#fic: much ado about lacey
abovethemists · 6 years
Much Ado About Lacey
A/N: This is my entry for the @rumbellebigbang. Please check out the amazing gifset by @desperatemurph who not only made amazing art for this fic, but also helped talk me through the plotty bits. You were an amazing partner in this!
Summary: Detective Weaver wakes up to find himself in bed with a beautiful brunette named Lacey. Life would be good, if not for the fact that he'd been introduced to Lacey just the day before as the longtime girlfriend of his partner, Detective Rogers.
This wasn’t his bed.
That was the first thought Jim Weaver had upon opening his eyes on a Saturday morning in March. The second thought was to slam his eyes closed again at the pounding in his head.
It had been ages since he’d drank enough to have a hangover. He’d thought he’d worked up an immunity over the years, a steady diet of whisky and coffee leaving him perpetually waterlogged, caffeine and alcohol battling for dominance within his ravaged system. What had he done last night to drink so much?
He risked cracking his eyes open again to assess where exactly he was. The bed was softer than his own, the pillow behind his head far more plush than he was used to. His eyes watered a bit at the slice of sunlight coming in through a crack in the drapes, but it did illuminate the room enough to tell that he was in some kind of hotel, moderately priced by the looks of it.
There was a sniffle behind him and Weaver became aware of a warm presence beside him in the bed.
He shut his eyes, trying to remember just what had happened, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach. A one-night stand he couldn’t remember was certainly not a good way to start the day.
He glanced over his shoulder to be met with the sight of a creamy expanse of pale, flawless skin. The bedcovers were bunched around the woman’s waist, the top of her right buttock just visible from beneath. She had long dark hair, curling at the ends that had spilled across her face, blocking it from view. Weaver didn’t need to see her face to know who she was though.
Shit, he thought, his teeth grinding together. He was the biggest bloody fuckup in the universe and this only drove the point home.
He inched to the edge of the bed, doing his best not to disturb his bed partner as images from the night before started to catch up with him.
Sparkling blue eyes over the rim of a martini glass. Ruby red lips pulled back in a flirtatious smile. Those same lips wrapped around his cock.
There was no denying that he’d woken up in bed with Lacey French, the longtime girlfriend of his partner and the closest thing he had to a friend. A man he sat across from at his desk every day. A man he pounded the pavement with until all hours of the night chasing down leads. A man who had specifically invited him to meet Lacey because he considered him a friend.
Weaver dragged a hand through his hair, pulling at it and relishing the sting. He deserved his hangover. He deserved worse.
[Read the rest on AO3]
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teaespensonawards · 4 years
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Congratulations, winners of the 2021 T.E.A.s! 
Congratulations to everyone who managed to create anything during 2020, honestly. Last year was some... mmmmm... don’t want another one of those years. Yeah.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s T.E.A. event! And thank you, creators of all of the fanworks in the Rumbelle fandom. You’re the ones who make this event possible in the first place, simply by creating the works that we flail over. Creators, enjoyers, Rumbelle lovers - thank you all for being this fandom.
(Note: if there are any works on this list that you want to read or have a nice, long gander at, the mods of the RumbelleTEAs.com site work hard all T.E.A. season to gather and tag them for your convenience. And as long as we’re here, please think about leaving comments. Not just on the winners’ works. On every piece of Rumbelle fanwork that you enjoy. Comments are happy-making and help to feed those hungry, hungry muses.)
Now, ado done, please click through the read-more to see this year’s winners!!
Family - The Long Road Home, by @jackabelle73
Comfort - Love is Purple, by @xiolaperry
Fix-It - If Tomorrow Never Comes, by @mariequitecontrarie
Reunion - Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Child Fic - The Safest Place, by @thestraggletag
Kink - In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley
Romance - Creature Instincts, by @thestraggletag
Threesome - Much More Than This, by @killingkueen
Best First Time - Undone, by @nerdrumple
PWP - The Ninth Button, by @maplesyrupao3
BDSM - Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon
Why? - Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3
Death - Would You Care to Dance, by @mrs-stiltskin
Hurts So Good - Hope is a Thing with Feathers, by @theendangeredslug
Best Date (Overall) - The Attorneys Paralegal, by Wandering_Willow
Best Courtship - Kiss, by @nerdrumple
Best First Meeting - Heatstroke, by @emospritelet
Best Bathing Scene - The Black Veil, by @mareyshelley
Best One-Shot - Distractions, by @thestraggletag
Best Drabble - In Death, by @timelordthirteen
Best Post-Ep Fic - Our Better Decisions, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic - Walk of Shame, by @timelordthirteen
Best Movie AU - What You’d Thought Lost is There to be Found, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Book AU - Around the World in 80 Days, by Megara_Bee
Best TV AU - Awake, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Historical AU - Endless, by @mareyshelley
Best AU - Intended, by @maplesyrupao3
Best AU!OUAT - Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Series - I Must Be Warmer Now ‘verse, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Novel Length Fic - The Contract, by Wandering_Willow
Best Holiday Fic - Alabama, Arkansas, by @timelordthirteen
Best Remix - In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery
Best Crossover Fic - Date Night, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark Castle - With Rue and Beauty, by @mareyshelley
Best Storybrooke - Golden Rings, by @kelyon
Best Travel - La Chacarita, by @thestraggletag
Best Golden Lace - Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Woven Lace - In From the Cold, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best Woven Beauty - The World Didn’t End, by @timelordthirteen
Best Background Swanfire - What You’d Thought Lost is There to be Found, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Side Pairing - Undone (Ruby/Archie), by @nerdrumple
Best Supernatural - The Black Veil, by @mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi - Dark Sight, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Horror - Promised, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Creature AU - The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Forgotten Gem - Alone in My Tower, by @spottytonguedog​
Best Pandemic/Quarantine Fic - Desperation, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Secret Santa - There’s Snow Place Like Home, by @killingkueen
Rumbelle Christmas in July - Dark Spring, by @nerdrumple
Fluffapalooza - Love is Purple, by @xiolaperry
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) - Speak of the Devil, by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) - The Trouble with Bikinis, by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle is Hope - An Appreciation of Brownie Batter, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Belle - Promised, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Dark One!Belle - The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best AU Belle - The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Best Lacey - Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Spinner!Rumple - Masters of Destiny, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best (Worst) Villain - The Piano, by @xiolaperry
Best BFF/Wingman - The Wingman (Charming/David), by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Fan Art - Rumple and Belle in Gold and Blue, by @vayuvayu
Best Graphic Art (GIFs) - Color, Brilliance, and Strangeness, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Graphic Art (Still Images) - Lust, by @virgidearie
Best AU in Art - The Library, by @virgidearie
Best Fluff Art - Dark Castle, magic mishap, and blankets, by @jenitosam
Best Angsty Art - The Sutherlands AU, by @desperatemurph
Best Smutty Art - Weaver and Lacey Getting Kinky, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel - Ogilvelle AU, by @desperatemurph
Best Dark One Form - Real Inside Rumple Holding Belle Back, by @dekujin
Best Use of Color - Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin
Best Artist - @staypee
Best New Artist - @vayuvayu
Best Author - @timelordthirteen
Best New Author - @deliriumsdelight7
Best Rumbelle Fic - Keys to the Cell, by @emospritelet
Best Anyelle Fic - Breaking Cycles, by @deliriumsdelight7
Best Anyem Fic - Social Distancing, by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
Each year, the Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award goes to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole. This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award goes to…
And last, but definitely not least...
Newbie Spotlight
Welcome, new Rumbellers, to our delightfully and spectacularly filthy little corner of the fandom!!
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star-birthmark · 5 years
Just Ask Him (A BruAbba Fic)
Merry Christmas everyone! Though I don’t personally celebrate it, I wish everyone the best on such a beloved holiday! 
Here is my piece for @jjba-secret-santa. Of course, I just had to get my idol @headoverjojo to write for, but Tricia, I hope you like what I wrote, especially since I never do ship fics lmao. 
But without further ado: Just Ask him: A BruAbba Fic (3.1k words)
Snow began in the early evening to cascade over the city of Naples. The roads were being paved, shops were closing for the night, and the humble citizens were retiring to their families and friends. The city was calming down, lulled to sleep by the falling snowflakes and the smell of hot coffee and freshly baked cookies. Libeccio was no different, Narancia was becoming drowsy after coming back home from a mission, Fugo was finally able to set his book down out of fatigue, Mista was trying to get comfortable in his chair, the three of them watching Leone pace back and forth in front of the table, the four of them all waiting for Bruno to get back from a meeting with Don Giovanna. The air in the room was heavy, each mafioso nervous at the outcome of Abbacchio’s leap of faith. 
“It’s not a big deal man. Just tell him, don’t freeze up like that time. It’ll all go well.” 
Abbacchio growled. “Easy for you to say, you don’t even have a boyfriend to propose to.”
Mista pouted at the insult but Fugo was still able to smile at his friend’s expense. 
“I think it’s beautiful Abbacchio. I bet Bruno will ask you himself one day, but it’s inspiring to see you take life by the horns and work to propose to him yourself. You know, if I think about it, it’s almost sort of like something you’d seen in one of those romantic novels.”
Narancia looked over at Fugo, nodding vigorously at the comparison. “Hah! You’re so right! A fallen, broken person finds their hope in their own little beacon of light, and together they ride off into the sunset-”
“Fugo, Narancia. Can you both please shut the fuck up, you’re making me nervous. I’m gonna do it, it’s not a big dea-”
Abbacchio was soon cut off by the door opening, the four of them turning to see Bruno briskly walk in, his movements fast and stressed. Abbacchio opened his mouth to speak but Bruno walked right past him, sitting at the table and slamming down a large stack of papers. Abbacchio nervously combed his hair with his fingers and straightened out his clothes, ready to finally speak his truth to the love of this life. Bruno, the ever-busy capo, however, remained oblivious as always. 
“Hi everyone sorry I’m late. I’ve got a whole new stack of projects for us to do, but if we put our heads together, we can definitely get them done by Christmas. There are some casino troubles near the west side of the city. Fugo that’ll probably go to you.”
Fugo tried to interrupt, to no avail. 
“Buccellati, Abbacchio wants to tell-” 
“A few corrupt figures, Mista that’s yours. Be careful though, I heard some reports from civilians and they all have the people on their side.”
Mista tried to interrupt as well, seeing his senior mafioso fidget in his stance, panicking that they couldn’t grab the capo’s attention. 
“Wait but Buccellati, Abba-”
“Oh don’t worry Mista everything will be fine. I’ll take over a lot of the conciliation and follow-ups on last month’s work. Some investigative work. That can be for Narancia, and hey wait where’s Abbacchio?” 
When the three men at the table pointed behind their capo, the leader turned around to see his boyfriend standing over the table, a nervous smile on his face. The silver-haired man, expecting his love’s usual warm smile in return, was instead meant with the blank, busied face of a capo, oblivious to his boyfriend’s feelings. 
“Oh, there you are Abbacchio. Can you join Narancia on some of the investigative stuff? You know, for obvious reasons.”
“Yeah sure but there’s somethi-”
“Hey listen I’m so sorry everyone, it’s been a very long day and tomorrow is going to be even longer I bet. I’m really tired is it alright if I head to bed now?” 
