#fic: for the sake of the scamander name
uefb · 2 years
For the Sake of the Scamander Name (link)
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Summary: The Scamanders have worked hard for the respect they have and are desperate to keep up appearances. Newt's father, however, is perfectly done with it; and he draws a firm line for the sake of his son.
In which Newt is nine and already a bit of a troublemaker, his father has a harsh conversation with the family, and Dad and Newt have as close to a heart-to-heart as two Scamanders are likely to get.
“Was that Uncle Hes leaving?” Newt finally asked, peering up at him and shielding his eyes from the sun.
“Mmhm. Boring adult business.”
“I don’t think your - I don’t think your business is always boring. Was it his boring adult business? About Theseus? Or sports?”
“Ah, no, Newt. And I thought you liked quidditch.”
“Oh! I do, but when Uncle Hes talks about it—”
Helios held up his hand as a signal for him to be polite. Newt immediately shut his mouth.
“No, not that kind of business, Mud. And – it wasn’t poorly charmed lawnmowers and possessed coffee grinders this time either, I’m afraid.”
Newt said nothing, only continued to stare at him in the late afternoon sun.
“Look, love, it is absolutely nothing for you to worry yourself with.”
Helios dropped to his knees in front of him and started gently tapping the splotches of mud from his cheeks, removing the grass stains from his knees, disentangling the cowl from his binoculars and shaking out leaves before slipping it all back over his head.
“Hands,” Helios directed, and Newt held them out as he murmured an aguamenti, which had Newt shrieking in surprise, unintentionally heating up his body enough that the cool water evaporated from his fingers in a warm mist.
“Sorry, so sorry,” his son was muttering quietly, eyes suddenly fixed on the buttons of his father’s waistcoat instead of his face. “I didn’t mean—”
“Newt,” Helios interrupted firmly, and he gripped his son’s shoulders like a vice until he looked up. “Newt, you are allowed to do magic. It’s quite important, actually, that you let yourself. It’s the— Listen, Mud, when the Underage Magic Officers come out here, it is usually because you’ve done something quite peculiar, ‘off the charts’, they would say. Not because you trimmed a stick to build a castle—”
Newt’s eyes flicked up and he blushed.
“—or heated your own hands when your idiot father thoughtlessly sprayed you with water in northern England while it was 7 degrees in April.”
Newt shook the remaining droplets from his hands, and nodded.
“Has your mother not explained this to you? Theseus even, or the healers?”
“I - I don’t know. I think. Probably. But I’m not always—”
He fell silent and shut his mouth again, eyes drifting off to the trees as he very obviously tried not to incriminate himself.
“But you’re not always listening…” Helios finished for him with a sigh. x
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throwaway3844893 · 4 years
Happy International Porpentina Goldstein Day! It's her birthday, so of course I had to write a fic ;) It's Tina's 26th birthday, and a certain someone gives her a special present...
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   Tina awoke to the smell of cinnamon and her sister's delicate voice singing in the kitchen. She smiled to herself, rolling to the left and staring at the small stack of cards and a steaming mug of coffee that lay on the table beside her bed. Her hand stretched to the table, grabbing the handful of cards. She muttered the levitation incantation and the mug floated toward her, hovering above her hand as she propped her pillow up and laid against it, sorting through the stack of five. Tina took a drink of her coffee, but when she saw the name written on a postcard from London, she froze. "Newt Scamander," she whispered quietly, but before she had time to open it Queenie slid open the door to their room, a tray of cinnamon strudel in her arms.
   "Happy birthday, Teenie," she lilted, flicking her wand and sending a plate of strudel at her sister. "I hope you don't mind, Jacob bought you a card too. I still can't believe he was never 'bliviated correctly, happy as I am. Anyway, he wanted you to be sure he's rather gratuitous you let him continue on with his memory... and that you approve of us going to London to marry." Queenie said the last six words in a hushed tone, because she knew it was a touchy subject. Tina didn't mind and simply stated her thanks, taking a bite out of her strudel. All thoughts of Newt's postcard subsided as she spoke with her sister, too joyous about turning twenty six  to worry about such a thing. Her present from Queenie was a small photograph of her, her parents, and Tina from when they were younger for Tina to put in her locket. Tina put it in immediately, only thinking for a split second who's photo she would love to see in the second slot, but she quickly brushed that thought away. Queenie quickly cleaned up Tina's plate, ordering her to get dressed. "You've got a very important meetin' today, Miss Goldstein," she'd said playfully, though Tina couldn't figure out what she meant. It was a Friday, and President Picquery had allowed her and Queenie the day off to celebrate, so she had no scheduled meetings. Tina decided not to give her sister's words too much thought and got dressed, putting on her new blue and white striped blouse and a pair of black trousers. Tina quickly ran her fingers through her hair, but before she left the room she spotted the discarded pile of cards, more specifically the postcard from London. From Newt. She walked toward it slowly, grabbing it and bringing it toward her face. His handwriting was short and messy, though Tina could tell he had tried to make it best for her. Her heart swelled at his words.
'Dear Tina,
By the time you receive this, it'll be your birthday. Happy birthday, Tina! I hope your day is full of wonder and surprises. And I hope work is treating you well, especially after saving the length of New York with me. Perhaps they'll pardon all of my mistakes next!
I must admit, I do miss the pleasure of your company, and I wish I could spend your birthday with you in New York. It does seem rather rash for me to say so, but honesty is the best policy. I do hope I can make it to the city sometime, it'd be quite joyous to spend time with you, Queenie, and Jacob. My apologies for any hassle I've created, I don't know why he wasn't Obliviated fully, though I have my theories. But this letter is about you!
Tina, in a parcel that should deliver with this postcard attached I have included three things: an empty journal, the pen I used to write my manuscript, and the book I wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in. I hope that, after reading it, you will be inspired to write a story such as I have. Perhaps it can be about our adventures in the city together, though that does come off as a bit of an autobiography, and I know how you like to keep the attention off of you. I don't understand why, given you're as brilliant as you are, but I hope someday you'll realize just how perfect you already are.
Happy Birthday, Tina.
Yours, Newton Scamander.'
   Tina held the postcard to her chest, eyes welling up with tears of joy. She was touched Newt would gift her such a thing. A smile spread wide on her face, her hands opening the parcel that lay next to the stack of cards hastily. As promised, there was a black, brand new journal that smelled of crisp paper, a black pen, and a battered, old, and brown journal that Tina recognized. She flipped through the pages of Newt's manuscript, stopping at a page near the end that was labeled "For Tina," followed by another note.
'I am entrusting you with one of my most prized possessions, because I trust you, Tina, and I made a promise. I would say I hope you treat it well, but I know that you will, simply for my sake. You're a giver, Tina, though on this day you're a receiver. I hope you'll accept my gifts to you.
Yours, Newt'
   Tina smiled to herself, carefully placing Newt's journal into a drawer on the table, knowing she would be fawning over the pages into the early hours of the morning the next day. Queenie called her from the living room, and Tina left her bedroom, her hand touching the locket that hung around her neck once more. "Teenie, there's someone waiting for you at Central Park. They won't allow me to disclose who they are, but you'll know eventually," Queenie said with a mischievous grin, pushing her sister out the door. "This'll be your best birthday yet!" She mused, waving Tina away before closing the door. Tina could hear her giggling from the hallway, and rolled her eyes. Who would be expecting her at Central Park, and why must she go alone? Was it an old friend from Ilvermorny, or a professor? Tina didn't know, but her sister did, so that alleviated any worry that it was a serious matter. Tina apparated out of her apartment, landing at just the edge of the park. No-maj's didn't give her a second look as she walked down the sidewalk, trees and flowers surrounding her. There was a large fountain that spewed water from it, and Tina remembered playing near it on her 11th birthday, just a few weeks shy of leaving for her first year at Ilvermorny. Tina continued walking at a face pace before there was a clearing. She saw a couple sitting on a bench next to each other, the male with a newspaper in his hand, discussing the current events with the female. Tina turned her head in the other direction, and what she saw stopped her in her tracks.
   There, sitting alone on a bench, checking his stopwatch and flipping through the pages of a novel, was Newt Scamander. His case lay beside him on the bench, an obvious sign that the seat beside him was taken. And for her. "Newt," Tina said quietly, suddenly regaining consciousness and taking a few steps toward him. "You came back."
   Newts gaze lifted and he saw her, a white smile suddenly forming on his face. He beckoned her to come forward, and stood up as she approached him and enveloped him in a hug. "Thank you," she muttered into his shoulder, still utterly shocked that he would make such an appearance. "How... how did you, when...?" She was at a loss for words.
   Newt grinned at her, bending down and taking his case in hand. He was wearing just a white shirt and brown trousers. "I left the day after I wrote your postcard. I knew I had to be there for you, and I promised to deliver your copy in person, though I believe you've already received i-"
   Tina interrupted Newt's sentence with a kiss, too overcome with excitement and gratitude to hold herself back. After a few seconds, Newt returned it, snaking his arm around her waist. They stood there for many moments, rejoicing in their reunion and Tina's appreciation. Tina broke away hesitantly, her eyes immediately finding Newt. "There, that's your present," Tina said quietly, her eyes flicking up to meet his as she bit her lip. Newt simply stared at her, his mind racing as he looked at her. "Thank you for coming back for me."
   "I will always come back for you," Newt said, and he kissed her again. After a few moments, they intertwined their hands. They didn't know what was going to happen next, but they knew one thing for certain:
A lot can happen in one year.
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hidetheteaspoons · 5 years
Secret Moments (In a Crowded Room) - Newtina
For @katisfania for the 2019 Newtina Gift Exchange! Apologies for the late post! This fic is based in part on Katy’s artwork found here. Happy New Year, Katy! 
Newt and Tina have kept their relationship private for months following the events of Paris. When an invitation to a Ministry ball arrives, Newt must decide whether or not to share with the world that Tina is his one and only. Lots of pining, fluff, and kissing.
Our secret moments in a crowded room They've got no idea about me and you
Newt and Tina had been inseparable for over three months. In the days and weeks following the tragedy at Père Lachaise, they, along with the rest of their group, had been broken beyond repair. Tina had graciously accepted a spare bedroom in Newt's London flat, while Jacob remained with Theseus. Yusef Kama and the young Maledictus, Nagini, had taken up temporary residence in Paris with Nicolas Flamel and his wife, Perenelle. Everyone had someone; no one was left alone in their grief.
Their initial weeks together in Newt's humble, but comfortable apartment had been torture for both of them. Tina spent quite a bit of time crying behind closed doors. When she did come out of her room, her eyes were red and her skin was pale. For the better part of a week, neither of them had an appetite. Meals were spent sitting at the table in silence, alternating stolen glances, and pushing food around their plates. Newt was perceptive enough to understand that if Tina wanted to talk to him, she would do so on her own terms, when she was ready. After everything they had been through together, Newt considered himself lucky to be in her presence. That was more than enough for him, for the time being.
