#fic: living on fire
mantimae · 9 months
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Hm, me? Oh yeah, I’m totally normal about @zillychu ‘s firecore AU and def haven’t been thinking about it since it first crossed my dashboard! :)
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frost-queen · 6 months
My mortal flaw // part 3 (Reader x Zuko)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya, @zhochikennugget,  @ficsmoothie, @reallysparklychaos, @deafeningartisancandy, @multifandom-lover01, @smilefortae, @bravelittlebastard, @mysticwitchcraftco, @roseazura, @katie-tibo, @savannah0111, @defnotriri, @darkened-writer, @avrilh, @anea08, @mymoonempress, @tcey0
Summary: Clinging to life, you have a fever dream of how it all started. How you came to meet your intended. Meanwhile Zuko's temper resurfaces when not knowing for sure if you'd make it out alive. [ part 1  & part 2 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7]
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An ancient roaring filled the skies. It made Zuko pause for a moment. Looking upon the ancient spirit of the sea. The avatar amidst, with bright lighted eyes and tattoos. – “Nephew.” – Iroh called out seeing him linger. Zuko tore his gaze away, following his uncle back to the ship. They left the northern water tribe to their fate, running away. One would call them cowards. Others caring, for it was with a purpose they were running.
Two to be precise. One it was too dangerous for the prince to be involved. Zhao’s doing infuriating Iroh. Two they had to bring you to safety. The moon’s disappearing made you vulnerable. Unable to bend. Leading to Zhao’s men to fight you. Assuming you were with the water tribe from your attire.
Zuko having left you to fend for your own while he searched for the Avatar. The one thing that would restore his honour. Honour which meant a great deal to the fire prince. Banished by his father with the claim to only return with the avatar.
They got hoisted up on the ship. Zuko rushed with you to the quarters. Iroh following close by. Zuko kicked the door open with his foot, rushing inside. Pantingly, he laid you down on the bed. He turned away from you as Iroh came nearer, kneeling beside you. Holding a hand above your head to see the state of you.
One of prince Zuko’s men entered. – “Get us out of these waters!” – Zuko ordered loudly. The soldier bowed his head and took his leave. Iroh brought your hand up, checking your pulse. – “Is... is she?”  - Zuko asked unable to look. – “No… it is faint, but still there.” – Iroh answered. Iroh looked up surprised when he heard the door slam.
His nephew nowhere to be found. Iroh tended back to you. – “Pray the moon spirit returns.” – he said with a worried face. He exhaled deep. If only he had stopped Zhao better, he could’ve prevented him from killing the spirit. If only he had stopped Zhao sooner. By the moment he wanted to end the prince.
Zuko appeared on deck, shouting orders. His men working to the bone to get them out of these waters. Away from the Northern water tribe. Zuko walked forwards looking up as he saw the moon once more. The grim world back in balance. The ship steered through the waters and ice. Breaking it apart. The ice platforms dispersing into smaller bits.
Zuko shouted some more orders, pointing firmly at everyone he thought was slouching. Standing still in the middle of the deck with his hands behind his back. He inhaled deep, exhaling long with a hot breath. A bit of fog forming before him. His head turned slightly, looking a bit over his shoulder. He blinked numbly. Letting his shoulders hang a bit, knowing you were back there, fighting for your life.
Iroh had placed wet cloths on your bruises. A special crème made from herbs plastered on your wound. He knew you needed a healer, but they had none. You were the only one capable of. Now he could only watch you. From behind the table, he kept an eye out, pouring himself some tea. Slightly shaking his head, he wasn’t sure if you’d recover. If Zuko would recover.
Knowing how rough your path had started out. An agreement of marriage between two nations. Knowing very well his brother only accepted just to unleash more dishonour on his nephew. Yet what Ozai didn’t seem to see, was that prince Zuko might draw strength from this agreement. Iroh took his tea and came sitting by your bed. Humming a soft song that reminded him of his own son.
Ladies came and went. Taking you from room to room. Where you had first bathed. Then sat down for your hair to be done. Then you got led into a room where they dressed you. Two girls walked around you in opposite ways to wrap a band around your waist. They pulled hard at it making you gasp soft. They bound it, coming to the front to bow in your presence. – “You’ll bring peace to us all.” – they said opening their arms with long sleeves that covered up their hands.
You got pushed off the small stool. – “You are ready.” – Another woman said. Much older than the girls had helped you. She had entered the room without you noticing it. You looked at yourself in the mirror, not sure what to feel. – “Not yet.” – another voice came through, a male’s voice. Looking to your side, you saw your father, the chief enter. – “Our pendant for balance.” – he said revealing the necklace with the circle pendant on it. He moved his arms over your head to hold the necklace against your neck. – “You must proudly show it.” – he said as you touched the pendant.
He kissed your cheek as it made you smile. – “You’ll bring peace to us all.” – he said as well, making your smile falter. A heavy burden being bestowed upon you. Feeling as if the whole world was looking at you. Your father took you by the arm, guiding you outside. The doors opened as you were blinded by the bright sunlight at first. The entire courtyard filled with people from your town. They bowed in unison making you swallow nervously. Your father let go of you.
You took a few steps forwards, down the steps. Pausing midway to look back at your father, who remained stationed. He gave you a proud nod. Taking a deep breath, you turned back to the people. Going down the steps further till you reached the courtyard. The people moving aside to create a pathway for you to walk. As you kept walking, they all bowed their heads when you passed.
“Please bring peace to us.” – a woman said when you passed her. A man followed somewhere behind her. – “Please bring peace.” – he spoke with a bow. Soon you heard from all sides, people asking, begging for peace. Depending on you and this agreement to bring peace back to the world. That with this unison the fire nation would seize their torment.
Keeping your head high, you didn’t want them to see the worry you were carrying. Having the entire town and the nations depend on you. To make it right. To bring back balance to the nations. They couldn’t depend on the avatar anymore. There hasn’t been an avatar in a hundred years. People grew hopeless. Now they had been given hope once more. The people closed the pathway behind you, coming back together to say see you off with well wishes.
You neared the edge as the crowed feeling sunk into nothingness. Complete solitude as you descended alone. You accepted the hand that assisted you on the boat. To start your journey to the fire nation. Doors opened as it revealed a long corridor. Alone you had to walk up to accept your end of the agreement. The corridor felt cold, despite being light up by fire.