“I mean sure but-” 
“Thanks, Mista. Alright, have a goodnight everyone. Abbacchio, I’ll meet you upstairs.” 
Bruno placed a firm hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder before heading up the stairs to the apartment above the restaurant to rest. Abbacchio was left speechless, his eyes twitching in frustration. The radio that had been playing just finished its rotation of Christmas songs and Narancia had come up with an idea, beginning to snicker. Mista looked over at him, confused. 
“Hey, Mista I got a good Christmas song to sing, ‘Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack frost nipping at your nose. Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow. And Abbacchio will find it hard to sleep tonight.’” 
The two men broke out into loud laughter, the older goofball practically tearing up as he stood up. “Why the hell were you so nervous Abba?!”
 He turned to Abbacchio, who was giving the two idiots a deadly glare. 
“Can it morons. I’m just worried that he’ll say no. You don’t gotta go making fun of me.”
He rolled his eyes, heading up the stairs to head to his bedroom with Bruno. 
Even before he became the Don’s second in command, since joining Passione, Bruno Buccellati had always been able to afford incredibly nice, incredibly expensive things. The small private bedroom in the group’s hideout in Naples was no exception. The moment Abbacchio opened the door to their bedroom, he felt his breath hitch in his throat as it always did. The crisp black and white palette of the room was so incredibly Bruno, yet the touches of gold and purple were so incredibly him. The warm, dim light worked to set the mood between the two partners, even if one of them was still hard at work instead of heading off to sleep. 
Leone worked to quiet his fast-beating heart, rushing over to the dresser to prepare for bed, looking at himself in the large porcelain mirror over the sink. 
“How is everything in Rome? How is Don Giovanna doing?” 
“Everything is fine. Giorno is fine. There’s a Christmas ball in a few nights. And, you can call him Giorno you know?” 
Abbachio rolled his eyes at the other’s short, blunt, busy, answers. While he was washing the makeup off his face, Bruno finally took himself away from his work long enough to notice his boyfriend in front of him. When Leone looked up from the sink, Bruno quickly looked back down, an unspoken awkwardness between the two of them. Abbacchio sighed and soon tugged his long jacket over his head, causing the capo’s eyes to glance up to see his lover’s slim yet strong chest and the little tuffs of silver hair that frame his face coming into view as he took pulled the collar over his head. Bruno smiled before returning to the papers on his desk with a renewed sense of purpose. 
Leone looked down at the ring box that he had hidden away in his drawer and closed the door to it. ‘Not tonight’ he thought, watching Bruno pull his hair out (literally and figuratively) at the work he was doing. Walking towards the light of his life, Abba soon turned to lay in their bed, wishing to give Bruno some space. The tired, nervous grump eyed his dark-haired leader with a quizzical eye. Why the hell does he work so hard? Though he admired the other’s work ethic, the man couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his boyfriend’s refusal to just go to bed.
“Come to bed Bruno… You of all people should know of the importance of sleep.” 
Bruno looked over at his boyfriend with a confused look on his face, before putting the papers aside and rubbing his tired eyes. 
“Why should I know the importance of sleep?” 
Deciding his sleepy love needed some physical assurance, Abbacchio smirked before getting up from the bed and walking behind his capo’s desk chair to encase him in his strong arms. Running his black painted nails over the leader’s chest, Leone made a point to trace his fingers along the lines of his lover’s lacey chest tattoo, not even needing to see it to get the lines right. It was a little tick that the taller man had that calmed both of them down. The fact that the ex-cop had his love’s body so perfectly memorized was a fact that they both relished in. Abbacchio looked down at his capo, an ache placing down on his heart. 
Damn, he loved this man so damn much. 
Raking his fingers through the other’s jet black hair and meticulously undid the other’s hairpins, as well as the braids atop his head, knowing all the actions that made the fierce stand user melt in his chair. Bruno sighed at the calculated touches and soon bit his lip, starting to breathe heavily. 
“Well? Why should I know the importance of sleep?” He muttered nervously. 
Abbacchio smiled. “Because I never let you get any.” 
Now, it was Bruno’s turn to roll his eyes, reaching around to playfully hit the other man’s arm before getting up from his desk. 
“Alright alright, I’ll come to bed. But we both know I’m the one that doesn’t let you sleep. You’re always begging for me so…” Leone pouted his bare lips. 
“Hey, we switch off…” Bruno smiled playfully, removing his suit top before tackling Leone onto the bed. 
“Then let’s see which one… happens… tonight.” 
Leone giggled as he watched his boyfriend’s attempt to dirty talk, only for it to be unfairly disrupted by his adorable yawning. He sighed and held his shorter companion in his arms as the two of them laid in bed together. 
“Alright… goodnight Bruno…” The capo blinked his eyes opened and rubbed Abbacchio’s arm. 
“I swear, I’ll take you out tomorrow night on a date to the Christmas fair. I’m just tired.”
Upon hearing his golden opportunity to propose that next day, Leone chuckled and kissed Bruno atop his head, telling his busy lover that he couldn’t wait.
Slipping the wedding band into the pocket of his overcoat, Abbacchio was just about ready to leave his room, staring at himself in the mirror and nodding. He was ready. He was gonna do it. He was finally going to man up. For Bruno’s sake. 
“Abba! Are you coming?! We need to get presents for everyone!” 
“Coming Buccellati!” 
Rushing down the stairs to join him, the two men soon leave the hideout into the snow-covered streets of Italy. It was Christmas Eve, the city abuzz with activity and the holiday spirit. Bruno, the ever-recognizable figure of the town, received his usual greetings. 
“Merry Christmas Signore Buccellati!” 
“Have a splendid holiday Buccellati!” 
“Buccellati! How about you join us for a drink? We’d be honored to spend a bit of the holiday with you!” 
Bruno courteously waved back to them all, until he was stopped in his tracks as his partner’s hand grasped his, their fingers snaking together. Bruno looked up to see Leone’s cheeks redden in jealousy. Abbacchio frowned. Sure, Bruno had an image he needed to upkeep, but it hurt that none of the people were acknowledging him. They knew his name as well. 
Bruno giggled a bit. “Jealous, Abba?” 
Leone grumbled until his gaze was directed towards the other’s ocean blue eyes. Bruno held his boyfriend’s face in his hands, stroking the other man’s sharp-angled cheekbones and jaw as if to soften them just as he softened the mafioso’s hard, tough interior. 
 “You know I love you, Leone… So much.” 
Just then, the snow began to come down harder than before, covering the two lovers in a white, wintery veil under the haze of the night. Bruno leaned up and brought his lips to Abbacchio’s, helplessly grabbing the other’s coat to remain at the taller man’s height. His lipstick painted lips smiling longingly, Moody Blues’ user wrapped his arms around Bruno, lifting him slightly off the ground. Bruno screamed from the change in altitude, causing them both to laugh, then give each other another short peck on the lips. 
Leone stared down at the love of his life. Bruno Buccellati… with his dark hair and hat covered in the white snow. With his red scarf wrapped tightly around his head to keep his sensitive ear warm, but still left a window open for his adorable freckles. With his bright eyes and even brighter smile. With his caring view of others, his willingness to protect, to be the light for others in the darkness. 
Leone gulped, he didn’t deserve him. 
Bruno shifted on his feet nervously as the young couple held one another under the heavy snowfall. The silence was bothering him. 
“Is everything alright Abbacchio?” Finally waking up from his thoughts, the taller man quickly nodded and decided it was time. 
“Everything is amazing Buccellati. I want life to be like this fore… ver.”
With a metaphorical punch to the gut, Bruno’s cell phone rang in his coat pocket, instantly grabbing the capo’s attention. Abbacchio closed his eyes, the interruption cutting deep as Bruno was pulled away from the moment again. Watching his boyfriend turn from a loving man to a calculating capo, Abbacchio soon became walking away and heading into one of the shops, wanting to clear his head. Bruno watched him leave, frowning deeply as he listened to his associate speak over the phone, his hand reaching into his pocket and taking a golden ring out, inspecting the initials of BB and LA engraved into the material. Bruno sighed, upset he had missed his chance. 
- - - - - - - -
The music gracefully flowed over the entire banquet hall, the food was being served, and secret negotiations were being made. There they were, all of Passione’s elite at Don Giovanna’s party, enjoying the immense wealth that the underground had bestowed upon them. Giorno sat in the front of the room, heavily guarded by his teammates and friends. The room, one that the Don had dubbed his second choice, glimmered with a golden sheen in the moonlight that evening. Flowers that Giorno had created himself adorned each table, as well as the perimeter of the dance floor, where the capos and other leaders were seen dancing with their partners. Everyone looked stunning. A song soon ended, with Bruno finishing his third courtesy dance with someone other than his own partner. A partner who was far too anxious to even consider dancing with his boyfriend. Mista watched his friend nervously fidget with his suit, rolling his eyes. The gunslinger watched Bruno walk over to Giorno, the capo nervously looking around the room for this love as he struck up a conversation with the head of Passione. The young blond and the gunslinger shared a glance before nodding, each turning to their respective lovesick friend. 
“Ask him already. He will say yes.” 
Mista asked Leone. Giorno asked Bruno. Both men pacing nervously back and forth, fiddling with their ring, not seeing the other at the other end of the dance hall. 
“Do you know that?” The two men asked. 
“Yes. Just trust me on this.” 
“What if he says no? I don’t deserve Bruno, Mista .”
           “What is he says no? I don’t deserve Abba, Giorno.”
Both friends sighed. “Don’t you love him?”
“...Of course I do.” 
“What do you love about him?” 
Giorno asked, causing Bruno to smile. Abbacchio smiled at Mista’s question. 
“I love how he’s not afraid to be himself.”
          “I love his patience, how he’s so willing to help me through all my dark                 times.” 
“I love his stubbornness. I love how he never backs down from a fight.”
          “I love his loud laugh when something is really funny.” 
“I love how amazing he looks in makeup.” 
          “I love how peaceful he looked waking up in the morning.”
“I love when he cooks for the two of us. He’s not very good but he tries… For me.”
          “I love when he asked me to be his boyfriend on the shores of Capri.”
                     “I love him. If it were up to me, I’d marry him right now.” 
                    “I love him so much Mista, so much. I need to go ask him.”  
Mista and Giorno both smiled, slapping their friend on the back before pushing the two men to the dance floor, only for the young couple to bump into each other. Both Leone and Bruno stared at each other with a small nervous laugh. Abbacchio gulped before taking Bruno’s hand in his. 
“Can we talk? Out on the balcony?” 
Bruno nodded quickly, pulling Leone along to the balcony of the large estate. The party far away, yet the music still pouring in, Leone moved to speak. 
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
Bruno’s eyes widened, the gears starting to turn in his head. “U-um… I have something as well.”
“Oh wait so you go first.”
“No no Abba. I insist.”
“No, really it’s… it’s stupid.” 
Bruno reached up and cupped his lover’s cheek, smiling sweetly. 
“Amore, with you, nothing could ever be stupid. I love you.”