Slowly, as the weeks dragged on, and everything seemed...slightly less horrible, Tina opened herself up to Newt. They cried together, went for walks together, and took care of his creatures together. Every waking moment was spent in each other’s presence, and neither of them would have things any other way. It was only a matter of time before their true feelings were revealed to each other and their relationship began. Newt was amazed that despite all the trials they faced, from the ashes, something wonderful grew between them. Things escalated rather quickly and the couple spent as much time as they could together, under the assumption that life was unpredictable and any moment could tear them apart. They wasted no time, but also kept their relationship to themselves, for now.
Tina had received a permit from MACUSA to remain and work in London and consult with Theseus’ team at the Ministry. Tina reported directly to Theseus regarding all matters directly tied to Grindelwald, Queenie, and Credence. By mid-December, there had been no new information. Tina threw herself into her work. Between searching for answers and spending time with Newt, she had little time to think of that September day when her life had changed for the worse.
One night just before the holidays, she pushed open the front door to Newt’s flat and shivered, letting the deep winter chill melt away from her clothes and her body. With a flick of her wand, her Auror coat flew to dry by the roaring fire in Newt’s cozy living room. Tina smiled when she saw the Niffler sniffing about in the hallway; the creature stopped and looked up to her, quickly scampering toward her in an excited greeting. “Hello you,” she cooed, taking the creature into her arms. “Where’s your mummy, hmm?”
Newt smiled warmly from the kitchen doorway, gazing at Tina with nothing but affection and admiration. He was reminded of the morning after Père Lachaise, when he and his companions had gathered at the fountain and Tina had so lovingly cradled the injured creature in her arms, as she would a small child.
Newt cleared his throat gently so as not to startle Tina, “I believe I was summoned?”
She smiled instantly when she heard his voice and approached him before placing a small peck on his cheek in greeting. She felt herself glowing from the inside out and reached a hand to her lips, where his warm skin had left a pleasant sensation.
Up until this point, Newt and Tina’s relationship had been less physical and more emotional. Though their relationship progressed quickly, they had explored other aspects on their own terms. Newt relished the feeling of Tina’s hand in his when they apparated to the Ministry together. Sometimes, they held on for just a bit longer than necessary. Tina would always greet Newt with a kiss on the cheek and he would affectionately push her hair away from her face, just as he’d done at the docks in New York. Yes, the physical aspect of their relationship was progressing nicely, but at times, they both wondered what it would be like to start something more; this was made difficult by the secrecy of their relationship. Their displays of affection were always private, and rarely public, so neither Jacob, Theseus, nor anyone else at the Ministry was aware of the true nature of their relationship.
“Hello there,” Tina greeted, placing the Niffler into Newt’s outstretched arms. “This fella was here to greet me when I got home.”
Home. Newt and Tina had been occupying the same space for weeks and yet he still shivered slightly whenever she referred to his flat as ‘home’. He’d never get tired of hearing that word on her lips.
“So I see…” he smirked, ushering the furry creature down the stairs toward his basement menagerie.
Tina noticed a gleam in Newt’s eyes that indicated that mischief was afoot. She placed her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes at him, tapping her foot impatiently. “Alright, Mister Scamander, out with it,” Newt felt a ripple of pleasure work its way down his spine when she addressed him by his surname in that commanding tone of voice.
Newt smiled shyly and threw his hands up, feigning innocence. Tina knew better. “I haven’t the foggiest-”
“Don’t you ‘I haven’t the foggiest’ me, you know exactly what I’m talking about. What are you not telling me?” She demanded to know, taking a step closer.
Newt sighed and pulled a rolled up piece of parchment from his pocket, “We’ve received an invitation,” he informed her.
“Mercy Lewis, an invitation to what?”
“Read it,” he implored, handing the parchment to her.
Tina murmured quietly as she read the invitation aloud, “Mr. Newton Artemis Fido (she quirked an eyebrow at him as she read his full name...they’d talk about that later) Scamander and Miss Porpentina Esther Goldstein...presence requested...formal attire...a New Year’s ball?!”
Newt simply nodded as Tina rolled the parchment and handed it back to him. “So the ministry is throwing a party and we’re all required to attend, is this what I’m gathering?”
He once again nodded in affirmation.
“Does this happen frequently?” Tina asked, referring to the invitation.
“More often than I’d like,” Newt responded through gritted teeth.
“I suppose I’ll need to find a dress for this occasion then…”
Briefly lost in the image of Tina in a glimmering ball gown, Newt simply smiled and nodded in response.
She once again narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head, laughing gently. “Come on Mister Scamander. Let’s see if we can scrounge up some dinner, shall we?”
The days followed quickly and the holidays passed in the blink of an eye. Newt and Tina secretly couldn’t wait for the last day of the year, as this would be their first official public event together. Though, for the sake of convenience, the couple had agreed to keep their interactions to a minimum so as not to arouse the suspicion of their coworkers and friends.
The night of the event, Newt dressed at Theseus’ house so that Tina could get ready and arrive on her own. With assistance from Jacob and his older brother, Newt dressed in a slim-fitting tuxedo and slicked back his unruly auburn locks. While giving his appearance a once-over in the mirror, Theseus came up behind Newt and clapped his hands down onto Newt’s shoulders. “She’s gonna love it mate,” Theseus said with a wink.
Newt turned to his brother, “What do you mean she…?”
“Don’t overthink it Newt, just trust me.”
Newt shook his head and the brothers turned to Jacob. “Alright youse guys, have lots of fun okay? I’ll just be sittin’ here, by myself, not enjoyin’ the festivities or nothin’.”
Newt matter-of-factly addressed their friend: “Jacob, did you really think you weren’t invited?”
The No-Maj nodded.
“You’re our guest Jacob, of course you’re invited,” Theseus chimed in. With that, the Scamander brothers outfitted their friend in a finely-tailored suit and the three men apparated to the Ministry.
At the same time, Tina was seated in her room at Newt’s apartment, wishing that Queenie was there to help her get ready. She wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath. With a wordless spell, she charmed the dress hanging before her to make its way over her head and down her lean body. Once the dress was in place, she tied the back, smoothed it out, and applied the finishing touches: a hairpiece, rouge, and dark lipstick. When she was finally pleased with her appearance, Tina apparated away, eagerly anticipating the moment when she would see her beau.
Tina gasped as she entered the Ministry, which had been transfigured into a stunning ballroom filled with chandeliers, candles, and beautifully dressed witches and wizards of all shapes and sizes. The Auror took in the sights, the sounds, and the smells as she sauntered through the crowd, in search of one man in particular. She smiled when she saw him from a distance. He was turned away from her, but she could clearly make out the forms of the older Scamander brother and Jacob facing her direction. When Jacob’s eyes settled on Tina, his jaw dropped open in surprise, while Theseus jabbed him in the ribs.
Tina approached the group of men and made her presence known to Newt by clearing her throat. “Evening gentlemen,” she paused, smiling affectionately at the three men in front of her.
It felt like an eternity before Newt finally turned around to face her. The look on his face was worth every galleon she’d spent on the dress...and more. The magizoologist looked at her with stunned silence while his companions greeted Tina and slowly moved away from the couple. Newt was nursing a glass of red wine but nearly dropped it upon seeing the love of his life. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and whisk her away from this place, away from the prying eyes of the other men in the room.
Newt would be lying if he said he hadn’t looked Tina up and down, but look at her he did. He worked his way from her hair, which was neatly coiffed with a red headband that matched her dress. Her eyes were dark and smoky and her lips were stained the darkest of reds; she was vixen-like. He then fully appreciated the dress she wore. It was fiery crimson in color and tied around her neck. Newt couldn’t believe that a simple set of strings was the only thing holding the dress to her long, lean body. It clung in all the right places, accentuating her breasts, her hips, and her exquisite legs. The dress fell low, low, low on her back and drew his attention to other parts of her anatomy that he’d not yet had the pleasure of being introduced to. Finally, the slinky number draped to the floor and skimmed over a pair of matching T-strap heels that only made Tina’s legs appear longer and more elegant. She was a masterpiece.
The Auror blushed profusely and her gaze fell to the floor in anticipation of Newt’s reaction. For a brief moment, she felt self-conscious, unsure if she should have taken things this far. After all, they’d been building up to more intense interactions, but never anything like this. Her head snapped back up when she heard Newt clear his throat several times before he could articulate his thoughts. “Tina you...you look...I can’t…bugger…”. Upon realizing what he’d said, Newt quickly covered his tracks so as to avoid trouble. “No Tina, that wasn’t directed at you...it was me...I...Merlin, Tina, you look stunning.”
Tina stepped closer, boldly placing a hand on his chest and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek in greeting. She whispered in his ear as she did so, her breath warm against his skin, “You don’t look so bad yourself.” Upon pulling away from him, Tina noted the lopsided grin and the pink blush that overtook his cheeks, causing his freckles to pop more than usual. Tina turned to walk away, but Newt quickly grabbed her hand and whispered to her, “I know we agreed to minimal public interactions tonight, but I’m not sure I’m going to be able to keep my hands off of you so long as you’re near me.”
“Shall we put that theory to the test Mister Scamander?” Tina asked coyly.
“What do you mean?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Well, I suppose I could just -”. Tina was cut off by an unexpected voice from behind her.
“‘Scuse me, Miss Tina. I was wondering if I might be able to ask you for a dance?” A polished young man from the Auror department requested.
‘There was music playing? Bloody hell’, thought Newt. He had been so focused on Tina and her grand entrance, that he hadn’t even noticed the dancing that was taking place. Tina looked to Newt, eyes wide and questioning, waiting for him to make his move. Did he take charge and claim his lover? Or did he let the night slip away from them, with her in the arms of another man?
Newt broke eye contact with Tina and turned toward the gentleman. “I apologize, but Miss Goldstein is otherwise occupied this evening,” he stated matter-of-factly, as he gently slid his arm around her waist possessively, making sure to avoid contact with her bare skin. He firmly grasped her opposite hip and pulled her closer to him. Tina stared at him in awed surprise.
“So sorry Mister Scamander, I didn’t know,” the young man apologized, taking a step back from the couple.
“That’s quite alright...neither did I,” he responded as he turned to look at his love.
The young man faded back into the crowd without a second thought from Tina and Newt.
“Newt,” Tina whispered, “What about…”
“Shhh,” Newt responded, cutting her off. He moved a step closer, his arm still around her waist. His opposite hand reached up to gently cup her cheek. “I don’t want to hide anymore Tina. You’re not a prize to be won, but Merlin’s beard, I want to be the only man that gets the pleasure of dancing with you tonight. Especially when you look like...this…”
Tina smiled, and whispered back, “I don’t want to hide either...you’re the only one whose arms I want to be in tonight. Especially when you look like this…” she giggled, reaching up to run a hand over his gelled hair.
With that, Newt placed a hand on her lower back and guided her to the dance floor. Tina stood up straight and shivered when she felt his warm hand pressed against her bare skin. Other parts of her became keenly aware of the contact between them. Just like that, they danced, drank, and laughed the night away together, without a care in the world.
