laurancezvhalkisser · 5 months
Hear me out on a garrance fic where everything is the same but laurance is actually spiderman and garroth ends up dying and laurance lives the rest of his days as spiderman but never truly gets over feeling as though he is the reason garroth died and that garroth never got to live his life because his boyfriend was spiderman. This may be inspired by the “you can’t save everyone miles” line from spiderverse.
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alistairsprayerwarrior · 10 months
Dragon Age Fanfic Fun, Part 1: Cook Shops
Edit: I realized, oddly enough, that I wrote this with Haven and Skyhold in mind (in short, DAI - probably because that's what I've been replaying as of late, lmao.) I promise I will get around to including how cook shops would operate in places like Kirkwall or Denerim (basically, urban centers)!
This will be part one of a series that was inspired by this video by the Modern Knight, in which I come up with silly little immersive ideas that one can easily add to their Dragon Age fanfic (or perhaps any medieval-themed fic/story) with the Dragon Age/Thedas setting in mind.
I hope to maybe do a series on this, at the very least for my benefit to reference instead of getting lost and forgotten about in a notebook, lmao. So let's begin, below the cut!
Also mild disclaimer, this is not an end-all-be-all where "OMG WHAT IF THIS ISN'T REALISTIC ENOUGH??" or "ACKTUALLY, MEDIEVAL FOOD SELLERS WOULDn't..." - look, at the end of the day this is just fanfic fodder for you and your blorbos, not a history lesson. I'm bound to make an error in judgment or descriptions, don't come at me with pitchforks. 😔
So you're hanging out in Haven or Skyhold. You're building up the Inquisition from the ground up with allies and defense forces - but also the little people to sell their wares (like our favorite Orlesian merchant, Miss Belle), but what about... Food!? Who's feeding everyone!?
Cook shops!
Or, "medieval fast food." These cook shops would be strategically placed where there would be frequent passers-by, such as next to a market square, or a busy gate entrance, and cooked to eat on the go (rather than cook-to-order.) In short, you see a tasty-ass pie, you buy it, and eat it right then and there.
I can also imagine the types of clientele our varied cook shops might have; you have a wide range of people (and pockets), varying from Templars with their income, refugees who may only be able to afford suspicious cuts of meat, or members of the Chantry with specific food preferences.
What sort of food would a cook shop sell?
This is not an exhaustive list of foods a cook shop would sell in Thedas, but perhaps ideas/suggestions you can quickly use. Otherwise, I'd recommend checking out @exhausted-archivist (formally known as @old-archivist) who will easily have a vast list of Thedosian cookery that will tickle your fancy in their Foods of Thedas Masterpost (it will even specify the region in which certain meals come from!)
Also since Haven and Skyhold are Ferelden-based, keep in mind what types of foods/ingredients will be procured/used in the food being sold. There are of course exceptions, such as Belle who was recruited from Orlais, for example (so there is always the possibility of foods outside of Ferelden cuisine.)
Also, cook shops can serve a specific type of food (rather than being a mobile Walmart of sorts.) Personally, I'd be a fan of Pickled Food Merchant... mmm. Pickles.
Boiled roots
Meat/Fish/Vegetable pies
Fish wraps
Dried/Cured fruits or meats
Pickled foods
Edible plants
Cheaper cuts of meat
Fried/Buttered foods
There are also ideas from other historical/modern use of foods:
Perpetual stew
Pagpag (though I see this used in more urban areas, such as Kirkwall's Lowtown)
But what about breads and drinks!?
Typically you would go to a baker for breads, or the tavern for drinks. In short, if you wanted to conjure up a meal, you'd have to likely go to different locales/merchants to pick and choose your foods. I feel like maybe bread could be an exception, since I can't imagine a baker really setting up shop in Haven/Skyhold because, well, baking, but this is all fantasy so you know what, fuck it, add your traveling baker!
Alcoholic drinks, of course, would be reserved for taverns. When it comes to non-alcoholic beverages, I'd still suggest sticking with taverns because they have the facilities for storage (casks, wells, tubs, etc.) But, again, have your own traveling wine seller, you do you boo.
Honestly, I like to imagine Haven or Skyhold being way bigger than portrayed in the game, so perhaps there would be room for a complete bakery (I mean, we've got Herald's Rest in Skyhold, so why not?)
Just, uhhhh, I feel bad for those merchants at Haven. Because, you know. Reasons.
What would a cook shop look like?
Since I imagine a cook shop for organizational establishments like the Inquisition, you won't exactly have people selling food right out of their homes (as was done in medieval times), since Haven or Skyhold aren't exactly "towns."