Oh god, he was in love. Throwing caution to the wind, Leone swiftly grabbed the ring box from his pocket and knelt down, the bright moon shining over the city reflecting off the golden ring that he was presenting for his boyfriend. 
“Bruno Buccellati… you’ve made me the man I am today. I’ve grown so much as a person ever since meeting you, and I can only pray that you’ve grown since meeting me. Bruno… Caro… Will you marry me?”
A rush of tears flooded the young capo’s eyes as he vigorously nodded, his words failing him in the time of intense emotion. A giant smile formed over Leone’s face and all worries he had were washed away with the falling snow. Quickly slipping the band on his love’s finger, Abbacchio embraced his better half, his lips crashing down on Buccellati’s. The snow fell and nestled into their expensive clothes and into their styles hair, but neither man could bring himself to leave the other’s lips. When they finally broke for air, Bruno eyed the other’s bright red cheeks through the wispy hair of his bangs. Taking the moment of distraction, Bruno brought the ring out from his own pocket and slipped it on Leone’s finger. Abbacchio looked down at the luxurious ring on his unworthy finger, and his heart fluttered in his chest. 
“Is this what you were going to tell me?” Bruno nodded, his eyes squeezing shut with joy as his whole body was consumed with happiness. 
“You just got to it before I could. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Leone.”
The two fiances embrace under the heavy snowfall, both relishing in the other’s warmth. When they finally arrived back to their table for the meal, the couple found an envelope with a note written out to them. Immediately recognizing their teammates’ handwritings, both men remained embarrassed as they read the word: 
“We knew you could do it. 
To happiness and many years together. 
Merry Christmas you two.”
            - The Don and Friends
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desperatemurph · 5 years
TEAs 2020 - For Your Consideration
I’ve never done this before, but decided to give it a go this year. So, here’s what I’ve been up to in 2019, and if you consider to nominate any of this I’d be very grateful and honoured.
Strong for Belle - Best Angst (Why?)
[Modern AU. Cameron and Belle Gold blissfully married for five years had enough obstacles on their path to happiness: insecurities, disapproval of Belle's father and a miscarriage. But there's just one more in the way before they become a real family of three. Can they overcome it or will it shatter the life they've built together?]
Much Ado About Lacey - Rumbelle Big Bang, Best Graphic Art (GIFs) and Best AU in Art (also please consider nominating lovely @thatravenclawbitch​, my RBB co-conspirator, for Best Woven Lace)
Holding on and Letting go - Rumbelle Big Bang, Best Graphic Art (GIFs) and Best AU in Art (also please consider nominating wonderful @sarashouldbestudying​, my another RBB co-conspirator, for Best One-Shot)
Bobby’s Headcanon - Best Fan Art, Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Crossroads - Best Angsty Art, Best AU in Art, Best Comic/Graphic Novel
[NoCurse!AU, life was good for Detective Alan Weaver and his wife Belle until one day they had to face the missing of their only son Gideon.]
Someone You Loved - Best Video
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rumbellebigbang · 6 years
Rumbelle Big Bang: Masterlist
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This is it. The big one. The one we’ve all been waiting for ... the wrap-up, the one-stop shopping for all your Big Bang goodness. There’s a lot of awesome fic and art on this list. Please don’t stay up until 3am reading :p although I know it’ll be tempting. Do enjoy, although I know you will :)
Team Fic
This is Us - by @worryinglyinnocent: Sold into a sideshow by his father on account of his strange appearance, Rumpelstiltskin has resigned himself to a life confined to a cage, being gawked at by a morbidly curious public. When Belle French arrives at the travelling show, abandoned by her own father, she gives him the new lease of life and determination that he needs to break them both free of their cages and find a new life where their differences will be celebrated, not jeered. [Art by @novaliane-san]
What Needs Mending - by @theoneandonlylittlebird: As soon as his son turns eighteen, Mr. Gold will be able to resume contact without his ex’s interference. When he fails to make a good impression on the new librarian, Gold begins to fear something he has never bothered to care about in the past, his reputation, may be insurmountable. This could cost him not only the favor of the new librarian, but ultimately his son. [Art by @avatoh]
Take Me Away - by @nerdcafeolatra: The faeries were tricksters, powerful beings not to be messed with, and Belle knew that. but the peculiar being that she found inside the fairy circle didn’t make her feel threatened by him at all. In fact, as she became closer and closer to him, not only did she find a friend, she found out more about herself than she ever thought she could. [Art by @nropay-gallery]
Finding Stars, Not Counting Scars - by @fangirlgeeksstuff: Belle French, new girl at school, is immediately drawn to the notorious Rumpelstiltskin, a troubled, closed off guy who has a bad reputation with criminal tendencies. Will Belle be able to get him to open up, or will he carry on in the footsteps of his parents? [Art by @leni-ba]
The Missing Piece - by @ethereal-wishes: Belle French has been raising her estranged stepsister, Milah’s son, since she dropped him on her stoop at two weeks old. Belle is the only maternal figure, eight year old Neal has ever known. Life is simple and it’s good, but matters become complicated when a wealthy businessman, sweeps into Storybrooke, claiming to be the boy’s father. [Art by @virgidearie]
Fine Print - by @prissyhalliwell: A mid-life crisis can be Hell, especially if you’re running the place. When his son falls in love with a mortal, Rumplestiltskin is forced to leave his throne in the Underworld and journey to Storybrooke to break the couple up. Little does he know that this will bring him face-to-face with his ex-girlfriend, the woman he’d run from years ago but had never been able to forget. [Art by @bisexualbelle]
Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow - by @wierdogal: Pan’s cursed had failed. Rumple was dead and the people of Storybrooke are left to pick up the pieces. Eleven months of peace and quiet…that is until people from the Enchanted Forest start popping up in Storybrooke. [Art by @fangirlgeeksstuff]
In a Dreaming Place - by @sieben9: Belle’s mother disappeared eight years ago, and now Belle has returned to sell the old family home in Storybrooke and finally move on with her life. However, she meets Rumplestiltskin, a member of the Fae Courts, who not only seems connected to Colette’s disappearance, but brings his own host of problems into Belle’s life. As reluctant partners (though increasingly attracted to each other), they have to navigate both smalltown life in Storybrooke, as well as the intrigues and mind-bending oddities of the Fae Court to find what they are looking for. [Art by @jackabelle73]
Much Ado About Lacey - by @thatravenclawbitch: Detective Weaver wakes up to find himself in bed with a beautiful brunette named Lacey. Life would be good, if not for the fact that he’d been introduced to Lacey just the day before as the longtime girlfriend of his partner, Detective Rogers. [Art by @desperatemurph]
The Demon Earl’s Deal - by @b-does-the-write-thing: With the fate of Avonlea in the balance, Belle French will do anything to save her village, including making a deal with the Demon Earl of Lonsdale himself. [Art by @rumpledspinster]
Opening Lines - by @emospritelet: After years on the streets, Lacey French is used to taking care of herself, but witnessing a violent crime leads to her bumping into Detective Weaver - quite literally.  He never thought that he needed someone in his life. Until she came hurtling into it. [Art by @evilsnowswan]
A Long Way From Home - by @mrs-stiltskin: Former Britpop musician, Lachlan MacAldonich is hiding from his past on a California farm when his life takes an unexpected turn. Finding himself facing deportation and his own past mistakes, Lachlan meets Belle French, a restless spirit looking for adventure and meaning in a wider world. Maybe they’ll find a way to help each other, and reunite Lachlan with an important figure from his hard-living, partying past. [Art by @virgidearie]
Coleslaw and Daggers - by @darcyfarrow2005: Pink. The mansion of the richest man in town, the fortress of the world’s most powerful sorcerer, the lair of the dark beast, is pink. [Art by @mrs-stiltskin]
Holding On and Letting Go - by @sarashouldbestudying: On a night like any other, Belle French comes home tired from work, and wants nothing more than a good night of rest. Someone, however, shows up at her door: it’s Gideon, the son she gave up for adoption thirteen years before. Shocked but also overjoyed, Belle hopes to finally get a place in her estranged son’s life. His adoptive father, however, is incredibly protective of him; will she manage to convince Mr Gold that she’s not a threat, just a mother that had to make a terrible choice? [Art by @desperatemurph]
Begin Again - by @rufeepeach: Facing a midlife crisis, Mr Gold moves into a Manhattan apartment seeking a new beginning. Downstairs lives Lacey Rose, a beautiful young woman with a mysterious income, a hidden past, and a nose for trouble. Young, brash, and insisting upon belonging to no one, Lacey’s brassy exterior hides a whole different person beneath. A person who, just maybe, is also seeking a happy beginning. Fifty is far too old to begin anew alone, but maybe possible together. Rumbelle Breakfast at Tiffany’s AU. [Art by @ifishouldvanish]
How Do You Sleep - by @ifishouldvanish: When retired Brit rocker Lachlan MacAldonich is threatened with deportation after a DUI, he turns to his estranged wife for help– a groupie named Lacey he married one drunken night several years ago. [Art by @moonlight91]
The Sapphire Queen - by @moonlight91: Forced to live as a hostage after the death of her father, Princess Belle of Avonlea must marry the hidden son of the despotic King Malcolm of Aurum who has some secrets of his own.
Cupcakes and Magical Mishaps - by @idesignedthefjords: Belle’s new baking hobby is halted when she runs out of a special ingredient and accidentally doses her sweets with a potion that the two of them end up ingesting. [Art by @galactic-pirates]
Team Art
This is Us illustrated by @novaliane-san. [Fic by @worryinglyinnocent]
What Needs Mending illustrated by @avatoh [Fic by @theoneandonlylittlebird]
Take Me Away illustrated by @nropay-gallery [Fic by @nerdcafeolatra]
Finding Stars, Not Counting Scars moodboards by @leni-ba [Fic by @fangirlgeeksstuff]
The Missing Piece manip by @virgidearie [Fic by @ethereal-wishes]
A Twist in the Story illustrated by @galactic-pirates
Fine Print gifset by @bisexualbelle [Fic by @prissyhalliwell]
Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow video by @fangirlgeeksstuff [Fic by @wierdogal]
In a Dreaming Place gifset by @jackabelle73 [Fic by @sieben9]
Much Ado About Lacey gifset by @desperatemurph [Fic by @thatravenclawbitch]
The Demon Earl’s Deal illustrated by @rumpledspinster [Fic by @b-does-the-write-thing]
Opening Lines covers by @evilsnowswan [Fic by @emospritelet]
A Long Way From Home manip by @virgidearie [Fic by @mrs-stilrskin]
Coleslaw and Daggers art by @mrs-stiltskin [Fic by @darcyfarrow2005]
Holding On and Letting Go gifset by @desperatemurph [Fic by @sarashouldbestudying]
Begin Again art by @ifishouldvanish [Fic by @rufeepeach]
How Do You Sleep art by @moonlight91 [Fic by @ifishouldvanish]
Cupcakes and Magical Mishaps aesthetic by @galactic-pirates [Fic by @idesignedthefjords]
143 notes · View notes
Tantric Flames (Reupload from  cosmicdragonwizard accounts): Chapter: 1
Tantric Flames
Originally for Nalu Week/Fluff Week/Lovefest 2017 (on previous accounts)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Prompts: Body Language (Implied) Tatoo (Implied), Interwined and Wild
Fluff Week Prompts: Soulmates, Letters, Fairytail/Mythology/(Implied), Fashion and Affection.
