, Genesis was on that team. Their allies were Aerith, Barret, and Zack Fair (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII).
But ever since I was able to obtain a lot of Sephiroth's (from Final Fantasy VII) fire tech, I'm now running a mostly FF7 fire team, consisting of Genesis (fire's his main element), Balthier (Ffamran mied Bunansa from Final Fantasy XII), Aerith, Sephi, and Vincent Valentine (from Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII). When I got Barret’s FF7 realm Chain Soul Break, he would sometimes take Balthier’s (have his fire Chain Soul Break) place.
Barret's DASB, SASB, and LMR+
Barret's a support who can also deal a bit of damage. Well, if I had more of his BDL relics, he might be able to do more damage. But aside from his TASB, the only other BDL relic I have for him is his AASB2. 
Arguably, Barret’s AASB2 is his most important relic, at least when it comes to FF7 realm content. This Soul Break can buff the stats of Barret and his allies. It can counter Bahamut's Full Break debuffing move in the FF7 Dragonking fight. This is why I had Barret on my FF7 Dragonking team.
The other relics I have for Barret include his Glint Soul Break (G), Glint+, Ultra Soul Break (USB), and FF7 realm Chain Soul Break. He has several ways of lowering an enemy's resistance to the fire element, including spamming the Burnt Offering Machinist ability.
His DASB and Sync both have some pretty good effects that benefit his allies. Even his LMR+ can be useful although, of course, if I pull on a banner, I prefer to get a BDL relic. Barret's already on my FF7 realm team so getting more stuff for him will just make him better.
Angeal's DASB and TASB
Sadly, Angeal’s not that good in this game. He dabbles in 2 elements - wind and holy - but he's not the best option for either. Currently, I only have his LBO, AASB2, Sync, and G+. I've used him a bit before but wasn't really impressed. He can be made to work but there are better options out there.
I remember trying to use him, Genesis, and Sephiroth together so I could have a SOLDIER Firsts team. This can work on easy fights but harder ones will be more difficult to get through. There's also the fact that, sadly, Angeal doesn't have much synergy with the relics of his friends. As mentioned, his elements are wind and holy. Genesis's element is fire. Sephiroth's is dark and fire.
Actually, that's one of the things that really annoys me. I wish Angeal had more synergy with Genesis and Sephiroth so it'd be easier to run the 3 of them together on the same team. You know who has synergy with Angeal? Zack and Cloud. Angeal has a lot of relics that specifically mention those 2 and you get special effects and buffs and such if either are in the party with him.
Heck, he even has Soul Breaks with animations that feature Zack and Cloud. I wish Angeal had Soul Breaks that feature Genesis and Sephiroth too. Well, his AASB2 does have Genesis on it but I'd like to see more.
Aside from wanting Angeal to have more synergy with the elements and tech of his friends, I also wish that Genesis would get a secondary element. Maybe he can dabble in dark too then I can also run him on my dark elemental team. It might be a stretch for him to dabble in holy, but if he gets wind as a secondary element, then he can have some synergy with Angeal.
Anyway, so the point is that while I like Angeal well enough, I don't really want to see his relics if I do end up pulling on this banner. I'm not sure getting his TASB and DASB will make him viable enough to run on my FF7 realm team alongside Genesis and Sephiroth. There's no place for him on my physical wind team. He's got a spot on my physical holy team but that's only because I barely have any physical holy tech. That's also why I haven't really done any endgame fight that requires a physical holy team.
Aerith's AASB2
Have a few of Aerith's relics, including her AASB1 and USBs. Actually, just checked and, other than her AASB2, the only relic I'm missing for her that can't be Lensed is her Sync.
Aerith's a great healer. With her AASB1 and USB2, she can also reduce the delay of her allies' physical attacks for 3 turns. She's my healer for my FF7 realm team. Sometimes, I have her on some of my physical elemental teams as well although she's not my preferred healer due to her lack of utility when compared to other healers.
Yeah, she can reduce the delay of all physical attacks, which is great, but she can only do this whenever she casts her AASB1 and USB2 and those require 2 gauges. Even with an Entruster, she won't be able to cast her USB2 that often (Awakenings can only be cast once per fight unless they've been max honed in which case they can be used twice).
In contrast to that, I've got healers like Lenna Charlotte Tycoon (from Final Fantasy V) who can dance the Salsa to debuff enemies while also healing her allies. She even has a USB that can reduce the delay of their actions for 2 turns.
Nevertheless, I am interested in getting Aerith's AASB2. After all, she is on my FF7 realm team and having more of her stuff will make it easier for me to keep my party alive whenever I have to fights enemies that require my FF7 team.
Also, I'm in desperate need for a physical support. Aerith can't exactly fill that role on her own but she can certainly help.