Instead, temporary stalls, huts, or cabins could be used to open and close up (in short, you won't be finding any glass windows or bars to protect products. Rather, there would be a shutter or board of sorts, that goes over the gap where you see the person cooking, which would be lowered during the day (like a table to display food) and then shut up and bolted when closed. The "ovens, and cooking facilities" are placed at the front so you can see the chef cooking, just like at Subway when you watch people make your little dinky sandwich.
Another alternative, you could simply have someone wandering about with a tray of foods they want to sell and yelling at the people of Haven/Skyhold to eat it (think popcorn, and hot dog sellers at baseball games. :)
When vendors sell their food, they may also yell at passersby to eat their products at certain times of the day
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Now this is gonna be fun. You can also have a cook shop that will literally make the food for you if you provide the ingredients (obviously if the merchant has the capability/equipment to do so.) In this case, according to the Modern Knight, ingredients would likely be made into pies or stews (be wary though, as merchants might steal some of the ingredients for themselves. 👀)
Also, how does Haven/Skyhold manage to look so nice when there's waste to be had? There were cesspits or barrels used to take away waste off-site. Also, be wary of hygiene practices; especially when it comes to using spices to cover the taste/look of spoiled food!
Sus Cook Shops
I'll just leave this here, for signs that a cook shop is rather questionable:
Reheated meats/foods
Foul garnishes
Faking the contents of food (such as using beef and promoting it as venison)
Well, there you have it. A basic gist of cook shops and fast food that you can implement into your DA fic (and maybe even conjure up some OCs!) Feel free to include in the comments/reblogs any other ideas you might have! Thanks for reading!
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delicatebatharmony · 7 months
Ok, how about this fic idea:
Classic movie western, where Dick is the sheriff and Jason is… a baddie coming into town? (Not trying to make him the villain here, I’m just spitballing) and the citizens are like “arrest him, sheriff!” or whatever. But… they’re brothers! Dick is torn between his job and his family! Torn between duty and love for (and guilt about?) Jason!
Honestly the angst+setting kinda make me giggle. But this could be legitimately fun and interesting in the right hands (so probably not mine lol).
Also, also: barkeep Alfred 😍
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criticowl · 2 months
Lunter Fic Idea
The idea is that Hunter reads an Empire-approved book about Wild Witches that claims that they intend to rebuild their clans and culture using the "Superior, magic rich genes of proper Coven Witches!" and then lists out all the ways they go about formally claiming and courting a mate like they're some wild animal. Hunter thinks it's nonsense of course, but then Luz starts fulfilling some of those conditions and performing some of those actions (Without realizing) and he ends up thinking that she has fully embraced Wild Witch culture and is after his powerful Coven Witch babies. Luz, meanwhile, is just vibing and bonding with her newest friend! She also enjoys just how blushy and easily flustered the cute Witch boy is! Luz: *Grabs Hunter's hand* C'mon, I wanna show you this new glyph combo I just found! Hunter: Sure Hunter in His Head: UNHOLY TEMPTRESS! VILE SEDUCTRESS! WICKED BEWITCHER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- Of course, it wouldn't always be silly moments, gotta throw some real sweetness in there too. I thought of juxtaposing them with dreams at the start and end of each chapter, the starting one being goofier and playing more into the "Empire Boy Thinks He's Going to get Unga Bunga'd", where as the close-out one would be more intimate and soft-hearted, all hooded eyes and candlelight. Highlight his turmoil over these feelings of attraction and a different kind of Want, wholly new things to him that Luz induces, how he both wants to luxuriate in and fears these emotions. As an example of one of those closing dreams; Hunter wanders in the dark forest, unsure where he is or why, when he suddenly clears the wood. There, up a hill illuminated by blue moonlight, standing before a simple stone altar, she stands. Luz, clothed in a black, sheer cloth that flowed in the gentle breeze, her back to him as she stares up. He's as confused as he is drawn to her. When he's naught but a few steps away, she finally speaks. "The oldest Witches joined under the full moon, whenever it shone." She said quietly, as she reverently traced the runic designs in the altar, "So that their children would be born healthy and strong, so that their magic would be as a deep well, plentiful and pure." She turns to him, and while her smile is as bright as ever, it's different, more demure and coy, the moonlight outlining her toned, lithe body behind the thin cloth, stealing his breath away. However, the shine it gives those ever wide, chocolate brown eyes, hooded now and warm, always so warm for him, is what steals his heart. "Well come on, silly," she says with a quiet chuckle, reaching a hand out to him, "Don't keep me waiting!" And then he wakes up, and all at once his heart feels so full it might burst, and like he's in freefall, terrified of how much he enjoys these feelings, of what's at the bottom of this fall he's taken
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chillxxdash · 1 year
Ok so basically there’s a copy of knockout because of like a challenge for conjux, basically they duplicate your conjux but not entirely and the other lover needs to guess who’s their real lover! And basically during their challenge breakdown is actually finding it difficult because the copy is very good, and then knockout starts to actually worry. Like he actually begins to stop being cocky because he’s scared to what it would mean if his conjux doesn’t choose him. Does he mean he doesn’t love him enough? Or maybe it’s cause he never did? Is the arrogant side of him all breakdown knows???