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Lust, Stockings/Lingerie, Sweets (Implied) Dreams(Implied) Games and Roleplay (Kind of Implied in Form of Teasing)
Upcoming Nalu Love Fest 2018 prompts: Kiss/Makeup (kind of) Playful, Desperate, Unbearable, Estatic ,(Implied) and Teasing 
Pairing: Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You have been warned!)
Summary:One look, one smouldering hooded gaze, one word, one fiery kiss, one magnetizing touch was all he needed for her to completely unravel at his mercy alone, succumbing to the sinful temptation of her inhibitions, his love, his feral passion, his raw, insatiable desires, his "Tantric Flames". Originally a Submission (slight Au) for naluweek/fluff week/lovefest 2017 (on previous accounts) in which Natsu gives his mate a tantric massage-after much persuasion- she won't soon forget when it turns into so much more.
Chapter 1: Gravity of Tantric Love Part 1
A/N:Hey guys, it's me back again (aka the former comsicdragonqwizard/dragon-shield-maiden/star-crossed dragon with a reupload of one my fics Tantric Flames. This fic should be considered slightly AU since it takes place a short time after the events of the final manga arc where Natsu is still a Etherious dragon-slayer demon hybrid (after Lucy is still able to save him, but without the merging seeds putting his life at risk). Anyways, I don't want to keep you all much longer, so without further ado, here is the story. ! (Oh and don't forget to hit me up on fanfiction/Tumblr (millennial-star-gazer on tumblr) Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail which instead belongs to the one and only Hiro Mashima, nor the brochure text featured in this fic.
Read More Here:
1.Tantric Flames
A. Tumblr
Chapter:1  Chapter: 2  (Click Here:)   (Or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179864399283/tantric-flames-reupload-from-previous-accounts/amp)
Chapter: 3  (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179864756428/tantric-flames-reupload-from-previous-accounts/amp?)
Chapter: 4   (Click Here:) or here: (https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179871908778/tantric-flames-reupload-from-previous-accounts/amp?)
Chapter: 5  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179872139218/tantric-flamesreupload-from-previous-accounts)
Chapter: 6 (Click Here:)   (Or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/183149105838/tantric-flames-chapter-6-despojado-stripped)
Chapter: 7 (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/185033161848/tantric-flames-chapter-7-what-belongs-to-a-fire)
Chapter:8 (click here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352271948/tantric-flames-chapter-8-tantric-art-of)
Chapter:9 (Click Here:)   (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/624402662880854016/tantric-flames-chapter-9)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13114990/1/Tantric-Flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:) (or here:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/17063882/chapters/40123739)
2. The Draconic  Demon Within
A. Tumblr:
Prologue and Chapter: 1 (Click Here:) (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?)
Chapter: 2 (Click Here:)  (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?) 
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
3. Grey Days
A. Tumblr  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179767381833/grey-days-reuploadfrom-dragon-shield-maiden/amp?)
B. Fanfiction  (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13112482/1/Grey-Days-Reupload-from-dragon-shield-maiden)
4. The Rest of My Writing
A. Master Fic Rec Post (Click Here): (or  here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post
Italic: Notes and Flashback:
Bolded Italics: Pamphlet text in Flashback
Bold: First Person Thoughts in Flashback
Bolded Italics (Within Bracket) author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets)
"In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove.
The experience of survival is the key to the gravity of love."
(Enigma: Gravity Of Love)
To my beautiful mate:
Come to the guild's library for your Happy Endings" massage when you get here . I'll be waiting.
P.s. If you get any of those stupid jerkfaces tryin' to make a move on you got the sexy get up I have no doubt you're wearin', remind me which me to keep an eye out on the streets for so I know who I owe a good thrashin' if they even think of tryin'' again.
The words scrawled across the paper though barely legible, seemed to leap right off the page of Natsu's hand written note, electric surge of thrill-infused energy pumping through her veins; in time with Her heart beating a mile a minute from anticipation over the implications of his promise. Clad in nothing more than a lacey-silk-cotton bra and panties set underneath her turquoise-blue kimono fabric of her robe ,the summoner strode her way past the prying eyes of guild members' stares without a single glance when she entered, thinking only of the morning's past events.
The morning at the guildhall had started off pleasantly enough when Lucy made arrangements to meet with Levy for a "girl's pancake style breakfast", delighted by the prospect of dilvulgjng news of a nifty little deal Lucy just happened to come across on her way over (that in actuality, proved to be quite a feat itself considering how she first had to pry herself free from the tempting , warm arm's embrace of a somonolent, overtly-thoughly sweetly affectionate dragonslayer seemingly reluctant to loosen his hold on his most beloved princess even in the midst of his state of half-dreams showering her with lazy kisses along the creamy canvas of skin which was beyond nearly impossible to resist.) The details of the "nifty little deal" in question were pertaining to a phamplet Lucy collected from a zen-like sales rep handing out brochures as a promotion tactic to attract would-be clients to the opening of the new "Eastern Promises Luxury Beauty, Health, Wellness and Rejuvenation Spa" towards the east end outskirts of Magnolia.
Selling the young woman on the idea of "trying out discounted luxury spa services for first time vistors-the sales rep words, not hers,-though quite effective in their appealing to the privileged "little rich girl-heiress in her -the celestial wizard gladly accepted the brochure before rushing over to the guild to meet up with levy.
Now Lucy was seated at the bar sipping her fresh mug of coffee about to show the script Mage the leaflet, when she was greeted by the soft pressure of lips brushing against her cheek at the same time of sinewy arms encircling her waist to pull her back against a solid chest she couldn't help but lean into .
"Mornin' Luce," Natsu rumbled, husky vibrations of her lover's voice against skin sending tremendous- not to mention beyond pleasant - shockwaves rippling through her nerves. "So this is where you ran off to after you left huh?
"Good morning to you too, sunshine," Lucy acknowledged, light-hearted affection highlighting the lilt of her words. "And obviously, I needed to get up to get ready because I told you yesterday I was meeting Levy for breakfast. Remember?"
"Yeah, course I do weirdo. But you could've stayed in bed a little bit longer with me. Honestly wish ya did, 'cuz I missed those extra few minutes of being able to hold you close in my arms." came his quip of faux-woe , though an endearing amount of sentiment filling his every word otherwise were pulling the corners of Lucy's lips into a wan smile. "Why'd ya have to go and leave me so soon in the morning, anyway Lucy? I would'be gladly given you all the sweet, tender lovin' ya' needed."
"And I have no doubt you would-which I really appreciate- but you know why I couldn't. I would have been late otherwise and besides l didn't want to fully wake you up, since you looked so zen laying there in the sheets. Though it was pretty - Ooh Natsu!" His lips were peppering kisses along the curve of Lucy's cheek, drawing out a breathy giggle-infused squeal in tune with Natsu's contented hum rumbling in his throat.
"Getting your daily fix of showering affection on your girl, aren't you, Natsu?" Levy teased with a light-hearted jab, lifting a brow in response to his , throaty chuckle reverbating through Lucy's bones turning to mush.
"Hmm, what can I say? I can't get 'nuff of her when she's just so damn irresistible, can I Luce?"
"I'll say, I'm just that fabulously enchanting apparently," was Lucy's wry quip, words dripping with light-hearted sarcasm in response to her boyfriend's schmaltzy declaration, which in all honestly actually tugged at her heartstrings just a little. "It'd certainly explain why I struggled to pry myself loose from the ironclad grip of a sleepy, overly insistent pyromaniac of a soul mate who refused to let go."
"Yeah, well, kinda hard to let go when you're a lovesick dragonslayer like me who just wants to cozy up to his mate that he's absolutely crazy about and kiss all over when he wakes up ," drawled the fire breather, his words laced with a lazy purr, all the while burying his nose in the crook of her neck to nuzzle-which did nothing to help Lucy's concentration-before resting his chin over her shoulder. "And 'sides, I didn't exactly hear ya complainin' earlier when I was warmin' you up with to my kisses, but we can discuss it later. Anyway, what're you an' Levy up to now?"
"Lucy and I are just chilling. You know, sitting, drinking some coffee. Catching up. Pretty much just enjoying each other's company really." Levy replied in personable nonchalance, lifting the spa brochure off the counter as she spoke. "Though Lucy was just about to share the details of this spa pamphlet with me actually. It's this new spa opening on the eastern border of magnolia, maybe you've heard of it?"
"You mean that new 'Eastern Promises' place that just popped up? Yeah, I heard of it, been the talk of the town for nearly a week to the point where some of them local townies won't shut up 'bout it. Though it's cool I guess. Why? The two of you planning on checkin' it out or somethin'?"
"Maybe... We're possibly interested in a specific kind of service they may have on offer. Take a look." The dainty hands of the script mage flipped open the leaflet, revealing elegantly written text flowing across the page.
"Why are morning massages so good for You? After a restful nights sleep your body and your muscles are warm, soft, and very pliable, before the stresses of the day set in. This is the perfect time for a Siam Thai or Oil Massage. Your aches and pains can be soothed away. With this in mind we make you this Special Morning Massage Offer: for a relaxing and rejuvenating Siam Thai or Siam Oil massage..."
The morning massage service promotion in their advertisement seemed to leap off the page at the stellar mage with the promise of the ultimate rejuvenation. Images of what could be, flashed before her eyes: herself spread out across a massage table where the tensions in her muscles from long over-worked hours, after a gruelling mission were melting away beneath kneading hands of capable masseuse.
"They're offering this amazing package deal of discounted services in the first few visits for newcomers! I was actually thinking of heading over there myself later to book a morning massage," Lucy chattered away, her entire face seeming to light up; only to elicit a small noise of disapproval from Natsu.
"Hmmm- I don't know if I think that's such a hot idea Lucy."
"What? Why?" Genuinely puzzled by his reaction, the blonde bombshell's brow furrowed; creasing the dent between her eyes, slanting over to glance at her lover's lips pressing together. "Natsu? Why don't you think it's such a 'hot idea,' exactly?"
"I ...all right, it's just ...and hear me out here." Natsu sighed after a pregnant pause, lips pursing, jealous and territorial vibes seeping into the breath of his voice. "The idea of some bastard, any other guy, touching you, my mate, the one whose heart I rightfully claimed for myself… It doesn't exactly sit well with me."
"Why though?" Lucy pressed again, uncomphrending confusion over his explanation still evident. She would've understood his reaction if this was one of those tantric massages-with anyone other than him- the kind she so often read about in the audit pages of those Love and Fashion Lifestyle magazines.
But there's nothing even remotely sensual or sexual about the type they're offering at the spa, like the tantric karma sutra kind - which I'd never be interested in with anyone other then Natsu since he's my soul mate whom I'd never cheat on. So why all the possessive-someone-trying-to- make-a-move-on-what's mine dragonslayer vibes I'm getting from him?
"There's nothing sexual or intimate about what they're offering in the package from the spa, so what's the problem wiith me going?"