The end of the evening quickly approached and the countdown began. Just before all the muggle church bells clanged at midnight to usher in the new year, Tina led Newt to a quiet corner and apparated them to the front porch of Newt’s flat.
“Home,” she whispered as the bells sounded their last note, cheers of happy people rang out in the distance, and colorful lights filled the sky. There, in front of the space they shared, the couple had their very first (and certainly not their last) kiss. Newt leaned in and pecked Tina gently on the lips and pulled away to gauge her reaction. Tina’s eyes had grown dark and wanting as her arms wound their way around Newt’s neck and she pulled him back in for a longer, more passionate kiss.
Newt responded in kind and followed her lead. Ever the gentleman, he stopped and started again when she did. This went on for quite some time before Tina broke away breathlessly and murmured, “That was…”
Newt smiled and responded, “Wasn’t it?”, recalling a similar moment that had occurred not so long ago.
Tina laughed gently and leaned her forehead against his, letting her eyes fall closed. She felt the vibration in his chest as he spoke in a low rumble, “Happy New Year, my love.”
She kissed him gently and smiled as she did. As she pulled away, she responded, “Happy New Year, Newt.” He kissed her forehead in response.
“Now for the love of Mercy, will you PLEASE get me out of this dress, Mister Scamander?”
“I think that can be arranged, Miss Goldstein,” Newt said with a smile.
With that, he scooped her up, dress and all. He carried her to his bed, where they spent the rest of the evening getting lost in each other in the best possible way.
Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend Only bought this dress so you could take it off
*NSFW sequel is a strong possibility? Let me know your thoughts!*
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the-wanted-niffler · 6 years
Quiet Corridor in the Castle
Post-Crimes of Grindelwald.  For Newtina shippers, by a Newtina shipper. Enjoy. x)
- - -
It was the end of the week. Most students were now lazying around out in the grounds, while some were in dormitories or working on homework in the library. Classroom doors opened to vacant desks and chairs. Strolling along the corridor, Tina’s footsteps sounded magnified in the great castle.
Late afternoon sunlight streamed through the high arched windows. The day was a windy one; Tina could hear the vague rustling of tree leaves as her head worked towards formulating instructions, protocol, the next plan – but she couldn’t banish the detached sense of reality as she wandered, alone, along the deserted corridor.
There were many moments where she automatically thought of Queenie, whom she felt must still be doting on Jacob somewhere before the horrifying reality hit her all over again. She thought of the most mundane things they would talk about. How she nagged Queenie about putting too much sugar in her morning coffee. She thought about next month’s rent and how she could help cover Queenie’s share so the latter could buy a new coat. A few months ago, Queenie worked overtime to let Tina buy hers.
“You’re slaying in this coat, Teen! You look powerful. Are you trying to scare them suspects before questioning them?”
“No, Queenie,” Tina gave a laugh, “I just really need a new coat.”
Queenie hummed a little, adjusting the collar for her. “I think Newt would like it, Teenie,” she whispered playfully in her ear, “He wouldn’t be able to resist.”
Tina hoped against hope that it was a lucky guess, since Queenie knew about the letter correspondence Tina maintained. She sincerely wished that it wasn’t Queenie reading her mind and seeing the figure of a shy but awestruck Newt Scamander surfacing in her head.
Queenie twirled away quickly to explore the rest of the clothes in the shop. Tina frowned; she didn’t have the chance to retort.
Tina smiled a little at the memory. The experienced girl with men. More open and therefore more experienced with people in general, really. Her radiant, playful younger sister.
A tight feeling followed around Tina’s chest and throat.
The sound of large doors opening around the corner snapped her out of thoughts. Tina swallowed, steadying herself. Newt, whom she had left in Dumbledore’s office some twenty minutes ago, stepped into view. He caught sight of her and walked towards her, his usual battered case at his side. As he neared Tina, he slowed down to match her pace. A conversation felt indicated, but at the present moment neither of them wanted to talk about what he had discussed with Dumbledore. The topic would unavoidably be centered around Grindelwald and the events in Paris.
For some time, they remained silent.
“Do you find your way around here alright?” Newt asked eventually.
“Not really. Not yet,” she answered, shaking her head. “I’m an Auror but I don’t have the ability to memorize an entire castle in a day. The stairs keep changing and many doors seemed to be locked.”
“Those are walls pretending to be doors, actually,” Newt explained. “They do that.”
“Pretending? We don’t have that sort of trickery at Ilvermorny.” Tina was amused rather than critical.
“Well, you get used to it. As a student. Studying here, I mean. I once heard a rumour about a room that could provide you with anything you want, but I never found it. I resorted to keeping my creatures in broom cupboards.”
At this, Tina pictured a young Newt passing through this very corridor, a tentacled, furry or scaly creature in his arms. He would have looked around in case anyone was nearby before stealing into his broom cupboard, and would certainly been much shorter back then. Did his hair perhaps looked the same as it did now? Leta Lestrange was most likely with him, too …
Tina was aware that her direct interactions with Leta were insignificantly few to basically non-existent. She observed, however. Leta’s eyes told of an independent and headstrong nature, someone who was stubborn in her convictions. She wouldn’t voice this thought aloud to anyone, but somehow … she could see an echo of herself in Leta.
Maybe that was why she, Tina, could get along with Newt as well?
No, no, no. Stop. Tina forbid that train of thought before it got carried away.
“Well … have you ever been caught for keeping those creatures?” she asked, returning to the conversation and voicing a more fitting thought. “I guess not all professors would appreciate them the way you do.”
“Oh, you see, I do have … a friend to help me. A good friend … Well, Leta.” Newt gave up the attempt of avoiding Leta’s name. Tina wouldn’t mind it now, of course. How could she? After what happened? At any rate, talking about Leta, remembering her existence, seemed to help lift the dark veil that had been enfolding them for the past twenty-four hours.
Newt inhaled before continuing, “Leta helped me. Some of the teachers get suspicious when they hear sounds coming out from the broom cupboards. Leta would distract them away until it was safe for me to move the creatures somewhere else. Professor Dumbledore helped me out of tight spots too, so … I managed somehow,” he chuckled,
Another short stretch of silence followed.
“Are you … Are you staying here in England?” Newt asked in earnest.
Tina glanced sideways at him, thinking. The truth was, she didn’t know. MACUSA hadn’t bothered to urgently inquire the status of Auror Goldstein since the events in Père Lachaise. She did liaise with Newt’s brother, Theseus, and coordinated with the Ministry here but that was it. There were no new instructions coming from New York. Yusuf Kama, the man she thought could be a lead for her mission, turned out as lost as she was. Credence, the main reason she was in Paris, had joined Grindelwald. Abernathy, traitor to the Ministry, was right in the heart of Grindelwald’s inner circle. There could be more traitors back at MACUSA, and Queenie …
But maybe she could so some good here. Tina wasn’t sure of the whole picture yet, but Dumbledore would be a key; he was holding Grindelwald’s vial now. MACUSA could need someone here.
The few people left whom she knew she could trust were right here, too.
Tina hadn’t realized she had been walking absent-mindedly until she felt his hand closing somewhere around her wrist. Newt had stopped in his tracks.
“Please don’t go anywhere,” he said in a breath. He chanced an upward glance at her and Tina felt a jolt somewhere in her stomach. The way his eyes wanted to catch hers was wonderfully endearing.
She stared at him for a few moments. Her decision was simple, really. Even her level-headed self came to agree with what she was feeling.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Slowly, she managed a small smile, reassuring him.
A relieved smile instantly formed on his face. Tina felt that she must had distanced herself so frequently that Newt couldn’t believe she agreed to stay put that easily. He didn’t seem quite sure what to do with his hand now. Both of them shifted a little – Tina tried putting her arms around him, just to express her appreciation as a friend (she didn’t feel brave enough to venture further), while Newt seemed to have wanted to hold both her hands but realized he was holding his case. It was a clumsy, awkward moment when his case bumped into both their knees.
Tina’s face warmed with a faint flush. A quick glance and she knew that she wasn’t the only one.
Newt let go of Tina’s hand, yet as his hand slipped away, she felt the gentle caress of his fingers on the skin on the back of her hand. For the tiniest amount of time, the tip of his fingers lingered against her own before he withdrew them to hold his case.
Her insides felt warm at his touch. Letting out a breath, she gave him a small nod, knowing him and her were together in this. The unspoken understanding passed between them. Still blushing slightly,  Tina pretended that she didn’t spot the small, sheepish grin Newt was hiding himself as he led their way on.
- - -
A/N: SQUEEE thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, do Like or Reblog. :)) I loved Harry Potter since I was 10 but the total number of HP fanfics I wrote (including this one) = 2. The other one is a humorous one, involving Uncle Vernon’s moustache … Maybe I’ll post it here soon, just for the sake of it. xD
I’ve been reading and loving so many good Newtina fics since watching COG in Nov 2018. This is my way of giving back a little. x) The idea came to me when I was a few minutes from falling asleep. Newt saying “Please don’t go anywhere” drifted into my head before I passed out. 
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
The Yearbook (Part 2)-High School series
A/N: It’s here! Part 2, turtle doves. I love writing this stupid fic, all because I had a whack ass dream about Balem being a dick to Newt in school…oy. Anyway, I know Marius has an English accent lol but for drama sake, he’s got a French one in this. Use your imagination. Also, if you requested to be a teacher in this, I will slowly (try) to introduce you. That being said, I’m not basing any of their actions off y’alls personality. That’s too much work, and I’m lazy…cut me a break. So, it’s name only haha. Enjoy!
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MOOD MUSIC: Feel it still by Portugal. The Man
You threw your backpack onto the table, pulling out a chair and taking a seat as you looked around the almost empty library. No other students plagued the aisles of books, or extended their stay on the empty computer desks. It was how you enjoyed the library, quiet and devoid of all other life. Save for your best friend, who was busy burying his nose into another wildlife book to pay much attention to your topic of conversation.
The freckled boy glanced up, blinking at you stupidly before smiling. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“Never mind…” You sighed into your jacket sleeve, restlessly leaning back and forth in your chair as you watched the clock tick by. School wasn’t entirely awful, but in the realm of activities, you’d much rather be sleeping at this ungodly hour. “I am not looking forward to drama class. Why is that even important? I have no use for acting classes…”
“Perhaps you should’ve taken biology.” Newt mumbled nonchalantly, flipping the page and highlighting parts he found particularly interesting.
“I am, but…wait,” You fell forward into the table, hands slamming into the surface and scaring the other student from his reverie of animals. “Did you not sign up for drama class? First period? With Ms. Derboven…?”
Newt stared pathetically at you, a sudden dark cloud emerging over his messy head of hair. You knew that look all too well, you had been victim to it many times in your friendship. That guilty smile, that nervous laugh…it was just another blow to your already annoyed mood.
