smallumbrella369 · 9 months
A fic-aversary.
Four years ago today, I posted my first work of fan fiction ever. I was still relatively new to reading fanfic at that point. I was excited and nervous to contribute to the community that had floored me with it's quality of writing. Hitting that post button was scary. The response made me cry. My story was met with the sweetest, kindest, most supportive comments. I'm forever grateful!
Music Moves Him
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ajconstantine · 8 months
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Today is my Ficaversary! I'm celebrating 4 years of writing fanfic. See my works on AO3 here.
This odd little hobby has brought me immense joy and creative satisfaction, as well as connected me to some truly delightful folks in the Good Omens fanfiction world.
My passion for writing stories continues to grow, much like a dragon avidly hoarding words instead of gold, driving me to create more narratives that enrich my trove. I find myself on a perpetual journey of striving to hone my skills, which is a fascinating adventure in itself.
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fruitcoops · 2 years
(happy two years my loves <3 )
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stereopticons · 2 years
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So it’s my fic-aversary. One year ago today, I published my first fic, Persistence of Memory on ao3. At the time, I was in the middle of writing my dissertation and hadn’t written fic or even been involved in fandom in nearly 15 years. I had one or two more ideas of things to write, but I didn’t know if this was a thing I needed to get out of my system and move on or not. One year, 50(!) fics, and nearly 250,000 words later, I guess it wasn’t! I’ve made some incredible friends who have helped me through a very hard year, written some things I’ve very proud of (and some things I never thought I’d write!), and read some incredible stories by so many amazing writers.
So thank you all, and here’s hoping that in the next year, I finish some of these WIPs!
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quietbatperson · 8 months
Title: Second Course
Words: 1,559
Rating: T (to be safe)
Pairing: Chorange (Chuck/Orange)
AO3 Link
A second Valentine’s day with a slightly (very slightly) cleaned up pair of domestic dirtbags.
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tyfinn · 2 years
One year ago today I posted my first fic, USE YOUR WORDS.
I have met so many wonderful authors I had admired who I now call friends. Last year was not an easy one for me, but finding this fandom and discovering how much I enjoy writing definitely made my darker days a little brighter! Thank you for accepting and encouraging me to continue my writing adventure!
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Tool Attachments
Implied smut Judy Robinson/ Don West WC: 545 Ao3 At the time of writing this, the amazing Roadrunnerz was writing a wonderful LiS story, and Don was facing some trouble. Trouble my imagination RAN to it's naturally smutty corner with. So. This was inspired by what could have been...
When Don lost his arm it had been upsetting. His identity was wrapped up in his hands; mechanic, importer. What he could fix, what he could procure and hide and deliver covertly all came down to those two five fingered appendages. Appendages he was proud of, ones that had gotten him to where he was today.
He was at work when the accident happened, the task fresh on his mind, left incomplete. They were depending on him and he was letting them down. Had to. It was a lot of blood.
He didn’t cry though, didn’t complain when the doctor told him they’d have to amputate. He saw it coming, he wasn’t stupid, that drill was fucking big and fucking heavy. If it weren’t for the miracle of modern medicine and pain meds he’d be out cold, there’d be no conversation to be had. A sexy nurse assured him new-world prosthetics were a thing to behold, that it wouldn’t look like a human arm, but it wouldn’t act like one either, they were better, stronger, and if you had access to a printer and the right brains to use it you could make any attachment you wanted. And ok, maybe it was the drugs shading the interaction in that direction, the nurse had been a complete sweetheart, but he’d see a woman in scrubs and instantly be reminded of what he was lucky enough to call his.
It took some getting used to, some adjustment. Like all new equipment there was a steep learning curve, but nothing he wasn’t up to the task of. Nothing he didn��t love learning to use. It was strong, and fast, and sturdy. It absorbed shock, and was a nonconductor, it was anything and everything. It was helpful in his job with Maureen and she quickly became preoccupied with drafting up and printing out attachments for him, a new avenue of inventing for her.
But it was the things he made privately that made him think, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. He still had one human hand connected to human nerve endings, to feel and to touch. And he had one supercharged, that could be anything he needed, anything she wanted.
He cherished the arm that made her sing out, the thing that made her tense around him, the one that made her stutter, and babble and throw her arm over her eyes. Pride swelled at the one that called forth throaty moans, deep and low. He loved the one that made her lick her lips and ride him slowly, thanking everything it hadn’t been a different appendage he’d lost instead.