Natsu simply gave a shake of his head in response, lips set in firm line. "Doesn't matter, still too intimate for my tastes."
"How so? Elaborate please." Levy chimed in as follow up, hazel eyes alight with curiosity.
"Well okay. You likely know by now there's a process in which there are some things that are a definitely huge no-go zone in what some random person can and cannot do with the chosen person claimed by a dragonslayer. Right?"
"Yeah, I should. I'm Gajeel's, aren't I?"
"I figured you would. Anyway, a massage from another person of any sort - even the non-sexual kind, would be too intimate for a non-partner to do. In the eyes of a dragonslayer, who, like dragons, are very territorial, possessive, greedy creatures, we are fiercely protective of those we love. Especially our mates. So a dragonslayer's mate getting a massage from some other person they weren't bonded to would be pretty much be out of the question.
"We aren't exactly thrilled bout the idea of a person we know touching our mates, it's way worse if it's some strange douche bag's hands all over our women. Lucy's no exception. 'Cuz like I said before, she became mine and mine alone when I claimed her as my mate. She belongs to me as much as I do her.
"And, not to mention, me having these instincts are heightened 'cause I'm a dragonslayer demon hybrid. Demons also share the same instincts when it comes to their own mates! I refuse to share her for intimate stuff like that with anyone else who ain't me."
"Huh-" Levy mused pensively, teeth kneading her lip. "Interesting... I'm guessing that would no doubt obviously include massages. Though even when it's a paid for, completely non-sexual service, done by a professional in that type of business like a masseuse or masseur?"
"Yep even then, stranger or otherwise."
Lucy could only watch her fellow guildmates verbal exchange of in passive silence, heart sinking when any hope-infused fantasies to unwind in it's most ideal form, after a hectic job requests beneath the capable hands of a masseuse, were beginning to fade."
And seeing how that would be a major line that no sane person would not wanna cross if that were to happen , any one of them stupid enough to do it by lookin to give my girl a rubdown are just beggin' to have their asses kicked.
"Even more interesting..."
"Yeah, you should take it up with metal-face over there before you consider booking a massage for yourself. 'Cuz he'd prolly tell ya the same thing."
"I think I will..."
"Wait , so Natsu what you're basically telling us it that it'd be in everyone best interests for any of any mate Of a dragonslayer not to book a massage because their lovers wouldn't approve of anyone else -maSseuse or otherwise like you said - giving them one?" the celestial Mage's voice broke in moment later when she clued in, unable to stop disappointment from bleeding into her words."so are you're saying I shouldn't go then?"
"I honestly prefer you didn't Luce." Natsu went on to point out before clarifying, though he didn't sound angry, "Didn't book the massage, I mean."
"So then this means no more plans of morning bliss at the hands of a highly trained professional in the art of massage ?"
"No sweetheart, I'm sorry," Natsu verified with a seemingly infinite-amount of"-tender-hearted-patience-reserved-solely-for-you -being-the-love-of-my-life-and-all, pressing lips lightly against her temple in a chaste kiss ( though it did in spite of her disappointment, warm heart at little his soft-hearted treatment.), "not unless you wanna see me clobber a guy for touching what isn't his. You definitely can still feel free to go the spa for somethin else though, yeah?"
"Oh... I uh...okay...Dammit." Lucy was fumbling in her efforts to work towards a solution; to which Dismay over finding none were pulling the corner of her lips into a frown, eliciting another chuckle from Natsu.
"Aw, c'mon weirdo! Don't be like that. I'll be happy to give you one if you want and besides," - His lips were at Lucy's ear now,whispering sinfully sweet nothings Which when in tandem with his hot breath fanning across the shell were shooting tingly shives of delight down her spine ." I thought you liked my massages."
"I-i do" Lucy muttered somewhat distractedly, breath hitching in response to her bewitching-wicked -dragon-sexgod-of-a-lover's teeth grazing shell to say nothing of the rapturous waves of sheer ecstasy already in the process of washing over her.
Levy meanwhile, decided at that very moment to slip away -though not without a infuriatingly cheeky "you-are-so-hopelessly-smitten to that boy's charms"- kind of giggle escaping her throat; to which the blonde made an idle note for later to find a way to wipe the smirk on that damned girl's face for her traitous, teasing- based mutiny." I still do believe me -love them In fact- but it's not fair for you to go to all that trouble."
"Hmmm...but that's were you're wrong Lucy, I just love making my beautiful mate feel good , so it's no trouble at all really." Natsu countered or rather crooned in that silken purr of his, which really wasn't exactly doing wonders for her spiking heart-rate already interrupted in the process of skipping several beats. (especially when he opted to drive home his point by dragging golden-platinum-blonde locks through his fingertips ).
"They, uh...They have these amazing discount prices for new customers."
"Really, is that all?" The hot jet of air he blew in her ear was distracting enough to render coherent speech nearly impossible; plus the knuckles in her grip on the surface of the bar were starting to turn white(as if the goosebumps rippling across her skin wasn't enough).
"Did I-I mention the mani-pedi they're throwing in free of a charge with the massage? It's a limited time offer."
“Hmmm ...no , but I don't see how that's relevant."Natsu challenged timbre coming out way too smoothly for Lucy's own good , depositing a branding wet kiss on the patch of skin below her ear in succession with well timed nibbles in between sucks(;to which one sexually flustered Mage swore she could practically hear the rate of her heart shoot through the rooft .)" I mean I can easily give you my own unique special brand of "happy endings" massage treatment therapists can dream of and for free no less, don't ya think?"
You got me there." Lucy soon realized right there and then that he had her -right where he wanted her, in which her resolve was finally starting to waver after caving into his desires, utterly incapable of resisting when she found herself on the verge of being reeled in by the lure of the pull behind the tempting implications of his words after all counterarguments she could possibly think of failed , ;albeit not without the cadence of her voice between syllables sounding a little too breathy for her own ears.
Your typical, day-day , run of the mill animal magnetism most other women seem to be into be dammed, Natsu's got his own special kind that that only someone who's got the ihots for a by dragonslayer, demon or hybrid combination of the two could possibly even think of beginning  to understand.
"Mhmm, anything else?" Natsu fired back at her in between nips and sucks in which the pure bliss from his minstrations were starting to manifest itself in the form of molten desire pooling then soaking through the cotton fabric of her already- dampened panties. though if her boyfriend knew-oh was she kidding, he properly did like usual with that hyper -sensitive sense of smell of his- he likely opted not to say, lest he risk drawing unwanted attention."
"No..." Lucy pressed her thighs together, doing everything in her power not to squirm.
"Didn't think so..."
Another wet kiss atop her new mark scattering all train of thought to which she could could practically hear the diabolical smirk behind the rise and fall of his voice.
“Cat got your tounge, huh Lucy? Anyways look, tell ya what-" Natsu began to offer, lilt of words laced with a husky purr after Lucy failed to respond (what with the way his fingers were stroking along the curve of her collarbone and all).
-"give me some time to get it all together and I'll be happy to give you a massage. I'll even throw in those scented candles and music you like so much so it'll be like you're at the spa-make it all romantic and shit- the best one ya ever got from me or anyone for sure. How does that sound?”
"Really nice actually, okay sure let's do it," Lucy breathed, swayed into accepting his deal from being unable to resist the temptation of of the fire-breather's words, the sheer irresistible power of his magnetism alone, the raging inferno of her innermost desires.
God... I'm like putty in his strong, capable, hands ...
Fic tag squad: @writer-appreciation​  @fuck-yeah-nalu
 @soprana-snap  @phoenix-before-the-flame     @nunnatheinsanegerbil @mautrino @rougescribe @goddesofimortality @phoenix-before-the-flame  @nalufever  @petri808 @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic  @superdomo360 @pyroandtheprincess  @rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff  @petri808  @thecelestialchick  @chiire  @nalufever @shootingstarssel  @chamilsanya  @rougescribe  @lover-of-the-light117  @rougescribe
A/N: On to Chapter 2!
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worryinglyinnocent · 7 years
Star Force: A Guide To Rumplurians - Part Two of... Who Knows!
Part One, exploring the Rumplurian religion, can be found here
Rumplurians are a fictional race of aliens found in a fictional TV show, Star Force, as mentioned in my rumbelle fic Friendships and Fandoms, an AU in which the various Once Upon A Time characters were the cast and crew of this fictional TV show. Gold played the Rumplurian chief medical officer, Dr Stiltskin, and Belle was his make-up artist (and also stood in as Stiltskin’s human wife, Lacey, when the actress due to play her had to pull out).
Friendships and Fandoms can be read here and @licieoic and I also wrote a few Star Force screenplays which can be read here.
You can all blame @woodelf68 and @ripperblackstaff for this. Thanks to them, I spent a ridiculous amount of time thinking about alien anatomy and reproduction and now, well, this happened. 
I need to thank @hedwighood and licieoic for some of the headcanons herein. Licie, I dunno, this might be useful for future Star Force episodes?
Are you all excited to learn more about scaly alien dicks?
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I’m gonna take that as a solid yes! Without further ado let’s begin our second lesson in Rumplurians... anatomy and reproduction! As you’ve probably guessed, this post is not safe for work!
Disclaimer: Before we begin I’d like to remind you that this is all completely made up. No similarity to any actual aliens (or any aliens from other franchises like Star Trek etc) is intended. 
I’d really love to illustrate this essay with some naked Rumplurians but 
a) I’m bad at drawing
b) I’m even worse at drawing scaly alien dicks
c) I don’t have a scanner to upload said terrible pictures of scaly alien dicks
So you’re going to have to settle for some suggestive gifs and using your imaginations. 
*puts on David Attenborough documentary style voice*
To all intents and purposes, the Rumplurian doesn’t look all that different to the human, with the exception of the scales. When you look a little bit closer however... 
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(I’m sorry I’m having way too much fun with this.)
Rumplurians are scaled all over. Yes, all over. They have no body hair, apart from that on their heads. (And eyebrows, because no eyebrows just looks... weird. We’re not quite sure where the eyebrows and head hair came from, but we think it’s the result of intermarriage with hairy races earlier on in the evolution chain.)
Their scales are not the same texture all over. The scales are generally smooth but will give a slightly rougher texture if rubbed in the wrong direction, with much smoother scales on the palms and soles (necessary for grip) and genitalia (necessary for enjoyable sexual encounters). 
Like a lot of scaled creatures, Rumplurians do shed, generally once a year. They don’t shed their skin all at once like snakes, that would just be creepy.
[Sheesh, I now have visions of Stiltskin shedding his skin on board Aurora while they were stranded and hiding it somewhere for Hook to find and freak out. Onwards because that’s just gross!]
The scales flake off individually, usually a good scrub in the shower with a loofah will get them all off. Their scales get greyer when they’re about to shed and are very itchy, so most Rumplurians like to slough off the shedding scales as quickly as possible. The new scales beneath are very sensitive for the first day after shedding. On the Rumplurian homeworld, it was perfectly acceptable to take sick days when shedding. 
Lacey particularly enjoys having fun with Stiltskin when he’s shedding. Many a happy shower has been shared.