Hands over each other inside your sleeves, your gaze shifted doubtfully down. Taking a soft breath to ease your nerves. – “Ancestors. Hear my plea.” – you said softly. – “Help me to make this work. To not uproot my tribe. Keep my father standing tall.” – you finished your prayer before you reached the end of the corridor.
The hearing of you winching in pain made Iroh get up. At that same moment entered Zuko the room once more. Iroh’s hand on your forehead. – “She is burning up.” – he let his nephew know. Zuko clenched his jaw, balding his hands into fists. – “Then cool her down!” – he shouted at his uncle. Iroh stared baffled at his nephew. – “How?” – he said with open hands.
He was no use as a fire bender for this. Zuko groaned angrily, slamming the door shut behind him. Iroh sighed soft. – “Forgive my nephew…” – he spoke to you. – “We feel helpless Y/n.” – he lowered his head. He placed the blanket better over you. Iroh dapped some sweat off your forehead with a dry cloth. You were winching in your unconsciousness, fighting of dreams that only meant to torment you. Iroh got startled when the door opened once more.
Zuko entering with a bucket of water. – “Do what must!” – he ordered. Zuko set the bucket rather forcefully on the ground. A bit of it splashing over the side to wet the flooring. Iroh scooped his hand inside, pulling away at the ice coldness from it. – “Where did you get such ice-cold water?” – he questioned. The water they had on board wasn’t nearly as cold as this. – “The ocean.” – Zuko responded with a grunt. – “Now do as  you are told!” – he insisted, taking his leave once more.
Iroh glared briefly at the door. – “That temper.” – he sighed out, not liking that it was showing itself once more. Even against him. Iroh wetted the cloth with ice cold water, wringing it before laying it on your forehead. It made you shiver in a breath, shuddering at the cold touch. Then your body eased as your expression seemed to calm.
“One last thing.” – Ozai spoke making Zuko pause before boarding the ship. His lip still trembling a bit. Ozai stepped aside revealing you. – “Don’t forget your bride.” – he said with a sneer. The young prince widened his eye at you. You went down, kneeling on the ground, head low to bow to the fire prince. Lifting your head up, you addressed him. – “Prince Zuko.” – getting back up afterwards. Zuko couldn’t comprehend what was happening.
His expression twitching a bit. Trying to settle for shock or anger. – “I don’t want a bride. I don’t need a bride.” – Zuko made clear. Ozai flashed a stern stare at the young prince. Zuko lowered his head, making himself small. Ozai gave you a little push towards the prince. You stumbled forwards unsure why you were meeting the prince at a ship.
Zuko groaned frustrated getting on the ship. You looked behind you to Ozai. He pointed firmly at the ship. Two men grabbed you by each side, forcing you onto the ship to join your intended in banishment. The ship set sail as it felt like you had failed. How could you bring peace to the nations if you were banished from the fire nation.
Zuko stood by the edge of the ship, gripping the railing tight. You decided to walk over to him. – “Prince Zuko.” – you said reaching out to touch his shoulder. The moment your hand touched his shoulder, he brushed it off rudely. – “What do you want!” – he shouted at you, startling you. You stared back at him, seeing the bandage on his one eye. You didn’t know what happened, but you could see the pain in his eyes. You reached out, wanting to touch his cheek.
To show him your compassion. Before your hand could touch his cheek, he pushed it forcefully away. – “I’ll burn you!” – he yelled out letting fire blaze out of his hands. It made you stumble back, tripping as you fell down on your bottom. Fearful you looked at him. Zuko tore his gaze away from you, not wanting you to look at him. You got up, running to the other side of the ship. To be as far away as possible from him.
Zuko puffed annoyed when you got positioned beside him. – “Prince Zuko.” – you greeted him with a bow. Zuko only turned his posture more away from you. Iroh cleared his throat loud, ushering his nephew to show his manners. Zuko sighed loud, turning back to you. – “Must I really?” – he questioned. – “Yes!” – Iroh insisted upon. Zuko sighed again as it started to bother you how uncivil he was. This wasn’t something you planned on either.
It wasn’t that you choose to be the fire prince’s bride. It was chosen for you. Only knowing of the arrangement on the day you left your town. Like any good daughter of the chief would do, you simply accepted it. Knowing there was nothing to be done about it. – “It’s not that hard.” – you told Zuko, still waiting for a proper greeting. Zuko groaned loud, setting his hands on fire from frustration.
“Zuko!” – Iroh called out in fury. Zuko took a deep breath, calming down. With a bit of annoyance, he set himself over it. – “Princess…” – he started holding his knuckles against the palm of his other hand to greet you. – “Took you too long.” – you interrupted taking your leave. Zuko blinked confused before he understood he got played. He shouted angry.
“I should throw you in the ocean for disrespect!” – he yelled with a firm point. You kept ignoring him as it upset Zuko more. He moved his leg up, letting a wave of fire go to you. You spun around, moving your hands across. A stream of water scooped up from the ocean dimming his fire before it could reach you. You then bend another stream letting it wash Zuko off his feet.
He got tackled by the water, rolling over the ground, drenched. He coughed loud. He looked surprised at his hands as they had grown ice cold. Captured by ice to the ground. Lifting his head up, he saw you lower your hands, taking off. Zuko was furious. Letting his hands heat up to melt the ice around his hands.
Pissed off, he got up with a loud scream of infuriation. – “Zuko!” – Iroh shouted knowing his nephew wasn’t going to let this pass. Zuko stormed after you, braising on the inside. You wanted to grab the door but pulled your hand away when a blast of fire hit the door first.
Turning around, you saw Zuko panting. – “Is that how you show respect to your prince!” – Zuko shouted. – “It seems MY prince doesn’t respect me so why should I?” – you said tauntingly, emphasizing on the ‘my’. Zuko bald his hands into fists. – “You’ll respect me!” – Zuko said storming over. His movement, made you move back, hitting the door with your back.
“Respect goes both ways!” – you snapped back. – “My prince.” – you added mockingly with a sarcastic smile. Zuko’s gaze seemed to pierce through you. You moved from out of his cornered situation. Zuko exhaled deep, pressing his hand onto the door. Lowering his head as a tiny smile appeared. When he caught himself showing weakness, he clenched his expression once more.
Iroh lifted his head up, hearing the door open gently. Zuko entered once more. – “How…” – he only had to say for Iroh to understand. – “Her fever is coming down. You have your ice water to thank for that.” – he replied dapping your forehead some more. Iroh noticed his nephew lingering awkwardly by the door. – “Do you want to…?” – he offered gesturing at you. Zuko shook his head, taking a step back. – “No…no…” – his voice fading out. – “Zuko…” – Iroh said with sympathy, urging him to come near.