His pulse raced thinking about her wet and begging, Judy calling out his name, all heat and need, the pleasure and release he brought her. Different textures, different shapes, speeds and pulses, ticks and thumps, all at his command to play her fine and high until she came crashing around him, burying those words into his skin that he longed to hear. Words she used so freely with him. Please and need and want and Don didn’t hold a candle to when love would pour softly from her lips.
Yes, when Don lost his arm it was upsetting, but this was becoming a pretty good trade off.
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daydadahlias · 5 months
fun fact for u guys :) 4 years ago today (April 29, 2020) i posted a video on my snapchat story saying "I’m not even a fan of 5sos but their drummer Ashton Irwin can get it" and now here i am <3 on tumblr <3 with a blog dedicated to all four of those nerds (but yes mostly ashton) <3 so everyone say happy fanniversary jess <3 love u guys a lot <3
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selkiefinalist · 5 months
happy 6 year anniversary of posting my first fic*! i feel like i have an ambivalent relationship with writing at times, but it’s good to remember that i actually love writing. it’s hard and fun and sometimes i get to space out and just go to that quiet lake in my brain and make words. the struggle isn’t always with the work itself, but having the time and space to do it.
anyway i just found this in my drafts (a month later) and i’m not sure what i was trying to reflect on. i feel like i know as little about making good stories now as i did then - which sometimes makes me want to quit and other times doesn’t. a certain someone sent me a post the other day that kindly mentioned a fic i wrote a long time ago in fandom past, just a simple little thing, and it really made me re-remember that i actually just get to write whatever i want!! whenever i want! and somewhere out there is someone that will probably read it and like it!!! which is so wild, we’re all just out here trying to create something for ourselves and each other
*legit have no idea what that asterisk was for. march 29th angela could have told you but april 29th angela cannot
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smallumbrella369 · 6 months
Another anniversary post and a look back. I remember starting this one while I was writing Bloom. I wanted to try my had at writing a longer story. And in a weird way, since Bloom lacked a sex scene, I felt compelled to 'make up for it' by writing, I think, four into this one.
Originally, this had an extensive sound track, but it didn't feel right to add background music that wasn't actually playing in their world, so I took most of them out. Looking back at things I'd change- definitely broke it into chapters! Definitely a rookie mistake!
Anyway, happy fourth birthday to You are Gold.
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filet-o-feelings · 9 months
I missed my second ficaversary by a day! I can't believe I've been writing about these guys for two full years and I'm still as in love with them as I was when I started. Can I get some of that early writing motivation back, though?
Like They Handed Me My Life, For the First Time it Felt Right
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authorangelita · 1 year
Jack knew something was wrong with Mac, but he couldn't figure out what it was for the life of him.  There were signs, though, and Jack was slowly piecing those together.
Mac was always kind of quiet, or at least less talkative than Jack, but today he was practically non-verbal.  He responded to Jack's chatter with grunts or grumbles that were vaguely affirmative or dissident.
He liked to twist a paperclip or random piece of equipment in his hands.  Hell, Jack had watched him disassemble and reassemble the same damn flashlight six times in one day.  Today, his hands were still.
His eyes were always open wide, head on a swivel, watching for the next IED to disarm in this godforsaken desert.  Today, he was squinting out the window, almost as if staring into space.
Read more at AO3
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dreamyzworldlove · 1 year
and when i touch you i feel happy inside is a year old?????
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fazedlight · 4 months
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(moodboard for So I Kept Pretending)
Two years ago today, I published my first chapter of my first fic.
I... never really imagined that I'd go on to write over 200k words. I'm an engineer, not a creative writer. But the stories tugged at me, and I kept writing, trying new stories, trying different things. (In fact, later tonight, I'm even trying a new ship as part of @supergirlmayhem!)
I never really thought I'd get involved in fandom. I never really understood fandom. But meeting people on discord and tumblr and twitter has been such a highlight - I've talked to people all around the world, made some good friends, had hilarious and insightful conversations, and learned so much about myself in the process.
I also really want to say thank you to anyone who has read my fics!!! I didn't watch Supergirl until after it finished airing, and thus was really late to the fandom in general. Those of you still reading new fics are the lifeblood of the fandom.
This Ficaversary, I'm very grateful to have found this fandom ❤️
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stereopticons · 1 year
I’ve just remembered that it’s my two year Schitt’s Creek ficaversary. I don’t have anything to post or share but I’m happy to have been sharing this space with you all for two years. I’ve met some amazing friends through this fandom and I love you all.
If I’d remembered earlier, I would’ve planned something, but I guess feel free to send me questions or whatever you want about my fics.