But breakdown knows his conjux better then himself so he chooses correctly and then knockout has the most relieving pause of his life.
Idk why but knockout being the insecure one for once is appealing to me.
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savannah-5555 · 2 years
Jily Regency fic idea
after getting into regency romance over the holidays, I outlined a jily fic in my notes but didn’t use any names just in case someone finds it in my notes 😂
hopefully one day I’ll be brave enough to write it
Regency- he’s titled, and she’s new money merchant class
But they meet abroad and there they are just “regular” people to each other , the family history is unknown to the other person 
Meet abroad in Italy, where they both speak Italian and use only Italian names, romance starts, he gifts her a bracelet,
misscominicatoon bc a letter from his mom says he needs to come home and get married but really he had business w dad and his mom wasn’t serious about marriage/ only teasing …. But she reads the letter by accident bc it was left out and is heart broke
She leaves without saying goodbye, the family is packed up and gone, he cannot find her/ some other dramatic parting 
1- 2 years later, back in England 
Maybe a year or two passes, it’s the season , he’s definitely flirting with other women
he notices  sees someone with *the* bracelet, someone’s husband won it at for her  a card house
He knows it was hers, goes to the card house, trying to trace the steps, He cannot find her, only knows her by her Italian name 
Masquerade ball, they meet, speaking in English so they sound different, they realize it’s the other somehow, and she is PO bc it’s like “oh so you’re interested bc I have money but when I was just a commoner it wasn’t enough for you”
And he’s like “No Whaf— tries to explain but she doesn’t believe him”
He tries to win her back, she has to play nice in society bc of his status and also so it rubs off on her sister who married a lower ranking noble/ not as popular standing
And she wants to look out for her sister
Something happens and her reputation is at stake of being ruined for being caught with him alone in a garden or something 
And he asks if they can get married even though she’ll hate him to save her reputation 
And she shouts “I don’t have to marry you and I don’t care about my damn reputation, I’ll leave this country  for good and marry someone without a title who actually cares”
And her sister basically begs her to marry him because sisters  reputation will be scared from the occurrence
during the marriage preparation she cannot even stand to be with him alone / let’s it known that she’s only doing it for her sister / does not want to hear it 
She wants to let him in but is so heartbroken about the miscommunication situation that happened a couple years earlier;
Something like “it’s very convenient for you to tell me this now”
Somehow he needs to find letters that he wrote his friend to prove that he was in love with her; luckily his friend saves all of those letters so she  can read first hand 
There’s a lot of drama since he’s marrying someone outside of the nobility classes into “new money” and also the threat of them being discovered and her doing it purposely to force his hand, and he basically has to defend her to everyone
They get married
And they do eventually leave to travel bc both love seeing the world and don’t care for the gossipers 
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SMB Author's Life Update:
Have I been MIA? Yes.
Am I ok? kinda.
Real Talk:
To put it bluntly my fellow romantic lovers/writers, I am experiencing my own type of Penelope/Polin love story right now in real time..... And we have just reached the will they/won't they point of the plot.
As in: A confession has happened... And now we wait......
This man..... Ooooh this man.... Is either going to be the death of me or the greatest adventure of my life.
Unfortunately, he is very much like our beloved Colin Bridgerton in that "Penelope is my friend" sense yet his actions are saying so much more.
Im currently terrified outta my mind because holy shit I have so many emotions right now, but I'm healthy in both mind, heart and soul.
I don't know how my story will end, and with this Bridgerton s3 halfway break, I can't even find an escape through my comfort characters 😭
So in saying that, I officially won't be updating any of my Bridgerton work until after s3 is completely over.
The best thing about falling for someone who was your friend first, is that if the friendship is healthy and strong enough, they know how to best be gentle with your heart....... And he's a good one to give mine too.... Even if he can be a bit slow to process ( y'all I literally didn't hide anything beyond actually having to near spell it out to him💀😂. He asked me "What's a song you know all the lyrics to?" And i stared straight into this man's eyes and said "Hopelessly devoted to you by Olivia newton John from grease" and he was just like " Oooooh that's a good one!" 💀)
Either way, I miss writing, I miss my dear readers, and I especially miss losing myself in Polin/Bridgerton ficideas etc.
If anything, this man is probs to thank for all the inspiration he's given me for my Polin ideas 😂😂
But yeah..... I'm alive......
But also.....
Wish me luck x
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cha-melodius · 1 year
WIP Title Game
I was tagged by @three-drink-amy and @welcometololaland, as well as by @dewdropreader like 9 days ago, to share a screenshot/contents of my WIP folder and let people ask about any ones that interest them. It's been a little bit since I did this and I have a decent number of new followers (hi guys! welcome!) so here goes nothing.