Zuko pressed his lips a bit together, shaking his head. Iroh sighed as Zuko had once again left the room. He watched your state carefully for the next hour till you finally showed him a sign of life. Your chest flinching as you were withholding a cough. The cough came out, followed by some as you felt the pain everywhere in your body. You winched at the pain, reaching for your side. Slowly your eyes opened as the first thing you saw was Iroh.
“Shh shh it is alright Y/n. Try to remain gentle.” – he said reassuring as you were trying to pull your upper chest up by your elbows. You fully came to sit up with his help. – “Where…?” – you asked looking hazily around. – “Our ship.” – Iroh answered. He also knew your next question before you could even form his name on your lips. – “He’s above deck.”
“I... I need to…” – you started wanting to get out of bed, but Iroh stopped you. – “No, you are still too weak Y/n.” – he reminded you. You pulled the blanket a bit back, seeing the bandages around your stomach. You then noticed the water bucket by Iroh. Bending water out of it, it surrounded your hand. You then brought your hand to your stomach. Exhaling satisfying healing your own wound with your bending.
Iroh looked in wonder as it never stopped amazing him. Gasping loud, you let your head fall back in the pillow. A bit worn out from your healing. It took you but a moment to recover. You weren’t going to take no for an answer. Iroh knew he couldn’t keep you bed bound so he helped you up. He assisted you out of the room up to the deck. Weakly you held your side, still feeling the bruises.
Zuko stood with his back towards the door, overlooking the sea. Something caught his attention, making him slightly turn his head. Seeing a glimpse in the corner of his eye, he turned his head more with haste. His eyes widening at the sight of you. You let go of Iroh, stumbling forwards to Zuko. Zuko got in motion, meeting you half-way. You sunk through your knees as Zuko caught you. Keeping you upright.
With shock was he staring at you. Moving his hand to your cheek. Moving some strays of hair aside as his knuckles brushed against your cheek. You smiled weakened. – “My prince.” – you said with love. Zuko let his fingers stretch against your neck, fingers brushing on your skin. Hand on your neck, he pulled you closer, pressing his lips onto yours. Kissing you deeply.
He pulled away; his attention drawn to around him. His men all bowing. You took a step back from Zuko as his hands dropped to the side. You bowed to your prince as well. A sudden movement made you glance up. Eyes widening in wonder seeing Zuko bow to you as well. It made you smile softly. Iroh hastened over, giving you support as you were still recovering. – “What do we do now?” – Iroh asked his nephew. Zuko looked out at the sea before answering. – “We head for the earth kingdom!” – he ordered as his men got to work.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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gardnhee · 6 months
faint memories - zuko
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୨୧- tw/content. angst with a pinch of fluff, intentional lowercase, not proofread, little cursing here and there.
୨୧- zuko x afab!reader
୨୧- note. this applies to both animated and live action zuko!! requested by my baby @lovlyrickyyy 🤍
୨୧- dividers by @plutism !
୨୧- wc. 1.2k
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“stop…moving!” you grit, holding zuko’s face as he glares at you, small wince erupting from his throat.
“how do you expect me-“ he hisses, hands instinctively flying up to get a hold of your wrists. “to not move when there’s this huge fucking burn on my face!” zuko retorts, grip tightening on you. you sigh, heart dropping as you no longer see that glint in his eyes. the glint that is now replaced with sadness, pain, suffering.
zuko’s chambers grew dead silent, no more arguing, no more disagreeing from you or him. just silence.
a small smile spread on his face as he now caressed your wrist with his thumb, pressing a small kiss to it, “i’m sorry for grabbing so hard.” this made your head perk up, blush spreading across your cheeks. you shake your head, “i understand.” the room goes silent again.
only thing that could be heard were the faint yells of the firebenders training outside and the mouse like footsteps of whoever passed by the unnecessarily and stupidly huge doors.
you kept applying the ointment onto zuko’s wound, sitting back with a small huff to examine him. to you, even with that huge scar on his face, he’s still as handsome as ever. you noticed how he tried to hide it from you, looking down at his trembling hands as the events from earlier are still fresh in his mind.
he slumped back on the bed, eliciting a whine of disapproval - you weren’t done tending to him. zuko ignores this as he just lays there, gazing up at his tall ceiling with a blank stare.
you knew him all too well, which means you also knew he was hiding something. restricting himself from talking. you hated it.
“zuko-?” you started as his body jerked up from the wine red sheets.
“i’m getting exiled.” he didn’t let you speak, words crawling up his throat as he was unable to hold them back.
you felt as if all air had been knocked out of your lungs, like a punch to the gut. your chest heaved, eyes squinting and eyebrows knitting together.
“w-what?” it’s not that you didn’t hear, in fact zuko’s words unfortunately fell upon very perceptive ears.
“you’re joking, right?” you chuckled awkwardly, fading into nothing as his eyes saddened. “i’m sorry.” was all he could muster. you frantically shook your head, disgusted that he felt forced to apologize for something he had no control over.
“how long?”
zuko hummed, eyes spaced out somewhere, looking everywhere but at you. you bit your lip, kneeling towards him, cold and shaky hands cupping his cheeks.
“stop avoiding and answer me, zuko. how long?”
zuko’s eyes peeled away from wherever he was previously glancing at, “however long it takes.” he mumbles and you frown, “what does that even mean.” you grunt, sitting back in defeat as you run your fingers through your hair.
“until i catch the avatar.”
you scoffed, “that’s fucking ridiculous.” zuko agreed silently, but that wasn’t enough for you. nowhere near, actually.
“i’m going to speak with your father.” you stand, making him stand with you, eyes wide and pupils blown.
“you can’t, yn.” he reaches for you in vain as you yank your hand back. “don’t try to stop me, zuko.” you were beyond pissed, tone dripping venom as zuko stood in front of you, obstructing your way to the door.
“move, goddamnit!” you hit his chest repeatedly, each strike more desperate than the last. “how are you just…okay with this?” you sobbed, forehead propped against his chest, his arms falling beside him, stiff as a statue.
“what more can i do?”
he made a good point, so good that it shushed you with a slap to the face.
“i’m leaving.”
“yn please wait-“
“im. leaving.” your lip quivered, voice shaky, eyes watery. zuko nodded, moving back to his bed, sitting on the edge.
you made your way to the bed as well, grabbing the ointment and placing it back on the metal tray.