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love. ❤️
I love that you sent this to me while I was still asleep, BEFORE the conversation we had this morning about me having 259 fanworks on AO3. I mean, I think you would have done it anyway, but still: asking me to pick a top five is extremely cruel and unusual behaviour 🤣
So. In no particular order in reverse chronological order because I just went through my works list to decide, kiwiana's five favourite kiwiana fics (at least today, because I definitely have the 'can't pick favourites' flavour of neurospicy):
Like loving the stars themselves
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 7.2k words]
When he emerges out the other end of the alleyway and almost runs straight into a solid blue wall that wasn’t there last time he visited this area of town, Henry assumes his wandering thoughts have conjured an illusion. He blinks, and blinks again, but it’s still there: NORA’s unassuming back wall, the broken chameleon circuit now over thirty centuries out of date to blend into her surroundings the way she’s supposed to, her anomalous presence a wrench in Henry’s carefully laid plans. Alex is here. Or, Alex is a Time Lord, and time is complicated; Henry keeps meeting him out of order, and it's been a while.
I just... I genuinely think this is the best thing I've ever written. Along with Much Ado, it's the fic that is most strongly Peak MJ Vibes, and I am really fucking proud of the story crafting in this one. I LOVE writing fics, particularly one-shots, that have such a strong sense of the wider world they sit in while still being a satisyfingly complete story in their own right, and I don't think I've ever done that better than I did here. If you have no knowlege of Doctor Who, I PROMISE you do not need to be scared of this fic lol.
Puck It
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 9.7k words]
“I’m English, dear,” Henry tells him, and fuck if the nickname isn’t doing something to Alex too. “Our national sport is rugby, and we play it with a lot less protective gear. Though,” he adds thoughtfully, “rugby players do wear mouth guards, which means they have the significant advantage of generally keeping all their teeth.” “We wear mouth guards.” It’s a common misconception, and one that annoys the shit out of him. “And I’ve still got all my teeth. Wanna check?”
HOCKEY! HOCKEY! THE GREATEST GAME IN THE LAND! This fic is so wildly different to what I intended it to be, but I absolutely love what it turned into. The college hockey AU that is somehow not quite a college AU and not quite a hockey AU, but is also definitively both. I love love LOVE both Alex and Henry in this, and I adore this fic.
With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest)
[RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 65.5k words]
Alex is a former child star struggling to make the transition into being seen as a serious actor. He jumps at an opportunity to perform on stage in the UK, seeing it as a way to break free from the typecasting and show what he can really do. But he wasn’t prepared to star alongside someone he hates. // Henry is a recent theatre graduate who accepts an amazing role in a queer reimagining of Much Ado About Nothing. And then it turns out his co-star is none other than the man he’s been hopelessly pining after for years—even though Henry made a terrible first impression when they met. // It’s… well, it’s practically Shakespearean.
First of all, I dropped chapter one of this fic one year ago today, so happy ficaversary to Much Ado! And... yeah. There's no universe in which this fic doesn't end up in my top five. I wrote this fic in a ~five week fever dream and it's probably only coherent because of @celeritas2997 and @ships-to-sail putting in a bunch of hard beta work lmao. It's just SUCH a love letter to theatre, to Shakespeare, to the power of queer joy. All things that are so fucking important to me!
And all the rest's illusion
[Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick, T, 1.8k words]
The first time David uses the word 'queer' to refer to him, it brings Patrick up short.
AKA 'MJ projects their feelings about how goddamn amazing the word queer is and makes a bunch of people cry, apparently'. This was a little bit of a spite reaction to ahistorical, ~q slur~ takes on queer as an umbrella term and I stand by that. Also, whenever I'm feeling like my writing isn't important/doesn't reach people/isn't adding any value to the world, I read through the comments on this fic and have a good cry. If YOU are feeling Not Queer Enough, I highly recommend reading through the comments on this fic and have a good cry even if you're not a Schitt's Creek person.
How much love will you happily take
[Schitt's Creek, David/Patrick, T, 8.0k words]
The trouble is, they don’t really have any privacy outside of the store — at least one member of David’s family is always at the motel, and Ray has never met a boundary he won’t cheerfully skip over. Neither of those seem like the ideal place to say 'so, I’m actually a virgin' or 'funny thing, apparently my dick’s so big no one wants to have sex with me', but the store hardly seems like an appropriate place to have that conversation either.
This started out as size kink and turned into eight thousand words of psychological kink analysis. I gave MULTIPLE people a humiliation kink with this one and I am, not joking, exceptionally fucking proud of that. LOVE to help people realise things about themselves with my writing.
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