“Newton Artemis Fido Scamander,” you threatened between gritted teeth, leaning closer to your friend. Your proximity caused a flush of red to sweep along his cheeks, and he lifted his book to cover the obvious sign of nervousness. “So help me god if you didn’t-“
“I swear it was not intentional…” he attempted to soothe your anger, still keeping that sheepish grin on his features. He assumed it would make it all go away, as it usually did. But, you only glared deeply at him, getting closer until your noses were touching and he had no choice but to sit silent and listen. Not that it was difficult for him, your perfume and entrancing eyes were enough to gain his focus.
“Newt, I don’t want to take that class alone! They say the teacher is eccentric and expects you to perform for her the very first day! I don’t know how to act! I’m not even sure I know how to create art…I’m gonna die…that’s it…my social life is now null and void and I will forever be known as the girl who fucked up her monologue.”
“That’s a tad dramatic, don’t you think?” Newt cleared his throat, taking his chance to move away from you while you wallowed in your self pity.
“What’s dramatic is leaving your best friend to endure a full hour and a half of drama class.” Perhaps you were being a bit of a whiner, but facing courses without anyone you knew was always a rough situation. One you didn’t want to deal with senior year.
“I don’t believe dramatic fits that sentence-“
“There you are, Newt!”
The two of you looked up, your eyes falling upon a young man running over to you both. He was dressed like a complete hipster, one you’d find on some Instagram post about charcoal ice cream or what not. His fedora tilted sloppily to the side, giving him a very relaxed look that was only overshadowed by his striking red hair. He certainly knew how to gain attention.
“Oh, hello…” Newt dropped his book to the table, watching as this boy took a seat next to him and began going on about money and drawings. None of it made sense to you, and you sat there completely befuddled by his sudden appearance.
“So, I kind of need the money now…any chance you can pay?” The red head held his hand out, a huge smile on his face when Newt fished through his pockets and handed him some crumpled up bills.
“That should be sufficient.”
“Thank you, I need new supplies…”
“Um,” You interjected, nudging Newt on the arm to introduce you to this new kid. He looked faintly familiar, but it was hard to forget someone with his looks and hair. So you imagined he didn’t make a huge impression the first time, if you ever met him before that is. “Newt?”
Newt, glad for the distraction from your anger, held his hand out towards the red head and quickly blurted out an introduction. As if he didn’t really see the point in doing so. “That’s Jack. He offered to do some drawings for my book I’m writing.”
It dawned on you then, the red hair, the somewhat messy tie. You had seen him before, he was a frequent flyer in the principal’s office, although his offenses were of a lesser degree than the resident bad boy, Eddie. “You’re the one who makes those really amazing murals, right? On the gymnasium, and men’s bathroom!”
Jack hadn’t been paying much attention to you or Newt, he was busy counting the money and figuring out what to purchase with it. But, the moment your melodic voice hit his ears, he nearly froze in his actions. With a surprised expression he glanced up, green eyes widening when he saw you. He could count on one hand the number of girls he found attractive at this school, because the fact was, you were the only one he found charming. Every other girl was so caught up in their looks or social lives it grated on his nerves. There was something refreshing about you though, a trait he wasn’t yet knowledgeable about but, he felt it.
You pursed your lips, eyeing him strangely while he just stared. The silence built to a level that even gained Newt’s attention, and with a curious glance he turned to his friend.
Before he could get another word out, Jack leaned forward, a glint of wonder in his eyes as he looked you over. “Can I draw you?”
It was an odd request, one you didn’t expect to receive today. To say you were flattered though, would be an understatement. A soft blush formed on your features, a smile curling along your lips as you giggled nervously. “I, uh-“
Newt watched the exchange, somewhat annoyed, but otherwise keeping his mouth shut. He didn’t care for the way Jack looked at you, it was reminiscent to the way you eyed Stephen earlier. A hint of arousal, and longing that only made the animal lover jealous. Try as he might, Newt wasn’t very adept at burying his feelings. “Stop asking everyone to let you draw them.”
“How else am I supposed to practice?”
“Perhaps you should do your art assignments.”
“What a waste of time. Art isn’t something you can schedule or direct…” The entire time he spoke, his eyes fixated on you and only you. It was as if he was already sketching you into his mind, taking every lovely detail and canvassing it into his memories. “It has to be free, spontaneous…”
There was something in the way he spoke that made your heart flutter, like the very passion he conveyed could be felt in his words. It was mesmerizing, and you nearly toppled into his spell if not for Newt interrupting him.
“Jack,” It was when he reached out to touch you that Newt had enough, and with a sigh he held his book up, blocking the artist’s wandering hand. “Sorry, but shouldn’t you finish your painting in the gym?”
The switch went off in Jack’s head, and he rose quickly from his chair, giving a quick farewell before taking off in a rush towards the doors. You smiled at him, a thoughtful look on your face when you considered your observation carefully.
“You know,” you paused, eyes following the retreating back of the talented student. “If it wasn’t for the red hair, I’d say he could be your twin, Newt.”
Newt glanced up from his book, blinking at you skeptically before looking towards Jack. He raised his eyebrow for a second, before pursing his lips and scoffing at the notion. “Absolutely not.”
Before you could think of a single snappy remark, the bell rang, indicating the next five minutes should be spent getting to class. An audible groan flew from your lips, the dread of drama class becoming far too real now. You wanted to drag Newt along with you, but taking him from his beloved science classes was too cruel to entertain.
“Would you like me to accompany you there?”
“No, don’t worry. I’ll survive.”
Newt felt awful about the change in classes, but his counselor was adamant he take courses geared towards his interests. It would help in college, and he had to admit it was a smarter plan than wasting his time watching the drama kids reenact their favorite Shakespeare play.
“If you say so, Y/N…”
You hummed back to him, throwing your bag over your shoulder and sending a wave of goodbye as you walked out the library and into your horrible hour and a half fate. The walk to first period was uneventful, save for the nasty look some girl gave you. You weren’t aware of her dispute with you, but the faint whisper of ‘Balem’ was heard as you passed by. If you were to venture a guess, she was not overly fond of the way you interacted with him this morning. Every girl here was swooning over the rich man, constantly leaving letters in his locker or on his windshield. It was a dim-witted attempt to get his attention, but he rarely ever read the love notes. On one occasion you even saw him use his wipers to release the perfume scented letters from his precious car. Yet, in spite of his cruelty, they still flocked to him like moths to a flame.
“Ow!” The rough material of someone’s jacket pushed into your forehead, making you flinch back and grumble about small hallways. Why Balem’s mother couldn’t pull her purse strings for a bigger building was beyond you. “Watch it!”
“Easy there, darlin’.” An amused chuckle was all you needed to realize who it was, and you reluctantly moved your hand away. View now obscured by the devilish grin of Eddie Kreezer. “Where you off to in a hurry?” He was already pulling a cigarette from his jacket pocket, lighter hidden in his cowboy hat as the staff walked by. You envied his devil may care attitude, but you didn’t need to be caught with him today.
“To class, you idiot. Where you should be going.”
“Tsk, didn’t your momma ever teach you to be nice?” He teased, lighting his smoke and blowing some of it into your face.
“You’re one to talk!”
Eddie was always amused at your temper, but that was due to him being one of the few people who could bring out that spark of anger. It was amusing and quite frankly, hot to him. “Damn, sweetheart. What? Daddy didn’t love you enough as a kid? Is that where all this misdirected rage comes from?” He laughed heartily, pushing one finger into your forehead to keep you away as you launched your fists at him. It was a weak attempt to defend yourself, and it only made the cowboy laugh harder until you gave up. “I’ll be your daddy if you want.” He had the gall to wink, to flirt amidst all this teasing like you were just going to cave under his southern wiles. It fueled that fire of fury inside you, and admittedly was just a bit charming…which only made you angrier.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Eddie easily trapped you into the lockers, smirking down at your expression of discontent. “Daddy don’t like the attitude, darlin’.”
The last straw, that was it, and with all your strength you kneed Eddie in the stomach, taking his momentary lapse of judgement as a sign to run away. The last bell had rung, and with the halls now clearing you took the chance to turn back to him, hands balled into fists as you yelled, “And for the record you’re too young to be a daddy!”
The cowboy glanced up, a huge smirk now forming on his lips as he laughed. You figured he’d finally lost it, the recreational use of drugs eventually killing off his last brain cells. That was until you heard your name, a huge blush going head to toe when you realized who was behind you. With a stiff posture, you turned, growing redder when Stephen came into view. He looked confused, green eyes darting from you to Eddie with a hint of worry.
“Are you alright?”
“I-“ you couldn’t form a proper sentence, and in your embarrassment the only helpful thought that came was to run off into the halls. So with a quick mumble of farewell, you brushed passed the athlete and somehow found your way to the theatre. Life could be dramatically unfair sometimes, and having to say such a stupid thing in front of your crush was probably on the top ten list of don’ts. Lamenting over your actions did no good though, and with a troubled scoff you slowly opened the drama room doors. All eyes fell on you then, the piercing ones of your teacher among them. It sent chills up your spine, and even though they all saw you, you still attempted to sneak across the stools lined up to the stage.
“How good of you to join us.”
You fell into the stool, trying to ignore Ms. Derboven’s irritated glare. Thankfully, another student began to sing softly on stage, taking her attention elsewhere. She was positively thrilled when the student sang, like the world was suddenly brighter for it. In your mind, it was a simple distraction, but the pining sighs of women made you finally look towards the center of the auditorium. A tall, handsome student was on stage, crooning out his rendition of a Les Miserables song. Something about empty chairs and tables, not that you knew any of it, musicals weren’t exactly your hobby. But, you welcomed the talent he displayed. If only to have your teacher preoccupy herself with his enchanting voice.
“Isn’t he charming?”
You sank back into the air, trying not to fall from your stool as this girl leaned far too close to you. She had pretty green eyes, her blonde hair set into intricate curls that seemed to have taken hours to do. You didn’t recognize her from anywhere, and with a French accent you wondered if she had any relation to the new boy singing up there.
“Oh, no need to answer. I already know you agree.”
She giggled, hand on her cheek as she sighed happily while eyeing the handsome student on the stage. Drama wasn’t your forte, and if it wasn’t for the insane obligation to take an elective you’d be far from here. But, you humored her affections, eyes darting towards the stage and watching as the other French student recited his lines. He was rather talented at it, even more when he broke into song again. Even if that made it feel awkward to be in here. All the girls, and possibly even the teacher seemed entranced by his voice now, like he suddenly became the first male siren in history.
In your musings, you hadn’t realized he stopped, all the girls clapping and cheering their hearts out to him. Some of the boys reluctantly did so, more than one of them grumbling about how unfair it was to have so many good looking guys at this school. You had to agree there, lately it seemed like an abundance of them came crawling from out of the woodwork. With a defeated breath, you started clapping along as well, looking towards the clock on the wall and praying it would move faster. At least this new kid took up a good chunk of time for you.
“Come on…” you pleaded silently with the clock, as if that would somehow aid your impatience.
“Cosette, would you like a turn?”
You watched as the girl you were speaking to got up, clearly the one known as Cosette. She clapped happily, getting off the stool and heading to the stage to begin her own monologue. You envied her bravery, but the puppy love look on her face made you roll your eyes. She had it bad for that other guy, and judging by his smile he seemed somewhat interested in her in return.