“i hope to see you again, yn.” he murmured, back facing you as you stayed quiet, not wanting to entertain the idea of him leaving. sadly, it doesn’t matter if you entertain said idea or not, it’s happening anyway.
the moment you stepped out the door, that was it, even the hope of ever seeing him again started to dissipate.
by this point you were halfway down the dim hallway, ready to turn the corner to the servant’s quarters. you looked back, guards standing proud and tall outside the prince’s room. you bit your lip, gazing down at the cold tray in your hands, caressing it with your index finger.
after taking a deep breath and preparing yourself for a life without your first love, you walk off, never to hear from zuko again.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“fucking hell!” zuko groaned as the memory made an unwanted visit for the nth time this week, standing from his cot like bed. he looked outside the small ship window, eyes landing on an endless ocean, stretching far and wide, separating him from you.
it’s been 3 years since zuko had the pleasure of laying eyes upon you. your pouty lips - which he longed to kiss - sparkling eyes, and beaming smile, he missed it all; every single second of it.
he made it his mission to capture the avatar, whatever it took, zuko will bring him before his father and finally get to feel your embrace again.
the fact that he didn’t seize the opportunity to confess, to tell you just how much he loves you - vocalize the burning desire to make you his partner - was eating at him from the inside out.
zuko paces around the room, breathing heavily as he grows anxious. his patience is running thin and he doesn’t know how much longer he can stay civil.
with three curt knocks zuko turns, uttering a ‘come in’ as his mind was somewhere else. a soldier walks in, with a small bow of his head, he exclaims, “we’ve found the avatar, sir!” this made zuko’s face brighten, nails no longer trapped between teeth.
“where?” the prince breathed, unspoken urgency in his voice. “here in the south pole, sir.” he raised a brow, “how far?” zuko questions.
“close by, approximately 2 nautical miles.” despite his shocked expression, zuko was elated.
“good job.” was all zuko said before strolling out his suffocating room. his palms grew sweaty, his heart hammered against his chest. he simply couldn’t contain himself.
he will see you again.
oh, he’s just imagining it; walking up behind you and surprising you, indulging in your warm laugh, welcoming eyes, and safe presence.
this is something he simply won’t - can’t - pass. zuko has the target within reach and he’s going to hold on tight, so tight the avatar will have no choice but to turn himself in.
a way one ticket, an opportunity peeking its face through the blur that is his life.
no matter the circumstance, he will not miss or give up - no, he’s coming home to you, forever this time.
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© GARDNHEE 2024, do not copy, modify, or upload on other platforms
୨୧ - hope you liked it!! this is kinda rushed so im sorry if there’s any spelling errors :( please like, comment, and reblog. would be highly appreciated 🫶.
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
"Oh, fuck no." The door is slammed, unfortunately for him, the guy stuck his foot in the jamb and pushed it open again.
"C'mon luv!" Constantine smiles charmingly, not waiting for Danny and entering the apartment.
At least Batman, Nightwing and Spoiler had the patience to wait for him to invite them in. Sagging against the door, he beckoned them inside.
Despite the caution, Spoiler gleefully stepped in, looking around like a child in an amusement park— which might not be too far off.
His apartment is, with all its wards and enchantments, very magical inside than it is outside.
The planetary system of another world, used as light for the living room and for practice.
(Nightwing is careful with what he touches. He still remembers the hours they spent in Mumbo Jumbo's hat.)
Batman on the other hand is following Constantine and Danny to what he assumes to be the office, if the amount of magical stuff carelessly laying around means anything.
"Alright fucker, what are you doing here? And how did you even know I live in gotham?"
John had the audacity to look abashed, scratching the back of his head with a nervous chuckle.
"Something came up and you know Gotham doesn't like me. She is much more used to you and I wanted to introduce bats to you, in case of emergency."
The young adolence stares owlishly.
(How did Constantine expect him to act at the fact that he's trusting a magical situation into the hands of a stranger?
Batman isn't sure how good the boy even is!)
"That's incredible thoughtful of you Connie." Danny hums. "What did you lose for your sorry ass to come here?"
Spoiler snorts, petting a red salamander. "He didn't lose anything." She reassures with a wave, giving an exaggerated smile and raising her brows to show that she's finding it very amusing.
Constantine sputters.
"Ancient knows how Zatanna and Raven deal with him."
Nighteing perks up from the side where he'd looked over the books, some pixie fairies(?) fawning over him? "Raven? You know her?"
Danny suppresses another sigh.
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
Please, I'll be good
Masterlist here.
Word count: 1,200+
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Synopsis: after rescuing you in the heat of battle, he can no longer contain his desires for you. He was so good. He can keep being good if it means you'll keep kissing him.
Koby, Sanji, Corazon, Sabo, Buggy, Shachi, Ace, Penguin
Themes: unrequited love, semi-sub!love-interest x semi-dom!reader, gn!reader, kissing, confessions of love, he sits on your lap, he is incredibly needy, he just wants to kiss you, fully clothed, sfw, literally just kissing, you call him "sweetheart," brief mention of 'reader' having a friends-with-benefits relationship with another character.
Notes: I couldn't get this kiss out of my head, and I needed to write it down. It was written with Sabo in mind, but I could seriously see any of these wonderful men in his position. I love writing kisses 🖤. Big thank you to @sordidmusings for her suggestions with the inner monologue 😩👌
Tag list: @lostfirefly @sordidmusings @writingmysanity @since-im-already-here @carrotsunshine @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry
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He saved you. Again.
Whether it was standing beside him in combat, rescuing you from unwanted attention at a tavern, ensuring you were well fed and hydrated during the day, taking care of all the supplies you needed upon your next adventure - he was always there by your side: your associate, confidant and friend.
In this set of unique circumstances, he managed to do more for you than simply tear you from combat. He saved you. Truly, saved you.
A finishing shot was aimed at you, and your body froze in place. With your eyes wide, he snatched you from your stance and whisked you from your place in the heat of battle.
After checking you for injuries, he cupped your cheek and uttered with all sincerity: “You're safe. I've got you.”
“Thank you, Sweetheart,” was all you managed to whisper in your shock, a name you had bestowed to him, half in jest, that simply stuck. He was a sweetheart, and you had no choice but to refer to him as such.
The relationship between the two of you was strong, as close as close friends could be. You shared your deepest secrets with him, and he shared his thoughts with you. You adored him, everything about him just sang to your soul.