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Rumplurian skin is tougher than human skin and it takes slightly more force to puncture it; they tend to heal from scrapes and abrasions slightly quicker. Likewise, Rumplurian finger and toenails are much harder and more claw like. They’re fast-growing and naturally grow into points, and need regular filing, but they don’t like paring them right down like humans do their fingernails because the claws are a part of them and due to the way the nerves work, it can be painful to cut them too short. Mostly they file the tips to make sure they’re not sharp. 
(As has been mentioned in previous Star Force smut fics, Stiltskin keeps his index and middle claws clipped short. This is both for practicality and hygiene when performing complex operations and for Lacey, whose soft human insidey bits would not enjoy being accidentally scratched, and whose soft human insidey bits he likes putting his fingers into...)
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(No, Rumplurian women do not have scaly vaginas but their inner walls are a lot tougher.)
(I cannot believe I just wrote the phrase ‘scaly vaginas’. Twice.)
Ahem. Onwards!
Since we’ve already veered into incredibly not safe for work territory, let’s stay here in the gutter! 
Rumplurians have long tongues (not like, chameleon long and prehensile, but longer than a human’s and more dexterous) and are very enthusiastic givers and receivers of oral sex. 
They aren’t cold blooded, they don’t need to sit under heat lamps of a morning to get them going, but their internal thermostat is set lower than a human’s and they come from a very warm planet. If they get too cold, they get sluggish. Which is the opposite of most humans, who get lethargic when it’s too warm. 
Lower core body temperature means... Yes, Licie, Stiltskin has internal balls. Rumplurian testes are kept in a kind of pouch inside the body, nice and protected from being kicked by... anything that might want to kick a Rumplurian dude in the nackers. However, the balls do drop down out of the pouch and hang down beneath the scaly alien dick in a human-like fashion (although they tend to be smaller than humans’ balls) when said Rumplurian is sufficiently aroused. The balls think “aha! time to make baby Rumplurians! let’s get to work, fellas!” and are very eager to get in on the action. So if you really want to successfully kick a Rumplurian in the nackers, wait till he has an erection first. 
*Worry has to go and take a break before she dies of either embarrassment and laughter.*
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Since we’ve got the lowdown on the downstairs bits, let’s move on to the act itself. Good grief, what am I writing here? *Worry takes a moment to question her life choices.*
As you all know from my Star Force smutty fics (they’re on my masterlist somewhere), Rumplurian Baby Making is not all that different to Human Baby Making. Don’t worry, we’ll get onto the actual babies in a minute. Woodelf mentioned refactory periods and I spent way too much time thinking about them, so I’m going to talk about them. If a Rumplurian guy keeps receiving stimuli after having an orgasm he can be ready to go again fairly quickly - quicker than a human. However, if there’s kissing and cuddling and getting breath back time afterwards and his balls draw back up inside, then it will take him longer to get ready to go again - longer than a human. Rumplurian balls need time to recharge, dammit! 
And now for the Baby Making.
Rumplurian ladies don’t ovulate anywhere near as frequently as human women, generally only about twice or three times a year. They get super horny around this time because they don’t have as much opportunity for conception, but they don’t go mad, like animals in heat do. 
They also don’t menstruate because their womb is constructed differently. If conception is successful, then they’ll start to build up a shell like substance around the baby that grows with it. A full-blood Rumplurian pregnancy lasts five months, the babies are much smaller than human babies when born. When it’s time for birth, the shell shatters and the baby is born in a pretty much human way, although covered in pieces of shell. The rest of the broken shell is delivered as afterbirth, like a human placenta. 
Stiltskin can’t tell when Lacey ovulates, possibly because she doesn’t get as super horny as a Rumplurian lady would. He was amazed to find out that she does it once a month and to be frank he’s incredibly grateful for birth control methods. 
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Half-Rumplurian babies are different and depend on DNA, each case is different. They follow gestation and pregnancy patterns of the mother carrying them, so Stiltskin and Lacey’s babies grew and were delivered in a human way, but a Rumplurian lady carrying a baby sired by a human father would have a five month shell pregnancy. 
Rumplurian ladies do breastfeed but their milk is very different to human breastmilk which can cause problems in mixed-race babies. Stiltskin and Lacey’s son Bae was fine with Lacey’s breast milk and it’s generally accepted that the human DNA in him is dominant. Their daughter Nim, however, rejected Lacey’s milk and also rejected Rumplurian formula. They tried a compromise whereby Lacey would express her milk and mix it with formula to create a mashup, but again that didn’t take and poor Lacey was frantic. 
Their Rumplurian friend, Dr Morgana, came up with the solution of giving Lacey some Rumplurian hormone supplements, which did the trick, giving her milk just enough Rumplurian hormones for Nim to be happy with, and my word, once she was happy with it, she was a greedy little girl. Lacey was so relieved!
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The supplements made Lacey’s skin very dry and itchy as a side effect (since they’re designed for people with scales), but it was worth it for Nim, and Stiltskin helped by rubbing cream in all over... 
Right, I think I’ve exhausted my knowledge of Rumplurian Bits and Rumplurian Babies. If you have any questions, fire away! If you want to add your own headcanons, go ahead! If you want to write fic based on Star Force, feel free (just tag me in it because I wanna read it)!
If you think I should go away and think very hard about my life choices, don’t worry, I agree!
*Worry hits post and shakes her head*
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abovethemists · 6 years
So Much Ado Lacey and Weaver.....what’s next?
Lacey: Well, I got the job at Belfrey Developments so I’m moving to Seattle in three weeks. Weaver and I have been texting in the meantime...
Weaver: Is that what you call that? I’d call it porn. 
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abovethemists · 6 years
Absolutely LOVED Much Ado About Lacey!!! Weaver is a complete idiot and poor Lacey is just so confused! In your mind, where do you see the two of them in the future?
Oh thank you! Yes, Weaver is a complete idiot. Good detective, bad people skills. 
In future? I think Lacey moves to Seattle and works for Belfrey Developments. I think after about 6 months she gets the hell out of there and starts working against Victoria because Lacey is a good person at her core. I think she and Weaver act a bit awkward around each other at first and Weaver has a bit of a crisis with OMG she lives here and I can date her so I’m going to self destruct since I’m about to get everything I actually want. Lacey pushes through that and they end up happily dating for a while but I’m sure there are bumps in the road for them. Oh and Rogers ships them so hard and when they break up for a bit he’s right there in both their ears saying “WORK THIS OUT”!
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abovethemists · 6 years
Much Ado!Lacey - Before Weaver found out that Rogers was your brother what was going through your mind when Weaver kept asking about him?
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Well, he’s not actually my brother. Just like a brother since we grew up together and have been friends for ages. I just thought Weaver had like a weird thing about getting too close to Rogers? Like James mentioned a couple times that he didn’t think Weaver liked him all that much and kept trying to distance himself from him. I thought it made him uncomfortable that he’d fucked someone close to Rogers and that made a weird tie between them or something. Like he wanted to keep his private and work lives separate and I somehow muddled the lines. But I don’t know. He was acting so weird and hot and cold that I kind of thought he was just a lunatic. 
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abovethemists · 5 years
TEAs 2020 - For Your Consideration
I deliberated on doing one of these, but I’ve had a couple people ask so here’s my list of eligible fics and the categories I think would best fit them. I’d be honored if you considered nominating any of these. 
Much Ado About Lacey - Rumbelle Big Bang, Best Woven Lace
Detective Weaver wakes up to find himself in bed with a beautiful brunette named Lacey. Life would be good, if not for the fact that he'd been introduced to Lacey just the day before as the longtime girlfriend of his partner, Detective Rogers. 
I’m So Done With This My Love - Best Anyem
The angsty Feet in the Air remix. After a misunderstanding, Rush leaves for the summer. Lacey faces unknown consequences in the meantime. 
Ceasefire -  Best Series
A series encompassing Battles and Skirmishes, Ceasefire, and Casualties of War (with one more part to come shortly). After waking up in bed together, sworn enemies Belle French and Jasper Gold embark on a relationship of sorts: 
Battles and Skirmishes (formerly Incontrovertible Truth) - Best Trope (Enemies to Lovers)
One of the incontrovertible truths of life in Storybrooke is that Belle and Mr. Gold despise each other. So why did she just wake up in his bed? 
Ceasefire (the fic not the series) - Best Bathing Scene, Smut: PWP
The sequel to Battles and Skirmishes. Shameless shower smut. 
Casualties of War - Best Argument (Angst)
Despite spending the night together on a fairly regular basis, Belle and Gold are definitely not dating. Things come to a head when he has a date with someone else. (The argument happens in chapter 2).
Come Together  - Best One Shot, Smut: Romance 
It's been eight weeks since the Final Battle, eight weeks since the happy beginning, and yet Belle still finds herself missing something. Or the one where Belle and Rumple have intimacy issues post season 6. 
En Pointe - Best Woven Beauty  
Season 7 AU. Belle’s cursed persona is Lucy’s ballet teacher.
Also, please consider nominating @desperatemurph, my co-conspirator during RBB, for this amazing gifset for Best Graphic Art (GIFs) and Best AU in Art
And this hot AF manip by @virgidearie for Best Smutty Art. 
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
Official 2020 TEA Nominations
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Once more, CONGRATULATIONS to all of our nominees!!
If you want to have a look at any of the works on the list (highly encouraged, because our nominees are amazing), the RumbelleTEAs site has compiled links to everything.
And since the list is... long... very, very long, it’s below the read-more.
Voting will begin on January 24th.