Because of Aerith's AASB2, I've found myself seriously considering pulling on the Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII banner 1. Looking at a list of upcoming banners, I noted that the next ones I'm interested in pulling on are those that would come with the next FFRK Festival. It'll be a while before that fest will happen though so I was thinking maybe I could do at least 1 pull on this current banner. I should be able to get more mythril before the next fest starts.
I'm worried about possibly getting crappy draw results though like getting dupes of Barret's TASB and Angeal's Sync. So I kept on going back and forth on what to do, considering the pros and cons of pulling and thinking about my options.
In the end, I decided to go for it. Well, why not, right? Currently, have 427 mythril. My plan is to only do 1 multi-draw on this banner. Here's to hoping I get something useful. Wish me luck.
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Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 1
My first multi-draw gave me 3 disco orbs. Was really pleased to see this but then Dr. Mog didn't even show up and things just went downhill from there.
The first relic I got was Barret's LMR+. This lets him start fights with Haste and removes the delay from his actions for 3 turns so it's pretty good but I still would have preferred to get either his DASB or Sync over this.
The second item I got was Tifa's AASB2. Nice! Now I have 3 BDL relics for her.
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Unfortunately, the third item I got was also Tifa's AASB2. So I was soon greeted by the Soul Break Rank Up! screen and Tifa's Chain Somersault promptly went from Rank 1 of 15 to Rank 3 of 15.
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Argh! Why'd this have to happen? How utterly disappointing. This third item could and should have been Aerith's AASB2 instead.
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Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 2
If I'd gotten Aerith's AASB2 from my first pull, maybe I could have just walked away from this banner already. But my first draw really disappointed and pissed me off. It wasn't that useful at all. Getting that dupe was really disheartening.
And I would have preferred to get Aerith's Awakening over Tifa's since I use the former way more often than the latter. I only really use my physical earth team when I need to tackle content that requires them. Otherwise, I stick to using my physical fire team or my FF7 fire team, both of which feature my fave Genesis as my main and primary DPS. Aerith can easily slot into those teams so she sees more use than Tifa.
Barret's LMR+ is of use but, like I said, I would have preferred to get his DASB or his Sync. And so, although I really should have just cut my losses short and walked away already, I found myself thinking about pulling again.
My second multi-draw gave me 2 disco orbs but at least Dr. Mog actually showed up and turned one of them into a 7-star item.
I was really hoping the disco orb would turn into Aerith's AASB2 but, unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. Instead, I got trolled yet again by Tifa's AASB2. Now it's at Rank 5 of 15. Ugh, I'm really starting to hate this blasted relic. How many times do I have to see this? Why does this keep showing up? At this point, even Tifa's Glint+2 would be better than this since at least it'd be new.
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As for the 7-star item - well, it turned into this bracer. Not sure who owns this though.
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It was only when I got to the draw results screen that I found out that what I just got was Barret's DASB. Nice! He's already on my FF7 fire team so this makes him better. Maybe I can even see about trying him on my physical fire team as a DPS slash support.
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This pull would have been better if I didn't get trolled by Tifa's Awakening 2. Ahh, why couldn't I have gotten Aerith's Awakening 2 instead?
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Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banner 1 Multi-Draws Results 3
I really, really should stop pulling now. The best thing to do is walk away from this banner already before I end up running out of mythril. It's not like I really need Aerith or even any of the other chars featured here. I can make do without them. I can also just wait until I can get better tech before tackling more endgame content.
But I couldn't seem to help myself. Decided to do 1 more pull on this banner. This time, only got 1 disco orb and Dr. Mog didn't bother to show up. Sigh. Was ready to be utterly disappointed yet again when the disco orb revealed itself to be this cloak or robe. I'm pretty sure this belongs to Aerith. At least, I'm really hoping it does.
Got to the draw results screen and - hell, yes! This Cleric's Robes does belong to Aerith. Just got her AASB2, Planetary Pulse. Yay!
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I'm really happy to see Aerith's Awakening 2 but I can't deny that I'm also kinda disappointed with this pull. I wish I could have gotten more than 1 disco orb and that Dr. Mog had also shown up on this draw.
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End of Labyrinth Dungeon Final Fantasy VII Banners Pulling Spree
I'm now down to 277 mythril so definitely done with this banner. Spent way more than I wanted to. Was only supposed to do 1 pull. Somehow, that turned into 3 pulls. Spent 150 mythril and yet I only got like 4 new relics so it doesn't seem that worth it. Wish I could have gotten more new Soul Breaks from that 150.
Hero Abilities for Aerith Gainsborough and Barret Wallace
After thinking about it a bit, decided to go ahead and create Aerith's and Barret's Hero Abilities (HA). Aerith's HA is called Healing Wind. It restores a small amount of HP to the party but it triggers after a long delay. That delay is troublesome but Aerith's AASBs will reduce the delay of her white magic abilities. Barret's HA is called Ungarmax. It deals 7 ranged physical fire attacks to one enemy.
So, what about you? Did you pull on these banners? What do you think about the relics featured here? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account
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