At one stage early on in your comradery, you could've seen yourself diving into something deeper with him. But as you both opened yourself up more in your friendship, you chose to halt it in place. “Flirty friends,” is how you'd refer to it, “Just flirty friends.”
Casually lounging on the plush sofa beside him, you notice he's a little more on edge than usual. He's sitting up straight, rigid and firm beside you as his eyes fix on a point on the wooden panel behind the unwoken transponder.
Attempting to put him at ease, you sit up a little and rest your head on his shoulder and bring your hand up to encase his within yours.
“Thank you again, Sweetheart,” your words whisper as you trace gentle circles into the back of his hand with your thumb, “You're always so good to me.”
His body seemed to tense up more, the softest hitch in his breath alerting you of his discomfort.
“Are you okay?” You ask, leaning away from his shoulder to glance into his face. His eyes remain fixed on the point, his teeth clenched behind his closed lips.
In one final attempt to put him more at ease, you lean up and gently touch your lips to his right cheek. A soft gasp along with the turn of his cheek inwards had you pull away from him to check in one more.
“Sweetheart, what's wrong-?” You attempt to ask, he immediately speaks over the top of your concerned tone with an unsure and elevated tone. He avoided your gaze with his eyes, but kept his face turned towards you.
"-Look, I know you've got someone. M-Maybe even a couple of someone's. I know I'm not what you want-...” He utters quickly, his words tumbling over his lips faster than he can hold them back, “...-I just want you to know that you're what I want. You're the only one I want. If you could be that for me, for just a little while, I'll be so good to you. Please.”
You're left stunned. You’d often play into your friendship a little with some light banter and flirting, simply to see how far he'll play along. Flustering him, watching him hide his smile by downturning his face, was one of your favorite things to behold. Whether you were working, or relaxing in your home for the night with a few of the others - he was often flustered with your words and body language.
He quickly turned his head more and angled his chin down, seeking out your lips with his own. He hovered just before making contact, dancing with the borders of friendship and giving in to his craving for something more.
“I suppose you do need something beyond a simple kiss on the cheek this time,” you smiled at him, cradling his cheek beneath your right hand and drawing him closer, “You've been so unbelievably good to me, afterall.”
Smiling broadly, you lean forward to press your lips gently against his in a chaste kiss. He deeply and sharply inhaled through his nose, a subtle whimper rising from within his mouth. This small peck ended as soon as it began, his body chasing yours upon your retreat. He wordlessly called with his body to you, beckoning you into another kiss.
You give him just a touch more than the kiss prior: a real kiss that is deep, long and loving. A kiss that leaves him begging for more and more. Any time he thinks you may end it, any time that you start to slow down or lighten the pressure, he’s grasping to have you impossibly closer and begging you not to break your lips from his.
In his mind, he is crying for you, screaming for this moment to never cease. “Just give me a little more, anything. I'm sorry I'm not what you want but could you please keep doing it? Please, please? As a reward?”
“I was good!” He continued his inner monologue, hungrily claiming your lips against his own, “I can keep being good for you.”
You could feel his desperation from each kiss he placed upon your lips, hungrily seeking more and more each time he broke one kiss to lead into another.
“I’ll be so good,” he whispered into your skin, his breath tickling against your lips as your eyes widened in response, “Please. I'll be good. So, so good.”
“Sweetheart- mmmfph!” you whispered his name as he consumed your words with his mouth hurridly, his eyes flinching as he drew his body closer.
“Y-Yes?” He stuttered, his knees crawling up onto the cushioned base of the sofa as he prowled towards you. You responded by inching away from him and bringing your hands down to cup behind his thighs.
Urging him towards you with your hands, you press your back against the frame of the back-rest of the sofa, and usher him to straddle your lap. His hands flew up to your cheeks, his long fingertips finding the hair behind your ears and lacing them within it.
He hastily pressed his lips into yours, turning his head and moaning against your mouth. Prying open your lips with his, he hurriedly sought your tongue out with his own: savoring every moment you were granting him your undivided romantic attention.
Raking your hands over his thighs, you drew them up to his hips: fingers dancing along the hemline of his shirt. He winced away, a huffed laugh in reaction to your gentle touch, a laugh that caught within his mouth as you tickled his skin.
He reached his hands down over your own, breaking your contact away from his stomach and placed them on the back rest beside your head. He interlaced his fingers with your own, deepening the kiss as you took every moment of affection he was pressing into you.
“Sweetheart,” you whispered once more, attempting to break away your lips from his to no avail.
“Please,” he whimpered against your lips, “Please, let me keep kissing you,” he sobbed, kissing the corner of your lips and uttering, “I just want to kiss you.”
Your eyes widened, darting down to his lips and back to his beautiful eyes. Your lips parted as you began articulating your thoughts, halting only as he drew his fingers to your lips and pressed against them softly.
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mossy-rainfrog · 24 days
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[ID: Several drawings of Calvin Wright, Tenebrosum, Arthur Lester, and John Doe. There are a few portraits of Calvin and Tenebrosum alone, and a few others of Calvin and Arthur kissing or otherwise intimate together. More detailed ID in ALT.]
FINALLY posting this on a random monday, here are some of my drawings from @croik 's Arkam Horror/Malevolent Crossover series that has made me category 10 unwell for months. I absolutely recommend this series, it's hot, it's got just a Delightful dynamic of jarthur x another possessed traumatized guy and his Personal Horror, it's got a plot so good it could be its own arc of the show, and also, its got The Horrors!!! give it up for the horrors everyone
Genuinely I have been SO obsessed with this series and ESPECIALLY their characters of Calvin and Tenebrosum. Thank you op for writing over 100k for these guys, i need to inject them into my brain. Calvin and Escuridão specifically are like catnip to me i WILL be rereading this many more times
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unevenpatterns · 5 months
Extra scene - Jet learns about the scar (Jetko)
"Ehh, he's pretty in is own way. The scar just adds a bit of character," Jet said lightheartedly.
Mai stiffened and locked eyes with him. "Don't ever say that to him."
Jet held his hands up in defense, "I won't, I'm not an idiot. He does not like being called pretty," he tried to joke to easy up the suddenly icy mood coming off of her in waves. She looked at him in a weird way.
"Did he... not tell you how he got his scar?"
"No? And it's not really polite to ask about where people got scars in wartime, is it?" he shot back.
"Like you ever cared about being polite." Mai mumbled.