Precious Moments, by @jackabelle73 Belle’s water breaks at a party, by @lotus0kid Family Portrait, by @emospritelet A Christmas Present for Mama, by @shadowedoracle Irish Twins, by @killingkueen The Golds’ Adventures in Parenting, by @ethereal-wishes
Forgiveness by the Firelight, by @bellegolds/belleyonce A Life for a Life, by @paradigmparadoxical Belle notices she’s going gray, by @lotus0kid Ever After, by @boushh2187
Between Present and Past, by @jackabelle73 A Step Forward, by evelyn6 It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent
The Awakening, by @joylee56 Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Child Fic
Babysitting Debacle, by @ryik-the-writer The Mayor’s Chair, by @worryinglyinnocent A Christmas Present for Mama, by @shadowedoracle Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie Baby Steps, by @nothingeverlost Irish Twins, by @killingkueen
In the Blood, by Megara_Bee Seeing Red, by @killingkueen Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon The Party, by @worryinglyinnocent
Neverland, by @emospritelet Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch A Command Performance, by @prissyhalliwell
One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen
Room for Three, by @worryinglyinnocent Sidereal Time, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best First Time
The Wedding Night, by Megara_Bee Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent The Rose and the Dagger, by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Afterlife Smut
The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin
Seeing Red, by @killingkueen One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin Parent Teacher Conference, by @timelordthirteen Last Man Standing, by @emospritelet
The Golden Cage, by @gwenore The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon The Dungeon, by @worryinglyinnocent
The Long Road, by @thestraggletag Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3 The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages
We’ll Have to Muddle Through Somehow, by @thatravenclawbitch Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3 Sacrifice, by @wierdogal
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, by @justanoutlawfic In the Blood, by Megara_Bee All I Want for Christmas, by @timelordthirteen
Hurts so good
Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet
Best Date (Overall)
Of Comic Books and Sushi, by @worryinglyinnocent The Attorneys Paralegal, by Wandering_Willow
Best Hamburger Date
The Alphabet Romance, by Zhanice Best Laid Plans, by @0ceanofdarkness
Best Courtship
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3 Lava Java, by @betweenpaperpages More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best First Meeting
Best Failed Date Ever, by @barpurplewrites A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent The Quill, by @paradigmparadoxical Forward Post, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Bathing Scene
Ceasefire, by @thatravenclawbitch The Golden Cage, by @gwenore
Best One-Shot
Love Unsought, by @killingkueen Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell Why Not?, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Drabble
Quoth the Dark One, by @barpurplewrites In Death, by @timelordthirteen I Won’t Be Home for Christmas, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Post-Ep Fic
It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent Our Better Decisions, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic
Quoth the Dark One, by @barpurplewrites The Whole Point of Magic..., by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Movie AU
Elevated Hearts, by @b-does-the-write-thing A New Life, by @djlouat I Gave You My Heart, by @ishtarelisheba The World is Not Enough, by @wierdogal
Best Book AU
The Library Beneath the Clocktower, by @eirian-houpe Around the World in 80 Days (More or Less), by Megara_Bee
Best TV Show AU
Penny for Your Thoughts, by @nothingeverlost Storybrooke Hyperion Teaching Hospital, by @wierdogal
Best AU Inspired By Other Media
I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish Bellissima, by @standbyyourmantis Storybrooke Marblelympics, by @kelyon
Best Historical AU
Once Upon a Time in the West, by @joylee56 Fools Rush In, by @worryinglyinnocent Endless, by @mareyshelley The Demon Earl’s Deal, by @b-does-the-write-thing
Best AU
Little Miss, by @nothingeverlost A Face for Radio, by @b-does-the-write-thing In All Things, by @timelordthirteen The Champion, by @lotus0kid
A Sharp and Glorious Thorn, by @thatravenclawbitch Heartstrings, by Dragonbat
Best Series
The Gingerbread Verse, by @mrs-stiltskin The Floofy!verse, by @woodelf68 Ceasefire series, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Novel Length Fic
How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish Writing Our Own Stories, by @wierdogal
Best Holiday Fic
The Founder of the Feast, by @lotus0kid Alabama, Arkansas, by @timelordthirteen Murder at the Moonlight Inn, by @maplesyrupao3 I Gave You My Heart, by @ishtarelisheba Selective Santas, by @of-princes-and-savages A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Remix
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet
Best Crossover Fic
Through the Vortex, by @wierdogal Something Quite Wonderful, by @spottytonguedog
Best Dark Castle
The Sounding Sea, by @mareyshelley Are You All Right?, by jenigweve A Wanted Storm, by @maplesyrupao3​
Best Storybrooke
Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer Car Kicking Reduces Stress, by @wierdogal The Moment of Truth, by @leni-ba
Best Travel
The City That Never Sleeps, by @peacehopeandrats Going Back to the Great Wide Somewhere, by @wierdogal A Blind Love, by @lotus0kid
Best “Missing Years” Fic
True Love, by @djlouat Leaving Storybrooke, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Argument (Angst)
How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish The Casualties of War, by @thatravenclawbitch Together Again, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Golden Lace
Nighthawks, Morningbirds, by @ifishouldvanish Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Woven Lace
Opening Lines, by @emospritelet In From the Cold, by @mrs-stiltskin Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Woven Beauty
Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen The Awakening, by @joylee56 The World Didn’t End, by @timelordthirteen En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Background Swanfire
9 to 5, by @phoenixfeatherquill Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Afterlife Fic
The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin Partners Beyond the Grave, by @wierdogal
Best Crack!Fic
Everyone Needs a Hobby, by @woodelf68 Pop!, by @barpurplewrites Storybrooke Marblelympics, by @kelyon
Best Drama
Opening Lines, by @emospritelet Heartstrings, by Dragonbat
Best Supernatural
Lack of Reflection, by @barpurplewrites A Safe Place, by @lotus0kid How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple Imp Mansion, by @gwenore Endless, by @mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Horror
In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley Promised, by @maplesyrupao3 The Wolves Were Always Lurking, by @ishtarelisheba In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley
Best Creature AU
The Deal, by @thestraggletag Nephila, by @kelyon The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley The Pharaoh and His Priestess, by @wierdogal In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley
Best Unexpected Twist
An Unknown Road, by @lotus0kid The Image of Her, by @mareyshelley A Real Hero, by @lotus0kid
Best Bobby Squared
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Trope
Battles and Skirmishes, by @thatravenclawbitch The Golden Veil, by @maplesyrupao3 Wrong Room, Dr. Rush, by @theoneandonlylittlebird The Good Alpha, by @cannibalisticshadows
Best Meta
25 Fucking Stupid Writing Choices OUAT Made, by @celticheartedfangirl
Rumbelle Secret Santa
The Long Road, by @thestraggletag He Thought it Said “SATAN”, by @idesignedthefjords Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen Witness Protection, by @eirian-houpe Home for Christmas, by @boushh2187 This Rough Magic, by @0ceanofdarkness Year Walk, by @nerdrumple The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Teach Us Something Please, by @b-does-the-write-thing The Runaway Ringmaster, by @lotus0kid The Deal, by @thestraggletag A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent Number Twenty-Six, by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent Real Life and Fantasy, by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Nephila, by @kelyon By the Fire of My Heart, by @cannibalisticshadows
Rumbelle Big Bang
In a Dreaming Place, by @sieben9 Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell
Best Belle
Human Nature, by @thestraggletag Spin Me a Tale, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Dark One!Belle
The Plus One, by @joylee56 The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best AU Belle
The Runaway Ringmaster, by @lotus0kid Honourable Members, by @emospritelet
Best Lacey
Command Me to Be Well, by @magnoliatattoo Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Detective Weaver
Doppelgänger, by @celticheartedfangirl First, do no harm, by @iatethebiscuit En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen
Best Dark One
Soul Deep, by @barpurplewrites Kiss, by @nerdrumple
Best Mr. Gold
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3 The Champion, by @lotus0kid A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple Neverland, by @emospritelet
Best Spinner!Rumple
The Plus One, by @joylee56 Finding Home, by @thecompletebookworm
Best Woobie!Rumple
Number Twenty-Six, by @worryinglyinnocent Human Nature, by @thestraggletag
Best Wish!Rumple
Under Dark Skies, by @mareyshelley
Best Baelfire/Neal
Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer Bae and the Bear and the Bow, by @wierdogal
Best Gideon
Best Beloveds, by @woodelf68 Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Jenny, from Accidental Magic, by @woodelf68 Oliver, from The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages
Best Fan Art
Come back to me, by @virgidearie Belle with a bouquet of Rumples, by @staypee Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops The Library, by @virgidearie “don’t worry pop, I’ll take care of mom until you two meet again.” by @nropay​ Rumbelle Family Seasonal Doodle, by @cocoadrops
Best Cover Art
Human Nature, by @paradigmparadoxical Take Me Away, by @nropay Golden Cuffs, by @paradigmparadoxical
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Have You Ever Been in Love?, by @timelordthirteen Telephone speech from 2x16, by @agentsphilinda Come Back to Me, by @virgidearie Fine Print gifset, by @bisexualbelle 365 Days of Rumbelle, by @timelordthirteen Much Ado About Lacey gifset, by @desperatemurph The Library, by @virgidearie
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam Taking a break from building their home, by @staypee
Best AU in Art
2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin RumMARBeLle Date, by @wayamy Power Game, by @virgidearie Mer!Rumple with a Mer!Belle, by @foxmurphy Much Ado About Lacey gifset, by @desperatemurph Fine Print gifset, by @bisexualbelle
Best Fluff Art
Breakfast for Two, by @virgidearie Rumbelle with Santa Hats, by @cocoadrops The Pretty Librarian, by @virgidearie Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops
Best Angsty Art
Hold Me, by @virgidearie Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee I miss you -- We miss you, too, son, by @virgidearie
Best Smutty Art
Steamy, by @virgidearie Reflection, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam
Best Dark One Form
Real Inside Rumple holding Belle back, by @dekujin Glitch!Rumple, by @nropay
Best Use of Color
Take Me Away illustrations, by @nropay 2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin Papafire Art (I’ll find you Bae), by @nropay
Best Video
Someone You Loved, by @desperatemurph Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow video, by @fangirlgeeksstuff
Best Artist
@cocoadrops @jenitosam @ripperblackstaff @virgidearie @rumpledspinster @staypee @timelordthirteen
Best New Artist
@b-does-the-write-thing @barpurplewrites @mareyshelley @of-princes-and-savages @emospritelet @worryinglyinnocent @wierdogal @timelordthirteen​ @maplesyrupao3​
@kelyon @shadowedoracle
Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery
If Only for a Moment, by @ifishouldvanish Questions and Kisses, by @worryinglyinnocent Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3 Hamish is Sir Rum’s Storybrooke Persona, by @lotus0kid Need, by @worryinglyinnocent Honourable Members, by @emospritelet Belle meets Hamish at the Stag Bar, by @lotus0kid
Lacey has concerns about Danny’s suits, by @lotus0kid Bloody Lace, by @of-princes-and-savages I’m So Done With This, My Love, by @thatravenclawbitch
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
@ifishouldvanish @emospritelet​ @timelordthirteen @desperatemurph
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
Nominations - 1.14.20
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And we have our first round of official T.E.A. nominations!
A Command Performance, by @prissyhalliwell (SMUT - ROMANCE)
Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen (SMUT - COMEDY)
Last Man Standing, by @emospritelet (SMUT - PWP)
Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet (GENERAL AWARDS - BEST REMIX)
Promised, by @maplesyrupao3 (SPECIAL CATEGORIES - BEST HORROR)
Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen (EVENTS - RSS)
Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell (EVENTS - RUMBELLE BIG BANG)
Honourable Members, by @emospritelet​ (BEST ANYELLE FIC)
Belle meets Hamish at the Stag Bar, by @lotus0kid​ (BEST ANYELLE FIC)
I’m So Done With This, My Love, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (BEST ANYEM FIC)
Bloody Lace, by @of-princes-and-savages​ (BEST ANYEM FIC)
“don’t worry pop, I’ll take care of mom until you two meet again.” by @nropay (BEST FAN ART)
Come Back to Me, by @virgidearie (BEST GRAPHIC ART (GIFS))
The Library, by @virgidearie  (BEST GRAPHIC ART (GIFS))
Fine Print (gifs), by @bisexualbelle  (BEST GRAPHIC ART (GIFS))
Much Ado About Lacey (gifs), by @desperatemurph  (BEST GRAPHIC ART (GIFS))
Fine Print (gifs), by @bisexualbelle (BEST AU IN ART)
Breakfast for Two, by @virgidearie (BEST FLUFF ART)
Hold Me, by @virgidearie (BEST ANGSTY ART)
Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee (BEST ANGSTY ART)
Reflection, by @virgidearie (BEST SMUTTY ART)
Glitch!Rumple, by @nropay (BEST DARK ONE FORM - ART)
@staypee (BEST ARTIST) @virgidearie (BEST ARTIST) @cocoadrops (BEST ARTIST)
Congratulations on being nominated, everyone!! 