“May I sit here?”
His French accent was enamoring, but you weren’t about to fall head over heels just because he seemed exotic.
“Thank you.” He smiled politely, eyes constantly moving to look at you. “I’m Marius Pontmercy, and you are?”
At his greeting, you turned to him, offering a smile as you held your hand out to shake his. Only he seemed more intent on being a true gentleman. With a delicate touch he took your hand, twisting it around and laying a sweet kiss to the back of it. The French truly did inspire romance…
“I’m…um,” The words would not come out, and unfortunately making a fool of yourself seemed to be a reoccurring theme this school year.
“Won’t you tell me?” Marius smiled widely, chuckling when you looked away from him. You seemed on edge, and he had no intention to make it worse for you. “It’s alright if you wish-“
“Y/N.” You spat it out harshly, your nerves making you agitated enough to seem rude. Lucky for you, Marius took no offense to your curt tone.
“It’s a beautiful name…” He said quietly, eyes transfixed on you from the start.
There was a notable tension in the air, one that confused you greatly. But, the longer he gazed into your eyes the more you felt your chest cave to the attractive French student. In just a few short hours, you found life at eighteen proving difficult already. How on earth could you navigate this school year with all these men being distractions? Stephen was always your source of affection, and even though you still held strong feelings for him…you found yourself hooked on these new characters. Maybe Newt was right, sexual maturity had officially peaked and you hated every minute of it.
A/N: Alright, tell me!! Who do you ship Reader with so far?! Hope you liked it! There’s nothing greater than writing a trashy cliche high school fic. Takes me back, my loves…takes me back. Feedback appreciated! ❤️
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essayofthoughts · 7 years
I am Not Awake but you should wrote xenophilius/Rita
March 19th 2015, 3:57:00 am · 2 years ago
Damn I am LATE.
Send me fic prompts!
AO3 Mirror.
i.They get married because Rita thinks it’s a good idea. Xeno has the press and enough contacts to make a paper, Rita has the bombast to make it work.
Half of their wedding consists of conjured things; the most they shell out for is food.
When they go to bed, falling asleep back to back, they both wonder if this was the right choice.
ii.They’re married for five years before they have a child. Rita wants to call her Celeste, Xeno wants to call her Luna. The girl herself insists on “Celuna” once she’s old enough to voice an opinion, and her parents settle on Selene.
Xeno does most of the parenting. Rita could, but after he accused her of being a hack addicted to her Quick Quotes Quill she’s been working twice as hard without it.
So Xeno parents Selene and instils in her a deep love of the natural world, magical, mundane, and completely imaginary.
iii.Selene is eight years old when Rita first takes her a long to work. To Selene, Xeno is always “Dad”, bit Rita is always Rita. She doesn’t mind this: at the local wixen primary school in Ottery St. Catchpole she’s Cool - none of the other kids get to call their parents by their names.
Rita takes her along to interview Celestina Warbeck (“She’s why I wanted to call you Celeste.”), to interview Porpentina Scamander (“Her husband wrote your favourite book, she’s quite brilliant in her own right.”), into the Ministry and to Hogwarts, and even, once, to the ICW (“Pomous old fools every one of them, except for Umbridge who’s a-” Selene remembers her father hitting Rita with a silent Silencio).
So, by the time Selene is eleven years old she is very well read and very well travelled and utterly unafraid of anything.
iv.Rita and Xenophilius’ marriage is… complicated. It was for convenience more than anything and while they love their daughter they’re more or less ambivalent about each other. Rita has a slew of lovers, Xeno shows more affection to his letter-writing friends than to his wife, and both of them only try to agree on things if it’s for Selene’s sake.
They don’t argue. If they disagree on something Rita refuses to spellcheck her articles or Xeno starts making some of his very odd hallucinogens.
“I know exactly what they all do,” he confides in Selene. “I experimented a lot at school - me and old Squirrel. Did you know he became a professor?” He stirs the potion he’s making, something glowing in shimmering rainbow colours, and starts spooning it into the long thin moulds he made from a glass stirring rod earlier. “Want to try some?”
v.Largely Selene takes care of herself. She can cook about as reliably as her parents can and knows what herbs to brew to make a simple potions-tea for a headache, and what to brew to make GloStick and a number of other hallucinogens and magical drugs. By the time she’s ten she’s slipping articles into her father’s inbox, both as Selene Skeeter and under a variety of nomme de plumes (Luna Lovegood is a favourite, but sometimes Celeste Scarlette or Bedivere de Pompadour make an appearance. Once she almost slips one through by pretending to be one of Xenophilius’ letter-writing friends).
“She gets it from you,” Xeno accuses Rita one evening, looking over the articles.
Rita peers over his shoulder, looking over the tops of her glasses. “The persistence? Definitely. The ideas? That’s all you, darling.”
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 7 years
Most Definitely a Scamander - a Newt/Tina + Rolf fic
Tagging: @pinkdiamonddolphin
a/n: The two sections of this fic take place at different points – close together but not on the same day. Hope that clears up any confusion!
Summary: “I mean, you have freckles and…and my awfully untidy hair… I’m afraid you’re most definitely a Scamander, whether you like it or not.” (Or: Newt and Tina comforting their grandson Rolf)
The afternoon sun was warm and lovely; there was the sound of children chattering and laughing, and all of the Scamander and Kowalski grandchildren were playing together quite blissfully.
All except for one, that was.
Rolf wiped his nose on his sleeve, not caring that his mother said it was ‘dirty’, and pushed himself against the back of his grandmother’s favourite chair; she usually sat here with the Kneazles, stroking them while she read a book or smiling fondly while she knitted something – she would make room for him on her lap though sometimes, if he wanted a cuddle with her. Currently his grandmother was outside with the rest of the family, probably talking to her sister, and he didn’t want to disturb her with his bad thoughts; it would be unkind to ruin her afternoon.
Zippy, the youngest of his grandmother’s Kneazles, hopped up on the armrest and nudged his head against the boy’s; Rolf stroked him behind the ears, still not feeling better when he purred happily. Usually petting his grandparents’ magical creatures made him feel happy and pleased – but his heart just wasn’t in it today.
He was so caught up in his sadness that he didn’t notice his Nana Tina entering the room – he only realized when she stopped in front of the chair, looking rather worried.
“Rolf, dear, what’s the matter?”
He sniffled, shaking his head. “’m f-f-fine, Nana.”
“You’re crying,” She corrected, and she put a hand on his knee. “Oh, come here – come and tell me what’s got you so upset.”
Rolf suddenly reached out for her, crying into her shoulder when she lifted him up into her arms; he was young and still rather small for his age, thankfully, otherwise it might have been a tad more difficult. Tina shushed him gently, sitting down so that she could settle him on her lap as she listened.
“I’m…” He sniffled, shaking his head. “I’m odd.”
“Odd?” Tina repeated, looking somewhat confused. “What makes you say that?”
“People say stuff,” He told her miserably, not meeting her eye. “They say mean stuff ‘cause I’m…’cause ‘m darker than everyone else.”
She didn’t miss a beat. “That doesn’t make you ‘odd’ at all, Rolf, I promise.”
“But…But…” A few tears tricked down his face. “The other children…they make fun of me ‘cause I’m darker, a-and…and they said that…”
Oh, Tina had heard some of the things said about Rolf; he was the youngest of their grandchildren, a surprise given that their son Leo hadn’t been planning on children, but still very much loved and adored. She’d seen some of the things written in the papers by journalists, however – it was mostly lies fabricated for the sake of drama, lies that so-called ‘famous author’ Newt Scamander was disappointed that his son had married a woman he’d met on his travels in Nigeria, that Rolf was quite literally the ‘black hippogriff of the family’. Fabricated stories of themselves, Newt and Tina both found funny to some degree because of the ridiculousness of them – but ones about their grandchildren were, of course, crossing the line and extremely inappropriate.
“You don’ love me as much as the others!” Rolf cried, fingers clutching at her clothes.
“Don’t be silly,” Tina sighed, rubbing his back with soothing circles in the hopes of calming him down. “We love you very much – just as much as the others. Your skin has nothing to do with anything.”
He pushed his face against her collarbone, shoulders shaking. “No, you don’t…’cause I’m darker than everyone else, ‘cause ‘m not like Bram or Mari or the others-”
“Rolf, dear, look at me,” Tina interrupted steadily, and she waited until he lifted his eyes to her. “You’re no different to Bram, Mari and the others, not in that way at least – you’re all wonderful in your own ways, and we wouldn’t trade any of you for anything… You’re just like your grandfather too, you know.”
He wiped his nose on his sleeve again, looking rather unconvinced. “How?”
“Well…for one thing, you’ve both got the unruliest hair I’ve ever seen,” She teased fondly, and he let a giggle slip when she mussed his hair. “And you both love magical creatures – I think Zippy, especially, is very taken with you...”
The Kneazle mewled in agreement, watching from his perch on the armrest as his tail flicked happily. Rolf was smiling somewhat sheepishly.
“You’re covered in freckles, just like your Grandpa Newt,” Tina continued affectionately, and he laughed quietly when she bopped his freckled nose. “And, to add, I love the both of you very much.”
“Oh, I love you too, Nana!” Rolf announced, throwing his arms around her.
She was beaming affectionately as she embraced him, squeezing tightly. “I know you do, Rolf. Now, don’t forget what I’ve told you: no matter what anyone else tells you, me and Grandpa Newt love you very much – and nothing will ever change that.”
Rolf was sat on the bed, as expected, back against the wall and face buried into his pillow as he cried loudly. Newt sighed before walking into the room, wondering what he could say that could possibly make the situation any better.
The next person he heard implying that Rolf was different or unwanted because he was “coloured” would be hexed, he vowed – Tina was still rather handy with those kinds of spells, after all, and he was certain that she’d have no problems whatsoever hexing such people.
“Rolf,” He muttered, tucking his hands into his trousers as he debated what to say.
He didn’t need to; his grandson looked up, face tear-stained, and reached out his arms for some kind of comfort. Newt immediately scooped the boy into an embrace, settling on the edge of the bed as he cradled him; the tears soon started again, sobs muffled by the fabric of the Magizoologist’s shirt, and he waited patiently.
It wasn't fair, Rolf cried to him, tiny shoulders shaking; it wasn’t fair that he was the odd one out, that he didn’t fit because his mother was black and he was considerably darker-skinned than his cousins. He wanted to be normal, he told his grandfather miserably, shaking his head: he wanted to fit in with the rest of the family, wanted to stop having people stare at him like he was an animal in a zoo because he was different.
Eventually Rolf’s sobs quietened down into hiccups, and Newt gave a heavy sigh as he rubbed at his grandson’s back. “I know that you’re very upset – and I’m very angry that someone implied…well, they don’t matter,” He stated firmly. “I know what it’s like to not fit in; I was considered strange when I was younger too…I still am in some ways, I suppose.”