"Besides, I figured it would be pretty common to get burns, I mean you guys have fire everywhere," he said and gestured around him, at the frankly obscene amount of torches placed on the walls of the palace. He didn't even want to think about how expensive that must be to keep lit all the time.
"No, it's actually the opposite. It's difficult to burn firebenders. They are better at resisting heat," something in her voice caused small alarm bells to go off inside his head. He let that piece of information and the implication settle for a moment.
"Okay, so what you're saying is that had he not been a bender, it would have been an even worse accident?"
"It wasn't an accident," her voice was tight and controlled. Only those who knew her would notice the difference between this and her normally flat tone.
Jet blinked. There was a weird feeling bubbling up in his chest. Zuko had that scar as long as Jet had known him, and it had been old and weathered from the beginning. As if it had happened a long time ago. Jet wasn't great at math, but he wasn't sure he wanted to get this equation right.
"Someone did that to him. On purpose."
She nodded and looked away. "There's a reason why even the servants like the new Firelord better."
Jet stared at her refusing to understand was she was saying.
"They're not afraid that he might burn half of their face off if they speak out of turn."
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wanderingcas · 17 days
my fascination has extended from lighthouses to fire tower lookouts. people are up there all day, isolated, and a lot of times they have hobbies while they whiddle away the day. just saw a post about someone who's stationed at a fire tower in Montana who also makes violins. that's?? so cool??
it would take a very specific type of person to voluntarily want to do that job and live in isolation. and it'd be really interesting to explore what would lead someone to want to do it.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 4 months
Mks angst - existential crisis. his friends being hurt or taken from him. Being abandoned. Failing. Being seen by others the same way they see swk maybe???
Swk angst - just indescribable physical pain being inflicted on him. Loneliness. Losing Mk
Mei angst - familial. Losing mk. (with the samadhi fire it was having a power she couldn't control ig but that was short-lived:( so) not being strong enough maybe???
Pigsy angst - losing his kid. Losing his shop. Being a lazy good for nothing. Being Zhu Bajie
Tang angst - being useless. Being left behind. Being seen as useless by his friends
Sandy angst - becoming violent/blackout rage. Causing harm
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padfootswhiskers · 7 months
remember when hermione is fretting about moody being right about someone trying to literally murder harry in book 4 but harry interrupts her with “but y is ron not talking to me anymore ;(”
boy with priorities
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lady-corrine · 7 months
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“I remember collecting shells on this beach as a child. I had one made into a brooch for my mother.”
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frost-queen · 7 months
Elements in Harmony (Reader x Sokka)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee
Summary: Reader is Zuko's sister. You and Sokka always argue and fight. You keep infuriating Sokka as you won't leave his head, something he can't stand. Certainly not from a fire nation girl. When one encounter leads to an almost kiss. It draws a line when some guy starts flirting with you, leading to Sokka to show you just how infuriating you are to him.
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Appa roared deep, flapping his tail up. Aang petted his furred friend as Momo sat on his shoulder. Katara was poking in the fire to keep it going. Sokka arrived with new wood. His gaze fell upon you from afar. Near the cliff were you practising. Performing graceful moves without actually bending. Your performances calm and at peace. Anything but what Sokka was used to seeing a fire bender do.
Mostly their sequences were brutal and hard. Their fire filled with anger. You seemed odd among them. Anger wasn’t what filled your bending. It was a combination of being soft and tough at the same time. Something your uncle Iroh taught you when you were younger.
Sokka threw the wood on the ground, startling Katara. – “Hey.” – she called out annoyed.  – “Sure let us prepare the fire while princess fire nation over there is just dancing.” – Sokka outed gesturing at you. Katara sighed loud. – “Can you only ever complain?”
Sokka grumpily sat down on a log. Glaring your way. Aang approached them holding a bag open. – “We’ll need to stock more food.” – he held the bag upside down. A fruit fell out as Momo immediately jumped for it. Sokka shooed Momo away, picking up the last fruit. – “And that isn’t for you!” – he called out to Momo who flew above his head. Katara got up holding her hand out to Aang. – “I’ll go see if a town is nearby.” – she suggested.
“No, no.” – Sokka answered getting up as well. – “Let fire girl over there do something.” – he pointed at you from afar. – “Her name is Y/n.” – Katara answered crossing her arms. Sokka came closer to her. – “and I don’t care.” – he outed with a sarcastic smile. Sokka whistled loud catching your attention.
You stopped your practise, making your way over. Sokka snatched the bag from Aang’s hand, tossing it at you. You caught it  as he was aiming for your face. – “We need supplies.” – he said bothered. – “Please.” – you responded wanting him to ask nicely.
Sokka puffed loud. – “I didn’t know you had manners.” – Sokka answered. – “Unlike you I wasn’t raised in an igloo.” – you responded loud. – “Yet I’m not the one banished.” – Sokka fired back. – “Sokka!” – Katara called out, shocked at his rudeness. As a response you threw the empty bag at Sokka. It bumped against his chest as he moved his head back to not get hit in the face.
“Apologize right now!” – Katara insisted with a sisterly scowl. Sokka looked back to you, seeing how his words made you feel. Somehow he felt a bit guilty for being so cruel. Yet he didn’t act upon it. He took the bag in his hand. – “I’ll just go by myself.”  - he spoke turning away. Momo flew on top of Sokka’s head making him stop with a deep sigh. – “We’ll all go.” – Aang spoke to maintain the peace.
The four of you entered the woods in search for food, hoping you’d come by a village soon. You were walking behind Aang and Katara when you noticed Sokka falling in step with you. – “No bending.” – he simply said to you. You mimicked his words like a child, teasing him. – “Oh real mature princess.” – he responded.
 “I’m just lowering myself to your standards.” – you answered with a smile. Sokka stepped in front of you, making you stop all of the sudden. He was brazing, glaring down at you. Your words annoying him. Sokka was glaring at your eyes, his face inches away from yours. His gaze fell down to your lips. He caught himself stare at them, making him turn away.
You gasped breathlessly, slouching back as if you were about to pass out. Sokka caught up with his sister, wanting to be as far away from you as he could. Looking briefly over his shoulder to you, falling in line. Grunting soft, he hated how much you messed with his head. Your presence consuming his mind as if you never wanted to leave. No matter how many times he casted you out. It infuriated him.