We’ll have more to update with in a couple of days or so. Keep the nominations coming! :D
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
Nominations - 1.16.20
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Hey Look! Another round of official nominees!
The Golds’ Adventures in Parenting, by @ethereal-wishes (FLUFF - FAMILY)
Ever After, by @boushh2187 (FAMILY - COMFORT)
It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent (FLUFF - FIX-IT)
The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin (SMUT - BDSM)
The Dungeon, by @worryinglyinnocent (SMUT - BDSM)
Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon (SMUT - BDSM)
The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages (ANGST - WHY?)
Sacrifice (Chapter 1), by @wierdogal (ANGST - DEATH)
More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery (ROMANCE - BEST COURTSHIP)
A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent (ROMANCE - BEST COURTSHIP)
Selective Santas, by @of-princes-and-savages (BEST HOLIDAY FIC)
A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages (BEST HOLIDAY FIC)
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 (BEST SCI-FI)
Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3 (BEST SCI-FI)
In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley (BEST HORROR)
A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell (EVENTS - RCIJ)
Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch (EVENTS - RUMBELLE BIG BANG)
The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages (BEST OC RUMBELLE CHILD)
Hamish is Sir Rum's Storybrooke Persona, by @lotus0kid​ (BEST ANYELLE FIC)
Need, by @worryinglyinnocent​ (BEST ANYELLE FIC)
Human Nature, by @paradigmparadoxical (BEST COVER ART)
Golden Cuffs, by @paradigmparadoxical (BEST COVER ART)
Taking a break from building their home, by @staypee​ (BEST GRAPHIC ART (STILL IMAGES))
Power Game, by @virgidearie​ (BEST AU IN ART)
Mer!Rumple with a Mer!Belle, by @foxmurphy​ (BEST AU IN ART)
Much Ado About Lacey (gifs), by @desperatemurph​ (BEST AU IN ART)
Steamy, by @virgidearie​ (BEST SMUTTY ART)
Papafire Art (I'll find you Bae), by @nropay​ (BEST USE OF COLOR)
Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @fangirlgeeksstuff​ (BEST VIDEO)
@paradigmparadoxical​ (BEST NEW ARTIST)
Congrats, nominees!!
We’ll have more to update with in a couple of days. Thank you for nominating, and keep them coming!
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abovethemists · 5 years
My Year in Fanfic - 2019
Last year I said this would be my year of finishing things and I...finished a couple things but not nearly enough. I did abstain from any huge new WIPs though so there’s that at least. 
Total words written: 120,343
Goals for 2020: Reach 1,000,000 words on AO3.
Total WIPs finished: 5 
Total One Shots written: 6
Total multi chapter fics started: 4
Itemized month by month list beneath the cut:
The Pages In Between (Rumbelle)
Chapter 8 - Gold and Belle have their first date. 
Phantom Pain (Golden Lace)
Chapter 11 - Lacey gets her cast removed and remembers her promise to leave town once back on her feet. But things are complicated by her new relationship with Gold. 
The Pages In Between (Completed)
Chapter 9 - The successful conclusion of Belle and Gold’s date.
I’m So Done With This, My Love (Rushacey) - The angsty Feet in the Air remix. After a misunderstanding, Rush leaves for the summer. Lacey faces unknown consequences in the meantime. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Much Ado About Lacey (Woven Lace) - My Rumbelle Big Bang fic. Detective Weaver wakes up to find himself in bed with a beautiful brunette named Lacey. Life would be good, if not for the fact that he'd been introduced to Lacey just the day before as the longtime girlfriend of his partner, Detective Rogers.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
This Secret is Safe (Rumbelle) (Completed)
Chapter 12 - Belle goes in to labor bringing everything to a head.
Epilogue - The happy ending. 
I’m So Done With This, My Love (Rushacey)
Chapter 3 - Rush and Lacey run into each other for the first time in three months and sparks fly. 
Chapter 4 - After weeks of working to get her life together, Lacey faces a setback. 
A Small Crime (Rumbelle) - A Harry Potter AU. Rumple is wanted for a crime he may or may not have committed. He stumbles upon muggle bookseller Belle French and she becomes his hostage. 
Chapter 1
A Sharp and Glorious Thorn (Rumbelle) - A season 1 AU where Belle escapes from the asylum shortly after the events of Skin Deep. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This season 6 ficlet where Rumple intercepts Baby Gideon before the Blue Fairy takes him away. 
Incontrovertible Truth (Rumbelle, Renamed Battles and Skirmishes) - One of the incontrovertible truths of life in Storybrooke is that Belle and Mr. Gold despise each other. So why did she just wake up in his bed? 
Ceasefire - Sequel to Incontrovertible Truth. 
A Sharp and Glorious Thorn
Chapter 3 - Belle finds Mr. Gold at his home and asks for his help. 
Come Together (Rumbelle) - It’s been eight weeks since the Final Battle, eight weeks since the happy beginning, and yet Belle still finds herself missing something. Or the one where Belle and Rumple have intimacy issues post season 6. 
En Pointe (Woven Beauty) - Season 7 AU. Belle’s cursed persona is Lucy’s ballet teacher. 
Chapter 1 - Isabelle Schwartz meets Detective Weaver when he ruins her students’ ballet recital. 
Chapter 2 - Isabelle feels pulled to visit Weaver when she hears he’s in the hospital 
Casualties of War - Part 3 of the Ceasefire series
Chapter 1 - Despite spending the night together on a fairly regular basis, Belle and Gold are definitely not dating. Things come to a head when he has a date with someone else.
Chapter 2 - A confrontation at Granny’s Diner leads to new revelations about Gold’s past. 
En Pointe 
Chapter 3 - Roni warns Isabelle about getting too close to Weaver
Chapter 4 - Weaver successfully asks Isabelle on a date
Chapter 5 - Tilly gives Weaver a report on the pretty ballet teacher
Casualties of War - (Completed)
Chapter 3 - Belle makes an impulsive decision after her fight with Gold.
Phantom Pain  (Completed)
Chapter 12 - The final chapter. Lacey speeds toward the town line while Emma breaks the curse. 
En Pointe 
Chapter 6 - Weaver takes Isabelle and Eli to the aquarium.
Chapter 7 - Isabelle receives a call from someone from her past.
Glad Tidings (Rushacey) - set in the WiMM/FiTA universe. Takes place several years down the road.
Doing Christmas Right This Time (Golden Lace) - Lacey is a waitress. Gold is a faithful customer. There was supposed to be smut, but lets just leave it short and sweet.
Broken Bells (Woven Beauty) - Weaver is alone at Christmas until he runs in to a familiar face.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
Nominations - 1.19.20
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Yet another round of T.E.A. nominations!
Irish Twins, by @killingkueen (FLUFF - FAMILY)
Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent (FLUFF - REUNION)
Put Me in, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie (FLUFF - BEST CHILD FIC)
Baby Steps, by @nothingeverlost​ (FLUFF - BEST CHILD FIC)
Irish Twins, by @killingkueen (FLUFF - BEST CHILD FIC)
Seeing Red, by @killingkueen​ (SMUT - KINK)
The Party, by @worryinglyinnocent​ (SMUT - KINK)
Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon​ (SMUT - KINK)
Neverland, by @emospritelet​ (SMUT - ROMANCE)
Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (SMUT - ROMANCE)
One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin​ (SMUT - COMEDY)
Room for Three, by @worryinglyinnocent​ (SMUT - THREESOME)
Sidereal Time, by @mrs-stiltskin​ (SMUT - THREESOME)
Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent​ (SMUT - BEST FIRST TIME)
The Rose and the Dagger, by @sarashouldbestudying​ (SMUT - BEST FIRST TIME)
The Golden Cage, by @gwenore​ (SMUT - BDSM)
Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3​ (ANGST - DEATH)
In the Blood, by megara-bee (ANGST - OOPS)
All I Want for Christmas, by @timelordthirteen​ (ANGST - OOPS)
Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet​ (ANGST - HURTS SO GOOD)
Best Laid Plans, by @0ceanofdarkness​ (ROMANCE - BEST HAMBURGER DATE)
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3​ (ROMANCE - BEST COURTSHIP)
Ceasefire, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (ROMANCE - BEST BATHING SCENE)
The Golden Cage, by @gwenore​ (ROMANCE - BEST BATHING SCENE)
A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell​ (BEST ONE-SHOT)
I Won’t Be Home for Christmas, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (BEST DRABBLE)
The Whole Point of Magic..., by @worryinglyinnocent​ (BEST COMEDY FIC)
The World is Not Enough, by @wierdogal​ (BEST MOVIE AU)
Penny For Your Thoughts, by @nothingeverlost​ (BEST TV SHOW AU)
The Demon Earl’s Deal, by @b-does-the-write-thing​ (BEST HISTORICAL AU)
Ceasefire series, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (BEST SERIES)
In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery​ (BEST REMIX)
The Casualties of War, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (BEST ARGUMENT (ANGST))
Together Again, by @worryinglyinnocent​ (BEST ARGUMENT (ANGST))
Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (BEST WOVEN LACE)
En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch​ (BEST WOVEN BEAUTY)
9 to 5, by @phoenixfeatherquill​ (BEST BG SWANFIRE)
In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley​ (BEST HORROR)
The Wolves Were Always Lurking, by @ishtarelisheba (BEST HORROR)
The Deal, by @thestraggletag​ (BEST CREATURE AU)
In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley​ (BEST CREATURE AU)
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent​ (BEST BOBBY SQUARED)
25 Fucking Stupid Writing Choices OUAT Made, by @celticheartedfangirl​ (BEST META)
By the Fire of My Heart, by @cannibalisticshadows​ (RUMBELLE MONSTERFUCKERS BALL)
The Champion, by @lotus0kid​ (BEST MR. GOLD)
A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages​ (BEST MR. GOLD)
365 Days of Rumbelle, by @timelordthirteen​ (BEST GRAPHIC ART (GIFS))
Touch me so help me, by @jenitosam​ (BEST GRAPHIC ART (STILL IMAGES))
The Pretty Librarian, by @virgidearie​ (BEST FLUFF ART)
Touch me so help me, by @jenitosam​ (BEST COMIC/GRAPHIC NOVEL)
Someone You Loved, by @desperatemurph​ (BEST VIDEO)
2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin​ (BEST USE OF COLOR)
@emospritelet​ (BEST AUTHOR) @worryinglyinnocent​ (BEST AUTHOR) @timelordthirteen​ (BEST AUTHOR)
Congratulations to this round of nominees!!
We’ll have one more daily post after nominations are due, and then a comprehensive list of all nominees that will go on the ballot. You have two more days to get your nominations in! GO! HURRY! NOMINATE LIKE THE WIND!
(Mod note: We did our best to sort out the works that have won before or are otherwise ineligible, but please let us know if there’s a mistake in nominations. We’d be mighty grateful.)
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