“I’m sorry,” Rolf mumbled, giving a loud sniffle. “I’m sorry I’m not white like you and Nana and Daddy and everyone else.”
No child deserved to be made to feel that way – it was awful, and his heart felt heavy inside of his chest. “Don’t be silly,” Newt tutted, fishing in his waistcoat pocket for something he could use to dry the tears from the child’s face. “There’s no need to be sorry at all – the ones who say things, now they’re the ones who should be sorry, not you.”
“I…I don’t fit in,” Rolf said unhappily, still pressed close to his grandfather. “I don’t look like a Scamander, that’s what someone said.”
“Now, that is ridiculous,” Newt scoffed in disbelief. “Why, you’re every inch a Scamander, I can assure you – while I’m not sure that’s something to be particularly thrilled about, I can tell you that you’re most definitely a part of this family. I mean, you have freckles and…and my awfully untidy hair… I’m afraid you’re most definitely a Scamander, whether you like it or not.”
They were both silent for a few minutes as Rolf calmed down, wiping his eyes but not moving from his perch on Newt’s knee; it was only when he’d finished drying his tears that he seemed to slump a bit, relaxing tiredly in his grandfather’s arms.
“Nana Tina said I’m like you,” Rolf muttered quietly, looking down at his hands.
“Hmm. Funny that,” Newt mused, grinning to himself. “I’ve always thought that you’re like your Nana Tina actually.”
His grandson looked puzzled by this admission. “How? I don’t look like Nana or do any of the stuff that she likes to do.”
“Well…you have her eyes,” Newt stated fondly. “Big brown eyes – and you smile exactly like her, Rolf.”
“I…I do?”
“Oh, yes,” The Magizoologist chuckled, patting the boy’s unruly hair. “Your Nana Tina has the most radiant and wonderful smile I’ve ever seen; when she really smiles, you know it because it makes you feel warm and loved – you have that same smile. Let me think now…ah, yes, you’re both very stubborn too, and – though she won’t admit it – very….ticklish!”
His grandson giggled as long fingers suddenly started to tickle at his belly, clearly trying to distract and cheer him up. “S-S-Stop, Grandpa!”
Newt grinned, pulling his hands away. “Alright, alright. Now, I think it’s time you got some rest, my lad – we’ve got an early start with the Graphorns tomorrow.”
Rolf pouted but gave a nod anyway, allowing his grandfather to tuck him underneath the blanketsl his eyes were wide as he examined Newt, curious. “Grandpa? You and Nana…you really love me as much as the others? You’re not saying that to make me feel better?”
“Of course we love you – just as much as the others,” Newt agreed fondly – though he didn’t dare say it aloud, his grandson was just like Tina in that they were both rather insecure in some ways. “Don’t worry, Rolf – after all, worrying means-”
“-you suffer twice,” Rolf yawned, closing his eyes and rolling onto his side. “I know, I know. G’ night, Grandpa Newt.”
Perhaps Tina was right – perhaps Rolf was more like him than he had thought.
I had no idea on Scamander grandchildren names (shrugs) Bram means ‘raven’ and Mari is short for ‘Mariposa’ which apparently means ‘butterfly’ (it has Spanish roots?) So, yeah, not sure if I’ll stick with these names, just used them for now. I’m also unsure as to which of my Scamander kids had children of their own (other than Leo, who is Rolf’s daddy in my fics).
Please leave feedback if possible!
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uefb · 2 years
Snippet from a one-shot (For the Sake of the Scamander Name) about the Scamander family and their reputation, primarily featuring Newt’s dad (Helios) and a paternal uncle (Hesiod). I’ve been working on it after reading a quote from a book I don’t have about the Scamanders being a well-respected wizarding family, despite not being one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight pureblood families by the 1930s. This fic has taken on a bit of a life of its own, so I’m not certain when I’ll be able to post it in full. But I’m really enjoying it.
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My life is a constant cycle of operating under threat and crisis, but at least I have fic, I guess.
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anodyne-sunflower · 8 years
If you are going to write arranged marriage hc you can make like that newt actually loves reader but she hates him(I'm the same anon)
Ok! Sorry for the wait! Also, I changed it just a bit! Hope that’s ok. Also, this is seriously my favorite fic I've written! Ugh...it gives me feels.
Master list
Imagine: Being in an arranged marriage with Newt.
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“But, I don’t want to marry him Rosie.” Your voice cracked at the end of your words, heart heavy in your chest at the thought of marrying a complete stranger. But, your sister, ever the happy one, simply smiled.
“Oh, don’t be dreary Y/N. You think father would match you up with some blaggerd?”
You trusted your father, with everything, but losing your free will was not something to be happy for. It seems your hand was a high price, and the Scamander family paid it in full. Rosie tied up the back of your dress, fluffing out the bottom, and looking up at you.
“There. You look so lovely! I dare say Mr. Scamander won’t be able to keep his eyes off you.”
It was a dinner event in a few minutes, and on this day it would seem you’d be meeting your betrothed for the first time. A simple meeting before the wedding that was supposed to take place in a month. Your future was set before you, and yet it wasn’t something you wanted. This isn’t how you imagined falling in love, better yet it wasn’t even a promise there’d be love involved at all.
“Rosie…the man fancies himself a magizoologist. Whatever that is, I believe he made that title up.”
Your sister giggled at your cruelties, rolling her eyes and pinching your cheeks to create a blush. “Now be kind, sister. He’s actually the most prominent one in the beasts division at the ministry.”
“Rosie, he’s the only one…”
“Well, still. Better to be the best by yourself than the worst in the bunch.”
A smile formed on your features, and you pushed your sisters fussy hands away. “I’ll meet him. But, I won’t marry him.”
“Well, you’ll do as you please as you always do, Y/N. I, on the other hand, have heard quite the rumors about his older brother, Theseus. I hear he’s very handsome.”
Your sister trailed off about the older Scamander, and you couldn’t help but smile. If anything, her gaining some happiness from this situation was more than enough reason to just deal with tonight. She left the room, and you followed a bit after, entering the dining hall with a sense of dread. Every step closer to it, took you that much nearer to the future.
“Ah! My dear daughter!”
Your father, and the rest of the men stood from their chairs, awaiting your entrance. You smiled softly, not looking up because you were frightened of which man in here was your husband to be. Rosie motioned for you to sit next to her, and it was at least comforting to be next to a familiar face. With a sigh you sat down, looking up when a woman with red hair leaned over the table towards you. She was pretty, a slight bit older, but still ever the bit happy.
“Oh, my darling! I’ve been dying to meet you. I’m Your future mother in law!”
She clapped happily, taking your hand in hers as she stared at you. She was rather excited, and you’d be lying if you said her enthusiasm wasn’t contagious.
“My dear boy has been eager to meet you.”
At her words your heart fell, and you gathered as much courage as you could to ask. “Um…may I ask which one is your-”
She cut you off, pointing her butter knife towards a young, handsome brooding man at the end of the table.
“That is my oldest, and darling son, Theseus.”
Rosie leaned over to you, cupping a hand over her mouth as she whispered. “Isn’t he handsome, Y/N? Oh I believe he’d make a fine husband for me.”
A feeing of relief washed over you, for a moment you had believed him to be your fiancé. And as handsome as he was, his demeanor was rather off putting. You smiled at Rosie, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Go and talk to him.”
She did just that, hugging you tightly before excusing herself and heading in his direction. Just as you were going to ask about your fiancé, the doors to the dining hall flew open, and a young, handsome man stood there. His suit was of fine make, and his reddish brown hair was slicked back just enough to show off his features. He had a very freckled face, and you’d dare say he was a gentleman if not for the crooked bow tie he had on.
“Oh! My dear, Newton!”
Mrs. Scamander stood up, walking over to her son and kissing his cheek. Newton smiled back, fighting off his mother’s incessant affections.
“It’s a pleasure to see you too, mother.”
Your father walked passed you, holding his arms out as he went and shook the man’s hand. Newton’s eyes looked upon your father, and you couldn’t stop yourself from noticing how delightfully green his gaze was, sparkling brightly against the rays of sun that seeped through the windows.
Newton shook his hand quickly, scratching at his head as he spoke. “Forgive my tardiness…I was chasing my Niffler. Um, please excuse the mess in your ballroom, sir…I believe the chandelier might need some mending.”
Yet, your father hardly seemed to care for such things. He just laughed, and patted the man on the back and held his arm out towards you.
“Newton, allow me to introduce my daughter, Y/N.”
You felt the world crashing down on you, all the attention now on you as you slowly got up from your chair. The wobble of your knees betrayed the calm look you had, but you managed to stop just in front of Newton. His charming gaze met yours, and in that second your heart stopped. Maybe it was the few sips of champagne you had, but you ventured a guess that he felt the same that second.
“It’s a…” Your mouth felt dry, and you sighed as you bit at your lip nervously. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Scamander.” You held out your hand, waiting for a shake of his, and instead he just stared seemingly entranced by you.
His mother pushed him gently on the side, interrupting his thoughts. He shook his head, and grabbed your hand in his, but instead he flipped yours over, kissing the back of it gently.
“Um…yes, a pleasure.”
It would seem the whole room became quiet, all awaiting the first moments of love to take place. And you two just stood there, your hand still clutched in his. It was Rosie’s giggle that brought you back to reality, and you tore your hand away from his.
“Well, shall we eat?”
Your father’s voice filled the room, and everyone happily took their seats, conversation starting up again. Newton took his seat next to you, eyes never leaving your form. It was making you slightly uncomfortable, and yet your stomach would not seem to settle around him. A fine blush spread across your cheeks, and you glanced in his direction.
“Is there something amiss, Mr. Scamander?”
He looked away, embarrassed a bit at having been caught gawking. “Uh..no no.” He smiled, grabbing for his cup of champagne. “Forgive me. And please…Newt is fine.”
With a smile, you nodded at him mimicking his movements out of nerves and grabbing for your glass. “As you wish, Newt.”
He seemed happy with the change in titles, and he took a quick sip of his drink before engaging you in conversation.
“May I ask what it is you do?”
You turned the potatoes over on your plate, the realization that you’re a total stranger to him covering the attraction you felt when you saw him. With a bit of a rude tone you answered him.
“I’m set to be a professor at Hogwarts this semester. Potions.”
He didn’t seem worried with your tone, and he just smiled actually intrigued by your admission.
“Hogwarts is the finest wizarding school, I’m sure you’re proud to be-”
But, this polite conversation was getting to you, knowing you were talking to your future husband without so much as a say in the matter. You slammed your fork down, everyone’s eyes falling on you. The embarrassment you felt was overwhelming, and you gripped the edges of your dress and rose from your chair.
“Excuse me.
Your father got up to trail after you, but Newt held his hand up. “No, please allow me.”
He rushed after you, calling out your name as you ran down the halls of your home. It wasn’t like you had a plan in mind, you just wanted away from it all.
“Leave me be, Mr. Scamander!”