You were from the fire nation. Zuko’s sister, the one chasing Aang. The one who caused his village pain. – “You know you can just be nice to her.” – Katara spoke looking briefly at her brother. Sokka sighed loud. – “She’s from the…” – he outed as Katara finished his words in a voice that mimicked his. – “fire nation.” – she then giggled at her own imitation of her brother.
“Not funny.” – Sokka said annoyed as it made Katara just giggle more. Sokka looked over his shoulder again, seeing you chat with Aang.
Katara nudged him hard in the side. Sokka tore his gaze away from you. Some twigs snapped underneath his shoes. – “Aang needs her.” – she told him. – “I know, I know.” – Sokka sighed out. – “Then…” – Katara began as Sokka shushed her. She glared at him a bit for cutting her off. – “Don’t shush me.” – she said annoyed, moving her hands to her hips. – “Stop talking.” – Sokka told her, his focus elsewhere.
Katara groaned loud as he covered up her mouth. It was the only thing he thought would shut her up. – “Why have we stopped?” – Aang asked confused. Sokka was looking at every direction, listening in to nature. His eyes widened when he saw a fireblast fly their way. It hit a tree trunk close to them. – “Fire nation!” – he yelled out. The four of you started to run as more fire benders came from out of the bushes. – “It’s an ambush.” – Katara outed, puffing loud. – “You think?” – Sokka responded to her sarcastically.
Aang swayed his stick across, sending an air blast at some fire benders.  Katara stopped a moment to bend some water out of a puddle nearby. Letting it whip against a fire bender. Sokka grunted as they couldn’t outrun them. They needed to stand and fight. He pulled out his weapon, standing ready.
A fire bender was coming your way as you deflected his fire blast by ducking down. You then kicked at him. He stumbled back making you punch his stomach a few times. Sokka ducked down a punching arm, punching the man in his stomach. He then pressed the back of his weapon on his back. The man dropped to his stomach with a loud oof. He saw fire blasts coming your way as you kept avoiding them with just manoeuvring.
“What are you doing?” – Sokka called out to you. You looked back at him confused. – “Bend!” – he outed, stating the obvious. You kicked a guy away from you. – “You told me not to bend!” – you shouted back at him. Sokka jumped back from a blast. – “Just do it!” – he insisted upon annoyed. Suddenly you smiled with a new set off attitude.
Performing a sequence you conjured fire, attacking your fellow fire nation soldiers. Aang jumped above your head, landing in front of you as he flashed a blast of air at them. You moved back assisting Katara. – “I got it.” – she breathed out. You nodded at her. Looking over your shoulder, you saw Sokka getting cornered.
You ran over to him just as a blast of fire was coming his way. Sokka’s eyes widened seeing the blast come his way from his side. You jumped in front of him, arms forwards, palms pressed together as you split the blast in two. The fire flared beside Sokka and you. Sokka blinked stunned at you. You then attacked with fire of your own. Sokka was staring at you, admiring you despite his infuriation with you.
He was so caught up with you, that he hardly saw the punching fist come his way. He jumped back, avoiding the hit just in time. He was about to knock the soldier on his head with his weapon as a blast of fire pushed him away. Sokka looked confused, till he turned his head. Seeing you in a position, one fist out, panting. You had once again protected him. Sokka smiled admiring at you till his expression turned to shock. You were hit by a blast, sending you rolling on the ground. – “Y/n!” – Sokka called out.
You came to a stop, panting loud. Forcing yourself to get back up. Just as you almost stood up straight, were you hit with another surprise blast. It was if the soldiers were turning their anger towards you. One of their own fighting against them. You got hit as the blast pushed you back.
You screamed when you felt a loss of ground under your feet. An in-sinking in the ground made you slide down the hill. Tumbling and rolling down, you met with the ground hard and fast. – “Y/n?” – Sokka called out concerned. He threw his boomerang at the soldier, hitting him in the head. His boomerang returned as he caught it. Running up to the way where he lost sight of you. – “Y/n?” – he panted out nearing where you last where.
Sokka felt the ground underneath his feet crumble away. A scream caught in his throat as he slid down, arms swaying around. On the ground, you groaned in pain. Slowly pulling yourself up by your elbows. Your eyes widened seeing Sokka slide down. At the bottom, he came to a sudden stop, his chest falling forwards. He fell forwards falling hard against your chest as your back smacked the ground again.
Sokka groaned soft when he set his hands beside you, trying to pull himself up. He lifted his head up, his gaze catching yours as he paused. Paused as his face was inches away from yours. Heart pounding loudly as you were captivated in his gaze. Sokka’s gaze went down to your lips  as it made you feel shy. He neared his head a bit as you sensed he had an urge to kiss you. Your gaze flashed up and down from his eyes to his lips and back. If Sokka was about to kiss you, you wouldn’t protest. Sokka felt himself fall deeper, drawing closer to you. What if he wanted to kiss you in this moment. Would it be that bad?
You were bringing your chin closer to him to decrease the distance. Sokka slowly closed his eyes, feeling his lips tingle with the urge. A gush of wind caught him off guard. His eyes flashed back open, suddenly aware of what he was doing. He rolled over, away from you just before Aang landed down. – “So here you are.” – Aang said. You were staring at the sky, panting loud. Feeling extremely hot that Sokka was this close to kissing you.
Katara had climbed down joining Aang. Sokka had gotten up, dusting some dirt off him. Aang decided to head back to Appa and search a town from above. All of you agreed, walking back to Appa. You climbed on Appa, sitting at the back. Avoiding eye contact with Sokka. Sokka was staring down at his own hands.
Katara looked from you to Sokka. – “Is something going on between the two of you?” – she asked. – “No.” – Sokka answered loud. You lowered your head on Appa’s saddle, watching the scenery you were leaving behind. Momo came landing on your head, laying himself down.
Appa roared loud as he descended. Aang had spotted a town. A small village at the edge of the earth kingdom. Appa landed as all of you climbed down. You held the empty bag following Aang into the village. There were many curious heads turning at your friends. They certainly stand out with their watertribe attire and air nomad clothing. You didn’t receive that much attention as you were earth kingdom clothing.
You had left your fire nation clothing long behind. The moment your father banished you after Zuko’s banishment, you gave them up. There was no hope in finding a new home when you wore enemy clothing. Zuko had been given an ultimatum to return. You never did. Not acceding his expectations and questioning the flaming fist of his way of ruling led to your banishment.
The youngest of your siblings, apart by just one year with your sister Azula. You saw more to fire bending then power and anger. Fire could be beautiful if one found a balance between them. Harmony. Your father found that a weakness. Soft. Not something he could have in his daughter.