Send in an ask and I'll send you back a summary or a snippet if I have one to share.
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Obvs "drabbles" and "FicIdeas" are irrelevant here (but still in the folder), and "PleaseDontLetMeBeSoUnderstood" is posting now, but otherwise have at it. These are mostly rwrb but there are a couple of napollya/lokius lurking in there.
I tag @heytheredeann @ikeepwatchinghelicopters, @cricketnationrise, @orchidscript, @14carrotghoul, @xthelastknownsurvivorx, @afewbulbsshortofatanningbed
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onlygenxhere · 11 months
WIP Title Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks @innytoes for the tag!
DashandLillyAU – (ya’ll know I’m posting this now but it is still very much a wip)
I also have a document called FicIdeas where there’s just random maybe I’ll do something with this things but I’m not sure if that counts as a wip.
Tagging @60sec400, @mac-lilly, @1mnobodywhoareyou, @jmrothwell, and @phantom-curve
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obitv · 2 years
so many. ficideas. how do i have the time to write all of these my goodness
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authorangelita · 11 months
Number 1 and 2 for the fanfic questions, please ❤️
Thank you for asking! ❤️
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!). I counted 19 in my WIP folder.  I also have a FicsToWrite folder (ideas and notes), a FicIdeas folder (only ideas with no other info), and a SnippetsIProbablyWon'tContinue folder (stories I don't know what to do with or that I've lost interest in). I keep everything I write in case I want to go back to it or I want to use bits of dialogue/prose in other stories. 
There are two WIPs that I'm actively working on, and three others that I'm desperate to finish.
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise) I've added so many stories to my Marked For Later list on AO3 from the Fanwork Rewind posts.  I really want to get to sarcasm_rockers' curses and alternate universes ‘23 stories soon. 
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I’ve been obsessing about the Netflix series Snowpiercer lately. Initially, I didn’t like the show when it first came out, but I really got into it after about three episodes when I tried to watch it again about three weeks ago. And now I am obsessed. And like with most of my obsessions, I tend to get fic ideas. For the Snowpiercer fans out there that read fanfiction, would you ever be interested in reading a hospital AU?
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OH MY GOD, HC that after Andrew gets sober and comes back, he joins one of those internet chat forums for like troubled teens or something, and at first he's looking for guidance, but then as the years pass he starts doing some minor counseling or something idk
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criticowl · 2 months
Bird Anne (TW; Dysphoria, Body Dysmorphia)
Anyone remember that episode where Anne and Sprig got cursed?
Alright, so they cure the curses, and things carry on as normal. Except, Anne can't stop thinking about her time with feathers. She'll admit, she liked the feel of them, how the wind ruffled them, how they looked, the luster they had when she treated them right. She liked a lot of things about that body, now that she thought about it. How strong her legs were, how her talons let her balance on one foot easily, how having a beak made eating a LOT simpler, how far she could see. But eh, it'll pass, right? It doesn't It gets worse slowly, over the course of weeks. The air sits on her skin wrong, leaving her rubbing at it to the point of rubbing it raw in places. Her body feels too heavy, eating feels like a chore, she can't see over that hill and for some reason that really wigs her out. She hates looking at herself and seeing how flat her face is, how naked she looks and feels and suddenly she doesn't feel like Anne anymore. She finds a feather in her bed, a leftover from before. She cries herself to sleep holding it. The next day, she goes to Maddie with the feather, and asks her for a favor.
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I have 285 followers?!
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Thank you so much! 🥺🥺🥺
I didn't think I'd have this much but-
This makes me so happynzksbdksns
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Now imma go make a special fic for all of you beautiful beans 🥺🥺💞👉👈
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purplearmy-13 · 4 years
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Florist / Artist Witch Yoongi. He lives secluded in a small town in a small cottage. He along with his six other friends (not for long) share the house. A small town in Jeju. Of course Yoongi is a witch and loves to paint. He can control plants 🌱 🌹 . Hmmm so new fic idea I’ll draw the others soon 🤗🤗😊😊😋😁. I’ll probably write on my ao3 so you can find me there hehe (my username = mono_13) Also I love colour pencils hkabxclhbsdc they are so cool 💜💟💜🧐👍🏻👍🏻🤓☺️ #magicholdsus 👆🏻I’ll use this hashtag for the other artwork for this fix idea 🤔🤭😁😅 #yoongi #yoongifanart #btsfanart #btsfics #painteryoongi #floristyoongi #yoongifanfic #btsfanfiction #ot7 #ploymary #cuteyoongi #colourpencils #sketch #art #artistsoninstagram #ficideas #ao3 #witchcoven https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2lH35lokL/?igshid=544i7wsqe40h
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