But, he didn’t listen, he chased after you until your heeled feet couldn’t take much more. You kneeled down against the garden walls of the outside, tears welling in your eyes. His footsteps came closer, and you waved your arm at him, willing him away.
“Please, just go away…”
Newt kneeled down next to you, eyes filled with worry. “Y/N…”
“I don’t want to get married!”
His eyes softened, and he gave you a knowing smile as he wiped a tear away.
“Then we don’t have to.”
His words took a moment to settle, but you gazed up at him in shock. “Truly?”
Newt nodded, and he grabbed your hand in his as he spoke. “I need you to understand, my intentions were never meant to cause you any ill will. I agreed to this marriage for my mother’s sake…and I won’t pretend that I’m…” He looked deeply into your eyes, a blush forming on his freckled cheeks. “That I’m not, um, entranced by you Miss Y/N.”
You felt those familiar butterflies again, only this time you did not panic at their formation. His understanding meant everything to you right now, and you gripped his hand tighter in yours as he continued.
“I don’t expect you to love me, not now, maybe not ever…but, if you’ll allow me the chance…” He looked down, not wanting to look you in the eye as he spoke the last part. “If you’ll have me, then I’d like to get to know you. And if marriage is in the future then, I would be honored to be your husband.”
It wasn’t the proposal your parents were quite hoping for, but to you both it meant the world. You smiled through your tears, and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek in gratitude. He returned your smile, and he rubbed the back of your hand with a soft comforting touch. “Then will you take me as a suitor?”
You giggled delightfully, nodding your head and whispering.
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 8 years
Stitch by Stitch (Part 1) - A Newt/Tina fic
Tagging: @pinkdiamonddolphin
Here is the Newtina!miracle baby!pregnancy!fic!
Set in early-December 1940
Phoenix – 22nd June 1931 – 9 (going on 10) Linnet – 13th January 1933 - 7 (nearly 8) Leo – 3rd March 1935 – 5 (going on 6) (YES LEO HAS KATHERINE’S BIRTHDAY, AND SO THEIR BIRTHDAYS ARE TOMORROW)
Apparently Hanukkah in 1940 was 24th Decemeber (i.e. Christmas Eve) so they discuss celebrating both holidays.
Angst warning ahead! Also, only the slightest hint of sex – and it’s story-based, I promise!
Tina tried not to wince at the sound of Crawford’s voice – it was never a good sign if he was calling her name like that, and she dreaded having to talk to him for he was more often than not unreasonable. “Yes, sir?”
Crawford – a tall but beefy man with far too much neck – damn near slammed his hands down on her desk, glowering unpleasantly. “You declined your status change, Scamander!”
“Oh. Yes,” She said uneasily. “I did.”
“Why in God’s name have you done that?!” He growled. “You do realize the repercussions for doing such a thing, I trust? Stripping your title, you’ll lose your job – and if you think you can get rehired again, then you have another thing coming-”
“I can’t go on active leave,” She interrupted, forcing herself to look apologetic. “I’m…sorry, sir, but I can’t because…because I’m having a baby in May.”
Crawford’s jaw dropped. “A baby?!” She nodded uneasily, and he threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “Oh, for Merlin’s sake…bloody typical!”
“I’m not going on active leave while I’m pregnant,” Tina continued firmly, sitting back in her chair. “The Ministry has laws about these kinds of things, as you’ll know, and I don’t intend to risk my baby’s life by leaving the country to fight.”
“This is the fourth time,” He growled, glaring at her. “You’ve got another three children – why do you need another one? Bloody women, having babies…”
Tina bristled, her own anger rising. “Well, forgive me, sir, if my husband and I wanted another child – I didn’t know we had to ask your permission before having them.”
“Don’t be smart with me, Scamander,” Crawford snapped. “Your late brother-in-law may have put up with it, but I certainly won’t.”
“Theseus is missing,” She corrected tersely. “Not killed.”
“He’s been missing for four months,” He stated. “He’s as good as dead. Now,” Crawford leaned over her, and she resisted the urge to gag at the overwhelming smell of his cologne. “You might have gotten away with it this time, Scamander, but you can’t hide forever. As soon as we’re legally able – once that baby is out – we’re sending you off to fight; is that clear?”
Tina wished she could hex him – she wanted nothing more – but he was her boss and she knew it would be best not to. “Yes, sir,” She bit out.
As he stormed out of her office, muttering about ‘blasted women’ and ‘stupid babies’, Tina sagged in her chair and placed her head in her hands; despite what she’d said, she had the horrible feeling that Crawford had been right regarding Theseus – she didn’t want to give up hope, if only for Newt’s sake, but it seemed more and more unlikely that he was still alive. It didn’t help that she now had to deal with this, with her own boss hating her just for being pregnant – it was going to make the last few months before she went on leave very unpleasant indeed.
Once that baby is out, we’re sending you off to fight.
She tried not to shudder at the thought; it wasn’t that she didn’t want to fight, but surely there were laws about going on leave to have babies? Surely they’d give her a few weeks, at the very least, to recover and spend time with her family?
Stop worrying, Tina scolded herself, What is it Newt says? “Worrying means you suffer twice”. It’ll all work out eventually.
She just wish she knew how.
Tina was late home for dinner that night and he noticed – he always noticed. She was late home most nights, he’d soon realized, and while it was no longer surprising when she didn’t come home until late it still made him feel rather anxious all the same.
“I put the children to bed,” Newt told her quietly, watching as she took a seat at the kitchen table and slipped off her shoes. “They’ve had their tea – would you like me to make you something?”
She waved her hand dismissively however. “I’m not hungry, really – bad nausea and all that. But thanks.”
He couldn’t help himself from frowning; she seemed to be getting thinner and thinner despite the fact she was pregnant, and he would have been lying if he said it didn’t make him feel slightly troubled. “It’s fine, love, I don’t mind cooking you something; perhaps some soup or something light?”
“I’m fine,” She repeated, and gave him a look – he knew that look well, that it meant not to push a subject further. “Honestly, Newt, please don’t worry about me. I just wanna go to bed.”
“I’m not worrying,” He denied half-heartedly. “But I just thought…never mind. You get some rest, dear, and I’ll settle everyone in the case for the night.”
He watched as she retreated upstairs, her whole body seeming to sag with exhaustion, and he couldn’t help but sigh to himself; he knew his wife was more than capable of looking after herself, that she was perfectly able to choose what she did – but that didn’t stop him from caring and wanting the best, after all. He knew she was adamant about continuing to work, and that she had more than enough on her plate as it was – the new baby, their three children, her worry over how Jacob and Queenie’s family were settling in, how successful their bakery was… He was hoping that perhaps she might allow herself to relax more with the family’s mixed celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas (for they both began 24th December this year) but with the way things were going it looked unlikely.
I’ll have to ask Jacob to put some pastries aside for us, Newt thought to himself – hopefully Tina would allow herself to indulge in some of her brother-in-law’s delicious baking.
With that thought, he also wondered if it might make her feel better to invite the entire Kowalski family over for the holidays – they were also multi-faith, he knew, and it would be surely be wonderful if they all spent both holidays together as a family. Tina would certainly enjoy getting to celebrate Hanukkah with Queenie again, and it was this that made him resolve to remember to invite them as soon as possible.
Everything would be fine in the end, he told himself – it was just a matter of waiting.
It hadn’t escaped her notice that she was rapidly losing weight – she was of course more than aware.
For one thing, her clothes had become looser instead of tighter, like one would have expected during a pregnancy – and then there were her bones. She could feel them jutting out when she was in the bath or getting dressed in the morning, sharp and poking out almost dangerously. At first she had managed to convince herself that it wasn’t anything to be worried about – she had always been rather thin, even as a young girl, and the fact that the country was under a rationing scheme didn’t particularly help either; to add, the nausea from the pregnancy was making it quite impossible for her to keep her food down on some days, and it often left her feeling rather ravenous. Tina had put up with it, though, telling herself that it wouldn’t last long.
But then she had started feeling faint.
That immediate rang alarm bells in her mind; as an Auror, she was trained to have quick-wits and keen senses – to feel faint would compromise that completely, make her vulnerable if she were to go out on a mission or raid. Tina knew that feeling fatigued or close to fainting could harm either herself of the baby – and after the trouble of just conceiving this baby, the one they were told was a miracle, the idea was unacceptable.
Perhaps I should tell Newt…
But she knew what he would do; he would worry over her (though deny that he was ‘worrying’, merely ‘fretting’) and attempt to force her to see a Healer, and she knew that St. Mungo’s had enough to deal with already during this war without her turning up and complaining of feeling hungry and faint.
No, she just had to be careful and wait the morning sickness out, Tina reasoned to herself, for she was four months along now – the nausea had to disappear soon.
Once that goes, I can eat normally again, she told herself tiredly as she clambered into bed late one night, careful not to wake up her husband; I’ll be fine – no point in complaining over going hungry since everyone else is too.
It was cold a few nights later when he felt her hesitantly touching him through his pyjama bottoms, and he groaned without opening his eyes.
“I know you’re awake,” Tina murmured, and there was an amused tone in her voice.
“Not quite – but if you keep touching me like that I will be,” Newt joked, and it made him grin when she laughed. “Come here then.”
It hadn’t taken long to start working on her pyjama buttons, kissing her fiercely as she straddled him, and as soon as he was able he pushed the shirt from her shoulders eagerly. With that out of the way, he started to run his hands over her torso, desperate to feel her. Usually when she was pregnant she had been somewhat plumper, even when just a few months along, and he’d loved exploring those new curves – but something was different this time.
She was barely anything but skin and bone – his wife had always been slender and fit, working as an Auror, but this…this was closer to malnourished than fit.
“Tina,” He gasped, pulling away from her. “You’re so thin.”
Tina looked confused for a moment – and then her expression changed to one of hurt. “Oh…sorry.”
“Hang on,” Newt muttered hurriedly when she tried to move away from him. “Tina, love, look at me.” She did, and he wasn’t particularly surprised to see that she looked decidedly upset. “I didn’t mean it like that…I just meant-”
“I know,” She said quietly, avoiding his gaze. “I’m sorry. We don’t have to…if it makes you feel uncomfortable or anything…”
He shook his head, his grip on her tightening just a tad. “No, no…it’s not like that, I was just…haven’t you been eating?”
Her cheeks seemed to go pink. “Of course I have! It’s just…well, it keeps coming back up. But I’m fine, honestly,” She added hurriedly. “I’m eating properly, I really am. Please, can we carry on?”
Part of Newt wanted to continue asking her – wanted to know why she was so thin, why she was losing weight and not getting any larger despite being pregnant…but he also didn’t want to push her. It was clearly a topic that made Tina uncomfortable, and the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel uncomfortable of all things.
It was for this reason he didn’t say a word, instead silently nodding and returning the kiss she pressed against his mouth. The concern could wait for another night, he told himself, when she wasn’t as stressed or anxious – they’d talk it over fully then.
“…I hope the baby is a girl.”
Phoenix scrunched up his nose at her, forgetting momentarily about his task of setting the table for breakfast. “No, it should be a boy – we don’t need another girl.”