You went over to a stall where they sold fruits. Sokka’s eyes fell upon a different stall, making his way over to it, without his friends knowing. You bargained with the owner for some of his best fruit. Katara wondered where her brother was, spotting him at a stall that sold herbs. She furrowed her brows, watching her brother buy a patch of leaves. He turned around holding a little patch as he suddenly noticed his sister watching.
Sokka cleared his throat from afar, moving the patch behind his back. It made Katara quirk her eyebrow up. He joined the others once more letting his sister know to stop staring to weirdly at him. – “Look Y/n a herb stall!” – Aang pointed out. You turned your head to look as well. – “You can make that delicious tea of yours again.” – Aang said pushing you towards it.
“Actually…” – Sokka started feeling the patch in his hand. No one heard him as Aang was too enthusiastic to show you the herbs. Aang pulled you to a stop after having pushed you all the way over. – “Anything you like?” – the owner asked as you looked at his products.
“Do you have any jasmine leaves?” – Aang asked for you. – “I certainly do boy.” – the owner answered. – “Actually I…” – Sokka began wanting to let you know he already bought the jasmine leaves. The owner presented Aang with a patch of jasmine leaves. Aang nudged you to accept them. – “Aang we really don’t need them.”  - you told him. – “Of course we do, you love jasmine tea.” – he encouraged you to take them.
“Your uncle taught you to make it.” – Aang added with a smile. – “Y/n I…” – Sokka spoke wanting to place a hand on your shoulder and reveal his patch to you. A new pair of hands grabbed the patch from the owner. – “I’ll pay for her.” – all of you turned your head to a boy. He smirked flashing a wink at you.
His wink baffled you as you weren’t used to that kind of attention. The boy tossed some coins in the owner’s hand. Sokka got shoved aside as the boy wanted to be closer to you. He held the patch up for you to accept. – “You really don’t have to…” – you said feeling a bit embarrassed someone paid for you.
“Nonsense.” – he grabbed your hand, facing your palm up, placing the patch in your hand. – “Anything should be paid for a pretty girl like you.” – he finished. Sokka puffed with a roll of his eyes. The boy slid his arm over your shoulder, moving you away from your friends. – “You look like a girl who likes tea.” – he spoke as Aang followed behind him. – “How does he know.” – he asked happily astonished that he had guessed. – “We literally stood by a herb cart.” – Sokka answered bothered.
The guy was leading you to a tea shop. His arm was still around you as Sokka found himself glaring at it. Katara and Aang clearly unbothered with Sokka’s concerns. – “Has anyone told you, your smile is like a blossom on a spring day?” – he said. It made you touch your lips shy. – “No.” – you answered. Sokka tensed his jaw. You were about to enter the tea shop when a pull on your wrist pulled you to a stop.
You slowly turned as Sokka had taken a hold of your wrist. Aang, Katara and the guy walked further in. – “Something wrong Sokka?” – you asked confused. – “Are you seriously following a guy like him? Just because he flashes a smile at you and gives you a compliment, you girls fall hard.”
You smiled teasingly. – “What’s so funny?” – Sokka expressed loud. – “Nothing.” – you answered with a shake of your head. – “You are cute when you are so worked up.” – you patted his cheek teasingly. The guy came standing behind you. – “Are you coming sugar?” – he asked placing a hand on your hip. Sokka saw it almost making him lose his mind. – “She’s not!” – Sokka stated clear, grabbing you by your wrist. – “Hey!” – the guy called out when Sokka dragged you away. – “Sokka… Sokka.” – you breathed out as he kept pulling you away.
He went into an alleyway, pushing you against the wall. Sokka groaned loud as you could only stare confused at him. He turned around, grabbing you by the waist as he pressed his lips on yours. Eyes wide with shock, you blinked startled at the touch of his lips on yours. He pulled away half angered at himself for kissing you.  – “Why are you so infuriating.” – he outed. Sokka noticed you were still holding his patch with herbs so he slapped them out of your hands.
“Hey!” – you called out as Sokka gave you his with some roughness. – “I bought these because I knew you liked them.” – he told you. – “I don’t know why I bought you them, because I shouldn’t. Certainly not for a fire nation girl!” – he went on. – “So why do I care for you. Why can’t I get you out of my head, and why did it bother me that, that guy was hitting on you!”
You smiled coming up to Sokka. – “Oh hush.” – you told him, grabbing him to kiss him. Sokka gladly accepted your kiss, holding you by your waist. – “You are cute when you get worked up over things.” – you told him, making him smile sheepishly. Sokka held you again, kissing you once more just because he could. Certainly now when he made peace with himself and simply let himself fall for you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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andstuffsketches · 11 months
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game over. continue
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snackleggg · 11 months
Acelaw thoughts
Ace runs hot bc of his df, and Law runs cold cause he's a North blue boy, and when they cuddle its perfect equilibrium
Something something Ace being associated with fire and Law being associated with water, opposites attract (they both think they are undeserving of love)
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fanaticsnail · 10 months
Fic Inspo: Chef Zeff and his Front of House Manager
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You're gonna tell me this distinguished gentleman isn't going to rizz up his supportive front of house manager with his expert cooking skills, flirtatiously whispering sweet nothings into their ear and wooing them with his expert mastery?
Welcome to my ted talk.
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un-pearable · 2 years
i know it’s been years and it’s basically irrelevant now but i genuinely love the green ninja prophecy if only for how much it must have tortured wu and garmadon. how long have they known it!! how did they find it, this script dooming them to forever be on opposing sides!! by the time morro rolls around, wu's spent most of his adult life with this looming over his head - this threat that there's some great evil out there that even their father didn't prevent, and then his brother leaves and adopts the very title that the prophecy foretold against. and then a ridiculously powerful elemental practically falls into his lap, with an uncanny command of his element without even unlocking his true potential, and with another threat already on the horizon (the serpentine) and the rest scattered (not to be brought together until years later), that was all he could do. it's been at minimum decades, at most centuries of the two of them having to carry this burden over their heads - of garmadon succumbing and of this unknown dark lord attacking. when do you think they made the connection. the wrong connection sure, but it makes sense. and it makes sense that years later, after wu is proven wrong and his brother returns to him and his son leaves him, and after his brother threatens to leave him again, he'd work backwards. collect the elementals, rebuild what he can of an alliance, and hope he's proven wrong again. and then kai steals his bag by accident and the rest is history.
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