“I want a sister,” Linnet huffed. “I’ve got two brothers, and I don’t want another one; I’m the only girl and it’s not fair. I don’t want another brother because you two are bad enough! Well…” She paused thoughtfully. “You’re awful – Leo is okay.”
Tina gave a huff as she rubbed at her temples. “Lin, stop being mean to your brother. Phoenix, stop trying to provoke a reaction from her.”
“Leo’s not causing any noise,” She interrupted, and her eyes flitted over to her youngest son; he was sat at the breakfast table with a copy of Newt’s book in his lap. He couldn’t read it by himself yet, but he did still enjoy the illustrations. “Come on, guys, I’ve gotta get to work – I don’t have time for this.”
Phoenix and Linnet both looked guilty.
“Sorry, Mum…”
“Yes, sorry, Mummy.”
Newt arrived downstairs just a few minutes later, top buttons of his shirt undone and his waistcoat hanging open casually; he set to making breakfast immediately, much to Tina’s relief, and directed her to the kitchen table.
“Sit down, love,” He said gently. “I’ll get you some tea and you can relax before work.”
Though she was certain he was trying to mother her (the irony didn’t escape her), she was also rather grateful all the same. “Thanks.”
The kitchen was soon full of the chatter of the children as they laughed and talked excited about the upcoming holidays; they were all looking forward to lighting their menorahs, Leo especially, and they were soon discussing gifts they might like.
“We’re lucky,” Linnet told Newt happily. “Because we get presents for Hanukkah and from Santa.”
“You are very lucky,” He agreed fondly. “All three of you – and just think, next year you’ll have another brother or sister to celebrate with.”
“Hopefully a brother,” Phoenix muttered under his breath.
Newt pretended not to hear this. “You can teach them about the Festival of Lights, and about the North Pole, and then when they get older you’ll be able to help them with their menorah.”
“Mine is the best,” Leo proclaimed, beaming at his father. “It’s got lots of colours on it.”
As Newt chuckled to himself, rather amused, he noticed that Tina was staring down at the table – and she looked extremely pale. “Hang on… Tina, love, are you feeling alright?”
The children swivelled in their seats to look at her curiously; Phoenix frowned to himself, clearly realizing quickly that something wasn’t quite right, and Linnet started to gnaw on her lip.
Leo leaned against her side, clutching the fabric of her work jacket. “Mummy? What’s the matter? Are you feeling bad again?”
“’m fine,” She assured him half-heartedly, though she looked about ready to vomit. “I…I think I’ll have to miss out on breakfast… I’ll be back in a minute.”
Newt watched as she suddenly bolted from her seat and left the kitchen, and his stomach dropped; she hadn’t eaten the evening before, and he doubted she was eating much at work. He knew morning sickness was common throughout pregnancy (and not always in the morning) but something was decidedly off about this.
Phoenix seemed to follow this train of thought and took a deep breath before turning to his now-silent siblings. “We should visit Auntie Queenie after breakfast – perhaps Toby and Daisy and the twins would like to play?”
Linnet looked significantly cheered up by this. “Yes, we should; I want to see Daisy’s room still!”
Leo looked to Newt for confirmation, somewhat unsure. “Daddy, can I…Can I bring your book?” Leo asked quietly. “I wanna show Auntie Queenie.”
Queenie, of course, was more than acquainted with his book – but Newt grinned and nodded. “Of course, Leo; I’m sure she’d love to sit with you and read it.”
His youngest son beamed, turning to his brother and sister excitedly; Newt, meanwhile, found himself silently fretting over Tina in his head – she was more than capable of looking after herself, but still…something wasn’t right.
Perhaps Queenie will be able to help, He thought to himself, and that made some sense: she had more than enough experience with these things, after all, and she’d be able to give him some advice on what to do.
Yes, a visit to the Kowalski family’s new home would probably be useful.
In the last few weeks since the Kowalskis had begun to settle in their new home in Dorset, the house had begun to gain some rather colourful decorations; Newt greatly suspected the pink was all Queenie’s choosing.
His sister-in-law was humming as she finished stirring some coffee in a mug, and she wrinkled her nose up as she approached him. “The coffee here is still awful.”
“I’m sorry. I’m afraid we specialise more in tea,” Newt said lightly, the corners of his mouth twitching up a tad. “Tina gave up after the first month and just switched to tea – you could try that.”
“I’d rather not.” The mugs set themselves on the table, and she smiled at him. “Well, it sure is nice of you to bring the kids ‘round – but you’ve got something else on your mind, haven’t you?”
“You know I do.”
Queenie nodded, biting her lip as she read over his thoughts. “Yeah… Oh, that’s not normal…”
“It’s not?”
“Teenie’s…what? Four months?” He had barely given a nod when she sighed. “Oh, honey – she needs a doctor at this rate.”
“So I’m not overreacting?”
Queenie shook her head, sighing to herself. “No, honey, you ain’t. You should ask her to go to a doctor or something…but she’s stubborn.”
“Dreadfully so,” Newt agreed quietly.
“She’s always been skinny,” Queenie mused absentmindedly. “But she’s lost so much weight there’s barely anything of her – you wouldn’t think she’s four months along… Poor Teenie…”
“I don’t think the near-constant morning sickness is helping,” He added miserably, ignoring his tea. “Merlin, she’s barely eating at home, and I have a feeling she’s not eating at work either. I don’t want to force her or anything, but…but I want her to be healthy.”
The blonde witch gave him a sympathetic look. “Of course you do, Newt. It ain’t healthy for her to be like this though, and if she can’t keep food down ‘cause of morning sickness…well, there’s potions for that, right?”
“Ah. Yes. But…”
Queenie bit her lip. “They’re expensive,” She finished for him. “The war and trading…I see. I’d brew her one, you know, no problem, but I ain’t got the ingredients or a cauldron yet.”
There was a long silence between the two of them, the only sound being that of the children playing in the rooms upstairs. Finally, after taking a sip from his mug, Newt sat back in his seat and fixed his eyes on the table. “So…What do you suggest that I do then?”
“Sweetie, I know it’s difficult…” She paused. “Oh, you wanted Jacob to make pastries?”
“Well…I thought it couldn’t hurt,” Newt admitted, trying not to pink at how easily she had read his mind. “And only if he doesn’t mind – I know he’s working extra hours to make sure the bakery is doing well.”
“He’d be more than happy to,” Queenie assured him without hesitation. “Family’s gotta come first, no matter what. I’ll let him know. Other than that…a doctor?”
He tried not to sigh to himself; it was probably his best option, really, but he doubted as to whether or not she’d willingly go to a Healer to be examined – she’d insist everything was fine, that she could handle things even when she couldn’t. Tina was stubborn and determined; it was what he loved about her, but sometimes it could also be a slight obstacle too.
“Let me talk to her,” Queenie said suddenly, leaning across the table and putting a hand on his arm. “Maybe I can talk some sense into her, you know? Besides, Hanukkah’s gonna be soon – that and Christmas, right? I’m sure she’ll gain some weight over the holidays.”
Hopefully, Newt thought to himself, not even bothering to attempt to close his mind; I just want this to be a normal pregnancy, for Merlin’s sake, as stress-free and relaxed as possible.
It didn’t escape his notice that Queenie was frowning to herself as she sipped her coffee, clearly troubled in her own thoughts.
Tina jumped – she couldn’t help it; partly because the voice had been a shout, and also because she had, admittedly, been close to dozing off over her paperwork.
She was hurriedly rubbing her eyes when Crawford strode into the room, face bright purple with fury. “YOU!”
“What have I done now?” She asked, trying to hide the exhaustion from her voice. “I’m doing the paperwork you assigned me, sir-”
“You interfered with the case I assigned Nott!”
Oh, that. Tina straightened in her seat, trying not to go red. “Sir, I can explain… Nott was stuck, he didn’t know what he was doing; he hasn’t had the proper training, hasn’t had long enough – none of the recruits have. I only stepped in because he asked me to.”
“I don’t care whether he begged you to take the case,” Crawford snarled. “I am the one in charge – you follow my orders. Do you understand?”
“Of course,” She agreed quickly, wary of angering him further. “Sir, I won’t interfere anymore but…but if you perhaps let me go back to helping the recruits train-”
“We don’t have the time to waste on training!” He snapped. “You don’t seem to understand, do you? Every day that you’re sitting here in your little office or at home with your husband, there are good fighters dying across the ocean. Good young men and women who have barely lived their lives… We need all the fighters we can get, whether they’re trained or not.”
Tina gnawed on her lip. “I…I know, sir. I know that people are dying – I knew many of them. I…I trained with some of them before they were sent away…” Her heart caught in her throat and she silently willed it to go down again. “But these recruits aren’t going to survive if we don’t train them.”
Crawford heaved a sigh, shaking his head at her. “I won’t expect you to understand, Scamander – women never do seem to understand the importance of these things, not once they’ve had babies.”
“I do,” She gritted out, tensing at his words. “With all due respect, sir, I’ve been here longer than you have.”
“No, you don’t,” Crawford disagreed with a sneer, turning away from her. “Have you been to fight? Have you seen the torture some of our teams are put through? Have you seen comrades die in battle? Have you been forced to watch the light leave their eyes?”
Tina was silent, eyes wide.
“I didn’t think so.” He reached the door and turned to face her one last time. “I won’t warn you again, Scamander: if I find out that you’ve interfered on another Auror’s case, I’ll be forced to take immediate action. Have I made myself understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Tina agreed quietly, feeling rather unwell.
The door had barely closed behind him when she lurched for the bin and vomited what had been her lunch.
The covers felt far too hot over her, despite the fact it was December, and she just felt so sore – it was probably the nausea again, she thought miserably, and she debated getting up to wait in the toilet just in case she did need to empty her stomach.
Newt turned beside her, yawning loudly; Tina watched him for a moment, thinking and testing how she felt. The ache was getting somewhat worse, like nothing she’d felt before, and something felt decidedly not right.
Right. I definitely need to get to the toilet.
As she sat up in the bed, however, she was aware of several sensations; firstly, that there was a strange metallic smell wafting nearby, picked up by her already sensitive nose and making her feel sick to her stomach. Secondly, something felt odd…something sticky between her thighs…
Tina hurriedly reached out for her wand and grasped it from the nightstand; she muttered, “Lumos,” and immediately looked over herself.
And there was blood.
She was a trained Auror, she knew how to remain calm in difficult situations – but even with all of her years of specialised training she found herself panicking.
And she panicked badly.
“Newt,” She gasped out, reaching to shake him quickly as tears involuntarily started to blur her vision. “Newt, please, wake up! Please!”
The desperation in her voice must have done the trick; it took him just a few moments to wake up, his eyes squinting as they adjusted to the darkness. When he saw that she was in tears, he sat up with an alarmed look and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong, love? Tina, love, breathe for me…what’s wrong?”
“I…” She choked on a quiet sob. “I’m bleeding, Newt.”
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (HA!) and hopefully a second part will be up soon!
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